Garden and tin*n converted into prim rly merchants, Imr know Farm, Household, ••dm and wealth ami character, or.* rejoices m this demonstration of the 1 h-ssedmss * follow *»l)«'*In*iie‘> to the laws of economic .science, and \ q ..allure at 1: ra French Exhibition. aiu. 1 wishes oiiesr It a Yankee of the Oid \Vi»rl*l.' so tmo it is that sound tftianc ,.! -« u.d,- angements tor tho system agricultural health ami vi^or into even h:."»ch <»f moral an*l t lit of the Paris Exhibition are material life, ami a dishonest system .-ends dis exiei).-:\>■ a settle as those for other trii.-t, diease ami death Honest ur-vy Acti\* : o! the grand show. The whole industries! Happy hornet! Flourishing schools' cliiiRhes! < a.i w«- the lirst d’Ors t\. ft un the do Prosperous destroy Champ without destroying What a pang of sorrow ■ furtlrei eot net' of th.e Esplan ami heart ache cornea over one as lm contrasts the '■ Itivaiides (a distance of fully a present rapid (i*•« adeuce «»f our own once happy wait tw thirds of the latter (the VOLUME laud, tinder the curse of tin* la-mil 'lender act MAINE. JUNE (i, 1878. with this this of >* "tlaml! .: h>'Jo ),*et long -Id THURSDAY, NUMBER •_>:!. uplifting, upbuilding by broadb Is there no love of no honor left, to save ■■ai op._BELFAST. country, ircly devoted to agricultural ms from and and degradation and produce He and J?he. poverty anarchy ■1 exhibitions of live-stock, the whole actress, the •highly-talented, to me: but she died and Jack was Ancient and Modern complete National dishonor charming left Constantinople. Queen Elizabeth of England. • olitnbutcd '•* till) HostOIl Post. file l>av of Fmam ial will !■*• i!>- incli'Srd within tlte wooden fence, i;v \oi:.v pki;!;\ Marie Mignonette.' She ts returning east I our only hope and pleasure. It seems but Ivdcmption-’ 1 Tlie OlRco and Power of Money. cussed in tin* third *-f this series. s:\ i:.:', s to an in paper ioti.g, which ilteioses also play engagement the northern yesterday since .lack went to Ancient and modern Con- She was at once the 1 hi be at the window as la o."> ].\ college Byzantium (laughter of Henry t.iMimi, W Wan. 1 :• states, and ’’t dr Mats, tin' and the \s 1»\ already Hoston anil New York os! We sent him to for mv have the finest location for a and of \iine iptays. he goes j college, stantinople Fmleyn. From her father ! m:« »»Si> I- vi*i-.I;. ’r :1 *. heralds in John Had .iiiout It'd acres. Hi--1! lift hi** head to look at the **k\ public print her approaching kept on doing well, and we hail great city this earth can show. It is on -he inherited her frank and ad- hearty 'i lie liiitik <•! Ki,gland, the mightiest tiuaneiai Barnum’a Green-Hoom. H tion ot the section will The western sky. advent as a stellar attraction. It you sit for it. While lie was in the which links the Med- j enough college watery highway dress, her love of and her free the world has seen, was jti I’" see it' the sun has s. t for fair. popularity [M.urr yet organized .a beside the to we went to see h to the several de- lawyer and listen his low him. to where iterranean with Black Sea. I 1 t"l‘ t !. ,t -s the Tim« > Vnd there proud go tlie and di- intercourse with the people, her dauntless purpose-' stil.v* tl.e r.r-’Hl;.!' [Prom Philadelphia | suddenly 1 he room of tin* it'.s a a 11. with the aid of the toned conversation with the merchant's our was; but it breaks vides a to obtain the m-eded to <-?i the w. r dressing great show, agri- Against the -ky in the golden ait boy my heart to by narrow line Kurope from Asia. courage and her amazing self-confidence. money carry although which tlie with not the least is not t... ••>.«: .»*s and local He'll see a wile, will hear all about her. he It he Ihiropeau alliance, William 111 interesting department, open agricultural pair yon Strange say it—although appeared glad to may said to control two seas and Her harsh manlike her to and voice, impetuous at its head, was the ovi rwj,. public inspection, only such an order as Mr ait iter- a Ot familiar and 1 shall he should know of come wuirmg against lining methodical and effective eyes her. isn't it He home to us. he didn't seem easv to two continents. It is 4 Bair, m says grasp the natural will, her her furious outbursts of oower ut France The bad faith ot I'haiii. •» an drew tor the .me* u an sesame As he looks at me pride, I open by f she is a ‘bad woman, a whi. a igrieult ire of the who follows bad have us come to him. We weren’t like outlet of all the trade in Southern came I! and James II n contrast t n the veil may be lifted. There it is that or- A sudden smile and a nod. he Russia. anger to her with her Tudor blood, (quit may < i- air,a : a actor, a the dealing of had the der e-.mes out ot apparent 'tit1,*.on The chief atuiy iputed. All this in three calling play burlesquer.' Yet, other hoys' fathers and mothers, Asia -Minor and the round the .'■-he rated as froinwell) redm -d tinanem regions great nobles if they were .).g master directs from I da! • 1 am power ot the >nth ot l o take Now you know as much as I do about mother, with whom 1 last vaca- without a and to wife- speech September uiy piaee. passed land, tide, deep in contrast with these w bant overalls of red and aekets W enough Strangely a isdom that does him honor, presses the House trimmed with gold ■" a d ; si,, w iii hiie 1 b\ my w a J..w ere retraee her." tion me lteat j1 horses, mules. brought word from his father, the vessels. Its climate and outbursts ot stood of Parliament to take care <•: lace und silver K.aeh line ••!' tie* fare largest temper the sensuous. \ the public credit. bangles. '■ I let w it!) tin two Hut. if everyone else her and that lie would take me into his to marine are so admirable in 1 "which, he ••cannot be Mr Barnaul into the tent last principal " h’e .h -ind'-d at lie* as :1 t**sed slights othee sewerage that j self nature she drew from Anne say-, preserved but bv dropped night, p indulgent when- the -id' !i w ;:i Pc aju- iooks askance at her handsome our for the law sirred the maxim, that they -hall neveT I veteran Walter Waterman, ring master ,dogs, the date " .ill a n.a: of the e. < face, j study when I've spite of Turkish tilth tin Turkish liolevn. keep!lie graduated, capital Splendor and pleasure were, '••• but fui lialf a tlu- losers who trust to a security century i.-ading equestrian of the d h is dot It veil. Flint swept iin- mi with the western conductor cannot ; nor does he wish to. four's going too, and it's the best otlice is with parbamentary sky remarkably healthy. Llizubelh. the very air she lueathed. How d d'erent Hum tin- sentiments of who arena. was dis. us>ing with .laim-s «'• »ok*-. his as 1 ile -it !l-et sk V many t a;r Indeed, hi> walk the ears com- in New York The of -ntaut tda: included in the ag- through generous gilts nature have H< r delight was to move in have and in our own Government mooted point regard t g tin- antiquity ot To in,1 shall he at tie- w nd-oi win perpetual j place power io do 0 the back sect ,III. 1'hcse consist of ;t pleted, lie returns, and with a \\ e were glad, 1 remember with them a wonderful to .1 -l.itnturi and disirra.-e! The a* : v«n wsault "ti !ior-' l»ack. The propri He aiT:li] 1 remem-j very glad. brought vitality, progresses from castle to castle a im-orpoiat passes through j -a,- < ot one :ii‘_r i1.-■ Hank ot Kngiaud ..,ved the I’iine- an- hanging tie- ring a- tanks, some .>: great si/e, hewn He Will and nod -and then ah then inance or two ‘‘jollv his hither to Jack that such as no othei of the olden time series of royal assent evenings" saying evening. city gorgeous pageants, fanciful and '•*'• 11 a.* ■ I w oil '.'.'ill .i! h I. books w’ere d V*--. -if indeed they are. t da a nt the Tie* tine old ajain at the seeks a conversa- lad. I want to April, op.-| 1'rocadero. story pa.-sed theatre, My talk to von serious enjoys. Nineveh and arc mere as a dream, " at !•• .mi t r.k .»]d Ned T r *-r would Babylon extravagant caliph's she t"r subscriptions .1 me I ti e who.- am-mnt- say. if 1 ddo "i and stir- tion with her. The conductor finds her like. When into that law- ot ’1'hehes and 1 imo 1 •• could o- of !ii- irriiu- and passages, j you go there, { piles rubbish, Memphis loved gaiety, and laughter and wit. A .'on was subscribed iu ten i vs. and tin- step compare this \ u th*- o|.i we k-wnrk and most in a conversational er's an com mere mines of ••barter ot u,.- issued --n the j7tS. with gave thirty two years ago plantations, A Story ol an Actress. charming way. office, your having ignorant, mummies. Jerusalem aban- happy retort or a finished meorporatioi; compliment of u tic* cit\ \\ we h el i wm riders a v.-s 1 Her mon In'I f os mone\ was baaed to tin only then 'orate atrangeurent on bright eyes are almost to father and mother bless her!) doned to dirt and Athens a never failed to win h. i duly, dangerous (Cod devotees, favor. She hoard Hid : ;m n i.... ,. 1 ent-v eininent. but tlie bat k uas allowed to iss e «.p|,. g-.i .lust then ;• t sea I'll' l. ttle W "fid was whose he a ank dish and animals. nearly completed him, sent:me:it. coal, smoke. West may hindrance to in life. grave ot and Rome a com- ed the «• | you your departed glory jewels. Her dresses were innumerable legal teuder notes, < f overture c.-uni ,- d Mr \\ atcruuin turn the wa* to j : di. r; ai t! ;< l.ittle Wuiid which travel inghousr brakes and all his have W e lo\ e xxell, as 1 needn't ; three camels, ■ presenting indebtedness ,, at; a! end of this vast, continent to the Class Car." never ■( the ov.-ter. other. The dangerous of the we'll come or bother when of Maeodon vv*s ! li i v a eyes nigh you yon Philip beaten back ul Her heauly too gross. Mte would bunk. in lob tie- • •oveiumi-nt needed further half do/cji p .ui.-s and four elephant* are led •! a al-" !" ill- a week's tinto I'll Lit i*. tie- train "wicked" actress turn and till with our old bodies and common wavs. from its walls; as t: into the a not tent toehnieulb. room display of insects. ] busy sorrowful, wimp the crusaders Ida.' with her rugs that her courtiers •O'!, and t! of 1, u \ w as in.-n-as.-.! aterp1 green was w o-i v wliiic half a men u> ■ a■ ill made and tin- inhabitants of ith tears. '1 ears are not W' Ye done we can 11 |' | |lk | | ; 11 s do hundred urrav 11:isc)ri*\ons, for wha It two | up. pitying far otf. all lor you, and turned aside from their mission to ii'ite '.he of her or q, proceed.>d 1 hope pion- might delicacy hands, f "is.-n -s the l.ittle ‘.’I Id In III".' was]!,.;-, used t<* ?.■».soi*.'ion. ui tic- go: geolis ."Inis ti at. i.d'-f the hat' he :: erected. | tll | ,. | da.-/1 ;i_ light of th, mar. c].r nroduc,- *n h an ■ iso.-mo j_j pm d'"• '■ turn, were then :a' ards \ taking appointed ••('an I go into that ear she asks, t'o Jack.' to own ; as when the v ieioits erv y meny places you. ’I'm k stm. k den ilcxtrously behind a curtain. might The increasi *-ht t* ;b-cf l-p. om- knows hi* p!a«-e. although to : s.-. for the trip over the long line, which on ran ; but it's no for a ■■I remember, too. dark and the marble column in m si an ro in ., :..-*, c:u tiling > at mm * place gen- laughed, the. church report Iter sprightliiicss to his master »mj Hover appea; crosses i: d m-veiis. the domain of one n it.on. and like the conductor. a tear was in his c as us vv it It his Ill'll! se'-untv until oi,i bit, ;. j,, he inti sting portion oi tlelady you." replied ey lie kissed both Sophia bloody hand and ci ied I h r hw her trivutons her un- 11; ity, laughter, Mr. Ihiii, -m d' v ■ sum of | rei,, s mat k- Mat ■ mites the hind .of the with the \ wo- > • t'lo.ohop.oii y '.auk t, : a Tret exhibition of j rising place good enough for a good and said. 1 you think me mean I here is no t.od hut (Bid, and Moham- enough jests, gave color to a thousand s » womanly lssm-d I*.• y11u. 1 Ho- ;i 11,• 11• must b.. an >. ■'a if the sun Sonn wet man is i the : ■■,,,< ,,i' setting busy good enough for me.” she ! loi that I ll be true, dutiful med is his mote than > d'lci: :;■ -I- 1 ail- o-.t rearing says. your soil, prophet Though scandals. Her character, like hoi pot Mr Bui!**; "■ :i h\ .... g lien lid lliere. be!. and betake themselves, she in the if i to be ‘iSHI I t I. * "I * « an! a 11: h- mii-cnm a: i i M I lumas, they get President of the I'nited years have passed since its foil traits, was without shade of wo- tnent ! the smallest bank .was -a> graph utterly tuns down f"r the in h of the t w eii v n in Is t '.at 'ear i_ 1 < and I ; get Ills assistant i'ia',.tg'-l M.g A of Sr eucos. seitling t conductor's rare, to the comparative Slates, or ii 1 never amount to tions were laid, government reserve or s If p. my anything though very manly restraint she knew st > f Me., ,.m first i■»'s11 | \i. ?;.. v |; so -.a *.., | -• hat | ,, |„ ap tii*\ and tie- I' : w start, \ttent’’e husbands were ot the ear." I'll be the same name is know it all I gather- squalor "tllird-class in my love for vou.' We which then existed (tile Chinese Otliv ex- \o instinct ot n '•■M..-."k- *! a- j nothing. delie j led hi -v •" I:. : 111 : t t d -i. matt. -r. g.-t him w ii] ing little The is ls-llexed :d. hi at papers, Her hair him. lias u ~ md That t Mitt e connection i together pamphlets, wayfarer asleep. gray cept.-d) perished leriy. though the the which broke out in -•! was tin estald >:.«•< 'I‘.i w a- b ..-w cd t riders an •' oluptuous temper deposits ■ e. n .at:iiv iuj;. rt for :ves. with a Hat grews, scant and thin, oil' her, Well ! lb1 old vv v and atoning them-- ••--s Mil- ,/ suits. ami u'cases which at ! from did graduate and lie did civilization, ;th its soviet its ereeds, the romps ot her girlhood and showed powerful auxi!; try tie- i. dll -v-teu who caim-‘> at.- over d s aw rm. Host on j forehead, and her deep, duil-set become lawy er. He lived tar away from its science and its phil. yhy. iia itself almost .juarn-ung ■1 pas-e.1 her ostentatious];, through \N o. r il o Years' Vft. i- uni ioubttni -t.-. : t cuii'i: ■.. for tiicniseives \ttcntivc husband*' ••yes are shut from the A u-; but xx c heard that he xvas a new ■ light. gentle succeeding away, though religion rules the Intel life. Personal in a man was ii’ w I i*l.Mi \\l v roud !, beaut; hich va-u.ry often tr.-mb. d m rl-.baim. lou.ih an-} Yes. For attention in eases such is scl- liand passes over that wrinkled forehead, At first lie came to sec tauest ot the giol..-. a new ! h*r the tin .- th- Min.. d r -iiuc-r* an-l mighty grandly. portions ami a sure passport to her liking. >lie patted tie- star of Kmrla: d nn d t»• mplieil ov.-r f n *i* t- > s. :isinn-ss. and all mankind (e\eepi you and ; and a soothing touch seems to com- us once a week, then once a of a xvi.till lias been from the West ::i;po/tcl m on \\ (lt ■ give month, plucked bosom handsome oil the 1 h ;, young sijuires r.-ek • •. \ I I." n of ot mat. itn-w his l ,.,m .* i iden is si ltish. \ uid at re mit to that \t i,tier some .-. the Hai.k I. and in. bu.^er ab-u : iper sleep. little Sunday and he seemed glad to come. of th. western a- yet t on.-taut tropic when they knelt to kiss her hand, and pow.-r dr; M i-st. I.;.setts 11.II- w ii a i.y the demands a d f:,.-o-wt t : keep wife ipliet for an hour or two. :11--an- ot' the troubles of the He said lie xx as or lie would conic retains so much of it- alleviating busy pristine vaitic that fondled her “sweet ltobin.'' Lord Le fes- w S' oi.t the iiiriif. as at tin- '-rvii-- the .nr.a ding and conversation on a railroad train is "o igii loaruev ate sent for. to be oltciicr. I the brought don’t know hoxx his father proudest nations in I are tvadv ter. in the face ol the court. It was no of tl.e :;.-i !•• .t div w if t.> t1 ; n trope country. vishes utt« l 1 n S cnee is a sa 'loin tin- id palace ear. and then the actress found it out. but xxc heard that our Jack to 11_t 111 tor its Nor can we wonder that the statesman I'd..' :!.. [ hst of possession. winch .-dm idownig a or the Jir.'t hw hours of the u-turns, lir.-t was Knghsh nation burst t--i th with n:qaralb-d-d journey thought!' ..iy fhe visit is paying attention to Mr. Burchmore’.- imagine that a tune will ever come when w itted held Mli i eth t.litth -r i- •-»••••- d >t" tet ci -p» surely. the las;. I .vice, tin in each dav, daughter. the ol t ■ pavel, itlnuaif Mr. m will than frivolous w mi,in. w ■ jeweled ring of that 1*1- ij. ol !i 11 was sup* ted b; _r.• I.I e-r. f l iie urn ■ .tieerned and once each 1 delupt only the same he > •• ■ a comparatively I always evening, "When Jack doin'; come of a eonsidered less than it is now. \a>r wealth and '••:-, f I V. ; t »..,■■ ,|-;tt 1.01 Sunday, preci.uts spam wondered how “a wanton ronhl p imr! and lia> : about the wete eon oiirncv ;s made, from soft l III. dated u til an n: personages depot cushioned seats his father would say. kinder trembling in or Constantinople is an imperial city by hold in cheek the policy of the l-'.seiirUil. mg rii I ductors. Sirakemen and engineers, the to the hard benches of the common ear. Ii;- voice. ‘I he's awful and right ot birth, a -oppose busy, | cosmopolitan city by Ibit the Klizabeth whom the; saw was t« tons of the little vvoiid. 'i ;ln s, idoin t .. plia hey too, s:ruey empty-handed, niters hasn't time to come to us. lie hasn't right ol position, and will maintain it' tar from being all of \\ ililu! have Some interest to See who will make i .''.■rn of the p ior woman's existence, but be": fm a long time, lias he and in Mar dear, power prestige Liropran d.pio ties- and over the sjmaee triviality'played Wafer-.; in ! v t.. tin iptig with them ; to see who are rs" ot c words at a “We ilex ci ma. v g .. ; ;u\ a trip iy distance, -aw Jack again. Heaven when London and Pat: Berlin "t a nature hard as steel, a to In- temper purely d-ui.'i d I :.g master >r- 1. d. mend their coiMiat ions of the iron of comfort and bless ! never >t I V e voy by way him We him. I ’.-tel slim g. hll lost the : \ « help. sought sup- intellectual, the cry y\ pe of reason un 1 l JS p » wo n-d ".it.- ! lie > i. k curtain, age. Thus, when the lirst hell announees llach flic it it xxas 1 .t old a> ( ci-ciis morning lawyer, chosen', pose natural with his line asso- it is, onstanthiople eon tains tom lied I y imagination or ! six ai.d tie- ha- d.-gii:; TI-- '■•>} .civ with -Ml passion. 1 a., m readiness, comer. -1 t' > : < a.a e each ami to the of the ciates. that we should be a to few Iflles ot r- i'f fo1 :d tii*-si : .r. j1 p [ tie* they eye appeals, naturally place shame him. antiquity, for tokens lit its tn cits and lo\mg as she seemed, for Kim. t i pi.’-sci.tly w : pleasure ;•* '• v m-i. It native or discernment. -rrk ii. a or wo 'ot ,1 1 !..., uasf- .a.u nipt in- aeiptired okapi.i reads prayer, repeats one. and forgave him ex heart illustrious A of the old vv all. the teen >s ic. s cry day. My past. portion mg lived and ling d a -• id- must lie sent i,i simp!; ■ ; id a ! ?■.! -,w Mil.- in before j to learn if he or mm is to ! tied l.\ the ra s ot W J! p. |. ,i:: d a ; !*.*;•■!i .fussy" ami and tin", betakes himself in conv ersation ached and ached, and when one alter built Tin-ud..sins, fas been -lie dep-'p h l-> . day by spared. ly. and worked hard. Her vannv ass tuningh the tent hlr—■■■ 1 to Kobert .- ... "f me. l'liere ,. si ii : ! 11 id:' “bothering'' g. Sim. the act less, k-tens rehearsal, man home, No thanks to the 'Turks, liowevt tm tie I" W liv to tie* star- dressing n -om :n. li -'oq. they brought my and her caprice had no weight, with her among loungers the lung, ■V til to 1 Mon-;.* nr Anton;.. h-- omnipresent .,Mention the prayer, and betakes dead. dead, i oppose ! went cra/y He Buita UmIiiI Medjid gave to his in state atlairs. traic-r of tie- rduc-.h, d >*■«•'* swings ..*;? ..- ic' dog .; ,.r •.f.,r ot American rail: stations, the ven- bet." it her had fallen from a in.>thi t who upon comforting journey, staging, and only lived proposed to sell [tie eu. i a rile of the lie 'iiee chain her 1 eoi|tlette I •T. ders of s. trail, t" u ,:i a t.. .d ie-s I" to o S ■ 0 ■> depend liash-pape: I. •'ll- st"ll, .111,1 lot II,.- V .*■ s .' \ ... pt: e-paekage* you .-ay Jack.' d- llu-n : J’.a '•! i Si kms. happy lad., Neliy [l,„ J»I heeame the coolest ami hardest of politi- -i.-r || g g,o' iic a -.late and other ra ors. me * -. dyspepsia gem ilal lloui the iliitl 1 i ••Hr was buried til,' ,,i n kid. t.e od w it.. h.t- 1.’ — a I a:; :. I > "’»•!. Mi. 1 *,i(*i*11 1 i\v«*ll j j many days, when I personal solicitation the Ihqi-h cian-' at the eouklcil board Fresh iron; and and t ir tl 1 he somet • Mli w i s .ires* MU :,.-s'r s--. ;;s11. '1 i.e th- ~ g teresting, ai :u d iv. Hi.- me to ■ bright. hlnndc- real senses, and I was ambassador the eonseiiteil the _ >'•« 1J;! > 111 royal 1;i of her courtiers, she would ’■ tlaiter; I ■ g- d"-A He! du*’s i * s which \eit-es them, is a weak, h ig- hai;..1 of .-its 1 take the -pr:' lca-t.-l ; atei.t ean b< ': poor. daughter Melpomene long hospital. thought often I'd hunt for cash and leave the .-.ton, -, and II del ate no ill the closet ; was •> : Mattery .-he atiicr booi- it:-• 1 pn•*• ;:ts .. i- :• which insplauted * gat'd, iil-.'lail woman, who is le it the s r. ■ so being ip- Hie afternoon lark. he'd iv. nir. now 1,> remain in their original n •• it ii in to the roots Perhaps they pia, leu self pin and dow u-right f .eh •Mon-e \ ie-1 p.-r ! ■ the ear two potted emigrant smi sMu;s in at the. ea; a .alow, thrnw- fathcr was dead ; I to seam dad ov e*r w ith ,,| fad'-d an! th.* g.-:.t'«- m ,e km-u !- a:.::. stem are taken, from I by la-ty' hut then -aid my- the mat ks the well her counsellors, and she looked for ccptibly 1 irishmen, m of :i,.r edges the s te of tin U the ■ ■ in of lei n to if gge.s .n porters gh go tin last self. he's happy and doing well I'll not ieges they hav e end s 1. a "i of and about I inch in ■■ iebgth s. -ponding plainness speech tee. ••: Mr B iriu.ia :e- b el- u -. : •!..- ut a ; i-m ng company. The ami wliirl of trouble bin I' wait And I did with Inge, here and thi-r- win, h rmun \ ,-; v diameter. and at wait, gap I choice ot her .ol. tor ! *Ta h esc re ojietl ■\V'\. 1 'll), ... -blow ’he aisy ttain uni it out the ol with no of .lark in climbing vines m a u- a a 1 I.ese are [bacd elnse to- keep song hearing ; living the orape gentle garni- :nd.1 showed F.lizaheth's ahiiit;. shi- UcH/k.u -r'•■- t'* ■: h k : dn«--- "ike. t.>: '> lur't :n' : mu:: a M : tie- ills, ainl llle air IS refreshed >1<1 li w g hard foi so as ture >•! as if to hi1:- to I.. .. m -r h -. I h-: ,t : a : t a, >1. wed beaten down |>". by melody isc, ng green, brighten tile fe.itu;, a tfuieh e; e for in rit of an; sort, and ;i:• *1 It,II'. « r. of *ciif l>. \» u.- a- t* r ami l'lie till- to save ■ .Uerj j eled « inel"ily tin- heart, what litth John had left me : bat I: was in one it tin ... a of ntet and then sunligh|, woud'-rlul eiih-1 ng its wlede 1 *- ng “For i. 's power in an I ti,.- j.g line go u -b-.-p- sake, kape ntf. civ." am: the -uniiglit make- her who is I■ a• i it all wont in sicknesses; 1 lived :n that the la-t 11 reek do d. -w, :d ''baa.' In each tube two nr ill) emperor energy in her service I’lie sagacity g'nt cd ; i..* w I nothing .- .• it?. 1 'in T ili" ana ’Mill hi nealh ea c : il are the same if in o a rt ! ai-:i gapiiig instating the g house .lark should romr lie hand, the i W Jilaeed. i: atitly eover- fighting vainly agaitist ehosi Cecil and itlsin .. i' m.tii/ed .r,. Ylc r- : ■; ra- crowd: im i nnid a d "1 the theatre, im re 1 •■autiful -till. \- find -w .‘I alid wad led when throng pushing, nnglr easily me. Two years went .ring ho-:- of Mohammed II II ust as in its choice ..f the mean necessary. unerring _• at.- I waving ,m until the car slie tal or "t a < -. -a:d 1 beings, they pass her lair, rmin 1 arm and l gave ah -at irotii a 1 s ;t' in other trade -r ; -ei i! ngs c a supporting •j up i'ody. dtaage.l helleath <,| '1 her Her lee,--- u any profits ; ha', armed at lew hope. pile agent ndei-d *•• •• M ‘I A a'.HI. i ah a’lMU w a- is M'1!a the Trad" a n t h_r .r.