D1.1 Mission Report Bhadra Dam and Reservoir Karnataka, India
D1.1 Mission report Bhadra dam and reservoir Karnataka, India Deltares in cooperation with iPresas, SkyGeo and Royal Eijkelkamp Mrs. Jessica Castillo Mr. Joris Benninga Mr. Leon van Hamersveld Mr. Min Xu Mr. Ton Peters 11200775-001 © Deltares, 2017, B 11200775-001-GEO-0001, Version 03,30 May 2017, final Deltares Keywords Bhadra dam, dam safety, water reservoir, Operation & Maintenance, emergency response, PS-lnSAR satellite imaging, online monitoring system, risk-informed dam safety management, FEWS forecasting. Summary The water reservoirs in India are of vital importance to the cities and urban areas. They provide water for irrigation of the land (food production), are used to generate electricity (water and energy) and offer protection against flooding (safety). Often, the dams are aging, but are also facing different circumstances than when designed, due to changes in land use, socio-economic developments and climate change. The goal of the DAMSAFE pilot project is to contribute to enhancing dam safety and water management in India by introducing innovative technologies that improve forecasting of dam and reservoir behaviour. This will contribute to optimization of water management, Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and emergency response. The main stakeholders to the project in India are the Karnataka Water Resources Department (KaWRD) and the Central Water Commission (CWC) in New Delhi. The DAMSAFE consortium consists of Deltares (coordinator), Royal Eijkelkamp, SkyGeo and iPresas. This document presents a summary report on activities and meetings in February 2017, including the inception meeting, a site visit to the Bhadra dam and a working session on dam failure mode identification. Next to that a monitoring system for the dam and reservoir is designed based on identified failure mechanism and goals of the project.
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