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The thrice-daily student newspaper of the College of William and Mary F More of a joke than normal!!!1 VOL.Q, NO.69 Tuesday, APRIL 1, 1999 GETFATHEAD.COM

Shitty New Logo flat hat muse news Anna Nicole Smith tops BOV’s president wish list Powell’s grasp of popular culture severely out of date

By HOWARD k. BIRKHEAD It was a idyllic romance — the couple met Fat Head Reporter to the Stars while Smith was working as a topless dancer, and they were married two and a half years In an odd twist in the presidential search later. drama, The Fat Head has learned that Anna BOV Secretary Suzann Matthews ’71 ap- Nicole Smith tops the wish list of Board of proached Powell after the press conference. Visitors Rector Michael Powell ’85. She appeared to whisper to him, presumably “It’s high time the College had a female to inform him of Smith’s untimely death in president,” he 2007. Powell appeared severely distraught said. “I think Miss and left the room. Nicole Smith Matthews then addressed the room. Revised logo would make a fine “I must apologize for Michael’s behav- president for this ior,” she said. “I’m afraid he’s off his medi- prestigious insti- cation, so his grasp on reality is tenuous at tution of knowl- the moment. I can assure you that Anna unveiled edge.” Nicole will be considered for the posi- A p p a r e n t l y tion, but we aren’t going to let our love Students might lose all faith in unbeknownst to of her hit reality TV show cloud our Powell, Smith judgment.” humanity if second logo flops died suddenly just Students were incensed by Powell’s Do you smell what the over a year ago. announcement. By Nick Carter cracy has done an admirable job Rector is cooking? The cause of death “This is just another incident of the BOV Backstreet Boy synthesizing everybody’s de- was determined to not listening to students!” Irish Creme mands,” Sam Sadler, the chair of be “accidental” drug overdose. Thompson ’10 yelled hysterically, flailing For students who were under- the logo committee, said. “This When pressed to explain Smith’s connec- her arms about like she had escaped from whelmed by the College’s first logo will also not offend any- tion to the College, Powell was evasive. It is the loony bin. “Clearly we would all prefer attempt at a new logo, salvation body, except those very few that widely known that Smith serves as a muse Tila Tequila. Why can’t they listen to us?” may be here. do not like circles and/or amper- for The Flat Hat, but nobody cares about that Student Assembly President Zach The College unveiled a re- sands.” piece of shit paper, so it is doubtful that Pow- Pilchen ’09 agreed. vised logo last night to try to The logo features green and ell chose Smith for that reason. “We need to get everyone involved,” appease critics who thought the gold circles and a ginormous am- The buxom former Playboy model and he said. “We need the faculty, the staff and first attempt was bland. persand on top of an expansive gold digger is known for her 1994 marriage the students to stand up to the reality star “I think our massive bureau- white background. to billionaire corpse J. Howard Marshall. tyranny of Michael Powell.” arts on campus Frivolous SuperDeck Hopkins, Pilchen promise voting rights, bird flu cure

By tad pescador “There are only so many words in the English language, and Fat Head Viral Videographer we just kind of ran out of possible combinations of phrases and sentences,” Hopkins said. Student Assembly President Zach Pilchen ’09 and Vice Presi- Most videos promised specific reforms. Chief among those were dent Valerie Hopkins ’09 released 3,217 more YouTube videos to- the right for students to vote in Williamsburg, an end to all sources day in their campaign for reelection, even though they already won. of sadness at the College including rain and the development of an The videos addressed issues ranging from student voting rights to immunization for avian flu, which has devastated parts of southeast what the candidates had for breakfast that morning. Asia in recent years. “What’s the deal with Ovaltine?” Pilchen said in one of the vid- When asked how many of last year’s pledges they had fulfilled, file daguerreotype — the fat head eos. “It’s not oval. It’s round. They should call it Roundtine.” the candidates shrugged. The Migrant Workers’ Art Show went on as planned last night, albeit amid protests. Some of the videos contained no actual words, using non-verbal “Truth be told, we’ve spent most of the year camped out in forms such as interpretive dance, drum circles and, in one video, a Swem’s media center working on this year’s campaign videos,” Dadaesque series of increasingly bizarre balloon animals. Pilchen said.

Migrant Workers’ sex at swem Art Show protested Swem Ref Desk mired in sex scandal By nombre falso Valley slums. Police investigate semi-lewd IMs SwemRef: What are you wearing? The Italian’s Inexperienced Mistress Outside the show, however, Campus Tribecutie11: umm…who is Police satiated some of their pent-up ag- By Dandy stanford university-managed AIM accounts Last night, amid protests and a media gression by combating the substantial Sex Scandal Enthusiast seriously,” Police Chief Don Challis this??!!1!? frenzy, the Migrant Workers’ Art Show protests. The protestors, led by CNN said. “However, what most bothers SwemRef: This is the Earl Gregg appeared in the University Center to the Xenophobe Lou Dobbs, faced SWAT Authorities are investigating a lewd us are the lyrics posted in SwemRef’s delight of most students. teams armed with tear gas, tasers and K9 AOL Instant Messenger conversation away message. Their emotional con- Swem Library reference desk. “We are more than just illegal immi- back-up. between the Swem Library Refer- tent touched my heart, and I am sad Tribecutie11: o… k ;) I’m grants,” MWAS Founder and Director “It is pure trash,” yelled Charles Van ence Desk and an unnamed female for whoever sent those messages. I wearing a top, jeans, and flip Tom Joad said. “We are also wildland Der Wickendom III ’10, moments before freshman, whose AIM screen name is hope that that person gets the help that firefighters and interstate truck drivers.” pulses of electricity coursed through his “Tribecutie11.” he or she needs. They are obviously a flops! Joad then led the crowd in chanting, body. “Don’t tase me, bro!” The Mark Foley-style AIM, ob- troubled individual.” SwemRef: You can’t wear flip “Virginia Department of Transportation Other protestors were more level- tained and printed in full by The Fat The College will hold a vigil to- Commissioner David S. Ekern loves mi- headed. Head, begins with the Swem Refer- night for the emo community member flops on the third floor of the grant workers!” “Did you know these migrant work- ence Desk asking Tribecutie11 what who put up the away message in hopes library. You should take them off. One popular performance was a ers take art shows away from good, ol’ she is wearing. that he or she feels better. Tribecutie11: creep! farmhand juggling a crate of oranges, a fashioned American workers?” asked The conversation ends with an “We are college students,” said Fifi family of seven and the intense heat of Kandy Kane Moropandi ’08. away message containing generic Breyer ’10, one of the organizers of the Swem Ref is away I bled—I tried the California midday sun. The migrant workers performed be- “emo” lyrics, leading some to specu- event. “We respond to huge problems to hide the heart from the head. Another woman read an original work fore 17 sell-out crowds in the course of late that the sender of the lewd mes- best by staging vigils that show soli- of fiction about her experience bonding one day, but still had to sneak out the sages may be sad and/or troubled. darity, but lead to little or no discern- And I—I said I bled—In the arms with other migrant workers in their Noir side doors to escape in their truck. “We take all rude messages from ible change. For that, I am proud.” of a girl I’d barely met. Page 2 Tuesday, April 1, 1985

Opinions Editor Your home for Associate Opinions Editor offensive opinions since Op i n i o n z the antebellum period. Staff Editorialz Editorial Cartoon Nichol: All that’s right and true in the world ollege President Gene Nichol is a bright, shining beacon from Heaven. In his brief tenure at the College, he has increased the quality of living and education so much that a recent study shows that, as a direct result of Nichol’s Cchanges, students are smarter, have darker, more even tans and are on average one and a half inches taller. Every single student has also been automatically accepted into Harvard Law. But none of these amazing facts are as amazing as Nichol, who is amazing. Just look at him. That beautiful hair, those McCain-like jowls of wisdom, that body like a Greek statue. Sometimes, when we lay out in the Sunken Garden just thinking about Gene, it seems like he’s smiling down on us from the clouds — regal and fluffy, kind of like Mufasa, except more liberal. In many ways, Nichol is Mufasa. His hair is used as currency in some parts of the world and his tears can cure leprosy. He is worshipped as a deity in several South Asian countries, four of the Peloponnesian Islands and parts of the Botetourt Complex It’s true that Nichol has had his critics, but even Mufasa had Scar. Anyone who doesn’t love Nichol, as we all know, is racist. Racist and sexist. And probably ugly. This one time, we saw a really ugly little dog or maybe it was a squirrel with this gross little face and beady eyes and one of us said, “Omigod, what the hell is that?” And our friend was like, “That’s Michael Powell.” Ew. we hate the Board of Visitors. They’re like Scar’s hyena friends. What a bunch of jerks. Deep down they’re just jealous of Gene. Whatever. With all the money we saved without any more Sex Workers’ Art Shows to go to, we’re all buying “I <3 Nichol” tattoos. Nichol caused polio, fall of democracy in Middle East By Ol y m p i a Wa l c h a k i s , Fa t He a d Vi s i o n a r y e are MAD!!!1 Gene “moral is awesome!! and Nichol sucks!!! decay” Nichol has gone too far. If Nichol has his way, the entire As we all know, Nichol supports philosophy department will be replaced by Wturning all women into prostitutes, hiding NAMBLA. cameras in every classroom to make He must be stopped. The Board of sure all professors teach only officially Visitors must immediately fire Nichol. approved curriculum, and shredding all We’re not politically motivated, but Gene the Bibles in Williamsburg to make a giant Nichol has the wrong politics and ours are papier mache bust of Vladimir Lenin. right. Gene Nichol is destroying the very For the new College president, we would fabric of America. His weight — which, be happy with anyone from the political ‘Semper ubi sub ubi’ anyone can see, is sufficient and objective spectrum, ranging from Rush Limbaugh to proof of his poor ability as an academic Ronald Reagan’s reincarnated corpse. Dallas Rong, Beach Journalist — will soon grow to such an extent as to We’re not asking much. We just Enrico Palazzo, Best Hair — The Alice Hahn, Gossip Girl curve the time-space continuum, creating want what’s in the best interest of the Floppy Biscotti, Baller/Shot Caller — Helen Thomas, M.I.A. Mmm Hmmmm, The Italian’s Inexperienced Mistress Simply Sarah, Former Briefs Editor a black hole that will suck up the entire College: strict curfew for female students, Maksim Marx, Communist TayTay, Cali Gurl world. mandatory Protestant services every half Kaptain Kangaroo, Kid’s Television Host Vanesse, Flying Dutchman Captain Morgan, Rum Runner Young Speezy, Mr. Yellow Pants We’re angry about the Wren cross. It’s in hour and no homosexuals or minorities. Fukudome, Smooth Criminal Thor Hagelund, Scandinavia’s #1 Fan the wrong location by several feet and the They frighten us. Also, the College should Duke Tinkerbell, Doggie Style Byron Manhoney, Gentleman of the Night plaque has a slight tarnish to it. Clearly, the change its name. The current one is too only solution is to fire Gene Nichol and for reminiscent of the College’s politically Fat Head Editors: Chase Johnson, Andy Zahn all alumni to withhold all donations. By correct desire for liberal ideological Contributors: Ashley Baird, Max Fisher, Alex Guillén, Alice Hahn, drying up the College’s financial resources, hooey like “education” and “diversity.” Is Chase Johnson, Dan Piepenbring, Olivia Walch, Andy Zahn we will send the clear message that Jesus “Liberty University” taken?

Editor’s Note: The previous editorials were written after we got drunk/high a month and a The editorial staff ask that you please keep in mind that The Fat Head is intended to be read only for humor. half ago. We were too lazy to write new ones. Deal with it. All events within The Fat Head are fictitious and have been invented for comedic value.