>. r n.u MlsHUit 11 ll reached. \"t a comfort; the oilier woman, a u a- ; e, I'Xr.’pt &r ■ very :g place till' ■'ll1' little mole I.. tell. s,,Im. o_:11.:, ,i the f'i<‘tt f .a--:. da : a• nut. rough p.i'Seltgel's only slain, hy g, e.iglr- semiring, from the beginning her reign “Ut "f the box. n he- n-.-c was exploring (.'anted tor a s rk and \\ woman, is cary this third- aia■ i;:ii 1 an- silent, ami will imi were on hi- n —t• w "•s aad a ’.a. are disturb good people, neighbors, going to enihi'uidered in- lmekskins and pre- 'o it' end. with Hie of pni k-t- : g.t: ho i, -w.-.-t n- the |>s:t*-•:is they ■ single exception i" rr: but im one com e. o? ill •• of the rough tie- two who seem to have one t alilornia to live, and asked me to sented to the brutal who es at \ •cd \ ha .b>/.-u other* are ''ay: jjhfidcnee go eoniilteror. rut l.'di esti :u precisely the right :m :i tor the 1 Mont to wl eh rose a’e-d and M'H.s .\ntom pum the pom woman is lor ih" tln r As the hastens on to with them. I went, and was glad to go otf the head and sent it the hi:?, not :• iw iv-p-.* pro day through work she set them to do. in e. s sprang great -p. .* I, * To :ii «•' Ii.sivciv brought, is unmindful of her. I with the w so ,-- the iron leader in from where 1 as so I mi ,,f the a- 1 hey. join night, aiding came prov an e\ a,me,- nt measure from the erist a- 1 :■• e! IT u .- unhappy. empire noblest eharaet mad- with 1 i-.e t. iu nor t Ih | u. mg': ig. n.-f trained M, : • \ ■ one :ng .aims t<» have in accord, make way and give t" her th 11 ha te and the Liu le \\ odd and I've lived his Ha in "I am mg here, worked hard and 'flu-re in St. with ■ ■ an-tiM ,n tie- r'tig with ■■any triumph, sophia of It'in loftiness of dm the they mi. y eM-.n’.islied, I: 1: Jl the Ida P -.cry tie-in I aa ■■■■■,.• the most lp-intellect. '' I! i w.-re e -< *■ st lead comfortable -or least eotiiloia- further, eaeli second, its ■ make in i11 n. m. -h a- grass towards the darker sadly. My neighbors from tlm east all pavement of waved marble to imitate fell below of (be hank n 11 -1:1 *d. not a e u. raai ipieeii's ■ < 1 temper many State less "f tin- seats, and e. raw bon.-,! a-t. "i rat. I; ii y le-. i.i t u a; d far- w ai Maine. 11 ein l:ish- the ild l.ady,” a- -he i> called passed away and I was left alone. 1 be- the ruling of th,- -ea. and its one hi united of by tempers he! time, in the of its 'e ai -1 mm. : :.•• t. 1 go into tie- ■ breadth now tiled n' t fuss png mi a ’es. I grass on It no a w"tnan hastens t" in tlm best the fellow tells her \\ e to worn and seven help dispose -passengers, gan feel all and ami at columns ot n.atble. r\ ni a'.-e .-• ..- c story. aching, porphv range, ill the of it- m •' ■■ ••■■-;. a "! >; p, her weaker sister. The universality -y : ,ak _* i.'-l".""o ti : l t- me foot_a place eond tetot listen. M- SUM, \ to c may the hospital they said I would not get and granite wlm-h .Instinian stole from pathy. stood tar abo\e them all. p; g some Lie- s has time to mutter to bis ■ pure herds-grass an then s sc barely faithful Ihe low \ faltered at times, and mui li from and I felt 1 the heathen shrines ot the further to I mm M I*... nil iformatioti regard::.g history lively help medicine, Mast Henry ■ u e- Kli/ubeth tli > te iu.rse-- w. n- b .. f’ • servant “That's a cubl talk '■>.!'*e- e »\\M u V *V- mM ii bail look mt. S wa- ii:tlii-:.11 to be bear i ; but the actress hadn’t many left here. «»h ! how I deck the of ,leho\ all and Je-u- poetry speii .-ars I;. Vel ted ! h' 1! !' days temple • T -11:*t : d ;-a. she can't last through" when the philosophy Witli Hnillii sill- ; ,ls lav, .fab!.' for I whistle he! it low, and with close at’cut ion caught wanted to lie beside my dear John I I IIere for ','n centuries the If. .inline discuss -in with I. and > • ■•., :a ... mil, ..f .'bricks. -All aboard” i> shouted. and ■•u|iliu May. the each word. must go. I ,-aal, and I .-old ah I had to emperors were solemnly crow tied, mid ...a!; Mab-r the -a Im!.- a,! w.-re Vt', *• •• \ : ■ 1 ■ tlir ..f L—t sin- cnul.l turii > e s I .0 t-1 a a ,r J t ons the tin leaves the Coldei (fate for the 1' ’- ears chivalry 'I ,t many y ago, dear though get enough with what I'd -aved to go here their requiems were -ting. II, i, ,,n lady, I'n n: tali, "i ihr lu-t fash inns tn r” I in- lead u as lerth/ed eti- Kastern shores. -II jm:v doesn't seem long to nil since 1 Was east. If 1 could but reach there, see my the awful Twenty ninth of M r.. I I.",::, a < iivcr and treas : a',.- the sic,re nose There is work to he dune le. otitic;: told me I fare once hi dispatches young alhd pretty. They often hoy's more, and then lie in the rowdoft ristians m -b gn tr t. sought refuge, i !.• ha; i\h !..i\ n !'• taS-.i;t\ i are books : she i'imid t'nim "irunerdal. there short of time eg was and men and w ere pass tracking g he only s]>aees pretty many looked grave beside my man dead. I'd be massacred to the last man II. k.- .*• fh S -V T. sharp good by traitm s with Walsingham to settle sentiment at tin* outset f a ouniev points -• > at lee as I the streets 1' s.itisiied, li seemed." the savage victors. Here for nearlv four IU ';••:••• v. a > passed through o of dm ritii tli I ’.ii ker, to eah lati tie he I oj-sc ot K *:g \ ; 1.: ... lb like •■ten minutes f„r w the el hr, the a, ..ranted f- ,.f .ha: .ch ■ relreshment," hieh great ai yv>te ■ ! the east -tile great The tears which came to her dull hundred and t vears no*. city old ■ n I K'.M a c i t. a scratch city venty-tive with 1'rni.isher the ehaiices of tie- north- h i: i Ma.-t- :' 11 means a dash and a tumble and then on we are a t •* where I was in the and coursed down her sunken an has been •I t;.. ! .« ii st v .. ot ct c going. girl eyes cheeks prayer said, but under t > death !;. K.llg '-f "iiiy jiainfal. wi st passage i > tin- Indies. Tin again. Hut our conductor has a heart : then!: -, a 1..- nc «d : X. s, : g v.-i- "a alt i, heel tiiis ! ballet-girl, though 1 never were mated and companioned by tears the-e areiies wh eh t hi i-tiall faith reared When is the and ■ he can tility many snledness of her mind en :•••._' i o ig:.: tie ai.jc tids a little more after lie has dain-ed nuieh with the rest the from ot '■ red;! with the imiik of *. |1H» to y i'liln. and inter by mmi a s:,...... I 4\ hurry except in the eyes of the blonde-haired wo- the creed the Arabi eanti be (-atbed itl] a allied ln-r to even m sta.'I :i> staten;.-: is v of done a understand was aid on whale oft to;; rivdit wie pn.-., tin* hid kindly act. and will work more chorus, as we used to call it. A mi can't man. The. w as ended and has been hi- phase ; nil mi story the life repeated by with '-'He 1 .; !e and j>o|>i>y- disciple- the inti'lli'i'tual movement tier, ai d th ml of the IPI.S •»:. the an: alter a The know about was about a- a het cheerfully pleasant thought. any thing the theatres behind ended with the that fervent zeal which no mi-fortune can tnai's i. :-k Mr B c u' i. .s u these r.-ad-and-water floul- nearly story. t" ti\ a sort of instinct mi its higher s kind heart accounts for the of the scenes, by ! of*, 1 ive ever kl.o'.i U ii it ,S To i.ed. to be renewed a appearance maybe "More than you think, The next the ■ofnluctor came to clu'i'k or chill. Is not s' dr-tm,-d .; HO S W led The;. c; with liath- day Sophia tali v as. It was on -" a little n'presen only its :ntt-1 ruck a u i Km:-: -< md s .g.,r > ?k.*v choice brandy, kept for emergen- dear," the listener : Ini’ the and said : "I'm afraid to back to its Inst l,,\r: tual ?• e■ 11:f'es and tnerhaiue ar’s nourished. tie- ny loll! linen interrupted per- aetre.-s, early go change from t. leet '• Th.-::- ", Nb- ..." :. _h' 'h. v first cies side, indeed. that Kli/ubeth touch- < -io. m '< ■ ia-e,.-n .v ai.d -the gift of some appreciative travel- know don’t think the com- the old is t.. as it rapidly pro-pored, haps you they lady dy ing." mosque "hurclt, changed from arc-.i r*i.g .-• t: l ! id' been er in eil tli" Knglaml of her day \1. its moral and u iie;; tm- prosperity of all fiiese industries. ; -y I'-i;k if I wn of sirir days past. The a lit- mon gnls. the dancers, are It was fresh and church to 1 cups brand} gives simple very bright in the mosque, and contain S’ .. •••_-1 t ■ as i- morning worship- ts wet dead to her. I; was estaibi-he 1 f *r .. ■1 '.v tle more lite. and the extra overcoat, from 1 simply ■md kindle -*. d \! i.i \ t..; a r Ni■ i: Tiit> 1;isso*s, good. know often are good the air and the sun had not dried the wh" how toward Jerusalem and not nnu v. ear;; a hr. ui«*i than 1 .o l and .r 11.: tmikc they away pers a 1 tilin' v.ln'ii men were lifted into le»r*c aiuio-t i: M c s the conductor's locker being .:'• t .Uld In tie- dress- ‘V "i 'Oil.i thicken to a stiff likewise, gives help and support nf families. 1 tried to moisture and dew which the toward Mecca ! t z 1 ose]y di hung upon ing lei;! is •i.illlg W ! .: ... T nobleness the new moral which t:." >• iio., p/.-o.-.rM.g 1« w irmth to the worn woman. he a by energy l‘*wd la; hurches laTr.t'ol and.::; halt ( ami am certain no one of the ears or from •' nmeal and half good girl, edge the railings of Looking upon in the their scv. i I. I. t--s tt'tiT the ,.tsf 1 ('onstapinople seemed to the 11p 11•• d. and till' land oj .irimnii.o- nd 1 lie suddenly pulse through poverty, s ■ : M conductor goes about his business. could Jim I fault with .1' t over the e;; g m o.- \ ,• "if Hi,, of a 1 said or the The old w as on light of its better and w. w • is|.-: .-:■*... dl top quart anything platforms. lady just brighter days winile nt a> restored an 1 fee real i hy the po.v.-r when honor and enthusi- •• and We at- did. 1 people, I’d ’iv »he great ‘en* :* nd the Ibiner r inside and till half pondering thoughtful. may They said was pretty, and some- the rim of rest and and the lew days that reflected tie ot the a hv n- 'irenhitioii. based on p ire < 'edit iv.d z■ dd I peace, splendor asm took colors of re- u tend him 1 poetic beauty and red "a, 11 ■ a'ciim.ii 'o ;!:• you and -for a moment or times a man would tell me ■ j .ii until she 'lands to the and Now set it in a I could do breaths remaining came with panting Roman Empire and realizing it eapu day pnd- ligion became a lint the finer of a sound hani.i'i- ’me Yank*-*- i a tw". and go forward among the better than be a chorus chivalry, irk'iy system- three hour- Hake ■•qnaiitv girl -the 'better.' and \ kiss on the brow of the bilities tor future than its 1 ditlieulty. grande! *• sentiments ot the men about her touched Ian : of the »*Id World as Mm hits i. >•* i.aj'j ly i: nicest eaten folks in the ear. Vou and I an 1 understood, was the worst which woman, not Bits of Verse vvarm. palace might dying and the actress hastened grandest pas:, does “the eternal tit • ah' d a ImieUt a.ike to >, .ai.d md a first lass llli/iilieth -imply as the fair tints of a on,; ■ in "arm .. oa' in and have first class to 1 was ness ••u New tin- steamer. people happen me, ami content as I back to her own ear. For the first time of things" demand that the l urk n Kmrlard id, d: m-.. {|,. Y v s .1 so we would have touched her. She tickets, can have no in wa-. I pietuie astonishment of the Hireetors. the a-.-d - ■ .■* « .• pas>;ng the comforts and elegance of actor told me. if 1 would 1 could be to all who had with her for has and well '■ year y-mr written tie- -a>: \|. j..* l: study journeyed degraded nigh dcstrnved t than tlie in* i-a-ed amount -*t t!;e ,t-a 1: f"i si out of the heroism of W illiam of <•:-•*.lit>. and i;is>i:iu :u •••< -. h> _• \ minutes. No the Pullman car; we can seek the an actress now irangi up places worth to theatre. hours, she said: file waters of the Holden Horn are as I'-I o .-I s' 11 e. T I. money any many m |,d of r.-dlts i I a-.k' ** -. 1 ir**«»•* : p .» »; -'ii jie:..I.-. 1 from that at the or the bigotry of Philip. The noblest aims ,ppi doing laugh discomforts of travel. were all kind to me at the "Will not some and blue ard as had remaed I and there wer- al-o. t }"."i»e They theatre, kind gentleman among pure sparkling when first of « hut has in... .1 •! i.. < ,u ,1 tv- ■:.'!■ a a and live- were counters on •' this sort no I are her board. as ,, ’. d<•••- harm le y all tirst-class in the and 1 was well come to cut ot only pers.lll' sill'll**S. \\ Were I) t s' i II. tile people pal- always treated. The you my help, or rather to the last hy the bark the adventurous Me J: \ kissed tin- \v i:, :: we met. r S e the one soul in her realm w In ini Site. In ••'. ">:,!s into the stomach. Hut ice car. "t course. a l persons ♦ I'.i-si only Here's merchant. hands, the of a : the .1 t• •;.. •.• i stage and the woman, in another car.' garians that bends above them -• ••••• imijiini: carpenters help dying sky the news ot Si. to \s far as _ard' diU. ;. ;t.;d wealth ;nt" the blood. * »t course 1'hat's lib wife, and Ilartliolotnew stirred Time. \ U'l tll'.-t, ve to t that's his daughter; scene-shifters, all had a is as tender an w ir• pleasant word ? that need swallowed, bathe the absurd little i> his son. ling- t.. '-ve ij. pur monkey Here for me of an evening. One man, he was and He will remember the one w ho the enr d gaze ,,f the t!e*m -elves the j»ti'*!i• m a dvape-v a* helps caught iptun beauty was ov..,- I'm " viv ::: sad e<■ -m with hot water en- ,s a a w land thrilling with the ,d attra •*; •• d h.e >, iu-ly to banker and here rich idow, and and was ; triumph history d[ young, hearty handsome, kinder here." looking Hreek- the sea and land mingle Sa\ t hat : -.tirh i:. I wva’’ 1: V- me. ..bug. tie the Armada, its was coolly grum- haiiki! z de,.ioi:slrates that eo-du : ■ and a the of them all is a to int than all rest. one in same queen pTi-me >m 1 _• A I bandage “qualitiest” dapper, the He always took No stirred. together th and harmon- work V ad and I;:r:henim;-.- d iov. happy over the and ean, that arae*- .1 a the wbund, between it and individual- a bling cost, making her profit .let::,'- k:1 m.. sleek-lo,iking lawyer, halt- trouble t" com to me and say ‘Good eve- "\\ ill not some one come and a last ious union as when "beti graces and their ai:d -ash eoiuhined furnish the ”■ 1 say eapa.nty only mu". I'; "• ire out of the she had or- medical aid as soon in and spoiled provisions z\ « lawyer, half-clergyman, dress, lie ning. Nelly .' and many a pieasant chat prayer.' You sir, you have each wealth were the th me ot llelleme song i;n_r apital morning o' '• at dered for the licet that saved her. No Jean stc S es that credit -t Mfim I- ,.- possible. apes goodness, whatever be his real we had, while for turn to said the and the curse i Bapf waiting my go Christian service among your story -but of ittoman mis- o: \ worth. womanly sympathy hound her even to the work of apital. ami asserts *hut --to say i» dean He reads the last number of the on. lie was a friends, and 1 have to rule it all. Shall curse re- i N < -tagc-carpcntcr's assistant, listened." she said blights that ■ iocs .s to at same iu a .. INI lM |- >1 \|M V Ks. Mix at •• those who stood closest to Cecil, lint ti>I say tin* thing•<•» Kvangelical Quarterly Review," and but lie was a faithful workman and the : “will not come and main forever.' Not unless man is >t a bat and tl > tr only, lawyer you pray stronger the stiff' trom hi- most part she was deaf to the voices "Vo-. 1 lie- t- -. IV,. wt it,- side-pocket appears obtrusiveh earned good wages for those times. How with this woman .'" than the unseen and irresistible forces The slat ! lie >ei Ud| l-.s that it w dying \ '■ W .it toj--wit h t,. slowly from the either of love or She enaiseil circuiat; <\ i.-ur one The Samaritan at Hume,” and ••The I came to know he ■ gratitude. accept- many years tie- eared much for He hesitated. An old man iii the cornel which th destinies of the race. If feet lilt -i am t .- 1 .• le t it stand in a warm me, shape notes « n- place. In Kunest of ed such services as were never rendeied pound furnished all tin- .ip.tal needed Worker,” copies well-known loved me. isn't to it was of the car lhi! f!:irt'-eii lines ,i: -I :: :11.• ! t -a easy tell, though said, "Madam, I will go with sustain their ea>li credits. > y\, ... a Scold morning di-solvi a small to other without a teaspoonful of •■No any Lnglish sovereign IVfY.i, i» wi V;, — religious journals the day. easy for me to learn. The little Then in shame the law- : mat V those marvelous results, wl iv< «-!;•!• soda in a little warm water: picture things you." spoke up iking tor him; no. thought of return. Walsingham spent papers sir. told his love. He raised. Scotland I'rdii St > ■d also Improvement, would now and then ver, and said, "I will go." It Don’t Pay. d tV'iv are fr r _r--d -•;!ir i'alter, add salt and a his fortune in her life and her t" t t: 11 tin •• ..f large he iving .p her pi'eset: proud po-; -pa Tl-.esc i, dlic It. -!.d> n improvement alway," says, with a bring me a (lower to the theatre, and The window of the car let in a I _r!iT tit': of melted butter. A deal open and to a Id arc the children ot credit. It great vigorous roll "t the ‘T’ in The from the Newark throne, she b ft him die beggar yeans, pure \h isy M is,. Tl: II*. : ‘•improve- many an when it was and mild and the sun following, Daily nc fleer-- griddle cakes lies in the evening stormy soft, breeze, morning Hut as a no ex agger.ition whatever, but a melaueholy truth, } hid me ment.” If we could look back the has some wholesome truths if by strange irony, it via- to try 1 by dull, he would wait to home with me. was even in the Advertiser, that at tin* r;oil ,,t tin- K of i*'ss »,ud : ;•••,! g 1 >t on to bake go life-giving presence of p. ugh them we .’ We which it would he all this very lack of that This makes them nim The : r?s bye. why can’t will —we should That w as after the time when a rude man death. well for classes of woifianly sympathy tiie establishm-mt of tin* Bank of Scotland, ft. ..t s,_-:- t b s >w g fire see citizens to she owed some of the grandest features • ■ountn :trt 1 on g to nidi .t wnes .»f ilisast. Tis aii ... our e\ i-s ci- hrmht then this gentlemen a mem- one tried to kiss me at ponder: y respected evening the stage entered the car. ... b tongln'ii the 'test material ever They of \ ow. ,st a p r to ;i.t w it a put ber of a attended church. A It don't to have her character. If she waswithout love man entrance. Jack that was pay fifty workingmen .... u largely the friend "My good woman," he said it seemed nation, and a mg to its 'VI.-m in,iiil> eonima?..!. Vat an t we do '-"th.". and she was without hate, she cherished no indepeiHlent parti-. well known for his in order to have one sa- .. : eloquence, the delight struck the man dow n, and was ever after- lie could a death-bed “what poor ragged sition on fie- \ outskirts of the •< i! a : 11- 1 ioi-. 1 he rondeau tastcf-d. Imdit patronize she never to of children and the admiration of the la- loon keeper dressed in broadcloth and petty resentments, stooped and far removed from the humanizing iutluomv of 1 Von hid im try A Hiri. r mivi \ Maii Dim.. Itulj the wards more and more careful of me. He can 1 do for you .'" The actress bent in or of men two dies. A flush of envy suspicion the who served commerce—divided. in fact, into nations. ..rtaiah comes m-aivi the of ron- ut oi ,i welcome speaker at sabbath did love and I learned to love him over the money. j form the -tick of lunar caustic me, pity form. m u*n (nitrate hardly breathing her. she was indirt’erent to abuse. Her aliens blood and lang' age was the most deau e -h-tim d Warton. who *a\s it eoiistsls school concerts, where he dwells ton. We It don’t pay to have the mothers and hy ei ;nt" the wound for feeling- dearly, were married, one A sudden start, a of barbarous. sr .L'e a:Mi lawless kingdom >u K fully eight day spasmodic lifting humor was rutiled the ly of tlnrte.-:; verses, of which ct_:lit ha-, e one rhyme on filial and 1 went children families dressed in rags good ngver by is nds. and do this as soon as ly gratitude, uprightness, and to live with Inin in a litrle set the body, and the of the wo- oftwenty \mi if and to e another and that it is divided into three possible, eyes dying and of vvantonness and with runs and over starved into semblance of embodied charges cruelty great causes of her rise in civilization -uni eon;- t> a: d at >• no time is to be lost. < if course it will poetically through the of rooms a good ways from the theatre, man came wide W ith breath rapid tlit* end of the '-ml and third, open. only which the Jesuits tilled court have of and ot of all the Christian scarecrows and in hovels in order every in wealth been her system banking the he*:i i; in ;m of the rondeau is an ted tiiat the touched with gamut virtues. In ; idi, lady, we were so and left to a few living repeated.!!, o>:pei parts happy, every- enough speak words, theory N at t i o Ik'- g b as s. short, a sort of that tlie saloon wife dress F.urnpc. She was insensible to fear. Her eij in vocal use, if possible \ a spH-mi.-u of t In- and a most •• •austii will turn black. If. unfortu- lay preadier, I thing seemed like some bright scenes do came from her keeper's may been of greater -er\ n to low than mines lips: in life became at last a mark for assassin infinitely triolet. aiiot.,,-r form of \.tsc. the folhoum: is man in the he be- satin, and her children grow fat and of t .. meta it should chance tiiat one popular society atl'eets, i from the theatre the scene Come back! Thank gold atidsti'.er. Mim-.s.u precious trivell •ateiy, any is front, only “My boy! My boy! after assassin, but the of sides a man of i hearty, and live in a thought peril would have demoralized her But •A tten a that is said to be it j being flourishing business, was more real, and we were Cod, I am content. Kiss me once. hay-window parlor. probably people Kiss." iiy dog mad, truly happy Jack, was the hardest to home her has tended to call forth i full of It don’t to have citizens in tlie thought bring hanking system every *' worth while to the professional engagements. (.ami contented. 1 still at for all these pay Kosc kissed tin- to dav chain animal up, kept my place only once, long years.’’ to her. liven when Catholic broke maid} vlit ie. / u in a comtortanie not county because another citizen sold plots Will she kiss me to im-mu -tend of it for if it seat, far from him, j the theatre, and we went to and fro to- Sinking down, with a look of unutter- jail S shooting instantly: j out in her household she would lis- Let i' he as it nun "its a woman him very ,, /, / ft' unattended, I never a till a able woe Ids liquor. In’S Inl’ii'l ‘•-■Ifl, ti If In III nil tn /in’ 1 ■uld turn out that it is not mad -and a unaccompanied. gether. missing night short upon face, he murmured, Hose kissed me to ten to no for the removal of ■ da; attired ! I.aces at the throat. while before It don’t pay to have ten smart, active proposals )/ r w is.- alarm is raised- -the relief .Marvelously my baby was born, and we with anguish superlative in the tone: But the pleasure irives way frequently laces at the wrists and transformed into Cathodes fn m her court. tireen's New taken the liberty to italicize the last sentence. the mind of the showy, even had been married three when “(foil who am intelligent boys a savor of sorrow of all concerned is indeseriba-. | nigh years forgive me, the lowest of of In the above account two facts an* of special in dress. hoodlums and thieves, to enable one History the Knglish People. Hose kissed tue to (1.0 1 !»ie. | gaudy traveling Marvelous garb I baby came, a dear.boy that we loved as sinners.” t.