C O M M U N I T Y COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND JTP is an international placemaking practice of JTP’s approach to the Community Planning Weekend PLANNING WEEKEND architects and urban designers with extensive COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND You are invited to the Land at Badshot Lea Community Planning Weekend to help create the Vision for a sustainable experience of delivering successful places for Friday 14 October, St George’s Church new neighbourhood on land south of Badshot Lea. both the public and private sectors throughout 2.00pm Exhibition opens Proposal the UK and internationally. 2.15 Welcome and Introduction A consortium of landowners is proposing to create a new residential-led neighbourhood near Badshot Lea. The Borough 2.20 Workshop 1 – Badshot Lea Today Council needs to provide at least 9,861 dwellings over the next This Weekend • What are the issues in Badshot Lea 16 years and the proposal will help to deliver the requirement today? and provide a wide range of high quality and much needed • What is the site’s relationship with new homes. Former quarry land to the south of the A31 is also Our workshops Badshot Lea and ? proposed for an area of natural recreational green space known as • What are the challenges and uncover the things a SANGS (Suitable Accessible Natural Green Space). opportunities for developing the site? that matter most to Workshop 2 – Young People’s Workshop Located close to Squire’s Garden Centre and running south, and people. including a parcel south of the A31, the site could accommodate A chance for young people to talk about new housing, including custom build, self build and affordable the site and draw ideas for the new development. homes, as well as a hotel, shop and , in a high quality landscaped setting. The development can also contribute to improving the 3.20 Refreshment break local movement infrastructure, including a cycle link to Farnham 3.30 Hands-on Planning Groups and Walkabouts Station, and investment in education and community facilities. Work in small, facilitated groups to consider key issues for the site and start to plan ideas What is a Community Planning Weekend? The Community Planning Weekend will be an opportunity for the future. Groups may choose to visit the site to see and discuss opportunities and to share local knowledge and contribute to planning the new connections. neighbourhood through workshops and hands-on planning groups. We listen. We debate. There will also be an exhibition explaining the background of 4.30 Refreshment break the site. 4.40 Reports Back from Hands-on Planning Groups Participation at the Community Planning Weekend is on a drop-in 5.00 Close basis - there is no need to pre-register - and you can stay for a short while, a few hours or for the whole event if you are able to. Saturday 15 October, St George’s Church Team members will be on hand to answer questions. 11. 0 0 a m Exhibition opens 11. 20 Welcome and Introduction Report Back Presentation Following the two public workshop days, the JTP led team will 11. 3 0 Workshop 3 – Badshot Lea Tomorrow analyse and summarise the outcomes and draw up the Vision • Designing a sustainable, high quality for the site and its relationship with Badshot Lea. This will be development with attractive landscape. presented to the local community at 6.30pm, Tuesday 18 October • Ensuring a strong integrated community. at St George’s Church. • Creating positive connections with the surrounding neighbourhood. Planning Application Workshop 4 – Young People’s Workshop Following the Community Planning Weekend the design team will move forward to prepare an outline planning application for the We draw together. We create new places and breathe life into old ones. 12.40pm Lunch break site, which it is anticipated will be submitted to Waverley Borough 1.00 Presentation about custom build and self build Council in early 2017. opportunities at Badshot Lea 1.30 Hands-on Planning Groups and Walkabouts REPORT BACK PRESENTATION 3.00 Refreshment break Tuesday 18 October, St George’s Church 6.30pm Exhibition opens 3.15 Reports Back from Hands-on Planning Groups 6.45 Report Back of the Vision 3.45 Next Steps 8.00 Close 4.00 Close

The Land at Badshot Lea Community Planning Weekend is being organised by JTP, architects and community planners, on behalf of a consortium of landowners. If you would like more information please visit or contact [email protected] or use Freephone 0800 0126 730.

Proposed project timeline

OUTLINE COMMUNITY Analysis & Design PRE-APPLICATION Design PLANNING Reserved Staged PLANNING development animation SUBMISSION brief APPLICATION matters completion WEEKEND SUBMISSION

October 2016 January 2017 Spring 2017 TBC TBC This exhibition has been prepared to support Site location the Land at Badshot Lea Community Planning Weekend. This is a public event, open to all, at To which attendees are invited to help create a Farnborough concept for a sustainable new neighbourhood south of Badshot Lea, and its relationship with C O M M U N I T Y the surrounding communities. PLANNING WEEKEND Rowen Properties (London) Ltd on behalf of a consortium of landowners is proposing to create a new residential-led, neighbourhood near Badshot Lea. The Borough Council needs to provide at least 9,861 dwellings over the next 16 years and the proposal will help to deliver housing towards Introduction meeting the requirement and provide a wide range of high quality and much needed new homes. Former quarry D land to the south of the A31 is also proposed for an area of natural recreational green space known as a SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace).

Located close to Squire’s Garden Centre and running A south, and including a parcel south of the A31, the site C could accommodate new sustainable housing, inclusive of To self-build and affordable homes, as well as a hotel, care and London B home, shop and pub, in a high quality landscaped setting. The development can also contribute to improving the local movement infrastructure, including improved cycle links to key destinations, and investment in education and community facilities.

Rowen Properties has appointed JTP as masterplanners, to work with the local community to develop a concept for the new neighbourhood. The Community Planning Weekend is an opportunity to share local knowledge and contribute to planning the new neighbourhood through workshops and hands-on planning groups.

The proposed site is 13.9 ha/34.4 acres, with additional land south of A31 which Rowen Properties is promoting

(in agreement with the landowner, SUEZ) at 9.9 ha/24.5 Proposed site boundary acres. The emerging concept could accommodate up to To Land to be promoted by client in 630 homes across both sites. The proposed SANG site, agreement with landowner (SUEZ) Winchester Proposed SANG boundary shown opposite, is 12.9 ha/31.9 acres.