Police Beat Tuesday, March 28 its value at $500, so the officer bitch ers were verbally reprimanded by — Stacy the Ice Cream Lady slapped him. 5 the U.S. Department of Health for was arrested outside Wawa at 3:24 continuously trying to diagnose a.m. on charges of drunk and disor- Friday, March 30 male patients as pregnant. 9 derly conduct. She claimed she ate — Caf Man Larry Smith was ar- 8 too many scoops of rum raisin ice rested for embezzling nearly $1 mil- — Jamestown residents were 6 cream. 1 lion from the Commons Fresh Food cited for rioting and assault follow- 11 Company. As he was being led to the ing an attempted coup to take over — Police responded to a noise police car, he could be heard yelling showers in Barrett Hall. The stu- complaint on the third floor of “I would’ve gotten away with it if it dents from Jamestown claimed to Swem. They found a student open- weren’t for you meddling kids.” 6 have cracked after the feeble water ing a pack of Skittles candy and pressure in their dorm finally gave cautioned him to lower the volume. — Erstwhile Tribe mascot Colo- out completely. 10 2 nel Ebirt was arrested in the cata- 9 combs underneath the Wren Build- Wednesday, April 2 2 Thursday, March 29 ing on suspicions of grave robbing. — Housekeepers complained — A College employee who Ebirt claimed to be retrieving per- that the entirety of Frat Row had sells lunch foods from the back of sonal effects he stored there dur- been TPed. Police suspect several 5 a golf cart in the Sunken Garden ing a homeless stint in 2005, but “badass motherfuckas” are respon- 12 reported her cart stolen. Now that allegedly smelled distinctly of malt sible, and have taken precautions Gene Nichol is gone, police have no liquor. 7 by rationing the Units’ toilet paper suspects. supplies. 1 3 11 Saturday, March 31 10 3 — 47 students were arrested by — Three students were caught — A 23-year-old white male was the fashion police for violations in a sting operation set up by police arrested for driving intoxicated on ranging from Crocs, popped collars in order to stem a recent outbreak a suspended license with an open and wearing white before Memo- of squirrelnapping. Williamsburg container of alcohol in his vehicle, rial Day. The students were flogged squirrels are prized for their pelts, possession of a fake ID and posses- 4 7 publicly. 4 and are valuable on the black mar- sion of marijuana with intent to sell. ket. 8 He was fucked. Allegedly. 12 — A student reported his bike stolen from Lodge 1. He reported — Student Health Center work- — compiled by yo mama

STREET BEATING How do you like it when this lawn gnome attacks you, biatch?

Apple bottom jeans — jeans! Boots I took that gnome to town. Respeck. Who bring’s a hammer to a knife I'll steal your gnome like I stole your Do you have Speedpass? I kinda like it. with the fur. The whole club lookin’ fight? bike. at hurr. The Alice Hahn ’09 Duke Tinkerbell ’09 Dandy Missourah ’09 Dallas Rong ’09 Isshin Isshin Bo Bisshin ’11 Enrico Palazzo ’09

— photos and interviews by yo mama’s mama Tribe rolls past Rams My big fat Greek carnival The College’s no. 24 women’s tennis team improved to 12-8 The campus Greek community unites to hold a carnival for with a 6-1 triumph over no. 36 VCU. Williamsburg-area members of The ARC this weekend. See tennis page 8 See carnival page 5

The twice-weekly student newspaper of the College of William and Mary F Est. 1911 VOL.97, NO.41 Tuesday, April 1, 2008 FLATHATNEWS.COM Commencement 2008 Nichol talks about family, future College: No WHRO interview was Nichol’s first since his Feb. 12 resignation need to pay By angela cota receive attention from the mainstream Flat Hat Staff Writer media. Lewis introduced Nichol and pre- Former College President Gene sented a timeline of his presidency, speakers Nichol was featured and interviewed including his 2005 installation, the Friday evening during the inaugu- 2006 removal of the Wren cross and ral broadcast of “What Matters” on the recent Sex Workers’ Art Show. Official denies Blair asked WHRO. The interview was Nichol’s The interview mostly focused first since he resigned Feb. 12. on Nichol’s preparations to move for too much money Nichol answered questions about back to work at University of North courtesy photo— whro his departure and his family in the Carolina—Chapel Hill. Former College President Gene Nichol appeared on WHRO’s “What Matters” By maxim lott half-hour show. He also maintained “My wife and I have accepted Friday night with host Cathy Lewis to discuss his Feb. 12 resignation. Flat Hat News Editor that he was fired for the four reasons appointments at North Carolina, outlined in his Feb. 12 e-mail to which will be something of a home- versies].” now,” he said. This month, graduating seniors learned that their students. Nichol has denied requests coming,” he said. “But I think of Nichol stressed several times how He added the students give him commencement speaker is to be Mike Tomlin ’95, head for an interview with The Flat Hat the students, the faculty members, much he would miss students and “faith for the future,” and this experi- coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. several times, both in person and via the really singular character of the faculty. ence has been “one that has a larger Some expressed disappointment because the College e-mail. College of William and Mary and “Thinking now about leaving the impact on me than certainly anything announced earlier this semester a short list of speakers WHRV radio personality Cathy how much I’m going to miss it. I’m College and thinking about what a in my professional life.” that included former British Prime Lewis hosts “What Matters,” which much more moved to think and talk singular place it is — those are the Minister Tony Blair, “Harry Potter” she said focuses on issues that do not about that than [presidential contro- largest matters on my mind right See nichol page 3 author J.K. Rowling and Comedy Central star Stephen Colbert. Every year, the College tries to attract an impressive commencement speaker. However, the College never Professors find love on campus

courtesy — wikipedia — courtesy pays commencement speakers, instead Blair granting them honorary degrees and For married professors, reimbursing travel expenses. “It has been the long standing tra- spouse at work creates dition of the College not to pay hono- raria to commencement speakers,” odd dynamic Secretary to the Board of Visitors Michael J. Fox said. “Receiving an By Nancy blanford honorary degree from the College has The Flat Hat

courtesy — wm news — courtesy always been considered more mean- Tomlin ’95 ingful than a dollar amount.” Every morning, millions of married couples Vice Provost for International wake up to start their days. They go about their Affairs Mitchell Reiss discussed the College’s rea- daily morning rituals, then part ways. sons for not paying. He said that those who share the But for Adam Potkay and his wife Monica, College’s values and care about commencement do not this daily morning ritual ends a little differently. need monetary incentives to speak. After the two have parted ways, they end up at “You want to have somebody who hopefully per- the same place. Adam and Monica Potkay both sonifies the values of the institution,” Reiss said. “The teach as professors at the College. best way to get a speaker, generally, is to have a strong Monica started as an assistant professor in personal connection … I know that [former Secretary the English department at the College in 1987 of State] Colin Powell, when he was at the State after finishing graduate school. Adam obtained Department, received dozens of requests to speak at a position in the same department the following commencements. It’s impossible to honor all those — year. The two met at a cocktail party thrown to the best way to get someone is when there’s a personal introduce Adam to the colleagues of the English connection.” department. Reiss worked with Blair for three years while serv- “Are you Polish? You look Polish. You look ing as the United States special envoy for the Northern very Polish,” Adam Potkay said when first Ireland peace process, and for this reason Reiss has been meeting her. alex haglund— the flat hat See blair page 3 English Professors Monica and Adam Potkay met while teaching at the College in 1987 and wed in 1991. See married page 3 women at the College VOX fights birth control prices College approaches Budget cuts inadvertently raise costs for college students

By maria moy birth control costs. Affordable Access Act, a bill that would co-ed anniversary Flat Hat Staff Writer The Women’s Studies Community allow college health centers and other Action Project is also helping. safety net providers to continue to buy By keirstin flythe women to enter the College. However, there Students at the College are working According to Beyang Shi, a member and sell low-cost birth control. In a Flat Hat Staff Writer was still opposition. The Feb. 21, 1918, to reverse the dramatic increase in the of the Community Action Project, the letter to Sen. John Warner, CAP stated issue of The Virginia Gazette denounced price of birth control at the Student College had the greatest increase in that over the past three years the price In the fall of 1918 — nearly 90 years the bill. Health Center. birth control costs of all of Virginia of Ortho Tri-Cyclen has increased from ago — 24 women joined the student body “If a senate bill becomes law, historic The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, state schools. $18 to $47, and the price of NuvaRing and turned the formerly all-male school old William and Mary will be a coeduca- a bill that meant to lower the costs “This is an issue of denied basic has increased from $20 to $52. coeducational, making the College the first tional institution after this session,” the edi- of drugs for family planning groups, healthcare, all because there was a Both groups are worried about the Virginia state school to admit women. torial stated. “Shades of all the great alumni caused the change. It inadvertently mistake in the way the DRA was writ- health concerns caused by the recent According to student Laura F. Parrish’s of that great college, it is enough to make cuts off access to low-cost drugs from ten,” Shi said. price increases, and say that they may 1988 master’s thesis about the admittance them turn in their graves! What would college health centers so that birth The Community Action Project is make birth control too expensive for of women, many of the women came with Jefferson, Tyler, Monroe, Ewell, Taliaferro control, which was formerly available promoting the Prevention Through college students. the “desire to be well-educated,” while a and hundreds of other of the illustrious men to students for less than $10, has in few others intended their education to be who have gone forth from her portals, say if some cases become five times more the foundation for a career. they knew? Yet what less is to be expected expensive. But women’s acceptance at the College in these days when women aspire to all the Now student groups, such as the did not come without struggle. rights and all the privileges of men, their College chapter of Voices for Planned The Strode Bill, which the Board of place, their power, and their might.” Parenthood, are getting involved. Visitors passed Feb. 12, 1918, allowed Yet a March 13, 1918, editorial in The “Prices for basic contraception meth- Flat Hat shared a different point of view. ods such as birth control pills … rose “College life here will without doubt be as much as 500 percent at the Student entirely altered when Mary is allowed to Health Center,” Secretary of Voices for Inside the Series enter with her brother William,” it stated. Planned Parenthood Margaret Smith In 1918, women were first accepted “One result, which is almost bound to fol- ’10 said. Smith estimated that rising to the College. In the coming months, low with the incoming of Mary, will be the drug prices have impacted more than The Flat Hat will present a series addition of another social element to our 3 million undergraduates. Vox has col- exploring this historic event and the student body. Still another result will be the lected over 200 signatures for Planned Parenthood’s Affordable Birth Control beau blumberg — the flat hat media coverage surrounding it. See co-ed page 3 campaign in an effort to drive down The Health Center offers free condoms and literature on sexual health issues. Page 2 Tuesday, April 1, 2008

News Editor Alex Guillén News Editor Maxim Lott Ne w s In s i g h t [email protected] Beyond the burg This week in Flat Hat history

