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Treatmeentprdjeccfsiar$^■ C l MinlicQCQnfeerence chhoice— C

laarMMl S 8

25* s M ------Tuesday Decstcember8^1987 _ S 62ndnd year, No. 342 Twin Falls, Idahcifio ------

jp 1 ToyiiSy L o l S l i tn l U i t e s f f is a y a r i t e e a i .TheAi«>datedPre>« '

Wa s h in g t o n - sSoviet w leader *1 M ikh^l s. Gorbachev,, aesetting foot . Today ^ at.thdinner entertainmenta t : ■ ...... with the president off t]the United " S tates wUl'be the pivotalital questions — lations,iearinan in th e chilly wind on thehe tarmac at today, highlrhllghtcd 'ot 11:45 n.m. . 1 ^ A K K J S S m suburban.Jtodraws.Air.Eo•-garco.Base----- MST by thfhi. atgning nf n treaty to aPlappendix to the treaty._____ tth e lighting eliminate . intcrmediate-rangeir nu- . Askedi if the "toeaty wovould t>e ; of the^M timud'c^st;^^paa tree.two -.. clear weapon»ha (INF), the Hrst agre^, ,,sigsigned,.Redman said:.“It's. ------hours-after-Gotbaobei.^t«v*a- arrival, . . ment -callinging fnr Hip riPHtTOCtion of • schedule.' ScV We assume we aiiii r I...... I the Soviet an entire «it-uite^iy of atomic arms. to to geti the photograph." said he had invited t the leader to Washington1 t-to “discuss On the eve of the summit, the'ad- “On ‘ behalf of the people i n reduce ten- ministrationion complained that the government go' of the &viet t I' ways in which we can r urns that sions between our two covcountries. He Soviets hadid {failed to provide an ade* wish wii to assure all America; ------nTid-I-will-meetin hopes>ea of promot— quate-pbo^itograph of th^S-20.m is-.. .we_we sincerely, wanti bettcr nrelations DUntnes,” ing peace for rg»P^ShHlt»innSO-mi- ■White W Housb. told Gorbachi >t-leadw— — ■ ■ £ tttitGetbftcheyrwifc IUIm ------•:^ -r-'iiuterB'e88jIoj^tlrSoylet-PorBign-Tplo) j r u ' rtsadvf—The—Soviet; -Secw teiyoi &tateH»eoreoFgfShuHzareeto Mikha ------The.White.Haingaimaiumnit.openB_.MiniBteiiEdtEduard j^Shevai^adte. ~^-•SeeSlM N M lTonEaaftgeA?._ - iSeTRyfetors^takceuD-ffe FTOltejs M fem i illy S d ; “The h'omefand * By JANE ROBISON some more■e Ipeople leave, atfd I hope 'MiM cCiu» and Steve.Symma.J- • Univertity. aaidaid when he and hia .Deb>etrdit, and hia father landedBd afob Homeiana,'- ne said. —-TVm^giWgtwwriter .- -*- -'-r------jpy-fiipwlyn u L S ym ^ -p a ren ts emigraU•atcd-in January, 1977._ hrithChrvBler.}^ is a very strongng .concept. to the ------..-to—leave,— said-.tha-i-24-year-old-th,-thoT Jav iet- buVeaucrats_j _ .-it was.relatiycly Fdr^KoUyar’fgraiidparenti5teFEs==BusBisne5==::= aa hard But his grandpad[parenta soon bad KETCHUM - As SoSoviet leader Kotlyar, a :reporter for the Wood toltold hia family members1 ., iin Kiev The KoUyarsirs 'woited'^ only slk .fainiainily’s dedsioh to leavo waa amilyis second thoughtsta about leaving Mikhail Gorbachev touchucheddownin • River Joumiimal. “ni“not to expect a positive dececision in months before5 Kreceiving permission to0 accept,at even though the^fan Timina- when hia;unclo.lostlost hia job,, and the . - - Washington on Mondimday,’ Soviet'“ Even'thoiough Kotlyar-has -only this th century." • - to leave. And-it--it-waa during a year- Jowiewish and aubject-to discn: ir of Ketchum lived in Ida!daho'six months,- his cam* •It’s ridiculous." Kotlya^ar ’said, when Soviets^l^lowed'ah estimated tion'ion'in'the Soviet Union, KiKotlyar family ^ a n to> suffersu retribution,' • • ^ ig re Vadim Kotlyar c Kotlyar said. ‘ -said he hopes now.iasThe tt tirge: for.-fpaiggio.-conamvince Sffwet.authorities-./N/Myrgrandparenta.wgetti tti.ng .o ld ,.40.000 people ,toleavei__to ...... saidoid. rth eS o --— All we want toto dod la be together,-- - the &viet OnToi^ttriotlot"his tamily . to lerTiisIS graiiapariBiitt~itffd~an “andTny^iicle. an u ^Iijr0id8t7hshaa-nevoi ------Tjnfortujjatel;tely7~they~cio'3ed-the ~ '-“My “ft ^ndfathC Tfought for tl ______undo, auntint and nephew leave the' workedm for the military. It seems, doors soon aftec.'ec." vietlet Union during World W.War II, a basiC|-human--ri--righ^""he -»aid.- - — i UHa6t‘-'~ ‘ Wu'vB Waited aud-:md hoped fbr aomoT .' . ... - .“As a-signotgoodwill,fill,.pcoplB.are_..Soviet.Unio; iiqn.ha 8 bMn-takcn.upJ)y_ar_arbi_tra^. .. ______. _... . „iiiaJal!icr.,ar,an^ engineer,..and his anTjia it waa difficult lor him to L ■ pushing for the’SovietJt UnionI to-let- Idaho’sr-tvtw o '- senators,— Jam es-—-— Kotlyar, a graduat* fromim.Brown.1 mothcr..-a' .vievinlinirt,__moved!_to._stantand_our_jwanting_ to, leayi»ye J h e ____>Sfee FAMILY!LYonPageA2______^ k p g tile a l D o)le sa y slU .S . si:louldi^reep its> h o p e s in checzk .... speaker Jim Wright, D-Teus, D-*] aaid he NATO^butittooka diplomaticatic .'Heimlich.. ges. to.the. pa?act that-Preaident. Reaganan_.and 195^summitjneetifeting wasjbllowed by th e l ------^eAssociat^-Preas--:-r—. — TT-^.ofW of 'Hungary in 1956; Ihe ~pIaiineg'to~b~ring j up~nt~ thi aneuyoi^' to do th at."'" ~ ^ _____Gorbachev aareexpec.ted r to sign today. ~ Soviet invasion of ---- -jo/i •page speech lo a year-enddirtdn* r 19tii'-summit-cameme-several-montns-befoni—^ _whole..rangc oLthinga .th^ithatjnake. .up_ou^ ___ ilZ I — WASHINGTON t ^ f l g anna control,...... laring, “I don’t trust geen ; that a future agomcnt meecific-qualitierho-will cm -M iusticcs. But he said there w—Stevori'Symmi,mi, R-Idaho.-and Rep. - gual'oducation,^ting. gu ballcUotaiand-. Jiovuidbptcd. Engl ion.drive8 aro un d o ri. ___ — way,-R*Gaiif.v.about-50- ■ drivers-dri license' tests------...... language. Petition. WASHINGTON - THT*r"English~f^o™ ‘'9^“” ^*: na -and Florida for Congress havo co-spon- Tho countr3?a awing towarord Min- in Aiiiono - firBt“1movemefit'lfl-BpTBnd{ le issue. 3 ie U,S. sored the bills[ssofar.” 8 ' ------gu.guallflm" “could~thrcateTr"n-notlonal-"*f^^»“ state governments' to .U ■It could Al»ut20olheraier states aro at least .„Capitol,. c fUelrf by (ries thshat a bur*' Last month,:h, membora of English' ununity," Shumway said. “II ■ English-first cause ..so cial ...u n re stf '-J considering geoning Hispaiiic^^pulaUtUon could First, which organixesor] EngUsh-lan*.. cai le^slatlon, andd CColorado.just sue* destabilization." _ -.i^toda.the.national .languag^ge ^ and - guage grMsroot•oota movementJ acrosa dei .. .. ce^ ed in gatheriileringenongh-aigna-^— ~hi'n a t i o n a l i t y ialongwith iit t . ■ thb cbuiitiy, p«presented Symma with ]Ehgiish First and o similar tureatoputitsovnown initiative on the ned 200.000 people g» _.vi)espite. protests .&>m.civ gnup,'U.S^Ei^lish,^re usiz “^'»psbrixiblllB^b*veJ»e “ initiativesini .«u^(^der-foi^ththofr-na.—^HiBpuiic-grdupi ciupsin-Miami,.Pl8u;_ - ^ u ^ in the House and ------L.i______tiobal'tio campaign. Aided-''1■ >>y . ™ . recentty poatponeioned efforta to repeal ■ inallyjome_«cogi^don__^ •^^rehr^that^wbuW io-C onili.— .'a^Em’aJtoa: groiipa'— help— a m W J4 i u m ^ tl980:Sado-GouDount^'ordinancore- -' Vtiiphri to malM English"theie^nSKoffo th>t tho nioton»tQ of B p e a l ^ English contributions,-13 coi statea.-inmcluduig.-,tricting tSoTSrise of-publicfiinda-fijr— ^?£Bclal langmigrhrla'TM'vi^U™iiF3s=being=erodeii(M£^iC^Shumwo»L_C«California -'homB~to~mor

V-' • ' — L_— ^ - i ! : ____ ------— ------'L______ZZT—!ZT J ' . ■ ■ D»el HlauM*- th*Mrsryrs::;:;; ctte wuM t tha.oiy. >>*ar « afUr tha ceoftalM « as fl ^ Laataaca *«bai«i hU diKTttios’' by d ta n u a -. su t legal actii Hortbutt grvitad a stmilalar a»> iralrra flnaaaaa• aua« ka nnipW aaw«^ai«a.ajrilw rp*tw «jj» gngJuhflrt* 'WesfciPi* CounoTAp- The city iafwl tJl!' wtad to with- an uodartivU adiM Uut real fcataett i ^ ju d M *<***^ ot S ’ iafiHaHW“*»*ffrE5*9*U2*f521__ i U riihta did oatfwyaa Ily that pApWandsuWuHantiva nghta S^ ^ b g l i a t 1^.. uaimeeflaiLls! r t s f m 9fr ------• — records. " ‘ kr'nwn's cUim~haa~nor STwopUTaS^SK^te — ----- made under I civil-Uruleai’ I “wOlI r*remove tha UaguMit ciuWfc r tha mMttvaUun court said After.hiringngaBoisi.attonMy.tha *dUijdihgantly proaecutsd.* TS* th««*m*mber co aU di»>. The ippellate> COcourt cited • receni that hhold ao n a n r . noo tftgn >U.TM>yCalifa. ras wrong to - men (lied a complaint in Ada BtBut the Court of Appeal UoodMj Hut Huributt « u ifresd on Monday, citing thi»tricirict'Judge Dea r t h Bail—minn'“■ i N a i l w i n s oD t it t i c e ^ - — ^=Famity- Shulu met ioTi ator Wk-t day night wilhI SShevardnadte on speetedted by chief U A . ntgoUat M. Kampelman and other U. • Continued from PaiP ag eA l McClure andd Synun*.S *We’« run out of choices.• ’ last-minute prep*fparaUons for the Ma* M. TWIN FALLS - InaInnunbentTwin' - tala, aent to the National Sec years. Now. day to Gorbadiad ie ratth e Soviet Em- elsecIse can we doT* he said. nf . face-to-face me«meetings between offldali Falls Highway Distriiitrict Chairman thinf to happen fi>r 10 jri Asked about the Soviet poli Coundl to be checked, ai our hades are against tBeiewjJl.*”' « . baioyinWashishington. As] )rt>achev. “Everyth- Cc r . t . Elmer Ihler of Hollistilister, a veteran aid Kotlyar th a t he-w ill-glaulasnost. Kotlyar aurprisingj^ ted lata Monday at the Sta ' board, was de- -McCboie' and Sjnnm*is » a g r ^ to McClure told u Cm ,- S hevardnadie .« said as printed of 12 years on the bo toprlbe-tiw -w W the namemes of hia five family thoujlought it was working. »ome« hclcl»th«suwD-iets and Eastern Eu-, becaiecause &ienda of my parents ■ arrival, the INF treatytri was brought • Gorhadinchev- arrived from London, ■ Bob Nail, who formeiSerlyiervedsti— ------ind. Gorb«4teT^wbo _ai een allowed to leave, and llr baaa near Washington. A ft to sign a ropeanswlwh0 have been denied per- been nU Mr*, Geneva by Maynard K Glitman the air 1 I ^ years from the Kimbeiiiberly and Han- Washington Monday to earing more and more peopl welcoming ceremony led 1 ____ trorti:_^nating_mteiBtermediate- mission to «ni|migrate to the West. hew and^iUeCTiObukhkhov. the U.S. and mal wi LS rf th. dirtdistrict-btit-has—- rinyi^owed-to-leave.* he I'rs who pul the fin- [Reaganjan WiU be-held on the Whi since moved to thei HiHollister area, ranc* nudear fbnes. is a member of the Hei- ot seen So\-iet ne^tiators McClure is a for tis. though, we have not ishing touches on the accord over ’H ouse!se South Lawn today. p . , defeated IWcr by aI countcot of 168 to toviet Union sinki Commumission, the com m ^ AfterU r hia arrival autement. G< . The two urged the Sor{< CongressionJ Commis- the weekend, 76 votes. to release Ifiion and LubaibaKotlyar.’ tennfbrtheCo Kotlj-ar expressed some susupport ^ the plane• aaped toward the bachevlev boarded the second In a loi in the Buhl Highwaiiway District, in» . m t y W Ccwperation q !, "f. die giandpaients, a n O“HaHC l O K ^ « o n on-Secorit irCottachev. ' UnitedSta^Sr^Haiitman-and Obuk* Una-onf f -“ZIL" lime»u. cumberit Bob ^ m ieie dd^eated chal------Sana AM TJttt K M y v totoitMgu'uf EywpeiThew s for th e 30-minute drive to t Ug..ryt.nnv Keys. 380!180 to 39., 4,rin*. compliance with "gUsno**.* a So»iet. poUcT- p of with momtoa ood leader for the Soviet UiUnion, checltingng its accuracy and Sovietet Embassy- Helsinki F^nal Act. an openness • • • the 1975 Hei esaid. ' ' guaranteeing basic fim- ^ meeting be- ««««“ « » ? « And he waS' encouraged by b; the ^nte instaric sununitu m< ^ , damental fteedwdomstodtitensofthe ummit and negotiations beijetween . tween jooT and Presideni 35 nations that-signedthi th e act. in- heUS.andtheU.SAR. prondes an ideal oppoci dudi.^U..S<.Soviet Union. But K o tlw said the U.S.. sshotild the reahty of fjuonon • tha letter said, ^ e urge:jroijraxa- T ^ > - a r aKj'laTencourttSedatea-re-—still' till b ep reasi^ the.SQvietUiu • help in sidma to writm te 'G e n e ^ Secretary hasitlasic htiman nghts iswes. ~ pawponat» ^ bnurahle ke this fw

l y ^ n g e i —I -- 21 | R | l d ~ G h aince n of sho'Dwers by aflf t e n i d p t i M Batkr. KiVe PROSWHOKNQDWTIRESBEST.T. I ------M ^ r i i J a r ------W!HBE SEETOETIREPI S S y S S a rMasaaa.OacHKMra ------^-»QT » - -SAMEE LOCATION SIRNCE-1938LBANKKCARDSWELCCCOME! I ' iab*ow ^ '"-'*^^3SU” ^ c te e o f B0* ^ovws. Vmdi / ' I mmi . SBeb.Lo«tia2lk.F«drda U C l i OK l n ^ -I— Ca^ PraWe n d Wood. W Hirer ,1 I B^FHi Qeo^ today wilh I daa«rfnow*l»«- a 0 ...... ■ V“ G i f H F he e y ^ i t i n ----- tnaadboltceaaBknoBafr• fiwaltaSia-' ------dwTOBibit-H!|iaft«nnkri - -- _.yi^Jaollr-&qa:IQ-».^- 5 ~ ~ r R em c m I m DMT 20. TWmdabecomii« o ® V * V 5 ------B8htrPirtlrttoadrWtdat4«H^ay-wi^hi^- — ------^ ^ p f i n e di c a t e ^ p ] I------b sisw iO i------■ Noftten Utah and NcradTads:' ^ 70 ------Utah - Inemaa* «iwi»d* * today. M«It raO*0^. . . ■; - cfayjj to tt^ aad «arl}; W«iixadiy with — ^ — _ t> M'tHmrmA BMW filinly io thewthC tstPai^ W W ' < --- - ~ >1—riny htgf W t^qdg.T. 1Lo«i tOBi^t— . . 6wi2Sta3S.Hi^&«sop(i : ___ U£h______—;______BoaUy.li8htfflt-windawin.ftpoCtOLtht.rt: • IntfwUtf 84 - Caldwtll arva. dry: S tn U - Scaocrcd • Rfaov ilwTO henat*. . *«*■ut*. ttiyTB&i9«-Clfnnr‘f''erT5'. dj,i' ______tBi^_P»nly W^Bttday with _ Tl* «*naotlot t«Bp«iU« ii^ibe «ate_BU»UiuvL'tab Hne. dry- wicWy KttiBwl oo* »lw««rr m naidy dm j^anday «u's3'd«;tm ti' al 'Idi■ Idabo~ ST” Hor»esboe~ Bea Meadswt. wrt. icy *po«a. rock* on road ------Bwmtiins. Hi^ W«-t!ie«W»iat24 < 5 ^ end-Xe*- * o » r 3Ca ts Dcar 50. Um t WfMKMt for Soutbera Idaho: Idaho 21 - Boise-Idaho City, icy broken saow floor, rock*; Idaho JOtB^WtdnadiyfrM* R)cth SaPudav. perii^ af r ~ cyspota. t K a L l « ______Vn»TcMdiy------LjTOi!rTB0«--fl«r. 'aorii«. me ------ia vailtTi andad <(OOV D oont^ '^bund^ road; Graadjon Juactioa^ualei y j 9nmarr- ■ UotfiM pg >iicrnn tw ia ^ — IT, yt«tW-S« Mias fnm npftr ^Huta.tag«u«f- > Bj» ®ol*r u*ap«n®“*» 5* Thuxiiiy and Friday eooliag • ..L'J U5.20 - Mountain Itoe-Fairfx) ^ , 0 3 . = ! ------idw»'ll»*ltiafcll«wstbiC tb* p«»a|e o. *— jgj 3o,-Siiurilurfar. Lo»»&« t2id20»lo- -■«;wt; Fairfkld-lda.Ho.Falk dry: I ^ - ttUfeaqtSnadiTm^ Asbtoa. diy. «vt; Ashtoa-Metaaa Iu 'BV” «\ ____- ciid30* codiSi01 into the teens asd 30t Asbl f e AjKCbcr Pxific ipu kea:kea*ao«floor. ih o F ^ "H i____ n ta cn» Ii2«bo tsd*T, bria^ ia the nuioa Monday. tb« .f:. U.S. 26 - Drr.«t.*aoTint. ____ ..-QOBBtaiai aod xais ct.n n hish«-u=jmpnatuiy «»» K depws at-----Id;-Idaho 51—Wrt.------xa*."aad Aliaesa,- Color re------U3.-93---NevadaIh Uae-Artn. diy t tf ■ Uolatcd nisaboven lad woteiegnr* SalaSalaoa. wet. icy »pc« Loss Trail Paa >«n zcpocud as«a ooci) of: bkwOmt. . •. day aftHOOOO. Partly doodyody iki« -tre rt- fd a h o TOaioad report pocttd Jn BMt ofthewsbwibeast at l■:«afte^ Idaho 75 - Sboabooe-Ketchwa. dr ♦-_____ T O ae«Iy ekxiyIr.alDei.previiW *! BOISE'APi->1 - Raad coadiuoas Maadiy GaleGalena Siffliiait. broken oow floor...... nuna-OrtiP»liae.df>-. M* kta.k^" , ------iMKHEU ...... - Ki-iiJt?.’ ■ ' « --- A ,_ . -;-W — ^ • Hg^rnnrr-BEiE^SElaW OCFf:h i s — M d 3 Z 7 T i ^ o n d l , u»iv>;»v • a i: • ------:------V„—O'---- * . » iJa ______» •-? . ______^ Rll[IDING ON YOUR[TIRES" Tl v » -^\ t ' i: a :* f Z3 C3 y '< i*4 S '«C OL l»'-cr- “ 13y,___•«_. ., , Asru it 2i i -4*3 i: ve mud & SEREASON -All se a so nI ra(radial Um' B ...... Boiia-- • ------" *•' L3 fiiV^Tcr ...... *« ^ :helin ok«93 *: M i3 " ..Twin Falls ' ----- MICHIHELIN -Modilled tread i e a -Drt« !* 5- Sc« V '■* “ “ MICKk l - ^ !DfiliversexcaxcaPenl •% -c^— -— -ij...... , .:______l = ^ d a h o = ~ ^ ------^flSSl|J[L___ ' c w ^ *Luxury carti!irCre -■ - K . . > O r« r » It bm*' ??>5 *o-« U ^ ’Pinnedfors}r studs ^ \ m Hjreuig M " <>«»-». f) *t K •} Tds». i « -Jra a,-»> ^ * Hsjsr. tr « . •,t S >.y. Dl Ty 1 ; . MMnKM » It XV P 11S5/R13 5 * P205/7*i/7 5 R 1 4 : B tA C K ; P^liiclesiI t — —.C l l -12—Mii9 lcA>«I/alleys ______B JL _£etion^...... A 5.8 Sp<5 p o ^ ...... ^ m t td at r o : ...... f e “ u o h u c t t ..: ...... ====3®=Cf6raiHHi. ..I-I— —OsSXiAbbymm-nT a ...... „ A 4 - W t ^ S N ^ s r s A /V/ V V V V t ^ $(Atcnp(wall4lnHiln C ircu latio n VI tmfT. f irrulat'ion diwier , ,, ««=»• rtcl««>r\ diiK« sn« SonfiJJ. CBO per m»rt; _Ciirulailon phones arc.arc manned belwwMi 7 andjoloa m.o»lv. H _„.;i|^.w *i sHvxiii •tti. Uiitdsaet ihe number for n«^ t* taa >stfTJwr aBd 'an »T»iUb»e ei> «t*r»; 5* MOUNTflMGAND ______-N-ou do not rcccivc youyour paper byi~ - .....rwtdrinrf-aa« Servian - ^ ------' \-ourarea: > lor 3 a o illx W Sfl tnrfnaeUa. itU - - - jerome-WcndcH-Goodiiodinfj-Haperman . _ _ 536:^.;^^:;:^,nrr. »T J- rcr C : « hr ' Burlcv-Ropert-Paul-Oj■OMfy • 678-;S52 sa M prr vrar. SsaSa> nh. UM per COMPUTE:R BALAN( • -54J-4M8 si‘> l« im»:iwrit*. u:w In' toxnlfal. SUM «hl.»M18pr - W f \ — Buhl-GastleJord 32&-S375 StMnX and KT\xrtT.iB Kn tile. In a»il ** ^ O N E;VERY \ T IR E1 WE SELL! ------Fikr-Rogersoa:Hollist«lister______.,1______iTasJOTSiy ' ■------— ------Twin Falls and all olhe:Lhcr areas P r r ^ ^ News SKvkn iUrtcn-L»ai>ac-.>iSt<>:er ___ l[-vouJave-a..De«'ra tip_or_u'tsh lo jalk to sorsomeoM In U «______■editorial departm ent.«It. call 733-0931 between 9:30M a.tn.i a'o3 S :3 i. rts results after .■ ______p.m: wc^days. To . rereport late nc'fs and sports amUleraaiMIlM -rr-' r-5;35^m atrten^ at iTThirt J - ...... ■' - TiOx: JdibTTlm n T ^ i.i^'Vn* Vitw. s'n u m Advertisiiig b jb »»»*ijke.jthTrtMsteirTCiar- ._ p»ri H Tnw r»lh t>r Tbt If xoa w isftH rpl«*'»s-an-adrertistmenh-Mll-tJMS »»'-O assiM -^,S'Sai4w> offioai r«y nd.rwn; tr< ______id s. call 73M06 Won-londay iKrouph Friday fromm J8 a.m .jntil 5 S^tim tc ita n the I6lk* Ca6r T>c -InfoTfnalton -on—fcmM-a«5tuM ------r— ------I — pfar^isavailabki^wecKare onlr:-■ — ^ rkKkktal

- " " y" ------i m i ■ i M S J W e M ______:

i c s t o r ulie l ou t A ndnissdecllnii ■■■ Idiaho, ’S&^^evvenueeisnhanceiim e n i- ng death nc11^ manslailughter chaarge ■■■«<#>. • • ^ J U U f Stabbin e o m : ' ' uv* c«(ti abNWM tJu*t y1 * i : «*- 'a«t for Cor- Mato t«» r< Ul %ht • t»* 4«y ('Jf tha »layir>tf of raid H am a aaid bail w aa' ---- U 4 ba«ing -»M ...... ' fWM* ftsiHKtsi tttffit tv* iit* «hwwy.- *«M BU-alaugjS^i ih t w M n a tUb’- u : RKUy a JirmUA *aJd. A n dr*oo-*nd-*-pr»innm«7 ^ t« Uwr. Aii4nM biat«4 U' a aU« L Ia fn n i » tha Uwl t4 *< about inO a.m. B«md«y fr«from achadulad (or Dec. 17. CortM rt- ". ,^«k»lUN«. n w au l. » AtUwaM M l ^ '* S L b»n< d ash e r an »o Can- diad ab ron County Jail m rytmt— IKit wowMdpi^^ymemom>4 t tum30 you want . I wiil nwt acutorRkhardHaT' at lea«leaat one aUb wound to titha mained in the Canyw h ^ f y«*> County _ _ Motu^v night , w-«An>ntf_>»iwU»gH)>MiH >w i4dlir-M4MH«h«'Sn« 3ifa^t?gtilanni iium th»n ■y--—— ^ ^ •ptAdinj f«mntiiB«f)UI a in AMBtcd^elopn.ftattA ihi^ufh way.-' AdoUb C orut.iTji. 4 was airaaUJ |IMt)rMri. partm rat of OComnwro* H« w«o ■ ‘Rm gwvmor cailad Uia But h* •topped fthort on Utmdsy ma)or victoryy Ilast wiflt*r wh«i na voomic p e rf^ a n c a in 16877 igood, i of bttd |« convincMl lawiiwmakara to allocaUSd Jt he. auggcatad v rm greaU at «t«Un| that tha kind oi for*#ft»raJd»p«rtin*nt t**' a - tiluaprint ha will Mnd Uwmakara U« IlS m ililonfor inaion will be neadcd beforecaddi- neit month u n be KhlaredTffd without ooerstlonsv ntintariy five timaa m u n unal ipandinK programa cann b a fi- 0 t o S : Mfna kind of tax inmaM»aa« during t ^ tha igvmrney had rrrr r#e*i»»o anced limply out of ru waion. in Uw paat. - I W rowth. ______'Tm not prvparad to0 iaay that A ndnu aaid " th e patient fiaa to retUTrTt k X - F TF=TE&-- VE|_ — ' wt'ra not folnc to hire, anyiny rtvtAu* «nougb lo hiai ‘bu4|«c.lcul«UoiutJ>b roua health befiTre we go tooM“I far, r___ T__ A ■ anhancamantprocniminlin IWe." th# deurmine wh«.hcU»r • UI Wk» will a aaid...... PrefiraubT—br-iiw 4«t-^—Analysts-hava—aaid, ------— IRDINSURAHGCESCteYQljpR~ “1= govenwr t^d tM IdthoPr* at their pi?liroinaiy^ Altiwugh Al GOP lagUlaUvalc DON'Tr-LEMHElWDI I ____ A a .h a .^ laatloiostKlMiljefort-the ..how«*r;that .recent of Idaho. aeaameoU ofif thet econpmy *nd the Tiav«ave npe'atediy pledged.in.i —YOUVIW ILLM ISrOIHIT!------A ufriiU il., TMpiYBft IaUr:iiliBlic generat« imoulOugh revenue to main- - And:indrus sold he believed thia \ that the promiae to bolab i^ill be marked by the some kindk of - n a t io n aa lL law r ev iew aehool aupport wai ftilflllediledlaitwin- Uin atate aenervices at their current will me continue the educo- coopooperotion thot produced ann ambi* ter when aUt« revenuea1 ecearm a^ed - level let alone td$]00- ■------=T-HE-NElEW-INVESTMENT-POEOUCIES! ------Baaed nearly Uon build*ur.up as Andnu has tioujioua $657 million budget and for education were increan mil!nillion.tax pockoge to fund1 i t lost ' 10 percent ----- ...... promiaed.. . -NEW;/VSWEEK . nue' enhancement is winirin ter...... »We muaUnaJto-thaUtilL-same com- "If revenm ] : . i TS s iREPLACING C[^S,.I]M UNICIPAL. A N D GCSOV ERN M E^ BONDJJDS Ibbm s En]oyTAX-FREl)E£ INCOME orTAX-FREE'ce'c OMPOUNDINQ compoundiiding on top of money you woulvould have ^SpK hsi o r t ^ e l ------^------lothefwisesentuitto Ihe State and F^ederal Go'Government.______“ ir-lB ------HOiUnKET-fll — ------^ ) - Idaho’a The situation)n was moat critical for poinoint inspection belofe : IDAHO FALLS (AP) - an annua! inflatton rate ol justust 5% per year (or tlie next 10 years. Sioo.ooo tooay wniimrnavfl n tne------’— n >ed potatoea fannera withth older storage sheds certiertified. ***llwehavean acreage of certified aeed ower of just $6 1 .000 at that: tirrtime.'Can you afford not to coi»nsider a product like SPWL?/L? . ' ------hit-iu loweat-levaWn-ovar vT..aMv»nHlntinn. ' TlThat prwass consists of twcwo sum- porchaslno powi ner fiela inspections for disesease. a —A recent issw^ ot the Wall Street Joumainal stated mat many .Invesiorgran j o invusiuiianracjvlsofs are ■ this year, raising the pros]rospect for a “Although1 t!the food value doesn't mer torage- insp^on^ examinat tmpanies...... M>»d Hhortjye next roring.ng. - drop, the qual:lali tv does." Musselman - jim i ation of- sPWL'sandSPSPDA’s with losurance Comp eed sam ple t^l&Alftd in ^ ' ^ — . H' Land accept^ into the certifca- aaid. “They mmi i^ttry dp lilerenUy wed 7^*™!™ ! $io,oooto$5^5,000,000 jdo varieties ' or not holdi t os long in a storage plotiilots in Oceanside Calif.,r., and Uon program for oU potato inolly. inspection a t springig ship- 1“ '. - totaled just 40.283 acreaea ithis year, situation."- ...... ______. fina all or come byf tt O B W >ing points.- Ca the lowest total since undjnder 37,000 Richard Cla:iarke. area manoger of ping 1974. Russet the Idaho Croj:ropImprovementAssoci- HHoopes soid, however, thih a t the ^ ocres was accepted in 197 OrPfP'^t "iny not bp ffll hnrt bocausa—ht 7 ------— ------^ ____ Burbank seed barely expexceeded 39, ation which1 momtorfln tha certifica^forc lO E i^ U S S I f there arc fewer potatoes to»'plont, SHp*^a v f c f " poo acres, the lowest; U to tiJ^ n c e don process,J. ssaid octual seed yields ifth vnll not be ovajvailoble until early next com»mmercial crop production itw a v f c »WL 1980. ased-by______abouti SP\ ... -.- T h e affect on the potatotatoindustiy-year-when stocks-ar«-meaBured. 8 dim:line and pricer now 4epre« I shortsge-of-But^-he-said,lid. • if acreage is-down, - -nooiloor-recordproduction.willjd jdae ------_ l_____ 929 — — is that'there'will be a al supplies— --I-:— spring." said yields'proboblibly will be too. ' If growers connot get the su ^397BlucTLalM^k7TiflhSrlh F f lH * '^ — ------: good certified aeed this Bps h er olti* 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ' mia s ^ pro* Later-classsa certified seed is sold thejhey need, some in the highc u rg er King •J. Clint Hoopes.aTetonia •udes moy plont “eliminotonirs,” the ' " p i>lrectly l across from Burg duccr and prwident of

■—in-roHover; r - — ^ r meMcAike It = = ^ rC 0 E O T l)’SIENET2ffi 3 woman wad listed in condi' tion Monday at Kootemtenai Medical an d Center, recovering frommi^uriessus*. ii 'tnined when a rented tru ck sh ew u riding in rolled oyeVaboiibout 20'm llea::'^^^^ :— ^—sbuth-ofCocurd'Alene— Easy Dorothy Grimes. 66,, hthad g broken collar bone, and bruisesBcs trom S u n ^ ~ H |||H 9 I || ...... 'di^a .wreck,, a^hospitoltal supervisor, B i m WHH . said...... - —Idaho" Statez-Police­ice—said--th e-^ |H |jliB woman’s 21-ycar*bld son; so Stephen ------GniireflTioBrcontrol-trf-of-a-U-Haul:l:^^^H truck he waa driving sousouthboundoii^^^^^H

~ “GrimM femoined'lraij«PI)%d'in~the~^^^^^H vehicle for about an' hour h before paramedics could extrai her. Her son and another passengenger wore n o U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H •f injured. J SpecialSaliaie\_ 'o n Home Entertaiitainment - centers. I i ; 3 :ome in^ \ ve-us greallM fc " ( I ; ^ " ~ii£^BaSP< ^/e'll w ra p d ncr s = lllkM l£ 'l T f i a i ra a n y o f o u r m . IS : _ iSpedalTacmyLemia 3us-Potatoes" - BootPu:iiichase r - S h i r tfe s or s^ 'atsn irl'! H3S fodhy’yw here In th ej3 u ' . s ; - L. ... „ Just1 InJiineJBJE^Christmas - Factory DlrccU- SllghUyjmpcricctSll __ _ - f o r - o - nnom i inal-ehargW Of-$2r59^ - - ._ioo P 8 a r ^ ; = = - - HB ■© -Sw eatshlrtsT/FA dulfs1zes7$2:22~ \ -- DRESS1BOOTS ^ C h i l d rrens/$16;qpd; g ±T-Shirts, A dultt sizes;. ■ < ra H .S 3 n n ------r~ r~ ~ N n rSiairg~S] -In^izes^jfilvbb-vWhaf ' —^ — f e -GOUld-li-be-easlerLC:dllins3oday_ct£ d f 73:^- ^ arrd'C harge itl1 lo yo^arPoris'eC a r d " o r — — ^ S B B r ~ I S k '■ 1 5 0 6 x 1 - - Horry FoU»-gto_rCt'Com e^fot Jferve ; t r q n t oc a r d ; - — ...... - THU' is a s p e c ia l d eai ^ ^w e’v e b e e n w o r ^ g Ehtertainmenit CentersC( ' • ' ~ o n w ith T o n y tLana w for 1 year.------— — ..—•offer-oul'of'si,f-slghi ------. storage for hom e eleelectronics;- - M any styles to chochoosefrom; ggffl ;- In istoire CrecUctit^I^yaways. & G ift C eertificates r ’ "■WesteiCSties: nplimentar’iry lidayGift^AAWrap- f i ShoshottB'S-rsf. Jflo/ft . 7 3 3 -7 0 9 ^ ...... Fine FumMfsf «4 w 5 — “ ' ! 0 p ^ Sunday & Friday.e^y evcnlngsllU Christmas =i=3ftop3>n>ond3WltfW«ltampife^lf^youDl^rtTBuy rWain Avenue l^orthii7TwjniaiIsZi?fsasol 1 ’ TWIN FALL!LLS -J JfQvcBoot3lminL!Scl.12:QQ: Q Q 4 ^ - ...... ------Ir^t^owiteiokgaKVikVp.-n.—I ------—

V ■ ' A*4Time»*Nff««.Ti

^ Q p t i n i e

aehev*s abeseemMsreimsdnqbble^P^»ce|u] mnan response t^UorbacheVsT^ th(«t miieh of ths news irom5in'tluiriu55it ^^^■^■HanHoKnerTir, assisunt professor oi pohiiliCcal though m airect rei"i rigin. The £sct that ‘ti ^eHuflsi&nB beganI arrivingar in Washing* week. He was interviewed was actuslly Soviet In origiJ science atYalrale UniveraiQr, specialitesI inir So- appearance last wee they violated an agreed-upoupon newa blackout y to n more than a week ageago - ft task force of tsfttim the four major net- I yietpolitica.I. ' ■ by correspondenta ft did not trouble them in thetheleM 1 t~ andwas ■ ifrwritara. television cpirea]respondents ond • Tom Collins uidby works and haa schetJieduled a naUonal address mission is to cover the ning that aense of threat,.anc certoinly welcomed by theb e mn « iU . Ipmedia experta whose mis ice," in prime time for■ nenext Thuraday night, en* in the process, insura ' appearing geigenuinely interested in peace Jn Washington, too, theleSovietawlUbe S — i|liuiiunit meeting and. in t mce his economic and politiutical - auringthathe-wiUgiU gdtequal time with Gor* matching the .^thatM ikhaU Gorbachev«ev emerges in tho _ photut-thabar«'salaoauhBtancelbere.l . Jho5ovicta.took.t —IhBsameiwf and ihe^saioeflo^n------• oge*Ee-maiting a » ^ t « of buiuuilUy. iaf witH wHat, fiT” tr loving Communist ' Reaganwilrill be attempting to recoupp hhis Reykjavik lost year .mind - influencing worid_o■Id opinion a s well -— , r ' 'T h e taslcshould not;beloodifnculL.Oor- be TaiToss’ coverage will be “very t be regarded atJin imtial _ . are going to fortunea aikeiter the debacle ofthe Iran-CoCon- -retrospect,mightbe as odvanefng world iwece.;e: . -■ - — - !r hwrheviHthemosttclegcegeniclcodertheSovi- straiiraJghtforward," he aaid. “We an lly in teat of glasnost onn tltbe international scenc_i_...... rabouHo co-sign an----- repotportfact»,-what is going on. WffW ffw rtain ly ^ ^ ^ aflkjr.-wh V ■ t F etB'haTFhndnnid-faeiffal id ?ritb Congress. Rather than sHun.yin Western rei»rtersTlhey"“ ch millions of dollars willcU cover tbe press conferencea,« ,t t ^ . . the polla and ujsday media writer. »f ■ Agreement under which i lie and . Reagan, torc8ident Ronald Rcagaiigonhad expected to- ' ^ enericanjoumaliata, i meaning fe j . W H E c n c A » ^ . t i be an exploratory meotmjting on orms control andid edescriptive stories. dngent is the largest ev< vthe4Jnited;State«-end-abroa«t i • ahoreerRepreflentativwvee-fromthe-mtyorSo— in tt broadcast outlets, in* oss 0a T""n of peoce while enhancuQdng hia posi- ___ ^ — - .tXviel newspapers and brt scored well in ... g:dudinghigh-ran|dngedJ editors and ofTidols, tionion ot home. He haa olready aco •om Moscow, joining owiwide-ranging prime time interterviewon . »*i KoveJ)wn flown in from mabidtoad* S:'thoBeworkinginWashlahlngton and New NB(m e. He has been thwarted m a • V E A H v «tabt«^t_16a ____ ,rc!» Congrew, but he hM Bch«heduleda ___ 3 tYork-bureaua JorAtota itively sched.------^ IK N C M y, — I TV tcam-whick will----- mojn ^ rp reas conference, tgntotiv — ^ — ^^•'We will hove a big T hwillbe'car------WHSTMDU , cover all event*," Savinirinovsald.Aslnthe uleclied for next Thursday, t^ ic h w works, "Gostelrodio," riedied liVe in tho U.S. cose of American netwo jtperta.thewoy the Soviet television sytsystem, will inteiTupt AAccording to some Soviet expe ______^ wrtant than how it is perceived/edJnKIoicow; “ —" S p o r ts on the summit to 'the folks back home. , por ast contingent will avail wh

Sovietvts^uriv *TVhatwehavemaynotnot be very g ^ , but, Soviet television, with its market. It iais apporentlyahigher prioriority. ' West than does So’ " he says with a laugh, “at least it's free." “ istudentintheSoviet tehind stories of Americaiicons waiting in long unem- ' “ Mikhail is « m U0P>"‘' ...... In the bar:or,.apto8tit.ute s U table b ^ [.____Despite bee desire to> opiappeor.American,___ ^ s^;^UaiDiEnb(rwBzita.toJsaiLeach in-f te lTnited. iy»eitoptun>a tos sV'hBra—. liriefl, talestal of widespread drug adt: - - “ Saul Sirapiro=0=--=»--=-whei^anyj lelesa peopleliving in th e -----^ ^ myaTrants'topursue^c•=a«treepin4iui' = ' States. question. TaTanya gesture? that ahe doeaxan't —diction and homeU homeland. Her goal is to eestablish a private .' ■ .. .rt6-aerved.brienyinAni^hanistanoBoheli* . idithatahe ia:«nAinericanJ[iJCht:_;:;.fitrceta._ ___ ;. .waa.bo»pitoUted.when ------i'-.-Tuniieretandi rdmtand hdwtheie thi^ • - medical practice. — ____ - copter niechotdc.- He .wa ------. -— -i-prostitute ttv i ^ away.-TanysbeamsI ara n d -* -— He^oesn't undei Mikhail is encouragedcd bby the policy of ■- - his commander, the creizn w andthechopper ^iollars jj for rubies is taking place ^.Sbei8flip#lthftt.herair affecta-. ;w n be true, if Amcmericans are “so rich." Bbel^iBful^ttock------—— -----tl Idthateerio'us problems do;r-— .J'glaanot" (“openneaa" oc^£sc^speaking______L ___ H l^ o o ro a lists on? a bitrndget -----g aaayTwhichhfljfaeen-een promoted by ^ aafqtiu^MmmX5_vron■amification<4f nn ii^ iiP »a ms.de irBSawvraithou^ T i r ^ ----- —-^«v—-rr—r-r-^.^ n'tW derstud how so manyr y i e t lea'derMiCEaO G o r^ . - r - ' a n ^ p p y iglea'VK------: Viikholl ond his"prirnond In the SMnlUc.HBiler maternal grandft ther collkillabo--^>-"Still7h6doe;Bh>l . does not speak of it withththefervordfita tl ■ lg,” he remarks. '.If Americana can havehaS cars and relotively ' • "I'do not like klllthg. f talk is all that Is occurring. Mi“ ■'•''“I''. rated with1 tthe Nazis during the war. If , most ardent advocates.i. • He is an unenthuslas'lastiomcjnber ofthe : on remaining. moi her rela- -large living quarteirters, when such things are Plough, is calm and insisteiU on lother triea to interfere in hei s. • C ; ■'YoingCommunistLcat,cague,withgrcotcuri- .^k,hi.h»«. S i'^ i iitoget faroutofthereacl•ach ofthe average Soviet “It is better," he saya. “Wiy are you worried?" ha isl nth Mikhail, thiy threaten U :r' But he ia pessimistice aboutab any subston- J. ■ voai^.about tbe United»d £States. -ya“You live in a free society." ■earning 200 to 250 rubjes ($320 to $400) per !alname)approachea ------.-mamedini - tive changes in the econocmomy,-which would— - — - - Mikhail (not hlB real 1 snotpractice ' BesidesIc?oSiS^S*e cl othw' month. ‘ ■ lities and incentives - canJouTnnlists-in o------". Mikhail is Jew iabitut does no 1. tho Soyiet-madecar, will__ provide more opportunitie =^-:t” »bmirvIsiting American ttistreatmchtof—^inganbdurotAmericah-cultureappeali■flling^ • AamallLado.tl wonted to practice his lis religion. He tolla a b o u ^ is t e8 ($12,800) - a total far outt fbrabetteTlife — apro.noi^oUifMd goal of ' theater, because he wai : military- H e___ ; Thfiy.ba.v,ave read o great dw Jof^erlericon cost 8.000 rubles (i iiriny"V ■ -' EnVliBh. He speaks theLhe language vrettrtmt .„-.-paraBt«)ika.rreatnicturin daims there are unstated quotaotas limiting...... literature .r nn a'threeiroom fl W ^ th h isis ------Mikhail believes manymy JSoviet dUzens------L — 1. "^-^r“ hia mind occasionallyy dchums os he searches.-:.“Lhc ?! number of Jewa in'the uniyeliyerBitiea. - Ernest Penem in^ay aiid WHiamTaullrulkner.------MikhairUveain )r tries to make sense of “ e 1 supply order clerk, mother —' ' have come to accept lifere thti e way it ia. H e : - - “ for an elusive word or ti is his Tanya is a0 Ifan of Kurt Vonnegut, haviiiving father, who is a su ly true in rural areas, ■«omcthingJ>e.hcar8 whwhich he docs not quite 1Tanya (not-her re ^ name) is 1 “Cat's and grandmother.ier. He says they aro lucky too says thot is particularly tJ sflne-Englisb;— read-'^reallakfast of Championa’LondlC looccess-toinforma— ^ ----- ______gi_r]irirlfne'nd. She unde'ratanda flSoviet Uiem 30 rublcs($^I ($48) permonth, lits to Mikhail, it is sug- witwith a doe-like quality; her longong dark hair is Like a g r eap," he aays. also points to young Sovieovietfl who jo in the ■arestayingiaofflimita driiebas dtizei^,thi lUsic. . .. "It is very cheap ;et ahead, even ifthey ge^dthaiXconverant■flntton-bfheld-while-rid-_pulpuUedbackir^m her face and ri butMik- Whenhegradui,duatcs from college, he may Communist Party to get a ------i ------bribrightbrown ey ^S h eia-th ftik1 linage of Ml „ apartment by trading the—----- arc notaold on the systcrritcmu------— ------r-ingonoBtrectcar. — vea thoae snato ■■ -:get-n one-room api le goals of perestroika , igainal iti “Too m any AirAmerican teen ottressl • ne Flew room where he presentlypn lives.' While he believes the g< , ■ • He ia adomantly aga ihewantstobe seehavewan "anti-Amencin bms. *w e ing it will be a formi- - - -ears,’* he soys. - The daughter of a doctor, ahe ‘e in men- “If the Unitedd SStates arid the Soviet ore admirable, achieving oint in her ' Over.the Cuckoo'aCi Nesi*1s about life ii dable task. Hewontstotalkmtin the hotel bar. A door- a gynecologist.g But, at thia poin ution. “Tootsie," he saya, “isis oabout Union arc bothI ausuperpowers, then how' young life, she also wanta to loolook and act talin stitu t “It would take a revoluto lu tio n ,"h e8 ay s.“Wa :r. ~ mon looks ot him andid Ihis girifriend yoi - unemployn coine Americanana hhave ao much, while we j xlicm inVith-the------Western—XVt ______eincon- have very little?>? hhe oaks. have already hod ours»in in 1917.’!______- ■ - auspiciously, bUrletrti -jeuisand-S------^Biit-MiklS S I U olso nundfolofthe U .1.Tanya weara a Levi jocket. jei I S r ------wmtd-Mtkhaihlil-wants-to-come to the------i:-' " Americans. lissed from the siatendeaia in the Soviet depiction of th rheisbroughttoahotel SwSwatch watch. She was dismiss shears United States, he ia also wary of the pros- lor of the Waterloo .. A'Bay later; when he icauseofher- — United Statatea pared to wly t he ht SaulShapin is editor c ~ momt^«^ntinuPtbeJi^JiBCuasion, it isnRain Young Ygi Communist LeogueTie^ - . pcet-oftrying4fr6to^rt4»ow4iffcbeie===== nileswhen":------I r s u n so ^ r w m m r ------— necessary to deceiveBa'dodrman a ' th ath o an d ..WcWeatem apporel. She just smiU ena to the Voice of Americaa oand Employmentt in the Soviet Union is guar- cles he wrote followingJ a NovemberI trip to mericona. ' as!askeHlf that caused her greotIt oconcern. It :ro ia the promise of care from ..hiagirlfriend arc.A™®* onie other items- -Britiah BnJroadcasting CorporaUon novlews, anteed and there: ^ the Soviet Union with a groupgi o f American — However, a hotel workerwo: on the floor is _dwdocs not. The outfit - and soni« ve a far d iffw n t picturedfth tt e------cradle to grave.... newspaper editors. ------concerned ihHoblockBck market exchange of' “ - i cost her 200 rubles ($320)>oft oft theblack----- which g i^

y ^ t t e r !rsljStQms,Meditorials, sumimit n and trade Ibring reader cccornments------li?U:87butrea^ctaTJ.S. impmports to ~ iii~the top tenrjurists'eachycarucv^uatec jui ~ - ~ M o a^of sheetrp u n a f f e c t e d projrobably a spy. Gorbachev withith his KGB ' ship to the '-One erititlemeni>ntavailable— ^ — )Qckground has tliose credentiaitials.------their couniintries.-r—------b y th e IdahoSufSupremeCbiirt. 7 ; : W hile “Noxious weedced kills herd" is cer- -The - fj Communists yiew treatieitie8.and_^m-^' I don't. s toriol reminded me of on ^ ^ " B e o th at there wos hologctonhol in the area prestige while the U.S. continuenuestodmrmi- the paper*r • ough faith — and th is ■. • tsfand servitig o^cliQrclfand' — —-Bliss — -. ------E ^iriiiFimporlsTDf'goDO D ds ------J «iom< ...... on legal ri^ ts p rd“Thoffromyour8elYcs.-itiBiKs the giit.9if>^m 5 ~ civic boards. BoilBo developed and imple- not by works, 80 that noonecanboaatno _. ■" Doyou wantfair trade? Do y 'irst comprehensive studyoftl‘the-Je8U8say8inRovr3:20- 20~*Bfliold. I Sf^rig a t' - — • :^~^T reaty servesi s-t o n ly O S S R — ,,ij lescnnn^rsu^^^ ) r t ’ •_ m e n t^ th e firsI eigners to stay awoke nighu fi| tcrviceaby.the eldorly-in Idah e ^ r^ BaUiBoil currently i oggs . ______— yatioaand.olso.the.gift(aftnffflith.JhefltJtf«^ .L. "5?------'...... ■T„><;^ftl rH ntri^iiageflndha Kaa^p ~ burlev ------^nts'^ybSeg6maS£== ~ r:, 77.-; ,-.:jrhe Soviet T.Tnlnn-hi^ Jias hrnken ihr nirdcar. .ISS ?lo luhil thfc irt-' — gr^it^t entiuei^i^ _ i;._tcstbon.tnM^y.thc;ar•.antiballistic missile To do this I would propose tc for even thnngh WAhnwiave 4 ievere«med them — ports from each foreign countrntiyforthenect — r • treaty, the agreementent conceming.undet:____ ps — j or could ever deserve9them.0urenti- thi ting, SALT I and SALT six si: months dollarwise'tothee'somenmounl st . ■ Muae our Lord and sav* : BT«und nuclear testin; t from the U.S. in tlements are free becaui dollarwise that they bought fn -..iorJeauapaidfbrthero<9TO on th«! cross------* ^ 1 — -theyreviourflix months...... — _4.~ii._L. PresidentReogann’s a own general advisor)— th _iz:MYROMmJETHG: - This to continue fhimJiow!tonani.do_this_.01 _ . : bbmmitteeonarms} cocontrol anddisarnto------think thift step __ .Haxelton . d proof of Soviet viola-___,wwith almost all countries. I thi ------WaumEHowog«t|- —■------WiBlamC;BI<.Biak*------: -- : x ‘:'■ Jn en t c6mpil_ed solid p 'would wra'ce a lot of frictioninaroundtbe a ...... — tiona oftheae 'pacta.; - ______Pubbhg AdwcnbktgMtgMaftBger — ^e-pwaldmrhas-conualF^~worldr“— : ' ... ------— 1te-Thn»NMit^iiiwliiiiiiiii liihw - jngtnnre agrwm cnts______All American busine s s j q j — ~ ------SttjitoHiiigB hiri»clf4o seeking iih^ -.OrcuUHonM,o Manftger ------^— =3rg=^£HW cnhe accurateately^all^ ^lil^w ho --_ct'rmntri«*.‘», «>»»pping ta^h».U>S. Maugng CdUoi _counted aaJpreign.importsJK. Oilor s ome ______- r-r- fUp.^aoviljmpire^ ^;ar.riB7ri^nnlly oviLSeL-Ol_Dlhcr.comm^ity-COuld be «gemptifneedbe.' e i ~ ______1bcjncmbcrsof.ifehe^ to r ia lBbard and writerslers of editorials'. kxM BtbBnlte'il fair ^ d e not SSSJSSStqi fore you can represenlent tho Soviet Union in This is what! would caH fai are Stephenai iHartgen and WiDlainBrHcHoward------^------UttmormmlliaB the so-called free trade ofthishis adnunistra* J , . ... :■ _ :___intcmationol dipiomi OTOcyyou must renounce ti ountries f^ee to ' . .. .. -^rg-he irliarrg-cheat^nd—--tioa ti which IcavejLfogia.gHg ------■ -L-wgnrm. O l" nirirnltty:^ 1 V.,.' _____;_____ ■ ___ '3 I ------—------^ -

Tlws W>WI«TiiT>lah*l.>dlM*4 '

