Nirt PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Forecast of C. & Weather Bdrean, for the Month of December, 1930 Hartford Fair, continued cold tonight; Son* 5,593 day increasing cloudiness with ris> Members of the Audit Bureau ing temperature. of Circulations. anrteafer lEu^ning IfmlJi

VOL. XLV., NO. 99. (Classified (dvertising on Page 10.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1931. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THREE VEHICLE HERE’S TALE OF .A SHOT FIRE THAT DESTROYED $1,000,000 RELICS JOBLESS FUND Havana, Jan. 24.— (A P .)—Fif­ NATIONS INVITED teen years ago, the Heraldo de CRASH FATAL TO Cuba said today, Arturo Rente WOULD ASSIST was accidentally shot and the pistol bullet entered his head. TO ASSEMBLE FOR The doctors said that operation MATTHEW SMITH: for its removal would be fatal. IN L E ^ YEARS Yesterday Rente, who had al­ most forgotten the wound him­ self, coughed and the bullet flew Governors of Seven States ARMS CUT PARLEY 19 Year Old Manchester ! out of his mouth. Youth Dies, College Pro­ Favor Unemployment In­ STRIKERS AGAINST League of Nations Issues Call fessor Held After Pileup EX-STENOGRAPHER surance In Prosperous and Sets Feb. 2, 1932 As On Silver Lane. Times To Act As Reserve. NEW PEACE MOVE HEADS ARMOUR CO. Date For Conference; Matthew Smith, Jr., 19, of 21 Albany, N. Y., Jam. 24.— (AP.) — British Weavers Vote To President To Be Named Cedar street, is dead and Pasquale For First Time In 63 Years The governors of seven states, gath­ Vescusi of 457 Main street. East ered in a round table conference to­ Hartford, is in a Hartford hospital day, prodded the problem of unem­ Continue Lockout — Over At Coming May Session of with a broken leg as the result of an Member of Family Not In­ ployment to find its vulnerable spot. accident on Silver Lane, East Hart­ The weapons were information plac­ 250,000 Men Involved, League — Russia Objects ford at 5:50 last night, in which cluded In Directors. ed in their hands yesterday by three motor vehicles were involved. ex- Professor Edw’ard Perregaux of the perts who came before them at an To An American For the Manchester, England, Jan. 24.— Connecticut Agricultural College, Rare American historical documents vanished in the flames which consumed the main building of the open hearing. Chicago, Jan. 24.— (A P)— The Polish National Alliance College at Cambridge Springs, Pa. Here is a striking photo of the spectacular fire Storrs, was arrested on a technical Offered them as the sharpest (A P .)—Weavers in the Lancashire charge of reckless driving and re­ firm of Armour and Company, as it raged through the structure, destroying relics valued by faculty members at $1,000,000. Among the cotton industry voted heavily Position. documents was a collection of letters exchanged between George Washington and distinguished Poles during lance was unemployment insurance. leased under a $2,000 bond for a packers, today was headed by T. The conference, or at least its ma­ against authorizing their leaders to hearing to be later held in the East the American Revolution. George Lee, a former stenographer, jority, feeling that the word “insur­ resume negotiations with the mill Hartford Tovni Court. The charge ance” produced objectionable reac­ Geneva. Jan. 24.— (A PI— The may be changed to manslaughter. whose election to the presidency was owners looking toward installation tions in certain quarters, called it Council of the League of Nations Smith, employed as toolmaker at followed almost immediately by the of the so called “ more looms per “unemployment reserve.” today formally invited the govern­ the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft fac­ resignation of Philip D. Armour, weaver” system. tory in East Hartford, was on his The governors, executives of a ments of the world to assemble for III, first vice president and member DENIES SECRET ACCORD block of northeastern industrial A ballot among union members way home. After work, he had general disarmament conference, I states, also had before them for stood 90,770 against 44,990, it was taken a friend who lives in East of the company’s board of directors. Feb. 2, 1932. Hartford to his home and he was Thus executive control of the FOR SEHING FIRE their consideration the suggestion announced this afternoon. alone in his car coming towards company which for 63 years had that a state could establish, in the Mill owners locked out 250,000 The date was designated as the OVER JAP IMMIGRATION first Tuesday after the session of Manchester when the accident oc­ had some member of the famous plentiful years, reserve funds to be weavers on this issue. The adverse the CouncU in January, 1932, which curred. family in an official position, passed drawn upon in lean years for public vote probably means that an equal will begin Jan. 25 and last about a Hits Parked Truck completely into the hands of others. works and so for employment of the number of spinners will be thrown week. Geneva was designated con­ Near the home of Domonic Cer- The third Philip is a grandson of Second Man Convicted On unemployed. As a check-valve to into idleness and the textile indus­ sino at 780 Silver Lane, between the ditionally as the place for the con­ “ Old P. D.’’ Armour, the founder. e control the flow of large masses of try will be tied up until the difficul­ ference. Silver Lane Pickle factory and Armour’s withdrawal as an execu­ ^ »' S ? I !S Charge of Burning Hotel unemployed from one state into an­ ty is solved. Forbes street, a truck owned by tive was the fourth resignation of other where erroneous reports pic­ The president of the conference is Dominic Flavelese, garbage collector Agreeing With U. S. On The system objected to requires to be appointed at the May council an Armour in the past few years. Chesterton, the Author, Says tured labor as in demand, jthe exec­ that each weaver now operating for the town of East Hartford, w-as Lester Armour, also a grandson of Where Seven People Died utives had been told that a central- session, which also will name finally parked on the south side of the Middle West Has a Social four looms take over twice that the place where it will be held. the founder resigned as a vice Naval Cut In Return For a I ized employment information ex- number. The owners offered a $10 a street, headed east. Its driver, Paul Equality Never Seen in His In a short address before the president in March of 1929 and I change for the group of industrial week wage increase but the weavers Zesgules of 457 Main street. East Laurance H. Armour, resigned as Own Country. council today Julius Curtius, Ger­ St. Louis, Jan. 24.— (AP) — A i states would help. contend that the system would Hartford, was in the house at 780 vice president in 1926. Laurance and Change In Alien Laws. man foreign minister said the draft Silver Lane. Vescusi, his helper, was second man today was under ^ ! Secret Parley Today throw many men out of work. A. Watson Armour, however re­ St. Louis, Jan. 24.— (A P.)— The conference was called by convention constructed by the pre­ sitting in the cab of the truck, main as directors. death sentence for the burning or Peace parleys were futile even paratory disarmament convention which was loaded. Gilbert K. Chesterton today Governor Roosevelt of New York. Is Disappointment Tokyo, Jan. 24.— (A P )— Charges ; the Buckingham Hotel Annex here Coming to Albany to attend it were after the government stepped in and must not be considered as binding Smith traveling east, didn’t see the came to the defense of Ameri­ the lockout came a week ago. Now on the government conference. truck or probably thought it was in Armour announced his severance by Yosuke Matsuoka, an opposition | ca’s Main Street. on December 5, 1927, in which seven Governors Ely of Massachusetts, of nearly 17 years of association Case of Rhode Island, Cross of Con­ there is a prospect of long tieup. Briand’s Comment motion, until it was too late for him leader, that during the London naval i “ I think it is extremely un­ persons perished. \\dth the company in a brief state­ necticut, Larson of New Jersey, Government intervention is ex­ Aristide Briand, French foreign to turn out. His car crashed into conference “America promised to fortunate so many people A Circuit court jury last night pected but no one could predict the truck, which is of the dump ment in which he said that **imder Pinchot of Pennsylvania and White minister, called attention to this should form their idea of the what form it would take. type and shot in imder it, breaking the circumstances there was no modify the immigration exclusion middle west from a disgruntled convicted Ralph Pierson, former of Ohio. While yesterdays meeting German reservation, saying the off the plateholder and the upper alternative.’’ He added his action clause if Japan accepted the Ameri­ writer such as Sinclair Lewis,” part owner of the Annex, of first was open to the public, todays ses­ preparatory commission’s work part of the dump body and causing was the “greatest disappointment” can proposals on disarmament ques­ he said. “An Englishman sees degree murder and decreed that he sion w'as behind closed doors. must not be regarded as negligible. of his life. He declined to amplify If debate is reopened on various the front part of the body of his tions” were denied in Parliament many good things in your small should die on the gallows. Andrew Unemployment statistics made car to be driven bacj: against him. the statement bu' it was learned he familiar by reiterated publication GAMBLERS’ VICTIM principles already decided the pos­ today by Baron Shidehara, foreign cities that do not exist in his B. Meadows, night watchman at Piles Into \,TCck had looked forward to becoming own country. A sort of social during the recent months were giv­ sibility of success of the conferences dwindles he said. Behind Smith was the car driven president of the concern after the minister. equality, for instance, is taken the Annex, previously had been con­ en tjie -governors during the hear- death of F. Edson Wh.t.. wy i.ufessor Pe/regeui:, a Dc-^oe Replying to Matsuoka’s interpel­ for granted in America.” victed and the extreme penalty ing'at the Capitol yesterday, and The coiuicil also decided to name sedan, traveling so close that White was killed January 15 when RESIGNS HER POST lation about such an aUeged secret The British essayist, poet and assessed. they were told, in addition, that un­ -a small committee to examine the the driver was unable to stop until he fell from the seventh floor win­ understanding between Japan and less the world price level checked problem of assisting the Liberian writer of mystery thrillers, now Lewis E. Balson, another former he had crashed into the Smith car, dow of his home here. the United States, Shidehara said its decline, there was a possibility government to effect social and ad­ which was a Ford coupe. The blow on a tour of America, said "I the charge was entirely unfounded. should never have given the part owner of the Annex, ic to be that unemployment would continue ministrative reforms recommended of the second car further telescoped tried in March. Robert Gotham, Internal Revenue Bureau “There is no connection whatever Nobel award to Lewis. Surely during the next decade. by the international slavery com­ the Ford. Although Professor Per- between the naval conference and night clerk at the Buckingham mission. The United States is to regeux was uninjured his car was Edith Wharton, for one, is a Unemployment insurance, the immigration, and never has been,” hotel, also is awaiting trial. be invited to participate in the com­ wrecked. Smith’s body was found on CLARA’S SECRETARY far greater artist.” governors were advised by one eco­ Accepts It and Says Funds said the foreign minister. “I am The state charged Pierson and mittee’s work. the road. He was still alive, but nomist, would aid not only the glad to say Japan’s position on im­ Balson plotted the burning of the To Aid Liberia unconscious. worker but business by stabilizing migration gradually is being un­ hotel with Gotham and Meadows Are Not Affected. The coimcil also will respond to Joseph Ralagleno of 45 Victory IS FOUND GUILH in order to collect insurance. They the buying power of the worker. road, Manchester, and Harry Fields derstood throughout the United A representative of a large life Liberia’s appeal for assistance in States and the government has NIGHT CLUB OWNER steadfastly denied the plot, but carrying out the ^omises of of 76 Florence street, also Manches­ Meadows and Gotham confessed ter, were among the first to arrive optimistic views in the matter. (Continued On Page 2.) ■Washington, Jan. 24.— (AP) — remedying the conditions there Friendly Relations their part and both testified against which have been protested. and seeing that Smith w’as in a seri­ Pierson. Mrs. Myrtle T. Blacklidge today re­ ous condition picked him up and Bow Jury Out For 48 Hours IS FOUND STABBED “The execution of these reforms," “I regret Mr. Matsuoka fails to Pierson showed no emotion when signed as collector of internal reve­ started for the Manchester Me­ appreciate the fact that relations the council warned however, “mnrt morial hospital, stopping for a the verdict was read. Later he nue in Illinois. not be subordinate to the granting- Before Returning Verdict; between the United States and told reporters he did not expect to RUNNERS ESCAPE moment at the Police Station to re­ Japan in recent years are becoming The Internal Revenue Bureau said of material assistance.” port the accident. Smith was taken be acquitted in St. Louis “because the resignation would be accepted The liberian committee of inquiry more and more friendly.” Shot and Beaten Also, His of prejudice,” and said his ati,omey, to the emergency room but died Sentence On Monday, As Shidehara finished, Matsuoka at once. will be composed of representatives within five minutes of reaching Charles M. Hay, “ put up the best WITH OWN BOOZE The investigation into Mrs. Black- of Great Britain, France, Germany, jumped to his feet and said: defense possible for me.” there without having regained con­ “The government is optimistic on Condition Is Serious; Girl lidge’s conduct of her office will be Italy, Spain,^ "Venezuela, Poland, Li­ sciousness. Hay said he would ask for a new continued by the bureau until it is beria and for participation “as it Los Angeles, Jan. 24.— (AP) — the future of American immigra­ trial and would appeal if this is Identified by Neighbors tion! How about today’s press assured that her affairs with the ' may deem appropriate,” the United by the compromise ver­ denied. States. Police Lieutenant Foley of East | Convicted cables from Washington saying re­ Held For Questioning, government are in proper shape. Pierson, as was Meadows, was Also Reclaim Auto and $600 The council suggested that Liberia Hartford dispatched Officers Kubler dict of an exasperated jury which vision of the Immigration Act was “Faro Swindle” specifically charged with the death begin its attempts to reform by and Fitzgerald to the scene to take , for hours had been deadlocked 8 to impossible ? ” care of traffic and Detective Ser­ New York, Jelu. 24—(AP) — A of Miss Mary Frazer, a school She has been involved in an al­ ratifying the international conven­ 4 for acquittal, Daisy De Voe, lan­ After They Overpower geant Max Knie took charge of the | Matsuoka’s first question in con­ former nignt ciuo owner was found teacher, who was burned to death in leged “faro swindle,” saying she tion on forced labor. investigation. i guished in jail today awaiting sen­ nection with the charge caused a unconscious with several stab her room. lost $50,000 in cash and $207,000 in At the police station in Manches- ' tence for theft from her former em­ storm which the foreign minister wounds in his boay eany today m Coast Guard. paper profits in a faro game at RUSSIA’S OBJECTIONS ter Captain Herman Schendei got ; ployer, Clara Bow, of the films. was shouted down with cries of front of the Club Abbey, popular Springfield, Illinois. Moscow, Jan. 24.— (A P .)—Hostil­ in touch with the state police de- i After more than 48 hours of bit­ “Country’s Traitor!” as he attempt­ all-night resort in the theatrical Oijs- Formed announcement of the ac­ ity to the selection of Charles Gates ed to answer. ceptance of the resignation was partment and learned from it i ter wrangling the jury of seven men trict. SENTENCE GUALINO New York, Jan. 24.— (AP) — A Dawes or Charles Evans Hughes as that the Ford car was registered in and five women finally brought in a Mavis King, cigarette girl in the withheld pending approval of Secre­ chairman of next year’s world dis­ Coast Guardsman’s report that two tary Mellon. the name of Matthew Smith, of 21 verdict yesterday holding Daisy Club Abbey, Oxscovereu Charies rum-runners overpowered him and armament conference was expressed Cedar street, here. It was said on behalf of the In­ guilty of one of the 35 counts of Sherman, 3^, lying in front of the escaped after re-claiming their li­ today by the newspaper Izvestia in To avoid possible error in the grand theft with which she was EATING SHLES CHANGE place and took him to a hospital in TO PENAL ISLAND terned Revenue Bureau that it had quor, money and automobile was un- j no expectation that Mrs. Black- an editorial asserting that “interna­ charged and recommending clem­ H taxicab. Physicians said his condi­ der investigation today. j lidge’s handling of government busi­ tional anti-Soviet elements are in­ (Continued On Page 2.) ency. tion was serious. After a hurried Chief Boatswain’s mate Talmage ’ ness was in any way affected by her triguing” to elect a chairman from “I’m Not Guilty’’ St. Louis, Jan. 24.— (AP.) — examination they said he may have O’Neill told police that his prisoners difficulty in Springfield. a country unfriendly to Russia. “ Oh, my God,” Daisey cried when Styles in the eating of meat change, been beaten and shot, as well as Italian Banker Must Serve surprised him on a side street in The Soviet Union, the newspaper the verdict was heard. “But I’m not too, the St. Louis Livestock Ex­ stabbed. Jamaica and dumped him out of the says, is not obliged to recognize any EXTORTION TRIAL guilty. If they were going to make change has found. Sherman was not wearing his hat car, stealing his pistol and fleeing ROBBER IS SHOT chairman not approved by the So­ me guilty of one count I was guilty In explaining today why calves Five Years For “ Damag­ with 23 cases of liquor and $600 viet government, and intimates that of all. How could they do it? ” entered in the boys and girls’ calf (Continued On Page 2.) taken from them in a raid. New York, Jan. 24.— (AP) — An antagonistic elements are at work IS NEARING END There was little or no exaltation club show next winter must be be­ ing Nation’s Economy.” O’NeiU, head of the Coast Guard armed man fleeing with $12.52 taken to keep Russia out of the confer­ over the verdict in the Bow house­ tween 9 and 18 months of age, in­ station at Jones Beach, N. Y., was a few minutes before from a hotel ence. “It reminds us,” the editorial hold where the actress is ill with a stead of 12 to 24 months, as former­ in charge of a convoy of two cars clerk was shot and seriously says, "of a former conference held cold. ly, H. A. Powell, secretary of the MEXICO REPORTS and a truck bringing ten men and wounded today by a policeman. at Geneva at a time when the So­ “For Daisy’s sake I hope the exchange, said the reduction in age Turin, Italy, Jan. 24.— (AP) — I 50 cases of contraband to the The wounded man, charged with viet Union had boycotted Geneva.” State’s Case To Be Com­ court will be lenient” said Clara, resulted from “ the change in style Ricardo Gualino, the Italian finan­ ' barge office on Manhattan. The assault and robbery, identified him­ United .Against Reds who accused Miss De "Voe of steal­ on the part of meat consumers.” cier who was arrested on Thursday truck and one car arrived with Its self as James Murray, 24. Alex As for Aristide Briand's Pan-Eu­ pleted Monday — Expert ing $15,045.32. “ She was the best “The continued industrial devel­ for “motives of public security” to­ cargo but O’Neill did not show up Mutch, clerk in the Hotel Cort on ropean Federation, Izvestia says, it friend I had in the world.” And opment of the country apparently is day was sentenced to five years ex­ until later. ■West 48th street, accused Murray appears to be an attempt by Euro­ ile to one of the Italian penal is­ Clara’s sniffles might as well have having the effect of reducing con­ • Prisoner Driving of having robbed him aifter being lands. pean capitalists to form a united Says Garrett Siped Slips. been for Daisy as from the cold. sumption of large, heavy cuts of I One of the prisoners wa. driving. shown to a room in the hotel. front against Soviet Russia and the The court set next Monday for meat, and the crowding of city pop­ Spread Over Wide Area But Sentence was imposed by the O’Neill said, when the car apparent- Mutch followed the robber into United States of America. passing of sentence. Conviction on ulation into apartments also tends Fascist commission of the province ' ly developed motor trouble. Deciding the street, calling for help. A po­ “This conference,” says the edi­ I the one count carries a penalty of of Turin, which specified that the : it needed gasoline, he permitted the Boston, Jan. 24.— (AP) — The to popularize smaller cuts, which liceman joined in the chase and fired torial, "is generally believed in Rus­ one to ten years in San Quinten term should be served on the island driver to leave the convoy and turn Garrett extortion trial stood ad­ means lighter weight animals to be Only Minor Damages Re­ at the fugitive, bringing him down sia to have the aim of forming a penitentiary. of Lipari. His offense was desig­ down a deserted street to a filling journed today until Monday m om -! slaughtered,” he said. with a bullet in the abdomen. bloc of capitalistic powers against nated as "grave and reiterated dam­ ’ station. O’NeiU was sitting between the United States and the Soviet ing, when, it was believed the state • ported; Traffic Is Blocked. age to the nation’s economy.” the men in the front seat, he said, will complete its case. Union. It is not our duty to defend j Gualino, long regarded as very and had no opportunity to draw his TREASURY BALANCE The state’s case against Oliver B. wealthy, was said to have lost America. Let Mr. Hoover do that.” , weapon. Referring to the invitation to Garrett, former police liquor raider, ^ heavily because of the current eco­ I Department of Treasury agents, Washington, Jan. 24.— (AP) — his wife, Florence, and Miss Lillian | Kissing Days of Hobson Mexico City, Jan. 24— (AP) — Russia to participate in economic Widespread but minor damage was nomic depression. A year ago his I Coast Guard officials and Jamaica Treasury receipts for Jan. 22 were: "V. Hatch, was nearly completed indebtedness to the Banca Agricola j police are interested in learning $4,752,248.79; expenditures $8,005,- discuss'on connected with the pro­ when court closed yesterday. Wil­ reported today as the result of an jected Briand federation, the news­ earthquake which shook much of Italiana reached about $25,000,000, ' more about O’Neill’s adventure. 891.48; balance $169,890,400.59. bur F. Turner, a handwriting ex­ Are Over, He Says Sadly two-fifths of which was secured by paper protests that Soviet delegates pert, was on the stand at adjourn­ the southern part of the country Thursday night. collateral. cannot “help the capitalists to ment. He was said to be the state’s solve a crisis which they themselves last witness. The National Railways said that The bank was said to have ap­ Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 24.— (AP) — ^ “ Remember your kissing days. pealed to the Bank of Italy for help, have caused.” while in an adioining Turner testified that in his opin­ train traffic had been held up tem­ Richmond Pearson Hobson, in the Captain?” newspapermen asked. porarily in some sections of Oaxaca having lost about seven times its room, "sit men plotting interven­ ion Garrett wrote the name Flor- Captive Lion Kills Tot days of “Remember the Maine,” was “As well, if not better, than I re­ and Puebla because of collapse of capital, and the bank of Italy came tion against Russia.” ence H. Reddin on ten deposit slips member the Maine.” several tunnels. Gangs were sent to to the rescue after Gualino had imder the latter name for an ac­ quite a dashing blade among the “ Fine, will you permit one of our clear the way. conveyed his $12,000,000 art collec­ GOLF TOURNEY count in the National Rockland Trying to Play with It hero worshipping members of the Capitol’s fairest stenographers to tion to the government. bank. He said that he believed that' The tremor was felt in Salina younger feminine set. kiss you, for the sake of photo­ Cruz, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Gualino was called the “Trust Hartford, Jan. 24.— (AP) — The Garrett also wrote the name Flor- j graphic record?” which escaped the ’quakes of last Maker of Italy.” He was the head 1931 championship tournament of ence H. Garrett on 27 slips for an ' His kisses, bestowed and re­ “ I shall be delighted,” the captain week. Buildings were cracked there of the country’s largest chain store San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 24.— The animal owned by C. Coley, the Connecticut Women’s Golf as­ account in the Brookline Trust ceived, after he sank the old Merri- beamed. and at Huastuco, where the inhabit­ corporation and of the Snia Viscosa, (AP.)—A captive Mexican lion slew operator of a jungle show in winter sociation ■will be played on the Company. ; mac in Santiago’s harbor entrance Viola Friezen, 2 years old, at home ' to bottle up the Spanish fleet, nigh But when came the time, the place ants spent the night in the plazas the large rayon manufacturing com­ quarters here, sprang as she ap­ course of the Hartford Golf club, Five bank representatives testi here last night, betrajdng confidence ; rang around the world. and the girl, the hero of the Merrl- and other open spaces. pany whose stock was listed on the proached. Tlie other children were Jime 15 to 19, Miss Carolyn Chap­ fied yesterday to deposits in nine ■ mac suddenly demurred, saying he built up in hours of play. He was unable to beat him from her throat. man of Bridgeport, secretary of the But he passed one up yesterday. ■ There was renewed alarm in Paris Bourse and became involved bank accounts showing a total o f! came here for a very serious pur­ Oaxaca and Tempampa, near the in the Oustric bank scandal which killed for the treachery. Coley attracted by their screams association, said today. - h:. $20,000. These accounts, introduced I Hobson, now secretary general of pose which a frivolous kiss might Volcano Orizaba, where subtrennean brought about the downfall of the The child chose to visit the lion, slew the lion with a hammer. Mrs. Thonoas Hucknall of over defense objections, were in the ; the Western Conference on Narcotic defeat. noises had kept residents from Tardieu government last month. |staked out in the yard at the home. "Viola, her jugular vein severed, ford is present state champion. names of Oliver B. Garrett, Flor- Education, came here to confer with “I guess,” said he, with a touch sleeping for two nights. He was well off before the war | while her sister Sarah, 15, and a died in a hospital. Coley was book­ defeated Mrs. Hazel P. MarteUa^^, ence H. Garrett and Florence H. members of the Arizona legislature of sadness, “ my kissing days are but his real success came after the brother Harry, 16, took clothes from ed on a charge of negligent homi­ Reddin. Manzanillo and Guaymas, Sonora, Hartford in last year’s tor on uniform narcotic laws. 1 over.” felt the quake. Armistice. a line. cide. at Waterbury. I PAGE TWO MANCH^TEB EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24,1931. COUNH FARM BUREAU TO APPEAL RULING M anchester’s THREE VEHICLE POLISH CHURCH ASKS PLANS TOBACCO MEETS Here, Weather Sharps, 'JOBLESS FUND ON STEEL MERGER D a t e B o o k $10,000 FOR COMPLEtlON CRASHFATALTO Is Your Chance! I WOULD ASSIST Series of Group Discussions On Tonight Committee On G l n v m p n 1 today by church officials who seek ing of South Merchants Division of pital. He brought with him Felix I usually blows m about this Ume? Feb. 1 and see how good a weather unemployment dustry and the fertilizer situation McEvltt, another neighbor. They ! Well, if you thmk you’re so good, sharp you are. i insurance field. The company, said the necessary funds to finish ttte will be discussed by college and ex­ Chamber of Commerce at Hotel work. Youngstown, O., Jan. 24.— (A P )— Sheridan. identified the dead man as Matthew > here’s your chance. The Herald is Maybe a scientific dark-horse will ' representative, James D. Craig, periment station experts during the I going to find out just how good you The letter of appeal speaks for Youngstown Sheet and Tube Com­ Wednesday, Jan. 28 — Annual Smith, Jr., show Up leading this race for weath- entered, to a large extent, the next two weeks, according to Chas. are. Here’s the plan: er predicting honors. Then a°-ain it insurance field through en- itself: pany officials announced at a direc­ L, Lewis, County Agricultural j meeting of Automotive Division of ’The young man had been a resi­ dent of Manchester since a year ago All prognosticators may mail in may be one of those old patrfarchal ' dowment and similar policies. He “ We, the members of the Polish tors’ meeting today that they would Agent. Chamber of Commerce at Hotel appeal the recent court decision en­ last September, coming here from | their forecasts for the month of boys who has been hitting the ' ^•dded- that his firm had the “feeling National Church, of Manchester, The first in the series of meetings j Sheridan at noon, February to be received at the Conn., through tills letter aj)peal to joining the company’s proposed mer­ will be held at Odd Fellows’ Lower j Annual meeting of North Mer- Hartford. i weather on the “nose” right along__: we were permitted by law, ger with Bethlehem Steel Corpora­ Fourth Tragedy In Family I Herald office in advance of the re­ summer or winter. Anyway, here’s i we could experiment” to procure you for financial assistanc*. Hall, Glastonbury at 7:30 p. m. 1 chants Division of Chamber of Com- lease of the United Weather Bureau , _ . > ' actuary tables by which the com­ “We have long felt the urgent tion. Monday, January 26 and will be in i merce at the Community Club at Sergeant John McGlinn was the your chance and Feb. 1 is the start­ Announcement of the decision was bearer of the bad tidings of their reports carried in the Herald each ing date—and what a month to start pany could determine the wisdom of need of a suitable place in which charge of Ralph G. Tryon, chairman )5:45 o’clock. day. At the end of the month the to conduct our religious services and made by Walter Meub, secretary- of the tobacco committee and Farm j Thursday, Jan. 29 — DeMolay son’s death to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew ■ predicting. Let’s go! investment in the unemployment in­ treasurer of Youngstown Sheet and Smith, Sr., at their home. The fam- ' surance field. provide wholesome educational Bureau director for Glastonbury. I Sport Dance at Masonic Temple. recreation for our children. Tube, who emerged from the meet­ The next meeting is scheduled at | Next Month ily has been peculiarly unfortunate, i The governors of the six neigh­ ing long enough to say: three of the eight children having i boring states are guests of Gover­ “T^is past year at gn^eat finsmcial the Granby Town Hall at 7:30 ' Sunday, Feb. 1—Annual skating sacrifice to ourselves we have erect­ “W e’re going to appeal. That’s Thursday, January 29 and has been carnival at Center Springs, been drowned eight years ago in a i DOLES INCREASING ‘ nor Roosevelt at the Executive ail we are giving out.” New York state lake when the Mansion. ed a substantial brick church build­ arranged by Senator A. T. Pattison, ‘ Saturday, Feb. 7—Junior Prom at Wall Street ing on Golway street at Manchester. Meub at once returned to the Tudor F. Holcombe, and R. E. Case High school. brakes of an automobile in which j meeting, without answering re­ they were sitting gave way and the j “We need $10,000 to complete this members of the tobacco committee. Sunday, Feb. 8—Sixth annual Po­ DAILY IN FRANCE work. porters’ questions. Tentative arrangements have car rolled down the bank into deep ! NIGHT CLUB OWNER lice Benefit concert at State water. Yesterday’s tragedy robs Briefs “Any contribution which you can been made for a meeting at the Theater. I Scantic Parish House at 7:30, Feb­ the parents of the eldest of their ■ send to us at this time we sbaU be Wednesday, Feb. 11—35th annual most grateful for and We whan ap­ FINE PROGRAM PLANNED ruary 2 by W. H. Gowdy, Enfield, remaining offspring. There are three j p *Jp-i Tparc fricic In IS FOUND STABBED masquerade of St. Mary’s Yoimg younger sons, the eldest of whom islrivOlUCUl 1 v REX LEASE i upon the legal interest rate of three REPORT 34 BELOW. Her damage was said to be above Coming Wed. and ; and one-half per cent per month the water line. The President and DOROTHY SEBASTIAN ’Thurs. on unpaid balances. Hayes has reached Hong Kong and ^ P A I D * Malone, N. Y., Jan. 24.—The cold­ .... Kay Francis est weather of the winter was re­ the damage will be surveyed. W ith N o Delay—No Red Tape Once the biggest of big league The President Hayes registers Chas. Bickford corded in the Adlrondacks last night. baseball stars, Ty Cobb's favorite Big Moose, with 34 degrees below 6,195 tons. She left San Francisco ^^THE UTAH KH>% in pastime now is chasing fowls. The ROBERT ARMSTRONG zero, reported the lowest tempera­ December 26 and Honolulu January. Kathleen Norris FRMUN PUN ture. famous Georgian, still looking trim 2, proceeding to Japan. MARIE PREVOST and fit, here is pictured with his The Kumsang belongs to the “Passion Flower” Room 214 92 Pratt Street Other sub-zero reading*: 33 at prize dog and gim at Rocky Creek, Owls Head and Mountain View; 31 Indo China Steam Navigation Com- Chapter Eight—KIN-tIN-TIN in “The Lone Defender” H artford Phone 7*8496 Ga., as they started out for a holi- pany and is of 3,341 tons net regls- at Saranac Lake; and 30 at ’Tupper day hunt. ter Lake Junction. 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 24,1931, RAGE TBS.TSE \ ------^—H*- Sunday School Lesson The Temptation of Jesus ROCKVILLE HOWTHELOR? HELPSDS BY GEORGE HENRY DOLE. Representative George Arnold, International Sonday-Schoor Lesson Text, Jan. 25. The International Uniform Sun JrT, one of the Representatives from day School Lesson for Jan. 25. the town of ’Vernon in the General In that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able Jesus Tempted. Luke 5:1-13. Assembly on next 'Tuesday will be to succor them that are tempted.—Hebrews 2:18. NORTH METHODIST EPISCOPAL^ SECOND CONGREGATIONAL 'elected one of the county auditors. By WM. E. GILROY, D.D. Frederick G. Allen, minister He was the choice of the Republican Editor of The Congregationalist Marvin S. Stocking, Pastor. Tolland Coimty Caucus. Represent­ Morning worship at 10:45. The ative Pinney of Stafford Springs, Professional charity stunts,^.- assured of victory in the struggle If Jesus were in all points tempt­ who was the choice ofthe Demo­ ed like as we are, as a later New Tomorrow morning at 9:80 as on minister of the church will preach. blights and blasts. Others are help­ for the eternal, and is ever aflame recent Sundays, the Junior depart­ The sermon: “How to Make Cour­ crats, will be elected the other ed when we show them how to help with zeal. Testament writer asserts, the temp­ county auditor. tations of His life were not confined ment of the Church school wall meet age.” The music of the service: themselves. Likewise only can the There are many examples of how in the auditorium wnth the Senior- Prelude—Cavatina ...... Wheeldon Superior Court Lord succor them that are tempted, the Lord helps us. A village is sur­ to one period. The fact is that Anthem—"No Shadows Yonder” .. Two Springfield men, Henry much of the keenest temptation Intermediate department. 'The Be­ and is therefore able to them that rounded by savages, who would tor­ ginners w'ill meet wdth the Primary Gaul Menegre and Nelson Lemione, were are tempted, does not mean that He ture, kill and bum. Soldiers come to would seem to have come near the Offertory—Meditation .... Faulkes before Judge Inglis in the Tolland end of His career when He was ap­ department. did not know before His crucifixion the rescue, drive away the enemy “The Steadying Power of High Anthem—“O Love That Will Not Coimty Superior Court on a bench what man suffers. God knew just parently tempted to turn from the Let Me Go.” ...... Harris warrant, charged ■with breaking and arm the people. Then the sol­ way of the cross. Motive” is the sermon topic for the as much before as after His ascen- ;diers leave the village armed and 10:45 worship service. There will al­ Postlude—Postlude E Flat .Duncan and entering cottages in the towns The three temptations that are Church School is held each Sun­ of Stafford and Somers, stealing sion. Reason assures that the om- ; sufficient unto itself. Likewise the recorded at the beginning of the so be a short talk to the boys and day at 9:30 a. m. property worth $3,000. In default niscient needs no instruction. Lord, by temptations, in His own ministry of Jesus, commonly called girls. Everyman’s Class at 9:30. The of $3,000 bonds, the men were taken The Lord is able now to help as human met the hells, broke their “the temptation of Jesus,” seem to The choir wnll sing and Collins speaker tomorrow will be Harry E. to Tolland County Jail to await He could not before the incarnation, . power, cast them down from the be recorded because of their sym­ Driggs will render special numbers Olcott, who take, ais his topic, “Mr. trial. Jack Knight of Pro'vidence, because, through His temptations. ascendency, armed the people 'with bolic meaning. Whatever may on the organ. Anyman Follows On.” pleaded guilty to a charge of trans­ He overcame the ascendency of evil, igospel truths, and gave them do­ have been the temptation from The hymns selected are, “Holy, The Christian Endeavor Cast of porting liquor and received a sen­ and thus emancipated mankind i minion over the satanic realm. Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!” from its irresistible sw4y. He broke without, the reality of each temp­ “The Color Line” is to give the play tence to serve sixty days in jail and Again, Imperialism, in self-exal­ tation was evidently found in that “What a friend we have in Jesus,” at the South Methodist Church to­ given a fine of $750 and costs. The the dominion of evil, and placed jus­ and “In Heavenly love abiding.” morrow evening. tice, good 'will, and peace in our tation, aspired for the dominion of inward prompting that came to man was arrested in Columbia fol- the world. A single nation was not Jesus to turn from the way of holi­ The people’s service at 7:00 to­ At 7:30 the motion picture ser­ lo'wing an automobile accident. The possession, so that anyone who morrow night will be led by Miss vice. case of O'Villa Martin of Williman- looks to Him can defeat the subtil­ equal to the forces united against ness and supreme devotion to the it. Nations combined, defeated im­ ministry of salvation to some more Mae Hanna and Miss Ruth Hanson. N3tes tic charged with violating the motor ity of the tempter. Ever .since His The increased attendance last Sun­ vehicle laws, was continued until advent the world has advanced. It perialism, and cast it down from the worldly career and achievement. The third in tne winter series of ascendency. Then the nations dis­ Proved His Humanity day night was very encouraging. All motion picture services is to be held February 2. George Morin, also of will always progress. Never again are cordially in'vited to attend and tomorrow evening at 7:30. Abra­ Willimantic, pleaded not guilty to will the floods of iniquity inundate. banded. lea'ving each to maintain The temptations that assailed the the victory won. Master were probably all like the help make these meetings more and ham Lincoln is featured in the pic­ charges of violating the motor Likewise every individual, if there temptations that assail even saints more popular. ture, “The Highest Law,” \^th vehicle laws, and his case was con­ is real desire, also can advance for­ Today good will and peace, and prophets in their periods of The Booster Club 'will hold its Ralph Ince as the Great Emancipa­ tinued until February. ever in the spirit and character of through the Lord’s victory over the strain or discouragement. Is good­ regiilar monthly meeting Tuesday tor. Two Y3I.C.A. scenic reels ^11 Judge Inglis gave orders to de­ .Te.sus, our Lord. hells ip human nature, have the ness as real as it seems? the temp­ night instead of Monday, as g;uests also be shown. A male quartet will stroy liquor seized in raids made by Do not confess defeat. In every dominion. He has helped us by the ter asks. Is the w'ay of sacrifice of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Niles, 12 sing. the Connecticut State Police of great army there are stragglers, gift of the Word vindicated in His really worth while? Would not one Hudson street. TTie Boy Scout Council of the Dis­ Stafford Barracks. The order also idlers, the uninspired and useless. life. We help ourselves by acknowl­ The second meeting of the Nut­ trict of Manchester holds its annual included the destruction of a 1.300 Everv soldier in the army of God, edging rightly His glorious accom­ achieve more by disregarding the gallon distillery in the Town of Bol­ goal that is afar off, and the ideal meg Trail Mid-Winter Institute will meeting at our church on Monday waging war against the hells that plishments, and winning His vic- that is so high, and by followang be held in East Hartford, Friday evening at 6:30. It is e^^pected that ton. assault with direful temptations, is toi'y in ourselves. Te.xt: Luke 4:1-13. Mr. Wadhams and Scout Executive Entertain Great Chiefs the course that is more expedient evening, supper at 6:30, program Kiowa Council, Degree of Poca­ and that seems to offer such imme­ And Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, returned from the Jordan, 7:10. Hill of the Hartford Council will be and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. present and will speak briefly. Our hontas, entertained Mrs. May Hall SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL diate results? Every man knows of Winsted and her staff of great in the show room of the John Dailey Being 40 days, being tempted of the devil. And in those days he own troop leadership will be well garage on Windsor avenue, with CHURCH ; how such temptations at times as­ THE CENTER CHUTICH represented. chiefs in Red Men’s hall last eve­ sail even the noblest and the truest did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. about seventy guests present. Dur­ And the devil said unto him. If thou be the Son of God, command this On accoimt of the Council meet­ ning. A members supper at which S. E. Green, RDnister. of men, and the temptations of the Rev. Watson Woodruff, Minister ing the regular Monday evening the chiefs were guests of honor, was ing the evening the couple was pre­ Master mark the reality and com­ stone that it be made bread. sented with a purse of silver and And Jesus answered unto him, saying. It is written, That man shall meeting of Troop 1 will be postpon­ served at 6:30 o’clock. Swedish Morning Worship, 16:30 pleteness of His humanity. Morning worship, 10:50. Sermon ed. The meeting was called to order other gifts. Refreshments were The first temptation lies in the not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. by the new Pocahontas, Mrs. 'Wil­ served. a. m. And the devil, taking biro up, into an high mountain, shewed unto by Mr. Woodruff. The January meeting of the I Sunday School, 12:00 M. realm of the consciousness of Jesus The music: church school officers and teachers liam Preuss. A class of candidates C. E. Service .Anniversary of His relationship to God and His him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. was initiated. John Kuhnly is de­ i Young People’s Service, 7i.OO And the devil said unto him. All this power I give thee, and the glory Prelude, Grand Choeur ...... Harris and their wives and husbands is The Christian Endeavor Society p. m. call to the Messiahship. Already it Anthem, The God of Abraham be held on Tuesday evening begin­ gree master. There were remarks of Union church will celebrate the would seem that the consciousness of them: for that is delivered imto me; and to whomsoever I will give it. by the Great Pocahontas and her i Wednesday, Mid-week Service, If thou therefore wilt worship before me, all shall be thine. • ^ ^ ...... Buck ning with the supper at 6:30. A golden anniversary of Christian En­ j 7:30 p. m. of His high nature and His high Anthem, Oh Our God ...... Klein special speaker will bring a helpful staff, in behalf of the Council Mrs. deavor on Sunday morning at destiny was developing, and the And Jesus answered and said imto him. Get thee behind me, Satan: Hall was presented with a gold I Friday, Ladies’ Aid society will for it is written. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt Postlude, Postlude in E Flat message. 10:30. The young people will have j meet with Mrs. Ogren at 147 Cooper - temptation came to test this high ...... Abernethy piece, as was also the Deputy of thou serve. Kiowa Council, Mrs. Annie Mannee charge of the service. Rev. George jHill street at 7:30 p. m. mission and calling in a miraculous And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the Church school 9:30. Classes for S. Brookes will speak. way. ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL of Hartford. temple, and said unto him. If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down everyone. CHURCH A social time followed the meet­ Notes It may have been the voice from from hence: Men’s League 9:30. Leader, Roy without or the voice from within, ing. There was music during the Former Representative Francij DAVID CHAMBERS For it is written. He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep E. Buckler. Speaker, Professor Rev. J. S. Neill, Pastor. supper hour by Carl Kasulke’s or­ but it said, “If Thou art the Son of thee: Andre Scheucker of the Connecticut H. Bill of Somers was a Rockville God, command that this stone be chestra. visitor on Thursday. CONTRAirrOR And in their hands they shall near thee up, lest at any time thou Agricultural College. Topic: “This Sunday, January 25th, 1931— Meteor Seen Here made bread.” It was a temptation dash thy foot against a stone. County Commissioner Harry C. to test a spiritual mission by a ma­ Talk About War.” Third Sunday after Epiphany. Serv­ The huge meteor seen by many AND BUILDER And Jesus answering said unto him. It is said. Thou shalt not tempt Cyp Club 6:00. Leader. Kennett ices as follows: people about the state on Thursday Smith and Mrs. Smith of Grove terial circumstance of magic. Jesus the Lord thy God. Leslie. Speaker, Miss Goldie street were the guests on Thursday rejected it decisively. His mission 9:30 a. m.—Church school. Men’s evening, was seen by many people 68 Hollister Street And when the devil had ended aU the temptation, he departed from Schwartz. Topic: India, Gandhi, The Bible class. in this city. . It was described as a of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Niles of was a spiritual mission, and the him for a Season. Manchester. test of His divinity was His capaci­ British Round Table. 10:45 a. m.—Morning prayer and most beautiful sight. The Week i sermon by the rector. Sermon topic: D.A.R. Luncheon Mrs. C. B. Reed of Grove street is ty for ministry to the world needs. 7:30—Rehearsal “The j confined to her home by illness. Read The Herald Advs. So He said, “Man shall not live by Monday, “The First and Last.” Among those from the Sabra will are the things that give men SMTIDISH LUTHER.YN CHURCH Pill Bottle.’ full cast, assembly hall. > 3:00 p. m.—Highland Park Sun­ Trumbull Chapter, D.A.R. in at­ bread alone, but by every word that victory in temptation. Oftentimes 7:00—Troop 3, Boy ] proceedeth out of the mouth of Tuesday, day school. tendance at the D.A.R. luncheon at we are overwhelmed with evil be­ Rev. P. J. O. Cornell, Pastor Scouts. 7:00 p. m.—Evening prayer and the Hotel Bond in Hartford on God.” cause we allow our minds to be 7;30_Hi-Y, Robbins Tempted to Use His Power Tuesday, sermon by the curate. Sermon top­ Thursday were Mrs. Arftiur Newell, The .^cond temptation :.appealed confused and the issues of con­ Sunday, 9:30 a. m.—Sundg.y room. ic: “Be Thou Clean.” Mrs. Walter H. Skinner, Mrs. Lester science to become blurred and ob­ school. Fellowship Bible class. Fi­ Wednesday, 8:00—The Womens Martin, Mrs. Rufus Leonard. Miss to the sense of power and authority. scured. We listen to the philoso­ The Week Fannie Thompson and Miss Helen From the mount Jesus surveyed, in delity Bible class wiU meet. Federation, assembly hall. The Monday, 7:30 p. m.—Girls Friend­ South Methodist Church phy of wrong when the way of Sunday, 10:45 a. m.—Swedish World’s Ser'vice committee ■will pre­ Hyde. actuality or in imagination, the right, if we would only seek it, is ly Society meeting. Elks to Play Setback kingdoms of the world, and there service. Rev. S. C. Franzen will sent “The Pill Bottle” with a cast Tuesday, 7 p. m.—Boy Scouts. Robert A. Colpitts, Minister fairly well defined. preach. of thirty characters. Silver tea. Rock'ville Lodge of Elks will hold came the voice assuring Him that From the temptation of Jesus we Tuesday, 7:45 p. m.—Choir re­ a second setback sitting at the Elks if he chose He could attain to world The newly elected trustees and Friday. 7:30—Troubador Orches­ hearsal. may learn much concerning the na­ deacons will be installed. tra rehear.sal. Intermediate room. Home on Prospect street, Tuesday supremacy. It was the temptation ture of temptation, and we can also Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.—Adult evening, February 3. A goodly num­ that assails the strong man to use Sunday, 7 p. m.—English service, Fridav. 8:00—Four C Club. Bible class. 10:40—WORSHIP AND SERMON apprehend that power that enables Rev. R. L. Winters will preach. ber attended the first sitting and his strength for his own plans of man to overcome. The temptation Thursday, 6:30 p. m.—Galahad prizes went to Charles Connors and wealth and power and self-aggran­ of Jesus, as we have said, marks The Week CHmCH OF THE NAZARENE club. “Main Street Religion” dizement. Frank H. Burke. the fullness and completeness of Sunday, 2 p. m.—Beethoven Glee Rev. H. B. Anthony, pastor Saturday, 3 p. m.—Girls Friendly The Elks committee in charge of The spirit that makes a man a His humanity, and it is this human­ Club. Society candidates. the dance has changed the date prophet, directed in other ways, ity that brings His life near to ours. Monday, 6 p. m.—Junior Glee 9:30—Sundav school. j from February 6 to February 17, on may easily make him a material “In that He Himself hath suffered Club. 10:45—Morning worship, subject:! account of the Y. G. G.' A ball on 4:30—MUSICAL VESPER SERVICE force in the world, and the spirit LARY RETURNS CONTRACT 'being tempted. He is able to succor Monday, 7 p. m.—Trustees and “Entire Sanctification.” I the 6th. that makes a man a savior of men, them that are tempted.” deacons. 3:00—Junior Mission band. | Wedding Anniversarij- Choral and Organ Numbers. displayed in the realm of selfish­ 6:30—Young people’s meeting. New York, Jan. 24.— (AP)—Lyn Monday, 7:30 p. m.—Beethoven j Lary, shortstop for the New York Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mahr of ness, may make a man equally dom­ Glee Club. 7:30—Evangelistic service. j inant, and even tyrannous, over his THE SALVATION ARMY Tanks has returned his contract the Ogden's Comer section were Tuesday, 6 p. m.—Children’s 7:30—Monday evening. Chorus prac­ surprised on Thursday evening by fellows. Jesus attained to the su­ tice. j unsigned. The Californian was given 9:30—Church School 6:00—Epworth League Adjutant and Mrs. Joseph Heard chorus. an increase over the salary he drew a number of friends in honor of preme distinction of being the Tuesday, 7 p. m.—G Clef Club. 7:80—Tuesday. Young people's | their twenty-third wedding anni­ ^.world’s supreme spiritual teacher, business meeting at the parsonage, j last year but decided it wasn’t Tonight, street meeting at 7:30, Thursday, 8 p. m.—Choir rehears­ enough. versary. The event was celebrated but evidently He felt within Him al. 7:30 — Wednesday. Midweek* the power to become a. great world followed by a service in the junior prayer service. hall, led by the Corps Cadet Bri­ Friday, 7:15 p. m.—Boy Scouts, figure, and it was the temptation Troop 5. 2:00—Thursday. Women’s prayer j to renounce the high spiritual call­ gade. meeting, at the home of Mrs. John Sunday, 7 a. m.—Knee drill, led Saturday, 10 a. m.—Confirmation ing for the immediate material ca- school. Muldoon, comer Bissell and Hamlin: , reer that assailed Him as He looked by Edith Jackson and Gladys Rob­ streets. I out over the kingdoms of the world. inson. On Wednesday evening at 6:30 7:30—Friday evening. Class meet-| , The third temptation was riot al­ Sunday school convenes at 9:30, o clock the Young Men’s Fellowship ing. i together dissimilar from the first. Sergeant Major Leggett in charge class 'Will hold it’s first annual ban­ 8:00 — Saturday evening, thej ';It was a temptation to test His spe­ with Mrs. Robert Wilson assisting. quet. The entertainment for the eve­ church vill be open for prayer. Rev. i cial place in God’s favor by a risk Holiness meeting at 11 o’clock led ning’s program will include a prom­ H. B. Anthony, who came here in I that He had no right to assume. by the Y. P. Sergeant Major and Y. inent speaker, a short sketch by October to fill the unexpired term pf j ...There came to Him the impulse to P. Workers. members of the class and a musical Rev. E. T. French, was unanimously! throw Himself down from the pin- At 3 o’clock the Y. P. Band will program. Members of the class and recalled as pastor for the coming friends are cordially in'vited to at­ year at the annual meeting this riacle of the temple in obedience to give a sacred musical praise service, tend. ■the voice that said, “God will take and the speaker for this occasion week. I MAKE :care of you; no harm can come to will be Ensign Williams of Pitts- | .you.” field, Mass., one of the Army’s But common sense and sound brightest young officers. These Sun­ ■^spiritual faith alike repudiated the day afternoon meetings are becom­ wisdom of any such course. It is ing very popular, and a crowd of in taking care of ourselves that people finds them most interesting St. Mary’s Episcopal Church .God’s care is manifested. To as­ NEW and helpful. Church and Park Streets. sume needless risks in the hope 7 o’clock, street meeting followed that as favorites of the Almighty by a great Salvation service, wnth Rev. James Stuart Neill, Rector •^e will protect us is not to show the Y. P. Workers under Mrs. Rob­ Rev. Alfred Clark, Curate our faith but to show orj- folly. ert Wilson, in charge. Had Uilear Visioa Week Sunday, January 25th, 1931. 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Thus it was that every tempta­ Tuesday, Girl Guards at 7. FRIENDS tion Jesus met and conquered. He Wednesday, the Junior Soldiers' SERVICES: never made a show or a parade of take the meeting. ] His religion. He never used His re­ Thursday, Scouts and Guards, 9:30 a. m.—Church school. Men’s Bible Claas. ligion for - base or unworthy ends. wnth leaders. | His overcoming of temptation Friday, teacher preparation at 7 i 10:45 a, m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. meant the complete cleaving of His followed by holiness meeting and | The Rev. Mr. Neill will preach. life to goodness and truth. The songster practice, and at 10:30 we j Sermon topic: “THE FIRST AND LAST.’ greatest of all lives impresses us commence a whole night of prayer ! 3:00 p. m.—Highland Park Sunday School. jWith its simplicity and its direct­ up to 5 o’clock. ness. There w'as no subterfuge, no 7:00 p. m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon. sophistication. The Master saw with A great change has come over The Rev. Mr. Clark will preach. Clear vision and He acted with de­ women’s voices in the past 20 Sermon topic: “BE THOU CLEAN.” cision. years, says a scientist. Yes, they’ve CHURCH Clear vision and decisiveness in become more authoritative.