‘Stabilitas et Fides’ 1930 25 Campus Center, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. 23185 Editorial Dept. (757) 221-3281 —­ Advertising Dept. (757) 221-3283 — Fax (757) 221-3242 The first official flight for the The Flat Hat — [email protected] William and Mary Gilder Club News — [email protected] V ariety — [email protected] S ports —­ [email protected] took place at the Williamsburg Reviews — [email protected] Opini ons — [email protected] ADVERTISING — [email protected] Fair Grounds. Mr. Golf, a test pilot from Langley Field, was Austin Wright, Editor-in-Chief present at the inaugural flight Jeff Dooley, Managing Editor — Alice Hahn, Executive Editor Patrick Bisceglia, Business Manager — Helen Chacon, Accountant to assist members of the club in Alex Guillén, News Editor Sarah Sibley, Opinions Editor gliding. Maxim Lott, News Editor Vanessa VanLandingham, Copy Chief Kasi Kangarloo, Variety Editor Taylor Martindale, Copy Chief Ashley Morgan, Variety Editor Spencer Atkinson, Photography Editor Miles Hilder, Sports Editor Alex Haglund, Photography Editor 1967 Andrew Pike, Sports Editor Brian Mahoney, Chief Staff Writer A new trend became popular In this issue on campuses nationwide — Mike Crump, Assoc. News Editor Maggie Reeb, Assoc. Insight Editor banana peel smoking. Students Sam Sutton, Assoc. News Editor Catherine Anderson, Copy Editor Courtesy photo Waymarking.com Isshin Teshima, Assoc. News Editor Katie Bradshaw, Copy Editor — started smoking peels in the Summer Finck, Assoc. Variety Editor Chelsea Caumont, Copy Editor Schoolkids Records, a UNC—Chapel Hill staple, was forced to go out of business earlier this year. quest to find a legal alternative to Jessica Gold, Assoc. Variety Editor Gloria Dube, Copy Editor Pam Snyder, Assoc. Variety Editor Annie Emison, Copy Editor marijuana. Matt Poms, Assoc. Sports Editor Leah Fry, Copy Editor Chris Weidman, Assoc. Sports Editor Josh Garstka, Copy Editor The end of the college record store Russ Zerbo, Assoc. Opinions Editor Meghan O’Malley, Copy Editor Sarah Hays, Insight Editor Lauren Summers, Copy Editor Record stores, once a vital part of the college town, are disappearing 1971 Corrections By Sarah Hays The block’s last holdout was down to one record store, Plan 9, Poor maintenance practices The Flat Hat wishes to correct any facts printed incorrectly. Corrections may be submitted by e-mail to the sec- Flat Hat Insight Editor Schoolkids Records, which was part of a small Richmond-based were believed to be the source tion editor in which the incorrect information was printed. Requests for corrections will be accepted at any time. forced to close its doors earlier chain. The only other options for of many problems for the Weather Across the United States, in- this month. buying a physical copy of music Crim Dell. A professor from dependent record stores, once an Ric Culross, manager of is to go to a national chain store the biology department, Carl Tuesday Wednesday Thursday integral part of the college town, Schoolkids Records, described to or buy online. Vermulen, studied the lake and are now dying out. The latest ca- the Associated Press the unique While the loss of smaller re- found that approximately 20 tons sualties of a faltering record in- influence local record stores have cord stores is painful for many, it of sediment were washed into dustry, smaller record stores have on a university population. is a likely economic inevitability. the lake annually, and that high seen a steady decline in business “You walk down the hall of the Album sales have plummeted in phosphate levels in the water High 74 High 63 High 57 since the internet became the de- dorm and hear everything pos- the United States, declining 15 caused algae blooms which Low 57 Low 45 Low 55 fault market for music. sible, and you will be influenced percent in 2007, while digital killed off plant and animal life, Source: www.weather.com Along with other college town by all these people,” he said. album sales have risen by more also causing the area to smell in necessities such as quirky book- “They’ve come to a store such as than 50 percent, according to the summer months. stores and coffee shops, the inde- ours to feed off of that, just like Nielsen SoundScan. FlatHatNews.com Comment of the Week pendent record store was a place they go into a bookstore.” Many people are upset over where both students and locals As much as these stores were the closing of local record stores. 1985 Gene goes away and the rankings go could come together and indulge an important part of life in a col- A group of small-store support- their passion for music. lege town, the reality of the situ- ers have created a national Re- Comedian Eddie Murphy up! What a surprise! An excellent example of this ation is that students today ex- cord Store Day, which will take performed to a sell-out crowd “ — A student, in reference to the “Marshall-Wythe trend is the disappearance of re- perience music in a drastically place April 18, with the goal of at William and Mary Hall. The cord stores around the University different way. raising support for stores in their 23 year-old spent an hour and a improves to 30th” article in the Mar. 28 edition of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. Through services such as local communities. half on stage discussing the finer ” In 2000, there were five stores op- iTunes, last.fm and peer-to-peer However, Mike Phillips, points of sex, drugs and rock erating on Franklin St., the area’s networks, procuring music has owner of Schoolkids, has few and roll. While Murphy gave an News in Brief main thoroughfare. According become an entirely digital and in- positive words to say about the outrageous and often shocking to a March 28 Associated Press tangible experience in which the current movement to save inde- performance, it was noted that Ball named Truman Scholar article, each store made around social process of talking to other pendent record stores. his act had been softened for $250,000 every month during people has been replaced by the “If everybody was so damned the mostly white audience at the Katie Ball ’09 has been named a 2008 Truman Scholar and is the 11th this time. As fewer patrons came, “Listeners Also Bought” box in concerned, they should have Hall. student in the College’s history to be awarded the title. Ball will receive the stores’ revenue decreased to iTunes. come in and bought a CD every $30,000 to do graduate work in the area of community service, according only around $50,000 per month. Williamsburg is currently once in a while.” — compiled by Sarah Hays to The William and Mary News. Ball is one of the 65 students chosen by the Truman Foundation out of 595 nominees nationwide. She will receive her award at a special cer- Street Beat emony at the Truman Library in St. Louis, Mo., on May 18. “Katie Ball is an extraordinary young woman, and we are very proud What do you think about the new Jimmye Laycock Football Center? of her,” Interim President Taylor Reveley said in the press release. “I’m delighted that the Truman Foundation has honored her achievements in public service with this marvelous scholarship.” The last Truman Scholar at the College was Hanley Chiang ’02.

SEAC to attend Fossil Fools Day in Richmond

Along with other local sustainability groups, members of the Student Environmental Action Coalition will be attending the annual “Fossil Fools Day” celebration in Richmond. At the April 1 event, SEAC will deliver a petition to Gov. Tim Kaine Those funds could have been Shouldn’t we have renovated It’s built too close to the road. As a former football player, I explaining the opposition to the proposed Coal Power Plant in Wise better allocated. Zable first? want to punch Jimmye Laycock County, a project planned by Dominion Virginia Power. in the face. SEAC will also help hand out the Foolie Awards, which are conferred annually to “the world’s biggest contributors to our global addiction to James Fletcher ’11 Chris Sardo ’11 Tess Perrin ’10 Keon Graves ’08 fossil fuels.” — photos and interviews by Caitlin Fairchild — by Sarah Hays City Police Beat By the Numbers Mar. 24 to Mar. 30

Monday, March 24 — A black male was — A juvenile was arrested on the 200 — Three white male juveniles were ar- 1,400 percent arrested at the intersection of Francis St. and block of New Hope Rd. and was charged rested on the 400 block of Merrimac Trail for Nassau St. for allegedly driving under the in- with assault and battery. No injuries were re- stealing two children’s bicycles. 3 The increase in broccoli consumption per person from 1960 to 2000, fluence. 1 ported. 2 Tuesday, March 25 — A black male was according to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center. arrested on the 1400 block of Richmond Rd. for allegedly being drunk in public. 2 Friday, March 28 — A black male was arrested on the 1200 block of Richmond Rd. 50 percent for allegedly driving under the influence. 4 — A black male was arrested on the 200 The increase in the amount of fair trade coffee produced worldwide 2 block of New Hope Rd. for allegedly being over the last two years. Fair trade coffee still only makes up half of 1 drunk in public. 2 percent of all produced, according to CoffeeFacts.com. 4 Saturday, March 29 — A white male was arrested on the 300 block of Richmond 5 6 Rd. for allegedly being drunk in public. 7 3 — A male was arrested at the intersection of Randolph St. and Nelson Ave. for alleg- 25 percent 5 edly being drunk in public and for underage 8 The volume of an apple that is filled with air, according to the University 1 possession of alcohol. 6 of Illinois Extension. This is why apples float. — A black female was arrested on the 100 9 block of New Hope Rd. for alleged assault and battery and disorderly conduct. 2 Sunday, March 30 —A white male was 70 percent arrested on the 700 block of Tanyard St. for allegedly driving under the influence. 7 The percentage of U.S. oranges produced in Fla., according to the — A white male was arrested at the inter- Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition. Ninety percent of those section of York St. and Page St. for DUI and oranges are used for juice. allegedly driving on a suspended license. 8

— by Maxim Lott map - mapquest.com — compiled by Sarah Hays Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Page 3 Nichol appears on local news Blair, College deny former Maintains ideology prompted BOV decision British PM was ever booked Nichol from page 1 that it is crucial that it remain such. “I am still an advocate of higher public educa- Blair from page 1 ment. Fox also expressed support. Lemmons, president of the Dallas Lewis asked if that dramatic support from stu- tion to the bottom of my feet,” he said. “This year the opportunity Speakers Bureau, told The New dents was a comfort during the controversy, which The former president looks forward to re- the College’s connection in at- presented itself to have a former York Times. Lemmons’ company she said occasionally became vitriolic. searching again and shared his view on the tempts to book Blair for com- graduate of the College — who books commencement speakers. “By any read of internet traffic on this, I was country from his perspective as a Constitutional mencement. at a very young age has enjoyed Richard Barcham, a consultant struck by [the] viciousness of some of the commen- scholar, reflecting on the values that inspired the He said that, unfortunately, much success in his profession and for the Dallas Speakers Bureau, tary; it seemed to have crossed the line, and we’re Gateway program. Blair was unable to fit the speech now has the responsibility of lead- told the Cleveland Plain Dealer really not accustomed to seeing this,” she said. “The door to equal opportunity still at the heart into his schedule this year. ing one of the most storied profes- that approximately 10 to 15 percent “Being involved in a series of controversies has of many problems — this is of particular interest Reiss said that rumors Tony sional football teams,” Fox said. of colleges pay speakers. He added complicated results,” Nichol responded. “The sup- to me,” he said. “[I have a] concern that we too Blair had asked for $150,000 to College officials are happy with that more prestigious universities port [of the students] was among the most touching easily turn our gaze away from those locked at speak were unfounded. the pick, but others say that mon- tend to grant honorary degrees in- experiences of my life.” the bottom, economically particularly.” “Not to my knowledge [did etary rewards can help attract the stead of paying speakers. He also agreed that some of the responses were Nichol said he looks forward to teaching again Blair request that],” Reiss said. most famous speakers. To date, the College has grant- vicious. and “not having to worry so much about what the “Students may be confusing his “When [a college] can afford a ed 556 honorary degrees. The first “There is also a dark side of this. There has been fellow next door might be thinking.” He has no normal speaking fee with what he nice sum, it is much easier to nego- was given to Benjamin Franklin in viciousness, which I hadn’t anticipated. It’s compli- plans to re-enter the collegiate political sphere. would need for commencement.” tiate with an individual,” Michelle 1756. cated to comment on it,” he said. “It’s hard to tell “I am going to UNC to teach and write,” he Blair received $500,000 for where such a line is when you’re a public figure. said. “I am not a candidate in the chancellor’s a speech in Hong Kong last No- When you take on a public mission and role, you do race.” vember, Forbes Magazine report- it willingly, and I did. In addition to teaching, Nichol says he will ed. However, he does not always “But the kids and family — they didn’t take this be, “chasing [his wife] back and forth a little charge for speeches. on. I decided to become president of the College of bit.” Glenn George recently received a Fulbright Rumors persist that Blair had William and Mary — my wife didn’t do that, my Scholarship and will spend time studying in Chi- originally been booked for com- daughters didn’t do that. I know there’s a theory, if na. mencement but later backed out. you’re trying to run the guy out, that’s what you do, “What Matters” concluded with a commen- “That is not true,” a spokesper- but I think you could conclude that that’s unwor- tary in which Lewis said that the next step for son for Blair told The Flat Hat. thy.” the College is a search for the new president. The Despite talk about Blair, Re- Nichol also said that he remains committed to search will start next fall as Nichol moves on to iss said that he was “thrilled” that the idea of the College being a public university and UNC. Tomlin will speak at commence- College celebrates 90 years of co-education