-rest first, that ,t was the home love, the patriot so man to 11 she kiss me t< m,»rrou hut not marvelous as the wonder our lead an life them ism of a dozen .Scotchmen resident ill London and lives. Then 1 stayed at home, and Hut she died in her son’s arms, a son easy by selling A wealth of rich blonde when the Bank of Kngland was established, which j Y- a hit of verse, channitur in its completeness, Dksskkt ok Rice vnu Eki it. Pick [ hair which adorns John would go alone to his work. When and shamed to the core of his liquor. j repentant Theatrical ousiness at Pompeii, which them, seeing the immediate beneficial the little Anacreontic of o,-, asiom-d a " her and it don’t to one for S 1 A a prompted Oldys. hy >t and wash the and boil it fifteen head, which gives, its became home late o’ he would al- heart. He w ho had a pay give man, j rice, by straight nights, ; lived lie, met the has been at a standstill since the eruption died to Kngland of that act. to unite themselves tly drinking out of his cup of ale. has seldom heeii cut across the a a license to sell and then | minutes in water, with salt at the rate of offset to wake me with a quarter, liquor, for same excelled forehead, sa'ucy ways up kiss, and would ! truth, the truth and death together, and of Vesuvius in 7S>, A. 1 >., appears to be to obtain Scotland the benefit. Second a to a the dark eyes and dark be- to look at the in spend is'Jli.niMi on the trial of Tim Mc- to obtain a cash credit it required character. ! heaping teaspoonful quart, ltice eyelashes go boy the cradle, and I acknowledged his sin. looking up, from the ly.that Bu>y curious, ■ judging following and the aid of two or more thirsty tly. much salt neath. The blonde hair is a contradic- would seem so I Laughlin for that liquor and then eapaeit} cooperative improved by having put in glad and happy, as lie sar he little more is soon told. buying announcement of : "Alter Drink with me. and drink as I its Signor l.augmi friends, who. m becoming sureties, became inter while cooking. Pour out the water in tion to nature, and the in his before to A of committing murder under inlluence. Freelv welcome to my hashing jewels smoking pipe going bed. simple garment the blonde wo- a of more than eighteen hundred ested ill tile success of their proteges, and the cup. ears It don’t to have one thousand lapse by (’ouhl.x't thou and it fifteen minutet after it to the and upon the one bared hand are John pay homes of the were sip sip up. begins boil. kept doing better and better, and man's served for the burial garb of the the theatre of this will he re- conditions cash credit system "Xpeet deli and turned years city Make the most of life you may. Then pour in rich milk and boil till of a contradictions to good taste. So society was at last made while old mother. Fair blasted, ruined, led into ed to have an oversight of their operations and a stage carpenter, i jeweled hands paid the opened with ‘La Liglia del Keggimento.' Life is short, and wears away. and has tickets to the hells of disorder and in order that right to advise and counsel them in the same. | pudding thickness. Then pour it into says, society palace the baby grew and grew, and came to be last otlices for the sister who had worn misery 1 solicit a continuance of the favor be- one ! Scotland (and New Kip* and as well) “buiided bet I Both alike are mine and thine. to when it is to car. She is it seems. a wholesale dealer amass a large eups harden, be turned socially ostracized, strong, lusty the of all our out her The life that had may stowed on ter is instruction id boy, pride doing duty. fortune. my predecessor, Marcus Quintus than she knew.” and there for Hastening quick to their decline : out inverted a in All else in the car in the first hour We never all in upon platter small have, days. tired of talking of what passed away had been made at Martins, and to assure the that her history. Thiue's a summer, mine no more. brighter It don’t to six beg public mounds. Make an on the of of become intimate, or at least we would do for him when he its close the deeds pay keep thousand rnen Mr. Montcith. M. 1*.. testifying before a Parlia- to three score : opening top travel, grew up. by and serving of the 1 shall make every elfort to equal the rare Though repeated left m the and and mentary Committee in said "that he was a Three score summers, when ‘■aeh, and put in a pile of jelly or fruit. friendly. She alone is out of the He should have a gentleman’s education. “wicked’’ actress. penitentiaries hospitals, lie ids they're gone. one qualities displayed during manage- manufacturer, employing at that time 400(1 hands, Will as short as one." over all a custard made home circle. All seem to He should thousand in the lunatic at the appear I-astiv, pour from seven-days’ have all our savings, and we We may have all seen her since upon asylum ment.” and that except with’the merest trifle lent t<> him. three a avoid her. I espouse of the honest, industrious tax- The lines the Princess eggs, pint of milk, aud a teaspoon- “Why?” “Well, cannot say, were more saving every day for little the stage, gay, light and trivial. I have, which he very soon repaid, he began the world with following by Amelia, the tul can ? Do her ?’’ payers, in order that a few rich but a cash credit!" He have ad darling daughter of Deorge 111., whose death, of salt boiled in a tin pail set in boil- you you know This is Jack's sake, l’lease God, he should have and when I saw, I as I heard capitalists nothing might early thought, A tube one hundred feet runs "to l am one of the wealthiest men iu it is said, caused the incurable madness of her water. This ran a little conversation between a may grow richer the manufacture of long ded, day ng be modified hav- you and life of ease. time and her There are little by a by Well, passed, song: many, many through a line ot in Rock- Scotland." How few of all who have delighted in father, have roundness of thought which entitle the whole in a whiskey. hitching posts ing put bowl and hardened, me, reader.) “Well, yes," (1 answer) “by Jack went to school, and was soon far be- worlds in and about this' the tales of romance in and written them to place among gems of verse: great world, ville, Conn. A farmer was hitching his prose poetry and then inverted and several sight. Her face is familiar to me from our His father and cannot the "Wizard of 111»* North," have ever dreamed openings yond knowledge. used to you always toll a Samaritan horse at the end the other by ‘•rnthinking, idle, wild and the windows post, day, that, but for the banks of Scotland, there would young. made for the fruit. of and sit and wonder and was man his or I and and talked ami : apothecaries’ shops, silent, thimdng by door-plate by the clothes Three little on a recent Sabbath when a at the laughed, danced, suug even boys boy other end shouted have been no Walter Scott! Who that from bar-room windows and street of the Jack and of he neither can journeys And proud of health, of freedom vain. things knew, which wears; you a Samaritan were on a street in this the to the Trosachs and the scenes made classic stopped city by through pipe, ordering the farmer through Dreamed not of can* or ; posters : and one I saw that face he had no woman. sorrow, pain evening understanding. Our boy was [Nathaniel Childs in Boston an take his horse lie by the "Lady of the Lake" ever realizes that alt Dickens’ earlier works are now behind elderly gentleman, who, perceiving away. unhitched and Concluding in those hours of glee, just footlights. Then, I heard a fine the of the school before we Traveller. this enchantment is but a small of the ro pride long ; [ that had hats and a ball with looked around to part That all the world was made for me. out of The they them, find whom he had of- malice of life which results from a wise of fuming copyright. protection voice singing from heard a smart system badly-written songs every day what boy he i asked one of 1,11 ‘'Sketches Hoz'’ has the number this question: fended, but seeing no one, he tied the banking and finance, founded on real money and But, when the hour of trial came. by expired, and the stage of the street was. We dressed him A \ Seventy-Seventh handsome, "too, erinout girl fell out of a rocking chair and can tell me where all halter the standard When one contrasts her When sickness shook this “Oliver Twist” will soon be common not to “Boy, you naughty again. The mysterious voice again single j trembling frame, Theatre, be too as to and he was a lad as ever was. received injuries that killed her in two hours. former barbarism with her homes, particular tine-looking to who ball f” him man present happy When folly's gay pursuits were o’er, Three editions Moral: not boys go play upon Sunday ordered oil', and the bewildered property. cheap of the There is no she is famous Years went Young girls should sit in a rocking her far-famed her manufactures of And 1 could and dance no more— places. doubt, by, and we saved and saved “Over back of Johnson’s dam!” agriculture, sing "■ketches” are issued in chair, unless there is a voting man in it to the hastily jumped into his-wagon and rode and her unrivalled of It then occurred, how sad twould already England. (the lawyer would An more and more. a stroug Glasgow Paisley, steamships j he say ‘notorious’). Then little girt came hold them iu [Hawkeye. youngster replied. [Kennebec Journal. away. [Exchange. the Clyde, her great public works, her poor young j Were this world only made for me." The Totter Committee at Work. \ lew ■* ;:i The with Sheniuiu .it Mriv,:'; v.-s*e>i:-;ti;t Xcw German Emperor Fired upon and strayed a great part of the romance of eiaus have laid down their lives like him GREENBACK STATE CONVENTION. Generalities. V1 r11■;11.. Andeisou was c!-», iy .;- .--..alien'd mid Wounded. IT.' d. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. a Kii'i'i"' Investigating Committee mud,- to repeat m detail all the cu'euii)s'..iuce.-t at the Holy Land, giving in its place vast in the good cause of humanity. Joseph E. Smith Nominated for Governor. Tin* Maim- Central Kaiiroad is rebuilding the ;■■ ,.m work .it earnest, at tin- iiUeniew hut his au.-w-ers to wllthe-a.c-tions A fnuu Berlin that while • ’liuton Washington. despatch says Till' USD J IN E amount of historical information resting Hut wo must close our account of this to bridge. to him on that did u-’t show- actable BELFAST, AY, 1X78. [Special the Journal ] I'rom \ ni tons sources we make put point any the William was a despatch >.tt;irilay. Emperor taking drive .N' isoii \\ In-au of 1 i'\ Islands, was knocked vavuiMon or di-erepauey. on a solid basis of ascertained facts. The latter-time Crusade. Is not its work a June ■'it!). Lust a condensed aeeount of on afternoon, dune some Lewiston, evening u!l Vnu. lust week the important 'a- cross evuiniaatioii un -t e,-;;c i.h-d w iit'll Saturday 1st, rrnusiiEi) k\ kky Thursday mousing overboard it::»I drow ned. Caj>e by dross of has been thrown not 'l i es In the tirst shots, history away, noble one? And arc the ),()()() considerable number of to tile place it should t lie omn.itii-.--a-hounu'd loll o'clock \\ i: -wday. apparently proceeding from a house delegates, tired tie farm «.f \ ar ■ \V 1 L L I A M II SIM ISO X Tramps buildings Klhridge : hat ;!ie is in the Vvenue Enter l'cn its remains with us. of late Americans for tlic were eommittee act* l.inden. were pure gold annually expended by eomentinn of to-day, arrived, and a ucy, in Skowhe_oi:]. which to'u'iy destroyed. A Terrible Disaster. at EDITOR AND rkorkii.iok. ,i;i::tioiiiously together. The 1 >euto- tiled him. The Kmperor was wounded Americans have undertaken the scientific social and material hub, Sr religious, regenera- eial meeting was held at Auburn Hall. A well known and ambit.ons young -is. one ns< iqr ion Terms. In advance. S-.00 a mu ; n.g the have not 1 tlu- New 1 a'ai in arm and on one cheek duel; h,.s 1 er d'-but as a po-se» nia.iority, | Special A -k 11.■ ] by at of the of Jor- of dol- Cheyenne, made carpent. within the year, SJ.AO; the expiration of the exploration region east the tion of the inhabitants Turkey, were made b;. Solon t 11:t. I teinpieil to use their power unpleasant London. May :il. I~7~. \ dreadful and small shots. The would be assassin Speeches ai.d joiner. year. dan. It is too soon tii of their suc- lars in a noble and cause to the Mr. with the is a lb. A dyfri ising one > judge spent holy M. W. W. of the Cat li minority. Potter, disaster oeeurred this forenoon in the N".-cling, occupying uppartincuts Terms For juare. (one ineh Fogg, Perry A boy named shot !i,s brother ih el : >. of in t'"r om* i 1 at I £1.00 and y’.» are in with .■ h moeratic colleagues, Kuglish channel, resulting in the sinking Enter Pen l.inden. When the door length column.) week, cess; they working harmony Herald, I’eter Coojier's in-iarv. sen: Nev. Hampshire. Friday, with a revolver which cents for each insertion. A traction m The Assassins ut Work. ■: d tlie Republican members that of the Dorman man-of-war Drosser w as forced open, lie tired upon and wound- subsequent the Palestine So he did not think was loaded. a square charged as a full one. Knglish Kvploration from New York, and others. Much a mlii s. ret their own members of fnrst oss of four hun- ed the hotel and tried to commit \ renewed tin- life of tin* \ of Nil.--, Me-';.. ii.:> ndn .C-e ti"-> Rut and tlie keeper attempt upon ■ nearly eiety. The history of the civilized per tbusiasm was inatrifcsti-d. S.• 1 Cliasi lady ittei s. as dred lives. Tin- Derman iron-clads suicide, but was secured. The tier honor and shown her muscular development Republicans Konig Kmperor's ‘The are authorized for the beloved of ( is further following agents tions of our race llovv back to Etnperor Jermany a mm: <•' that ■ t" be accused Hi the tirst instance AA'dln-hu. Kc.ti Admira UatM-h.the Prr.c pi I'snual attendants jumped into the car- Journal Kgypt, presided. by horsewhipping young ity evidence of the lawless spirit of that low io'paiTean nr labels should decide sell and the Drosser Kurfnrst. Captain tinge and supported the Emperor until S. B Nn.i s. No. »7 Tremont St Boston. Palestine. Mesopotamia, and Armenia, the To-day the Greenback Stale .ciu-ti \ despateli from Koine says the pope is it! in ». bit I Pie 'ess,oils should lie or the reached the The S M I*El IKNG11.R. A < Slate St Bostmi, stratum of society which is conspiring bodv ami distressed in mind by the piots and open l.atoch. sailed liom Wilhc'mshavoii on carriage palace. very countries which have lately been lion :md it was and :C Park Bow. N Y. met, unexpectedly huge, cabals, and manifests a disposition to abdicate -t>:i :. and in what manner, by counsel m W These ttetv tlie Emperor was conveyed to bed and several the social order of ednesday. ships pio- Hou\« e Pool*, l'.’l Washington St Boston. studied, and much light will doubtless be everywhere against there at least a thousand those of shot were being persons \ .r and accused should appeal neers of tiie Dorman fleet intended for grains extracted, causing t>rk the world and the of thrown on the of the oc- rights private prop in attendance. The vote counted ah.a lerer id Hw*u:\die. hid.. w;.s carried to the mi’ : ue Pile eommittee. and these matters the I .astern Meditci lancan. and were to great loss of blood, file Kmperorsutiered Ba I i.s A Lo< ke. ill Park Bow. New York questions early In America we are skirts' the tow u.W. d:iesilay.**y, a mob and riddled never lost of those iands the erty just beginning nine was auged by the Republican mem have touched at Portsmouth, in rnu;> to great pain, but consciousness. cupation by primitive hundred, but probably inflated with bullet-*. Administrators. Executors and (irardians to learn that these economical and social j Dibraltar where they were to wait thud The otticial account states that Nobel- races. < Htr have thrown somewhat Mr \Ytn. Philhr'.el,. of show their advertisements in the J. ,,; explorers already A mine in • 'al. iias been ascertained, .t j• In to Louisiana, the Democrats bred twice with a double barrelled desiring published regard orders. ing troubles, from which the old countries of one nai will please so state to the Fuun much light upon the national character- over tin. convention, i he said, t" contain a full acre ot silver in solid to in The first that gun. The received about BO began, presided *r pe prove, instance, About iiitic o'clock these vessels were Emperot have will have to uody three t t, tic kues* Its mated vain- istics ot the races of men Europe long suffered, Rev Mr. Maddox ottered .here was a concerted plot of the Repul) sighted from Dover dills steaming si. in- small shot in liis face, head, both arms, inhabiting prayer. ,.;ter u I I II w SC Bsi.’K 1 BEKS n >r d •<.; ,,;c t be met. The restless and men remitting ••;.ey ■ .ills which in the of were and back. Palestine, the Nile, the Jordan, desperate whish Solmi Chase del etl a by polls parishes ly down tlie Lnglish channel. 'They have the address <.l must state the Kgypt. ; The in-w silver v .ult ih the *ub treasury <•! New Vi I papers changed, of m: ami Y.'ia., .him.' Benin that who skulk in noisome the »- ». feet ‘4 b*i and id tt*ct .u West Fell iana. Ouachita, M.-iv all of naval arehi- despatches suy Post Office to whieli the has been ut as the the Rhodes, quarters <*l g i, York long. nrond magnificent specimens 111. In paper Hellespont, Losphorus, the usual style enba* k "i.itni r.ll b,me! is. tllill the to ussusst .* a ui torn millions *»i i lost Bat.ill Rouge and Richland teeture l'he of the attempts well as the office to which it is to go cities of are read to use j height li j *i..ring stately majesty flag- ha'.- I la- a con of Sea. great Kmpertu is the result of conspiracy Cyprus, the islands the .Kgean Europe, The Greenback statesmen v.-o di liar* -u sil ver. me to be thrown out fraudulently, ship, Kontg Wilhelm, a broadside frigate, it-: ti -milling revolutions will be forth the assassin's knife or are eager to and the of Ideali- pistol, to inion |e « \\ was, ■i' Democratic and the con- t--maig Both assassins bad false names under Smyrna, plains Troy. vited the platform theta lie unbr.-i at c-?t li arbor. being parishes, for twenty-six l.eaw guns, Subscribers are to take notice « f the pierced requested on :.i i e i.! IT, .1 •, ; v i,..r -.1 Nl1 ey is deli ties in which so of the events put tiie torch to private property the C ly being throwing them out to trasted with tlie Drosser Kurfnrst and the occasionally passed. Xa:,f. declares that, it he I) \ savt tht Statt and turret, exi.Itingly is the only form of receipt now used For instance. of first : in their diseased brains gli Preussen. both low-lynig douhlc bad ml -.a oiIt*.t. others would. man's history have occurred. opportunity didate for Governor last Win. M the Ih1II a'..-I UK/ -m Wlicnqncstioned Id means the is to year. '. ra! tickets to It May#'.', that subscription paid the Republicans. full-rigged The latter were line a- t-- motives he exchunictl is is ships. "tiertnany that date. W hen a new payment is made, tin* date 1 Jut what have our countrymen accom- Ru -t, Fsip and W \\ Pi ty. I appearin' e two b-o who had blackened . \!itlersn!i reveal-., mill II.c is '»! *11 i.>:itii-1 tin- details ot the modern iron-clad, after Kuipcror nothing' Humunity will !>e chanced to and Sl'BSt BIB i'llnos thought unit (jassiou. The r ?'e s n I '•'cm.-le-d a U" e -.ear ol ! saitijiles correspond, besides re- sport t1 < a 1" I >1 liner,:; igress are cvcrytl ng I We have tit su- away plished gaining information \ new candidate for Governor ] the at'U’l tie the of IT It. W. ship Monarch. KBS VBK BK^r ESTEP TO SEE IHA l' l Hi.lB It is said ot them that see visions pattern a a! '- i. a ml the want n more K they .ivt'.iin. and that he olfered to ;t. ;.pic ings PA TES ABE PoBBKt T subscribers s garding races and countries .' W hen much strength, and a as prove 'They were watched iron; tlie Admiralty l ie- oiirt still h---e tor the Km they ly developed physicians are requested t*. forward the sums due and dream dreams. They are vainly Ins tean and dociinients. ■ testimony by j pier at Dover until they had passed al- 1“f. ■!’ onplft.- recovery : but. owing to bis ad began their labors in Turkey, fifty years nominateii with a rush, receiving u lv for a social millennium in which ini of ?■ I.ihki ea Sl.iKMi a hen most The a t xsel -m ie n it it u.llo-.i ;. O' a filial relapse isposoblt* 'I’he meet Imping sight ago. the rtSidem was unknown there. the Vote 'III the til -t He ot ti,.- —■ anti with the Km press all ballot. 'I: f ; "i '.'a. inaugurated and a fifteen e of bin]: daughter all the contrasts between , ill lit miles the shore. A Cattcr-Timo Crusade. present poverty f"- -i u as tit cod ugly .illcctmg They km-it at Not a newspaper was in tlm JosKl'l! L. >Ml i’ll, of tli'towi a a..:■loiiar : that certain are eireunt- i published < >v\ pii";tion Although lip-re many \eiy .-. i- i- oilei im for the lift*, and wealth will They are go I'r.iyors Kmperoi disappear. r i, am ; ii ■ Px'foie giving a detailed aivount "I the attd there was am a In ; Ip- .:i \ A Niitni<1 t! ! had taken the trouble to look stant:.i! accounts at hand the ! vt:. e !o. -it i.iii-. ami iuir'"S withdrew I'lie fountry. schonl-boitk liuuhennau. i;-*111- regarding ] n ■ mime ■ > ■' ing. as class, in this country, in I r*■ i >.i .1. :.*i : :lie tse anil themselves nm I dis.t- is not lol’ I,is bodsulo since her arrival Secular results nl the labors :n I'llrkI•. in be found in ol tin- ian- satisfy exactly any spoken j U M. Rust w as no1 .: ie K \ f ;»:>-! in- x -mV .. I .! •!_> P e s ;. ml o' II at e pioiu.ii e ttpc lull sent lies ct of the times. nb of the facts, but that the wt re di-palt ■ quenee. partly, pinching proofs ■oca' According to the t' — in which some of our • ft «■ n-'.v tv. iif*- u-ports j Old I'resilient ) fellow-countrymen plages. To day a >gu• of the lunik*, eh tied to peak, and i I i ■ v ed t" :n[»ns..n:ipm* I .;;:.ii, and that the .irratiuemciU ceivcd tin the collision oc- ■' call themselves by vurmu titles, l.' by Admiially \ lo a, has s have hern for the o lull’ ecu bv They ■ engaged pa tv.iets.iini new A nter lie' the I ! ."' 11 O'. 11 '": a di Naders."a \\ ,,s to m.i: s papeis published Waiting 'angle-'.I'll.I toU'.the truth cur re d s ev c n l t, \t t t I ■ml- I. g!:!;i ■•lii it pi (''mvmiinists. Socialists I. dior Kcmrmers. ||- :••!!•••- !‘ 1.* r- we ■ ol 0 a .-a-l I mod it- are to the v ai ions >•• I n ■■ e io he completed when the report -:oia -tie r .ce-lix 1 lie lo Had tlealll w.-tlbl ll tiny, templed irresistibly place iean.* in l.ingiiagi key. All nllt id d" Many ei mul have a weak retli-x in t •: contrast of they Nett N u k that •: eg, ea as three miles oil lion from S in the darker tin a list ot in Viable. "i "i! to \ ty <• \\ 1111 a picture gives publications Itatigoi eiideav \ : Mai all leihllsh le.-s mischievous which to it w as t 1 ■ safe, and that not wtn th wit i:e- two ttnlf' -|ill!i .a ■ ■' IV: party prole-ses I'., I' n* v.»w gao- t'aslle. wiiieh ; : l!< refuses tit iiann- his Crusades ,.f the middle ag* Imp Creek, Armenian tain dent and modern). l In a 1 Sanhoru of that the • k '••• .t m alte; i.tlte. u 1.. mi-iana. wlieo n, ,,f l olk, sloiic. \ x arrest a letter t.i linn ar liepe for n (Jreenbark indieiinitiin ,:i thi< movement- '- this antithesis may make the n. He revv G r :■ «-• .1 H v 11o 1 \ ex I! I’urkish. Spanish and hut fade l. Tile ree'i'o ae'.o Ms. N as ! in ned iiilrif:. A: all, : t hail Pit : tell o','I a bail,, I »• 1 'I :• ’.'•tier a U l. 1« ol \merieans in seem too wt country. to N a who proves sprea-1 Turkey Kurdish. besides vvliat liavi Iicen sued in lair 'He; i■ asir111. -h, on an 1 tit wliieli \v;is the channel,, ■ sailing tip ■ *; i* i «*i u a! -j tlie Ip.|o i"'. The late ati to kill the ** 1 dastardly i r -. i till oil:,', I.f \. 1 \ a t I to desen e tile title uf a Crusade In,! t hr '-me mpt Ip- oif -hore lack, made f"t tlie >• 1.0 '. ■! a. > "I Noltol in- tiie languages. Morem necossaty roinpln Karopean | 14, ■ venerable or William v\ ho so ti ll. \ 11; "a;, I- Mi'iiitl -went I a-t i. o- ■ i’ \ '■!'