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The Guardian, January 2, 2002

Wright State University Student Body

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% Sports: % Op-Ed: % Spotlight: How to WSU College bowl tame the alumnus blues & financial exhibits at basketball beast. DAI p. 13 n fi p. 9

i Um Guardian v.

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Dec. 21: Theft from a vidual was arrested Dec. 21: Vandalism motor vehicle was re- for trespassing at the was reported in Millett ported at College Park. Fredrick A. White (Far tk ntka-IHtw, vt rettiacri Hizii'.) Hall. Dec. 21: Theft of Health Center. Dec. 23: Criminal personal property was How do you like damaging was reported reported in Rike Hall. Traffic in Hickory Hall. Dec. 21: Theft from a Dec. 15: An indi- your wings? Mild? motor vehicle was re- vidual was cited for Medium? Mo ten Larceny\ Theft ported at College Park. driving under suspen- Lwa?W*il 2 Dec. 14: Theft of Dec. 21: Theft from a sion and having no personal property was motor vehicle was re- operator's license in signature wng reported in Allyn Hall. ported at College Park. Lot 19. sauces to choose Dec. 17: Theft of Dec. 21: Theft from a Dec. 27: An indi- from, you're sue io personal property was motor vehicle was re- vidual was arrested reported in the ported at College Park. for driving under the find one that's just Fredrick A. White Dec. 26: Theft of influence at the rieft for you Center. personal property was Nutter Center. Dec. 18: Theft of reported in Lot 10. personal property was Wanted person reported in the Student Offense of public- Dec. 14: An indi- Union. peace vidual was arrested on Dec. 19: Theft of Dec. 15: A possible warrant from personal property was bomb threat was reported Sugarcreek Township in reported in the Student in the Medical Sciences Lot 13. Nevus Bits Mat is Voir Favorite Sauce? •WSU prof appointed •Studying abroad •YWCA gets funds to to state commission shows fourth year of confront violence Biyl2Wiigs Ann Farrcll, associate growth The-YWCA of Dayton professor of mathematics The number of U.S. announced it has received Get 5 FREE! Expires 2/28/02 and statistics, was ap- college students receiv- new corporate funding for pointed by Governor Bob ing credit for studying the critical services of the Bit RM m Taesis? 11 Ml IIT «a»turn. Taft as the only teacher abroad in 1999-2000 L'4-hour Domestic Violence iBMpapaproiptsiMl. educator on the Commis- jumped nearly 11 percent Hotline. The Phillip Morris sion on Teaching Success. from the previous year, Doors of Hope Program The 46-member commis- reaching a record total selected the YWCA of fflfiMrclr.tiUSK sion will focus on how best of 143,590, according to the Dayton to set a SI0,000 Mercntafttfafcrlt to attract, prepare, support Institute of International grant. -J| and retain qualified, skilled Education. •HHBHBi••••• •teachers. Wednesday Jan 2.2002 The Guardian » New Faculty votes for tuition increase still relatively young, the first major fundraising new ones. WSU depends on By Scott Benfield tion. From there, the issue could be sent to the board university doesn't have as campaign, Tomorrow Takes the revenue from tuition and Staff Writer meeting on Feb. I, where it large of a group of contribu- Flight, which is expected to from state funding to pay for will be acted on. tors as other older universi- raise S40 million in the next the day-to-day operations. The Wright State faculty Much of the blame for the ties. She said low tuition few years. However, the That, according to Nehring, is senate voted unanimously in need for tuition increases has costs and cuts in state money that is raised by the why the fundraising cam- favor of recommending a funding also put WSU behind campaign will be used for the paign will not help in this tuition increase to the Board been placed on the State government who has cut financially. renovation of university situation. of Trustees. The motion was WSU recently launched its facilities and the addition of proposed by the president- spending in a i effort to elect of the faculty senate, reduce the state budget deficit. In the motion Jim Sayer, and called for a State University Undergraduate Tuition and Special State Funding tuition increase of six percent Sayer says, "...it is apparent that the State of Ohio is Per Student by Fall 2001 effective winter quarter 2002. unwilling to support higher According to the motion, $7,000 its purpose is to "help meet education in the manner expenditure needs and to necessary to provide the send a message to the State quality of education our $6,000 of Ohio that budget reduc- citizens require." tions cannot continue indefi- The motion argues that $5,000 nitely." WSU has felt the impact of "We can only send a the budget cuts more because $4,000 recommendation to the board of the university's continued of trustees," said Nehring, attempts to keep the cost of $3,000 "the decision is up to them." tuition low. According to the She added that she was Office of Business & f inancial $2,000 hopeful that the unanimous Affairs, WSU has the lowest vote made by the faculty will revenue from tuition and send a message to the board special state funding per $ JS / about the importance and student, out of all thirteen c? & co urgency of the issue. state universities in Ohio. The Board of Trustees "We are still a relatively / committee will meet on young university," said January 18, at which time the Virginia Nehring. Chair of the cf faculty senate leaders will faculty senate. She explained present their recommenda- that since the WSU alumni is Recession impacts grans By Josh Sweigart electrical engineering major Krueger suggests education Profs campaign News Editor who's approaching gradua- or the federal government, as tion. He said employers are both are expecting to increase As the nation's economy not approaching applicants as recruitment soon. winds down in ihe midst of much as they used to, citing The effects of the reces- recession, graduating stu- that when many of his friends sionwon't be felt for long, for more pay graduated and applied for according to Robert Premus, dents are seeing a change in By Josh Sweigart office was unavailable for the job market, according jobs they would receive calls professor of economics. "The News Editor comment. within the week. "The situa- data indicates that this The article stated that Cheryl Krueger, director of Career Services. tion is totally changed,' he recession will be mild and A representative of the between 1995 and 2001, "Certainly the job market said. short," he said. "One to two Wright State faculty argued instructional expenses at WSU is different from last fall. Other than the aerospace y ears from now, there will be for a pay increase for profes- increased by 12 percent, We're not feeling a severe industry, which has halted more jobs than people sors in a recent article in The whereas money allocated for pinch of students not finding hiring, the recession doesn't looking for them." Right Flier, the newsletter of institutional support in- jobs... but last year students seem to be affecting any- A recession is defined by the WSU chapter of the creased 37.6 percent and would see multiple job offers, specific fields, according to two consecutive quarters of American Association of spending on academic now [they seel just one or Krueger. decline in the output of the University Professors support increased 84.5 two," said Krueger. "IStudents If students are looking See "Recession" p. 4 Rudy Fichtenbaum, percent, according to WSU's for areas with job securit Audited Financial Statements. are] may be not as satisfied as professor of economics and previous years." chief negotiator for the AAUP, Also, funds going primarily to Also, companies are being wrote the article. "The money intercollegiate athletics, the more conservative with is there," he said in the Student Union and the Nutter Center increased by 75.2 expansion, which often article. "In the last few years means delaying recruitment, the university has been percent. according to Krueger. Last shifting resources away from These changes have year companies would hire instruction to support a bi ought spending on instruc- June graduates in the fall, growing administrative tors from 45 to 38 percent of now they often wait until bureaucracy." the total share of expenses. "While spending on adminis- winter or spring. The AAUP is scheduled to Krueger suggests stu- meet representatives from trative functions is needed, it dents nearing graduation the Provost's office on Jan. 11 is clear that administrative should "start early and work to negotiate a new three-year spending is out of control at WSU," said Fichtenbaum. consistently" towards getting contract before the present a job. Stephanie Lung. WSU student, checks the job board one expires in June. Bill Fichtenbaum's-article also "It's difficult to get into Rickert, associate provost, argued that agreements with outside of Career Services. A present economic the job market right now," recession means a decrease in hiring for many graduate will represent university the AAUP have not been on said Satish Venigandla, an administration. The Provost's See "Profs" p.4 level positions. 4 the Guardian Wednesday. Jan 2, 2002 Two new majors Have a offered in winter By Scott Benfield The criminal justice N: § Staff Writer program is run closely with Call the I he Department of Political Science and is directed by Charles Funderburk, profes- sor in political science. 775-5538 The new liberal studies program is a flexible major