Co-ed from page 1 for a dean of women. Two new departments, brough said. physical education and home economics, were Nonetheless, there were a few bumps on the addition of another social element to our created for women. Women were housed in road to integration. Some clubs, such as men’s student body. Still another result will be the the newer Tyler dormitory, while men moved literary societies, would not allow women to breaking of the historical tradition of the Col- back into older living accommodations on join. The women eventually began the Alpha lege. Now, we are hindered by it and do things campus. Club, a “literary, music and dramatic society in terms of those who have preceded us; but For the most part, the integration of the Col- for women [that also had] a focus for social with the incoming of women, traditions will lege went smoothly. Parrish’s research paper activities.” In January 1919, there was a report be changed to a great degree.” interviewed one of the first women to attend that “men had insulted women at a literary This view was shared by then-College the College, Janet Coleman Kimbrough . society debate.” The women also had an or- President Lyon Gardiner Tyler, who worked to “The war was on, and everyone was think- ganization called the Women’s Student Gov- make the College as comfortable for entering ing of the war so much more than they were ernment, which dealt with campus issues sur- women as possible. A new position opened up of women’s rights and co-education,” Kim- rounding women. Professors find love at work Married from page 1 mie Bartlett’ would raise less con- alongside her husband within a fusion,” Armstrong said. single department. Monica, whose maiden name Like Armstrong and Bartlett, “When our son was younger, was Brzezinski, took to his line Deborah Noonan applied for a we were able to schedule so that quite well. The couple ended up position at the College after her one of us could take time off just dating and eventually marrying in husband, Robert Noonan, was in case he got sick,” she said. “It Granger from page 1 1991. hired to the computer science de- was also easier to plan vacations Adam got the impression that partment. because our breaks were at the a few of his colleagues may have “I just kind of followed him same time.” disapproved of such an affiliation. wherever he went, and found a job If Deborah is ever called away, “That’s Adam’s impression, when we got there,” she said. Robert can even substitute for her and it’s a valid one,” Monica said. For Deborah, meeting Robert introductory computer science “But nobody made their disap- helped to determine her career in courses — but they can easily keep proval obvious.” teaching. The two met in 1972 their distance when necessary. At the beginning of their mar- when Deborah took one of Rob- “I can go a whole day without riage, the Potkays were one of few ert’s classes. They started dating seeing him,” Deborah said. “I can married couples working within after she asked him for help on avoid him if we’ve had a fight.” the College community. Now, differential equations. Neither considers working to- there are more than 40 professors “I called him Dr. Noonan for gether to have any disadvantages. married to other professors. Most our first few dates. Then eventual- “He’s always been very good couples, like Professors Jamie ly I called him Dr. Bob,” she said. at keeping [the] personal from Armstrong and Jamie Bartlett, “Now I just call him Bob.” the professional,” Deborah said. happen to work within the same The couple married after Deb- When the computer science de- department. orah’s senior year. partment goes out to lunch on Fri- “It used to be that couples Deborah said that there are days, “we’re just two professors in working in the same department many advantages to working the same department.” were considered almost inappro- priate,” Armstrong said. “Now, spousal hires are a common thing. If both instructors are happy, it’s more likely they’ll stay put.” Armstrong conducts the Wil- liam and Mary Choir while Bar- tlett conducts both the Women’s Choir and the Botetourt Chamber Singers. Together, they collabo- rate for much of their work. Even within the same depart- ment, Armstrong and Bartlett manage to spend time apart. Be- tween juggling two children, work and hectic rehearsal schedules, the two keep their professional sched- ules independent from each other. “Weekends are performing times,” Armstrong said. “Working in academia is a vocation. It’s a 24/7 proposition.” Bartlett first encountered Arm- strong when she was an under- graduate student at Mt. Holyoke College, where he was teaching at the time. They started dating in 1991 while pursing graduate degrees at the University of Wisconsin— Madison. The two married in 1994. Throughout their relationship, the issue of changing Bartlett’s maiden name was the cause of much debate. “We realized that we would both be turning in job applications with the name ‘Jamie Armstrong’ written on them. We figured ‘Ja- Page 4 Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Opinions Editor Sarah Sibley Associate Opinions Editor Russ Zerbo Op i n i o n s [email protected] Staff Editorials Nichol snubs students ormer College President Gene Nichol ended his near month and a half of silence Friday to talk to the press. But he Fwasn’t talking to reporters or answering the questions you might expect. Instead of granting repeated interview requests from the student media, Nichol appeared on PBS, talking cozily with WHRO host Cathy Lewis about issues ranging from the strain on his family to the intellectual rigor of students at the College. While Nichol has a right to privacy, his resignation e-mail raised more questions than it answered. He has yet to justify his accusations against the College’s governing body — accusations that put Board of Visitors members in the awkward position of having to defend their decision while avoiding further damage to the reputation of Nichol and the College. The BOV faced an interrogation from students, faculty and staff while Nichol shied away from further discussion of his unsubstantiated allegations. Nichol has snubbed the very students he claims to have championed. It is time for him to answer for his actions in an open, honest dialogue — the way BOV members answered for theirs. Speaker satisfies graduation speaker should inspire. A graduation speaker should motivate. A graduation speaker should be someone so incredibly famous that his or her name resonates from A By Vi c k y Ch a o , Fl a t Ha t Ca r t o o n i s t the jungles of Cameroon to the peaks of Tajikistan. Or at least that’s the vibe we’re getting from students on campus. Apparently, Mike Tomlin doesn’t measure up to those standards — and he’s not Tony Blair. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s reflect on the Contraception misconceptions absurdity of this discontent. For the most part, naysayers simply independence over their sexual health. Without this, they are ignore two key aspects of the selection process: Tomlin’s forced to resort to less preferable methods or no protection considerable achievements and the College’s commitment to Alexa McClanahan at all. attracting speakers with its prestige, not with its money. Flat Hat Guest Columnist Within colleges like our own, affordable birth control We stand behind the College and the numerous other elite gives women seeking contraception a private and universities that eschew paying commencement speakers. In fact, premeditated option. In a culture that glorifies random hook-ups and one-night stands, affordable contraception only a small percentage of universities opt to compensate speakers. After a winter of huddling in the Dupont laundry room means safety, discretion and one fewer thing to worry If the College has considered jumping off the bandwagon, we can for warmth and cursing my mother for not buying me rain about, especially in situations in which neither party may be take heart, for once, that its lack of fiscal resources prevents it boots, spring has finally crept into Williamsburg. capable of making a sound decision. In addition, college- from doing so. Even on the colder days, the official spring-is-here provided birth control outside of personal insurance plans Spending $50,000 on a celebrity flush with cash and not a new daffodils planted in front of Swem and the bright-eyed tour allows adult women to make a personal choice about their professor would rankle even the Us Weekly die-hards on campus. groups gaping at Old Campus buildings keep me hopeful bodies that may not comply with their parents’ beliefs. that I might in fact make it out of this semester without From a more philosophical perspective, I believe that And given our record of drawing illustrious speakers without eventually receding into the library stacks and being widely available, low-priced birth control doesn’t encourage offering a dime, resorting to cash incentives could harm our absorbed by the profound volumes that never seem to put it promiscuity or sexual irresponsibility. On the contrary, prestige, not enhance it. quite as well as Wikipedia. allowing women access to contraception reinforces Bringing Tomlin, who is one of only six black NFL coaches, While the rest of campus sheds conscientious decision-making extends that tradition. Not only is the man one of our most the cares of winter to reside in the and personal accountability, and distinguished alumni, but he is also a stand-out among the ranks Sunken Garden for the rest of the In a culture that glorifies random may prevent making more difficult semester, let’s not get too crazy. With hook-ups and one-night stands, decisions later on. Besides, beyond of NFL head coaches. Old white men have long called the shots warmer weather come birds, bees and sexual reasons, many women use the in America’s most popular sport, but Tomlin’s talent and ability the tendency to throw caution to the affordable contraception means pill to regulate disruptive menstrual vaulted him to Pittsburgh’s top spot, at the age of 36, making wind — a luxury recently hindered safety and discretion. symptoms or help with medical him the second-youngest coach in the league. We also suspect the for thousands of college women. problems such as anemia. leader of a celebrated football team might just know a thing or two Surges in birth control prices across So, even if you personally have no about motivational speeches. the country have forced many women to reevaluate or even use for or intention of going on the pill, think about your abandon their chosen methods of contraception. friends, girlfriend, sister or that cute girl who sits next to Too bad they haven’t heard of him in Tajikistan. Prior to a Medicaid addendum that erased this you in Brit Lit, and consider the possibilities. Affordable privilege, college health centers and organizations like contraception means safety, responsibility and control for a editorial b o a r d Planned Parenthood could purchase contraception from large segment of the population — boys, that can only mean pharmaceutical companies for deeply discounted prices. good things for you. Austin Wright, Editor-in-Chief After stores ran out, prices escalated dramatically, forcing Take a break from studying in the Sunken Garden to sign Jeff Dooley, Managing Editor — Alice Hahn, Executive Editor women of all ages and socioeconomic brackets to turn to a letter or a petition, and keep an eye out for information Miles Hilder, Sports Editor — Andrew Peters, Editorial Writer less reliable or desirable forms of birth control. on upcoming events. I know it’s the end of the year, but “Okay,” you say. “But I’m not on birth control. I’m not some issues stay relevant even when your European history even a girl. Does this even matter to me?” readings or calculus problem sets lose whatever pull they The Flat Hat welcomes submissions to the Opinions section. Letters to the Editor may The short answer is that it should. Outside the relatively might have had, say, in January. be no longer than 250 words and Opinions columns no longer than 700 words. Submis- sions should be e-mailed to [email protected] no later than 5 p.m. Sunday for insulated cocoon of college life, thousands of low-income I encourage you to leave the library and take a look at publication the following Tuesday and 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following Friday. The women frequent Planned Parenthood and similar health what you can change on campus, for campus. Affordable, Flat Hat reserves the right to edit all material. Due to space constraints, The Flat Hat clinics to obtain affordable birth control. available birth control proves that staying safe can definitely may not publish all submissions. All staff editorials reflect the position of The Flat Hat. With appropriate means of family planning, they are able be more fun. Letters, columns, graphics and cartoons reflect the view of the author only. to take control over their own lives and exert a measure of Alexa McClanahan is a freshman at the College. Underfunded departments unable to handle GERs 6 and 7

must fulfill both, they can be selected The academic programs that bear attempts to broaden what can — both fields are low-paying and almost exclusively from a handful of the greatest brunt of GERs 6 and 7 carry GER 7 — “Philosophy in extremely competitive. Would-be Max Fisher very small classes in underfunded, are philosophy and creative writing. Kinesiology” comes to mind. But writers and philosophers don’t need Flat Hat SENior staff writer understaffed departments. Most This spring, of the 28 classes offering as long as the College insists on more hurdles. Currently, they must students will not succeed in enrolling GER 7, all small in size, 17 are in the assigning GER 7 to a majority of the wait out GER-seekers to get into in these classes this semester, as the philosophy department. If all students philosophy classes without giving a class. Once enrolled, they must classes are simply unable to handle the must earn GER 7 to graduate, and two- that department adequate funding compete for the attention of professors I love the General Education traffic. thirds of classes offering that GER are to handle GER-seekers as well as whose e-mail inboxes and office hours Requirements. They have brought me For those who do get in, they will in philosophy, we can estimate that department majors in appropriately are filled by non-majors requiring to fields and ideas that, though I would find the classes dominated by non- two-thirds of students will need to take sized discussion classes, students with extra help. The professors do their best have otherwise never considered them, majors like themselves. There may a philosophy class. At eight semesters both passing and long-term interest in to serve both groups, but their time have enriched and changed me in ways also be a minority contingent of philosophy will suffer. becomes split nonetheless. I hadn’t thought possible. I dreaded students, driven not by requirement The College has damaged both The story is much the same with The College should be proud of GER 2, which I grudgingly signed but interest, who have taken other GER 6. Creative writing classes, its GER system, which broadens up to fulfill with a biology class that classes in the field and may be the classes and the academic which must be capped at 15 students and enriches students of all fields. turned out to be so fascinating that majoring in that department. These pursuits of students genuinely for the workshop format to function, But administrators would be wise to I stayed in the department for three students will mostly sit twiddling their interested in taking GERs. are some of the toughest in the consider the very real damage GERs 6 semesters. I would still be there today thumbs while the professor tries to College to get into. One professor and 7 are causing. Either departments if GER 5 had not introduced me to catch the non-majors up to speed. received over 200 inquiries for a like philosophy and creative writing anthropology, which I found even We can’t blame the less-interested per student, that’s an average of about 15-person class. must be drastically expanded to more interesting. GER-seekers — they have to be 500 students a semester. Those students interested in creative accommodate long-term students of This week, students around campus there to graduate. We can only blame But how can the philosophy writing beyond just the GER may go the fields as well as GER seekers, or are registering for GER-fulfilling the well-intentioned but imperfectly department — only a dozen faculty years before finally getting in, if ever. the anchor-like weight of GER credit classes, some of which may have executed requirement that forces them members, including five full While I doubt the College has stifled must be removed from those classes. the same enlightening effects as there. The College, by affixing these professors — handle all this traffic any future Hemingways, it’s ironic Either way, a serious reevaluation of my own. But many students will rare GERs exclusively to small-sized and still meet the needs of majors? that an institution with such a prized the effects of requiring thousands of also struggle to fulfill GERs 6 and classes, has damaged both the classes The answer is that, despite the English department would show such students to take small classes in small 7, known as the performance and and the academic pursuits of those undeniable brilliance and talent of its disregard for creative writing. departments must take place. philosophy GERs. Though every one students genuinely interested in taking faculty, it can’t. Serious pursuit of philosophy or Max Fisher is a senior at the of the College’s thousands of students them. There have been some questionable creative writing is difficult enough College. Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Page 5

Variety Editor Kasi Kangarloo Variety Editor Ashley Morgan Va r i e t y [email protected] That girl Laura Whipple Greeks create an arc of friendship

