Planning Committee 2.00pm, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 Leith Walk/Halmyre Street Place Brief Executive/routine Wards Leith Walk Council Commitments. 1, 10, 47 1. Recommendations 1.1 It is recommended that Committee approves the appended place brief for the site at Leith Walk/Halmyre Street (Appendix 1) as non-statutory planning guidance. Paul Lawrence Executive Director of Place Contact: Will Garrett, Team Manager, Spatial Policy. E-mail:
[email protected] | Tel: 0131 469 3636 Report Leith Walk/Halmyre Street Place Brief 2. Executive Summary 2.1 This report seeks approval of a place brief to provide guidance for a co-ordinated approach to a housing led, mixed-use development on the site at Leith Walk/ Halmyre Street. It has been prepared by the Council’s Planning Service in collaboration with other Council services and has involved extensive engagement with the local community and other stakeholders 3. Background 3.1 There are three areas covered by the place brief within different ownerships. These are shown on the plan in Appendix 2. 3.2 Area 1 - This area sits behind the shops and houses on the east side of Leith Walk. The site comprises a car park for the NHS clinics on Leith Walk. The remainder of the site is vacant. 3.3 A Proposal for Application Notice (PAN) (19/00415/PAN) was submitted for this site in January 2019. It informed the Planning Committee of a forthcoming planning application for flats, student accommodation with gym and associated landscaping. One of the points raised by Planning Committee was that development of this site should be co-ordinated with the adjacent tram depot (area 2).