Mineral Investigation of the Sierra Ancha Wilderness and Salome Study Area, Gila County, Arizona
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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF MINES MINERAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SIERRA ANCHA WILDERNESS AND SALOME STUDY AREA, GILA COUNTY, ARIZONA by Thomas D. Light I MIA 34-85 ! 1985 I I This open-file report summarizes the results of a Bureau of Mines wilderness study and will be incorporated in a joint report with the Geological Survey. The report is 7. i preliminary and has not been edited or reviewed for conformity with the Bureau of Mines editorial standards. Work on this study was conducted by personnel from ! Intermountain Field Operations Center, Building 20, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225. I I STUDIES RELATED TO WILDERNESS I WILDERNESS AND STUDY AREAS In accordance with the provisions of the Wilderness Act (Public Law I 88-577, September 3, 1964) certain areas within the national forests previous- I ly classified as "wilderness, ....wild," or "canoe," were incorporated into the National Wilderness Preservation System. The act provides that areas under ! consideration for wilderness designation should be studied for suitability for incorporation into the Wilderness System. The act stipulates that the I Bureau of Mines and the Geological Survey conduct surveys to determine the I mineral values, if any, that may be present. The results of such surveys are to be made available to the public and submitted to the President and Congress. ! This report presents the results of the mineral survey of the Sierra Ancha Wilderness and Salome Study Area conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. I A combined summary report of work done by the U.S. Geological Survey and I U.S. Bureau of Mines has been previously published. I I I CONTENTS I Summary ................................................................ 1 I Introduction ........................................................... 2 I Previous studies .................................................. 5 Present investigation ............................................. 5 I Acknowledgments ................................................... 7 Geologic Setting ....................................................... 8 I Mining history and production .......................................... i0 I Mines, prospects, and mineralized zones ................................ 14 Sierra Ancha Wilderness ........................................... 14 I Asbestos ..................................................... 15 American Ores Mine ...................................... 18 I Folks deposit ........................................... 19 I Pueblo and Lucky Strike Mines and Metate prospect workings ................................................ 22 Reynolds Falls Mine ..................................... 55 I Rosa Mine ............................................... 60 I Fluorspar: Mack Mine ........................................ 70 Iron ......................................................... 74 I Zimmerman Point deposit ................................. 76 Puebio--Lucky Strike deposit eooeooeooooaooeoooooooooooe$ 76 I Uranium ...................................................... 78 I Ancient (Cliff Springs) deposit ......................... 79 Andy Gump deposit ....................................... 83 I Big Buck Mine ........................................... 86 Betsy Ross and Mary Louise claims ....................... 89 I ii i I ~'r~. ¸ . ri! CONTENTS--Continued I ! Black Brush Mine ........................................ 90 Blue Rock deposit olooooloo6ooooQeooooooeoooeoooeoooouoot 95 I Bonnie deposit .......................................... 97 Brushy Basin Trap deposit ............................... 99 I Donna Lee Mine .......................................... 103 I Grindstone deposit ...................................... 107 Horseshoe Mine .......................................... 109 I Navajo deposit .......................................... 112 Sorrel Horse (Big Six) deposit .......................... 114 I Sue Mine ................................................ 118 Workman Creek Mines ..................................... 121 I Other Resources .............................................. 123 I Gold Creek deposit ...................................... 123 Sand and gravel ......................................... 124 I Salome Study Area ................................................. 124 Fluorspar: Oak Springs deposit .............................. 125 I Uranium ...................................................... 127 I Easy deposit ............................................ 127 Fairview deposit ........................................ 128 I Quartzite property ...................................... 129 Other Resources .............................................. 