Which Area Does the Neighbourhood Plan Cover? The Farnham Neighbourhood Plan relates to the designated area covered by Farnham Town Council. The Farnham Neighbourhood Plan as with , relates to the designated area covered Hart District Council and Rushmoor 2015-2018 to try to address some of the issues associated with an byageing Farnham Town Council. In preparing Borough Council. The neighbourhood population. the Plan, there has been dialogue plan designation was approved by with the adjoining parish councils Waverley Borough Council on 19 (Alfold Parish Council; February 2013. The area to which the Parish Council; Parish Plan applies is shown on the Farnham Council and Seale and Sands Parish Neighbourhood Plan Designation Map. Council and Vision) as well WAVERLEY DISTRICT Waverley Borough Council Extents Farnham Neighbourhood Plan Designation Map Waverley Borough Council must produce a new Local Plan setting designation Map out local planning policies and identifying how land is to be used, Town and Country Planning Act 1990 determining what will be built where. The latest evidence concludes Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 that Waverley Borough Council needs to provide at least 9,861 new Localism Act 2011 homes over the next 16 years of the Plan period including 2,330 The site Neighbourhood Planning (General) dwellings in Farnham. The emerging Local Plan also identifies Farnham Regulations 2012 C O M M U N I T Y Designation of Neighbourhood Area PLANNING WEEKEND as a focus for growth and as a key sustainable settlement there is enormous demand for homes in the Farnham area. This is shown in the diagram opposite. Farnham Council Area ‘New development will have taken place in a way which takes account Wards of the wide range of social, environmental and economic aspirations Farnham Bourne of the community and the needs of future generations. Most of the Planning Context Farnham Firgrove new development will be located in and around the main settlements Farnham Hale and Heath End of Farnham, , Haslemere and Cranleigh which have the best 0 0.5 1 1.5 Farnham Moor Park Farnham Shortheath and Boundstone available access to jobs, services, housing, community facilities, leisure Kilometres Farnham Upper Hale Farnham Weybourne and Badshot Lea and recreation so as to minimise the need to travel and maximise the Ordnance Survey Crown Copyright©Licence 100052258 Farnham and opportunities to travel by means other than the car’. Appendix A– Key Diagram Extract from ‘Waverley Borough Pre-Submission Local Plan, Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites, August 2016’ Extract from ‘Farnham Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 15 July 2016’

Waverley Pre-Submission Local Plan The publication of the Waverley Pre-Submission Local Plan shows Ethnic Groups the site was not included in the Local Plan. However, we believe it 2.6 Some 96% of the Borough is white. The remainder is made up from a mix of should be considered as a sustainable and deliverable site which could other ethnic groups. Between the years 2002 and 2015, some 905 Overseas help deliver the Borough’s housing numbers when the Local Plan is Nationals registered for National Insurance numbers in Waverley. 59% of this 3 examined by the Planning Inspector. group came from Eastern European countries. There is a relatively large and long-standing gypsy and traveller community in Waverley. FARNHAM NEIGHBOURHOOD Deprivation 5 Farnham’s population has grown by 25,000 in the last century to Map data shown may contain Ordnance Survey © products supplied by Pear Technology Services Ltd © Crown Copyright and database rights from Ordnance Survey ® licence number 100023148 around 40,000 (2011) and will continue to grow. Farnham has 2.7 The 2015 Indices of Multiple Deprivation shows that Waverley is the fourth prepared a draft Neighbourhood Plan to shape development in the least deprived area in the whole of Britain. Some rural areas however, are area. The draft Neighbourhood Plan sets out the following vision: deprived in terms of barriers to housing only because of a lack of affordability. The Borough does not score very well either in some parts on access to ‘Our vision is for Farnham to continue to thrive, meeting the changing services such as supermarkets, secondary schools, libraries, doctors and banks, again because of the rural character of the area. The juxtaposition of needs of the local community by ensuring new development of low-income communities with neighbouring affluent areas - and the high quality design fits well with, and does not erode, the character associated costs of living in Waverley - mean that the problem of relative of the distinctive areas of the town and is supported by improved

infrastructure’. 3 Department of Work and Pensions: Summary tables: National Insurance number allocations to adult overseas nationals to June 2015 The emerging strategic provision for the Neighbourhood Plan period is 2,214 dwellings. Badshot Lea is extremely well connected, with the Page 2-3 A31 next to the site and Farnham Town Centre less than 2 miles away with a regular bus route between the two. This site can deliver new jobs and development outside the Greenbelt, and offers the potential for new high quality sustainable homes including family houses, starter homes, affordable housing, self-build and custom-build plots. It can be supported by additional community infrastructure such as a new hotel, Page A-1 care home, pub and convenience store. Farnham Consultation on neighbourhood Plan Potential Housing Scenarios regulation 15 OTHER NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENTS and Other Issues July 2016 As of December 2015, Devine Homes PLC were granted permission for the Waverley Local Plan for 71 dwellings west of St Georges Road, on the site adjacent to The Green. In September 2016, Little Acres Nursery were granted permission for 80 dwellings (subject to Section 106) off St Georges Road, north-east of Squire’s Garden Centre. Help us plan Two other planning applications in the local neighbourhood are Waverley’s future

currently pending decision/under appeal: • 120 dwellings at Green Lane, south of Lower Weybourne Lane Illustrations © Michael Blower

• 140 dwellings at Lower Weybourne Lane, south of Badshot Park (refused in 2015, but currently under appeal) 1874 1901 A BRIEF HISTORY OF BADSHOT LEA The expansion of as an Army base provided Archaeological evidence has revealed human presence jobs for the local unemployed and inevitably influenced Aldershot at Badshot Lea from prehistoric, Roman and Saxon the development of Badshot Lea. times. But it was in the medieval period that Badshot Lea established its identity as an agricultural hamlet within By 1871 a railway linked Farnham and London, and C O M M U N I T Y the Manor of Farnham. Aldershot acquired a station of its own. There was also PLANNING WEEKEND a branch line to that closed in the 1940s. Farnham: a market hub Badshot Badshot Lea Lea Farnham evolved into an important market town as early Badshot Lea: a village community as the 13th century, due to its strategic location on the The 1890s was a busy period for building in Badshot crossing of a route from eastern to the south Lea. As the population increased, so did local facilities. Farnham Farnham west of the country. It was also an important road from A village school opened in 1895 and by the early 20th Settlement Growth London to Southampton. century there was a village post office, several new shops, a Police House, a Working Man’s Club and a Farming: hops and wheat variety of chapels and churches including an Abstainers’ Farnham’s importance as a trading hub was articulated Hall (1899), a new Methodist Chapel (1902) and St by Daniel Defoe in his Tour though the whole island George’s Church (1903). of Great Britain (1724-26) in which he remarks: 1921 1938 “It is a large populous market town, and without exception Badshot Lea grew to be a vibrant village, making the the greatest corn market in England, London excepted, most of its location within a rural environment, and yet that is to say, particularly for wheat, of which so vast a lined by road to urban conurbations. It maintained its Aldershot Aldershot quantity is brought every market day, that a gentleman status as a satellite village of an historic market town told me he once counted eleven hundred teams of and was protected from Aldershot’s urban sprawl by the horse, all drawing wagons or carts, loaden with wheat…” Green Belt and the Blackwater River.