£^NatM tiq n , ^uagutefpaheglliead "won'tt ruh forreseat I WhfeipyoT K the Vworld cOf 1 . WASHINGTON fAi . p , ■■ give 'e:3m a t£aste ofn t . =; uuaget uommittMI CCl hairm an L.aw« ton Chllei of Florid)rids announced . Monday he WiU reUreirebecauaaofjob .InuiMut,* becomingng ithfr third 8«n* ate committ«e, chalhalrman to an- • ; Dounc*-b« wiil-not-nt-run-for-re^lefr—y '> tion In 1988. >- t _ “J ju»t waan't looJclo U n g forward to -■' anQtWr alkr^enra in. in Qie Senate,"- B T i ^ " Chiles aaid a t a nevnew s coniereTSCe. nlyJtM t:.t)4,e9- ...... — ’’Maybe-al-aome-atagfa g e -th e « ia « - t i e The threeoul o « - Trible of - tions toto Ihia campaign, sold Dennis Virginia. Dan Evans^ o f M i n g ^ Ghilea' budget"a^lcesman.; — and-KoberUOan orac have announced plaj?lana to-leave the at wayslys to return the unspent Seriate.'------' money;r, hhe said. Prepziiiredne^ss Ineed 5 '3 1 “ c i t i ^ n a t t ( ^ e m nmemorial’a visitor center on ■ ^ ------Monday, sumvord'dlSDfthBTlttBClrnnd—shore:— ' repreuntativM^fif several8 military Sen.I. Daniel Inouye. D-Hawaii, " ~^v- m commanda and veCe/eferans oi^aniia“‘'said Inbrt brlef remarks read atth e cer-er-' ___ tiona j«idhpmageU)Bto^hedeadi, emonytly that the attack “chanpd thehe - fhipprf^o^whit^couMf^r t f histoiy arid' indelibly af-~ af-’ "' . -i cflpa on the surfacedee ofithe harbor/fectedI theth jives of alj Americana." ------cmrying-nowora-froifrom-wraatba.prc-T-—Inouyiuy^_who IoaLan.am in .World. e e n t^ Bt the cerom;omony on the USS'. War II combat.'ih-Europe;i said he'h'e~ i...the..visitori:cen^ wll_ wn^,an-__ __^-.^dzona.Memorial..J1- ' ___hopes..tl 6 ------The-^tonft.waB~aa-onfr-of-lft-shipa—tinuc-it—its—fiducotionaLeflbtit—Zind. y^i»flyi1y daiMgfey~thdt~Viaii>iaitoMjwiUjenewnhe;^carch~ in the” ottockT incluisludfng tl?e b'atU ^ for peaczaceliDiopes of^averting the ships Oklahoma,, CCalifornia, West tragedydyofwar. Virginio and Utah.tl. Later« r in the morning, the per-er- Hoys, who flewnr imore than 160 sonal belonpngsbe of a Japanese air- ••• —miasions -over Nort))rth Vietnam dur-- man killkilled in the attack-werc pre-re- ing the'Vietnam War.W* said.th6 me:~sc^nt^td to the Park Service for a mu- morial “serves asI as a solemn sym- -seu'mexexhibit profiling a ^ i c a l Jap-op- I p r . bol of gratitude from■om a nation... and onesepft participant in the attock. ! on Ih i^ 12 ^ itetanding-Good BuysE Z - y E f E i i mix: ^ M u ' ■ TOM« 3Y h lW h aSTFun l IttlsT oV I/Ifrite !50% |saave 4 0 %>1 Save 30 I Save ^ -HealthjWasfer- — -—^Ori r r A S m i t h ^ r o n a ii - m Stove-Topp^ofiper- -WocKc^Toy^Bo)fci:^ == —-:--AtPerfectG P lftForC ^ M r B S p m i i SFl KeeijerT ~Rlymmoutn Hinish. " -ExcerciseBiKe . Entlre'Stoc Skatebdafc )M=±=; 6 9 . 9 9 :;g || Reg:9.99 ------Beg..4 4 9 .9 & ■'’ ;Reg7'99.99-;

l ^ v e ave 3 ^ / 6 > ^ v ¥ ^Wo Save _H -ClothesjSShaver ___ .Bissi i lAnchotBeveraag e40 CountLAssorte^^^ A ___ . ElectrbnicrTyp^ri/riterwith:------iseiiJ3at|LSpaii£ — -x e S oo El n byWindnrmere. Glasses. ' Stick on B( ' Spell-Righi’hrD ictionary • Spell-Righight 50,000 W ord Eleclrc:lronic Dictionary ____ > Find Featuitu re ______• Full line; C o rre c tio n •~V• ^ r d - E r a s c r - j : 6 ; 9 9 = ------) . 9 9 4.99 .6 9 iCQn-and oii'linei— »-AAuto Return — — ' H I Reg. 9.99 meg.:I. 2 9 .9 9 " 'R egr6:99‘^ " " ~------' -- .Regr'^l^^g------

-xFio^-' 8 3 0 > Save 33 T h e A ffo rddable a Portable ^ % My_Litlle_P^ony MemoryCorrcclion— -■-^lOO^qualareFeet -----WrJ-Raider^------S Save:350%| ------•"NAtordErascr« r - ' \ ' ...... reigBta:::: 3Muiunderhamrner I Satin Slipper___ Entire Sto ^MHaK-space:e . /??•?; e. Wlntt^lni — • Duol I’itcli _ ^ Wrappioiiq paper, jftial!tion Toy. --- lackftts ■ ^ ------j ; and Coatsits:. ■...... " 7 " REG. $ 2 2 9 ^ . OPIDP£N SATURDAYS 10-3 ’THTIL CHRISTMAS 111 t9 9 - 9 ^ e family of • ■ ______^ I l l s C ho o sg fro m th e fin e f - ^ 0 9—— ^ Reg:;3 r1 6 :9 9 ^___ ' ^ - Reg.-14.99 L — , .-.T Sm lih!lih-CoronaJypewriter« aniTiiTword processors. ' ■ G$Hi9 — ^ SOJMBlirtirA v»:^otith''-^— TwInHI n ^ H r — ^733.2687-^ „ HOURS: 8:30-5:30 MON.-FRI.M " SHOPKOSTTORES.INC. sValleyMall 6pm.Mldnlflhtj;u^i^^.gJ < 7duRTyeemiTER;sui # ■-1649POtEUNEROlOAD EAST TWIN F A IIS ■ ' .....^

______— '■ ^ ^vf:: A-^TImaa-Nawi., . Twin F ilH . U a h o Tu«»l«y,Ktty,t)toMib«rl,iN7 _ ¥ § n ho n .ft— sgogltc enasreeasonalible,pecac^llr.n a n z^Gorbirachev's 0 be set V - th a t much ofthe nowiI fromfro: that aununit ■•"^^^-H analohniiiir,’assiBtontprofe880r ofpolpolitical"" though in direct:t responsen to Gorbachev’s TV was actually Soviet in1 origin.orii The fact that - tgi_TheBuMianaJjegaarnn nrriving in-WitnllilllL sea in So- appearance lastwitweek. He waa interviewed ikogo-atMkfomor ' acienceafVt Yale University, apedalizes thoy violated an agreed-u;•d-upon news blackout " •■ ig to n m ore th o n a w eek i IS viet politicsics. by correspondenUinta from the four major net-,8 did not trouble them inn theleait~..andth was '. ;rwritePB,t«lcviBioncoiTorrespondents and Tom Gollins t, and by works and has scheduledsell a national address [emission is to cover tho ^ - “By lease:sening that sense of threat, s certainly welcomed by/the the media. • . •jt'media experts whoae n • appearingggenuinely j interested in pea>eace." in prime time fonbr next Thursday night, en- ,theSo%iet«wiUbe d, in the process, insure will get equal time with Gor-. In Washington, too, the ; —. m eeting and, I Igor Ignatiev, a- hecanadvsivance hia economic aifd politjHtical surin'gthathewil playing tb the press andnd matchingthen : tfriHafHiShTl! QorbschuchevinncTgcBin tho------,phojhotographem, Ktordlog to Igoi bhner bachev’s press conference.cor rM« official, who downplayeddthePRorim* tt goals.“Partu t of it ia imagery." Hansloh: administration, briefingng forf briefing, under___ J___ 'X' world'6 <^08 afl a n a ttnittroctive and peace- • Toa sre.".. The Sonets tooltook the West by surprise at. ----- ;------...... ageige-making aspects of summitryjuy. Bald,-buttl: thaxa'a also substance there ' Uiesamei roof and with'thh, the same goals in ;riwngC6thinuni8t. ■ y Reaganv> will be attempting to recou{ouphis Reykjavik last yearye£ withwhal^ in mind - influencing worldrbrld opinion as well r#,. T h e taak should notiotbetoodifllcuU.Oor* TTass’ coverage will be “very fht be regarded as an initial ttraightt o r a r d."Jie.8ald,:?Ve/e area going to fortunes aflafter, the debacle.of the Iran-iin-Con- retrospect, might aa advancing world peaceaoce.-— ' ■ ;> b~8cKeVifftKgTnoitteletelegenioleader tbe^vi--_gt« rwWdrharhurt-hinrteriousiluslyin ----- tostofglaanofLon^on tH o in ta^ ^ ^ n al scene.__ le is about to co-sign on . rep■e^rt facts, what is p in g on.I. WeW certainly^ ^twraffWrr'" m'n Western repori«M .they- ' t r e ta have h ad, and h e is ces,the ------thepollsanand with Congress. ... Rather than ehun .. •f'flgrccmentundorwhicrhich milliona of dollors williviU'cover the press conferences, iion, as mode themselves/es available to such o degree0 TomCotlinaulheSeua'fewtday rnedia uriier. 3rieflnga.-We will write analysUysia and Reagan,1, Itoo, h u turned to televisloi ____ ^-r- .0 1■ nucicHi.>vv>n~ii"----1*-.. wilwi)l blown up before brii l)ody. - CODwmmentaries, mciUdluij iLo iw '------{ r th e y con h arm anybod venta.And : iHinmi HfrnlU H e looked pretty gocgood in Reykjavik. theJie American media to the even 1 vernacular of [yif : - it- Iceland. Soviotabclievlieve, when he took what aon!ome color," he added; in the vei American journalists, meaningmg features 4HST1CAJWJ® I___ ijLProsidcntRbnaldBcoitcflgan hod expected to Am ■ ^ OH,IT5B0II neeting on arms control oneand descriptive stories. m - - - i f be an cjcplorotory mee IW ^,P0UT1CS»‘ I' Ij ondtranflformeditintinto a tough borgoining “It would be improper to rege«gard tho sum- I **- seflsion. And thoy hop " - ...... ^ “Wc like it." said AlexanderAlt Sovinov, process of dlsarmamenti aind'tha-thatshouldbe. . 1, “ th ird BCCTCtory in thh e Soviet EmbasBy.allud- j«garded jL as the main task offth th ia meeting." •t ing to the prospect for good PR at the ^ iWell. yes. but even aa the two leaders______J . sum m it. B ut he q uItklyadded.inatele- ltk take what the world hopes willirill te concrete ^ ' ter, they already J___ LI, phontinterv?®** l^e expect it to bo a very steps to' avoid nuclear disaster, I LT prodnctiYC-meeting^g^in i: tenn»ftfan.om fl------j,ghave demonstrated a keen awaiwareneaaof - I •• fc agreement and negotijotiations between the how important it is for them1 andar their posl* ji~ our {•' twocountriea. : tions to be well perceived in1 th«the worid'a M i.li.UY.illMUlnlrhthi- g g ■^nnfftr-mnTi.-fautthcircon-- ’ rting to^projoct------« - - tingent is the lorgestest ever to orrive on these otives from the migor So- -rnlhoUnlted m States ^ d abroairoad an image : pv shores'. Rcpresentoti^ as a man of peace while enhanijancinghis posl- ■- - i^vietTiewspopers andjid broadcast outlets, in-___M ing editors and ofTidols'. TIoh-atTrome; Ri He has alreadyly »scored well m ------5 : duding high-ranking interview on a from Moscow, joining a wide-ranging prime time int4 **;hf»ve been flown in fr dinabidto-ad- ■ S;'thbseworkinginWaiWashington and New NNBC. He has been thwarted in W E f lW " - ■ dress Congress, but he has scheduledasch a »York bureaus, for a totalI of obout 150. di IK N O iN - big TV team which will mmtybr press conference, tentatitatively sched- V t- -We will have a bis ,ich willbecar^ W H S rirC U ", cover all eventa," SavihovSon sold. As in tho ululed for next Thurs_day, which networks, “Gostelradio," riried-liveintheU.S. -- - - MBXN'" case of American net fexperts.thoway . ion system, will Interrupt ' According to some Soviet ex] tho Soviet television Vept is more im-_____ • ! regular programmin,ningwprewiiiUpcuutre— h .. portant than how it is perceiyteived in M os«w...... - -7 -ports on the summitnit to the folks back home. .. p y ow tnlled ^ d . idcast contingent will avail • vtwhere the media are tightly cc I------r — T he Soviet broada st favorable light. : its e lfo fth o C B S bjureau's u r facilities in return hhe can be shown in the most ft In the West, "he’s trying to project1 him- iL-forthe help accord^ded CBS crews in Moscow •ace, but as a re a -. . _ 'tapmgbfiidocumentary. S'self not only as a man of peace _ during the recent tai iB Margaret t Washington bureau of ssonable man with whom, aa N ■Jlie sta ff in tho Wl I do business," veys o g ei^i has been------1 Thatcher has said,you_^ do ■■ • ■ Tn«a;^frSQViet ne>v loHner. ------— - beefed u p w ith 11laddi'tionoljoumaHsisan'a ad ^sardProfesaor s Pet6r Hanslohi itButcuiccept eMsftng C lous^aba ay not be very good, but, .. ets^cuni , . “What we have may n priori^*_-JVs8t.thondoe8;tes Soviet television, with its M aii^^^B**~marketrIt-Itirapparently:«.higher-pri if. - " heaays with 0 lough,jh.'atleastitsiiree." “ ----- .M ikhail is a collegeegoatudent in the Soviet m ! bar; a prostitute at a tablele bbehind stories of AmeriiicricarijB waiting in longunem- i to oppear American, _ Intheb es. talcs of widespread drug acad- Despite her desire to J ------Union who wants totto teach in the United -. 'anya sits, turns toaskherr aa ployment lines.' 9ue a career in ber SauISKaphcir<> ^ "where Tai lomeless people living In the Tanya wants to pursue 1 S ta b s . — - ••• question.'n. Tanya gestureitbat.she5 d(doesn't .. diction and hom homeland. Her goal is icto establish a private ' Ite served brieflyy in>t Afghanistan 08 oheli- ^ andi that she la an AmencarWin. T h r •' .* streets, flewtrshospitallzed when < unUerstai understand how these thingsa medical practice.' ___ -—copicuncchnniCjLHe’ ms and He doesn’t un ------Mikhail ia encouragecagedbyLthepolicyof______le cre^and the chopper------j her affecta- ^ n betrtie, itA:rAmericansare “so rich^" — —“^Ktr ei^falo»nupifra«B rebel^isgile atuck.------^ — ■^=^~Mikhmnstol(told that Beriouflproblcms do « soobnvincing^’^ - ^ ^ .:. ----- frankl>^)rwhich-haahe«ihefen.promoted.by.82i. _ fW8"f*tiJl^lfft(r«urvtve-i^- i-amificationfl Ifan iMue is niadeofliavinit^.‘'^mn ’,5^.io’s partnta are iw ® ? ^ti-lii-- •■'existin the UnllJnlted States.------Gorbachev, although he 2 in the room, even lesn’tu n d e rst^ d how so manjny viet leader Mikhail Gorl andlli'appy to leave..e.. tt '; • Mikhail N ahd his girlfriend in t Her maternal grandfatherercollalx>- < Still, he docsr does not speak of it with the fervor ofits • ' “fd o n ot like kilirn,iirng," he remarks. j|if talk is all that is occurring.ig.Milihail, 1 . rated wit]ith the N aiis during the waxrar. If . Americans canan hove1 cara and relatively luarters, when such things artire most ardent advocates.tea. : H e is an uncnthuailusiastic member of the though, ^ is calm and insistentjjto i n ro n ^ n m g Taiiya'sl.i mother triea to interfere iriherrela-in large living quo . “It is better." he says.ays. • _ Y p ^ g Communistit LLeague, wiA ^ _ at curi- ; “Whyareyouworriedrheil»,as.k» hia hosts, ■ p with Mikhail, thiiy.tl^ateiitentoget.foroutoftherei • reach ofthe averag^Soviet _ to 250 ruWes ($320 to $^00) -^pc r----- But he Is pessimisticBtic 1 about any aubatan—-r osity about the Uniteiit^States'.* " ' ' •Tou live in a free society." ■ , marrieddina'synagogue. i ' - earning 200 to 2 sconomy, which would s re d name) approached tive changes in the econ “ !r:” Mikhail.(not his re - Mikhail is Jewish, b u t doesoes not practice ' ' BesideiIes clothing, the couple findsids'other ..... month. \\ provide more bpportunitunities and incentives , erican jburn^ista in 0 . ppealing. A smoll LadaIda, the Soviet-made car, will - - — some visiting Americ his religion. Hetalka aboutt mistreatmentmi o f- things ababout American culture appc pronounced goal of - r - [je wanted to; practice hia ^ American . cbst 8.000 rubleibles ($12,800) - a total far ouout ■ for a better life - a pro.i -theater, because he \ .Tt»w« bv fellow soldiera in thJie e: military. He Theyh' have read a great deal AF perestroika (“restnictm Twain, of-Mikhaifaroareach-aaa.proBpective teachee ictu'ring")...... -f' • -claims there are unstated quoquotaa iuniimg-----^^UteratunJfS^^niacEESttdOllTMarkSs manySovi'etciiizens-!!— -^r- rrrr.. occasional!;lally chiirnras he Bcarches Faulkner^. - Mikhaillivesvcs in a three-room flat with hihia ----- Mikhail behevea man th e ju m ^ r of Jews in the uniyeraitiea.uni Em estHHemingway and William Fa ; life the way it ia. He rd or tries to make eenae of - > having father, who isis a supply order clerk, mothercr have come to accept life - -"foranolusive word o is a fan of Kurt Vonnegut, h« larly true in n y al areas, i^. __ irs which ho docs not quite—___ Tanya-tnQtietrealjiameyj.[eyishis " ~ ------Tanya is ihd "Cat’s— ond gra’ndmothother.’ He says they are luckyyto t says th at is porticulorh -— :^8omething he hears' Is some Englisfii read jfeakfasrofChampions n and where there is either•r_no nc access to infprma- j _ • • ■ ■girlfriend. 8 She'understands SI have.BuchBpacijoclous living areo. It costs ; understand. She ia very pretty. Cradle." tion fro'm-the'West or litlittle interw i in i t He lei where the Americans but h does not speak much. She n gmwing number ofyoujagSoviet g I them 30rublc3lcs($4a)per month.______-wthTdS^llkeTianlityrherlorlon^ark-hairia ----- I^ke a ------also-pointa-toyomig-So)fSovietrwhoioin-the------— ' are staying is offlimlimits to MiKHairTtlssug- v s, they enjoy W e s te n f^I mmusic. “Risverychc pulled back from her face and she has . ci^civi. ay Communist Party toogetahcad,evenifthey ge - versation b^ held while nd- y 1 alsallke AmericarfngviM.a , but Mik- Whenhegracp-aduates from collcgc, he ma> -brightbrowneyea-SheistheIhe iroageofan------Th®y a jm apartment by trading the) - are not sold on the systijystem ___ — . - in g on a s tre e t caV.“ ,hailbftheJ/^dUrU>a__ ^ __ : the discussion, it Is again 'Young Communist League be pect of tryingg tcto start a new life here, (Jowa) Courur. Thisswo/ieo/'awncflo/arti'.;^ i$ , . — • room to continue thi ;smileswhen ...... from o^thersouroes. _ . •___neccssaiy to deceivtlive'adoormanthatheand' ■ )Westemopparel.Shejustsm isterxs tb theVoiceof Amencrica and - 7 . Employmentent in tho Soviet Union Is guai ..... cles he'wrote followinging 1a November trip to _ asked ifthot caused her greaireatconcem.lt — '“ ■r—hlB'girlfriend nre;Ai‘Americans.-' ------i tl Broadcasting CorporationmnewB, 3 '.anteb'dandthpthere is the promise of care froro™ the Soviet Union withIth a group o f Am e r e n _ teljvorkeronjhe flooris does < not. The outfit - andi someso other items British! e of the CTadje to grave,iv e^ ____- ' J____;__ttowcvi>r. a hotel: 20) on the black which gigive a far different picture o newapapereditora.___ concerned th a t n, bitblack market exchange of - cost her 200 rubles >.$320) >

nnlMtei? r s / Stories.. r the entitlements must; comecon to an end. Your edi- < • Despite the quotaotation marks, we had no in j, tho first place? They gainin titremendous I wouDuld like to read some commiimehtsin districtofldaIdaho, which involved presecu toriol reminded mooofoneen^Jlementthat' ofi r id e a 'th o t th ere was/as halogeton in the area prestige p while the U.S. continitinues to disorm. the papjper about this. If you con imimprove Ing federalI cricrimes ond representing thee U.1 oil people con claim. :an tca ritto S. incivil'motnatters arising in Idaho. _ • • ' south of Lye Lake.;e. To1 report thal,we know- Summit meetings and treatreaties sei^e Com- thUproropoaal. please’do. If you can ------God offers each ofofusthefroogiftofeter- Ul * V- ingly ra n 2600 shecrteep for six years through munlst „ interests, not Americtrica'a. p l ^ s1 pleasep do, but please givesusyourpro. ui B„i,j,„rirfirm believer nnd supporter■of ol ' nal life:Romans3:23:23 1states that “the wages^ - a n a re a infested wnwllh poisonous plants sug- MR. and ^.A D R IA NJJL ! .A R P '______posalfofor a better one. the public in victim’s rights.. BBail ’ of sin is death butthetha giftofOodiB eternal _ iZ T T -'-^ta an.affinity torfor risk Arm yiouiarrfffikC Twin Falla" 5tflTrcHtBbllBhtn^ ETn6tyeHcy~y------Ilfe-throtighJesus'CKiunriBt our bora.' . _____ -Bvel KriibvelKositailtatc:— ■ ■ ------reatpoliticalleadara Hoaaing-Ser\ Inc. ■ a ah^tor foFKom>me- .. -EpheBlans^:8-9aayy: ..... - : pgFElUAMSS-SS______Icsawomenan and children, givm^^fiWlna:iare havobeen saved, throi — LimiHmports.o{-gcgoods~r ^ ^ — oitlegal-right^tS(«nd-soTving.on.churcb4u :and-- =pot-fromyoQrBelvesri

a ^ N aition i zldtmsdt 3en4SE0atiffiint a ^ ( J = c w o i rtlr t a f f o ir s e a t ------WASHINGTON (A](AP) 8onBte-==n= r s o r aieoner ^ \ v e ' e 3 m a t taste of ' ' 'Budget Commiit«e ClChairman Diw« - ton -Chiles of Floridirida announced Monday he will retire:Ire because of Job ■. Tnimout," becomingig thet third Sen* ^ H P T ; et« committee chaiiiairman-tb-.an*_ .nounce he will nott n run for re-elec- W‘- ' tion in 1988. ■ ■ .TjuBt wun'ilobkijoking forward to K ' -— another six year# in tho Senate," ; K Chiles said a t a nowfiews conferencc. 108 Tia ■ "Maylw at ■omo stageage there is a lit' H f t . —Ltlc-burnbuL!!—— — —— TT>»-ihr**4«tta-«i8ffTiPtor soid_hft. b - — p i - wasn’t worried aboutiutcompetition in P mpaigiv-and-hifl— heolth remained goc^octd despite opei)> . heart surgery two yea: "I think our com]unpaign was in ' - --0. ;q9* — ^ very good-shape,’'■Cl-Chiles said. "It uiy Ploaser - $17.99* #87 Texu'^re^'- j$2S:89 W09 tho next six yeayears that I was #77 Part; concerned about, not'kot the campaign. Jelicious food gigifts from arouniind the world. WVe ship gifts Chiles. 5^, i s ^ ee youngesty of the ' threoDemocraUc seriilerialore -^^B uriey-M i ing re-election, all of them commit- ' SE^EN. LAWTON CHILES - B lu e Laakes Mail iileylWall -tee chairmen. TheI ot]others are Sens. ig—Pfca gumnaed sift deBvatywty-ehWgBlfsWn>«lr -----r-; ----- John Stgnnis, 60,^^rf^iwisatppt; o ------tfnoutU>ahind dacUlon— -SPEcaurPw ceSEiTEcnvE-/ETH RU 11/30 8 7 ' ~ - •. ®i98rHlc>p(y FimBTlncr head , of the iAppropriations, Committee, and WilliWilliam Proxmire, Chilesles had already raised $1.31.3 n for his re-election-campaignign ------•------72, of Wisconsin,-ch)chahroan of the million f bu- m M |m |_|ii| Banking Committee.ee. in spitoto aul Trible of gons to_to his campaign, said-Dennisnis ■d-ofVermont^lw—-'Rie-camampaign-was-already-iooking ' ' have axmotmced'pliUi1nwH-te tpBve the • at wava Seriate. ' money,|T,hesaid. h ' ■ i '

L •* i i i l f c g l c i Prepaiiredness needi h y-- eited aat ecrem(lonies I PEARL HARBOR,3R, Hawaii (AP) as a star!tark reminder of the horrors3 ofof------^-Thr^OOTOerrkillkilled-hrthe-Japa- :‘war." ^ ncs^ attack^ on PeePearl Horboi^ 46_ He spoke shortly, after 7;6B o.m,, yeora’a ^ left' a' Iega(igacylind'*'a“need~tholime me'orthe'Japaneae attack.rA— A- for military preparedredness,” the com* moment!nt of silence fell over Pearl:ari manderofU.S.,fo«eirees in the Pacific Har^r^ said Monday. ■ “ Secon«onds loterV Hawaii Air' No- Adm. Ronald J. Hays said tional, G'Guard jets flew over the met — ^-'America-w^thrxist-ist-into a.poaition^^monoL-J__ i n - g “miasing... man" ______A. ' of leader«bip ih theth’e'lfee worirVy fomatjoition; J m? =r=zthejE)ec.i7^941,^ait:oir- 4 tt^ k ^ n the Simullultaneous ceremonies wereere Pearl Harbor navali\ base.b . held by In. ^a somber ceremony ce early at the* memorial’sn visitor center on MoDdQy..8ury,iYprg 9f --' reprcsentativofl off severals< military Sen.'"n>aniel InouyeT^JHiawaii, - - commands and' vetceterana orgoniza- saidinbn brief remarks read at the.ccr:ccru. tions paid homage5 to the dead. emonyy tithat the attack “changed the ' ------“ A-briak-wind - whi]?hippcd-ua^hite; coursee ofc history-and indelibly af- cflps on the surfaceice of,the harbor, fectedttnhTlivefl'ofalhAinericanSi^:— carrying flowers froifrom wreaths pre- Inouy'luye, who lost' an arm in World ___ ! i^ ^ jit.ih e ceremtjmony_on_th.ejUS8i;_War_II_II combat in Europe. gaid. he _____ i ———^riionaWemorial..^I. . ■ — hopesj_the_visitor ti center will con-'■on-A —Ih'fi-Arizona wagas one-of-lSt ahips—tinuo its ii educational efTort;. andand— -- E • ' sunk, destroyed orr hiheavily damaged that visvi8liore-wni tenAW IhC-ifCnTOlT C l r H ^ ------r r — -i. in tho attack, indueJuding the battle- for peaceace- in hopes of averting the -ships Oklahoma. C^ifomla, Ci West tragedydyofwar. Virginia and Utah.1. Laterter in the morning, the per- Hays, who flewIV more-than~160- r sonal.bc■belongings.of a-Japancse.airflir- irth Vietnam'dur- man kilkilled in the attack were pre- .....ingthe Vietnam WaWar, said the me- sentedd tot the Park Service for a mu- morial -“serves os OSos a solemn sym-. scumI exhibitex profiling a typical Jop-lap- boi of gratitude fromom a nation ... and oneae3 participantp< in the attack.— f^MLTidL e onlheseJZroirtuj^ndingiG oodI IB u y s - ^ — '‘I iCOROIMN n r . “S luMOF 3Y------^------Bulullti d llh iW h aitF l u n - It Ifrite ^~ I Save ave 40%> Save 303 % b t o A S m l t i ^ G& > r o n a ; ------m stove Tot>p CpiJper - W olodToy-Sox^ o ------Health M aster ______^ rrhduth Finish. Excercise Bike'_ S a ? re . .U APrPerfect Gift Por CChrlstrnas.--w^--— H Potpourritl Keeper. Rlyn BntlreBfa[oclrof— jH — ------S l t a t e b o a n

= 293.99 ® 9 ? " = I 4 9 9 );4Si:99 ; - lH . Reg79;99 ----- Reg.^ ' Reg. 99.99...... S ^ v e ave33%> Save29J% Save - eiothes -Shaven—$ Bissssell-Bath^pa.., , Anchor_Beve.rjr_age„ 40 Countt Assortedt M - • XE 5200 ElectronicEl Typewrwriter with S t i c k o h | 9 b y W in dImere. ti G l a s s e s . B Spell-RighI;ht Dictionary • Spell-Right5ht 50 ,0 0 0 W ord Electn:lronic DiEtionary, ' . • Find Fealuilure _____^ ;^{^ICLinaXa rnrrpction ______i-VL.WQr.d=£r.ase.r______- - -19959— 4.99 MZ ___ _ • Relocate^ oon'and on line •> Auto/ Return m m - -l-^-Rea=-9,99------Reg:=g -2 9 .9 9 ______Rea. 6.99 - - ^ = Beg. 1.49 ------— iHOW»A-Y-SfJEjfjEGlAL---- J ------lave ^ /or^ v e S S The Affordadable Portable _____ J My Llttle Pony —^alMtnoMcMctfioi^Cofrgciion -- 5 H-IOOSquijare FTOt ~ AlrJr Raider ____ V'‘ Savee 5 0 % | — r--- ^-'.-vyjfiJErascr H H e a v y wweight Thulunderhammer ^ -Satin Siipperi - - E h t l r e ^ t c ' • • Half.spacc — -Sweet^hoppt • Dual I’ilch H ^ r a p p l nngiJapefr— “Act!:tlon-Toy.------> e ------W i n t e n tJacket»™ e ^M rT- ' $ ' a n d C o a t ! REG.$229 * 1 7 9 ° ” OPIDPEN SATURDAYS10i3 'Tl■Til CHRISTMAS 1 1.49 ri1.99 9.99 Choose from the finele

502 Main,In Av*. South twin i m ■ ■ ■ HOURS;.8:30-5:30I MMO N *-FR r “ S H O P K O SnTSfiiE^NCr— l ““ “W M a g icteiV all^^aiL l 6PTn-MldnlflM, T u ^ a jj, FIOAD EAST, TWIN FAU5 L ’ . "YO/OUR TYPEWRITERSUJUP£flA^flK£T^^J^ 1649POLEUNERC I. r u / Tinet-wews. T ew fr^.eshe*-?' A-0Tlme8<^ew8,TwlnFIn Falls, kJtho Tu«Mty.De- tn« lU option* under lh« prvcneed msntling nearly 4W) Aawntan ft/r vmfyift*to»npl»*nee w«th • U.8 fw/ra Cep* Censreral. FIs , ea*t the wespons kept in stormge con- ~ByBRYSNBHUMCtlLEIY . * —thenndearthreat.^’------Adminlatntration officials centend— «■ Gorbachev described the proetupi . Tli« pr»**u™felKsfOortkMhM" U VMtUntonvlUdactroflOOo^tUnu- «nns~ ireety. K enn^ L. ^ie^man. end Jkmei w t f th/tm -Swviet eeewd. The pn>e*durr* fw w fr All*nt*e. - ftffin with U-S. estimate* thet ebout ------The^MtociattdPrtt* ------Ihtrcfcrtnaiojpa.cej9 weapons____ that Qorbach'i-Chexls main aim in seek* not tn look r f k.nat------by launching them the UH erma w ntrol director, setd yters. hee i^ e re l oowl provwoo* »iim)netJnn___th» medium-rsnge Ad»lm*n Mid th» twr> fxhgr weyi L5QQ_wsrhesds are stockpiled, he A n a l y s i s could signal that Qorbachchev will ing to curb 8tStar Wars ia to enabfe HIn n h ls Nov. S ■ p eech 'M '^KItching ----- r.ill),fi«- UoittJ ducUon,"—l»loolUk«*e1im»neu the U.S. «r»*n*l are to seid. WASHINGTON -- ByE signing a > use the summit to restAtetehisopposl* him to divertn t money from the 6ovi> - th'the economy to dvllian produ and suggested that the West■t follow in an intorvlew.r. .______but the United 8tatee im llljgeilh« 1». which-aJie-for dis* ei»e arrangemenu ever-alUmpted- - Adeiman seid thet-fonrtrmonlhi-iimpij take tiie uji—ilee-epert------The-tree^ calls-for-the elimina;-^------pact today to ban mediedium-range su* Gorbochochev said ho wants the sum*n* tion U> Reagan’s “Star WaiTon" plans eta’military,ybudgettobolstethia-:— t .an ! J M ------———------— ' efler the iresly ukes e f l ^ the two 'cem ng them up," be u id - or tion of ell Soviet SS-4, SS-12, SS-20 missile . porpower nuclear missilssiles, Soviet mlttoyieldeld “concrete results in to develop orbiting anti*m f , . C sides will be sllowcd to get rid of bury the wespons in s pit in the sod SS-23 missile* as well ■* U.S. defenses, although an angngry Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbadlachev will reop reduringalg strategic offensive orma* ■ il M E N 'S I 100 missileii esch by Isunching ground. Pershing lA. Pershing 2 and outburst could jeopardize a quick militaiy rewarcrard while mov* ments andmd barring weapons from I I ■ ARTIP R^ATQ ^ without .. The explosive material would be ground-launched cruise missile*.. Ing along the anns coniantrolroad. . outer spacpoco — the key to removing strategic weapons. — But to collect politicsdeal dividends M m ' B y u c r o s s ■ f c " CHILOfiENS ^ -l,. u . , . n.ili..,y ...... iaMoscow, some exper —.M ■Ql ^ ^ I; “ MOONBOOTS ■“ ■ meets with Prcaidentit Reagan.P SGIFTWRi The treaty will ellmiiminate672U.S. • raiSTMAS ETINTERESSt ON CHE2 CKING \'(U p - - - - - p i - -PerB hhirgT O dT pn^a hawk cmise ------missiles and about ftvotve times that -- — ------^niaflyTJeployedS6vJeri6CSS 4 ; s s m .------: (EN-YXUJUO0IN-THE:W1glNNERl*: ^ ~ i ' $.f 099 C99 ■ I i - l Tli tiratv. ca^ei heire^m = = — ^88-20 and 88-28 mis«lsWlesttatcan— ------icwiNNERTjresTsnrsrnsiifMn l-alis Bank Sc TrusC ------:------1' I ' “ 1 ^ G«nev.Eyp .s rig g n n a rM a?m m i------i - H hit West European tanuug^ts, accord- ® By the fp0 0 1 ive many valuable bankingI service*,se induding interest ing to data’releoBed by the on quallfieiiied balancesi’ All you payI is a small monthly fee for , p U H g t o | W A T E R P R O O F ' S T" SH ^S ^ odroinistration----- . ^ I H E WWINNER benefits! THE.WINi/INNERlndudes... Although tho Sovietsiets are giving \ b y t h e ' :: I* up more weapons, theyleywillgaina H yS3| • Interest!«t on Qualified S ta n c e s * lited Checlwrttloff slight militaiy edge bbecausethey « ..|U ||||i i Q b SMMII:::: ii B uy as littleJ o r a s • UnllmiU 'Isa Cards and C b ^ Guarilarantee to Qualified .1 55 mJkAj ncc • O urV lsi S ______S im ila L la jllu s tr a tJ o n ------# f j H I - j C hoose from so lid s o r plaids occord. ■ can strike tho same targets,tar in llfiifl 1 HsrrWlth-No-AnmialFee—,------nounroftlmc;------M l i l ' fippfJr Mttuberi ^ > Reaular$15.99 - I it is the first ever to eliminate a :■ .— r—r^zjotigfaly tho rame:Bfflov I I; m u c h . a s “ y b i n >ec Personalized Chcckas EachE Yea r- __ V with longer-range 83-2S-25 missiles de- II bI _ . 4 0 0 F r « u 00 Acctdenta! Death-fnwnruirance " ployed since 1977, occoccordingto M q| b ...... ^ „ ! S104)00 — ^------onalyats.-"------fi ■ • Diacoun:unta on Personal Inatallmeinent Loans Jii, •K^Rlft)Ung and Credit Card R e^tration ^ t K l 4 0 I By contrast, thereI is no immedi- 1 and Entertalnnient Diacoticounts ^ . ate substitute for thee XJU.S. Pershing U f r * -T ra v d a , i “ “ s “W/V b o o t s 5 | ® | f t oPEJf™.Ni5i-4. , - ■ y • And mueo ------ti.baiedmlssilfeslGTsU'st»k6 th i Aane O p en a u n d a y s i :TJ ittrest. •points. Those minutes«s(S)uldbecru- i S HjU I T > After the' inspe^ons 'are - -Ifl ^ ----- S ~ . A % I T t i completed, each country would de* {fl jR ' ~ H ' iw uilinJifrMiminlfltJiL ' IL ------rS !■-■' , dare where ita missiles were to be - Ifl Capitol Hill. * Downtown 733-1722: •' Penine1 734-1986 - ■ te t ■!!: S f h~fll»?XflNDER S I ''S‘Sa.v..» Pr,vid„ forta- ■ I Other analysts, suchiichasJajn'es . gCemer 733-6538 J j U s BlackweU ofthe CenteinterforStrate- . fcwn______B g / A J ' ^ ...... y 7 ^-spection of-8ites-wtorc-tharc:i8:al— { - f l gie International Studiudies, say the - - V V i s t e a : ■ I nombcly 423-5522 •Buhl543-82ll m aw treaty does not changeigetinnotbol-. B U : t^^uillMESSHOPPING CENTER 3 .SiFElSrif W once of forces Jn^uroppope, because it ^jleM venu^ast.stTw inFall^^aa ■ -g t m t does not touch the PreiVench and Brit- . ' ^ * out 20 such insoectiona a year for f l ■ ------— ~ ^ - - three years, 16 a year for the n^ fl ish nuclear aresenalsIsaimedatSo- a ' _____ v4i»> fnrgofa ______. ______^ five years and 10 a year for another ‘ j f l Gorbachev’s objectivrtive, says __ ^ . Tdeanwhile, U.s7 Inspectors will — - |ll Blackwell, “is tb denucaudearizeCu- be stationed for 13 years outside the ------wipA nnrf Hrivft ft dge between the ^ r e F » I' I Ifl United States and itsH^alUe8.And------{ n il I I I J I I I Soviet SS-20 missile production fa* . j ^ ------f A A f |^*~ A _ \J cility Votkinsk, near the U ral I this treaty starts thele processp that I I % f~ ~ T -----______Mountains, where they will wel{^, | leads to U.S.disengagi iflrorize I f . . ------nn<; pn)1y_X-raV anV-______J; Europe. - . e t j ^ ...... — ...... ______thing la ^ e enough to look like an _ 2; ------Rsagan and GorbBcllachevhavB said------3 » ltfatolQiu . i ^ ...... r----- \ — SS-20, according to a report in Mon* ^ they will ^ to concludJude; by the mid. ■ ■^ _ a -----■ ---- M |-~—J— ^------^ j a y ’ll Wnohtngtfin Pftgt Th» fnrility______reatytb'injfclhe' ^ die of nS l year, a trea I - ■ V % ■------also producesSS*25s,-which tecHni- ______n^ b e r of longer rangmge weapons by _____ ^ ^ ^ ^------' cally^ai^not covered by the trea^^ [ ■ ^lip'tolain ------V n ^ " | ~ ^ | ' # ------^...... TheSovietswillhavetheirownin* ' ^ Gorbachev has not)t bbeen so blunt ments of what ^ M - -- — in his public assessmei -----...... — ------. 1 ...... former’’Pershing 2 production fadl------^jhtfSovjerUnlon Btancandstogainln------■ ^ r A I ~ l ^ . . ------ity in Magna. Utah, which now the Wa9htngton summcomit. In bis fullest statemementonthe H m ‘ l I V ' l ' ' V , makcB^m^nd^_T^^^ ...1 value of the Intermediediate-range Nu- ■ d ea r Forces pact, giveiven }i) a Nqvjz; ...... ■ M |B T-"— . -.rl-' Ai; The two sides also agreed to in- — -----BpeechrGorbachev hailgdJtan-thehai ------—M m S ------would “eliminate a whwhole class of------; ______— i r r : — ------as-the-flatbed-trucks-that-cany^e------

• ' blestepalongthepattlath of scrapping nudear arsenals." Many U.S. strategisigists, induding j ' ■■ ...... S o c i e t y * s re^ntly retired NATCkTO commander.... . , I Gen.BemantRogen,- B uy o n e S tratolounger, get the seco n d . taiy of StateHenry'ffissingefand Ki ' m the chairman ofthei SenateSt Armed 3 tratoloiinn^rjaer.|jnprfif^f^ni»^i It’sfl .9AI F q u i z s h o w s OoivioBB'CoromittM^ Ursffi—• -_____ — m ------Nimn.IM3B.-. havewawarned of perils— ------m ~ '^ re m o v in g U-STmedlediumrange mis-' ^ECTACUUAR authorized by S tratolounger tap erm it iW ^to m ak m & tlfrw oes~ - siles from ^ ro p e Wittrithout re- 2 SPE ' dressing the 2.5-to-l1 SSoviet advan- tage in'non'-nucloar‘arms. ar )Y O N E Q ET O N E FR EE- If you d o n ’t n ee d 2 briria a friend an d spljt th e co st! ...... tioo'al-Gc<^ p h ic - ^ e ty-quis-that— ...... - i j offer. BUV, ' ■ ' ' ' ' ■ — I...... '. ' , _. . . . ----- • — -______was gupprtft?*! t/> rirnmafi»«»~ATTii^« con college students’ unfamiliarity ^ with the landscape of the Soviet Tardy re]eply ^ ...... — •’— ...... — • _ . ....______Union also showed that some adults from Raiiisa J BUY E THIS BUY THIIIIS \ BU\YTHIS i i B U Y T H I S - M i M ' BUYTHIS BUYTHIS I ' The society on Monday correctcd | |j &>TTl;Si>-- cnrvi C QXVI P 5%TYLp flfllBp^ the scores it reported for 1,353 of STYLE... STYLE.. t ' SPTLE... IIL titiK .-- - ..Ol YLC-:-.. ------Oi lUC... Wlii-i—.. • the l,630coUegestudenU who took nettles NNancy ' - A'igWflpil^^ilr- \ multiple-choice test. Changing' the grades improv^ the percentoge WASHmCTON (A(AP) - Nancy ______' Reagan sidesteppedd aiqueations Mon-...... ;._"__.._udajt-obout -reports --sU sr and-Kaisli— — ^ . - Gorbachov don’t get)t talong, but did I _ . - ... • B ^ f l ^ B H M ^ ^ B K . l ----- : - students knew that Chemobyl was ■ ■ ; ’ " (BxpreBa'irritation oviover her Soviet — ' • -...... ^ '"'the plaw ^ere the hi^ear power •-counterpart’s failure-c tto respond in a ...... __ ^______-— — _____ — ^ ..... plant accident occurred,-not 74 per*------tinjely fashion to onn i:invitation to a- —..... ______— ------^ ------r .....cent, os the—sodety r-initially ' 'h ______-White Housekaffeekltjklatadi. ------...... reported. Fifty-sbc percent, not “I did soy, I hod toto know.h It got to • - , ____ the point-wherc,... IIhadto.fillin.the ho __ .i:.: ^ f l l f l j p - - separate the European on'd Asian re* agan told report- | schedule," Mrs. Reago ^ ^ ^ B p ' ----- •------.— ers in a tone ofc^noyaoyance. But the first lody’ ququickly said she ^ ______j>graphy.professor-onleave-to^crve thought the wife of Soviet Icoder M H llB i* ------r ------^ as coordinator of the so d e t/s Geo- MikhaU S. Gorbachevhev “seems very H B f l t t — -: —-' ______— ~nice.^~~ ' ;li {TpmileTaddcd f A | M E 4______...... - ______^the jnietake.onrextremc^barTass-. 1 - unr— ; . Mrs. ^ o g an , with t m u h j the people th at “I don't know herler very weH.” had their hands in this pot."* The two women motmo ot the 1985. ____ I 1^^^^ He blamed it on consultant ------Bummitin Geneva, whwhore they.were______------'■'• .'■; •'■■• ------. ------...... who did.the math." •-’ ,,, j. ,j teas:' - 4 hosts at reciprocal teai ______— $ £ 5 o U 'The mistake did not change col- 1! Tho first lady, clacclad in a bright green • coat againstnst the chilly lQQ=::r— r t.inmnUIV*5QQ ..... — ...... ' '■ -. NOW ONLY _ ,_lege .tudHrt.-_^raU ayre-mj^ J d appeared in ex------, $ 2 9 9 — n o w o n l y ' ® 4 1 I^O W O N LY ® V O N L Y ^ 3 9 9 n i i i r l h i s S t r a H ''" m " ' ______NOW _ONLy-?699 ------— ------Buyltiis^atolonnpr ' ThEyave1J^7.icoii«toiiquc,- 1 ceUent spirits as shele fielded1 doiens- _ ____ :^^uv-thi5.Slr«toloufl' --ot-^uesWn'B^boiiti^lit^hcriracti^tlcar':-- -.i—==B ap5ls^ratolitoloungei^ •" — - Tffl^iratDlotmgei------as-aTtocKBrRe^llne ond the upcoming sumlummit. Reclining chair...ch Deluxexe "Extra-Poslllon”-' ------— MrB-Reogan-r6AiS4[\isod-to-answcr— ------' 'a DPeJuxe^ExtraiP6sllL0n; getlhe seconxmdone recllner.,.r.TTgel th‘e*second one”le ■;------' ■' ...... questions obout a repoeport that she be- ...getthesecondo *® - ...you ^ m ^ m m r n m . . . big dty is n e a ^ t Chemobyl (Kiev), ’ .... 1 ■ ~ ^ eves • Mrs. “ Gorbachechev is “a dog*------moticMandsf’whoonlonlyspoutacom* :i.:r;:r-FREE- . FREE ... ■ . rs^s?=sr^s:-=.i : - - ■ 'murirstphilosophy.'- ' ~ ^I= R EEE FREE^^^ zz^FBEg■!______,______^______" —r— —'------:— ^ - — — ...... -_ ...... had in common with the 1979 So- .J; — - 'nio;reportcomefl.j. frfrom a book by ;- - ^ — fpfP'nr White HouS

a r— -

■rlh Falla, Idaho. . Tutidav. D*e#(^LfUI57.D* ; ______L ' r — Lt :z^i«gH«wi7T»ih ' e . ' . -

ation - — ^—s— i m ^ t a j irchf - ^ o u r t^t^greejts to con SI;uit aga X statuss^ofxhui be claimed thurth-and-iU-ped ■8c-Catholic-Conferencg andttd _ a IIe g e d ^ pgerB of smrooking. The New Yorki City < and the'District of ------pieiueiCuurt. hM ondsTlt-w iU —lbe-U.8r I in whlclrthrVetarans'Ad------ThaauUsays.ms.foveP?iTMnent.- by -fh m th e c igeinl9e2.--- jn -S - -- - awsuit th at ^ k s tKsNa& the proper church’sl’s appeal, lower court ordersrs Maryland death row ij 1 The tax code, for etamp!iple, gener- Monslgnorr DanielD P. HojrCgen- ining the payment of thosese -says hia sentence should i be' In the CatholicCi Church case, a ry of the Nation J ^ n . legal standing to sueue tthe federal gov- poatponii juit.sM ks to foree_tho gov-_. ally bara tax-exempt orgaganiutlons «ral secretary c tie church's. tax fineswourould have been jifled.______■i-DVprtumed-becauac.: ,fliamong„Qther_j98p.la>imi ------enunent over the ho sentenced -emmenttoito revoke the12iurch’s tax'* fVottTpendlny money^n:n^behalf-ot^tfbranoep^Cati CathoHc^BishbpC*^-' r—rr------In’othethefmatt«ra. the murtr . things, the jurors who \ any political candidate. coftsidered the S i^ v m e :----StatOK------m- --“impact., exempt stoiitotus, assess'millions in Monday he cofti The court’s dedsicision is expected • Bebu•buffed an effort by dgarettoto him considered an ------The-ault-originalty nanamed th e''C o u rt action1 an encouraging ------n- 'gtotoment" by the victim,m’s brother. back taxessa a n d order that money do------byJulyL^------______makers9 tto limit public access to in- zzirEOEistaarts r w aM/l -craekdoown __ • MAGIC VALLB£ YMAUS - " on pom1 lines ^^ THEBONIS ^ NOW OFFERING ^ ...... WASHINGTONI(AP)-TheFed- (A ‘ ^ N 3 T 0 R E ----- ■ '-jshd‘ Commiinlcatioctiona Commission ^ % SElVi i P ‘PROFESSIONAL ; ' ' “ on Monday T)Cgan3 e enforcement ac- ^ ALTERATIONS ■ tion against two dial-jal-a-pom services »A 1 for allegedly failinging to take mea- ^ ir messages away i m sures to keep their i m rss from the ears of childlildren. ^ ------The-FCC-notifirfied.two.Califomio . — ^ " i irnnir hey-wouW-reeei^e------■------^ « A tE S T / ______Wtimi flaking for a.r.a response to com» . plaints filed with the commission. .j, “It’s,the heginnintling of an enforce- ;7 ..... ment action agairfainst these two • r provideiflTTIijaid T< -GR 0 >S S S IN G S C C n i D N SW EAA1 T ER S I , John Karop. TheI cccomplaints "give • us reason to believeivea serious viola- • • « ______P-— -^tionjfiflgJiaaiaaau:currod.'* ______Tho agency sentat 1letters to Inter- }JS9 cambio Inc. of Sanin JJose. Calif., and . Reg. 60.0000. Choose from a s e laction i ol icy pastel sha’dede'cotton ...... ’ S ~ ”~ ' "■ '•~A'udIb~Enten>riflesta of Mill Valley. ■’’4 3 .. . Calif., Kamp said. sweaters tyby Crossings. Crew necicrstylirrglmvhite'mix^ ced'with ------Telephone-'directi■ectory -ftflsistance— ■- ...... - ■. ., p ea ch , pinijink, mint or pale blue Si:Sizes s-m-l-xl. Men's Sw£Skaters...... - did not list office phophone numbers for ----eUhftr ofth e compgnJames: ------^------L ------..-After the FCC.re. reviews _the com- D-JEfF-FISHiE R M A N — l panies’ responses,I, it it then would'de-' ‘ V ------■ ...... *. dde whether to impmpose a fine of up Pm ■ " •i...... y. : to $50,000 for eachich day a violation KNIT- SW E A TE R S rf ■ occurred, he said. f j | m ^7 Under FCC r^eguiations, diai^ 'r------‘•■porri'services mustlist require callers , ;______to use an access cod«axie or prepay with 1 ^ 9 - a credit card to lisle theiir'sexu-__ _ _ 00. A wintertime tradition,rv thetisnerm^ns ^ alaieriard^eff- le 5 - ■■ ■- »sages. The'TCC ally expliat messi updates thth< e look in warm 100%3 cottonc in classic bonee oor pale' 5 . es can also scram- • says such services Sizes s-m-l-xl. Men'ss S'Sweaters. - g r------ble their messages-iea-so-thcy.could be______■ yellow, s hhell e peach, or pale blug: ':i • : heard only by somiomeone who had a ...... "'■ ■I descramblingdeviwvice. _ ,■ j t'Jji H | ~ ' a r b[OW c BRIGAD)E FLA N N ELL I p^=©eavcFr case iR T SHIRTTS [“ defenseie-rests==^ ------WASHINGTON)N (AP) - The.de-...... ■ 1= ^ fense in Michaelel :K. Deaver’s per* ...... Reg, 22,0C,00 r 100% cotton llannel!■I Sport shirts are slightlyIly ttapered (or ?; ------4—jury-trial-reBted-wi1-without-calling any------a lilted silhsilhouette Sjeiedioo includjdes great winter plaidsJs iiin either ~ ; witnesses Mondayday after the judge 1 • made a ruling{ tlth at would have ____ button dovlown or spread collar slyliyle. Sizes S'm-l-xl. Men's•n's Sporl Shirts, ii made it difficult;for fot the former presi- ... ; dential aide to testestify. -...... — “Based on theIhe evidence we’ve E N T IIRE j STOCK C O R D SLACI seen-and-heaid-od-ower.the past sly ------TU : it has no need to0 pP' u t on any defense - - -..... ' at all.” defense; lav^er-HcrbertIs J. 3 0 FrF ' M illerJr. told thehe jjury and U.S. Dis- - - Now 18.7C.76-25.45. Reg. 28.Q0.-3E38,00, Favorites lor winterIter by Crew. g ' ______trirt„ Judge TlThomas Penfield______• Jackson. “Accordordingly, we rest, ^ ; CarTMicFu:haeis andTMaggart. AliiI in easy-care cotlon/poi)DOlyester blend S ^ your honor." fabric. S;election e k may_\^ry by'^orore Sizes 30-40, Men'sl's SSlacks. S The defense resrested after. Jackson ENTIRE STISTOCK HAGGGAR • denied motions to delete certain un- ' * proven “ allegoticotions from' the FAMCIO U S MAKEFR W A R M -UP R S I . indictment, ■ inclueluding the charge SUITSEPAWRATES DeaVer lied whcihen he testified he _ ...... couldn't recall disdiscussing the Add- • rain issue at a 1981986 lunch with Can- 7 9 ada's ambassador.lor. 1 / 3 Each piece.pricedj aiand sized individually for fc a custom fit. SlacksfS ^^s— —■-M" • ^ ■ Punce ------in^9zer30^42" Suiuiil'oMts in sizes 38“^6. Mcns'Sf5b7l ^ Coals ’ ■; and Slacks , _ ^ “ SAIXTURDAY’S l i o ^ ------COJT T D N S W EATERS / i|1 =.ENTiREiSi^ G K C A R L . -^MICFIAEI^B - D R E S S S hHIRTS 2 1:o% OFT ^ Pridd e ... ' ' V. 30.40. Reg. 38.00. Gre:eal looking sweaters by3y ■ S . N ow 2 - - — — Salurcjrday's-wilh woven diamolond pattern. Cotlon/ramam ie______:. .5 . ■I4J9S9 ------— blend- id-yarn.j------^------R eg :20.00-21.00. -Long l-c sleeve gentlernan?ns lit an d filled styles in..in j- the newest patterns;IS and solid colors. Boilitl in easy care blended;d I HAH SAHARI KNIT-SHIRSI[TS------1 - ___Jabrics_Mon's-Dress:)SS::ShlrtS7—— _ -- IH i::dU aho-^ 2 1 — M E N ’S N EE G K W E A R - ^ Cnmmemmorative______N qvftL23.20_Beg-29.00,-Loo\lJ ------— ■ cottonon, Selection ol colors wiwith pastel slripes, . . M “— i—^flvCTltfeiSafflons T“ ^ 1 2 3 S = O R T S H im'S ! BY TOMATT O ~ I " /I.___iroi-( buncc mcdalliuiij . ------Gh©ose^(roma--coloi* rlu l-s8leGtisn=Gf=colloftitt^nd .wGoUknit4ies------__ SP ...... ______ftom fine Idit.o> sil*ct. A limiied p a 100% silk lies, s pecial a purcliase. 12.99 ai)Ldai«ncdim4ie6:__ . reg_'20.(^{> 11,00, 6.9 “ --T—Vc ~-ed.br W»ho *nitniip. Minted by the - ' ""'M en'sTurriisliingsr- 1 9.9< 9 L; — -• . ,Sv(uhine Miningling Comity in Coeut • - 3o r t'^ rts "briOO% cbHor'ttbh With ' S 771 ■ ■; r.d’Aknc. Idaho.ho. E»ch mcdiltion ii “ ■ . R egg. . 2&00. ShofT^eeve s ^ ------cni»«dwuhihil the iute'» cenieflniil classiissic windowpane pattern.n. Selection of colors. • • . lo|o and holdili”inTcip<>ry'<>f*d»ho'j— t , - 3 DAYS 0)NLY!^ C lE C ^ pMi. A m but^te to Idiho tnd t tolid J I S »Jund do»n to future EU'UOVEN CASLUAL R ^N T S M ------T------^n»«e.puttufe »il»tr coitu. tele- 1 0 «/oj^O FF : ' — r ' ;brtunij tio's Centennol. uc I cTtilablc noi»r fofor only $19.90 e«h nute, B*nk of Idiho' ENTIRES!3TD'CKM EN’il’S"G1FT'ITE l\ 9 3 9 J . at Rm Imenu iiilh, 100% cotlon paritssb b; y , , ' • offitn-* p«f«Mfett *ift ide* th«’» C hoose' Irom persorsonal care'giftsrtiB‘jewetrstryftiandkerchiels. . - • . Updaidaie your casual look wit • ...... zrptircj.dtho pgde ------jven-wilh-double pleateddlronf. stylin g . Selection;Dn of ». ■ ■ ■ ~ clocl^7suspenaers'■re'and m ore Wen's Fufnfni^jTngs:' — ‘ —EJcry( - - , colortors. tiger Shop. ------'s nterstate FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE.CC CHARGE IT ONOf' youiT' — : ' KQUUM ^r-ACCoafizi---.....—r m ISSZaiUHt-HOUHS ------...... - ...... “ =flOfitAM£acafiC£xea£S[£SSI37SirOR3tSSTEHOinD' w ' TO ORDER C A L L M AGIClC W' L L £Y M A U .?34‘4BOa -

: __J “____ S ™ i ■ _ ■[_ ^ u n u , . I M u a iKKijw r


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•WSEBBCMUK - River j EVERY” 5 0 % O F F I J''E'*^W uesShillirt EVERY Flannel Shirts 52 0 % O F F I 3 0 % O F F I . : =EVERy swi w i M te r ; : : : : - 3 0 % O F F EVERY Dress& >iduroyoi Blazer 4 0 % O F F EVERY Jacket : (4-20) & . . . j^W ollets,.Neckties^i,5 2 5 % O F F I = aiEVER3t^ iw edr^ j y?fe~OFF^ — ^ 5 %-OFF- — ... 1- Selected ; '^^4?I"6)=Sweater-"- lunior Q)lormania 3 0 % O F F ' Fleece Sets ” e v e r y leparates 3 3 % O F F Separates (4-16) • O EVERY Juilunior Sport Top 2 5 % O F F 'Johnny Collar----- WherTOuality Coun 3 3 ^ 0 S ” 4 0 % O F F Shirt (4-16) - -E V E R Y)port-Top;-Reg.-*20- -^ .'.Corduroy _ iery l TiegrSpoTtwwear— 25%-OFF-^ - = - ^ 0 % O F F ^ : EVERYOl jm -(4-6x)------Juteiwfear Fashion i-Unieom==="=^30% TOF|:

SBtlstactfonon guaranteed ~ or youririoiio n eyb a ck r: _. Trw v itLFalls,j403_> W. Main Stretset wo«o>«5ue>r§ntfCoTtS87“ a a s s - -

' y, ------I____:------

D o o n e s b u r y . A-10Tlm«*4l#w».TwlnFin Falla. Utho Tuesday. OlKambtrS.1987k < D ~l . r . : m ntW t o IK M MVK I — [f Of£s io a isf w, 2 w S s. S w S tf/ ^ ^ a J S S m a m ic s II 0HV9 ...... m m -t - a a m n - ' ; — — !h— 7 . ^ ^------Ff3mk~a^^^E^^enest- - [3 _ Gi ^ fc ^ 5 9 - - _ ^ __ L

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Lj____K fo o SX p Ic h q t T PEOPLE HATE^ ____C TO LOVE IT . - A UH • "c ■ Li____ ' . . 0 . ^ ! ^ ______- ^ ...... "" o Y n \ ~ —------■ -- ° K - S s ...... — s j5 E i® E ^------B l o n d i e -3------fljfl IN m 2 MM au a o >“‘4"^ fT^ TVAB POO t ' ANNUAU STAT SO®, COfPMf PSPIggT/c^

H agar th e H orr>rrible '» a s ------[T f -niiHKOFME I CWfJ‘T VW|4T Yo V AS YOUP BOSS :± S g fleA n d y Ci^ a a p p

f r E E = ; ^ p

TheBoml^SCTw ______------i^'Bf N«w«MD»ti. IM ufaw iuiiM irftirrawtititttfoMiia. ^ «****** -W -iewagiitfA ^ Wntit4S<<»iK»t«. wc ■■ ■ •■■ ~ «UKPfJ)SgK«U5-Ml^ ovrir.-.iFiTSd^^V oJL• _ W i z a r dfo c fld r^ J ___ ' / - > x iir'eifriiw ^ / eiAW■mK^rmM f, exx-wIJ . i - f f t e n m ■ 1 * ■wsr\)!em? K tef9 ,s^-j^-M m-cmcmr-w- l ^ p ' i —

iW ‘ > ' ' ' " ^ ^ 0 5 7 4— 4 ^ .^ :

1------Beetle BaOeyj:! f f l 7 — 7 ~ iU SV- ) j ------^----- 7 : j n POOR SGX LU SS-.SH Efe 1 X; FFEEL KItJPA . 0661;PTLe \ l i'« BURt?AVJ Broom-r1-HUda jTPATeSWlTH i. SOflO R R r FO R MER s a. i r l t E V ' t W " TRIEPTO SET j ------AW^NKlNP-i[?'6eNaiOACHM£NT iA a v ? NP-STRUOtOUT^^ I ------STE ['VE NEVER 66EN 5 , ^ I--- ^;EVEByONE-ANC ...... ONTWeELEfLEPHANr6HABITAT-- jRN------— y ^ C .(•^3) threatensN6 THE N09LE filANT . jjTWirgv r, EXTiNCTiONJzir^:

' I

r ^ ^ sGaOTBiieiMley ___ __ Jl H i a n di L1 o i s - - : : t ~ ~ ~ f*Eventheh'it£her szixlThe b e d i o o m ^ G oodlT hen HiNHrYouve' 1 f e - / HOW' u o H s ’ ^ >nib been to u c h e ^ wecanstaij ' , . I Vveuu/A-. aA R ^.SA V U P R i I TM'h / HAsvouB :p: cabinets have JfJPERSTANPlN© HUSBANP HAP't: - here, fr?

