Synchronous extinction of North America’s Pleistocene mammals

J. Tyler Faitha,1 and Todd A. Surovellb aHominid Paleobiology Doctoral Program, Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology, Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University, 2110 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20052; and bDepartment of Anthropology, University of Wyoming, P.O. Box 3431, 1000 East University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071

Edited by Steven M. Stanley, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, and approved October 12, 2009 (received for review July 27, 2009)

The witnessed the extinction of 35 genera of North Testing for Simultaneity. Here, we present an analysis of the American mammals. The last appearance dates of 16 of these chronology of North American late Pleistocene extinctions to genera securely fall between 12,000 and 10,000 radiocarbon years evaluate the extent to which the extinctions can be characterized ago (Ϸ13,800–11,400 calendar years B.P.), although whether the as a synchronous event. Our goal is to provide a statistical test absence of fossil occurrences for the remaining 19 genera from this of the hypothesis that the extinction occurred synchronously time interval is the result of sampling error or temporally staggered between 12,000 and 10,000 radiocarbon years B.P., with the extinctions is unclear. Analysis of the chronology of extinctions absence of last appearance dates (LADs) for some taxa in that suggests that sampling error can explain the absence of terminal time interval attributed to sampling error. Pleistocene last appearance dates for the remaining 19 genera. The To examine the possible effects of sampling error on the extinction chronology of North American Pleistocene mammals extinction chronology, our analysis requires a sample that illus- therefore can be characterized as a synchronous event that took trates the relative abundance of extinct Pleistocene mammals in place 12,000–10,000 radiocarbon years B.P. Results favor an ex- the fossil record. These data are derived primarily from the tinction mechanism that is capable of wiping out up to 35 genera number of stratigraphic occurrences reported by the FAUN- across a continent in a geologic instant. MAP working group (28). This includes abundances of 31 genera from the contiguous United States during the last 40,000 years climate change ͉ extraterrestrial impact ͉ overkill ͉ Quaternary extinctions ͉ or so (Table 1). Four genera (Pampatherium, Cuon, Neochoerus, radiocarbon dates and Saiga) are not reported in the FAUNMAP database and are excluded from the analysis. Our analysis further requires a uring the late Pleistocene, North America lost 35 genera of sample of terminal Pleistocene radiocarbon dates for a given Dlarge mammals. The majority (29 genera), including mast- taxon, referred to here as a taxon date. These dates were odons, saber-toothed cats, and giant ground sloths, became compiled from several key references (18, 22, 24, 29), following globally extinct at that time, whereas a handful (6 genera) Meltzer and Mead’s (29) criteria for evaluating the reliability of vanished from North America while continuing to persist else- a radiocarbon date (Table S2). Radiocarbon dates were evalu- where (Table S1). For decades archaeologists and paleontolo- ated further according to the more rigorous system developed by ANTHROPOLOGY Pettitt et al. (30). All dates used here (Table S2) score as either gists have debated the causes of their extinction (1–5), with reliable or intermediate according to their criteria. explanations including overkill (6–11), environmental change Last appearance dates were documented for the 31 genera (12, 13), hyperdisease (14), and an extraterrestrial impact (15– reported in the FAUNMAP database (Table S3). Since suitable 17). Crucial to the development of explanatory models is the radiocarbon dates have been published for only 18 genera (Table chronology of the extinctions, which some envision as a long- S3), the remaining 13 genera are assigned a LAD corresponding term process occurring throughout the late Pleistocene (18–21) GEOLOGY to the youngest associated preterminal Pleistocene radiocarbon and others characterize as a synchronous event that wiped out all date recorded in FAUNMAP. taxa between 12,000 and 10,000 radiocarbon years B.P. (6–8, 13, For North America’s extinct Pleistocene mammals, there is a 22, 23) (Ϸ13,800–11,400 calendar years B.P.). The 12,000– significant tendency for the LAD to decrease as the number of 10,000 radiocarbon years B.P. time period, referred to here as stratigraphic occurrences of a taxon increases (Fig. 1). This is the terminal Pleistocene, is particularly relevant to the extinction true for the sample of reliably dated Pleistocene genera (- debate in that it encompasses the appearance of Clovis hunter– man’s rho, rs ϭϪ0.564, P ϭ 0.015) and for the entire set of taxa gatherers in North America (24, 25), the onset of the Younger ϭϪ Ͻ Ϸ (rs 0.781, P 0.001). This relationship illustrates the Dryas cold interval (26) ( 12.9 calendar years B.P.), and a important role of sampling effects on the extinction chronology. possible extraterrestrial impact (15, 16). However, reaching a It also suggests that the absence of terminal Pleistocene LADs consensus as to the cause(s) of the extinctions will first require for some, if not all, of the extinct genera may be attributed to a consensus regarding the chronology. sampling error; the rarer a taxon is in the Pleistocene fossil Disagreement over the chronology of North American late record, the more difficult demonstrating a terminal Pleistocene Pleistocene extinctions stems largely from an incomplete fossil LAD will be. The extent to which this is the case is explored in record. Of the 35 genera to disappear from North America, only further detail below. 