Hops were introduced to the area in the 17th century Changing fortunes Badshot Badshot However, the history of Badshot Lea is also a story of Lea Lea and by 1875 there were 1,592 acres in Farnham Parish devoted to this crop, with other land used for arable change. In Georgian times Badshot Place was a splendid purposes. Farming has always played a part in the life house owned by the gentry and surrounded by a moat Farnham Farnham of the villagers. Many people worked together and lived and extensive grounds. James Boswell, Dr Johnson’s side by side in tied cottages. Most families did casual friend and biographer, records several visits there in work at hopping and harvest-time. 1792. The estate was nevertheless sold and broken up in May 1851. The moated site is now an area of housing Aldershot: the army neighbour called Badshot Park. Urban growth in Badshot Lea accelerated with the arrival of the army at nearby Aldershot Heath in 1854. From 1851 until 1958 the Tice family farmed hops 1962 1979 This coincided with enclosure of Badshot Lea’s open on land between two growing towns, Farnham and heathland in 1857 and the unequal division of the Aldershot. In 1961 Aldershot Borough Council bought Common. Large plots were allocated to the largest fields north of the Blackwater River to build the housing Aldershot Aldershot (and wealthiest) farmers but other plots, too small to estate known as Tice’s Meadow. Ten years later the family be useful on their own, were soon sold for speculative sold another portion of their land for gravel extraction. development. In 2004 this area became known for bird watching In the ten years between 1851and 1861 the number of and recording wildlife, eventually being designated a Badshot Badshot houses grew from 85 to 167, mostly in places nearest site of Special Nature Conservation Interest (2009). Lea Lea the Camp. This consisted of tents at first, then huts and Gravel extraction finished in 2010, leading the site to be finally brick barracks. It housed up to 25,000 troops and restored and now the former hop fields and 140 acre

Farnham Farnham provided construction jobs for 3000 workmen, many of quarry is known as Tice’s Meadow Nature Reserve. whom had migrated from elsewhere. By 1861 the civilian population of Aldershot had reached 8,000, almost the While other 20th century changes include the creation same as Farnham. of Weybourne Lane Estate in the early 1980s, housing development has been balanced by the growth of small Decline of rural life market gardens, garden centres and nurseries that Rural life in England changed considerably during the are modern businesses which nevertheless reflect the KEY second half of the 19th century due to a national decline essential rural character of the village of Badshot Lea. Proposed site boundary Railway in arable farming, the growth in industry, and the creation Primary road network Land to be promoted by of new towns that attracted workers from the land. client* Settlement Proposed SANG Woodland Watercourses Park *in agreement with the landowner (SUEZ) Wider context local amenities plan To London Waterloo To Farnborough


Local Amenities

The Cricketers Badshot Lea Village Infant School St Georges C of E Church

The Crown

Badshot Lea Village Hall Squire’s Garden To Guildford Centre and London

Monkton Industrial Estate


The Princess Royal Shepherd & Flock roundabout

Barfield School

To Winchester To Alton


Proposed site Bus route & stops School Employment Area Land to be promoted by client* 74 Bus number Retail Existing communities Proposed SANG site Existing watercourses Pub / restaurant Walking distance

A31 Railway Community facility 400 m (5 mins) A / B roads Key open space Hospital Local roads Sports pitch Church 800 m (10 mins)

*in agreement with the landowner (SUEZ) WIDER CONTEXT Vehicular access plan Badshot Lea is located approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) east of To London To M3 & Farnham, 2 miles (3.2 km) south of Aldershot, 11 miles (17.7 Waterloo Farnborough km) west of Guildford, and 42 miles (67.5 km) south-west of London.

C O M M U N I T Y The A31 connects the site via the strategic highway network PLANNING WEEKEND (A331, A3, M3), while Badshot Lea Road, or the B3208, links the site to Farnham and Aldershot through the local road network.

TRAIN SERVICES The nearest train station is Farnham, 1.9 miles (3 km) from Highways & Access site, which is served by South West Trains with regular departures every 30 minutes to Alton and London Waterloo via several stops including Aldershot and Woking Station.

BUS NETWORK The adjacent map shows existing bus services that connect To A3, Guildford and London the site along Badshot Lea Road and Guildford Road. Services A link towards Farnham, Aldershot, Alton and Guildford. B VEHICULAR ACCESS POINTS Two site access points are proposed: one adjacent to Squire’s Garden Centre and the other from the St Georges Road / Guildford Road junction. At both locations, significant improvements will need to be made to allow access into the site as well as improving existing road safety and operational conditions.

To Winchester To Alton


Proposed site Land to be promoted by client* *in agreement with the landowner (SUEZ) Proposed SANG site A31 A / B roads Local roads Existing communities Bus route & stops

74 Bus number Existing watercourses Railway Key open space

Proposed location for primary site access Existing A31 slip road and St Georges Road intersection at proposed Access B Signage marking approach to Badshot Lea village PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY Public rights of way There are existing Public Rights of Way (PROW) on the site: To London To Farnborough • A north-south link between Squire’s Garden Centre Waterloo and the south of the site that used to extend to Guildford Road prior to the construction of the A31 bypass. C O M M U N I T Y • An east-west route that passes over the railway line PLANNING WEEKEND and connects the site with the Monkton Industrial Estate and Sainsbury’s.

Badshot Lea village and the Badshot Lea Village Infant School can be reached by foot from the site in approximately 10 minutes. Existing recreational routes lie within 15 minutes Public Rights of Way walking distance from the site.

National Cycle Route 22 runs east-west through Farnham and local to the site runs along Guildford Road with connections to Farnham Rail Station via Moor Park Lane and Compton Way. To Guildford and London

The opposite diagram shows both Cycleway and National Cycle Route 22 as designated cycle routes (i.e. with signage), as well as the off-road cycle routes described as ‘reasonably comfortable to cycle at any time of year without the need for a mountain bike’. Some of these form part of the Christmas Pie cycle route.