Methodist Episcopal Church The Center Church North Main Street At th e center NE of the many things that the church Marvin S. Stocking, Pastor MORNING WORSHIP, 10:50 can give you is Friendship. At the The Minister will preach. O CHURCH SCHOOL church, you will meet persons of character, CHURCH SCHOOL, 9:30 Swedish Lutheran 9:30 Five Departments. Adult Classes. of refinement, of culture, of tastes and in­ MEN’S LEAGUE, 9:30 terests that are your own. Likewise, by Church WORSHIP SERVICE Speaker: Professor Andre Schencker of Storrs. your regular attendance, will you establish Rev. P. J. 0. Cornell, Pastor. Topic: This Talk About War. -''11 10:45 yourself as a person of high standing. Morning Service Swedish CYP CLUB, 0:00 Speaker, Rev. S. C. Franzen PEOPLE’S SERVICE Speaker: Miss G, Schtvartz of India. Next Sunday, come to church, the inspira­ Topic: India, Ghandi, and the British Round Table. Evening Service English ; 7:00 tional and social center of the community. Sp^ker, Rev.. Robert Winters A FRIENDLY CHURCH

'u l ■ ■ ■■) ; v-.r.-x: .1 ' ■ ' ‘ivr-'i', I


taxings power. He has, perhaps, and now that he has begrun to talk never attended a meeting of an old in defense of his right to keep on time school district in a rural town talking it may be assumed that HEALTH«1HEr ADVICE Poet’s Cnptting Bpralb in the days when school districts there won’t be much chance for any­ PUBLJSHEt) BT THE were not so hedged about with com­ body else to talk about the affairs HERALD PRINTING COMPANY, INC Rendezvous 13 Blssell Street pulsions originating with the state of the nation. CoBductetf bjf South Mhucheeter, Conn. that they have little freedom of From now on it may be expected Semi- THOMAS FI RGUSON utciatm srm MPto M»»/NU$MO W. General Manager action remaining. Or he may not that the time of the Senate will be very largely devoted to listening to Annual Pounddd Octol)6r i> 1881 have witnessed the proceedings in a small-town town meeting. If he Heflin tell how those burglars, AB80LUn0|f. Published Every Evening CHOOSING GOOD WORDS Aroad,tc health, and the same mental Sundays and Holldaya Entered at the had a first hand picture of either | pirates and other lost souls who run I power he used in describing and (From The London Obaarvar) Post Office at South Manchester. of these gatherings be would, pos-1 his party in his home state stole^his We are very apt to consider dis­ looking for disease is then used in Some many*wstarad 8Uver>fin;erad Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. an earnest search for god health. fountain SUBSCR/RnON RATES job by stuffing, robbing and other­ ease as a definite thing which at­ slbly, be slow in suggesting that The lesson in this article is this: Sprinfs to aasoU the stains SALE One Year, by mall ...... wise maltreating the ballot boxes. tacks us unaware, and to which at­ Per Month, by mall ...... * 60 any larger grouping of people tacks we are always subject. LEARN TO THINK IN GOOD Some bird bis secret music must Delivered, one year ...... jv-vv would be likely to be more economi­ Some of those words most com­ WORD PICTURES, AND BE DILI­ en^loy, Single copies ...... * cal in its policies or more careful mon in our language are “ ailment,” GENT IN YOUR QUEST FOR ALL Hid between branch and silver leaf, KNOWLEDGE WHICH WILL Oh, lyric jayl MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED about incurring taxation. /N NEW YORK “attack,” “seizure,” "infection,” PRESS “sickness,” “complaint,” “disorder,” LEAD TO LIVING A HEALTH­ Let not that sc«f be splUad before 1 The Associated Press la exolMlvely As a matter of fact the closer FUL LIFE! You will then have no bear; entitled to the use for republloatlon and such words calling up word of all news dispatches credited ^ people are brought to the facts of New York, Jan. 24.—Manhattan pictures of certain unpleasant con­ time nor inclination to think in Ob, drops that shake the surface of has a number of personalities terms of disease, and such an ex­ the fountain. or not otherwise credited In this expenditure and resulting taxation ditions which we identify by these paper and also the local news pub* who wander through a hazy obscur- pression as, “I feel ill” will soon Whisper its depta that travclinf feet llshed herein. the less danger is there of extrava- anonymity and yet manage words describing disease. All rights of republlcatlon or Our directed thinking is done by give way to “I’m feeling FINE to­ draw near. special dispatches herein are also re­ gance. It is great cities like New to achieve a certain localized fame a series of pictures in the mind, day!” Dorothy Itowe. served. ___ York that regard with extremely One such, for instance, carries brought out by words with which the old moniker of Jo-Jo. His last QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Solid Walnut Coffee SPECIAL advertising REPRE­ small Interest the processes of graft we are familiar. Speech is a series 1 SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser. name, as near as anyone seems to (Gas Pressure) (From Th« New York ’Times.) and loot tAat pile up taxes and of emotional or imitative sounds Inc.. 886 Madison Ave., New York. N. know, is Lee. In his way Jo-Jo is which express pain, fear, anger, Question. Mrs. P. R. I. writes; Never aak me why Y.. and 612 North Michigan Ave„ bodies like the Congress of the as much a man about town as the “ For a long time I have been get­ X sit alone and sing. Chicago. Ills. love, etc. Tables United States that can casually ap­ next fellow. His devious course Another kind of thinking is that ting a queer sensation in my heart, Nod, and pass me by. through the city started way down which has me quite frightened. J Full service client of N E A Ser- propriate thirty or forty millions to which we do in our dreams, whether The matin bells ring. vice. Ina town and wound up one night as the during sleep, or in what may be was told that my heart misses a The sun climbs up. An old English stool of the Jacobean period inspir­ tinker over two or three old ships, assistant of Phil Baker, the accor­ beat. What is the cause of this? Is Or the rain starts falling. Member. Audit Bureau of Circula­ called “day-dreaming.” ed this attractive coffee table. Its twisted legs, tions. ^ ___ knowing it all to be nonsense. The dion player. Therefore, when we think of dis­ it serious?” The valley is a cup. cu; The Herald Printing Company, Inc., smaller the self-governing group And therein lies a Broadway tale. ease when we are talking or writ­ Answer: Your trouble is no doubt Who’s that a-.-callinf ? carvings and even the wood itself are typical of assumes no financial rcBOonBlbiMty Today Phil Baker is one of the im­ caused by excessive pressure of gas for typographical errors appearing lO the greater its sense of individual ing, our minds jump from one word the period. An aged effect has been reproduced advertisements In the Manchester portant entertainers of the theatri­ picture to another. When we sit and against the heart, and will disap­ Never ask me why by careful finishing. These tables were formerly responsibility—and the less the ex­ cal world and Jo-Jo remains un­ pear .S soon as you leam to eat Evening Herald. meditate we imagine certain con­ 3 I sit alone and wait $15.00 and are a typical example of the store-wide tent to which it will tax itself. known. Yet, something like 12 ditions with which wte have been correctly so that you do not have My heart’s to the sky. SATURDAY, JANUARY. 24. years ago. Baker got his bright idea familiar. Such imaginative and such pressure, of which you may be My feat are at the gate. savings now in effect. SINCE WHEN? for seating a comedy foil in a thea­ emotional thinking makes us live entirely unconscious except as it The weal’s gone tad. PUSSYFOOTING ter box thanks to this same wan­ shows through the heart trouble. The dreams begin falling. The Waterbury Republican, one over again experiences of either Very few persons in the United derer through the city’s life. pleasure or pain. The valley ia a bail of the few dry dailies of any influ­ Baker was doing his old comedy (To Much Water) Who’s that a-calltog? States will be deeply interested in The memory aspect of the mind ence in New England, speaking of act at the Winter Garden one night Question: J. K. writes: “A gallon MATKINS b r o t h e h s , the finespun idea advanced by Sen­ can only think with whatever ma­ the Wickersham report, says this: when a man in the audience began terial it has been given through of water a day will make the kid­ Never ask me why ator Fess of Ohio that President to interrupt. Baker returned the neys act every forty-five • minutes. I sit alone and laugh. Here is clear recognition of conscious thinking. Thus we learn to uuuJtediet,. Hoover’s mind is not entirely closed banter and soon the audience was think of disease as certain thing Will this overdue the kidneys and Who would leave a cry the necessity of national con­ roaring, believing this was part of against revision of the Eighteenth we remember under the name of make them w eak?” For an epitaph? . trol, or, to put it another way, the act. Hardly had the curtain Answer: If one eats plenty of The dead wax brave amendment since in his message of the inadequacy of state con­ “apoplexy,” “fever,” "tonsilitis,” fallen on his turn when Baker hur­ “ tuberculosis,” etc. In this way we salads and leafy green vegetables it With the gray clods falling. presenting the Wickersham re­ trol. This does not give sup­ ried backstage and gave orders to should not be necessary to drink a The valley is a grave, port to what would appear to form the habic of classifying dis­ port he merely said that he was locate the heckler. eased states, and the more we talk gallon of water a dry, as a quart or •Who’s that a-caning? be the majority of wets, who It was none other than our friend two would be sufficient. If little high Barbara Yeung. opposed to the commission’s plan have fallen back upon vocifer­ and write about “attacks,” Jo-Jo and the next night he found “strokes,” and the like, the clearer seasoning is used in food, and plenty of revision and did not in so many ous championship of state’s himself on the payroll, but now he of fruits and watery vegetables WHERE LIFE WAS STIIX. rights as their chief weapon. our mental picture of these un­ words say that he was opposed to was moved into an upper box from pleasant conditions becomes, and eaten, it may be necessary to use (From The Herald Tribune.) By the same token, the drys which point he repeated his pre­ onlJ^ a pint to a quart of water I saw a house upon a hiU any revision whatever. may find encouragement in which grow into vicious monsters al­ Mr. Hoover has rated himself a vious interruptions. There have ways waiting just around the cor- daily. Every forty-five minutes is Where life was still: even this aspect of the report been two or three others on the job much oftener than should be neces­ As if the will dry, in the opinion of ninety-nine for it recog^zes the essential ner. ^ , since—the last recorded being one sary. Had left its home. of prohibition—national con­ As the sum total of our mental WASHINGTON candid persons out of a hundred, of John Muldowney. powers depends so largely upon our Close by two Lombard trees either wet or dry persuasion, and trol to insure the protection of (Square Shoulders) Stood up to mock dry majorities. thinking in word pictures, is It not that places him finally and perma­ Baker, by the way, is another of logical then to be careful in our Question: B. N. (age 12) asks: The lonely visitor LETTER Now, now, now. Since when did the Manhattan East Side prod­ “Would you kindly tell me in your Who came to pry. nently, so far as this issue is con­ selection of GOOD words with national control under such a sys­ ucts to achieve the bright lights. which to direct the process of the health column if there is any exer­ And round the three By RODNEY DUTCHER (^smoothly and there has been so cerned, unless at some time in the tem as advocated by a majority of He lived but a block or two from mind into wholesome mental cise for a person whose shoifiders The grass was green. NTBA Service Writer little political revolt that every­ future he flatly declares that he is the house that produced Eddie Can­ are very square. Also is barley A sward so rich body accepts politics complacently the Wickersham commission consti­ movies.” Is it not wise to turn from in favor of revision or amendment. tor. If he became an accordion vir­ images of pain and tragedy to those starchy? Why is it given to people That I felt here Washington—^America needs its and the average individual gives tute anything like the essential of tuoso it was largely because of his his government no attention.” We do not expect, and hardly any­ of health and joy, and in this sim­ that are sick?” Was privacy indeed. old-fashioned political torchlight Eighteenth amendment prohibi­ curbstone experiences, for he began ple way build up a wealth of good Answer: A twelve year old boy or • • * parades, accord^ to the Honor­ “There are many important elec­ one expects, that the President will tion? Did not the late Wayne B. picking up nickels and pennies mental pictures which are not only girl can develop well rounded shoul­ What could I do able Will R. Wood of Indiana, chair­ tions where only 3 to 7 per cent of do that. His commitment has been when about 10 years old by playing ders through taking a combination But leave the hill man of the Republican Congression­ the voters participate in selection Wheeler reject as utterly valueless pleasant to contemplate, but have made and it must have been made along the sidewalks. the magic power to grow into super­ of exercises which use the shoulder To silence and to solitude. al Campaign Committee and of the of the candidate. You can’t accuse to his purposes a proposal to so and neck muscles. It is an advantage the voters if the choice goes wrong, deliberately. No subtleties on the Two years later he had to quit pictures by attracting other ^ H. Charles Tomlinson. House Appropriations Committee. amend the Constitution that Con­ school and go to work, because his to have broad shoulders, but your ’The disappearance of those pa­ except generally. But it would be part of Senator Fess or anybody thoughts of like nature? easy to pin responsibility on the gress would be empowered to con­ family needed any little help it The physician has the most dif­ lungs to perform efficiently you TWO HEARTS rades was. a great misfortune,” Con­ else are going to change the coun­ could get. He got a job as an office should develop plenty of chest and gressman Wood says. “They delegates. trol the liquor traffic even to the ficulty with the patient who uses the Rad was hef dress, try’s conception of the Hoover posi­ boy in one of the earlier day movie largest vocabulary in describing his shoulder muscles. Barley is a highly Red was her nat. aroused enthusiasm and patriotisni. “Repeated attempts have been point of prohibiting it? Would companies—a studio where Mary starchy food and is only given to To match she ■wore shoes o f like hue. In fhoea days everybody took an in­ made to stir up voter Interest, but tion on prohibition. There isn’t the symptoms. If this kind of patient the larger our population the less Dr. McBride or Bishop Cannon or Pickford was said to have received can be taught to avoid words and sick people by doctors who do not “For comlinesa,’* terest to politics. The torchlight slightest reason to believe that he interest there seems to be in gov­ Clarence True Wilson or Dr. the staggering sum of $75 a week thoughts of sickness, and be just as understand enough about curative I thought, whereat parades ought to be revived. The wants it to be changed. His side is for her efforts. diets. Such diets should always tem­ My heart set up a great ado. old political meetings were well at­ ernment. For years Indiana had Cherrington or Rev. E. C. Pretty- loquacious In the use of such words the largest proportion of voters, but the dry side and he can’t, of course, This got the lad in a stage state “vigorous ” “wpII.” “hardv,” porarily exclude starches and tended, but today if you have a man or Deets Pickett or any of as in the last election the proportion he on both sides from now on. of mind and he took his accordion “ strong,” etc., he is already on the | sugars. But red I found pollUcto meeting in one hall and a those folks admit for an instant that and started out trying to get the­ movie show next door a huge crowd of those qualified who voted fell This being the case, if Mr. Hoover Was a disguise. below 50 per cent.” Congressional control was the atrical connections. He was 14, and To camoflouge a heart, ao black will pay to see the movie and you wants a second term he will have managers smiled when the lad the troop has full membership. The can’t get a corporal’s guard at the Wood shudders at the Norris pro­ essential element in prohibition? ante has graduated to the hit of the As to confound. posal for abolition of the electoral to depend on the drys to give it to faced them. troop committee had an important The night’s uprise. political meeting. We fear that idea won’t make smartest musical revue in toWn, the " m bet that if Amos and Andy college and direct presidential elec­ him. Anti-Prohibition Republi­ Then he thought of the boats that toast of the sophisticates. After meeting in the Scout room. One of And still my heart did not turn much of a hit with the Republican’s ply the Hudson river and recalled were on the radio tonight at the tions. It would “just be chaos,” he cans cannot be expected to line up, which he goes to the Silver Slipper, the junior leaders closed the meet­ back. says. dry readers. hearing musicians play around the ing with the repeating of the Scout same time as Senator Borah or next year, for the renomination of a night club from which came his some other big gun you coiild find deck. Within a few months lie was trio. Recently he wrote a book con­ Oath. For hers and mine compared their President Hoover the dry, when making 50 cents a night on a Bos­ The troop intends to have a bas­ past, 75 people listening to Amos and LIABILITY INSURANCE cerning his rise through the low Andy for each one listening to they have so available a candidate ton run bogt—but he left the boat spots, which will be published under ketball team in the near future to Both found their destined mate at The state of Connecticut has what to try his luck in New England play other troop teams. last! Borah.’’ as Dwight W. Morrow, who not only the title of “Night Club.” Warns of “ Red Mens4se” is in effect a compulsory insurance towns and came back to New York Three Scouts of Troop 3 are to re­ Moses Dean is frankly not dry but who would GILBERT SWAN. Woods says there hasn’t been any law of special application, inasmuch as a work-away. ceive the Eagle Badge at the Man­ probably be a stronger candidate He drifted up to Harlem, joined FROSX* real torchlight parading since the as it requires any person involved chester annual meeting of the McKtoley-Bryan campaign of 1896. than Mr. Hoover even if there were a circus and learned to fiddle. It Scoutmasters, assistants, commit­ (From The DaUy Mirror) in an accident to show, thereafter, Ha tbinka the “ red menace” will no such thing as a prohibition issue. was only when he attracted the at­ teemen and merit badge examiners. I was so young when you ware all tention of Ben Bernie, the band BOY SCOUT NEWS that mattered, have to take the place of red fire as FREDERICK’S BIRTH that he is financially responsible be­ Two more Life Scouts have come a stimulus to popular interest in maestro, that Baker’s rise began. So gay—I look back now and fore permitting him to operate his to the fore in Kingsley French amd politics. He takes the Communists From which he shifted to vaudeville Troop 3 see again On Jan. 24, 1712, Frederick the Richard Carpenter. seriously and smtiifipates the time OPERA-CONCERT car again. and along came Jo-Jo, and a big Troop 3, running under the troop A wistful lad who thought that love Great, or Frederick II, king of Prus­ when they will become so strong sia, was bom in Berlin. Recently Hartford had its first Since in the majority of cases laugh success. idea instead of the patrol unit, is was shattered finding it successful. It is planned to and obstreperous among us that the A t the age of 18 he tried to experience of Metropolitan grand such persons must have recourse to By silly children Uidolant and primary instinct of self-protection The last time I saw this Jo-Jo, by switch to the patrol system late in vain; escape from his father’s tyranni­ opera when “Tosca” was sung at liability insurance there would seem will cause a general revival of in- the way, he was pointed out in a February. Test passing seemed to Pain was for them— cal control, but was caught and Bushnell Memorial before a splen­ to rest upon the state a pretty clear have gone out of existence, but this breathless rapture tereat in public affairs. sentenced to death as a deserter. night club where he had a so-so job. Wood likes to hark back. He is did audience. Less ambitious, responsibility to see to it that per- And the story went that he was troop idea revived it and brought it Of cloudless days and warm and He was pardoned, however, through 69 years old, a fine specimen of the intercession of Charles "VTI of Bridgeport has just heard “Carmen” sone whom it requires to take out Irving Berlin's partner in the old back to its place and purpose. star-swept nights; During the meeting. Rev. Mr. O give thanks unto the Lord; for what progressives and liberals call Austria. in concert form, the production days of singing waiters down on the Ours was *the whole wWe world to a reactionary. He looks somettong insurance are treated fairly by the Woodruff thanked the boys respon­ he is good: for his mercy endureth When he ascended the throne being put on by the local Oratorio Bowery. gayly capture, like Senator Simeon Fess of Ohio. insurance companies in the matter sible for the painting of the sign­ forever.— Psalm 136:1. Little we cared for heartbreaks to 1740 Frederick adopted a vigor­ Society and the Bridgeport Sym­ Ha ia about a year older, seems ous military policy and in five of rates. Which reminds me that the latest board letters. Various events, skin or its rltaa- slightly more desiccated and lacks phony Orchestra. There may be to wear New York’s favorite suit the snake, fire by friction, obstacle Our whole life should speak forth years he found himself in posses­ It is pertinent, then, to inquire Simeon’s unctuous piety. sion of Dresden, capital of Saxony, some who will agree with our belief of motley is also a product of swing­ race were practiced for the coming our thankfulness.—R. Libbes. Then you were gone—quick as a Recently, after emerging from whether the state of Connecticut, big event. The teams need practice breeze you vanished, and in a position to dictate terms of that what the Bridgeport audience ing doors and sawdust. the White House and vigoroimly at­ through its Motor Vehicle Depart­ This is Jimmy Durante of the badly. Chinese soldiers often carry bird­ Nor did you stop to give a rea­ tacking Senator Norris of Nebraska, peace to Austria and Saxony, there­ may have lost in the superlative by confirming himself of the posses­ ment, its Insurance Department, its team of Clayton and Jackson and The troop will have to assign new cages containing their favorite pets, son why; Wood broadcast over the ^ quality of musicianship it gained in Durante. From Honky-Tonks, Dur­ recruits to the waiting list because and umbrellas to keep off the rain. Love was a game for two and I waa sion of Silesia. legal department or any other sailing the direct primary. Wood the form in which the music was banished— tiitnifM the people ought ^ P^y In the next 10 years Frederick agency, or through its Legislature, concerned himself with the develop­ presented. Broken and gray 1 watched the more atteation to politics but he haa taken any steps whatever to world pass by. ment of industrial, agricultural and Grant that there are moments in opposes having them participate di- ascertain whether the drastic in­ Still Busy on Her Patchwork Quilt! rMtly to choosing presidents, sena­ educational projects. grand opera when costuming, stage I recall you mocked each Frederick took a great interest crease in liability rates recently an­ Once tors, governors and _ grouping and dramatic acting com­ youthful way— The primary system, he believes. in the American Revolution and nounced by the insurance companies was one of the first sovereigns to bine witlF the musical acora to Small trace of that you’ll find to Is likely to result in the noitona- la juatlfiad. mock today! tions of champion marathon d ic ­ conclude a commercial treaty with attain effects impossible to be The state has, or should have, an Don Wahn ers, home-run champions and other the United States. reached in concert, the fact yet re­ added interest in this question owing pmular favorites, to say n ot^ g of mains that there are many music SOME op TH E S e NONE. anti-administration todeprad- to the practical certainty that, in lovers cursed with too practical a (From Set to My Hand) ent Republicans as Senator Norris. the existing depressed times, this PIECES Are WOT so The days are not so dlineiflt, S a n V . S. Isn’t Democracy quality and too lively a sense of the Increase in the cost of liability in­ For I can conjure things to do. • "^ U n ite d SUtes isn’t a democ- ludicrous to keep their minds on EAS'V 1 0 MATCH u p ! And oftentimes the weatoar’s Wnd, rmey," Wood says. "It has ^ p u b - surance is going to enormously in­ the music when the combination of My little window oners, too. licu form of governmwt. pri­ crease the number of uninsured cars song and action becomes grotesque­ mary system is based on the old on the roads. That is a matter of But when it’s time to light the lamp town meeting idea, w h l^ isn’t ap ly fantastic—which is most of the public concern and one demanding And set my single place I g o olicable to this age. The conven Few things are more tragic than time in grand opera. tion system la the practical agency the deteridration of character that the attention of the proper authori­ Into a country dasolata-^ Opera is crowded with gems of None but the lonely heart can of a republican representative gov­ sets in at about 50. ties, whoever they are. ernment There should be prima­ —Dean Inge. musical composition and often these know. Ruth Irving Connor ries to elect delegates in the several depend for their best showing upon HEFLIN RESUMES communities of a county, where­ Nobody seems to have had a very close association with each other in upon the delegates could nominate esisy time in history. Those who have hoped that Con­ a single score. It is perhaps for whomever they had to mind. —Isabel Paterson. gress might dispatch its business MAXONONTRIAL *thibdlvlsiona o f congressional this reason that opera has occupied and avoid an extra session have districts could also have primaries, If the world had more tolerance, 80 high a place in musical apprecia­ bean reckoning without Mr. Heflin. New York, Jan. 24.— (AP*)—A choosing delegates to select nomi­ I am sure it would have fewer wars. tion. But why cannot most of nees for Congress. And there —Irvin S. Cobb. The lamerduck senator from Ala­ Jury to hOBT triEl o f — _ _ these values be preserved by means Matthew Maxoa, Jr„ on a charge of riwuld be a sUta-wlde primary to bama has the floor much of the second degree murder waa com*]choose delegates to a state conven- of the opera-concert, while avoiding Our public schools teach the cult time, nowadays, urging that the olatcd today two hours after the tion who would nominate for gov- of the mediocre, the doctrine of the the bizarre and impossible situations special elections investigations com­ trial started in General Sesslona 1 ennor, senator an(T other state of- rightness of the majority, the sa­ of grand opera itself? Court The trial was then adjourned ^ fleas. . credness of the average. mittee headed by Senator Nye go At all events the adventure of the until Tuesday. | primary to choo^ —Robert E. Rogers. down to Alabama and seize the Maxon, 21 year old son of the j presidential delegates has proved Park City oratorio singers into the ballot boxes of the recent electio.n Protaatant Bniscopal bishop co- unworkable. It doesn’t mean any- The master of science never oper­ opera-concert field is worth think­ adiutor of T^essae, is charged' thing. Delegates were chosen who which deprived him of his seat after ates an expedition from what he ing about. Down there they eeem with killtog DaVW Paynter, 78, last ■ ware supposed to vote for a given knows, but always goes exploring March 4. to feel that it was an extremely Anril in a rooming bouse to West, candidate and after a perfunctory for what he can learn. The lurid Alabaman for some End avenue where both lived. If c o ^ vote or two they vpted^ as they happy idea. —Daniel C. Burkholder. reason of his own refuses to file a vlcted Maxon faces a sentence of 20 liked, usually jumping on the band- contest, declaring that he has until vears to life. ; wagon. I do not know how wicked Ame'*- ^ Maxon, a former student at Co- >1 can look back to the time when TAXES the last day of his term in which to himbla University, allegedly beat the people would have nominated ican millionaires are, but as I trav";1 about and see the results of thr’ r Professor Fred R. Fairchild of do so, but nevertheless he insists Paynter to death with a ttoair to a and elected a trMs-Atlantic flyer wtoidant of the United States if genarority in the forms of hospita's. Yale told the dairymen of the state on having the Alabama boxes drunken frensy. The Churches, public libraries, universi­ ant claimed he was mistakeB by oth­ thay had had the opportutoty. One the other day that the way to have brought to Washington. ties, parks, recreation grounds, art ers to the house for a burglar does pot need , to accuse the people taxes consume less of the nation's The Senate in all its long hsitory was set upon, Paynter being kilted of bring inherently dumb; they museums and theaters, I won^r what on eutb we would do with^t production of wealth was to cett' ne’ver had a member who loved the to the ensuing melee^ simply don’t take an interest to fovamment. , them. govermnent more an< de- 'sound of bis own voice to quite th.’ Eleven of the tw w # jurors dra xniddlaacid. ■ “11m bas run so j Lgron n rip i* the number of sourrd y of degree that Tom Heflin loves his.