■ ! .' W liih ' \ 1 - 0 p / m ^ m i J |l IIIH . MI \ ...... ^ H»efc/*/r U. iriisR ^ In j KAnaauif^irT'^ • BEARDS...... " SALAMISAl3ANDW:CH ...... - J . ACROSS ■ 1 Form ■ I. ______: ■ Q. Whats the differencece between African lionsons in the wild feed fimt •• _____ e AppwisM ■ ' pogonotrophy-and pogonot<>tomy? . on the inteatinitinefl of their kills. ^ . . . . II Toplci ■ I ' • ...... 1 }d g a beard, whatever’s . ththerein their b o ^ , -n-Qr.-letlere '* A. “trophj^ is.growing “tomy" is cutting one. crave. Fats ■ Mand'vitam ins. Cunovp 14 lo* desMrt • ^ Ihr a f s w h a t ______^ 15 Small wooded ------— how-the bodiesdies o f animals,-even ------valleys ti - A cockroach can live 10) daysc with-' j«u« and minioine, send signaU to die* lia t do you suppose is m ______17 Shifprpolnted- __ )NESS dinner forkrk when it first turned upP . out ita head.______tatc d iet Whot - lobl------»W - andwich to-make-it-dj------. — SUMMIT-ON BALDNonaportc met in the NiNew 'Ehglarid' colonice?------a-salami-aand ------18 ShoflMrlpsMor “ - - --WhonTNapolcon-^i: other* ■ of Russia, one'That’sw hah at I aeked.-Client , soya,I’ Q. What U.S. city_brewaws tlMS moat compelling? 20 Pet doctor ■ H with Czar Alexander Icedof about was “Bigots saicaid it represented the tri- ■ m ~ n | H H H beer? . Symbol oif f tlth at inland city callwi 21 Alma > ■ I of the things they tolkc>66. Ju st an oc* dent pitohfohfork of Satan." A. Loa Angelea. By far. I how to prevent baldnesi Warsaw is a mmermaid. Why? • 23 Tavern potion M » J7 w I, you can’t s a y '•• ; 24 Circumvent 1 dinaiy fellow, ho. Still,: iicic;^whot-animala.-caa’t _ Pii -pants-just-as-----Q.—QuicV TTflamih^ c^’feat"\ruWess-nle— r------2fl’Klnd 61 achoor IT - • -Napoleon-^t-on'his-pverc tig h t He move backwikwards? tOT on earth that ch£|^ 27 Peerless _ - you and I do. They we |j, head is upside down, its food w ithth its: legs is the horse- 28-Ripening • • « ■very morning. A. Kangngaroos. Some handicap. . factor » _ fought those raacala eve Still, it maVlakca them tough in boxingg shoe crab. 20 Series ol *» Ep?=“ E ______jn a t^ e S r , Q. Who introduced Jolohnny Co^ - Show^ ■ . - thf—-d r a m a s r r ^■ io il - Com ifl graia------hfc=people=called=fofcjuia= eon on his first “Tonight 8 I 31 Withdraw :^===:rH aifrthe n 80 hate the duty aren’tn’t empaneled. "^G rducho Maix.-' - 33 Peer ■ Why did clergymen ^

35 Meager ■ ______■ . harmoniouslysly in the future. Plan • '38 HlVlno‘SBtv0iii Clf f i —— ------— -• -12108187- yourweeK novnow; ^ t e f l y H o r o ss c o p g 41 Small bit SIM/* inBtMfVeaii'Sefvicwn'w*'^*•♦•M ritnw** PhwIb Sfllwadt __ All ftlgmtRdttYM • UBRA'(8eptomber23- :______42-Qod-o!-war------[US (January 21 to Fi^ru- _ 43 Biblical ______Ysste 7 :ti- 22): A new contact ia^ i I S T o^ A Q u" ^ OENCIES; Do fripniia today.tod Tiy to bo moro practi* >me friends you eiyoftro- patriarch 87 Surrounded iGlAiSiP 5 - - GENERAL - TENDi , helpful tonight You mayay know you better, so ensncourago a ary 19): Some 45 Holds back S r family and - col and h ith have the feeling t&at 8 Hlgh-slruno oT n U o 7 ^m ethihg for -yourlet them know have to revisere> your budget friendship with thia persrson. This is creabon w ith - 47-«— min^------10 , out on tho. you dont rc«really -appreciate t&em ■ ' = 'm ouM?** • t - JDiinds which will lettteontoyourBe—------=^- ^ —lugood evening get c -10-Recover, ship's ° g Ng- ll juBt how mucKTKgyittc v;i.r______very-much;^h^iJry - t' * ■ very exacling in any - situation. 49 Octan:-abbr. - -11-Fru»tfat<— 13 '©•oould-b«-vory— juiy-2i.)wj•)^-Any-8mall-favor8^ou-can- % . , 50 lll-fatid ship 13 _ Planted a PlAlilA 0 tions 88 a slip up here- SCOHPIQ (October 23 » . -S3 Hiish-huih - 1* lawn ulRjgiii do for your y« loved ones will bo fa.‘°d.*!,T^-- P1.3CE3 (F(February 20 to Mfrch 2 coaUy. ______^ppi«oiated^lab-4o.-us»- l»r2H:AIMenil»hoJia •14 Coarse nioTAlS not' ■ expect“ 20) JTJuliAVt I to April 19): your cneinergy more wisely in theSe ia h y favors “ ioea n 54 Tline lr*e 1« 1 ARIES (March 21 repayment, but do 'so anyway-and ai d lately, so do something Irom work 1»ie Metric unit P.H ond fmiflh up future, n from this whichwiDlellle fth e m know thatyou — S6 Sweater maksr 2219 Associate [D lM S ^ I Get Mi early start igations.a Then gain much admiration some business obligi really dependend on them very muck 58 Pertahlng to. 22 Witty saying. ■ ■ Q ] (July 22 to AuguHf21): GetJet MW>n...... —, "■■sKIn .25 Moved out 1m | q |d| e | 'you can bo happy at 1 ______sa.Whlrlpooli_____29 Talk lesa, and thinl r with old ineods and reaf*^ SAOnTARIUS (Nov«rembw 22 to IP YOURUR CHILD IS BORN ------60-Us«a-*-lii»o Si15 fTvega's ^ j j ' } more. firm yourur relatioiiilliiiu, but rescryjJ? December21):Buyathoiloughtful gift TpP A Y ...heh e or she will be veiy tal- 61 Oave m » d lcln■Si~56i1(i e^ ------T U' ! ^ .ning houTfl for vour mate. a-been-mo8t-ented.m^oftny-different areas ond,... 12/01117 !0 to May 20): —--for a-partner who haa ______-M?5 B Ifl'b W ------n argumentattyo person. y to-be-more_M.a.«?«l.t,.;t, may have dUTicdty in • 34 Qav* » new ' TAURUS (April 20the condition of~^^°^^ helpful in business.-Try 'Work oh improving th Ite tonight choosi^oneitne path to follow. ?eheip-' ; DOWN-.....' - J f agreeable with your mat< llnilm - « Acllo *1111 ■ your p o e ^ i ^ . todi • - -fiil-and toco 1 Refuot _ . M35 tlbar vtta amino ;0 (August 22 io Septemberber . •______X • , ■ ‘____ 2 Pronoun ' -3« „ Uksltoms :— 40-Motheiglng-"'"S1-0Sa:=—T ___ T night ifl a!fine-time Jb■ pofirlr 22)i-A.flmmporior:ha» bofln-veiy h'dp->iP----- CAPRICORN-(Decenillwr-22- to- progenjTTnil • 3 Fossil nsln- — flowara calvesca* - -S2.— China ble and meetingjiew p -V ----- fuLto.yourou..B«_8how your appredarMr janufliy 20): Come to» an under- »lon» ere career matters are ■37TWI*r*'''"^'^*2'tbdg!f Much success is indi- ' ,nd------.SS Thaater slon • 1 to June 21): tion.. eve:(Von if only by a phone call.allr standing with a ^w^bHter" o iboul : > sS len at* ._,-,tudte^3rT-n;— M plaea.e leftover 57 Neckwear------GEMTNI (May 21 Sethormom catedhe:*.J. • ' '. " 8 Dangsrflald 3938 — avis ^ ureiw r^Dght-ytwcrr^^-aut.u t a friend who is having»P8 how you can work togi 39 Mada laws----- 48-TrM-l Use your charm to ------Twat m /.o aeaf f lfB w f.m r T t m H m . T m

- ^ P e o p l N o ^ eimse4vaiiiting-MiLthelags f m imlie i ^daho hdtive^wiuins ^ IRUKNYMEDB. EngSngtand (AP) - Screen AiActon Guild pln««hoth Tl plipUf»ta<4 aw ftaW— jWiodesijsctidJan ti)t« at Runnym«daI oion Monday Iti ^^H -honorrHKedSkelton- ( ------Idaho«»-new «d blm^"X aaid things maybe— —*— = p^tiiyaUon for ctKtBr UNiVERM ^^^^^BOISrtAP?=N»tiT* Id ^ BMxffr,c»iir,oipj- 8t«ve Haniaon waa amon^ng a ae- they didn't wantjjt to1 bear, but I T...... l^OOth annlvanaryy oof uie signing Com«li«nRed{ed Skalton was honored ‘ lect few young men and vwomen told them the tnttfaruth. t ol the Magna Cartata — 228 years as tha 24thI rcrecipient of the Screen * a«ay. to receive a Rhodes Schol:olarship “Most of the! applicantaap cam* ^ - Actor* Guild'Id'Achiavamant Award ‘ I, big schoola, and - With luck, by thee yeary 2216 0)9- din|i»re««hieveni«t- .- to study at Oxford Univerersity in from big cities, bii for outatandin ___m any bad travel*veled extensively. - queen'e aapling ehoulould be 70 feet and charitabUibla contributtona. ^ g la n d next year. The Emmett native anmd stu- .M ayU they Ihoujlought they^got-a— • ' high. ItlaoneoreOtoltobeplanted'on Skelton. 74, won 'two Emmy ce Acad* strai^topinion."n ." ...... V . - - iho ilope known w Co in 1215 foUw- receive*ved'the guild’s highest | R a HirutWHt TOP pd II...... I (liiiinifing (he groups annual student said hele ssuppressed pre- ' ' Sng John and hia ban)arons. ~ V V membershipIp rmeeting at the Los An* tunity lo win." Recipients of the Rhodetles Schol- i n t ^ e w jitter*era Saturday and ' "'■The aite, about 1818 imiles west of ■ ^ geles Registrstry Hotel jn Universal I^^don, ia now marWiHrkedby.a granite arship study for two yeyears at drifted down to e a Seattle w jiarf • ------RED SKELTO^)N------City on Sundiiiday.______"OxfordrHarrisonrwhowillillgradu'—totalkw ith-thee fiffishermen.-^— — ->—— pi|)ar erected by thele /Americaa Bar MTC ^Bj^ETT ; lid ever think of a single Honored few can n a . . “Who could ate from the academy in June. “They reallyf d:ididn’t talk to me ; • : -Aaaociation and ia neanear a memorial Thenere no iitopping him blemislTtHIspis person could have done t ^ t h e slain Presidesident John J. will enter Oxford next fall.11. tKat much." he aaid, smiling, 'There isn't any," aaid ac­ ting with “Here I was dripprippingwetwithno - t i . •— ' ■ y®“ n’t wait to.retire, but whenn Bennett didn't sing. A me?, who spoke at the On Sunday, while woitii '"^ ^ eK O T d aS tT o r nlamuakes a S of the you're erecreative, you don't give it up,), artist, be left the fund-rai hie family al the airporl>rt for a raincoat," ^ he now - m o n , . ^ ^ ison aaid He dried offffor for the 11:30 a.rn...... 1 'medieval barons alsoJso planted Qsk' ’ ” he saidlid. ‘‘Duke (Ellington). Bingg brushtand-pallette hobb; was the 24th recipient of flight to Denver, Harrisc )f considers his second care* g helped interview, nndd bjby 5:30 p.m., he s^Ungs to enaure a ,wooded/ back* (Crosby),/), Count iBasie) — all of ■ the award, wlwhich is given each year his Emmett upbringing gifaund Tor the l.OOOttlOth anniveraoiy . them kepcept swinging until the d ayy ...... prepared him for Satu at rd a/s waa told ofthet awaward. ... to a guild memember for outstanding npctition----- Harrison -saidlaid - he-aees the - r------ccUbrationa. they died,ed. And that’s what I hope to0 _ "I’ve been doing art all a my life, career, achievlievcment and contribu- seven-state regional com| ^oolchildren che me now;=------Tom BennettIt b a s j i a ------TuMdo”jy ^ B o ll Siata’-Univeraity in _ ' lesque and vavaudeville. retiring------WmcfeJc.Ind. ______• I>uringthehe early-1930s, he was a / -iMentions-of^e _ ^ Shoj^ng"ba?8“bearin|lng’colorTe-~popular*Tadi{ idiO'Star-thcn-made-hia—f- -ff^EttltrBUY:IT 9— productiona^-of—Bcnnctctta—Whitcj:iilm.debntw irrl938^Havinga Won-- — [-INDIAN APOLIfrfAr(AP)— Alter 3 6 -----Taimcdied—and -graying—a t - the-’ - _i L-A Times-NewsJIlaMlli 1 ■ M I B A vere soia'for aerfurTime?ie?'‘HeTtarred m^mnnyr r ycara of concerta a:and recording temples,s, the 61-yeor*old singerir Christmas watcrcolor wc ^ " I Will Fill every Need sisBsionB, singer Tonyny Bennett says greetedI mmore than 1.000 people dur-•- $4 cach, with proceedsJ t earmarked MOM musiosicals, including 'TWhis- has no plans to hanlangitup. ing a two-vo-hourappearanco.at a localil for the hospital founded!d by Danny tUng in thei Dark,"D “Ship Ahoy" and VX V 733-0626 ng mall Sunday. Thomas. - . “Lady Be Goo}ood.", . } ‘AVhen ^ u 'r e a fo mmmhMM■ M r L o w e r s) fep rei>mierm][gthe=^iunways5 ^ "HMoiiw^hru-Dee c ^ 2=Ohlr i y - r - Rogisloriowioa JiiUf._(APl - .who. wilwith wife Judy, is owner,T. than indust^'gian^GalJiillo,.. averages 1 INGliwOOD, fowav/S^nUem Biackors Brfck ..nCT... N apa_t; nnd Sonoma, operator.or. winemoker and janitor at per hour. B^arc.:Bprdeapx.an■an9..5.urgund7L;;^Zn36nato^ ohtWinpry. ------— Despite-the-^surrdundidinga.-the^ fth'oNationalsFihals'Rodie^K TEEMW imway White and ' Downm the block at McLcstoror have won a wailful of riribbons and I *Runway Bed, Rimv ______Bili!afdSi,t.Supplics fromH&M;.Dist;_™ A score or m dfpnTmitfmium-wtnes-Bre—W ineryr’yrCedl-and-Marcy-McLester-er -reviews. ------— H H ' “ SH oS __ ^jjking-ofUroin-Caljlalifomia-s-oddest—allruiir ^ < c mo8r"fliteniion withEin . ■'i'hese Ingicwood wwineries ac- ^ \yfne district. their Rui•lunwoy wines, generic blendsds tually are producing — rjfitr"landing-^8t-at-and-taking-off—with-lab( abeljr-featuring-a-Boeing-W?- t7—award-winning varietal IN THE ATTT^W ■ . iW i Loa Angeles Xnt4International Air-. . .descend!:iding mid-vineyard. standing merit." Robertn Lawrence __ .. list shriek pastt jju st 300 feet McLes..ester, a salesman foror Balzer' wrote in the ULos Angeles ^ =LUEl he Times. overhead, but thre«iree winemakers Motorolaola Semiconductor, says the m plcW ashll jnBlyo, _ gg!ig~i;!ia ape nurturing high1 hehopes. Runwayay wines catch the eye of But with jeU oyerheaijod. it’s hard I •The vines on thehe labels are the buyerss whov otherwise might neverer to succumb to wirie snoblbbism. L mS = — o^ly onea-in-sightrea.-except for a-tiny—h ear ofhif his premium yrinesrorthose-sc----- “Wc T~get— a— btg- ■advantage,”’,-;0 ------Cpbemet Sauvignonion plant clinging from thehe other airport wineries, Doriatoni jokes. “The racket ri from. ^ “ ^ DIRTYrV iDANCING J ' to a fenceiri anindpndustrial^complex^— Theyy iand-the'Palo8-Vcrde»-Win— in—^he^lirplane8'overhead \ vibrate*-tbc-/--|f>e-#rv ir00,"iio driyjngrno. v^ere zoning vagarganes foreeid 'the cry ofTI<"Herb and Pat Harris thick in barrels, so we get a ycar’iIT’S aging in a [ PAILYiLY?20.9;20 “ > i w}neriea to locate. grapess oor juice, mostly from Santa,ta month." letin board at ^ TMost pwple dondon't understand Barbaraira and San Luis Obispopo The slogans on a bullet irs ,RUNNINNING MAN ^ tHat. wineries andid igrapes do not -‘counties,ies. McLester, where 750mlnl bottles of q ^ — (R)------: -have to bo attacheiihed,"* soys Hank Combinbined production of the threeee- • Runway Red'and Run'inway White % CACTUS pnTE’S ^ DAILYILY 7:30.9:30 ^ ^natoni, a Unitedted Airlines pilot isroughlghly 6,000 cases a year - lessss fetch $3.49, read: “YouI needr not be a pompous twit to eiyoy.- IS—- LESS-Tt3-THANi!ER0^ The Ruhway_ winess make up' ^ FABULOUS — (ft)------about-20-percent-of-th©-lO-McLcstcra'- — A - jE x :: LY7:15.9:15-_^ , nak NOSHOMHW^TONESOAY ^ lNTEED j ~~yackkr’up youre«— —^ - ^ThihMon-o 1/ JviM cash^1 supply. - C e c il an d Maiila^ McL^^dlaplay'b^wofRtmwayReir be o ------us&^rimes=Nev^ = 1 m i Claassifleds . : =XjAiNPm=:^1 —------Kids-outgrowowalheiLstilL'0 OOd..usaW©. — andthlngs?— - : - [ «iN-i4iMm= IJ m m h i U H I ‘ ' fs S e lH h e mn bby using .The Times-Nevew s______^ Classifieds. Not}t onlyc win you jack up yo_Lour cash_ WED.QIONLY^iOO,^- ^ 7------supply the easyisy w ay.'but you will'also3 makei ‘' — •- __some-oilother Kids v e^ happvl =i^-p!EOMS ______. THURS.S. (ONLY- 8 :0 0 PM WSSSS^ y ' t o l l ffree n numbers: ■ 536-2535 Joromomo-Wondoll*(3oodlng-Hagot[orman . .‘•vjfmjjp 678*2552 Burley'lay*Ruport*Paul*Oakloy ; I 543-4648 Buhl-Cil-castlaford . 326-537|Rjer-Rir-Rogarson-Holllatar .

PM “ BEWA^iSSi^r-^2-103'^ — — jiHiipmi OFTHE IWIGHTFLYERS

==^rtscia==~^=S^ r—'■; ...... —^ rWF*Iu;iiMM— TuMd^rrOwp»w«n>tfV U C .------Incentives tdqiiitt lefticold ( CAU)WCU.(Ar)- , — .fc m nipU Co.'a plaau »UI WI IW NM VW lfttr uader a new cqfparaie-viie fotwy. WMka t IfvMM wMk • b « r o nlr'■ • --vgrkm 1 -4M * UM tH» W» _ c m i s o f ltiu m u r have uken advaiitaffa tt- Um fMft* e e e s U U e e J a aA . t I L i - f e d e rcafcsiipp i [jo r t fo rj -pioy‘rnfiuairiBH fin«~ - t M - wort «lUkl» — - n u l tn per*— cwnpcnenta,-':B,-: be said- They eonitol_s*-.smoking—? - ______pr-~fbr^f^japi^‘'die"-- Buading ■ the Reagan sdmii D ih . feoi-pnicMilM f - t o impose sanctions-agairlinst J s p^" nonow, but had leea than ■atdtGtcplynefthogJO si I : cron Technology Inc.c. isays the fed^ cron's cytiaim an arid Chief t era have aik^lonhii~eMS] ^ i n retaliation for alleged dumpingdi of 20 percent flveflvi yeara ago.* «> U .. -•^Tol^gpvanunenft^;,*ippott_DCan=«?«SMlilSi: was named to the coiyor- i card a few'mohtiu~ago. MflJ - - 'JmfcfdcHp8onlKH7.9ninaj ^k *t. —^Thrwnetiotioiu -"•«>» the J>|KJ>e— ■ P< ’ • Ainerican *emicondU(iductor consor- tium’s boa: te th at they eouldnt uae M bi p them Itop im oU af m .i Congress to determine> “The sanctions certain!inly helped the measage ( iS-NEvra ~ ■ tium will determin«>e •4 4 (dynamic random acccss>s memory, MMBMkAKlNftMKAiiU emphBeis on deficit re_opon-markcl-.produccra_ m e J C3 l o b K -1-1----i tniiri bf 13 mt^or U.S."'.3.' Mmicondcfr " MierroB itis committedtocontribute-< TH jtnTHinl d B pendI CroMponcnlB. tor producere. Comproi overtaken S tionhaByet^obeha^u^mmered out. ’ on a corpororation’s sales. Larger com- *^e Japanese have c For Christ;tmas I the U.S. and virtually nnow domi- 6 ;______SEMATECH was ereeted ert earlier panies willrill kick in as much as $14 t • ' ■ " ■ —— I nat*-----high-----voHinw— thia ycor to counterr overwhelmingo\ million. ^ ^ H ~ ]r‘w"rdPr«nromlVr B T h * W o r ld S ci h h o o l a r ^ ^ l)lu m ln at« d glcgloboli H ' r World Notion globeI withwitl ' TimberTshortfalilLeffects; lookgrii] ro lle d r e l i ef. v oOoluxe. mountolni In roiled rtllef. ipted wide- )B - A as. Forest He saidlid it proved th e need to) ttary Peter Myers, prompi K ' l i i MOSCOW (AP) - A icr industry K ily study greatly quickly resolve re the debate aboutt spreadt fears for the timber Scrvice timber supply c February. M - ' underestimated theI numbernv of for-. how muchchofIdaho's9.million acress ^when it was released last 1 l}er value Idaho of readiestess areas will be set aside catry jobs and timber ning&ecu- 1 S ^ H Tho Expion iiauaeofasouth- permanentently as wilderness and how/ It was aimed at determini , will lose by 2010 becauj man- If hortfn^i. accord- much willrill be released for otherr mulative effects of long-n 3^H_L2:;WptldKo)lon^. — agement plans for-Idaho’io'fl-national~E'^^^^^| railed r«Ntf . ing. to a Universit]•sity of“ T ^ o useT niountalntandmoi forests. I____ _ a n a ly ^ ____ L Using the B ^ e'tlmtimber shortfall- - - The-UJniveraity n of Idaho report._ ^^B_O pon^rlTilLIII 8 p .m . . Frgg GinH W r a p p in g _____ perccinfdfTKat la n d ' woald1 ----- Ncuenichwaridbr "said catimatea and formuli^ a s as the i’cr* said'16 pe /)—-----OPENSATUBOiB0AY910-5:30 — ^eal'ScMccrresearcherherrafribe-Mos— be-neededled-to-neet timberrhnntcat—t__the-UniverBity of Idahg-si‘«udyforc- .« J.tj® 9 j g^0^more~M~* 2-^ofrld-C Id lotsic-^^^^^H f j - _^_THRUJANlaui^ftpyai ^ ------— cow university’s CoUegilege of Forestry, needs dui 5 dosts job losses occurring < :------WlldlTf'e and Hange9 HbaertCM ftflvu yeare. nou. Jiu. 3 i ia r a in the^futUW, thg g time to develop plans forbr^more ex- 5 nd b ro ss eatimated losses of' 1,6391,( jobs and percent of the su te ’s timber.during . — f flFTIPF-^ : • _ : ~w .Z h iiiiib B 'Ay6flr r ti-decader ro o ^ A U r n U Mr-SU PPtf-l--- » had eatim at^ report, ing timber auppliea. ThatIt could help € $ The Forest Service h icliningtim- A IO - ISOMolnAiri Ave. South___ -K...... a 16m of 687 forestryry jobsJ and $27 cushion the efCects of decl letheindus-' C Twin Fall*I e 733-2il2 J , ; iininronal'eaf; ------The-Fen'orest-Sflrrice-study. calM1 ber supplies and continue Leon Neuenschwandander, study co- for by assiissistwt A^culture S ecret^"Try's-eeonoroicimportance 'ordinator end foreatiytry college asso- ciate'dean, attributeded tthe difference ^ . i______to-tho difficulty in obtobtaining accu* A rate numbers to useI for calculations ^ i 'in the federal sttidy. ;______Thfi uniYergity.fltuditudY WM done_^ ^ - | I f f r with the help of Forestrest Service ofTi* ___ dals-who-were-aware.'uB.of.the.diger;-^^^^J • ' ent calculations, Neuifeuenschwander y B i • said. - > T O N E - b r a s s l a(M m PFOR^Ilt-M ------; error, but there I , ^ t ’s an importMt en ------T T W O — BRASS l aLMPSF0R«119B m j ! ____ were lots of calcolatioi:tioiu-to make 8 H ’ I I ____ miaUkeia.!Lheiaid.____ t h r k ftm a s - B U T, ,------ThTatudy was-tfomionunlssloned'by~^H ~ Gov. Cedi Andrus last J d y t ^ r ^ ^ ^ l ^ 9 £ m I - > F 3 ± ? ^ d ^ n independenfffl IE A SET OF i Foreat Service timber->er-8upply study I :=EBIBStlAMM P S _ - - and long-ran^ nagement plans | | l ' d& BM

...... ^Andrua unveiled-eor• eone-key~find>L-^H-..------inga of the Universiiirsity of Idaho 3 “t ------r j F CO.HV 9 “ study in an addressa lalaat Friday to ■ | S the Society of Ainericailean Foreaters. ' ------YQUGE1 = E E § {1 t= B u rg laars B t ii _ IT sbleL air rrAli Sw ivel— 1'lMrLdniS — § l D K 3 LAMPS F( Vsnag k(cey l % 9 M 1 9 .: 9 9 5 - i 1 > C K E I tolwklMMUw I , ' I ^BoiSETSPr^"-‘ni«T h rBolee Board------G om p o roroblo— b ___— - t U of Realtors began1 replacingp lock Ll - -?»>e8rthiB- week -oa 7■ ' • homes iifler'the mastlaat^rkey appar-i nm m -'ATceAs p i: : . ently fell into the b(Ui(lands of burglars, TWICECE. — ------:------1------. . ------At-least fiy of-thf-the-homea-wfsre - - ______— A T m j c m ______[mk l ...... btii^larized within-di-days after the , SSI< master-keykey-wos. lost on iC H ~' r j; Nov. 29 when a realtoUtor was showing ,, a home to two m an,'m, who said they IM ...... 7 ^ were from Vancouveriver, Wash. Over- ; I street said the realtoiiltor laid his mas* * ter key down with hi£his other matcri- , als while was Bho\ihowing the home 1987 Meo d e l CUo se-O uJ ' t [ wddlscflveredlatCTierin th ed ay that^ ■- itwasmisaing.' __ __ -ihe key gives rcollcoltors ossociated- RCA'S'S WITH REfMOTE with the ^ r d ac«acccas to all the homes listed for aaloilo Iby the board so those homes cah be abovm to'pVo------*pwUvo-bujrer»-whe«hen the-ow neis- ____ “ ------are not there.-^^— — Discoveiy of the missing key MODEL #VMT296 S t e r e o ------forced the board to irip out all the ; o r d e r ------lock boxes and begi)cgin ahowing all RCA V ideo> C< assette Rec< CoS?ftak E I • O n-K feen l*yoof/6*evor*lvoni romoloprogrommlngondopcjporolingdUployi ------/ c o t o ^ ...... -'iioracrln itsiistinglg bby appointment II | • 120.chonnol broadcos)/ca)/cabIo FS tuning with Auto-Progrcjromming* ' ' only until the boxiIkxc s have been • "Field-still" video iyitomcomef-> 10*1> COtY-^-^-^^^^C< ------■ ^ericwi Falli^“leen-agera '*'cre l H '.' . picJurelobe . ------kiUed when their cnr car atruck a curb ------SeveralI l — ... ^ -..... ond rolled over, AmAmerican Falls po- • Qoorli^c^Mol «b?e tuning*8* . .lice said. C obinatStylly l e s « _ ^ ------:-r—Amy^ChristiB and D o ^ Glascock S k . t o C h o ois s e e ------^ d i ^ in the accident,Bnt, whii^ occurrcd MODEL#VMT395 ■ shortly after mldnigflight Sunday. ______F r o m ___ r— ;-flChristie^d-Olii i i K 51,:war£Ee“^ of m )DING ^Q lk] TWINJ FALLS ' . JEFEROME BUIURLEY GObi 1 - Power CountjrAssossesKjrDoug Glaa- 702 Malllin Ave. N. - 157'MainW.— IS 2560:0veivBrtantrAvBr-^^18« Main T t l cock and his wifee EEUierChriaUe. high Bchoorsenior,or, was the d a u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ 0 0 733-3-6146 32424-2702 678-?8-1133 934-4.4621 ” ter of Alan and AnnAn Christie. . I B B ------~r.— :— r*—— I ■ ,, -~rr m m m t Hff TibhSIhWiT.

i001^039 r c j d i e t f l W ~ m

w w w ti - :^GAG A R Y tA R SO H --: - n7=MM0fMinit------W- W-JoModnWc rt . mS-SHeiPeopte - t »17-B W i ' LEGAL NOTICE FanmUnaoerfteedad.*<- W -l.ParMJme or FuH-tKija —ill — ofgaftU*d,-.—la lf- CfiMreUdrenlS clotiur^fl atora ( l n _ ^ S NOTICE OF E L E ^ F1 : jE «i»ns£:.( I. n#xW*. fiurtay Haaitn ' ht ar*a) com piaW T ^I partafwadtnpotaioofoiiflpg ^r«c^r«UT.Cangri-w74. nw***ittvat*d la u il sales p * f- Buhl - PURSUANT TO lOAHO-10—---- WAHMlFroB and narvaating. centar «££. 1 for well *stabilsh*d r*d*c«l*corat*d. prim* k>ca- L m | ADOPTION hiring. Call aOM67^ Ell. mens IOfmal.w*ar Una- aon..ofl. ownar rstihno-.tf Jntafi.;: E B B fflrnlMioft-Som*-ira«U ested<\ia call . (ion lo r O iree lo rt It, «tt«r grow n- In Ualw. SafW Banei^dlrt a Farriliy MadlfV sslbl* p*fin*raMp.~C;tr- —— | Aecoununl/Convoilar r. 3244301 ext 201 or 2C. ’ th« expiration oi thene ' rasum a to: Box 9<9 rr, P.O. Box 181, rFREETicKetWlnneri n r Conslructlon fIrmJocaiad In Timas Naws.^PO Box 548. RNala contact' Jaanatta 0(^i;6dlng.ld*h6 63330______nomln>yonB*‘i'or lhU>IER. The Infantry Is in W ednesday. Dec. 9 In £ S Cnominated thereby-for- 5 tf, Twin Fmlla. to 83303.. Mh*t — .S w tc e » .______c h u e d al the Cliy W ater Of-I- skills raqulred.-Prafer- 4 5*?i wt aoidlaring la all atuut. ----- B Times-News office, for — each poeltlon tobellled,- ~ yaarr({iluirBxparler»ee-tft* Fuit;Fun-tlmeposHiofl'fer typist. Ov*fitf 1600-pBf- m&-te atart.------“ CARpffUYlNO ------the-WiB‘We~d.Tnurrs"'n>ec:9S— ~ • It ahall not be necesaaryiry eluding public accounUng. aic.•xc: typing and oflic* akiils piua tllS tw a ...... 436-5379 1Q)nlfl) night classic movie. i ' - to hold an election. - • r*qulrad. sa n d rasum a with cal.:rTSSTi'SttA r'- ssas • ------Caii««439- • Would consider an expert- f*Qi ARMY RESERVE Classic Movie ^ ■“■oOUOHNtn-SHOP p . 1 ) ------W lth-nd.lurther peti­Itl* Itn o in a w e r...... 32443133 anced conslruction book- referBncas refe lo M anage PO >p location. Good voluma. s = tion filed except lor the n keeper- , with excellent Bo;BoxN.TwlnFalla.ld83303. _ ____ 6* All You Can B*. ppFREETicketWinner! Leal Sal. night on Buchanan irtyour-New.Yeir.JlghllJL----- urnera wish to retire. Mall |b 4 V — Incum bent------petition? " - Stre atr small - bfack -f ««*«♦- ' .«fld use nf cflm*, .H«ipl_t_h«va .gaii __craatad a .stan -JA M E S HALE— Sqolres-tor-P.O.-Box-US— r w il presently filed. Milner "Ir* r Terrier. Anawera to Sinitrucllon expe- multWaval mui organliatlon that you>u are 16 to 24 years old < ler. Id. 63320. _____ R f f l rigatlon D istrict will not Skaeter. Call 733-C133 afte rs9 rleneeadalinlleplua.com- h riu u grown loo large for me and)d need to complete your Twin Falls. Idaho » ■ — nom"«rrelectton-wlthln-^l»~g w c r m - 7 ^ ^ cotiec t. — peilHve-aalary-antMwtefita lo'tisndiB-jo'-] T Form orannfor^ eau11 oa. Job corp oilers a ■ th e D istrict (or th e 1967 Lost: Siberian Husky. lan W ednesday, Dec. 9 In HMrKomePro(i«t)i '■ tion open January 1. 19M. t ;; e* educaUon program, le Timas-News olfice. for ____ . temala. black, white & gray, Send resume-and-ulary "■IDACALFREIGHTLINE8 J«e« « job training In 34 iTelda ^Sed this 1st day of One blue eye. one half blue Hiring Oood Orlvera IB Wed. & Thura., (Dec. 9 & ClassicMovie ^ history to: weekly allowartce, and VI”:»nlQht classic movie. pp D ec em b er, 1987. ftVfl. Reward. Call 734-2S37. _ AnMUoog.&.CompanyJnc..__ CalT24hrsaday • lanv v mom.benefits. Call_^ ^ “ jSTnwcrinoni— — — . P-O- ^ { . ^ T w in Falls, __ SecretayManaae r------8 u iw w o y tfo]nt ln s-—~— ------1- ian?*We ■ m ■ Burley, Idalio-* K; OOS-SpS noUc^ lor service work. Mlt>lmum-3 op* — DggBmbBr01?'^end- w)« icR-up'yotJt ticnui iiu wisr — 1987. - .______Firiaily Magic Vallejfl Repu-!. serviceman to’ work on m*imanent fuH-llmo posmon. -4<0H>e»F0r 8>l»------03i>KlU Kimtw1y44anaen o- pefedftMpe. -3244200 days, -Sal rr S?4^114»»ftef^i wi5!3?ooniml^rinlnfr JJSLJaumlBaa.your.ittme ipT .ih*wW v aSrA^urtrSSc^ iSiyVEHYUNIQUE.- '■'SClassicMovie telegrams. peefo=orafflsr T"mBS*N(3rs? nd experience In child care tiB Holidays. Reasonable ^giniD) nioht claaalc movie. _ It* bachelor,-tjacheloratte par- »tM. 4 2 3 ^ or 7334165. ^ I sq. IL 3 bdrma & 2 bath FREEflEETickelWlnnert------QAntwufwemeniB . . AlMHifiH...... TwlnFalla.lOe3303. r-iPN..praferrBd..Starting ^ ACRIFICE lor quksk « le . ^omBIB..Cathedral calling, ig. p i ai _ ties, business parties, uei Vanted housecieanlng.' Qigllg w ood Rsalty Bunding K LAUDE BREWER- - - ua add to your occassion.!l .. . CAUNOW aMay ; Trucking Co., Uylon, daliaia approxlmaiely January Wan han w/oak - caWnets. v U V . * No Bxper necessary.. ' U Uts tth- n««da OTR drivera. 4,1, 1988. Applicaliona will bo gooat«f«neflg. 734-2259. ' _ '"eS.' ------Mi 014-OayCareSeiVfces- - -020-020-Moo0yToLoan — utuw n.W«tnaaday,.0ec.^9,ln-^.^ * Excelpay&advancea.. »as a Mechanic on Heavy- Jenerome School District Of- Tlmea-Newa olflce.;(or your ad ts Important to ual»} • 30 days ol vsMtion with yynWnaaJ Vahlclea one liceIce at 107 3rd Avenue Weat. chlhihiiH care, reasonable Sionalure Loans m,sbi Wad. 4 Thun.. (Dec. 0 & . The Times-News C a s s ifi^ ates. Jerom e. 324-6650 . ------A DVERTISE- . - " ..payoachjear,:^ waiweekend a . month. Earn ^ erome. Idaho. ratei * CredltCards tion.lr.lnc.73>-7W .^ 10)ttlflhlnigWc^aslcmovlB^__^____ , Depl. requests that an‘2 • Complete medical and over seo per weekend. Call Theh* Wendell School District chlK;hlld care-& preschool a^- ■ NoCoiiatarai,------, . customers piacino, ads with*'1 - denuicare...... -733733-2671 In Twin Falls...... taJ a accepting applications lor nvni,Ivllies.-Reasonabie-rtles * ^ ^ NoCredltCheck -...... -fipm/inFRPgCIAlTY( us check Iheir ads the first»* • Opportunity lor advancc^ ------ARMYHESEHVE_ a , hhgj lunch supervisor. A^ jalv •prFrfleDetellsSASEtOI " ^ -aarH^roW^fW-accura^. J manL'" BeAllYou^nBe. ^ It lea Ions may be ootained^ g:,-.iild ^ B , my home, drop- FN 1«balhST maUjre*iianl counifv INTHISDIRECTO^ Should any Changes or cor- 554 Lincoln Blvd.. Suite 708 jnlry home on 1.0 acre ‘ For more Information, con- nMedical ; office recep- atIt the District Olfice. 350 ns welcome, all ages, riexi- ” laet your Air Force recruiter rlna — ldaho~Bemenury-Ceniflca- 'lantm wockdays. -COl l5-QoodlnglWeodetU-= • you the resull# you S are "OijS^PoisorBls 7 Jerom e. Bela req. 3244385. Applications Ap may be pick^ Hfia..AopllcatloaLa£9ieina iSi jp-frofiHhe-eohooi-dl4Ul^ «5-Biiir!iit«»------^ Hmn tooKlrrfflor.--— —...... ■: - - #ccepted-unUl-DecirnFar.t Pan-llm Pai e_.,3^'^iM *^ afflce'located-^t-30l-«aia ClassicMovie ‘ AtCOHOLICS— needed lor residential prch off ------CA3HFORYOUR------P«p* 15. Conlact Wendell Ander- nei Avenue West. Twin Falls, Id. BabSabysittlng. In my home In CONTRACT mofallbile hom e with expan- FREETicketWinner! FRE ...... 733^1931 ANONYMOUS - son, SuperlniendenL Bliss gram gri for mentally III adults. between 8 am • 12 noon, jokJotome.a n y ao e.324-3832. dingg living room. Located p C«ll 733.8300 School Disl 1234. Phone 5ood Qo interpersonal skills a ^eWedneaday December 9. Snake River, has wood BRUCEo BLEi; must. General business ClassicMovie riin i 1 pay you cash lor your on Si . 352-4445. Equal Opportunlly mi 1*87. Op«n f irust. daed...mortgage.^,or decii:i( and boat ram p. Good Twin Tl/ Falls, Idatio., . . Emolovcr. skiskills needed. Apply at the FREE-TicketWinner! -- |™| : 002-UiltFomcl ClassicMovie Job Service ol Twin Falls, real e s u te conUaet. Any larmsmaavalIabIe.S35.000. pick-utek-up your llckat no laler Assistant cook/dlshwasher. ^ Decembers, from 1 - 4 P.M. NIRAN BAKER Zterm. any-po8ltlon.-Fast. an.WedneBday..Dec. 9 1n. — ■ ClassicMovie “ ■ ' FREETicketWinner! 20-22 hrs por wk. Gooding ...... PiJBUC NOTICE_____AtAt-thls-tlme.-H-you.aro in­ ractlvelKrisage bn.edge. e-.TImeS'Nawa-otlice. f o r ------u FREE Ticket Winnetlrl DONSUHR Senior Cenl'er. 308 Senior TheTh South-Central Prlvaie terested , ‘ in an Iniervlew, br- TwinFalls;ldaho 'fiosWsTERNiT^^^^ of TTwin Falla. l- a c r e ,.> S Sa wWed. a 4 Thurs., (Dec. 9 4 ^ Ave. Call 934-5504 eoe Incindustry Council Is seeking Ing-.completed.application.. PiciPick-up.your.tlckot no latdf------■CALL'TODAYf-— — bdrmrm,-i-balh-home-wllh- in lo n ttn sslc movie. ^^JEANNEHUSSEN-IN- ^— Oarome, ii)aho=^ Bonera n^ed. proposairs, for the operallon -^[jdiploma; ~dnver'a license, tnaithan W ednesday. Dec. 9. in - jMetrotwlltanFliianclal OWWiBunaiflflsr'Vacantr-antJ- - r - ptciwp-youHlchet-no-later- idy_fw_occi)pancy.-^£x-- ■ ; ; -Giioiimgrldahirr-^ and-soctat-secwrityeardrAft- -the ihan Wednesday. Dec. 9 In Affirmative Action/Equal the Wod. i Thurs., (Dec. 9 & ]^4^7^r1-wSiM753 y, c lent ^ m ^ a a a u m e 6% S in ih'ftTlmes-Nflw a-offlce, j or ~ thMWedna^y, Dec. 9 In lisK -rssji-iOpponunityEmpioyerr-;— ilOj-hight'ciassicTWovter-^ o r — V " the Wed. & Thurs.. (Dec. 9 1 Twin Falla.______designed to .serve the Time#-New9 oltlce, tof Bconomlcally disadvantage “ O ^ ln s tn ic tlo n Vacar - DAIRIES ANb ' the wed. & Thura.. (Dec. 9 & — C.N.A. or homemaker/ 5“youth (14-21 yeara ol age) In. a 016-Employmen! Wanted 00^:§ai8sPeopl8 , ™ MEN/W0MEN.3ways to in“- SMALMALL FARMS •|0>nlflhtcla»8le movie. ' home health aide, full-time the eight county arSa ol drm, 1 bath home has . gg or part-llme. St. Benedicts Experienced diesel truck crease your earning power- ^ .. 80. .-AcrBs5ouble.._8.. ■ Family pot lost, lamale South^ntral-Idaho.-The- - 1ial baSeraant, new metal ^ u „ ,a K . 1-976-1111-.-- Family-Mfldlcal Ctr Home ” - ClassicMovie -■ ■ dnvarm wams weekend only Airline .i.n travel agent: heavy lumatle sysism, grade A — Qerman' Shontiair. (does orogram Is lunded through Ina,.. sprinkler sy ^ m ,. ^airy.. rwt-hunl)rloat'Sil...Dac.i^ Fun. Irlendship. e xcitementent Health. 3244301 ext m fitlff ii-P At ih» .Inh Tftining FREETicketWinner! driving «* job. Reply to Box C- ilry.. 3 miles ,,s?“‘h ol 94r-o"o-Time8-N«w8r-P.O^ ta s. lilnalJi)acage..«fi>C(».— ^efom on Ihe e ast aide of Klnfl H ' Partnership Act (JTPA). Ap-' “ 2 >___ ClassIc.Movifi....'.?. Pa "SRSNNOinYRErtj;BOX 548. TF. Id. 63303, Study.rosldennralnlng.frea stui - 39 Acraa-Double 5. Ir* Creek, north ol King Wli! Hill. ^ ^ S N E ^ m 0 1 2 Z ~ ^ proximately <425.000 will be lERIOMi REM. ESTATE » 1 ,lated, , , ^ pasture, aheda, i,„„EBEE'.TIckelWinn8rL; -ivallabla p; tO'provide mean- Twin Falls, Idaho Neednoi a clean house? Exp. 8. proHa3HANTiNEEOHEti*9r ^«kKeilwfef*-wlli-bfrr iSih9=W«J?8,'Thurrr(Oocr« &: ^ than-WoaneadayTDRrnji « 10) niohtclassle movie. absolutely'pure . 02 jhI.'Bi------miles Nonh-of Fiier.-Car Free pregnancy testing'1"S tho Times-News olfice. for «required to provide lor iq Oze-MoslcLeuons m .“ 70 Acrea-Very neat, well •M6-4665. ______— available.. Call Pregnancy ellglbiliy determination; WATER • . laS lrono...... 733-O W muintaalntalned fami, deep soil. ' "S' the Wed. i Thurs., (Dec. 9 i‘ assessm onl of reading and Unlimited polonlial In ex­ Found: nice young Qermarw an Hotline & Crisis Conler. 734- 10) niflhl classic movlo.' “ “sisoOMo.Comm um ClassicMovie oennl^nlsVollmer ...... 733-9199 kq)m4,I., o'libldgs, .will trade ----- Shorthalr-Ratrlaver^twowtt5W/U -TiW-^ihftiirtarifly. , • malh skills and provide ^ pioplosive market. Our aales , well Wills...... 73^6562 rnieesm allhom e.B56 ...... *7^ Cotloonrf-SouthemHdahoI •jj'remodltttlon-whero-nece*- jr. TO-OfdlnBtfiraHnaKlftiFH«x- —FBEETlcket c winner! ^ e a rs a collar. 733-6795 NABCO seeks jewelry hops ^ ...... - 43’A cW H ...... - d b b 'y -'7 « n n n ------ttA i ___ Private room available .:?! foi hiring part lime trainer/ „aary; -develop work sites cesa o l $50,000 In 6 months, PAULWIEBE ilnoa- .m an -o r .woman...ln stale locaiionestabllshed niceca Iquiet area, Hansen, Slv advisor—(or-sludonls- In‘ that -provide • meaningful • - business. 214-352-2609.- - verlllable. 3od:home, ;6hedi4ibam, lay It licensed, gorlairic ^aheltei pfOSchool-Broup-caro-pro-• .„ work -« * p eren ce: -provide - _ -H2MARKET1NQ.324.7S73------___BiJrl8y,ldalio ^ possessBd 2 bdrm fixer go«I- home. Medical tnanaoo- )w garage. Will consider works foryou. Call 7 3 i ^ . '8^ grams. • Must havo ChildI 1.labor Market Orlenlallon AHENTION fjc' per or demolish house t;;:: ment. homestyie meals S K 'X r«S"o».'! “ K sdenearTwin.T92 R ^ R D I L o st' Mlnlaturo * “ Development Associaie' and Personal Financial K009-Employ. Agencies ,CUSSIFIED READERS {"*' mobile home su e. 313 W. ,»tn tree cable TV. Ratoa start a the Timos-News olllce. for 40 Acraa-ldeal set-up for Ausirallan Shepard, lema o, Crodentlol or equivalent> Management Training; and Jerom e. J5.500 cash-. ilsing ,7 horses, beautiful' ; SIS; M75D.rmo.CII3;<-lter In early childhood education' each ' youth competetoi with any pro d u cts'o r ser-- •*!” itart and on-lhe-Job training.-•- their .t, lobs through a formal ADVERTISE Prolossional drummer Irom near flichlleld. Call «7-22« |7_ Temporary. position, 1BM. |p vices supplied by our adver- Pro collect. • interview process. - - YOUR iisitisers. please notify The Europe Eut ollerlAg dnjm • • • RCROBEI^TJONES Pay S9.50 por hour approx-• p,privato-lor-profit, non-prollt Times-News office as soon lessons.'Duane les at 678-5031. REALTY ■' Imaleiy 45 hours por month' and Governmental agencies SEHVICESPECIALTY a ™ s possible. Having this In- ^ —1 beginning abolil Jan. 15.- are „ eligible proposal appll- IN THiS DIRECTORY f„’,formation will enable us to „ TRt-PLEX ->, 73MI404 . Applicallons close Dec. 17.• cants. For further Informa- ' For more Information con- .1, _____ : . . JDOIO fllfl carefully, monitor the B Real estate ■ jinjiptip-top condition'. Double wan/ANTED:T Individual will pay ’ CLASSIFJFIED INDEX • tlon and Requost-For-Pro- Placedp. under trio hesding ol qualityqu; of advertisers wo IL J rago. Good location near top)p do dollar for rock free farm, (act Dr. Noil Cross. College) posal »i packets, contacl Belly youreholce! ha'have. It is our policy to do “ — courturthouse. No Vacancies. ,ioo40iMMOO acrea. wiTF canal _ ~ ol Southern Idatia, P.O. Box‘ W u ilso n W T P A — Analyatn ------tiuBuslness-wlth-only the most- • conversion to otflcesr water,later. Write: Box A-94. c /o 1238, Twin Falls. ID 83303-■ South-Centralc Prlvaie. In- y, Your ad will_ reach 22,000_ reputablere( ^l_cllents and to _Q3|-030;;HoBiesForSale . I “X fr g only J44,6M. Good Timesimes-News, P.O. Box 548, -----1238.- 733-9554. ext. 281. ■ h dustrvCoilncil. 1300 Klmber- ,Vfamlltos“Bverydar^and-the - do bur b e st-lo screen-lor"- — •ms-wlth-8elle^^inanelng.- -TwlnfwlnFallartdrfl3303.------\ EOE-______. ly Ij Hoad. P.O. BOX 1844 Twin results J will amaio you. Call any an false, misleading, or ""CO^ff^RARYHOMEc {2[[{'rJinowfordetoilsl — Companion 'needed forr flails. F Idaho 83303. Phone ^ unethical advertlsemonts. 3000 300i SQ, It., excel, condi­ . ___ today and one ot our friend- un ^ ^ crB a o eA-ljIa ____ nights. Board & room only.'. (20fi)734«86. (S -*•- Proposals ^ly Ad-Vl8ors will-help-you ^ “ BE YOJ^ OWNBOSS Jiortion. 3 baths. 3 bdrm. finish- M ij ___ . COi I b J l ...... ~ -^ZSUr- ■ JT wbfd-votif-^-'eo-lhat-il-wlll- ro^oiaamHntzwiifrciSftfdffc nAM f t i l^H3E&LrTY=S 30lfuTdyhamIctlnlern»ll0Ml- -0<^- O FR C E ....733-4078 ^ Acre.icre, nice 'v i e w ,' '~ 1 ------CRUI3ESHIPS:------P tj'e’mosl'elfo'ctivo and oring service gg company. Full train- lerms; ten Call Ute eves. ( 734^277SundaYanyllme_ _ JoyceCJ( ote ..73M 767'^ underinderground utltllles. -half. ' Now Hiring. Tour guides. 6 you Jho_rosulls yo_y are Ing jnr ------management. DawHamIett:T7334030— -£!!«:irice.Caii7334l69;------; looking Tor. as Brick 3 bdrm. 2Vi baths, NE Da jLayTO,ongM— -Casino------workers?■ h10:00 a.m. in tho RIVDA Con- assistance. Established Brli ■ ■ Mobililoblle home lota. Adult 4 - secretaries, gilt shop sales,I* farenco •' Room. .1300 Wmber- cilentele wllh protected ter- loc amlly aubdlvislon. Cily T.F. I n> — pnoldgraph'erer' musicians, f' ..... « rliory. .120,000 + p e rjre ar. M f tbedroom; ', with finished family OHWmP«otM m riummsHAiuaTr hoslesses. On board train-tl }y !) Road, Twin Falls, Idaho. AmblilousAr Individual only. ------7S4-1896- -.------hall-tir-baBementr-1-balh..wood- .ujnitjf ~ mg -f world travel. CallII • ______^______CSCall Chrla Kessler 3244509 gj-By O w ner 3 bdrm. 2 balh, cupbpboards. low utility bills, a p ^ :----- 206-73MnS.£xt024A------•basem enl.-6 hak»-8hingl08,- RY-5LpadJn aJleyi_newJioor;_ .Repo,!epoaB 088ed_2_bdimJlM[____ Excellent conditlonrW O U F -baj J in kitchen 4 .balh. uppeiipper or demolish house 007-rJobsol Interest i007-Jobs ollnlorosl g 3100 flQ.lt. 733-5212. " i Dental olllce neods full tanning- btfd. -Beaulllul. 310 5.900. Call 7334152. foror mimobile home site. 313 W. s i S S l T charge bookkeeper, com­ computerized. Universal gy i i i S l S r ’"' —i— —1 By owner. 112,500. 2 bdrm, ------^ F.^ JJerome. «.500 cash. puter experience desired, - a- - exexercise & weight equip- range rar & refrlg, 233 Lois St. 3244;1244733 or324*7S49. in<»Mi.----- but not necessary. Vacation menu Will sell seperale or Terms -r«, negotiable. 4234032. | E S r ? IU S.71 acros. commercial pro* IU & sick pay. Sond resume to:i: O p e nning together. s Call 654-2892 or $35,000 . ■■ 5.71. BM uIm Box B-94, C/o Times-News, 654-7777aller6.______• ClassicMovie <0 4lh Ave. This hom e can )orty -wlth mobile home. }osicaaholfer.324-a676. P.O. Box 548. TF. Id. 83303. • ■ JuniorBout(ite-C artiers ------Forleaso'SMALL-ontVE^N-e — FREE-TlckelWinnerl_il,“i-bought-tor-aelllng.cpsts_ .hesii = =ih>MfriaM.e— ta b y sttte r or convert to liquor bar and LILA PRIEST ■'”»ove existing 7;65% IHA ------In nifinl aMfl.ratrt =FieedeiiEfcBLi[uflsM ^yoiL--S-oat*>Ea*vJflfms . 6554420r— — «omabta~lwn. Call Gary" TJ3Pwj-Husmeago^ ~ ~ — .:j3349a7.... . ------BorloyrWaho------tor»rexcmno'dBtaii8N9e=67F= Slart a prolltable business, Plek-up vour ticket no latar _ :afa-8af*Motal-Klicheneite------icea.coflta.ci= J =tnilfW5aff#«!ayr^.-IHIir riKa -f-Tfrr-ijnffty-BHHriittQn ■'' • r r --liori-—ieacher.— ^Mtment*orj7.550,Ihciudea’ "im S l I f S T S T F.n S malh hwy. W rH e-p;o.------” resource room; Conlact: alan-up costs and training, the hi Times-News office, for - 'M e s N e w s « the' W ed. 8. Thurs., (Dec. 9 8i 30X 307. Carey. Id. 63320. or CarloneVlner. 366-7434. » The Time Mr. J ’s Sales and Renlsis, th . REALTY ■ SaLOOQ.orbestolfer. , 10) night claasic movie. • OJ* ExpeHenced long haul truck Inc. 4843 Chlnden-Blvd. 1£ .7344400 : ______. ..drlysf, good pay and unique n D e p t , a t Bolae. 1-323-0033.______, EXECUTIVE HOME I lis"” 'i Circulation ORTOLLFREE CORNERldcATION Cl ____ ao ------I 3556 sq. It. house plus 4 car IntiX bSslw-Muit -Tired-or-oamlng-for_so- ,35: __l}» c— :-140M4a4e85*xtEU5------=■ -haYB-wrlfiable-Bnd-clean- ifE675^552= "mbone':oiBorwam^o-bo 1 -fls-oarage. 3 baths,-4 bdrm,-hot —-I' ------—IU Ukt.'iViiji't • - 5 -^7S^093Hw -tub.'Wlll finance,-6%,,pay- - - ...... — - - On)n -1 Shoshone'-Bt. -West. - your own boss? Our sue- tui — - —— • ' -«■'cessful—doalers—are -in.- -menta-adlusted-to-lncpme-mj . ------ideal-deal - reuil-aanlce !!? ' CarrierriRoute 1cash flow, leased vehicle, ' Free estimates, m j oai^BuiaM ™ ” ... - '34-1296.------——r------.,yourcfto/ce/- - y ■‘group medlcal/lifo-, 5 day ...... Call 3244490.-...... ^ -weotcrno franchise fee, no -r------7ouTB(nsin-rB8ch-22.MMW« - IM ^ "beinbat eutitillvu and rF o rd atallr a n d - conlMWtwt rlt >iek^jp.your-llckel.no.later. OEgrjwralBfl.— .... on •WMXiradt ' ■B J ■jnlervlew call: ChetyTHonan b han-Wednesday^OecJ-tn. «s.0( __ jrou lha; results vou are ___ ------"^>1 ffiOM ^aab.ptl^jrUplav, - ______• __ -al-1.800436-5658-Of- Send -N^N eat 3 bedroom home prio- (hahe Tlmea-Newa oflice^or 249 ^ e ^ e l o " : '9414 SoV David T ~e d l o seirby ow ne7T 734-^ tlietie W rdr&-murmpoc:^«- gitTt J 733^1931 ...T. ' ------— I ‘4'410EastSandy.Uiah64070. alter7p.m. a ______io)lOnlghlctassicjnoyie. _ 5olC{