PARK Proposed site LANE Land to be promoted by client* *in agreement with the landowner (SUEZ) COMPTON WAY Proposed SANG site To Winchester A31 To Alton A / B roads Local roads Existing communities Existing watercourses Railway Key open space Public right of ways

Footpath Bridleway Recreational route Designated cycle route Off-road cycle route Walking distance

400 m (5 mins)

Existing public right-of-way footpath Signage marking the existing public right-of-way footpath on site 800 m (10 mins) SUITABLE ALTERNATIVE NATURAL Green infrastructure GREENSPACE (SANG) To London To Farnborough The Thames Basin Heath SPA covers an area of 8,275 ha, Waterloo with approximately 80 ha situated in Waverley. It forms part of a complex of heathlands in Southern England that support important populations of breeding birds, including C O M M U N I T Y the Dartford Warbler, Nightjar and Woodlark. The site PLANNING WEEKEND lies within the Thames Basin Heath SPA buffer zone which covers most of the built-up area of Farnham. As such, in accordance with the 2009 adopted Thames Basin Heath Avoidance Strategy the development must seek to avoid a net increase in population from new housing developments within the buffer zone. In this instance, ‘avoidance measures’ Landscape / SANG means providing or contributing towards Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) (to increase the area/or Context ecological value of ‘buffer’ land), and contributing towards a programme of strategic access management and monitoring

(SAMM) of the SPA. To Guildford and London Waverley Borough’s only current SANG resource is at Farnham Park. Growing pressure from other developments means this has limited available capacity. Provision has therefore been made within the site for a SANG, meaning the development is not reliant on available capacity at Farnham Park.

The Badshot Lea development proposes approximately 12.9 ha of SANG to be available for use by people moving into the new housing, as well as the existing local community. The land will be managed as a semi-natural area with plenty of space for a range of informal recreational activities and will be actively managed for the enjoyment of, and use by local people and families.

The land will be owned and managed by the Land Trust, an independent charitable trust providing long-term and cost To effective management of open spaces across the Winchester To Alton .

Areas of High Landscape Value and Sensitivity Pending the AONB boundary review, the AGLV should be retained for the KEY AONB Candidate Areas and subject to similar protection as the AONB. Proposed site The Waverley Borough Council Land to be promoted by client* Landscape Study – Part 1: Farnham & *in agreement with the landowner (SUEZ) Cranleigh, 2014 provides the most up to date assessment of the landscape The site Proposed SANG site character, value and sensitivity of detailed segments of the countryside A31 around the town (available at www. A / B roads The Study indicates that as well Local roads as the high landscape value and sensitivity of the areas to the south of the town being considered for AONB Existing communities designation, there are also areas of high landscape value and sensitivity Existing watercourses at and adjoining Farnham Park and to the north of Hale, Heath End and Railway Weybourne in the narrow gap between Farnham and Aldershot. Much of these Landscaped open space areas form part of the adopted Local Plan’s Areas of Great Landscape Value. Sports pitch / golf club The Neighbourhood Plan seeks to retain the landscape character of the Existing woodland areas of high landscape value and sensitivity, as shown on Map E, and to Existing SANG avoid allocating sites for development Wellesley Woodland SANGS, Aldershot (The Land Trust) Signage from Wellesley Woodland SANGS,in theseAldershot areas. (The Land Trust) ExtractMap E – Areas from of High‘Farnham Landscape Neighbourhood Value and Sensitivity Plan Regulation 15 July 2016’

© Farnham Town Council

Map data shown may contain Ordnance Survey © products supplied by Pear Technology Services Ltd © Crown Copyright and database rights from Ordnance Survey ® licence number 100023148 35 LEGEND N SITE BOUNDARY

SITE BOUNDARY- SITA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Landscape character area plan LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT ECOLOGICAL SURVEYS SITE BOUNDARY- SANGS An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is currently A preliminary landscape and visual assessment of the site Ecological surveys have been conducted to evaluate the NATIONAL CHARACTER AREAS

being conducted in relation to the proposed development. and its context has been114- THAMES carried BASIN LOWLANDS out. Landscape and visual habitats, flora and fauna associated with the site and its

The EIA is being undertaken in accordance with the EIA assessment is important119- NORTH as DOWNS it identifies the key characteristics surroundings, and to determine the likely impacts of the

Regulations, 2011 (as amended) and having regard to of the site and how the120- WEALDEN site GREENSAND is viewed; this information can development proposals in order to inform any mitigation

best practice guidance, using established methods such then inform the creation129- THAMES of BASIN the HEATHS landscape masterplan, making strategy. C O M M U N I T Y as site surveys, reviews of available reports and data, best use of the site’s 130-assets DOWNSand protecting the characteristics PLANNING WEEKEND computer modelling, and other assessment mechanisms, which are most valued. An extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey was undertaken by SLR in consultation with the local planning authority, in October 2015, comprising: LEGEND N Surrey County Council, and other relevant organisations. SITE BOUNDARY The proposed site is located within the Farnham / Aldershot • A desk study collating existing ecological information

The output of the EIA process will be an Environmental SITE BOUNDARY- SUEZSITA Strategic Gap which identifies an area between Farnham, on protected sites, habitats and species; and

Statement (ES) and Non-Technical Summary (NTS) that will SITE BOUNDARY- SANGS Badshot Lea and Aldershot and seeks to prevent coalescence • A field survey recording dominant plant species

accompany the planning application for the development. NATIONAL CHARACTER AREAS of Farnham and Aldershot. The site survey confirmed that in order to classify the habitats according to their Surveys and 114- THAMES BASIN LOWLANDS a combination of the topography, trees in the surrounding vegetation types. The following topics will be assessed and reported in the 119- landscape, existing buildings and, the landform and vegetation 120- WEALDEN GREENSAND ASPECT HOUSE Environmental Statement: associated with the A31, visuallyASPECT BUSINESS PARK encloses the site. This will be ECUS Ltd was then commissioned to carry out the Phase 2 BENNERLEY ROAD Technical 129- THAMES BASIN HEATHS NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR T: 01159 647280 F: 01159 751576 • Ecology helpfulLEGEND in that any development here is less likely to cause a Ecological Surveys which consisted of the following: 130- HAMPSHIRE DOWNS SH4 BADSHOT LEA • Archaeology and Cultural Heritage perception ofSITE coalescence. BOUNDARYLANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT • Bat surveys – static monitors put out for 5 days (July- N ASSESSMENT Assessments 0 800m 2000 LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AREA PLAN • Arboriculture (trees) ALDERSHOT SITE BOUNDARY- SITA September), dusk and re-emergence surveys on the Landscape area plan Metres 1:25,000 003 SITE BOUNDARY- SANGS UW1 Scale Date © Crown copyright [and database rights] 2015 0100031673 Expires 22/06/2017HAMPSHIRE 1:25,000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 • Noise and Vibration character area plan.dwg SLR’s assessment has identified that there are features of the immediate houses affected by the scheme. © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR ConsultingAUTHORITY Ltd accepts BOUNDARYno liability for any amendments made by other persons. • Flood Risk and Drainage site which could(HAMPSHIRE/SURREY) be retained and enhanced as part of the • Dormice, badger and reptile surveys; and Surrey Landscape Character assessment: Waverley Borough (April 2015)