> ■■ -V-


Florida on Wednesday afternoon. When Einstein Forgets Relativity Mayor .Tohn ahepard Jr.., Lenox. VARIETY FEATURES Mass., president of the club, re- CAPITAL SOCIETY C6iv6d» • - - Mrs. George H. Nicolai, Great Queer iamMS ^ SOCIEm SEASON Neck, L. I., entertained with a tea on Wednesday afternoon compli­ BUSY THESE DAYS In Day's News mentary to Countess Tukine and Mrs. E. D. Stair of Detroit. This Year’s Affair Oyer- New Y©rk.—Kabe Ruth and Jackj Wets Defeated In Attempt Dinner Dances, Cards and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Hammer- President and Mrs. Hoover Dempsey have some great ideas for j stein arrived during the week. Mr. n • « » ri /T » 1 1 each other. Babe visited- Jatl^ in & \ Movies Entertain Smart Hammerstein is here to assist Sain shadowed AllPrevions At­ Entertain-- A lottee Is hospital, spa Babe to^ack; -why To Slash Funds Make At­ Harris in the production of the haven’t you got .a sock ,or two left j sixth annual Kiwanis benefit show. for some .of these birds»'teey ca.ll | Folks At Palm Beach Now. Archibald Selwyn is also assisting tempts— Oflier Affairs. Latest Society Affair. heavyweights nowaday^? Said j tack On Another Bill. in the production. The show will be Jack to Babe: “Why dorf^you look i gdven on February 25. Proceeds will into that wrestlinff'.-racket? Can t j Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 24.— (AP) go to the aid of under-privileged New York, Jan. 24— (A P )—'In ai children of the county. Washington, Jan. 24— (AP) —Be­ lose. Be’ a riot; Tbh'Sbt tl» beef. > Washington, Jan. 24.— (AP.) — — A wide sweep of diversions offer- mad outburst of modernism, mas­ sides the impressive White House Ornlond, Fla.—W.ftafe'-; .t^fEerence j Congress today looked back on one i ed variety to the' fashionable pleas­ Mrs. George Luke Mesker, New querade and make believe, society does it make what kind csf a ball a : oyer, prohibition and for- York (Tity, entertained on Thursday wound up the wfinter season with dinner for the Supreme Court jus­ duffer P*^y®WithT;A great author^ another. ure seekers of Palm Beach this tices on Thursday night, during the ! week. A dinner dance at the Ever­ afternoon with a musical at her viL the Beaux Arts ball at the Astor week the President and Mrs. Hoover : ty on rubb^lfi ave^r^e golf- j .' Freshly defeated in both branches glades Club Thursday night was at­ la La Fontana, having the New Friday night. thing wont affect t^^^ attempts to slash appropriations York string quartet. had a number of more intimate par- i tended by a brilliant amd beautiful­ It was the long-awaited |put not er’s game for enforcement, the wets expected “Outward Bound” by Sutton lies. . I miss a shot as with the old ball,’’ ly costumed crowd. Among those the one-ahd-only event of the week. One of the most youthful and de Lo augment their forces in a Senate entertaining partied were Mrs. Alex­ Vane, was the play produceu this said Harvey Firestone The charity ball, perennial of a lightful was a litUe tea Sunday af 1 „ winvc I drive against the Howell bill to pro- ander McKay, New York; Clarence week at the playhouse. The opening —Helen H i c k s ___ fnr night brought out a typical Palm more s^ ate character than the temoon when Mrs. Hoover enter- j St. Augustine, Fla.—-neien ^ cTfastic enforcement code for Geist, 'Villanova, ‘ Pa., and Boca Beaux Arts dance, was held three Beach audience. Among those wear­ tained for Miss Eleanor Bryan i has played the Country omn inDistrict of Columbia. Senator Raton, and Mrs. James P. Donahue, nights earlier. Society, inner and ing elaborate ermine wraps were Smith, and John Walter Drake, Jr., | 37—76 with the new ball. The worn- | jj gj. Republican, Nebraska, New York. outer, went to both affairs. whose marriage took place the next ' an's • record, ’ ^------w;,.-,two strokes less, w ^ . Mrs. Hugh Dillman, Detroit, Mrs. : stood ready to call hiS; measure up Many of the colonists, are Decom­ New York has seen many Beaux day. Mr. and Mrs. John Walter made by Glenna Collett with the old i In the Seagate at the first lull in re- ing expert at backgammon, which Charles A. Smylie 3rd, New York Drake of Detroit, parents of the and Mrs. Irving Hall Chase, Water- Arts balls, inspired by various cul­ ball. j sumption of the arg^iment over persists in . popularity. Contract tures, characters and countries, but bridegroom were guests. The elder New York.—There's to be a track jcommission nominations, bridge too, continue.-" its sway and bury, Conn., and Narragansett Mr. Drake was an assistant secre­ Pier. Friday’s fete modeme was the most meet of Martins at Madison Square , ^ j^ganwhlle. Speaker Longworth Palm Beach is ever loyal to its first bizarre in Beaux Arts history. tary when the president was secre­ Garden February 7. Entered in the I j,gfgj.j.g(j jj^g Senate’s $25,000,000 ap- love, the cinema. tary of commerce. Members of the Millrose A. A. games .are Ser^ Mar- fpp i^g^ cross relief to Elyerything was, carried out in bridal party also were guests. modem art spirit with the Astor tin of France, Dr; I committee'"'for' investigation. The Velvet wraps worn during the cool Switzerland, Sam Martin Of Boston evenings were especially attractive. ball rooms divided into Main street House resumed consideration of the Although he is rated the world'.s foremost scientist, Albert Einstein PARIS SHOWING gone Cubistic, the Great White way Sunday night the President and and Oval Martin of Los Angeles. Mrs. Adam Thomson, Duluth, wore Justice, Commerce, Labor and State ^nds many moments when he likes to forget entirely about his famous in futuristic style, and a modem art Mrs. Hoover had the former secre­ Waterville, Me.—Wage earners in P^partment appropriation bill, with theory of relativity and seek relaxation in music. In this picture, taken a wrap of transparent velvet in tary of State and Mrs. Frank B. reseda green. Mrs. Willey Lyon exhibition called the “Speakeasy this city are to donate ?!, ^ week the expectation of passing it by j ^t San Diego, he is shown playing his violin during a quiet interval in his C O n O N FROCKS Kellogg. Senator and Mrs. Arthur Kingsley, Rome, N. Y,, chose one of Galleries” where pictures never night-fall. i present visit to California. 5' Vaf‘ch^.unem. soft white velvet, bajided in sable heard of before were on show. dinner guests® The Kelloggs came | ployed will be hired three days ■ One reverberation from, the Wick- while her guest, Mrs. Henry Downe Paris, Jan. 24.— (A P.)—Cotton Architects whose names are to Washington to attend the diplo- j week on cmC improvements, ersham report was heard in the of Paris, wore one of scarlet velvet. frocks for debutantes instead of the identified with the skyscrapers of matic dinner two weeks ago. New York.—George Reith, a Senate. Copeiand, Deniocrat, New Mrs. Baldwin Browne of New York, lustrous silk they ordinarily wear New York staged a modernistic pro­ ------bridge ace, believes the average York, introduced a measure to re­ BEER THIRST HITS a guest at the Munn Villa, wore a were exhibited today by coutouriers cessional in costumes representing Senator and Mrs Vandenberg ^oman player is better than the move restrictiops on t;he dispensa­ Overnight wrap of velvet with wide cuffs of who are beginning to show what’s buildings they have designed. who have returned to ■\J!-onV,,-r,artran Washington mtin. but tllC iTialeS 6X061 tion of liquor under physicians’ pre- | lynx. what for spring. Their parade vyas accompanied by after spending the holidays in their among the big shots; . They keep gcriptions, as recommended by the 1 j4 P, News One American buyers’ favorite an orchestra of sledge hammers, home at grand Rapids, Michigan, traCk of things and deduce better 1 enforcement commission, . PA R IS-W IN E MEN Palm Beach is entertaining a houses displays linen, cotton, organ­ drills and riveting machines. will have the youthful governor of and their hunches are more correct. Walsh Asks Action • large colony of politicians. John J. dy and dotted S-wiss frocks for Tony Sarg’s, modernistic marion­ their state, Wilbur Brucker, and Assisi, Italy—Curfew is elaborate Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon­ Raskob has been here for several every occasion. Even for social but­ Mrs. Brucker, as their guests next Washington—Senate votes to e.x- ettes were a special number on a tana, pressed for action on his mo- ; p.^viding dras- START ‘COMEBACK’ days. Judge Lindley M. Garrison of terflies cotton is the smartest rai­ long program. Some of the town’s week. Monday, Mrs. 'Vandenberg in the hillside city of St. Francis. Clad in Thirteenth Century cos­ tion to- refer the disputed nomina ; district of Co-1 New York, former Cabinet officer, ment in a year marked by uncertain most eligible bachelors took part in will give a luncheon for Mrs. Bruck­ is a recent arrival. Mr. and Mrs. tumes of red and w'hite doublet and itions of Chairman Smith and Com- lumbia; Howell says 1,000 quarts o t ; financial conditioiis. The new frocks an exhibit’on of classic statuary ner, asking the wives of the Michi­ Norman E. Mack of Buffalo, also gan Senators and Representatives hose with pancake hats to match, 'mlssionersjGaraaud and Draper of were ordered____ for convention___ _ _ I Paris. _ —(A P )—Appalled ^ ^ by _ the are reminiscent of grandmother’s gone modem. eight heralds blow silver trumpets the4-U*. p o ^ ^ commission frtto the Tntpr.Inter- “ capital and..... that huge quantities _ ..ix- .. flood____^ of ____ water^ _ and____ 1 1beer______that arrived during the week, and are garb. Costuming was carried out in a to meet her. at Whitehall. Senator Vandenberg is chairman in front of the City Hall. The notes -^tate Commerce committee. are brought in under diplomatic per- marked the ushering in of the New As yet little change is seen in the flame and silver scheme. All dance,ra are audible afar o-ver the-.-Humbri#Jh. ’ This,'he'said,'was.preliminary to jjiitg, 1 Year, French wine interests have silhouette or sleeveless dresses of at the Beaux Arts ball are required for the big Michigan State Society Harold S. Vanderbilt is again en­ banquet Monday night at the Hay plain. - le^al .actfcM 't'6 determine their sta­ Los Angeles—Daisy de Voe found started a campaign in favor of the fine pique, plain colored or marked to wear fancy dress. This year’s! tus. After-'-confirming the three, the tertaining a house party at his new with tiny dotted patterns. Such costuming was elaborate and beau-' Adams House, with Governor and Stettin, Germany.—The “Hall of guilty of one count of theft from country s national beverage. villa in Lantana. Among the guests Mrs. Bruckner as guests of honor. Lords’' in the railroad station'’, ’;««ce Senate voted re-consideration, but Clara Bow; jury out 48 hours rec-' Posters vaunting the cheering dresses are accompanied by hip tiful. are his cousin, Miss Ruth Twomo- The banquet celebrates the twenty- reserved for nobility, (s n^|^ a ^ n c e President Hoover refused to return ommends clemency. I qualities and robustness of Burg- length coats and are exhibited for sixth anniversary of Michigan room for all travelers.- A-;'-j8^S)^nd their nominations. undies, the happy psychological | ly> ^.nd Mr^ Joseph E. Davis street wear. The charity ball at the Ritz-CarL . The Senate passed the $213,964,- Washington—Chamber of Com­ effects of Champagnes, the beauty 1 Douglas W. Paige ot New York, For sports wear linen and crash ton is one of the institutions of the, statehood and the governor will de­ is on hand. The Jdea is.;'to ' ,3?>4ke merce voices opposition to a special liver the principal address. folks like Stettin and npf -bgrisored 000 -^propriation bill for the Agri­ and delicacy of Bordeaux, have ap-j Edward T. Stotesbimy has arnv- dresses are shown. The anytime social calendar. It enlists the best ' session of Congress. peared on billboards throughout i cd, accompanied by Oliver Eaton Four of Senator Vandenberg’s by stopovers betw’een ;tf^iP%( culture Department. It carries $125- dresses are distinguished by dozens names of the town as patronesses. I Chicago—Philip D. Armour re­ France. j Cromwell. This year’s list of subscribers to the - colleagues in the Senate who were Venice.— Sundry historic palaces 000,000 for immediate road con­ of tiny box pleats tacked together signs as first vice-president and Newspapers have published j ball was long and impressive. born in Michigan, Frederick Hale, along the Grand Central are' -for struction worlc.’'The measure novi" is with knots of colored threads^ of Maine, Thomas D. Schall of headed to conference. director of Armour and Company special editions devoted exclusively Interesting folk augmenting the A debutante committee headed by sale. Foreigners who used them dur- Canadian colony are Mr. and Mrs. Dance FVocks Minnesota, Robert B. Howell of Testimony that there was “ballot after T. George Lee is elected presi- ^ wines and liquors and the cam Even debutante dance frocks re­ Josephine Auchincloss helped stage in the short summer season are paign has taken on the aspect of Frank Stone, W. C. Hodgins, Dr. the affairs, which this year head­ Nebraska, and Royal S. Copeland of Amnno-ibox tampering” in Pittsburgh in dent. flect a trend toward economy. New’ York, will be special guests. finding them too e p . „ last year’s Republican primary was New York—Two rum runner sus- I a_ patriotic— duty,j.,4... i and Mrs. Alexander McKelvey, B. O. lined a dancing contest. Her assist-; Henderson, Harry Kent, Mr. and Among the smartest are ruffled or­ ants were Constance Zabriskie, Bar­ them are the palace 1 §jven to the Senate campaign funds pects overpower Chief Boatswain;j The year-endvear-end holidays in Paris gandy frocks occa.sionally desigped Representative Ruth Bryan Owen, Browning died, the t iucctomittee by H. W. Bennett, super- Talmade O’Neill of OCoast Guard,' were the dryest since the Armis- Mrs. B. L. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. bara Pratt, Evelyn Smith, Ruth Lord Byron lived and the one., in Jordam Shaver, adl of Toronto. w^th five or six tiers. There are also Poor, Justine Allen, Eleanor Bangs, of Florida, charming member of the ijitendent of the Alle'g'heny- county throw him from car and escape on , tice, with mineral water bottles white Swiss dresses with blue and House, who turns a cold shoulder which Richard Wagner' pdmposed Polly Moore, Lydia Glagden, Doro­ .^lection recount board. The cbm- way to jail. j littering 50 per cent of the tables. red dots mixed with the usual to the lighter side of society and some of “Tristan und Isolde'.’'' the I Prince Alexis Mdivani and his thy Dillon and Phyllis Pratt. mittee-ik'investigating the cam- iMnrth Rerc-en N J.—Frank H. Medical experts diagnosed the, .. ^ xt whitenones. Embroidered starched confines herself to the affairs of her paign expenditures of Senator ' R-own is arrested for illeg-al broad- flood of water as due to congestion j fiance. Miss Louise Vm A ie^f New office, has asked a number of m vis, of PennsSdvania. I S r t L n r of Others ascribed it to | York, are being feted, -^ e an- crencs are another new fashion. Important weddings of the week friends to attend a musicale at the j The Senate banking committee .) F communicated with congestion of the pocket book, the 1 nouncement of Miss Van Alen s en- There are bright hued ribbon were those of Miss Anna Kieswetter Mayflower hotel, Sunday afternoon r FIRST PROCLAMATION goodly number of tables decorated ^ gagement caused a decided ripple in belts on the new evening frocks. to Lee Harwood at St. Bartholo­ approved a sub-comraittee, headed j rum ships. when she will introduce a southern j .*y -Carey, Republican, Wyoming, to j. only with democratic beer glasses j the social stream. SOTpe of them trimmed with bright mew's Monday, and Grace Tlngue to baritone, Benjamin de Loache, of , BY OUR NEW GOVERNOR •investigate charges lodged against Baltimore, Md. Captain Isaac L. authority to this latter an-^ ^------glass buttons Dance dresses for Waring Park on Friday. After the the Philadelphia Opera Company, j Eugene Meyer, Jr., President Emerson, chemical manufacturer, g^jygjg j An event assembling a large num- young girls have unusually high Tingue-Park wedding a reception, Mrs. Owen “ discovered” Mr. de Hoover’s nominee for governor of dies at 71. Many of Montmarte resorts ber of the colonists was the first of necklines both front and back and v/as held for them at the home of Loache about four years ago when the Federal Reserve Board. The St. Louis—Ralph Pierson, former where in previous years one could; a series of tea dances held In the are often finished with lace edged the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and her sons, John Bryan and Reginald, Hartford, Jan. 24.— (A P.)—In his nomination was returned to the co-owner, convicted of murder in not buy a seat at a crowded table club rooms of the Sailfish Club of Berthas or small capes. Mrs. Putnam M. Morrison. brought the artist to her attention. first proclamation since assuming;, committee yesterday. ' connection with death of seven per­ for $20, closed around two in the His beautiful voice thrilled her, office, Governor Wilbur L. Crosa to­ A bill to- provide $30,000,000 for sons in Buckingham Hotel Annex morning for lack of customers. and she gave him encouragement. day called upon the state to observe modernizing the battleships New fire. His first achievement came when he Mexico, Missippi and Idaho was ap­ Sunday, Feb. 15 as Maine Memorial’ . Washington—McAdoo urges ap­ was one of the national winners in proved by the House Naval commit­ propriation of $50,000,000 or use of RIOTS IN MADRID the Atwater Kent audition three Day, with exercises in the public schools on the Friday preceeding or tee. 1 equivalent amount of Farm Board years ago and later he received a Change in Attitude j wheat for relief of drought suffer- scholarship at the Curtis Institute the Monday following. Madrid, Jan. 24 — (AP) —Riots (Correspondence between, the iVar ' ers. of Music. This Sunday afternoon The proclamation is as folIb-wsV Department and the House military broke out again today among .studr I Ottawa—Premier Bennett plans he will make his debut in concert State' of Connecticut. conmiRtee revealed a change in at­ ents at the University o f Madrid. f'CHEVROLET and Mrs. Owen has asked more By His Excellency, W. L. Cross' titude by the former toward the en­ visit to Washington next week; he Seven of the young men were in­ than a hundred friends, diplomats “As enjoined upon me by statute) actment,of a peace time draft law is expected to discuss St. Lawrence jured in clashes with police and ten and officials to hear him. I hereby designate Sunday,' Febru­ to be invoked in war time emer­ ; waterway with Hoover. were arrested. The authorities or­ Mrs. Owen is herself a clever ary 15, as Maine Memorial Day, and gency. The late Secretary Good Managua—Matthew E. Hanna, dered the university closed. musician and plays the piano and I direct that on the preceding Fri-‘ favored such legislation, but Secre­ minister to Nicaragua, and Colonel The fighting began among rival several other instruments. Her day or the follov-ing Monday there tary,. Hurley, wrote opposing it. McDougal, National Guard com­ .groups of students. One element husband, the late Major Reginald be held in the public scbools Naturalization and citizenship mander, summoned to Washington ouit classes several days ago shout­ Consider these outstanding Owen was a British officer and she throughout the, state appropriate rights approaching those enjoyed by Secretary Stimson. ing for the establishment of a Re- played and sang for the wounded m exercises commemorative of the by men were asked of a House im- Tokio— Foreign Minister Shide- nublic in Spain. Monarchists, and British hospitals. great historical event which the migratiop. sub-committee by repre­ hara shouted down with cries of Catholic students opposed the strike statute in question is designed to sentatives of I’Jational women’s or­ “ traitor” during turbulent scene in and when thev started back to Chevroiet values Federal Radio Counsel and Mrs. celebrate. ganizations. i House over United States exclusion classes today the rioting began. ThadJ. IlCLU Brown \J-i- of Ohio, ----- had their - I “I recommend-X ------that the ' occasion i—a Legislation to authorize the estab- I policy. Police broke up the 'fight with guests, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanna of j be taken not only to recall to mma lishment of a travel division in the i London—Gales blowing 50 miles some difficultv and a heavy guard Cleveland, Ohio, ruthlessly snatched [ the heriosm of the men who first Department of Commerce to pro- ' an hour force cancellation of air- was placed about the university 5 »535 away from them recently. The gave their lives in the Spanish Wa-f, mote tourist travel in the United plane service to Paris ground...... ,» I O President and Mrs. Hoover asked but also to pay tribute to the cour­ States for foreign nationals was Warsaw — Women members of them to be over-night guests at the age and lofty idealism w'hicH has urged by William L. Cooper, dir- Parliament desert government over ...... ■’* • W indow C onpo . . . White House. However, after the always inspired our soldiers and eqtor of the Bureau of Foreign and bill to relax week-end liquor prohi­ sailors that there may be inbedded I'OWN ADVERTISEMENT Snort Roadator t/M A BT Sport Coapo $ brief visit with the President and Domestic C^ommerce. He appeared bition. V f tA ru m o fo « M t . . ‘" 4 uith rvmbls V SW the First Lady of the Land, they re­ in the hearts of our school cftildteri before the House Interstate Com­ Los Angeles—Tony Manero is BO.VKD OF BELIEF and our people ‘ ffiose virtliek o f turned to the Brown apartment and merce committee. only star to survive first two rounds there Mrs. Brown gave a luncheon patriotism and self-sacrifice neces­ of golf tourney. I ...... »545 »635 for Mrs. Hanna. sary to the endurance of civil' gov­ (Chicago — Layton, defending •0 ernment.” . NAVE APPROPRIATION champion, beats Jacobs 50 to 3 in The Board of Belief of the Town Sedan . . Washington has a new fad, a sort 31 innings in three cushion billiard oi .Manchester, Conn., will be in ses­ of a preparatory exercise for lent, tourney; Reiselt, Hall and Thum- sion at the .Municipal Building Spmciml e4juipm ant extrm. A ll p rica a f. o. S. Flint, Miehigmn in the form of “A Coffee.” Just DANGEROUS FOOLING Washington, Jan. 24.—-’(AP.) — blad tied for first place. ! .Monday, Feb. 2nd, 1:30 o’clock p. that and nothing more, at least to .’I'he House naval committee ' today Montreal—Lott beats Bell to ' m. to 5:00 o’clock p. m. the name. Mrs. Porter H. Dale, the approved the Senate Bill to author­ reach finals in tennis tournament. | Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, 1:30 o'clock p. retiring president of the Congres­ ize $30,000,000 for battleship mod­ Chicago—Berg outpoints Hess. j m. to 5:00 o’clock p. m. sional Club, gave the first one Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 24.— ernization. New York—Schaaf outpoints j Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 4:00 o’clock of the season, sending out her cards (AP.)—The judge failed to appre­ It provides for work oh the New Braddock. 1p. m. to 7:30 o’clock p. m. from the Congressional Club for ciate the attempt of George W. Mexico, Mississippi and Iffaho. St. John, N. F.—Frank Archi- | Thursday, Feb. 5th, 4:00 o’clock p. Thursday morning. Lots of talk, Morgan, 26, negro, at humor in Dis­ 'The committee also voted to In­ bald, representative from the Har­ m. to 7:30 o’clock p. m. coffee, tiny biscuits vith ham be­ trict Court today. • ■■.Li ;• form the Navy Secretary of a new bor Grace assembly district, sen­ Friday, Feb. 6th, 4:00 o’clock p. tween, doughnuts and all sorts of George was arraigned on a landing "device for the ships and will tenced to serve one year on man­ m. to 7:30 o’clock p. na. Before iattostiag your money in a new anto- rolls and buns. That is the menu charge of assault with a dan,gerous ask its use on the three battleships slaughter charge. Saturday, Feb. 7th, 1:30 O’clock p. for a “coffee.” weapon on Miss (Jeneva Jpnnipgs. if tests prove it feasible-. Worcester, Mass.—Sixty-nine in­ ni. to 5:00 o’clock p. m. mobile, you will find it worth while first to Police testified they • removed the . The bill was passed by the Senate dictments, including 12 secret indict­ Monday, Feb. 9th, 1:30 o’clock p. girl to a hospital. because of the se­ last week. It would provide for the ments, returned by the Worcester ra. to 5:00 o’clock p. m. learn what Chevrolet has to offer. LEAGUE PARLEY ON verity of her wounds. Then George installatlott o f hew turbines, better county Grand Jury. Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 1:80 o’clock ------I was called to testify. . ' defehSfe against submarines, new Cambridge, Mass.—“Poison pen” p. m. to 5:00 o’clock p. m, , airplane launching and handling Each of the nine new modc’j is a fin e car—a Chicago, Jan. 24.— (A P )—Charles | “Why, judge,” he said, “'We■’wierei letters received by private school Wednesday, Feb. 11, 4:00 o’clock fecilities, five-inch anti-aircraft bat- professor and prominent business p. m. to 7:30 o’clock p. m. quality product throughout. Each is designed, H. Strong, secretary of the New : just fooling. She was tapping me terifes, and increased elevation of York Bar Association today said on the head with a bottle and I was. men, whose names are withheld by Thursday, Feb. 12th, 4:00 o’clock ^turret guns; ■ there had been too much “ pussy- just tickling her to e s ’with'a. razor.i’’ police. p. m. to 7:30 o’clock p. m. built, finished and equipped to standards that The Navy estimates the work on Friday, Feb. ISth, 4:00 o’clock p. footing” on the subject of the en-j George was held for the 'Grand the 'three wessela will cost- $29,793,- Boston.—Napoleon J. Shaker, Mill River postmaster, given suspended m. to 7:30 o’clock p. m. are entirely new in the low-price field. Y et trance of the United States into the j Jury. 750. League of Nations, in addressing | ------—------sentence and probation after plead­ Saturday, Feb. 14th, 1:30 o’clock the League of Nations Association ing guilty to embezzlement of gov­ to 5:00 o’clock p. m. Cheorolet’s reduced prices are not only the convention. MYSTERY SEAPLANE ernment funds. Monday Feb. 16th, 1:30 o’clock p. “Harding began ‘pussy-footing’ R. R. STATION EXHIBIT Boston.—Richard F. Paul, Massa­ ra. to 5:f* o’clock p. ra. lowest in Chevrolet history, but are among Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 1:30 o’clock on the front porch at Marion,” chusetts Department commander, the very lowest in today’s motor car market. Strong said. “The famous 31 com­ Cowes, Isle of Wight,— (A P )— American Legion, orders post com­ p. ra. to 5:00 o’clock p. m/ mittee said ‘Step lightly,’ say noth­ Boston, Jan. 24.—S’x display wih- Secrecy suproimds preliminary tests manders to co-operate with Red Wednesday, Feb. 18th, 4:00 o’clock p. ra. to 7:30 o’clock p. m. Come in. Seethe new^ Chevrolet Six. Drive it. ing and vote for Harding as the dows in the new South Station, Bo^- being carried out here by the air Cross in raising funds for drought Front V incef Chavrolmt Sport Model only way to get into the League of i ton, have just been made available, ’ ministry on a ,large flying boat, one relief. Thursday, Feb. 19th, 4:00 o’clock Nations.’ Coolidge as vice president | through the New England Council, , of four which will be sent to the Boston.— Louis S. Levi, invest­ p. m. to 8:00 o’clock p. ra. Check the prices —and you will realize why once actually spoke out loud and J to manufacturers in MassacKuSeft's, j Far East for experimental tests in ment banker, reports theft of $25,- Friday, Feb. 20th, 4:00 o’clock p. said ‘I favor the League,' but as Rhode Island, and , Connecticut for j conjunction with paval maneouyers. 000 in jewels and furs from his ra. to 8:00 o’clock p. ra. it is called the Groat AtMriemn Value. Jamaica Plain home. All persons claiming to he ag'- president he choked up all utter-| display of their products. This Is'' Sav^ '.^pr. .tha, general, design of ;,L - ance. Hoover, before he was secre-j made possible by courtesy of tbl / the ship, few outside the air minis- Cambridge. Mass.—Edward A. grieved by the doings of the Asses­ tary of commerce, came to New : New Haven and Boston au3 Albanjr try’s high corpmand the de- Nolan, 24, of Everett,__ sentenced to sors of the Town of Manchester, York and wanted to work hard for | Railroads which sef-ve tYiese ^hree tails of her construction of capabili-118 months in the House of Correc- Conn., and those requiring offsets the League on our board. When he j states. , . - I ties. , . , ' ' , | tion on a charge arising out of the must appear and file their conaplaint became secretary of commerce, he j Use of the windows ■will be rotat- { The’ sifip has, the generad appear- death of his six months old son. at one of these meetings or at some See your dealer below became too busy to say anything for ; ed among the three states, so, .IJiat ' ance pf a torpedo ■ boat'with wings I Boston.—Good Government Asso- adjourned meeting of the said Board it. When he became president he , each state’s products will be sfi,owh, and is the biplfna type. Her power j elation in pamphlet “ City Affairs” of Belief. y found the League was a good thing • for a total of eight months a year., plants,- believed; to be specially de- .hurls charges at city’s business sys- The time of appeal is limited by for Europe.” j Assignments are made by the New signed linits along lines of the Rem and urges investigation. law to twenty days from and ,^ter George Morgan, Minneapolis at-~England Council. , , Schneider . Cup race plaaes, are said the first day of February, lOSl. The Mackley Chevrolet Co., Inc. EDWARD D. LYNCH, torney and law partner of Frank B, Four similar windows in ftie North to ha've loop horsepower capable of SOUTH MANCHESTER Kellogg, former secretary of state Station have been in .use. to, digplay driving, the/ship, at a cruising speed A California woman is suing her Chairmau, - 10 EAST CENTER STREET, and now, a judge on the World products of Maine, ;Keiy .Hampshire^ of 140/mlla5, an hour. Elxperts, are husband for divorce because he EMIL L. G. H0HI2NT|LU. Jr. Court, told the convention that sen­ ■Vermont, and . MaS^apbusafts, i^Vef seeking . to Test her reliability, in a wouldn’t get his hair cut. When Secretary, ' ' timent favorable to the League of since the completion of. the 14 hoyr z.^p, spe^d. test -to. b& made the terms of alimony are announced BOBEBT M. BFID, a l s o d e a le r ? fw CHEVRm.Fr SUC-CYLINDCR t r u c k s , o. k. FUnt, Nations was gradually improving in North Station, by courtesy of Che this apr|rig. H’ive nifih' make up her he’ll probably realize he’s had a. 1 BOARD OF RBUBF the American northwest. Boston and Maine Railroad. crew. , trimming. of the Toivn of Manchesh^, Conn.