By samantha fien-helfman Flat Hat Staff Writer

Laura Whipple drops her overstuffed blue Vera Bradley tote on the Marketplace table with a clump and runs over to say hello. She is full of energy — not surprising given the multiple cups of coffee she drinks daily. A bit flustered and on the move, she still takes time to sit down and ask her friends how they’re doing. Without cues, she congratulates each on their respective achievements of the past week and wishes them luck on their upcoming papers and exams. There are times I think Laura takes notes whenever people say they have a test or event coming up so that when the day arrives, she can remember to send them a note or text to say she is sending her best wishes. I’ve learned that loyal, caring friends still exist, and this week’s That Girl is one of them. What is your favorite childhood memory? I’d say just being at the beach with my grandfather, grandmother and our whole family, running across the sand into the ocean and riding the waves back to shore. Can you tell me a little bit about your family? I’m from Princeton, New Jersey. People like to give me a hard time about being from New Jersey, but I’m only an hour from Philly and New York. My family is pretty close-knit; there are 16 of us within a 20-minute radius. What is a random fact from your childhood? I went to Little Fiddler Academy for preschool, and that’s where I learned to play the violin. And a recent favorite memory? Courtesy Photo — Laura Sauvain Watching the sunset in Zurich and then the sunrise At 2006’s carnival, an ARC member practices his face-painting skills. This year’s carnival will include a moon bounce, an egg hunt and picture frame making. in Paris after a 10-day backpacking trip. Were you studying abroad at the time? CFA and ISC host ninth annual ARC Service Chairman Billy Mutell ’09 children and adults with intellectual Yes, in Bath, England. Aside from making me said. “[They will bring in] things that and developmental disabilities. appreciate American culture and falling in love with Carnival as part of philanthropy make the chapters unique, and we “ARC is a wonderful organization,” British culture, it’s where I found my academic are going to try to incorporate into Rojas said. “I am glad I had a chance focus. I interned at the Bath Magistrate, which By Ashley Morgan & Community Service Sarah Rojas ARC.” Mutell and Rojas have both to work with them. ARC provides provided me with experiences that I had never really Brittany Vallette ’10 said. “It is a great event when played major roles in organizing the all the networking and programs of had before. I came back much more independent and The Flat Hat Greeks from all different chapters event this year. the mentally disabled individuals in come together for a philanthropic At past events, the carnival proved Williamsburg.” See THAT Girl page 6 The Council for Fraternity Affairs event. It brings people together with to be a symbiotic learning experience Beginning last year, CFA and ISC and the Inter-Sorority Council have the community.” between the participants and the adopted The Arc as their philanthropic again banded together in an effort The Sunken Garden will be turned hosts. Student participants have been organization. This means that the to enhance the local community. into a carnival with the help of the party invited to share their various talents fraternities and sororities hold Members of the College’s sororities rental company, Big Top. Each client for the carnival. “It sounds like a monthly events for the clients, and fraternities, along with of the organization will be paired fun and awesome way to help out including bingo and a Valentine’s Williamsburg community volunteers, with two students, or “buddies,” to the community without ever even Day dance. will gather in the Sunken Garden participate in activities such as face leaving campus, so I thought, ‘Why “We have tried to help maintain a Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. to host painting, a moon bounce, an egg not take advantage of this rewarding relationship with the organization,” the ninth annual ARC Carnival. The hunt and picture frame making. The experience?’” Leanne Piña ’10 said. Mutell said. “Our goal is not only event benefits The Arc of the Greater carnival will also feature a DJ and the The campus community has high to support them financially, but also Williamsburg — formerly known traditional carnival fare of popcorn, hopes for this year’s carnival. active philanthropically. You really as the Association for Retarded hot dogs and cotton candy. ARC is a community service get to see the progression in the lives Citizens. “We have invited individual organization funded by the United of the members. One of our goals is “It was one of my favorite days chapters to contribute costumes and Way. The agency helps with education, to create that kind of companionships Courtesy Photo — Laura Whipple last year,” ISC Vice President of items to the event,” CFA Community advocacy and services for families, through our monthly activities.”

Confusion Corner Student pens College screenplay Disinheriting your history Matt Pinsker finds Pinsker’s screenplay is set at the just expanded on each chapter each College it could be produced cheaply. day,” he said. window as he began urinating on the inspiration during “It could easily be adapted and set As a freshman Sharpe scholar and tree. He explained that the Plantation anywhere, although the experiences ROTC cadet, Pinsker said he was James Damon was only another ten minutes down the Confusion Corner time at the College are based on my time here,” Pinsker “guilted and bribed” into trying out for Columnist road as he concurrently emptied his tiny said. the cheerleading team, a notion that he bladder. I would never have the nerve to By Rachel Ohm Fusi encouraged Pinkser to cut the himself acknowledges as humorous. pee in public. I would be too concerned Flat Hat Staff Writer play from its original length in order He turned it into a source of comedy about what people would think of me, or to redefine characters and scenes and in his writing. My dad is a history nut. Although whether a passing mutant might attack Matt Pinsker ’09 spent most of his tighten the dialogues. Like many novelists, Pinsker he currently works at a pharmaceutical while I had my hands full. winter break last year watching reruns “I could tell he had never written used real-life situations to inspire his company, his drug of choice is not Public urination is something of “M.A.S.H.” This year, he decided to a screenplay before, but I liked the writing. Tylenol or Vicodin but American Civil my father does best, among other write a novel. simple message of his work,” Fusi “I am hesitant to say that my writing War History. Left unattended, the man embarrassing acts. By the time we arrived “I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I said. is based on real events,” he said. “But would wander Civil War battlefields for at the plantation, the last tour group was never seemed to have time for it,” he Adapting a novel to a screenplay it is definitely inspired by them. It has days like some meth head. As you can getting ready to leave. I went into panic said. “This year over break most of my can be a daunting task for any writer, some autobiographical elements, but it imagine, Williamsburg holds limitless mode, naturally, worrying that we would friends were away, and I wanted to do but Pinsker said that the writing came also has a lot of fictional elements.” allure for my father. I, on the other hand, not fit in the tour group. As my stomach something besides vegetate in front of naturally. Though the screenplay and novel am too worried about the present to slowly knotted itself into a pretzel, my the television.” His original novel, which he sum up a great deal of Pinsker’s concern myself with the past. father let out a fart and asked, “Could you Pinsker estimates that he spent about called “Confessions of a Mad Male personal experience, he finds that it’s Dad’s hobby, or addiction as I choose fit us into the last tour group?” It was as 10 hours a day writing to complete what Cheerleader,” was based on his a modest endeavor. to call it, took the two of us to the Shirley simple as that, and we were on the tour. turned out to be a 200-page novel that experiences at the College over the last “I’m not trying to be really deep or Plantation last month. It took us over an “Will you look at that?” my father he later adapted to screenplay format. two years, which have been defined shed my sense of light on the world,” hour to find the plantation amidst the asked as he pointed to a ceiling beam He is currently editing “Sergeant primarily by his commitments to Pinsker said. “Just looking back on my unnamed roads of Charles City County. wider than me, “Can you imagine how Cheerleader,” a semi-autobiographical ROTC and the cheerleading squad. experience at William and Mary, there The landscape was barren save a few much work it took to cut that?” I failed to screenplay, under the tutelage of theater “Once I got started, the writing just were so many entertaining events, I rancher homes and tackle shops. Thin notice the beam until he pointed to it. professor M. Fonkijom Fusi as part of flowed. I had 12 chapter plans, and I thought it would make a good story.” pine trees reached hesitantly for the sky, “Oh,” I said, “That’s neat.” My an independent study. aiding an otherworldly air to the scene. I father could have pointed to a solid gold Fusi, who has written five was certain that at any moment an army chamber pot, and my response would screenplays himself and is currently of mutant farmers would descend on our have been the same. overseeing a student production of a car and eat us, like in The Hills Have After the tour, my father and I short film entitled “Morning,” said he Eyes. wandered along the James River, which liked the ideas presented in Pinsker’s “Nonsense,” my dad said as we pulled borders the plantation’s southern edge. writing and sees potential in his off at a country store. If there is a gene I was about to comment on a relatively screenplay. for being confident and thrill-seeking, I high pollen level that day, when I heard “I think it is a worthwhile project, certainly did not inherit it from my father. a faint trickle. I turned to find my father especially for someone writing his I am too busy worrying about the present relinquishing his fluids to the James first screenplay,” he said. “It passed to concern myself with the past. River. many of my tests, one of which is the Sometimes my worries are slightly I wondered what he was thinking question of whether it can actually be irrational, like my concern about being about. Perhaps he was contemplating all produced.” mauled to pieces by mutant freaks. the people who had urinated there before According to Fusi, approximately Sometimes I worry about real issues, like him. Or perhaps, like a canine, he wanted 80,000 to 100,000 screenplays are the economy or the amount of sugar to to leave his mark on this historical site. I registered every year with the Academy put in my coffee. knew he didn’t care what others thought of Motion Pictures. Only two or three Unlike me, me father thrives in new about him, but, just the same, I kept a hundred of these will actually be made situations. We had only been parked at lookout for any marauding mutant freaks. into films. Caitlin FairChild — the flat hat the county store for one minute when my James Damon is a Confusion Corner One of the biggest barriers to Pinsker spent a few months writing his screenplay, “Sergeant Cheerleader,” father emerged and walked to a nearby columnist. He’s working on a better way production is finances. But because drawing from his experience in ROTC and on the cheerleading squad. pine tree. He told me to roll down my to mark his territory. Page 6 Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Watch Rent Download Criminal Minds [Ri g h t ] I’m Not There [Ri g h t ] “Touch My Body” 9 p.m. Wednesday, CBS Starring: Christian Bale, Mariah Carey Cate Blanchett, Heath CSI: NY Ledger “Too Many People” 10 p.m. Wednesday, CBS Glen Hansard Before the Devil Knows your Dead My Name is Earl Starring: Phillip Seymour “Damaged” 8 p.m. Thursday, NBC Hoffman, Ethan Hawke Danity kane