...... ---- . WTIme»-fl«w8,TwTwinPalls.ldaho Tueidty.lly. D u m b e r 8 . 1W7 le a le s taie-H t entahis-Merchiq n d ise OS)3 9 ^ S y ; I op- mumBiwoui ^ DENMIS THE MENA!NACE_____—-— ------joofly— » '.Wl-Unfum-Houiw— — ~ Quatity Mfiiriaey Cabbac* )drm w/ fbdrm country home, lan ^ 2 M to !. iJ ^ g , diningr 4t ClasslcMovie ■ - i ______i_____C l a u l c lff.-fp- r f Mmnirwipwtej 3 5- ^irFfiEETfckelWtefiefliT S£ottSSr;SM SS«t-- wr-TERRYfREED--^ ^STSi location, a ee to apprecJaU Ropet*!ca!l73MB09. apd*** lw ” *^w/?lghl**W r " V ^ S D u m 2 bdrm.. 8M or rent. ■TT ■ Jerome, Idlho FairfMld. Btoraoe shec 2 bdrm a p i. atove 4 fridge, Queensiza waterbed «/ 4 -^ ------^Tw InFalls. wall >*rw/o' mrtft«J,ltL ^eaf>-air-motor,-i2KW ^ f * ’ the nraet-News offlcenof™. 110/220 generatof.wltHicyl^ • - & refrigerator. J200 mom,6979 hookup.--carport.-l2W. • -— tne W ed.-4 Thurs;,(Dec. o r F " ' ^ S ss: le, n«w- tlOO dep.. no peta.734-6971 ' * 2 bdrm..l.balh.condom1num caae air cooled anolne. ue- r n u i t i cmn-! m™ toi», -"-TTT dunrT&'lBOS...... 'jj; lO^nlQhtclaaafcmovle-^:, ed very little. *290, Step to* T 'StwM'»ThJr«TO> In Twin , J323 mo, 1200 se- ;tO)nlfl,hlclM?lcmovi« no renl 2 badroom, fenced yai Her ahaper for 14” cut, 14" table 2:____ _ prefer retired coup;ogS: in d te w s and Date Palm trailer 1806 paric* la rww renUnq forto t t r a ^ with motor machanlat Clean 2 bdrm houMi,•I, elec ttSS/mo. t160/dep. Rel. 1 vice end tools, *250. Seara - Ubor - nulrad.7P<743 :------10. -- eeason. Full hookn/p, large 0O->V«catk>n Propen S*--lUlP.3e*lcul..ricll^l5«i t ' dep. 2 bedroom heuae. large t5 - space, very low-ratee.-free ^■^ssrsasp^i^ M summer parktng,-no pats.■tt mower wllh vara drive, *400. RjREaoaufliaRES Call733-7404.8amto5p8pm- & g arage. 1898 Sfioup A> ^ ■ Cute 1 bdrm. brick duple 60M27-6T12. P.O. Box 470,i n Call 7344207.______i ' l l 17 Sun Vtllty areaI condoa.CO clean. 2 . .bdrm...... lust E..73W783 - I i r r range » frWge. W/w/d 2 bdrm., appla.. w/d hg ^ -| Quarttalte,ArtiOBa86^ ' - 8ELUNQ0UT '. Tfide'yoiif-properiy:rly rb o at. wMUi8ft2ed.“'quallfles(les for 2 b«droom . clean, carpet* no up. fireplace. Close le CSL Horae trailer, S300. SaddlesiS boo\uo. Ji« .+-*dep, r for car, wire or anytfiliytriing ol u th o housing asalati 20l^JeHe^^«0^epoj petsJ34j5n___. Water 4 sanlt. fum. Cali fo« • _ & tack. Q utnif.H orse filly, ------(0, • beaotlfuJ^ fut-condo^ n»ii 73M434.------aoPt.-73»147or67W42t— *175. LH mod 110 Savagele _ - i i ______P r l « i _ a r e _ M _ l Mlittle; M . Cloan 2 'peiad, Muxe-dtiptair^-bdrmr-ti-tV4- -a-bdnn. 3 baths,-carp e^ t: 4 SMWd»)dl««- ;; $39,600. Payments u h T ^ l a T P- 242 bath, kitchen apps. atttche:hed drapea. bullt-ins. seiv. .1 " A d d la o M a i 733^0^8. ■ garage wltn"opaflflrrw«wIter7 -porcti;— fenced—yd.— 103S1032- I --1 — ^-in ■ r'jtfl f ' >wtfm* 9 M n n oounlryihomB "* Kloa ,lnrrrit S t N ttiO. Walfll — houae In Jerome.' Caipet. Ci H ansen, oil heat, eiectiloctric, paid, on Rimvlew Dr. CiW pd. Call 734-7035.______single bed 4 box apringa.s. ’ H-8 ms drapes, lots of storage. ► dep. i?»-5813or734-9880. llkenaw.»78.423.47»lavea. ige. t210 kitchen atove. S200 4 d< . Aluminum double pane ^EMEEATtDeURT. • j: ♦ (Teo.Call32»84a ______Call 734^7. _____ ; Exceptional 2 bdrm wii^ 055-Roomm«toiWinIedd slider windows. 8/3x1. *1 4/ SPICE UP YOUR ------Cute Utti* House aCleaii. * 2 3 bdrm , water, sewer & ggar- frplc, deck, kitchen appi — 3x4*. make offer. 5434110.L „ CHRISTVASTIUEII Looking'5 W FOR AM ANSWER/ i _____ ClasslcMovielyie____ plua^mB,Jim._5_a.5_acres,_ baoe-Jurn.-no-peta_a^ Roommate wanted: Feni^ ____ JocJomeWnoJiniQ««lHavo« ■ ------—— " “F’im&XQM EKrI T ~ 16 sharV rbedroofflr3 Batr id" i FR E E TIckelW lnr >P rnaln. p a e . 4. Call 734-7749. fs a Satlalaetlon Guaranteed^ C S n W U I ’Sga rjj;^ 2502ndAve3 73W73QSO home in loveij party. Lovely Itngarla, cutete ■■■■ . = 5 = 2 4 . 3..BDRM,. clean, carpet) fF neiflhbortiood.Call 734-M7. ‘ CHARLETTEK(K U O n Enefgy elflclent, coiy.ay. apple, large jard.1 iri Extra clean, 2 bdrm. In T.} E « J M “,5 g awer- u qaoolfi«.lovepotjonaa^(^ -...... cro-AppllanCM - - - ■couple.. jarome.CallK4-3317. 1V4 Utn, appls. Isundr•dry. ' 31* ml. W. on Addison1 lions.Call Maryat67M377 _ 073-Biziar8&Crafts J : Twlnfalls,Wah - Why Bey New Aptf it no later S 2^ ♦ dep. 73W1H. ^ 05?-Room>TgrRent _____ 7M-H36 _ Tires: 3-78 X13. almost new. toncwT Plck-up your llcket n( '• r 3 biltTn., 2 bath apL. che g & ’S S T & . i » BEAUTIFUL o u t d o o r " ^ Let:me.clear)^and,.rapalrj ...... 4 ;...... than W ednesday. Oe r > i g j6 __ _ r ■ ■ tp|nlohidmlc movie d w ------R^nUIi------— -Anoqutf^Trerpiwwrdrof *. .i _cuUUrosUree_ielrig.__ . fae. available. 050.324^1 — leaf table, console stereo _• g a . . . W Plenic I ^ t& Q jm o .> d eo . 7334430.o j .. Clas3icMovie , • rocking chair, small freezer>zor. tr ip le -beam acale. Uke K«>h’ 3 bedroom houae for-re "" 23 cu ft uprfght freezer, M - * “ 7 : enclosed yard, wasil „ h a f FALLS APARTMENTS8 FREETIcketWlnner!r! C ooper Mountain hot tubtub. new. P 3 . Call 7335345 _ Call 733-3801. — .ClasslcMovie ; - 4 ------COUNTRY-UVINoi^ ^^J^-ROBERT-JUDD- I:— ‘Antique German will'docK K- -FREETfcketWlnnetl- ■ : 3 ...... batn,i4TtT0 com e. warm, friendly *400. Very old. Call 73M05B. " FRANCES DAVIS ^ ------oHaf.42M1»ior40-« '4 bdrm .. 1 % balB, I 4 2 ' — I •- ’ ' ' Malley, Idalio ------Pof sale <)r m i IW •7 ^ man v5edneUay. Oe^ ®,JJoil CaIIS43401B.______aaMSii.cailcotiect I ^ cofd. 3 Mrm, 2 bath j gj ofllstmomi^a^Q^lncy;___ the T 1m e»N w s offk;e. fo 5; PIck-up your tlcket no laty ; •no: S - m s M I— Lro. attractive. 1 bdrm. a| ***” th e Times-News’olIJce, for ( We have MMouWes,' o Tjo^i'^eves.' •P*- lOlnlQhtc'*** '^ '""»<*------“ 'zens'lhvile-you-to'brous* .1 lourteen-14 wldes. I Heal 4 appls. fum. Ncn ?* Cory,2 bdrm. partly furnish Z* iheWed.-4Thura.,tOec.04. *■ • lh « A i Hanaen. 1 bdrm. el< Ihe many bargains 01 W A N ^ ChiMren'a good?? lOlnlQhtctaM^p v ie. • wldes. Hve-10 wldes: t ®2l: «‘ove & rafrio. Ilf -(lg^Flim.ApttMP.-p.____ smoker. No pets. $210 . ed mobile home In country _ Call7344024.______deo.734.2048or733-29e9^ household goods, ctothinglino, used playhouse furniture, wlde».-12 travel Wri fflOhtn "»cl all dty s*r>lervtcea; ^ ,m wate - non-smokers. S ^ .'-f dep.‘ P- lum llure, toys, collectablesales.- CaU42341«eves...... - trade (or loia; autos.' m i e ^ M Call 734-4443 e»ea. ------se n lt pd. S1S5/mo."“ NNict GOOSE CREEK MAN(NOR Call 734-3132 or 73W 37. — and much more. Open fron farm equip, anow mai _ " APTS. 2 bdrm apts.. sto 1 way ticket Boise t o ^ of value. Jerom e, n l c e ^ rtrm.S300. m iocetldn.734-4070. d. 3 » 4 Mohday through Frida' S: Gas furnace and water T or moat anythlno of md.l* aieie ca in a n d B h o .'-^ - ‘°^ TaT«.Cill83T^Tat. . ------pfMfleiiveryinflsettje ttip ;-* - • •*-dflPoa».Can73Mtt8;! S 2 = r •A412.''Afl u tn i'p d . 1 bt -I t 'Re8triction8apply.8J74i4r' p S e T i S S E e at” *265-t-dep. 32W731. ^ holiday ahopplno. 5314103 Brockman'eMobneHId Hornet In Kimberly. 2 bdrm.I. mobile(t apt.suivleck,S175.734^ Eaat22ndSt.. Burley. ___ Blaze King atove w/blower 2 hosplUl beds w/electrJc Moved, must aoll custom 4mlleaNofPerrfneB . *193 + 3 M ProoeitY *Unagemei - z n - WENDELL. 2 bdrm Irf*Mr. green QE dUhwuher fw ' controls, *300 or best offer.jr. _ In n ie r. Nice 1 bdrm ai -= : • HpwvO.Wt4l67»3a 5®J_____ CHRISTMAS8PECUL .,2 ? lanced— yd,— prtvale -lo-lot.- l -chopper block- ,tflp.-Jn -Wheelehalr w/fool re s u , - lia»fflo.-fdeo.32M148.S. sulated camper shell fo • • 10‘lf-H wnip-out.'2.'2 bdrm;'Jerome; " 2 -- bedi•droom,- purnlshed/unfurnlshi *200. .Portable commode. 074-Mu8ical-...... carpet. In refrigerator, atove. oil hyU studio apt. S110. 1 M' leo., ' lonQbed.32fr4777aHerS.~L _ *75. Call 324-2848 eves. I J. , "5T. “ [j bdrm. tc o n u c «ii olw-trlT’0 J I ” -3 bdrm. an eieo. [ tL ln»tntment8______081-FumlturaSCiipeti •f!**- 2 W W tH M , 800-14, nts OM lat Dept, steo! Plua other speclijoclals' bdm uvlth stove, refrlo. W frldge/dw/w^l h ^Iup^ K Mwtm S l? 5 ^ ^ s! ih cASK-fOTTioodnised^------i l i J to w /e x p a w hook.upjnd.garagej27S cars, good trud 4 studs.!»• Antique upriQht pisno wim 25.------NffI>flt8X«ll734<2B3.-- m nUure-4-apoilancea.lBir»er , bdrm. 2 baths. e»-5» : dep. Call 3244940^rr S£i._ _BfOwn Levelore biinds. 48:48x *20each.Also.2sauheavy^ icfoll work. 4 bench. *600. OUSE c ie e n studio apt. grot 2 bdrm trir house for rentnt InI <<:- 7 t t T e a c n r s i o n gcaM^ e ^ -ch«lr>tr*5.-Call733.783a^.—- ;ait42M 043evaa.tosBe------Fumlture.W421. n ; ; 1970 Tamartck, 1 2 '. 0™.“^ 7SM The Club.______t210/mo. floor, good location. ' — 2 Hansen. For info-324-4729'S _ net, 6- X 3Vi' hIgTi. JSC 2 wfitte Belvedere shampoo- ' ' Oood condition. 3244 M In- Kimberly, voiy nice ^ n d a r Rhodea elect, plano- "cra'ssicM oviB-^ ------______Mein N . ^ . Call 734-4228. d*ap- 2 bdrm. 10 wkje, winierizecized. Magazine display rack, 1 ing unita w/shampoo bowla I ; ______^ — bdrm duplex. W/6 and j No Iona 3V^‘ hlQh, TO. 733-4011 ^2, •/speakers, good cond.. FREETIcketWlnner! U x ~ 77 Jerom e, two 2 bdrmt hehom es. FREE -■ MV p la -» g S * d e o ; 423:5109.3 co:y, most utilities. N 2 2 1 . 4 fixtures. An L shaped^ » 5 0 ^ u r e PA. *495. Vox 1973 Tamarack 14 ___: Chrltmas gifts, antiquesss J.4 bunk bed set w/bookcsM BONNIE HENLEY Laroe IMng room.' 2 i no pets, 1 month renl and we 1 24-2841. your hoat. Now avallarailage J«rom e Heritage H w e i ndo. collectables, 2 end Ubies.es. 2 and closet sltsched. 678- menis -AplsJO LpersonsM A.olc0W„ 3 barm, 2 M»|. e>J»n» Twin Falls, Idaho i i r ------studio &'1 bdrm apartmet -dremra,-woodan-roll-car■cart- -l56a.67W ia(OebuUnle). r l t - ^ — C 326^ o0 ------"'JoneiW iHiur Ib% ' w hsndlcapped/dfsabU ,o 3 ivinn t *111 move you loririesa Ie 203-4thS t.N .C an 734-6752 107. 4 glassw are. By appolni 3 tier babies changing table, 1985JW X 2 8 'Tempo 2 Will consider alnole p —— m ent 733-2986and 734-4944. “ T»=& ”S"KK“ •uck. Ufoe.i-MrnLapL»aB])S -eone-iindet-M r-iedaa !*i:_ excellent condition. *45. kL. 4 hejnmoe*Newa.olflce.-lot------31— — IS. dryer Inel. all ullls pd — aoo. 734-7827 after 6 • __ the Wed. 4 Thura.. (Dec. 0 4 - <218. swamp coolef. HaWBrCatt73»0588:------r°^^STOB9nlal___------FREmcKerWlnnert-jrl— «njallomi8a-tankr^&Evina..734-l =1521- lurnlshed.-uUls-pd..R,..1210/ ____ _ .734-4155... - aq ft to-5000 sq It. Oonni;nna^ Plck-up your ticket no lanlater 8' shell for Ranger PU. tani! f W uriltzer console piano,w . ______7 5 5 5 !i------•2513 or • . • Idaho Land ...7»<300 9 in color, excellent condition, HQ R e n t a l s Modem 2 bdrm homlome for m o. + SSO dep. 733-2513 than W ednesdsy, Dec. 9 1 ^ P alnut. lovely quality. *1500.M. Girls bedroom set. com­ rent.-nice-nilghlwrborfiood.. 734-S518.-. -.- .. : _____ Soaclou8l&2 , . Ofllce Suite. 785 sq ft, verevei th e Tlmes-News office,I, fcfor *275. Two very good trallw3 l f a l l 734-7826 eves/wkns. plete. In excellent condl------W/D hook-up. hrmlahi Bedroom Units professional, energy • eeli lft • the W ed. 4 Thurs., (Dec.:.9 9 4 tIrea. *30. slzeC78-1S.Trrt ^ tlon:Cail43M143sft»r5.-~:_ ------platrfor«mallmlfr*15.-Celilell- is-poCBTOO drum se t w/nign. dent, excellent p ^ n g1 4154i 10) nlQhiciusiS movler— King-size Big Sur watert>ed, p IT T ii J ____ Enclo s e Entries -JZ Wa-2559______hatjexC;_C0ndj734^^ — r ‘ Studio— apartments.— Addison. Call 7 3 » l0 8 a‘L l - Diamond dinner ring, bi — spatial mptlpr»leM m«- H 4 flS lo c k o r733-7849: ,11-jor- r-c o u c h i exc cond; uprighi tieasr- Wiided ' • rsHs,-* ^ .-— - • na«tslftMo¥(o»ls— — S - 't S o S K ' •'■~.-FiME_S»lllnil~------OffMpeee-AvalKblerFirJw t t i ’rtilT w K eS!l^ . ..-..FREE.TickelWinwinner! _ M im.anairjiM . ------•. Adult Uvlng _____ {nlBrstale,,Bulldln^Conia —r— i-bdrm-apts.-New-ca7i-ea rp e ir------SenlorCitteen&— W fl Dlnetto.set, 1 elec. stove. ~ Ktnp »i7B wIiIr.bed.Jbertll_ - 7 . il ' GORDON GR(iROVE Nicft.lO-2-b(Jrm.^ b t sm n t. good-locations, furnish;nl8hed. shident Discounts Jim.Thompson, »»484( hanging.'4 1 floor,lamp.n p .'l ...... I. . m8lires8..book:8holl h ^ . gioteo.Komu.7P-5d551:_ fta5-S225olusdep.733-13 Jim Brekke. Boise. 3894131I I I L m e u i bookcase. Antique:« : 1 Oee-CoinptJtOT ______“ FREETickelWinneri-, board, dresser snd MoM ^ , ■ ■ Jerome, Idahi = T ~ t.YNWOOOMANOR:2bd home. ^ M rm fum apt. wale 5 Office space. 400 sq. ft. ti. of< vanity w/mlrror 4 bench — CHARLOTTE STAMMI stand. 3 yr old, new *1600 Plck-up your ticket r ''•J®!.?! 1 balh. all elec., carp beautiful ollice spacM ce, bedalde table; 1 d res«ssaer ClaSSlcMOVie will sell *800.3244731.- , than W ednesday, :0« tr*ah paid. Jl05/monlh.ilh. ICall ground floor. J300; 2 b< t .Twin Falls, Idaho Dick at 733-2365 Wesi'Western ? ( ; bam . 3325: S200/Dermo.734«77. •______w i b n n keyholes 4 tairmlrjnir* FR EETicketW innerl. ter Matching lovesests. .off the Timee-Newe offl nice, ror. Blender 4 colle — pick-up your ticket no later R e i" RENTJi*8E0PTK>HON Realty or 4aU232. ------Recently remodeled ollic hhan Wednesday. Dec. 9 In jheWed.4Thurs.,(C TC___ftW lift, ft w/2 prlvale oHlci S ; CRAIG KAREL in »W'«. ,, , {urnam-. -^^maPLEOROVEAPTS ------^ e Tlmes-News olllce, Tfif fo'f UiUWII ITUtai pa.lOlli. ------. - - lOhilflhtclaMicmovli 4 -recepllon-area, local* __..KimD8riy,laaho7“ . Available Nov. 1st. 2 bdH taeJV ed. 4 ThUrs;; {Dec;99 4 i aat.Cail7334369. ------Kimberly, sell or.rer-rent, nice ^ joned. Call J across from Lynwood,i. at Duff Norton ralchol lovi ^i.^"o% raai bath apt. J435. lover pick-up your ticket no late7 ' H0> night classic movie. Must sacdlice brand new •- 14 X «■ mobile homeome, furn.. 7344321 _ 1400 Flier Ave. E. 734-5380.M. hoist. 3 ton cap:r-n«in«*. than Wednesday. Dec. 9 li ^ u c h and love8flit..Valued____ - wfd.42M136or42W 1 bdrm l^cjielor api in FjFiler. idaholand— - ti« i/ft» « r. Swlsa mafl fnr W llce furniture and equi^ ' 8mall i^ iS Im 'trca "’•d e Tlm^if.Hawii nHlen, fo IffT ^t^fUWI. Wlll^Oll 101 tWWl parmiijr 1433. - -sem l-auto rifle. 7 . f T ^ g * jment. Reasohibift ■'OITBrsr ------Small Clean tu su w .c rentrCalt324-3430.------Tur'nTshed:Can32^72ir - - utils inci. *176/mo. 733-143: 5 ^ the w ed. 4 Thurs.. (Dec. 01 - -Call73449l2.------• •. aulUbleJof. workino. 101 nioht classic movie. f a l l 7344551; - " ------iSSsm tiLU ^o«|^|8..range 1 _Ufge-bd(m.-carpe WENDEt:Lr-32-x-50‘-ne -Naug«hydo-4-wood.rocker_____ — ^Of-elnflle.-CcHege-i' “Muofe 'MOUNTAIKVIEyfAPT; — bulldinfl;— w e ir'ln su tste — Commodore 64, keyboard quire 195 kWashlnQl I.+ oep. gofne utll.jnarrlod, co» «M8» • 1 & 2 Bedrooms. PUygroiround ti50/month.53»<4B7. Exercise equipment , fi'0^ disk drive, power unllS 1 077-HonieEnlertiliiininl 'S m alM bdrm, gas li " preferred, no pMif.733-3t r r ; i sale, diversified- productucts, printer, software. *350. Cai !L i M r j ! ! ! ! : pitances. , a,u5iio, J145 + dep. 'L„ 1150 sq It ol olflce spai ^LO R Televisions. Used. • no pels. «6Q + 0« S l Xan GymPaclOOOunlrttsalgy 1^2561 afterSpm: ^ L - and waiting area, -kltche w /a -resi"'***. « ____ 733-5921.______-balh.- o tr wraat w riitnar~nfl ""uSi ty guldin; syslem w/boo Furniture 4 Ap* New oanken 5 d«wer 2 bdrm.. good l< range, downtown. *350. Call M Printer. 3244532. Iftd MSo/ Small 3 bdrm.. 4 acreares. J200. mfl88aneor733-2513. IMPR (recommended by B.Y.U. — ; bllancea.453M^nAveE. __ -chests, oak. *99. CAINS, • ______recently remodoled F s r r r ; DW. closed garage, lenenced 733.101I or ROBERT JONI j^S.^Both^forMOO;-"*!*■jiooo R aA SE sysiem ytretstioni•rS-biENT- A NEW -7VI Own1 a 733J111...... •mo.ttOOqep. 733-133M 3« - Also, newer 2 bdmi.diI. d u p le ir- 2 bdrm . bsm nl apt. J200 palto. Call 73^^6545.-• _ _ REALTY. 733<404> _ ! ^ i ' - 075. Call733-1359. -5 ^ re a ll value. Call 3244998.la. '• data base managemer p e w color TV by renting. No New Gulldcralt sofs and ______m o. + n o o dep. Pd Suill. " ® New 2 bdrm dpix. Klmh rrj^ syslem) HyperAces . 2 bath, p e ta. 733-0093 or 734-2632 15.O00TO 20,000 CAK t t r sa le r Olympics Chol< bredllors checked. 204 Msln[•''I- lovesoal. *1049. ..CA1N3. S ^ t level 2 bdrm. 2 £ i?n— rto aieps. w/d hool I-«rZ (telecommunlcallon prc ftSI-Unfum. House“J*®* J. lanced i — ■■ ■ ■ ' ittrac- w ea te m snowplow; rever ^ U ve. North. Cains. 733-7111.IL . 733-7111 ______z ______appls, W/D hookup, f range, fridge, waler & si x r IBM. Origlni un. $375.. .054_unfum.Apt3.- pro- Ible re", w/hallogen light b tv a n ia audio 4 video. BMt Now Gulldcraft sofa 4 love .. A - Cozy - 1NSULA1lLATED“ 2 “ 'V , furn., adults prel., isslon ^11 hardware, csb conlrolP" d iscs 4 msnusl In exce J, drapod. Call 733-17M______j ^ ‘»‘ cond. Call 324-4501 - - Buys In Magic Valloy.Jack'a* • seat. *999. CAINS.733-T111- ______bdrm., carpetod, PETS, S275/mo plus ( Sreen com plete. *1250.43M680. — lT.V.8ales4i^rylce.Buhl . •_... . atove. reftlgorator.'hjr.'NODolsr T;f~r3-bdrm,.lanced ______42M508 ■ “'I’- a ;s « 'fio r" ™ L . -Oueen size 4 poster .water — — Acres Office Complex- .EBlDAMireOEIrAWAV t2M * dep. call 733-;rJ3-2587 528 2nd Ave. E. J2901W A nk:e 2 bdmi. slovoT^ Newer duplexr nowpi bed. pjulded rails, matt.-4 paint. i(j5, BW a-UkerBhfdNor l*t 50 rooms. oueetTbod. -oe>-CafneraEqiilp.^------— r------^Anyone' who-qvnlllvallllos -jor ^B iM |jny24;2734j_ “ 078^cofflm:0evice3“ ------— hflala?ril25:Call 536-2103"------L_— ‘*'*'^” 5^ ca!?7^8ffiP - choice area, garage. Lois of free parking S w orJporMnlllJo . tdano Housing, a cloan. Very clean 2 'bdrm I heateosts,S 275.733-1358^ . side street. sccess. C .L „ , Radio Shack colored conom- L I ■ii.i. I «~ Roll top desk in excellenl in'o for rom. caroled.--basem ent, Rodeo Clown Inn. Jackpc ------condition.— *125,-Pocta^------; -clean 2 bdrm homo 1 A '2 bdfm-aptr70i-6tevStevens- -Kico-2~t»droamr~all'ill-ap* BnjcoatQlobeReaityrin<-incr- >jv,~*No reaervaliSftl—1 noat. no pols or watei ... dlshwMheT.*75.M^e^.,. - Call 733-2513. S t. Filer, kitchen ap pIKnc'os, w aler'4 sanltaIllation 24 hr. number 733-2626. ------come 1st eenre. Oiler g« ■' -A1530. 1 bdrm. -ilit-roiS; ulll ^^5.tdep.73M303,»f W /O hook-up. water, s furnished, no malntonainance, ts x 14 barber shop forrrent, re tbruDec.24.1B87. . W anted Canon camera bod — on choice ol 2 cim p l^ ■m. _WD pri, carpori.Call734-7604 » r n :-C !as8ic.Moyi0 ~ J _ . appls, S17S. 734-6858.858. JWENDELL, 2 bdrm. 2 2 1 _ prlvalo.-J265/mo JIOO.i“-3 ®P" fixtures svailablo tor sale r : r - i or sell-50-4-200mm zooi ...... beda-wlth-good mattress^._____ 3M PrwerlyM anaflmagament.-ihooK-up. *140 +.11221125 dep. extra nice 2 bdrmn4sjlex 4-| t e a a a or PioeCo 73442 *.'.Hi^'^ Full length weight bench, lens. Call 487-2530. FREETicketWinnerl1 fe-1900 . ■ renl, *225 which inci utl a e ls of weights, like no' ' AlOee. 3 bdrm. Tw DW si«o: fei'L5»±!5Z______a p t. appls, AC, carp“ fpon, POPLAR GROVE APAPTS.. C all733-aiaor734-4411. 170. Call 326-«578. KENNETHELLIS - r r ^ ------fenced yd, tt85.734-J734-5856..___ h bdrm house In Soulftluih Park. w ater_pald.W /0 laciiity.lily. no. je n lo r :-cltiie n — hous iSi^BulliiliigMjicilils'''.------■:«8sq«tol9,B»sqf-Qtt ■ Full length mlnk-llke brov 07l^-W anledT^^;;::'■ S M ^ p w ty M ainaoemont-ricarpoiedlirnnaflflr:^ nan ~.atore;f peta. t28S->-dep-73W4 limited facllllles- for ha ____ Buhl, Idaho- S t Excellent ReU li'and/orsr Of-< fur coat, lust like new, sl t5 Z l— . Attractive 1 bdmi apt,pt, noarr .capped or disabled. Rc Bee boards wanted, wiwill pick-up your ticket no laterater RED CEDAR, fencing, poal. A55e. Super s h afp-"! ^ 2 m S In flee Spaces Available In thet 24Vi. also 2 short lur coal -3lovo.-.car-.il bdrm.-.S125/mo.:M(SSO.dep... downtown.-ldealJor.ser.senlor. .ai5launcoz::aYallable_ com e to.you.flsy Odermotiott._^.W ednosday, Dec.i In ^■Kimborly,-wood-aio 1 hsnd- Lvnwood-Tho'centor Of-itOf -rbrow n.'i biackrsiie-24’ :k yd. *275. Lamo yard. Call 326-59:-5920. citizens, vromon prefereforrod. aonlors 82 or over and h 46S-S280collecL______u e Tlmes-News office, for port, fenced back y Call 543-4415.______^ b e Wed. 4 Thurs., (Dec..9 9 44 knoltypine. 7 3 4 ^ . 3 M P ropciopcrtyMflt, If bdrm. house, rranae/ all utilities paid exceptiptelec- 0 .Icapped or disabledJd as rofrig, 733-2282 • GE big screen 48" TV; lin g M l niflhl classic movie. ____- D-PLumber32*'~blodi.~UAt6d''olas8;'3.-nio8H108 cel, cond. Call 733^1 - - - • • 7 3 4 ^ /3 MProponRprvjyiflt... Imp, 3 blocks (rom-ln Sears. -D5fe&ini!omW»m!!_l :lo, 8% ~Burle~vr67yO<29.- ' ------HBWl0ttT"Packard—HP-liIP-12C- tionsretc:------Eld;*32S.Calia4-2403.------“ i700-u8ed*Buneytrlc>rfor------___ _ _ y«M . Realy nIco:o ; 2^ Odrm, |?34-4673.______^ _ W 6 n l _ _ lo.pots.; .Radecorated^t>edrooi *r>cUl l_ id a h o C o to .O a lle rlee _ lelf- 8aler7334307anvttmB;— ;------carpeting, spaciousiou's, 'MUST'b pflfm with appls. t t ^2548. balh. electric garage fl irssr-S^^fiS EI - 302 North Main. 73M583.8- ^Sninyo^?^^roo^lOOd V ■ ■ SEEIJ26O.73«850.“58.------imonihi"can-M-lum Sharp '2 ‘ laundry room.-$M5 a me ------Klmball-conso[fille.^plar rLtS-Eondltlon. O M 'rfH T M ------i a M P ro ^ n y Manatinagemont ta ll Jano or DeonI al a e m Av«M«M« o e c. IS. S to Plano,. .paylng-*12-f0r.men!e-0t-l ^--063-G«faoeSale8------— - with full non-smoking a d u ^ pn — “ oood condition. *700.' R; (or women's classrings, ar II 2 bdrm Stalo Roally, 734-04 Of bdrm brick duplex with any b .E . electric dryer, *75. A748. Delightful : basem onl. atovo andd rorelrlg, rod, no pots. 734-8725 pong table, also good1 cccon- cond.willplck-up.3244170,Z2:_, C a l l 7 » « n ______' home, appls. .u.carpoUno,.733-4006. - — ^ oea-Warehouse/ Stlon.*100,Call324-7373. ZLzZZcEslcH iZL’ - rport. ot S i — Want to buy: 197B Jo>ohn t b E dishwasher, built-in, In garaoo. (oncod yard. yar {275. i bdrm, 2 bath, garao 285/mo. . TOWN&SQUAREAPIiPTs Storage Rentals Lunarin mink jscket, li •a In FREETicketWinnerl . 734%8.3MPropeo p e r^ ^ a t Honcod yafd.-noar_ct • ]i>‘0 Deere SnowmobUe '^ f L iu s e now, *45 or best oHer. iferrod.- 833 shoshono St. No.Ststudio------pT im ' ^ T ftftA ft'PE------" now.'J800orbestoffor.-Cr.-Calt- -pirta. Needs good tracacKTT c a i i a 2 9 4 l 8 0 : ' ' ~ -GENEPORTER' . - B149 S1W t txlrmdrm. hoal/ »7S plusdop.73M81fl LT0R6 apartment, S195. Do ^ 733-4482.______call afternoon 734-5803 b e 18 cu ft. side^)y-^deside ■ Buhl, Idaho > ' waterpd.'appls. I2'bdrm wllh oxira ator 32W241 . . IdahoLand - RENTALS m ares . f e S E Sg ^ r = 7 ------73M300=?3MW: — -kefrig, with Ice maker, *250. Plck-up your ticket no later ------f^orrenw-reair^natiirLalg iir-i^aa'V oi'tgii 1^iillaU 68~^^ ^l2eor^778.- ■ .— I------ei6ft-«260-P^f| w a t o r r ...... ------CatfgSMW------~neW:*Wi.'/M-/8Jl thairW.ednesdaynOw^to^^ ------> Unlurn-l-bdrm_apL°h -y - NEWilocuit«lnbS»raonQOf. ^Mant»=aftd=womaft!3=w( lolnt- the-Wedr&-Thur8.-7^0*e.-»&------— ^------foftoftdyafdroarooo:BOC-"”- f2"l)dirTt.' charmefn** frw -W g..' •*27S:-Hotpolnt lament— H o p s , aduir prclorniq:o o rn o - 4X5 4 tjp units. RV storaorage. ding rings. 10 pl diamomlonds, d o a e l 4 95 piece Nofttal fctow.-*iOO. Both- avocadoado lOinlghttlassiefflovIe;------Ehw »d*Evana—7a; j ^ 4 j ^ B"rr'iinan. 733^169.3- Tie ulll. 110 mo. Secured. 73K451 451. In white gold selllnjitlngs; SUvlna pattern trimmed[md. )i p reen . Call 7334755. B158 W 4 'bdrm.rm. 2 b a th Jz bdrm. houae. In ___ Garage sale, ChristmM appls. frplc. dcapbs.los.g'arago. Park, all olecirlc. vei rtyMgt very clean, modem, 1^ * 2 i0^or120(i08qftwarehouilouses T^ort»stoH er.73;Sf T lT feS w - mo? Sti 734-76407640 B^r*owtlng°cafds!^^~ Elwood&Evana..73.734-1401 hnaulatod. 734-8371. '2 bdrm. bedroom apartmento. : r.~ im m Basement apt.. 21/2 b< '• In T.F.- Heated. Insulatjiated. m u s t SELU Vulcann firef Chrllmas gilts, antiaues 5 tfier7Dm. cameraa w/leather cases, B184 S350 3 bdrm,irm. appls, 2 pdrm.. spacious^iyA.1 utlla. pd.. no smokers.■rs. *200.1 ,venient.|OMtion. appllailiances dock 4 trackage. 1 bldgiQ welv -alarm-aysiemi-2healdet«detec- cotlectables,-2 end tables, asst of 'sman:'elec-applfc ‘ S ^ f - . now buvins':'” — _ _ -fencedyafd.flafoqe.»0«- ■ ' • ' room .-1-bath,- kllch ^ NEofJerome.Call324j!244517. furnished. Inci. dlahwawaaner ,yi,ad for tractor or diediesel tore. 1 smoke delectlector, dressers, wooden roll^a _■ r *. Elwood&Evana..^. . ^ 1 4 0 1 ~ itolfio. ■«..,elecwic-: : i":disp08al~laundryr y - ^ n ' tn]ck~ re^r aKopT32»3403404— : ttoo^car733«B3eye8—V.------: K70lM»wir?-8y-sppolJointcrFridgesrFneiersrwaehors loan jToO B147 $1801.0 2 M m . ap ------...— C lassic MovI vaff premises, children NEED to sell 3 yr. oWn KK ^ - m ent 733-2986 snd734^94i Colorado St.7t3oodlngr-r^------no P®‘»- '22! ^ ------vacuum------w/attachmennente.- for-8ale:-2-beauUful-o ______FREE Ticket WlnnerlWli — on lrtcome.3g^^..S S u 08tjet.*35.Call7364814. ... .'^iite^oraefr^osA ...... Plck-up your ticketkot n o.iycr. HaHonalTrualDepL-jL— ------— CHRJSTMASSPECiA flons,nsnt«fromSi8542 S&Contrjbutions^^ than W ednesday, 0 ^ ClasslcMovie' ..Nice-ciean-gltls_4.jK"b o v a Jerom e's Antique MailJI iiiv er Electrolux, like new. M"r 2-bdrm. Lincoln SchSchool, no; Studlojiapt. I 2 t . ..FOSTERUANAOM^ ...... -th e Tlmoa-News ot S - . FREEftkelWlnnerleri— clothes.-Boys-slia-lB- Buy'ft/p(>w«F~ri«i»“ IM ble Jan 1. houso. small, »1M. ^ MO and Ave S 7SM? Un; -hehmanta:8350.a37-<77». -■ W-Tools . the Wod. i Thura., { ^/unfurnished.734^ ip p Glrlsslze8-l2.*1to*3eai ------Weftdeli-lowrlftcomo-j□Si?,-GEOBGE.CXIINE ^Oftiflhtcm aie ww Call783-29«after5om.I. O ur Shoo runneth ever .•rtthwi ^AHTEDDeaaorAlive ^ ,rt- 2 bdrm. fenceded yard. CISSSlCMOVifi.'fi. Ing. very nice 2 bdrm a ’ SSS; Twin Falls, Idaho r. fly, rhrintm aa goodles. AllK T rrv’s.refrtg.freszer,stoves, OB-Bk^clej Clean 1 bdrm. rangi FREE Tickei WInnennerl .ng«. E w IO. ._ .O A K oeS M -daw or*_4 ...... _.221_ Highland. 116 I CM attl75-»dep.53»6244.4. Plck-up yourtlckel no0 ljlater cellent condition. Call,U„.. Ur ■ Plus dop. 734-5060p — s S s ^ c . « in 73M 683aftertem . s Cla^lii Movie -MARION ALLEIh P 1 bdrm duplex, stove.'t _____: ...... CInan. amoll 3 b uiSLCffl. — IwlftFallsJdjteg n O ^ - -&Twator^(u^ «J5+_ paslodO 'alr. hammer, na ^ .FREETteketWInneri-;. n o w "appls. - gaa nO_laler 73M 735of733^M adIalstuddi .ff“ 6ARrPEA-=^ waahor & dryor h cottage' w/ than W ednesday, Doc.)ec. 9 In’ 1 .bdrm apl. clean, 1 V.-.,,' I : , i . , i “ tsh^erw?*™ **^* --TvrinF^lsJdahb J n o w:lll«;

. ■ V-V Twdty.OtcaMa e w t r r m t » w h w w•.T^taPaitoUaho^ , t i

• A t t i b m o f }t i p e ; 0 8 j erchanditf s e « F d r m ee i r s ^ m a r ktet^Recre i eaiionai"/