- >

V, - — • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 193lT PAGE SIX SENATE COMMITTEE PROBES FOOD PRICES LONDON CONCERTS WTIC PROGRAMS DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Travelera Broadcasting Service 8:1.5—One-man show; feature. Leading DX Stations. Hartford. Conn. Saturday, January 24. 9:UU—Character readings, 405.2— WSB. ATLANTA-74a TO BE BROADCAST 60,000 W., 1000 &, CL Z82JH M. Spicer, baritone, will present 9:45—Dance orchestra; organist a varied program from W JZ ana asso­ 11:30— Moonbeams girls 8:00—Studio program. ciated stations Saturday night « 8:30. soe.ft—WBZi NEW ENGLAND—890. 8:30— NBC programs (2?4 bra.) His numbers will include Tommy 7:00—WJZ Amos *n’ Ant^. 11:15—Concert orchestra. Saturday, Janoary 24. r,ad," and ‘T Passed By Your W in­ 7:15—Jesters; Sandy MacFarlane. 1:00—Cecil VVhIte’s Hawaliana, (Eaatem Standard Time) dow." The quartet on the progiw 8:00—W JZ programs (1 hr.) 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—102a 9:00— Studio players* program. First On Next Wednesdaf, will sing a medley composed of Yes^ 9:30— WJZ minstrel frolic. Sir, That’s My Baby, Baby, Oh 9;80—WJZ programs (IW hrs.) 10:15—Dance music. P. M. Where Can You Be.” "I Can t Give 11:00—Irving Guyer’s orchestra 12:42—Bond Trio—Ralph Mixer, 34a.e_WABC, NEW YORK—86a 11:30—Dance orchestra to 4:00. You Anything But Love, and Ihats 389.5—WBBM, CHICAGO—77a Talk To Australia Early You. Baby." Henry Burbig • reciU- 6:00—Dinner music; scrap book. director. tion of "Comfy and Cozy, Freddie 7:15— Educational address. 9:00— Artists: orchestra. 1:30— Knights of Melody—Nor­ Kich’s arrangement of "Blow Hot. 7:30— Freddie Rich’s orchestra with a 12:15—Dancing around the town, man Cloutier, director. Blow Cold” from "Ballyhoo’ and »oca! humorist, soprano and tenor. 416.4— WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—72a Tomorrow Morning. 8:00— Rosamond Johnson’ s splrttuali. Cheerful Little Earful duets bv Audrey Marsh, soprano, and 9:00—Variety; feature hour. Larry Murphy, tenor, are high sj^ts 8:15—Dixie chorus; orchestra. 10:00—WEAF dance orchestra. Never Mind How of the prog^rara from W ABC ana Co­ 9:00— Indian legends, band. 11:10—Pianist: male quartet. I’ll Never Leave You lumbia network at 7:30, Justin Adams" 9:30— Nation radio forum. 11:30—Symphony orchestra. ! New York, Jan. 24.— (A P )—Four Crying Myself to Sleep four-act drama of western li'fe. “Triss" 10:00— Show boat melodrama, "Beyond 12:15—"Three dance orchestras to J;16. I concerts from London within a or “Beyond the Rockies,’’ which has the Rockies." OK Means Old Kentucky been reproduced by stock companies 11:00—Three dance orchestras. 344.6—WLS, CHICAGO—870. j week are to be distributed by the To Make a Long Story Short 12:30— Ann Leaf .organist. more than any other of its kind, will 8:45—Musical: minstrels. i N. B. Q. network. Tears (Waltz) be revived and broadcast from Hank 454.3_WEAF. n e w YORK—66a 10:00—Barn dance mu.sic. The first is set for Wednesday Simmons Show Boat over W ABC at 6:00—Lau Tier’s orchestra. 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians, One Pair of Pants At a Time in o’clock. The story relates incidents 6:45— Uncle Abe and David. 11:15—Novelty: barn dance. afternoon, Jan. 28, and to be by the Tie a Little String Around Your tliat are similar to many which took 7:00— Sing; addresses. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. B. B. C. symphony concert. The place in the great W est during the 8:15— "B u g s" Baer’s entertainment. Finger 8:30—Wandering gi’sy legend. 8:30—WABC programs (2 hra.) next afternoon an orchestra will be d a 's of ’ 43. 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians. To the Legion 9:00—Walter. Damrosch’s Symphony heard to be followed on Tuesday, Hittin’ the Bottle Wave lengths in meters on left of with Floyd Gibbons. 11:30—Dan and Sylvia; orchestra. Feb. 2 by the Wireless military station title, kilocycles on the right 10:00— Rolfe’s dance orchestra. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—126a 2:15— American Game Protective Times are all Eastern Standard. Black 11:00—Tenor, string trio. 10:00—WABC dance orchestra. band. To close the series, the B. B. Talk. face type indicates best feature.s. 11:15— Horace H eidfs orchestra. 11:00—Studio entertainment. C. sjnnphony will present another 2:30—^Mary Cohane, pianist, and 11:45—Little Jack Little, artist. 12:45—Artists frolic: orchestra. concert the afternoon of Feb. 4. All Janet Cooper, soprano. Seeking to find why retail bread prices have not fallen in comparison to wheat and flour prices, a sub­ 12:00— Dance orchestra. 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830, Leading East Stations. 393.5—WJZ. NEW YORK— 760. of the programs will go to the 3:00— Daytime Dancers and Hima committee of the Senate Agricultural Committee is pictured above as it opened an investigation in Washing­ 10:00—B. A. Rolfe’s orchestra. 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 6:00— BkIL "Raising Junionr.’ W EAF chain, except that on Jan. Islanders. ton. Senator Robert F. Wagner (standing, right) of New York has urged that the investigation determine 8:00—WABC programs (% hr.) 6:15— Dinner dance music. 11:00—Team; Slumber musia whether trust combinations are responsible. Seated, left to right, are Senator John B. Kendrick of Wyom­ 9:nn—Studio program: orchestra. 6:4.5—Loweli Thomas, reporter. 11:15—Fur Trappers: xylophontsL 29, which will be carried by the Make Yourself a Happiness Pie 0;SO—W.^BC programs (2M hrs ) 7:0n— Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. 11:45—NBC programs. WJZ group. Something to Remember You By ing, Senator Arthur Clapper, committee chairman, of Kansas, and Senator John G. Townsend, Jr., of Dela­ 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE— 106a 7 :Sn—Comedy skit: folk songs. 12:00—Cosmopolitan orchestra. Symphonic Raps ware. Standing, left to right, are Senator Elmer Thomas of Oklahoma, Senator Lynn J. Frazier of North 7:20—Ensemble, baritone, x.vtophonist 8;0n—Circus: dramatic skit. 491.3—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—6ia The Champions Orchestra is bill­ Dakota, and Senator Wagner. 8:00—WJZ programs O hr.) 8:30— Earle Spicer, baritone, quartet. 8:30—WEAK programs (U5 nra.) Selected—Hima Islanders 9-on—Around the raelodeon. 9:00—C.ampus; musical doctors. 10:00—Orchestra: Amos 'n’ Andy. ed for its final broadcast on WEAF Walkin’ My Baby Back Home 9:30—WJZ programs (2M hrs.) 10:00— Chicago Civic opera. 1]:30—Three dance orchestras. and stations at 10:15 p. m., E. S. T., Wabash Blues ll:nn— .Bliimher music hour. 468.5—KFI, LOS ANGELES—S^a 243.8— W NAC, BOSTON— 123C. 12 on—Phil Rpltanv's oorchestm. Sunday after an air existence since Go Up With the Birds name each number sung by the direction Vincent Sorey; Tito Gut- Got Rhythm, If You Haven’t Got g-on—Feattire mu.sical chronicles. 11:00—Circus; Soiree Intime. boys. Each of these listeners is zar, Tenor. 8:30—WABC programs (4 hrs.) 535.4—W FI, PHILADELPHIA-660. 12:30—Concert orchestra: revue. February 1929. Selected—Hima Islanders a Girl, Sv/eet Person, Cheerful 333.1—WBEN. BUFFALO—90a 7:30_Ffawnhan Phndows. music. S:00—Studio midnight frolic. Old Man Blues hearing WTIC on a three-tube set. 11:00—Back Home Hour from Little Earful (S) 6:1.3—WEAF programs (SU hrs.) 305.9— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 37a2—WCCO. MINN., ST. PAUL—810. One of them, A. V. Freeman of Buffalo; Rev. Clinton H, Churchill, 7:00— WJZ programs (2 hrs.) A somewhat different type of Who’s Blue 12-00—Bulova time (S) 11:30—i-kippers orchestra. 7:C0—Barlow’.s orchestra, contralto. educational broadcast is to open on Birmingham, not only heard the Orchestra and Soloists. 464.1—WGR. BUFFALO—550. 9:00—Freedom City program. 8:00—Lowell Thomas with WJZ. Baby, Won’t You Please Come 9:30— W.TZ programs t lli hrs.) WABC and stations at 8 p. m. Sun­ Penrod Boys, but stayed with the 7:30—WABC programs (M hr.) 9:16—Artists bureau, torum. Home WBZi—WBZ.A 8:30—Team; talk: music. 11:1.5—Far North broadcast. 10:00—WABC show boat drama. day when Dr. Howard W. Haggard, Hima Islanders , W n C program until 5 A. M., hear­ 280.7—W TAM . CLEVELAND— 107a 245.8—WCAE. PITTSBURGH—1220. 11:00—Four dance orchestras. ing the entire night’s schedule from Sunday, January 25, 1931. 6:00— W E A F programs (1 hr.) associate professor of physiology at If You Haven’t (]lot a Girl WBZ—WBZA 7:30—WE.4F programs (Z\i hrs.) 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—550. ' ?. M 13;on—Oprv house; orchestra. 8:00—Trio; variety; flute. Yale begins his series on “ Devils. start to finish. The Penrod Boys go 9:30— Harmonica: music team. 4:00—Through Sunny Windows— j 12:45—“Short Story Writing'— 428.3—WLW. CINCINNATI—700. 9:00—Wh^AF programs t3 hrs.) 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedian*. Drugs and Doctors.” on the air at 8 o’clock on Sunday Saturday, January, 24, 1931. 7:00—WJZ programs hr.) 260.7—WHAM. ROCHESTER—1150. Jane Dillon, impersonator, assisted I Frances A. Harris (B) 11:17—Harmonica, artists. evenings, which corresponds to 1 P. M. 7-30—.Saturday Knights program. 6:45—W.TZ programs (4% hrs.) 12:30—Barn dance orchestra. by String Ensemble. a. m. in England. jl:00—Temperature (B) 8:30—WJZ programs f24a hrs.) 11:00—Three orchestras to 12:30. Try these on your radio set to- 4:30—Hartford Conafervatory of 1:30—Vincent Lopez’s St. Regis Or­ 379.5— KGO. OAKLAND—790. 11:01—Statler Organ—Louis Weir. 31:00—Rand; dance.,orchestras. 379.5—WOY. SCHENECSTADY—790. night: Music Recital with Ajina Kaskas, chestra (NY) 12:30—The Doodle shckers. 11:4.5—Stocks, time, 4-H Club. 112:00—Talcs never told, ;2.00—Hour for Religious Liberals— 1:30—Guzendnrfer’a orchestra, Walter Damroach symphony or­ contralto, and Henry Woodford, 2:00— Temperature (B) 283—WTIC. HARTFORD— 106a 6:1.5—Jimmie Green’s orchestra. I Rev. Herbert Hitchen, Dunkirk, 5:00—Sunset hour; lollipops 6:45—Uncle Abe and Oavid. 270.1—WRVA. RICHMOND—Ilia chestra to WEAF network at 9 p. pianist. 2:01—National Republican Club 6:30—Ross Patterson, astroioeer. 7:30— Play. "T h e Deerslayer." 7:00—WJZ Amos ’ n’ Andy. 225— WDRC New York: William Ellis Weston, 422.3— WOR. NEW ARK—710. 8:00— W E A F programs (8 hrs.) —Jesters; fiddlera :orchestra. m. I Who Is Sylvia?...... Schubert (NY) g:15—WEAF programs l25i hra.) RcMesentative Charles R. Crish | Miss Kaskas Hartford—1330 3:29— Temperature (B) baritone (B) 7 :00—Drche.'tra: concert ensemble. 11:1.5—Late dance orchestra. 2:30— Mason and Hamlin Concert— 8:00— Romancers; teem. 11:4.5— W E A F programs (114 hrs.) IJ :on—Old Virginia finrilrr.': of G ^rgia speaking on “The House Rhapsodic in B minor...... Brahms 3:30— The Gumps’ Novelty Orches- i Rita Breault, pianist; Maude Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. Rules and the Need of Revision," Mr. Woodford Saturday, January 24. tra (S) Erickson, soprano; J. Alden Ed- 508.2—W EEI, BOSTON—590. tenor, bag pipes. 344.5— WENR, CHICAGO—870. WABC hookup at 9:30. Deep River (Negro Spiritual) (Eastern Standard Time) 4:00—WBZ Family Party (S) 8:00—5VK.4F programs (314 hrs.) 8:00— Police choristers. 7:00—Orchestra: farm program. Mattinata ...... Leoncavallo kins, bass. La Campanella, Liszt; 291.3— CFCF. MONTREAL— 1030, 4:30—Voice of the Organ (B) 11 1.'.—Auction bridge lession. 1:00—Midnight dance frolic to 3:00. Tomorrow is to bring: Miss Kaskas Come Unto Him All Ye That La­ 545.1—WKRC. CINCINNATI—650. 6:00— Twilight music hour. >P. M. 5:00—Uncle Bill and the Twins (B) bor, Handel; 11 Lacerato Spirito, 10:30—Studio dance orchestra. 7:45—Concert orchestra, studio music 254.1—WJJD, CHICAGO—1iaa Rebroadcast by WGY of a two- Nocturne ...... Debussy 5:15 — String Ensemble— Canzo- 1:00— Colt Shoe Time. Verdi; Sparks, Moszkowski; La 1 ) 00—Organ request program. 10:1.5— Studio party. 9:00—Orchestra: lessons, songs. way conversation between Sir Hu- Mr. Woodford netta, Godard; Danse Orlentale, 434.8—CKQW. TORONTO—69a 9:30—Palmer studio program. 1:00—Musical Aviators Orches- Walley, Catalan!; Song of the 12:00—Dinner dance orchestra. bert Wilkins and Robert E Ripley Aria from “Jeanne d’Arc ...... Lubomirsky; Serenade, Chami- 7;Sfi—Talk, orchestra. 6:00— Laurier’s orchestra. 299.8—WOC-WHO. lOWA—1000. tra. Flea, Moussorgsky; Out of My 272.6—W L W L , NEW YORK— 1100. 6:30—Dinner dance music. In Schenectady, and friends in Syd­ ...... Tschaikowsky nade; Caressing Butterfly, Bar- 8:00—5VEAF programs (4 hrs.) 1:30— Savoy Plaza Orchestra. Soul’s Great Sadness, Franz (BV 6:00—Soprano; orchestra: pianist. 6:45— NBC comedy sketches. 12:00—WHOOT Owl.a program ney, Australia, at 7:30 (correct) a. Miss Kaskas the’emy; Marguerite Waltzes, 6:40— .Address; ha.''SO, tenor. 7:15— Barn dance music 2:00—Annual Luncheon of Mo­ 3:00—Temperature (B) 508.2—WOW. OMAHA—590. 5:00— Sunset Hour, Moshe Para- “Faust,” Gounod (B) 526—V/NYC, NEW YORK—1100. 8:00—W JZ programs (1% hrs.) m„ E. S. T. tion Picture Review, New York. 3:01—Michael Ahern, baritone (B) 7:00—Tdanift and tenor. 10:00—Corn Huskers’ orchestra. 10:00—Btudio program. Roxy symphony concert over com­ nov, director; with Kae Ellen Hotch­ 5:30—Stock Exchange quotations— 4:00—Ann Leaf at the Organ. 3:15— People's Symphony Orchestra 7:30— Irish hour with accordionist, 11:00— WJZ Slumber music. 11:00—Late dance music. bined WEAF-WJZ chains at 11. kiss, contralto, Tifft Brothers (S) 4:30— Spanish Serenade; Vincent (B) speaking | Excerpts from Suite—In a Per­ 5:45— Evening Stars — Evening Sir Herbert Samuel Srey, director. ! 4:15—Canadian Pacific Musical from London on “The Political Sit­ sian Garden . . . Lehmann-Schmid 5:()0—Morton Downey with Leon Mood, Czerwonky: Creole Sere­ Crusaders (NY) 10:00— Studio artists hour. uation in Enjfland,” WABC stations Orchestra nade, Freire; Dance of the Jacks, Leading DX Stations. Belasco and his Orchestra | 4:45—“Your Eyes" — Bacchanale, Sunday, January 25. 1C;30— WJZ Slumhci music. Bendemeers Stream...... Galty 5:45— The Saturday Niters; f Poldlni: The Swan, Saint-Saens; i 348.6—W ABC, NEW YORK—860. 405.2— WSB, A T L A N iA -/4 0 , at 12:30 p. m. “ Samson and Dililah,” Saint- A second speaker in what amounts Kae Hotchkiss, contralto Dance Music. Doll’s Dance, Pleler (B) j 12:30— Geneva welfare talk. 7:00—Nunnalv's music lioui. Saens; Just Like Your Eyes, Air to a debate on International al fairs 12:45— Grenadier Guard*' Band* of 7:39—WEAK progiams (2-t4 hrs.) Serenata ...... Reiser 6:00— The Melodists. 6:00—Time; Champion Weather-; de Ballet, Herbert; Dark Eyes from Geneva will be August Zal^ki. Montreal. 11:15—Bright spot: coiiccru Uttle Coquette ...... Reiser 6:15—Rem Merrymakers. man (B) ! ipinister of foreign affairs In Pol­ SsOO—New York Phllharinonic Sym 12:00—Feature program. flow ’s She Hitting? Tender, Manney; What I Close Orchestra 6:30— The Collegians. 6:03— Dinner Music—Minuet and ! ish government ot Marshal Pilsudski, phony orche*tra. 293.9— KYW . CHICAGO— 102a My Eyes and Dream, Abel (NY) who will discuss his country's posi­ 6:00—Sermon, Rev. Barnhouse. 8:00—NBC programs (1 hr.) Two Negro Spirituals, Arr. Burleigh 6:45— Tony’s Scrap Book. Barcarolle, “Les Contes d’Hoff- j 5:30—Three Little Sachs. 5:00—National Vespers— Rev, Dr. tion in relation to the 9:15—Studio oi'ctieslia. BY ISRAEL KLEIN Hard Trials 7:00—Morton Downey with Fred- i mann,” Offenbach: Spanish Sere-i cf Europe at 12:30 Sunday afternoon 6:00—Earle Nelson’s program. 10:43—WEAF programs. Science Editor, NEA Service I Want To Be Ready Allan Knight cihalmers. Dear over the Columbia chain. The out­ e;30—.Rich's orch., Ben Alley, tenor. 11:45—Dance music (1 hr.) die Rich’s Orchestra. i nade, Herbert; Melody, Cadman; ! standing musical event of the after­ 7:00— Little Flower’s golden houi. Kae Hotchkiss 7:15— World Bookman. ! Cheerful Little Earful (B) 1 Lord amd Father of Mankind; I noon will come through .the same net­ 8:00— Physiological talk. 344.5— WENR. CHICAGO—870. The occasional warm spell that 9:00—Sunday evening cluli. 7:20—Stock Quotations. j 0:15—Riverside Ramblers (B) { Need Thee Every Hour; Scriptu­ work w'hen Barnardino Mollnarl. 8:15— Male chorus; ensemble. ral Call to Worship; Sanctus, Italian maestro, will be the gmest con­ 9:U0—Around the Samovar. 10:30—S.vmphony concert: music. 7:30—Albert White, popular plan- i 6:30—Tom Clines’ Statler Orches- | ductor of the New York Philhamonic 9 :30— Fehture studio program. 11:30—Comedy sketch: popular. by the thoughtful “The Holy City;” Scripture Read­ 12:00—DX air vaudeville. Mountains) ...... Borch ist. I tra (B) j Svmphony Society Orchestra duung 10:00— Organ duotone*. with Paul the time when he can grasp the op-1 Sunrise and Morning Song ing: Kyrie; What Are These? its two-hour concert s*^srting at i. Small, tenor. 416.4— WGN-WLIB. CHICAGO—720. portunity to clean his automobile, 7:45—Joseph Waas, Baritone; j 6:44—Temperature (B) | The program includes two numbers by 10:30—Vincent Sorey’s orchestra, 8:0(1—Operatic gems. Langeleik and Story Myra Yaw, Accompamist. |6:45— Topics in Brief—L o w e 1 1 : Address: “Religion in an Age of Rossini, the overture to ’ ’La Ceneren- 11:00— Back Home Tabernacle. 9:00—I'lanist; rainbow trails. have the chassis cleaned and Song of the Shepherdess Revolt,” Rev. Chalmers; Prayer, 9:15—Wi:.51' programs (1 hr. greased, and the crankcase oil re­ 8:00— Colt Shoe Time. j Thomas (NY) | tola" and La Rossmia. suite from 12:00— Quiet harmonies. Return to the Village Dresden Amen; Art Thou •Les Riens," and one by Strajdn^y. 12:30—Midnight organ nielod^s. 10:45—Symphony orchestra: vocalists. newed. 1 8:00— Ann Leaf at the Organ, ' 7:00—Bulova time; Amos ’n’ Andy 454.3—W E A F . NEW YORK—660. 12:00—Coon-Sanders nlghthawka. Orchestra 1 Weary? What a Friend We Have the suite from L’Olseau de Fmi W ie But this is also a time when the with Ben Alley, Tenor. I (B-NY) Fire Bird.) The children of His Maj­ ll;0O—Roxy Symphony orchestra. 447.5— WM AQ-W QJ. CHICAGO—67a In Jesus (NY) anti-freeze In the cooling system, Some Rival Has Stolen My True 8:15— Good Credit Period; Skit | 7:15— Tastyeast Jesters— Can This esty’s Chapel Savoy, London, one of 1:00—Oratorio, "The New Earth. 8:30—Sunday evening club. Love Away .. . .Arr. Broadwood 6:00—Time; Champion Weather- the oldest and finest boy choirs in 4;U0— National Sunday forum. 10:15—Piano: trio: Aul Sandy. and the entire system’s operation, with Music. Be Love? I Love Me, The Wed­ the world, will be heard i^n the U^ted 5:00—Mixed chorus, orchestra. 11:15—Studio concert orchesera, must be watched carefully. This *ls is, ' Sehnsucht Kennt .. 8:30— Fletcher Henderson and his ding in the Ark, Original Comedy i man (B) States tor the first Sunday after- 0:00— Catholic address, choir. 11:30—Bible reading: orchestra. ‘ ...... Tschaikowsky !6:03—Pianologue—John Orth (B) 7:30—Comedy "Speaking to Father especially true if alcohol Is the anti- i Orchestra. Song, Sunny Disposish (NY) noon at 4:15 through the WJZ net- 344.5— W LS. CHICAGO. Kae Hotchkiss, contralto !6:14—Temperature (B) w oi k. Glenn Hunter, famous star of g:00— Theater musical hour with 7:30—Little Brown (■hunli freeze. ! 9:00— Henri Tussenbroek, pianist. 7:30— J. A. Yoysters (B) screen and stage, and Arthur Byron soloists, orchestra. S:30—Orchestra «nd singers. ______I Spiritual ...... White 9:15— Aurelia Gardner, Soprano; 7:45—The State House—Henry j _!6:15— Chevrolet Chronicles (B) successful theatrical g-30__Choral orchestra, songs. ; 6:45— Northern Lights (NY) productions, wil be the featured Play 9:00—Talk. David Lawrence. 202.6— W H T. CHICAGO—14Sa Users of alcohol in the cooling Dance of the Jacks. .Poldini-Rappee Myra Yaw, Accompanist. Ryan, speaker (B) ers in George Ade’s comedy. Speak­ 9 :15— Mixed quartet, orchestra. 8:30—Concert ensenible. arti.'its. system should be particularly be- „ o i i u 9:30— National Radio Forum from 8:00—Dixies Cin^s (NY) ]7:00— Bulova time (B) ing to Father,” which will be broad­ 10:15— Champions dance music. 9:C0—liililica! dramalic events. ware of the thawing periods in win- Negro Spirituals, Arr. Burleigh Washington, D. C. |7:01—Radio and Television Insti- cast Sunday evening throug.i the 10:45— Seth Parker’s program. 361.2— KOA, DENVER—830. 8:15—Rtn-Tin-Tin Thriller (NY) Tv'E.\F network at 7:30. A talk by l]-15_V ocal and Instrumental duo. 8:00—.M!C programs (3'4! hrs.) ter, especially when one comes after i Were You There 10:00— Sessions (Jlock Time. 8:30— Fuller Man— Cheerful Little' tute (B) , Frank Kent, publisher of the BalU- 11:30— Russian Cathedral choir. 11:30—Solitaire cowl>o>s: choir. a real cold spell and an extm amount i De Gospel Train 10:00— Hank Simmons and his I Earful. Something to Remember i 7:30—Williams Oilomarics (NY) niore Sun, will be a WJZ chain high* 12:30—.^lumber music; tenor. 393.^WJZ, NEW YORK—760. of alcohol had previously been put j Kae Hotchkiss Show Boat, “Beyond the Rockies." \ You By, Tommy Lad, Yours Sin- i 8:01—Enna Jettick Melodies Betsy light at S;15. 11;00— Roxy Symphony orchestra. 1:15—Organ concert. Avres, soprano: Mary Hopple, 1:00— Metropolitan Echoes. into the system- I with piano accompaniment 11:00— Jack Denny and his Or­ cerely, With a Song in My Heart, Wave lengths in meters on left of 374.8—WBAP. FORT WORTH-800. Tres Joli W a ltz ...... Waldteufel chestra from Montreal. contralto: Steele Jamison, tenor; l;45_L ittle Jack Little, artist 9:00—Orchestra, artists Cl hrs.) Coupled with the warmth of the Baby’s Awake Now, The Peanui: station title, kilocycles on the right. 2:00— String quarttet; Martha Atwood Orchestra 11:30 to Midnight—Guy Lombardo Leon Salathiel, bass : Ensemble, Tinv s are all Eastern Standard. FlacK .00— National youth conference. 357—CMC, H AVANA—840. outdoors, the heat of the motor Vendor, Yes, Sir, That’s My Baby, face t.'pe indicates best features. 4 :15—Canadian music crusaders, 8:00—Military band concert. quickly raises the temperature of 5:55—Lollipops. and his Royal (Canadians. Babv, Oh Where Can You Be. I direction George Dilworth. When boys' choir. 11:00—Studio feature cnncerL the cooling system to a point at 6:10—Baby Ruth Contest. Can’t Give You Anything But I Was a Lad. In Old Madrid, Till Leaciing East Stations. 4- 45— Musical ensemble, quartet. 285.5— KNX, HOLLYWOOD—1050. 6:14— Hima Islanders. We Meet Again, From the Land which the alcohol steams. This hap­ Sunday, January 25- Love, That’s You, Baby: And 5- 00—National vespers progrura 11:00—Presoyterian Church service. 6:17—Hartford Courant News. of the Sky Blue Water, Now the 272 6-WPG. ATLANTIC CITY-1100. 6:00—Sketch. "Raising Junior.^ 12:00—.string trio, tenor pens to be far below the boiling point (Eastern Standard Time) Then Your Lips Met Mine, I Pass­ 6:tii—Favorite Gospel hymns. 7:00—Dramatic reading "W ar. 1:30—Theater artists program. of water, and at about the tempera­ 6:20— Hima Islanders. ed By Your Window, Somebody Day Is Over (NY) 7-iii.— Lewis’ concert orchestra. 8:00— Mixed quartet, ensemble and 288.3—KTHS, HOT SPRIN GS—1040. ture of an efficiently operating en­ 6:22— Travelers News Bulletin: 8:15— Collier’s Hour (NY) 9:1 — Madden's orchestra. concert orchestra. A. M. Loves Me, Gershwin (NY) IP 111—Wandering Poet’s program. 7:30—Orctiestra: soloi.'sis. The Estate Weather Man. 8:15— Feature radio program. 9;no—Studio program. gine. 10:30— Watch Tower Society 9:00—WBZ Players (S) 9:15—Musicale (B) 30 :'o—WABC programs (114 hrs.) 9:30—Feature, Floyd Gibbons. If the motorist is not aware of 6:26— Hima Islanders. 9:80—World Adventures ■with Floyd 233—WBAL, BALTIMORE—106a 0:30—Concert enseml.le recital. Broadcast; Talk by Judge Ruther­ 9:30—Vapex Musical Doctors (NY) 10:15__Andy Sannella novelty music. the cause of this steam, he may 6:30—Mary Oliver Program; Ross 6:iu—Romany trail, soprano. lO'tiO— Sluriiber music hour. 299.8— W HO-V/OC. lOW A—100a ford. 10:00—Chicago Civic Opera (NY) Gibbons (NY) —Evening concert reveries. wonder why his cooling system has Patterson, Astrologist. 11:00— Evensong; musical. 7:30—Food for thought. 10:45— Services of First Unitarian 11:00—Bulova time; Champion 9:46—“Little Buster Melodies” (B) l-Oii-Balitomoreans dance, tenor. 11;30— South Sea Island orchestra. 8:00—WK.\F programs (2',4 hrs.) frozen up in such warm weather, 7:00—Silent 243,8— WNAC. BOSTON —1230. Meeting House, conducted by Rev. Weatherman (B) 10:00—Temperature (B) 305.9— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 1C:15—Chronicles program. when as a matter of fact it hasn’t. 1 0 :0 1 -Einar Hanson. vioHnist. Ro­ 7 :;:n—Orchestra concert. ILOO—Church service. 10:45—NBC programs (U4 hrs.) Charles Graves; Walter Dawley, or- 11:03—Westinghouse Hockey — g.pM—WABC program.s (414 hrs.) But even the motorist who knows THE STARS INCLINE, BUT 1 1-30— Memorial Park program. 333.1— W JAX, JACKSONVILLE-900. ganist, and mixed quartet. j Bruins vs. Philadelphia (B) mance. Beethoven; Rondino. Beet- 545,1_WGR. BUFFALO—550. 5 00—Presbyterian vesper service. 8:30—Evening church service. may make the mistake of opening DON'T COMPEL, KEYNOTE hoven-Kreisier: Country Dance, —Morning church service. > 13 :l,5_Irving Guyer’s Orchestra— 6 ;]5—Chronicles: trio: organ. 10:15—Studio dance orchestra. the radiator cap while the system OF ASTROLOGER’S THEORIES 12:00 Noon—Jewish Art Pro- S-pn — W.ABC programs (414 hrs.) 7:30—W JZ programs (4 hrs.) gram; Molly Rct,n, songs. [ When Kentucky Bids the V-'orld Beethoven (B) 333.1—WBEN. BUFFALO—900. 245.8— W CAE, PITTSBURGH —1420. 491.5— WDAF. KANSAS CITY—6101 is steaming in order to add more ^ 10:1.5—Pennzoil Pete (NY) ll-oo —Episcopal Church service. 11:00— Synagogue service. 10:15—Guests artist’s program. P. M. I Good Morning. To Make a Long 8:011—Methodist Church service. water. i "The stars incline, but they do 10:30-Kaffes Hag Slum.ber Hour 4:00—WEAF programs (7% hrs ) 4 6 8 .5 - KFI, LOS ANGELES—540. This is dangerous not only to the not compel,” is the keynote of the 12:30—International Broadcast; ! Story Short, Home Made Sun­ 8::th_WE.\F program.s (2*i hrs.) 491.5—WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 11:311—Violinist: recilnl Foreign Minister of Poland, Augpist ■ shine. Bv All the Stars Above (NY) 11-1,3—Heart of Home hour. 10:4.5-Trinity morning service. 12:30— Baritone: Sbtmbcr. motorist, but to the finish of the ca r.' astrological theories of Ross Patter- 11-Of)— Bulova lime; Champion 428.3—WLW. CINCINNATI—700. 2:30—1. B. S. A, Greek hour . 1:30—Dance music; girls trio. The sudden rush of steaming alcohol | son, well known New England Zaleski, from Geneva. You, Wabash Blues. You’re the g:nn—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 2:00—Vagabonds dance music. 12:45— H. M. Canadian Grenadier [ Weatherman (B) 9:00—Fireside Instrumental trio. from the radiator may bum hands astrologer, one of whose chats on One I Care For. Tie a Little 9:15—Jolly time revue artists. 9-30— Organ: string quartet 365.6— WHAS. LOUISVI LLE—820. Guards Band of Montreal; Captain { String Around Your Finger. O’d 11 03_Lewis Moonlight Hawaiians 9-nn—Concert hour. 535,4_WLIT. PHILADELPHIA-560. 9:00—Studio feature concert. and face of the motorist, and may the stars will be heard from Sta­ 1P13—WJZ programs hr.1 10:30—Luttieran church service. 9:15—Seelliach concert quarteL spread over the hood and discolor It. J. J. Gagnier, conductor. ; Fashioneii Girl. Don^^t Sav Good­ (B) jp?.n—Theater program; variety. tion WTIC at 6:30 o’clock this eve­ What’s the Use of Irving 11:i5—Heel Hugger Pi-ogram (NY) 12:30—Feature 370.2— WCCO, MINN.. ST. PAUL—810. Alcohol is destructive to lacquer fin­ 1:30— Conclave of Nations. | night 12 "fi—Late dance orchestra. 260.7—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1150. ning. Patterson offers his own ex­ They Satisfy, I 11:30—Bulova^ime (B) 233_WTIC. HARTFORD—1060. 6:30—Studio string trio. ish. periences as an illustration of the 2:00—Cathedral Hour; All musi- ! Without Love —Parannv’s music. pianisL 11:00— Episcopal Church service. 7:00—WAi3C programs (4 hrs.) cal presentation of a Cathedral 3P:1.-,_WKAF dance music. 3:30— Rochester Civic orchestra. 11:00—Back Home hour. The thing to do when the cooling way in which the stars shape one’s 4:00— WJZ programs (2 hr^> system steams during a warm spell Service with Theo Karle, Tenor; 10:4.3—Ilima Islanders orchestra, 6:00—Travelogue; piano; talk. 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—6Sa destiny. Twenty years ago he l ] : 0n_Merrv Madcaps, crooners. Lillian Bucknara, Soprano; Barbara 7:30—WJZ programs (1% nrs.) 7:00—Sacred music concert. is to stop and wait a while until it went into business in defiance of the 422.3—WOR, NEWARK—710 8:00—NBC feature concert. Maurel, Contralto; Crane Calder, Bodies of Slain Marines on Way Home 7:45—I^evltow’s symphoneque. 9:15— Bailaders music; band. has cooled down a bit, or to cover message contained in his horoscope. 9;30_W JZ programs (2 hrs.) 8:15—Presbyterian Church service. Bass; and Columbia Symphony Or­ 8:3n—Feature entertainers. 379.5—WGY. SCHENECTADY—790. 9:15—WICAF feature concert. the front of the hood with a rubber Every misfortune predicted by his 9:00—Merle Johnston’s hour. 10-.15—Rhythm Symphony mu.sic. sheet before opening the radiator chestra. 5:30—Symphony orchesera. 10:45— Methodist service. chart befell him. This experience 12:15—WE.\F programs (1% hrs.) 10:45—WEAK hymn sing. cap. 3:00—The Radiant Singers, Mix­ li' :vi—Vaudevl1lp artists hour. 379.5— KGO, O AKLAN D -/SO . was partially responsible for his be­ 11 rn—Moonbeams music hour. 2:00—Moonshine and Honeysuckle. Water should be added very slowly ed Quartet. 302.8— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 3:00— Helen Henshaw. organist 10:45—Champion dance music. coming a professional astrologer. 4:00—W E A F programs (8 hrs.) 11:15—Mixed quartet: Pilgrims. while the motor is kept running. In the latter capacity he is known 3:30— Tom Noonan’s Chinatown 1Lon—Episenna 1 rhurch service. 12:30—Bem'.s Little Si Rescue Society Service from New 7:30—WJZ programs 12% ------hrs.) 1------2 :0 0 -Doc Peyton’ s orchestra. Otherwise the cold water, suddenly as co-author of the well known Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. striking the hot motor, may cause a ^ “What’s Yours” and as in- York City. 389,4— WBBM. CHICAGO— 77a 5:00— Sermon by Rev. Donald 508.2—WEEI. BOSTON—59a 291.3—CFCF, MONTREAL— 1030, crack in the system, which is quite ^he “ Futurscope,” an auto- 8:r,(l—("oncert musical program. 7:00— Studio music hour. 9:00—WABC programs. costly. Grey Barnhouse, “The Man Who 10:00— Late dance orchestr^ 12:15—Three dance orchestras. matic astrological deidce. 9 ■ l',._iv E.M'' mu.sic hour. 272.6—W L W L . NEW YORK—1i0a Carried His Bed.” 10 15 —Good-will dance orchestra. 1:00—Nutty Club and artists. 3:15—Columbus Council club. 233—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS-1260. If glycerine or any similar anti­ 5:30— The French Trio with Cath­ 280.2—W TAM . CLEVELAND— 107a 6:00—Catholic talk: choristers. 8:00—WABC programs (3 hrs.) freeze Is used, however, this steam­ Sonday, January 25, 1931 erine Field, Soprano. 7;3n_WEAF programs (3)4 hr#.) 434.9—C K G W , TO R O N TO —69a 11:00—Dance orchestras. ing will not occur. But the warm E.S.T. 6:00—Webster’s Old Timers. | ir r_Hance music: organist. 11 ;00—Cathedral high mass. 270.1—W R VA, RICHMOND— 1110. i ',7-W H K . CLEVELAND—1390. 1;()0_NBC programs (2 hrs.) spell offers good opportunity to 8:00 p. m.—Penrod Boys — Lew 6:30— To Be Announced. i 6:00—Children’s Club program. 8:15—Episcopal service. 7:1 li-1. B. S. A. service. 9:45—Concert hotir. check up the connections around the Stem, Les Agens and Joe O’Toole. 7:00—Myrtle Van Veen, Mezzo- g;1.5 -WABC programs (2 hr*,) 7:00—Baptist Church service. f:15—NBC programs (144 hrs.) 10:45—Sunday at Seth Parker's. engine, to see that no leakage oc­ 8:30— Chase and Sanborn Choral soprano; Swedish Folk Songs; ac- , 10:30—Three dance orchestras. curs. This ch ^ k should be made Orchestra—N BC. companied by Esther A. Nelson. j especially at flfe water pump. In 9:00— Chevrolet Chronicles. 7:15— Gertrude Coledesky, popu- | Mrs. Mulcahy. Music was furnish­ town Grange hall, Tuesday night, fact. It is adrisable to tighten all 9:30— Orchestral Gems — Moshe lar songs; Mae Weinstein, accom- | ed by members of Union Grange. January 27. The proceeds will be connections over the entire cooling Paranov, director; with Rhea panist. • . i HILLSTOWN Following are the officers for the divided between the two Granges. system and take up a few turns on' Massicotte, soprano, 7:30—Henri Tussenbroek, concert j ensuing year, 1931; Master, George Mrs. Fred Schultz of Forest street the pump nut. 110:15— Studebaker (Jhamplons — pianist. | The officers of Hillstown Grange Ruoff; overseer, Harry Miller; lec­ is sick at her home. Mr. Schultz Water may have to be added to NBC. 7:40— The Biltmore Trio. | were installed by Worthy State Mas­ turer, Grace Miller; chaplain. Rose has just returned from the hospi­ the glycerine In the cooling system, j 10:45— News; Weather, 8:00—"Devils, Drugs and Doc­ ter Louis G. Tolies and assisted by Ban tie; secretary, Ella Scranton; tal. but care Should be taken that the 110:47—The Illma Islanders —Mike tors”; Howard W. Haggard, M. D., Mrs. Tolies and Mrs, Kretzmer and treasurer, James Bancroft; steward, Harold Hills, who is graduating entire solution does not come within j Hanapi, director, Associate Professor of Physiology, Frank Ruoff; assistant steward, from the High school in East Hart­ three inches of the top of the over- 11:00—"The Merry Madcaps” — Yale University. Roy Ban tie; gate keeper, Harold ford, was an honor pupil all through flow pipe. Glycerine expands with Norman Cloutier, director; with 8:15— U. S. School of Music. Hills; Pomona, Elizabeth Hartl; his course. He is the son of Mr. heat and will overflow if the system the Three Madhatters. 8:30— Erich Tesche, Tenor; A. RADIO SERVICE Ceres, Edna Scranton; Flora, Eliza­ and Mrs. Clarence Hills and they Is filled to a higher level. 12:00 Midn.— Silent. Stanley Usher, Accompsmist, on all makes. beth Welch; lady assistant steward, live in the old Cummings place here. 8:45— New World Symphony Or­ Mary Hartl. Since water has been added where English Radio Listeners Among Ad- chestra; Scottish Program. New Sets and Standard alcohol has been used during the | mlrers of Penrod Boys of WTIC 9:00—Around the Samovar; Peter Accessories George Hollister, driver of the HONOR BLIND STUDENT, warm spell, the motorist should not I Not many American broadcasters school bus at the South Grammar Blljo’s Balalaika Orchestra with forget to drain out a bit of this fluid can, like the Penrod Boys of Sta- Valia Valentinova, Ckmtralto; Eliena' school, is reported seriously ill at Glastonbury, Jan. 24.— (AP) — just before another cold spell is due, tion WTIC, boast of an admiring WM. E. KRAH his home. Kazanova, Violinist; and Eli Spivak, 669 Tolland Turnpike. Phone 3733 Hugo T. Saglio, a Glastonbury and add the necessary alcohol in audience across the Atlantic, Baritone. Miss Cora Wallace of Lynn street, youth, blind since he was nine years order to avoid freezing. Hurtled across the Atlantic by the 9:30—Graham-Paige Hour; De­ East Hartford, and a frequent vis­ old, has been elected poet of the Am­ At the same time, the motorist powerful 60,000-watt transmitter of troit Symphony Orchestra, directed itor here coming to the home of herst senior class it was learned to­ might take advantage of this change the Connecticut station, the Penrod MY BUSINESS IS TO SERVE trio has established quite a follow­ by Victor Kolar, with Edgar A. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Brewer, is giving day. The choice was mada by pop­ In weather by draining out the en­ Guest, Popular Poet. a S0i6iTUi pioce*>u*. i-j, ,-u. uij UwU —» o* All work guaranteed to satisfy. up her home and selling all of her ular vote. Saglio lost his sight tire cooling solution and flushing the ing in England. Last week they TTn’t~d tates Marines who were kiped in an amhiicn-ada by Nicaraguan r'- For Radio Service and Accessories received letters from Colne and 10:00—George Westerman. Violin­ beautjful antiques and other house­ when he was accidentally shot while system throughout before renewing ist; Sadie Yellen, Soprano: Barbara hcii are shov.m here as they were borr.e i-:'.rov” h the streets of Managua call hold furniture. playing with a group of older boys. it. It keeps the radiator and engine Great Sankey in Lancaishire, Hard- to be sh pped back to this country. Fellow marines marched beside the gate in Yorkshire and Birmingham, Troop, Pianist. will give the His ambition, his parents say, is water jacket open and free from 10:30—^The Gauchos Orchfcstra. fimeral trucks. ii." M. E. W ORSAA the writers of which were able to ^ 8 8 Center St^ Phone 6277 cqi puhbs” , at iUUa- |to taach EnglishJn. college- rust. FAGS SEVEir MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1931.