This program will Valley Street Bingo put what I do into the bigger picture. College of 5470 Valley Street Liberal Arts. Dean Miller, The surv ey Mercer County Riverside. Oil 45424 asked people seeking a more in fields police officer interdiscipli- related to „ nary educa- criminal tional experi- justice and found that they ence than is available with conveyed a need for such a other majors," said Mark program in the area. Sirkin, director of the pro- Brian Updike is an officer gram and an associate for the Dayton Police Depart- professor in political science. ment and a member of the Students majoring in U.S. Army National Guard. He liberal studies will focus on is starting as a criminal core areas such as communi- justice major this quarter, cation and understanding and will use his degree to society. From there they will advance his position in both have to take courses in of his occupations. humanities, fine arts, and Dean Miller, a patrolman social sciences, choosing one in Mercer County, will be of those as a primary area of using his education to concentration. increase his advancement After completing the core 7\\ S opportunities and help him and area requirements, the perform his daily duties. rest is up to the student to "Whereas the Police Academy choose from a wide range of teaches us the basic concepts courses in the College of Game^ 'Be.giri Al 7! of police work, this program Liberal Arts so that the> can will put what I do into the gain knowledge and develop bigger picture," he said. their skills to help them NEED MOTORIST ASSISTANCE? achieve their goals. "Profs" continued "Recession" continued par with agreements with economy. It is an inevitable /MA ^ Battery jump lT other bargaining units. phenomenon in a capitalist According to a new contract system, according to Premus. agreed on this year, Team- Premus attributes the sters working for WSU will present recession to three ^ Air for a flat see an average pay increase main factors. These are of 6.(i percent a year, com- sluggish international mar- pared to a 3 percent increase kets, overly optimistic for faculty members. investments and the events of ^ A gallon of gas if In the fall of 2000, the Sept. 11. "When uncertainty- average professor at WSU was hits people don't spend," he you run out on a earning $77,594 a year, said. campus road- according to the 2000-2001 The best defense against Faculty Salary Survey. This is recession, according to way more than professors made Premus, is financial planning. at six of Ohio's 12 state "One has to plan as best they universities. When associate can their living style as there professors, assistant profes- will be another recession," he sors, instructors and lecturers said. were taken into account Premus also advises however, WSU fell to eighth in students against deciding Call Parking and Transportation at 775-2528 teacher salaries. their major based on the job Roughly 65 percent of market. "I don't think a between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday thru Thursday WSU's faculty are AAUP students should try to play members. the market with their job skills," he said. "What you end up deciding is to pick a job that you like and stick with it." day Jan 2. 2002 The Guardian Campuses learn candor conies with risks U- By Vincent J. Sci. president of Pomona College There are some attempt ai humor. College in Costa Mesa was Chicago Tribune in Pomona, California. "At a "Anyone who would blow placed on paid leave after a moment of crisis there are things you can't tip the Pentagon would have group of Arab students In New Mexico, a pro. s- many things that people don't say on a university my vote." he said. claimed that he had called sor was disciplined after he want to hear." Instead of laughter he them "terrorists." told his students that any- Incidents through the last campus. was greeted with anger that Ken l learlson has said he body who could blow up the century show that there is no Arthur Levine, grew as word spread of his thought the college overre- remarks. Students com- Pentagon "gets my vote." In absolute guarantee of free president of the acted to the complaints of a Minnesota, students com- speech on campus and plained, state legislators few students and other plained to administrators that despite efforts to maintain an Teachers' College at demanded his removal. students in Hearlson's Bert hold received death professors' criticism of atmosphere in which debate Columbia University introduction to government President Bush made them can stimulate learning, there threats. class differ with the accusing feel insecure. ar< limits. n The university launched students about what was said. Similar incidents in the "There are some things or lor exercising their l ilth an investigation and Berthold, The college's spokesman wake of the Sept. 11 attacks von can't say on a university Amendment rights against jl, was placed on leave. Jim Carnett said that an have resulted in disciplinary campus," Levine said. self-incrimination when At the University of Texas investigation of the incident action for outspoken faculty Numerous professors lost testifying before Congress. at Austin, journalism profes- was near completion. members, raising questions jobs for openly opposing U.S. "They were fired by their sor Robert Jensen outraged Stanley, the president of about academic freedom on participation in the two world universities," Smith said, some when in an op-ed piece Pomona College, said that U.S. campuses in times of wars and decades later a "even those that were ten- he compared the Sept. 11 erosion of free speech rights national crisis. tenured professor at Stanford ured." attacks to "the massive acts on campuses was something "There is a long history of University, Bruce Franklin, "There are v o guaranteed of terrorism" committed by that should be regarded as this," said Arthur l.evine, was fired for his active First Amendment rights in the United States against Iraq. potentially dangerous. president of the Teachers' opposition to the U.S. role in the classroom," Smith said. Jensen was not sus- "The definition of free- College at Columbia Univer- the Vietnam War. "Limitations of lime, place pended, but university dom on an academic campus sity. "The biggest surprise is Craig Smith, a professor and manner exist. You can't President l.any Faulkner is the freedom to seek the that there has not been more at California State University say or do anything you want." wrote a letter in which he truth," he said. "That is of this (control)." long Beach who heads the that was at the core of said that Jensen had become essential. With sensitivities so high, university's Center for First the case of University of New a "fountain of undiluted "But I don't think there is many academic experts say Amendment Studies, noted Mexico professor Richard foolishness" when it came to an> responsibility for colleges there is a danger of overreac- that during extreme anti- Bert hold who on the morning U.S. government policies. to defend speech that is tion. Communist times mam of Sept. 11 opened his In Southern California an simply insulting, or frivo- "There is some peril right professors lost their jobs for freshmen history class with associate professor of politi- lous," Stanley said. now," said Peter Stanley, refusing to sign lo\ alty oaths. what he later said was an cal science at Orange Coast