•!. w as limpet r K : fit:st irb 'aril Iter helm aim ie lilts of their work, instead of wring ■ ■ ■ perteetly ot the books ale ptiblisiied tvvo or three 1 iir^e Fm* in H ••klatr! mi;* mi’ i * i' -' T w 1 the .!• .'\\o: ill:: him. ami to ,.f \ opera! upon lie 1 o\ I', eniifldener and oi V < n ordi-t ki'c|.. tbe e-sol's way. are a- will he enjoys respcet apt” ::i l wli.-n roult■ *iit1 " sth in- weak, remarkably potent, times in the same language, but in a dif- s, sat 1 sea < ominands < he of tin ad at U the lermali is the e\ idetiee ■! a ac ‘i 11’."!.• 1:.• ie i we not pei'pie bitterly. shown further mi, though -lull a n on tlie -land .• a a a ot ferent eharaeter. number of 'iby pi ;ng a :-.iin,'t mid the glit ! • ■•- a I*; l::* 1 1‘rim am*. 1 last iplite ae\. follow as it does s,. eotlspit ■ deep •• '• i .. .!-■ 'lies I N who aetr.: .1 v- ..Ills e t: T iMtlre dwell on the side of the sub met. d:lg I, J. !. i: r .1. > 1 I-' title uierson, a ay o' Sailing ;::. "eg '." a Mi-take i }..| tbeir religious in-v. -i'-11H are published by Alilt‘1 leans T. so. e e u i -' si if if in v \ ',,!;eii.-iot|s increase hat 'II al t' a l eeell! I.liltll lie fieri nil U »I I, reg stration Kn ?t Id uialtcni.on on tie- j*p we ■ J pet :n the some for believe that the oi ■ order, prominence i : iantii -q- and 1 Jeit :t, i Ara- I. i. He t, stifled in the ot ihe fl :he icon -g A\ din Im hatrei 1 of the institution lav.. err p.iri-h. ]ia:: ig-h.p. i! •' v I” ii•!»• of j eu.luritij: the* irreat Turkey ms: now before :1m world male- i A iam A rmeno Kurkisl 1 reeo- .,1 Shet n ■' almost tin- m- .' ... ; crashing 1 w j. 1 It i* state.1 that ment and property, is bearing li at •• the secular and incidental results of :a: ae. d ; In act ion that «a taken :: her -• back .• ta as s. lie- t-hts «-! ah.);, at •»:. or 1 u kisii..11:• I u:i language The into the Kurmr.-i. In times like these the 1 o a:t.-.J t. v : >-■ only safety any ml NN eber. in tile matter ,c oi the : irem.:.-:. ;npo: \:nerieaii missions in unitr> the M e:• eiilat ion by riptiou thosi puli- .■ is in the a i has been tree* 1'rotu At the eh -r the tenth and "ir. spit i11 Katg.lit ions of si bool 11" I'lo.hieeti .1 copy ,1 letter I'.'., \in:>—— ,-i the di-aster .-ay that tin- (iantu the .lay tie ropeate.i op meneenient of the the to ... shmeut some* eleventh century Something l'#r Maine Democrats Consuter. « .''iiiiati. : t'.lose assttr• Pit ■; not in el at its. ; book;- ll.lVe beell sold, and as 'lie books it 1 n ind in was that w is \ i.-iblc ::i the water half popular Christian Kurope are now used iii all ol nobody them "Ives parts I'lte purpose of a eet tain portion the I : ; di is the of a .« ovi'ig copy letter Democratic Conventi ns. with the strange idea that the h.-u-w*. r:..' r :!• possessed the eo-intry. their intiuenee in raising the I temoeratie in this state to foi m an | NN .mi. p irty \ ai;.; eber to she:: it t.-tei ■ H ever this tin end oi the world was at hand : that the ; II 11 ci, a li i' .v »'•••.,. .? a in*-! at general standard of education must lie alhanee with the lireenhaek \ o; N,.t. K, -in organi/iitton ■ « was seen from ;!.•• shore and li tin v Tile resolution* 1 .t\ I i- il My a.b.pte.l thousand years of the were I i- e.crat h :.i- ot tho on the Apocalypse i*o,i--'iie; tble. I ueeuiale t: ansuttioiis is no to I" eoneealed, Tin I’.otihigm- mail paeke: and many y eoiititry lolly; sought i.>*r .1 W. il t’ *• :• ■ 1*. ■ I 1 al- the South ate! atl era near and that .lest:.- tin 1st ha.-:- uei! t rendet aid. top--rts completion, vv h h.e e sei-i; made of tin Sei iptUI'es. t'ommereial. which exerted itseit : — .e o a' u ro^poti*** to the (leman'is Bangor assert ■ hat ... natma; an 1 would descend Jerusalem t" nidge upon are mak- r• ■.i wif’i ,t {■ t''i• ilt 1 w\i- 1 :••• letie•• raev hr.or a tart‘1 tor p-vo iiv Ameiii aiis. and ;e,d'l;s!ied. so strenuously last y ear to defeat tin- 1 'em !'; n eri lowered both froi th or no 1 .. n;:i;tarv pow or para- mankind. \ nf terroi i panic up"U a marked tin nominee for fa- K," g A A la.-im ii Pn >-t-n. : ng tpoll oeratie Governor, openly to 111 1-str .vo to the and crowded tic it... i. n.i. enterprise people, they ve trail id'- of the various nationalities ot vors a eoalltloll with the l ireenliaekets : •' V. i ■ > i X i' ! 0. A AN I': r .. i Ivor a:nl l in countless hosts to ae a:t time, | •• c.iy 'l ;k> v. from their great religious e : > ... t..o repo.i! ..f t!.. resit mp apait and there is very reason to helie', that Ii. of tlie I.->rd. All th t :.o*on j..r nation,.: bank ing T1 i-y iiuv'e also issm-d te\t- Mr. is for the i'! n a tl-.peurh n.vest; limer;. laboring aceoinplisli et !wcell the west f K and "I! Writ M M. Mi,I,..., 1 to ja i- -’ iri'po of pr,.;.. : : ! si :>.• n.eio. t .oi-ks in \rai>;e |'o| the tad;, the higher ment of suc h a purpose, w ith all tin- zeal M: s:i"r!i.all's i■ -1. : i.o .1 ti at!. it..! ate.l at.'l the were tilled with tlious.uni.s oi ; I nople p branelie- oi se.eln e. ! whi'-h he bestows In- Contraction at a:. Ku 1 tit- a long d -, u-sioii as to t< I.r:ee w :th law w bet; usually upon pet, "ti " with statl' in hand and waiiet m 1 .. re.tthrtn tl.o loetr:: o> griins ,ss;. iitanes hav e tln-re established u. el Mr. -mv .a: .i■ 11• ; ept though impraetieahlc ideas rill* Senate UI 1 e'-d. Ms- t ; the war o'.-nis is :!,<■ tile 'boulder Kook,tig barf. tie .. d :» ! and c\ Mr. under the ■ put in i-lcnce. schoilis, arranged followingdes- It has been the boast of tin- •iiiniei .1 vote lit' III to |I is d ti.e ■ fm eat o'. i he; th" loilnA mg re.-.huti .I:, '• \ ist a of the next gi ■ :>'• a I | past, ;; ': :.ion >*'1 :• ml I •ir!- Hoard I ■' ;«!oP» ry e;,d and its editot that the icnioerat ; vent t lie retirellienl ") ii.itr a I lea « i. .. iiiiiuiiiisly atiopted that we see. is Peter tin- II"' tie;, i !• i j for \ oung Men; pat ty is one of prine pie that its course iklies. Ml amendment ! but chivalrous monk of \uiien goted 1 : a-i\i 1 >i 1;-1 I blig' and Medi- ol has been straightforward in support llliei brief e, nisi.lei a ail'i Hi \ ’• : i■1 A seized with tlie mania oi h, age. ,-itin cal I'lieiv are two hundred and the ancient faith, through all the yeai a> it rame fi i| tile 11 i;-. adopted 1 h. -1 T■ .1* *.*rf ■ h iiitrk was loteli n.g off -hot.-. 'The Dt .-or tin cruel t ITMUI s..:;': '.i"- :..i .. u Jerusaiem, witnessing ;terser '- 1 ■ ■ a ,M U, ol ,.-tt,-r • itmnitu in wliieh are 01 t '. •. ■ e.y !,y Kit:t'ni -t starbo.ii'iied lid la b; : cli-ai chools, of its history. And y they t'etar\ slierman lia 'lee;.leii ■ t "II lie i Oil 'be dm. 'tee .. and re >■ a pei m ..." the bark. '1 : K -a g A\ b'a-bu went liatd on* f-r M Fariami. eleven tlii.itts.ind tw hundred and sixty a sut er, 1‘T of the great ’leading pi ire ph- the !. !1 ‘i 4 i. v t w tory wrongs, ■')'• ..min h :*•>•;■ pres si-hnols lomi tin- bums of ail tie- eduea coin redemption and an opening of the ! from circulation, under tl appeared o', er m Iter broad- do and in > ■ : t s ■ went 1t se..lav so*.*ior. •: ihe of f hr stein loin to :cseuc tie st ■ in the it egrat sent to hin 4 povve; : \tnel ... 1 :: with pi a 'i .. e J Fr w mem k gates which will the tile art, nid had 1 ■' tl'S. Slit lift eel inati key. deluge euuntry | resumption .• ... i- ... th, : ,11 : mm r.-m It. m n.o nomiueo ,* a 'liristlans of t el (>t from the thraldoi g eOtl- lathums. All hands .a., ib-.ard. :.•>.; and a!- furnish an inediuin for irredeemable >ueh aetioi, hern an en: i:. "i:nt "I he-' t L > < ;;n|taut ray money. panelled, "v:...'kp;ae,. .— .: --in■ .it. M.-n-: "f the M't'S'.iiiiians. and the sepulchre oi ■ at T. :• <:v. t.eo- idea- <>n various eamiot be disa.'tiou-. 1: w -■ I» 1; larea f.,r •'•niuritlieating subjects otherwise than notes ere Issued. n retary sliet tcrward and vc-cticd twenty->c’. .m na n, o >T .■■ T:. 4 ’. then .i 1 i .lesus from the nub hands of the inlide!: .l.iii.i 11. Anderson, the witness, tes- t till- adult population, while the school- the Democratic Convention shall hwla[■ 'iiu circulation was t;,a. reduced duiin.: ■ I rb.m 11.. with o i In- inoculated the I'.'" tie-eoiinaittee this moniilig. '1 \ >a ..: v. n -t at Mont Pope. rooms form convenient for gatlicr- in favor of it, the result will be a of It sei,,d. ii.ei a places disrup the month the •' Ilf ere"., of •• rescued many tile whom May. n It;. !:•’ : a u* -fated that he had received from the M :.•.inmate 1 K \V i his ell thus;, i.sin. Then the I lermit and tin- j | *r m K. : m. social In of and a de- : v ~ were to tl.e W \\ >«to\vs for So. retarv mgs for rel,gions anil purposes. tion the party, humiliating action this oiil H ;iM V mils of 11. A. Weber a letter transferred postponed upon; .- Kraiiei jmrport- ( Batoeh. of the Drnsser K ! J 11 : -vr W s Hp-h Pope prea -lied the Crusade, and in- ptain the boarding schools winch are feat at the polls. The Boston l’".st, which three loneef. the u m to _niol of which that 1 girls' tla}s by top. \ 1! r.mipkins for Attorney Genera the:: ib-rnuny and Italy awakened by s Maine which 1 e.t -I., '. is a NN ill F l‘> •■ .:. .•••! i. r lift-.-n ia to.tuber a all ra.-es two, in lias alway taken an interest in the i tenders would have hern ted.! ie. you copy. ■’ •• vi'ti'is, for the deliverance of m siaie tia' eiimmitte,' whether prepared s' cases three or r o', unmarried Vniet I 'enioei utters a warning w hi eh -I mill more than a million on the ! t •( .1 you Ini'.scalded in the water. The War n icy. ■ many persons European Quest: Practically ">'!' wt'iI'.e such a letter .* /.mu. idle years "I the im’-eiitd •••■:; ■- Tin* M !helm hud het bows st Settled. dying ir at ladies of ..1 editeatinn ..mnect- he lieeiled. 11 s In of the \ r, 1! Konig say speakinu .... It riu '.’.til.'-- after an of the inspection w saw a countless multitude of fa- a .'.. but the leak was stopped tilt haminoeks. century ed with eaeli -rl.iiol. The in.mi We lutve im consent ;> .i■ t .t»-rt« r- Herald in-led him 1 can this, i. ’.; i! .c c- war ch-nd i- j as-ing oil. purpose says only say The collision was tndnubted caused natical < 'ms tilers rolling through 1. i the h- .11 !<•>!;:;r» m Mam- a;.;. -tat- .• I c u "t is an eg o ut class of educated I'11• lives .lUiltisi oil.: t 1 !u in and w The !• rn.- a ha-,- to up when a is advocated t: .-re o: Y- J sponsibility pubic policy ■■ i the Wilheitn her helm to!, a., 1,1 It..,.- ,it*Ma sit Konig porting like a tide, terms w c •:. 11 t wit! Mr' II t t : i :i" r wrote spreading pestilence, in the l.-re which nt open : native women, as general helpers a li,, ,i.suI'.u'i'.i Tile V— lea:-.' suddenly. !‘-hcd and t;u»e bom-red th- !»«•:: .V mo : i have no recollection of and death wherever went, i lie ti;-: prii.«-:;•!•*.- they •• Kustern Senator hesei 1 I Kyewitnessc- state the ilro.or work "f evangel;rati"!' We doubt." says •ratic party, we -h.d be false t-> ir icc.-pt.-.; i.' V e W.-l'e .li'1.1 t T. mi: e IV ;' 1 ■ ing a letter: if this letter 1 ri'- w- no id. o, i anti, t.i*v* »U- t r.-t fad .-’unbearded her helm, in- swarms were followed by many "tilers, trust and io the lo-.g Kuril: the hethei' the American- t'amo that tin-si* I....a '■■■■ i; i. i v. riiti'U. mii.-t have hi'eti. ; 1 am reviewer. to remain silent 1 e d .rt : -rtum r- tending t■ cross tiie ! of a mcivbant- and death. in- | 1: a a! l.e reineiiibere.l : dealing meeting They is so «•:.graft tin* m ; ;m i. ■: on *• '■••• •• are ,milli ng m that greenback theory 'A mi-taken, about the date the V. « -. r s doing Turkey day ■ n U litilj.uu.tu ; WHS lletere tile Sella man. ami the l\. g .ihelin ported, ap- the most gam •tits, the 1‘•■m..era'; faitli *-r rat:;**r to -up .•": I'-..... i::.• S.-r a e dulged in shameless prof 'i.■ : first convened j*riu* the other. siav. Miner or later, to the entire ■' it 1 led s,i vt»:it'osi::vr : ,ia. intai'gpfiiei'i's change ant tlie real doctrines oi us ton:..;-:-. ... y ~ p 11 :k..-. ...» !.. to’.rh ; je v.gean >• a was 1 in* a-'sT•. until tin ■I; t:. i urns : I think it was on while their fanaticism frantic and to the ami troulde to the upon ,j i lie lit .ssei 1, har t' ter of as what are do- ouieii party threaten- j vi--of c- to —:. hy tie- < oiigrev*-. with society they i at last. That iie h.i.i uol T■ Ninth : at that time I knew but little brutal. This worst sm of tlie multi- country tireetibaeks are we'd enough u: their somewhat lost si.1 :n hr;sna.. gov.-; ,»nd the g*.\ernllj-mt modelled paroxy of women. Mine thru, no .!• >u!>t. tie ia,- lark i I ti.miug. they ing in the lini- of the education current y relation', but tie* t t,tolls. tie transaction: the had proper proposition si papers thus The state- < ■ of the met. Via,ira! that the tudes of Kurope once passed, the hi airy three ike mere p.-p.-r pronii- a h ga tender ! pi growth gi'embark In a '* 1. 1 th. not bid eve 1 ever Tie 1 c io>h troop- 'i. dl u itli-i'Mw iron. Hit: country men have established has :*e,'ii euliL'll.tei'i'i e a, ... sank than uieiit ot mu. at d dc!u- ;s u:. ■•;. Dresser Kttrfurst .pm Uei the ■- .1 t ward p private grossly ••• r,,!i’ let;.'!': ;.r* not return. of directed the movement lire i * a. k iiauii.'.: hi ,u e a that at the saute time there Kurope *'• 111'■ t c Hubert College -t itnt'.oUiil. tad t lie widest a-•■• ’V oi tin- rs of the other vessel deemed gi•Turkey po-sil.'.e depart '■ ■ 1 possible. a last i,n.a.l h tril -ei r ,. ..." ! : re thing- u tii letter that I would have tlie Kami, The leaders were limn tie- landmarks that were e-?a; m-lied P;. tlie •,. :•..! us i.o "• : Holy at tic l’rotestant j I a' ", It appe that tie Kurfutst Constantinople, > t nail in ills i.'.i; .ill. : It ten a. or -•-of tie- 1 leiuoerutie party ']'•• abando pola these any other men who ght t whose names are famous ami :rr:.e ha !"!:.■ lh h re : M. as yet. upon ; ■ fticers tlso underrate' 1 the lamage. "liege at Herat, and the Central Tur- t.ow would be the surrender of our tlag The pnstttie n: 1' eng igt'd in the of what ‘"‘l" ‘U arr‘l“r *1U ... jK'ffonnance commenced an to turn the whi'!.; r nuance i. is hr. ished luu most I >cmo.-ratic has su tiered many a dwb at. r. they attempt lug iVuiudMC \ fourth lu s re- party Hut Mr. Hlainr e\pla '-d 'o be their if I had been tVuTe College at \intab. from duty, : key had ;!svictories .-natelied i11 jule p, hand-. vesse s head ivard. Soua (pars lei 1 K.fth ling and d.not con-ider the Went ■ « : : I eve possession miring epithets. Tlie struggle it could not and it ha- held as follows •skei]. do not bib 1 wrote that ii.c i been it is to he called This help up at the time of the eoliisinn. y If.-sia -;.lle dent justih« ation tor cently projected; \: < prof ably pre- su. h disasters with a firmness that illutninat- r- tie- u > to with success for two hundied I'tldoubtediy \ K .--.a promises not varying tin- \rmciil.i and will he located eating tie fume!: of -be b... one nt College, with houor. and has ahv.- has born :!.• : ae pa-t history !a-tmg kept ra.ii*-ally Nil"!- .-Mine the witness having .:tie r a*;* !.«•: frontier \>ia. at wa* : 111• :i years. And the Crusades last ended the that in time all wr- ugs w !'. which lied with hanging ln»n) > m 1 at in The hope good a ... Iff ./id t Turkey at Kharpont. Tpper Mesojmtamia. eon* I tiled his the ''i a pai'-miy statement) -■ r:■ mi \ the davits when the vessel sank. !/ _■ ■/ ; hut in exchange Turkey under lv I ward the First of Kngland. 'Ihe lirti d That is all foi the tirst-named ■ was founded at Con- m n t h pres- -. tie* "liege An statement is made la j.rovn:.t' ketoi.r t close ir m t* :!.• : r i-. interesting by e\ •• ’■ result "f all these was lie <•--n-iuoii-iies- that, thong!: overborne pa-mm m Tie- 1 1 .Van m. it. T e g a struggles the ot by money New w disputed piece mainly by liberality •• .<• !H:‘ lev Kuppanei ol y irk. im rcached stantinople and ofte:i by frauds, it- vital prl:.« iples. d-r : j N11. Iliscoi'k ; enewed his to ••! and the; •! it Hus-ia says. he of millions of the trees of : ! objection peuditure H. Hohert. of New J ork. ’he onstitlltion itself. iiaVC at .e.i-t be- -- •a w •! i Paris and was interviewed to l‘.-r-:a. Christopher fisip. resun; tn ;• to :m-r: I’m- m by long.- begin .'py Mr. .-he::.inn's letter being and the hi of two millions oi ;r- Number- have grown impatient m l the Heralo's Paris correspondent. Dr. '-TV n K pr< iiiise.- leather to take the Kurope. in the l-o'J. Mr. Hubert has .t u. t". idehee. but the was ye,u given eessive defeats ll.lVe often eUgemiered >-!'•' d.S objection w in i.. land ie>r to interfere with itnessed the aeeident bet ween -aey ::ei-muity her children. Hut a of m mm ■ liuppnber handful .pianei low. couragement This is but natural, and. tire a I sit natee: -d : .m i- o'er: n'd and tIn- read anti I. iz aie! '.aim.- on as creditor, the in all se.'iin.iMHi ;,i tlte institution. linam- copy put Turkey point 1 W ith t'w the two .roii-elads as lie was eru-.-ing the inevitable, if the success of party organization the i::troe dis some knights had been able to retain riiangvtl t-y t ne If !».. of 1 i the ■ a eiiannel on board the mail steamer Albeit y Hamlin, tangor. merely is the thing at stake lint, to alb t-m \ man pretenu'. w Virgo.: of Palestine for ale: : one of porary defeat to cause the desertion of the pr::i< silver d •!I i c and other <• reek < pie-of partv protends He that when in- -aw the ; Thessaly provinces. hundred The Brand Master f tlit* « logne. says years. the best of a active and to and to the -mstit i: mu and .• ■' ■' years singularly loyaltv till tin? ehannel- ot «•:rnd •: *• vi• date lia> m-t Kus>:a ag’ves that the pa.-.-.ige of the principle iron-elads together the -ea wa.- smooth. defended to the deatli the last which ha- done such great thing- tor the eoi.ntrx a ill receive anv w hat'--. ! 1 N ^either Mr. H : 1 I*,. rus shall remain in statu Templars fruitful life. He has been well called gold under the illustrious leaders of other da\ w-- iid hi... (. I'he was Ilian that it 1 light blowing. day 1 e pretends y..m .*[>•■• a■. >." i of his order, lint the Mos'eti;* •• j ter a ti_i11 in. h J- possession the father of cm;,'ati'.n in be inglorious and ■! -a.-trou-. and would cover the n w \ \v V k clear and entirely free iPan mist. Tin I.gland v .11 suggest t!ie congres- Turkey." t name- of those it sv- ml h r !:• *11* to go g*-t M. 1 \i».it: In.iV irk «• were victorious, and the rule of tlie I t leadership legal and i ht* ed 'i> -:e*uid vi»u si.iL.i linn m sun v.a shining at the taie- and t: l-.urop. reorga*.; Itulgana. and will discuss The Hubert i- .-dilated on the I || brightly College !>•• with merited odium. h»r it then- will he t:.uai. 1 : -r t ; M1' :.v. t.d;-:. Fr..:n im-and ‘ie Ce-teUl ••' the KuSsUlIl oj. and accomplished public n lm in he seen oCeUpatioll tians in Palestine was to a close. sails could miles away. brought at where Mo- 'i -.a eanu-.t d*. that vt ;t.i g...d 1 t •••.a.t Ilav.-s 1 am ti. t troops through. Ihnnnania. Hosphorus. the very point At twenty minutes past ten. while all j However, out of what seemed unne.r- The (l rcmit-ackcrs haw huild<-d t.. terminate the t?• r. t:. it 11. built his fintitieations. in ^ivat .• hammed hav e got ::ty :• u .. .ar.i! tee that the on the Albert you pi- y»» wj»r*• | passengers Judge Black on the Potter Investigation. ex- Kdw.udj gated evils grew some good, F.urnptan t" on on the rep<>i te< 1 conversion of 1 have not halt’ enough -'. .i"- :' t ie J*<»! .Mareh a.' may he were wateliil g the three 1 log. preparatory his final attack .hopes magnificent rqn 1 have i.o tann tint th> .lercmiah >. lilack was inter- barbarism was softened contaet wall Uov. Chamberlain to their rause: hut from •I.i'ig'' The •• Vessels the deck, one of the vessels by Constantinople. site of the college gold next J aim an 1 h r, k- '• sudd' tilted over, and in a or .'•'•'I'd Tuesday, on the a civilization in Asia, and the -lashe-1 rail silver to Tie-: «• nly minute investigation go- superior is -aid to be inn- of unsurpassed beauty those hopes have been by the pub pay day W d I'i.'T' two in -ea. ing on at ashington into the frauds of It has render' the sending into were e Mo: disappeared minds of the West sharp : a lie denial of the that he holds -m e.mtraet tie- a.. the I t‘ 'id l i i i i in the nn .a •. .mmii.g bviiiu! Sin-: man. l~7o. if : brighter and here substantial (Iqvernor tiou whether y Mai .rail li-aa by the air a which said "I take no stock iu the magnificence he was "m and the examination of [tremendous waterspout, ened the attrition. In the end the such belief. No one who knew Cham- i any further. it is UK 1 ■ demand. 1 her k■ : ■■ ■■ 'k, a used, oi tuining out In a by stone has been erected, at a cost any ]nn gradually subsided. l>n>.'|irc't Hayes quo edifice whi t< ■■■■-• i Vndei-on was resumed. He testified threatened '.ailenee f -! |i■ i i tin: _ that mimitiln. No of were rent in in lie t w I,"noun, .June 1 Tin- Tail Mall Da- diiUbt Hayes got tin- jires- garments superstition of about scti.iMin. Here are gathered the berlain, took any stork the report, y on ctmtraet. .I- has been i1 ■: iii.‘ of Haves, lie >he : '.eat '■' lea d :. :■ inauguration had In va>u ceier. ae« "!'d:I g to tl.:•> b.! \ hen zette it is now ideney means of fraud, lmthe got it twain. without the Crusades the in of linanre says stated that Perhaps stu- is too well informed matters > amt coir.vrsat! m with definitely and their families, and the is h* i.oi tin'll her in -ok ti’"'a i t. 11 *. t i 11 i 11 _ him in regard and has it. It was conceded to him professor.- equally ea>y |Mirk**l out of 500 men ou the Dro.ssei Ku furst by ■ to these matter.'. Reformation would have been to he hoodwinked a delusion, and far whether rr:w to out ra t a■ the I bn o!' 1 If at which impossible. dent.- of nationalities. Sixty-seven by you about gjo were ,-aved. Vi of- present ives, ought many resume in gohl \:idc; on said tha! lie railed ui, including of in il 'ii a- : ’. i:n -1 aiatel Have' to have withheld it from him. Now for the story the latter-tune too conseientious t-- silently aci|tiiesee : tramps st<«i|n ficers The Konig Wilhelm which was Possession young men have already graduated from lnv mind. in. and the I’resident cil an axe am 1 iealt lea: t• as;t;<• hie April, the her helm hard under such circumstances is a title to every Crusade as we hat e thought tit to head taken a deceptive statement of his position. le,tiling squadron put this many of whom have a' one occasion gave him a letter to Mr intent college, kill ki I! k lli!it li".'.:'. eke. hollow a,_ to avoid a bark cross- legal and purpose. Mr. Hayes is this article. The works which have been The is the Uovernm ietter I tiport Norwegian as teachers following Last the venerable .n .arts, telling l.varts to appoint him President for prominent positions among Wednesday pact with other blows, lashing h.s brains her bows. '] he four years* unless his term v-w k. do. I Y Y ing Drosser Kurfurst also to information the mat- lint Me.. May delivered a tine oration o ■me consulate in a sever- testimony as soon as are tain'n not : but if there was a fraud to sufficient effected missioners for Foreign Missions, the vol- and nomination from the which \ that. Stanley Matthews took a great in- repairs Turkey, for our article is already almost accept any part headed to tile sun, seems to ha .■ pro.i 4, .1 ia_ Ins ne'lit arm near tin- shoulder. I 1 both will return to Wilhclmshai cm which he consented, or for which he bar- I have steadily and clearly answered "No I at o-irst ,n the ease and to ships umes of the Missionary Herald from 1~25 a condition of faiutnes which causcil Inin, lied. a irad l.h i tried suppress too for columns. a sigmuli misrre.tnt lea. iy of The Herman officers tire gained beforehand, and after he got into long newspaper not (irecnbacker. ■ loud in j ail the re- praises to a of as J. L. t 11 A M !IKK I \ V at ;t later hour, at the nouf .1 ti; nd. M:- dead In id \ w is tli verything, especially papers mwer be rewarded the of the 1875, period just tifty years, I'lii* missionaries tin* behind. of the Knglish fishermen who saved so ! 