16 can be shown to have survived to between 12,000 and 10,000 There are 1,955 stratigraphic occurrences of 31 genera of radiocarbon years B.P. Those 16 genera known from the termi- extinct North American mammals, with 66 terminal Pleistocene nal Pleistocene have been observed to be better represented in the fossil record than those that are not (8, 18, 22). This raises the possibility that the remaining 19 genera have not been dated Author contributions: J.T.F. and T.A.S. designed research; J.T.F. and T.A.S. performed to the terminal Pleistocene because of their rarity in the fossil research; J.T.F. and T.A.S. analyzed data; and J.T.F. wrote the paper. record (27). Terminal Pleistocene dates also possibly are lacking The authors declare no conflict of interest. for some genera because they did not survive to that time. If so, This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. then this would imply a more complex causality than that 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. supposed by extinction hypotheses requiring a high degree of This article contains supporting information online at simultaneity (e.g., overkill or extraterrestrial impact). 0908153106/DCSupplemental.͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0908153106 PNAS ͉ December 8, 2009 ͉ vol. 106 ͉ no. 49 ͉ 20641–20645 Table 1. Stratigraphic abundances and terminal Pleistocene whether this empirically observed pattern is consistent with a taxon dates of extinct North American mammals (see also synchronous terminal Pleistocene extinction. In our first simu- Table S2) lation, referred to as the continental simulation, each of the 1,955 No. of stratigraphic. No. of terminal stratigraphic occurrences are assigned randomly a pre- or post- Genus occurrences Pleistocene dates 12,000 radiocarbon years B.P. date based on the observed relative frequency of terminal Pleistocene taxon dates in the Aztlanolagus 10fossil record (3.4% for the complete set of radiocarbon dates and Eremotherium 201.3% when excluding radiocarbon dates of intermediate reliabil- Glyptotherium 40ity). For each of 10,000 iterations, the number of genera receiv- Brachyprotoma 50ing a terminal Pleistocene taxon date is calculated. All of the 31 Miracinonyx 50genera included in the analysis are assumed to survive to the Tetrameryx 50terminal Pleistocene, and all occurrences are assumed to be Hydrochoerus 70equally likely to receive a terminal Pleistocene taxon date. The Homotherium 90continental simulation essentially estimates how many genera Navahoceros 90that we can expect to recover from the terminal Pleistocene if all Stockoceros 10 0 of them had survived to that time, given the empirically derived Palaeolama 15 1 probability of observing a terminal Pleistocene fossil occurrence. Euceratherium 16 2 We ran two separate trials of the continental simulation, both Tremarctos 18 0 including and excluding radiocarbon dates that received inter- Holmesina 22 0 mediate evaluation scores (30). Capromeryx 28 0 Our second simulation, referred to as the biogeographic 37 2 simulation, recognizes that the extinct Pleistocene genera were Smilodon 37 1 not distributed uniformly across the continental United States Arctodus 38 2 and that some regions are more likely to provide a terminal Cervalces 38 2 Pleistocene taxon date than others. For example, the distribution Nothrotheriops 44 8 of Hydrochoerus and Holmesina within the U.S. is limited to the Paramylodon 50 0 southeast (28), an area that yields relatively few terminal Pleis- Mylohyus 53 1 tocene taxon dates (Table S4). Because of their biogeographic Megalonyx 57 2 ranges, these taxa are less likely to have been recovered from Hemiauchenia 58 0 terminal Pleistocene deposits if they had survived to that time. Tapirus 65 2 This issue is addressed in our biogeographic simulation, which Platygonus 97 2 recognizes seven physiographic zones within the continental Bootherium 112 1 United States (31) (Fig. 2). In this simulation, the stratigraphic Camelops 147 7 occurrences of a given genus are assigned randomly to a physi- Mammut 222 9 ographic zone based on its relative abundance in that region Mammuthus 356 15 (Table S4). In turn, the probability that a simulated occurrence Equus 388 9 will be assigned a terminal Pleistocene taxon date is based on the Total 1,955 66 relative frequency of terminal Pleistocene fossil occurrences known from that zone (Table S4). For each of 10,000 iterations, the number of taxa receiving a terminal Pleistocene date is calculated. The biogeographic simulation also explores the pos- taxon dates distributed among 16 of those genera. (Table 1 and sibility of preterminal Pleistocene extinctions. To do so, we Table S2). Twenty-four of those taxon dates, distributed among prohibited between 0 and 15 randomly selected genera from 11 genera, are considered highly reliable (30) (Table S2). receiving a terminal Pleistocene taxon date over 16 separate We developed two Monte Carlo simulations to determine trials of 10,000 iterations. The biogeographic simulation esti- mates how many taxa that we can expect to recover from the terminal Pleistocene if anywhere from 16 to 31 genera had survived to that time. As with the continental simulation, we ran two trials of the biogeographic simulation, once using all of the terminal Pleistocene taxon dates and once excluding radiocar- bon dates of intermediate reliability (30). Results When the entire set of radiocarbon dates is included in the analysis, both simulations indicate that the observed extinction chronology is fully consistent with the simultaneous extinction of all 31 genera between 12,000 and 10,000 radiocarbon years B.P. (Fig. 2). For the continental simulation, 22.4% of the iterations documented 16 or fewer terminal Pleistocene genera (one-tailed P ϭ 0.224). Thus, the empirical observation of 16 terminal Pleistocene genera falls comfortably within the range of taxa that we can expect to recover from that time in the event of a simultaneous extinction. When biogeographic ranges are taken into account, the results are increasingly compelling. In the trial Fig. 1. Relationship between the log (base 10) of the number of stratigraphic allowing all of the taxa to survive to the terminal Pleistocene, the occurrences of a taxon and its last appearance date in radiocarbon years. biogeographic simulation provides a mode value of 17 genera Reliably dated taxa, following Meltzer and Mead (29), are represented by solid known from 12,000 to 10,000 radiocarbon years B.P. and suggests squares. Horizontal lines are at 10,000 and 12,000 years. a 42.2% chance of observing 16 or fewer terminal Pleistocene