The Gudrdian is Now Hiring . Ad Graphics Manager • Production Assistant sis • News Writer

Jobs are for Winter and Spring quarters. •#31 Available immediately! J91 Call Butler, Editor-in-Chief, at 775-5534 or pick up an application outside W 016 Student Union Wednesday, Jan.2.2002

10©®!i ' ID Truth Be Told Jan. 2, 20u Issue No.11, Vol. „7 Tame your financial monster Editor in Chief Alf Butler Managaing Lditor Jessica Donham Easy ways to save money without skimping on life News Editor Josh Sweigart Features Editor Leslie Benson Column by up to bat with the least Opinions Lditor Don Bruce Don Bruce amount of foreign policy Sports Editor Justin Ross experience of any President in Copy Editors Op/Ed Editor a century and smacked a Fred Marion, Erin Runt/ home run with his anti-terror Chief Photographer J.l). Giffin coalition that still remains Graphic Artist Paul kulis intact. Advertising Manager President Bush has done Stephanie l.ung well. And we are different. Ad Graphics Manager i We can all pronounce Al- Marcia Smith Four months ago 1 Quada now and some of us Advertising Reps - Jackie Lung, was dreading the start can even spell it. And we are Andrea Price, Zack Zonker of a new quarter. all a little bit poorer. Staff Writers - Krystle Barger, leaching, writing, There is a r cession. Brendan Bergen, Matt koehler, mending classes all Coupled with that, for we Jennifer Martin. Scott Benfield, seemed like such a bore. Ohio residents, there will be- Jake Stanley Then the bottom higher state income taxes to Staff Photographers - Heather dropped out of reality pay this year. offering double or triple should go on-line, now that Skinner, Justin Carman and I spent the rest of Ohio gives tax rebates coupons. y ou have a high-speed Faculty Mentor Dr. Jeff John the quarter in this whenever there is a budget If you're like myself and connection and all. strange netherworld surplus, but for the first time hate coupons, your best bet is Check out www.gotapex trapped between breath- in three or four years there is to find the nearest Aldi store. .com/deals.php for a list of ftp £Bardta)s printed weekly during the regularlessl y watching late none. on-line specials and a huge school year. It It published li* students ol Wright State Aldi's is a European grocery news reports on the Because of that we will be store chain thai sells generic- internet-coupon list that University In Dayton, (Wo. Mortals wttheut bylines War Against Terror" reflect the majority opinion ol the editorial board. getting less money back. food items. You can spend 20 covers most major e-retailers and straining to act like So I'm here to offer some dollars at Aldi's and get more and some you may never have ments are those ot the writers, artists and advents wasn't up half the common sense ways for we than you would get for 40 heard of. You should also night reading the bible college students to keep our dollars somewhere else. visit comparison sites like and channel surfing paper in our pockets and not Internet access is a must Mysimon.com or, for com- (oct adverts* copy to accordance with any present CNN and Fox News while in someone else's. and if you don't live in the puter items, Pricewatch.com, or hits still maintaining a Here in no particular dorms, you're probably which display various e- by m semblance of authority U» express property ot nwGuanttn. Copyright prtvl- order are a six year college dialing up for iree to WSU or retailers' prices for specific lepes r«vert to the witters, artist and photographersan d organization in my student's tips for surviving paying lor dial-up access items that you want. All of el speclllc works alter pobtlr jtlon. Copyright English 102 class. on 20 hours of work a w eek through another ISP. You these sites will help y ou find 2001 mOuntta. Wrtrft State University. M rtHrts 1 don't know if I'm or less: probably have roommates the cheapest price for what- • reserved. First Issue tree. out of it yet. Fast food and grocery and it can be impossible at ever you are jonesing for. requested for $.50 each. The world is differ- stores can wipe out y our times to use the phone when Check auction and resale ent today than it was checking account, but with someone is always trying to sites. F.bay .com is always a four months ago. We are ti o right planning you can get on-line. good place to look for things Letters to the Editor committed to war and save significant money. There So get Road Runner on the cheap. •The Guardian encourages letters the country accepts it. are a couple of methods. But if you don't like the to the editor and commentary pieces Internet access. It will cost Diehard Democrats If you're a coupon around 5') dollars, less if you bidding style of Ebay, check from students, faculty, administrators like myself are giving and staff shopper, you should try not have cab' -. My roomies and I out Half.com, which offers • Letters should be ty ped, have thi "Dubya" his due as a to buy anything unless you each pay around 17 bucks a pre-owned items sold by writer's printed full name, address, deft commander who have a coupon and 1) the month, which isn't too bad. If individuals or stores. daytime phone, major and class has surprisingly stepped item is also sale, or 2) the you run a network through I've gotten several books standing (if applicable) store you are buying from is your apartment you can have of poetry in brand new • Deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on the Friday preceeding the next high-speed access for every- condition for two or three issue one and (gasp and drool) a bucks plus shipping. • Letters should be kept to 500 phone to use. Lastly, don't buy text- words or less For your shopping fix you books. • All letters are subject to editing You should be able to for space and content find most, if not all of your • Letters which duplicate others textbooks at Wright State's or may be omitted • When responding to another the University of Dayton's letter, refer to the date and headline libraries. If they don't have • Quotes that cannot be confirmed them check your local library, will not be used you may be surprised. If you find just one book a quarter at the library, you'll probably save at least 30 or 40 bucks. Now that's a Advertising: 775-5537 IS bargain. Fax:775-5535 If you follow these cost- cutting tips you'll have all the Editor in Chief: 775-5534 gear you're dying for and still News/Sports: 775-5538 have money'left over for beer, Scene: 775-5536 maybe even an import. Wednesday Jan. 2.2002 The Guardian Opinion Fear blinds us to the real solution for hate

