Tra Vel Europe Sale

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Tra Vel Europe Sale TRA VEL EUROPE AUGUST SALE 1972 35MM. 2" x 2" COLOR SLIDE SETS SALE BEGINS JULY 10, 1972 AND ENDS AUGUST 31 , 1972 (All o rrlers received by us prior to and after sale dates \\'ill be filh•d at ( he reJ.[u lar price) Save up to 20% on 35mm. 2"x2" Color Slide Sets All Bla<' kha\\' k Tr:w<>l Europl' Slides f rnnd on page l(j I bot tom of column :l and , II of C'o!umn 41 are on sale. Other slidl' spt; are not on sale. Selert the Tr:n ('l E11 rope S lide set or s('ts you \\'ant from t hose listed. ~hen check belm,. We 've listed all of the ,·a t ious Regular Sa te Regu lar Sale Price Price Price Price pr i<'es for the s lirll' sets . and thPir salt' ~--- p ril'l' is dirPc- tly oppo,ilP. ltl'memlwr . .. t his $2 9a - ·-$2.39--- --··$Ii 49 $ 5. 19 sale is only fo r :l5mm. 2"x2" Travel Europe $3.79 $? 99 $7 09 $5 69 Color Slide Sets listed on page lfi I boll om $4 49 $3 59 $7.19 $5 79 of column :land all of <'olumn l l. Thi, s1wc-ia l $7 .39 $5 89 offer I.Jpgi ns .Jul~' Ill. IP7:! and e nds :\u1~ust $5.39 $4.29 $7 49 $5.99 31. 1972. $5 59 $~ 49 '1,899 $7.19 S5 99 $ 4 79 $1 l 99 $9 99 $6 ,g $5 09 $14 98 $ 13 99 FABULOUS JULY BLOCKBUSTER SALE ½oFF ½oFF EXTENDED TO: AUGUST 31, 1972 COMEDY SALE These six coml'dies have been c-hosen by MR. EAST I::-S as being among The Best of the Comedies we ha\'e to offer , thal do not have a ma.ior FREE Ulackhttwk Flyer F-227 does not supercede star. To acquaint you with them we're offering t hem to you at HALF previous publications. except it may re rte,:t PHICE! (see below for some price adjustments of items no lonirer on sale. All sule items in this fl:ver•will only This special sale offer expires August 31, 1972 details) be good t hrough Au~m,t 31, 1972. Use only from date or receipt through Au~u6t 31, CINDERELLA 1972. CINDERS THE IRON MULE M AN ABOUT TOWN ( 1926) { 1925) starring ALICE HOW ELL Starring STAN LAUREL Al ice, a short-order cook who is f ired for "World's largest goofing Of f , w in ds up a cook for a ver y starring AL ST. JOHN FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY It 's none o ther t han Stan who fancies wealthy family. The f am ily is expecting to It's lim e for another trip on the Twent y himse lf as ladies· man. B ut st ore detec cntert ain the Count and Counress of Cent Limited an d that can only mean (Through July 31 , 1972) You can t,ve Finlayson sees him as a shoplift er DeBunco· but realty imposters. the fake laughs aplenty with Al St. John as own this outstanding movie anrl replaces Stan's shadow In a merry Count and Coun tess are captured by the eng ineer, fireman. conductor, and all . whirl ab out to wn as he tries to catch selection FREE with the purchase of any police. WHh all guests there and a big around trouble Shooter, guiding the train one or group of Standard 8mm. him wi th "the goods" affair, guess who gets drafted to pla y the through w ild Indian Countr y. parts .. yes. A lice and the B utler! 810-01-0554, Standard 8mm., 200-f eet, 11- or Super 8 movies at regular 810-01-0447, Sta~dar d 8mm ., J 7S-feet, 1-lb. ozs . price (not sale prices) totaling of Stan and Fin w ere In much t he sa me Regular ly Sl?. 98 Sa te S6.49 Regularly S6.9B Sate S3.49 $29.00 or more. (Only One Free circu mstances when Man About Town 860-01 -0219, Super 8, 400-feet, I -lb. 860-01-0014, Sup er 8mm., 225-teet , 14-ozs. Movie Per Order) Purchases of was made. Neither had found the Regular ly 514.98 Sate 57.49 R~~~yU~ h~Utt scr een char act er that w ould bring ater 16mm. movies or equipment fame. There's an i nterestin g compari­ things to show" DO NOT qualify toward the dol­ son In t he make up and comic style A TWO CYLINDER THE WRONG lar amount needed to receive they used with t hat of only 3 years this free film. Only new Stand­ later when Dame Fortune w as smiling MR. FOX more k1rdly on both Man About Town COURTSHIP ard 