Transmit/Receive-Antenna Diversity Techniques for OFDM Systems

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Transmit/Receive-Antenna Diversity Techniques for OFDM Systems Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum and Related Topics Transmit/Receive-Antenna Diversity Techniques for OFDM Systems ARMIN DAMMANN,STEFAN KAISER Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR), P.O.Box 1116, D-82230 Wessling, Germany {Armin.Dammann, Stefan.Kaiser} Abstract. In this paper, we investigate different antenna diversity concepts, which can be easily applied to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The focus is on standard compatibility, i.e. these schemes can be implemented to already existing OFDM systems without changing the standards. The introduced diversity techniques are applied exemplarily to the DVB-T system. Bit error performance investigations were done by simulation for different DVB-T and diversity parameter sets. 1 INTRODUCTION multipath environments, it is necessary for wireless com- munications systems to use techniques like interleaving and Future mobile wireless systems are required to pro- channel coding in addition to OFDM. These techniques vide high data rate services in a spectral efficient man- add redundancy and diversity in time and frequency di- ner due to the high costs of bandwidth resources, e.g. rection. For many scattering environments, spatial diver- ≈ 400, 000, 000 e/MHz for UMTS in Germany. In terms sity is another effective way to improve the error perfor- of power efficiency - especially for mobiles - and electro- mance of wireless radio systems. In [6, 7] space-time- magnetic pollution it is required to keep the isotropic radi- coding is proposed in order to get the benefits of chan- ated power as low as possible. Particularly the electromag- nel coding in combination with spatial (antenna) diver- netic radiation charge becomes more and more important sity. Unfortunately space-time-coding is not suitable for for the acceptance of wireless systems in society. Wireless extending existing systems, because this would make non systems have to operate in different environments. So a standard conformable modifications necessary. Therefore mobile is expected to work reliably in scenarios like rural, for standardized systems additional spatial diversity tech- urban, indoor, outdoor, etc. niques can only be implemented, if this modifications keep Mobile communication systems mainly suffer from the systems standard compatible. In [8] such techniques for time-varying multipath fading with extremely different the transmitter side are proposed. multipath intensity profiles [1]. For systems, which have to work in multipath environments, an improvement in er- In this paper we will investigate standard conformable ror performance may become very difficult. Already a antenna diversity techniques, which are well suited for the slight improvement in the bit error rate can necessitate a extension of existing standardized OFDM systems. Sec- huge amount of additional transmitter power, which con- tion 2 introduces diversity techniques for both transmitter tradicts the aforementioned item of an economically use of and receiver. At this, the main idea is to increase the fre- transmission power. It is an enormous challenge to design quency selectivity of the resulting channel transfer function wireless communication systems, which are capable to deal by specific cyclic delays at the transmitter and/or receiver with these varying scenarios. antennas. The transmitter sided delay diversity is also in- Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) vestigated in combination with receiver sided maximum ra- [2] is a suitable technique for broadband transmission in tio combining. It is shown in Section 3 how the mentioned multipath fading environments and is implemented in new diversity techniques are applicable to the DVB-T system broadcast standards like digital audio broadcasting (DAB) in order to improve the bit error performance in multipath [3] or terrestrial digital video broadcasting (DVB-T) [4] as environments. In Section 4 the DVB-T system and trans- well as wireless local area network (WLAN) standards [5] mission parameters as well as the used channel models are such as HIPERLAN/2 or IEEE 802.11a. described. Finally, simulation results for the bit error rates Because of the poor error performance of OFDM in are presented for various DVB-T system parameter sets in Vol. 13, No. 5 September-October 2002 531 A. Dammann, S. Kaiser 1,...,M − 1. After the superposition from these signals is built, the guard interval section is removed and the re- sulting signal is finally transformed into frequency domain (IOFDM). To avoid intersymbol interference (ISI) the time delays δn, δm must hold the condition δ , δ ≤ τ − τ , n = 1,...,N − 1, n m g max (1) m = 1,...,M − 1, Figure 1: OFDM transmitter with DD where τg is the guard interval length and τmax denotes the multipath channel delay spread. For tight dimensioned guard intervals, where τg is only slightly larger than τmax, Eq. 1 strongly restricts the choice of the time delays δn, δm. In the next section cyclic delay diversity is introduced, which overcomes this problem. 