In an all girls high school On September 11, our support any way 1 could. one. However, in my humble If we all continue to look in Dallas Texas, a spring country realized two trag- There is no way for me to opinion, the tactic was back in fear, we'll never see- morning was given a dark edies. Obvious!}, one was the know how ii felt to be the dangerous, deceptive, and the solution in front of us. shadow. tragic loss that occurred. The target of such hate, but you downright foolish. As a nation, do not let Flyers had been posted other was »'iat it took an can be damn sure that I was Do I think that racism, fear be a factor of us coming throughout the school, which event of t'lis magnitude to ready to be a fighting voice. sexism, or heterosexism together. As a campus, let's read: "To the Nigger, Spic, bring on. call of unity. Thoughts ran through my exists? Yes. not allow scare tactics to be Chink. |. .Etc| community: Last \ Wednesday flyers head about the school in Do I do what 1 can do to used, for they are, as history Your presence at this school began circulating which Dallas, and how my sister had educate my colleagues, and proves, either self-destruc- taints the very meaning of depicted beatings and a to walk the halls while men myself, on the many issues tive, or complete failures. this academy. I know where lynching of African Ameri- with guns stood at the floors, surrounding these "ism's"? Stick to the process of you live, whose parents own cans. When I heard that and how her best friend Yes. educating yourself, learning what shops, and what parents someone on this campus had received death threats. Do I think a call for unity about yourself, and other work at what hospitals. Don't the audacity to send our Now, that bug had found is a good idea among all people, and other kinds of think that I am not afraid to black student leaders a its way to my halls. It1 'cmed groups on campus? Yes. people. burn this school down, message encry pted with such my friends were the ones Do I think that passing I asked someone what are because I'm not. You how- hate, I was furious. And being targeted, and it simply out flyers of Matthew the most important ways we ever, should be deathly although who sent these was not acceptable. Shepard's brutally beaten can help with what happened afraid. In fact, if 1 were you- letters was initially unclear, it Then 1 heard the words body to our GBLT community September 11, and the racial oh that's right, I'm not you— was the given assumption that still resonate-in my head; leaders is a good way of tension on campus. They I'll live." that a member of the white "It was planned." Not only scaring people together? replied "Do not judge a man To this day, it remains community had done so. was the flyer at Wright State Absolutely not. by his race, and do not judge unknown who posted the An emergency meeting planned, but one of our own Fear is a tactic used by that race, by one man." flyers: even an FBI investiga- was called for the Black advisors approved it. terrorists, to make us all look tion offered no answers. It Student Union where the Why? Apparently it was over our shoulder, and we'll brought the rancid taste of issue was to be addressed. to unify the black community come together, so that Mark King, hate to a peaceful commu- Upon hearing about the on this campus. The motive someone can help us look Junior, nity. meeting, I wanted to offer my was a noble one, an admirable over that shoulder. Biomedical Engineering

The times are changing Don't miss Changes abound here at The Guardian out on the Comentary campus in these pages each job and i.iaybe what offices by Alf Butler week. could be improved. prime Editor-in- From the standard After all, this is your IS1Chie f parking concerns to the paper and we want your ^ spot. issues of diversity on campus feedback and ideas. to the latest theater and art Ok, so we can't always happenings, we will continue publish everything we get or to strive to bring the latest follow up on every idea news to you each week of because of deadlines and 2002. space constraints, but even- your After enjoying a month This quarter, The Guard- letter we receive we read and off, we're all coming back to ian is going to again try to take into consideration. new classes and a new gain more campus exposure. With any letters though, letters to: quarter. Not only that, but a Like last quarter, we'll remember the letters reflect new year as well. hnve contest giveaways and the writers' opinions, not As momentous as 2001 other events to encourage necessarily The Guardian's. was, I'm sure 2002 is going to campus-wide participation. That's why it's on an be another year of surprises You might see us at a opinion page. and changes for all of us. basketball game or a sporting If you don't agree with it, Here at The Guardian, event. write in and address the issue we've already been making And if you do, tell us how yourself. changes. we're doing. Or write us a However, it's important New people have joined letter. to keep the issue itself in our staff, including a new Or go to the Website at mind, not the writer of the editor and a new advisor, new www.theguardianonline.com letter. and better technology has and send us a submission. We're always looking for g been added to publish our Tell us what you like unique perspectives. paper, and we have renewed about campus or what you Welcome back. Stick with @ our commitment to get the don't like. us and we'll keep you in- pulse of the Wright State What offices do a great formed. hotmaii.com 8 Tim Guardian Wednesday. Jan 2.2002 PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION CAMPUS SHUTTLE SCHEDULES 2001 -.200?

ROUTE 1 — MON. - THURS UNTIL 10:05PM < Eft' UNTIL 0:0t£ B£EARIJ*ULJuEH 7 45 1:45 7 30 1:30 7 35 136 7 55 1:55 7:40 1:40 7 45 1.45 8:05 2:05 7 50 1:50 7:55 1 55 8 15 2:15 8:00 2:00 8:05 2:05 2:25 8:10 2:10 8:15 2 15 8 25 2:35 2:20 8 25 2:25 8:35 8:20 245 8:30 2:30 835 2:35 8:45 2 55 840 2:40 845 2:45 8 55 3:05 8 50 2:50 8:55 2:55 9:05 3 15 9:00 3:00 9:05 3:05 9:15 3:25 9:10 3:10 9:15 3:15 9:25 3:45 9 20 3:30 9:25 3:35 9:35 9:45 4:05 9:30 3:50 9:35 3:55 9:55 4:25 9:40 4:10 9 45 4 15 10:05 4:45 9:50 4.30 9:55 4:35 10:15 5:05 10 00 4:50 1005 4:55 10:25 5:25 10:10 5:10 10:15 5:15 10:35 5:45 10 20 5:30 10:25 5:35 10:45 6:05 10:30 5:50 10:35 5:55 6:25 1CV40 6:10 ir 45 6:15 10.55 6:45 10.50 6:30 1U-55 6:35 11:05 11:15 7:05 11:00 6:50 11.05 6:55 7:25 11.10 7 10 1115 7:15 11:25 7:45 11:20 7:30 11:25 7:35 11:35 805 11:40 7 50 1145 *7:55 11:55 12:15 8 25 12:00 8:10 12 05. 0 15 8:45 12:20 8:30 12:25 8 35 12:35 12 45 9 05 12:30 8:50 12:35 8 55 1:05 9 25 12:50 9:10 12:55 9:15 9:45 1:10 9 30 1 15 9 35 125 10 OS 9:50 9:55

ROUTE 2 — MONPAY.-- FRIDAY UNTtkJLgS-EM ALL TfMES LISTED ARE DEPARTURE TIMES MCLiN HAMILTON FOREST COLLEGE WOODS MILLETT PINE HALL HALL IQT 2Q \LL/SU-J^JSl£. 7.5Q 7:15 7 20 7:25 7:30 7:35 7:40 8:35 8 05 8:10 8:15 8:20 8 25 8 00 9 20 8:45 8:50 8:55 9:00 9 OS 9 10 10:05 9:35 9:40 9 45 9 50 9 55 9.30 10 50 10:15 10:20 10.25 10:30 10:35 10 40 11:35 11:05 11:10 11.15 11:20 11:25 11:00 12:20 11:50 11:55 12 OO 12 05 12:10 11:45 1 05 12:30 12:35 12:40 . 2:45. 12:50 1255 1:50 1:15 1:20 1:25 1:30 1:35 1:40 2:25 2:35 2:00 2:05 2:10 2:15 2:20 3:15 3:20 2:45 2:50 2:55 3:00 3:05 3 10 4 OO 4:05 3:30 3:35 3:40 3 45 3:50 3 55 4:45 4:50 4:15 4:20 4 25 4:30 4:35 .40 5.30 5:35 5:00 5:05 5:10 5 15 5:20 5.25 6 15 6 20 5:45 5:50 5:55 6:00 6:05 6:10 6:55 6:30 6:35 6:40 6:45 6:50