• Traffic and Transport final masterplan.CR: CHALK RIDGE The green infrastructure strategy will seek • Hedgerow surveys

• Air Quality LEGEND to retain andGO: enhance OPEN GREENS AND HILLSareas of existing trees and hedgerows SH4 LR1 SITE BOUNDARY GW: WOODED GREENS AND • Land Quality where possibleHILLS and provide connections into the local green Surveys have confirmed the presence of commuting and N HALE SITE BOUNDARY- SUEZSITA • Utilities ALDERSHOT network suchLF: ROLLINGas the CLAY FARMLAND Badshot Lea ponds and Blackwater Valley foraging bats but no roosts. There were no reptiles or

RF6 SITE BOUNDARY- SANGS LR: WOODED ROLLING • Agricultural Land Classification HAMPSHIRE UW1 to the east, theCLAYLAND railway corridor to the west, the A31 corridor dormice found and no active badger setts. Most of the field RV8 ASPECT HOUSE RV8 AUTHORITYASPECT BOUNDARY BUSINESS PARK BENNERLEY ROAD RF: RIVER FLOODPLAIN (HAMPSHIRE/SURREY)NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment T: 01159CR1 647280 and the AONB to the south. boundaries comprised of artificial fencing, although some F: 01159 751576 Surrey Landscape Character Waverley Borough (April 2015) RV: RIVER VALLEY FLOOR • Sustainability LF6 BADSHOT LEA hedgerows and lines of trees were also present. CR: CHALK RIDGE LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT SH: SANDY HEATH AND • Socio-Economics ASSESSMENT A remnant orchardCOMMON within the site will be retained as far 0 800m 2000 LANDSCAPEGO1 CHARACTERGO: OPEN GREENS AREA AND PLAN HILLS UW: SIGNIFICANT LR1SURREY GREENSPACES WITHIN URBAN Metres 1:25,000 003 AREAS GW: WOODED GREENS AND as possibleHampshire and County Integrated enhanced Character with new orchard planting. A Hedgerow quality varied greatly from lines containing non- HILLS Scale Date assessment (February 2011) © Crown copyright [and database rights] 2015 0100031673 Expires 22/06/2017 1:25,000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 character area plan.dwg © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. Data is currently being collected toHALE understand the LF: ROLLING CLAY FARMLAND framework ofRIVER interconnected VALLEY FLOOR green spaces can be provided, native Leylandii, and species-poor hedgerows, to species-rich

RF6 LR: WOODED ROLLING WOODLAND AND PLANTATION environmental conditions that exist on the site. This baseline CLAYLAND providing recreationalON HEATH and leisure opportunities but also hedgerows (i.e. with five or more native woody species per RV8 RV8 will be fed back into the layout and designGO3 of the scheme, to CR1 RF: RIVER FLOODPLAIN providing continuous corridors for wildlife. 30m section). There were no suitable ponds located within RV: RIVER VALLEY FLOOR ensure that appropriate measuresLF6 are taken to eitherRF8 design- ASPECT HOUSE 250m of the site therefore Great Crested Newt (GCN) ASPECT BUSINESS PARK BENNERLEY ROAD SH: SANDY HEATH AND NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR COMMON T: 01159 647280 F: 01159 751576 out or mitigate impacts within the scheme wherever possible. surveys were not required. FARNHAM GO1 UW: SIGNIFICANTGW4 LEGEND SURREY GREENSPACES WITHIN URBAN BADSHOT LEA AREAS N LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT Hampshire County Integrated Character LandscapeSITE and BOUNDARY visual plan RF8 assessment (February 2011) ASSESSMENT

0 800m 2000 LANDSCAPE CHARACTER PLAN Once the scheme has been fixed, a full assessment will be RIVER VALLEY FLOOR LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY- SITA Landscape designation plan Metres 1:25,000 002 WOODLAND AND PLANTATION NORTH WEALDS AONB undertaken to confirm the environmental effects of the Scale SITE BOUNDARY-Date SANGS © Crown copyright [and database rights] 2015 0100031673 Expires 22/06/2017 ON HEATH 1:25,000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 character plan.dwg © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. FARNHAMAREA OF OUTSTANDING PARK(REGISTERED PARK AND GARDEN) proposed developmentGO3 and to confirm and detail those NATURAL BEAUTY FARNHAM/ALDERSHOT LEGEND STRATEGIC GAP (POLICY C4) mitigation measures neededRF8 to reduce the effects as much ASPECT HOUSE NATIONAL TRAIL ASPECT BUSINESS PARK N BENNERLEY ROAD SITE BOUNDARYNOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR REGISTERED PARKS AND T: 01159 647280 GARDENS as possible. F: 01159 751576 FARNHAM VIEW FROM PROW ALONG SOUTHERN EDGE OF BADSHOT LEA TOWARDS SITE. VIEWS GW4 AREA OF GREAT LANDSCAPE BADSHOTSITE BOUNDARY- LEA SUEZSITA SCREENED BY ROW OF POPLARS VALUE (POLICY C3) LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT RF8 ASSESSMENT SITE BOUNDARY- SANGS AREAS OF STRATEGIC VISUAL IMPORTANCE (POLICY C5) FLOOD RISK & DRAINAGE 0 800m 2000 LANDSCAPE CHARACTER PLAN AREA OF OUTSTANDING Metres 1:25,000 002 GREEN BELT (POLICY C1) NATURAL BEAUTY The site is not at risk of flooding (Environment Agency Scale Date © Crown copyright [and database rights] 2015 0100031673 Expires 22/06/2017 1:25,000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 character plan.dwg FARNHAM/ALDERSHOT COUNTRYSIDE BEYOND THE Flood Zone 1). Land surrounding Badshot Lea is within the © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability STRATEGICfor any amendments GAP made (POLICY by other C4) persons. GREEN BELT (POLICY C2) WOODLAND LISTED ON THE REGISTERED PARKS AND PROVISIONAL ANCIENT GARDENS floodplain of the River Blackwater, however the site is not and WOODLAND INVENTORY AREA OF GREAT LANDSCAPE NORTH DOWNS WAY NATIONAL VALUE (POLICY C3) TRAIL as such will relieve pressure on land that might otherwise be VIEW FROM PROW LOOKING SOUTHWEST INTO SITE AND TOWARDS A31 AREAS OF STRATEGIC VISUAL VIEW FROM BADSHOT LEA ROAD LOOKING SOUTHEAST IMPORTANCE (POLICY C5) SCHEDULED MONUMENT proposed for development which is within the floodplain. TOWARDS SITE BOUNDARY GREEN BELT (POLICY C1) CONSERVATION AREA