20642 ͉͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0908153106 Faith and Surovell Fig. 3. Relative frequency histograms illustrating the number of terminal Pleistocene genera in the (A) continental simulation and (B) biogeographic simulation, when radiocarbon dates of intermediate reliability are excluded. The black bar represents the empirical observation of 11 terminal Pleistocene genera associated with highly reliable radiocarbon dates.

radiocarbon dates are considered, the recovery of 16 terminal Pleistocene genera is the most likely outcome with the disap- pearance of 2 genera before 12,000 radiocarbon years B.P. When radiocarbon dates of intermediate reliability are excluded, the recovery of 11 terminal Pleistocene genera is most likely with no

Fig. 2. Relative frequency histograms illustrating the number of terminal preterminal Pleistocene extinctions, although it is consistent ANTHROPOLOGY Pleistocene genera in the (A) continental simulation and (B) biogeographic with a range of scenarios. simulation. The black bar represents the empirical observation of 16 terminal Pleistocene genera. The biogeographic simulation recognizes seven physi- Discussion ographic zones (C): 1, Pacific Mountain System; 2, Intermontane Plateau; 3, Our analyses demonstrate that the structure of the chronology Rocky Mountain System; 4, Interior Plains; 5, Interior Highlands; 6, Atlantic of North American late Pleistocene extinctions is consistent with Plains; 7, Appalachian Highlands. the synchronous extinction of all taxa between 12,000 and 10,000 radiocarbon years. B.P. The significant negative relationship GEOLOGY between the fossil abundance of a taxon and its last appearance genera (one-tailed P ϭ 0.422). Once again, the observed pattern in the fossil record (Fig. 1) indicates that the temporally stag- fits within our expectations for a synchronous extinction gered appearance of the extinction chronology is driven largely chronology. by sampling effects. As discussed by Signor and Lipps (27), in the Our simulations of a synchronous terminal Pleistocene extinc- event of an abrupt multiple-species extinction event, uncommon tion provide an even better match for the fossil record when taxa will effectively disappear from the fossil record long before radiocarbon dates of intermediate reliability are excluded from their true time of extinction. This appears to be the case for the the analysis (Fig. 3). We note that only 11 genera are associated North American Pleistocene extinctions. Our simulations pro- with highly reliable terminal Pleistocene taxon dates (Table S2). vide further support for this argument. Both the continental and Consistent with this observation, the continental simulation the biogeographic simulations indicate that the recovery of 16 returns a mode value of 11 terminal Pleistocene genera and terminal Pleistocene genera (or 11 in the case of our analysis that suggests a 53.0% chance of recovering 11 or fewer genera from excludes intermediate radiocarbon dates) is to be expected in the ϭ the terminal Pleistocene (one-tailed P 0.530). Similarly, in the case of a synchronous extinction (Figs. 2 and 3). The combination trial allowing all of the taxa to survive to the terminal Pleisto- of these lines of evidence suggests that North American late cene, the biogeographic simulation provides a mode of 11 Pleistocene extinctions are best characterized as a synchronous terminal Pleistocene genera and suggests a 73.4% chance of event. recovering 11 or fewer terminal Pleistocene genera (one-tailed The available evidence indicates that further sampling will P ϭ 0.734). Once again, our simulations indicate that the almost certainly increase the number of genera known from the empirically observed chronology is fully consistent with a syn- terminal Pleistocene (Figs. 1 and 2). This is supported by the chronous terminal Pleistocene extinction event. historic trend, which has been for the number of terminal Although the simulations indicate that the chronology is Pleistocene genera to increase in recent decades (22). We also consistent with simultaneous extinctions, the biogeographic observe that of those taxa lacking terminal Pleistocene radio- simulation indicates that the empirically observed chronology is carbon dates, the four most abundant genera (Table 1; Hemi- statistically compatible with the preterminal Pleistocene extinc- auchenia, Paramylodon, Capromeryx, and Holmesina) have been tions of anywhere from 0 to 8 genera (Table 2). When all of the recovered in stratigraphic association with Paleo-Indian archae-

Faith and Surovell PNAS ͉ December 8, 2009 ͉ vol. 106 ͉ no. 49 ͉ 20643 Table 2. Results of biogeographic simulation modeling the preterminal Pleistocene extinction of 0–15 genera No. of terminal Pleistocene genera (all No. of terminal Pleistocene genera (excluding radiocarbon dates) intermediate radiocarbon dates)