----- teat with a group from the Jtortfprd Trust Co. Wednesday svanlng. ft COLLEGE BOYS, HERE ARE YOUR COATS! 6 la the church parhM as infonoal reception to Dr. aad Mrs. Qenttf followed by supper at 6:S0 s(nd the Hunting Wily Coons m. ■wmiai meeting'With election of olti'* SOUTH M ETHODIST CHUBC3H cers for the oomink year. This is Rev. R. A. Colpltto. Or. Genthr’s last official visit as Dis­ trict Superintendent as he retiree Sport “ Ma.n Street Religion’’ will be the from this office at the annual con­ An Exciting ference in April. The regular subject of the morning sermon at the South Methodist church tomor­ schedule of “gym” activities will be row. This is the third in the ser­ followed throughout the week. ies “ If Jesus Came to Manchester.” The vested choir will render “Thou SKATING VICTIM DIES- Local Man Who Has Shot Fight Between Coon and Dog Who Art Enthroned Above” and Bridgeport, Jan. 24.—(AP)— “There ShaU Be No Night 'There. ” RolUu Whipple, ten year old son of 500 Tells of the Chase; In River a Terrifying Sight. At 4:30 the Musical Vesper Ser­ Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Whipple of vice will feature both choral and or­ Fairfield died yesterday in Bridge­ ED,” a fine ’coon dog owned by Harry Fowler of gan numbers under the direction of port hospital from Injuries suffered Hunts In Two States; Well Carl McKinley. whUe skating W ednesday. 112 Oak street, did his part in helping to cap­ At 6:30 the Epworth League, with The accident occurred on an ice Trained Dogs Play An Im­ ture 500 ’coons in the past twelve years until he was hit Miss Hazel Driggs and Miss Mar­ covered lot near his home. He, his one night by an automobile while on trail near Westfield, jorie Crockett as leaders, will pre­ playmates reported, attempted to sent a drama “The Color Line’’ jump over a broomstick, fell and portant Part In the Pursuit Mass. ” The local 'coon hunter admits there will never assisted by a grroup of young people struck his head on a rock protruding be another dog’ like “ Red.’ from North Congregational church. above the ice. He was taken to “Red ran up a big total of skins that year,’’ said Mr. Monday at 7:30 p. ra. the Men’s Bridgeport hopital suffering from a of the Game. Fowler, “ but he met liis toughest ’coon one night near meeting followed by an athletic con- fractured skull. the Westfield river. He stai’ted the big buck up in the h e r e is no bond of friendship foothills and was gaining on him after four hours trail­ stronger under the sun tlian the ing. He caught up with him just as the ’coon plunged into T love of a hunte. for his dog. ' the Weslfiekl river. In went ‘Red’ right after that The dog was perhaps man’s first ally in the dark ages; a protector, a ’coon. “ Thc\' met in the middle of the river and what a CHRYSLER tracker, a friend. In the passing centuries modern civilization has light they had I All ‘Red’ could do was lunge and bite separated and softened both man and squeal. The ’coon had the better of the scrap in STRAIGHT EIGHTS and his canine friend. Away from the caves of prehistoric hills the dog Lhe middle of the river because he could hold his breath longei- undei' water. Wlien 1 came on the scene I un­ parts are oiled up and set into nor­ has become a nondescript mammal, mal action again the whole system New Wires Spread wandering city streets often regard­ slung m\' axe and waded out waist deep and killed the is likely to remain unequalized. It ed as a nuisance and in some in- > ’coon. ‘Red’ grabbed him by the neck and swam ashore, Motor Hints will save a lot of trouble and ex­ stances as a vicious enemy. ■fhat was the biggest night’s work that ‘Red’ ever had.” Timely Suggestions on Uie pense to keep the cross shaft well To Speed Weather It would be utterly impossible for _ t.'iue. of the Car by the .Auto­ lubricated. man to live today in the Arctic - mobile Club of Hartford. Reports to Fliers regions without the dog. Perhaps | Rich Mixture Bisks the greatest example of m an's' At this time of year it is custom­ early association with his canine ‘ a good 'coon dog. I have had dogs Timely Suggestions by the .Auto- ary to enrich the carburetor mixture Washington. —(AP)— A net of friend is the Arctic muskies. The that treed nine ’coons In one night i mobilo Club of Hartford in order to get a quicker start, but Ccon Hunter 8,500 miles of automatic telegraph j OtrytUr y-Fuswiitr Std^m, Eskimos amd Indians of the far and five in a single night. Last fall the idea often is overdone and proves f. O. B. Pdciory I north train their hardy, strong- my old dog, “Lead,” now 15 years DETEC’ TS A BROKEN TOOTH to be a costly mistake. Too rich a | typewriter circuits will be spread j limbed dogs to trail long distances old and “Dick” my black hound, Owners who are careless about mixture will result in raw gasoline j by the federal government by July j over wind-swept plains and through treed four ’coons in one night. washing oil from the cylinder walls.! 1 for collecting and disseminating I primeval forests, subsisting on lit­ starting the engine, and who end up A dog, in my opinion is not by having a cylinder backfire, often Some of the larger engines take ' U ’t(E ISSING OMETHING tle more than scraps from limited weather information for aviators. i Yo M S a fully trained dog unUl he has had worry fur fear they have stripped a longer to warm up to an efficient | stores of fish or meat during the With nearly 6,000 miles of dr- i five seasons in the woods and fields. tooth from the flywheel gear. This operating temperature and unless i You’re missinzIZ a lot L of tsges o f the exclusive Q vy- journeys back and forth across the the driver engages only in short, cults in operation, authorization I “ Porcupines,” said Mr. Fowlei. is one of motordom’s unnecessary pleasure xml sadsnetion with­ sler Multi-Rxnze•Kange 4 -spee^ trackless, wastes. These northern “ are the worry of every ’coon hunt­ runs there will be excessive break-1 has been given by the aeronautics worries because a damaged tooth is branch of the department of com­ dogs are not far removed from the er. There are not many in Connec­ Ing down of the oil film on the c y l-, out a Chrysler Straight Eight. transmission, with its qjukk, easily detected. merce for an additional 2,624 miles. species of the stone age, but they ticut, but in Massachusetts they are All the driver has to do Is to 'isten inders and entirely too much crank-1 Y’ou’rt missing, above quiet gear shift. are unfailing servants of mankind Forty-nine new automatic tele­ plenty. My old dog had an eacount- , when next cranking. If there is a case dilution. Another mistake is to ] everything else, the thrilling You’ia mtsstng the pride of and always faithful. enrich the low speed, or Idling, mix- graph-writer stations will be es- er with a “hedgehog” several years clicking sound as the engine turns results o f Dual gears... ownership tnmired a c u Our great adventures and dis­ ago and I pulled out nearly 200 over the indications are that a tooth ture when the situation may call for j tablished. coveries would have lost much of quills. The old dog was in such pain | is missing. If this is on the flywheel enriching the high speed mixture One circuit will stretch across Two distinctly dimtent high that ts invtnable in getaway; their romance and would have fail­ he ran for days In the woods until, the click will not be heard as often slightly. Pennsylvania from Pittsburgh to gears for distinctly diftmnt that is tneomparabty fiuttt If the engfine stalls, coughs or Camden and Newark, N. J.; Hagers­ ed, perhaps, without the assistance driven to a farmhouse by hunger. I during the process as if the starter uses—one *'high” for sprint­ in piridng up speed; that is of the dog. Admiral Byrd's dash to backfires when the throttle is town, Md., and Washington, D. C. had a veterinary lance his jaws and gear itself were minus a tooth. ing ahead o f everything in inJ^tely smoother and more the South Pole by plane was aided Nor is there need to be alarmed if opened the average owner figures a 'Twelve stations will be estab­ he later recovered. “Porkies” are general enriching of the mixture is lished in Oregon and Washington traffic and for quiet, easy flexible at all ^ecds. in no small degree by the prelimi­ bad business for ’coon hounds. a click is heard. It means that at nary survey made by Dr. Gould least one tooth is gone and serves needed. Just noting that the en­ on the Seattle-Portland-Pasco air­ speed up any hiU; another After you discover what with his dog teams previous to the Hard To Track ' gine idles all right would warn him way. A third circuit will connect as a good warning to be extremely "high” for the open road. you>arc missing, nothing on record flight across the South Pole. “The racoon is the hardest of a ll' careful in the future and to use the to leave the low speed adjustment Los Angles and Wichita, Kan., large animals to track. I mean by ■ starter as sparingly as possible, alone. while a division will be made in a 'You’re missing the in­ wheels will satisfy you but that they leave the coldest scent. In mid-western circuit to add stations numerable driving advan- a Chrysler Strai^t Eight. LOVE OF OUTDOORS QUEEN HAS THE FLU from Pittsburgh through Ohio. IS THIS MAN’S HOBBY addition to the meagre scent that Tip on Oiling Chassis Radio telephone stations at King- they leave on trail they take the Owners of cars with centralized a r r y t . f o w l e r of oak Sofia, Bulgaria, Jan. 24— (AP) — man, Ariz.; Winslow, Ariz.; Al­ CHRYSLER. Bight—/w BoJy Styles^fi49j to $i66j. CHRYSLER IM- 112 dogs through the roughest territory chassis lubricating systems usually street, South Manchester is Queen Joanna, bride of King Boris, buquerque, N. M.: Clovis, N. M., PERIAL EiGKT—Four Body Styles—$a;y yto $ X y Allprica f.o.L faetory possible. Brush, slash, along the note the slower action of the plunger 4 3 4 H one man w'ho knows how to edge of swamps and ofttimes they and the King’s brother and slater, and Waynoka, Okla., will be op­ Harrv T. Fowler at this season of year but fail to Prince Cyril and Princess Eudoxla, erated in conjunction with the au­ value a good dog. He has owned and ‘backtrack’ on walls or fences like take this as a tip to revise their bred many hunting dogs in his years are suffering from Influenza. tomatic circuit to be installed from the fox. The ’coon is plenty foxy methods slightly. If the plunger is The influenza wave is sweeping as a ’coon hunter in this state and the old boy is "treed”—the fun be­ when it comes to getting away from Los Angeles to Wichita. gins. in the form of a handle that pulls all Bulgaria. Many cases are re­ in his native state, Massachusetts, j the dogs and sometimes the old out it should be held open a minute ; ported. Harry Fowler is an out-of-doors | Hunting Equipment George S. Smith hounds have to trail the old bucks or so. If it is foot operated the driv­ A Pennsylvania college served man. As a locomotive fireman, he ■ “The hunting equipment of a South Manchester for hours before they tree them. er should press down on it longer. i A man in Indiana has invented tea free to its students during 30 Bissell Street, has learned to balance the glare of 'coon-hunter is a knife, gun, flash­ “A mother 'coon with a litter of The idea is to allow more time for an illuminated key hole. A timely examination week recently. A the white-heat fire box door during light—and an axe. I alw'ays carry ■kittens’ will always wend her fam­ the slower running oil to enter the device, perhaps, for late-comers more timely beverage would have the working week with w’eek-end an axe strapped to my back wherever I go. It is sometimes ily up a tree when hard pressed cylinder of the plunger pump. It is celebrating New Year’s. been nerve tonic. spent in the woods and hills with and continue on herself. A good dog obvious that when the oil is a little his faithful dogs, “Lead" and necessary to cut down a hollow tree when the 'coon has 'denned up’ in will circle the tree and will always congealed it will not flow out as “Dick" ’coon-dogs of a superior the hollow upper branches and I al­ quickly to the various points requir- j breed. Everybody has a hobby of pick up the scent of the old 'coon ways go prepared. after the young 'coons have gone ing lubrication, but why overlook j some kind and the Oak street hunt­ “The 'coou Is a good fisherman the fact that it also is slow flowing i er has one that furnishes him with up into the top branches of the and lives on trout, frogs and shell­ tree. I find that Connecticut 'coons into the cylinder? j the desired exercise and pleasure The motorist who operates the fish at certain scason.s. It is said are the foxiest of the lot—they have and a considerable financial renu- system the same as he does in sum -: that a 'coon always washes his been hunted more and a 'coon learns meratlon as well. food before eating it. I know they mer will find that he lubricates the by experience, believe me.” car only half as efficiently. That j Exceptional Dog skin the frogs that they eat as I Harry started in as a 'coon hunt­ have found frog skins beside is because he doesn't give the plung­ FIVE HUNDRED 'COONS er time to draw in enough oil. er as a boy in his home town, .springs and brooks in the woods. IN A DOZEN YEARS Northampton, Mass. The hills in the Acorns and all kinds of nuts are Keeping Clutch Plates Dry vicinity of the city made famous by eaten by the ’coons in season. IVE hundred ’coons in a dozen One of the newest problems in ex-Presldent Coolldge were populat­ “ When winter sets in in earnest years has taught Harry Fowl­ motordom is keeping dry plate ed with raccoons and he soon saved the 'coons den up for the winter and F er more about 'coons, perhap.s money enough to buy a good 'coon the fall sport is over for the year. clutches dry. There is a marked than any hunter in this section. He tendency for the clutch to create dog. “ Red,” one of the dogs It's great .sport, 'coon hunting but has had all kinds of hunting In this, owned by Fowler, accounted for 104 one must like it and stick to it to sufficient of a vacuum within its and In his native state. The local housing to suck oil either from fhe ’coons in seasons and according get results.” hunter states that the average to the local hunter was one dog in engine or the transmission. weight of young 'coons is from 6 to The tendency has been noticed in i a thousand as an all-round 'coon GOOD DOG NEEDED 10 pounds and the old 'coons are dog. “ Red” had everything: good brand new cars as well as in those TO OBTAIN RESULTS from 14 to 25 pounds in weight. The that have seen sufficient service to ' legs, nose, stamina, good dog sense CHILDREN EAT largest ’coon ever caught by the lo­ encourage the trouble by developing h e Herald reporter asked Mr. and was rarely ever fooled by the cal hunter weighed 24 pounds. leakage around the rear main engine I tricky ’coons on trail. Fowler to describe the work of The meat of the 'coon is gamey bearing or the front main bearing of i | Fortunate in having a superior the 'coon dogs at night in T but of a fine quality, and is bighlv the transmission. One of the leading PARENTS, particularly mothers, are paying a lot of attention to children’s dog at the start of his ’coon hunting black darkness over hills and val­ prized for club suppers and large producers of cars has stopped the ; days, Fowler soon reduced the 'coon ley .s. social gatherings. During the fall ; annoyance by providing clutch ven-! diet these days. For it is far more economical and pleasant to keep a population around Northampton and "There are all kinds of 'coon tilation. The idea is worth consid­ went farther afield for his game. dogs," .said Mr. Fowler. “Open trail- when the local ’coon hunter has had good luck and has collected a largp ering by any owner who is having child well by feeding him correctly than by nursing and doctoring him Along the Westfield river was a fa­ er.s, ‘.still trailers’—each with a dif­ number of ’coons, he has presented trouble keeping oil out of the clutch vorite hunting ground for several ferent kind of bark. The bark of the housing. back to health. years until he moved to Manchester dog on trail is the only thing the the meat to the Institutions near his home to'wn. Other remedies are to attend to to become night fireman at the Che­ hunter has to guide himself by In the worn engine bearing and to the woods at night, and the better ney Brothers heating plant on “Lead,” the old dog which has change the lubricant more frequent­ Of course the doctor should be consulted regarding what i child School street. trained dog does not mean that he accounted for nearly 200 'coons in ly in the transmission in order to is the to follow. The ‘still Counting last scason'.s c.atch his 15 years of trailing through the keep it from getting so thin as to should eat and what he should not eat. But do you realize that the leading amounting to 27 prime skins, Harry trailer’—nr the dog that runs his woods of Connecticut and Massa­ leak. Fowler has bagged 500 'conns in the coon without barking—is the fast­ chusetts is almost done. Still, he is manufacturers of food now seek the advice and approval of the leading past dozen years in Massachusef-.s est of the lot but the hardest for the always ready for the woods and Handy for Oiling Valves and Connecticut. hunter to follow. His quiet trailing ledges although his legs are weak­ Especially with some of the newer nutritional authorities in the country, relative to the claims they make often enables him to creep up on the ening and his eyes are dim. “ Dick,” gases the engine should be given 'coon before he is aware of the dog's special treatment now and again the younger dog, has learned many for their products in their advertising? VERY SHREWD AMIM.M. presence. As soon as the quiet trail­ a trick of the woods from “ Lead,” \^th a view to lubricating the valve IS MISTER R.ACCOON ing dog puts his 'coon up a tree he and soon the burden will fall entire­ stems. The process is an effective 'barks up’ immediately. ly on the shoulders of the active antidote for sticky valves. h e raccoon is the one fur-bear­ In other words, food advertisements are reliable sources of infotma- ing animal that has not been "It takes many years to produce youngster. Fortunately the newer types of carburetors are handy for this sort T entirely eradicated from New tion regarding diet. They are based upon the results of the latest ap­ England hills. A night traveler, of treatment, especially those that are equipped with a large round air the ’coon has succeeded in keeping proved scientific discoveries about vitamins, minerals and roughage, in re­ his kind on New England hills in valve of the type that depresses to admit air for high speed. The owner sufficient quantities to give the 'coon lation to vigorous bodies, dear complexions, sound teeth and properly reg­ hunter a good night’s sport, due to By BOBBIN COONS iy “Don’t you know— the writer — has only to pour valve fluids into Ho!l>'wood—The talkies arc get­ his nocturnal habits and his extreme I author of ‘Wings’ and other air pic- this air valve while the engine is run ting along in years. fairly fast In order to put an oily shrewdness with a dog at his heels. I tures?” gushed the publicity agent, ulated systMiis. 'fiiey'rc already calling on a sort vapor right into the mixture. The ’conn lives on mice, small and he elaborated on the fame of of ".second generation" of stage Quite a variety of special oils are birds, bird’s eggs, turtles and their ' Saunders. players to augment the first they It was not until Saunders arrived available for this work, but kerosene So read theae advertisements carefully. Consult your doctor about eggs, frogs, fish, rrawlish. niol- atlrarted. still is a good old standby. Another 1USC.S, Insect.s, nuts, fruit, maize and that the actress confessed that she, Louise Huntington replaced Helen ! Fay Wray, not only knew the writer effective fluid that can be u.sed is them. Very often the advertiser invitee you to do this because he has poultry. The habit of eating chick­ Chandler in the Broadway cast of ' but was his wife. the sort of penetrating oil prepared ens on occasion has made him the ‘'The Constant Nymph" when the for springs. arch-enemy of farmers in outlying asked authorities, whom your doctor respects, about those advertisements latter went to Florida to make a New Starlet When injecting such fluids into the sections along with the skunk, rat.s, picture. Marian Marsh, the young beauty air valve it is important not to pour etc. The 'coon is a good swimmer Helen returned to the stage until selected by John Barrymore as Tril­ in too much at once, otherwise the first. and frequents the hill streams and talkies came in, then came to Holly­ by for his “ Svengali,” was formerly excess will not be taken up by the rivers shortly after dusk for food wood under contract and has estab­ known as Marilyn Morgan when she carburetor and will leak out to the and drink, returning before daylight lished herself as an important mem­ was under contract to Pathe.’ drip pan. , to his tree-den or ledge-home. ber of the younger movie set. Aside from a few bits her con­ ■Along the Rivers Louise went touring on the stage tract netted her no experience, and Bust Makee Brakes Risky “ Early in the season w’e always in South Africa with Harry Green’s she was released. It is a little difficult for some find the 'coons along the rivers and repertory troupe, and in vaudeville Her resemblance to Dolores Cos­ motorists to digest the idea that brooks searching for wild black with Kenneth Harlan, and returned tello (Mrs. Barrymore) has made rust can cause a car to skid, but in­ cherries,” said Harry Fowler, telling to Broadway for more plays. her useful as stand-in girl for spection of some braking systems There she was drafted for her The Herald reporter of his ’coon­ Dolores, but this Is her first big shows that rust throws many a set first picture work, which took her hunting exploits. “The usual prac­ opportunity in her own right. of brakes out of adjustment. to Newfoundland last year, and Another youthful leading lady to This occurs in an unexpected man- tice is to start the dogs off along the thence to Hollywood. brooks, working back up into the be selected by a distinguished__„ ______star ner. If brake levers, shafts and oth- hills. Sometimes the dogs jump is Evalyn Knapp, who wno hasuaa scored | er connections are rusted the driver Fame In Hollywood in "Sinners’ Holiday” and “The usually is able to overcome this a 'coon right away, and then the An actress was having still pic­ merry chase begins. If he is an River’s End.” j through main force when applying tures made when the publicity man George Arllss, who selects his old buck the dog is in for a good the brakes, but rust will prevent the decided it would be a good Idea to own casU, picked her for his lead brakes from returning to the off night’s chase. Sometimes he trails have John Honk Saunders, the writ­ in “ The Ruling Passion,” and Ivan position. He can do nothing to over­ the foxy old ’coon through slash, er, pose with her. Simpson, character actor who has come this while sitting at the wheel. across rivers and ponds for hours. “ Do you mind?" he asked. played \^th him in talkies and on Often the rust will cause a brake If the dog is well-trained he will Her cyc.s twinkled, but she coun­ the stage for years, again has been or two to drag. This wears dowm seen put him up a tree, and when tered, “And who is he?” cast. the lining so that when the rusty] PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24,1931.