WOODLAND LISTED ON THE The development will incorporate a range of Sustainable PROVISIONAL ANCIENT WOODLAND INVENTORY Drainage Systems (SuDs) including swales, attenuation ponds NORTH DOWNS WAY NATIONAL TRAIL


0 800m 2000 001

Metres 1:25,000 Scale Date © Crown copyright [and database rights] 2015 0100031673 Expires 22/06/2017 1:25,000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 designation plan.dwg VIEW FROM BRIDGE OVER A31 LOOKING © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. ASPECT HOUSE ASPECT BUSINESS PARK NORTHWEST TOWARDS MATURE BENNERLEY ROAD NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR VEGETATION ALONG BOUNDARY OF SITE T: 01159 647280 F: 01159 751576


0 800m 2000 001 EJINKS Metres 1:25,000 Scale Date ©2016 Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky © Crown copyright [and database rights] 2015 0100031673 Expires 22/06/2017 1:25,000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 designation plan.dwg © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. NOTES NOTES N N NOTES AIR QUALITY Diffusion tube NOISE & VIBRATION Noise & vibration monitoring equipment N Existing road traffic emissions from vehicles travelling on the In order to determine the suitability of the site for residential A31 can impact on air quality. SLR is currently undertaking air development, SLR will be undertaking a noise and vibration quality monitoring within the site for a period of 6 months. assessment within the proposed site boundary. This survey The results of this monitoring will guide the layout of the would firstly be used to input into the development design development and ensure that the air quality within any through an understanding of the likely noise and vibration C O M M U N I T Y development parcels is not above Limit Values set for the impacts associated with the railway and the A31 upon future PLANNING WEEKEND protection of human health. residents of the site.