(2-fcnportSpomCw - i f l OW-Piili«MForRH llM>ouRiy&Rabblti 1:120-A»tllloo _ Tg-TrwlTnll<»« « ^ innah Flak' M I and JI. r =S2 - . Toyota T*re*(. Vw ! ■ poultry & RABBTT Oet fFor l u ie : 1 Weed Hopp«f ClassicMovie ^et*ctt»* jackW. treme^ [)C _ E j Boea»;WoifF_ -j Fall p u tu r* , 160 icreT , i lies. Excel cond. Call 734: T H C a ACES c i ON BRID rfre s h e r, soma-corrjls., <•fn* (at or mak* em ' lay. ^ CilJelllTtSij. FREETIcketWlnnerl I 2HIS. ? ' swriftfls. go 7B40«t4Qatler7om. ______and feed i f ^ n . Call ' Checkourllneoffeeds. ^ “ 70 VW bug. n w rebutt 8 3 4 ^ or 837.8210. ^ C«wi(LWO^fF»«l DEBBIE SCHELL S3, 121-BoaU&AcC»). I SflSK T^ _ “sfflw>lf.a: 11300.734-7002. ______H NORTH a-M ' qurley;Malio - ^ 72 BMW 2002. Clean, runa H Thinking is hardI wwork. One can't ClassicMovie pn iSTan5sui»u.«2»:cJii ♦ AT J t02-Clllle . n t an records, new tire*; • H ' bear bu^eiu and IdeasIde al the same ; 112-Wgttkiii FREETlcketWinner! Mll'we5™im w«''*I)« s'K iMQ.72M»14*HerSpm. _ . . ■ ...... time.’______n cattle From Mlik JhaJ^mo^Ne»»'olllc;, Iw .i>5ro ^ ^ R ^ r u n s great. ^ ------» Q 7 6 9 4 - l;=C i5iteM i^= =±AVflNEfiQSfc=zS;= |« C 4AJ94 =aE?‘«rF'55f• FREETIckelWinnerl Twin Fails; idaiio lOlnlahtciassicmovle.im : w*hiveltill.7aW583 _ ^ i‘^« a w E o u io f f le n t • 1973173 \VW camper. 4 speM, M ------EASI------^ -c»im)tii«)Ot«k»« W -r -ROLANDJACKY- aOI/-V.IIP yrtiif {Iclcal no latar jTwnt g traiiwr bv Coleman. 9 8 «10S4 than WednMd^rcScTffTT ileeps nc 67 stow, sink. ;w, — Bidding to the! txbest contract is 4 Q J 9 8 ClassicMovie Je ro m e. Idatio. th e Times-Newi olllce, tor ikanaw. ik Call 734-1606. _ 0*7k7 cm. 17A series. M l* 11400. 1 ozer. canopy. douWedrurn ^979I7B jOatsun sutk>n w a ^ VM ■•only hall of today'say's battle. There J 10 8 7732. 3 fAQJ96 . Pkk-up your ticket no later th o Wed. & Thuts.. {Qec. 9 & 1978 28 tt. Fireball trlr, new 5 “ ♦ A FREETIcketWlnnerl c u T ^ cond. $6000. Can ^ ood unit, aee at im « " still remains the maimatter of choosing t 5 2 than Wednesday. Dec. 9 In 101 ^i nloht classic movie. cond. .q 1 7 'awning, new tires. JfflbertyRd,orcall42»4882 H ______4Q872 siusH A F n; the Tlme»44ews ofllce, tor r ------Ihebest-planof-play £vmtudeJuM«reufy mpjors^ ful •owTnotorforfc-ll(tr600frlB.T ofTOf 733- m 4*tArmco. ------H lUy,------iJ"-'— BorllyncBlio — inrwedrrnrorsT(DecT»&- tboats & tlshlnonacWe. loi The fln t hurdlee irin play comes at SOUTH { 101 nlQhtclasste movie. S healer, elec tongue iK k, TV •«celient « condillon. Make 1979976 VW^ Daahef. f u * ^ l* c - ■ Tom 'a Marina 4 Sport Gds, he on 4 cy(. 4 ^JTO.pr ■ - triclc one.- n-Southuth-wlns the firs t- ...... ♦K62 n KASTIN08 gated aluminum. ^ antenna. Call 9 3 ^ 7 . _ ot(|.tfar. Can 543^934. tion - - . best(a a t offer. Call 07.6672-___ J H spade with his Id^gdflg, he can never VK4 • the •nmea^Newa o(Hce. torT PVC & underground. Call -W - raM iSDT- 1979S Road Ranger MW. Sel( * ♦ KJ109B - - th*W*d.&Thurs..(Oec.a&I Mathers, anytime. 42M647. contained. - tsftdem Mrt; IS13M>fck*UpTft)Cto • - 1977-^177- - I I . ■ recover. • 1987 Smoker Crilts. 3-14’, « ____.-♦K 5-3-..______------lOlnlahtctaaslcmovI*.—^ ------mR«AT10N NEEDS----- ' Abwjlutely------u r n n a ^ l - — — ■■"To'rematn'alive;Ive; dcclarcrwins------— MSTZTachfauO-Trallers- fj I97M6 Chevy a 979 Subaro. (wd, $1000. Call . 9 HORSES Horse F e e d s (orartlal trade. Can 7 3 4 < 5 8 ^ ■ - and returns a spadeade to South’s king. ^ ^ _ M usl.8ell.'.etBaaTrack^-I p] S S g j 2 4 2 » JV PRODUCERS UVESTOCK ; loaded, ir:. tournaioentTXr ^ — ^-South^aws-the-iajKlart-trumprparks p^ss— — 8-NT— :P«ss----- *-♦------Open dairy hel(er-sale, _ •fio hpMarcrtiSyon" - - - - ii!««m ^isiiars— AT, towing pkg., very good dummy’s third spaspade on bis heart p a,, S 4 All pass . .DecemberlOth.324-4345.- •• KM/FM CUS. stereo, 9-new ■ 8 ply Urea,Jres. . rear J e t r e s ^ exjj. ■ ----- ■■^ng-OTd ruffa hls s p ad*. S u c i—------Op aluminum fnain line. CallI Wholesale' Carpels or 734* 3'AmLW .onAddlson vsV5 ton '78 Cheyy PU w/ sun ,un root.- AM/FM ^Upe, ■ . play? 4470 eves. 734-1336______cacamper shell,, wry clean, x.K30,000 m iles. 1 owner, 2 seU 4Q872 head o( k«g hw" ••^'5 tirea-4-wheels.-skl rack,-- .. i^The bidding, WesVest's choice of iead .. r,cows. 200 w tilt e J a c ^ flrat1 - r -- ; cross-counlry Bhis. - ankleI : Camper shell (its-standard aSBood oofld. Call 352*4286..^ urM I -North- < wMi r« ii 73^614 afier 6. , ^ d the play'stron cal( heitera to calve j n ^ r - top shoes, womens sue .bed. $95. 324-4272 alter 5 Wi rongly siiggMt th a r JlfcEJrtPlm nls _____r •7W--8rpoterS*gBi3t9rfjey«- - — ' ■Wigt 'star ted-wiih-llh-foiMpadeMhd—f ^ ----- om. - i n 1UU VflMTDL liUOnrAM / ^ to 450 pnda. ^ m lx ^ } used.makeotter.733-8292._: f Insulated camper ahell tor 8’ InRS!SSi^-«61 _ fmFM < caaa.. AT. cenlral tort* five hearts. {Withth 03e9 ^ [ng tyq »lnK« ~ ~ " '2_ ,'ffM [r, ii^!i?i[?i'ii,H - i - .SM:M7a^368-2555------J9 8VS' Security - overshot wl lU S Honda- iiirtinr 8 HXT ------T~Slnce^e-^d»jda-strcngly-favor— Box 5 head o( Jeraey*. 12 head driven 55‘mph.'one own«r,------; le club queen. South brtdw qwjuow to Tbt Aeti. P.O. Box ^ GrarHwrater teed w a g ^ Portable -water purttiei*.’ *camoer.$725.32«644 . - rEast-to have the c DtUu. T n u nus. vith Ml(-»• Rossignol SM 175 skis w/' ■ FREETicketWinner! S — t3OM.eaUa34-8300. — _ bucket.— -Thrae------p^lnLIt- Satomon-«4fr-Wm)ingr^ome- - ' For sale: 4.3 attll call aheda. u jf.«kl clothes. Call T&-7623 • -“^ A S P E R H U N T -^ OQM^&Supplies la. Massey-Ferguson circular 7 7 MOB, M.IIOO ml.. !tw ___ < > 3 S iacfe 096-Farm Seed- ___ .. . 837.6878 mower.Call^TW L TwlnJiallsJdaliB— jiga2 Chev Crew-Cab dually, 77 i3pa35C358mL3agE a*r Pop training-Wim' ouailuaran- Baa boards wanted, wiii nv Massey _Ferfluaon.--Zft^ wheels M^tpJoTgeTfi i m : come lo you. Hay odsrfflon: nl' 4VVp,_dlesel tractor, M» El”e 7 ^ ^ S l f '! f e | y*. . Than^neadayrOec-J-ln- » ^ hours, exc. condr32<.3532. . •Tt Toyott. a n m i m Irt bike Call 326-8381.______------485-52B0 collect.------. andcompresaor2 J i22il^ - 1 boys io^peed bicycle..I. the Times-News olllce. tor £ cond. runs exc.. SIwO, S12- ; MF 44 sw ather good eng. & new gears & tltss. exccl.I. the Wed. 4 Thurs.. (Dec. 9 4 1 aMa.y.7M-W»eve.L»l 30 Inch wheels S79. Both B For sale: 4 purebred Eng lOlnlQhlclssalc movie. c ■Kcal. cond. Call 733-0461 condll. $1000.2 wide harrow cpnditlon.$M.T34«43 097-Hay.6fi!n&Feed - 1M-HW8e8 ■ GREAT,FOR CHRISTMAS . 1983-86 1 Ford pickup wind* W omen’s 23" 10 s r & ALL TYPES OF HOHSbSgs. - 1985'Ciachmart'^*'. bunk 1ahlelds InsUlled, $150. We 1414»-4Xrti/iTV« . », new f r e e Doberman pair,f. ^M /f, Altalla, exc quality. 2nd"& PUegoet nclng bike, r . model, sleeps 6. exftellent ecome to you-Llmlt^m^ — <200.0IIS3M767«»ef5::>f5J0. 7 Via old.-well-mannoimeted,- arfem.l5Qton.73<-6262.' bouflht and sold. We buy“» USED EQUIPMENT - . r « r killer horses. 7 » W g - _ tiS-GunsSRUM «h«pa. $7500. CslI 625-5610. , W1ndowW»lder.733-1099 ClassicMovie, ' ; Exc.ouarddoos.734452_^ ALFALFA: 45-T lst-19.5% on IKC-M: Qa»-wfagle trt. - i97>Cobra mini motorhome, 1 1984 S-10PU.5 8p;,-PS,PB. FREETIcketWlnnerl ] - rained, proL; 70 T 3rd*2l.8% prol.m l. APP«100SA HORSES .ran Free Kittens, boxed lral> ""CiassCTovle. . 21 (I.. 72.000 miles, $4500. 1 AC, cruise control, t r a ^ O^Flfawood ____ 1 male Tiger. 1 lemlemale, te/T.82»6885evea SALE. AH' aa«8, quality'L‘r JHC574utiiliyonly2e00hra -HARVEY UNO: . . / ....mEEIickel.W innerJ_. Call 733-7072. - - . I ■-“ boxBd’WmJnogr-ioo-pie.places .m ostiy-2 ogf tiekemotate?------r - — moo^cut a»i» ifipw r ._r r : !!— ^ony-733-45U------^ jP44dualB iiaa C T iP T p B C T P ^ ^ jiy ^ pre eortl.l50.73^26M . s . Q er; r.i>rw>«/LarKlQ;LakesFe*d FORD4000w/Ioa3er ______..QreBi-Chtl#tmas.gnt8.j — oantlBrOOO:eallS43>5371r-~ ■8TBQEH'Bflarcat-nrwf3-pt■pt PIck-up' yo'u( ticket no'iater d*v*;64»«05a(fr6.----.r thith* Time*.N?irt o ^ ’io; - iatl330 man Shephard pups^n 'f ' 1977 23Vi'Beaver, like new; \ theWed.'4Thufs.,(0ec.9.4 Buy e cord in rounds at i ••'’ •‘’y Classic Movio <(ot and dulls man. Wednesday. Dec. 9 ,i1 In -cmise. air. Dodge 440 eng., '■53 Chev pickup, 5 window, the o M cord at S60. Call■*\\ 423- to go Dec Sth. Call 733- .1 Belgium m ares & colls. No lOlnlQhtcluslcmovle. .■ ______eves and weekends. FREETicketWinner!ri reo. Call 543-8374 av ea _ ' JO 2010 W/R.G and canopyI the Times-News olllce, 'tor 1 owner, 38,600 ml., roll M r, |ty.lomHi5.cllll7MiOa. !51 4M2or324-336B. DUAL325HW)llloader------the Wed, 4 Thuts.. (Dec. 9 4 IC T Toyota ;all 543- Great Christmas gl(t, '* hlteh.-new-agare... sw ^ j Rrewood (or sale, call iT F^ ” ROBIN SPRING' K f-4£0M«WUUoadei------.chairs. mTwave. $13,w or cam , oer. New paint, auto, ^ ;;5 ^ -oS-SlSSsMorsSg ------R ierrW ahtj------broke olr kids. $115i]S. OUAL320 Loader Colleclor'TllemrSrriiTn andnd ottflf. 878-3949______| naod tires. $1200.543^911 hui _____F ree-cat. a c n p . lumbe SlTcUklnlPlnto ng. IHC46021-dlsk . W esson model 53. 22 jeti*‘ 1981 Southwlnd,-'33'; rear •83 GMC PU. PB. PS, AC, — down, elm w e s to be cut Great Chrlsimas presei (5r J022511'o(tietdisk pistol. 8 3f8'' barrelL inter* 1078'Chevy-ahortbedrata^-^—— 4 | ol give CFA reg..P ersian kitl “ I" broks 10 M«. 0»"»1 '» tull-slied bed,- d b i' AC; vary , claa:»750.3 2 4 ^ 1 jJ up & hauled. Ut* ot i « rjii the Times^^ews ottlce. foi lMl«..13».C»llW -5in. OLIVER 18'disk ^ c a p a b l e cylinder.^22^longin 0Bn9rajo^m iw 253-7th .- -EQUIPMENT,CO 'acopes. Wholesale 4- 10%. -i985 0otphlnrroo(alrrsvrhrei- Tbylhe Eastorcall733^54. _ -- LYNELMEYERS- Kimberly RdE.Twin Falls:b Call alter noon. 734-0481. - chairs, cruise. AT. very FREETicketWinner! 1980^ 4*4 Subani waoon. S13. . PET FOODS & BIRD S Twin Faiis, Idaho ' W 1545 For"Sale' 600 B PW. ahot>ot nice. Call 733-5795. - rabullMnglne, goodjW ROSSTAYLOR car, ^ eictfaa. $2800.324-3437. . . IS Feed' Exc. 3nl cutting .iJlaliaj a > In Roflflf-Newtpn 684 ahell 'rek>ader,-i2 gauoe, ,: ____ Burleyrldaho-— § — ------W n t t4rglon7324<110r- - " i ^ C h > v y Luv.-Mikato. H ^ I f RflxOolav.. 1.7334443 homem s 20 gauge .3" B ^ lu m madedo a M | . Plck-up your llcksf no later ^ TREE REMOVAL Ctialn than. W ednesday, Dec.-9 In - SPiJIS Oood.quUlty M l«l l»yj•r l jllc ‘shoiQun.SjOQ.'TSMSSS------r 1984 Chevy Silverado, 4 xT, ' worjian^kIrj2^W haraer straw, iruckload '®«. loti tot nrghielaaalc movie. _ ' WE REBUILD Hydraulic - E 3 Automotive - .th*>Tlmes-News-0ttlce.j0r. S i dellverid.-Alsohave-truck: :jacks arA B B O H 'S AUTOTO H &-R'slngte^shot-10 Gu,3u.' ------asking H75. VarWcer £ 2 Horse Boarding. Nlghliy SUPPLY. 305 ' Shoshone)ne shot gun. Like-new. $90.90. - - . large airline transport)rt ken- available toe your h aS u ^ weekly, mo. rate s. Indoor 1 needs. Coopers^ <^stor •4^ StreelSoulh.Twln. ■ ___ _ CaJi7M-7554______■ 1967 Ford F2S0 su p e rc A .4 ------nal. i60. call 7 3 4 ^ t5 0 ^ ; o , outdoor arena. .734-543 T z 132-Auto, Parts i . Clean. !54 ZVi.m Fort, JJ . ClassicMovie Farming. Call 67W017' o ovBi.7aa-iB23ext.3S.dayatt 12' iBearcal roller harrow.3W. RemTngTon model 1100-12 good V8 eng., has 5 spd w/; «WHO, XLT Larlet pkg. load­ - ,1 ■ Purebreed '. Schnau; a a . l m o l i l l 0 unlll. Call 386-2971 eves. ______gauge. 3” magnum, 30" fulllull Accessories ed with every option aval. - FREE Ticket Winnennsn ,n.(tv (or Christmas ■7^ HORSES Horse F eeds to . elec. 2 spd. Good paint,' Including chrome whe^, , I0P.'366- Hay and straw lor sale. Ca averyneed.ChocJcourllna.10 13 Vi It. Omaha stock rackk 8& choke vent rib barrel!. Like, - Sodv4>lrM.-$850.54^ •■HELEN LOHMA all now. $250. 9344488 days ■ aide running boart,------«AN- at- (work). 934-4P8 eves. !!! FREETIcketWlnnerl 1 Harsh hoist on Ford truck^ equalizer:„ hlloh, and brake . ^-■Jwl(iF|!!.s,Jdatio I T a W Kay •of'eale, M4 l o n ^ wilh beet 4 grain bed, $1000. tachmenls.Call82S-5593 ___ _ Ruger fled La^ l . over and '• control. 7,500 actual miles. ■ Pi«k-«p your lldwTno' llnlature- ton^QOodoualllv. 3264BW — Uouldallon-eale^r*giat*^ !"j ._. ja c k to lso m ._- r.1li9n.-w- e ro ises.-aii a q w r-io wrest ei -condlllon.Call423-403e.~- Pa®®. White Pomeranian -p-u-ppVT p'l Hay: 25Tons 18 tr« 0 /lo n .1 __ Carpets or 7344470 eves. __ .• than W ednesday.-Dec. 9.1nh 1968 Kenworth- conven-I- 1967GMC\»ton4x4.l7,p0p'k »0)nlahUlaa«lcmoviB.: lon#'2nd'*45Mon.-30-ton-tons pficB8ever.32*^' ■ : —V ' ~ *200, with papers. • •Sid C lassicM ovie 10 boxes 10 gauge shotgunlun the Times-Novrs olllce. toru tional, 335.13 spd + 4 spd.I. wu lual How tf o p - tr e s n ^ C.IIS3W32. ______■ arri.t60/lon.324-3091. Movino m ust selll 8 year ol ox. -tneWed.4Thufs.;(Dec.-04,& walking beam, good cond. fu JU- FR EETicketW inner!I shells, *2's-4 eS . $13 box. y asl^ng^H M O ? Call alter 8 T ii.w per Poodles,I. t -ffflnRESPREADifiSING Reg Appy maro, tjred In Ji some cooper. Call after 5. 101 nloht classic movie. J9900. 45 tl. Trallmobile hay «i no— ly.-«l»o-approx-^jona-< - • -I ...II •|or'Cnrl8tmas,~have‘'[frlS ■ 'Leo'sCuslom-Farmlng- •b? — EMIWAQELS------734.1964.-^^------r ------Z : ■ -PARTSWHOLESALE—- trailer;—4—(t.-—extenslonrIr 7:734^--- :------...... ahots. roasonable P«ce»-. p> • 3284703or,326-<964i allalla, ■ take S1W /0BC )ar- 4 cyl. valve job, $29.50; $ 2 ^. ' Meriitl aluminum" 7 '75^ Ford % ton 4 X 4, rebuilt ^ 73aJ0Q7evos&weekends^s. Buhl,Idaho .44 S 4 W revolver. 8 H " bar- OW^ets&Suppiies88 324-22^. w l. - V-8 $49.50 pr. bangboard. $ ^ . (21.20 It. . Straw tor sale >lfbale.-Ci 7 yr- -Pick--up.your.tlcKet.no.latei — Mfl.-ED'a-for-aal*. « 9 - 7 ! i2;|- — r # i a u t o PARTS..; -.;.- cBenn^i,- 7324i8800 ------old-sorrel gelding,-sp^elied- lhan Wednesdayr Oeo. 9K Ir S S S S i R * - 834-8120 evenlnqa----- 7 AKC AwesomoTwfiHe- (or tor best aulp. 54^6089. Jerom e. 32«<721. 7 ’76 C hew 4X4T4T A/.fr.W r------Hlghland Tenlor malo a ,- andaxcorogpect. 487*2530.30. the Times-Nows ottice. (01 io 1971 KW Conv., 6V92 Ootrolt. p Pneumonia and scours' ai 7 ^ thoWed.4Thurs,.1 L a b ’x! tst, 2nd -and 3fd cuttli UOO. A U TYPES OF throshlng a 1972 International 1600 Load : ns' Call ■flUailty'tiiyrwiit'seit-sm US’ For sale: 1 i960 JD 440 Ll- wheels wllh center caps, •...... -^ tree to good home. plowing, deep till dlsclt>g'"O- oultlre. Call Jell 678-3654. ?: Star fuel truck, 1500 gal cap." KJ i f f s a - : ?®j ?B Smou!;t8.All543-5175.-______J150. Will lit Chevy, Toyota MOOC. Call 423-5032. ■ J AKC m ile fflln^scnMamuier. 53M538 or53M618, . ““ allothergroundwork. takl or Oatsun 4x4, Call Shawn at - varynlce.$4550.733-1515- >ld tor 5,gg, Ruig Diej, ask«(or lo Deo " lUO ton of straw planting, swsthing, balingInn. For salo: 1 1960 Kawasaki ■ n o o .. Will Mid led.- 733-2925.______' 1977 Ford F ^ ?Jlon.-3817|, ; '62 Chev Blazer Silverado, Christmas. 438-6822 ■ - CallB23-4833. ____ _ Ilft-HofseEilulpinenl chopping, loader work, rod 440 Invader, liquid cooled. ______or Bruce. Inn excelleni condition. Pricee lIs s 2 used captains chairs a n d i v-8. wM8 It. box, and liltj'J ,y.l.h.rDlCllli4-aM , . ^ iso ton IstM M lo n 2rid; c ing, -manure hauling AKC ) Pomeranian p u p p y . ------rl?hl. call 678.5088, . ____50ta. Call 324-3532. Qate. 5-2 trans, propane [ or sa le -1 «tlaV 5.886-2008 or 82M6M travel. Call 543-6868. - powered. Asking $ 4 ^ w/ , uny white male, 6 weeks v Poodles tor j aiivrT.w .i.n"., C - Now 1986 Arctic Cat Panieralora ...... ' . ~ r 7 olrf.Call324-g022. _ old. ex- 1988 3rd crop hay. $35 tc Classic Movie ■ box & lilt gate; Wiii-seliaep:p: i48-*ntkiiie*utoa ------rxale< * nionlhs old 1. B?ft.. j sS stuiiiiTs ^ n s S S S S l E1 ^ ' the Times-News ofllce, (a __I nnn^ Aaklno $4250. Inquire 4>ln»eher; 10 mos. old. male, —I I S J Tn3rt:60ol1atH23-63ai.-»'------we-flU¥-*-eeH-u»*<»-«■*•<*“ the^«edr*-Thur»:rS731. ~ -laS^les&Supplles-- •“ '■ttOOl.TCanrMlweM:^jfl-Tpm-' ...... 23.tonlsL.32_T 2nd,, .15 15T. dies & .uck.-Shop^arpvo u n d -10) ntoht ciasslemovle:------er oat with u s lu t, b ecau se ' I j r 1-1977 John Deere Uqulllre ;10£m ,M 6^ M ; ______092-AuctloM...... 3rd, 116T new (atter ' $3M ClassicMovie • — -jWC-rtfai«»rg?^ hay>,-3fd 4-naw tesleO-Wi ~ ~14#auto»-AMC .. -j i S l C o f ' AUCTION HOUSE close) 550/ton, 1 4 VS L MANURE8PREA0INQ ^ ■ “ FRlE'TlcMWIniT^~~ 141-Vm~ ' ' -M lwe- w a a f n t s t o w 733-70W._ Wfifl **“*• condi^n..$400^i - tMdrfot-ChrHlmae. Call 8en«»ldetnan 423.4261 |400.;.otf,_fiew_«:_hoi =L_D0K3ARLQG1_ - Glaasio-Movie—— -:r=T6i|iSjW infl£Li. EbssEisr MWurp;haul^^nMndj)l^ J. Ton trailer stsnfload, wj*i f t " ilnfl-- i98arSkldoo-E»erest-500 — Twfn-Fallsridaho—~ i ' FHEE lickel WlnnTfl^P H^utonjiilC - d - - .a Manx Wtl*n*..a''' _ _ Nice $750. Call 734-571- » « 1 7 tack room, $ 3 W . N n ^HING H 2 l ! l pick-up your tickot no later'?„q MARGARET ARAGON4 'a? p .* *ven»e,.J^arjJJ*J- ' iiraalivor, -Flne't^.ConsHjnmwt- POST>Kimberiy,4234oa *•----- 1BB1.:Tfalltlre:-340ruS6d-1m :?.; thari'W edffasday.-Dec.'g In ' ed I.nmaculste,-|14,750,or ______Call4a7-2513. ■ r tlon. Every > urt, S60per — i _ winters, excellent condl)ndl- the Times-News olllce, (orlor ' Biirley, Idaho . h«tit.Call438^etfBS. 3 _ _ Jlon'._$900^w|voi,.rK!S.'0Lj?,f ifte.Wed..8Lltiu[a.JDecj4 a*-TT7-, JOier—ChBckJtL-W^ ------— _MANURE8PREADlMa_ UL Plck-up.yourJlcK«t .aojatw Black Lib male, 2^ryf8oltf,5 s Thur.32W«1.anytffin ANDHAUUNG PU. told-up ramp, $150. C^rCu 10)nlghtclasBlemovle. . than Wednesday, Dec. 9 In — ___SWINE From— S laiter-0 5 .,.. .43M6e7or^11M -_- _ _ 733-2581 alter 5:30. to", iS6-*»to>-Cti«vrolet. ___ ~ TUlKfiniiBForflent— i963-Hond*-280(^T«j^«- t____ • nnlsher Feeds, plus easjisy lo - - ...... 1983 Yamahf 340 long.lrack su e d carb. very tasl. $800"or 01 the Wod. 4 Thura.. (Dec'.'sV m m very-low miles,.. Include.i beal-ollef.-1977-Suiukl 75C750 101 nlQhtclassIc movle.- Sle ClassicMovieJie T Want » rent approxima snow machine trailer am its, 1973 Chevy Svburt>an, 4544n mtsaisHHllniUl—_ . N s & w»king,- queen - ' eeats 1981 CltaUonr good-coirtl* — ' ’FREETICkelWlnr(innerl FREETlciiotWinn — t J RecreationalI aled.$1600.Call432.6eiB.!:— highway pegs., • drivlnjIng anolne.Call733-3981 f f : . r a s g - —— 74 John Deere 4 '72 '7 lights, (airing and truhk 1981 Dodge van, 86,000 «FE..-r-JOHN:BREHI . U a - alsorhM=new,taltory inO- ^iijj-_.'4-.ip— ------best offer. Call7»4781::— : K^ntQhtclasslomovleovle. iO)nlghlclusiem ovle ; . . ' . i

flFaJl^ldaho TuMdty.j^) » e m b T > .m 7

g - A t f t o w or l U v e - A ^q m o i i p e sss^$M

— - — — — r r r +■ + — — — — — n u * m o t t t n O ) ^ — — B j m K « i »-~ - -i»-*iiifi>-aH«>-~ - IIilt-Airtw-Dodfle_____ ^ .^1? {flUimUgH - :-r?if="-" CliSllCMOVIS I ' ■ v ^ — ------^EtllcltrtW lnn^— ”*1^32tr “Sk — BOBBORDEIfcp c -i. v T u *1 VT I - QobdinB,kl«hO-. t “ '“ ■ T ^ ' •* ’ V a ■' PiA ljif m jr jlcW l» lll« ,:L '^!!yii!??l^"uiiV On T1(I»*««» orj», to . -. ~~^y*/,Uj ;iHi Im J ^ ‘ SMWi M. I Tnun., (»«.•» H M raiM i.....:...... “TOnHOtttcliMlCjiwggt^^- m M n M a t i m . *£.11 ...... 19TlClwvNO».flCJfl..AT,4 leJ-AutM-Fords II N IM Ciirlirricm •«>... door. clMn. twM ndUl — n ^ ^ t e p «rti.taQ0.CH3a*«»5. ^ 8J M m j n n > < » ...... “j a ^ y 1972 Ch»vy N0*t.-» cyl. 2 D nS m 42M870, nloht* niicitam 4H «7...... : •7 8 ^ P l P i K « W » — ____ , 1M7^ S !n

Ayj.'o‘! ! ^ ^ ‘5r iun«^ i' M4074afttrapm.:: g UHrtfWWm™^ 'oww W a s : AirCondtolr 197BT Bird, new Mim. D iitiiaaSis!i™ .- . :_.l ■■ .: ...... ^ l^ ld WMl 8nov9ol|*r ^ "7”' 1B- to»^Dwii>t . . . : ’ -OT • ------•• r - r - 't * - .- - ■, -;jj ,Bar,'Pusli.Bar,Ti[tvyhMlMl, Otulso Control, 5 SpeedS i M ^ lw l^niiiST iiZ Z •VJ •SiiSSsS;'. I9 ««.;v r;j B W Firi F19I itui..,.,••■"■"• ~^16$~MercurylUncoln— 1 _ JtrOinitM M iukiLiuo.. '-For Stie: 1971 Uncoln cojv M M W ttlM w Tr.:;:; -.tinentti, 4 door, oood condl- ‘■-■tit . '' ; •.•. tfctfon, MOO O f. b e # t: oHer. H H '/-''i I SW FlrtlW Movie~ ■ I^F iri^ygi...... ■•: NOW...... ,...... ;$11.332 FREETlcketWinner! • — ' .- •■PniS-f- —- r = ? =e£feTFR9baf0,7.i i::r:HERSHECDECKARD~ 'ISffFH ^nTTiTT:: C O V :."'t.5 -P ■ Hailey, Idaho ~ • - ^ - ^ ^ 9 7 7 ustom-wr\eets,« I;',- ^ S S D - C I I pPlck-up your ticket no Wer ■ V-8. Automatic TraftOTsmiraton; tauelTMijaVC.ust PRICE $-^0^532 _jfiin.WedneBday..Oec..fl i(L- 1 J VQUR PI the Tlmes-News olllce. (or - -A“Re^-Buy.“— - - the Wed. & Thurs.. (Dec. 9 & — i 4x4.GL .WAGiGON#7.250. m^nlohtelaaslc movie.____ 1»PoltiacSiiM i39»„„..S S I " ^■H),901 -11977••Bonneville. Loaded. . . . . J ^ ^ » i 2 B A 0 y • t 1000:c a n 3244465 a lte r s ..: in s BilcliEstiteWifH 1X07. I W? Pontif f ' i ” *™ aimion. iw sssiaiffliB ^ '■ ^ IWDlDtWAj *"^9 ^5 9 4 "" Iwaoon; from wheel dr.. e w . cond.. oood lires. Call 487-- • Save $2306 ' 3226 Of 487-2754. IsnHenatjIloiiardiBi..... FWDGLWAMGON #7-275 ^ - — eSM Ste ; unFsiini)i«7<...... = " ^ - Sa«'.$24M :■ ■ $10,717 M F i l r i i n i ...... i | 8 0 riii:irfflrrlin»i.... H - GtrWAGONN ,#7-296 7 ^ i ITJ-AlllM-PipMllll : i $10,990 l■:- ’ MikM t .-g™i cm wnui “ ^ : ^e$2345. M OengleUliinm’^,^ jant^lglrerR esalelrValu^-=— —100,000 mi,;Win«niy: »,o«:, t rtJTraiBltlW -tariJiorr^S S 3 | i 9 9 ^ ifern ifc'- .subai : txaK.K«>aii,

iw ^ n io o o .1977 BUICK CEIilM iW i J9»Piiitiae;S«*M n.a... C U T '2 0 0 aSilM arz^M j

KM ^O O A Y ' $ A ■OHLY------^ i M i S i i e i i S l F e n l i ^ I39!« iWTojelaiCelleafilm... 1979FAH1iM Iii IMlUl jW J^-626i3»gri^ t .r - BHIIi'ii_ 1^9 SLASHED, g3?% ^ “ Cff f W ^ r r g - ' s M S m i:«xp*rtaiiw.v',i tO D A Y 'r I ilijf t: TODAY wFo^^W ainn^ g t | a ¥ - » : r ™ OHIY ------I M m I % >ar IMFomTansiOoflri™ ^SHRUB. Mmrni^. . J g lip^ng^^m ovai. Fmsr.*.& 19UFenl1ii!^Ca».i3« a - -197&ByiCI(LI(MED 1981CH1HEVYWRICrJ] Mli:74!>u - J 1983Dailll»EIMom.:l J = P p s a i m K a TODAY U liQ.. Tolffi^ “‘■‘F r $ Q »ftnl;laiinsW :f.,.f a OMLYJ_____^ gt W H | : o p sm i i m iilM in i i t l liiqilV B S : ISW FHCfiifKletiriaw Ino iR «na l i i n i f t l , ■ ^-tfnoQu:.ta I- -1977WT0iH i M W Joi«r.aflWi ::; i ^ 5 i . .•: dtwbfk..& lL ? ;:feur^ IW liiwlii-TwitoW ^

f TODAYvlfl I" bHLYzr^ltlM S f e i

f f i S S r S ^ ^ ^ D4TP j■

■ ...... h o n V ver33^atsj]i6£as!s s r sresfcB acerrrSH -rh9-w oricrrag]^c I iFE?*j^TWIn=F»ll?=^

....» i , ; ,•.... ______..:.. '\ ' • ■ - - \ StSSSS Obttu«te*/hospttal»I f C ? I - ' -II Dear Abby C3___ m u 4 ^ E i e y 1 Bmlneis CIO i m u m1 1 2 0 -- d a y sieiiiennc& A uM snte;o f f i S r-*Xnr tir *Tp»rt-ymtto-ft»ia » n A ta ll------___ io.}( U S ^ I sectteB au tflf fi g d o b o t -ByKENHSiBfROird ■ —nogwhich WewilH C reason outwitllned~tb<~iMtiopal coodl^tions, Incl^ mawhiity; ydu 'yf d ijpe town's water tower. 1 plan to do about your ak oobolprcUeni.’' ^ l I ^ H Tinut’NtwtwriUr charged In Ingtherequlnjlrements that Kidder enlistist In an alcohol- wfaatyonp Ufldeiitad a t tha tin * : Tljree other peop w m alK orlilMUy cl irogram and th at ba p«y restil•titutiont^thoee Hddertr tM tifitti th a t be was i o t ^ r. convicted treatm rttproi B U ng. and Creason told thetbeeomttliatKldte'-r < RUPERT-AfUrclucharacterizing Beott Klddei'et'einvoU ojnnectionwlthtb*Um Inditait. U iry Ungley. who were charged a daductibitibletoeinaem- ofihelwml ms charge of bombing of a buildingbi or individuals wh a drin U n f problem since bebewKl4orlC;Mr> « VfBMOt in th« Rupertirt waUi'1 tower bombing asI "on"i the of the more serious ace reflmds tor damags caused a by the hasbada< rt essra' works, was sentenoiDCwl last week to a Jail temrmbetween ing insurance tor alaohasia lengthy racordordc(alcok>I-nUtad . ^ p b « y . - Piflh DUtidistrict Judge WlUiam H art explosion^ oId.Ridd« tUiljrucvptvd • pUM t agreement-MondayI under•r-which- slxandUyears. . rpted tha agreement, with onsone exception. H e. .crimes.:... . . Inisraintftheaen•mtenM , H art accepted thesdiaracter- c r t ■ attofn^"Alan O oaMBan, -fflaa-M tlrtta------Kidder will Mnre a t lealeast a 1 2 0 ^ sentence, omey Char- ordered KiddeIder to serve the lirft 120 dayilaysatthe.oorrec* Ifldder'i mllrntmbtnoftha. itenced Kidder to a prison termbe>t« iutionofMlnidc^)ka County Prosecuting Attor th in setting that. _coort tb n . ; H irt fbniully MnU: rtb a t Kidder>ras along tor.rr.theride.^ tional Csdllty.ty in Cottonwoods rather tha th w eyean, but it was condltlone, and terminate - — In the alleged rape..;e..i-...'—, ...... --OnDec.' _ i.Lindermaabaa.beI been terminate Lindeiderman-voliintarily resigned^sd; from law enforeemecnentduUes. 'QiiallssJ said, but he would have been He waa not ajt«BUtested, but has terminanated if he had not resigned, ntocourtforaaini-_:— .•.af See RAPE onPageCa _ feesutcdfo o k rat- .V tance alibuse s u b ^ uty'- ByEATMARCANKf^TONIO offerinsing a' varje^ of community atjoh'-'prpgr^8--about ,sub; __ Tpim:New8writ«rtr ...... -educate . stancewabuse. i • • '.'''.■"a ■''' \ ~"TWIN Fy.L3 —- A policy taking At; tlthe school level, the policy B^^ n~lowa-~ fftr ■establishment -t»f-CARE - ^ 'agreement that willwill make .wi^r for a . .teams,is ,3tiilcb wiumciude.teachen; Betra^WinQfllOvnwyTTOV-Trill-be— studenents; ------'.-parenta— “-—and coneldered today' by the Twin Falls adminiiniatrators. The, teams will, ny other activities, refer stu- Bftwroardo£Tru«tees------among. a Klmberiy Boad in i*win -^nepairTtkntiifW ari^inoVW'bjrartiieTOito^— i------9 I meet a t 7 p.m. at dents« t to appropriate egendes andd iti^ Impersonatingg (Charies Atlas, Steve Mort■tap* a Lytle Signs Inc. on E The board will m in a t ^ a l l s Monday. Brongimght by truck from Utah thflLyaeloi the diatrict adxainifi[niatration building self irintervene in the student’* frhande^lifra Urge-slgn ^MbdnAvenue. - _____progreiTess. x.The -board—tadtacklea—subatance .... le district has alwady takenI'ac-,'. ae ,■ ...... ______"" J - — • _ ' abuse in T ^ licy• thWaddreaaesthi the tion on ^bstahce abuse with the forr—for V '—^ W -y — nf Prr^jprt Impart’fl Advj.dvi* f 1 ^ J ^ LC i rn n jid itz i :!_Coundl Jo tto^school boardardTT^^r 1 v t A m' ------Utfdertbo'propo#posalretudents who - ial to tchool Btaff The group gi of yolunt*era“-waj#“orgar g a : ^ ------“bonSat (^^rcent Inleresf voluntarily reveal d to deal with substance abus<•use ByBARTJANSEN- Wagner said the chanikamber hadn't fin a lis t It^ 1 -their drug uae ortur tum druga over to ‘ agreement with Trusa ‘Joiat, prindpala within"' City Manager Tom Courkiurtney said the d ty is - )08al shaU have d i srict ^ c< wide. . Timea-NewB writer >nds instantly, onn-^e- . ____gtaff for diapost lifl-fall-five high school studentJmts------L.____ .. -Trus. Joi8t_are _.out;to vt f town or otherwise prepared , tb sell the bondi ------confidentiality — Potholes -remain along thethe unavailable^ and toe cbaiihamber is unwUlmg to buy- < two junior, high School studenbiiilBT — TWINTFALLS : P WSD,OC^ because of lntei>: ; ^ It is not the intententionofthepoUcy B apprehended for alleged dru(Irurf path toward bringingng Trtis Joist Co. to Twinrin the building without signl^lnganagre^ent ...... jaimplvholdingontotheSSgl intewhoaredeliber- .to “protect atudenta rities.— _ ■ “It's just'a matter off whenw you nave ihis many jestiteanu. ->' thTTawTy-eeiiinr-:?.^;; L -" Fdls.^ ' migh.to get.thfim.all.gDlng_ a te ^ breaking_th< be-board-wlll alia review"to ai - - TheGreaterTwi^F aisA fea Chamber Df Com= — T he chamber had proposeposed-eompletingtHe-Bale;. ------— i n d " pushing’’dr'd w ’gs on school •ement" setting the terms U i buying a building to house •..Wagner said. _ ,.to<^-becauBe i the buildiiild ^s owner. Western; protect the rtudent ‘ .. inerce has postponed k whose ooga have slowed, en- ’ i ng'severe'finandal'prob-i - - - grounds, but to pn e property'to the dty of Twii^ the Boise ,window-iiv-manufacturer's proposedBed ■ T h e p ro p o se d d e a L w h ( Union Corp., is suffering i old vleioned the chamber givinggiv the building to Trus j inkruptcy. '' - who is actively ,ii a fo ra new swimming pool..,r_,-• . plant The.chamber hadhi planned.^ buy the old lem a and may declare bank] " ' kind of counseling he d ^ wants to lease distric d^.and give if to Trus JoistSt. Joiut, w ith the dty financandng thedeal under provi- fpper.Saddle R iveri'N J.,: '. ' g toward , becoming Kellwood building todfi •' - • - Wea'tM^’Unlon'.'of .Uppe who is working t jerty. locfM between Locus jjjj. BloM ofanewst^tolaw. scheduled a shareholdersjrs meetlng: Dec. 'iO and...... i ftwofAemicaldeidependency,--state.. ..PgPj -.But Chamber Preaidlideht Lee W a ^ er said Mon- M -for $&50.000 In Indus* ! ■ Madrdija - Stre'eti liear Saw I in reaching .an agreementent the Camber appli^- I th e Twin Falls chamberr hopedhe to buy the build-. t t e proposal. '' day that' diSicultiea i from the d ty and the dty , toothh IElementary School. g }_ witKTrusJoistconcen•ming the buildinghave peat-58t. trial Revenue Bonds fro ’ ing before then.' ------^-Studentfrcaughtjhtwith-drug^_al:_. No0 i money, will .change' hands ii . J ia s . a p p ro v e d . is s u in gf it!Jhe bonds: The chamber • ^gj-.-ponedlhe purchase. • However, thelnitlalpuK)u ^ a s e _ d e a ^ n a w u ^ « “ZrrjsHolic'beverages:res-onrschool-prop— prbpcsed agreement; which.we g^rrwiiHhcn-sell-the.bpndetds to the dtyi-UM that reve*. bject ,to disciplinary drafte dent “We’re not prepareads- uneilhlIresfifmifofWQisteplamt redeesign ^ 3ted~Iow~Brdnor^er to hir e an ' ChiTstinnsMi rftserved the rig -^mts-Newswrt writer...... — r "" ' viceices of Shane w d weVe le ^ e d : Engineer GaiyToung^recoecommended-bujrtng ----- seaich-Warrattt-iUedJltthB______L other'dty attorney

— r ——1—7-t- ) ...... ■y ^ v - ' - • - ' ...... • : V : ‘^ji-1^-1'-' ■------

|^^^m i^ew s,Jw lnFin Fall!. Idaho Tuesday, Dec^ember8,1«7 . i ' . ' •#involIvediniveh ielc3 attacki[sarraigg n c d l up truck sault after alleg^ >fly— By BONNIE BAIRD JONiNES __ cers attemptpted' M stop The $212,000 to the Prina pidnip n ^ 'th e public defender drdriven by Rouse, police rereported; run over DeputytyBhartffBufRSdS 8 - Time$-New» wriltr^ couit appoint u Ha U -ilM c h a ^ : : It Rouse. He entered a CiC i^ officer Oaiy White, wlwho was Jerome County. H B ^ & U i e i rminflway- i OfflcliJalswalton ' to represent jider-ea-^withbattary^Jatli iceht to'the rrtk la ird rtr^~opar*tlag o p 'th B * poUcr-vehw I hospital's OK TWIN FALLS - Twov~men were pleaol'inhocei ing an officer aaand driving while ' rtagiri. Utahl arraigned Monday on sepiiparatechar- ing charge bubutdid.notplead to the ucapedinluiy. — ArHeybum^jnan-waSrai T=^SrciroM-(ftxwB— BOISE-IE“(AP)^Ada-Ootmty-^- ~-g es-involvtng- alleg^-^—vehicla~at> _othetcbarses, gedte at* He pleaded not fuUcy and bon<( — tacHonawFpoUwoIHceicers. IVacy MarUrcel Parsons, 19, of raraigned Monday after allege ^^ipatomt^dalinOT^ ■ ♦■Tnpfing to run his ear into9 ta police was set at 12,0000 —Rjrle-Blroy-Itoueer-18il8r-of-Buhlr*>BuhlH>barget officer. Riddo L, Shelley,, 424 , ap- aM aninhA rgerv ~6f------^ r p ^ f —TwlarinnL-to.return fa Willian Mur- was granted a prelizninailary bearing the -sam e, vtvehlde, was also ar* ofl Id requested a preliml- ■ pepeaied in magistrate eoi5ourt in tery and DOT.djai E » - ,. wHemingwajr, a pra^resj agent eaid ray Stoveivertoldahosohe'canfbce—- --M on^_w hen arraigneddon < charges raigned and argea.___ released on h iijwjwnjaco^isance i onii-l - - pM dtheft—naryhearing.-jg.-Itw aasetfor Dec. 28,-'Jerom J e e on four separaU char ...... ' charges Iin in the shooting deatha of of aggravated b att^ ,' g vatedas-. the other diarges:':es; • f c r^ -Dm baby, namadaed Dree LouIm his wifeife and two teen-age . of a vehicle, and reckle;Jess driving at 9:30 a.m. were arrested early Sun* r.‘,Criiman,.wa« boraom Saturday in daughtersers. charges. ' The two we I vehide reported stolen g . v ^ v-r-K etatam . Idahcaho, a t a Stover,tr, 60, who slashed-his - Rouse is accused in a complaint day after a'Vi Ita. according.to_.wri8ta.aflalter the.shootings.last, inJSth District b ^ straate t Court of from KarenI PPrine, rammed the po- ^Hamingwayr^ta. MauriceStreetrcausing- jiew Rich. Tho Monday,^ ^was in stable condition ramming a T i^ FffllilrCi^liOTiw Uee'car bn'^Mi ETO - r^pplQidft MatthlBW nage to the car.and ^ w o u t c d y o u l i k e ^ K ?r ' Mby''rTwJ^ed' 6 pounds, 2 at Univenersify of Utah Health Sd- car eariy Sunday mominflng when offi- $6,000 d ^ a i ------— e ijc e a Can^terla^B lt Lake Cftyr ------EAFTMORE- p K ' ■- T ha iaQier, Step!tepben.C rism an, “We're^-e at the mercy of the —HE I * TTnHT«tn.r^s- ^ . Welfare. She eaid the yououng girl in- The compliiplaint indicates tbe al- ^ e a r i i j g [^-volved is -no ■ tonger-iiviniing-in-Twin—leged-act*-o© -occurred4n.thc Lindcr-_ ^ e same tine; ond ask the ” ia 7 N .------TwInFs[ Falls, ID 83301...... ' ^ i ■ ' •C o n tih u e d froromPageCl o run at . Falls Coun^ and that shahe and her man home. 1038 BlueLakes Bfvd Department of Law Enforc* _ ii-i' ■:: Hiat:Tttagl«trate0 'cose t - ^arged^ Idaho De] . -lamiiy first-contactad HHealth:and - - Baxter saicaid there ie no Bond set )B -P h o n e 733-0601 ot to taka|X)wession of Chris*' SUItel CbriftiaDBen with twotwocouritsofsell- - m entnott J;L Welfare officiale. wherele-she now atthistimeai3 end the former officer is • - ^ w i i n B tfrBlUifte DraperD on Aug. -' tiansen’sI’s ]pidcup containing tools for n turn,'con- aot in custoit(^, since he will'net Certified' Hearingt Aid AudiolpgJ}jglsr ' -'- " -I '■ ...... •------;------hisconstrrtmction company.— .....— resides. That agency, in 5f T i»arA u*riir- V" ■ r tacted Twin Falls healthlth'randrwel-"“make".hia iniinitial conrt-appearance glc Valley ior ov e rjoOyaars y - ~ h '■ . In'*: an earlier prelim liiuy ' ChriBtliBtiansen faces miudmum sen*' fare authorities and the• 11local prose- On Dec. 22. Serving Magi ofMMlMdeliv- ' t ' 'Uiufing, a charge of of life for the cocaine posses- .' cutor’s ofTice. Baxter saleaid ehe reviewed the in- ! azyreanltingfroinBnian«ll^Mle to jhni:large and live years for the An aflidavit accompajanying the vestigationt ipin tath e allegations and S' DrtpericpnAiig. llww i udnipH '»- „„rijuan,ana charge. complaint says that thele defendant conduded' thithat'there~was sufficient. 1 - - w aa Dwper.reftaed le -contacted Police Commalandet-Gary infonnationD[to li warrant filing the.. rtianserf is reserving the- •_ ...... hlppeal-raecisioniri-a'prei- CordCT-last-Octr-l-to^ sa;}ay-criminaU- ** lippression heAringTWMchr U ' ,-aroppadiB the prelinlUmlMryTea^ u if thfllMardL: iVusrf by lawenforwmei^oP3 H g — A— 9 % =------:------TAXABOBLE — “ r - • L T M in o n y a t one^ i^bmbh TAX F R E E Draper set up a fleers wa*ras valid. ' -Ic ingf'revi^^ that Dr P ag e C l .was original!lally charged, with three n o in 'U ^ cocaine( buy. bt in eoopera- DeHaaaoan argued in the hearinglg • Continu^'frDmTi THE ecause police tried to. pryry Kidder said, “rm trulyly sorry I did- counts connemected to the bombing, KOBE Us City Detective thot bea ltbe^ carried a nuudmimL jip lt:— ------^auistianansen’s mobilerhpme door offiff get involved in this. It’s9 inot like me which togotb< i v . _^ YOU {(/®SiP “ TfijtfAxtman on Augr SF^tO'get'-involved:Jn_somen e ^ ing.Jike. sentence.ofS(rgOyeare. -'Draper agreed-toto the controHed w itbastiistick^en entered'andsaffiF' ^ LOOK t h e -— ^ “ "liajrafter'probaUoBiOB 'officers said ' the inobllibUe home for sw riilT iouwifl'"this. ' ‘ ■■■ ' ’’Uiosb charges—were— le, “Usually, the stupid thingth I do i« '^-^-BETTER ------) If ‘ - they fotmd.Jier inpo' possession of co- before getgetting a search warrant, tbe B part of an agreement fA in the search shouldid driving while Tm intojica - THIS L /aid waived his prelimi- LOOKS!______- r | ‘ -:iriola^ of the”'t" terms of her besupprejressed. • ng. ' ' Meehl,jvhile_agreelng. thatIt plea agreement reachedr f w i t Kid- lg —des requires tHe~2efen3i[Hint -ioTfur-...... The tEiraIrd ond most --seriouST ^V- I ag re^ not to flle the policeice broke the law by entering - ugHluBt Christian—the-mobil a nish t<^fitimnny in court 01 mbing of a byilding>9L- 0* ters related to the bombir)ing. • works, wasis dropped after Ward. - A N D — ^ olygrapL tesL it.was.disr_ ^ '~ T l^ -(> riejareh ei on-/m'Aug.’lO o r Aug. - vide-enoinough^ evidence-to-a-magis*s* In court Mondaj^JGHBiHefleiHIIea3!piiicdTpoIy ------L O O K A^ttheguaranteee l IES! > ; ~ ~ uilt by both missed withohout prejudice, however, Mwhlatt o sentenc’—tratejudjidye to justify a later search^0^_that the bomb was buil :==:i!=;=1;CUAftAMIETEED SAFETY OF PRINCIPAL— iBBro*a':'sentenees~wheDj hhe e Bvidenco was seized.' i^ardran 1&- wnicn meansns thatlHe'diarg'e ^ 'b o “ 2.QUARANTETEED TAX*FR^ GROWTH. ' year-old resident of Rujiupcrt. Ward refiled. 3.GUARAMTETEED COMPETITIVE INTERESTST tBATE. — ------he sentencing ------hearing ------. — 4.GUARAHTG • Af>er teed the access to your MONEKiNEY. • ■ :i 1 Monday, Cretretison decimCdxomment— —------^S^GUAnAMTETPgn FAMB.V PROTECTION l l ^ tt u i i r i ^ ...... - ...... :ther he-plans-as-to-whcth .to-once- _ _ „ jchargesagainstWard. > ring ar« wife of Twta Fails; a ' moved to TwioFalU ta 1929...She S married again bring d LOOK,CAT THE SECURITY! ^ T h d m d B a r r e tt e Dale Phillips March 20.1946,,taElko.They ta . — If monoy^JMlhjilol^ l .and taWfjItofosl) «tn) fluaranlaod e t t irt L Robtaett of Jad^wt; three qnFFTY ASFr»°TV‘ 057— — ^------: p r - na.' (^_PM CTon-ot tumberty..r.. lived in 'then'she operseraied tdna's byihol^aJreseferves from J5.000 lo $5,000.0057 B in ttt TS. of ft"*'*, daugh tam 1,-^Bwity.Shop.ln TVin Fallt. TTu ,-dkd Soudty, Ote. 6, 1 D « ™ ed Jfl------A h 3 &isket-o^^i^ : sWofBoiae; 14 grandchUdren; eightit Eden, later to Montana;'and K AT THE liquidityY” ■ ^ ~ ' aaiBj IS ago, they moved to Phoenix. LOOK ( ' . ■ i BoraF»h.ll.Wl2.ln(.l»Otiiiliiilh.Ul»h.. jicaWru>randehildren; a brother. Dallai " that'llIIl^tilY ear. •aw my money wiihout losa of prind)(incipol. - - ...... “ • •X of Gatoa. Ore.; and five liiten,I, Suiriving are: her husbandid of Phoenu;, UQUIorrV: AWlily lo vnlhdrav iv$t0,000onTuesday. ^ !• -■ iMamdtoDMbiaieiil911,»h«r.ilmr«i- BiMmtt » la and a daughter, PaUie DauchhofBoieman. c Eiamplof1:D«po$il$10.i0 000 en Monday and wflhdraw$1 ,.uii^frnhi^KbeDLa•LSliiUttndrfAUm . Flormca Maidfflent I of .Waihingtoo, ElU u n i do se d . CouW you do this wilh«ilhaCp?HAflDL^_ i L.: . of DnimShd, LUliaii Butler ofDf M o n t'- No loss, no gt^n, aceour E;;- l Uuikt ldioolforllv. ; B ^ o t «t, June DenniagofGlaigow. Mont.,L, The funeral Will ba held Thuriundayat2p. « $9,000 on Tuesday. ; 1' .•• 'jrtinithmmtrriedKenKoMiBmttAaj. ExamplQ t2 : Doposll $iO,i0,000 oh Monday and wiiWraw $9 lumvTluavuUUr andRubylby Hall ofKcnneviek. Waah. He wasIS m. m the Farmer Funeral Cha|hapel ta Buhl, j1 eamlngimorest , ^ ' »; i986ifaDedo. .‘n»J with Bishop L)iui Montgomeryery oflidating. 3 Account is siilt open and>d tho t>alahco ^ * 1 ,000 is still ean V.- ,Nl«nuiit«Ilttl]»Idal»IJsPdlllDSltopU. prit«l«lll>d ta death by tlm brothers, 1 sorrily olfsoi and you atHI have«lh£i™ In .“Y6rcfflt r?” a irilltakeplacs ^tthrDubmaCeme*—e — Burial ^ te ^ W ^ E n d ^ mmetery.-r-:— c r -r~- M i ■^■ "".TAX FREEi No social« =Fffl*=Bwd'vlrD^“1k>r(aBdtb«S«nktraktrCitiMOs'ofBuhL TwinFalb'alb, died Monday momiog at W atIt CassiaMemorial Hospital. iday Basket Bouauct. iy " .:iJnrriiiagsn:b«.huilhtttbuulofBuhI:aion,. .MasicVall Bom Mardi ll, 1913, ta MUf c 5 . D , h . - ^ 5 ---^-S- ITaUey Care Center. ■ .20...1937.,in______^ C a Hill or yisitus u ^ y . S i S j - r - :^dhBB«mtH»f-Wt -Uk*Ul City;-a-daua«,------BonrNo'NoT.-a0,-1910.-ta-^Teia8,-h6movsd-Id— mariied_^-_Hi«r. May. 2i |c S — ■»> Hi -g- y r u Dougias,-WyorHff tauJJit in th«the elementary ’ ^ ^,K #r O'""* ^of Pocatello; two «jthhiafaa family to New Meadco when he was — u tiL g broth«i,-BalptJU*on • - 7 ,yeai»T«lr«ld,'-whert;he:waa rtared.andratrri t _ . school s}-stem for many.)tarsI in,Clenii Rodc,_ ___ ^7-.. -arDeSCWtilierJlbion3IQB ofioganr^^tb-—TjuasrtelTcJrot-Ht muvwl tu OuKuu; whereft — Wyo.^ving4»Hoybura-in49He waau a< initnber'ofthe.TwmFalIaMooU._i_B arbara Tantier.ofRupert, Ma^■orie^!M^y ___' of liM A^les. and Alice» Hartley of' , - ipelooFalrStrtrtyWith. ..Lodg^.. .p fi|].^Wf|.Af— — ■ - ^ _ I w>datingrBllfi>]'^~'' Ri?nnvSmnglaSniiirwiCCaf^Trti^ t^rr-?-Meridianii’a liiter, Marjtyn- ,n Black Hawk.-S.D.; 13 grandddchUdren; and ,wAAe»iwedT ...... TBRnjsacfcefiaery;^’■ ^ Z 7! ii>«* iaughters; Wilma Ryan and LaVon T;.- ;,FHttdimvetU«‘lwtthe Fanner Chapel in Pierwbo• both of CoquUle, Ore.. and MymaM five great-grandchildren, i .fiohLWediui^ihffllCD 10a.a. toS p.m., and.....HarrU of San Diego. CaUf4 two sans,.CaI.al. .The funeral will be held Wediedneadayatll -rtth e oaHiundur»dayIhKnlOtolle..-.x4ui,y.of.of.FU Lupton, Colo., and Dwaynene a.m. in the McCuilKh Chapeipel tn BiiHey, Turley of San Franoico; a brother, CMr^^ with Robert Ramsey oQldatinging. Burial witl ' of Amarillo: a liiter. Mary Atchley of. beta Riverside Cemetery in He]i^ u m . ■ i | i ; i MosidB.Roblnynett. •N-M.: 14 grandchildren: and u 14 ‘ - Friends may call at McCulJuUodi's-today io from 4 to 6:30 p.m., and on We[Wednesday one ■ ^OUPO3 N E': ' N'^ram FALLS-Uo)-.Jo}-d B. Robinett. 83, of {(rtat-gnu[Ttmdehildrea He was preceded in ■Trti Mi.dirfSfcodiiodiy nbnun*. Dec7. deathbytjy two siaten and a brother, - hour prior to the time of the seriervice. •— - ■■ - - 1M7, ta MouaUin VwView Care Center ta Crematilation was under the direction of the Whit* MMortuaryoi and Cnmator)'. No serviMt Vera Olson f -^^SW l3.1»4.taI, ta Sundance, Wyo., he ii plannedned; ...... ------BURLEY - Vera Olson. 9393. of Buriey, ■ iB«ri*d MtriS-TVlor.rfor May 2 3 . . m ,«n. - . ^ : diedMondaj-. Dec.7, 1987,, ilin S^t.Lake ■ ^ ^L^GEIS"r •AIm6.H*wMaWntBUlenanandnncher.and t a n OaP i h ilH p s ...... • - ■ City; ' : ...... — =:=:= :=«neiabefofth*B*l«!M«!an Draught HflrwA*- • ..SUHLl-L>_Edna.Phjllips, 68. of Arizona,a,____^The service .arrangements8 art i pending . T ~ ~ ~ -loditlon and a lifeI mem raber of the Aagua diedDec4»cSrl967.mPhoenii. and will be announced by McCuUoch’sM( of-. ______STUFFED r:— - -'CittleAiiocifltjoa----...... ■ ■ - ...... BomFelFeb. 24,1929, In Regional, N.D., she Burley ------i i a f e nl i i e s - - : i i i .AiatraU'oc.VtaceStanr.-m.toi ^^.Wedneadaj-. . . _ Bib!oCpllc«e. . F T ^8wbai;"72rof^ H Hejbum, «ho died ■ ^ FridM, will l>« 1>«W:d ^ t o ^ at 1- p.m. io br_ TWIN FALLS - A gravesii!tide service for m m f_ nicCultoehV Chapel-inl-in-Buriey.-An-addi— HACERER M A N -^ memorial eervicoJoiL. M M. Hall. 79, of Hagerman. who diedtd Maude Ftclcher HinUe, 95., oofTwinTalls, ' ■ , i : jr ‘ - tkMlRrriw^behf« held Satuiday in the ■nwmuW !»e • . who died Sunday. wiU b* heldat.lpjn.he •y - '- jau w n ^ E u n ertl HoniloDe'ta Burke, S.D. T h u r|ay.wiUbeh«ldtoda>’at2p.m.tathe ^ . • nail" Chmti*n“ Wttl«rrC«fflatlon-in— today-in-Twin Falls-Cemet done tuarj-inTwinFoll*. ■ • . ktth*! 00* hour priorior Ito the time of the et Blu^aijacket, Okla., at a later dato. A^ lingemennents are handled by the Alden-Wag-lg- goner Fun•Mineral Chapel in Boise. . _ Reg. *19“ TWIN FALLS ~ The ftmenlaral for.Chariw "Jim* Stanger, 67ToTNampapa and formeriy' ~ ' W n e ' " e funeral for Hjium of-Twin Falls, who died Sawsturday, will be ^ R a l ION - A graveside KI^^c« for Nolan Inesday ta the ^ 1 ^ 1 iSwarer^4r^-AJWoft==who==dl«l=" White Mortuary Chajicl ta^'TsrtirFallsr^ m' • _D*U« l i e Stake Cent:«nUr. Burial 'wiU be in - -gljumiay,[ay, will be conducted at 2 p.m. today.:*^-..-^urial will Wlow ta Sunset MMemorialParL ^ C H O O SE FROM rrvadrmayieall at the;-- . tv, Ileasant'Viwpj, Cemeteo' ta Burley. Friend* may ail at WHt?srtoday to from 3 to H — F~"~-"" Auidi ricw to the time of the pyj^ndii,g mayn call at the Hansen Mortuary^ • - epm ThTfaniily^mr***'"* I^r a o u p o n - ^ ^ ig .-fE D D Y BEARS i tMiwral Home in Bur- J ^ y fr'rom o n 9 a.m. until noon. American Heart Fuiid. 3 ^ ons------.leyigliuharge.ofaiiaiiiramtfflttna.______-PIGS sefncTfoTVe” ~ H - — DRAGONS II. -.TheM rvif’for Fem Klelnkopf._nf JEROME - A graveside se ;•• -‘JBROMB-- Tta jun«iLf()t.NBncyjs,__JUHL^fut S-----noh £■ Shliftt. M. ^ JiWRfflBTWtoTaHr ------; -ANUMOHk...... A ,.f~ ” ^ in flU * Mairt r KamiImuui; M. ufJuum«. jj.otiiiniBuhl, wftfl died Saturday, will be held„ - .Wednesday.Dec.2.wUlbeenconducted at U ... _ __ WiU be conducted at 2 p. lodayatlIt n a.rn. ta the Buhl Fim Christian " • ' ;'whodi«d8atunUy.wiU a.m. Wednesday at the Jerocrome Cemetery' _ 3>a_HQTe.RobertMn Fu- Church.li-Burial-wiU.be. - in West End■j^-rrwithnniUtaiynitn.-Arrangei lementa ara un*- -...... '■ " - I ’ ■ nanl Chapel ta JwoHKrome.'Burial will be ta CemeUtyery. U e Farmer Chapel ta Buhl is u,.in - der the direction of tho Hovfrr^Robertaon Fu- ■ ^ ( of arrangemenU. The family lug- U M r r o N E L-___ jartaMjCeiMtwjJW®Friend* may call U tha charge of -----neral Chapel taJerwaa^ - ‘ ''thapel today from 6itoflpjn.randrf6m9"ar‘~geili tof morni«iional"«inlribUtioiis"to'lhe'Bol»e ii^^ERlSOOP? {pittcils- —I ’.''""I il^'Uirtm,Kath- m pIFlTtf lAflicVAIXCTBiEGrOI^^ - Dillene Oldham.1. KsKaren Parsons, Jojte QuIgleyTKalp -^ 2 3 3 - 2 N g — - MgniCA^CPfTEB , - ^ Heidel.and^ienSierra Blaine. all of-Buriqr. and Mi M L&EEE:jEBt Biiri Duinia of Buhl an dJLorinHoweof U ...... Beleaaed ------■ - - F F V Ktaberly;' Debbie'Gwulest» aiand baby, Iris Bowera. Margie JensenJei and Darla _ n c |I Ily P R V l^n RtnV>.i>i^f