1 guilt rascals early recognized to :t. Anderson to tin- com- to fall agam-t the .-to:.- two uclt s from tli:- lating passed them he is well as other works. Hut as the style of heavily inorniny jiiaei many lives, and the British ; by giving offices, impeachable importance of trained skill as an on mittee a number of letters from Matthews Admiralty ipedical The Women’s Hotel, tor which the will He struck, unfortunate ly. tin youny white man earne !•;. the murine., who so a for that. So also is ahy subordinate who of these books is far front promptly despatched vessel ti> many being to their work in a the wInch is 11 ■:. informing him how hard lie was j auxiliary general Turkey. of Stewart the millionaire don't bis head part of skftll and font a Mrs .Baldi\ a d ..... working thoii- assistance, and made did the same tiling. That a fraud, stu- and the of provided, to carry out Sherman's one of preparations impassioned, grains knowledge The result of their efforts in this direction like the forehead, protect.'.I by the h ,1 y her story and died two hnurs promise, for yVilhelm. pendous, shocking and outrageous, was work well. It has been and tlie letters was an locking Konig secular matters are almost lost completed doable oi bone which so ottcii introduction of Ander- in Louisiana and Florida regarding is that f ir a of well- casing The dead bodies of the tramps were perpetrated is lung period years but the women won't inhabit the son to since to of a opened, averts a fatal result from bl..w> rcccivad thrown in a so wastin' in- Judge Harlan, appointed Suicide Clergyman. denial. It has been in the mass of information about the work educated and hoy-pen. yreat beyond already proved physicians surgeons from ■- the supreme who v isit*-.I N'.w Or- just because it is exclusively a on that more locality. It v. of the ai the v emits bench, many tunes, in a thousand and of we are to premises, exposed diynatiou people ('.linin', Me., May :il. Kev. < i; ways, by “evangelization," fortunate America have been in that the concussion ot the brum leans with Sherman and others to witness quietly working hotel for women. want to know feared, There w. re no papers upon them I.;, of the clouds of witnesses. The pending inves- of They the count. Matthews'letter Knuwlton, formerly pastor Metho- tind in a very recent number the British all of Asiatic were fatal : but there has been a marked In- nlentilied. tells Harlan can out some parts Turkey. They .was whieli they eoald dist church at himself to tigation only bring particu- that there is a man within cal!, even that Anderson is a man lie can talk con- Koekport, hung Review a of what and since, and this whom it was Quarterly digest exactly needed. The In*. S. rapid improvement a noon at He lars, showing by instigated sorely laje Henry call him. So house to. Anderson two or bed-post Friday Koekport. though they don't the vcm .able man, now well advanced in bis fidentially showed, and for. 1 and believe that we wish to to the readers of the who was Oregon Democratic was discovered before life was extinct, i paid hope present West, for eighteen years resi- three letters from Harlan to corroborate is to be reconstructed to accommodate .'.)th y car. is likely to reeovei. and Mr Hayes had nothing to do with it, but and from it we take our facts. happily and two days. He lias been Journal, dent at Sivas, wrote—“With a some to I’uKl'l VNi>. Julie t Tlir flee! 11 >!l |I- this. lingered popula- who wear bats and whiskers. to continue for time longer glad out certain visiting statesmen may have gone guests plug of in altli a year, and bad just return- The reviewer well says that no one can of more with the of his turns are n Suili- There was no meeting of the commit- down tion than ten millions, Asia Mi- den his many friends light coming very slowly ed from New York, where he has been there and committed crime, using tee on in of the fail to at the the Brother in* scoffs at the (ireeu cheerful in his serene old ago. client is iocehoil to induce tie I)emocrats Monday, consequence the state officers as mere notice, outset, sharp nor is almost entirely destitute of educat- Simpson longer presence absence of the chairman. under treatment. Despondency was the instruments, back movement in Belfast. In his issue <>f this to believe that Whittaker is elected to who did their work on a contrast between the American and the cause, lie was a native of corrupt contract. ed physicians. There are a few army week he has a long notice of their caucus to elm t ANDEKSON liUSS Liberty, Me., i’ongress. Karliart, it is EXAMINED. If one of these men became of to the Lewiston Convention, ami admits A terrific tornado over Kit h Republican, and was aged about do years, and leaves Secretary Oriental. The latter is sluggish almost physicians stationed at various military delegates passed conceded, is elected 'Die I’utD-r Investigating Committee met again. the afterward and carried that it was largely attended. (Bangor Cotnmer lev.1 generally Secretary a wife. Treasury out to he dreads he mond, Missouri, Saturday morning, 1 u ••>(.! the Itii. The chairman read a coin muni* > indifference; change, on account of the soldiers. In the eial. Si te. can be detinit ay the bargain the crim- posts, to the over one half the Nothing cation ti* in th** Secretary of State, in to the He died Sunday. Some six months filthy by rewarding ling ground the remainder of die State reply easily submits to the decrees of fate; he hundreds and thousands of there The Journal is a and < concerning committee, that the returns inals, then there is no law or either villages ncirs-paper, prop- houses in tow n. )ver one hundred houses ordinary from*Florida ; ago on account of over-work and nerv- justice tiekcl rite s that and Louisiana were not in his that can save him from has a for and notices all of news, were and the loss of growing impression department and lie | ous lie left his church at impeachment. profound regard authority ; are no medical practitioners except bone- erly legitimate matters totally destroyed, was prostration, the Legislature will be Democratic. The therefore unable to forward the same. Ander- An is needed. I think reaches a of a million Me., and went to Clifton example that the he is to allow all tilings to take setters men and if the Commercial will examine the Jour- property quarter '"ii was recalled, by consent, and made various ! Koothbay, disposed -ignorant women, who result cannot be stated for two House ought to have proceeded dollars. Whole blocks were completely positively unimportant alterations in his testimony, after j Springs, X. Y., for treatment. He returned distinctly their course. How strangely different the have learned from their ancestors to nal of 11 tli, it will tind that the re- or three and on ap- April scattered for days. which Reed to cross-ex- expressly this and moved away, and the debris Representative proceeded to his wife’s home in Koekport two months ground, American. short and swept amine him in reference to the to this Air. Nervous, impatient, a but who have not the least port of the tirst Greenback caucus of the storm came from the south- agreement signed no better. While she was objective point, giving Sher- ply bandage, miles. The Nash and Anderson to all ago preparing It does not seem to be known by suppress evidence of man cither a clear vindication or a in always in a hurry, of or of other season in this was much than west and to the northeast. Trees generally fraud in dinner for him he tied a leather shawl- just sharp speech, de-— knowledge anatomy any city longer passed Last Feliciana, together with a statement that an Arctic is to set sail condemnation after a fair As to one were and carried through the air expedition relative to the same made the witness on Sat- around his neck and when hearing. spising formality, determined make science.” the to which it above refers. The uprooted by strap twice, from New York in a few The ex that there was no evidence of fraud it is the investigation seems to be aimless. like as were also fragments of days. urday. iu his found his feet and legs touched the floor. a success, and his This Dr. West was a graduate of Vale Commercial not to know what it feathers, at the time he the The mill is to be but everything adapting appears in fact that the ploriug party will lie conveyed in the possession signed agreement. His and an uncle are said to going sure, there is houses, and everything Witness said. “On the grandfather means to the end in a most at New and of one of the is day 1 signed the agreement, in the that can be positive way. College, Haven, talking about. storm struck. The Shaw a Kothcn, under Lieutenant Schwatka, and have committed suicide. He was an nothing hopper legally House, large there was no positive evidence of fraud, in e my The of the contrast has been medical schools of New York. was and the in- will consist of th white men and fifteen vs ion the active worker and ground. sharpness prominent brick hotel, demolished, posse affecting local affairs of my parish. highly esteemed by The Boston Post “It The same spitefully says in the ruins. So far as object of the At the time. I knew it was the intention to the Methodists of Maine. one of the main elements to the success Seeing the need of his services among the mates buried Ksquimaux. expedition Melissa Smith, the pretty of a w throw the parish out on a daughter looks as the Maine Greenbaekers known, ten were killed and about is to visit cairn, the location of hich is forged protest." tlic at of the Americans in with the thousands of he devoted though forty Mr. Reed's questions were devoted to lighthouse-keeper Hatteras island dealing suffering Turkey, believed to be con- largely Steamer Samoset, from arrived at would settle down on some old wounded. Horses and stock of all kinds pretty definitely fixed, endeavors to convict the witness of Boothlay. on the Carolina coast, met a strange of The (triental needed his life there to his mission of political the relics of of Sir .John discrepancies Bath on Wednesday with John C. Bilker. TO sad, people Turkey. healing. in the track of the storm were oil' taining the last between his testimony last and the state- years death About to hack for and Bust swept Saturday old. and his son, both of who were Sunday night. retire, Governor, gradually Franklin's crew, the ex ments heretofore made him before the Senate Kdgeeombo. something bold and positive to arouse During his last illness prayers were of- the earth. including great by in the sea, where had been for two after from her betrothed she was Investigating Committee that visited Louisiana picked up they parting out.” plorer's journals. The guide will lie hours, the son sustaining the father with one hand, to wed she had thrown him, and this he found in our country- fered for his recovery in the Armenian last year. The hulk of the examination was as to Wednesday, open The steamer Idaho, of tie* Union line, widt h Ksquimau Joe, who the 1‘olaris while with the other he clung to a capsized boat. kept minor details, which would not be of in- her door to the sea breeze. Her men. churches and in the Mohammedan All the indications to show that from New York for on tie* -1st general a scow get pillow appear sailed Liverpool of nineteen with fish and terest They report that and steamer passed party supplied to the public. The contracts between A nder quite from her and in to ult., struck, June 1st. on the Uarriirmore Lock, otf near and refused assistance, a man came slipped hand, trying The American in as well as iu the Protestant where a state election took that most wonderful cruise sou and N ash and Weber were used for the although explorations Turkey mosques, Oregon, place game during largely out of Saltee Island, on the coast of Wexford, Ireland, of the wheel house the latter and looked at catch it, she fell, striking the iron of 1!N> on an purpose of contradiction and steps, as as churches. Thousands of of all on has Democratic. There she foundered soon Xo lives were lost, theirs for days iceberg. showing discrepan- them in answer to their call. began early 1820, and they continue people, Monday, gone and after. cies. aud down whieh she into disregard of moral consideration on the plunged screaming as all the passengers and crew were sent ashore n of the witness. the and was carried out yet. Palestine has been well accompanied his to is a delay about getting the news part Tile Hon. C. A Spofford .ot Deer Isle, was recent sea, by the surf especially nationalities, body strange the steamer’s boats. A dense fog prevailed at the A cigar lighter The box from which you took f down to Lis uming testimony as to the inter ly severely injured by being thrown from a carriage. as her father came to the door. travelled over, and our people have de the grave. Many other American physi- from that state. time of the accident. one News of tho City and County. ( irons to-morrow Don't it. you forgot Mr. George A. Holmes, of Boston, will preach Democratic State ConvciitiOL. '1 ho Fort lb* to the deaf on in the C.\ >. .■ Pemoerats of Bel ut Hotol is t<> bo run a woman mutes next, lltli. by Sunday vestry The Pemocrats of Maine, anil all other votcr> FRIDAY,Jim OVERWHELMING Low Prices are What e-ted to un. et mo us at tho Court tb;> season. of the North Church who desire to act with them, art* notified to semi Juno Mh. at 7 o'clock, m.. Saturday. p. to a State Convention to be held in Ci n d Curtains! A delegates t d.-h-uah to the Ponioeratio State Harrison Hay lord Las been elei-tcd highwav sur l>. Beau supersede* Henry S. Parker as col- Done It! H.M.i,. 1 *»>i: i. \m>. Ti |>DAY, Jr.\K ISth, isrs. a Wags I une 18th vey or in district NT lector of ‘.\cs. 'Plie city seems hound to have a '•* "Vi.ui n A. M to nominate a candidate for gov- l*!.l; in: 1 l. 1 >1 M. < ivt oxiyi hi.. man of weight for that service ernor. to 1)0 voted for at the September election SUCCESS .>;. l. is;> A D Bean lias been elected lav collector of next, and forth'* transaction«* f am other business I iiiineiisc Success oftlie Belfast, for the current year, at a of next I enter that come bo ford the ot your straw hat .' compensation lay. may properly Convention. ready i eight mills on the dnlia:. upon tin* !• sum tin r arrangement, and make four ho basis of representation will be as follows: Kin'll town and GREAT :V-'>h )■o-y a- 1 he smile of week, the usual city, plantation will be entitled to Jason (iordon has purchased tlie house on l nu n trips per upon days. one Meet. delegate, and one additional delegate for even votes street occupied by Hubert and will «•:: Horace T Craig, of Searswont. whose foot was seventy live cast for tin* Pemoerutic candi 5 Thompson <• t.-t :pi rat,ire hasn't date for Governor m Hid, and a fraction of forP got iarge and improve the same. amp.ut.ited last week, to arr-st the progress of a votes will be accorded an additional v \ tiled delegate. § yet. of the 1 tones died on Boot Shoe view disease lu oi the near approach of the holiday the Tuesday. \rrangenn*uts are made for free return tickets Lae- for ,-s to think oi to delegates on railroad and steamboats. .t\- marshal lias been instructed t-» enforce the The services ot th l nitari.m church will be .dl excursions. I ho Pcmoeratie State Committee will be m ses law in to hre e. held in tie- Pin Verbalist church m-xt bumlai after regard works. A sion at the Preble House. Monday evening before Sale £it t 1 led Iasi at 2 < the and I he Maine ( Phe i to Ki I. T Bi xhy, Convention, at boom. mitral ditching gang oi thirl\ lmu; Heoeption City -:iid the nn/n are nt Hall, on the morning of the Convention, at work. "ii relaid the will preach. Tuesday pipe from tlte spline near o’eloek, to re rive credentials \| s tr\ t.i Ha; t:-t Sahhath r. Mooiv re .'idem e to the eng in 1. Prank Burkett's yacht that has been one year N mum Motaai .1. P. \ ndkkson Announce in addition to their s Ci II i"i;i) ill u \-1 !a-t S Hi A \. H n; i.i as uni t\ Th t and a halt in budding is I'ompletcd. and on 'Piles strict N bin \ P. l*ii.i.''ri I,\. John Hna» -• was LARGE STOCK OF i‘ hauled in ami into the water at ■ i- :).. a a innaae on Man. eily illlo!'. have the c-*\ day p"? < o S Hi kip A S K imi; m pOtllioilcd eit\ el'll 111- I.' 11.i\ t• 1111 :11 i i\oil I'iiiiii (lie \\ ,irn) mar- uml su*taiued in tor a to be Condon's beach. The was built on Burkett's Clias. V Hkksi V. \. T. W ADI DINSMQRE Pay slight policeman appointed in that neighbor yacht kets ami \ i'll I. lari.i \. \ I* Mi Mas11 in purrlumi'd (for ready a-sli) the hood, to them from farm. <k\ c -• m in ■' nishing power. Secretary. OWN AND ONI.Y kage Wilson hi city tost w k two feet in eleven feet beam and six ^ 1ST ID 1 he remains, thirty length, DRY accompanied by the son and brother Democratic Committee. AND feet and will measure about tons. County ot the dee. ased ai r deep, twenty (iivatrsi Show tin Kmtli ! :• irdi el ,-t a eel. Uiseowrcd a row oi ved-m S ii urday for intcnncnt. Sic- .- v.. i; ’unit and :,:,U!wd. has a good cabin 1 lie 1>i mocrutie County Committee ot Waldo t js v;in: ; >u tie* tone t«*r oarii met at looting < County, Belfast, May doth. 1 In tdllowing l ien bod\ Satisfied? apt b'bus. in of the Cam hi- : u-t re ai d will accommodate a ot Season of 1878. • • bridge party fifty persons. l'otvn Committees wen appointed, with the under •- vered as to assume aiimand the -u Miner Mil l ine was eut on t standing that it au> town has elected a Committee I Onk AT I HI I I>T <>| < ha<. : :.e name M' other than is named b*low, the .me elected super tntiuie apt iMis, a gentleman ••• u tl yflSOO Pin j at ht Hop are orders from all o itu* ■" \ m* sedes the one appointed. Goods! receiving parts :h | Pro/ Goods "u w.iier elected- 1. Fresh A; \oveS Features dmg experience and a lirst class take t t li ed into as Belfast W. l’.ite, | H Mm!,, I A Fancy nl'the Mate. Idcrybulv i\ •• that Hoots Cdk* •. s. A. ,J. n Fancy ■ c. Whitt* man has l’ayson, I < o 1/ Of 1 11 lit I a I. command t name iSplai'll .'it >1. Prod \\ Belmont 1 W. Cunningham, Bichard Creer, l> That the trade can tirid the and Shoe, were never before ■i -!.-■< U'-i:t< -t Nil l KAY1 I INt. '"h-’W A. dn er. c. M A < f Cunningham, M*-ar- pa.i oi dial _ht h.eses !.a ... d 11'w, T.n the Belfast li Beorge a 1 a h 1: es< f.itrot’.s Trots, ! In- Brook- John I. Watts. Alonzo Bobert-, I-.;.! ! LARGEST day ••'.'cn.iij ii.-a.l "f stout hf.o v that it could -...pany !:"••• am: Mgy to jo to I a m -olu dl, C"idd, < ideoi Bra!«‘V, Henrv Ue\ Holds STOCK OF a? i■ to!. exhd> 11■ o. — World s Fair not an ! ran aw u\ Burnham Win. Berry. 1.. I boe, .1 am* Bra SOLD SO CHEAP! :ill be w.-min'd at 'lice on the si abas return, ami with tin- team On Sat hay .1. I*. Brown, \ I’. Hatch. V N P tl x T o tr.i e the -train DRESS GOODS! upon We”e Tot •' ■ Hana S.m!!iwoitil. -a- of the There ... v drsi aUa’.-d J.a !.. U d at ■': urday company 1 ranktort \.B follows B \. l 11. I i- iLu> k w ! h < i > >h;:te <>t 1 I>. N apt ••! 1Bl -ok> 'll- Martel pursuit ami inn.- to Boekl.n Tim .lo*d I.ane, Kwell Mammoth Museum freedom- f. A B. i I tli I !.'• it Will 111- t'liiiml A 1.1, ;> 'U;Hi fuller, Id .lohnson, * W. ••■part ler \t d be went Til.uuast m. >tin. k i m i.AHi.r-i •« iy and t!mr- < V .. I witch* II, harle-Clidden, 1A11*>u. > a' -I II Lancaster a-k i: ... I t.. re Stephen tl- N \ I 1. l’i l-’.S tlr >'-a 'll at pi .i .>so name an I th-- trail the ru iw ai d ured a -oh" I" ed.nro C. W. Sin rman, I "reii/o 1’. ml;, :on Ill add to |In* (binds tli.-v have been m... ■ ay lap t... s-w. M is..;; i .. aid 1 TKMPTINCLA i.oW ! I B iv« at, hat h s N a Mark lYndl* t CARPETIN6S! t vi a i w at d It ;s wba !, !o sold. T!;c trad u a* followed thro Traveling IVIenagerie. ad\ tIn1 \ ■>' elected th »i in iTtisino, "'hi-r to properly drain his p’ s \ t duck-on, Japhi nt, Char h V alley, i|iiott* H his- ’. \ c r a i towns to Waldo io;o wh. n- : was I riah w u r* n, Join \ W* ht TWENTY IMPORTED ROYAL This side oi Portland. A visit n. :--s It t! e matter has be- referr" th so Knox t harle- I 11 i• t. 1 honia- l.inekin, Lillies •• : i t!s ;! S:u PI bad d al! -1. r Women's Nice Kid ;• he.N ,.n i. .■ ia inxl < v -t-.j p> Albert 1’almer, Silas to our Room will well Walking :reh t" b-a: :i he a s li.ibb ... liiggin.-, Bryant. Carpet 1 H. I B 1‘. 1'. is \\.«d ■■ bis naan as H arid in in. from Pittst U this Liberty limr, Cpham, SI.00. t ft. S Cod g STALLION’S ! BLACK SILKS Shoes, ies M ... man, C. W. r. 1 Sherman those the B 1 Lewis, repay contemplating pla. traded the lmmgy for a wajou. ohlaiuimr I fleeted John lit-:... M Aof A!.•••:.•! 1'ra• \\|- have ; u. incolnville, Carver, piireli;:-oil largely IV"!a :.g a' ou! IL.y o»rd ».-wa 11" dar,::a oi a to Pound >1 onroe, I,e\ | '1 allow -. purchase Carpet, where Women’s Kid sizes •' !> Slippers, -:' m'h-r new hr js irunuin Mond Monroe .loltli V Mclv.m.. \, limothy Ma A. Churchill p.c .!. 1? M.-V: an. I \\ i>. ass. : m v.d.e !* latter will a Bankrupt Stock, 2 So 50c. ty d < urt is. Tie English and American be found 4, -e great 1 is. n Cut French, variety •• i ill‘ .1 •: Ul ill- W .!> tle.’vt din' : ikeli be!..;.- ami mi %liil>11i*>rt Si! ■_*A, ;i, w as ap' .red by Mr S" .th worth m 1 Mohtvide J i:i!. n B.itbtl, II arris, ui \\ alia.-e. of NEW STYLES plan- court.a I «oiiai ! * ooper, I \. > pro id, Kalpb COLORINGS, li'-r than thi'V C \ N 'ii- I'.lil 1.11 | ’a! 1*. -I «'n I'-. n Mu i w a- Women's Kid Foxed Lace Morrill dan * M a:-, d W f. nwo k. A 'V. ■ C I liCITK I >u nut ili ! a. u *. -- sale and oi tin- r ;» l-i. .1 ■_ i':>t I d I. !; ,.S. ,.f Cr -er, li I M< y, law is .lack-on. DESIGNS, every .pi All. (i I N 1.1» Boots, $1.00. Northport das. >t<-..u-, L. f. utiningliani, M!' IN a >n .< •11 tr: M. hut not to steal manufacture. gmify A "it l\ '. o\ 1 ton, ,. ||. \ d Hid. has. prominent •.• knight. il -re.-ho U a- ■a >b- a ,. .! * a ti.e D Bn ml. I'alt rnio >. I'. Maiden. dauo m <. add* n, James One Vast Undivided Show ! Children's Goat Lace Boots, s-o :i !*“. Id < irr, II. I I o\ ■ Ihe V.-Sse is oi a !■ !d I" »o t. ■. hr Ws make a < ... »>. v -. SPECSALTY of sizes 2 to 6, 40c. '! II- I’ro-p* ■'! John 1 I .ibby, \\ 11. .inn, '. "ding i«M,! i in i; \\i in mana Black Cashmeres! a ... w be ,1. \ \ •„ ; •' >. s. i'r* * Alb t |.y lay1. ■ Crant, 11, liarrim.; 1 ■. 1 bv V iss Thomi»son LOWELL but to meet >* arsmont Matln-w I. f r- ( ■ « \ GOODS, \iv nur SPECIAI/H the truth s t--e|l, man •} r, Additional > Attractions! Women's Goat Button ... I- r ii i; < I Boots, N. Jewett, lietn*nway. l-auc A Mur rill* r. the of inferior Seat elected 1 N ,j|.|iu Sal From l.uropt a- .. 1,»tul < »ut •d*m*arh prices makes, bee;; r •:. and Stockton, pieces of the HARTFORD & Children’s Kid Button Boots, Swuuvdd Maria* >t'ven-, /. i Down* -. I! 1 ... .' '■ wii.i. K\im;n in }' k. •!... .1 r i. .- tress * llorls as eariii’st as •> sizes 7 to 10, 95c. the; II urri.-, I »anit 1 K imball, 11 d. id av> v. NAYLOR manufacture, in ol- •a W ! tV. ha yy* ’.«•':i!. W :i:. i ; |.|\ j;i.\ truly ; N. \ li k! 1, \ ma -i 1* B.e kli:!, Jr \ I W.I- Afternoon & GOODS. > < ■ -A : ■ .- It. U u! lo A .1. I- men! s. ,. 1. II John Evening. ";i v \ 1 I .1 hire-* res.-rio.r i. .m t• ; ■: li. orge olnies, tilfli!. ami shall ran dr.; hi.; th<■ Youths' Dress Alexis Bools, 'A AM'»N ITS 1 •• « n< ’.• «• .due'*■1 a >t :- F. Ii S :• V. A •; y W L. A. do-, \\ vein I. W:<;r. A --rttitt-n:. sizes 10 to rpor: Man-ti. ph ardw.-Il. NEW FEATURES FO'l IS~8. r 13, 5>|.|0. A c .-t 1 lark. Augu-t as I; 1 ret tnaa Lit lietiehl Are th- I .muu- I ow a Con mi !!*•-■ art a a: hori/t-d to tdl any --an :**r the N •. Two's at. i .- :•••• : t :: :« «t?r u 'i\•• « oat: ist eomjuym by fit TCat ni ot.uir in their number. I he < ountv &o., &c. ‘o-a at. -f ’a i. h :.. Committee :t l, mriied t.- August ;d, ulrn the tim- Trained Stallions. .M.i" it* Ii :.ev,-r r.iins but ;t ;',.r : -..