No. of genera extinct Ͼ12,000 radiocarbon yr B.P. Mode Ն16 Ͻ16 P Mode Ն11 Ͻ11 P

0 17 7,519 2,481 0.752 11 4,634 5,366 0.463 1 17 6,596 3,404 0.660 10 3,915 6,085 0.392 2 16 5,697 4,303 0.570 10 3,264 6,766 0.326 3 15 4,561 5,439 0.456 9 2,678 7,322 0.268 4 15 3,460 6,540 0.346 9 2,231 7,769 0.223 5 14 2,660 7,340 0.266 9 1,762 8,238 0.176 6 14 1,763 8,237 0.176 9 1,234 8,766 0.123 7 13 1,142 8,858 0.114 8 909 9,091 0.091 8 13 644 9,356 0.064 8 638 9,362 0.064 9 12 316 9,684 0.032 7 429 9,571 0.043 10 12 150 9,850 0.015 7 252 9,748 0.025 11 10 57 9,943 0.006 6 175 9,825 0.018 12 10 27 9,973 0.003 6 109 9,891 0.011 13 10 10 9,990 0.001 6 62 9,938 0.006 14 9 0 10,000 0 6 32 9,668 0.003 15 9 0 10,000 0 5 10 9,990 0.001 ology (32). In the absence of direct radiocarbon dates, whether Although we are unable to point to any one causal mechanism, these associations definitively demonstrate terminal Pleistocene we note that a major criticism of Martin’s (6, 8–10) overkill survival is unclear. However, that the species most likely to be hypothesis is that humans could not possibly have contributed to dated to the terminal Pleistocene already have been reported the extinction of any animal that disappeared before human from latest Pleistocene deposits is perhaps no coincidence. arrival on the continent (18–21). By extension, the same critique Our simulations do not rule out the possibility that some could be leveled at the extraterrestrial impact hypothesis. On the extinctions may have occurred before 12,000 radiocarbon years basis of our analysis, however, this argument no longer applies. B.P. The biogeographic simulation suggests that anywhere from That Clovis hunter–gatherers, an extraterrestrial impact, or both 0 to 8 genera could have disappeared before the terminal contributed to the disappearance of the entire suite of extinct Pleistocene (Table 2). Even so, 23–31 genera abruptly disap- North American mammals is certainly possible, although by no peared at approximately the same time. Our results leave open means certain. the possibility for a small level of background extinctions (0–8 genera) followed by a surge in extinction rates that wiped out the Conclusion remaining taxa (23–31 genera) between 12,000 and 10,000 Paleontologists and archaeologists have long provided conflict- radiocarbon years B.P. Whether or not background extinctions ing interpretations of the chronology of North American late took place, that a catastrophic event or process occurred at the Pleistocene extinctions, with some arguing for a temporally end of the Pleistocene is abundantly clear (23). staggered extinction (18, 20, 21) and others envisioning the The evidence for a catastrophic terminal Pleistocene extinc- extinction as an abrupt and catastrophic event (6–8, 10, 22, 23). tion requires that we attribute to the extinction cause a number This discrepancy has fueled the debate surrounding the mech- of properties, most notably speed and breadth (19). Thus, anisms responsible for the extinction. Although the fossil record explanations for the extinctions must be able to account for the presents challenges for precise calibration of the extinction disappearance of up to 35 genera, characterized by varied chronology, we now have quantitative evidence providing clear feeding habits and habitat preferences, in a geologic instant. A support for the latter interpretation. Further research on the long-term piecemeal extinction process, similar to the driven late biogeographic histories of individual species in relation to de- Pleistocene extinctions of Eurasia (18), is incompatible with the tailed paleoclimatic, paleoecological, and archaeological data present chronology. We note that Pleistocene overkill and the could help to finally pin down the cause of North American extraterrestrial impact hypothesis require extinctions to occur in end-Pleistocene extinctions (3, 4, 18). a geologic instant. Any version of the climate or environmental Materials and Methods change hypothesis must now be formulated in a manner that Terminal Pleistocene taxon dates were compiled from the accounts for simultaneous extinctions as well. Radiocarbon Dates. literature and included in this study (Table S2) if they passed Meltzer and The surge in extinction rates between 12,000 and 10,000 Mead’s (29) criteria for evaluating the reliability of a radiocarbon date. Their radiocarbon years B.P. is particularly significant in that this time system assesses dates based on the material dated and the strength of the period encompasses the earliest secure evidence of human association between that material and the taxon in question. In general, these foragers in North America (24, 25), the Younger Dryas cold criteria and their list of dates are widely accepted (3, 4, 18, 20, 22, 34). interval (26), and a possible extraterrestrial impact (15, 16). Since the publication of Meltzer and Mead’s radiocarbon ranking system, Thus, the chronology is consistent with anthropogenic, environ- the widespread use of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and advances in mental, and extraterrestrial extinction mechanisms. The chro- chemical treatment of bone have improved the precision and accuracy of nological synchroneity of these events means that we cannot radiocarbon dating (35–37). Ideal dates for extinct North American taxa are AMS radiocarbon dates on the purified bone collagen of the taxon in ques- readily identify a single mechanism responsible for the sudden tion. However, with a few exceptions (e.g., Mammuthus, Cervalces, Cas- surge in extinction rates. That the massive terminal Pleistocene toroides, and Megalonyx), such dates are few and far between. The AMS dates losses are the direct result of the fortuitous intersection of these on unpurified bone collagen, however, are more common (38, 39) and gen- events also remains possible (33). erally considered reliable for building the extinction chronology. This study

20644 ͉͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0908153106 Faith and Surovell includes AMS dates on the bone collagen of extinct North American mammals. Taxonomic Abundances. Taxonomic abundances reported in Table 1 are based Holocene dates are disregarded as erroneous given that extinct taxa have primarily on the number of distinct stratigraphic occurrences documented by never been recovered in situ from Holocene stratigraphic contexts in North the FAUNMAP working group (28). For the genus Equus, specimens identified America, except when redeposited. as E. caballus or from historic Holocene deposits are excluded. The abundance Radiocarbon dates were evaluated further according to the criteria devel- of Bootherium includes records for both Bootherium and Symbos. When a oped by Pettitt et al. (30). This system takes into account both chronometry reliable terminal Pleistocene date for a locality not listed in the FAUNMAP (e.g., pretreatment) and interpretation (e.g., stratigraphy and associations). database was encountered, the appropriate number of stratigraphic occur- Radiocarbon dates on bone or dung were given perfect scores for their rences was added to the abundance list reported in Table 1. ‘‘Sample Materials and Stratigraphic Issues’’ category because the radiocar- bon date applies directly to the taxon in question, irrespective of the potential Simulations. Further details on the simulations are presented in the SI Methods. stratigraphic mobility of dated sample. All dates used here score as either reliable or intermediate according to the ranking system. Following the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Kay Behrensmeyer, Stuart Fiedel, and two recommendations of Pettitt et al. (30), we ran simulations that both include anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on previous versions of this and exclude radiocarbon dates of intermediate rank. article and Donald Grayson and David Meltzer for providing help along the way.

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14. MacPhee RDE, Marx PA (1997) in Natural Change and Human Impact in Madagascar, of the Pleistocene, ed Haynes GA (Springer, Dordecht, The Netherlands), pp 77–105. ANTHROPOLOGY eds Goodman SM, Patterson BD (Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC), pp 33. Haynes CV, Jr (1991) Geoarcheological and paleohydrological evidence for a Clovis age 169–217. drought in North America and its bearing on extinction. Quat Res 35:438–450. 15. Kennett DJ, et al. (2009) Nanodiamonds in the Younger Dryas boundary sediment 34. Beck MW (1996) On discerning the cause of late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions. layer. Science 323:94. Paleobiology 22:91–103. 16. Firestone RB, et al. (2007) Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that 35. Stafford TW, Hare PE, Currie L, Jull AJT, Donahue DJ (1991) Accelerator radiocarbon contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling. Proc Natl dating at the molecular level. J Archaeol Sci 18:35–72. Acad Sci USA 104:16016–16021. 36. Steadman DW, Stafford TW, Funk RE (1997) Nonassociation of paleoindians with 17. Kennett DJ, et al. (2008) Wildfire and abrupt ecosystem disruption on California’s AMS-dated late Pleistocene mammals from the Dutchess Quarry , New York. Northern Channel Islands at the Ållerød–Younger Dryas boundary (13.0–12.9 ka). Quat Quat Res 47:106–116. GEOLOGY Sci Rev 27:2530–2545. 37. Schubert BW, Graham RW, McDonald HG, Grimm EC, Stafford TW (2004) Latest 18. Grayson DK (2007) Deciphering North American Pleistocene extinctions. J Anthropol Pleistocene paleoecology of Jefferson’s ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) and Res 63:185–213. elk-moose () in northern Illinois. Quaternary Res 61:231–240. 19. Grayson DK (1991) Late Pleistocene mammalian extinctions in North America. J World 38. Kooyman B, et al. (2001) Identification of horse exploitation by Clovis hunters based on Prehistory 5:193–231. protein analysis. Am Antiq 66:686–691. 20. Grayson DK, Meltzer DJ (2003) A requiem for North American overkill. J Archaeol Sci 39. Kelley RL, et al. (2006) Multiple approaches to formation processes: The Pine Spring 30:585–593. site, southwest Wyoming. Geoarchaeology 21:615–638.

