CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E646 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E646 HON E646 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 21, 2019 have made several recommendations des- Because this intolerable practice has no ketball court and golf links while maintaining a ignated to end the practice of FGM/C. medical benefits, it has no place in our soci- perfect 4.0 Grade Point Average. This balance However, according to the Centers for Dis- ety, and those who commit these horrendous of academics and athletics is a difficult task, ease Control and Prevention, an estimated crimes should be held accountable for their and I can’t think of a more fitting individual to 513,000 women and girls in the United States actions. be merited this tremendous award. were at risk of, or had been subjected to, fe- I urge my colleagues on both sides of the Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring male genital mutilation, the United States must aisle to support this clearly bipartisan resolu- Megan Breslin and commend her for her hard be a beacon against this type of immoral prac- tion. work in and out of the classroom. tice. Put aside partisanship and protect our f That is why I, along with former Representa- women and girls from this painful and archaic tive Joe Crowley, introduced the Zero Toler- practice. IN MEMORY OF DEBBY HAY ance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Act, f SPRADLEY supported by international human rights group Equality Now, that required the federal govern- CONGRATULATING GAYE DUNN HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON ment to undertake a national study to provide FOR WINNING MIDDLE/JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELOR OF OF TEXAS data on and insight into the prevalence of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FGM/C in the U.S. and establish a multi-agen- THE YEAR AWARD GIVEN BY cy strategy to bring the practice to an end. THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL COUN- Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Following the introduction of the Zero Toler- SELORS ASSOCIATION Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, ance for Female Genital Mutilation Act, I I rise today along with my colleague, Con- partnered with 58 other members of Congress HON. CHERI BUSTOS gressman COLIN ALLRED, to recognize and pay to pen a bipartisan letter to the State, Health OF ILLINOIS tribute to the life and legacy of Debby Hay & Human Services, and Education agencies, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Spradley, who passed away on Sunday, May the U.S. Agency for International Develop- Tuesday, May 21, 2019 19, 2019. ment, the White House Office of Management A native Texan, Debby graduated from Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise today and Budget, calling for a cross-agency plan to Southern Methodist University and spent the to recognize Gaye Dunn for winning the Mid- further fight FGM/C. entirety of her professional career in the Dal- dle/Junior High School Counselor of the Year This letter included requests for resources las area, first as President of the Hay Agency, Award given by the Illinois School Counselors to help law enforcement, health workers, and Inc., and then as the Director of Development Association. Ms. Dunn will be retiring after 42 educators detect the practice here the United and External Affairs at the Hockaday School. years in the education system and has been States, plus a hotline for girls who may be in She was respected in the Dallas community a school counselor in the East Moline School danger of mutilation. for her wisdom as a mentor, her generosity as District for more than 25 years. Given the abhorrent nature of this practice, a volunteer, and her leadership as an adminis- states should have in place laws that require Ms. Dunn got her start at the University of Illinois and University of Kansas before going trator. healthcare professionals, school employees, She began her work with the school in the on to earn a master’s degree in School Coun- and other professionals who work with chil- early 1980s as a parent volunteer before seling from Eastern Illinois University. During dren to report any suspected practice of fe- eventually joining the administrative team. the course of her career, Ms. Dunn has male genital mutilation to the appropriate law During her tenure, Debby served as both a earned a reputation among her peers as a enforcement entity. Member and the Chair of the Board of Trust- team player who will do anything to improve FGM/C is currently a crime in 26 States, in- ees; was a Member of the Leadership Team her community. Ms. Dunn dedicated herself to cluding Michigan and Texas; it is also a Fed- for the Hockaday Tomorrow Capital Campaign being a positive resource for the students of eral crime. and the Campaign Executive Committee for Around the world, at least five girls are muti- Glenview Middle School and someone they the Centennial Campaign; Co-Chaired the lated, cut, every hour, and an estimated 100 can turn to. The ‘‘Builders Club’’ was estab- 2004 HP A Benefit; Chaired the Annual Fund million girls and 140 million women worldwide lished by Ms. Dunn to fundraise and provide Campaign; and was rightfully named an Hon- are living with the consequences of FGM/C. gifts to other students and families in the area. orary Alum in 2000. We admire and honor Even though, FGM/C has been banned in Additionally, she initiated GBAY, which oper- Debby’s selfless dedication to the Hockaday the United States, since 1996, people continue ates in a similar concept to EBAY, where stu- School. to engage in this abusive practice. dents donate and then bid for holiday presents Debby is survived by her husband Webb; It is with great concern that I stand before for community members. Annual Career Fairs daughter Jessica Werner Epperson and her you today, still fighting to eradicate the prac- are also a tradition jumpstarted by Ms. Dunn husband Doug Epperson; daughter Rachel tice of FGM/C globally. and have even included visits by students to Hay Spradley and her fiance´ Jonathan Ben- Even more concerning is recently, The Jus- local nursing homes. Ms. Dunn is an asset to Horin; and three wonderful granddaughters tice Department stopped defending a federal the East Moline community and her students, Kathryn, Virginia, and Margaret. prohibition on female genital mutilation making and I thank her for all of her tremendous work. it difficult to combat this practice here at It is because of dedicated leaders like Ms. I ask my colleagues to join us in remem- home. Dunn that I am especially proud to serve Illi- bering Debby and her contributions to her This recalcitrant act coincides with an nois’ 17th Congressional District. Madam family, her community, and the Hockaday emerging view inside the Justice Department Speaker, I would like to again formally con- School. The Dallas community is better off be- that it is up to the Trump administration, not gratulate Gaye Dunn for winning the Coun- cause of her. We will miss her dearly. members of Congress, to decide whether a selor of the Year Award. f law has merit and should be enforced. f The World Health Organization has asserted KNOXVILLE NEWS SENTINEL EDI- that FGM/C has no health benefits for women RECOGNIZING MEGAN BRESLIN TORIAL URGING TENNESSEE and girls, and can have long-term negative im- VALLEY AUTHORITY’S CEO TO pacts on the physical, psychological, sexual, HON. MIKE BOST FIX COAL ASH PROBLEM reproductive health, and to their general well- OF ILLINOIS being. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. TIM BURCHETT We cannot be indifferent to this human OF TENNESSEE Tuesday, May 21, 2019 rights violation that puts so many lives at risk, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BOST. Madam Speaker, I rise today to here in the United States, and around the Tuesday, May 21, 2019 world. recognize Megan Breslin in honor of her pres- H. Res. 106 makes clear that this practice entation of the Golden Apple Award. Out of Mr. BURCHETT. Madam Speaker, I would is rooted in gender inequality, gender-based 150,000 high schoolers, this distinction is like to include in the RECORD an editorial sub- violence, and discrimination. given to 26 students across the state of Illinois mitted to the Knoxville News Sentinel address- It affirms our dedication to protecting women who not only exhibit an exceptional work ethic ing the Tennessee Valley Authority’s new and girls globally and will help us accelerate within the classroom, but in athletics as well. CEO, Jeff Lyash, urging him to fix the current eradication and improve access to care for As a senior at Pinckneyville High School, coal ash problem. I am also including a reso- survivors of this practice. Megan has shown her excellence on the bas- lution introduced by Tennessee State Senator VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:56 May 22, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21MY8.036 E21MYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS.
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