India-Italy Bilateral Relations

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India-Italy Bilateral Relations INDIA-ITALY BILATERAL RELATIONS India and Italy are ancient civilizations but young states (Italy having been reunified only in 1861). Peoples of these two ancient civilizations have known, interacted and traded with each other for over 2000 years. Modern day contacts between the two nations were informed by exchanges between the intellectuals from both sides. Noble Laureate Rabindranath Tagore visited Italy in May-June 1926, on invitation of Carlo Formichi, a Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Rome. Mahatma Gandhi visited Rome in Dec 1931 on his way back to India from the Round Table Conference in London. Leaders of the Indian freedom struggle read the works of the Italian revolutionary Mazzini of early 19th century, who worked for a Democratic Republic of Italy. Indian troops, serving with the British Indian Army, were active in Italy during the World War II. Political Relations 2. Political relations between India and Italy were established in 1947. The two countries enjoy a cordial relationship. There have been regular exchanges of contacts at political and official levels between both countries. From the Indian side, at the level of Head of State/Government, the visit (s) date back to 1953 & 1955 when Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru visited Italy followed by Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi in November 1981; President of India Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma in October 1996; Prime Minister Shri H.D. Deve Gowda in November 1996; Prime Minister Shri I.K. Gujral in September 1997; Prime Minister Shri A.B. Vajpayee in Jun 2000; and Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in July 2009. 3. From the Italian side, the first visit at the level of Head of State/Government took place in 1988 when Prime Minister Mr. Giovanni Goria visited India. This was followed by President Dr. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro in Feb 1995; Prime Minister Prof. Romano Prodi in Jan 1998; President Mr. Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in Feb 2005; and Prime Minister Mr. Romano Prodi in Feb 2007. 4. Both countries hold an institutionalized High Officials Dialogue (Foreign Office Consultations). An Italy-India Parliamentary Friendship Association was established in the IPU Italy Chapter in 2004. Bilateral trade 5. Italy is among India's top 5 trading partners in the EU and the 13th largest investor in India. The bilateral trade witnessed a strong growth till 2007, before the world-wide recession of 2008 and the balance of trade has been in India’s favour since the early eighties. Due to slowdown in Italian economy, the trade between India and Italy registered only a 2.15% growth in year 2008 reaching a total of Euro 6.5 billion. This contrasts strikingly with the growth figure of 75% in the previous three years. 6. Main items of Indian exports to Italy are ready-made garments, leather, iron ore, motor vehicles, textiles, chemicals, gems & jewelry. Main items of import from Italy are general and special purpose machinery, machine tools, metallurgical products, engineering items. Around 140 large Italian companies are active in India. Some of the major Italian companies that have invested in India are FIAT Auto, Heinz Italia, FIOlA, Italcementi, Necchi Compressori, Perfetti, Fata Hunter Engineering, ENI, SAI India, Isagro (Asia) Agrochemicals, Piaggio, and Impreglio, SEA Deutzfahr Group, Finmeccanica SpA, Ferrero. Indian companies are present in Italy in sectors such as IT, electronics, pharmaceuticals, automobile, textile and engineering. The prominent companies operating in Italy include TCS, Wipro, Satyam Mahindra, Engineers India Limited, L&T, Mahindra & Mahindra , Ranbaxy, Raymonds, etc SBI has a representative office in Milan. Six Italian banks have representation in India. 7. The Joint Economic Commission is an institutional dialogue chaired by Commerce Ministers of both countries. Under the JEC, there are Joint Working Groups in the following areas: Infrastructure, Tourism, Railways, Food Processing, Renewable Energy, Information Technology and Agriculture. The 18th session of the JEC was held in New Delhi on December 14, 2009. The India-Italy Air Services Agreement was signed in 1959 and a revised Agreement is being currently negotiated. The two countries also enjoy a Double Taxation Avoidance Convention signed in 2006. Cultural Exchange, Scientific Co-operation etc. 8. An Agreement for Cultural Cooperation has been in existence since 1976. Under the Cultural Exchange Programme (CEP), exchange of students to learn languages and to undergo various academic courses continues. There are 10 universities/institutions in Italy with courses on Indian history and languages including Hindi and Sanskrit. 1 9. An umbrella Agreement on S&T Co-operation exists since 1978. The Agreement envisages three- yearly action plans under which upto thirty joint research projects can be undertaken. Some of the prime areas of joint research are Electronics, Biotechnology, Design Engineering Automotive Technologies, Energy, etc. Indian Community 10. The Indian community in Italy is now the second largest community of Indians in Europe after UK (estimated around 1.5 lakhs). *** March 2010 2 BILATERAL AGREEMENTS The following agreements have been signed between India and Italy: • Air Services Agreement (1959) • Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (1985), revised text signed in 1993 • An MOU on Defence Equipment (1994) • Bilateral Investment Promotion Agreement (1995) • During the visit of former Italian PM Prodi in January 1998, an Agreement on Cooperation on Combating Drug Trafficking and Terrorism was signed. It came into force on 21st Jan 2000. • An MOU to promote Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) was signed during PM Prodi's visit in January 1998. An agreement was later signed during the visit of the Italian Minister for Foreign Trade (Oct. 2000) for cooperation between the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and CONFAPI (the Italian Confederation of Small and Medium Sized Industries). • Agreement for Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes between ISRO and ASI (The Azenzia Spaziale Italiana) was signed in May 2000. The Agreement envisages cooperation in studies related to space science and its applications including communications, remote sensing and meteorology, researches in satellites and satellite launch vehicles, etc. • A bilateral Agreement on cooperation in tourism sector was signed during the visit of our PM to Italy in June 2000. • MoU on Mutual Cooperation on Information technologies and Services between the Italian Ministry of Commerce and Handicarft and the Indian Ministry of Information Technology in April 2001. • An Agreement on Defence Cooperation, signed during the visit of the Italian Minister for Defence, Mr. Antonio Martino in Feb 2003. • An Agreement for S&T Cooperation, signed during the visit of Italian MOS for Foreign Affairs in Nov 2003. • An Agreement for Cooperation in the field of Culture, signed during the visit of Italian MOS for Foreign Affairs in July 2004. • MOU on Political Cooperation - Feb 2005 • MOU on Fishery and Aqua-culture Production - Feb 2005 • MoU on Cooperation for the Conservation of Paintings of the Ajanta and Ellora Caves - Feb 2005 • MoU for research fellowships in the field of S&T • The Programme of Cooperation in the field of S&T for years 2005-07 • Agreement between ISRO and Italian Space Agency on the Cooperation in Space, Science, Technology and Applications – Feb 2005 • Audio Visual Cooperation Agreement - signed in May 2005 • MOU on Cooperation in the field of Railways – signed during the visit of Indian Railway Minister to Italy on 3 July 2006 • MOU on Combating International Terrorism and Transitional Crime – signed in Feb 2007 during the visit of PM Prodi to India. • MoU on Renewable Energy Cooperation – signed in Feb 2007 during the visit of PM Prodi to India. • MoU on Cooperation in the Agro-food sector – signed during the visit of Italian Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies to India in Jan 2008 • MoU on Cooperation in Agriculture and Physosanitary issues – signed in Jan 2008 • MoU on cooperation in customs matters – signed on 29 Jan 2009. **** 3.
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    ACES THE EUROPEAN UNION CENTER OF EXCELLENCE AUGUST2009 ITALY AND THE EU IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Federiga Bindi ITALY AND THE EU IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE FEDERIGA BINDI Introduction This paper will deal with relations between Italy and the European Communities in a historical perspective. It will take into consideration both exogenous and endogenous variables. As regards the exogenous, relations with the United States are of particular relevance. As for the endogenous, the focus will be on the way political parties have perceived the process of European integration. Here, one can distinguish three periods: from the·origins to the late 1970s; from the late 1970s to the mid 1990s and from the mid 1990s to today. The first period was characterized by the opposition of the left to European and Atlantic integration, on the basis of ideological contraposition; the second witnessed a shared consensus by all political parties on integration - especially European; in the latest period, domestic political divisions at times lead parties to oppose European integration. The end of WW/l At the end ofWWII the leaders of the main Italian parties- th~ Christian Democrat Alcide De Gasperi, the Communist Palmiro Togliatti and the Socialist Pietro Nenni - united to form a coalition government, lead by De Gasperi, which lasted from the end of 1945 to June 1947. The greatest institutional problem it had to confront, in 1946, was the future of the monarchy. 2 On June 2, 1946, the monarchy was abolished by a popular referendum; the new Republican Constitution was then promulgated (January 1, 1948). However, Italian domestic developments were also to be influenced by events taking place on an international leveL Already prior to the formal end of hostilities, Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt had met in order to try to outline possible post-war scenarios.
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  • Is in Two Part,,, This Is Put I.------COMMON MARKET REPORTS (ISSN 0588-649X), Published Weekly by Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 4025 W
    Issue No. 801 IN THIS ISSUE page Community: Rebuff of Commission's Borrowing Plan ••.•••.• 1 Bonn Urges Action in the European Transport Sector •••••• 2 In Brief: Railway Cooperation; Greek Trade Crisis ••••••• 3 Germany: Serious Labor Dispute in Metalworking Sector ..• 3 Denmark: Effect of Early Retirements on Unemployment .•.. 4 Britain: Current Accounting for New Tax Liabilities? •••• 4 Self-Regulation for U.K. Securities Industry? .•••.•..•.• 5 Ireland: Tax Breaks for Foreign Computer Companies ..•••. 6 France: 1985 Budget to Aim for Lower Taxes, Spending •••• 6 Italy: U.S. Leads Revival of Foreign Investment •••.••.•• 7 Spain: Madrid Asks Unions, Employers to Resume Talks .••• 8 Community: Rebuff of Commission's Borrowing Plan The EEC finance ministers have dealt a blow to the European Com­ • mission's plan to close this year's anticipated ECU 2.3 billion deficit through borrowing from the Member States. The gap will have to be closed through savings, the ministers say, though they have not indicated where spending cuts should be made. Brussels observers do not consider the ministers' first response to the Commission's plan to be final. The 1984 deficit can be traced largely to the fact that the Council of Ministers' March 31 decision to reform the costly common agricultural policy fell short of what is necessary to balance the 1984 budget. To close the deficit, the Commission recently proposed that the Member States extend loans to the Community based on each State's value-added tax contribution. The loans would be paid back with interest in eight semi-annual installments from 1986 through 1989. The money for principal and interest would come from increased VAT revenue (1.4% instead of the present 1%) that the Community is to receive under a pro­ visional agreement reached by the heads of government at their March 19-20 Brussels summit.
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