ROUTE 3 — SATURDAYS ONLY ALL TIMES LISTED ARE DEPARTURE TIMES MALL HAMILTON FOREST COLLEGE WOODS EMERALD PINE HAU MEIJER _ _ FQQQJZI 2 25 2 35 2:50 2:00 2 05 2:10 2:15 2:20 3:35 3:50 3:00 3:05 3.10 3:15 3:20 3:25 4:35 4:50 4 OO 4:05 4:10 4 15 4.20 4:25 ••«*+• ***•*• ****** ...... ****** *•••** ****** 6:50 7:00 7:15 6:25 6:30 6:35 6 40 6 45 8:00 8 15 7:25 7 30 7 35 7 40 7 45 7 50 9 15 9.30 8:25* 8:30* 8:35* 8:40* 8:45* 9 00 •DROP OFF ONLY - NO PICKUPS FOR THESE RUNS


i . : 2002 The Guardian 9

Scene Visual Arts. Music. Film. Theatre. 5 Pictures worth a thousand words By Krystle Barger The photographs, depict- capture's are more than what Malogorski uses adds to his tive Gallery and YMCA in Staff Writer ing landscapes, country inns, meets the eye. His pictures appeal. It is a rare, vintage Dayton, the Columbus machine shops, one-room resonate with hope, timeless- no. 8 Cirkut camera manufac- Cultural Arts Center, the SRO If a picture is worth a schoolhouses and nearly ncss, a changing way of life or thousand words, photogra- tured from 15)04 until 1941. Gallery at Texas Tech Univer- abandoned country towns, a forgotten past. These large format cameras sity in l.obboch, Texas, and pher Richard Malogorski tells come from Malogorski's Not disturbing the the story of his travels are able to capture a 360- the Dayton Visual Arts travels through Iowa, Ne- natural setting is important degree view using a rotating Center. through various places ir the braska, North Dakota. South to Malogorski. Often, he United States like a seas- ned platform. The rotation speed Malogorski's free photog- Dakota, and Kansas during sends a print to the owner or of the camera must be raphy exhibit runs through author. August of 2001. caretaker of the site that he considered when photograph- Feb. 3 at the Dayton Art Malogorski's crisp black For Malogorski the view photographs. Many people and white photographs adorn ing panoramic views. Institute. The gallery is open through the lens is not the say that it is this extra mile A native of Dayton, daily from 10 a.m. until 5 the walls of the Regional only aspect that he looks for Malogorski travels that makes Artists Gallery. The exhibit Malogorski graduated from p.m. and until 9 p.m. on when taking photographs. He him unique. Others say it is Wright State with a degree in Wednesdays and Fridays. For marks the first time his prints attempts to capture emotion what he enables them to see f ilm studies. His work has more information, call (937) have ever been on public and feeling within each in his photographs. display. been on display in venues 223-5277 or visit picture. The scenes he I ae camera that such as the Miami Coopera- www.daytonartinstitute.org. | {literati} ]Civil War history {groove} Eventually, she must Folk-singer Jewel chose between her lover, Henry Berry Lowrie, and her family. It is a matures, new CD sparkles decision that weighs By Leslie Benson heavily upon her. Features Editor Henry, the man that her mother ada- Since releasing her debut mantly warned her album, , at age about, keeps forcing 17 and the acclaimed Spirit in the issue. 1998, actress, humanitarian, Rhoda's fear and musician and poet Jewel confusion heightens Kilcher took a break from during the course of fame to reconnect with her the story by a series inner voice. Her years out of of events that the limelight proved appro- threaten the legiti- priate, enabling the young macy of the Lumbee woman to mature and write Indians, as well as another hit record. her family. A gang Jewel's new album, This tests Rhoda's HViy, sparkles with musical courage and honor sophistication, quiet sincerity in a final robbery. and skillful ease. Witty lyrics She and Henry art- sprinkled with political given the choice to undertones on such tracks as Nowhere Else on Earth examines escape and start "Jesus Loves You" and "The the Civil War and its anew or stay and New Wild West" prove to be repercussions. fight lor a place and both savvy and controversial. By Krystle Barger people that count her among Recorded in Nashville, This Way combines Jewel's Staff Writer their own. Rhoda's struggle becomes classic folk Hare with coun- Nowhere lilse on Earth, part of the community's try'-western experimentation the new novel by Josephine struggle in an imaginative tale enhanced by producer- Humphreys, is a timeless civil that is based on historical guitarist Dann Huff, who has war tale that beckons the fact. It examines the issues of worked with such diverse reader into the story. It race, identity, family and artists as Megadeth and Faith begins in the summer of 18(i4 history in depth. Hill. with sixteen-year-old Rhoda Nowhere Else on Earth The album includes both Strong recollecting recent humanizes the condition of a solo tracks and collaborated events. Rhoda is a Lumbee country at war with itself. The musical scores such as the Indian and resides in the Civil War was a powerful flowing title track and the settlement of Robeson period in history that sepa- album's melodic first single, Jewel continues to rock with This Way. County, North Carolina, when rated some and united others. "Standing Still," a vulnerable her community becomes The story of Rhoda Strong, plea for love and understand- helping to write "Till We Run Jewel has sectioned trapped between the Union her family and her lover is an ing co-written by Rick Nowels Out of Road," a wispy, herself off from contempo- and Confederate armies. intense and captivating look (Madonna, Dido, kd tang). laissez-faire tune with vocal rary pop musicians. Unlike The daughter of a Scots- into our nation's history. It is Jewel credits her beau, harmonies. She also worked others, her music is fresh and man and his Lumbee wife, 'surely a novel that will seven-time world rodeo with Itaal Shur (co-author of vibrant. Hats off to this little Rhoda, is fiercely loyal to her become a classic. champion Ty Murray, for Santana's "Smooth") and lady. family and their heritage. whom she wrote the gentle Cesar Lemos on the Eastern- For more information, ballad "," with spirited "." visit www.jeweljk.com. lite Guardian — For your viewing pleasure... www. theguardianonline. com Bittersweet new songstress