CAPSULE REVIEWS behind closed doors The odd couple gnarls barkley iiiii pretty. odd. panic at the disco iiiii What was really goin’ With certain tracks, you might kick back and let the sweet, easy- With their sophomore album, going rhythms wash right over you; with others, you might dance “Pretty. Odd.,” Las Vegas’s Panic till you drop. Gnarls Barkley’s latest release, “The Odd Couple,” at the Disco aims to reclaim the somehow pulls off both angles, providing a sensuous mix of soulful emo throne from Fall Out Boy. on in Noah’s Ark vocals and cool, breezy electronica — alongside some trancey, The band has parted ways funk-infused tunes. with its exclamation point in an Sure, it gets cheesy, but the cheese is half its charm — with attempt to shed the baby fat show- garter snakes will release songs like “Blind Mary,” Danger Mouse doesn’t hesitate to throw cased on 2005’s “A Fever You Maya Horowitz pheromones similar to those in sounds better suited for arcade games or animated films, as Cee- Can’t Sweat Out.” Gone, too, are flat hat sex of the female of the species to Lo wails about his love for a blind woman: “She’s my friend, she the bursts of drum-machine tin- columnist attract other males. Scientists doesn’t judge me / She has no idea I’m ugly.” Music like this can only kering and lead singer Brendon believe that they do this for take itself so seriously, and maybe that’s what sets Gnarls Barkley Urie’s tongue-twisting verses. warmth and protection. My apart from trance junkies like The band has from the bedroom confessional and into the mecca of opinion is that they do it for RJD2 and Moby. “The Odd recording studios — Abbey Road, where the album was mixed. There’s nothing like music to some hot, sweaty male-on-male Couple” doesn’t force itself on The first single, “,” wears its Beatles badge get you in the mood. And I’m action. you, doesn’t preach or hammer with pride. “Losing the feeling of feeling unique / Do you know what I not saying I’m a groupie, though And there are animal mating you down with fat, repetitive mean?” sings Urie. ‘Nine’ is a teenager’s ode to discovering marijuana I may be sleeping with a man rituals that resemble certain electronica. It all makes for a and ’ “.” In an age where major labels in a band. But that’s irrelevant. human fetishes. Sea hares form friendly, nothing-to-lose kind scoop up bands like Boys Like Girls daily, it’s refreshing to hear a band What is relevant is that his a hermaphroditic circle and of listen, and it’s nice. that wants to crack the mold. Panic now rolls with a wall of (real) pia- band’s name is Sperm Whales have large, daylong orgies. Danger Mouse’s ability nos, bells, horns and strings in addition to the usual guitars and drums. and Harmony. In my opinion, White-fronted parrots and to put old sounds in a fresh Somehow, it works. calling a species “sperm whales” hippopotami both do things too context might be his secret The drug influence extends to cloying song titles like “That Green is the animal kingdom equivalent disgusting to recount in this weapon. It’s nothing we Gentleman,” but the lush soundscapes honed by producer of naming your child Hugh fine publication. Let’s just say haven’t heard before, but now erase any missteps by these baroque-pop young’uns. “Behind the Sea” Johnson or Kitty Longa. So, I that I have four words for you: it’s been revamped, refurbished channels Ringo a la “Octopus’s Garden,” with Ross exercising his sur- felt the need to investigate this two animals, one cup. Cichlid and spun up with flashy percussion and Cee-Lo’s gospel-inspired prisingly smoothe vocals, while “She Had the World” rips off George species. What I found was that males fertilize eggs by tricking vocals. The hand-claps and staccato horns of “Run (I’m a Natural Harrison and “Piggies.” While the music brings to mind The Beatles, their name does relate to their the females and ejaculating into Disaster)” hearken back to Issac Hayes, and the whimsy, bluesy Panic still manages to carve out something new and original. physical qualities; sperm whales their mouths. Bedbugs are into guitar-writing on “Going On” is reminiscent of love-song rockers No song this year will be able to match the beauty and simplicity usually have around six feet of sadomasochism. They mate like Santana. of “.” Ross and Urie pine about “sugarcane” and penis. Actually, whales (of all using a process called “traumatic But all together, these elements shine with a certain newness “weathervanes” while bassist and drummer types) hold the record for largest insemination” wherein the — a groove that’s right at home in our nifty age of anything-goes chime in, building the song into a lilting elegy to the moon. Critics and penises in the animal kingdom. male uses his sharp sex organ genre-mixing. “The Odd Couple” is a lush, vibrant album that’s college students alike readily take aim at this band. However, there’s And, unsurprisingly, the females to impale and subsequently good for both upbeat party-mixes and easy, hangover-friendly no denying that they’ve learned how to let songs breathe, discovering of the species are notoriously inseminate the female. Sundays. So sit back and enjoy. emo gold — it exists — on mid-tempo songs. friendly and cheery. Of course, some animals do — by Kasi Kangarloo — by Dan Irish All of this got me wanting to things a little differently than learn more about animal sex, so those of us with opposable I spent many painstaking hours thumbs. Many people have heard Cl a s s i f i e d s on the internet watching panda that female praying mantises rip Jersey girl studies justice system porn and analyzing anatomical the head off their mate during drawings of giraffes’ birth sex and eat it, but few have TELESCOPE canals. What I found probably heard that the fly Serromyia PICTURES® That Girl from page 5 So where do you go from here? won’t shock you (especially if femorata participate in a form of • Virginia Beach, VA Well I am going to law school next year and, you watched MTV in 2000), “kissing” during mating; at the • Best SUMMER JOB On had before. I came back much more independent ideally, in three years I will be clerking and working namely that “you and me baby end, though, the female sucks The BEACH and confident. I wouldn’t say I went to go to find in some position in an alternate court such as a ain’t nothin’ but mammals.” out the contents of the male’s • Make $10K+, Celebrity myself, but I definitely realized a lot about myself mental help or drug ward. I think our justice system Some animals’ mating body through his mouth. Male Status, Great Tan while I was there. needs to be fixed, and I’m really interested in what rituals seem well within the lynx spiders wrap the female in • Apply & Learn More @ Did you leave wanting to study law? therapeutic justice has to offer. It will marry my range of human behavior. The silk threads, distract her with a ocbeachphotos.com I’ve always been interested in right and wrong. interest in helping people as well as my strong male grasshopper has around feast of insects and then mount • Housing Available! To me, understanding what affects a person and interest in law and justice. 400 mating songs, each with a her, unawares, while she eats. Come Join The Fun! why they would become a criminal, and how to What has been the most difficult thing you distinct meaning. Essentially, Well, actually, that one doesn’t handle that in a process which helps society is have had to deal with at school? he’s his own smooth jazz record sound too far off from senior Mazda 2004 fully-loaded really interesting. Since I returned from Bath, I’ve Well I’ve been in a walking cast for three out of label. prom. $14,500 (757) 220-1717 done a lot of research on victim offender mediation the past four years, and I probably spent four weeks The male manakin does a So what’s the point of all of programs and the dilemmas restorative justice is on campus in crutches. Two ankle surgeries were dance very similar to Michael this? What do a bunch of silly facing toward widespread implementation. pretty frustrating. Jackson’s moonwalk — most facts about the animal kingdom’s likely because everyone knows sex life mean to you? Well, that Jacko is dead sexy. a few things. For one, it’s a Penguins like to have a little reminder that mating is the most privacy for doing the deed, so natural process in the world. they often sneak away from the There is no reason to ever be party to find a secluded spot. ashamed at the fact that you are And my favorite eerily human a sexual being. Secondly, there practice is that male macaques is a wide variation of sexual play with fruit to get to look practices among animals. As at the back end of a female humans, we are not stuck with macaque. Looks like their sex one ritual or another, but are industry is about as prosperous free to choose how to get down, as ours. which is also okay. Sex does There are also animal mating not have to be just a man and a rituals that resemble the habits woman on a bed with the lights of smaller groups of humans. off in the missionary position. For instance, there is evidence That is a societal — not a natural of animal homosexuality. Two — construct. male geese will court each So, this mating season, I other, and the only way the implore you to go out into female can become fertilized the world confident about is to sneak between the males your urges. If you want to and then quickly run away. It is try something new, don’t be estimated that 8 to 14 percent embarrassed. Lord knows some of Californian sea gulls are obscure Australian marsupial has lesbians. They go through the probably done it already. motions of courting but lay Maya Horowitz is the sex sterile eggs. columnist. She likes to do it There are even transgendered like they do on the Discovery animals. Some male red-sided Channel. Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Page 7 Sports Editor Miles Hilder Sports Editor Andrew Pike Inside SPORTS [email protected] What’s on TV? Sound bytes By the numbers NBA “You can’t really write up a bet- Lakers vs. Mavericks ter script than that. It turned out — 10:30 p.m. Thursday on ESPN 0 perfect.” — Washington Nationals’ — Times in which all four number one college basketball third baseman Ryan Zimmerman, seeds reached the NCAA men’s Final Final Four in San Antonio following his opening day walk-off Four before UNC, Kansas, Memphis — 6 p.m. Saturday on CBS home run over the Braves. and UCLA made it this year. men’s tennis College falls to no. 29 VCU Sellers extends streak LACROSSE from page 8 By JIM MANCARI last four matches of the regular season. We do expect The Flat Hat to play VCU again during the CAA Tournament in mid- two at 10-8. Following a timeout, the Tribe April, which will again be a dogfight.” regained its composure as Sellers and fresh- TRIBE 2, VCU 5 The Tribe will look to rebound after the loss to the man midfielder Grace Golden combined The 57th-ranked Tribe dropped its first CAA match of Rams and get back on the winning track when it travels for four goals to extend the lead to six with the season to no. 29 Virginia Commonwealth University to South Bend, Ind. this weekend for two non-conference 11:11 remaining. The deficit proved too Friday in Richmond. matches. The College will square off against Western much for Cal, as the Golden Bears fell 16- Although the College opened the match by captur- Michigan University Friday and follow up with a match 10 on the road. ing the doubles point, it could not hold off the Rams in against no. 27 Notre Dame University Sunday. “We really kept up our intensity the whole singles play as VCU won 5-2. The loss drops the Tribe’s game and played well together,” Sellers said. record to 12-10 on the season, while the Rams improved Sellers’s four-goal performance extended to 13-6. her streak of games with three or more goals In doubles play, senior Alex Cojanu and junior Domi- to 10 straight games. nic Pagon won their second straight match over a nation- The Tribe begins a seven conference ally ranked opponent, defeating VCU’s no. 51 doubles game stretch at home against James Madi- alex haglund— the flat hat team of Sebastien Ripoll and Emil Lindgren by a score son University Thursday at 7 p.m. Freshman Maggie Anderson. of 8-6. In addition to Cojanu and Pagon’s win, senior Kavi Sud and freshman Sebastian Vidal were victorious, winning 8-5 and earning their seventh wins in the last eight matches. Tribe takes CAA opener Following the doubles matches, VCU took a 3-1 lead with three straight-set wins. With only three singles W. TENNIS from page 8 Tribe. A resilient Pop battled through a right matches remaining, the College faced an uphill road wrist injury she suffered after her doubles part- to earning a victory. Cojanu provided the Tribe’s only At no. 2 singles, no. 118 Zoricic fell be- ner, Sabacinski, accidentally struck it in prac- singles win. After dropping the first set 6-4, he won the hind before rallying to a 7-5 opening set tice the previous day. second and third sets, 6-3 and 6-0, to take out the Rams’ win. Zoricic’s 6-2 second set win sealed the In the fourth singles spot, no. 121 Acharya Thibaut Charron. team’s victory. earned a 6-4, 7-6 (1) singles victory. Acharya “Alex played a gutsy match, fighting back from the “Kat started playing the kind of tennis fought back after falling behind 1-4 to take the edge of defeat in singles, and playing his best tennis she is capable of,” Epley said. “She was opening set before maintaining a lead in the match of the year in his volley and return game for our playing more assertive and confident tennis. second to secure the win. No. 113 Kasztelaniec doubles victory over a nationally ranked team,” Head The biggest thing was her serve.” won 4-6, 6-4, 10-8 in the no. 3 spot. Coach Peter Daub said. The quickest singles round of the day The College returns to the courts Wednesday Two of the Tribe’s singles losses came in three-set came at the hands of Pop, who defeated Pe- when the team travels to Old Dominion Uni- matches as VCU’s Alex Israel and Sebastian Ripoll de- trashevitch 6-3, 6-2 in the sixth spot for the versity. nied rallies from the College, each taking the third sets CLASSIFIEDS: Headache? Neck pain? Back pain? Sports injury? Stress? We can help. Visit of their respective matches, 6-3. www.preformancechiropractic.com to see how CHIROPRACTIC, ACUPUNCTURE, and MASSAGE “It was a tough loss against VCU, but all of us fought help you be your best. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call Performance very hard. They ended up being better than us on Fri- Courtesy photo— william and mary sports information Chiropractic at 229-4161. (ad authorized by Dr. Daniel Shaye, chiropractic physician, W&M 1990) day,” Cojanu said. “Now we’re looking forward to our Sophomore Keziel Juneau. Inside Sports Men’s Tennis Tribe falls to no. 29 VCU 5-2 Sp o r t s Tuesday, April 1, 2008 — Page 8 in the College’s first CAA loss baseball men’s basketball Sp o r t s in b r i e f women’s gymnastics Waldman wins conference Tribe plucks Hens After a year, title as Tribe takes fourth The Tribe finished fourth out of Sexton eight teams at the ECAC Cham- pionships Saturday afternoon. Se- nior Stevie Waldman and sopho- mores Jennifer Stack and Alison leaves team Mederios placed first, second and By ANDREW PIKE third, respectively, on the uneven Flat Hat Sports Editor bars for the College. The Tribe finished with six athletes on the After appearing in 28 games this season, freshman All-Conference team as senior Tri- guard John Sexton has left the Tribe. cia Long, junior Sarah Jacobson “John Sexton is no longer a member of our bas- and sophomore Stephanie Bevan ketball program,” Head Coach Tony Shaver said in a joined Waldman, Stack and Med- statement. “I believe he will pursue other playing op- erios. Waldman was also named portunities and we will support him however we can one of four Scholar Athletes of the in that process.” Year in the ECAC. Sexton averaged 2.5 points per game and played men’s Track and field 10.5 minutes per game; he also shot 45 percent from three-point range, connecting on 18 of his 40 at- Heacock qualifies for tempts. IC4As in first meet “I appreciate his contribution to what was a very successful season for our program and wish him the Defending CAA Champion ju- best of luck in his future,” Shaver said. nior Alex Heacock wasted no Sexton scored a career-high 15 points Feb. 2 in the time qualifying for the IC4A Tribe’s 70-66 victory over the University of North Championships this season, plac- Carolina—Wilmington and reached double figures a ing second in the javelin throw at gregory mlynarczyk— The Flat Hat second time against Loyola University (Chicago) Feb. the Fred Hardy Invitational Sat- Senior pitcher Pat Kantakevich threw four scoreless innings this weekend, earning his third save of the season Saturday. 23 with 11 points. During the College’s CAA Tourna- urday. The throw of 194-10 feet ment run, Sexton played a total of only six minutes, overtook the qualifying standard scoring zero points. by more than four feet and fell College takes two of three in Delaware series Sexton’s departure leaves nine scholarship players just shy of his personal record of By MATT POMS performance by a pair of Tribe pitch- bases-loaded double, before senior on the Tribe’s roster. With two incoming freshman ar- 196 feet. Heacock won last year’s Flat Hat Assoc. Sports Editor ers. To halt his team’s slide, Leoni sent leftfielder Greg Maliniak gave the riving this fall, the College has two scholarships re- CAA Championship in the javelin out Neustifter in place of normal starter, Tribe a lead it would not relinquish, maining. by nearly 25 feet. TRIBE 9, DELAWARE 4 sophomore Tyler Truxell. Neustifter re- plating junior first baseman Mike Men’s gymnastics After a five-game losing streak sponded brilliantly, holding Delaware to Sheridan on a ground ball to second College places second in threatened to derail the Tribe’s mid- a lone earned run on four hits over five base. The squad tacked on one more season momentum, the squad was left and one-third sparkling innings, before run in the fifth inning to fortify the USAG Championships searching for a performance to put the yielding to senior pitcher Pat Kantakev- lead, before Kantakevich came in team back on track. Saturday, with ich. Normally one of the College’s top to slam the door on the Blue Hens. The College garnered a second- CAA bottom-feeder University of Del- relievers, Neustifter was determined to Entering with one out and two run- place finish at the USA Gymnas- aware in town, junior pitcher Jeremy make the most of his rare start. ners on base in the sixth inning, the tics Collegiate Championship Neustifter emerged from the bullpen to “I was pretty excited. It’s a good op- senior posted three and one-third Friday as the United States Naval do just that, leading the College (18-10, portunity for me to get some innings,” scoreless innings in relief, mowing Academy took the overall team 9-6 CAA) to a 6-2 victory to key a 2-1 Neustifter said. “It’s totally different out down Delaware hitters with his vi- prize, preventing the Tribe from series win. of the bullpen, so I just tried to prepare cious fastball. earning their seventh consecutive In Friday night’s opener, senior myself the best I knew how.” “We executed today, we put Collegiate title. Seniors Andrew pitcher Pete Vernon took the hill and set Despite struggling early in the count, down some bunts, we hit some Hunt and David Locke won titles down the first 15 Delaware hitters as the Neustifter attacked the strike zone sacrifice flies, we did the things we in the individual portion of the Tribe nursed a 3-0 lead into the middle against the Blue Hens, producing pop- needed to do to win the game,” Le- championship as Locke claimed innings. Yet Vernon’s bid for perfection ups and ground balls to stymie Dela- oni said. “That’s the formula, espe- the top prize on the floor exercise, was broken in the top of the sixth as the ware. An efficient offense supported the cially to get out of a losing streak.” while Hunt grabbed gold on the Blue Hens used three singles and a hit junior; despite recording only six hits A day later, the College earmed high bar. Sophomore James Prim, batter to even the score before pushing against Delaware starting pitcher Brad another win, riding a seventh-in- senior Aaron Ingram, freshman across five more runs an inning later. Miller, the Tribe pushed across six runs, ning grand slam by senior desig- Chris Valeska and freshman Alex The loss ran the squad’s losing streak to utilizing a mixture of timely singles and nated hitter Paul Juliano to a 9-4 Egerter rounded out the Tribe’s six games, leaving Head Coach Frank situational hitting to take the win. victory. All-American list with top-six fin- Leoni searching for answers. After Neustifter yielded a pair of third “It’s good to get back on the ishes in individual championships. Those answers arrived Saturday inning runs, senior catcher Tim Park tied winning side,” Leoni said. “Hope- Alex Haglund — The Flat Hat Women’s track and field in the form of an impressive pitching the contest a frame later with a timely, fully, we can keep it up.” Freshman guard John Sexton. Tribe earns nine spots at ECAC championship meet women’s tennis The women’s track and field team set three meet and stadium records Moulton-Levy, Zoricic click, lead Tribe at the Fred Hardy Invitational in Richmond en route to collect- By CHRIS WEIDMAN the tone early, climbing to a 3-0 advan- out the set thanks to strong serving and ing nine IC4A bids. The 4x800- Flat Hat Assoc. Sports Editor tage before taking the match 8-1. Zori- aggressively attacking the net. meter team of senior Allie Lewis cic’s strong back-court presence, paired The College emerged fresh out and sophomores Kelly McElroy, TRIBE 6, VCU 1 with Moulton-Levy’s overhead slams, of the brief recess that followed the Meghan Burns and Emily Ander- In a 6-1 defeat of visiting no. 36 propelled the team past VCU’s Tatsiana doubles matches to win four of the six son set one of the meet records, Virginia Commonwealth University Uvarova and Viktoria Konstantinova. sets in the opening round of the singles running a time of 8:58.87. The (14-4, 5-1 CAA), the 24th-ranked “We had been struggling for the matches, leading to singles victories in Saturday action was highlighted Tribe (12-8, 1-0 CAA) captured its past year,” Moulton-Levy said. “To- five of the six matches. by freshman Katie Guevel setting first conference win Saturday after- day, what we have been striving for all Moulton-Levy, ranked 10th in the top-ten records for the College, in- noon at the McCormack-Nagelsen year came together. We were attacking nation in singles, cruised to victory af- cluding her 14.29-second 100-me- Tennis Center. The College’s fourth serves and returns; it all clicked.” ter a 6-1 first set, following that up with ter hurdle time, which overtakes consecutive victory provides mo- After sophomores Lauren Sabacin- a 6-4 second set to better her singles re- the previous freshman record of mentum as the squad has just two ki and Carmen Pop dropped the no. cord to 24-6 on the season. The Tribe’s 14.95. Guevel also won the 200- regular season matches remaining 3 doubles slot 8-3, junior Klaudyna top singles player utilized an assortment meter dash and took second in the before the CAA Championship. Kasztelaniec and sophomore Ragini of shots and her quick feet to overcome 100-meter dash. “It was a good win for us,” Head Acharya took the final doubles match no. 42 Uvarova. — By Chris Weidman Coach Kevin Epley said. “[VCU 8-6 to earn the Tribe the vital doubles “I was playing with a lot of con- is] a big conference rival, which point heading into the singles match- fidence and variety,” Moulton-Levy we would expect to see in the CAA es. Kasztelaniec and Acharya worked said. “Speed is always a huge strength tournament.” their way to a 6-3 advantage before the … footwork played a huge role in this Sc h e d u l e The Tribe’s 11th-ranked doubles Rams’ tandem of Laura Burns and Vera match.” Sarah grayce — The Flat Hat team of senior Megan Moulton- Petrashevitch leveled the set at 6-6. Ac- Tue., Apr. 1 Sophomore Carmen Pop. Levy and junior Katarina Zoricic set cording to Epley, the Tribe duo pulled See W. TENNIS page 7 woMen’s Golf Tina Barret Invitation lacrosse Farmville, Va. men’s Baseball @ Liberty Sellers powers College past Cal-Berkeley Lynchville, Va. — 7 p.m. Tribe earns second straight home victory over non-conference foe Wed., Apr. 2 women’s Tennis By Jack Pollock Junior midfielder Claire Dennis helped big for the Tribe during the span, record- unit, and a lot of girls had great games, par- @ Old Dominion Flat Hat Staff Writer shake the Tribe out of its slow start, spark- ing several saves on her way to her fourth ticularly Sellers and Dennis,” Head Coach Norfolk, Va. — 4 p.m. ing an 8-1 run as she knifed through the de- straight game with 10 or more saves. Geary Christine Halfpenny said. Tribe 16, Cal 10 fense to score from the top of the crease. received plenty of support from senior de- The Tribe continued to control the game Fri., Apr. 4 Coming off a victory against 10th- The College put together three more fender Ashley Bolton, who disrupted the on offense and executed well to start the track and field ranked Stanford University, the Tribe’s goals in the next two minutes to take a 4-3 Cal offense and forced a pair of turnovers. second half. Quick passing freed up fresh- Colonial Relays momentum helped it pick up another advantage with 22:30 remaining in the first Following the drought, the Tribe traded man attacker Maggie Anderson and sopho- win against a West Coast opponent, de- half. Senior midfielder Jaime Sellers was a goals with the Golden Bears before finish- more Katie Rees for goals to stretch the Men’s Tennis feating the University of California— big part of the comeback, contributing two ing out the half with three more scores to College’s lead to 10-5. Western Michigan Berkeley, 16-10. of her four goals during that stretch. take a 7-4 lead at the break. The College’s However, the Golden Bears quickly South Bend, Ind. — 3:30 p.m. The College had trouble finding its Following the charge, both teams tight- constant offensive pressure was the key to mounted a charge of their own over the Men’s Gymnastics rhythm early on in the game, allowing ened up their defense, holding each other its early success as it out-shot Cal 20-12 in next two minutes, cutting their deficit to ECAC Championships three goals in the first five minutes fol- scoreless in the next four minutes. Fresh- the first half. West Point, N.Y. — 4 p.m. lowing a turnover and two lost draws. man goalkeeper Emily Geary came up “I think we played well as a collective See LACROSSE page 7 Tuesday, April 1, 1492 Page 3