Evening Herald Pattern Daily Health GEK Service ^CHILDREN ETHEL HUESTON By AnncbeUe Worthington OiTvO r^OhsrtS ©/{950 THESODBS-MEgRIlL CO Hints Oil How To Keep Well © 1931 BY SERVICF INC The wrapped front movement of h> World Famed Aiithnrlt\ this smart plain flat crepe silk dress is particularly kind to mature fig­ We want the children to grow up circles about other people unless ures. It has a marvelously slimming with open minds. I believe that those people in themselves are unde­ effect. By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN every parent in America would as­ sirable. The trimming band of the softly Editor, Journal of the American sent to this if It were put up to him, It is not always easy, of course, falling rever adds a smart trimming Medical Association, and of for parents now know that a closed for parents to dispossess themselves note in contrasting shade. The at­ Hygeia, the Health Magazine mind filled with prejudices and of antagonism concerning other tractively shaped sleeve cuffs repeat biases is not only a mill-stone to real races, other creeds, and even other the color of the rever trim. Few people realize today thjit progress, but the uhhappiest thing denominations. This is particularly Style No. 2955 is designed for sizes there is more than one kind of in the world. true in certain localities ■''■where a 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust. ! Yet a microscope on ourselves will group has made itself obnoxious. sugar. Actually there are many reveal most of us packec to the Again for smart wear a patterned substances which can be used to Yet it should not include the individ­ crepe silk with plain blending trim beams with dislikes, hatreds, un­ ual member of the criticized group, is especially serviceable. sweeten foods. changeable opinions about people and not children. And it also should Patterned and plain crepy woolen Among the common substances and things that make it very diffi­ never include the country from are also very smart for general day are cane sugar, honey, sirups of cult for our children. which these people come. occasions. various kinds, and the chemical For children get most of their Here in America we are at a dis­ Size 36 requires 4% yards of 39- saccharin. Heretofore the ad­ prejudices at home right from their advantage. One can no more judge inch material with \'n yard of 27- ministration of the food and drugs own parents. It begins with the the people of other countries as a inch contrasting. act has ruled that sweetening of nursery days. How about that nice I whole by small bodies of undesira- You Vidll see one attractive style packaged goods when brought little maid we wouldn’t take in to I bles in this land, any more than the after another as you turn over the about by any other substance than look after the baby because she went ! people of Paris, say, can judge all pages of our new Spring Fashion cane sugar should be indicated to a church that we blared to the : America by a neighborhood of rack­ Book. on the label. world we would have nothing to do eteers and rowdies from the United Styles for children or the mis.s, the The vast majority of people are with ? j States. matron, the stout—and a series of unfortunately exceedingly care­ That the little maid was person­ i We are so wrong to consider our­ dressmaking articles. It is a book less about what they eat. They ally neater, more careful of her be­ selves the annointed. Our nationali­ that will save you money. take for granted that anything havior, more strictly religious than ty, or religion is right for us, but Be sure to fill in the size of the sold through a recognized agency we were ourselves, made no differ­ how do we know that other races pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin is a sound product. It is doubtful ence. We disliked what she repre­ and other creeds are not just as preferred). if one in every hundred women sented and that settled it. right? If every man in the world ever looks at the label on the Babies drink in such phobias with but one is on the same side of a package, can or bottle of food to their yery milk. Who can tell when question, that man has every moral Manchester Herald see what ingredients it contains. our ideas take root in them?—cer­ privilege to his own idea. We must Pattern Service tainly it starts very early. learn tolerance and not set ourselves When such Ingredients are When C h^ge Comes especially declared on the label, up to be condenming judges. 2955 I have watched the progress Be that as it may, when children it is taken for granted that they many young people. I have seen this For a Herald Pattern of the are probably not as healthful as form friendships with other deem thing happen over and over: They upright children. I think it better model Illustrated, send 15c in other Ingredients which need not grow up in an environment of nar­ be declared on the label. The re­ to handle the situation with kind­ stamps or coin directly to Fash­ row prejudice. Then they go away ness and care. Some day as life ion Bureau, Manchester Evening sult of this action has been to two or four or six years to college discriminate against corn sugar in opens up each may seek his own Herald, Fifth Avenue and 29th and become tolerant and friendly to­ path naturally and comfortably. But Street, New York City. favor of beet and cane sugar. ward every kind and variety of race “Oh, hollo, darlings," called Ginger cheerfully. “I want you to meet Mr. Holloway, the artist from Twenty-five years ago com su­ to fill children’s minds arbitrarily New York.” and creed. Why? Because higher with unfair prejudice is a hampering Price 15 Cents gar was not refined to its present intelligence goes hand in hand with state. Today It is difficult for and unhappy thing. It is a matter freedom of thought and draws no for serious thoughL BEGIN h erb: t o d a y “Gooby, do you think it would look we’d better ask you. What do you Name ...... anyone but an expert to tell the Because life was so slow in the better to take him around the house think about it, father? The hotels Size ...... difference between cane sugar and little town of Red Trush, Iowa, and in by the front door, or shall here are so awful. Don’t you sup­ corn sugar. Therefore, the gov­ GINGER EELA TOLLIVER con­ Address ...... ernment has ruled that it is no ravages of heat, dancing and bump­ Keeper, Jasper Woodward; Cerea, we just go through from here and pose he could be more comfortable Price of book 10 cents. ing into folks. ceived the idea of a Junior Coun­ Price of pattern 15 cents. longer necessary to indicate on Miss Margaret Hutchins; Pomona, try Club to save the younger set take a chance on it?" at Mrs. Adams’ boarding house? I the label of canned goods which Keeping make-up perfect is even Mrs. Ida Newberry; Lady Asst. from utter boredom. It was to be “I’d go by the front door," said wish the club house was ready—we of these two sugars is used for more important in the evening than Steward, Miss Gladys Rice; Ex. exclusive—no pari'nts allowed, no Gooby, ■who was rather punctilious could put him up there. He will be sweetening. in the daytime. For if we must get Com., Henry Hutchins. Flora was about details of etiquette. here for—oh, maybe a couple of down to practical reasons, evening not Installed, as the member elected babi«‘s. Accordingly, she arranged weeks or so.” Corn sugar is cheaper than for the purchase of the Mill Kush "I suppose so," said Ginger. “All cane sugar and a package of is the romantic time, the time' when to fill this office was ill and unable farm, a 10-aere tract with an old right. You take his bag up to the “Why, my dear boy," said Mr. canned goods made with corn sugar young men find their hearts over­ to be present. At the close of the house on it, and proceeded, with front room—no, give him the room Tolliver, “why don’t you stay here should be cheaper eventually than flowing and their lips ready to pop meeting a supper was served In the the assistance of her friends, to on the—the furniture with us? We have plenty of room, THIS AND THAT IN the same material sweetened w th the question. Therefore, be canny lower hall, to 59 Grangers repre­ overhaul and furnish it. isn't so expensive there, but the and it would be a pleasure— ” cane sugar. about this thing called beauty. If senting Columbia, Groton, Hebron view's better. Take the portfolio It is the belief of the secretary you can manage to have it when you and Tunxls Granges. Ginger was the daughter of a right up. Come on, then, Mr. Bard “Oh, that would be nice,” gurgled minister and the stepdaughter of Ginger. "So convenient. He is going of the Department of Agriculture come down the stairs to greet your Miss Edith Mason of the Coopera­ Holloway. Wipe the peneil marks a very wealthy woman, the former to do a portrait of me, too, Phil, that his ruling will cause the use escort before you leave for the party, tive Extension Work at Storrs, off your chin and follow me.” FEMININE LORE see to it that you have enough spoke on “Attractive Arrangement l‘HIL \'AN DOORN, who was a in color, and I am going to give it of an increased amount of corn tolerant i>erson and cra/.y about to you for a present. Including the sugar in packaged goods to the makings along and enough thought of Living Rooms,” Illustrated, to a "Aren’t they going to think this extet that anywhere from five to for it in your mind to keep it with group of women Thursday after­ Ginger. is a very strange proceeding?” in­ frame. And you can pick it out noon at the home of Mrs. Fannie One day, whiie tlu‘ rehabilita­ yourself and I’ll pay for it." one hundred million bushels of you until the party is all over and quired the artist anxiously as he corn will be required for this pur­ you are home again, getting ready Collins on Chestnut Hill. tion of the cluh was going followed Ginger along the flowered “How nice,” said Phil enigmati­ All of us like to look different and a little salt. Press through a Mrs. Comstock of Waterford Is pastry tube in a pattern and serve pose. for sleep. on, an artist cailed at the kitchen flagstone path from the kitchen cally. though wearing the same frock for the guest of her daughter, Miss of the Tolliver home and offered ' an indefinite time and the converti­ while the apple filling is still warm. Physiologists and authorities door. “I think that wi uld be a very in the field of nutrition are con­ Ruth Comstock, teacher of the to do a portrait in exehange for a "Oh, not so very," she assured great imposition upon your good ble dress in the solution. The sus- A coffee table is handy for smok­ Center School, at the home of Mr. ing things as well as refreshments, vinced that it is just as healthful meal. After he had shaved off his him comfortingly. “They are so nature—er—entirely unw’arranted,” ; pender dress and the bolero suit and Mrs. Richard Arnold. magazines, a bowl of flowers, and is to eat corn sugar as to eat cane COLUMBIA beard Ging«'r found to her sur­ used to strange proceedings." said Bard Holloway clumsily. have been populaf on and off and Many ice houses are being filled prise that he was good looking. just the right height for low chairs. sugar. There is no public health "But after all this is pretty much “Not at all, my dear sir—it will ' the newest version is the cuff and with good quality ice. He had studied in Paris and his I skirt frock, cuffs and skirt of the problem involved. The one fact out of the ordinary, you know.” be a pleasure. This is a par— Phil, name was BARD HOLLO\\ . ! same material, the upper edge of of importance is that corn sugar Miss Alice Yerrington of Lebanon “Most things are,” she replied. my darling,” he said contritely, "I Here is a rhyme on apples that is a little less sweet than cane called on Tuesday, at the home of Ginger, who was never at a ioss the cuffs and the skirt frequently might stand a chance of winning a SET FOR OCEAN HOP for ideas, thought it would be a Circumstances conspired to ease beg your pardon. I forgot that this cut on pointed or scalloped lines. sugar and that one therefore will her niece, Mrs. Junabel Squier. the awkwardness of their sudden is your house I am living in—and prize in W. H. Cowle’s apple contest good one if Bard remained for a . The cuffs are quite deep and of have to eat a little more of it in The annual installation of officers Lisbon, Jan. 24.—(AP.)—Postal appearance. Phil was reading aloud no longer a parsonage.” now going on among the grade and order to get the same amount of of Columbia Grange was held 'Wed­ while in Red Thrush, instead of course are removable. The hat or High school pupils in tow'n. It is not sweetness. authorities announced today that wandering about the country like to Air. Tolliver on the front piazza. Phil laughed good-naturedly. "It . beret may be of the same material nesday evening with Charles Adams A piazza presentation is bound to original, however, and we do not airmail routed by the German flying a hobo. He could pick up some is our house,” she said, "and all as the skirt and cuffs. of Groton as installing officer. He be less formal than one in even the even know the author, but the dish was assisted by Mrs. Adams as money painting portraits for fam­ your invitations hold good here. sounds good as well as the rhyms. boat DO-X would be accepted up to ilies who Avould b(‘ flattered— most livable of living rooms. Any house that harbors you and Marshal, with two other assistants. January 29 for Madeira, Cape 'Verde, "Oh, hello, darlings,” called Gin­ ! The back of the hat is now being Try it while all these fruits are so especiallv if the Toilivers spon­ Ginger is a parsonage and open to plentiful and rea.sonable: The following officers were install­ the Canary Islands, Brazil, Cuba, ger cheerfully. "Got to interrupt a given more attention since the hair GLORIFYING ed; Master, Frederick C. Williams; and the United States. The rate is sored him. And he could do mural all comers. That’s all it vfould take has become longer. Many times the minute. Phil, dear, I want you to to turn a palace into a parsonage, .Apple Bloom Overseer, Philip Isham; Lecturer, about 9 cents for letters smd about decorations in the new did) house, whole ornamentation is at the back "An apple a day keeps the doctor for Ginger was bound it wouid be meet Mr. Holloway, the aitist from you and Ginger. Mrs. Elsie Collins; Steward, Freder­ 4 cents for postal cards. New York. Aly father and my step- I of the hat. away," so runs the saying old. Oth­ YOURSELF ick Hunt; Asst. Steward, William Commander Friedrich Christian­ a suceess. “I agree with my husband. Air. ers have said that "at night they’re Macht, Jr.; Chaplain, Mrs. Cora NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY mummer, the Tollivers, Mr. Hollo­ Holloway, that it will be a joy to sen, skipper of the plane, is prepar­ way. Air. Holloway is the artist ! A winter root vegetable that is lead, and, in the morning, gold." But Just as an evening gown should Hutchins; Treasurer, William Wolff; ing for test flights before the trans- have you stay here with us while very palatable if carefully prepared it always looked as though, when be glamorous, flattering, romantic, Secretary, Mrs. Alice Hunt; Gate who is going to brighten up the you are in Red Thrust." And she Atlantic voyage. CHAPTER X. jwal’s for us at Alill Rush, father.” is the salsify or "egetable oyster. cooked, one might eat them any so an evening compact should be a ‘‘.Something very modern and observed how Ginger's eves shone Like many of the root vegetables, it time. So try this one, and when you thing of beauty. j “How nice," said Phil, extending thanks. daring, eh? Full of the joie de a friendly hand. is much better after the frost touch­ are done, y/u may like this little First ot all, of course, you must vivre,” Holloway .said. Ginger stood up. “That’s settled," es it. A nippy frost sweetens it and rhyme; Core apples, red, and boil, I “I hadn’t heard about it," .said have the makings to repair your ‘‘That'.s a good name for it. too," she said cheerfully. makes it more tender. ’tis said, until, they are quite done beauty between dances or between .said Ginger thoughtfully. "Joe de i Air. Tolliver cheerfully. "Seems quite "I beg your pardon,” said the Care must be taken that the vege­ through. Remove with care. Above i a bright idea. You’re really going to acts if you find that your make-up vivre means just what we stand for. artist humbly. "I’m ven sorry, Aliss table does not become discolored, as all beware not to break them, be has left you. No parents, no preachers, no I have pretty much of a place out Ginger, but I simply can’t let you it is scraped and sliced for cooking. sure you do. Now you put the juice I there, Ginger—you children—and I This includes rouge, lip-stick, babies. Ye.s, we'll call it joie de get away with this. They’ve got en- Drop into water to which lemon to the best of use. Add sugar, one powder, eye-shadow salve and eye­ vivre. That'.s the first article in I take it as a distinct hardship that Lircly the wrong impression. I con­ juice or vinegar has been added as level cup. This is good, you’ll find, ; parents and preacher.s are barred, brow pencil. Your powder likely the constitution." fess I don't see how you worked it soon as the root is scraped. with some lemon rind. About half a as not will be quite a different tone "I'm sure I could do it," he said. ; thus cutting me out on two counts.” so cleverly, but you did. I didn’t Mock oysters are made by com­ one, grated up. Add one orange, I “And babies, too," added Ginger. from that in your daytime compact, "I'd like to." come here upon commission to do bining two cups of cooked and juice. Simmer to reduce until only for if you haven’t tried out the new i i "I can't pay you a lot but you ; “Do come up and sit down,” said that club house. Aliss Ginger doesn’t , mashed salsify with one-half tea- a little is left. 'With crushed walnut Phil cordially. green mauve and blue powders for don't need to work very bal'd at it. know me at all —” I spoon salt, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 meat stuff the apples, sweet, with evening wear, don’t let another day You sec—tlon't tell anybody—it's And in less than a minute they "But you’re going to do the club I beaten egg and % teaspoon paprika. touches light and deft. Cool the pass until you do. my club, and I'm footing the bills. were all sitting companionably to- house,” she interrupted hotly. ' This mixture is formed in little cakes juice before, then on apples pour. ; gethcr on the pleasant piazza, quite Second, your evening compact and Phil and father don't know' it yet. which are sauted in butter. Like a fluffy summer cloud or baby’s lip-stick should be beautiful to look And it is taking a lot more money ' as if they had known one another (To Be Continued) A combination of hard cooked dream, served with sweet whipped ! for years. Ginger entirely complac­ at, an evening color, jewelled, or at to li.x it up than I figured on. Maybe eggs and cooked, sliced salsify cream. Any cook may well be least ornamented until It is in a wc can arrange with Phil for you to ent about it all, Air. Holloway just makes an excellent luncheon or proud." the least bit ill at ease. class with the gems you wear. stay here while you are doing it, BUSINESS PREDICTION supper dish. The sliced vegetable You do not need to pay a thous­ and I will pay you all I can spare." “Air. Holloway is going to do a and sliced hard cooked eggs are Afghans seem to be coming back f t portrait of Mrs. Updike while he is and dollars for your evening com­ "I don't think I could stay here — Chicago, Jan. 24.— (AP.)—Frank arranged layer for layer with white into style. When we wrote about the here, too, and maybe one of Alir- pact, though I have seen them with I’m sure— Who is Phil?" S. Cunningham, president of Butler ! sauce in a buttered baking dish, Legion auxiliary knitting afghan for iam," announced Ginger cheerfully. precious jewels in them and plati­ “Phil is niy stepmama. She’ll Brothers, wholesalers of general i This is baked in a moderate oven the new veterans’ hospital at New- "Oh, that is just lovely,” .said Phil num and ebony until they cost that be surprised." Ginger’s eyes twin­ merchandise, said today independent : until delicately brown on top, about I ington, one of the younger reporters and then some. S'" with quiet appraising eyes upon the retailers would recover In 1931 some twenty minutes. Serve from baking piped up with the query: “What is kled. "Think up a good reference— young man’s face. It is taste you need In selecting of the ground lost to chain stores in dish. an afghan?” We tried to explain for she may ask for one. You never “Where are you stopping in your evening compact, not millions. know •what to expect of people who the last several years. A change in we realized he was too young to In the cheapest of stores you can town?" inqiured Mr. Tolliver cordi­ the independents’ attitude, a great­ Glorified Rice have seen one. Consulting Webster have money. Make it somebody ally. often find just the right color to go er willingness to battle for business on the subject afterwards we found who lives a long way fi.T so she "Why. to tell you the truth,” he The recipe for this dessert was with your new evening dress, slip­ can't hear too soon - Paris, maybe. instead of invoking the aid either of sent to me by a friend who says it is the definite given as “A kind of pers and bag and you can fill it with began, but Ginger interrupted with legislation or public opinion, was re­ worsted blanket or wrap.” They are Or China, if you know anybody a great burst of conversationalism. so very delicious she would like to your own rouge, powder, and other there.’ sponsible for the Improved position have others enjoy it. excellent for using up odds and ends makings. "To tell you the truth, father, he of the one-store dealers, he said, of bright yarns and may be made in "1)0 YOU live here alone, you and isn’t stopping at all yet. He just 2 cups boiled rice Pastel colored evening compacts Phil?" - and the end of 1931 should see the 2-3 cups sugar striped or blocked patterns. Almost are quite the vogue and the white arrived. Naturally he wouldn’t wish independent dealer in the ascen­ any .shop that specialized in yarns compact, with a touch of red or oth­ "-•\nd father," said Ginger non­ to make a mistake, so we thought dancy. L4 teaspoon salt chalantly. 1 teaspoon vanilla or fancy work will be able to give er shade, follows the vogue for the Bard H.alloway moved uneasily. 1 teaspoon lemon extract or lemon directions for knitting or crocheting white gow'n with different colored QUALITY "■)’our father! Gosh, what will be juice afghans. accessories. think if you spring me on him like Carpentier and Mrs. Chaplin Robbed 2 cups chopped or grated pine­ Once you have picked your com­ of Products this — dropped in from heaven apple For a change from the roasts and pact, do not check it with your car­ know.s wheri'? He’ll be sure to ob­ 1 cup diced marshmallows stews, have lamb or some of the oth­ riage boots in the cloak room. You ject. And he'll ask a lot of ques­ 1 cup whipped cream er chops occasionally, pork or veal. should contrive—if you have to make COURTESY tions Mix the rice, sugar, salt, vanilla, All of these are delicious when a pocket in the skirt of your frock "Not father. He wouldn't dream lemon and pineapple. Chill for one stuffed, say with stale bread crumbs, —to keep your make-up with you. To All of objecting because he is the sort 1 hour. Add the rest of the ingredi­ minced onion, egg and seasoning. Any of the new evening purses are will) never secs any reason to ob­ ents, chill and serve in glass cups. Make gashes in the chops and spread personable enough to accompany vou ject. And he wouldn't think of This amount will serve 8 persons. with the mixture, or if the chops are to the night club table or the ball asking questions. But look out for thin fill between them as for sand­ room floor. And don’t let the whole SERVICE Phil." Women love change, whether it is wiches. Another unusual way is to evening go by without repairing the a change of scene, a change of food, broil the chops on one side and cover V' - To Those Who Give Us the Privilege. 'When he profcsscil himself en­ furnishings or clothes. There never the other side with a thick layer of tirely .satisfieci -with his food, Ginger was a time when we could bring so well seasoned white sauce to which stood up and tapped her lips re­ many changes in fresh fruits and chopped mushrooms, ham and green If we fail in any of the above please flectively. "What do you think I vegetables on the table. When it peppers with a sprinkling of but­ Call Manchester 7697 or Hartford should do first, Gooby?” she asked. comes to new furniture, this is the tered bread crumbs and bake, de­ 2-0264. “Show him to Phil, or put him right time to take stock and buy a new pending on the thickness of the away to work at Alill R ush?” table, chair or some other useful chops. piece to make our rooms more home­ "I should think you’d better tell GARFIELD MEETS MARCONI Miss Phil first," said Gooby judi­ like and livable. Prices are unusu­ BRYANT Rome, Jan. 24.— (AP)—Dr. Harry ciously. ally reasonable just now. As for “Yes, but on the other hand, if new dresses, the shops are full A. Garfield, president of Williams and he has already started to do the of bargains, dresses for all oc­ Colleire in M assachusetts was re­ walls, he’ll have to finish the job,” casions and in prices to suit all ceived today by the Italian Royal said Ginger. pocketbooks. A new dress will make Academy with a welcoming speech a woman look new to herself and by Guglielmo Marconi, its president. CHAPMAN “Yes, that’s so, too,” said Gooby Senior Marconi praised Dr. Gar­ agreeably. that makes everything else more In­ teresting. The best dress values of field’s work in creating the Institute t o " : Bard Holloway interrupted them, the whole year are just now to be of Politics at Williamstown and ex­ laughing, but firm. “Nothing do­ found in the apparel shops. plained the scope of the Italian ing,” he said. “It is more dignified Academy, expressing the hope that to show me to the family first. I'm Sh was in the company of Georges Carpentier (left), former French Here is a somewhat different ap­ it could contribute to the creation strong for dignity. It was the conti­ heavyweight title challenger, but that didn’t d«ter four bandits from ple pie you may like to try some of new intellectualtles with the nental life did it. If they’re going robbing Mrs. Llta Grey Chaplin (right) of more than $16,000 in jewelry day: Put on a lower crustsllced ap­ United States. to chuck me out they can jolly well and cash, according to a story which she told to New York police. Mrs. ples to the depth of several Inches do it before I put any long-legged Chaplin, who is the former wife of Charles Chaplin, screen comedian, re­ as they will cook down. Bake until Louis Lumiere, French scientist, women oii your walls.” ported that she and Carpentier were whisked away in her own car at the tender. Press through a ricer a is reported to have perfected a Gifiger sig(hed. point of revolvers at night after they had come out of the theater where small cream cheese. Mix this witli a metal film on which* photographs "AH njsilit,” she assented moodily. sh was appearing in vaudeville. cup of iwaetened whipped cream can be taken.

• t - .. ’ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1931. P A C ^ N IN S t Manchester, Bristol Win Impressive Margins Battalino Is Defeated A Golden Harvest Pap'MNNAIRESHOLD I 1 g . MicMletown PROGRAMOFSPORTSr®^"* p i i / l - i » In Disappointing Bout MANCHESTER BEATS 43 To 25 While Bristol - Loses Decision To Shea Asif^astNight*sFights Rockville and ( i la s t o n b u r y | T r O U I lC e S ft^erifleH 38"20