-ti. -j Twenty Royal li'th. j.eiir-' !•«• • w:i 1 appoint*-.; lor t ie l a-rm iimty on K"r u wen- paid CIRCULARS! ■; a> ;< .»;«!. a. a < ■ 1 I. a .vk ;m> Tin-atn. ais h.. ';•••. y i urm .tit: ; A l-d is, c mi rman Our terms are CASH! if* ; a ha- .1 laaiXta ti-m ;:u•! strictly a ..i .'f rvLisii cii.ri i. mi- \- u ^ ,-rk s ibundautly this w t the 1 itn j- flue Hundred and Filly Thousand Dollars1 as the on .1;a;- t h*T-. ;< Ahu h is t.- a> A CARD. prices these r a*, u !y pi ■* goods wi11 turn last F: .. mr'.. powerful 1 r* i- ’. lt if’id ht*r-< ! v a to a d and •!< „'hr l;e. r- and mend* r- t II A- Company B.-ita-t ♦*«1 nil w h*• 1. IV • II 11|* an 1 \\ ,,r I to the '< data- li; ,-h.- ay; arently tell III, aT- id* iat«‘ will be made at a SMALL ad- Look ! M;iv sj-anyh-d sj'leiid.*r ■: M ;vr:r: i.--..< ten br their thank- to tin- ladies ..t Iiiirsikiv, a <.liar*Is, iiO, c.ty tn d. -.’! i:-.- th, ir ti.o !■ lit;> ;-a. !••: the k. .tad :ra;e it ;... i: B* d .-t, who n>• rous! lurm-lnd flowers tor ■ ii el si.akt ik! t !.•■ burden nttl.o i.'al:? gi• w• : \ •■■•at :v\«• V ■ \ \ >TT \ V vance on the COST. e- ot mir v. a-, ST I,' ! .1 N 1> I’!: : !• i;t >•:. :r-- i:. decorating tin- grav d* d comra-les on -A; ru:.j ■.:< -xti.l a Fresh Lot of : t: •. \ a:; «•<»:;- i I ni-oiat e ui I'av, ai-o, to I Milliken, K-;., tor They Open era ml dram least, \\ l,u .. bet.-:. -11 GENTS SHIRTS! has d'i. -f t i" w a.- !:«• y «-d ; deli.. tic oiati m y!a; ring I in ur• ..'V’*:n} ;itii• d !• tin r i ran- « d i:r .-it /eh* 1 ms a .-ek, u ill be ■ ■' M I»:: < ... ( !. -k. m:- i v. \\i-i r i \ >iiiim i.;■• furthei b t '. a;■ .»-t;s;T: ve w ay d ! to ah: ! MR.CARL ANTONY BARGAINS! id-‘inei.’e y tie- th- .- 5 :a: .< r a 11• a -t t rob' ..i M .- 75 Cents Eac!). jifem-htat by >'mtj■ he " .1 • ■ li: ii:i I'-; .■!' ■ *' »f •!- al i i• -~t •.. I n i. 1 u alt If t I II •• al. •! •- 11111• kiaml An ur-. -lir a >.•;.,•! j M a MAJvKl i : I >. j.. M- i- w1 a- 1 at Th«'lay- rt pund d !i;. : i: .. M ter Astonishingly a!>!'• *aii »< •» > <• ! — 1 Ail Ihi-U! .! aid \v< 1 It is t : m t > 1 r- \ Wool v- S but .;d- a.- -t 1 ot.d a'.i .1 :: 1 1 u hr:, u •• .- mp. liu ia ai.,I «riu.m Mu yi I B;... k-. Mu K II. Sn. I.:. Mr \ Filling Carpetings. kin “f an 1 -.1 1 hlnalric!. Italy tin ki.a I :.''T 1 hat sla- t> u -a t he of the id v. eii oj >. ■ a ml Mr- u •• Mc< ot Mon j ..j yrov.s! ar-j ay nt :« |l «• d Double rte-. M Warp Carpetings, a w eleome and a t d. d -- CRASHES! .. LOW PRICES! I Id-e.k-. Mu. ’Mi d \\ Kin t-< a ami Oi! ingrains, Cloths, I :',!(•.{ < It i' .1 r:ts \i 1 Th- iv -dl m ii Ml" Mi! W. tw. th. I -eh Ki: }i. lii B; 'k-. dune j.l, Mr. Saimn 1 B. l.-'.w. ! Straw Mat- A I ..iii'ii < .» :i: > ;M \;itd. < Hemp th- B«-.ii.«.nt road, t- d,• d -s Sj.lll.dlKl! Carpetings, lit k urn: 'I dr a 1 Bu//tl| of \\ int* p- •. ■ A I a ’y j.y ; :. M ,;.d ... \‘ In Camden, M M \ *nso Blak* ti 1 ad \i I; a niiiu \\ j 1 | ,i j tings, Rugs, •M -- I -ub« d> |\ kj i' r.. k, bot h - : :■ ; la Br -ki li. \ J M;iv th. Mr. J. I r. d II d! Curtains and Fixtures. m.m-. ..| a. ••• b e '■ li N md ..-I ■ -r. « • j art the hut sam T. it' *'! that v..-i; ... U-ed.iand it'd, 'll-- Id \ i’. t* m of Id I I!< I'- Hid sill Has Iv n. PRINTS S < *s-.l or..m. it. mm •.. .. hale 1 d •- I.« i\\ I II than ntbcr .-f.iif.-rn in the M '. •'.. 1 •; at i *a; v. a- bn i; 1: N w ca-t 1> M '. I .ink I Itow i■ .*! lari;. any >" MH* 1 1.. '; ami Mi-- \ nni. It. *. •: New 1 .1 'I.• » •• ule, ra-1.. Iishfnnfii .1 t i. y d e ''H'lM'.- \U-rc ere A |.,a ! l>> MS' w,", rn.-t I u '"out!. II pe. Ma 1 :ih, I .Igar \\ < art.- tm! id- .•« >t of the I*. .am. rna mma.!’.. or •' e. a a'.ihif :.-i M M ..i I l. -du. 1 .ppMi.ptu I >I I» I! \ Hi I A I NS | la n. «. I \ I: I HEM \ t VEE, " 1 In Surry, Ma. .Cd. 1 a' .»"ra:..r- it th- d.t 1 a late -ar t !i-- yre\ bu;s ev. ni.a- Capt. Mi- < .! a- B* ■ bot ot >,. r On iV < • Fiiiicv • (JdimIs! k 1L- r- m th. -..r am w ; .- .e >,, • ■ » .:.!) r.,.i. .r v ; i... ii. v.h.-a .. : ! y In »-•... 1, M a v d < apt. do hn W ' .md Mi .M Mil. .\. II .. J* -t.rr.ii \ Il.oliiT T ;;i w- .•;.>! !- >• « atctiirg-, -| in. d "«•’! m:j*;* 11wnh ir-y-TT I•.;11>!. wh*■ presented a line a} This of our busi- I a >r .mi. Mu- :th, Mr Id a \\ -d It k- department COTTONSi '■ < .i*Mr srrm.kliim of *.r. k-r- .... : th- .r :.* w •; »rm*. The I,;.- < < a. n at Mi-- A .-j * Save y P nni. H Blai-.b-:!, irland ness is kept well represented Money! it for all the novelties oi the Sea- la i\\ i r i'liicr.- t So i)11: i). by By Doing. son, and our lh-. \\< --r.s. at. 1 Tapper a very eh. prices and goods (t>; *'■ n b n-l the hate Sant’ awl Aj< Domestic Fash- at a:. : !’.•• ana was of V v-atioa was a^ul 100, -1 ’; >? a. Huieltiiie at .i eouiu.eiu-ed to -. i \V i .abort day. >• l; i i: ><•' irom month and s da> -. | ist I ii r net streets a Hui i«d mi I Vi cat >a "ratio ■: !: CHARLES Remember the New and Well • ii -1 1 ';:n- t..-.- st.-.v. d away, .i warn d, Monday by run-awa; ion I Fred FISH, I'TrM ;i:t"thr:* i> :*ui. trails;..»rt ■ BELFAST. v n _n. ( I Fere and < arri. Sanborn. I Med Ma _"t h, d MAINE. •Med t a :th 1 :.j; tjr t<» am The < ham n I'.an ok F. i- r of tie W •: !. I ’•i r ! .■ :* a •: -I 1" m stake had been mad- ;n th- eousmu | Store 83 Main ipt.i 4 > ear-. Lighted Street, W 1 Mr 1-7- ■*’ "" *-rv arm that M as M 1: Mr- I.. w i low GEO. W. BURKETT & GO.. 1! that mm the ^nj»}.er Charles B. Hn-’on, May he '.re—i. hauled t ar-ti.-: vdmrt at.d ihitaa^e. I 1 .i.-ht!:,. I!:: r«1: l; City • years. loaded. ; »'arv<-r has arrived home, an >• pro In ar-mont, .Inn* 4t!i, Horace l Craim am d CHAS. READ. PortlaulBanior&MiasSteaitiaalCo. — F> ;. ! da\ ; o'Vti.e., a<-;.t *;•• a. .--.ithrinj h:'-1. < ar-, months and .7 tim \V. Biirkrtt vk Co. >• « apt h H d\ l.ak- :r-M i:*h r : In Api'o !"M, Ma; :.d, Mr. I hutnas 1 >ou*jh«-rtv. 1 ] * ir* at Character Fi ler 1 M am about ear**. FOR BANCOR. ..1 •. \ ] ,; i r i. Belfast. '.ti: ; liist.-r w h wmut th- In 1 ertii. M d, F.lijuh W ilson, aired 4" MISS KATIE STOKES, -• dd ;; limb. Ha: -r 1.1.* ar ; monrii' an i A .:a -. memory t May Year-, I h. l;. I !'. ••ok Fi L A T E S T SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. •• I lift In llrook! Ma M--. Mars ’i -':••• pigs, r * .bilies:»»rt. s ink ;t w aty :mim:;*• aft-r sh* ,-trm. k eunjr, up- Goods ear-. Mr. JOHN BACHELOR, THREE TRIPS PER «EEK. m -r. u- .-o::si>ti::e <•:' im. amt t..r— r. r. In I r* tn. Ma: *t Mr-. < mrlott.- Kotm-r. Glieap. h, eaj-t l he Charai e>n I ;■ r o' th* World. \p., me amd "*.» ar-, mouths and 11 y* da> .• l- 11 * r clothes perfor tin T man (Aju- fra* of a Grand Invoice I < of ~ l(i< limntti! K •' M a; -i '! ia-s lav next < a Bav f was .wim-d Mr AJm.tdr. Mind., Somersault overtho Backs 200 Yds. Cotton, 20c. by Bey.]. Trlpplo Spool _ '.v ... Ill -a u !.;irl, M< ••i.rt str* \ ,-w ii• Wednesday. PJti. a-. 1 1.5th. oln* i •' SHIP N FAYS. O F ':»i ... i ,t r-.. p of Six .! llniulat. '■ ■••■k fro ml'-. Util. Elephants. Per Dozen. s;>< Malic. n;> oniy. -H •* A tie:: t ion is ailed t-. the n I 1 \’ I ! ,< >\V N S. ll .« » r. .v'-Vak.-L.-ii hy smoke PORT OT BELFAST. 100 Yds. Cotton. 8c. nc \\ .r II.Hib"' W-f B-'d- ae-t.t for the William A m -n W.i l:n Natural Selection. AUUIN IK Spool extingtlisln-.l v !;.• k. .((■i t dll. 1-h. 1.". \1, B* ll.t'f. «.t j •• I av-.-tigators natural seirnc- hav. a. v \\ n ♦ uu fit IV.:r. !’. k-j ■. T| t. ‘•rat' d Mr. JOHN White. 35c. 1 ■" i'-y.nid ir.-versy, that thr ugh-mt iL- H*11 i11• —. K\der, h rankfort, for New ^ ork HOLLOWAY, Mosquito Netting, H " \t ;.vi F-re .s"U A lhu klitie's summer at t: l.mpire, .>lit{ leaning oj*er:::e aliuuai k.i.gdom the .:v \ai --1 the littcsl" the K an, for Poston. m ..«; Kanpur, I!,.- (,retit ! !!.■: -It i I. 1 XV ! Til Mr. I: > ;:i tor j Summit 8 t*» r* -Mas.-i:.. -Ar-livw.s Milliih'i'Y yards. j;. Mniiild' n : Temtde Bros, a.lvertis- uh law that voaeiisti’es rphoard drawer and niy thrift and a I. A Ft. h i! A I. \ F'I th ::i u ■ ; perpetuity }. ii I.(•adini' ie.- at Pitcher -. hr. F.b Paih- II pi'iifMlat anil I tin min”* at «'-• l*"1' :.ot the -am- tin* roiiim.-i wharf, — n. x ...• : II .iN'wiv lue.-ments -K J. Morisoti A principle govern B Y elotliin^r Smith, tor ami in "r: to load at -am. tor 8 u'i'lut'k ... of man An interior cannot Philadelphia, j Colored 40c. yards. 1 > prosperity super- -• v >*. i, i.) !' ne.-t have sertio; »r ali the m-iviii.' maeliines K-a-1 wharf, schr. Mary t,. Farr, t onwell, Philadelphia. i. \\ i! I' ..,,..1 I... br, .1 i! N ,.i. 1 M ■: — I r. -c m- A ir«m.mI for 1 I :u this s of K. V. Pierce. M Mrs. Richards & Miss Southworth. * ■ NEW ACTS! KID CLOVES. an imti MMn by." by !’!:.!•. Il-rsey. 1’ Bull a'. •. V 'l By reason of s :pcii«.r merit, a h.-ini.-t have outrhal-d all other medic,m-s * AND A .Mv iF!' iw:-. th-; Their ^ 2 A NEW at VERY LOW M -iif. IP." \N .-!:tworth. W;s .... w; i< .w It. : ■. WAY STOCK ..le. a*n-mpted to t.' t.e I •: Mate- done ex: :.«• lad Magnificent Ring Procssion ! THURSDAY, 30th. i turn :m. w.•••... *1 lie Lad soldier of lion dollar- |-t while the amount — Prices. export ■ tnrnkey Than i', *-r r wa*. pr- '.:i'.(I other l foots to several hundred thousand No V) any tl..- > last wr* k r r !.;• ffiore. in* l.iokmg alt !.* pension 1 raveling show in th r any oth< r couiitr v. Meadow king Mower. si proportions oz. : •• -'airs n claim She i< a cars ..f a-rc. A SIGHT WORTH COMING 100 Hair Work Done at 25c. per nj th»- debtor lady, eighty ; and r< >t up any other basis than that of merit. MILES uni a -■ MISS Mil Tliwmn n :■ min migi : escape 1>\ 1 *'pres tat f thos It is sal-- siiy no me ine or combination TO SEE: I BtiST-'N of nmdii i!,e- yet disc»\ cred or can if 5 Hosiery. Parasols. &c.. Cheap 1. el Taken the pn ini»thers who counted their children by tn- dozen. cjiials compare A IHuA NTH w itli hr. Piert c's (in! leu Mcdi< al Dis< oven foi >le* Mi-1 ’hat sh>- •• mother of ■ T tor CASH ! n to.-k him hack to wt! \te.-n « the eel! lie- ure of "U-hs. -ids. and all j-nlim-nan and IE £ Free Exixibitioix n •• — tdv wl:.I. Ben will do !i t f whom are ft flections. If tl how •••• living stipated o | A Diorurnh' am! Paimraui: l'r --1 ..| liver Lis I’i.-asant Purgative Pellets will g tune living grand children. sluggish. * ing rmignilicriice, to Iwin.evmd in prompt re his Fav- rite Pres, rip § B. F. WELLS. • ! ^ Street 'em 1 le. sunt one this city The city government a ithorized the commit will positively, perfect!'. and permanently, Gorgeous Pageant ■' cuiv t.e-s- weaknesses and "dragging down" seiisa (*n the ami ! ».i. : ti e l xhi’ i'bn. 11 ik- 1 c g» ra.u 1: in- I ridges to p « M-rniig Goods! tif.-.s j'-eidiar To females I., the Com z Among I!.*• pi.>mim-n: feature* of w hi.-h ; ..•• People's DON'T FORGET TO CALL ON ]!•» A Hows A o. and 11 and (< 1! -r. —- 't <‘pen Laueust ... will he ell tile Millinery n .Sense Medi- al Adviser, an illustrated work of < -• r- \ p. m. the B--1 it part High st -arly one thousand pages, the Do-tor has full;. ^ <1 is -'(issed the 1 es that underlie health and Trained Stallions ! ".inhorii command recently taken i-y the city in widening the same, j ri:icip VI E Twenty Royal F. B. Price 'I ted t ^ SWIFT, '• *. post [aid Adaj HU lad by their Foreign tirocm-. u. ii. I.earintr that they have nut I the tilth day of \ugust t<- ^ ami single and married. Address B. \ — u z Two Hundred Beautiful run nr «• ises The IIIove the Ti:< .s also '• Tirm* wrt, preceding bhiidiligv may--'- instructed P: -r- e. .M. h World s Pis.-nsarv and Invalids' t.lined IT- a-.- ii m i. •»*•; Were Brief. Ih'Y Then t" arrange w it!, th- parti- interested in ti- Hot-. Bulla:-.. V Y RING AND DRAFT HORSES! It :■ *• regard }li!imliniiir(T. -' 1'' adupH > < > (ijiiir plettd r m i > 1 XF.rTr.M-. (iOFDF.X \ L. Miliiken. Exp tie the additional damag* :lined, ami leave the II Flo "M •*.»«! (•« I* ni,r < a AT THE 'I'li- crami -i it nil is now unusual in I —> offering r add r* wink was elo matter to referees r ca THF (iKiAN 1IC T 1X1 I N \Bl Id M ▼1 ow v r. d a eluents to business m-n. families and tourists, s rail' *«..! u. t- n — I nil-: CHAFF >1 of OFIMIF.L Chip Hats, Flowers, Plumes, RAILROAD STORE. *»ur past uw ‘•Malted .-••litiiiiellT. Then the ••• There has been. considerable hamrmg of real cs i'l }1 i• for board Lave never been so low. and tie- future. am: it- in tic- In t-r t uviti "f 1 wi in u. inn i>l *’..•• d 'h-ad were adorm-d th- t.ible is still to its first-class high *'. now ii t1 ! i; rial hy the tate in this I. M. Hoardmuu traded kep: up & Ribbons. 1 \\.-:i n_■ tini- Tobacco, iiril ( Ihm pi g, vicinity •• 1 lately standard. Siiks, Saties, the fanner' \\ It e k •■ogtr/e nnu-. salute was tired. - WHITHEFTS NEW YORK BAND < i-.iri, HU'l ( lioi< ** ( iuiff( (ioiH‘r> .:.-pro}.r:ate his farm, situated two i "I our ue am: r«- «e ;• room d to about miles fro® the city, UIIOI »>IU A UK fill the merii? uer, ••••. were ov-r. The -—:r U Drawn by a Team of i 0,-eju more than i. t: p >'-:i:ige cemetery for the house and h-l <-f Edgar Pat.!, near the cell; Slioul all at th" Kailr* 1 Sturt-. Pills, Potions and Pungencies. h i au-1 the flattering award pra -e they lia hither st v • ;< a ter;. The same Paul traded his new SIX ELEPHANTSl »•,!« .1 a I m >|. u king m>‘ md day aequi ll.i', .i: i.nliuiited r.mtlilimv in the ■■, r '■ > uMlily I n luannta- t ’• a- -e.:- l or of ~ < untried, having sitc»n f-r the dwelling house and lot on «'• ailments the stomach and Forming a Littering Fine of (.ore >ui* Magnifk** -m- 5 Groceries, un-n ••sir', with md le>* 'I ;.u tli.ri v tie I'Mii 1 now MM Oill's Jam A (ii.N',1.!;. over a MIFF I.OX(i! All to he Seen Without* Family | i.u n -rt ; the inef of the Bti stt known as tie- W-t. 1 i,:i h'-u^e. and ov. i. d 1-v a. ,\s Wi in 1 much new and Without l’i ice' sl'Cll Money MISS ai name. all of I host iir-t buiir nr* To A Case HAYES, ■ ,\ early good he a M of i<- ."ting correct list Kmeline In.’.away Last week the families Twenty Years’ Standing. ('• n>, > '. J V >. j 1''h"U\ .■•»udition. ami w It ordiuar are w ... do go "i work COME ONE! COME ALL! .• m l From Mrs Baker, of Yt. w r.Tt SATISK vrTION In all MM- the Anted Mates to ail ex. hanged artvr>. the mayor moving to his .Joseph Johnson. id.-lip* i.'irll'O; r. /■•••-. C-itfrrs, et many years. And w i ; •’ "i t*»• it to make known to the world «4‘KKMKMBKIl MY DAY \\D DA I F ;.i• i n : n inent' d t' n st new my duty ANDREWS BROS. ah tie- t ;mj track's the house built < <.. purchase, by Irvin aider i’ATKn.N>. v th- wonderful of Wistau s Balsam do not m» or eineu; I .m i",eu made that eilicacy your Are now And confound it with any other. | change iinpno exist cnee t« wood. The farm of Mrs. I will 1h* 1 off-ring I an f ntaohiin Lilaway under VV I r t went;'; ears I was sorely \i;.l il.-alfi- l l\( V ItfM IIIO v.uld not be applied the «, regard- • I HAY I; oXIA I’n-ki n I'utlr. We:-, ear- ..go '.aimed and taken By ohi the charge of \\ W. M.-rrui. formerly of the linn atlln t.-d with phthisic, and previous to using the as llai'in-, l'run* Ui lif'--e, lJutit-r, | ,c*' <.J the tiiiu win au.l a Fall him* r three bottles afforded me a good deal Mrs.Richards, MissSouthwortti | opportunity ■ A .T was Mnumu King ■Parke:-, that ah an '•'. < ■ f r* !:< f umi us ■Which Never Div and Oiaoice B N'",i A !> Bar-;- m's more restored ide*, alway* Spices, «-t if special imiiiy complct-ly tor a g» m n s, and In inform ion, d Is-. <• i! in- ta! isrs Application II. an.- JlaTtcras. on a lor two years past 1 have not hud the I it * l> 1 I »« OO I) W in >1 v.»y- ;i•:• *rti:rjg h *;t« h*-«l this ♦ .tv tic noon To BEYERS «>F liFT F It X S T F X FO I. D t h e 1 KI < 1 i of A D M1SSI o X Canned Goods o$ ali Kinds, By i-ast return of that \- d B office m Bu.ft-t to I'.irk’- is down as pan.till complaint." a Mauag 1-land, put train on It i> without Doors open at 1 and 7 1’. M. Performances Om- Dried and Green. Friday doubt the finest cents and >1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Fruits, Miy A ", the seh. Lelia that was lost Hour Fat. r. Admission ..o Out*. Children under example of car architecture in the world. It wa> Ready Made Hats. Hall Price. 1 Don’t be Clothing, Caps AND VINEGAR. Foreclosure. -ii March. 1<;' seh. Sarah Buck. Deceived. LATEST STYLES PURE CIDER Notice ot built by A Smith of and ■' Barney Dayton, paintrd "1 a I.iao of iV'.inv f < persons haven't got the —AND— — Also l-'ull H 1 1(1. \S d i-’ 1 M. Burn!-am, •- k in .1 with a Nova Scotia res -Many say Consump- ‘For the* accommodation of ladi• s, children and I N \\ James Walker, whose of several bat tion" when asked to cure their with Shi- in j*.. nut Waami Mate oi Maim. by paintings Cough all who desire to avoid ti c crowds >urrounding the \\ Monlj.-gat: Pec.-mher. 1^7 J and the Bark loh's < hi' deed oatea tin rwentv g .ill day ol April. ties have him a world wide The --iisiimption Cure. Do they not know that ticket wagons on the show ground, Mr. Barnum has 1,-y given reputation. FIGS. &C. n lie W a Ido st r I ••de/ lii.ii tie', er was lcard from after Coughs 1-ad to Consumption and'a that opened a ticket office for the sale of TH'KEIS and NUTS, DATES, A. I >. 1>. a no recor !•■ Keg y sailing remedy ■ cost of the car was The exterior is in Book IT'-. I’age !?.#, ui> ey »-d to John 1. high will cure will Ki:>i:n\ r.D Ni mukuku Ciiaiiis, at Wimukim k > Leeds, •i St John for the West Indies. Consumption certainly ;i certa n and'surely I a mb, of ( linton, Maine, in no rtgage, iy embellished with painting, representing about cure a cough or any lung or throat trouble. We Bookstore, 20 Main St., at the u.-ual slight advance. SiiiiiiiiiT Hilliiim! Gents Goods! t 1 of real estate situate in I'm: n.turn, former., know it will cur- all WOODEN WARE, parct .it vr beast of the held and fowl of the when others fail and our faith ( ol Wald", and bound trai ,1*1 vertisement every air. while Ladies, Children, and others to avoid tin- e lintou lion- in the ounty in it is so that we will Furnishing wishing I v had oad oil t he refund tlie mil the west the centre is positive price crowds in the are advised to attend tin- Tubs. .Hi Ils follow tl at Bar in the the picture of the great show man if evening Pails, Brooms, Brushes, B. Williams' paid you receive no benefit. Is not this a fair Afternoon Exhibition. north bv the south line ol the Knit'- >:va?i-s? himself. P. T. car is e-mutv road trout Show on Earth will exhibit in Barnum. The n-j feet long proposition. Price 10 ets. NO cts. and *1.00 per Baskets. &c., &c lot, on the east by the ..aiding W i le to Kittsfh I and on tin soulh the J no and '.F feet wide, sets on two t'ottle. For lame Chest. Back or Side, use Shiloh's SEE OUR ftij Excursion d rains on all Railroads on the aten Friday. .June 1th. There will doubt six-wheeled Pullman PRICES! day '.acres Porous Plaster. Price do ets. of exhibition. Mrs. WELLS north line of John (o-k laud, containing ; trucks, and is with an JKLI.tKS OK KYKBY DKSt’BlBTloX. f- tin same land r<>u *.f strangers in town to see the supplied automatic West- Only a few more -.A those lirst-class Suits at $10.00* and JO rods, more or less, ami mg Why will you suffer with Dyspepsia and liver >:ui.v, Ketchup, 11.>r-eradi-h. ( tr• *n. >age. to said Karringt«-ii I" Cl e.irbs II Wey- and show, and this with our citizens inghouse brake.. The interior is fitted in tin* These Suits are warranted ALL WOOL. I shall I’DSim ELY ADDRESS niv pa- Is now in BOSTON, and will Pepper conveyed parad»- up and ( M \c. deed »f i>r.', recorded in keline complaint. Constipation, general debility when trons from the Arena a: EACH E.M1I- li'icolates, iccaroni, >ago, lapioea, mouth by July -V to ti!i most convenient manner, with -is ami which -aid tie- veteran showman’s vast tents. special reference you can get at our store Shiloh’s System Yitalizcr BO-IOX: bee Keg is try, Book 1’age P. T, BARNUM. a I». we on a Fine Scotch Mixed return the last of the week ickiu)si:xi: on,. u tis on t h<‘ s» 111 nt n da May •■S' hanges .tli in terms of the to the purposes for which it was constructed. which sell positive guarantee to cure you. Suits, $7.50 mortgage sjieak highest lU'-t in ini'. l,ii»#‘»a <■!.»< «* ^lari li l*oli«li sail l.ainb f.. tin nmn. signed, Price 10 cts, and 7i> cts. I'iic duly assigned by The At one end are and and six or r«-corded in the Waldo Philadelphia Telegraph says of it:— baggage wash-rooms, i with NEW and de- ! combine.- readily with March, hot cold. Pr> which assignment wa-duly ••JIackaietack” a popular and 75 Prs. Pantaloons, 50c- CEO. O. everything vents and the inm .-ticking. in Book 1 >!, l'ape gl. Y*w tinn for*-, hr Barnum claim his exhibition to elevated berths for the accommodation of the at fragrant perfume. pair. BAILEY, “blistering” Kegistry, may justly No. 60 Main Saves Jb cent of labor and starch. condition of said hav be« u broken, •' Street, Belfast, per the mortgage ing irn-iitcst irtw'.w in tL" for it is hard to taehes of the car. beneath which are “ “ “ world, closets in sirable in we, the undersigned, claim a foreclosure ot the same how it could lie excelled in of its 50 $125 any depurt- which handbills and other Fresh Tamarinds, put up in Sugar 10c. pi lb.. a-n-eablv to tin- Statute in such c ." made and pro- “nts. Tile museum is tilled printed advertising W. H. with curiosities, in- SPECIAL NOTICES. “ “ “ MOODY, Fresh Pickl'd I.iim• New York >lived Dried Ap vided. (.!.(>. A >l’K YK1N. "••"t matter is five tons of which are now on iiitr and valuaide. and the menagerie contains packed, 35 2.00 Liberty, Maine, Summer pie. Pre-erve-t Ginger, Extract* of all kin«l* ,it»>i:ni >I’Lakin. •It i• s. and for 1 for a eon > of said varieties, curiosities from all parts board. I n the centre of the car is an office for the Brooks Democratic Caucus. Agents for William Anson Wood’s Millinery! v, tJ Thankful pa-t patronage, hope flvvJ■ Assignees mortgagee. “ “ “ tinuunco <>t the same These Goods on (. lfseb the world. Some of its attractions are a fresh Caucus at South constantly linton, May use of the and the Brooks School House, June 8, 100 3.00 More. ■v"i'-e advertising agent, remaining hand. I. M. SWII- 3 llailroawl of sea lions, a herd of educated elephants, at 10 o'clock A. M., to choose Delegates to the State and will sell at the VERY is fitted with a counter for Cor. Front and Federal Sts. .immense rhinoceros, beautiful Polar portion up long folding and County Conventions. 1’kil Okdei:. These Pants have been marked from $4.50. Mower. giraffes. Improved Eagle Belfast, Muy 20, 187 s. 3mos22 Sheriff's Sale. us and eleven of the largest lions in and bills, beneath which are several tiers captivity. dating LOWEST > on execution circles which forms ot the show, prices possible. T A LIH SS. la ken against part there of drawers, which contain of the ex Belmont. BOY’S CLOTHING ! I have also on hand a number of first-class and M\i:< m.» 'l be lithographs & Sami ki. II W.M.Ktn only terms of Its greatest feature The Democrats of E. J. MORISON CO., on the praise. Ac. On Belmont are requested to meet a W i.k u, ami will b- sold by public auction tie- hibition, the side < Please us call before twenty magnificent Trakene stallions, electrotypes, opposite in Caucus at Kill's at the on >wing to our continued success in this & Truck give I*. ut one o’clock in the pur store, corner, Saturday department, Grocery Wagons, I sixth day ot duly, A. 1*7*, ummI from the stables of Russia. of the car is a settee, inside of which are ear 10th, at 0 1*. to choose in -aidl all royal Italy, Ger- long M., delegates to the State we have replenished our Stock, and now show the Which will be sold VEItY CIIKAl’. Cull and HARDWARE. PAINTS AND OILS! afternoon, at my office in Belfast, ounty, v aiid at a cost of Convention. Bek Order Town Com. which 't Walker, ot y. Hungary, Tartary. ■ff.>0.000 ried the ladders and brashes of the bill BEST ASSORTMENT to be found in the examine. purchasing. 