Variety Editor Fat Head totally aspires Associate Variety Editor to be Gawker like whoa. Va r i e t i e z Dare to dream!!!1 Sorority philanthropy fails to makeover starving West Africans Charity event thwarted by punitive Delta Delta Gamma raised over $500 with the event but, owing to the cost of damages at College Delly the beer consumed and to several hundred dollars in damage reported by the College By Ricky trendy without an add-a-pearl necklace? These are Delly, reported a loss. House Boat Operator fundamental human rights or whatever.” “Um, we actually had to charge the loss The event, which invited students to to Make West Africa Fabulous, rather than Prominent campus sorority Delta participate in a beer pong tournament giving them money,” said DDG President Delta Gamma held a large social event for a $5 entry fee, was titled “Let’s All Prissy Wealthyson ’09. this weekend to raise money for their Get Wasted for Poor People in Asia or “The Delly was super mean about official philanthropy, Make West Africa Wherever,” or LAGWFPPIAOW for short. making us pay for the broken furniture, so Fabulous, which provides full makeovers Over two hundred students attended the we had to get the money from somewhere. for destitute and starving children in the event, which was held at the College I mean, I’m sad for the Africans, but troubled region of West Africa. Delly. I’m needy too, you know? I have to run, “They can’t even afford, like, basic “I’m totally down with saving the though, I have a super important lunch shades of eyeliner,” said DDG Social whales,” said Tommy McFratty ’11. “I date,” Wealthyson said as she got into we stole this image from the internets ... fair use, bitches! Chair Chesty Magee ’08 between snorts mean, fixing the ozone. Wait, where am her new BMW 5-series and drove off. DDG Social Chair Chesty Magee ’08 takes aim in the Make West Africa Fabu- of cocaine. “Can you imagine growing up I?” “Ciao!” lous beer pong tourney with her partner Tommy McFratty ’11.