,T«tefiii.iaBftarcr^ : - ' ■' 7 u H U r .tm m mt m t . r n i l e w K e e - T e

r N e w s itteyjife ■ nSELLIT!HiI ClasslfledAd Will Fill . ' - 3 'I _ every N«M e e d • V ■; Readeers tosssbouquiletsandIbrickbiats _BUY IT!t . 733-063626 irty j0v*_ymrjXMU»nt____ fl;"CaroleR.in M M K • ^ ' i yw UW abourajnr w l u m n r ------NoffilngrwhBtdoyotiiaainaaotmy- redpeaH appi m m i m m a mg m m m £ = = l u i ^ n n • ly eritlcised me ofyoorcolomSm . You've become a 2 oo]umn?Evei7 thlng1 for trying to help my readers too - I n'crtheysan.- a I like your. wriUng style.|«.lrt«pect realWei^cj-. 1 them too little LINEVOTOUBmVni- 1 m u^, tnd «nt«rUla th Hj VanBiuen —^Rtrjudgmeottnd^-lova. lyour^Ll y >ARLI ISH!HE I ^ Z5b#.wiim*d:!I!niwuifou become - a p p i^ a te your good-ridnd-faahloiwd ------«sother column of m1•aiS^ps. you -^ B E ■-horse ikiise. and ttro s t yw mi ^ t bor« jrour readeiidera to the p o i n t - ^ ^ * » BBC:y5u5roardojreUj,'|| I Don'tchangeathiog. where they won’t retdltd you." ieaorwat<.tchUM lUw.'tatpl*"* ) -Carole R." I am com- g I read The Seattle Tu» I thtnked Cardieb fcfor. the nudge, don’t chaotangeyoor column. ned off with all your ■ (nd invited my retdi*derstoleto» ihavebabMiihilpKlmMyttaMby I and lielp” columns. I C HOLBEBGi b« entertained . .. I || ^now whet th<7 likedced — and didn t " ygur {naijis i^ t and suggestions. Peo- S E A T T ii Uke ~ about my eolun y stop wading It if they a «B.- . • " '• ------v:-,--. , * H NEWTON, NEWARK, ..1 [ood,th«w«nd jut they will surely stop writ- DEU a TALI • WeU.here’e^ _ ^ unily agree*...... ^ ______~~y^ rboyd -PPAH—Al-ABBY— >^»Tbew-resdtng -fo rh e l^ if health,safoS^indbe^ iSzSpsdzgeefc:® ! ton Post for 25 (ng atpeipnlenM j jriH hing. I am 84 years old. tt S k a te rs ? g jou in . The Hmuton — ^Wft-yet-olenty-of. those i % a C oals. '^yeAiv'vnd'think you' Igh Fve never-writteo .to . ji otrproride^genu-^—lintertaliiJ 0 Your column Is getting boi ioely intelligent anviniwer* to some -N OIORMAB.FOC!TE,FBESNO I . „ you, r»e rMread you for years and fe In Our Big And TallTal Departmeni |H ,ed a lot from you. Keep 1 strange and also cornsimmon problems. i„ Please stick to the hunomasT events have learned AtlwlriFallsSfofe:ofe. g -H-Uke-theway4«u«] ^ fonna t- that - wa havfi ff»n)oved Cir up the goodIw w orkl ^ pie to etate their yievrtews, even when with “Cai is'nme*. * — ==“ =yiVARAMSEY—I S | ” ' Also'AvaOabi^/TieAtBUrfdyr " S they disagree witn1 you.y I skip the ftUl of i di i j - m i lengthy fiicU and ND FAMILY KUYKENENDALL.KATY. TEXAS J ? ■ Rupert and BvlBuhlStores.' - S ' ' -king reprinte andI itteaijerkers, be|- tips. I nmw er read i t And. I never ' cause Tve 'read ththem-before.- I - read yoxaour cohmmrwhen-they-have-'f ----- D E X tt~A B B Y r’'Cerarolr*B-— o f— DEAB-ABWBBYrlf-I-see one-more—I M ------^DistinctiveIve-F re e------S ------dialike: repetitioues titlradw a g ^ ' poems,. oor debates about who au- •ak for me o r letter remlnb6ut round-robm column harfnever boreddme.. 1 . - 1.1 inthenureir home, or a renin of J Bntidn Week or “Plea s e r g ^I-«ijo)t-th*4ettentera- from selfiwh. le tte rs^i ^ r - a o m e o n e i - ^ - peeve Afl a teacligi fm 887 jerks, W ^ta arid busbuflifidl^ and I T abouf 'tbthe English language.-Your-. heard your columns du^Kuaaed't^ G ^ , Fm O n l/i7 r" 1 will. b a rf.~ l love the way you tolllellthemofll _____feature Ie is'an advice column, hot a >Ueagues cmd Thankyou. peatedly among my coUi lERBY IN LONG BEACH ft -CATHYMEYI5YER,HOUSTON uteraiyfyfbrum . n studenta. -Your caringlg and good — JEI - S JC. FROM BAKEBSFIELD sense come through, wh(’hetheryou’re ProbUnni14? Write lo Mby- For a J If“Caiole’‘-wanta_. . uipiiblUhed reply, m td ------g — DEAtAraVrlf* « ya'BVrYiii ult. -Whatat giving help or e n t c r t ^ ■ OTlwSama i^ rt^t W re a d t h r c o m : — dKAB ddrtued. •tamped ejiuti- I 4y,-P.O.~BoK-fi9^.-£oc-.«!1 . TW IN FAaS‘• BURLEY • RUPERT* i j b u . v °

m K U MTWHfflMirT” *** IHisChri r i s ^ a s s h ciQuld be on ai 1-shirt ]aabcrf^ from BraizU and F a r^ yay, . Japan. rW A S m O T O N 0(AF) — Ameri* inamy fi vached’ their w \ . ' d oppere tempted by.' where$ cn»ly.flr flL »fll^-'baim ed> GIVEN rare being /tommany cases, this trend repre-re- worth. ~7 rr.::r “■a"migor‘threat-to-the«e'ani-— The-fund-aaya-many.iy.;of_the_eni^S ______that as many as a thirdthi of such prod- ie n ts a om protMted R ' ire made &om ani- mala’ sisurvival in the wildv" saysjyg male are poach^ fror iicte this eeason are the areas a n i amuggled out'01 of L atin 3 SBEST i e ' Healey, director of. the CHRI - jaalsmegaUy huntecited or traded. Ginette :co5eO rom lthtIftad>^jmonitoringprogram; ------:::::^America^ with ..the_ he]idp.^iL .fal“ ...f|______- - J!—.The-warning—CQ] »84~d5^-entflrA'ftw:legHlalskins come—jfT— -7 - 7 World'WUdlife-PurPund. which aays TheJ ffiind reports tHaETin gh Iflflfi mow th an 1.1 millionion from Venezuela, wherere hnntog is g FflO neither' the-ehopp* ie W a r t plhce;to~8ta rf verify where § gpu,jurteous experts assuring:ig you the pefsoiial attentletIonTou deseive. Malce yoiyourChrtstoias'■ ...... a threatened speciesdes.- Swltier and whether 8 —^It-88^-half-o^Blp-all-caiaian-skin i —Kong,'4-43,OGflLfrom.-^W&lTW }Q0 the akina came from a lOPPing eHonies» and anioifloyabla al Roper’s. ■ —«5innto'‘th8~mTnaritet“illegally,” ftt)m—Taiwan-and_16,000-trom ~l in^U # In watm or cool;ool weather ycu'll ’ ^STREET ARII H O W . Ijel a " f ' n »Arrow's casoal - - RROWBPAPS a Boardwalt. Conv -MaiM -otM%-p6lyestefA- — JV ix 35%.MHon'tharharassuiesyou^l------— ily and comfort StyMtowaarMi WAM-K ItongvrtarloB. too.- e day or night ki easy care. eo%c 3l colortui patterns. IISTMASSI-iHOPPINGA at^ M astsr. . BlgHTaBa I jGHRII ...... ‘ . . Lona S lee v• tl PlakI 1 Short & te-.$24„. _ 7 Long Sleeves. ES YOU MC r solldsrsiripes; ' — andChecto^ ------I : $22-$25 L m — BIganB r ■ Tall ; 1 . ^ 2 2 ^ 2 6 • -

f f l .1' _ Jj ' 'M r Ono Group - ■ ' m PIW^ArHBit vTaimghesst^E E J 5P0R TC0DATS m and d istin g u ish ed • MfiB n 'l m H K - Nothingg Is1: more.comforlable ar th an o ujr r MI anchester alt wool HHerringbone - f l Q - ® - ' sportcoalData or our.100% all wopopI hom espun _ J | M sportcoaloats.— ------IS and sport shirt ' IGADE TTOURNAMENTITKNiT' li ^ • Youcanwew e a r th em wllh casu a l sla ck s ( ARROWBRIC cool. comfWent look of a winne■Inner. More than a 6 ! )ur body — and your itessy shirts; sh id an d He lor moreme imporianl lore's a dress aliiil lhal fils your I J knit. Arrow's created an easy-( ^ or with dres BrlgadB. Just Imagine ' * IS Over eight dlK erenl pa tio mtn (a n d color InB /f" ense ol fashion — J h e Arrow Brl£ d ol 60K cotton/40%- polyeateieater, light weight S '. • occasions J ,36to44shorl- : |Ct .-_ . all the style, fashion and value'J- >Arrow’s famous for , ijn from flrstjUlch S Ilions, S ize s 38 1 0 48 regulaf. 31 )tafin e d d csis5J.-Stur-.. •• durable' with iho quality sew n In . ^ combinaliof lus the.n'e^' bimrappearance.ot a st; Everyone with"an Arrow Touniourriamenriufns'out -B - o48iong:- .- ■iS and 38 to y yei cbmlortable bler)d3 ol poiyes iner. >rig"6r short ^leeves In wide seleciB S K g K i . f * . : NOW-: $-i ra and fltfloea. Short sleeves------^'siions\9v iii^ ' 'Ss o i r p o s i f e o ^ ^ 1 M 2 3 s » w $ 2 1 / THEIVIANCHES-STER Jjii Dto^ArrowTTT' II1 ~ . j W U n g Sleeves ____ ISl'iurtleneckB S BLSZER' gSKsoUd** " -I- HE^MOST-VERS/ iS S s Sg j2 2 -$ 2 5 ^ = i = e o wST-IN^-OURJWAE^bdrobeJHh R t7'-& '|r’ arlor'socialevents:...... @ ^ . W e'art J*!/T - Wg • Wearfar (o f b u s in e s s t • W earfartor ttieelings ^ OurManchnohesler Blaffir te skllltully lalloi m - y d -IK Amcrlcaola o l a lino4 5 * Wool. 5 5 * daci ■ ■-TO—polycsterjst hopsacK In Iho bosHooUngig tpatch pockcl' UM ' M' ' wT .model. t S Allsizcs'inslnslocklromJSrugvlailoSO llo:44.sl»0j3^S^“ ^ ^

' m l f i - ^ = m I ...... ;cP rT y - 7 ‘. "- ^ ___ AISQAVac a lla b le In c a m e l la n , lignj ______* -- ’ ,.iV -t^ 'fl h a lu ra l tan .------’

'tyre~9AneTalldniNowT)iTif After CHHslmS ■» Distinctive F r e e G W..IVrappyns;. W ' K -— , DisilnctiVeVe Free Gift Wrapping ■ ' f l/lff’DCWt WIf 1^1 itma^Si.^1. ^ TwInFallSiStoreCip!’^enfS^ISp.m .’SSun. 12^ ^ g Twin ffa a l l * Store Opeii Fri i liii8P.iii:suiii2-4 l -pmWgBehTnctl^fm F a lls~ & BurleyrStores i S2:\/SSSV^M kNa & RERIEMEMBER: wwg Vo a^te. »aa js5?3 __ • FJmW.

J s W j r l e y nFaJlt. Idaho Tuaidty.OM>M«mb«r8.lM7 • O'Leairy Junicor HighI namess honorr roll J T T fb e rt; O mImw itttty iife ^ Haldl U lchllur. .D«t oi LmU, ■ EfSrti” Aairt* . TWIN FALLS.- /n»w foUowin* Tim or D«l«fIge, Wendl Ellis. Brad H< anlte . 0 ^ Irfr - i t u d ^ " *t • (yUary ^ J03roilof' HerTW BiwrM lelnehiUi- E d in |tr. Becky Vi lasiaHMMftrTUbBjf Kathoa. Fil.^ Matthew Ai School were namedtojbo» honor.toll b TTor"th'e~flrrt'Tilne--wBeiiek-OTdin«—Fulkrr4>«vi^,vid-■ iK«Bpcr,K«rtaUr, s e n t show Ninth grade: Marci i - ~ H 8 « aarA rthuB70 w AAzizrCandy—HakUr,— 3 ^ Brady M «tin.Jamea ------3Ut,--Jenay—HowadenrSyl8ylvia-Jlmanas,-Maggia—Pi -p.n,-8.ii«.,-.j»u::ara rT t t s a i n i u a i r K»ui- ...... lool-Drama Department - '- BaibCT,-—A n c r ^ a r tn u “ jackaon MiCall. Amie t a ^ I ^ r i ^ 'F a il s Higfa-Sdioo Greg Cox. Johnston, 8Sondra t Jonas, Frank Smack. Si Heather Smlto. . lan OrgUl. Julianna U)day.in.the.hlgh.Bchoo] Cluff, Ryan Courtney, ( Hn.rmw. AllMtte Step itiririll^ re sen t a desdessert theater at 7-p.m.-tod Ran’dy DiHprallrBriairEi-Egbertr^ir-^«alan**r-Sh h '^ i ;^v "^et«ri*.AdiaiB«iisdonia$2. Tbongsy Keopanya, Dar* [UcheUe Rj SnirteYuiR^IlIlMiifl^nixU^ ranerww»r““ “”*j ginia Garber. Shawn HiHarris, Gail KMpanya.Tb ika, M ark.. thaw Kppitt, MeganMn R l d a ^ . BU- .. ;—Tall-Klenxle,--Kellie -U-Lori Swope. Tammy J W o Hazen;- Kam!e“ Hobba.i.-*Chariott«- “ rwi -Kerha,—' ly, Jon lie patar Rockna, John p a r t y Laura Love, Uoyd, BecJecky Lyman, Susan ■niomae, Tl Sal* iilans h o lid ay ( Howard, Kristin Kyle, Li Traveller, Wendy Tucker. 8fltf nwfm Ruprecht,- Chriitiriaty Sehelbe, Kriily. rol-Raarlck,-Mahoaey.-DaDaniel.Molyneux, Andy Ti ria&na~ * ShindurliDg,- ofthe AmencahAs^a* Elisha RasmussenrCaro Vannady, - Sellers,— Maria* 3 - Ma?c Vall^ chapter of i D White and Moran. Kev[evin . Mueller, Grant ViVanburenr Von«aeuu» y ,, MicbaUe Btander; istmas party a t 10 a.m. ncfany -Smith. Shannon' d-Stacey-Jacob-flkeen, I l^erMM.Trill .hold a ChrisU ------L_101s«n;:::Jd8e] Pearson.. Anne -_9ILSldMy— WoirtWffian-Md; . - Terrenca -f lu lU v a o ,------ter. 616 Eastlrad Drive;' Tiffany Williams.------^Julle-Stubbs.-1 the Twin Falls Senior Center , Arrington. Peterson, Jenlennifer Robertson. Mike Wheeler. ittarsall, Jaonlfer (e^ll-be-held^tb-a-SLJiniimitL Man Are to bring Eighth grade: Ivan . i~nnd woni6n~for'WOuicfl.'. F Refrwhmentg-will be -“ - Jolw.BUUU7*n. Joandi Weaver. Lorieie WheelerV and Brett ■ rly bazaar Thui files,—J ami-^SwitaerrStad .. Soott-Dahnay, Amy Denton Dgpew. Brian Devine.. _ ^^la^itherspoon.. MitcheU.-’Russell-Monwjsbn—Robyn- Jon— Vanaytaysdaln;.-. Vongtavanh _D ' - Ageless Senipr CHiiensLS iwill hold a Christmas son. Sarah Vannady, LotLoralee Waldapfel,.Kim ; the centerin Kimberly. pbillipe, Katie Shansc a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday a t th ■ _Steile, Jeremy Sudwe«eeks, KeUy W eiss,Terri’ri Whitney, Jamey Wills trnfrntrman.______T|___AJimesz Tuma and Amanda Wateiters. ' Eighth grai[rade: Johnny Anderson. - . ; | | . Classifiedf^ifftir” td-be-heldJaiX d e n _ _ _ ------8evento-grade:-Mikai. -Alexander. _Chri8tl.AtWwood.-0( Wes Barton. Kari _- _ I l i f e Covrtensg^ Bellisto^; SiSummer' B (^ , Annie rNeed-...... I held from 6 a.m. to 6:30 ■. Justin Astorquia, garage sale/bazaar will be be Bariow, Carrie Bounouj)us,'K adina Brodih. Chelieriase 'Brown;'"Janell ^t-tha.Bden £lemeniaiy-Sc.School. Quick Response^____ luettnen-TifrT-Bybeej-Jennilinifep-ChambwSr-Valerie ------06mr I - -BrumbttchrJenirifta-Bu« BUY r I will demonstrate a new pitpiece of equipment and beth Cluff, Cuahman. 1Darci Dehnert, Jon There also will be a pan- • fony Carter, , EUzabe sell Tupperware products. Th ecca Dodda. Dixon, Jennnnifer Dodds. Rebecca len Saturdayjnoming. Andrea Condie, Rebeo t at the Senior Center in Eden Douglas Frost, Richellelle Hobba, Dodds, Bobl«bby Durham. Jamie Layne J ones, Lorelei Junimtunen,Jen* BsUnger, DeDenise Fames, Meghan Stephanie'Fox'.‘Laura’ ' ib o u t silver m.m. at Calvary Episcopal w.of Adams and A Streeta.. PProceeds will be used to - aF bttfltetrpi^ect twna* ir adult ^nd $L per child arere requested.i A shorCAd- onWiU b«r^venitrl2:30p.mmreachPriday. r ------j : J ' Ltioii C lu b to:nm e e t fE - West Magic Lake R eN ^ a tio n Club meets Sim- Slagic-Lake-ReMrt-Aftej^ehe meeting a demonstra- listering oxygen will be given.eni JI Bethel install1 1 s ______: i : _ ■ id^g^enpoiHf f i e e r s = = = ^ e A n n a j - - " ’ of Darwin and Es* n Falls, will be in- ■■ S red quMn of Bethel 4onal Order of Job’s comfort P I p.m. Dec. 18 at the______aysj&L5lWys to give c< [Ticers. to be seated ' « for ppric$s:tl^Nvillch^rryOuI^^X Ciiveoneof UibSB ■ ■ rr-jomoi—^ n e e e s t- : heartwarming spirit of the »season last all year long. c»iv( stylish redinerslhat glidele tromisltting to reclining(positions po effortle8$j)H^::flr %1SBt-^Mara AieuDoer.ler. ^ id e ; I& ^tin ..'.J l r-;5aSHS^'sM ^^^ irlng a reclining . ■ | ne. impeccably taHored. ravisfishly cushioned andfeaturln{ marshal: An:\iny Boyd, chaplain; . • V Each one. .warraritee-.Aispec.lal holiday[daysavjn^ •- B B . —recorder,—?rady-- .... mechenlanlsm with a limlled-llfetime.w ^ a g ;'Jei^~:'Jone8.--r ■ying as receiving one. X ^ ^ ^ a r t i n , ' musician;inn;—Mary -Slavin. , that winII rrmake giving one assatisfyii a j i S 2 ’ ■• ftbrariaB'!— ~Hegtieotiier ----- Kirkm anr- m rS' l ^ ’^teiBaauren "Smy'T poppletonpP senior— ’’^^V iJim tB dian: Becky.Jsy...Dodds.-.junior- ..... ' ^ ^ fc ^ c u B tb d ia n ;.. Miche!:helle Boyd, inner !^'4S K ^ B uart. and Michelhelle Phillips, outer itiK rg u a rd .' ~ ------RoseAnnaBoyls ^?^tf-r-M es8engerfl will be Karen Lee. • New honored queen : : : On^^StSUkDHl : •ll:. |«-'Chzit.Hodge..ErictIrica.Hanson, Jenny. A- - obiti M t^racken will narratTate T recliner:ersby ^'?3&<<;7ord and CharlotUotto Smith. Bobi KrlaU Deleskete :is choir captain; the ceceremony entitled “Christma und the World." Vocalists wiwUl'. ' 'i)» A ‘Ammy Waters,_I, asssifltaht choir Aioum [iggEr&ptain;V JennyI IDodds, aislBtant b o ^ason < Houser and Scott Perkinsdns. ' . he Twin Falls DeMolay chapU LanIG II nda Meyers, custo- - The recorder; Amandi; iU)g.i^K.oo.0 0 I I ^ ^ ^ d ia n .of .lights; DamikaDi Galbraith, will scserve as honor guard and ei B*wilhb^Masonic-dads.-Irtir -^^W aireayeror.Rr-Rockar Red|n«rB : ^^^£flagliearer;--Angoltoola-Robinsoii. siih-. cortsn d i r d ^ SfrK )';, ghihe and runfall.all.. . ‘ Stone,nc, Mile K i» r w d Dan Bnzee. Jifl"~ iiSfejX-CKoir. memben»ra include Mercy Hoal;oata will1>e~Mf.' and Mrs'. Jii ,drea- Story.,_Mcgan, Schmnmidt and Mr. and Mre. •Bob -Bo • 7 E S ^ P ^ c D o n a l d , - Andre .--NomTSO' Istad JJS5?:+1Udlmway, Christi•istie ^ il and Eliza- Nowbrvbry. Robin and Amy Stadsta O n l y O 9 0 3 ggr^ffiShoffftr^--J___ _ arc irin charge of programs, an S I -ena Bocsel'and Tracee Carlaoi } comfort of tlili ■ Karole KisUor,or. retiring honored Karon iflon;~~ ------OncBTOu feel the co jcrve —as~liaw llirtg"gacBnBrtoblin ------sleek recliner, you'llu'll knowI why It’s a . b e s * ■ .w ilL . 8cr\ ho n^w~ queen'fl-project willU b e - ansdjustabie back withH ; ■ R^ffii.V'bfDcet,.assistedd bby Julio Schmidt, Tho ...... 'seilerFMturingan'E r, Betty Clark. Kelly the StShriner’a Hospital for Cripple>pled ------layered pillow armn s s« and luxurious seat .^'SBpritonleigh Kelly, B 'llsh contemporary ■ ' ■ = y S B t^K icer,: -: ICorcnn Irwin, Randi ChildrIdren in Salt Lake City, cushioning. A stylish l' 8 y -McD w 5oH rK athhthlMn‘'LeirrR onda hffpublicis invited to thclnsta ------^— ihats.surprislngly_afy_affordable:_i^i:.j:;::;:iB J . ^ i ^ ^ P alm erand Stephi•phanie Garrispn. iat>onon ceremony. l^ p e rvrice i new!rs- iAZEliTON— Marin^J(fc_Klm i SohilliogT son 801 df'Frahcea J.* m F. Jac k so n , a 1987 graduaduate Schilling of Jeroierome. recently ro- Valley High School, has coicom* H forduty withwit tho 3rd Marine tgd tho School of Infantry attMa- M . B -M BfeiM M Division; on O m[C v T ^ A n 9 86grnau- ^ ^ r p a Base. Cattlp' P ^ le W 8-High -School, - he—qpitf-Hf.-Hc-jolnod-the-MarineCor Corps~H'^;VI||^^^H ''■E'''-joined the Marin*rine Corps' in Feb. jn j„June , 1987. ^ E : M 987t— ------BwB' ~ miB^ i l E l hJig Layy FFirm of— - ■— ...... ' . t ^ j m ------■■ ^ — ■il.87t.M’ I B s »A O WaOSavw'o uHer SFlVh — W «a^M *or$0|1 9 9 ------RocMeJtodlfl -■ RocMrRtcDiMr^!! ------^Acssual'ual dasslc wHh button— I M-LiglMln Slert.'stunning comfort.)rt^'withB ) uViwM^^Isp „ Bnnounctces J i u ^ l . _ ^ v w t h tutt«j.bactich.»ofi;[olled ...... d _ t» ^ s o ^ coloured •^‘rhaddetfiiBadrestb^ P« rand I r n p e ^ l e t s l ^ ihing of a branchlOffice c at 161 M ain S iX -S S c -“ H ^ and a sumptuoussseat se amuanddeepi9 Cushk>nedse8C ' smftano I ® the opehi . . H roll erms andj (cabrioie tegs. Avo. w.■ 7Twin Falls.forth!he convenience of - -ifeTwin Falls .cldierjtele““” ; b6gtntni=BeGr^7^7^1587======: m aintainoffices at i T H & l l r fTwiir-^htinue-toin r n i,,Jeronrte 3 2 4 . 3 1 9 3 ^Lt£-W EST^^7'3> r-235-N. Lincoln,, 3 . 1 N 7 3 i P t6 0 2 =

.r"-'-. ~ ^ ajniiiwrf=^B th«cabM*adl4el4m‘twM toU ^hkMti^’ - DMt«rt bV m»au n bloonw v Couotr. U »l»^ ' .' ■ ...... ' nKeWI*ORT. w » h fAIO - u H U h r ioBeewnfenFerry, deeters « d #a^ 8 * « re. _ xMUdlA lh« AflMfiiUff PIM ^ tamtnlacr nxB* <‘»Ur «n htr tiadiot (b* MB*t ftftrtMM MKT pnrwtMfhy ladVfar' t«n •> 'irisss.'irs B tjr nmB 4V»7 ^ . r*** M 24 Btt7 HeapUal hi 4«utf irlth-M^t7LJmptt«l w ta n fa r jM ttygweefc/k» le d l* tw Emerj^ g e Q c y l S ------bcNUSA-d^ \Mf. UjiVt* ------ErDerfwerfwfboBlOflr A o rtic ar» ce»ew." dtelehalp ■--— ■ • Hw^Ul •dminifuaton lo Newport *o4 hom»t*lpr ite HaUUaea'a in J ^iua^Su* iUJoU on the• d doctor*' moo la rvral r^ beepitab ara^ tb Bon»rr Tmy, Id»ho,-m*nUjnthr hat* t«k«n lS * ^ Nortfa«MC.MidladBorpeUMeCteckliA.*^ t a k e s ^tup^to jJ k y ^ J h t m oflSspU ifirpB^fOfi*. _ tmUng fim m fk a wttb abov c a r e t , h f , th w -w *r»flr flTi io» - Bpokaaa •ccoaal «n«p*ii<------"W baor 5m ~K o*~:S>h ^ t t a h i n t t 2 4 ^ Ntwport tori «t«m

ZZITyZrZ-Z^^KZ l i i i B ^ P Whether■ Vyour name W Is Julius ofTSigusmaoV itavlan W tO jm m cTv7 t«nd«r, Juicy Qr»o# An?ye$yXhldtBnnmpechd T?! t j y ^priMd »o low «l------; W - M ^ - o r O cta Bhs«nVtha wMk'Uitl'ojMalnliRlnlno cMdMM-vt th« no r* iaIs almoit a dnw si - ' «n1 maHer It tlf^fl'thew M io m»bo.A£HOJCl^^^^^ B o m E S * m nopin>i6 .oz. O H EEF^ W N i U >© tr€W 5ftrrr3 te «S3SH m I H ^ T a PROE STALKS M i 5* •$ c L _ : iSSIl i i t J j B j ^ — — ■ ^ n S A N T T l tbsiTOIIEXCHANGI •->B - r j i B i x E J CEjtofAM CTei^I ORTBOt&^rac* f - H IDAHOIO RED DELICIOUS- A W f c E - CUBE S f S l r t C ^ z : P l ^ m i S n f lE M H PI I p E ^ ® 1 I I S 3 ili ^ MOZ. p^'^sw iSfN iiPiraim ^ <9«Ior^ i-Zl,:__ 1 3 I* 9 y y ^ M D E lf '^ Su t b n l _ , J H t b b lM llo x . V * » yH)0HlJfS-4l l |3-F0II-H« T i s s u e M«irtrbpif1»«f#Ti HSr^— ASSORTEIi g t g r o ^ ^ ^ IT------flSptiCitoirrr#:: 'PKO::.2PLY ...... ^ ^ r " • hmionaycoamb,14oi. r» Smurl P 1 1 w m m M f lH i ^ kiwhI .!rc ’M illT Q - p (ESTElittjFAMiL]P= rCHOi:OJ^E: ; iWAVEtDElERGIBfHT— - ' ■ Ie mIMKnOUI>S: i JIB /B O X - ;:OlAMTr3 ?:■ IfOldi;cHlek»nV«ldill BONUSsC A N .._...,.-';i - t - -Chowde B =spiu — fe(LlteBt .tpeliMS t! -Pm* I W /H om |v V CROCKER LAYER m II l/lN PiyiP)UALtY QUICK:K FROZEN W S i n m m p p i p JOiB.BAG„ ' RED I " f P Ui ...... _ _i * ImMSe S 1 1 .4 4 » TYPES O F FR O ZCEN EI berries ::: ^ 9 9 VAILABLE-^PUAMSE^INOyiRE^^I

l ET FRO Z E N — - = _ - c o m o ¥I"!- = — --S -lftH n i L I ^ ' E ■ - iIfesHI ^ L S T I t Ap ' ^ E M m p ^ iHl^kr'S*LISBURTS9il 3 i y i H )l^M j|PINNt»$,n9y: AAA Prleo»_Good^_ ■ 3 ™ " P ^ i " w n H C iisi. thru Mon:; V Umlll—bp< i fAT SWtHMM'S 1 iLJAMQUlUET''-- - ^ ' ■ ?TKi. “ ■ i r . ; oSoDPNifj ■ K j i l s S g | W E S | ^

l i i i i ^ m m I | _ , ■! .HEBUUillOKBUiiER^yroiiJ l ,31B .C «_...'U ^ ina\ ^ ^ | ^ 5 ° S S S jio'wiTHXOuriuiTON * G R Ai f K rn -m T ™ »i 4 * whh[HOUT« COUeON i f l K i I) JUICE NK-nocM-.-.v V F ■ |F | o ^ r n M m m

*<: • ■: :•- • / . - V . I — C 4 Vm m ^ H tfn__ TMW.OMAAari )fficials 1brace^ior thouLisandstof AIDSS pattennts- Washirhgtonol ilM tftstfM I MfWa^ MvtiMH *fVs4*it;»MyMt/tjetemaaMi4 Piaiw are to tte govenotoor*! Tsiik fort* on farrer* *M ttsalM thal bjr IM l. 4,< n t with heefke anrf » m >w» defc^i he«« U k* •a s| ie flEATTLE (AP) ~ w dsd jw old »e iiee th*sue I*'. ’ntc.Mi .am d *M «»• -rtU U rreii — btiaf dyftodtoeawfig.tho AIDS.::. ~ ------A1D838 cases will hare been tecw If f w i ww iak ew ^ H fW Wtth^AUM-TW iyaa>7n«m»p*e*-*ie M ibr ii opstient demand ^ Mttmjtmate Ihal’el'lee^niSOO WM op)e~Uebenun.------Uwrefcre the tpeitoant ftrAIDSTn-W**« !»• Beatilaxillhsye AIDS by tlwten. She hopee the > ng ceregivefe el lUitWTifm ev 0V >1'- irithiaafewTMTS. . are stteaptinc i m A t O S p ^ U ^ -Omts i v a m we're detel®p*n< >he aaid. *A fstrly WitJVith s cure still only • disttstan«-^U b*A plaow hm th i«ap4in#toh»lpf4ttS«*e aieide snd elsHnfs wlU fi -famUv-henM fW peopU wtlh — peopleln th e ttate era infieetieeted with-patchwork grou|MP of-outpatient eer*. nope,** »**«* cc th e t w ipitals will become Increasitliogly* with the Idweet deidecree oT lOMinr- -AtDO U the vinxs th at c«u«m acqui:quirediro- rices doeeni fullUl^ me«t the demand hospit In ocher parts of the stale.* portant as health pnfsssioilonaU tional atmoepberere posi^^^ to tsk IbrM hM __ m »w deficiency eyrtem., eieaid Dr. now and definitelitelr would not serve impori rman Mid. Th. r>«tW . i f k r>» ------w orkrk 1to reduce hoepitalisatioautoe I threfy#arst»4y»» im- eilW fcrtrtlota* farw hkm h h -tM n ------— Aftrr- G i« experts ARC. AIDS-relselstitf COTplex'The :4ive,«», consulianr Betsy Uebem a rn fu r S .. 1I1, Aicton Bjonma & o o ^ tal disease, but health care < ttem L_the Northweet AIDi[DS FoundsUon is videreI whow have signiflcsnUy mor« i i i r d j - M - ^ d ^ tioDa-of 0 AIDS is Group 4-. woridjricia«.^a planJbrJLlwjfct »1 ..oraiiW nwJ, j»ld JohnahnPeppeit.* — » ^m atg that-abeut-a -th ir . _____ developing small.’l.~ private group expedenience than p e rs o n s in th e reel are itate Departmimt of^ t tt^Ml ^ ____ — Twgny as aboot-€,-700 — «»* lounty ■ homes forpsU ents.'-s.------o^the^at. r>n the other hsnd. w« d. disabled becauae0Dedlt."shnald. recorded in Washington, according' ao \J o in th atraaiiution. d the task 22*be

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y f y ^ f < o y “ | #“ # - “ '7 Warm“Roles -TReg^Ql^iy to^) 4 3 : 0 0 t I" ■■} -N qw-€ i |Ki>i • ' : (righy GoocTsitecBCtfomifwamrfleece »-robes^in-pas—:— --tehcolorsrap-fronnnt s ^ le s^ S j g s S ,M,Jl.L ' . (streetlevel) . . > SSB

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S Oulur Entire Stock Sweats;ers " I ,00 to 202.00 ^anties ^Regularly 69.0( I ' ^ egularly 6;00to i2.C )M'iro =NcmtB©sdtjeed-l Jnw ^^uce^d=^ (b&lov»low) Choose'from our'ontire ststock of famous brancfpa'ntiesiliesintiTffiTgr— — hipste)ster6 and lace-trlmmed bikinis.i$..(street(0 vsO J , 1 0 ■H'H^—^— ®.40“ O n e group_gt50 decorateddj holi- - I ■^ayswe^ters-in-sliBlipover-styles.-^ H Pastels and darks,

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------1------/ Davpis. Salt JLake ~ countides leadiboom Z eppenii: cm (Ain - -TW «M* m t, I M Plutoniturn pla^ its I a Sted for r t y i i i M i »!,ln WCHLAKD, WaiuwM racWpnCMSM^britDCB. (bfb# 'M tmurt voitr th* I H y f f j U iWO CWM.im a 3J panat_ ^ d)« IM> EmW .IH aprodaettoBWMtah^ •»tcbadalt.baaaid. abto to ../^,!^ * ***** MpetTBrt tiw n w im b g z:::^ tta Boilda (uUcim- n>« buUdiiiff wUimiMoi ao soo aKtkarar rMUMT»- . . :.: ____ . Th* Mti vatioD CPOM b* tack is A tb« adaqoata atmtaral iat«( fbOowix a acriaatimatmletj «ioU' A O m m B ^ u tkoMHjrootTMr. M. Um Ql aa. mr•orma tba daaifs SSSbafiaiAili^iBC plaat aad tba Tty-xtoH. tocfadini-l _ u _ u m ___ cartbqoaka.-baaaid------franhm . EjOratfKn ^ 6 ( ^ Oflk* ^ PI froalMOthroufblMe. wbm p(tit«eittm nitraU■ Ilo lulionb i«wiK«a iHi^I« BtoTere'Cillftirnia w ------PhitaaiB »-than BudfM. ^ h i l f ■ ;«t«o<’ Ior eoimilliJiffci(ina to dcttrmiM bow a /A portioo - laatMt pw»iin. ddtiM Art In* , Wwt J< i .Tm beta qiufa would cnaa backlecofacrapptstoBamaa:i.Zl_HJBEJt waa rcitaitadaftcralaT'/r*a< ltd 6 u r M* [a fTOwla*I comnmnitT.o with a 92A KUOMlut ^Syw iMnpwUd ^ la Uta smmner • «*» ra SMDtba bat ia cor* Dnit Om» tod popolstba laerMM in doLd iioc* October 19M ooteonspkUd,ZMmenki 1Ihat work ia expf«t«d to CBcndoext o f f orDCsrirfiTas jouUim -S«U LiU iu County. pwe«tn p (br ao Mlimatad cur* of Mfity eooctTTJ*. Tb«. (aaiity it ' bot fi still oa« wewe^ After ibatdowB pit«teadnraa.; rotly ifant domwnfirinveat^^ 1 — • ’-TlWtli lon»M«l Mn**riy 100.000 ilx ■dMdated to nmua* opcptndoas in uidFridjq' the 100 operaton nmntag tb<[beaerap 'intTTtffTMnce. ----—

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^ ^"T ueuesoay, Weanesday, TT h m s d a y ------^ P | - Dn Children’s jogging Suits! f e w - n f - % deduced ^ w ra nnd a-jyea flssoitmenfrAB.ty ^ abowTiWow tniha'attie-yotra; rne-fcotXaifiing ...T": rosual appBques ot coiof comiiiniInatons. CtKv^'^zcts TortDddcSS^^ustnfCnrne Sx-'aily'witf 7«J*rFor-adayft our gwira^rinritnlchaAon's jog suits 2S: m»cMUr8n^«aic> ireoltectiorr - - From W'E

------'{beIow)Fashtoned-ot|-offiie-IOO%-cottondrrtoof ------O _ rim ey^ffleroiip^n9rts. ^ ■ .- \ tioctivety------V. de^ed pants and^S t e ^ a M l H pie (top-of-the^stair). ly, Wednesday. ThulUrsday ' p , .: Tuesday, W " ^ ■ n /g r yr ^ s p a a l “ “ T — " I . •vB''' : '■ A>.. / i j r i - ^ — -^ D r e sis s e s L - ^ - Now o c % r .-;;j Reduciced ^ V i / (abovs) Our3 u r entire slo c k of d ro s s y , Specials • “ ‘l-T r "Qccassiondn dresses Indudlnglea. Jhishort.and_ti^l____g a ^ H■ ' “ lengths. ChiChoose for holiday p ^ o s>s. , weddings. proms andId mi ore. 3 d a y s o nly re duced25%. u a ------1—— (tofkohbs:Ue - s t a i r ) ______• We.H£•lave Them Age w O a r^ ! Short ----- ^ teatltfReFSRTrtst 5 , (right) Ch redre or olive.------ith 80 many sweaters andd sskirts. Sizes 3... S Great with I / 1 — • to 13. (pan)ant and top shop) ■ Cunm p H m e B t s B;SS§^'?SSe