130 I Journigan Mine .......................................... 130 I Mack No. 8 claim ........................................ 133 Saguaro Mine ............................................ 134 Salome deposit .......................................... 135 I iii I CONTENTS--Contine d I Page 39. Sample locations of the Horseshoe Mine ............................ 110 I 40. Sample locations and assay data for the Navajo Adit ............... 113 I 41. Sample locations of the Sorrel Horse Adit No. 1 ................... 115 42. Sample locations of the Sorrel Horse Adits Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 .... 116 I 43. Sample locations of the Sue Mine .................................. 120 44. Sample locations of the Oak Springs deposit ....................... 126 I 45. Sample locations of the Journigan Mine area ....................... 132 I TABLES i. Uranium production, Sierra Ancha Wilderness and vicinity .......... 12 I 2. Arizona standards for classification of crude and fiberized asbestos fiber .................................................... 18 I 3. Descriptions of samples from the Folks deposit .................... 22 4. Descriptions of samples from the Pueblo Adits A, B, C, D, D', I and F ............................................................. 27 5. Descriptions of samples from the Pueblo Adit E .................... 31 I 6. Descriptions of samples from the Lucky Strike Adit No. 1 .......... 37 I 7. Descriptions of samples from the Lucky Strike Adits Nos. 2 and 3.. 41 8. Descriptions of samples from the Lucky Strike Adit No. 4 .......... 45 I 9. Descriptions of samples from prospect adits at the Lucky Strike Mine .............................................................. 48 I 10. Descriptions of samples from the Metate deposit ................... 51 11. Descriptions of samples from the north adit of the Reynolds Falls I Mine .............................................................. 60 12. Descriptions of samples from the Rosa Mine ........................ 64 I 13. Assay data for samples from the western portion of the McFadden fault ............................................................. 74 I vi I I !I I CONTENTS--Contlnued Pa_ e 15. Sample locations of the Metate Adits Nos. 1 through 6 ............. 50 I 16. Sample locations of the Metate Adits Nos. 7 through i0 ............ 54 i 17. South workings of the Reynolds Falls Mine ......................... 57 18. Sample locations of the north adit of the Reynolds Falls Mine ..... 59 ! 19. Locations of workings in the Rosa Mine area ....................... 61 20. sample locations of the Rosa Adits Nos. I through 5 ............... 63 i 21. Sample locations of the Rosa Adits Nos. 6 through 9 ............... 68 ! 22. Sample locations of the Rosa Adits Nos. I0 and II ................. 71 23. Sample locations of the Rosa Adits Nos. 12 and 13 ................. 72 24. Sample locations for the western portion of the McFadden fault .... 75 25. Zimmerman Point iron deposit ...................................... 77 I 26. Location of uranium deposits in and around the Sierra Ancha Wilderness ........................................................ 80 I 27. Sample locations of the Ancient (Cliff Springs) Adit .............. 82 28. Sample locations of the Andy Gump Adit ............................ 84 I 29. Sample locations of the Big Buck Mine ............................. 87 30. Sample locations of the Black Brush Adits Nos. I and 3 ............ 92 31. Sample locations of the Black Brush Adit No. 2 .................... 94 I! 32. Sample locations of the Blue Rock deposit ......................... 96 33. Sample locations of the Bonnie Adit ............................... 98 34. Sample locations of the Brushy Basin Trap Adit No. 1 and prospect cutomooeoeooooolooeooooooeoooo°°°°°°°°°°°e°°eI°°°'°°°e°°°°°JQ°°°°8 I01 I 35. Sample locations of the Brushy Basin Trap Adit No. 2 .............. 102 36. Sample locations of the Donna Lee North Adit ...................... 104 37. Sample locations of the Donna Lee South Adit ...................... 105 ! 38. Sample locations of the Grindstone deposit ........................ 108 v I CONTENTS--Continued I I Sand and gravel ......................................... 136 Conclusions ............................................................ 137 I References............................................................. 139 I ILLUSTRATIONS Plate (In pocket) ! i. Mines, prospects, mining claims, and sample localities of the Sierra Ancha Wilderness and Salome Study Area, Gila County, Arizona I Figures Page I i. Location of the Sierra Ancha Wilderness and Salome Study Area, Gila County, Arizona .............................................. 3 I 2. Generalized stratigraphic section of the Sierra Ancha Wilderness and vicinity, Gila County, Arizona ................................ 9 I 3. Location of asbestos