Crowd Booes Both Men; Chicago.—Jack Kid Berg, Eng­ Posts Guests of Local Ex- land, world junior welterweight BASKETBALL Clarkemen Get Away To Champ’s Left Eye Com­ champion, outpointed Goldie Hess, Los Angeles, ten (Title): Eddie Service Men In Athletic Shea, Chicago, outpointed Bat Bat­ C. C. L L. Poor Start Bnt Score pletely Closed and Face talino, world featherweight cham­ Carnival At Rec. pion, Hartford, 10, non-title; John­ How They Stand P. Pet. ny Peters, London, stopped Ernie W. L. Freely Once They Hit Real 6 0 12 1.000 Cut. Peters, Chicago, 8. Manchester .... Manchester’s American Legion Bristol ...... 4 1 8 .800 Milwaukee.—Lou Scozza, Buffalo, Post was host to similar representa­ Middletown . . . . 2 2 4 .500 Stride; Turkington and stopped Tait Littman, Milwaukee, tions of ex-service men from Rock­ Meriden ...... 2 2 4 .500 Chicago, Jan. 24.— (A P .)—Jack 10. ville and Glaistonbury last night at W. Hartford . . . . 2 4 4 .333 O’Leary Lead Attack; Kid Berg of London sat tighter than Grand Rapids.—Mickey Walker, the School street Recreation center E. H a rtford ...... 0 7 0 .000 ever on his junior welterweight world middleweight champion, where a program of athletic events stopped Joe Lohman, Toledo, 6, throne today while Bat Battalino, was conducted in connection with a RESULTS LAST NIGHT Eighth Straight Win For (non-title). king of the featherweights, felt his social get-together. San Francisco.— Sammy O’Dell, About 200 Legionnaires were in Manchester 43, Middletown 25. sceptre slipping. Akron, Ohio, knocked out Tom attendance and judging from the Bristol 38, Meriden 20. Manchester The champions fought in twin Stewart, Portland, Ore., 10. favorable comment voiced, the only feature bouts at the Chicago Sta­ New York.—Ernie Schaaf, Bos­ fault to be found is because there Manchester High (48) dium last night. Berg, who staked ton, outpointed James J. Braddock, probably won’t be another affair of P. B. F. Both Manchester and Bristol were his crown, won a decision over Jersey City, 10. * the kind until next year. As far as 3 Tierney, rf ...... 2 4-5 victorious last night in their C. C. Goldie Hess of Los Angeles after PhUadelphia.—Lou Lafferty, Phil­ the point scoring goes, Manchester 0 Smith, r f ...... 0 0-0 ten furious rounds that had the adelphia, knocked out Tommy Ma­ won quite easily winning every 2 O’Leary, If ...... 5 0-4 I. L. skirmishes but the bell City crowd of 12,896 spectators cheering roon, Kansas City, 2. event except setback in which 0 Kerr, I f ...... 0 0-0 quintet was more impressive. Man­ from start to finish. Battalino, who Holl5rwood.—Don Petrin, New Jer­ Glastonbury was the winner. 3 Turkington, c ...... 6 1-4 chester got away to a very poor risked nothing but his reputation, sey, outpointed Tom Patrick, Los Rockville failed to win any of the 4 Squatrito, Ig ...... 1 0-2 start, Middletown holding the lead dropped a decision over the same Angeles, 6. six events which Included bowling, 0 McHale, Ig ...... 1 0-1 until the third quarter had been distance to Eddie Shea, pride of pocket billiards, checkers, volley 2 Hedlund, rg ..,...... 4 0-1 underway some five minutes. Once Chicago's west side, after a disap­ ball, basketball and setback. Five 0 Lerch, r g ...... 0 0-0 Manchester did hit its true stride, jjoints were awarded to the winner however, Middletown proved easy pointing exhibition. picking as the final score of 43 to The Berg-Hess match was as Tfl£ only because in some events Glas­ 14 19 5-17 43 25 attests. Meanwhile down in pleasing as the Battalmo-Shea BOWLING tonbury was not represented. Elast Middletown High (25) &0Y5 C l0£9 Bristol, Meriden was getting a 38 match was disappointmg. Hess to PiVlOE Hartford’s post sent word at the last P. B. F. T. minutes that it would be unable to 0 Augeri, rf ...... 1 1-1 2 to 20 trimming. Manchester re­ swarmed all over Berg in the first flRSrXMQ $£C0MP cently came from behind in the final round, battered him with long LOCAL GIRLS WIN be represented. 0 Annino, rf ...... 1 0-0 2 Place momhy A summary of the sport events in five minutes of play to nose out swinging lefts and right uppercuts The Charter Oak Girls defeated 4 Umba, If ...... 1 2-6 4 the Savitt Gem Girls of Hartford at which Director Lewis Lloyd and 0 Cinci, If ...... 0 0-2 0 Meriden by two points. and dazed the Briton. Hess reached Frank C. Busch of the Rec gave As a result of last night’s victory him again in the third with a long the Wooster alleys last night in two 2 DelVecchio, c ...... 2 4-6 8 out of three games— but they also \\M much assistance, follows: 3 Boragiano, r g ...... 2 1-1 5 Manchester is sure of entering its overhand right and followed with POINT SUMMARY second Bristol battle in the Bell Cfity another. Both shook the champion. won pinfall. This proves that Man­ ■2 Ward, Ig ...... 2 0-4 4 chester has a very strong girl team P u t t in g Man. Glas. Rkvle. 2 Sbona, r g ...... 0 0-0 0 a week from next Fri'^ay with an Berg took the fifth by a neat mar­ and should give any girl team in the Volley Ball ...... 5 0 0 unsmirched league record which gin, but in the sixth ran into plenty Tt4£. \ 3 S U B /M / state a good battle. Clara Jack- Bowling ...... 5 0 0 13 9 7-20 25 shows six victories. Bristol still of the Hess attack, getting his 0 0 more was high with high single of Pool ...... Score at end of periods: hais one more game to play before round-winning edge by a senes of 129 and three strings of 340. Checkers ...... 5 0 0 meeting Manchester. The Clarke­ short jolts at close quarters. Berg f t p - 0 Manchester ...... 3—16— 27—43 'The Savitt Gem Girls is consid­ i t u T lu x /Hi Basketball ...... 5 0 Middletown ...... 10—18—23—25 men journey to Wiilimantic next took the seventh and ninth rounds 5 0 ered the best team in the state. Setback ...... 0 Referee: Danny Ahem. Friday for a non-league conteeL No although Hess reached him with Manchester other league encounters were iday- 0 several looping rights in the mill- Sherman ...... 92 99 92 283 Total ----- ___ 25 5 Bristol (38) ed last night. Jackmore ....110 129 101 340 I B. F. T. Those Comparative Scores In the tenth he landed se'^ral Johnson ...... 87 99 82 268 EAST SIDE FIVE BOWLING Albertelli, If ...... 1 4 6 The defeats suffered by Middle- crushing blows to the chin and Hess Taggart ...... 69 106 113 288 Town Skating Events First Match town and Meriden last night just Total LaPonte, If ...... 0 0 0 reeled around the ropes. The bell Shubert ...... 103 96 96 295 Manchester Lincoln, r f ...... 6 1 13 about definitely eliminates these sounded as Berg was showenng Sadler ...... 9T 92 189 two teams from any chance to win PLAYING TONIGHT 77 184 Hall, c ...... 4 0 8 Hess with rights and lefts, similar 461 529 484 1474 Far Titles Tuesday Frey ...... 107 Palau, Ig ...... 5 1 11 or even tie for the league champion­ to a rapidfire gun. Savitt Gere Bronke ...... 81 120 201 ship as they now have two defeats 84 191 Gieene, Ig ...... 0 0 4) It was Berg’s first fight since re­ Dixon ...... 115 102 98 315 F. Anderson ...... 107 Gurske, rg ...... 0 0 0 apiece. Bristol has but One, that turning from England. Berg weig - Mackie ...... 84 107 85 276 32 to 28 trimming it received at the The junior and senior speed skat­ . eacli race will be eligible for the 392 373 765 ed 13814 pounds and Hess l.ii4t Hobenstreet ..102 84 104 290 Wiilimantic Sending Fast 16 6 38 State Armory here several weeks Williams ___ 97 103 104 304 ing trials for the skating champion­ linals to be held at 2 o’clock of the Glastonbury Total ago and is anxiously awaiting Man­ last night. ^ j • „ 16Z Meriden (20) A bad eye, tighUy closed during Frisk ...... 98 91 90 279 afternoon of Feb. 1, Carnival Day. Zirhenbach .. .. ___ 77 85 chester’s invEislon of Bristol on Feb­ Quintet Here To Oppose ship of Manchester, will be run oft 78 152 B. F. T. the final four rounds helped take the .4.11 skaters that have placed In Chapman ...... ___ 74 ruary sixth. Comparative scores at Center Springs Pond next Tues­ 70 129 Russell, rg ...... 2 0 4 steam out of Battalino. Both fought 496 487 481 1464 Llie previous races will be eligible Rocco ...... ___ 59 often are misleading but they are day night at 8 o’clock. All names lor the Carnival linals. The names . .. . 98 102 200 Mastriano, r g ...... 1 1 3 a cautious fight as the crowd booed Local Cluh. Behrendt ...... Fredericks, I g ...... 0 0 0 always eagerly scrutinized. Bris­ their efforts, opening up only m CKAV.AT LEAGUE must be in the hands of Eiank Wal- of those wishing to enter must be tol beat Middletown 38 to 13, a dif­ lelt Monday night so that arrange­ tiled by Monday night as this is the 308 335 643 Markowski, c ...... 2 1 5 spurts. Shea crowded in close to Krlck, c ...... 1 1 3 ference of 25 {joints while M uches- land his most damaging punches No. 2 ments may be completed for the last elimination series before the ter’s 43 to 25 margin was seven The East Side Crescents with races. Carnival. Entries can be made by Second Match Tomassetti, rf ...... 1 0 2 while Battalino sparred with long­ Biske ...... 88 86 90 points less. This would tend to three straight victories to their The distances in the two cla.sses calling the Center Springs station, Manchester Total Reardon, r f ...... 0 0 0 distance punches. The Associated E. Anderson ...... 84 92 93 prove once again the closeness in credit, wdl go into action again to­ will consist of the 220, 440. and phone 4506 giving the name, age . . . . 94 83 177 Fay, If ...... 1 1 3 Press score sheet showed Shea won A. Anderson ...... 107 96 90 Sadler ...... the ability of Manchester and Bris­ night at the School street Rec when S80 yard dashes and the winners in and the events to be entered. Stevenson ...... ___ 88 86 174 five rounds and Battalino two with Struff ...... 97 83 94 8 4 20 tol. Yet the easy manner In which they meet the Wiilimantic Colleg­ Cervini ...... ___ 84 97 181 Irwin ...... 93 93 82 Score at half time: Bristol 17, Bristol beat Meriden last night com­ three even. Shea weighed 127 ians at 8 o'clock. F. Anderson ___ 105 101 206 pounds while Battalino carefully Smith ...... 96 83 113 The youthful East Side quintet is Meriden 7; referee, Brannick; time pared to Manchester’s exceedingly hard time accomplishing the same weighed in at 130, four pounds over composed of real promising basket­ 367 738 of periods, 8 minute quarters. 371 feat, also on its home fioor, is a the featherweight limit. 565 533 562 ball talent and is almost certain to Rockville Total HIGH SCHOOL matter worthy of s|)eculatlon. Last night’s card drew a gate of No. 4 give the strong Windham team a Little ...... 151 83 234 Hunter ...... 76 111 92 hard fought game if not defeat Trade School Again Manchester started slow against only $35,127. 95 184 Metcalf ...... 89 Middletown, possibly due to over­ Both Shea and the champion Larder ...... 91 95 90 them. The admission will be only 69 149 Weaver 24, Wiilimantic 23. Bowers ...... 80 confidence. Middletown played with fought such a cautious, mauling Tedford ...... I l l 93 112 a dime and the local team hopes to Dodwing ...... 74 81 155 Manchester 43, Middletown 25. fight that it was disappointing to Dwyer ...... 96 94 103 be able to raise enough to defray Bristol 38, Meriden 20. a determination which for more the crowd of 12,896 spectators who Brennan ...... 89 97 98 expenses. On The Winning 394 328 722 Plainfield 32, N. L. Bulkeley 19. than half of the game, seriously began to boo and clap their hands Bengston ...... 112 109 105 There is no question but what Wlnsted 21, Torrington 20. menaced ' Manchester’s chances. Middletown led 10 to 3 at the end in an endeavor to stir up action as their basketball ability is far under­ POOL TOURNAMENT N. H. Commercial 32, W. Htfd. 21. of the first period but only 18 to 16 early as half way of the fight. But 575 599 600 estimated by the small fee to be First Round Killingly 24, Putnam 13. at the half. neither boy responded with any sen­ No. 1 charged. It should be a game well Chagnut and Herron, Manchester, Litchfield 30, Terryville 26. Locals Off To Poor Start But Second Half a Walk-Away sational battling, both electing to do Cavagnaro ...... 98 82 85 worth seeing, especially inasmuch won from Lucia and Chevallier, What Coach Clarke said to his their spirited fighting in spurts. as the visitors are composed chiefly Local Sport Glastonbury, 50-11. McCullough ...... 106 93 125 boys between the halves Is not The champion kept Shea off with Hanna ...... 82 100 138 of former Windham High stars. Recover Form and Forge Lorch and Hartnett, Manchester, MANCHESTER SECONDS a long straight left to the face, with Manchester High plays at Windham won from Taylor and Regan, Rock­ known, but judging from their in­ Torrance ...... 90 86 94 spired playing of the second half, Shea setting his attack to the body next Friday so tonight’s game is -a Chatter ville, 50-34. McKee ...... 91 82 98 he must have fed them an overdose most of the time. The fight all the Dietz ...... 107 97 104 sort of a forerunner. Ahead With Spencer Lead­ Sonnickson and Edgar, Manches­ LOSE AT MIDDLETOWN way was a repetition of the first ter, won from Shea and Leabo, of fireworks. The red and white ex­ round with the sawed-off Shea al­ ploded all over the floor, darting 574 540 644 Grove City won its game with Rockville, 50-25. Manchester High’s junior varsity ways crowding in close and Bat­ ing Attack. Allegheny, 38 to 33. It was a hard Manchester thereby eliminated all here and there as they repeatedly No. 8 MANCHESTER FRESHMEN basketball team lost a thrilling bas­ talino fighting a cautious defensive fought game before a capacity opposition. worked the ball through Middle- Saprenzi...... 88 98 84 ketball contest to Middletown’s sec­ town’s defense for twin-pointers. battle. Brimley ...... 81 73 99 crowd. George Stavnitsky of Man­ Chagnot and Herron beat Lorch DEFEAT WETHERSFIELD Manchester Trade won its seventh chester did not start for Grove but and Hartnett in a friendly game ond team in that city last night by Baskets by Squatrito and Tierney Blanchard ...... 130 107 86 the narrow margin of one point. knotted the count, Middletown hav­ Holland ...... 90 120 120 straight basketball game at Staf­ got into the game for a portion of 50-44. the and second halves scoring Middletown led at halftime but ing increased its lead to 20-16 im­ Murphy ...... 93 106 109 Manchester High school's fresh­ ford yesterday afternoon defeating McCLUSKEY TO RUN CHECKER TOURNAMENT Manchester tied the score and then mediately upon resumption of play. Kasulki ...... 93 109 100 man basketball team added another two foul goals. Junita is the next Stafford High 28 to 23 in a close Grove City opponent and the game First Round went ahead on baskets by Turking­ Turklngton's foul shot put Man­ victory to its fast growing string of and hard fought game. Next will ge played next week Wednes­ Maidment, Manchester, won from ton and England In the final period. chester ahead for the first time and DESPITE ILLNESS 555 613 593 triumphs last night when it went Wednesday the locals travel to day. Bidwell, Glastonbury. McPartland missed an easy shot then O’Leary flipped in a one hand over to Wethersfield and won from Putnam to play Putnam. Orlowski, Rockville, won from just before the game ended which beauty from far out on the side AN EVEN BREAK Wethersfield High frosh 25 to 21 in Like its high school brothers in after which Turkington slipped Baseball is still quite far off so Irwin, Manchester. would have spelled victory for Man­ Joe McCluskey will compete in a red hot battle that fairly sizzled Middletown, Manchester got away to Martin, Rockville, won from chester. Tedford also missed a foul through Middletown’s faltering de­ Conran’s Men’s bowling team far as Manchester is concerned but the 3,500 meter race in the Brook­ with action from start to finish. a very poor start trailing 11 to 2 at Brown, Manchester. fling In the closing minutes as the fense for an easy basket. lyn College meet in Brooklyn this gave Eddie Anderson’s New Britain Tureck and Johnston led the attack the end of the first period, but the_ a letter was received by The Herald Middletown rallied momentarily deadlocked ■‘^ports department today from the Second Round teams battled furiously. evening but doesn’t anticipate much team a real trouncing last night at for Manchester while Comstock and mechanics rallied and I Maidment, Manchester, won from Manchester Seconds (19) but it only proved a dying gesture. chance of winning, according to re­ Conran’s but Anderson’s Girls gave Bugalindahl were best for the los­ the count at 14 points each at half­ Cuban House of David which is in The score was 27 to 23 as the third search of bookings In this section Orlowski, Rockville. p. B. F. T. port received here by one of Joe’s Conran’s Girls a defeat In return. ers. The score was close all the way. time. period ended and in the final ten of the state, especially Manches- Martin, Rockville, drew a bye. 0 England, rf ...... 0 1-1 1 friends today. Conran hit 396 for high three neither team having a really safe Ernie Viot, star forward for the Third Round— Finals 2 McPartland. I f ...... 2 1-5 5 minutes Manchester swarmed all string while Kebart was right be­ locals, was not in the game owing to ter. He will be pitted against such lead at any point. j Maidment, Manchester, won from 2 Turkington, I f ...... 1 2-3 4 over the home town aggregation to hind him with 384. Kebart had high Illness. Roger Spencer was the high ' well known stars of the track world Manchester Freshmen (25) Martin, Rockville. 2 Tedford, c ...... 2 0-1 4 roll up its commanding margin of single for the night with 140— New scorer for Manchester while Pan­ Hank McCann, one of the star as Gus Moore and Leo Lermond. He P. B. F. T. 1 Vennart, c ...... 0 0-1 0 victory. Captain “Gog” Turking­ Britain had two old State Leaguers ders did the best work for Staf­ forwards on the Rec Five, is nurs­ ton once again brought those long worked out at the Fordham gym 3 Coma, rf ...... 2 0-2 4 ing an ankle sprain suffered in a ■Volley Ball 3 Sartor, rg, Ig ...... 1 2-3 4 ir their lineup, Foote and Ander­ ford. One man went out on per­ Manchester won two straight arms and six foot plus of heighth yesterday and negotiated the dis­ 1 Smith, r f ...... 0 0-0 0 game between the West Side club 0 Raddlng, Ig ...... 0 0-2 0 tance in 11:10 but figures he will son, but they could not seem to get 3 Tureck, If ...... 4 0-2 8 sonals, McLagan of Stafford. games from Rockville 21-10 and into adv€intage by scoring several going. and St. Stanislaus at Meriden a few 0 Mahoney, Ig ...... 0 1*2 1 have to travel three-quarters of a 0 Johnston, c ...... 4 0-0 8 Manchester Trade (28) 15-7. Manchester—Ralph Von Deck, of the follow-up shots for which he Miss Linn of the vlstors was the -p ‘ nights ago. minute faster to win tonight. 0 Freiheit, c ...... 0 0-0 0 P B F Tucker, Russell, Bronke, Ballsleper. 10 6 7-18 19 is noted. Middletown was at a loss star of the night hitting 107 high 5 ------McCluskey hasn't fully recovered 2 Lupien, r g ...... 0 2-2 2 1 Jolly, rf ...... 2 1-5 Rockville—Robert Von Deck, Hap- Middletown Seconds (20) to stop him without fouling. single and 304 for high three string 0 Rossi, If ...... 0 0-0 Q The Hartford Times quotes War* peny, Webber, Weir, Dodwing. Here’s the Stars from the effects of an attack of the In the other match. 1 Haberern, r g ...... 0 0-0 0 jp ‘ dy Waterman as saying “I didn’t hit P. B. F. T. grip which confined him to the 0 Salmond, Ig ...... 0 0-1 0 3 Spencer, I f ...... 4 3-6 BASKETBALL Jimmy O’Leary gave a pretty ex­ Conran’s Men 3 Kovis, c ...... 4 ' him very hard,” in regard to the 2 Annino, rf ...... 1 1*3 3 college infirmary for several daj^s. 0 Leone, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 , . 2 0-3 Manchester (42) hibition of side court shooting most Rudlnsky ...... 118 112 95— 325 0 Sendrowski, rg .. 1-1 7 ' fight he had with Stanley Shimkus 2 Johnson, rf ...... 0 1-1 1 2 Amadeo, Ig ...... 1 1-3 4 .. 3 B F T of his five baskets coming from that Magnuson ...... 90 106 123— 319 2 Magnuson, Ig ..,. . 0 1-2 1 of the Knights of Lithuania here 2 Catalano, If ...... 0 0*0 0 Quish, r f ...... 4 0 8 Whitney. If ...... 0 0-0 0 region of the armory surface. John­ Max Baer, California heavy­ Kathkavick ...106 100 114—320 __: last Tuesday. All of which prompts Stevenson, I f ...... 4 0 8 2 12 11 3-10 25 Lleberman, c ...... 1 0-2 2 ny Hedlund missed about a dozen weight, once was fined $500 after Conran ...... 132 129 135—396 9 11 6-17 281 to wonder what would have Ralph Von Deck, c ... 1 0 2 1 long shots during the opening half Wethersfield Freshmen (21) pened If he had. For as it was, 1 Vinci, c ...... 3 1-2 7 knocking out his opponent. The Kebart ...... 130 140 114—384 Stafford High (23) ' Ballsleper, rg ...... 6 0 12 but once he got the sights properly P. B. F. T. 2 Itken. Ig ...... 0■ 0-0 0 California boxing commission P B F T| H. Russell, Ig ...... 6 0 12 gauged, the Beau Brummel of the 2 Ashley, rf, c ...... 1 0-0 2 33 Hona, Ig ...... 0 1-3 1 thought he hadn’t pulled the trick 576 587 581 1744 2 Squires, rf .. . ----- 1 0-2 2 Oarkemen greatly helped Manches­ 0 Hillman, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 Waterman is getting into the 1 McCarthy, r g ...... 3 0-2 fast enough. New Britan 0 Debedt, rf. If . ___ 1 0-0 2 21 42 ter’s cause with four beautiful flips 1 Comstock, rf ...... 2 0-0 4 melight quite a bit this season. His Anderson ...... 100 96 97—293 3 Hajosy, If . .. ----- 0 0-0 0 Rockville (10) from mid-floor. Johnny Tierney 1 Bugalindahl, If ...... 3 3-6 9 asketball efforts have rewarded 4-13 20 Carey ...... 104 98 109— 311 0 Panciera, c .. ___ 4 1-3 9 Robert Von Deck, rf .. 0 0 116 8 gave further proof of his sharp­ 0 Buck, I f ...... 0 0-0 0 6* Score at end of periods; Pethacal ...... 115 95 116—326 0 Hajosy, c ----- ___ 0 0-0 0 Webber, If ...... 3 shooting ability from the foul line Freeman ...... 109 110 107—326 2 Galamore, c ...... 0 1-3 1 IS being Manchester ...... 1 H 3 Leplnski, rg . ----- 0 2-6 2 Weir, c ...... 0 and tossed in a pair of fleld g o ^ 0 McCue, rg ...... 2 0-1 4 made in out of town papers about Foote ...... 101 99 114—314 0 Riovek, rg . .. ----- 0 0-0 0 Held, r g ...... 2 Middletown ...... 4 7 to boot McHale played part o f 1 Hunguford, I g ...... 0 1-1 1 4 McLagan, Ig . ----- 3 0-2 6 us. It Dowding, Ig ...... 0 Referee: Ahern. EXERCISE! 1 Danner, Ig ...... 0 0-1 0 the game in Squatrlto’s place and 529 498 543 1570 0 N. Panciera . . ----- 1 0-0 0 showed world of fight on the Knights and Rec clash again there’s a Squatrl­ 10 to’s floorwork was good but he be­ Conran’s Girls 8 8 5-12 21 going to be a lot of excitement. 12 10 3-13 23 Referee, Happeny. WINS ON STYMIE came mixed up in a little would-be S. K e lle y ...... 98 77 70—245 Score at end of periods; Charter Oak Score at end of periods: fisticuff eeeslon with Captain Del P. Summerville 82 69 82— 233Manchester ...... 6 12 Phil Hunt, local junior speed Manchester ----- 2 l-l 21 28 SETBACK 'Vecchio of Middletown shortly be­ A. Shea ...... 101 97 83— 281Wethersfield ...... 7 12 skating champion. Is working out Miami, Fla., Jan. 24.— (AP) — Stafford ...... -----11 14 17 23 Chapman-Lucia, Glastonbury, . .x45 the Bowling R. S m ith ...... 87 69 76—232 faithfully at Center Springs pond Jack Ryerson, Cooperstown, N. Y., fore the end of game and saw Referee: Peiker. Ileferee: Bissell. Sloan-Brigham, .Rockville...... 45 the rest from, the bench as a result M. S tr o n g ...... 81 87 91—259 preparatory to defending his title Quish-Brown, Manchester, ...... 44 today sported a second amateur Alleys against all comers In the near fu­ golfing title won on Miami courses Daimy Ahem of Middletown refer­ Local fans will have the oppor­ Bronke-Tucker, Manchester...... 4i eed in an unusually satisfactory 27 Oak Street 439 399 402 1250 tunity to see some of the fastest pin There would be fewer day ture. Incidentally, Hunt is quite a xWon by toss of coin. within a single week. dreamers, says the office sage. if Ryerson stymied Lee Chase, Buf­ manner for a home toi^ ofltciaL The best kept alleys in the state. New Britain Girls topplers in this section in acticc In versatile skater and It’s going to W. Drochich ... 87 74 82—253 the near future. Manager Conran there were a way of taxing a take a real good boy to beat him. Tug-of-War and Billiards were falo, on the 86th green to win by a BOWLING NOW V. Jsnsen ...... 98 95 96—289 has in the works matches both sin­ man’s yearnings. scratched off list of events. one up score yesterday in the Oleqa John McQraw> New Y ork CHast Curtiss amateur trophy tourna­ manager, flgures to stert Frsd 2 GAMES FOR 25c C. J a rm e r...... 73 89 79—241 gle and doubles with auch men as L. P e n k e y ...... 106 89 96—291 Gaines, O’Brien, Tronskv. Gacek and | A New York bootlegger is Bad weather hurt Stetson Univer­ ment. He won the title in the Llndstrom, brimaat third haiiamaa, PI5J BOYS WANTED! E. Linn ...... 105 §2 107—304 Otto. B oth Conran and Kebert are (ported to sample his booze, sity’s football receipts this year, so The St. Louis Browns have sched­ Miami Biltmore invitatioDal last in toe oqtoeld next ieaaon. Ike — — ------'hittinir the wood i*||[reat style at I guinea pigs. This seems like the deficit was made up by giving uled only foiA games with major Sunday, defeating T. E. Price, Mia- theory isitoat Undatrom’s hitting ‘*69 439 460 1878 ‘ present. j case for the S. P. C. A. , * E la y ,______league clubs Zo'; spring training* ma, 7 and 6, in the finals. altiBady lu il^ Will ixhsrpze,___ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1931. PAGE TEN TH E FI ED SCCTtON BUV/%.ND »ELLIIERE LOST AND FOUND FUEL AND FEED 49-A* APARTMENTS— FLATS— TRIPLE TIE EXISTS Want Ad Information TENEMENTS 63 HEBRON LOST — FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FOR SALE—HARP WOOD $6 load iOOKS black pointer puppy, with white or slabs $5; also light trucking FOR RENT—61 SUMMER street, AND IN BILLIARD LOOP Manchester spot on breast. Answers to name done. V. Firpo, 116 Wells street. five room flat, recently renovated, Mrs. W. B. Hills of New York of Blackie. Finder please dial Dial 61^8. rent reasonable. Apply Manches­ City, who has been the guest of her Evening Herald ter Realty Company, 923 Main X I l l l t N 4673. Chicago, Jan. 24.— ( a P) — Three ^►'ALa N G O U l-D _ HARD V/OOD $5 LOAD, contains street, telephone 441^. sister-in-law, Mrs. Helen White, for CLASSIFIED chunks for furnace, slabs $5, bv^mUAMBRAUCHER challengers were deadlocked for associated SPORTS EDITOR first place with three straight ■vic­ a few days, has gone to East Hamp­ advertisements GARAGES—SERVICE- special chunks $6. Chas. Palmer, BEAUTIFUL PLACE for couple, tories each while the defending Consider the case of the College of ton where she and Dr. Hills, her telephone 6273. all newly redecorated 4 rooms, IN BEHALF OF DER SCHLAGER STORAGE 10 champion, Johnny Layton of Sedlia, Puget Sound, at Tacoma, Washing, * husband, wiU be guests for a short Count six average words to a lino. with bath, lights, white sink; also ^ ® i time of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan G. HUls Initials, numbers and FOR SALE — HARDWOOD and Ohio, pressed close behind as the each count as a word and compound FOR RENT—GARAGE centrally garage, all fo. $20, free shades. The boys have upraised their ' before returning to their home in located. Dial 3230. City Cab Com­ slabs, Hardwood $9.00 per cord; Call nights or phone 7505, 91-South struggle for the world three cush­ - Cqlunlns have been spilled on the ; Ngvv York. words as two worda Minimum cost is voices in chorus since the signing ion billiard crown entered the fourth price of three lines. pany, 53 Purnell Place. slabs $8.00 per cord. Satisfaction Main street. subject of comrnercialism and over- Robert Lyman, who had the mis- Line rates per day for transient guaranteed. Lathrop Brothers. Tel. of the articles for a mess between round today. emphasis ifi' football, the menace of fortune to cut his foot quite badly 3149. Prompt delivery. Max Schmeling, the current heavy­ Two Chicagoans, Allen Hall and Effective March IT, lOST the gate receipts, the milllon-dollar recently while chopping cord wood, Cash Charge BUSINESS-SERVICES WANTED TO RENT 68 weight champion by foul (outside Arthur Thurnblad, and the veteran athletic budget and the ballyhoo. 9 cts FOR SALE—HARD WOOD and Otto Reiselt of Philadelphia, cham­ , ^ * c. J improving and expects to go to 8 Consecutive Days ..1 T cts OFFERED 13 New York), and Willie Stribling, At the College of Puget Sound, the , work again soon. Dr. Pendleton 8 Consecutive Dayh ,.l 9 cts 11 eU hard wood slabs sawed stove WANTED— 3 OR 4 room tenement, the atavistic aviator-acrobat-assas­ pion in 1927, were the pacemakers 1 Pay ...... 1 11 Cts IS CtB length and under cover. Cash price with all modern improvements. student manager re^ rts that fTOt-lof Colchester sewed up the cut Piano Tuning sin. Layton back with a record-breaking All orders for Irregular Insertions for hard wood $6.00 per load, slabs Call 8615 evenings. ball showed a net LOSS of $2,000, which was about two and a half will be charged at the one time rate. JOHN COCKERHAM Judging by the tenor and basso game after a setback in. his first whereas debating and dramatics, inches long. Special rates for long term every 6 Orchard Street $5.00. L. T. Wood Co. of the remarks, Der Schlager is -to start made a night ago rested in day advertising given upon request. among other undergraduate activi-1 sudden death of Mrs. Dial 4219 be knocked flatter than the war fourth place with two victories and ties, produced profits, last year. ^ ^ jg (Horton) Post, wife of Frank Ads ordered for three or six days HOUSES FOR SALE 72 one defeat. The other four chal­ and stopped before the third or fifth knocked German marks by the Had football broken even, it R. Ftist, and a life long resident of HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 lengers appeared definitely out of day will be charged only for the ac­ MOVING—TRUCKING- FOR SALEl—10 ROOM house, on Georgian. Strib will wind up and might be said that affairs had j Hebron brought grief to her many tual number of times the ad appear­ let one go from the floor and they the championship running. ed, chargii at the rate earned, but STORAGE 20 WANTED YOU TO KNOW E. Ben­ Spruce street, with all improve­ reached the ideal state of propor-! friends !;ere and elsewhere. Mrs. no allowan, e or refunds can be made ments, large lot. Telephone 5952. will be picking up pieces of Lieder- In capturing his second straight tion in the collegiate organization, Post was nearly 78 years of age. son is with Montgomery Ward & game last night Layton crushed i on six time ads stopped after the kranz around the ring far into the Education might, in fact, hail this | and her health had been precarious fifth day. PERRETT & GLENNEY me.—Mov­ Company and will be pleased to 168 Benton street, five room bunga­ Dave Jacobs of St. Louis, 50 to 3. No “lill forbids” : display lines not ing, packing and shipping. Dally welcome his many friends to the night. Also we hear that the clumsy as a great example. However, at | for quite a number of years. How- low, steam heat, garage, all im­ Teuton lout couldn’t hit Strib with Thurnblad won his third game yes­ the College of Puget Sound there i ever, she had seemed somewhat ira- service to and from New York. 14 furniture department. Come in and provements, easy terms; also new terday, 50 to 45, from Charles Jor­ *°lMie Herald will not be responsible trucks at your service. Agents for look us over. Your credit is good at an armful of stepladders. is no enthusiasm whatever. j proved for the last day or two since for more than one Incorrect Insertion ^ 6 room house. Telephone 8713. Hold On, There! dan of Los Angeles. Reiselt also of any advertisement ordered for United Van Service, one of the Ward’s. Nelson R. Hong, in the Tacom a; her illness with grip and had been It is barely possible that the boys won his third game, an equally close miire than one time. leading long distance moving com­ match from Tiff Denton of Kansas News Tribune, writes: j up and about the day before her The Inadvertent omission of Incor­ panies. Connection In 162 cities. 6 REMNANTS OF carpets 6x9. who are picking Strib to slay the “ Logger gridders played to little ^'^e^.th- which, oegurred in the early rect publication of advertising will be $8.00 apiece. Watkins Furniture German -without getting his hair City, 50 to 42. Hall w e l s idle yester­ rectified only by camcellatlon of the Phone 30€3, 8860, 8864. more than empty seats in Tacoma. I rooming of Thursday, Jan. 22. Mr. Exchange. RENAISSANCE BEAT mussed are taking too much off the day. charge made for the service rendered. Reiselt against Jordan, Thurnblad . Lack of color is the reason | Post, her husband, who was watch- All advertlsemanls must conform L. T. WOOD CO.— Furniture and Sharkey-Schmeling affair in which football fans did not turn out in husband, found her dead in In style, copy and typography with piano moving, modem equipment, FOR SALE — SPECIAL RANGE Der Schlager looked very, very bad against Scoville and Layton against regulations enforced by the publish­ burner. Oil for all makes of burn­ SPRINGFIELD, 41-23 Denton was the lineup today and larger numbers. With this disas-i^^d, she having pa^ed away in ers and tliey reserve the right to experienced help, public store­ and not gi-vlng sufficient considera­ troiis financial, season behind it the , her sleep. Mrs. Post wgs the.daugh- edit, revise or reject any copy con­ house. Phone 44%. ers at 9 l-2c per gallon. Prompt tion to Max’s other fights in this tonight. delivery. Grezel-Johnson Company, College of Puget Sound should be Lor of the late William H," Horton sidered objecUonablq. „ ^ ^ country in which he took a lacing and his wife, Clarin^ Welles Hor­ CLOSING HOURS— Classified ads to 1 Purnell Place. Phone 7167. Westfield, Jan. 24.—Unable to more anxious than ever to do some­ be published same day must be re­ REPAIRING 23 keep pace with the flashy Renais­ for quite a few rounds and then thing to put football on a self-sup­ ton, both of Hebron. She wa,s of ceived by 12 o'clock noon; Saturdays sance basketball team, colored started coming along to win. porting basis, if not a paying basis. old Colonial descent, being descend­ 10:30 a. m. VACUUM CLEANER: gun; phono­ WANTED—TO BUY 58 champions of the world, the Spring- In behalf of the German, go back “By employing a coach of per­ ed from the Shipman family who TELEPHONE YOUR graph, clock repairing. Key mak­ field visitations were handed a 43 to to his Risko fight. Maxie scored a sonality and color . . . the College were arnong the first settlers in He­ knockdown in the first round, but of Puget Sound can take the most bron, and was also related to -the WANT ADS. ing. Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. WANTED TO BUY second hand 23 defeat here last night. A crowd Ads are accepted over the teleplione he took a punching that round just effective step to rout Old Man Fi­ late Governor John S. Peters of He­ furniture, ranges, and stoves. of 800 was treated to some of the at the CHARGU KATK given above cleverest basketball ever witnessed the same. In the second Schmeling nancial Difficulty.” bron, and was also related to the as a convenience to advertisers, but COURSES AND CLASSES 27 James H. Hopkins, 81 West Ma i was hit low several times, but kept Trumbull family of Revolutionary the CASH K.-Vri'.S will be accepted as street. Telephone Rockville 17-2. in this city. FULL I’ .W.MLNT if paid at tlie busi­ From start to finish the Negro fighting without complaint. As the boys in Enid. Okla., and fame. Besides her husband, she ness office on or before tlie seventh BARBER TRADE taught In day Schmeling was given an edge in T f e o U T S leaves three step-children, F, Elton and evening classes. Low tuition hoopmen found little opposition in elsewhere have hastened to point out, „ - d.ay following tlie first insertion of the third round by reason of clean­ to us, Eddie Morgan, the Cleveland Post of Hebron, Mrs. Charles War- each ad otlierwise the CHARGH rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 the Visitations and scored at will. er, harder hitting than Risko was ner of Suffield, (formerly Miss Clara R.XTE will be collected. No responsi­ Market street, Hartford. The rest period found them on the clouter, seems more occupied mak­ bility for errors in telephoned ads putting up. Risko. however, took ing a success of the first base job Post of Hebron) and Mrs. Ernest will be assumed and their e^curacy FOR RENT— HEATED Furnished big end of a 24 to 8 score. Saitch led the colored team’s attack with 14 the lead in the fourth round in than with any ambitions to be an­ Bazinet, formerly Miss Myra Post of cannot be guaranteed. rooms. Three dollars week. Mrs. The second lesson of the Scout­ this place. She also leaves several MONEY TO LOAN 33 Roberts, Chapel street. markers, and was closely followed which the boys stood for a time other Cobb or Speaker in the out­ INDEX OF toe-to-toe, trading swings to the masters’ training course was held field. nephews, Edmund Horton of Hebron, by Ricks who tallied 13. Marchinik Thursday evening with 12 members CLASSIFICATIONS MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgages FOR RENT—HEATED furnished chin. In fact, Eddie played only 19 Daniel G. Horton of New Haven, and Fitzgerald did what little out­ present. Arthur Adams, assistant Births ...... on good Manchester real estate. rooms at Edgewood House, 281 standing work there was to be done Risko carried the fifth and sixth, games in the outfield last year, as William Horton of Hackensack, N. Scout executive, took charge of the J., and several great newphews and Engagements ...... " Robert J. Smith, 1009 Main street. Center street, rates $3 to $3.50 per for the Visitations. also, forcing the German to break compared with 129 at first base, Marriages ...... " meeting with Dr. Cedric Bagot, nieces. One niece. Miss Olive week. Apply to M. L. Stacy, Cheney The summary; ground with body jolts. They slug­ where he displaced the veteran Por­ Deaths ...... ^ scoutmaster of Troop 18 of Hart­ Smith, lives in Hartford. Mrs. Card of Thanks ...... “ Brothers. Renaissance (43) ged in the seventh, Risko driving tuguese, Lew Fonseca, and turned HELP WANTED— ford, the speaker on patrol methods Post was for many years, in fact, all In Memoriam ...... F B. F. T. Maxie to a comer and landing a in a very neat job. Lost and Found ...... * FEMALE 35 her lifetime, a member of St. Peter’s Saitch, If ...... 5 4 14 right to the chin that caused and organization. After closing ex­ Announcements ...... * FOR RENT — HEATED ROOMS ercises with taps and scoutcraft The British attitude in sport may Episcopal church, and was an active Personals ...... I WANTED—GIRL FOR housekeep­ Ricks, rf ...... 6 1 13 Maxie’s knees to bend. Automobiles centrally located. Dial 3129. Scoutmaster David McComb served , be recommended to America, as it church worker as long as her health ing, experienced with babies. Ap­ Cooper, c ...... 2 0 4 Schmeling, stung into a daze, Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 coffee. The next meeting of the | was by the Carnegie Foundation’s permitted. Funeral services take Automobiles for Exchange ..... • ply in person, 39 Stephen street. Jenkins, Ig ...... 4 2 10 came right back and floored Risko FOR RENT— DESIRABLE room training course will be held on Jan. report, yet it seems that John Bull place at SL Peter’s church on Sun­ Auto Accessories— Tires ...... • for gentlemen: large and su|iny. Slocum, rg ...... 0 0 0 with a terrific right to the chin. In Auto Repairing—Painting ...... " the eighth Schmeling again crashed 29th at 7:30 at the Center church. | at times also has a few difficulties day at 2 p. m., the Rev. Frederick Auto Schools ...... T*A. Inquire at 31 Laurel street or dial Williams, ^ rector of St Paul’s HELP WANTED-MALE 36 17 7 41 the right to Risko's chin and John­ Troop 8 j to worry about. Autos— Ship by Truck ...... 8 3041. For example, the following cir­ church, Willimantic officiating. Autos— For Hire ...... • Visitations (23) ny took a nine count. The end came Troop 8 held its regular meeting ] SALESMEN WANTED—We need cumstances described in a Glasgow Mrs. Marietta Horton, who is the Garages— Service— Storage i .,. . . 10 FOR RENT—TO ONE OR TWO B. F. T. in the ninth, with Risko’s arms with 21 Scouts present and two new Motorcycles— Bicycles ...... 11 several men to sell highest grade dispatch to the London Evening pjest of her son, Daniel G. Horton, gentlemen, large, well lighted and Marchinik, r g ...... 3 1 V hanging limply at his side. Referee tenderfoot scouts. Troop . Commit­ Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 12 auto and tractor oils, paints, etc., Ststndard : in New Haven, spent a day and Business and Professional Services heated centrally located room. Nadler, Ig ...... 1 1 3 Donovan chased Max to his corner teeman W. H. Cowles assisted in to farming trade, on fall 1931 “'Two well known ex-footballers night at her Hebron home a few Business Services Offered ...... 18 Fitzgerald, I g ...... 0 0 0 test work in first aid. Later Com­ credit, without note, interest or Dial 6744. and guided Johnny back to his han­ were arrested today on a charge of days ago. Household Services Offered .....1 8 - A Conway, c ...... 0 0 0 mitteeman Walter Buckley and Building— Contracting ...... 14 mortgage. Goods shipped on ap­ dlers. alleged bribery. Mrs. Mary E. Mitchell entertained Fitzgerald, rf ...... 2 1 5 Arvid Seaburg held their regular Florists— Nurseries ...... 16 proval with test privilege. Weekly It Ha-s To Be Figured “The men, Archibald Kyle, labor­ the women’s bridge club at her home Funeral Directors ...... 16 APARTMENTS—FLATS— Barnes, rf ...... 1 2 4 RLsko never has been anybody’s monthly meeting. Plans are under Heating— Plumbing— Roofing ,jt« 17 draining account and full payment er, of Rockliffe street, Glasgow, and; Wednesday evening. As the weath TENEMENTS ,2 63 Jachym, I f ...... 2 0 4 Joe Beckett, it should be remember­ way for Troop 8 to present a three- Insurance ...... at end of month. Apply by letter. act play to the Community club on Adam Miller, miner of High Avon er was so cold and the walking so Millinery— Dressmaking ...... 1* Shea, If ...... 0 0 0 ed. He laced Jack Sharkey, George street, Larkhall, appeared before | bad the attendance was not as large A real proposition. F. G. Fogg, ■ the evening of February 6 under the Moving—Trucking—Storage ... *0 Field Mgr., 193 Essex street, Ban­ Godfrey, Paulino, Delaney, Schaaf, the stipendiary magistrate. as usual. Mrs. Mitchell carried off Painting—““Paperin g ..81 WOULD LIKE TO get in touch with 9 5 23 direction of Miss Spring. The troop j Berlenbach, Sekyra and others. Up “They were charged with having 1 the honors of the evening, having Professional Services...... 22 gor, Maine. clerk, office girl or teacher, who Score at half time. Renaissance committee is planning a Father and Repairing ...... 23 to the Schmeling bout he never had between Boxing Day and yesterday, the highest score. Miss Susan would like to share an apartment. 24, Visitations 8. Referee, Sullivan; Son banquet for Troop 8 in conjunc­ Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 POSITIONS r- ABOARD OCEAN been knocked out. in May street and Bothwell road, Pendletoa coming second. The Toilet Goods and Service ...... 26 Address Apartment, in care of umpire, Shastany. Time, 20-minute liners; good pay. Visit Hawaii, In calculating Max’s possible tion with anniversary week of Hamilton, and in Hope street, Glas­ members present were treated to Wanted— Business Service ...... 26 Herald. periods. Educatioual China, Japan. No experience. Self- showing against Stribling. the Ris­ scouting, February 8 to 14. There gow, corruptly offered a gift of £100 home made fudge. Courses and Classes ...... 27 addressed envelope will bring list. FOR RENT—SEVEN ROOM tene­ ko fight should not be forgotten. are now 26 Scouts enrolled in Troop to the captain of Hamilton Acade­ Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert, regent of Private Instruction ...... 88 E. Arculus, Mt. Vernon, New York. It was a great battle. In the course 8 with a scoutmaster {ind two as­ mical Football club, if he agreed Dancing • •eeee.eeeaaaa • • • ♦ a • ^ 8 ”^L ment at 67 Cambridge street, all the Golohe? Henry Champion Chap­ Musical— Dramatic ...... 29 modern improvements, garage. of which Schmeling showed forti­ sistant leaders. 'Tests were passed that his club be defeated in the ter, D. A. R., her sister Miss Susan CHANCE OF LIFETIME—Reliable NO WRESTLING CHAMP in scout-pace, signaling, first aid Wanted— ^Instruction ...... 80 Call 6018. tude and punch. First League game with Leith Ath­ Pendleton, and others, attended the Financial ambitious man to establish local and safety. letic, which is to be played at Ham­ Bonds— Stocks—Mortgages lOM- • 81 business. We finance you. Experi­ National Defense Limcheon served Chicago, Jan. 24.— (A P )—The Na­ Manchester District News ilton Saturday. Business Opportunities 88 ence unnecessary. Make $8.00- FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ at Hotel Bond Thursday noon. Money to Loan ...... 88 tional Boxing Association does not The annual meeting of the Man­ “They were remanded in custody $12.00 day. Full or part time. Mc- ment on Birch street. The Man­ COWBOY CHAMPION Among the speakers was Mrs. Fin­ Help nnd Sltnatlona recognize any champion in the field chester district will be held Mon­ for 48 hours pending further in­ Help Wanted— Female ...... 15 Ness Co., Div. C-563, Freeport, 111. chester Trust Company. ley J. Shepard, the former Helen of wrestling. General John V. Clin- day evening at the Second Congre­ quiry. Kyle played for Rangers, Help Wanted— Male ...... a * 86 Visalia. Calif., Jan. 24.— (AP.) — Gould, who spoke vigorously on the Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 87 FOR RENT— 4 ROOM FLAT, all nin, president of the organization, gational church at 6:30. Already Blackburn Rovers, Clyde, St. Mir­ needs of our country. IF YOU WANT A wonderful oppor­ In his mother’s front yard. Clay Agents Wanted ...... -.87-A improvements, garage. Apply 8 said today. close to 40 men who are interested ren and Hamilton Academicals. He Mrs. Howard Q. Thompson ha$ re­ Situations Wanted— F em a le...... 88 tunity to make $15 profit a day and Carr learned the tricks of cow General Clinnin’s statement was scouters are listed for the dinner. represented Scotland on two occa­ turned from a visit of several days Situations Wanted—M ale ...... 89 get a new Ford Sedan besides, send Keeney street. punching which yesterday brought Employment Agencies ...... 40 me your name immediately. No ex­ made after information that Jim The program committee has plan­ sions against England. Miller with her sister, Mrs. Raymond Can- him the title of world champion all- Live Slock— Peta— Ponllry— Vehicles perience necessary. Particulars FOR RENT—FEB. 1ST. Five room Londos had been circulating a pho­ ned some very interesting material played for nine seasons with Ham­ field in Hartford. Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... 41 around cowboy. To Carr this was free. Albert Mills, 7034 Monmouth, upper flat in two-family house, tostatic copy of a reproduction of a and the nominating committee has ilton Academicals.” f Among local people who attended Live Stock— Vehicles ...... 48 the greatest honor life had to offer. Poultry and Supplies ...... 48 Cincinnati, O. heat furnished. Inquire William letter written by Stanley ’’.saacs, a complete lis t'o f haunes for the the annual banquet of the Coimecti- Wanted — Pets— Poultry— Stock 44 Hunniford, 441 Center street. Dial while acting as head of the N. B. A. Carr piled up nearly twice as 1931 season. jcut; Pouifi^ Association, it Hotel For Sale— Miscellaneous in 1930, purporting to endorse Lon­ many points as his closest opponent Articles for S a le ...... 46 4274. JUDGE JOHNSON WANTS %dhd, Tuesday evening. Were Mr. Boats and Accessories ...... 46 LIVE STOCK- dos as the National Boxing Associa­ in the last roundup season to win and Mrfll.'-Edward A. Smlth'-and sev- Building Materials ...... 47 j VEHICLES 42 FOR RENT—3 ROOM suite in the tion heavyweight titleholder. the annual competition of the Rodeo SKHNG IN SALISBURY ersd from'Gilead who are interested Diamonds— Watches— Jewelry . . 48 new Johnson Block, Main street. “The National Boxing Association Association of America. in poultry raising. Miss Clarissa Electrical Appliances— Radio . . . 49 FOR SALE—FI’VE JERSEY and ASSISTANT TO DONAHUE Fuel and Feed ...... ^''-A All modern improvements includ­ in annual convention at Omaha in The “front yard” Is the little six­ Lord who is employed at Connecti­ Guernsey family cows, accredited; ing heat. Apply Aaron Johnson. ty acre cattle ranch of Mrs. George Garden — Farm —Dairy Products 60 October, 1930, eliminated wrestling Salisbury, Conn., Jan. 24— (AP) cut State Agricultural College was Household Goods ...... 61 also Wyandotte breeding cock­ Tel. 3726 or janitor 7635. from its scope of control.” Carr in the hills around Three Riv­ also present. Machinery and T o o ls ...... 62 erels. C. W. Johnson, Wapping, —Ski racers and jumpers of the Hartford, Jan. 23.— (A P )—The Musical Instrum ents...... 63 General Clinnin said, “Therefore ers, 25 miles east of Sisalia. There East, among them several cham­ A t the weekly meeting of the telephone Rosedhle 11-12. FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room increase in number of athletic Office and Store Equipment . . . . 64 the N. B. A. repudiates any and all CHay was bora 21 years ago and pions and former champions, Bible class taught by the Rev. John Specials at the Stores ...... 66 flat, first floor on Lilley street, documents or statements that pur­ there he went to school—on his events which require direct super­ Wearing Apparel—F u rs ...... 67 garage, near Center. Inquire 21 gathered here today for the opening vision by the state athletic com­ W.' Deeter, an interesting study of Wanted— To Buy ...... 68 POULTRY AND port to inform the public that it mother’s knee when he was too of the two day preliminary try-outs the parables of Christ was taken up. Elro street. supports any indi-vidual group of young for the saddle and later with mission, . is the urge behind the Rooms— Board—Hotels—Resorts SUPPLIES 43 for the United States Olympic ski movement to have an assistant com­ This study will be'Continued through Restaurants FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, up- wrestlers.” the men who rode the range. His team. The tryout which were open later meetings of the class. Rooms Wltnout Board . . 19 playmate ■was his brother, Casey, missioner provided fo'r in the la'w as Boarders W anted ...... 69-A FOR SALE—FIVE PARTRIDGE .stairs $22, garage, 5 Ridgewood with the 18 kilometer cross country outlined in a bill sent to the legisla­ The annual parish meeting of St. three years his junior, whose ambi­ Country Board— Resorts . 60 Rock hens and five Rhode Island street, ready February 1st. Inquire race, the only event scheduled for ture yesterday. As it is sponsored Peter’s church wa^ adjourned from Hotels—Restaurants ...... White and rooster. 48 Grand’view 178 Parker street or telephone tion is to do as well as Clay has today, were being held in conjunc­ Saturday; Jan. 24 to, a later date, on WaJited— Rooms— Board ...... SCHAAF WINS by Raymond A. Johnson of Man­ Real Estate For Rent street, off Porter. 5623. done. tion with the fifth annual Connecti­ chester; House Leader, It Is, exjiect- account of the death 'Of Mrs. Frank Apartments, Flats, Tenements .. Three years ago Clay tired of the cut champion ski meet. Nineteen ed the innovation will receive .seri­ R. Post. Mr. Post, is clerk Of the Business Locations for Rent ... FOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement, monotony of punching cows for his contestants were entered In the church and for mahy years was a Houses for Rent ...... New York, Jan. 24.— (AP) — ous attention. The forecast was that FUEL AND FEED 49-A all improvements, garage if desir­ Whatever the cause, boxing in mother. He borrowed a horse— he cross country race including Mag­ singer in the church choir. Suburban for Rent ...... ed. Apply 95 Foster street. Tel. it would be adopted. Summer Homes for Rent ...... Madison Square Garden Is experi­ couldn’t afford one of his own— and nus Satre, of the Salisbury Club, The attraction of sports has al­ SPECIAL—50 CORDS OF season­ 5230. Wanted to R e n t ...... encing the leanest indoor season in entered the Visalia Rodeo. He took present National champion and ways brought a number of candi­ DID YOU KNOW THAT— Real Estate For Sale ed birch wood $4.00 load, good second place in every event he en­ holder of the Beck Trophy. He is Apartment Building for Sals ... measure; also hard wood $6.00 per 6 ROOM TENEMENT, 26 Walker its history. dacies for places on the athletic tered. also entered in the class A division Nine Metropolitan opera singers Business Property for Sals . . . . . load. Thomas Wilson, Phone 8581 street, all improvements, garage, A slim crowd of 6,000 watched commission to the front although' Farms and Land for Sale ...... Now he has his own string of in the ski jumping which will be good location, rent reasonable. In­ Ernie Schaaf, burly Boston heavy­ the law at first only provided for a were laid up with influenza recently Houses tor Sale ...... or Rosedale 37-4. horses. His favorite mount, a small held tomorrow. and ■the witty headline writer cap­ Lots for Sale ...... quire 30 Walker. Geo. Murdock. weight outpoint Jimmy Braddock of commissioner and later was amend­ HARD WOOD, STOVE length $5 a Jersey City in a slow bout last brown stallion, is his almost in­ ed to pro’vide a deputy. The former tioned the story: “Songbirds Have Resort Property for Sals ...... Delaware prison officials who Suburban for Sale ...... load. Special chunks for furnace or FOR RENT —SEVERAL FIRST night, and brought the unofficial separable companion. When Clay is Thomas E. Donahue and the lat­ Flu.” ;■ ordered five convicts flogged ap­ Real Estate for Exchangs...... fire place $6. Hardwood slabs $4. class rents. Apply Edward J. average attendance for the laat five choses to ride In his newly acquired ter Joseph H. Lawlor of Waterbury, Wanted— Real E s ta te ...... parently had their own ideas as to F. O. Giesecke, telephone Rosedale Holl, 865 Main street Telephone Garden boxing shows to the ex­ automobile, the stallion follows in a For assistant Harry Leavitt, a Chess champions; according to Auction— Legal Notices how to put prisoners in stripes. Legal Notices ...... Tl 36-12. 4642. tremely low level of 7500. trailer. stale officer and for years chauffeur Capablasca, are always those who for the governor, has been mention­ b e ^ the game young. There are ed for the post. bound to be good openings for a GAS BUGGIES— Speak Louder Please By FRANK BECK bright young man. Congress is reported to be study­ YOU MADE SUCH YOU ^ ing a w ay to make paper money .last tVE BEEN RINSINS [ WHY DON’T OH! ITS YOU? CAPTAIN REALIZE WHAT n * THIS BELL STEADILY ^ YOU OPEN 1 WAS JUST A RACKET I HAD O O N T longer. It’s a funny thing, but most THE DOOR !! A N SW ERIN G TO HANG UP. FOGG! BLAME M E l THIS MEANS STKKCRJ of us have been working on the seme FOR FIVE MINUTES. TO ...... OH.. A WHY DOESN'T .w h a t 's t h e THE PHONE IT WAS A LONG T H A T 5 WHO IF YOU HADN'T problem for some time now. IT W AS... HE BEEN SO WELI____W H Y ^ A M Y OPEN ^ BIG IDEA WHEN YOU DISTANCE CALL STARTED TOO. SOUNDED WANTED TO IMPATIENT F R E T ... c h a n g e s THE D(DOR— I OF KEEPING LIKE THIS ■ CAN HEAR ME Ringing LIKE ..E R ... OFFER ME THAT AT THE WAITING THE UPTON BOGS BIG REWARD DOOR. COME EVERY HER VOICE DAY OR SO., -jy. AND- DOOR OR . . . FOR FINDING Fire Ini^rance BELL.. HIS WALLET. o ' T A N D YOU W O R R Y.? • W m Automobile (( HUNG UP 'A) ON HIM* Insurance r ( Fires and accidents corns '/ ' '♦7k/ without^ ^ rn in g . QV Arp ypw prepill Ln