G itt:W i.ap_> ■' _ ------

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. j pdUnln Avenueim Norlh/Twlh Falls ■'733-1S0B— ^ ^ ^ • ------U5.30-SunA2M-4X “ "^3~=ppsnMm-Thurs7=10:00^:dL o m;£ri::!k8:qQiSaljritih s y — Z — — 7 — — r i H | = — rMTInw^mn.TwlnrIn Falls. W th o T u ssd a y .O)M M »ntwr8.l9e7 tr s p y n ^grid iolv^d- -p l^ re e ^ Brms^finrtcdized^^Arctic aHy^res< II thf pact would’coat un-• thrp«6fthat lOOanBdinni^ pmviticct [««■> thlrrt m uui 1 and Prime Minister Brianin agTMment within _theI f ng»t 48 which wnvB.t n i,at4 t------0Ut4MJ.------I - Cana^ yd Reagan a 4iAjuiegotiai__compotitivftii^)<,r.t^AtMLQOa-lobs!—4>—thatwould4wve to impUnv -— hw»,--ajud chteHJanadl •_-„They-aaruse CQnucVftliItlve Prims South of the border. the’"free- In tor Simon Reisman. ' ------' - - - - saldtherevii•vised teit may make mat-— hr«hlfd"a"loW -proflte;— their differences Weeksks of haggling resulted in > 1Minister Mulroney of givlIvlng away trade Issue ha» |»*j finally resolved thci e- The Canadian BrBroadcasting terawocse. B moy postpone conild- ^ over a compreheiwiinsive free-trade deadlockck until the talks were ele- a bod deal to begin with1 ’s( sovereignty Inn a short- and Congress m to a higher level last week•k Corp. said a section on or maritime “It waa a ^ e treaty unlll mld*lBW . > ; treaty due to take effeffect on Jan. 1, vated to I think Canada has given1 isighted Wd to evadade U.S. eratloi> of the tr le participation of Mulrone/s's shipping was dropped bet)ecause of op- and now I tl when the presic•esidcntial rnce wt(l be ; 1989: with the] industry, ond away evenI more."m said congress Pre-• protectionism.1 also announced a diiefofstf staff, Derek Burney, and U.J. position from the U.S. in< le. "* The Canadian* alsc ry-sli^Uhanges were nxadiidejp the dis- sidenl ShiricrieyCarr. : “1 have nothing against I id the United S tain al- gh with Washing- ■ 8- depuiputy fe«de;-and:.-trcasury_ Then, .approved by b ^ _ , j^ p artial breakthrough ’ -----pute-settlement mechaninitm " __ ' Bve n - wht --- {can droam> but it’s not tl ho world's biifgeit trad- ver control of the secretaru nts. the treaty will face — 5 :? ton In a dispute over W- Neither side.jwould ddisclose: the government* ’ of most Canadfans,” sali *hlp,. with vo|ubie-or... ge_through th e_ The OfTicialsofl spent more than 30- tcfore..the 10 -year agree-, ___ Sj IJorthwest Passoge. er details. hurdles bef( leader John Turner,-who a year and four-fi|^s of hours mIin an Ottawa ofTice blockover llminating tariffs and dls- V > Arctic. •d “We see this as beiieing a good ment on elin ' fight the next election on f •d duty-free^ But a com- e-trade pact was the week»kend and finally emerged other trade barriers can '' - ^ The hifltoric frce-U ce agreement for Canada1 and a for the mantling oti k of regulations im ^de Washington after early 1Monday to announce /Uthough the Conaervaimtivea hold plex network of t initialed Oct. 4 in Wa -----United— Sut®8,=----- «aMud___ Pi»tgr gnintQgffect lected-indufltriesnfrom ------'T-----rr^enioBtht^tiMgotial♦ng both agrfecmeracnc ------^------SrSijraTiiBtalMraoncirttrdo--!o-+lcPhereonr-deputy-U.5l.S.-treaauiy------Both----- C »»Mrf-a-fiveL-cod~to-. ycatVcrm.anil Mulroneyr bhaa been a • investment. “ •• -legal text beWre u pg and we plan to initial tho10 The (Canadian Laboror Cungri’ss, -DemocratsH , __;r^^document is signedicd by President checking fThatcehcr baaeks INIF^treat^ : calls for] a SliDI com]ipromisie they w ere.^^^^^^^ ■ the laat aummit 14 monthahs weapons." and even if , • ‘ BBIZE NORTON.)N. England (AP) ure of tt scrapped the nuclear wcoponsw< race r* il* 11 Reykjavik, Icelan d ... :r-T>nme Ministulster Margaret al- would resume as soon as conven-- r endorsed the su- tcher aaid the 1972 Anti-Bal- nBMslBilaMnfliiTiTtlW • Thatcherstrongly cn Missile Treaty should be ex-a - tional war began, she aai pcrpower missile irttreaty when she nd The meeting at the Brize B Norton \ bv -a number of veara" and & inlles^rth-^^^^m DMied by new “ronfidence-E? Royal Air Fu*ve base C51 Monday, blit not thethe'Soviet leaded lid west of London appearared to have nffmpnmires." Each side could mnmt>nt-Gor------te to i e other where its re- guue"'well from thp mi indicate - bachev stepped off hisI planep onto a • // H p “ you desei6tV6.ailfflIlt!0WriHlS pulicyt|Ju: hat-goffl — 'I yShTurgorWMhjn; B e a n h\ 01on space weapons stands - esoonded _to_ ' J L / l ih n y e^ ' cbvf to romprotpjfte KurirtTHm.-ulnLiiuia,— ed-welcoming= ' Reagan’s , space-Dsse ' . WoUh^K'outsWfclSa ed whether (Sorbachev indi-di* ^orms.vrith a clenched-fijfistgest^of fp.Bfjfc. insur;irance. The Prudentialil PPremier P'olicJ :------fense project k n o ^m e as “Star Wars." Asked times c a t ^ aoac^ptance oDier.ldea8, she ..pleasure. __ guararanteesfull replacement;ntcostfSryoui ' "WC~uru living->n- ttcd privately™ " and the treaty which wh Mr. Gor- replied:3T“N6|he ‘ did BOl." Shci^ddcd. WFile the iW Trtnttf le^Plus-expanded-pe^scirsonaLptope^_____ ------rbachcvisgoingtosij) sign is a historic however,^er. that his acknowledgment in armchairs in the ofIi(licer's lounge, ------trcnty."-Thatchert»ai-eaid-es-she^bade—of-Sovicirict-work-on.apace:boBcd_de^ dc;_Corbachev's-wifc. Raiaoaa.jiveoringjL!^^^^H “makes further arrangements visited a farewell to the Krcmlemlin leader, with fense “m silver and gray fur coo policy all at one reasonionable_cpst.CiS _____ i kinrf I have been talking She kissed S i I r L .... one pi whom she hod discussions dii and of the ii nearby p r i m ^ school, ur Prudential representjntative nowfof 2V1>-hour refueling about possible."po children, shook handsis with them |y|B - youi lunch during his 2Vr year-olds per- stop en route to Wash'ashington. histiis departure statement. Gor-tor- ‘ and watched 5- to 7-yc a free, no obligation PnPru-Review.wa •v-sald-the-impcndingjmaBile.iile form a Nativity glayj__ ill-make-housecaHs.-Oietek-thephon? ------r- T THTgencfanecre“Cretary of the So-- bachev-i m t' “Contacts between oxour' wuntr'ies ' ■ Porty and Reogan treaty/ wvTOUld serve thoae who "want r -vict Communist Por fer are-.becoming _wider_o_ond .brooder book for your local Pru(’rudentialbfficrf •eoty during their/to haveve peace, who are striving for ;______arft_to. sign 0 treat, mament, for a better worid. for and it’s wonderful." GotGorbachev said ' ^ i m aummit to scrapI oil ol intermediate^ 'aisarm a totheyoungate'ra. miMilea-of_ both .anon-m[•nuclear world." ; poles .apart _. . _ . - range nuclear--mi< SwSdr-Thatcher said she did Although they, are etCommunist ' leP nidential^ * ; superpowers. ihare (Gorbachev’s belief thathat ideologically, the Soviet At a news conferiference later, the not sha Iron Lady" o f _____ ^ iping nuclear weapons woulduld Party chief and the “Ir D-B-E_Y_0_N D"- ...... :______prime-minister saidiold ahe suggested scrappii ...... conservatism - have- forbrged a..good.. ■ .AB'OV-E -AN D- ysofresolvingthe noakew,> war less likely. niul Procwfy ifd , . : to Gorbachev ways < don’t-tfiink-you-can ever disin-jin* -working - relationship,). since., their disputebvct'Rcogargan’sStratcgic-De-— '"I-dor the knowledge of nuclearear first meeting three yearars ago. fense Initiative that;hat led to the fail- vent tl Iran fuiresTnfoTl Kuwait“ : i waters:s, missess target jptember in the air campuignlign. ------. r KUWAIT (AP)) - Iranian forces in Sept i9t the-oiUoxports-with-whichiich______J______tr^ firc d a Silkwortnrmlsslle m at-Kuwait- against 4 1 ------!!— S iT I o s a s r iiuircxploded-harm-—Iran-fir r ir finahrcfl *h«» w^T. It ifl onee ^ol f ______ral the Iranians use to ferry? oil UIIj WHm L B io»nW r« u)flti»ra nfftiffthe main oil load- several - M W a "Kharg, which i8"Wrnl>ga-lil:-Til: ------^ ■ ing terminal; thee DDefense Ministry from K Bai ______most.di• daily, to makeshift terminalElals ------T" eaid.------. liles...... ii . Shipping flourc>urces said ^he in safeafer waters about 450 milet nissile hit a decoy downtlnthegulf. ?; Chinese-made misi par- lit’s Al-Ahmadi off- Thele 1missile fired Monday oppor ____ ;:..._.barge off Kuwait’fl nodi ____ T lZfl^rc jerminoA otot_ the head of tho ently.wi was oimed at the Al-Ahmod SS terminilinalVSea- laland^supertankeiiker— ------n ii i f f i V PereianGulf. par- W i The IraniansI didid not acknowl- loa^nging facility, which resumed por ------j : ^ - c d ^ firing the.miamiasile, the~Mv6nth^^al“-operation-K^^ays-^go^^; op ^ seriously damaged in 0 Silk3ilk- — ; " ■' < i reported to hoyilOve hit Kuwait’s being t i-; waters or territoryory thi's year. Three wormtn strikes Oct. 22. obcr hit two tankers Amomong the ships served by theih _ ■ <-i launched in Octobc ank- ____ ' . and a aupertankcr« r loading dock. termin[linal are the 11 Kuwaiti Unk ^____ rC- _ - Iran accuses KuKuwait~br~iifpporr: e r s '^ i l i a '7-year-old war. The 'tlori-and ai American fiags-lnst-suni ing Iraq in the 7-j ihips ____ I ___ Silkworms havee a 1range df about 60 mer■ so a U.S. Navy escort ship b eli^cd~tb~be~flred—couildild-protect them.------: ■■ fc-__ milc#-and_arclbel “T3eJcnBe“ Minlstry~8pokesm » from , launcherss rroughly that far K~~l :k at J away, on capturedredtcrritoiyoflraq's 1 the Silkworm, which struck t i a.m., “missed its target anand S • Faw Peninsulo. g_no__ :______r-----Kttwait-proteati«8ted- Monday’s- at— craahejhed into the-sea,-caufling_r noge," according to the officiificial ‘ tack to tho) Iranian charge damog r i ik Sabah al-Ahmed, newsi78 agency report. t t m MR - li' d’affaires. Shoik i iwait ■ K' the foreign minist-lister, sent messages OfTi)fficers of the state-run Kuwo 1 -Jt to international,ll, rregional and Arab Petrolroleum Corporation said _ f be­ L — L— organiiations about the landcided in the water halfway b *en tho terminal and a floatirating ___ u - “aggression," the Kuwait Nevra tween The difference in.[1. , Agenw reported,;d, 1but it did not dis- moorioring for supertankers, nugFleece™ - rfaritime-executivos-in-the-gu-gul£______quality betweenn •■ ...... " close their,contcnt;cntsT------'M®' pure-wcKDl;" [1. ■ cnd’ofthegulf.aSin- soidd the missile’fl radar-w as-dB-de- ...... SnugFleece and all . ‘r Atthelowercnc barge S ■ m l nker with a load of flectet:ted successfully by a decoy bari sleepers were X- gapore-flag tankc )fthe e i p ----- ■ oDther t wool mattressis . s . «-■ naphtha from SaudiSo; Arabia was re- deplo;ployed about a mile south of tl . - created to be ...... ______g from a fire th a t—Seas IiIsland terminal,-and.it.hitit thetl . p a d s is visisible aiid provable. ■ twrted sinking f rh'p wnrld’s fine;ISSL------^------T.— ‘BufHecl'it‘“fri)M'ciiTcnd to end" despite—^barge tvngirtogbowtOTmF----- Ab(\bout-1 0 "BmoH-platforois"ha"have ,ip was hit Sundoy by beensn spott^ through the termirminol Y OTHER WOOL •' tain i t The ship \ wait’s SNUGFLEECE:e h a s m o r e wTOOL c THAN ANY L i rocket-propelleded grenodes , fired area’i5a’s waters as part of Kuwai i-who— —-— )1 as its nearest compe3etitor. And MOREE S ------fwm a IranionBp i_ . "" r f It said thet 238,909-ton25 Actinia monemed to the Foreigp.Ministiyy aand Our “Ninety N jed a l ------mattress pads a r e ' . S w as ftilly loadedled from Kharg when Undeidersecretary Suleiman Msjed Guarantee of igrant . 5 attacked ■ twicece within, five hours Shahlaheen “protested Iran’s flogro created equal.I. I iuwait ______Satisfaction” m' ------tf - lagtPfidttY; ------— ______aggnYTgaaion on Kuwait." the Kuw -— And-nonejire^•P ______w ______!.'■ - ■- Iraqi planea.hirhi'tlthe.samc.iankcr . 1 ^rwTAgency 1 Teport e d r - ■ - —^ c r e a (^ ~ ltk\e e • r: -- -witH voiir hew --SnugFleece,-tlre^ )■” ...... ------SnugFleece.-or.. reiFSerra”I one step- ivorld's finests r 2 money..wiU be chi ee r- mre wool sleeper.r. 5 ____ fully-refunded.. ----- IS tzi^cioseier:tosainiithood m »nsui- » mote wool, (ot srcaitr m liflTiftiti! snrctuicB. leit iu>iiio muHUuy ior cow ______v?rc tcl.cf fuim pat»^______^ ^ ^ ------MTcitiona m th church officIBtelir1inhe ------■■ u ■■ m CITY - A Vatican UnitUnited States to set the date forthefor . ‘ . S VATICAN Cl re. It . ^ LEADiR ”*"! li • commission exaninmlRlMg the llfrof Fa- beateatification ceremony here, YOUR FURNITURE LOW i l l ..... ther.Junip FIHAHCIHG ~ w Votirnn naedMondfiy:______— =DEUVEIilL 5 epted-fividence-compileSIJio^ ■ ..£ Z J ' -A.'Papal.prtproclamation will 'J e ^unciscans that a S t Louislis nun - - FuiANGtSTORESflNGK !F===|--^- “ NAMerTTA-RCPUTATf t r / O N - — t - forthcoming, .bubut probably Pot o f vaa cured-ota.BflriQU».o«uroloj ------— WHA1S-m-A-N. ------J------^------M fore Christmas,nos," Vatican spokes- lisorder in 196a through ^ Sei rra'a" GOODING monJo'oquinNoNavarrosaid. . • ^ inUntervention. Serra, who fourbunded ------’ JEROME BURLEY : , TWIN FALLS »iQO.»la,ulA.., ------ihe CalifomjajnisBioh system;im; was ______5 __ -137M.lnW------: ...... * ^ ^ ^ la el F. Mohdly. a-F^ ^ d ^ ^ ?. ■;------TT 7334 • -■ ------STFTm------^ — g ------j!*” * F frFrniiciiBiiu who iS'oer'~Qovleclarod^enerablft^e-ffiit-rat-step- ' .~ iocEentt-the-’United-iow»ward aainthoodrin-1985.------j" ^ "ruVcRicTTocI h ~ - - f

1 — M — U iW — neeew w efl**** fiH wVorld SAAVE 4 ^ I % W T • i1 # « ^ — ^ 5 4 » 5 i I . ______• UPPTO I ■ ^Striki ¥3e»te>l 4 itil th* j^mU ^ ri- inna>ftf>tte unti "TOKTAUHUNCI 4 AP»-----suproi—tth^KgyW T^rwcdu. i . — _ J f c n ■ in ch«t< uUu ? W y w w e D B - i .flr^ fnm •Urtiooi In 30----- Bo54HiHIiMii*aTW o,p,UI-U«MUy "5«a -HaUUoa o6 * HaJU'l J fam6 W tht *e*fi^*, « a d a c o u l d ...... -— —«iv*d' ■ gfnfr«rTt' stnke called to jvarv- ;m1 «ot be drt«nmn«l wb«iJStBenrirtt—il ------1---- iinta to allow cml- fiandiids of th u p shot and haekMl fn rt* th# niUn# lunt ID.- lj*t two iM f. H aoy p« «0pU w a it to I l u w to ra p tr v lM a■Uctlooi t* th w w i^ todratfaitfa at 34 pMpk that U3Work. ng to pro(eet p«»pW ^ . i n been problem* «pnipreading'word of nothing Fred Pierr^Uui*. p « « d eo t o( i \ \ ------ca*e«ioioedio the attacks. the butlly called, nanatkmwide ithke. aomecaj ae- the Haitian HoUl anand Toorism V I moat of downtownwn Port-au-Prince ShockKked by the kiUing».th* ind^ u t altboogb X \ ent ekcioral coonol e»Ued off AaMoation. said th» waa Shutdown. ■ pendent ^ some bu*ine«e* cU»ededfbr£ear<^ X \ A; —Outlying CKtoriioriea thal stayed the votifoting. Ju n ta leadw U. tbeir door* to ff j I P V Namphy - di**olved_ the damage, many shut th open «port*d..,upup Xo 70 pereent Henri pr«a*ure the fovemmen abacnteelam. — . — civilian-a n - r u n c o u ^ i*ot •Right now. we've conometoapoint 8 S I ole. the only radio The« ggovernment did not comment h savage force. || Radio Metropole. p en -ffb m ~«Ution broeaaagji«Ung” ne«r.” lHdt-. W tlW i fFi- ha*b^nnlea*b«laypihiitbeHaJ' ]| " rff I t — catsrOWTtTlke'WHiWBiignored in Cep--and teecfu iy tf tbs Miniitqroti^- 5SIS«maTr-lr-— 7 « estimated 60 pereent to” 707G tian people "tijat lrajuhi Hflitien. e port citcity on the north nancc i ,er« to prote*t,* added PierrTt»-Loui*.who 5 ^ ~wim^e~~»wond»- ■ pereent th* employee* wen coast and the co ;------ftrniMgH 't h a duwntgI ^ u nuU d.r — — largeit popuUUonion center. But it there: A -y^^Inn.———- waa partly success- H ieje international, airport y t ■t know about ------^:‘Mid the etrike wai Some people didn't c \ \ ’ T » ftg in S t Mare. HieHinche and Port-de. mainedu d open, altb o u ^ E d n e n lami—thtJtrii«.«ntil_itw**t^ tty la te . ______i-> k-^4^clui niled-with-th soldiert-nunbled. ..strike, le or The Boman Catholiclic-operattdsta- L the etreet«eta and police and on whi»hat ita o l ^ v e *hould be o ast new* since long it *bould last tion haa' not boadcas t - ^ d iers stood atI bubus stops. howloi kck by gunmen 3me~bad calledHbr-a- two-da an election-day allacl four leadinging presidential can- Somi the who included *oldier*% armed with a. ^ R l •d the strike. which strike|(e m toration of.th lod grenades. •' ; .d|detea endorsed I total coundL Other* demandepAmA fUmethrowerandbam 1 ' initially was calliaUed by-key labor e le ^

I ------3 ats— Hal Harden fcSchrxler HoFatoFurr-NoDenln0ms - ' . /

P | 3 9_ 6BMW


gy.Bi;PFHT~UHLh iTZ— ______— ------T DHimimnunumiiw th e steete of Port A u P r in ee a M o n d a y , the first stril ^ G o v ernm ]m ent «oldlc>s patrol tfa< B HQME AL Aquino adaviser-is ITCANfeBE:«=OR= ______j r a d K ] dead;i; apparer•nt suLcide THE HOI)UDAYS! ■ V f l ngpin was quoted aa saying, 'li ^ The Washingtonton Post 0"81 - fl ...... a n1 a apparent euiride. He Had1 b an apparent suiciuidde. : . iber>er pistol ih his band. Ongpin 1 T ESoH Zj ------Ongpinf—49Q^who__wa p 8 .widely a gl^innhnt. wound In his ririg h t,...... ' « known in th e• international in finance temi>mple. The restructuring Jigreemiemcnt, 2 com m unity aa s tthe i Philippines’ chief Tl lOMY— =1 jvering nearly-halfoCthcjMunt _i negotialor m the~COuntr/s t - debt—-cove untiy.’s— ______^ 9 L J i 2 8 binion foreign debt, had beobecame— ------I restructuringrniita, ta had been one of~^$28 ■ — ------^ ------r RiiAeis==d Ingpin’s most lasting ahd contro- con ---- GAS FUn ? Aquino’s most^ powerfulp* and influen- Ong ersial legacy. While easing( some-so iB ■ A sue lor almost anyty home.bc - . - ...... -1 i tial advisersI until u she fir0d him vers OORS I three montha-B)s.ago as part_of_o_gov- who?hnt the countiy’s debt-repaynajmont - p * „ „ talow at «}49.99 piin imtallotion • ■ St#n«Jii'0Pt>olM5«uiofluiomatic sTiut«tl il • | lackage a cm m en t shake-ke-up in the aftermath bunurden, the restriicturing pacli 2S to complement your ' iJ ll«m« Qow out. n from ■ ChoiiDice Of decorator styles r K _ ' ^ ” o fa n aborted1 Aug.A> 28 coup attem pt aUoUo brought sharp criticism f B , H«*»y-duty heat »i*cfwn:ttano«r caiiM a 10-year | lationalists and many congreigressio- ' hom t Ik a salesperson lor j ; O ngpin's elde'Idest son, Rafael, wus nati ne. limited wafTsnty. A»k« ,al leaders. They, attacked Ongpin On| delalls. ■ quoted by newssws agencies as telling nal g. welded for strength, or being too conccmedI with> ■ Heavjvy-gauge steel tubing, ts po«r«tluienough for ji • reporters thatat 1 his father had been for J .reserving the Philippinra’ I distrau g h t Bineiin« Aquino fired him prci ath er stripped Irame. helpshe Keep out wind ilr eoodiltonino syslema t ; ernational _ credit statusf “j. , -.-Weal X-.- from h er cabincjinet because of intense - ten legotiflting o > a c k ^ that iieydc-— ~ - andJ Imoisture. r - political pressu;saure.- - - - ; neg ■ MuitHpeeO 610*^.«fxION EXTRA)------~ - H ier 19 dead,"-Rafael -rideided as giving in to fo rei^ en c Imp’^ S l glassT arieJs'~ air cooOitioninO. •; “My ; fath er ■ All rrmodels come with tem ttn K#nmefr* tiigh EtfKMrer -j h interchangeable vinylyl screens...... ■ A lull seieclioo ot #ifiM ec iMirefnoinrTamtmaM ------1 _1 with . . . - a»aii*6i*. too! ______rdwa^re with key lock " ' w iu* tiMivett i m tJmiUi ] ■..InclLiiTdes heivy~duty hard> . — (jNSTALLATlOty.nf/. , j — •- - - ...... d eadidbolt-for^dded-securlurity.-: ------~ ~ w tg

Ermvr •«» pw«uf»^ Otfw «i gYOUIHEHI»4isjsi __Si_____urtn^t. Aetuti Mwog* fmy.WQ55%______^ m m ct WW Wl m i iU g jg L I l i i W f f - i n s aa t e l u t e h o m e ^ KIK nBINET Cr r toAY^ij ------ENTitertainment M tio ^an d Desaombleblet- - j - - F A V/ ( O R I T E S ^ i Receiver. A ntenna Pc ______WillI in one onil ' 1 • -Tu-..H.mrf;trrf;imilr.iiKltflcnd'ti> nilshM oiaaeSriricludiiding ------J , N|Vtl.llMl l,J,ili.irfiiliKl»llii' : m • • . • OverlOOdtonne t _ Ivlill.lV MM«1> ... ^ m o v ies, s ,! sports, and new j • ' F.iO.uNialM,1 MiMiv.ieulGili I'.iiU. H s } Mc'IpM.wV SY<;TEMS ON SAIE! tAUXUaiSOOOfiE— [.> ^Icii vcirn Tyf iiicll ~ ~ ..... nill» IW7lJ>J_UlU-:- : f— “Ihciegularpnar—7 : buy e i ‘399 ------\ m. ilk* .IIIrSjinFiiii.m nur [ivM:V;R:S------on a compleloly ive you more work ' J inslolled system! Remodel C h o30se o l From ....« ^ ------i— spacertf -rrYOfo-tcrshov^-ofl to ■ ■ ------^NOU^AtU]a Searyhomglm- ;j luni'. » l»..«rlr.. ■ rifai »«• . -your tflei 6 .^ »»prttf *« o» >«»w Ol»: Cut Nr»-Yiirk-SiMli»------& | jian and design your . _ ...... --Thick Cut I'.-- ...... provemeiiellng your kitchen can give: • SnaJicJTi^Turkcyo- ■ \ ■ .■ dream tnore-stbrage-space-andfrYCKi 5 insta lle d f i g h t ! ...... ’ < ------_ = — ■ B U M Sw ib^ffwrgunrt I ^ •S m o k fdrd PPurk tiiln | | lendrand neigtibors: Let a S ;mI Gift g IEn 111 'vrivi n'i ina >afs s pecialists will Jw lo you - •4Sf>«Ml' ______lenispecialisl help you plan Kitchen and see that it isyour in: kTiction atvj s e le c t th e - -- * MoU uniH con be instgIMI b e fo re Oiratmosl t - '_Licati.-Jii Receivef upgtode* oh«ahooniole. ______PLANNINa Sears______; _ | a * ^ * ” cuslCMTKJosion yoi : EHHSTIiirlffME i HURSEHT I ier the plan Is complete, w« -1 ' materials. . I . - h7Ciw.„.U FREE eallmate ot the total • IV'fi EvifEvifv I>.iv materials and tabof. ------i J ‘ IVxA-mK■mlvf 24' = fiSS^SSSi Alter II ‘ f” ~^U734-SSTiT(o> Crafop. >13 o a rTEM>hones o p e n o t- 8 :0 0 f wilt give you a FRt cost Inciudino mal r MAGIGIC VAtLE¥~ ~ o r your mor^ v b o c k ^7 -HEininnnnTfinotrsEiervices^SOijr = =TWff[RTFSaSZII 7333^T~^ 'SE4HS' ...... ;< :1 7 .• - , ■ t __J sSga^RoebocjyndCgjJg

j _ . . . ^ ^ —F- t - . ------^

' j c-l0,Tlme»-New8,TW riF»IH,ailionf Tuem*».oecMc«Tlbw>.1M7 ( ' ■ I . — \^ ^ jjS S L W m>rld ■- ■ . - 1 ...... " ■ • I . ^ r a n o-e ro u ruM i ® ™ f r ^ f e s i dtent Iraim a n s ^ ------J Me ^ ; PARIS (AP) ’- Policclice rounded up of those taltaken in is known to havo aa • . :______idazcna of People’s Mujabedeen Mi of heart cond:nditionj it said. ____ ‘ Iran membbra for poipossible expul- France0 is i honiB toTnHiiylranian but it expelled Rf^avi ih i'flion in o aweop Monda:iday the leading exiles, bul J 1 ’anti-Khomelm Iranioiuon group de* June 19M)86 to fulfill-one of .three 3im ns aet by Iran for nonnallt- sdfc a.deaLto free conditions ance scribod aa part of a . .Frcnch hoatagOB in Leb>banon. ing relatioidons with Ayatollah Rtihol* homeini’s fundamentalist __ __The_g-aAd^ cwcame ■ 11 days !ah lOioi , ' •'pft^rpro-IraniankTdnaiMppera in Leb- ~ SWite-MM!oalem -r^m e. -Two Fr®nch_ : ____ i»nclLhMi«gCl,_hQ8t^-^a were f n ^ two weekfl : ‘Atleoat three other FitFrenchmen still later. Rojavi1 h as' headquarters in »)oJa . aMf E i ' I ore held there. im A. Mortal _of Iraq, withh ______" I-- • M^aKeHecn leadtEaeT ran has bMn at w ar aincee ' R^avi aaid in a telezeM e d m ^ a p to g jp te„bber e, 1980. It maintaina a0 _____ ...prwident.FrancoiaiMitterrradth; M e in France, other Europeann i-:------Lflrrccta-demonfltratatothc.U8ly.deal._ J id the Unit«d State*— — f between Iran and Frai , -It ii uuniversally acknowledgedd ...... - ;• Premier Jacqueo Chirac,Ch govern- ich. BCta~ngninHt the sup-?• i ment denies any deal,eal. -There is™ p„rt«ni of the Iranian resistance ... 1: bargaining at all." S« M““- domoMtr.trato an ugly deal struckk ; : ------;.ter Robert PandraudBid iiaid------with-lhe*^leTnost'terroristrdespised-d ------...... — - -- - An~Intcrior MiniatMtry .tatemenl r in the world today, namelyly ^ i d several dozen thcKhomiimeini regime,” said Rojavi’s’s -were detained dm'iF'Je ‘^ “‘'5' telexed SUstatement to M ittew ^. ------'’chcckrarthc group'*,p'.-Frenchhe.d--.-o^,aajals “aeny allegadons thatit ' ‘ ■ Quartcra in Auvera*S' France it Ibargained for the releases;a ___ of Paria, and at home )mes of members 277 (of journalists Jean-Louiaia • . ' *in the area./ " . ' K o i^ nadiiTanE'Roger d i Auque or h'aa'is...... :" ItBaidthe ietaineenees mignt oe ex- p— ------p.11.^ Wt&MnttPnr Itixen^ uve. a .e~ militant' a c ^ ^ Iran adi 27 Z organiration in 3 ! groupa-holding-hostag9»-in-in------,------—r_ whiA aeriouflly ■"disrupt-public-Shiite-gn d Lebanon,in, but denied a role in the re*e* - orfer." . , le ■ i * Migahedeen flpokcokesman Behzad leases of the Frenchmen by the ■4-W; _Naari'flald-tho8C-roirounded-up .wcre_.grpup_calluUling itself the-Revolution-n- ifJceDfganKation;------^ ______political refugees9 ’whose- papera aiyJuatlc ------Extrcmemist—groups—in—Lebanon— were in order... ght Americans and at least:St •• ------A statement fro:from the groupThold.eigh ------claimed policebeafcaitan d insulted peo- 1 2 .other,er .foreignere, induding thehe ^ y Calling. Altertierriativc ' . pie during the arrestresta. At least one three FreiVench hostages. Nc'lo, we're not being lo n g dista n ce Carrieirrierswill _ ^ visitedd by1 “Phones from become more convonvenient “ resident ------“■Yonrphonc^-s-— i (which canputyouuouincom- • - I~Banghadesh-pr« — ...... ■just-goingio-gct— :mandofyour4ongdigdist^cc ------T •' .smartci[ernJecauscduring-M bUlJ-AhdaUMounciintalnBcU . - the next o four years wc'rc H coirimunitieswillilbcQffia^ be ______promisses clecti:ions invcstiiting S65 million to lergenq^ ^ romiTiunication netw ork.'(. ■ “Enhanced 911—ihigighly so p h istic ated em erg ilectiona which tho oppositionion . . , , upgradide the entire'Idahp telecor ■ DHAK^BaHgladil a a h lA P l^P re- '1986 elm itain Bell custom er, fromn tclcphoncservict"— ererigged.“ __ 1 ____r_ : i r ____ ...... “nrhat mcaascyc^Mouna t o o ^ d ------ZTT ------'sident Hussain Muhaahammod-Eniluid- -»,iid.wen itlfie hipest quality scr-r------The system make:es room for advaiiccs, toe :said Monday thatt mnew parliamen- Mondakda/s strike was the latest ‘5m B eanoto Boi.sc to Bone, will get i !S of public protests sponsored whoknows,luturc - “tary electiona wouldad be held within n een est n’ailable anywhere in theheUS. ——------byjhe.oit pppo^ion aince it began the Your calLs will go through5h w ith warp-speedaccu-a- tech n o lo g y might i three months. Qd Must Go^campoign-fln- al rake n n a a e n tird v — @ )itountainfi B e l l ______■■''______Tho promise cameM at^ejnlqf^Erahad \ ^nT;Finsn*~tAThrio.sirfirfronta^al^y.o£speciaL 10.— — ~ ~ ~= e - ■ different dimension.------— - _ j _ : daylong national stristrikTaemandii^^ovrlOr res like Call VKiiting, Call11 IForwarding arid Three- Ershathad’8 Jatiya Party won 213213 feaiurc ’hiarealgnation. in the 330-member Parlia-lia- A n s w e r s : The atrike, calledled by opposition w ata in d life in Dhaka, ment in»n the May 7, 19'86 elections.ins. ____ partiea, paralyzed 1 Jangladeah Nationalist Partyirty ' • ______01W2*22|om^!------Statc>run buaea ran.an, but shops and The Bar tted the polls and tho Awamiimi - ■ -______businesaes were dostlosed. boycott© ------E^ioaions wer^ he»heard in tho capi-' League.?le won 74 seats. . ■ -tal and in-the portort cities of Chit* , .-tagong and Khulna*ia during the day. — r------but ndauualtlesTinji^pmcffofwreets—:----- r —: ••. wer* reported. • Erahad dissolveded Parliament on Sunday during a continuingcor opposi- tion campaign forr hhis ouster. Ban- •- gladeshi laws r^ uuir« ir elections to be - ■ ■ ■ I' . .'h eld within 90 daydays alter. E a r l i a - ^ : ^ * ^ ^ ment'‘i F ^ 88olved.'dITand'on'Monday ----- ' the president told>ld a m ating of ' ______^to rB » ri fihall.tiyjry to hold the elec»— ..... Itiona within 90 dayslys aa per constitu- - - - tional proviaiona." : • Erahad called thethe dissolution B •------^other'ateiftowardr(7eaUng~ah cr atmo- p i ----- • Hphgrcicongcnialdfol-fer-holding-^ks— .' with oppoaition leaileaders to endlhc political impasae...... He aaid Mondayy h e would soon re* ------lease the two top opjoppoaition leaders:------Sheik Haaina ofthethe Awomi League ke your holiday trip safer;r arid more comfortably)l^aifd“: ' qnd lOialeda Zia of tho Bangladesh Introducinglg Holiday Help from1 1T\vin Falls B ank & TVTVust. way to make Nationaliat party. ,. ' what a greatat gift for alUhe family! . Both women Wiwere put under Theyear-en-end holiday season is al\Jways a special time. Gif of the year, The Bank(.& &■------— . house arrest Nov.IV. 11, a day after nts we Also,betwitween now and the end o ily get-togethers and tripsps back home are events the anti-govemmnment campaign giving, family i TVust’slNVEIZESTING IN THE FUTU'URE program will be began. The .oppojposition has de- all cherish. rest of every new consumiumer •*- ■ mandcd they be! fr'freed before hold- • .. contributingng a portion of the inlere ^ ing talks with Ershirshad. And for this;his special season, we hahave created our Hoiida; , loan to ourir local1( school districts. dget . I . . Erehnd, a formemer army general, Help programam. Designed to help yoiou smooth out the budg ;______^took power in a1 b1bloc^lcaa coup in __ " urHoiidav Help.prograr _^-.J_1982jJ1b-wm;c:lcctcd.prcai3enLm.^1cci li^:^.^bumps:yeSr5eir5end±olidays:ctsate,iQui -Getting HoioUday H e lp is F a stam r d E ^ y ! ------_ willcome inn handy.h m • - For a little;tle Holiday Help, just drcrop by any office of T\vin ready ,bie to _____ ^ Arias re ------Mafce-youtlr Hnliday TVips in Youm r B rand NeW Car!' ...... _.E^ls-Bank. lew car ■ put you inI ththe driver's seat of yourr new car. And rememBei With a litUsttle Holiday Help from us;-u; you can buy that ne\ to see CastroC rfcct payment untjntil March!______------NEW-YORK-(A](AP) - Costa Rican - ....— nowranchielaelay-the4itsH>ayment-unintiliMarchllts^the.p.erff; ------I'Prcardont Oacar'Aj'AriaB said Monday illing toj^isifCuban . * he would-be.willii TWIN FALLS BANK & TRIRUSTHOUDAYH^ ■ President Fidel:1 Castro C because his TV support ia necesj:cssary if d plan to ixAIIPLP L £ ~ ------bring-peaco.tp_CoTCentral America is to , i t N oBM tlomi.Piymtnte } ...... ~ . n x a d ftiJ e t succeed. S tm p it inttrast .---Ariastold a newsne\ conference that - Amount the support ofthethe Soviet Union and I ■ -Tem • 'P a y m e n t ------p e rc e n ta gtag'e e Rate "i ' tho United States.tea is also crucial.— L* ...... Financedsod .- ...... __ “If Fidel Castroitro doeaii’t help us on SiQ-QQ^QQ___ 6QjPOnlh3----- _ S213.98^11 ____9.629tm i______!•:— ------thlffTitiu 8uii»KftXTbewydifficult-to to ------^ 00 - 48 months | $255.97 I 9.64t>^64% - I ' ...comply, \, tho Guatemala T Tt accordfl^AiioETOT•TOTid'cn'route to OslO” w»um>«««>mtoUt»nwptyn»c»l♦st'iayfaro'flowiniSYnwnui-'." MobelfPeacei:PrizeJor,Hr = Acfa>g I* aviiM t* on 1 •• • or M««r uCH n or us^t tnidc; with • Ml*« pric*tMO< <12.000 writing the planlan signed in Guate- . w month flnancfai :______mala City. I oot» p >* r«wi *n IU*d; how*»«,rm , iO t t>ank - ' _ ...... Casfcw, ho saicwidTTiarihVie^cf:^ ^ ^^|^»miai— :— - ;____ ship to convince 1 p m n u e t nIt* u * InclwJ* th* *J0 »•*. ThThte to an l u i ^ t o ^ (10,030 Kan;« Salvador to accepcept a cease-fire, to ac* /' It* w40 vacraceoitfing toth* Mwunt« fln*be*«I.fl urm, and th* Boml)*r rtrtilqrttoth* 111 ot vand atth any ott>*r dtocount*...... cept an amnesty.'ity.- • ^ fifti piytBwn.: Tit*Tft HoHdty H*lp n u to not

LIZB eejafajI delav^ ^ ' ~ S. ^ BANK FOR YOUT DHAKA, BJongladesh in (AP) - ' ^ TWhWtoOafai bees invaded the en- Thousands of bemnttyU«d.r i , _ ■ . _ straw to smokece 1the beea away and__ ___ no one was stuiitu n ^ the' newspaper said.

• T w sd n a n s i « i rr < * . « b

1 ■ ; -M i M u iI s i m e s ^

S ^ B u t K p e a r s ^raafe 1 d b ae — chips ris ^ i y a n PrPrev P3 L -TSiiilSSiiioSISm w — MoBlhCiBiaBdSj------O3eae------a i * b ------U m — ; NEW YORK (AP)) ~- Blue-chip As nwanMU«d by Wllsbli» A i ^ ’'4te51WafiertbeeecD- Dee-bvecsak &63.17 6130 633232 6337“ . 300 & piity lade*. ^otSu aiu 4 M w h« Oa m aibt >wooldfa. wtxkhrciiH9^«t itoclu n«« (a lifb t tnrading d Hoaday dale* K.OOC i m waa psoyaaBw aeai it had racam d aa Fcb.bvccaizie S6S9AS €030 S9.7070 6035 t maiket waa 'met35.28lnbtilioDiaTahw. mnid MU. sccii* 06 73.72 but tb t m t of Uw B sol • (M ram noa inBdem sad KqcdaitiDe pro|HnwaalfapMiiTinrrT Jaa.£B*deresttk 7:73j05' 7330 7336 mii«d« end uuUjritjIts cautioned Big Boart«rd Toluaw totaled 14&M ai 4330------■C3.17-...... 42.40-«0 ------4337 I -» bare*, cgaiaat 16430 tafl- bibut nth K • boU oo Mlliiif^ that B* iBtersatkoalINV. N -Dcc.liveboci 4: agkinft iBtcrprtting( theU aeasioD'a million sbai Dee. wheat 339 336V. 3J06¥t J » 3 3 7 ^ tprvrioaaacMiao. ^faeudtnilmt. . . Leaiac i rwrrowr«llytoow»Uy.ly. UaainUwp taneaea- HcawyMH.dMIowa 1 to s m aad Al- D etcora • 134W 135 1-B2'32V4 135 . Uw Dow JooM ftvvnrvragt of 30 in ' *nw meEBsrkct ■ p iae d SSr-A . 532 5.78J.78% 539T« of • ’ fim e r dollar ia fcr- jcjognd r Wodc) tb B u l c n x iMoea w came under prea- cJo#e.tl3l2.n.«167.67patentriae eignexdiaolange. -D K -gaJd 48230 . . 48250. ._4eOL20S fi 48130 ------.T O th* m a o i t M " aure as 'Argegenttna-aaid i t g a ^ - -- - .48 the iadicator’t) 14U)1 largest Analy^Its said'liwrigD in v e sto r «■ Deccopper 11111.00 11830 114.70.70 11830 « eacoorafed by apeeola-■ •still under accae patrfi p atariua «o dcht pay- point gain. who were - said Jadt Soknen, «n aaal . -_^an,platiBom—^— :“ 48i S t l O . 39ein_-^4fi630. ------rW hiletbeD ow BTWn gis e 's cUmb ip=~~ tlo n 'ih ar r t ? ggn~tenlmTkns.* Met*...... XO , 7.70 — r-Bw»aan»ACo ------i p r ______735 7.70 _ 7 30 iag4' rtm *laftd- tionVpoUe;Mey ba* ahiflwl a taw rf-fl H j s s ~ 9 a n ------5e5rt3“beiltiiyrvfltaB r Aaalysta were rdad«ni Dcc. Tm sury BiHs M36 9430 ^ rtlatiTalylowasdthebw broader mar- supportingng Uw delte. did moat << arer* Hanover leO IH 3 0 8623 diet wbttfaer tbe .m a ito Dee. Ttcm-Bond,------8736 8732 ‘ 8630 Icet sbowed onlj a is l i^ t price the buying.DC* • Dec.D-tnark S5936 . ' 60.0^---- ^SSJBf3 1 5972------swas aa miiux of t T> l a n i to 16H. o d ----- tn o U M , UUUUti&tf lhailE aP thii ia noC *TTwre i ’ postcad larger g ^ abe*c Dec.S-franc '73.47 , 7335, 7336J36 -73M a atrong maiket,” aaidlaidHUdegarde buying, paitkolarlyUwJapaocM.paj p a v t a z m . 75.48 75.49 75.22,j n „ 7 5 3 6 ,...... pped in e « ly ia Uw day iaI « voysoflwet rally.’'M eo a i ‘Dec. J-ya> '» Z ag o i^ . • naxket a&f^tegistiwith _ wbo.ste]^ NitioDwiieie On™«-ii> KVSE-...... JaiL'mideoQ 318.74' 1B:S4~" ' l£ 2:2 3 3 ' ^1835------— ■ o f bloendup isKie*. a ^ I ~ AmaBgtbegaiaen.Td« J_l^dTOtiiJ;l^che.S^icw ties Inc. aeandi of 274. D«w OwcBieal ;li«tcd.i«^_«. indading trades in _ frrtm g^TV^BTT «ad Co. > Gainera outpaced lowlo.«nbj>^to- MidiiaU'MeETTmaikcl strstegat i ittit«e4to thoKttxfaoI oo niioiiil eidanje. penbdawrftCo. tto 76;^. Digital Squipaait - ^ — . 7: ratio oo the. Newrw Yoric Stock w ithO ^ei i l i m and Merdc was QP u; 4H to aadintfaeoveT0.tbfr«ounter m ari^ >— ^ Exchange, with 902'Bbrstocks iip, 703^----- Dom<*ii•de iavecton remaiiwd 3 »8mi1K«ishatea.- m 1S7H. " - - totaled 170^8 down a ^ 387 unchanRiiiyied. bearish,.bowerer. be ^

mks Oil r Maxtor WASHINGTON (A t- coasts-this year.” Seidmswaaaid. {dn^*1iasnI m a lte d ia aa iacreaae 22W ted a record 16.8 lo«t$L> 6b tnllioo in the July-Septen - i Qoee Chg. MooreFln.Gp. Dfltioa’a banka earned t ■ Heaaid tbe apawing waaw dxwjn_Jnbuik depos>onta,” theFD IC aaid.It - 30^4. . .billion last summer:r tbut still n a y ber k tiallyr^Qeedthe theDeeggflfortliSe s^tuthmsitiz » ^ uiiag Uw:.-^ in the, ththird i quarter of 4l-6 bil- ■ liatinAmerican loona I_& Ki Isr^ in the Midwest,~Sitgb W B -lm- quarw .-Of^UmH{njup.S18weig tt iii- ^ 1 about one-third profits in th irf q n M ^ followed now insolvent, wiUi al eflection of a ^ v e n t andp<[postednetloasesof$23 _» ■8&M>Cftcaxae».^SSSSSESiS------.1.-- "fl de»-ocCTging u i - a - i ecord-1 yn pwwiT.fthi«yearinareO ‘ ar~tfim~inaol«e&dei better farm economy. : billion. . Xexas alone. . second qqu u aitC T .______

M lM>)W»>ana«itT'w3rCBj}g— ----- vM dealiLwUbdCcoUeg^'c b s ^ \ Ari*»«r--T— ------~PFepam^nofW roots _ OOMZSOm^ ...... Oe«n~Ht#> CCH -09...... iratoiy School in New S wri w « As a h i ^ school seniorset or the par- " •CoatactthecoU^eats to which Yoric Prepara tr4Pn4erimi4 lien iii2ir.4S4) ests: If you have a spedal.'. y (OOOjutauaiM-SDM entcfone,nowistheihe time to b e ^ you are applying to ^ dlo 0 u t if there -York suggest '■ y UiCfOO *UCTQ| - liras JVrvO' 2DT* «< aerth at will affect your------a ■faliVeoUegB" ——are any special-deadlineaea-tomeeC------dreumstance ~ ~ S 5 * U eaucacp^w^ ^ w ^ esk .-2£iiS-2-S5®!i^ « ------M ■ — prcparingfomcxtfal] tribution.explainitina ” »«a - - - _cpata.-Jhe8e ne x t lBwmonthaAr^iZ|M^^S!-H _Sylvia. ______i _ 1 Dothiai^awayJdaaany. Bcbools re-. . Cunily contri' ^ soa « CMfiU MW T-«t ' ' 1 ^ 1 qi»rt> thait JOU fin out Uwheir own------letter-attadwchedtotheform. ..• | 9DWSSDi(niwsrrii«ini9»:^»covMrtTSm. UM zrt&m P H - P o i t e r MmaOLM .JBSi______> H l^ school guidanlance counselors W S ^ i , fiwnfial aid form in addi S 5 » £ W ^ C S r w ^ » a « fti»Amw Mcw- A lth o vh ^ syou can't send in these » arebeing.bombardfidIfidwith------^ * 2 2 ^ FAForFFS; MMerVXOMWM forms befor«reJan. l.youdonotbave ruSn«nei»i — — ^queetwns, most oftheUiem centering receive your W-2s in order y SS wo«i o-ojsan - u: ent of Education. From the FAF and FFiFS.the • towaittorec CD rmandal concerns,ms. What can I partmenl lo u tJ ^ ittU y . you will K foleral programs, in addi-__[.__ wnalyats processor u n deter* to fill them o< ■ ftS T S S - ^ .^1 afford? Will I get helpielp?HowdoI ‘ - --TheaeJ t to estimate your income., iracmt o< BO eOcieBOAMra*3Bt tiontomI many othCT grants and mine the amount your femilyfk ~ be allowed to eaaJaeStw^^ t iwrc« ■■■>] ^ b c ^ ? Qr should contribute towartLtd your taxes and oUother calculations. Be as ‘ ------i-Tobegin^understaa thuf your__ loans, anare baaed on need. EligibiliQr S ~eau»twa:-ll>en tb ^ forarwatd their— accuratM*f*poedWeHfybMr*- .. [ovemments. eredibr<)rany aid program, you mustst dioice. The schools, in tu V(i3 aisw. few# • ^m icyear1986^7.«7, reports Uie • disillusiccsionedt»r overwhelmed with >ttrejyiCTO-«n»:g«ep*iyCTaaB-»ng?Wig«r ( S llw B o a H .------~ r- - - -- — ~ ^ the aidjapplTeafaon a proo^T'AdopU-: ______cessing fee. e.------— ~ o»r tfotr*ytn«« mU ss than one peroercent of aUaiSu jng thee aattitude th a t'I probabfy The needs analysis for e«e»c» "B» '-F^tn«3»cntoiaM'riecar ^ ~ T ^ H y for aid. >'ou must have a lart u-Utt O OM SO *«(r» 9« t;™r .S S .^ 7 S > .^ (fttained Uirouglyiri' - wont get aid anyway.” is about aaI simple.AlloW-enoughtirs r y i ty number and, ifyou 5e»a»w^yigWj»iy^.>« ion pttffTl^huWBVer. • ffffrm'Vin' ------nwefltlgatff’yduroptii bn'aalttfffoolifih::------=------them outTPutting in the you inust register for the MSwHmi7-30s«r»?s-iaoi2««inetOiflHCSO Ma"uTiS?»5w i*»s«jMSia*. «wrft2MS0i»4S& Otaecking out your ch ttsaid; what ahould you be - ,„can save you thousands; to^S^204W iCKHJiOK ------______\(2rthwhile. Sois goi] er? on your education bill*»- t>t8nm!2»lioa»»"OSfrtttnccsaeMt^n'MOMr. ; jl^pointa:. ' You lu y want to'cons It is well worth the $5i25 itt . . 0*(AH*.i«e |i?jys»-0»«u*r«s»UrM«xm- a g t jM a a S » g»>i snxching available g countantora trusted fir — and this is the big bubut; understand-----—* ^oD »getfinandal aid.you5nll___ r a copy send a djeck to: Oc- >>vfiHnnta »inn1vw»H plaimer. Parents’ incom Mcowawoa r^-u S,>>t^

siw qip r ic e sa = — -acf.tffi____ it lg^M“ t M«r 2 , 4W3T*-” . wtVMiC& I ra tl**. •• 0 m ....: - WWB -T..-... '** 'HTV- " — p« t4» --«i'2P*.----. - !te««*iW}-i*s«»r«e U««l 2« 2" — I?If SB- ll^M ”-’"'•'■ff«ScP 1 i:i«£6W4C»'-v* 2 rs9* < : ■ „ ___ *R«tB»ittl».masdiE* . »• - 0-0 - • * jn - .t'- T S S ? " ------r»t— 12 MCiCr*- »• 2 ^ . '» trx f :*■•* •• • wui K ? 190 inier sb>* w P t w ie«e.3i"-i IW 1 .. ___ J____ kummuaOv \t BoMtOSO___ F i ’- s s ____ !84>KI_a_ir' J -.‘'i-SKVS— seaf i» ii'JO e-'.s- " 30^ u +1- Oo-O 22) 14«1*» « ‘*-4- / s ’s.;;:: a ^ ,t oo»M u 1 4 y-ti;'■tl'* arm i2d i4ii»e("'■*; *- ss?'* lofSS':." H Z E E 3 ■ 10 n i l . fjqit S421T s • • r4—^ ------Il-^“i6»^^ W^USJ. , , |144» }!*•. •* ifejTe 'eaS-Ji; . .* - ■ ».0 - ~ Wrrra 63 1} S9 tc»- ■> -ZSS I J22CBJt K» «.r* 9itm> 230 U22J1 57- g £ ? J £ — *‘V“ “ '"Ma? rr*- ‘- f F r“ W3i 120 1IIS38 Sl“ » “ S i : : NKLt o 1* a 12“- •* Wr" ■X-Y-2- 1 _ - K2t .16 n ai »' -t n m i.o ’V S *. tw uurc t HO 25**» “ " S S .1 M ----- _m jn.l2____a «24n 2T*« 1 ?•___ 2e» »«s a--.-»*-«>iece-t« ** t04M» —MUt ta u so S9'»- ■• "woT we J HI7I* SJ"-1»* ZSs, ee 10 J?TI IT-tT* ----- OT»-2« u {25 K iii» ■ -varC 4: - I4j7»-!*>**r»-an-ar* £ ...... -HO ir** » ' 1 ?«• “ ouEfl JS* S S ’S ISX**- ■* OM >11°) ^ oaatiM • liWg ^” 1 * - 'i ■ t S i a ___ • c — — -----sSae‘» „ . S S ’“ ____ .C - I S S ’-V’I___ S -S— 141MJ 1?“ ' «J« “ i « 3S''*’* •• S-9»!l2K 18M?* jy lp*,_«_Errje» ,1...... UW •*.1'* Mrtxiic J!ii2 ...... ------2« /r u 1'' " iV o S '^ .V ICT’WI*^ - »*TC»r 4 B * OJ : "'ii: twin JKU 1^*-- ••’ 5Eto 1 11 i>* :::52rJS'• S’US-::; gy" “ »!?::''••1“ I U » C -2*.*•1 kMd2M ]Tu6*'- ** g r . ’ S I .. 2 1I112»37“ .I’ . Sm 20 l»32 29-- •• g‘l 'mH; pfSMtuaCMe n* -1— - MW -1 .«S; J» - r l?^ — iW it-— -™ - - »: L S S . - - si 5 g cSS ■ ■tS2b“ . ---- inaB-r*-~v---- rr=r= F f f ,»• un^--4o y * ^ ' -'ll'■ iTwiiiF— :----- . f 418 r '- ■* ^ u S ' i r * - > nw3T C6t 4 U9 -1 >; 1-. - )tMH J « IM _i_, ji= S T ^ S 5 T » 2^“. ' ttj ^ ~ s ii " - KMtl2« » l» 29- IM »S296 2* - •* .....'iS S S ;: '^ tM HA S S »■’- * n i ls r r : : : s a i | ti»i» » »»* 1' • •• ««'™ ’f *■ T,- S S ’S 'i ’s • SSvm, J im >- • « g ”” . . g y " g g . ' ” h '|~ S 5 S ~ h r ^ — ^ '* ■ ■ ■— R—r=------B TU '• tnco l a ■' ' 'naoi 4r«.f = I S h 1 " »M T'2r::» • LO* ...... : s»^3>‘______J 120 ■"ie'iiw * ■* lUM 121 I) O 2S“ : KS" ” '■ si0 i« aiiu s»- '• \ t s~; — '! s's n*- •• UM .80 1*1'* *®“*’.-- ' rS T t If. - ts OT 3 ^* ^ ucoHs . ioB'«-'* a ".’I ' g)U«p*v>* v la Wtf ISO. .. M 25 4C1 «*'• 2*** s » S, ..'• S UCOHl IM ‘'-M® - -J i» > t a j a » i o« • >Sr • 6 aa s** «usn S9 IX ' ' J " SSf ;S 2g 3S". ^ •« t ne 2I-* l a w nS! 1“ iS«v S3 UMII M X. 1112}'* I JO____airoa 31 r»-» TO* 40 W »4 » « . » taOl ,«« .t M FSSdiia s a 3T*r* »rcO»S( <012Sa ?0***l S ? ‘.S - K .1 S • ItMi* 1S2 It - “ Wl ; ^ r*. •• CA_ » •2 47*d7*«- E . : ^ “ WI P t i m H!*K». 11» 10 iti 2i>«» ♦« y r“-i- fO) -"30 : ? . r ~ u “..W] 2-- - ’ -NC<05------2S» 2 2 -1 2 ^ . ------:< w... .. fti» 9« 11". ■ ij s=:' TMI .13 • «*«» “ U IB »*-HiTie H ...... J4-»»------a ^ m iaa» * 4 Ol 440 tit4ntior**i.l>- tMd 220 M»g “ CmCs » 2'*- ’•>• OCMp0 74 lCf**l'* ^ 91 » « -i- Cceaa i.u K «o 3^ iM«>2n I11B3 tr**}. J S S ’i? n S ‘g -- 2 - Trfw 40 it s a * “**- e»t*n ) JlS *•*-----—P P»co»J4i Heooi2D"-»‘ - i' : r . SS.J S*«34 «a»r. . 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' 1C ; ^ £ 4 5 r g ------*‘**” ffiiS?\S2fis55 -- ^------SsBBfflBWlp* ,'0«iisa -.40 'S vi^ C h io«»WMicapir*orM»'* ^ p«rl^rcsnt, up from 0.48 p m ir tIH tlW IIS IIS >4t Cn ■ lae4h«ubUr4t ■ 1133- IUI I7H I7i»' -M M H»»,t>*rT«H»^HtnW,>Hiac« WS«ws«k. Anothtr 16.4 billion wsvas sold m aklnf xbanfH la lU ISO Ao ^ -a ' ■ » iggag-i in iiiiPmonlh bills si an «Vdr»jraai dis- horns mortyagwi#rwi»-7 , % W ptn m k ------i7io u a ^ AA. . O7a«Ill«T0Q< count rata of 6.43 psrctnt, ubfrorau^ last wesk. unchaniian««l (tarn the i!s ils iii iii :i? t " * « - 1® — usavetocoo w «iiil7i't si Iv e a gift th at wUl ill brighten the hoom e for year* to c - : aC8 SZ25':5IWSM7'^C«"'.ft- ^ ^ - “^'•^-^-%-|7:o-tr.o- from _ ^ SUrvgSwrgt ta io» At* <«U Mil 4110 4elJ -113 JIJ*n ■■ " Er--;r Bine Floor Coveirerings and Windw>w TreatmentB fro 110 ______«eO «»-47M ___—Wv2 ...... «7?0-MtO-«7»&-' —vtt------eteo-MO-wi- = srr-rr—HoniiSee^riooTirahd liIn te r io r s •* WTA* ______' "aas »»■-.«.... ':: ______TOO WO (MO rituUnM ' - J - : , ' . s . - - ; - 48C -ttj D.D«c 7»0 72SO IISO CM*wCtu»> ea Tt) fA'tiMi2as77. ■ - JW ^______------rS'-'CuLuSTw^ Z' /wicinS**' JS n ttSDOt«.CMP«r M WO 7C<^rUQ WBBtasm -• C*3MrtCe<\ ______“' ’' s s a s s « --'.ii • tw t 13IE0 frtlWM :«31l - • * • — ------•- " ETp.'tEitf OT a Um rM 4*40 -IS B)ByThtAtuowaP'tii ______r ______------J Tnngoleum Vrf¥ 5»»c»»fl«er^g>wgwW«_»y~ ~ ------tMncylM...... -— M " ■CT.- '*^ftnuHt7J4C-jKj ------—tumiinymjujcwowtnMati - ■ a - a , jr as^rtsu;Wtl.«rt1; ...... U, ssassa's.'iss” SS»Butti» FrvWv.lu>gnMt .a.tft»59 SM>St« LraMMiVrccnMM1<0.cAti IS S<5«a/Ml ^ i f i M M2 to tUiM a 5»wna« _ _ ^ . 'A J^^M O Ega Hin0.&Ht^«S481 lS.tf1IS10 \M\ M J S C K h...... ---- ' VrWflV...... lEEj^SSIIjjim - ^ i •hTllllii*tnH«»li|«hlHii frf&Ni ^ BO rrtWt H »4K go. Cfl IS 80

iK M l £ ... I I f e K . : i 3 S s F 1 6 ? y ,r^g ?g-g aB^- 1":— H H lnllii-*lrtf^ — ^ 1.47S.100.1 4 W^ ♦1" 8 i5^.^:sssa:zg^------^----l.4H«0-3a>*-^‘^ U4t2M- a " ♦1“ e ;£?E?ni.‘a i . »-■ .. p ■ ,^^TlA:0.r^ ^ L _ : - S iS S E 31^ r i ! : ■...... ^ ~j-fhiinr«siniliiw_^~ [ lUMfj) CHOOO itf) - h tm nan) » i hS s S------.nsjoo s s «•«T. .r* .: igi •UftlMlfri • # Iw9 . , EUKOCMI ' POflTUilO. (>• I«1 - HH -| I r ^ s s S r ^ T l p ; H», 10. IM•) •< CI ISWiHB I “ .bi«h*««Oi«^ i •CHtuilil«0|amnnP)nwW .Brlittlli-SpililIlliW ■------;— K ------iij” 3iS3s : i E : : s z ® 5a | f f e ^ $ T 679 ^■ j^ ^ n w l g gi ancBi K w'w^w— E E E f a = « § affir;rs:r;;^lw =s:i ift. . ■ ctaciii { com - l« l«HUCu3*Mi:. S . ' IUIAlllflUits '*******■'r.J* ,7.7« Jta T7D *1J!* lUitvnCfr^iM - • " ' 7« •}».'5g *]* *JJJ IB ttMlt-Ki»fcc»-;l $ ‘[ 9 9 ^ 'I >10 -V S---- rN7'«iWWnrTT?r!rT7?i------*— tOMc'a**'...... ' 2 ilrtlJS7.«U 3I-39 ss •...iill;g E’!S ts. : 6or* « ior< 'ca" S7»- n - t7 » » > v < ------^ ■ ■ i 9H « »«•* . W - . ■ S74 Ti 974 >U'< B V .T , Ml II III ' B Y ; . ! ' •■ I •■' " '- t FflieoanrtiJOira.tf'U't ^AFFOI