‘do ya think i’m sexy?’ Behind closed doorz Driving down the Hershey highway

Brandon McButtsecks fat head (haha) sex columnist

Ah, the anus! That taut band of muscle, that stelliform gateway to penile paradise. Long considered to be a “one way street,” the divine sphincter’s possibilities have really opened up lately. But for heterosexual men, the issue is far from settled. Too many of we stoled this one too our significant others still consider it UCAB was distraught earlier this semester when starlet Paris Hilton had to pull out of taboo; too many of our brothels still an agreed-upon spring concert at Matoaka Amphitheatre. Hilton was predisposed. charge extra for it. Is there any way out pudenda. (Note: if you’re “hitting that is indifferent and just kind of sits there, of this mindset? That is, is there any from behind,” aim ever-so-slightly north there’s a modest chance you can drive way in? of the pudenda. Otherwise things will down the proverbial Hershey highway. horoscopez Traditional wisdom has offered proceed normally, and that’s no fun.) If she gets irritated and lowers the several tactics, none of them guaranteed She won’t be happy about it, boys, volume, you’re screwed — and not in Aries March 21 - April 19 Libra Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 to work. Some sex columnists suggest I assure you — but if this method is the way you want. But, reader, if she Plagiarism is serious business, This week a lot of stuff will be a candid, lengthy conversation with properly executed, you may get a quick excitedly cranks up the stereo and starts so you need a better excuse than happening to you. Or maybe your girlfriend in which each of you taste of Heaven. Of course, you also run dancing, well, congratulations! Your sex “divine inspiration” to explain it won’t. What the hell do we establish your boundaries and come to a the risk of being sued, castrated or left life is about to take a turn for the better. the literature essay you copied know, anyway? Stop being compromise. But how is such a sensitive bitter and alone for the rest of your life. The Drixton-Bumbledorf studies out of last month’s Cosmo. boring. subject to be breached? The English Depends on the woman. found these reactions and their language is far from accommodating. Here you must be wondering: corresponding sexual preferences to “Baby, I’ve been thinking,” you could is there a foolproof way, Brandon? hold true for 95 percent of women, Taurus April 20 - May 20 Scorpio Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 say, “and I want to stick it in your butt.” Reader, I believe there is. Time and regardless of age, ethnicity or religious Your astrological sign is the When the moon is in the Too coarse, certainly. But the polite again, studies have found a correlation preference. Granted, evangelical same as the name of my seventh house and Jupiter aligns alternative is no better. “My darling between Automotive Stereo Volume Christians overwhelmingly turned car, hooray. You want a real with Mars, peace will guide and utter equal! My pulchritudinous and Willingness to Go There. (Cf. “The down the music. But if you’re dating a horoscope? Go screw yourself. the planets and you should get buttercup! After hours of melancholy Drixton-Bumbledorf Experiments in Christian, you probably abandoned hope How’s that for a horoscope? tested for chlamydia. contemplation, I firmly believe that Correlative Anal Sexuality,” Aberrant a long, long time ago. anal intercourse would contribute to the Psychology Monthly, July 1996.) It So there you have it, friends: a betterment of our sexual congress.” sounds confusing, but nothing could be failsafe (and fun!) way to determine how Gemini May 21- June 21 Sagittarius Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Surely, then, conversation is out simpler. Allow me to guide you through ready your significant other is for the Books are expensive, but Listen up, you classless hick: of the question. Another option — the process. joys of anal sex, with no conversation or whoring yourself out to tourists that pile of rags you call a frequently endorsed but seldom On a sunny spring day, take to your “mistakes” necessary. Use it. Memorize for hot, colonial-style sex is no wardrobe is embarrassing. You successful — is feigning anatomical automobile with your girlfriend riding it. Pass it on. Oh, and always be sure to way to live. But we must say, probably don’t even know how ignorance. This method is commonly shotty. When you’re cruising on the use protection, and only have sex with you’re smokin’ in that bonnet. to sail. Now get me a dry martini. known as “Wrong Hole? Oops! Oh highway, pick out the most offensive, the woman if you really care about her Well!” When drunk or otherwise out abrasive music you’ve got and blast it as a person, and all that jazz. of sorts, turn out all the lights and get at almost full volume. (Nineties gangsta Brandon McButtsecks is the Fat Head Cancer June 22 - July 22 Capricorn Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 to schtupping. Mistakenly insert your hip-hop, ghettotech and death-thrashcore sex columnist. He doesn’t have time for That random hook-up from last This week you will finally member ever-so-slightly south of the are all fine candidates.) If your girlfriend pleasantries. weekend has given you a very figure out what in the hell a special, very secret gift. Want a “Capricorn” is. When you do, hint? Look at the picture next to please let us know. We have a your horoscope . . . bet going. WILLIAMSBURG GOSSIP Leo July 23 - Aug. 22 Aquarius Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 We’re sorry you’re so ugly, but Things haven’t been going A different kind of scandal Dishonorable discharge Photoshopping your Faceboook as planned lately. Maybe Babs Ukrop was spotted grocery We found Zach Pilchen on picture to look less hideous you should stop getting your shopping this weekend — in the roof of Morton wishing hardly solves the problem, now life advice from the student Bloom, of all places. The BOV on a falling star the other does it? newspaper horoscopes. babe picked disdainfully through night. Ever since he met a fly the produce without removing girl at a gala affair, he can’t her Mary Kate Olsen-style relax. Eating Scooby Snacks, Virgo Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Pisces Feb. 19 - March 20 sunglasses. We caught snippets the campus celeb confessed Yo, Virgo, what up girl? Listen To the extreme you rock a mic of a cell phone conversation that, like Bette Davis, James up: you so fat. Look at your like a vandal. Light up a stage as she perused the wine aisle. Dean and Gable, his new love ass. You best lose some weight. and wax a chump like a candle. “I can’t help it, Suz” she said, is from the city of angels. Like, ASAP. Peace out. Pisces, Pisces baby. presumably to fellow vivacious After shaking her hand at 9 visitor Suzann Matthews. “The p.m., the hippie is afraid he’ll — by Madame Monica prices are just so low!” We never be the same again. expect news of the pending Zach admits that he fell for divorce to break any day. the girl that’s on TV. SUDOKU Clemens off the deep end Stars are blind for VP Val 4 9 1 3 7 6 2 8 5 Looks like Clay Clemens Even though the gods are has a new love: Scientology. crazy, Valerie Hopkins sho 5 6 3 8 2 1 9 7 4 Along with frequent couch ain’t. The lovable wood 2 8 7 5 9 4 6 3 1 6 jumping, the Bundestag nymph don’t mind spending expert has been spotted time hanging here with you. 1 4 6 7 8 3 5 2 9 dumping bottle after bottle of She don’t find too many guys 8 2 5 6 9 7 1 3 pills into the Crim Dell and that treat her like you do. Those his popular pups now answer other guys all want to take her 7 3 9 1 5 2 4 6 8 9 to new names — Xenu and for a ride. She can make it nice L Ron Hubbard. They alleg- and naughty — be the devil 6 7 8 4 1 5 3 9 2 edly will accompany Clay and angel, too. And really, if 3 5 2 9 6 8 1 4 7 on his summer vacation: a the world ends tomorrow, why month-long adventure on shouldn’t we be with the one 9 1 4 2 3 7 8 5 6 Freewinds, the Scientology we really love? easy hard cruise ship. — by The Alice Hahn 5portz Editor Thiz newzpaper Azzociate 5portz Editor doez not contain Azzociate 5portz Editor the letter “s” (except that time, that was a practice to demonztrate the point) [email protected] 5p0r t z W. TAYLOR REVELEY III: NOT MY PRESIDENT Page X i h e a r t h u c k a b e e Tribe skips out on ‘totally lame’ tourney bid

By SPARKY FLOODPLAINS It would have been madness of the March tournament,” NIT Director Stan Noodlefist Hoboken Knickerbocker superstar Tommy Beach Journalist variety! But even though we just missed, said. “We just want to create opportunities “Recess Baller” Schwartz went down with we didn’t want to diminish what we’d for all youth league and playground pick- a killer splinter, Shaver still declined. Everyone who knows college basketball accomplished by taking an NIT bid.” up teams in a tournament that used to “I already told you,” he said, “the NIT is knows that the NIT tournament blows. So Nationally renowned sports rag The discriminate in favor of college teams that totally lame.” when the NIT selection committee called Sports Leek reported that the NIT selection had just missed the NCAA tournament. Editor’s Note: Here’s a trade secret. the College desperate to fill spots in the 32- committee was reduced to opening the Really, we should be applauded for it. I Sometimes, we have to bullshit to make team field, Tribe Head Coach Tony Shaver tournament to high school and youth think it makes the NIT exciting.” the articles fill the whole space. Ten laughed. basketball leagues. A 12-14 youth team The fact remains, nobody cares about percent of facts in this newspaper are “The NIT is totally lame,” he said. from Hoboken, N.J. even got a no. 3 seed. the NIT. Even when the NIT called Shaver made up for this purpose. If you can spot “We almost made the NCAA tournament. “We don’t think this cheapens the offering him a spot in the final four because one, you may win a timeshare!

Women’s basketball Men’s POLO: Tribe 57!!!!!, Greenwich 0 Nichol departure inspires women’s basketball team to listen to angry girl (with volume @ 11) As delightful as tea and “HERE’S THE THING WE STARTED OUT FRIENDS IT WAS COOL BUT IT WAS ALL PRETEND. YEAH YEAH. SINCE crumpets at an indoor YOU BEEN GONE. YOU’RE DEDICATED YOU TOOK THE TIME. SOMETHING SOME- THING I CALLED YOU MINE. YEAH YEAH. SINCE YOU BEEN GONE. polo match (Go Tribe!) SINCE U BEEN GONE. I CAN BREATHE FOR THE FIRST TIME.” &c. Men’s basketball Tribe basketball advances to final four for first time in history; set to play UCLA tonight

This is great news! For Hillary!!!!!!!!!1!!!! mack is back John McCain ’83 vows to attack Iranian sports teams if elected

Presidential Contender John McCain J.D. ’83 vowed yesterday that America can still kick ass, as long as it’s an athletic and not mili- tary exercise. “My friends, we will return America’s prestige abroad by dem- onstrating our superior ability to win at sports that we invented or stole from the British and modi- fied,” McCain said at a major policy speech at the Law School. Important people come to Wil- liam and Mary all the time because we’re awesome. McCain qualified his statements by saying the only sports he would feel comfortable with us playing internationally would be basket- ball and baseball, and only if not played in Latin America or Eastern

Europe. the flat hattttttttttt “The Puerto Ricans are too there was a polo match with some horses but nobody really wanted to watch because they would rather read the flat hat and we won a pacemaker and flat hat rules 4 life, bitches! good,” McCain said. McCain had no comment when he was told that By GENE RAY NICHOL, SUN GOD trade school to lose to no blue blood dichotomy” between having a coach on out of my way, you despicable trash.” Puerto Rico is still part of the U.S. International Polo Correspondent pricks,” working class coach Bud welfare and a team with an estimated Play was interrupted momentarily Sampson said. Sampson previously served combined net worth of $2.3 billion. For near the half as Lord Wexler Cornelius Christian right baseball The College kicked off1 its first polo as an unsuccessful polo coach in a region one of the teammates, Sampson’s poverty Davenderbyportmeyer proposed marriage match in a generation to great success, of West Virginia known for not having has no impact on his opinion. to the lovely lady Annabelle Fairfax Von Former President Nichol upsetting perennial polo champions, the horses. “Sampson? He’s an right old chap, Worthingtonshiremount as the wedding throws out first pitch at Greenwich, Conn. Yachtmen. I guess. I treat him just like I treat any march (Mendelssohn’s of course!) played “Those Greenwich fucks got nuthin’ An interesting dichotomy other poor,” team center C. Wellington on the nearby pianoforte. opening Christian Right on us. I ain’t been through six years of Many have noted the “interesting Duffingtonkenilworth, III said. “Now get 1Get the pun? Horses kick! Baseball League game, receives boos, conditional Quidditch: tribe 170!!, weird high school kids who wear capes 160 forgiveness for his evil crimes against Christians Harry Potter nerds are good at sports, too Former College President Gene Nichol may not much like our esteemed and honorable Pres- By BOB LeCRACKHEAD playing Quidditch in this tournament actually have ident George W. Bush, but that Associated Press Reporter magical powers. Instead of flying, they merely run doesn’t stop him from following around with brooms that must be between their legs in his footsteps. The icky former In the first ever collegiate Quidditch tournament at all times. The golden snitch is actually a cross College president threw the first in the continental United States, the Tribe dominated country runner who dresses in yellow and runs around pitch last night at a Christian through four grueling rounds before emerging campus. Right baseball game to boos from victorious and earning the no.1 seed in the country. “I don’t care what people think,” Tribe beater Brett the pious crowd, leading many “It was a great tournament for us,” team captain Thomas ’09 said. “When you have that broom between observers to compare the event Hermione Smith ’08 said. “I was most proud of the your legs, you’re really flying. You’re really playing to the boos from heathen fans our final game. We were down by 60 points, but we scored Quidditch. As a guy though, I have to be careful with fearless national leader received two goals with the quaffle before our seeker caught the the way I hold the broom. You can get hurt pretty bad. the other night when he threw the golden snitch. What a win! We’re going to celebrate We lost our seeker to an unfortunate injury earlier this first MLB pitch at the Nationals- with some butter beer tonight.” season.” Braves game. Butter beer, in this case, was actually apple juice. The College’s team represents a joint effort between i facebooked your mom last night (and it was really good) Some fans at the game seemed Members of the College’s team are dedicated Rec Sports and the Wizards and Muggles Club, which “Harry Potter 5” was the best movie, but it didn’t have a lot of to sympathize with the evildoer, Quidditch in it like the earlier ones. Let’s hear it for the Tribe! Gene Nichol, and offered him to their fantasy, er, sport. Smith even had her name is devoted to all things “Harry Potter.” Most of the sympathy only possible by a de- legally changed to honor her favorite character from participants aren’t very athletic, but that didn’t turn out of Virginia was disqualified when one of its seekers vout Christian. the famous “Harry Potter” book series, from which to be much of a problem. No team at the tournament, uttered Avada Kedavra in frustration. “For removing that cross, Gene Quidditch was born. which was hosted by Princeton University, had much “People got really intense,” Smith said. “But it’s just Nichol is a sinner, but so too are “Sometimes people make fun of us and call us athletic ability. like when Harry fought Lord Voldomort in book seven. Fred Phelps, Catholics and Mitt nerds because we play a fake sport,” Smith said. “All I Instead, the Tribe relied mostly on guile, Red Bull and You always have to think about your game plan. And Romney,” Faith Morales said. “I have to say is it’s a real sport. It’s really hard running an uncanny mastery of the “Harry Potter” vernacular. that U.Va. guy was totally out of line. Someone could don’t think they’re necessarily around with a broom between your legs. I’ve read all Many competitors even carried wands and yelled have been killed.” going to Hell.” the ‘Harry Potter’ books at least five times each, and spells. However, like in the books, the use of the three The Tribe will now be invited to compete against this game is very accurate.” unforgivable curses was prohibited. Even though the top European teams in the international tournament —This is Are Country Because “Harry Potter” is fictional, no people nothing actually happened, the team from the University next month.