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Alternative country singer/ Shannon McNally combines the vocal stylings of such artists as Sheryl Crow and Fiona Apple. By Leslie Benson and Dirty," as well as the Features Editor tribute to true friendship, "Bitter Blue." The ballad With a little bit of coun- "Start All Over," about an try, some folk and blues, innocent, hopeful young girl Shannon McNally ma> not be from Minnesota, also stands sure, you can quit. exactly as she seems, but her out on the album with its soulful disposition is not light country influences. or stick around and easily questioned. Jukebox For more information, Sparrows (Capitol), McNally's check out debut album, introduces the ww w.shannonmcnally.com. [learn] 27-year-old melodra- i matic songstress with the vocal ease of Reba I how not to. McEntire, Sheryl Crow and Fiona Apple. Pedal-steel guitars, I organs, bass and percussion surround In Army ROTC, you'll develop skills you can use in the McNally's bittersweet real world - thinking on your feet, staying focused under lyrics like a carefree, down-home daydream. I pressure, taking charge. Give it a shot. Visit the Army ROTC Although she grew up I fiepartment. We'll stick around lor you. in Long Island and spent her college years | running around Paris, TIC Unlike any other college coarse you can take. many of her narrative You can purchase Jukebox songs delve into Sparrows, as well as McNally's Visit Room 328 Fawcett Hall or cali 775-2763 southern roots. six-track EP, featuring a cover Highlights of of Paul Simon's "50 Ways," on Jukebox Sparrows include the straight- Capitol Records. forward, sultrv tune "Dowi Wednesday Jan. 2. 2002 IlR Technology Sharpen your math skills! gor> irtcore By Brendan Bt. Staff Writer detect a viewer and interact with him or her. Artcore, an organization Intersculpt: Ohio is part of founded to promote and an international exhibition produce art that is treated or running simultaneously in influenced by cutting edge eight cities around the world. The Mathematics Learning Center provides free walk-in assistance to students technology, is currently It includes cities in China and enrolled in introductory math courses. Visit www.wright.edu/univ_college/mlc presenting Intersculpt: Ohio. Australia. Goodson. Keith to check the location and hours for your course. The exhibition includes work r -own and Carmel Buckley of by Dayton artist Michael the United Kingdom, and Goodson, who is also a Angie To of Virginia make up Wright State graduate. some of the more prominent Mathematics Learning Center "I make pretty formal/ artists. 240 MM Building conceptual objects, normally Goodson encourages 159 Russ Engineering Center out of fiberglass and epoxy students to visit the exhibi- resin," said Goodson. "The tion before it is gone. intersculpt show had ine "If Istudents arel at all treating the same forms a interested in the melding in See Why Business Professionals little differently." contemporary art and tech- Goodson's- artwork was nology, it might be interesting CHOOSE WRIGHT STATE created by a rapid to see the potential of this prototyping machine, which computer aided technology to for their MBA took his CAD (computer create sculpture and other aided drafting) files and then art," said Goodson cured a form in resin using The exhibition runs until UV light. This process is Jan. 31. The Archetype An MBA degree from Wright State called stereolilhography. Gallery is open from 10 a.m. "l.'s almost like science until 5 p.m. Monday through University can help you take fiction," said Goodson. Friday and from noon until (» your career to new heights. Other than the forms p.m. on Saturday in the created by the rapid Firefly Building, 123 N. • More concentrations than any prototyping machine, other Webster St. in downtown pieces, also created or Dayton. Admission is free. other area school, so you can influenced by advanced For more information, visit custom tailor your MBA degree. technology, appear at the artcore.com or contact gallery. There are video Cezanne J. Charles at 545- • Relevant curriculum such as pieces, robotic pieces and 8424 or at E-Commerce and International pieces that use sensors to cezannCartcore.com. Business, because local business leaders say they need {groove} jHarry Potter CD professionals with a global perspective. • Faculty with real-world for the young at heart experience and close ties to By Krystle Barger ingly separate songs that local business. Staff Writer doesn't quite work. However, track one, "The • Designed for working Harry Potter and The Prologue," is a beautiful song professionals, with evening and Sorcerer's Stone, the movie with loud and prominent late-afternoon classes. based on J.K. Rowling's instruments. It sets the tone collection of famous books, for the rest of the sound- • Conveniently located right off has captivated audiences of track. With each note one can all ages. The film also fea- envision the flick of Harry 1-675- tures a magical soundtrack Potter's wrist as he obediently that will enthrall listeners. waves his magic wand. Choose the best of the best - the The classical soundtrack Without having read any first MBA program in the Miami is comprised of mostl> of Rowling's books or seen Valley to be accredited by AACSB instrumental songs with the the movie, one will not find it exception of "Christmas at difficult to imagine what the International. Hogwarts," which includes world of Flarry Potter looks elements of chanting and the like. The carefully selected spoken word. The song instruments transcend begins upbeat but mellows audible qualities and create rrrr mi u ILII II a Raj Soin College of Business into a haunting tune with visual images of Harry lllllimpi ii J ^ www.wright.edu/business/mba/ disturbing whispering that learning with his fellow slowly becomes chanting. The wizards, battling fierce WRJGHT STATE (937) 775-3645 chanting — ghostlike rendi- enemies and overcoming UNIVERSITY tions of a line from a popular impossible odds. Christmas carol - distracts The soundtrack of Harry the listener from the beauty Potter and The Sorcerer's AACSB of the song. It is a risky Stone comes highly recom- juxtaposition of two seem- mended. 12 The Guardian Wednesday. Jan. 2.2(K Freekbass balances body over mind By Brendan Bergen and a head-bobbin' beat all up. old-school, lunk song Staff Writer define funk, and Freekbass with catchy horns. Other nails the basics. The band tracks employ guest rap Those who like funk will was obviously influenced by artists, including Hootsy probably enjoy the band Parliament Funkadelic, but himself doing back-up on a Freekbass and their new traces of other influences, few tracks. album. Body Over Mind. The like Sly and the Family Stone, The production on the CD disc, produced by legendary also creep in. is impressive, allowing all the ex-Parliament Funkadelic Freekbass likes to pat it- different elements of funk to member and Rock 'n' Roll self on the back with tracks come together without Hall of Fame inductee Boots} like "Freekbass 2YK" and its drowning anything out. Body Collins, stays true to its funk lengthy intro. Some songs last Over Mind captures the roots, while branching out five or seven minutes without energy of a live show, while into the more contemporary really saying anything. T he retaining the polish of a sounds of rap and hip-hop. band's website suffers the studio album. Lyrically the album is same problem, posting a Freekbass will finish their weak, but funk has never review by Boosty. tour of the Midwest with a been known for its introspec- The album doesn't truly stop at The Stadium in tion or poetic language. get started until the third Oxford, Ohio, on Friday, Jan. Strong grooves, layered horns track, "Mission," a straight 11. V isit www.freekbass.com. Question reality

Waking Life is an eye- opening film that forces the viewer to question their own ideas of reality. By Leslie Benson Features Editor Like a lucid dream, the independent, film Waking Life includes psychedelic confron- tations with an eccentric group of characters and their individual philosophical and