Faith and Surovell PNAS ͉ December 8, 2009 ͉ vol. 106 ͉ no. 49 ͉ 20645 Supporting Information

Faith and Surovell 10.1073/pnas.0908153106 SI Methods assigned randomly to a physiographic zone based on its relative Simulations were written as macros in Microsoft Excel. Details abundance in each zone (derived from Table S4). The simulated are provided below. fossil occurrence is then assigned a pre- or post-12,000 radio- carbon years B.P. taxon date based on the relative frequency of Continental Simulation. There are 1,955 stratigraphic occurrences terminal Pleistocene taxon dates known from that zone (Table of 31 genera of extinct North American mammals. Of those S4). For example, there are four fossil occurrences of Glyptoth- stratigraphic occurrences, 66 are associated with a terminal erium, one located in the Interior Plains and three from the Pleistocene taxon date (12,000–10,000 radiocarbon years B.P.) Atlantic Plains (Table S4). Each of the four fossil occurrences is (Table 1 and Table S2). Those 66 terminal Pleistocene taxon reassigned randomly to one of these physiographic zones based dates are distributed among 16 genera, providing an empirical on the relative abundance of Glyptotherium in each zone (0.25 for probability of observing a terminal Pleistocene fossil occurrence the Interior Plains and 0.75 for the Atlantic Plains). Next, the of 3.4% (66 of 1,955). The continental simulation randomly four simulated fossil occurrences are assigned randomly to a pre- assigns each of the 1,955 stratigraphic occurrences a pre- or or post-12,000 radiocarbon years B.P. date based on the prob- post-12,000 radiocarbon years B.P. date based on this probability ability of observing a terminal Pleistocene fossil occurrence (3.4%). Afterward, the total number of genera receiving a within each physiographic zone (Interior Plains, 21 terminal terminal Pleistocene taxon date is tallied. This process is re- Pleistocene taxon dates of 590 fossil occurrences, 0.0344; Atlan- peated 10,000 times and provides a sampling distribution of the tic Plains, 4 terminal Pleistocene taxon dates of 370 fossil number of genera that we can expect to recover from the occurrences, 0.0107). This is carried out for each of the 31 extinct terminal Pleistocene, if all of the taxa had survived to that time. genera, and the number of genera that receive a terminal From this distribution, we are able to calculate the probability of Pleistocene taxon date is tallied. The process is repeated 10,000 observing 16 or fewer terminal Pleistocene genera. This simu- times, and the probability of observing 16 or fewer terminal lation assumes that all of the 31 genera included in the analysis Pleistocene genera is determined. survived to the terminal Pleistocene and that all of the fossil The biogeographic simulation also examines the possibility of occurrences are equally likely to receive a terminal Pleistocene preterminal Pleistocene extinctions. The simulation follows the taxon date. procedures described above except that we prohibited between Restricting the analysis to include only the highest rated 0 and 15 randomly selected genera from receiving a terminal radiocarbon dates requires minor changes to the simulation Pleistocene taxon date. This process was carried out for 16 parameters. There are 24 highly rated terminal Pleistocene separate trials of 10,000 iterations, varying the number of radiocarbon dates distributed among 11 genera. The empirical preterminal Pleistocene extinctions from 0 to 15. As above, the probability of observing a highly rated terminal Pleistocene number of genera receiving a terminal Pleistocene taxon date is radiocarbon date is 1.2%. Each of the 1,955 stratigraphic oc- calculated. This simulation allows us to consider how many currences is assigned a pre- or post-12,000 radiocarbon years B.P. genera can disappear before 12,000 radiocarbon years B.P. date based on this probability. This process is repeated 10,000 before the empirical observation of 16 terminal Pleistocene times, and the probability of observing 11 or fewer terminal genera becomes statistically unlikely. Pleistocene genera is determined. Restricting the analysis to include only the highest rated radiocarbon requires minor changes to the simulation parame- Biogeographic Simulation. The biogeographic simulation recog- ters. In this case, a simulated fossil occurrence is assigned a nizes seven physiographic zones across the continental United terminal Pleistocene taxon date based on the relative frequency States (Fig. 2). The number of stratigraphic occurrences of of highly reliable radiocarbon dates in each physiographic zone extinct genera and the frequency of terminal Pleistocene radio- (Table S4). Because only 11 genera are associated with such carbon dates in each zone are reported in Table S4. In this dates, we now calculate the number of times that we observe 11 simulation, the stratigraphic occurrences of a given genus are or fewer terminal Pleistocene genera.