rlSkirWoO/Wllih. ^nUablo com- panics.,■ A molorcyclist wai riding ihiouali un­ familiar lemtory and was depencTmg up-. -Robert Smith on signposts to fiod his way. He came lOOe Main St. ' la a-junction on ihe road and formd Aat •. the signpost had bom pulM up from jU=: ^ttensfip "neketii proper place and thrown into » ditch. How did he find his way? Zi m l. : I to


Flapper Fanny Say& SKIPPY By Percy L Crosby SENSE AND nonsense WCO.U.». WT.OW.

Here’* To The Girl Here’s to the firl with eyes of blue, , 'T 6 6 C M€ , Kouj Does UNCce TK e s k ; part e c o v u e o ^|s/0 WMeN H€ COM6 5 TO Whose heart is kind and love is true; BLOW UP A cure ojiTH A CHS^tr f=’UL OP Air-, TM e v5T6Mj He UJHlSTL€S^ Here’s to the girl with eyes of t h a t ^ brown, Whose spirit proud you cannot down; Here’s to the girl with eyes of gray. Whose sunny smile drives care away------— What’er the hue of their eyes may be, I drink this toast to the girls with thee. ML A colored woman consulted the village lawyer. Colored Woman—Ah wants to di­ vorce mah husband. Lawyer— What’s the trouble, rPi II"!! 1 Percy L. Crosby, Great BrlU.ln rights rMerr«d. Mandy ? ) King Features Syndicate. Inc. Colored Woman— Dat nigger’s done gone and got religion, an’ we ain't seen chicken on de table fo’ two months. OUR BOARDING HOUSE ewtA Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Foi Old Uncle Ephraim Muses: “At de end ob de day ebery man knows By Gene Ahem whether or not he has done a fair Life for ii bride is often just seW’ day’s work. «ew. THE NEW PUP VS. — the n ew rug A Negro charged with stealing a tion was on a strike or just loafing -that FRieMP (ST III A6R&E wiTH Vpo MEAT T i m e voo watch had been arraigned before the on the job when she annexed him. TMAT METS* am All- SEE H/M, ASK’M MiAJE . I BROO csHT court. The judge was not convinced AMERICAM "TACKcEy Colored Prisoner—Jedge, Ah don’t i f HE l o s t S o m e that he was guilty and said: Ho m e "to DIMMER Judge—You are acquitted, Sam. know what to do. TH’ WAV He POUJMEP; v e s t B o T t b M S ; Sam (doubtfully) — Acquitted. Judge—Why, Rastus, how’s that? l a s t A JfcaH T, UiMoM THAT BAKEP Mam . v ^ M R S . H o c P l E What do yo ’all mean, Jedge. Prisoner—Ah swore to tell de Vou CHfMPS VaJ E R E ’^'' AM ^ THREW rr Judge—That’s the sentence. You truth. g c o T b O M P t h r e e - are acquitted. Judge—Well ? RATTiMca, VJA5 For a Tw&MiV OF "'EM UMPER Sam (still looking very much con­ j Prisoner—But ebery time AJ AM ALL-A m e r i c a n fused)—Jedge, does dat mean dat tries to tell it some lawyer objects. VARD LOSS f T F ’ PfMtMCi Ah has to give de watch back? Tb o T feA L L t a c k l e I WA5 WATcMiM6t ■Ro o m T a B u E/. Mr. Howard—Mose, doesn’t that SOME VEARS go His fork ACTfoM Parson Johnsing preaching on mule ever kick you? A [ Marriage said; ’ Mose—No, sah, white folks, he l u c k v m e p i p m T AM’ HE’cS MOT a “Marriage am an institution. hain’t yet, but he often kicks de . BAP t5AviELfM “Marriage am love, place where Ah recently wuz. P i c k A c o R M E R a m "* "Love am blind. THROW V o u ^MJGS "T H R O W E R “Derefo’ Marriage am an institu­ Old Uncle Emp Muses: “When it ! t ?gErfMER_^ tion fo’ de blind.” rains it pours:—ef de roof leaks, an* (M A mos’ of ’em do.” HEAP' Old Uncle Lo Says: “De reason de young folks am not gwine to de Rastus— (after a narrow escape devil is dat dey have already run at a railroad crossing)—Whaffo’ by him.” yo’ blow yo’ horn? Dat ain’t gwine to do yo’ no good. A colored man with a donkey for Sambo—Boy, ’at wa'nt my ho’n. sale, hearing that a white farmer ’At was Gabriel.” living near by, wanted to buy one, sent the farmer the following, ' Those who wish to solve the written on a postal card: farmers’ problems should consult “Mr. Boley: the farmers’ a little more. “E f yo’ is lookin’ fo’ a good Don­ key, don’t forget me.” It isn’t what the surgeon takes I out of your body, its what he takes Wife—John, you think more of ' out of your pocket that hurts most. that old radio than you do of me. Her Husband—Well, dear, I get It used to be wine, women and less interference from it. song; but now its rum, rackets and radio. When you look at the kind of a husband she has, you wonder wheth­ er the woman’s well-known intui- ; (it TABLE Sticker Solution |TS NEVER Ico late fa t a c k l e MEMO - Nor for a REG U $ PAT OFT 0 1931 BY NEA SCRVICt. INC, uoman To Keep am AEPoiMI^dJ ’^FoBtauw Fox, 1931 ■]cARSTbp| WASHIJSGTON TUBBS IL The Gamble of Life By C rane .K 8M I MORI•JAI r DEfV, M SO, ^ HORt)£ OF BENOITS VMHO, i iLi iT \S RUIV\0U£D, BEEM HIRED BV THE schem ing p r e s id e n t e it h e r t o s t e a l t h e iMMEWTiON, OR TO STEAL THEiR MC NEV, ONCE WCSTC>N 12 Ml. The iNiJENTiON IS SOLD.


The motorist picked the signpost out i ' l l D o iT of the ditch and |Jaced it in such a posi­ Fir s t TH/M6 I tion that the proper arm pointed toward the town he had just come from. Then, of course, the other arms were correctly e . H . LL FOR THE SAViE OF B EC O M IN G SO pointed. RiCiWoUPy UA- J £1 L o FABULOUSLY RiCH THAT THEY COULD NEVER. HOPE TO SPEN D HALF THEiR WEALTH t HEV DEFY The GRllA HAND OF SPIES AND ASSASSINS, VJHO ARE DETERMIN­ )HEY GAM B LE AGAINST ODDS W ITH FATE. 1 t h e i r l i v e s a r e a t s t a k e a g a i n s t ED THAT t h e ir INVENTION SHALL NEVER COUFAG^OUStV, Yrtt AN\tR\CAUS LMGK AT DEATA. MILLIONS. BE SOLD TO COSTA GRANDE. . I nc.'*' . S''z a \ ^ FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Big Hit! By B lo sser STOnrv^^ HAL. COCHRAN^PICTUnCS^KIM JUST AS SoojJ Y HHON vmHAT, OSCAR ? SA'//'WH6vJ OO IF V3U ASK ALEK IS NEXT... SEE, COME OlJ/ AS OSCAR tSETS IT VNOULD BE MORE FON 1 e ^ T A m o e , yMC, THAT VWAS r s t a r t e d s o m ^e t h i n s LlNOy...o BAclj.... h er s VHHEN HITCHED UH.Ct/ IF vnE a l l coolo Ride PpECRUBSI SOME RlOC 1 ATTA |iE COMES Op TO AAV SL.EO/ a t th e Sa m e t m e ^ E v N irr I n»1SH it nMAS 11/ ti NOvH.'! D ID N 'T 1 f Y o u HAv/E MY TORN TO T o nwA T q u i t e a Rid e AtSAVKl.... m NJHILE BEFORE IT'S LiNoy a c ts VOOR T O R N ^ -cy LIKE WE ASAIW E N JO Y S IT Too


_ 11(6 . U. 8 . MT. o r r . SALESMAN SAM And Don’t Forget, Sam!

(KE.\D THE STOEY, THE N COLOR THE PICTURE) Poor Clowny sure w’as frighten­ up, lad. If Clowny doesn’t catch ed now. He shouted loudly, “Tell your duck, for him I’ll gladly pay. CroSH ,V)H€N TRoSe ELEPHAMTS ’N (A SECOND, 0OYS'. I c ,v u e .^ ; me how that pesky duck jumped to However, Clowny’ll likely bring rAisAtr e L rtfAial'snmm' XTW H E cV'i Y 'U t _ SPe CawiY Sc.Aairvr' F N O Y , n.R V iO o L -Fbui H aPi rV51ORINK NK OF WHiUER.W P.T^ > TUlNGr, G-urA-VJHEM Wt GiSX 6FC,

i SATURDAY, JANUARY 24,1021. PAGE TWELVE iHanrt)p0tpr SvrnUui lieralli group won the first game. Then the Charles Pillard of 464 Hartford ANNOUNCE PROGRAM OPERATION SUCCESSFUL younger group was given a handi­ HOSPITAL NOTES Road. BASKETBALL AND DANCE R E IE F WORK JOBS cap. The first patrol of the younger Admissions include Miss Mary MODERN DANCING group won this. Two more of these ON THOMAS FERGUSON games were played and the older A daughter was bom at Memorial Coppo of Glastonbury, Tlionias Fer­ School Street Rec FOR JUNIOR PROM group won both of them. The meet­ hospital yesterday afternoon to Mr. guson of Main street. Miss Anna Saturday, Jan 2 4 ,8 P. M. PROVE TOITABLE ing was closed ^th the regular and Mrs. Reuben Britton of 13 Vi Wade of 61 Union sbreet, John Tur- ren of 40 Flower street, and Mrs. Herald’s General Manager Un­ closing. Milton Stratton led the Ford street, and this morning a Tuesday, January 27 Sam Carroll’s Collegians To daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Bertha Brown of Rockville. Given by Play For Annual High School Road Improvement Going dergoes Appendicitis Opera­ usual rally. Manchester Green CSommunity Club REC FIVE tion A t Hospital Here Last The next meeting will be held on Dance— 12 Numbers. Thursday, January 29, at 6:30 VS. A t Niglit. sharp. NEW HAVEN ATLAS A dance program of twelve num Ahead Well and Cost Said hers, consisting of nine fox trots Thomas Ferguson, general mana­ One of Connecticut’s Outstanding ger of the Manchester Evening Her­ Manchester Green School Professional Clubs. and three waltzes, has been ar­ MEN’S LEAGUE TO HEAR ranged for the Junior Prom of Man­ To Be Below Normal ald, was operated upon at the Man­ Bill Waddell’s Orchestra Good Preliminary Game. chester High school, to be held two chester Memorial Hospital at five Biggest and Best Yet! Two Hours of Dancing. o’clock last evening for appendicitis. Admission 50 cents. weeks from tonight, February 7, in The public works jobs set on foot C. A. C. PROFESSOR A dm ission ...... 5® cents the High school auditorium, it was The operation was successful and 10th Annual by the town of Manchester as un­ Mr. Ferguson is resting as comfort­ announced today by Leonard Bjork- employment relief measures are go­ man and Roger Cheney, in charge ably as can be expected today. Mr. To Discuss Economic Problems ing ahead despite the harshness of Ferguson was taken suddenly ill of music arrangements. Sam Car- the weather conditions. Before Center Church Group VESPER SERVICE roll’s Collegians of West Hartford, Thursday and was removed to his DANCE TONIGHT Seven hundred feet of the fill on home at 175 Main street. The at­ Tomorrow Morning. an orchestra of eight pieces, has Hartford Road between Bidwell POULTRY SHOW been engaged to play and will give tending physician. Dr. . Le'Veme South Methodist Church street and the Stone bridge have Holmes, diagnosed the trouble as Prof. Andree Schencker of the AT TURN HALL a short concert before the grand been completed. The fill has been ! appendicitis but advised against Social Science department of the Manchester Poultry Club march starts at 9 o’clock, to the extended into the meadows for Connecticut Agricultural College GOOD ORCHESTRA operating unless absolutely neces- Sunday, Jan. 25, 4:30 P. M. tune of “ Strike Up the Band.” thirty feet and work is now under sary^ The illness became acute yes­ will lead the discussion at the meet­ State Armory, Main Street At 8:15 o’clock those attending way on the north side. The roadway Gentlemen, 50c. Ladies, 35c. terday afternoon and Mr. Ferguson ing of the Men’s League of the Organ Recital will meet the patrons and patron­ is being wddened and the bridge, was taken to the hospital immedi­ Center church to be held Sunday All-English Program. esses, after which the Collegians built in 1904 and inadequate to MODERN DANCE ately. Dr. C. M. Caldwell was the morning at 9:30 o’clock. This will Largest number of Birds, Pigeons and Rabbits will play “The Fantasie Orientale, ’ carry so wide a roadway, wall pro­ operating surgeon. be the third meeting to be led by JACK-O-LANTERN Chorus of 35 Voices “The Three Guitars,” and “Echoes bably be widened later in the year. Prof. Schencker for the discussion ever shown. BALLROOM, Bolton Notch of Ireland.” The Grand March will Otherwise Jobless of economic problems, particularly c.ARL McKi n l e y , be led by Leonard Bjorkman, presi­ About thirty Manchester men i GALAHAD CLUB the present unemployment situa­ TONIGHT Organist and Director. dent of the junior class, and his who would otherwise be jobless are 1 tion. All meetings of the Men’s 1 JOE RAPP’S ORCHESTRA partner. employed on this particular piece of ______League are open to men, whether See the Merchants’ Exhibits Public Cordially Invited construction. The trucks used are Free Transportation One Way Each dance will consist of the The regular meeting of the Gala- members or non-members. usual three numbers with six dances all locally owned _ and the gravel Bus Leaves the Center 8: SO P. M. had Club was held on Wednesday, before intermission. The complete used is obtained without cost from Jan. 21. The meeting was opened For the second Saturday in suc- CARD SOCIAL nearby pits. It is said in official Door Prizes Every Night! program is as follows: with the Galahad opening after cission there was no session of the quarters that the cost of the work TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 8 P. M. Grand March which the Lord’s Prayer was said. police court this morning. Police HOSE HOUSE, Maln-Hilliard Sts. will be less than if it had been done court work has fallen off to a no­ Admission 25c “ Strike Up the Band in the ordinary course of events The older group was given a talk ABOUT TOWN Door Prize and Prizes in Bridge and 1. Fox trot—Little Things In Life. on the seasons of the Christian ticeable degree during the past three V\Tilst. under contract. weeks and arrests have neen few. 2. Fox trot—You’re Driving Me The work on Middle Turnpike year. The younger group was given Group No. 4 of the Memorial Hos­ American Legion .Yuxiliary. Crazy. instruction on the “Life of Gala- ] pital Linen auxiliary will meet to West, also part of the unemploy­ Refreshments. 35 Cents. 3. Fox trot—If I Could Be With had.” A new game was played. The . sew Monday afternoon at Center ment relief activity, is well along. You. boys were given letters out of which I church house. The pronounced hill about half way Nutmeg Forest, No. 116, Tall 4. Waltz—When the Organ Played between Adams Street and Love they had to make a word. The older I Cedars of Lebanon, will hold a regu­ The Woman's auxiliary of St. At Twilight. Lane Junction is being cut down lar meeting Monday evening at the 5. Fox trot—St. Louis Blues. Mary’s church will hold a food sale and the dirt is being used to fill the Masonic Temple at 7:30 o’clock. 6. Fox trot—Blue Again. low lying section of the road east of at Hale’s store this afternoon be­ Intermission ginning at 2 o'clock. Adams street and near the Hilliard Miss Florence Walker and Miss 7. Fox trot^B ye Bye Blues. ponds. On this job also the workers & Nellie Naven will leave tomorrow All members of Washington L. O. 8. Waltz—Moonlight on the Colo­ are almost entirely extra hands for a week’s stay at Atlantic City. L. No. 117 degree team and the in­ rado. from the unemployed list. stalling officers are requested to 9. Fox trot—I’m Cryin’ Myself to The regular outside Street De­ The Beethoven Glee club will hold Sleep. partment force is kept busy sanding meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 a special rehearsal at the Swedish o'clock for rehearsal. 10. Fox trot—Three Little Words. streets and sidewalks, opening gut­ Lutheran church at 2 o’clock to­ 11. Fox trot—You’re the One I ters an^ drains and similar regular morrow afternoon. $9.75 An entertainment will be given Care For. winter ^ork. ’S " 12. Waltz—When Your Hair Has this evening at 9 o’clock at the The meeting of the Democratic poultry show now going on at the Turned to Silver. w'omen’s committee, postponed last ACCURATE ELECTRIC State Armory. Phyllis Barrett will PUBLIC RECORDS Monday on account of the weather, | play comet solos, and Corwin Grant, TIME IN THE KITCHEN will take place Monday afternoon a t, tenor, will sing. Miss Bertha Lapp TINZ-NEUBAUER PROBATE COURT 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Annie j ERE'S the very latest Everything You Need For will be the pianist. The inventory of the estate of Gleason of 249 Main street. j kitchen clock for the Miss Susanna Neubauer of 68 Florence W. Cheney filed in the H Mark Holmes will be in charge of modem woman. It has no Your Construction Work The Manchester Cage Bird Fan-' Prospect street, daughter of Mr. Manchester Probate Court shows an the public whist and social Monday estate of $125,604.61 consisting of springs and never needs wind­ evening at the Manchester Com­ ciers wiU meet at the School street | and Mrs. John Neubauer of Austria, Rec, room 5, at 8:30 o’clock Mon-: will be married this afternoon at stocks, bonds and interest in Cheney ing, oiling or regulating. Simply —Frame and Finish Lumber munity club. It is planned to follow Brothers Company. At Your the games with refreshments and day morning. j 2:30 to Michael Tinz, son of Mrs. plugs into an electric outlet- - Michael Tinz, also of Austria. The The inventory of the estate of —Structural Timbers dancing. Bridget Calhoun filed for probate the electricity keeps it corrbct. Miss Shirley Wright of Delmont | ceremony will be performed at the Beautifully colored — ivory, street, celebrated her sixth birthday | Concordia Lutheran church on Win­ shows an estate of $10,847.61. —Cement The Order of Rainbow will install William W. Harris of Manchester pastel green, white, orange and with a party yesterday, to which ter street by the pastor, Rev. H. O. Service 1 its new officers Monday evening at has been appointed administrator she invited seven of her playmates, i Weber. The bride will be attended black. —Plaster 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. The 01 the estate of William R. Palmer, ceremonial will be in charge of Mrs. Dancing and games were enjoyed by Miss Catherine Adams as maid I We have a staff of hig-h grade ‘'The Best Time Money Can Buy” and refreshments, including a birth­ late of Manchester. —Shingles Maud Howe, past mother advisor of of honor. The best man will be Mi­ Clarence J. Todd of Manchester the Meriden Assembly, and three of day cake, w'ere served. Shirley re­ chael Sakerick, a friend of the i workmen who are ready to do ceived a number of lovely gifts. has been appointed administrator of —Drain Tile the past worthy advisors of that as­ bridegroom. the estate of Jessie W. Todd, late of sembly. It will be a semi-public in­ Those present w'ere: Jean and Judith The bride will wear a gown of your work at an instant’s no- Handley, Jeanette Dean, Barbara Manchester. in —Insulating Board stallation and parents of the girls white chiffon and lace, with veil of The will of John Toscano, late of may attend whether or not they are Scofield, Eleanor Weir, Charles and 1 tice. You will be pleased and tulle falling from a cap of lace and Manchester, filed for probate, leaves' S elf-starting, Synchronous members of the Eastern Star or Shepard Norton. Your order will receive careful attention and prompt orange blossoms. She will carry a all property, real and personal to satisfied with our service and Electric Clocks other Masonic lodges. Refreshments show'er bouquet of bridal roses and the widow, Mary Toscano, who is delivery. and a social time will follow the The management of the Manches­ i the work our men do. Basement ter Poultry show at the State Ar­ lilies of the valley. The maid of hon- named executor. meeting. Doris Mohr is chairman ; or will be attired in Nile green chif­ of the committee on refreshments. mory announces three prizes for to­ night, the last night of the show. fon, with rhinestone headband. Her I arm bouquet will be of tea roses St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters The first prize will be a Cheney silk YOUR CAR/Y ; and sweet peas. of Isabella will hold its regular dress pattern, the second a sum of money and the third a bag of chick­ i A dinner and reception for the WASHEDl/l John I. Olson G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 at en feed. On previous nights of the I bridal party and close friends will the K. of C. clubrooms. The busi­ Painting and Decorating COAL AND FUEL OIL ness will be followed by a w'hist and show two attendance prizes have I follow' the ceremony, and will be r NO miriNG bridge. Miss Florence Fitzgerald, been given. ! held at the newly furnished home Contractor. •MAIN STREET- 2 Main Street, Tel. 3319, Manchester chairman, will be assisted by Miss j of the bride and bridegroom at 187 $1.25 The fourth cooking lesson in the 699 Main St., So. Manchester 'S o .M a n c h e s t e r . t Helen Griffin, Miss May Barrett, I Oak street. SI.MONIZIN’C C . Mrs. Margaret Miner and Mrs. Mar­ series Mrs. Arra Sutton Mixter is 1 The bride has been a member of garet Shea. Members and friends now giving at the Manchester Com­ I the household of Edward Ballsieper 58.00 will be w^elcome. munity club will be on the subject I for the past seven years. The bride- WILSON’S AUTO WASH of “When Company Comes.” She ' groom is employed by Chenev Rear of Johnson BlooU The regular monthly meeting of will prepare and tell about various ! Brothers. Dilworth-Cornell Post, 102, of the dishes for use in entertaining. These American Legion, will be held at the cooking lessons take place every State Armory, Monday evening, at Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at 8:15 o’clock. A good attendance is the Manchester Community club­ requested as a matter of impor­ house, 79 North Main street. Not to he tance, namely, the sentiment of the Typewriters Post in regards to the cashing of Chief Edward Coleman of the All makes, sold, rented, e.x- whole or part of the Adjusted Serv­ Manchester fire department who has , changed and overhauled. ice Compensation Certificates will be been confined to his home with the discussed. grip, this morning was able to sit i Special rental rates to stu­ given to up. The duties of the chief have i dents. Rebuilt machines The usual crowd attended the devolved on William McGonigal, first j weekly whist-dance at the City assistant chief. $20.00 and up. "View dance hall last night. First prizes were won by Mrs. Bernice Thursday and Saturday were busy 1 anyone M.aj-nard and Carl 'Wiganowski; days at the Manchester Memorial [ KEMP'S ■ I kjf second by Edith Judd and Jack Ris- hospital. There were seven admis- j 763 Main SL Phone 5680 9 9 ley and consolation, Mrs. Florence sions on Thursday and eight on Fri­ Chapman and Peter Baldwin. Sand­ day. wiches, home made cake and coffee on the block were served and dancing followed. Walter Joyner played the violin and Otto Neubauer the piano.

Michael Pisani of Pine street and When your property bums— his daughter, Floria, are passengers When you have an accident— on the S. S. Augustus, bound for W h o When your car injures a person— Italy. They will visit relatives and Even a water-spaniel friends in Naples and in the Prov­ When your car collides A W ill gives a man a chance to ince of Salerno. Later they will with another object— visit Spain, the birthplace of Mr. Pays? Pisani’s mother who died recently. When your car is burned or stolen- resents a leaky roof! express his real sentiments Floria, who will soon be thirteen, plans to take up the study of music ARE YOU PROTECTED? n d you yourself can’t afford to pay good money for a roof BLIND newsdealer depended on his faithful dog, w’hile in Italy. . — and then live under an umbrella! In purchasing shelter, If you can’t answer “ yes” you should call Jackie, to guide him about the streets. In his will theA wise home owner knows that good appearance and first cost ■V\'inners at the Manchester Green L this man left a surprisingly tidy sum and named Community club’s whist last evening are not the only things to be considered. A were the following: Miss Nona Johns-Manville — available in just the proper size and Jackie as his chief beneficiary. Jackie was “not to be given Pearson and John Wood, first; Mrs. JOHN H. LAPPEN style for your home— are more than reasonably priced. The color­ to anybody on the block”. But rather a lifetime of ease in a Roy Roberts and Fred Trow­ ful new Asphalt, or the everlasting Rigid Asbestos Shingles, will bridge, second; consolation, Mrs. INSURANCE SERVICE de luxe dog’s boarding house was his mheritance. Jack Stevenson and Robert South- clothe your home with durable beauty and end your roofing ergill. Sandwiches, coffee and 19 Lilac Street Phone 7021 troubles. Put them on right over the old roof. They are weather­ After all, thoughtfulness and aSection are the heart of a home made cake were served and “ If It’s Insurance, Lappen Can Handle It.” proof, fire-resistant and economical— first and last. w ill “A will gives you a chance to express your real senti- dancing follow’ed. A phooc call will bring one of our roofing experts to give you menta.” It also gives you a chance to name an Executor and “ Perfectly satisfied,” is the an­ interesting data about J-M Shingles. Trustee who will respect your sentiments and carry out with swer of our oil customers. The Man­ fidelity any thoughtful provisions you may have made for chester Lumber Co. Phone 5145. Coal and fuel oil.—Adv. your family. Business methods must govern our service as Executor and Week-end chocolate special! 1 The W . G. Glenney Co. pound delicious chocolates at 59c Trustee of your estate. But sentiments of friendliness and A T P E R O ’ S Coal, Fuel Oil, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Faint. and an extra poimd at Ic. Princess understanding will guide our relations with your family. 336 North Main SL, TeL 4149, Manchester Candy Shop.—Advt. Sweet Cider Just made and sweet as honey, At this time of the year it Is Just delicious. Apples MATTRESS All size baskets. Baldwin, McIntosh and Red Delicious High Quality varieties. WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. Inner Spring Green Mountain Potatoes THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. Good size at $1.25 per busheL Funeral Directors $19.75 ESTABLISHED 56 YEARS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. PERO ORCHARDS CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. Phone: Office 5171 KEMP’S 276 Oakland Street Robert K. Anderson Residence 7494 Inc. Tel. 6384 Manchester, Conn. Funeral Director

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