Top Speed: and (Paperback) # PDF > OTVUBNLIBY

Top Speed: Dodge and Plymouth Stock Car Racing (Paperback)

By Frank Moriarty

iUniverse, United States, 2007. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****. The Chrysler engineers went through every combination that was possible. Whether it was different springs, different shocks, different sway bars, different weights.They had a book, it must have been about a two-by-three foot book! It was a heck of an engineering force. - Seven-time NASCAR champion Winner of 200 Grand National/Winston Cup races Across decades of thrilling competition, many of NASCAR s greatest drivers-from Marvin Panch to , Richard Petty to , to , Ryan Newman to -have thundered around America s legendary racetracks at the wheel of Chrysler Corporation s Dodge and Plymouth stock cars. Power, innovation, and design have characterized these remarkable vehicles, and NASCAR s record books have been written in the wake of their no-holds-barred competition. Now, the full story of Chrysler s conquest of stock car racing is told in TOP SPEED: Dodge and Plymouth Stock Car Racing. Written by award-winning motorsports journalist Frank Moriarty, this book begins with the corporation s first sales and earliest laps, then marches through the years, arriving in the present-day world of the NASCAR...



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