1. Meltzer DJ, Mead JI (1985) in Environments and Extinctions: Man in Late Glacial North 10. Grayson DK (1991) Late Pleistocene mammalian extinctions in North America. J World America, eds Mead JI, Meltzer DJ (Center for the Study of Early Man, Orono, ME), pp Prehistory 5:193–231. 145–173. 11. Kropf M, Mead JI, Anderson RS (2007) Dung, diet, and the palaeoenvironment of the 2. Beck MW (1996) On discerning the cause of late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions. extinct shrub-ox (Euceratherium collinum) on the Colorado Plateau, USA. Quat Res Paleobiology 22:91–103. 67:143–151. 3. Grayson DK (2007) Deciphering North American Pleistocene extinctions. J Anthropol 12. Dansie AJ, Jerrems WJ (2005) in Paleoamerican Origins: Beyond Clovis, eds Bonnichsen Res 63:185–213. R, Lepper BT, Stanford D, Waters MR (Center for the Study of First Americans, College 4. Fiedel S (2009) in American Megafaunal Extinctions at the End of the Pleistocene,ed Station, TX), pp 51–80. Haynes GA (Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands), pp 21–37. 13. Tankersley KB, Landefeld CS (1998) Geochronology of Sheriden , Ohio: The 1997 5. Steadman DW, Stafford TW, Funk RE (1997) Nonassociation of paleoindians with Field Season. Curr Res Pleistocene 15:136–138. AMS-dated late Pleistocene mammals from the Dutchess Quarry Caves, New York. 14. Madsen DB (2000) in Intermountain Archaeology, eds Madsen DB, Metcalfe D (Univ of Quat Res 47:106–116. Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah), University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 122, pp 6. Schubert BW, Graham RW, McDonald HG, Grimm EC, Stafford TW (2004) Latest 100–113. Pleistocene paleoecology of Jefferson’s ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) and 15. Farlow JO, McClain J (1996) in Palaeoecology and Palaeoenvironments of Late Ceno- elk-moose (Cervalces scotti) in northern Illinois. Quat Res 61:231–240. zoic Mammals: Tributes to the Career of C.S. (Rufus) Churcher, eds Stewart KM, 7. Kooyman B, et al. (2001) Identification of horse exploitation by Clovis hunters based on Seymour KL (Univ of Toronto Press, Toronto), pp 322–330. protein analysis. Am Antiq 66:686–691. 16. Hofreiter M, Betancourt JL, Pelliza Sbriller A, Markgraf V, McDonald HG (2003) Phy- 8. Kelley RL, et al. (2006) Multiple approaches to formation processes: The Pine Spring logeny, diet, and habitat of an extinct ground sloth from Cuchillo Cura, Neuquen site, southwest Wyoming. Geoarchaeology 21:615–638. Province, southwest Argentina. Quat Res 59:364–378. 9. FAUNMAP (1994) A database documenting late Quaternary distributions of mammal 17. Redmond BG, Tankersley KB (2005) Evidence of early paleoindian bone modification species in the United States, Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers 25 (Illinois State and use at the Sheriden Cave site (33WY252), Wyandot County, Ohio. Am Antiq Museum, Springfield, IL). 70:503–526.

Faith and Surovell 1of6 18. Muniz M (1998) Preliminary results of excavations and analysis of Little River Rapids: A 26. Waters MR, Stafford TW (2007) Redefining the age of Clovis: Implications for the prehistoric inundated site in North Florida. Curr Res Pleistocene 15:48–49. peopling of the New World. Science 315:1122–1126. 19. Webb SD, Hemmings CA, Muniz MP (1998) New radiocarbon dates for Vero tapir and 27. Hills LV, Harington CR (2003) New radiocarbon dates for Columbian mammoth and stout-legged llama from Florida. Curr Res Pleistocene 15:127–128. Mexican horse from southern Alberta and the Late glacial regional fauna. Quat Sci Rev 20. McDonald HG (2002) in Papers on the Vertebrate Paleontology of Idaho Honoring 22:1521–1523. John A. White, eds Akersten W, Thompson ME, Meldrun DJ, Rapp RA, McDonald HG 28. Agenbroad LD, Johnson J, Morris D, Stafford TW (2005) in Proceedings of the Sixth (Idaho Museum of Natural History, Pocatello, ID), Idaho Museum of Natural History California Islands Symposium, eds Garcelon DK, Schwemm CA (Institute for Wildlife Occasional Paper 37, Vol. 2, pp 141–149. Studies, Arcata, CA), pp 3–7. 21. Frison GC (2000) A 14C date on a late-Pleistocene Camelops at the Casper-Hell Gap site, 29. Gillette DD, Madsen DB (1993) The Columbian Mammoth, Mammuthus columbi from Wyoming. Curr Res Pleistocene 17:28–29. the Wasatch Mountains of central Utah. J Vertebr Paleontol 67:669–680. 22. Huckelberry G, et al. (2001) Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene environmental change at the Sunshine Locality, North-Central Nevada, USA. Quat Res 55:303–312. 30. Thulman DK, Webb DS (2001) Mid-Wisconsonian date associated with Eremotherium 23. Fisher DC (1984) Mastodon butchery by North American Paleo-Indians. Nature laurillardi in Withlacoochee River, north Florida. Curr Res Pleistocene 18:115–117. 308:271–272. 31. Pettitt PB, Davies W, Gamble CS, Richards MB (2003) Paleolithic radiocarbon chronol- 24. Robinson G, Burney LP, Burney DA (2005) Landscape paleoecology and megafaunal ogy: Quantifying our confidence beyond two half-lives. J Archaeol Sci 30:1685–1693. extinction in southeastern New York. Ecol Monogr 75:295–315. 25. Rhodes AN, et al. (1998) Identification of bacterial isolates obtained from intestinal contents associated with 12,000-year-old mastodon remains. Appl Environ Microbiol 64:651–658.