An assessment of vehicle exhaust emissions associated Once a design for the site has been agreed, this survey data with additional vehicular ‘trips’ generated by the proposed will be inputted into a noise and vibration model to assess LEGEND development will also be undertaken. This will be based upon the masterplan layout of the proposed development. Noise LEGEND ANTICIPATED NOISE an understanding of the overall size of the development and levels will be calculated across the development site to ensure DT9 AIR QUALITY IMPACT FROM LEGEND MONITORING LOCATIONS Surveys and associated vehicle movements to determine the impact on compliance with recommended external and internal noise THE DEVELOPMENT (I.E. ANTICIPATED NOISE air quality in the surrounding area, and within the Air Quality limits for residential developments. EMISSIONS FROM CARS) WILL ANTICIPATED VIBRATION MONITORING LOCATIONS BE ASSESSED ON EXISTING MONITORING POSITIONS Technical Management Area located in Farnham. DIFFUSION TUBE LOCATION In order to determine the impact of construction and ROADS AND DWELLINGS ANTICIPATED ROAD NOISE ANTICIPATED VIBRATION Assessments Finally, air quality considerations associated with any operational noise upon existing sensitive receptors, SLR will CONSTRAINT MONITORING POSITIONS construction works, such as dust generation, will be assessed also be undertaking a noise survey at locations representative DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY and mitigation measures proposed to minimise any impacts of the nearest existing receptors outside of the development LOCATION (APPROX.)ANTICIPATED VIBRATION CONSTRAINT ANTICIPATED ROAD NOISE that may occur on nearby sensitive receptors. DIFFUSION TUBE site. The results of this survey will be used to: • Identify any mitigation measures that may be required ANTICIPATED INDUSTRIAL & CONSTRAINT 20m INCREMENTSCOMMERCIAL FROM NOISE to reduce noise levels during the construction phase of DEVELOPMENTCONSTRAINT BOUNDARY the development; and ANTICIPATED VIBRATION • Identify existing receptors that may be sensitive to ANTICIPATED RAILWAY NOISE CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT NOTES NOTES operational noise associated with the potential non- ROADSIDE MONITORING N N NOTES NOTES residential uses. LOCATION -EXISTING ACCESS SENSITIVE ROUTES ANTICIPATED INDUSTRIAL & N N Where receptors are identified SLR will look to recommend RECEPTORS COMMERCIAL NOISE mitigation that will reduce operational noise impacts. BACKGROUNDAPPROXIMATE MONITORING NOISE & CONSTRAINT DT8 LOCATION >200mVIBRATION FROM CONSTRAINTS TRANSPORTZONE SOURCES ANTICIPATED RAILWAY AIR QUALITY IMPACT FROM Air quality constraints plan Noise & vibration constraints plan DT9 LEGEND THE DEVELOPMENT (I.E. LEGEND NOISE AND VIBRATION MONITORING EQUIPMENT NOISE CONSTRAINT EMISSIONS FROM CARS) WILL A31 CARRIAGEWAY BE ASSESSED ON EXISTING ANTICIPATED NOISE DIFFUSION TUBE LOCATION ROADS AND DWELLINGS MONITORING LOCATIONS 200m AIR QUALITY DT9 AIR QUALITY IMPACT FROM RAIL LINE DOES THE DEVELOPMENT (I.E. LEGEND LEGEND ANTICIPATED VIBRATION DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY EMISSIONS FROM CARS) WILLNOT REPRESENT MONITORING ZONE LOCATION (APPROX.) MONITORING POSITIONS EXISTING SENSITIVE BE ASSESSED ON EXISTING ANTICIPATED NOISE DIFFUSION TUBE LOCATION RAIL LINE DIFFUSION TUBE ROADS AND DWELLINGS AN AIR QUALITY MONITORING LOCATIONS 20m INCREMENTS FROM ANTICIPATED ROAD NOISE RECEPTORS DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINTDEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY ANTICIPATED VIBRATION A31 CARRIAGEWAY - LOCATION (APPROX.) ROADSIDE MONITORING ANTICIPATED VIBRATION MONITORING POSITIONS CONSTRAINT REASON FOR AIR QUALITY DIFFUSION TUBE LOCATION - ACCESS ROUTES APPROXIMATE NOISE & 20m INCREMENTS FROM ANTICIPATED ROAD NOISE BACKGROUND MONITORING ANTICIPATED INDUSTRIAL & MONITORING ZONE DT8 LOCATION >200m FROM COMMERCIALDEVELOPMENT NOISE BOUNDARY CONSTRAINT VIBRATION CONSTRAINTS TRANSPORT SOURCES CONSTRAINT ROADSIDE MONITORING ANTICIPATEDDIFFUSION VIBRATION TUBE LOCATIONS - RAIL LINE DOES 200m AIR QUALITY ANTICIPATED RAILWAY ZONE LOCATION - ACCESS ROUTES CONSTRAINT NOT REPRESENT MONITORING ZONE NOISE CONSTRAINT MONITORING WILL DETERMINE AN AIR QUALITY CONSTRAINT A31 CARRIAGEWAY - EXISTINGBACKGROUND SENSITIVE MONITORING ANTICIPATED INDUSTRIAL & REASON FOR AIR QUALITY DT8 RECEPTORSLOCATION >200m FROM COMMERCIALREQUIRED NOISE STAND-OFF FROM A31 TO Rowen Properties MONITORING ZONE TRANSPORT SOURCES NOISE AND VIBRATION MONITORING EQUIPMENTCONSTRAINT DIFFUSION TUBE LOCATIONS - APPROXIMATE NOISE & ENSURE AIR QUALITY LIMITS ARE A31 CARRIAGEWAY MONITORING WILL DETERMINE VIBRATION CONSTRAINTS RAIL LINE DOES 200m AIR QUALITY ANTICIPATED RAILWAY REQUIRED STAND-OFF FROM A31 TO ZONE ENSURE AIR QUALITY LIMITS ARE NOT REPRESENT MONITORING ZONE NOISENOT CONSTRAINT EXCEEDED (London) Limited NOT EXCEEDED NOISEAN AIRAND QUALITY VIBRATION MONITORING EQUIPMENT SQUIRES GARDEN A31A31 CARRIAGEWAY CARRIAGEWAY - SQUIRES GARDEN CONSTRAINT EXISTING SENSITIVE CENTRE REASON FOR AIR QUALITY CENTRE RECEPTORS MONITORING ZONE ASPECT HOUSE DIFFUSION TUBE LOCATIONS - RAIL LINE ASPECT BUSINESS PARK MONITORING WILL DETERMINE APPROXIMATE NOISE & BENNERLEY ROAD RAIL LINE VIBRATION CONSTRAINTS REQUIRED STAND-OFF FROM A31 TO A31 ZONE NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR DT1 ENSURE AIR QUALITY LIMITS ARE T: 01159 647280 NOT EXCEEDED F: 01159 751576 NOISE AND VIBRATION MONITORING EQUIPMENT A31 CARRIAGEWAY LIMIT OF 200m AIR QUALITY MONITORING ZONE Rowen Properties Rowen Properties DT7 (London) Limited RAIL LINE BADSHOT LEA DT6 (London) Limited DT5 DT4 ASPECT HOUSE ASPECT HOUSE COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND ASPECT BUSINESS PARK DT1 ASPECT BUSINESS PARK DT3 A31 BENNERLEY ROAD A31 BENNERLEY ROAD DT2 NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR T: 01159 647280 DT1 T: 01159 647280 NOISE & VIBRATION CONSTRAINTS F: 01159 751576 F: 01159 751576 www.slrconsulting.comLIMIT OF 200m AIR QUALITY PLAN BADSHOT LEA MONITORING ZONE RowenBADSHOT Properties LEA Rowen Properties COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND DT7 (London)COMMUNITY PLANNING Limited WEEKEND (London) Limited AIR QUALITY CONSTRAINTS DT6 NOISE & VIBRATION CONSTRAINTS LIMIT OF 200m AIR 0 50 100 150 200m 300 400 500 ANV1 Rowen Properties PLAN DT5 PLAN DT4 ASPECT HOUSE ASPECT HOUSE 0 50 100 150 200m 300 400 500 AQ1 0 50 100 150 200m 300 400 500 ANV1 ASPECT BUSINESS PARK QUALITY ASPECT BUSINESS PARK Scale Date DT3 A31 BENNERLEY ROAD BENNERLEY ROAD Metres 1:5000 NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR A31 NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR Scale Date DT2 Scale Date 2016 [CLIENT] 1:5000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 Metres 1:5000 425.05874.00001.27.001.0_ANV_CONSTRAINTS PLAN.dwg © Crown copyright [and database rights] 0100031673 Expires Metres 1:5000 T: 01159 647280 T: 01159 647280 DBRAIN 2016 [CLIENT] 1:5000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 425.05874.00001.27.001.0_ANV_CONSTRAINTS PLAN.dwg © Crown copyright1:5000 [and @ database A3 rights] OCTOBER 0100031673 2016 Expires MONITORING ZONE 2016 [CLIENT] DBRAIN 425.05874.00001.23.001.0_AQ_CONSTRAINTS PLAN.dwg © Crown copyright [and database rights] 0100031673 Expires DBRAIN F: 01159 751576 F: 01159 751576 Rowen Properties (London) Limited © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. BADSHOT LEA DT7 BADSHOT LEA COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND ASPECT HOUSE AIR QUALITY CONSTRAINTS NOISE & VIBRATIONDT6 CONSTRAINTS (London) Limited PLAN PLAN ASPECT BUSINESS PARK DT5 A31 BENNERLEY ROAD 0 50 100 150 200m 300 400 500 AQ1 0 50 100 150 200m 300 400 500 ANV1 NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR ASPECT HOUSE Metres 1:5000 Scale Date Metres 1:5000 Scale DT4Date T: 01159 647280 2016 [CLIENT] 2016 1:5000 @[CLIENT] A3 OCTOBER 2016 1:5000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 425.05874.00001.23.001.0_AQ_CONSTRAINTS PLAN.dwg © Crown copyright [and database rights] 0100031673 Expires 425.05874.00001.27.001.0_ANV_CONSTRAINTS PLAN.dwg © Crown copyright [and database rights] 0100031673 Expires DBRAIN DBRAIN ASPECT BUSINESS PARK F: 01159 751576 © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts DT3no liability for any amendments made by other persons. A31 BENNERLEY ROAD DT2 NOTTINGHAM. NG6 8WR T: 01159 647280 F: 01159 751576 BADSHOT LEA COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND BADSHOT LEA NOISE & VIBRATION CONSTRAINTS COMMUNITY PLANNING WEEKEND PLAN AIR QUALITY CONSTRAINTS 0 50 PLAN100 150 200m 300 400 500 ANV1 Metres 1:5000 Scale Date 2016 [CLIENT] 1:5000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 425.05874.00001.27.001.0_ANV_CONSTRAINTS PLAN.dwg © Crown copyright [and database rights] 0100031673 Expires 0 50 100 150 200m 300 400 500 AQ1 DBRAIN © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. Metres 1:5000 Scale Date 2016 [CLIENT] 1:5000 @ A3 OCTOBER 2016 425.05874.00001.23.001.0_AQ_CONSTRAINTS PLAN.dwg © Crown copyright [and database rights] 0100031673 Expires DBRAIN © This drawing and its content are the copyright of SLR Consulting Ltd and may not be reproduced or amended except by prior written permission. SLR Consulting Ltd accepts no liability for any amendments made by other persons. 1 Squire’s Garden Centre Existing characteristics To Badshot To Badshot 2 Badshot Farm Nurseries Lea Village 8 Lea Village 3 The Antiques Warehouse

