Online items available Guide to the David Starr Jordan Papers SC0058 Daniel Hartwig & Jenny Johnson Department of Special Collections and University Archives 2000 Green Library 557 Escondido Mall Stanford 94305-6064
[email protected] URL: Note This encoded finding aid is compliant with Stanford EAD Best Practice Guidelines, Version 1.0. Guide to the David Starr Jordan SC00581325 1 Papers SC0058 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives Title: David Starr Jordan papers Creator: Jordan, David Starr Identifier/Call Number: SC0058 Identifier/Call Number: 1325 Physical Description: 250.5 Linear Feet Date (inclusive): 1861-1964 Provenance David Starr Jordan, the first president of Stanford University, and Orrin Leslie Elliott, first registrar, used adjacent offices and later shared a common secretary in George A. Clark during the early years of the institution. Under this arrangement their correspondence files were intermixed, and although three separate categories were maintained--President's Office, General Letters, and University Letters--these distinctions were so vague as to prove meaningless. Thus, many hundreds of the letters of the letters in the combined files were requests for catalogs or information about the institution by potential students. All of the incoming letters and loose carbons and drafts of outgoing letters were copied into letterpress books. It is assumed that these papers, official and unofficial, remained in the custody of the University. When Dr. Jordan retired in 1913, a new file was created for his correspondence as chancellor, and later, chancellor emeritus.