A testimony of human t'fs and values, the film es controversial ideas

fifv Wednesday Jan 2. 2002 I he Guariiian | -j

Sports Wright State's Sports Source. Ove v. A Men's basketball end 2001 strong few rv. > Raiders win final three games of 2001 at Nutter Center about buwl By Justin Ross point shots (12) and a WSl! Sports Editor record for attempted three games point shots (281. If the Wright State men's I he Raiders broke the Lommeraary basketball team begins 2002 game open early With a 10-7 the way they ended 2001, ii lead, they went on a 15-2 run by Justin will be news to be heard that stretched over nine around the nation. minutes and never allowed Sports After a slow start on tin- the game to get out of hand. Editor road in December, the Raid- Despite being out rebounded ers bounced back at home to 44-41, the guys-in-green out have win their remaining three shot Prarie View 45.5% to always kind games to raise their record to of disliked a respectable 7-3. Seth Doliboa has quietly the college The Raiders put a pair of come off the bench to lead football bowl games. Too tough opponents to the test the Raiders overall in points many champions in one day I but were beaten by less than (170) and rebounds (70), think. I have always lived ten points in both. The green fueling a harge that has without complaining about and gold were put down b\ shown extensive depth in these bowl games. Miami (OH) 61-67 on Dec. 1. their line-up. I understand that we live and then by Moorehead State Last year's newcomer of in a commercial society and on Dec. 5, 72-80. the year to the conference, 6- that football's real purpose is The Raiders then handed 3 senior Jesse Deister has to sell and make mone>. their next three opponents continued to make his While I don't like it, I deal losses by an average of 21 presence known as well as with it without making a fuss. points. They defeated Oak- senior transfer Cain Doliboa. Until now that is. land 74-54, Santa Clara 76-62, Together the duo have shot 1 draw the line with them and most impressively, Prarie an impressive 5(i-for-l22, Using the title of the bowl as View A&M 94-61. close to 50%, behind the arc a commercial item. Did you "December went really to lead the parade of three see the names on these well for us. We lost a couple pointers. things? The Culligan Holliday of games we shouldn't have, Junior Vernard Hollins Senior guard Jesse Deister brings the ball up court. Bowl for instance, it used to but we came back, learned has helped the Raiders cope just be the Holliday Bowl. Not from those games and really with not having a big man to sity in the Bulldog's pen. Bulldogs will be one tough anymore, now we have some played well to win," said play center, using his excel- Butler has been drawing a lot team to beat. Should the company owning the rights to junior guard Joe Bills. lent ball handling skills to of national attention as of Raiders come away with a the name, and they are going Sophomore Seth Doliboa drive in to the basket and late and recently established win, they will have a lot of to have as much action as the came off the bench against then kick outside to the themselves as the best college people talking about the players. Prarie View and thrilled tin- sharpshooters. He also team in Indiana. program in Fairborn, Ohio. If 1 cared about water, 1 crowd with three slam-dunks threatens opponents with a "We're really trying to The Butler game will be wouldn't be drinking while scoring 25 points to great hook shot. Hollins is prepare for (Butler's) type of Jan. 2, and will be the first of Gatorade. Why are they lead the Raiders. Meanwhile leading the team with 32 offense because they use a lot a four game road trip before bothering me about water? his teammates turned the assists. of pick and roll," said Bills. finally coming home on Jan. What does some water game into a three-point The Raiders will begin WSU is known for being 17, when they play host to company have to do with shootout, tying a Nutter their Horizon League cam- giant killers and have pulled the University of Wisconsin- football? They even take time Center record in made three paign with #23 Butler Univer- off bigger upsets, but the Milwaukee at 7 p.m. in the middle of the game to talk to "your president of Culligan." Wait a second, my presi- Nation's best topple WSU at home dent of Culligan? 1 don't remember electing him By Jennifer Martin the game, and only went to am just extremely excited against Ohio University and president. When did this take Staff Writer the line twice, about U Conn coming Bowling Green. place? Am I a non-voter now? making both. U into our place and The young team has been Who did he run against and Wright State women's Conn on the other playing and what its led by Webb, who has shot beat? Was it Bobby Busche? basketball took on top- hand was 58.1 brought in terms of .427 percent from the field How did he beat Adam ranked, Connecticut, on New percent from the publicity for us," said and .688 percent from the Sandler? Years Eve, in front of the field in the first Wright State's head line. Webb leads the Raiders They show our president largest crowd ever at a Wright half and 49.2 coach Bridgett in scoring, threes pointers who was most definitely the State women's basketball overall. They Williams. "I couldn't made and attempted, and in water boy on his high school home game. 4,762 were on made it to the line be more proud of foul shots. Webb also leads football team to tell us how hand. U Conn showed why numerous times (WSU), them stepping the team in steals with 36 and great his water is and why they are number one, beating and made 26 of on the floor and not in assists averaging 3.2 a Wright State 97-39. 32. crumbling so to game. they took over the Holliday Gra Bowl. Its bad enough 1 watch The Raiders came out lesha y speak. They stepped up Only two Raiders are over five minutes of commercials ready to play, scoring first Wright State was led by with confidence, wanting to .500 in field goal percentages. for two minutes of football at but the scoring was short freshman lesha Gray's nine work hard and get this done." Junior forward Katie Bussan, a time but then they slip in lived after that. U Conn went points, while freshman guard Wright State women's .537 percent and freshman this commercial during the on a 36-2 run to go up 36-4. Tiffany Webb added eight. basketball is off to a rough guard Vanessa Thompson, game. Wright State shot 23.3 "The outcome is not start this season winning just .542 percent. What does a soft com- percent from the field in the exactly what we liked, but 1 2 of 13 games. They won See "Rants" p. 14 first half and 29.1 percent for See "WBB" p. 14 Raiders lock and Load'Volleybal l falls in first round for m*n's basketball By Justin Ross assists and 13 digs. Sopho- the claim or being the top passes to shooters in three- Sports Editor more outside hitter Tricia by Ma» ieam in Indiana. point territory. Naseman collected 12 digs Look for the Detroit One thing the Raiders will The most highly antici- and 18 digs. Staff Writ Titans to make some noise in be lacking this year is a pated conference tournament Day was named the the Horizon League this dominant inside force, in recent years for the Raid- Horizon League Player of t he- After a season, too. The talented something they've been ers was ended disappoint- Year. Senior Liza Osterhage, Titans are coming off a NIT pretty spoiled with in years ingly early for the Wright who gathered 13 kills, was thrashing ol Final Four appearance last past. Many small forwards State volleyball team. Despite named to the All-Horizon the Prairie year. and even guards will be called a hard fought effort, the First Team. Gels was named View A&M Panthers on Dec. UIC is also looking good. upon to provide inside Raiders were