2.2 CYCLIC DELAY DIVERSITY Fig. 3 illustrates the difference between DD and CDD in the time domain and shows the transmission of 2 con- secutive OFDM symbols with their cyclic prefixes as guard Figure 2: OFDM receiver with DD intervals. For clarity, the 1st subcarrier is plotted as a sine wave. The reference signal is undelayed and transmitted indoor and outdoor environments. (resp. received) for both DD and CDD. In the case of DD it can be seen, that the DD signal is a simple copy of the reference signal, but delayed by δ. It’s also observable, that OFDM symbols of the DD signal partly overlap the guard 2 SPATIAL ANTENNA DIVERSITY WITH interval of the subsequent OFDM symbol in the reference OFDM signal at δ. The result is the above mentioned restriction in the choice of δ (see Eq. 1). In the case of CDD one In this section we will introduce Delay Diversity (DD), can see, that there is no overlapping of CDD OFDM sym- Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD), Phase Diversity (PD) and bols with the reference signal OFDM symbols, whereas Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC), which can easily be the time signals of DD and CDD in the time section used applied to existing OFDM system standards with little ef- for OFDM demodulation are totally equal. This makes the forts. A combination of this diversity techniques is eas- performance of CDD equal to DD while there is no ISI in ily possible. Thus, we can even with hindsight improve case of DD, i.e. Eq. 1 holds. Concurrently, no ISI can oc- OFDM systems and find an optimal tradeoff between com- cur with CDD due to a too large dimensioned cyclic delay. plexity and performance. The OFDM symbols of the CDD signal can be generated from the reference signal OFDM symbols just by applying cy 2.1 DELAY DIVERSITY a cyclic time shift of δ to the reference signals’ OFDM symbols and subsequent insertion of the cyclic prefix. This section will briefly introduce delay diversity (DD), Fig. 4 shows the block diagram of an N-transmitter- which was described in [8]. Fig. 1 shows the block dia- antenna OFDM system with CDD. The OFDM modulated gram of an N-transmitter-antenna OFDM system with DD. The OFDM modulated signal is transmitted over N anten- t max Time Section for nas, whereas the particular signals only differ in an antenna OFDM Demodulation specific delay. Before shifting, an additional cyclic prefix cyclic Reference Signal extension OFDM-Symbol as guard interval may be inserted. The functional block t g ISI ”UC” stands for upconversion from the baseband into the cyclic DD Signal OFDM-Symbol RF-band. Note, that in case of DD δn, n = 1,...,N − 1, extension denote simple time shifts. d Because of linearity, it is also possible to implement cyclic CDD Signal extension OFDM-Symbol DD at the receiver side. The appropriate block diagram of d cy a M-antenna receiver with DD is shown in Fig. 2. The Time received signals are downconverted (”DC”) into the base- band and shifted in time direction according to δm, m = Figure 3: Time signals for OFDM transmitters with DD and CDD 532 ETT Transmit/Receive-Antenna Diversity Techniques for OFDM Systems 10 0 −10 −20 −30 Channel Gain [dB] −40 −50 Figure 4: OFDM transmitter with CDD 500 400 200 300 150 200 100 100 50 # Subcarrier # OFDM Symbol Figure 6: Indoor channel snapshot for a single antenna system frequency and the complex-valued signals in time- and frequency-domain respectively with `, k = 0 ...K − 1. As it can be seen from Eq. 2, a cyclic delay δcy in the time −j 2π kδcy domain corresponds to a phase factor of e K in the Figure 5: OFDM receiver with CDD frequency domain. PD is not only restricted to linearly in- cremented phases. It’s also possible to choose phase factors signal is transmitted over N antennas, whereas the partic- ejφ(k), where φ(k) is an arbitrary function of the discrete ular signals only differ in an antenna specific cyclic shift. frequency k. Eq. 2 also shows that the operation for PD After cyclic shifting, the guard interval is inserted. Again, has to be done before OFDM modulation. So for an M- the functional block ”UC” performs upconversion of the antenna PD system, M OFDM transformations have to be signals from the baseband into RF-band. Again because of calculated. Therefore the implementation of PD is more linearity CDD can be implemented at the receiver. Fig. 5 complex compared to CDD. shows the principle block diagram of a CDD receiver. CDD and PD are independent of the existence of a Because of simple time shifts for DD resp. cyclic time cyclic prefix (guard interval) and are capable to increase shifts for CDD, these techniques are implementable with the channel frequency selectivity without increasing the only slight additional complexity as long as the delays δn overall channel delay spread because these operations are cy and δn are multiples of the system sampling time.
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