8mm. or Super 8 movie pur­ Is a f ne e x 3mple of the frnnt1ca lly chases will qualify for free paced Roach comed 1e~ of the ear ly ( 1917} ( 1917) twenties and vin tage Laurer footage . movie- Used print purchases THE starring BILLY R HODES, starring V ICTOR MOORE WILL NOT qualify. This offer IS JAY B E LASCO Unemployed Jim mie Fox is about to end NOT Retroactive. EASTIN-PHELAN Whil e Bi llie prefer s tin ker ing w it h her i t all when a job offer a rri ves from 1---------­ CORPORATION a uto to spooning with the fellows, Jay Canaan, Vermont. On the tr ain Jim m ie Thi s movie would normally sell for 11 !0 07-1().]fi. Standard 8mm., prefer!> Billie - his problem? How to get meet s a minister headed for his new par iSh $6.98 in St and ard 8mm or S7 .98 in 100 he/, 11 -nzs . FREE her away from her father to let nat ure take in Canaan, New Ham p~iro. As each gets Super, IT IS NOT N OW AVAI LABLE FOR Hfi0-07 1(}.'J6. Su per 8. 225-feet, DAVENPORT Us course. Hi~ zoivticn? H yov can' t lic k off at the w r onQ Canaan, you can g v e~~ SALE AND IS AVAILAB LE ONLY AS OU T­ 11 u:s . .... .. .. .. .. f-'REE '<•m . elope wiln 'em. what f un follows! LINED ABOVE. IOWA 52808 810-01 -1187, Standard 8mm .• !7S-feet , 11 - 810-01-0943, Standard 8mm .. 200-feet, 11 - ozs. ozs. Regular ly $6.98 Sa te S3.49 Regularly S6.98 Sale SJ.49 860-01-1187, Super 8, 22S-feet. 11-ozs. 860-01 -0943. Super 8, 225-fect, 11-o ts. Regularly S7.98 Sale S3 .99 Requl arly S7 98 Sare S3.99 O N E WET NIGHT SHIP AHOY ( 1924) {1920) with any $29.00 purchase of new Standard starring st arring NEELY EDWARDS, BILLY WEST, F . STANTON HECK , 8mm. or Super 8 film s. Coupon must a~c-om ALICE HOWE LL ETH ELYN G IBSON, LEO WHITE pany order lo qualify fo r your free film. It's ra ininq outside and in a!) Neely Hov, do you st r a ig h ten out true ove windsuPd dinner party with a blast· from 'M'lrn i1 falls in e:1 1y·s. hands? It's rrally BE SURE TO CHECK WHETHER YOU his new ~hotqun ' T he hole in th e ceiling loo funny to expl ain . _!lnd 100 complrcated, WANT STANDARD HMM. or SU PER 8 ca uses. rib t ,cklinq p rob1cms. and the buf nothing deters our h er o from elud;ng attempt~ ro stop the gust in9 water arc the police, capt ur ing Jewel thieves and 0 810-07-1036, STA:'IDARI) 8MM s;mply h lanou s. winning ta,r E thelyn's hand. 860-07-1036, SUP E_R 8 8I0-01 -0S7S. Standard 8mm .. 200-f ee t, 11- 810-01-0626, Standard Bmm ., 400 -feet, 14- 0 01s. 01s. ~ . ~/~ r::p/$~~~~<'v?.?I~~ Regularly S6 98 Sate SJ.49 Regularly $12. 98 Sal e S6.49 860-01 -0 108, Super 8, 225-fect , 11-ozs. 860-01 -0197, Super 8, 4S0-feet. 1-lb. P <!gularly S7 .98 Sale $3.99 RequlartySlJ 98 Sate S7.49 See Page 3 FOR SALE ON FEATURE FILMS 2 SALES FLY E:R F227 August, 1972 I SPECIAL OFFER - BRAND NEW 16 MM. SOUND FILMS All are Blackhawl Fi ms-NTA Releases The films on this page are offered for a limited time o'lly. The ava ilable for horr e and non-theatrical regular price for these films is $24.98 with an average length of 350 use In the Western Hemisphere (North This special sale offer expires August 31, 1972. to 400 feet; shipping weight is 2-lbs. Order by numt:er and tit le. De and South America and Oceania.) lievery will be made three to four weeks after receipt of your order MUSICAL PARADES GEORGE BURNS All are 650-800 feet in length & GRACIE ALLEN Regular Price $39.98 COMEDIES All are 350-400 feet in length SPECIAL $3Q00 Regular Price $24.98 BLACKHAWK PRICE SPECIAL $2Q00 ." . t ·~ . BLACKHAWK PRICE \ "· ~ '- :.L ·-;aj I Offer expires August 31 , 1972 V \1 v V ~ ' '1 640-87-0134-- THELITTLE WITCH 640-87-0145-FOOTLIGHT 640-87-0150-LUCKY COWBOY with OLGA SAN ,TUAN, BOB RHYTHM with GULE GIBSON, EDDIE DEN GRAHAM, DUNCAN RENA/.,DO with SALLY RAWLINSON, The Old West with a new Marshal Dance star loves orchestra leader. KENNY O'MORRISON, MARET trying to quiet things down with Finds he's fror:1 rich family.
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