Faith and Surovell 2of6 Table S1. Extinct late Pleistocene genera of North America (after ref. 3) Order Family Genus Common name

Cingulata Pampatheriidae Pampatherium Southern pampathere Holmesina Northern pampathere Glyptodontidae Glyptotherium Simpson’s glyptodont Pilosa Megalonychidae Megalonyx Jefferson’s ground sloth Megatheriidae Eremotherium Rusconi’s ground sloth Nothrotheriops Shasta ground sloth Mylodontidae Paramylodon Harlan’s ground sloth Carnivora Mustelidae Brachyprotoma Short-faced skunk Canidae Cuon* Dhole Ursidae Tremarctos* Florida cave bear Arctodus Giant short-faced bear Felidae Smilodon Dirktooth Homotherium Scimitar cat Miracinonyx American cheetah Rodentia Castoridae Castoroides Giant beaver Hydrochoeridae Hydrochoerus* Holmes’ capybara Neochoerus Pinckney’s capybara Lagomorpha Leporidae Aztlanolagus Aztlan rabbit Perissodactyla Equidae Equus* Horses Tapiridae Tapirus* Tapirs Artiodactyla Tayassuidae Mylohyus Long-nosed peccary Platygonus Flat-headed peccary Camelidae Camelops Yesterday’s camel Hemiauchenia Large-headed llama Palaeolama Stout-legged llama Cervidae Navahoceros Mountain deer Cervalces Elk-moose Antilocapridae Capromeryx Diminutive pronghorn Tetrameryx Shuler’s pronghorn Stockoceros Pronghorns Bovidae Saiga* Saiga Euceratherium Shrub ox Bootherium Harlan’s musk ox Proboscidea Mammutidae Mammut American mastodon Elephantidae Mammuthus Mammoths

*Genus survives outside North America.

Faith and Surovell 3of6 Table S2. Reliable terminal Pleistocene radiocarbon dates Genus Site Date Material dated Ref.

Palaeolama Woody Long, MO 10,890 Ϯ 130 Unpublished 10 Euceratherium Bechan Cave, UT 11,630 Ϯ 150* Dung 11 Falcon Hill, NV 11,950 Ϯ 50 Bone collagen (AMS) 12 Castoroides Sheriden Cave, OH 10,850 Ϯ 60* Bone collagen (AMS) 13 Dutchess Quarry Cave, NY 11,670 Ϯ 70 Bone collagen (AMS) 5 Smilodon Rancho la Brea, CA 11,130 Ϯ 275* Bone 1 Arctodus Huntington Dam, UT 10,870 Ϯ 75* Bone collagen (AMS) 14 Sheriden Cave, OH 11,480 Ϯ 60* Bone collagen (AMS) 13 Cervalces Lang Farm, IL 11,405 Ϯ 50* Bone collagen (AMS) 6 Kendallville, IN 11,420 Ϯ 70* Bone collagen (AMS) 15 Nothrotheriops Rampart Cave, AZ (Dung Unit 1) 10,400 Ϯ 275* Dung 1 Rampart Cave, AZ (Dung Unit 2) 11,020 Ϯ 200* Dung 1 Aden Crater, NM 11,080 Ϯ 200 Dung 1 Muav Caves, AZ 10,650 Ϯ 220 Dung 1 Guadalupe Mts., TX 10,750 Ϯ 140 Dung 1 Gypsum Cave, NV 11,005 Ϯ 100 Dung 16 Williams Cave, TX 11,140 Ϯ 320 Dung 1 Shelter Cave, NM 11,330 Ϯ 370 Dung 1 Mylohyus Sheriden Cave, OH 11,860 Ϯ 40* Bone collagen (AMS) 17 Megalonyx Little River Rapids, FL 11,450 Ϯ 90 Wood 18 Lang Farm, IL 11,485 Ϯ 40* Bone collagen (AMS) 6 Tapirus Lehner Ranch, AZ 10,940 Ϯ 100 Charcoal 1 Little River Rapids, FL 11,450 Ϯ 90 Wood 19 Platygonus Sheriden Cave, OH 11,060 Ϯ 60 Bone collagen (AMS) 17 Franklin Peccary, ID 11,340 Ϯ 50 Bone collagen (AMS) 20 Bootherium Wally’s Beach, Alberta 10,980 Ϯ 80 Bone collagen (AMS) 7 Camelops Jaguar Cave, ID 10,370 Ϯ 350 Charcoal 1 Lehner Ranch, AZ 10,940 Ϯ 100 Charcoal 1 Pine Springs, WY 11,180 Ϯ 45 Bone collagen (AMS) 8 Casper, WY 11,190 Ϯ 50 Bone collagen (AMS) 21 Sunshine Locality, NV 11,390 Ϯ 60 Bone collagen (AMS) 22 Tule Springs, NV 11,500 Ϯ 500 Charcoal 1 Dry Cave, NM 11,880 Ϯ 250 Charcoal 1 Mammut Pleasant Lake, MI 10,395 Ϯ 100 Wood 23 Rappuhn, MI 10,400 Ϯ 400 Wood 1 Hiscock, NY 10,630 Ϯ 80* Bone collagen (AMS) 4 Deerfield, WI 10,780 Ϯ 60* Bone collagen (AMS) 4 Grandville, MI 10,920 Ϯ 190 Bone collagen (AMS) 4 Lehner Ranch AZ 10,940 Ϯ 100 Charcoal 1 Temple Hill, NY 11,000 Ϯ 80 Bone collagen (AMS) 24 Burning Tree, OH 11,390 Ϯ 80* Bone collagen (AMS) 25 Heisler, MI 11,770 Ϯ 110* Bone collagen (AMS) 25 Mammuthus Lake, NV 10,340 Ϯ 50 Bone collagen (AMS) 12 Rawhide Butte, WY 10,550 Ϯ 350 Charcoal 1 Big Bone Lick, KY 10,600 Ϯ 250 Wood 1 Lange-Ferguson, SD 10,710 Ϯ 130* Bone collagen (AMS) 26 Colby, WY 10,790 Ϯ 30* Bone collagen (AMS) 26 Bindloss Gravel Pit, AB 10,930 Ϯ 100 Bone collagen (AMS) 27 Dent, CO 10,940 Ϯ 30* Bone collagen (AMS) 26 Lehner Ranch, AZ 10,940 Ϯ 100 Charcoal 1 Domebo, OK 10,960 Ϯ 30* Bone collagen (AMS) 26 Santa Rosa, CA 11,030 Ϯ 50* Bone collagen (AMS) 28 Blackwater Draw, NM 11,040 Ϯ 500 Plant remains 1 Murray Springs, AZ 11,150 Ϯ 450 Charcoal 1 Huntington Dam, UT 11,220 Ϯ 110* Bone 29 Bechan Cave, UT 11,670 Ϯ 300* Dung 2 Little River Rapids, FL 11,450 Ϯ 90 Wood 18 Equus Jaguar Cave, ID 10,370 Ϯ 350 Charcoal 1 Pashley Gravel Pit, AB 10,870 Ϯ 45 Bone collagen (AMS) 27 Lehner Ranch, AZ 10,940 Ϯ 100 Charcoal 1 Rancho la Brea, CA 10,940 Ϯ 510 Bone 1 Fishbone Cave, NV - Horse #1 11,210 Ϯ 50* Bone collagen (AMS) 12 Fishbone Cave, NV - Horse #2 11,350 Ϯ 40* Bone collagen (AMS) 12 Wally’s Beach, Alberta 11,330 Ϯ 70 Bone collagen (AMS) 7 Little River Rapids, FL 11,450 Ϯ 90 Wood 18 Pine Springs, WY 11,530 Ϯ 50 Bone collagen (AMS) 8