—Tl^iffie[e^N ew sls^ss p w s o r i n g n noiEsmoket^-rates—rj ------c«ooc»*P»-f«»«tnb*«»i ------aClhesaowlno ~ ~ OefiTSSTiee"' S*«'' ii t e S t : . CATTU M ie Female First!t yj e a i and R e-E ntry Rrlates** -■ : ^ :. ’ . ycrow.w«ipi>a _Ages,— Age&_ ------^ A nnually ^ _____ 1 anQ an Pm uto S eoai $ -S S -S S -: S ^ — ' ‘5 9 5 - — - £ g S IS 30 36 ; - ■ g«0M s -g BM-MM g g s -:s •id - ...... L- , . S -SS-S!ttH »78 MB *n ....3 5 41 , 6 1 5 ISSa^ C^nt ------7 8 5 ------, , EtlUMtllMFnttaiHnWitee — — — ' ' FnicMnn^OBM 1 ,0 1 5 u______4 5 . 51 - '“2?®*'-"-"''' n« nnn » f}« 73« ♦!» ” - 3 0 ^ ^ — 3 6 ------^------U S S - ■ ■ - ■: W liV SrancTPrlZB winners o01 r $ 1 0 . ^ a Publisher* — P ...... S - - - ...... - !IS-!iSSS-JiJSig. : i '------1 ,9 1 5 ------r plus-see vourart orr essaye published'In -Th'he-Tlmes-News on CChristmaSTEvtf h _ - L______u*,------.JW0.J0i0.7aiT._.,i2------5 5 61 i:::::-": r iwinnerj: I «jjQ Toro Jiii So T0»“70J! 6 0 3 ,2 7 5 7010 7010 7011 ♦« i- ' {£ . J1».7l» Iia *85 ------6 5 5 ,6 3 5 1» .. . :______ffl.i££iaii2o.iM.sttis___ "-'------“ 30ca3erciS»BfV= m SOssucfby-KicculiycU4t4.» -following ago flroop#;5-6,7-S,7^ , lollowli ______- - a.Winnonets wllbo'soloc^ based on - rHCi^U5sts~ — ■"" ' ■" 2?2rDrawingswm b o judged mosUyjsUyon ------^ - -tho me iTnntli/ip «>«iiny~n>'fllif 3>dF«dfioon. ^ ir3 3 = 0 ------CAll-HCWFO(r»a-THt AST INTERSTATE OAKKOlDG “t~■H 7 0 - pnOFESSIOHAL ECONONOM.C croativity. Chrisbstm as In the M agic Vflloy.' ZJL senvices.iNC. W1NFAOS.10AH0B3J0J._____ 3. U so a 5’»- irich by 6’* • IfK*1 shshoot ol Thoyv/ will bo judgod by a pandl of H L X J.; - jAU£aRl0.vEAUl£LJC_____ 3, ai.*54S.—...... l - ^ t :plflir> wWto papor. ~ _____ Tlmos'w-Nows Toportofs and ^ t o r s . ______^ack^fldr" - — = J?EssgyEiys-sfioufffiojiDSnoiSffiaCZZI Catr»* »w 1U.*15 cntln^ 1WJ Crttl 4. U so w t y a blacKlrtk pm rbtoc) l»yt^rrrt,ttor»i«.lSca _ pon. or blacK tompora paint;t; _-25pww oids. They m ust bo.toglbly Drawings using other dmwino -wriaora n on B'*- inch by I t - inch whitol l t O ------matofialwill bodtst^)aBr»d.(Hl.-(Hint: - linodoj o r unllnod paper. U so black _ jnoho your drawing In pondJ3Jfirst.il fii ponofonly, ploaso. ' you wish, tfMn go ovtir It bibbck bla 4,AQrairan d -P ria w ln n er soloctod in " - ink or llair pon.) ^ . oachih a g e c ^ o t y win roceivo a 5. t Grand-Prizowinnorporagoigo S25pfpriio. Two Publishor^ Award wirewinnoiB win ^ group will bo'SWectod and wiHwiHonm ------aiso-bi-boselectod for oach age catogoro g o ry an d------_.$ 2 5 each„16 RublUhor's Awar.ward winners _____ wrillrw 5l?.P ^ rs ______will oam $10 prizes. will haRavo their oaiays ar^.plcfiires'prjs'pHiiloBTn ■■'- “ G E TFREECHEC f C K S W H E I S n ------:------Ihe pa JOIN!JM E M U ^N EFMl- ^ ------“ -Generaf'alTules^orboth contestssts ; - ^------— he bottom of your entry Ih neaneat printing. Wllh THE Wl^VINNER ptogram at Twin Fall-alls Bank & Tmst. 1. P u l you'our name, address, phone number,nui school a nd age at the ------oou receive maimany valuable banking scrvlartccs, Induding 400 ...... ' ------2;Aliehtrintries must b« postmarked no laler-thanTuesday, DecemlTiber 8 to^quali^.______I rograt that dfawlnas and'esstassays cannot be ;______free p erso nlUzed ae CDecKs cacn year. All yoiyoil IS u small------:------— --- -SrFhefTinnm®9-Ne^6safV884h^wigW T ~ ------;------Tnomhlsrfee-forror-a/MHE-UllNNER-bcndiL THE WINNER • ...... retu m ei : Includes. . . | r — ------TtrTimea-f^•News-omploya^amili^a8 a re ineliflible. • 400 Free PersonalizedPe Checks Eachch Year ' J 5. Winnerlers will t» notifldd via mail aftiafter December 11. NffphonriBxallapleasor------— • DUcounttI onOl Personal Installmentt LLoans 6. Wlnneri»ers will bo announced In thele 1Times-News on Decemberr24. 2 • $10,000 AccAccidental Death Insurance one entry (either drawing orsr eessay) p er person, please. ______* UnlimitedI OCheckwrltlng ______...... f l - S. submnit it your en! 7 to: ______— t Our VtoTCaZ^tds and cneck GuarantwC ■=-~- •------'moifcwia— —

.....J- 3 | S ^ p = _____ .J!------MWLIW T«uMlm.T«

18 women D!3 2 ~ i i r i s ■ c

iWWi^^pg H H : ®w l t l ^ i k e c r co a t t : ! BySTEVE CRUMP WhUmsE^ Tinm-News aport$ editor----- tfi'iwxmlii M , BRigfay may have bc«n_th<] „ cbi- dereua t«am. 01 laaho Clai:ou A-i ...... ■ "r S ^ a S E E "boya' S h i^ lebool basketball lalaitiM-. .__Here>:how:tlr theiGOT;.^ji Mitodtaddm'. Bon ^ e n ^ u te to the state chatiampion Conforence boyi’ boy baiketUlI w -T^H M«>rUBii>«4. in i„j its first year in the Gemim State cbachea aee their the league .this; . ■ H ___ . *. , Q5iCoSIirenceTBunBere willlVfltfHOBur------leaion:------prises this year. By a substaiiial m ^ n . thetl far-' • Team Pointsinta _ S S ^ ^ S ^ m M d 1 1 ' .;• ,.nu!flung ]eogue> coaches say tbxh at Min- l,Mi;Uco(6)6) <68 . . m O M h r l U ymrdM^jx Icoico with ita' four returning startersff 2, Idaho F^W^, t ;>■> • j' •Fejrguson. T en were jimimo:rB'oFWiJtomarM.' It's I - .‘°....-!c^ 3— Thc-Ran ii • and-Idaho-FallaUa-High—iatfd-to-G nd-a-''■a weakneis-on-^ln. ------,.'■'■■■■ ' I? - .^Sc•School will provide the SjSpartans’ ballclub, even foriforiticoach. ' -j:.-. . f l . •••: ■'. r.' i . mjmain competition, most, of., the ."BcQch strengthigthwouldbeaweak-. M ^ _roi_coaAes_Bay._But mnce Uie>e_mnfer- ness — mayb e.* *st says Dexter. ' ” M cnce ia divided into northehem ^ d V- The atrengthsatiB*art^b>Koi5Z._:___l_~fl =-ja:zr-=HFrr.-r:*:.-zsr: " southern 80' divisTonsTforJu^TJose's of^'J'Td"say‘e3tperirperieriWirwpoiBnce------^ J ability are .the^^ri- ' ^ 7T" 1 ~ p ' , qualifyingqu for the state tounLmament. Vand sHootingjAi ^ - ththat would put the Sparta;tana in a m«jy ones,- sayisays the ei^^yw ■ • - •• •• ■' do Mending Spartan coach. :• > •vSfe55S>?SgnB!SSl^Bfct5 ' dogfight w ith the Rams, de rwin F«lli: 'V league )e< champion PocatelloUo, Twin Probably thele areat of most, iih- ' ■ g»n»ted'^ -«!-iahed aeccmd in the league-:e~ in-team .^iacb-ieniorJadJadcBagleyjsLwhctal- ..... -M t tf a r lo — ftw^- - '*>- —«fi_defwi«c f\ yeae ago with a-1B- ballclub' ♦See GEM gM3TATEonPagaC8 ^ »w»covOT®done-*-“>-^ — • z n s iMidrniijfm n M t if____ a « .a » i ! g % = -”- 1 W!.-,vTTi.-rawai^gjSoM3^ backihitirpur^i njdt Ipm "-:* l«y.'".: ■ ■ ■-”.- J. .... [ J .B Y U ^ oftitleJ . I ?C»lofaio8tai^‘ :•-; ByFREDGOODALL more conaistent.”nt.” I -The-AasdciatedPrw— • — ------V^tlT«^n' 14n!t3>ai£l^n"more-— - a ' • — IncoiUiiten^~in-1in-the -ipan t of=^^t~— ■ plflyM^i-....,... ■ .1 '. aw fulina,27^I^at wKnlglit h w 4 oB'vr ~M IAM T -^.Dan Marino decidedde to days. He. was a ^ jne of his BulTalo'ln. the.le. 1DblpKins' p ^ b u s - ' . ■ put a shutout loss and oii worst performances ever»r behind game. But hele ]pidced "apart-New him n g h t away. By doinjng so, he York’s defense,le, gguiding Miami.to a pl^M _ kept , the Miami Dolphinsns in. the 27-0 halftime leailead. , ■ -A FC East titl^icture.^.^-^-.-. =TH eT)olphin8rode-tho passing-of-^pt stay-a livei"!LDolphSi£«5p^I“ Di —Marino-andJMnning-of-Tro!roy-Strad—S h u la id d .------r=fordt(Ha-37-28=wicto^j»vftt York'Jets 37-2rMondayjr-nlght be- p ^ o u a three•e g«gam eaiind-faced^e fallingHato-thij-AFe------^ H u U n g ------— , - . fore Q crowd of 68.879 Bt JoJoe Robble' proepect'of falli Stadium------’...... East celli^.wthithNewEngland.*won-...... UsM>Sfiss«s.^ Marino passed for 293 yiyards and with an offenseose that produced five itK ’iiy « B illM '~ ' one touchdown y id Strada^ord ^ scoring ith j r rhe Indianapolis Colts,'B,'7-6,'lead- foxu*.------the division by one game wwith three AndStradfordford ran 30 tim es.. . —games leftin tho regular-seaeaion.-— ^o-wonder-Ier~L-am--aa:aore.!’^th e ^ “Although it’s a good wiwin for us, rookie from BosBoston College said; "I; S S w wo have to do it week in1 t and week didn’t expect; to (come down here and g l ^ ._ l out," M arino said. “We nineed to be • BeeDOLPBJ>HINBonPageDS • t:.? I uv-uai 'tnf.vx botly- Kentuckj:y climbs greasyc •fciTxnfgHon O t;- ro Oregon State’s., i “pol^f^r^vJo. 1 cage[elteiv

'^yJDTO'CONNELL- ...... tolcb'twolusUi^. ~i-The Aasociated.Press.. ___ B i U W r U w l b r ------y Kentucky, which beat IiIndiana in S . ”^fejij^f iSVni^ .'•Iffii \' •>^ V'v. HUk overtime in tho Big Fouiu r Clasaic. H IB5fe»-?LLT2LrZ£-- was voted the No. 1 teamn i n t h e A s - ...... jPoi. aociated Press' college basketball b ^ O a 5^' 3: V ■ " ■ : \ I - _ poll Monday, replacinjng North . _ ^ ^ p-. -.' - - "C arolina. Whlchfelltg-fif in t ita lo88 to Vanderbilt. The Wildcato are the tlthird team , . ~ m th e4 h r ea.pnlla rclcaafld3d;tWsxeM= o o d l n g ^ ------to Jiold-±he_topjBpot._SyrflTaguso was, flfckUMdahaSt. the preseaaon No. 1, wh/hile N o ^ S 8 B ^ ' 4 S Carolina had the top spot)t last week VV r ~r^ u'^ i - -^r , m i the first regular-scasonin poll. atate'iaaw n h M Z _ The WadcAts. 3-0. retreceived 46 H,^\i^nJior^^h^AJ760----- kM ,Boon«had 10 os* from a national panel of sf B.U t o i * '»>«•?*!>*>>? kportewrit- potot. fa-' fallingfl one place. lilted taoUec. ^ crs and broadcMters to ; ftO.. and. 10th,laat_week,__ ■ — spoVin'tho poll and easi .had 674 pointointi, four more than i — ;;!: tance PItt8inirgn~for~try i ° 7 Myracoae. .4-2TM , -which-'foUowed f itB— ^ ranking, the first for■ l i a to Arizona)na In tho champi^naWp •_ -slpoB th e 1983-84: seaaorion. whtn; It - W o o fth fOrGrea'tAlMka-Shootout---^ r - f ^ i s .- went on to tho Final Four.“■• ...... withtwo victorirtoriea ae host of the Car-.. mj? j.' _ Pitt8burgh.^2tO,:^.rcce:ceived four 'rierClaMic. first-ialace votes and 92828 points, in Miasoun. 2- ■ Z ------1 - - jumping-.^rom lourth iw aecond. 'leidWl IfllU'Uui while Ibwo, 6-0, moved frofrom sixth to prevailing oveiover Eastern Mlcliij^an tfiiH with'two-first-'placece votes and 77-75, receivedIvtid the fmal first-plas«_ .. , -~3« 902 points. vote and 656,Q p v 3 5 D»ctmb«f<.1M7

.....' J ^ o h 11 8 - w o im e n ’is b a s lk e t b aill ji t Ja i g l a ni c e : tcciai»TC>^

- : : i j B ii | i i l i Stroud on C SB "Thcv haveR i &Haa*»9 -- -C*«e»>Sf»>»i s t r - . - ...... or fotir big c a sfs;!g" y ^ ^ ^ v«rtnp< laaurncens s r * S K JS r”^-?”' — ^ ■ M M w ho MW,J«n ~ '7- / ^ ' iiu ' SL'CiM 8t/.«l« . . aitmre. .. _ fw.or-iJn i l ______;“• -j: . :;.'.'":-":;~ ".’"iM ■Ei S S K h a lf.' - ire. hatJ^nr29 ..*CooCamdiM* S?!“ :------a*l.J8______■!g J S M „.. s«f«r.F «1Z SMIMCC': M ” --r:------. ______<11*liUWiVMfy -SAferT.F»r.F*e2J . ux I0» . S '

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'T hev'vc’ <](>i ' &■(»««,uitr ■■HlllliBH—_:— ^eh V bmcw<0*WiUUtAC« ------,• a couple ofiC c n T m ^ ^ M rer^win'oi'BB-Kvso'J .. ___• ____9«vcetyM^:•n^lont , . _____ imsMKT aOw vo*w iia »W»W»Snr«!&TO»-a>^i-^i.ii«-»cT-t»a.'Si_ OM SSKOvrrotCiWC STMSNWe ChKfie*. $4 Kyemyl kwee) fr''!»iiinan S«»v H ■’♦«"»>‘^‘►a i*«*«se -« iftM. ‘' '■ •*'“ A* ^ :c -,U.» uLi'i-'t. «.-r^ -Vrt ...... — TMr««trr»l BtWQBuiyr»rCTC/jpm■i^^a^W«^^^^«g■r8 ------• t t M M lw i lerwjfS. Ce^f 0 » ♦"» 90n1(K>*«/« 0Ms'nt»cniBta«3.<* ‘S Ktil. ... aOo* T}u>v'r(’ thc> «,.OK. to netj.MeT ...... '...... iCocfmaiMv"» ~ ,.^KBHffl |a|u|«u| ■ i 1 •S ■ S»r" " ...MUda w m m m m ^ II CSl ■ jmJ»i2l . Utah Valiev. a " * • -■to!ItgaitMM netf.i^ 2t. ■ C ’ ■ Mtr.Jmn ' ’* s,iui.cc- MnX ■CSI • Trv«u,» ; S 2 P«e ______■ ...CacraoyBrM ^ ^ i»r»,& T ~ ------^------— ' ..... —------— g g “ ------T~^ - ^S- “____ iSNe,r ______: i ^ _ _ __ . , i a

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Stroud on S |H H H '‘They're I £r(^.u«' . , W>E!*^tyre«r> c^*ai*a«Sra* .... B|H|| in ^lewtsvw iietixT' I'mowI PTMn scvwr. < transition uw y II iisM' i9SM:-’-K»r;l;*k: H B m H B H . a*wc/£*;sr>r. . ______6 y c ^ wvs*______new coach.'nilffan^^H ^-'—Baca njTOf■!«•> a BUM *9i;^5eft.iaK^»a« _____ ■tiM< . .D5----- i s ; ; ------' ■ ■ »!3« ' 'Sej^iI, ftFk i?T ■ - - ^ ^ lfttf.no }f , CS

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.______^ \ \l IIIII^H Stroud on ' “A s fa r ------r&rr.wn------■.'...... 431 Tsir athletes go - vartficm=” im B I nobody has SW afij^ ------. B | | | B a th le t e s . Tl s-Vi icwcttV»r? ■;'- S»-Sx« ^Ktfwt^jn ve»lj■ Uftrt»nt.5-: h a v e - *l«CfS Sum M :t^ MWMn>?Cr1|K?*X>« Uttre —^ _____ !k ii______g u a rd fro m aSuuuCC ' ■ ^ ' 1 j-^^M ^ 5: a,.J»sSf" IS, . • _ ^ , ' o ■ ■ ftc« ------r ^ i l i i , n ! & ^ T>vieiB S w — ------^ r - «)< Kara ^s r ^ r ------s-r-.;'.: • ' V 3 J 3 o B ie ri ish.... Usi^immes-News^pGlassifiecitds.

■ _____ z z r r : ' —-T^ - . --.-j-:---.b—:—-^\______T M ^ .'O k MOI TibwWijCrwiBf Gem StatIte------— o u t s s t u m 1 8 Memph•his : •CwUwiifrier■rM#*Ci jM -q^aikIW.al-IOM^ffMr^ . *1*We Iww «Da« tmmaC tfOM^ T o p 220: St. Lc V w urWrctu, ct • jg m a rm ^u r, wli>Hitck vttf aSov «•as to OM ------K» trtUi*.: «ii|bciM rtirtheftvathasaiflnf widi ■ ia n4 «v« paUmc* C Item « IL l-ftiMU. t t^ tU v n A O r^H d fmBaa.aft-Slmierfanrcr^ ai 'Bv'B s t v t de not h a w ve ry fOQilodtMa aew4». poin** <" 0 ™ ^ ^ ^ V M 11^ ■p >, 20 M«mphia.atau Mac forward Dwridt ^—abbiWf tf ff**pfTf **1 F r i j m a = irh ilC iu . ihC-Offli. UMd' ram b u irar tha boardvrthen l i ^,t-Cdl«M nll. ------ih o o u rf 1n tha taaU jnfaranrtTsl----- tTyiif Coach EDIolAlidWi'bM •0 and 8 0 to a 48-36 leai ___ jTMT-ia^lloUrt O n rn tr.»r. new wm win oUl- aharrdTfaiBM .” - "Ottr-deCtoMM was the k«y. It 10^ i nSTfive stala champi^o* Wtll em baflUd," G im er < halftiiiftime. Mnior fcntrard, aimand Kalen ahlpa in theM Itait six years, last year ' T b m are thrM «t«rt«ra heek-Udba nalJy had them PittiburghSS89 - i ------by 6-2 Tnm Cruml»y, who at aaid.-Ws also> Uiuaed the clock well. , 5 -^ S ^ “ W»-«ilk*d-the-i.e-dock ai^ get the OM —^C hicagoStrti r 6 3 QrMO«r m u n u with • 14.3-pulnt, four aUrteni«rs irfus his three top -lTITpbimi'-^' ^ 12n5ouoar khhonut-lii------« l m et of .11 Ihe g ^ j j ~e.1~N&0Qnd'JuAtor •eniw, Mti while reserves.' ■ wanl waj in liia junior season,n; w hich- s b o t * ;- ^ am Houston 69 pnTSBURGH (AI(AP) - C SiriS made the No. 6 scorvr and NNo.2r^ pl*yar«x«uted-" Smith swred a etcareer-high U M cKiosb a rtn f^ d 7 poiipointa and 6.2 "We*re ver/ery Inexperienced," says ma- NOHMAN, OkliL (AP) - SU bounder in the Uague Ustist year. Anthony B onner u k scored 18 poinU NO •hh«d- poiota.and,Jeromene Lane had 13 bO«rdl ■ JTMT SffD. Anderson,,whoM wl Uam finiahwl 23-4 bou ing scored 20 points and grab Ha'U be joined by both m■BtTtmiPg grabbed aixlix rebounds in help- King ibounds as N o .'j >_To top.it off, tho fourtliirth returning laat aeaaonn fand was rated No-. 1 in He' ivhicb built a 14-point ninene rebounds and guard Ri< •ta ru r w m Mloico'a l«ftc[eading scorer the AssociacUted Press pre-seaaon st*starting guards, Jer«mey AcUndOTion Louia, wh >d to a 8943 vii and Rick Shipley,.b^.6;lp_a)aeniora i° the secoicond half, hold on to Gracirace added 19 pointa Mon -W_<>'er..CWc«^^StaU Mondi^ ______lMt-y#iri-W.Junlw_foi.forwaidJ)an_aurvey.JWee-hava Juit-OOf _ player__^ ------as No.' 16 Oklahoma beatlaun i Poulton, who carried ail4.S'polnt,6. 14 with experictrlence. We have five re- George C Trenkio,’ a 6^3 a i^^ o r who" the victoiy.— ^ played a lot a t ce n te r last ye hungry ~ give them Housouaton State 11149. ^ Smith was 13 for)rl9fnmith«fi^ 11 B^Nbouad iv m g a . . ______:» _ ■ turning "vaivaraity 'players on the pla Six Oklahoma ^ y e r s acore< hia StaU Coach Larry - Sia .t^md^Sofg^free t h ^ s a a ^ - '/ j ; tKoM "rebouridlnginirnumSHr^tMinrWir!: rOgydld~nor|{»t’much inh jubleTigurcrar.th.r Sponers,. aenlor awingman - Jlce-J4-Johnson, ^ ^the BlllIkena.J3Ttw_.^bub would IndlcatOj The Spaipartans were,.playing:tim«me.J^e just need time to sec itrebounded'Sam Houston £o.-t- Panuwn^wonjnetE whwho playiMl a lot laat year,r, will be Pl*y«i ^ wve what they have outn senior- and f i r ^ ' - the p S C a moat efToctiveUve team last develop." ' 68-«M 8 and forced the BearcaUts into-8?m i^^g|j^ year on .the defeiuivee boardst and— T i i a f oneODi ‘ retumiji®.;;; player, -th*the other forwardrCowellI alsoi ex- been playing." snce-foTward-laat------pecta to get a lot of playiiAna time - Memphis Stattate made 31 percent 333 tutumoven. aeason, Outscoredd ClChicago S U tejS , -- r a n l^ fourth Inn offensive however, is 64 senior forward Bill pe< , including nine of 21 Grace, Gr a 6-foot-l aenlor, h a r.lioWMtlMle.gu«;iNo.4 from fro Eric Roesra 6-2, junioi S t h B first halfl9-18.18. I rmtlten afld-Bjllman.ffh' ul b1;i nssiata to'go with'six el rlaatyear^^tha 10-boart wnnrt trffffl " ranse. St. Louis ahot uui i > scoring in double McKfi^e2;^M-hi thehe top 10. in - rebounder U hd six rebounda. Harvey Gran,T,tied In addition to set hibrfbrwiu^i ■ .*— 42.6percent and I figures for the 16th6th straight gam^ bothtategoHei. average. He also acored 12'p6inta a nfc iklahomawith 11 rebounda. S k y lin e "Sure, theirir zone looked good Okla Smith grabbed 10 rebounds ai^ ~ *'I^t bench that Dexi)exter ia wor- game, >t hitUng," Finch aaid. • ried about inclodee fouror ]players, 6 4 _ And laatat year’s subs aren’t ex- Caatleford'a ( Jim Lewis.-atartinK,-1 when we’re no t! blocked four ahotsta ioin 28 minutes. •stsld e rf “We weren’t hittlitting, ao they stayed f^Q] Mnio^ center Robert DaiiDa^a, B-IO ae-'-actly scrubslbs. They include Spencer hi£hia 12th season on the west (ansas73 . starters in it-We had[ g.good shots and took ..a _ :nlor guard Jamei Chrisiristenaen, 6*9 Moser, 0. 6-76-' airoior forward; Bran- Idaho Idi Falls, lost all five i Appalachian St. 622 PuTdue72 and the sirth'mWJTfromiaaast yeai'a good shots; they.eyjustdidn’tfall.’' ^ P i ^ b r , guard Kent Scfaow)bwand6-8ju- don Jackaocaon, a 6*3 senior forward;' an LAWRENCE, Knn. (AP)' - nior guard Fete Dexter,;er, who spent L w ce Andnderaon, a 6-11 senior .12^.12-11 t ^ . ‘ B u t J < w e , ColoradpSA teams axe known focpeakin T ^ p J e S89 ! hie Marshall scored 10 of hi YETTE, Ind. (Afi) .... __ time, on the.varfity last,:ist, year,'along .g u a rd :_ Jwlaon Skinner. a S-9 aenlor t«{ I f ------poinoints in the second halTas N“111 -WESr.OFAVE5 id David Miller, a 6-11 se- tritrict tournament time. Is weweU along- V M o S S V i wred 2 0 -pointa, 12 — with j y g r^ u a te Eric:c ^Miller,- a 6-1 guard, and : .Maaa.(AP)-Senior KanCansas rallied to defeat ApC a in - •junior forward. nior guard.,•d. Up from the junior var- in gnximing their successorsirs. AMHERST. M rSuht on 3-pointers, toI leadlea No. 13 PurdQe “We have good aize, faiair speed forward Tim PeiPerry scored 23 ponta chiahian State 7342 Monday.r tory over Colora^ 'atta aity are MlMike Hinda, a 6-7 junior ‘ tretching tho Jayhawks’ wir i Idaho Fall nd John Radford, a 6-2 ju- and an we're improving everery day/ and pulled do^iwn 11 rebounds Mon- atrel treak at Allen Field Houae, Ito'51 Mondaynlght , Desiiite having pe says Lewie. "But we’re v erBry yoimg' day n ig h tto leailead No. 11 Temple to atrei Everette Stephisphena ■ added -16 I;! ' ; shorten team in the le< ard. *a: :ames. ive good height, fair quick- anand inexperienced." an 89-71 victoirtory over Massachu- gam I fi«e thrbwa in the ■ Falla 'Coach Oany Bt , Marshall, a' senior forwardrd who P0>»“ . eight on &« bSSI ’i. not id—good— depUi,:— s^ c t—- _Th»_pr»««iiyft I rf^frnse.i>, Lewis’ BPtta in the corconference opener for M . . aiw-iiae- botnscnoola. -i^hftfld., . T ~ , . ;Tbat*a because, as he ninr y^iwrd MSVo n iia fln nni lurgery. and reserve guard ^ j.7 tiff a t the fltartyf „ rtory the'other Tiighfnn thp nit i a i ^ each-scored-oigb^pomu 6pej\lng^eekeridrWejust“'nlor'guard'Matr-WlUlamJ nii fflsrwhile—aaded-22“pointt ntFindudinr^^ BoUermakcrs, who ., in evei^ game and deptl Skyline will have good sirfire inside pointers, for 'ITemple. 2-0, which >ngng a 20-7 Kansas b u n t that I unded 41-31 Ihy . *r«— le.time.!______Si yith—7:20 -.-remaining - a n d ' iks'it hjis everbeen here Twin F alls wiwith 64lunior center Adanani Roger^ made s ^ e n of)f JIjyM lfinsttsw ptB . w*tf iroughoutthegaipe, ; havegDod.quicknesa." -and 6-6' ju n io r’' forwaH ''Jason ' Massachusetts,ta7l-2. niade l3 'o f2 7 JaylFayhawks try in g 55^53. ,aiftinie-^*«*32.221eadeadathaiftim e. -ti ditlbn o r th'e-Bruih*"fea- an Kansas. 6-2. led 3T-32 at hai _ 1 iiL T all^ t-jretu rh -ataritoter.^U : Roberta; Among th e rest ofj f t h e ^ t S-point attemptiiptfl aafreahman guard - - K ______• .j.'.C ;..__ boters^— something that^Bc mdjnq:eased:.the::margin to0 4&39_____~ :: 'Keegan K ue who is jo iappened_at_TFHS_8inco__of_ofJast yeai^a_jya„expected_d jtf »«>^'Rafer_Gile8_mji^indeeightr- .... - ~____ .“ d ------rllheap'by'S-lO DarlirMi lot of playing time are David ■ ■■ ______willn th 16:43 left but fell behindla t s th e 1------.Monmmde-O-^^oolSolson.graduated three four lol ,re Mountaineers scored nine str .BiyanH^- - il .6-2 junior Swede Trenkle HiHadley, a 6-2 aenior forwa « • Mox t The n st of^the ba^)aalcajy senior ® points for a 48-46 lead. ' • guard and 6*3 junior Jody MMichaelson, a d-2 senior ifiin s------^ BSUslshades^ t teams f ^ ~ft]clude nd 6-2 senior Joel Jund on BiBrett Jensen, a 6-< junior ; Jefferson, 6-1 Jeff Herrii loX -S •continue;ued from Page D l MMichigan i 113 :a. Twin Falla ia Ictoking to arand Trent Rosa, a 6-3 so] W. M JcW son 6 6 ” ^ .Patterson and 6-1 DanSe«"3‘» forward. - P ocat«llo carry 30 times,:s.- - ...... W . - rSt-Maia r y - s - - i— Ita. last-place ranking in fqi - Glen • / I The Tigers also have •RaMinffo ^ti»g npw group-of gT MarinoCTmpnpleted 29 of 40 passes ANN AI ARBOR. Mich. lAP) - oductionJiUhBJSSCJftat— yanW lor his lirst touch- Rice ------I^Drew-MtdjdHmt-heiai Pocatello Indians show an;^j,ility e to andrantiveyai • and ita 7-13 record. Pc !^tha?« s^rreconlM jl m o v e^ r m e ? • to eee a lot of action carl:arly. ■ weaknesi i*-'youth,*-says-:■pul'the'-ball p,j through -the: -t net, - .d o w in foury;r.years afler Now^York Gtai 1 juntftr nntkp 'eJourth,qii.quarter.______beateat Western Michigan -- ' ‘D anM erritt fifl will be a good basketball --not nc e x p ^ the-bwttom to-fo — -Guard-(3hria ChlliIhiMk Bgnrfld'^g Buell says the biggestteat problecUs— ------^ fl-mflde-8(rsome costly mistakes __M_Michlganv6-l^OTttTertHCT Pftcn-dependa upon“ how-tK"tH^ear'sprogram. _points.toJead,BoiiBoise State to a...-. ~.-^zrz ------‘^eVrBtartiffgTrat behiflhind^e rest ^ i half, but we stayed'm cososrintb'-the.rgame l aajtho.j ge learn how to work Hard But he dbubta tto gnjroup can - in th esew n d h 9 victory over S t ^ _____ I of the footbaU--^j?yj!-?-?. Bt tharlnBt-TD on-the-Be-gfi«giurw lih~g~10^'Tun-brtho; of the teams because of ttih that efib'rt and how ^equal last year’s 20-4 recojs a •asketbau gam e~^ wonClassA.l . erines-and-the. Jirat _half--C pUyofis .(Idaho Falla.wo we getused to'one another- siislnce-smooth* guard-forwafard John -“‘™‘mi -.Cboch_Don_ Shula.veri - MondSySlgV— myision Jl tiUe). Wee area going to Murillo'has matriculatedi ti o Idaho ■ay we were handled in withrith a 25-2Michigan spurt for I outscored the ^ isateam." ^ M ould have ployed with a 24 h n M time to get our exiexecuUonand le dealt out an average of al- StStote University basketballj]] Buffalo wc coul !4 halftime lead. GaeU 12-3 in the overtime,I in- " ____ n and still had the hell__WestemMichigan, W 2-2,mai espedally-OUtahooUngg ree^assiatauarrgamei aa^-a ~Kiti8=retums~ju8t.--ohe,e'-«tart«d-: lot of omotionj jihrowsrto taiw--^ ~ f usTTonight was a big oneine fieldgoal over tfie’last aeve Hlgblanc ma Matt fachedoutofu thevictory-ihdbo.i boost their rec- ~ and - sophomoreiirci while'tJ^“ Benlor^IxiTett-fri•■from -that-toam , awingmi lUtBB firat half aS ^ 0 W< ; ' ‘ liighlaind, a team'I wellwi regarded Waldapfelel figures to pve Tvrin HHouse who at 6-2 averijrage l4.4 B aiiie,..nd-»^we-made-the-big-playa-nuti 5^-ordJoiIaU IaM ar^feUtol- >:____ _ nes were putting o t a~da2zl« pointa and aix rebounds lasaatseaaon. when we hadi to."t. inea • enough laat aeason to 1bc voted the Falla sonsome genuine strength p< son's 2-yard touchdown fensensivc spMtacle. Tho Wolve Mark Coram, 6-0 aenior,, serveds as Don; Johns™ ™ T “ 'The Gsels fortforced overtime P , ! favofito in a Timea.-Newftuia pre-season undemeatlath. M id the firat-of Strad- comanverted fast break after times cn route the sixth man a yeatago andar posted. " “ P"™ oKU tn forward RolRobert Haugen I; . - - ;.poU.>.fell upon hard tin . M adison ti t.ynrd tauehdown runs fare:jreak as the Broncos were una ' to a 9*16 record. Butt thetl Rams fm- Madisonon didn’t have trouble scor- 6.6.8 points and foxir reboundnds in that Jnr^a-lhree l-> hit a pair of freeree throwa with ataked Miamili tot a 14-0 first quarter . bslowIov Michigan down. ______^ .l;3S-.temainIng-gg-to-^-~t^-^ — ^ '.is h ^ strongly, barely■ely missing a . ing pointsts last season in its second nrole. mor8to.fill::l«d._Stwdfordbrd scorcd twice In the _ -Jaeithwia^ tha;, atata^-a^toumament.—yearJnvthethe-Gem.State:Conference.: . .' Kressi expects; three sienl' ------B&me at '49. tiau Iff rotation, second quarter Svract^e 95 ______pninfii fnr tha gamj[ame^_ T; ____ iMoreJmportantly^ejhey_had_a cou- bu t defenainaejvaajuiother.8toryi',The_it _in:thfijreatj)ahe_fltartins. ting'the~Jeia"to-43Tter-^ ---- - headed by 6*6. ..Jim^GibiS ' T h e : — _____pie-of I juniors. ed_Greg Jerch B o ^ U allowedal] almost 65 points a hi I fin t half, though, the C o r n e l l 5 9 •BOttsrien • • -- ■guard positiona will be.bobSlSeTbdhy^yfrtsmftoIr andChriaHoge.. _ ...... - gome laat: at year; second-worst in the -gi iferiae began" to' w ilfin '■ SSYRACUSE.T-N.Y. ■ (AP] MM«4t,D«ut'a44cII’ ------and that largely accounted 6-6-10 Jeff Doyle and 6-1 6' Jason Dolphms defer . Now'.they have aI ninew coach - league, am the thitfl qua]uarter as Ken 0 3 rie n SteStephen Thompson BCored lS5 of his entlOyeara an fortheir?- Cammack Ferguson — who spent 7-17 finish. C |T ^ touchdown pass to 21 points in the fin t half MiMonday , “S.‘jK!S,n, , . in Falls'before B ut Jei Kresa saya th e strengtgth ofthe . A rew a^yar an aaaiatant at"T^n Jen y . Grover, who has id backup quarterback night nigi as No. 4 Syracuse beai=«C or- B|B^u.iTa.Uc^^ vl teams is defense . andl\shootins . " Toon and moving on the bead coachingcoi job at coachcd the th .Bobcats for 12 of the u m eight yards for a TD nell 95-59 in a game thallat was o.c«iyMHii.i(tniBM» . Kunafor fouraeasons. seasons, thinks he haa a • aability. Tho weakness ia exexperience. J y " IS. last 13 se , on a fake fieldId jgoal. • ma:marred with a bench-clearing • “We have-good aize,ize, fair quick- rem edy.' B o n n e v i l l e irew.within-nine points - in tthe second halt------nesa-andpcompetitive-ive-kida.i-eaya----- “WeTl-b-be-quick,"-says-G^r.—------Bonnevillerknown'forh:Ws, sweet. dre a. patient with 14:53 to0 gog on Johnny Hector’a SSyracuse, 5-2, ran off 22 co: - F erm i^.» "But we’re^ not playing have^e some senior guards who shooting s' guards and* tive-pointain^eJirotJialftpj . offena^ rarely ra n k a n tnthe-tottenr-J4-y»^-'^‘h t -ti^t.capped.aJiVfi:pl^j_tivi ^'^^^^'Tood-'HiiSM^t.-ourr nreboundii^-ia can ^ ^ . 0 ve' following-a-Miami 40-40-10 lead with 2:58 left in th still weak and we're nonot plajnng tound“ aYeroge*to-S Se’Dlmeand'MemphiiF'-^ =Z= .'ffrt% ^iZI= 3SG-last-year,—tmd-Jason-onBoylbra 5 4 guard:— ^------1 -Salt'Lake-KaiisijVNotre Penn Stato 93-59 and Loyoyola, III. iPiai*»ibni J.0 »»-*» ------fr 0 - W -T - - 7—_ whileHoge finished 12112th with a 12. B ut thoho Bobcats will be arguably' CommunityC College...... State. 123-73rwhilB-tho“Runnin*. :R e b e l s ------' — -We-U be quick-and ag;iggresfllve.*— X ast w'eek’ijk’s " Second^ Ten" w a s'J^ fr tU-J 9^^int avert^.TTogege alsoI finished "the'W drteirtest' teiiro in'tho iea g u e i'■ broke tho 100-point markt in all utathc«itai . seventh in the leagueue in defensive cresting : i wilh 6-4 senior center■ soyss Jorgensen. “But we’lb’11 bo very. Purdue. Tempmple, Duke, Louisville, |>« -• i S 3 I veiy inexperienced." Kansas. Georgetown, “‘jthree of their gomes. 7.1l>Bi« rebounding and overt/erall was the David Smiimith, whoaveraged 9 pointa > Michigan, Ki —Nevada-Las-Vegas -beat-ii.Hawaii-. . -- KiSSg... t ------• The biKeat'guard at IBonneville Oklahomfi;-N«NevadaiLaa-VegaBund-:-* Gem" State’s ' fifth'-besbest rebounder and 6'boailoards last year, and 6-4 se- ' Loa 114-46. Hawaii-Hilo 113-345 and l o g ^ ’ fr 6U*J3 with a 7.0 average. . nior forwirwaqrd Sean -Weatherston,, thist year will be 6-10 s(senior Eric Memphis Stot<4ite. ■ tfj its open- i^jS s il me..lrl.' reploced Louis- PHawaii-Loa again 120-47 in it - --:-fr .• «7»H------Butthe~Ramfl;had-inlin^blems vnth^Tyhoulaye08 t and 64 . ing Irish beatsat tho Cardinals 69-64 fense' l u t s e ^ n , sonBomething Fer- Ex-Twirffin Falls High aaaiatant Bill ( Carolina 78-76,“ was" 2Urin t- - th o |?SS5Sv*i...... > sophomore -Todd Jorgenensen, who the secondid gamei of the Big Four J;"® g \^n hopea tqremedy'dy with an infu- Cowell, wlwho has spent the last two i voting despite the upset of thithe No. 1 }“ STd«. - i . m ■ • demonatrated his eye4i*aF»»u I one of the knwest Interest Ma>4>l'iOtaM no annualual fee. will also enjoy or ______M«k.fcn ^ rates offaffered on any credit card! AU you pay Is a smaU ------TSomfilJ^^TfiiWa/THrWlNNERlSrBCTciitsl lH h WINNER ~ :rtod»afa- ______- ...... — — —•oiif viiVlsa'Cafds aiiTd C H ^ s^fantM to Qualified Sggtfcnn------M eubeibersWith No Annual Feeee *400 Free Personallyid ■ - ■ s Sff, ChecksJta E ach Y ear • D isc o u nIts ts •on Personal Installm entI t...... - Loansu • $10,000 Accidental D(Death Iniurance ___ _ _ ...... ~ I : ® • Unllmiim i t ^ O te c k w ritln g • Intei«K* « 0 ...... wuiiCC------.r ro — i v — by ony Twin Falls Bank & Tn»nw oiPce ond sJgn tm todayr - UltfiVtf»/CC • . J 0 • • tee ihot (here ore rea) ben^ts\a tol being a W INNW $.kWO J O . rUBiM ■ • 1 0 ; : V 91,000 minlmum.balance: ncneeded to : ilfy for Interest...... BAN a a ,sj tZ rluS \NK-FOR-YOU!-— rr U s : 722-i-PttrinftJ34.198&- ^ ^ ^ W — - s s s s s s g ------a g a a ^ ' ' B |B |B B |--»-L7lwooO-ShoiiplngptafCCTer733^M~rU ^ B D«l14.TrMiirtV«»rr«j^ - f ? ! ? _ ; P r e p w i e t i t ^oan«i«------a -Buhl 543-^1: M M M S s n ------E i »i«MM , L.. • ■ L. : ' J l' : 1 -'=s=?=es^e«^ TlHIB»-NtfW8,TwhTfl )WOTTbtt^MW7~~~~ -----

I jmiBiTjP s im is T j

lldU fe-C oifprtcto m eet “

■..’• • TWINFALLS’^ The Twin Falls WiWlifeF.> Federation will meet to- ...... - — :_ni^t at 8 p.m.n. i tn the Twin Falla Count>nty Courthouse Judicial

The T7WF,', fformerly the Twin Fallialls Fish and Wildlife . ______„_.CooperatioD, willffiU hear Ed Waldapfel 9 f■ ththe U.S..-Fore*t Servicc . - preaent ft. prpgtar =^=- ^ T h e meeting? wiwill be held in Room 4 oftheJie judicial annex. . : •- r ^ —Rose retetires as playecr. ______

DALLAS (AP).\P). - Cincinnati Reds MaiManager Pete Rose con- ■ _J_ - • finned Mondayly tthat ha ^ final game, but said he . . ‘d{an*tthiiiklfwawas a big deal ‘liecaaae'I thoibought I already re tired .-

RoM,'fali^airdlVcafeeneaderrwith 4,21255,hita. hasn’t,played ,; 11'.;.—- , - ' ~ fltne/i Au jia t [986 but has never officiallyy«tired;Oiio«a86n,'bo r : I------flaid;-waa becauBauao Idl^t^gflnnrlot of honlomB'plate ceremonies. “•••• — ^ "rtTnotlllcerBrrm out ofBaieBaIirinte"tH^j^^'Gk'en'tbe'unlform'^ ofT me," Rose salisaid. “I apend twice as muchich time at the ballpark ^ now aa a mnnagilager ns 1 did when I was) a player, and 1 almost I. lived there whenMn I waa p la^^-b o m etim i n H y M I more os a maniagiliagcr than you ever did aa a p L- Then, Rose latlaughed and said, T m 46.16^ If I’m not retired, I !------ehould be.” ------' Rose confirmedned he’s never “going to batat again, never going to • ' : throw the ball.oiI. again.,... Sure..Linfs8. pla;)laying, butTve already ; played a lot longiinger than you guys (the mebataat and caught a lot ofifballs. b -• r-T-:— irrhore’s no reasonrea form e to play becausiluse we have people who j P v AARIABW RATEl, ^ "* “ can do the th lni ^ ^ Ic w do today 7.'. even iff 11they can’t do the things...... -SSm -H E A '^ -Ip-RADlATcJrT I could do five yeayears ago." ■ I FLUSH/FILL > ■ C O3IL SPRINGS ? i» H Y D R1 A U L IC r i fi \ • .Check entire coolingrtgsyiiem s for look* * Helieb t reduce boltomlng, tid*>;id*-(woy J H | • Check radlotor coploperolibn op ...... | ^ H . .'dncind rood wonder . SHGOCKS- 4 f I • Fluth and clean entireitire cooling tyitem • Sizilizet to fil moit domeitic con willw iiheoii;3K ^^K S t r i k e zzone c reducedI - ■ ...... 8| ^ H | Rt most AnMnorlcan Cars j I. | . wilhonefieetlve reyeeyerie Hushing ' ' J H | iprpringtutpenilon oetloh______' M • Reond reduced------uniQr of Challia leading ...... — —neisoridracraducod intorioT»0'»*^^ ^ ~ | -_--'JBOISE (AP>>-»-With-the — small^commun Intin*e(!®'LP®.l**;.....i:______■ : the way, Idaho1 hlghi] h '^ b o l coaches have donateddoi $4S;480 tbwjtfd ■ . ------a-drrvB to-build-ild‘a'97 milHon'enduwmentm^for-the-IdahO'High ------T ' -"SchoorActivifciM;ea’AssooatronA^-^—— ~ ~BA"3ViNSTnEiinoN: v’.-^ ------— The moaeyJaJ Uto-be used-to pay the icofltIt 0ofiravel and expenses IT ' 'C sBHI .IneludEngFi . V ■ .. ' ^ W - m AVAIIAIUJ *♦ ------associated withh ststate tournaments, B j j U ^ L End Aligner T h is is one problempro (funding state toumimament travel) that all " ...... of .us have everyry Jyear,' and it i f hot goingg tot go away,” said Rich _____PeggQ, athletic dli I director a t Mountain Homele High1 School: • “Thefbtureofoofour programs is at stake.. It ia encouraging, to see ------: -filltrelBchooB’Wd;wdrk{ng'ttigeth'er't(fsolve'thtthis common challenge," ' l^B— ^—* tONT WHEEL DISC ...... : hesaid. ^ M T H R U S T 48 booster memberships ^ rALtCt^MENT 3 {AKESERVICE The State Coacloaches Aasodation aold 4.848 itigh-oUinutluitmeU JQ earnei J in iir ------^ atSlOeach, saidJUd um McKenrie, director ofo j the fund-raiaing drive Ihruitanglo forlHSAA. CorroctcQitiIter camber S loo sottingi lor ^ ResMo.c.e.rojprs: _____ : Chains, withh 2200 memberships sold, led the way In the first - - - oil four whe« RebuildJiydrdiiilc systemem-||^|HBM 2c— - ______;____report, clo»eiy-fo!lfollowed by Motmtain Home,ae,199.------•------Rei«minendnded Ior l a t r m ^ f “ ~ ~ i ' 2 Pock wheel beorings i lalmon, 131;-Boise,-122; - w3^^H_front.whool.i XlwiNDSHIELD ROI10CK.CHIPS i K V : ------• Others indudeade Ckteur d'Alene. 146: Sail od[ustoblo tt Borah. 113; Mulllullan, 102 «nd 100 eachI from. ft Jerome. Preston, J r e p a ired ^ ------“ KeUoggrSL-MarijariesrWailacerBurteyrTwin-]in-FallrandPocatello;^------I ^ B i Act new ktl»rt tka entkitk : M m Jtl Wet> Ia. ■ t lurtmc* ceniponift weir* Mud*dMiU>l«i ««d per U«liW||i____V .- W o o d l Knew A stros’ G. I l l y

DALLAS (AP)P) - The Houston Aatroa» promotedp Bill Wood to_ general manager;er Monday, filling tha two*m<•month vacancy and pu^~ .;. DEEP CLEAl tinghiminchargiorge of pumping new life intoito the team. OK'S BEST...... ______. ■ Wood. the-Astraatroa* aaaistant general manlanager aince July-1986,— - - had served as iniinterim GM following Dickck Wagner’s resignation O ct 14. Wood haihaa worked for the team for ri 11 years. STEEL ; RETR[EADS ! ______.‘THflTiTQunaung a baaebSrW n dreamiaabouEr^Bard-.Wctodr46irrT s c - sN ew -Ttfg-^-Low~6 y t:€■ost--^— es» —- — , “I know many pescr SURE )"^_Unfwrsily of M ontanaa juniorj forward Wayne ■ BOISE (AP) - W ^ —r r i m ® Tihkle has beenm rhomed the Big Sky Confenference baaketball player - - SMAlt-: '7$0| j y f o r X of the week,:, 1 League Commissioner Ron F Stephenson haa r R A e CA R...... ; fc'FM announced. f f y Stodal ___ ^______Tinkle, a 6-99 nativeni of Spokane, W y h.,I., helped1 the Qrizzliea to • udi& Snow a 2-1 record lastist week. In those three gamrebounds as Montana defetifeated Easten^Montana CAR....;;..-U' — 1 ------’ and Fullerton SuState before losingoh'the roaroad to Sah-Diie^.- • - - f i f f l — - pT s 5 /8 0OftV3Reg2?57,98^- I - ^ - S a L e J 4 5 S - ^ ^ - - reored 19 points and had In the Eastern5m Montana game Tinkleiito 5R13 Reg. $62.12-,....SA LE *48“ - LARGE ' ------12-rcbounds; He scored 10 points end pulljulled in seven rebounda 8 8 P1S5/75I while shootingg 6 over 62 percent from thele field in the Fullerton P I 8 5 /7 55R14 1 Rog. $66.72 .,. . SALE-52" CAR..... - State game. W oG IvoTheSam a WtVarranty SALE'S?*’ ■ - P205/75I5R14 Rog. $73.56 jA s _ N a v » . Tiros.-.- RacJidiald & . Eh U ^ 1 ^ ”“ P21577515^5 Regv$:lW 4 ... S A L E ‘ 6 1 ” ...... Raflular Exchrtiga'Asillsi Is. N o ' ^^RtraCharoa^]^^ ^ HOUSEiEHOLD------—SS——— jnligrovaltgbtroi tln iin ^ ------COUPOH - - 1 r iM t = = ^ ' F R - E - E IPFB in iqft7 • V- „"r'TK r M »HO<>CK A B S O R B IR IN 9^ P I c t i o m KS IDEn Iwjl ISlOf CUPHAV I- OFFER EXPIRES 1 locusi s im l N^hTTwrn-Fatit,,n»,'ldaho.= or2bioclcaeaat- - IES 12/19/87 ^ n T [ n - - Located: 261 lot -- ______ei>dV-noUay»ayMa.3/3. V i 5i/e - iSagnavTjx ci5fof (eiTOcmsiciii ion!)Uic * MsQnavoff coiof J:vr“ “ #FREI /prwno/AM-FMconsolinsols-Giccn/gold couch. BAIIIRVINSPICnc n o H — ^ =^APP4.IANCES. ■aiPASAVt- offer EXPIRE>IRES 12/19/87 L ?DtomaiicwWrS-dryErtDr0Kr: = i_aut3TOtcTiia5t«f^03tim0f)B>?B'aM — —COUPON------KITCHEN ITEM!ws ^ F R E I:e ... r2Bafsioois-.T.V.Tr2ys*i/s*EI k toasier/bioiler- to rw Q la^sms « ' dishes, pots' & pans • Kiichen BRAKIINSPICTICTIOM ISItt. ______seiyinQ.cari_-.Smaiiappii.ippiiaftccs-Siivervfa(e'= Fiuii prs - Foodonndcf.Foe ------~ OFFER EXPIREiW EsizfimHpiE — MISCELUNEOUlUS^------— _ - " Winchcstcf rpodel 190606.,1 pump action 22 rillo-Oullt&piiloliilow pieccs & quilt blocks - Horse ■ trophies • Free-aandinoding iimoiace • Palio umbrella w/' table tat - Cameras • Steam Irons ------T O '- BUUUinU’ TjHle- <. 4 Chairs - Manlle clock - Pictures & frames • Bedroom wltivale • ! •* I Lacics shoc^ &'UUll)t!!> • Hiuir t excfcisci • Panasonicc cacassdta player - Rcvero 8mm proiaroieoor • Wooden folding chairs ------GollWoipuiltartw/sw/ seal • MANY CHRISTIE.decorOfWTIONS; • Books - Electnc lan - - Hoover ciccificijfoom*n • 5'5 9eo latJdcf ■ Stadium scat - SnoSnow Shovel-Bird baih&lecdor- , cntJiKtt. Patio iDunge cfwir • BarB(Jarbeque onii ■ t^rden spray - tjroefC stora^bo*.si 3‘*6'.______^ 3 aocu .KtrmmruiS'iunmsrnct n n H i ------.FUHSum l g P t | ^ | . .-i:We«l ; ' ISa Wge-tBln W E M — 1 S — ------.(a0l)75M077.>(n ------J20HJJ; iUi;M illl|2n|733«llO- r ,_a: PHitwiYAio . - TOWHOFKtNS TO

^______324-5188 40-9048a 8M-2W 334-2600 e?»ac

' ''I. ■ ' ^ . 1 — -lz£Z