4 Kiln House Studios C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING WEEKEND 5 Equestrian Centre

6 Existing orchard

7 Public right of way footpath BADSHOT LEA ROAD1 2 8 The Green (Badshot Lea Tennis Club and Site Context: sports pitches) Existing 9 Aldershot Rifle and Pistol Club ROAD GEORGES ST 10 The Princess Royal Hotel & Restaurant/Pub Characteristics 3 9 4 To Guildford

SITE TOPOGRAPHY RAILWAY 5 and London Towards the north-western end, the site reaches a maximum of 89m AOD and descends in all directions, reaching the lowest point of 75m AOD in the south-eastern corner, 7 6 adjacent to the St Georges Road / A31 intersection. Site contour map (shown at 1m intervals)





Proposed site boundary Land to be promoted by client in + 89m AOD (high point) agreement with landowner (SUEZ) + 75m AOD (low point) Proposed SANG boundary

3 4 5 6

Site constraints plan To Weybourne To Aldershot




Proposed site boundary

Land to be promoted by client* *in agreement with the landowner (SUEZ) Proposed SANG boundary

Railway line


Existing roads

Private road

Proposed site access point To Guildford Grade II listed buildings and London Badshot Lea Village Infant School

Squire’s Garden Centre

Equestrian Centre

Trees within site (not all shown)

Trees outside of site (not all shown)

Public right of way - footpath

Designated cycle route

Existing horse margin / pedestrian route

Existing electricity line



Existing traffic congestion

Planning permission granted To Farnham

Planning permission pending BARTON FARM, QUEEN ELIZABETH PARK, WINCHESTER GUILDFORD A NEW SUSTAINABLE SUBURB HIGH DENSITY, MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT The site at Barton Farm is located 1.5 km to the north-west of the city centre on the Andover Road. This Roman road is John Thompson & Partners’ award-winning mixed-use one of the key arterial routes into the city and is lined with development on the former Queen Elizabeth Barracks C O M M U N I T Y mature trees. in Guildford has been carried out on behalf of Laing and PLANNING WEEKEND Linden Homes. The project began with a community planning The triangular shaped site, measuring 100 ha, straddles an exercise that gave local residents and other stakeholders an east-west, tree lined ridge with the ground falling to the opportunity to express their concerns and aspirations for the northern and southern boundaries. The northern boundary development. The masterplan responds to the existing trees addresses open countryside, and to the south is the and natural features of the site and integrates the new housing Winchester to London railway line. with the established residential neighbourhoods that surround JTP - Projects the site. To the east of the site are the neighbouring communities of Weake and Harestock including the Henry Beaufort More than 525 new homes including private, affordable, secondary school. rented, and shared equity properties have been arranged into a series of distinct character areas, along with other mixed The site has been identified by Winchester City Council’s uses. A new village green gives the development a clear focus, draft Local Development Framework (LDF) as the preferred and a network of green routes within the parkland has been site for development to meet the city’s current and future provided for pedestrians and cyclists. housing needs. The masterplan proposed 200 homes in total.


Located on the borders of Surrey and Berkshire, the market The greenfield site is located to the south of Doncaster. It town of Fleet is surrounded by beautiful countryside. Fleet is is bounded to the north by a business park, to the east and well positioned for commuters with links to the M4 and M25 south by the M18 connecting into central Doncaster, and to as well as a Rail Station. the west by the Woodfields Plantation residential area.

The 9.28 ha site of the new Hitches Lane development is The site includes two distinct areas separated by a raised, located on the edge of the flood plane on the outskirts of densely wooded former railway track, which is used as an the town. informal footpath and cycle route. Fields and protected woodland lie immediately to the south. Masterplanned by John Thompson & Partners as a sustainable neighbourhood for Berkeley Homes, this development is The site has been designated for residential and supporting being implemented in three phases. The first of these phases is uses in Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council’s (DMBC) Edenbrook. Unitary Development Plan for over 10 years. DMBC’s ambition is to become Europe’s most sustainable borough, and Carr Lodge has been identified as the first ‘low-carbon town’ as set out in Doncaster’s Renaissance Charter.


Worcester Park was a 24 ha former sewage treatment works The 2008 draft South Worcestershire Joint Core Strategy located in a suburb of south-west London. The surrounding (SWJCS) identified the land south of St Peter’s in South area is dominated by monotonous inter-war semi-detached Worcester as a site for a sustainable urban extension and terraced housing. delivering around 3,000 dwellings. Approximately 25 hectares of employment land would also be required along with a Despite its name, the surrounding area had an acute lack two-form entry primary school, community and health care of green open space. A significant proportion of the site is facilities, shops, leisure facilities and emergency services. protected as Metropolitan Open Space. The planning brief identified two development areas to the east & west of a centrally located park, which allowed limited parkland frontage.