AMS, accelerator mass spectrometry. *Radiocarbon date considered highly reliable according to Pettitt et al. (31).

Faith and Surovell 4of6 Table S3. Last appearance dates (LADs) for extinct North American genera* Genus LAD Site Ref. or FAUNMAP machine no.

Aztlanolagus Ͼ31,150 U-Bar Cave 1173 (Eremotherium 38,860 ؎ 1,300 Munroe Sloth Site (30 Glyptotherium 23,230 Ϯ 490 Laubach Cave No. 3 718 Brachyprotoma 13,740 Ϯ 145 Frankstown Cave 890 Miracinonyx 14,935 Ϯ 610 Haystack Cave 736 Tetrameryx 23,230 Ϯ 490 Laubach Cave No. 3 718 Hydrochoerus 12,000 Ϯ 300 Avery Island 339 Homotherium 13,970 Ϯ 310 Laubach Cave No. 2 719 Navahoceros 12,860 Ϯ 400 Black Rock Canyon 1015 Stockoceros 12,520 Ϯ 200 Shelter Cave 1304 (Palaeolama 10,890 ؎ 130 Woody Long (10 (Euceratherium 11,630 ؎ 150 Bechan Cave (11 Tremarctos 23,230 Ϯ 490 Laubach Cave #3 718 Holmesina 21,150 Ϯ 400 West Palm Beach 1669 Capromeryx 12,200 Ϯ 200 Rancho la Brea (1) (Castoroides 10,850 ؎ 60 Sheriden Cave (13 (Smilodon 11,130 ؎ 275 Rancho la Brea (1 (Arctodus 10,870 ؎ 75 Huntington Mammoth (14 (Cervalces 11,405 ؎ 50 Lang Farm (6 (Nothrotheriops 10,400 ؎ 275 Rampart Cave (1 (Paramylodon 20,450 ؎ 460 Rancho la Brea (1 (Mylohyus 11,860 ؎ 40 Sheridan Cave (17 (Megalonyx 11,450 ؎ 90 Little River Rapids (18 Hemiauchenia 12,210 Ϯ 430 Dagget Waste Locality 1364 (Tapirus 10,940 ؎ 90 Lehner Ranch (1 (Platygonus 11,060 ؎ 60 Sheridan Cave (17 (Bootherium 10,980 ؎ 80 Wally’s Beach (7 (Camelops 10,370 ؎ 350 Jaguar Cave (1 (Mammut 10,395 ؎ 100 Pleasant Lake (1 (Mammuthus 10,340 ؎ 40 Pyramid Lake (1 (Equus 10,370 ؎ 350 Jaguar Cave (7

*For those taxa lacking a reliable radiocarbon date, the reported LAD is the youngest preterminal Pleistocene radiocarbon date reported by FAUNMAP (9). Only dates in bold are considered reliable according to Meltzer and Mead (1).

Faith and Surovell 5of6 Table S4. Abundances of extinct Pleistocene genera and terminal Pleistocene radiocarbon dates across seven physiographic zones Pacific Mountain Intermontane Rocky Mountain Interior Interior Appalachian Atlantic System Plateau System Plains Highlands Highlands Plains

Aztlanolagus 0100000 Eremotherium 0000002 Glyptotherium 0001003 Brachyprotoma 0101210 Miracinonyx 0140000 Tetrameryx 0302000 Hydrochoerus 0000007 Homotherium 0313002 Navahoceros 0513000 Stockoceros 0901000 Palaeolama 00001014 Euceratherium 7900000 Tremarctos 00010215 Holmesina 00010021 Capromeryx 11 11 0 6 0 0 0 Castoroides 00022159 Smilodon 13 6 1 5 3 0 9 Arctodus 71236613 Cervalces 00028460 Nothrotheriops 10 32 0 2 0 0 0 Paramylodon 13 8 1 6 5 0 17 Mylohyus 0 0 0 11 6 16 20 Megalonyx 11 4 0 15 5 6 16 Hemiauchenia 5 23 1 12 1 0 16 Tapirus 5 6 0 291231 Platygonus 34135191421 Bootherium 1132656943 Camelops 23 64 21 29 1 1 8 Mammut 11 7 1 120 24 19 40 Mammuthus 27 71 16 188 8 5 41 Equus 34 140 29 75 17 17 76 Terminal Pleistocene taxon dates* 3/2 25/8 6/1 22/11 2/0 4/2 4/0

*Terminal Pleistocene taxon dates are reported as (no. of terminal Pleistocene radiocarbon dates)/(no. of terminal Pleistocene taxon dates considered highly reliable according to ref. 31).

Faith and Surovell 6of6