52 Main Street, Belfast. the right in equity Margaret posters, city. ol had on the 28th goid. These beautiful horses are for the Belfast, in the Countv Waldo, perfectly whose starch for is stored in a bin Agents when the same was uued. and perform many interesting and ditii- making paste GEO. O. BAILEY. dav ot February, A. 1>. 1S7>, .!' LINEN COATS ! on the writ to redeem the follow feats an that is in one corner, and boilers for hot water, cans for PURE WHITE 3w23 Mrs. B. F. WP:LLS. attached original displaying intelligence really LEAD, real estate markable. It is alone worth the of adinis ULSTERS AND WHITE VESTS ! Walter A.Woods Machines, ing described price and other utensils are under the Coun- House and Painter’s Materials Mowing A certain of land situate in said Belfast, on 1 to see paste kept Carriage for one or two hor.-t “The best in the parcel these magnificent and steeds, Light Draft bounded as graceful < >ur Stock T HE EE ! th southerly side of P»*arl Street, and !' are an ter. The car is lighted and ventilated by screens Of every description. English and American White Complete and prices LOW! market,” and the Taylor Horse Hay Bake cannot be they equine attraction that would be to wit: Beginning at the northwesterly Lead, Varnishses, Colors, Brushes, &c., at lowest Machine Sections. beat. Brices I.ow Tor (’ ISfl! Call and ex- ! follows, ml to The curiosities are also and windows in the monitor which exclude loo Thin Summer Coats only 50 cents each! Very the in the south- equal. living very roof, cash Call or send for to Mowing corner of Lowney garden, socalled, prices. prices amine. :.tcresting, and comprise, most an line of Pearl street; thence southerly by the prominently, the dust. It precedes the exhibition about ten Belfast, May 22, 187s. 3w2l erly Arabian giant of enormous stature, and JOHN H. BAKER, STRAW HATS! KIACUnE SECTIONS for CELEBRATED line of the Lowney land, live rods and twelve links, Captain attached to trains on the trunk all Machines can be had at ■••urge Constentenus. the Greek Albanian who days, being express timoslO 24 India Street, Motion MOWIICLeading t.» an angle in said land; thence northeasterly by lines of E. said Lownev land, three rods and eighteen links, to ■y barbarously tattooed from head to foot bv the railway, and visiting the principal cities, For Men, Boys and Children's wear at BOTTOM J HORIMOA *V C O., 52 Main 23tf ME. a stake at the corner of the Lowney land, thence hi nose Tartars. Air. Barnum was Street, BELFAST, in attendance whence bulletins and handbills are distributed prices. A Good Chance tor Business. five rods and fourteen to a *st northwesterly, links, night and made an address, in which he re- throughout the While here G^VPLID. V ieima Pressed Y east A STOCK OF ABOUT stake in the line of Pearl street; thence westerly by irned thanks for his cordial surrounding country. reception and the ev- To all who are suffering from the errors*and indis- Custom CAUTION. Pearl street, three rods and six links, to the place of it was the centre of attraction, Department! ince appreciation of his show’ by the presence and was visited by cretions of youth, nervous weakness, early $2,000“worth off Dry Goods of together w ith the buildings standing °f decay my wife, Georgian.v G. Be< k- beginning, such a audience. loss of a EVERY DAY. said to a mortgage large thousands. Messrs. June and Starr, the manhood, &c., I will send recipe that will We show a FINE ASSORTMENT of Woolens for witii, has left bed and board without FRESH Is for SALK at advantageous rates, and my be had thereon; premises being subject gentle- WHEREAS, my just Y. W alker to the Belfast Gn cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great cause. This is to all from in connection with the lease ot a well located given bv said Margaret the day of the exhibition here, tickets and men in were remedy Custom Trade. Satisfaction Guaranteed. forbid persons harboring good, charge, very courteous, and allowed was discovered a in .South America. #^*I*lease for Bank, dated November lit, 1*74, and record by missionary or trusting her on my account, as 1 shall pay no bills -SOLD liV- Store in tins city. This is a good opportunity Savings served seats will be for sale at Send a self-addressed to the call and examine ed in the Waldo Counts of Deeds, Volume Woodcock's book- all who chose to enter and car. envelope Rev. Joseph goods. of her any one to enter the business. For particu- Registry inspect the it left contracting. wishing Sheriff. T. Inman, Station It, Bible Kew York. lars call on 165, Page 289. K is- WALLS, store Xo. P9. Afain street with the House% WILLIAM H BECKWITH. PHILO HERHEY.A^nt, train of Saturday moraine. 17 ANDREWS 20 & 23tf Belfast, 29. A. D. 1878. 3w23 ly BROS., 22 High Street. Belfast, June 4, 187S. ;w2 ;* CEO. C. WELLS. Belfast, June 5, 187s. May h V vi? ioons in tli3 Market. The old man was oilia- t]u. hinae.- ot 1 ••• s til*’ stove door y ty> ,ij I wr: *. and circlessH sinuinu one Xew Advertisements.1 ISAAC HILLS, F*0!R, SALE. 1 >*• ! New Store! uni s'range delight. "i )>•■> thoven's best. when a undo,, a 1 am * ^ issxoot with mam a s> tl>% woman entered the station and bewail : V° 4WESXcan insert Baniuiii is Coiniii"! SURGEON DENTIST, ■* ^ ■ i-!v( r", *■ m, nt in our li t of "Mr. are a twontv-#i\ I New Goods! man * Joy, you rmod "Well, a‘ 4 %C»4«SB» ni:i KI (lk at tm dollars 19 Main Street, BELFAST, ME. m.i; gr* ~ du>ky tolerable -tolerable." in 1 Without bring nmno 1 hose advertisers who i>\ > r IS. I Wi'll,1 stor,-. nn m r— u plied. I iviness of summer hm;,. \\ i'it to obtain JUNE 14th. ue\>t a bad tlit le st po- lt.'e circulation without v r' f u drop nickel into the street- j *r tain qmou ■\{»eii Hug more than from f'«t to $lnO should ad 1 '•••■ n car box. and i don't >i. > > for tlowt*rs. jjoiishinf:on Sunday." P. lb »'V1 !.L \ <(> 3o Spruce Sf. N. ^ | New Prices! G. P. LOMBARD, 1 "Mr. Joy. 1 am vatr.assinj tor money to j LANDS > FARMING ’1 1. •'without .1 stain j bay Hiblcs, and so ’mth, for tile \ 1 .can i DEMTIST ■a—a. K^mnm .>tfs.k.'i : «a« sw. ;-t .,. >weet \o,eo became, I ln athen.' she continued, as she exhibited ('■■■' ■ •' ■ -u Z "Mil. .1 v HE!. E 1N /' }.;■Mtild Snug a pass hook \ re. eh 1 Ikies he seem j | mf '! i. T 'and- aw ft-. to want a lii'.i'c "lie does, lie -us on MINNESOTA AND DAKOTA. C. W. r.Y THE r-.v .i IfWKV. gardens ,,f the sands ot' name THE^POTATOBUG Have Just Received their W. r. I Ht' M-.x \. ! ;1: \ I ■v, delight l hi< shore and looks ";■...• wooed me all the dun ■ lonoinulv tilts "l)o,-s. eh! 1 ! " ’hull.V mmol: 1. the people of II, 1- I HOMPS^N & DUN Winona & St. Peter Railroad Co -! » rg.ib-s ad :r_ht. way." Sittiiu TON, it & til r this mo ning, 1 >se : "He F. W. DESOE SCO'S PARIS GREEN. Spring Summer l.i't nml vii that he has KF.MliV '.-p 1 hilly, KI> m: 1 •: }• T .-’I "t\ WIN,IXA & ST IT. I Kit RAILROAD OK. \',.t i would fair. is. How much ciilars to U-e, add) e-s cor. Fulton untl Qritchett will subscribe. Mr. and Counsellors at PAN Y i* now "' you " -STOCK OK- Attorneys Law, *j tor sale, at v kijy low -ver > :is!m: «»r with rapture leu: *i. \»*w York. Manufacturers ot hi- STUCK OF pi 1 "M I've 1 it- land irrant land' aiou-r the line of it* Ktilroad in tie br.-U'ts ..f girls in Hi J"> lam ...t to n't a mon- "ho- I id. < --lor#, Varni-hes, oils and Taint- BELFAST, MtfXF butane s,»u11a rn .Minn.;, la-.uo koh t M and it- «-rn haknfa, an will -:eir t *i;.-ir u me before noon mid -’You < MU.-, uvi-r Kurin r & HnmN v, w >t -;-tivo y,■ queen." to-day, a,, •'< c* iv, in pa> mi ur t iii'i a for. a: pur, any of the M..rt will c-vo Co-rt a,rand lit! K-»i. 1- <>f said < ia certainly somethin.:." he inter PJAWQ flRfS AM Kiif' otnpanv arm iib> then m is,c w ■ k>• I UMbAI1 JEH£\ts, Caps . i'iaii"-, cost I 11 •—* lands lit* ia the \mi to > -~_Jr $1,000 o.,!> Franci jjr.ut wheat belt ol the s I runted. I've mu me and the Vile's ri« li lijv *•» re — *f >t:; gr.-.t.d >- nr. riiiiiis, cost *1.100 AND f \nr:h vi'*t. in a imate un'nrpa'>ed lor healihlul 1 '■ an. hie in.sit ranee, ; my golden heart i> broke ; pew rent, taxes, mas and •k'i.’M Khga l right Pi inos.cost $*OO,0i ly S. L. in-', a nd a on atw hi. h i mjf rapidly set- .*-d is no N ew MILLIKEN, M. more. "’Put down what your noble heart dic- *!.»;» >r I. I i-i .ght Piano- *114 3t>. Or. Ate here tin tin: llreat Show with t' a !hri\ u*>d ii, lu'trious people, compos, d to » » 1* *24 MILLINERY read) a e\T. nt «d i'niiu r«. the an I Organ- -top-, 30, Church larp Popt Eastern tin- tates." she said, as she j go:: thy placid breast 1 swan ha tided him tile <‘:o. I4i onlv $113. Elegant; Counsellor and at Law. older portion' -d the Northwestern States '■ Attorney n ut- see husky faces to me lean bo *k. He reflected to; a moment and then t-I?3 Mirr.u lop <• gan- only $103. Trcinen. their Large Stock of GOODS! !!■ J /• lit/ I II t§ II 4 IK II 4 Bill. Land f.»r sale r. uht .,-r The world l strav «1«»u« «a< ritice tu dnir out ktod% ; I 1 I/A beamy "\\ pre«enl of Lands d n 1 * a* M 4 14*11 4 11 asked ill five dollars convert a heath N -u Mar. 1! tnpanv, 1 exiled .-team t Tory ---on t be erected. *1 aptive. queen.' Newspaper From the Store •■! L c Hl’.tvtt. to LY«*N O • lN 1 V MINNESOTA. 'in -a bio two trued heathen with " ’!i unich in.orm.t n about eo-t ol Piano* l. .t uml weresweet. .•Hi' »med breath replied. a stiff knee !" -I i think so.' He nrgan* OAT I HFK Plea-e addrt-* o fiy DAMEL 1 No. 32 GEO. P- home low ... ta,- N. J We Church EMERY GOODWIN. Land my greenwood set tiled BEATTY, Washington, invite the Ladies to ex- St., BOARDMAN, Commissioner. '!• 'r' with on the bottom ot a chair, & tien. • > m pencil Boots Shoes ral rti of the IiiOS"\ gl-nud. 1 "; U e d <. hi.-Hifo A North W* stern Hail 't 1: the \ h\\ and said sTuKF. r th- HKITBI.U'AX wuv < lilt \ SW.*et blue \ lolet vPivedol i: mto two huudred amine our ompanj, vo.., h Stock, .101 KN A L OFFIOK where u w ill e< ustaut lo suit that wants a tit ('(H’NSKI.I.Ol! at LAW of heathifeh is l,,r a comprising keep everybody i-i* lo all Per*>m# rt>jues*in»r ,nfnrmation, b> pounds forty pounds hWEliT : lv "ii liaii.l a nest eaves. NAVY Imve I",,mu.-til mu d in rwi*. • re dollai i AND ,.ur- ai d Map' will hr sent -• .uni .u Flint les teti a 1 ..;'h u:.u the "h -.vr ia;-! p complete assortment of We have hist received 'Jim pails Sample tret- of cost tid Land t' intni'Siouer or »a; i i.and rds abo singing lot twciity-tive cents, and to carry Totiais Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, AiJeliT 'hnosli Clicwii1 i "1. d be glad I' "':k •* at again ile tile div nit’ll * i by the d ser. cut ;-rise Centennial Exposition for Shows of all grades that we shall s,.]i :it Notary Public, •' ■, -«. and n lr re ,i hitting char- Umbrellas and Hubber No. Miiia ■• Street, BELFAST. ML. b "ll Hie ■ id’huiig n.mgilt of nh the m m l.v cliIn’ root, nothin.:, and. a llr b-. 't tobacco New & Desirable Goods days carry : v ;• -' 1 il 4. 4'. ti' str •> end. tnatk is Manufacturers Pliers, Ain madam, take t b ts i: c r an* i con veri closely including | you 'put i: i!-,it J »••/.«• ».'« Best is Clothing! l'UMlTON. FISK & CO. ten of heathen lor me. ■> ! bv :« >.-m! hr to the and pounds That's all j sample, adapted Trade, " Men's Sewed IMIT.UI'KHj. AM. Joi'.BKK-S «>K hec, to A. A. .’v. k-o.n .V; Co., Petersburg, Va, Sol 1 it Bill l'OM I'ltlt'KS Cattle JOSEPH W. KWOWLTO?!, I can.spar, no u-r talkiuu ten pio.aids ■ •' n .• i>.- i i u i.o h». I n-la ware II.- wolil.i |,|. as, -1 I,, ..... BUFF AND 111-fc t’o ,|| I lotto; >!,•• went (IMF'S Peninsula. The Prices Reasonable. all „f I,., ,,M friends CALF ALEXIS ivi L_ o .nest :i liana of miglitv pot cm grain, fruit, gran and gar- an*I 1 Tiller patron... uml will us,, his best eu.leai AttoriK'V A* ed den \ •> ('ouiist llorat and ama/ed at his tionres. LA 1 in America. Within a few hour- lo Law, ors ill ike ilea' oil-' • live him a -ail No a-.’ Men's Cable Sewed "i tliebc-t and of 1 ! w -li and M.: ah looked after her : markets, your old homes, '•■ -.r. RIBBONS, n.ake thee tree and mused < St SILKS, H the S h ha\ »i- d f- •*T• :t, I >r addre-- H. H. JOHNSON & CO. >i» tvinys ■ : particular- CALF IMPERIAL ALEXIS. •' 1 in 11.i vt t.i k'•:i ii :11.1; t o;toe m \ N •• ■ STIC! li. lh al I stall !':• w t v. i» 1 t..ok tie- 'wa- Agent, M lford, D. 1. Liberty, Maine. shaie of .V3ILLINERY, rn 1 that heathen, but I'm that go ! > iu-r ra just C. W. HANEY. Men'' Cable Sewed '■aiviess in business alia r-" I vtioit 1 CURE FITSTT On the 1 Route " I 'i\ i’-' H ■■ I do not m.-an liter* U to sto-- I Again! CALF FOXED F. A. Press. '' CONGRESS. GREER, J>-r tune and then have tin m return again; 1 i"^: -. in- an a r ;«ii• ■.». I ;.a; ;■ in a regular physician, and | Men's Cable Sewed an & Counsellor at Law. I : i n ■ ■ Attorney I; u- •• •• i I.n i :■ i It A i i.' >■ r. i : ■. B. i_v !i e* "... rifi« J. Wadlin ■ FARMERS CALF DOM PEDRO. V \ S- UM-e. f!1 kti %:i Sam mental:. wlm liaii Fjl KPILFiPSY GH FALLING SICKNESS Has juirclmst .1 Merrill* inter- in the 26 Summer 4 92 Sts. 'i• I " ii ant m\ to rare the Hawiey " a Do want the 1"at illi 'Tin in s" mu: 1 '■ --. you most reliable alum', T.« itise others hav* failed i* no reason Men's i'able Sewed BELFAST. MAINE ■ three .u lm k in tin . n iuj. frit i trith n ; .' ing a ure from me. >. ml t-> m- TIN, STOVE, BOSTON. N e Will i .-ill til •' n M ,r '■'lealike a Free Rotflo <>t FERTILIZER ? CALF FOXED BALS. at t t. M 11. LI N I Its Mh 1 (.Me and \M> HENRY Jewels of Thought and Devotion, \pre-s po-toflic It L. LORD, n--tii:tig and I will cure von. \■ I s < •' Men ah Sowed and !» -t «*•»!!; >:« -e tO he H u J i 11 \. ,V 1 11^ II. ! lie c. K< «'|, i p. arl St New York One that will the | give you Larg- Au I ;■> V.:' •' tret i! ... Calf Strap Shoes, Buckle & Tie ! l:1,l h llknn 4 IC B5U, w it M name, IO ,-rs |* V .' est and Best o? __ I 11 N !. \ • '< \ a Crop Potatoes, —' ni'Acl h :"*1 s. .mil :!”,• n i Mill' Ills wav -au, •':.<••• •*! ■ av. N« w i ..rk. Men's Cnb’o Srw.-d 1 « .. M *!if* linn of Wa-fin Mem!', and w -hall on j Corn ard Grain. The Mmliiiiil a\ -'nr'* Cheap- Tailor. d* «>r to hold Ivc* m n-adim '•» t-> •».. Buff Shoes, Buckle & Tie PROBATE •>:: w i i-r u : v 1 at'-i lai: ::11it in \ -ti'j-« | Strap MOTICES. tli"*** Article.' »t Mcrcliandi-M- tie.: t.tand a No. 10 Williamson !»r*Mih<*ii mu. my 1;:■ 251 I-: { est and Best lor Block. v"-’'.... those thing* whn-h 'ii'tain tit-* inner man. and !• Top Dressing M-n'- Cat's- '' wed I" II ,! .1 ■ I warm and k- eji the ->utct e- n.f -rt V •' | High Street, Belfast, Me. H... r ( ,r •* d and >*; :• to and ■. Grass Then I" 'Ion- «at, noniething k- |. -m your Lands. buy Grain tin* an i I Strap Shoes,Buckle&Tie iav ■ v i r! 11 NOTICE E. C. \\’: y {.are ..ft llif it i*| His Wil'cMi si'll That which we Need. the ‘'PACIFIC GUANO." For HILTON. • i- w.. Men's ah Sowed ihatikfil f-irtav-T' in, t1.< .-:,w .! 11.1 .1 > iS/Toroliant. 1 A j Tailc r. I’m e! lit :f.-d *hat " e y TO CONSUMERS to merit favors tor tin- >vu\. Sale in CALF BUTTON {. j-r» any BOOTS. 1 •' guantity by 1 •• '• '• ; n > 1. w .1 r. >. All 1in*ettl- I »ut;- \\ •!, \\ M-T 1 ( 1 } 1 1 " Gents, and rii 1 :l In- adjusted with Youth, Boys’ «T*. _nt ! dr- **t.■. •,• ■ 1 " I r« f :i -, •. J' V, is tzi mu: a co. AND TIE. n**r p: .nr ,.-ti m J. B. WADLIN & SON. ALEXIS BUCKLE Made irr.n.: him a n- lb-ita-t. 17. is>. !;:• ra>t, .1 an. ■. >; Ready Clothing < ■<■' r.-.y ( bf !. ,Ufi 'I- ..II > i; «• V\|T ■- Furnishing Goods. 'j T f, J}. | j, V M 1 WONDERFUL REDUCTION IMPERIAL ALEXIS. '* •'•*• *• I V inp .-1r .t: ii.ii. 181*2. u I i i I \ M «»\ m im ( tlf ISo.Cs r.t r ! ■11 ,i? : J a ?. \\ T ill r; a ; !::,■1 ■' > a ,. ,v-. T'r t if *ii: v H :i Olil FOXED .1.-1,. |«> -.. I n, ... Attention, Soldiers! Lolil A Silver Watches, CONGRESS. M :i \ 1> •• >• :■■■• • Tl\ T.4 4. T4>- < I !'• I,. >r.u-r .. ! ,r 'ongre-s ha- ju-t p is-. <1 .. :a\v g: mg a Pen* n j ... ? •• T Clocks & J Co n Silver & Plated I!"C' (all fP i!hhl'-i ,i ; r-. il ., 1 IC 1 ( 41 n 111: 11 :-i?i-* > there •: of .f* p.-r mouth t<* all Soldier- --t 'la W o : welry, 11 *»r m I r- 1 who lay- were hat tie an-! to -a in I k» t. w therefore caution :»M War**, les &. Pocket J -e n -1 Ml to the w low- of all -in It Speetai Cutlery. STRAP SHOES. .ill •>' •: 1 a i_!-i i-1 I 'lreha'ing •m li imitation'. I'his entitles • T'O I.. prill-. -.1.- hat pt .-•• in.i ar .1 .» i'r v •, ,t i '• ! W arrant* (Ah appe \ mj Ming other tot a--,.. i;.>) ; lug j l4r^e»t th. I’r : »:li. .. 1 \ g pens •' •- a r. I ■f. .1 ;• u !a!>. !, remler ttieiex-Jvf' *• »■: •» n?.i. ! am cm. 1 I 'I-' I 1 ... .1: »| m ifce* -.''-'.I ,l< ;t mg 1" me m p« r-on ! nt> olhc .or ! i- I 'Mir, It FOXED BALS. * ■ n ot »V^ : i- thi, ami ill j r«oii« \ 1 have all tin -d-i !:••!!-. on wv i- t* .. •.. Ih*«I t -a in* -1 hi hi ii1 •' ■< jrunt a ’• * name- «.< .ill soldi. rs of the «d mark' a:• fin* War ■ join 'liable by 1 lnnr«i lew's Calf i'.':! •' H i:ma place ami h ngth ot -ervic and date--t di--C,rg. ,c- *EE 44 T OF 4 41 A at. i; t \• •will .: ri aii'' >..• !•. d -j.'- « «;• *;.-•• and all fart *, and I can give lull and ■ \a :.t j 4- BUTTON CONGRESS. 1C l 4 14. 14 1 %«(» mation in e\ rase. cry I ;•» ! 1 >• r.1 1 _• a i!l, at '■ 1 I" f h* II.: 111 I •; •: i in a it. r \-r. iv.rk lOltll l ilU) Tl \ TU. Al-o a record ->t un-st .I !I.a:;-i Warr.t'.'- _!« 1*: ,.{ •" ■■ -•'* ed to r-. Pile \\ ... a id" It .. :■ these golds* 11".. y n ,.j TO II 4 4 I 4> HERVCY S Store. -V-M [. T ■ \ N I Jewelry Hie Seinin' of life: e ■; •' msts ; ! -!.•••: .* 1 ■ * 1 -Hut 1 «- w « CALF ) ! 1,41 Ik I I,. pt nr self and hapiunii, 1 p, .-t Maiig BUTTON BOOTS. I II II C. P. BROWN. Bangor, SELF PRESERVATION. • .* 1*77. v It. Ml who d« -ir- th. n ; a:'' n it i-* .J. *.•- ai .-a, •: \. i. i. 1.000 “l ply I*iil»li«lie«| a n*l for>- unit i>* ili« WHISKEY! 1 lhm r, Mart li 1 uIiikIt W ur j ... : ». -.• 1*7 7 <•<> ItnlfiiK Xfreef. Ito * I o it 1 t ...n-j- :..*r is : I 1 %>o.- CO., A ■' lii. h*‘ rt any .. t\ ;!••• ; -a .. li.A >lfr« •, 1 1 «.•*•»!» 1 >(ii:it, I it \ a .-. i{ ■' tm id' ; -*r 0(10 0410 Ol’IMhl | I D it 3 HOj -.m 1 ! o:. -a « *‘ WAR OF 1812! of I.oo,is as A \ !■■• J* !:<1 :: ,• i: k,-r \\ -• •!•:'.« -I ,i n. * 1 •' *«*nl »►' Tlnil n rece a,X l*i i*. 1 :•!.. r' a! manaf.e tur- pt i« *' A'lm \ >!>• »N. \ if. a- ! it.: that'iioT.•’sail! thi- -lint Wholesale ... Dealers! • ; B v 1 ‘. i.A .• liquor was iruiliL; tu his \ w ho .Inn l.»t t hi a*-, rfi.o. I ... .* •• •'.*• j.: NEW j Mh-r T...T ."•• t: .it PENSION LAW. 1 .;-m:ITy any I M i i. i. \\ k l- n-lua; knl tin : •■! ; M ■‘I M \ I' i-> •- t.1. either a natare |n; which 1 : iNMin ri-.. I*..IM.MU " -• ■ French ..i”/ *1 !. ■ ■ 1 h .'r -all u."’1' 1 _ ■ I'i I Ii Ilf:- I 1' this •: a! mv whu h > il hi'tiir-i- Dressing! <» '• f War a -. r'. fon r- jr withm ti: na*:;r«\ <>r a natari took licet." .1! 1 Ph Ml I \ Li.mhn Ft nil at » ««'*•*» II il.n », n I Kairi.f : r L-:ijl,,ii. Cost! ilhntit .. 1" the BEST in the market ! ! «•; rors .»l mith ••! .• t: ... ; ... i:. U it* !i * ■ ; in ilale of I n. •" •* Bum Selling reg4ril marriage | j>.».; •' ■, 1 n.fM mav b« r» >r. -r* .1 and «ri v ,,... ,j •»< j 1 1 a mi ..1 K ! a. •• "!• !•» wh-th'-r •. p.-nsi p- in..nth. t v\ .: ■! I '■ '' "" For 30 !'" :m 1 .*’■ '• ■ days only. I in law has granting uLo\ |" gallon til--. m. n a | ,.r at f: a < r. ■ Tv j,. aid }• d pa--cd pen-ion-a* t-.f in. die U \v.>r k* -h* .1 m. P. \; j thy .ty I• I. Kun. 7 jiu!. •: ■ l.a ml [ tiiiliun. j th* I' I a I. •. -.. t is 1 ll'lif lit > I *1" -I I.ry .1 ■ | ,• T I,,' tied slot \ X ■ M a ran I I J .»•*• 11 i j •*ii‘l I m '■!.«' v- ... < i:. — SANFORD’S -hoilld fim! a :i im u r\ a- v : <»t or 1 whet 111 I lUltOOH «V < O | j•r.f. \\ n -\ »• a rop\ the r• 11 ai i ar> a* ! *. lOt ft I.«« k j I -r. t). -1,' a -. -v. a. :..v u *: pr* ; are not the .• ., ♦ l»n#‘ *M r bh !■> For it is one «.»f tile-.- .aim- uun.- ■ Motion, tfutt. proseruti without --ar\ tie ■ Church St. i d ! -1 wh:< il We d.V it s Letters <>t in .'i Hayford Block, 1 II i.y rv, containing stamp', will i'll', ! m i’HII.H KIM 'i RADICAL CURE Shoes I fr fours. l-t- -. It a.'- ii -i... U xv \v.. cei\e at*, ntion. n. M;i\ V \" ;• ! Boots, pr- -nipt n.i-'t. I ble .■ pndfs*i"iial ^enthma:i -I *m — AND of n-r net mil ■ ■ i. !•' HARRIMAN &. HARRIMAN- HOUSEKEEPERS .u l' v a ra i. _r s' lament a hi*. if n«>raiif• \i-t- 1 },. ,a r a r I- 1 For CATARRH •in ,v l S. » dm n- ! ; !; .t Att’ys \g, E. J. MORISON & hi si :.."t;.er ;s ’- i:...;her at ;h> CO., T- "... '' -. «*:.•; sentr-d an tr- w 'i i. .. «' Tit i i(-- a.-k \ori; <,i:oi i.u roi: j,r. i.. o.y A purely vegetable distillation entirely RUBBERS! ‘•are, and. a- in ij-j ad\, ma;.. M » \ *h" \\ d :>t e, v.sta:.- !y rett r\ HARDWARE. PAINTS AND OILS! tor |,r<-\ ailiiiy; •'••ui{ la; a. *• ad bo \\VM ■' unike all oiher remedies. Assignee's Sale. C.i't. ' > L-.t ta>- e,,iirt and j'h:!oso|ihy now T 3-3 Li iUTCHEN Sii Mam Street, Belfast ■- It -1 \ M older I !n Di-' t 1 •• P.""'k f; f •! r.a .• ill .ill : ,\V VK-V.l •; a \ » \\ o.i > i.'« lit for t hr* \\ ,i!t*T A 1 M..u i:. M I nit. Mate- tor the 1 -t .rt ••' M a n ill :••-*■* ..•• hi- -I I..1 .1!. ua. ah-> a w 1)1 AND KAN! 1 t 1 1 t p ijr-h it:* r of f < u: I a Hanki ■ hi:, j 1 ,T until i:i The < As we are about to 11 :t kt*ta ini t h* I ,i. lor II >r -• .,. > .»n n '.art move our -■ II Kak» •: * appears ‘in All'' n ,1 l n -a: I n «alur ■111•! a 1: i*. ri ■». ir-leri .1. 1 !,at ti .. «. ian..l. a i. '■ p lilt) !ii|m ri h. jri.. : .•ra;-,.- in.- •at. Prior* JVry /,. tr I-r .1'// all ;tn• ,\ a:'i--.;re-t <1.0 111** **iglllll lla* of J mi*- itexf extraordinary w >rk .>n Pm •. -1.....f .. ■ amiiir. •• .rt m d *•- ■ business, we offer our Stock i-VI‘-*'k ti forenoon, in th> -tore former B >•< MINER AL SOAP. .nle j;,..St.-n //. rut t. I- T ; .rt a -x11 v ! .- a j, 1>7s. a Jl turc-. ;»t Ill' [ < w Brlfasf, May <1 hv said art. r, in hit h now tin |' .-t 1: .{ iiesti»*»i .n the II Pan ! :;. ai .r .. •: .* jo ,• '• ) 1 '• "iihisoL and a <•' •• •Mid « «“ •• fin -fork of read) made thing l-i-ti.-m: -a I [ !am* 11• ...... :»;■? •*;• T a I’r- .»t* .:r. m ; at I. •' at COST, New '• -- -t:.d a i> unite Goods received •t t1 •--* .ilaab'* w ••• a a i. « -i. dsj» Bankrupt's .-tat. on-isting ot Ov.-rr at.-, -pro _ k-. ! ‘. it 1.11. l !-r i-1 a.T .|, : I i. •' •- SANFORD'S < •. i •••"••’, RADICAL CURE I \ M. die 1 ,v l-nee II and tail 1 inh a* ’la’• •! I UIm ll- \! a if 1 u I men it the tor .•*t>, Pm:-. -, LYIHA .-all1** it un Tv a •. K. I’lXkll I' H' > AM'S *" I > Pu-f- Shirt cotton n. I: how s>. a\ h. r * -. i. re i" tarry a m»rtu.*.• s .-.m j daiiy. Terms CASH ! i'*, t)ftlrifling, and ,, : :. 1 strictly — h i : in i M* n Lrac. -, Hat-, Mit'- ns lit'*.** / ‘ft //< !1! ! nili * m .lu a dsomier d t; "i >ca*-f*, tji im y.‘ u- why It j■ _• ■ Liin-n «' -liars. >hirt Kr-'iits, < ..11 ir- an 11 should In ri ad t*>* u: if. :1 ; A Til. \ r. ! I l.m J I':v' t ,. i:. Paper h"W I at 1 Remember the various other article- to., nuiin r--us t.- no nt: and t-ii the ...d \ ) / and. umy ,;in 1 d sturb-d. rd.r place, 1 II. II A-Kill \-- ,g- ariO 't! hoj.r rli it b• >. •' a « elements ., wi at A* a I’- : lT 1 : P hupjien v nt•»: '.•■ >•" t. o’ 1’orthu d. May :!, 1*> ;w .: lit- ’will find, t man’ 1 '• 1 VEGETABLE only * ’• ■' ■' "?ner m.{ ,>:t..e: trt.e. i a re No. 13 Phenix Row. th*- -tlllty .-I V* v It;- -• cm mi 1 ue-ha- «- 'la \ [I at. i an. •and 1 tnst in in mi u no ., M. da raiiukai l. .11i*i• ;. E. 'iI n \ Assignee's Sale. nr > 1.■ i*• •:11 Man in t J — -kill and j.r..r'* i.• i.., 1 •«. ,. I A •' •'! •' Iii th.- Pi-trict Court -1 tin lni-1 m u 1 •" ... if -ia.;, -i 1,1- :*!•* •' h-tnre us an i sm h ,-at SURPRISING CURE, J. W. CLARK. author d tin* w'.a k. M.»:-". \ pr. 1 M-irirt of Maine. 'if 1 '. fai ■' -' COMPOUND Med ami Van ii a! t; !--r a. r■ \ vt t*v t- Vito-.r .- -. 1 I a a 11. ot ■■. 1 : : .• «•- >. ■ ■ Inti., matter HiAMv l'K UK I ,\ a v: P A M I il ail-1 til. lflltlf's •! it- tat' r; iN. an 1 -1 a:.-t TU's ;s the dead :t I K.