upset by the to the second team for the 20, the Wright State men's Carrying a 7-4 record going support for junior center University of Wisconsin-Green Raiders. basketball team ended the into league pla>, the Flames Thomas Hope. In the Bay Phoenix in five games The team from the nonconference portion of cast som<' very talented backcourt, Joe Bills will serve and finish their season at 21- University of Wisconsin- their schedule on a positive- recruits. as the team's floor general as Milwaukee won the tourna- note, having assimilated a Two teams that haven't well as a key guard defender. "We had such a great ment while the Loyola Ram- record of 7-3. The Raiders started off so hot, but danger- Agile and crafty guard season and the tourney was a blers finished second. have been dominating on the ously loom as threats are Vernard Hollins will provide big let down," commented The Raiders next year will Nutter Center hardwood, Cleveland State and Wiscon-. stellar defensive play, and he junior Andrea Voss. "We are lose their lone senior leader, going 5-0 and defeating sin-Milwaukee. Although is a resourceful offensive going to forget (the tourna- Osterhage. Despite the loss of visiting opponents by an getting off to a subpar start, weapon. ment) because we have such a an important player, the average of 18 points. On the look for the talented Cleve- List year's league New- great team coming back next Raiders will return the flip side, the Raiders are a land State Vikings to bloom in comer of the Year Jesse year." remainder of their varsity for mediocre 2-3 on the road. The the second half of the season. Deister will play a bit, leader- Junior outside hitter another attempt to bring Raiders have been criticized Wisconsin-Milwaukee's record ship role as he brings great Karis Day collected a double- home a league title. The new for not having beat a tough may only be .500, but they court and game awareness to double with 25 kills and 18 season will begin in Sept., opponent. The Raiders three have played some tough the table. Look for Deister to digs. Junior Mandy Gels 2002. losses (all road losses) came nonconference competition hit the floor on every loose collected an impressive 57 to the three toughest teams that makes them battle- ball and leave his heart on the they've played so far this tested. floor every game. Deister is "Rants" continued wasn't a dot-com bowl. I In a conference that has a the team's best all-around refused to watch those season (Cincinnati, Miami, pany that sells water have to Morehead State). It will be seemingly unanimous favorite player. entirely. You know, there at the top, many teams Two key additions to the do with a tough physical were about three or four of important for the team to'win sport like football? I don't some tough conference appear to be in the thick of Raiders were the Doliboa them. The Whatever.com things behind Butler. With package of Cain and brother care about two-parts hydro- Bowl. Even1 thing is a dot-com games on the road this gen and one-part oxygen. I season to finish high in the this in mind, a top three Seth. The Raiders will look to now; it is supposed to be the finish in the league is well find an open Cain Doliboa at care about bone crushing title of a web page, not a bowl Horizon League. With this in hits. I want to see the quarter- mind, the team will have an within the green and gold's all times on offense as he is game. Does Bill Gates have to reach. hands down the best shooter back use the shotgun inside mettle in everything now? immediate road test as tin . the two-minute warning. I play their first four confer- So how is coach Schilling on the team. Perhaps the I know that the NCAA going to get things done and most pleasant surprise to want to see long bomb has to make money to keep ence games on the road, passes under pressure including a conference-play what does he have to work coach Schilling this year has supporting them and every- with? This year's team is as been the emergence of despite 400-pound gorillas one sells out to some degree. opener at Butler, ranked coming with the blitz. No.23 in the nation. unselfish and versatile as sophomore Seth Doliboa. Here at Wright State I am they come. No one player will Doliboa is the team's leading I think that they could at glad it is just a minimal So who are the teams to least be amusingly creative. beat in the Horizon League jump out at you in the box scorer and he doesn't even degree of sell out. score. Offensively, look for start. Perhaps the best sixth Maybe they could sponsor an The only place I have this year and how do our individual play. Imagine, Raiders matchup against the Raiders to do most of man in the league, Doliboa seen a bad choice in adds her their scoring outside of the makes lis presence felt when " This Hail Mary pass has been at WSU is in the McLin Gym. these conference foes? brought to you by the Holy There's no question as to paint. This year's squad is he's put in the game. He is WSU spends hours telling its dangerously capable of very effective in a three-point Roman Catholic church." who the best team in the But no. they have these athletes not to drink, and league is. The Bulldogs of lighting it up beyond the arc stance and can create his own then they put up a Lite Beer and will be pretty dependent shot both in the paint and chubby little office execs Butler may be the most walking arounu slapping their ad hanging on both score heavily favored conference on the "three-ball" as a source from the outside. boards in a gym uased of offense. All in all, coach Schilling logo feces all over the place. pick in the nation, and for It is only a matter of time primarily by students and good reason. Besides being The senior tandem of has many weapons to throw Jesse Deister and Cain at opponents and fans can before you see a logo on the athletes. I consider this very undefeated, at 13-0, the Doliboa speaks to this point expect this years Raider football itself, and those flags minimal now after watching Bulldogs thus far have as both sharp shooters have squad to finish high in the on top of the field goal posts. a week of bowl games. continually beaten tough Don't forget the players' This article was brought opponents such as Washing- three-point field goal percent- league. ages in the upper 40's. Raider roundball gets helmets, those are moving to you by: JustinRoss.com, ton, Purdue, Ball State, and With a plethora of good underway on Wednesday, Jan. billboards, going unused. check us out and sell out Indiana. With their win over At least the Culligan Bowl today!! Indiana at the Hoosier ball handlers and shooters, 2 at Butler and then at there will be a lot of dribble- Youngstown State on Satur Classic, the Bulldogs boast penetration and kick-out day, Jan. 5. "WBB" continued Overall Conf. ing the ball in their posses- UIC 8-4 1-0 Swain has been hitting sion. As a team they have 878-8671 878-8671 the boards hard, rebounding committed 295 turnovers, LU 6-4 0-0 an average of 6.7 times a averaging 26.8 a game. UWGB 6-4 0-0 game and leading the team in The next game for team CSU 5-4 1-0 blocks with 19. will be a conference game on UWM 5-5 0-0 The women's team has Saturday, Jan. 5 at Detroit. Detroit 4-4 0-0 been out-scored by their Game time is 2 p.m. YSU 3-6 0-0 opponent <• 701-902. The next home game will •Pizza, Chicken Winqs and Subs! be Jan. 10 against Wisconsin- WSU 2-10 0-1 The Raiders have had 1-11 0-1 trouble this season maintain- Milwaukee with tip-off at 7 Butler 1888 Colonel Glenn Hw^» Call 878-8671 p.m. Classifieds Fraternities • Sororities MINUTES FROM WSU \ AAA! Spring break Baha- Empfrvment WALK TO BUSLINE 3 Clubs • Student Groups The Guardian Earn S1,000-$2,000 this mas party cruise! days BEDROOM DOUBLE Y\ $279! 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