Setting the Environment Variables

Note: These instructions are provided only as a general guideline. The steps you will use depend on the version of Windows that you have. If you have difficulty setting the variable, you should bring your computer in and get from me or one of the TAs.

Setting the Environment Variables

• Why would you want to change the Environment Variables? – If you want to use the Java compiler with programs such as JGrasp. – If you want to run the Java compiler and appletviewer directly from the DOS prompt.

1 • Note: You must have Administrator privileges on the computer you are using. • Here is the link to the instructions I followed on Oracle’s web site. Updating the PATH I did not follow the instructions exactly as worded on their web site so I’m going to show you the steps I used.

• The version of Java 7 that I downloaded was jdk-7-windows-i586.exe

• Using Computer I located the complete path to the Java bin folder:

I right clicked in here and selected “ Address as Text”

2 • I have Windows 7. I opened Control Panel, chose System and Security, then clicked on System.

Next, I clicked on Advanced System Settings.

• In the Advanced System Settings window, I clicked Environment Variables.

3 • I wanted to change the Path variable so I scrolled down

Then I highlighted the line that says Path.

Then I clicked Edit.

• Now is the to be really, really careful. If you erase something that is in the Path variable already, your computer may not function properly. I clicked in the Variable Value textbox and pressed the end key to go to the end of what was already there.

Then I typed a semicolon.

Then I right-clicked and pasted the complete path

semicolon Complete path to Java bin the the Java bin folder folder (copied early in Computer).

Finally, I clicked OK.

4 • I clicked OK on the two other screens and then closed Control Panel.

• Once you have set the Path variable, you can go on to the instructions for installing JGrasp.