-ui’'V 1 .; 'i Ml •' body of IMS !!» I’M'. II IS * T a l YS RIMSSKD. Is a 'r I '-i'i -• oil. PLHKIN>, Mankrupt-. In Positive Cure lor all those Com- thf most li'Mifi al.U- un da .-v* ; that tills I- ah rn'ian Mankm; t" K<,.r rnn "if I’ ll ». o Jill I*' ''•'ll'' inta-1 ,1 I'V ClIITfi-tr U »•■'! | " s >h, I'la. kiiv. this count ri h>r m\ j.. ry. what* \. i: s ( 1 ) 'l cppLIi <»K A 1 P CHUM w i.nasc, •» 1*1 .:;.'* \ w •-a .. .. ! all :roi.; u :in|'! the 1... j- };;u, ,H> .. and Weaknesses Pe- Iv "on and r-r w d M A D on tht j 4j plaints it:. .•• ... a f .r V rt- ., V .1 .. pul.lie auction, Saturday, eightl da> Ii. of si;*',i tish 1 ! ! ia the taark t. .Inn. t'f Ur'|.:.Mi. i.' ,1'Hl! i.a ; ■! .- f. !, '■ •Lin. at ten A. iVvuyhmnn, K MILLINERY. I"?', .Clock, M at m\ -di 1 ■! ‘and reach K.- Ilia i! a I' at- < --i.i .•! a! they n •• •• <• -' ^OTI< 1 ><"' culiar to Women, appear t'> a 1 v- -> kit. I Belfast, in said Pi-trict, all th.- i ic.r. ..j .ii: ; i... ami -rt (he It it« lift, ’I"lii*» liool* *ontaini more tif«» c> a s It t'a-t. u i; 'mi ini t •. a t * mji.i •*,. -...mi md V in !. rih. t'hem. the following «n»l Hand >lin«ral ! 1 Soap. anil lake no original |ir«>«( ipiioiM of rare excel- It--: i; •! k vi/. A lot >>t land af.f c Mrs. R. Sheldon & property, containing !•■!?>. nt 1 •- ■ 1 a •: a •• In and \«»n 'A t.. a*-? ill: ri'i'ii i-Vn a will a I uu \ s nsr if. lence. either one o. Thror.uh hte. and l.*’uv!ni Co., ight square rods, with a h• >>:-. an-img which i« worth n.- 1 v. .. 1 t >■ •: r. 'J dwelling | t.he 11!.• :: 'A. ! -• '• Hi- « then at ■ 1,. r,< >S I >.\ ;t am, situated the south ea-t corn* -r C--n lh*n v 1.. v.m gr- t-, if-a-t. * ]■ id. LINE i'! CHARLES I, An illu-^t A \ :• I'. !• 1 .. K- :• *1" 1 • INI 11/ till / 1/ t ... •••!.- ... a:. 1 c 1 1 In- homestead farm of Paiii.-l p» rkms 11• BATES, Proprietor, \'t,Nt Shifts t/nntl In | j SO I'O-t.lf. 1 : 'I d 3..'." o .i. k <•.. .. said p.elta-t, nortl.eriv of the I- tr--n H\i:it!SO\ ay.. ItosToY. *■ :i ! 1 hi hut A Mr." t'...i I!.- rr?j.i 1 : i" it 1 I ti,- nit,), hi/. Iff/ lull"I /•. I’/hi InlilU •• syh.;~ N ort -rt Avenue to Ptrkin- arc A: .1 1' at* < ;• hr,.; »• !'•* t w •• o-Tilii !••!•'. t v. tip. Bricky iy'.* on all dis, r.- f <-rttT of thf It'll'* u,. 1 : t •- \. 1 liuv’l ii- Summer jtiiriii-j -kill md x}.♦ r> of tin- road from t -a u •' ti'-r- i- •• t.v Millinery! erly leading 'ongre-s -t r.-.-t I ( -t t;-i 1 -.. i. \\ l /■•n.. >thi e .• v \| > art ii;o-' ".re that th «.*•*. art *Mi: j x> cl:-*r* " 7rtnhlr !ni v.v- In: -,7. much care, ami will Mrirkyard, containing thirt\ one half a- .M V i*. >f : 1 ■•-' wt i«v :t .'!hen t 1 in 'In- '• pan.'. k iH V K‘ U. V- V 1 t;,. -, :i s J 1..i Al-o, two share- Wald-* ra. s>. Circassian 1 I < K I W 1 ,• 1 r.-n.-w.-l I'.-.IU w-.-k w.a-k. Wr shall he ph-as. Agriru'ti Lily. ///‘His, il/nl Inl'l tl'nil I'lliiil// 11 in m i I •:•!- d Hi' > w ".i .11 .UPhPIl W II.1.1 A gu-. ■ l F 'j MMMLN. < rca- d " — •• ’I i. nil i'1 uttr ftii-ii'l- dm 1 I I" 1» : Urst f. i...-; mi- ft.l .. •• mill ami will It'/ s', nl s R. i. t!. j.atroiis, Kicank Pi !:kin-and l)\sn P ni\-. miH /f /ill tin ft ft i)n• u- r h.-t ifl' 11n.light your looking and tuir, v«*y tivi.r- r ate them in HUM Belfast, Is v ,:w : or. In -a .1,' VV ,i « ill-' ha.-. ;i ■ Lf [.I. May IT, w a OF THE POPULAR 1. '‘ii1- t" -:.o-,. U. V. •> < ;in V« .ir .. o> \ \ ud \\tuid< r«'d it it was ; ,t .... 1/ •/'" i m < : tret out. It indeed cluing*- K'l/ii of’ tin (h ». :t MIN', all.I I'lU' I jilt UtrM Sai-J H v. on ^ ci.iikitir a. i"im t -.rtf ^ "U wii- dr*-a-a I on.-. mu know. 7: > no heckled, < want "f *5.ids. not even j to r* a" iut »ra;M I .• •. a It j'<-1if 1 «.1.t;*i 1 iroin tE•; 1:r-T a; 1 never u-• -iieh n/lhl S/inni/nll to tin If 'h _••• y to '■ ■ In the Histrirt Court of tin l nit* .1 StateI things—an awful -in i. • .t '.e.'.i: 1. P •" •i •r.D’tj I:*:,;, m, « rk. r Mil-, i: MIKI.Imin r ■ a 111! r.'t *1 h. -.t •! ;- i‘ I o or '■ :. pr •• 1 L-trict of Main. b* until'’, imj mi, -kin. : * f » t-rn d a: .i. .••• > and and !, 'I li>. 1.1.1.A U I \ I \V< Mil II. I •-« P'.ii'il'ht <1 J hr* 'A rk i' pleasures, 1 An t!u>’ March wii. i- ha\*• tin r:hI l'\ a (M-ra-ionitl u>.* oi f. ivtu v'-,-.c i. 1 n the matter of lent fact a -hade. •• 1 ■r litMat : .tu •> •'urn -'' ’A he-h »> a' ii. ; 'i super:*.r for th- i t%\ V .V li N A ou a-k no- i! 1 t hi nk it right to wear P*-ar Bankrupt. ami 1 s«i.| ..nut •< '• in* to ki i•:! tan. r thi- y. j | j. ,. tie* oTh' is earth i- p tal-e hair 1 Jn>. W ill)LHi li.-relty given, that pursuant --id. THE SUFFERINGS OF WOMEN. TO NEW urn* in \r, at 'm >! ! h- ■ k ! ■. ...n, m '. : <;•’ ;o’i 1 .> But tii a' i< ii tie d* ar, -t vou see YORK, d**ath that a man I rent, range can't should ■^tl.TH.LM. M .III-. I of said Court, tin- second in--, ••! Mmu a il ai •• v tt IN;iiSts i»r. t In hat. I.• h* -.,m ,, Ifieihlini* Out. NroTICK g.-in-ral ting ar-- ,n tr r, ■, ? ' -: Fterine disease-are not but when ■' n i’. S.— I < "hat, ng j. u tf n no incurable, pnq VIA PROVIDENCE. lit | creditor- of -aid will h- h-t.-r. hr pr .tr.J. r •« .m! .Inu. -I ■ Ba-ikrup* I'd wash it -:i r. api '• R< \ I'pI.N A> I: nght light oil'-there, tlo a treated th•\ield to a- tin ••* in should live 111 Plant in all o »lor-, fi ve cent .- Churle- Hamlin, I | one ot' tin- H- r> in Bank plent>, erly kindly medir-atim.. rni i. * ii i ff i v lot gi-’. " 1 to• w. 1 reallv don't look o*.er twent\. .... ruptev, of said < ourt, at the < ii-cun House, M- ! disposition of all such affections is to noth A trii* A -I 11 ) I i:-’i T’-i''kn_*• (•"• ''line; |ir rarifird’.- *•• : l ib ’i ou're sun- ther* io. chalk in o. nor " hit- get well. Tv.; io-es. tine tlow* ten cents < '-- I.cad, i'e. He '.ho- ii ring bull,-, each. fast, mi the 11th 1 a\ <»1 .luin \ P. 1 at k. hi live sueii tr- 1 : B it il’.cei ai. and !'• hum. 1 t need» d but medical a'-istance to OPENS 'PHIL ill. LOII HIE >E.\SH\ Hi l\o Aster>. t* n •; .i.k yon ing being proper i:7, :*•• 'ion. 1 i' 11 vve.-ks stocks, .Sic., t hi: t v a. in f-.r [in- n imt d in section C of he h*r death, and purpos* B.oth w hich 1 ki a are i < y aiway' ready c tits dozen. good, i/a’«oni** encourage the force- of p> .-n-rconie \' ;| I lO 'Of 1 k* IP a' i d* V :• 1 "• I :. T. 1 n’ 1 « per Hevised Statutes of the l nit*-d States, lit. Malik recuperation -n’e'-it when the suinin*conies. J ine to |v m Mooil -. at d t in. some. V & El A; ;• o. pot grown Plants, all kind-, 1.', cents each. I II. li AsK the assaults of di.-ea-e ,! i' ruptev. KI.L, A.-.-igi \ on t \ cessation of the Al-n ,i know l.e poet ,-a\ -, it never, ONLY 42 MILES of RAIL Mi 1- iuiprc' N IP -ii, Mar>. tin- a."ortineiit tor urns, baskets. Sec. lvv w j-j forge* ■- '• May !.. a i- a tn:** .e and of “A thing of for. \. f \i : i v o th** the joy 'v m \ \1 puii;of 'I Wi Steamboat I \pr*--* I 1 a .1 s -r' u t: 1 o\ T. ALLEN. ll’, -aid, I limv I've been ■ O :ii** the and of 1 he -illy, s H"ila' >•'.iT SIII O'.!. -alM Ilf. \\ dm lire 1•1 ,. appetites, May go. i'. v- ,wg -o I 'ro\ nl*‘ Ibii. id m. 1 'Job. wit 111 lit ( ii iai--i;iil I ■ long a-r.j, 'ii ti-o O-Iif a 1 I: »T W .uents ;|lt» t'cmrlits. and *•: tie* LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S •d at IV M « n. : I I a | [H j li.i.iU, ! d Iii'iii the «»nl\ ? 1 Sheriff's Sale. '-pared original rrcij.e bv Mi-s H. 1 o.4ht, •'< IP it t-t. mat (*• \ 'mu i- •'■ ile'ii Mar. Us A urelius A 1 1 .mim idem* witb :h' lliihrelt %*•»» .«n«i M a^nitb app. J 'Ml: \ "I \ I " i’ll 1 II l-ort ml v r ! Brie*-, 1 if t tl it"!' "ii -a I ii. r* a-. .1- .fa \I A LD< >, >>. 1:*.k- i. on lent-- <••*»» t Good lilt « h :• r*ol, I hat ht -ai l II., M im ah News. I? >amu«-| A. Pays-n t. al-., and will -■•id 1 llltrrr-tr«| hi au-li; o ,! I '• at t,, .• Vegetable prr-Oll- | hf onh auction the highest bid l. r. at tin- 111.•. Compound An Old War i.iM>k will l»r public :>r lie i■ fraud. iireail Cart while the Kell STEAMER MASSACHUSETTS. puPlisti.i|ir> tv* k ii.'- -1 m :' i. Ih llinirs. .1 » of o-epli Williamson, in IP 1 fast, in -aid cun’ •. on Is a positive cure for all those painful pnh complaints llraii .l.riMiai Mat iPlta-t fi-t ilia, tin-twenty ninth day of June, A 1 tm-■ lock and 1 he well know n and print* a, and weaknes-r- to women. It re-tore- ; ; ■ '1 rust\ 1 evidence is AS A F. liKiGS peculiar tin p. a: af a l*i I• .: « our;. m -I f It. h.i-i tv .■ ly easily obtain- A. M all the right in equity u l.icli -aid Pay -m, had 1 n < ■ H-! ‘inn' jn call » blood to its natural directs the it a! ami for -aiM -him -n ? In | u> -*l w < ed to ( that bara attention of the iri/en- n the .'iOth day of OctoU.r, \. 11. at <« h. k condition, p>.w- i J»ro\ J;,u the PLASTER v^ » l'ritchic, VOLTAIC . it' anv *hrt hat *-. w 'o. a■■ poe# fraud. An '<11 irt his 1< am every afternoon, writ, of red. a certain iro-1 «d land -ituat. d j t ETectro-Galvanic combined with ••tiling p and lifts it into its and it tone and 4 rri% in New .! Vow 1 ere Battery "!|l:'l;r'' x.• with warm % place, give- ing* Yak \ M p* titioii .iiioii!M ii _,r an;. 1 e fanner's “stood |M»rf mi and after the above landing*' lietn clothes, there, The«e now u ‘• date, and en said l’avson ; the tir-t h- h '.» ! 'uni. 1 1 -' have before t pub]:-* for Tneiidayi gi\ by ing giv* hmriurj ilotcn, causing and ■*r«% idenc#* and \ 1 ml. tak* n h 1 in-t .T h. ;. 1 Vo 1,0 1. -•: a! Platers Kafurdat « "I ea- h \m » pain, weight backache, upon 11->s two U < — f. k, in the forenoon. Don't in heei] hi eer and sent] : HI).!, TlOtWItii-d.lTiUing tiff ii u m;; ■ dated 6, 1-; I, and record' d stood there Weymouth, Augu-t is cured it- u-e. t hr r-t at*- ot Of r- rned.'-.s in the form of >rg‘t the da\-. ’1 'hankful tor always permanently by ticket» and matt I. 'in- can be -a 1 lmim.-irpal past patronage, I the Waldo Registry of In- d-, Vol. 166. Bag' ! .... P eking the rebels oil," to J for a 1 KKI It I \ f. according tret rarer-, and ordinary :-,tn y have sv-adilv In- hop- continuance in the future. Bemember and the second given to Willard B. Harriinaii, dated The patient, who before could walk but a few puny’- Mice. J14 Wa-hington, corn* Mat* >11111 V 'af It.1 creased i.i sale and met with ti I a; ;n- d ns tin Bakerv Cross Street. Boston X I'. t*\ t ■ 11 ■ Kuilr ad '-tat a. llartc. I he real facts were, to place, 0, and recorded in said \ with in t hr 1 .unit ot Wahl >, ,|. -.•■!, ',. on I ■■•ml according ev ! < -• O' .* an- •• August 1*74, K*gi-uv, great can, after the u-e of thi- ti, -, steps'and pain, b> I .1 \\ PH II AIIIIMI.N \ L l; ASA lib, al. E. >. W A I.1 >ln a to I.IA lir lli.-rr! ■" r. 1 -.. Rials lu < r ca?« have F. RIGGS. Page rill. THE -linvt-, .;*o'-: all p. 11 (fCttyshurg lady who knows him well, po II, m,, BEST IN remedy, walk several miles without discomfort. It A. A. HH.So.M. mi; ; Id x ,v p l; t>**_u cert.tied t by wdl Know s ;n ail Belfast, May 2«, 187*. ;.w .*; 'A !io an ll-l. hf M -anl M- l>< r-ial. ■ K, kt flint lie went •' out to hunt his ot The ( St -.T• v .• of the *\-tern and up cows, and -d s, cop;. h:> v, ; be s- permeates every portion give-new ilium -Tint* pa\ iii- ut. am! tin-, who hat * am m i, ■ of charge to any d< sir g 11.■ :n. ! :. -. i• *i ; THE n U"t scratched in the briars ! -, WORLD. life and vigor. It remove-dyspepsia, faintne-v flat ti mami- :h» ..ii, t. .xhiiot th. -tmr tor -rtth un nt pretty badly many ways, i. n- br--n made, as -ngg. \ ,-v! PATENTS. Knox M vt \r t" him l.!»\\ \ KI > > l It I. I. A I- lie ran. sealed enough, out of the rebel la-i :. nee and ti--- ,u d i'is Iti ,r 1 are. n- Hotel, Belfast Savings Bank itrii* Itv THt: b ney, destroys all craving for stimulants, and re rf- ct in and the best ev-wy it—j>.-« r, / ,-•••• t, Main • s -s ■ ines, into w Street, Thomaston, Me. liev weak in of the stomach. It w ill cure entirel\ which he had andered. There nrhl of i„e. Ail we ask from < v* rv :--r nritf- u R. HI. *• REMOVED to their new EDEY, ''•Ii •'■ .'-th :.•••'• 4 the land is a tr :l. Th is2r»e a't Banking Room ■ wasn't tin- mark or of a single prir.- f.ts, i.uog'i Wm. K. and the worst forms of Falling of the I terus, I.eucor graze bullet to in Custom House are to re- Blake 1 i.* cost i> donbl V at of hi y plasTer. But, j.,,;. Bickford, Prop’r, HAVE Square, prepared Lsrii Orpn Co., No. 76St3le 1 Ronton »' rho rainful st.,"!1!1"'! Kilbv, found about him. and widnstatidii.g the efforts of th» proprietor $ to make The I> -l’l ifi i.v announces the above ceive deposits, placing the same on interest on tin Of Worcester, Mass., and '1 oledo, O. a, Menstruation,Inflammation and Fleer ml tak* it upon th* lift 1\ si In' trust M i.\*. utor- yet Secure- i ll t he l II. 11 Mate-, a -t) 1 somebody h- >t in the u ird 1 Patents d a at pla-v-r >r the least mont-v, auv Hotel having been renovat first days of June, July, August and September, and ation, &•-. It is a t hr r.'tatt ot fastened that on ■ d| thoroughly Irngularitie-, Floodings, great t rance and n’ln it .. stnry him and made him lar be bought, cumbers of un-'ern: CSQ-Cfei d, r* F and ’’ Britain, Itir* ign <•.amt. iTie.'r^'an modeled and furnished, is now open December, .January, ebruary March. Interest r VI I. 1: II V/.l l.l IM ..I IP d**ah rs «Vbe found to ti. ,n in and relieves labor. of the claims of Patent furnished hv reni.nmg ’tii-1, butinus. lie had a an i n-aby misrepresent and iraim on the tir-t help pregnancy, pain during any wife, nmnense wo- { .r set r* si permanent ienl guests. being computed same, Mondays of .June T -t i'. a. a .• it fish nor and endeavor 1 > mi -ditu'e others. evjn.-iiely tavr one dollar. nts recorded at in th*- «)l •!*'. > h* i''5W,ilt’rN > and pro- For the cure of of r \s-igum* I'miuty WaMo, a-*-i. tlo-r*t'.' Du not allow to pain- will b- -pared conducive to tin* December. kidney complaints itln -ex. this nan, whom lie called and two yourself be imposed upuu. Ask fur W in tf onii. w m> nr. to Hub, the jitiKl.a.a *■'' rri|in -M all p. imiri.ti .l sanl ■(■ Bi-oiiifort and convenience of its patrons. Deposits received daily, except on Sundays and -1 tin: .a. na.-no-l that can i.-.t be dis- is In all alone on the * coinpound unsurpassed. UK'Hitii s ti.r ohtuiainif Putt nts >- r*•a>*'il‘- *-ta'* to makr imim *liat< im-nt, .u-i yd mountain without a ommo'iious kaiuple Itoona* for the accommo- Legal Holidays,) Irom i* to 12 A. M and 2 to 4 P. M. pay 11 inn nt ions. It. H. M fho-t win ant *i« dation ot 4 Oi •.•ail in.!.- u i' ..•!’.or- .-.iiaoitv gi e it By it* use the vital processes an {tatintnbility • heuded canes sent TI'.STI M* »N 1A I -. •» \mi r him, a and °1'" lin“< to tin- Belfast June8th 1874. win 11 gold watch, And Insist what are daily of'>tages country. tf /:■ •/ .h no.-i ,d. '■ upon having you willing to pay for. surrounding i".! cat m market. brighter, the brain clearer, and the whole < H Mil.I > Ii. H A/.I I TIM i ve heard him tv \ lir-r.cla-s l.iten Mtal»le connected system “1 Mr as one ot'tIn •-/■ m,-; ■/»,.■ tell how silk suits Sold with u, "i ,"i Hfs. F -rj regard Kddy many all "Wholesale, and Retail Druggists Or.jitn a 11KN I A MIN IV h.V/KI.ITM by through- the House. Htf ir."I i.,r fir- vibrates with keener, of the life with whom 1 haw- had olli • bib had out the United Mates and < and Wjtiiks sharper play snrnssful practitioners hung at home in the closet. amidas, by & '■■■'■ up IV • 1' ''"'Ci' oof 1'. •.<•- Mat mailed, post. forces. its immediate effects cial intercourse. Potter, Proprietors, Ton, Mats. 1 By the patient becomes He used 1 ’""ii. \ a■ ii to sell his after he ■■■- aC Roll Cloth and !>«'•*• 1! (’HAS. M ASo\, <'itinmi-sioiicr of Patent-' photograph ——««—,. Carding, Dressing and is at stronger, protected against subsequent “Inventors cannot a •"and himself manufactured into a s I *N, I letober 1 '. s.'tt i-rs to reo«i\ i- and examine the claims of creditors mg him hill. He the whole of OWING friends, purchased the Mill and Water Power weakness of the and of kept MBS. YKNNKK uterus, thousands women ll. II. Dear t•• the estate ot i s has been induced to lease the KDDY, K-v. Sii you procured against it. as if were hrough Hogged Hob need no longer offend the HAVINGat Head of fide, formerly known as the Wilder just be her the full rooms over S. S. 58 a cherish grateful remembrances of the in l*4o. my tir>t Since then von lime giving eye, or Children’s cnwll* Nhoet Im» thrown Sleeper’s Store, Main street, property, and recently used as a Foundry, and hav- VARKAMEII I1 IlKKCl CIIIE to-day help me, patent. IM NKI.OPI. M. KAMI.hi, late of Isle-boro, worth of her i Dr. where she acted for ami advisetl me in hundreds of cu-t s, ami money, and she, 1 suppose, on that account, when otherwise hut little formerly occupied by Homer, will be ing made thorough repairs and put in first-class Ma- derived from the use of this remedy. in -iid to see all in want of money returned; /<>r all the reissues and extt n.-ion- I County, deceased, represented insolvent, worn. The Amekd an sum-; Til* pleased goods in her line. chinery, we are now t<> do Roll procured many patents, felt that she was her as Co., have saved prepared Carding, worst Piles’ give notice that -i\ month- from the date serving country Switches, Puffs, Curls, &c., on hand or form* of I.Kruosv, have the best agenci* in New hereby constantly Cloth i)res-ing, Dying and weaving in the best Si occasionally employed "t -aid she never made to order very itoi rt.A, s.'\i Kuki m, Hum appointment are allow* *1 to said creditors in had done before. If there ever i in sfiort notice and Low Prices. manner. We furnish and Weave York, Philadelphia and Washington, but 1 -till give Warp Blanketing rankii. w tiich io and tin ir MILLIONS OF Also Hair furnished in anv Kidnkv Dis- LYDIA E. the of in present pro' claim-, md that was a DOLLARS quantity. Goods not from your tor 10 cts. ; Satinet 18 cts PINKHAM’S you almost whole my busiue.--, your line, fraud, that old John liurns de- I yarns per pard th* will he at loll- a •- in stock will be ordered for eases, aitti all diseases of the and advise others to > in session the mg phe and annually to Parents in this the kept customers at short extra); furnish and manufacture employ you. serves the to country, by intro (finishing Warp Akin and Bi.ooh. J times tor tie- ot rec**i\ tin aim-, r/ At name; and think of the duction of notice. Good prices paid for Black and White Hair. from Wool for Entirely eye- Yours truly, (iKOKDK DKAl’KK. | purpose ing the Blanketing your 24 cts. per yard; tlie office (no Please me a table. (I nternal and external use.) of K Johnson, in Belfast, m >ai. Is?-, a* two Street, Belfast. lfltf We shall run our mill at Freedom in of 1 connection where. a 1* heroes there in that every £1 Bottle. Send tor Pamphlets of Is Mrs. Lydia K. Pink ham, o’clock, M., and on the :th da' of October, A 1> Gettysburg day and Silver with the above, and as our is all first prepared by Lynn. Copper Tips, machinery astonishing cures. ldwlseow 1.S7S. at two o’clock, I’ 'I that never had a mention. and and we oversee our own Mass., who will answer all letters of and they are applied chiefly to children’s heavy class, business—we can as- inquiry, t;h<>. K. J( Ml \S<>X. / sure the first class work. TRY F's ! ‘ "mimssioners. Slioes, many Parents objecting to the look* of public who will furnish the address of many who have been (.1". ! V\ AI.I.AIK > Metal The New Mower! All work left with E. A. 61 Main Bel Pure White on Perry, St., one J. H. i Tip* Champion restored to health by its use. Sold bv Lead, Dated this 17th day of May, A. D. 1S7H. .’5w21 Mott, materializing medium fast, will have our immediate attention. rituals in CYPHER perfect Perfectly taken the Agency to sell the Xcw MASONS at Mo., has come to Mower and Lake in the Wool sent to us from the Islands, will be carded with keys TO MAKE BUSTY Memphis, grief, EUNTE SHOES. HAVINGChampion Tiger lilt unis for LODG E j tow ns of and returned. Separate Three incredulous All such will be to know Belfast, Northport, Belmont, Waldo, Swan- immediately promptly t RAFTER A COMMANDERY. Regn "DIAMOND BRAND; young men, prepared happy that this company for sale both S. A. HOWES A CO.. Plows. Lawn | ville, Monroe, iftCRolls at mill and at 61 Main St., lar It L<>-1 e and w rk MASl'KAA Tl'Hi:I> A I' 1 11!. Mowers. Plow. hav e at a Winterport, Frankfort, price Chapter Druggists. w last Prospect, Sulky ith a rubber perfected Belfast. Foi apparatus, wickedly squirt- Stockton and Searsport, I would say to those who $3 each, and tor Commandery |3. Corner Main and the next oOdavswa offer the following High Streets, Belfast, Maine. Horse Hake, Hoeing Machine and ed an are tliii »•!' a Machine or Horse Don’t forget the Head of Tide, and aniline dye upon a materialized ! king buying Mowing places, Belfast, ITii lAI. RATES: Lodge A Chadwick Lead Works. Boston. that J believe it Freedom (".iartei 51wl9 Meadour Mowers, Bake, may be greatly for their in- village. Rituals t2 each, or $C King face in the of the cabinet. It BLACK TIP B. Commandery (3, This Lead is guaranteed strictly uniform in aperture terest to see these machines, or send me their ad- F. HASKELL & SON, Proprietors. fortlio three Rituals and Keys. In or- Pure, was which adds to the of Hnr,t the name and color and fineness. The of am %\ hii«* > 1 the last materialization that lirinl.r dress, before purchasing. I have them set up at my Belfast, May 14, 1878. 20tt dering yon MP'T give equal received a fine assortment of Side Hill, Seed evening. ntimber of ter or Ant Mason ■.vail niaiiuractureil We call house, where 1 shall be pleased to show' wherein yonr Lodge, Clin; Commandery. REWARD!- special atten- and Breaking I p l’lows, the best ami The solution was found all over will appreciate these book-ins they give the CorrectBtand- tion to the of Jl cheapest spattered Time are S. T. and are sure to lead. A KKVV Aill> of two hundred dollars is herein of- qualities this Lead, and challenge in the market. Also I.uwn Co. they excel, A ST BOLT. no Work. Order at once. Address Masonic Book Agency, Mowers, the Tompkins Mott's face and Tips stamped ferefl for information Chemical Analysis. We will an ounce of Cold clothing. Mott was skir- The more costly the Shoe the more the Belfast, April gf, 1878. 8wl7 Caution Notice. which will procure’the give County Horse flake, the Kxcelsior Cultivator ami important •Tit^v^^or^roadw^^ni^rarrei^tj^Jej^YWic^^^ arrest and conviction of for every ounce of adulteration found. around a Tip, as it at least doubles the wearing value of the any person or persons who Hoeing Machine, Sulky Plow and .Meadow King mishing with shot-gun a few rny wife, Mary S. has The solicit orders for the Shoe PARE.1TM! buy no Children’s Shoes Mkndall, may have, during the municipal years of 1877 and undersigned, Agents, Mowers. The newest inventions and best assort- minutes later to shoot the man left mv bed and board without cause, I 4wl5eow or above. ment who did without the Metal or this nice Black and thus DISSOLUTION. WHEREAS, just 1878, may hereafter during the present municipal of agricultural implements in the The Tip. forbid and all a full city. hereby any persons from harboring or —--! year, and set tire to build- Also, and complete assortment of Knglish above are direct from it. Hut “the dve was cast” and his busi REDUCE YOUR SHOE BILES MORE THAN o.NE-II VI P linn of WAULIN' & MERRILL lias (iissolv- wilfully maliciously any the manufacturers and at their trusting her on my account. Or I4 ancy Cards, Snowflake Damask. Assorted in or other in said and American Colors, Brushes, Oil, &»•. ASK ed mutual consent ng property city. Varnish, prices. Please oall and examine my stock at the ness was “busted.” YOUR SHOE DEALER FOR THEM. TIIK by this day, May 30, 1878. MARK I). ALL. 25 with :traos20 MEND ZD styles, name, loots. Nassau Card Co., Per Order of City Council. ( UARLEA niCHARmOV A ( ». lied Store, foot of Main street. K. BKAMA.V Belfast, May 30, 187s. 3w22 Northport, May 28, 1878. :;w22* Nassau, New York. I. M BO A ROM AN, Mayor. | ■‘•mlS hi & SIOOliver hireei, J Belfast, April .’I, 17