/Water Gardening:

Quite Simply. Amazing. Algae

Algae, is the number one most frustrating algae’s presence. part of keeping. Allow your pond no more than 6 to 8 Our most frequently asked question about hours of direct sun; a small tree pond keeping is “how do I get rid of algae nearby for shade if needed. in my pond.” Our typical response to this is that “you don’t, you can only manage Expect algae in early and late it.” fall as filter bacteria become dormant

The next question is: “How do I keep my Stock Japanese trap door snails, they pond looking good?” Generally, the re- eat algae; not your sponse to this question is by ” balancing” your pond. OK, so what is “balancing?” Utilize oxygenating plants such as hornwort or cambomba to directly Many of us have heard the old saying compete with algae for nutrients. Oxy- ”nature abhors a vacuum.” This means genating plants really do nothing to that any space or niche in your pond will oxygenate the water; they use almost be filled with a plant, algae or otherwise, if all of the oxygen they produce during you do not do so first. Algae is simply a photosynthesis in the daytime at night very basic form of plant life, it responds to during respiration. A net gain of 1% or two things in order to grow, light and nutri- less of oxygen may happen during 48 ents. Algae are very diverse, they come in hours. many colors and forms, and they survive anywhere. Here are some practical tips to A properly functioning filter system is use to control them. essential. Do not skimp on this part.

String type algae are beneficial, and a Keep your pond as free as possible sign of a healthy pond. Do not attempt from decaying organic matter lying on to eradicate them entirely as they are the bottom, this means more algae both filter and food for your fish. food.

Koi over 10” will graze greedily on If you must , overstock on plants and string algae, and possibly your plants not on fish

growing guide as . Algaecides. We recommend against By not overstocking with fish, you will these. They hurt plants, ruin your bal- limit fish waste, which is algae food. anced pond and make your pond de- pendent on them. As each generation Do not overfeed your fish; excess food of algae is killed off, the next genera- just grows algae. However do fertilize tion that appears one week later will your plants with a pelletized fertilizer. be fed by the last, and be even more vigorous. Cover at least 70% of your ponds sur- face with plants that will provide Relax. When implementing all or just one shade, lilies, lotus, etc. of these strategies you probably will not see instant results, however your patience Use dry or liquid bacteria, they will will be rewarded by a balanced clean your pond and compete with al- that dose not need the constant fussing Hoerr Nursery gae for nutrients, greatly reducing the that another pond may need. 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. Peoria, IL 61615 309/691-4561 FAX309/691-1834 www.HoerrNursery.com 2/25/2010 6:44 PM Groups/Marketing/Growing Guides/Pondswater.Algae Ponds/Water Gardening: Basics of Water Gardening Quite Simply. Amazing. Location edge and resist UV breakdown. Open area: 6 hours of high levels of sun EPDM rubber liner: 1. Full sun is necessary for optimum bloom Will accommodate any size and shape of lilies and other full sun plants. Sand at base of excavation and underliner 2. Provides perfect environment for algae required to resist root interference and growth unless sufficient filtering, surface cushion against puncture from upper side. cover, and adequate number of Coping stones to cover edge or liner and give submerged plants are included in system. finished look to pond. 3. Can lead to low levels of oxygen at times Both are resistant to UV rays, the primary of high temperature unless or reason for liner failure, as long as the pond is is provided. kept filled or shaded, covering all liner surfaces. Partially Shaded: Min. 4 hrs sunlight Always use some stones in bottom of pond to 1. Gives relief from intense sun. increase surface for colonization of beneficial 2. Cuts down on algae growth. bacteria and to hold liner in place. Avoid use 3. Can be susceptible to leaf fall, root of lime based stones such as flagstone - they damage and organic build-up. More will make it impossible to keep the pH level maintenance required; i.e. surface within a safe range. skimmer, more filter cleaning, etc. 4. Provides a cooler place to linger and enjoy Stocking Levels your pond. For every 1-2 Sq. ft. of surface - 2 bunches submerged plants,6 stems Water Conditions 2 inches of fish up to 6 inches or 1 inch/ 5 pH levels: Range 6.5 to 8.5; 7.5 optimum It is gallons of water unnecessary to adjust unless level exceeds For every 3-6 sq. ft of surface area - 8.5. One marginal plant and one floater Ammonia levels: One water lily 0ppm - sign of well balanced system Number for submerged plants are essential 0ppm - tolerable, but test frequently minimum 0ppm - immediate water change of 25% - Number for fish are absolute MAXIMUM 50%; check bottom of pond for excess Number for floaters and marginals can be organic build-up. adjusted either way by 50%. Dissolved Oxygen: Surface coverage: Make adjustments according 1. Major sources of dissolved oxygen are to your own needs photosynthesis and diffusion, movement 100 sq. ft. surface areas and less - 60% - 70% of O from high levels of concentration (air) cover growing guide to low levels of concentration (water) 1000 sq. ft. surface area - 50% cover 2. Dissolved oxygen is the leading cause of stress for fish. Calculating Pond Measurements 3. Maintain levels of 5mg/l or greater for For size of EPDM : optimum fish health. 2mg/l will result in Length = max. length + 2(depth) + 4ft. death of fish. Width = max. width + 2(depth) + 4ft. 4. Oxygen levels decrease with higher temps. EXAMPLE: 10 ' X 8' Remedy: Increase water surface with use 10 + 2(2) + 4 = 18 of a fountain, waterfall, bubbler, or some 8 + 2(2) + 4 = 16 kind of upward water movement. 18' x 16' liner The 4' measurement refers to a 2' overhang Dechlorination: on each edge (ground surface level). Upon filling your pond either add appropriate Pond Surface: amount of dechlorinating agent or let the Length x width = sq ft of surface (any pond water set for at least two weeks before adding shape but circular) fish to allow for escape of chorine. 3.14 x (1/2 diameter x 1/2 diameter) = sq ft of Hoerr Nursery surface - circular pond 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. Materials For cubic foot volume: Peoria, IL 61615 Pond liners: Length x width x depth = cubic feet 309/691-4561 Pre-formed liners: Capacity in gallons: FAX309/691-1834 Set in sand to resist heaving Cubic feet x 7.8 = gallons www.HoerrNursery.com Coping stones set around edges hide top Algae growth. The water is then pumped from the far The worst attack of green or brown algae a pond end of the pond by way of flexible plastic tubing faces is the murky period after you first fill and into the lower level of the tank and allowed to rise dechlorinate your pond. It begins within a week to the top, though the media, spilling back into the and grows denser by the day. A pond started in pond, to be recycled continuously. The bacteria spring usually clears in six to eight weeks, living in the media change the toxic organic waste especially if the pond includes the requisite (nitrates) for the plants. If enough plants are number of plants and a biological filter. A well provided, especially submerged plants, they will stocked pond begun in hot weather occasionally consume the nitrates, leaving insufficient amount stays murky for more than eight weeks. Once the for algae growth. RESULT:Clear water! water clears up, it should stay clear except for a brief murky period each spring. Algae respond The bacteria occur naturally and increase their more quickly to the warmth of spring than do other colonies as the water warms in the spring and plants competing with it for nutrients. In summer. However, you can enhance the number established water , the algae gets a head of bacteria by manually seeding your system with start a week or two after warm weather wakens the commercially available bacteria. Liquid live pond and lasts a few weeks. Then the submerged bacteria held in suspension with a shelf life of one plants, water lilies, ornamentals and bacteria year are readily available. Introduce according to colonies outstrip the algae in taking up nutrients directions on the label. and the greenwater algae lose out. Algae are one The biological filter needs cleaning once a year in of nature's contributions to the ecosystem that you the fall when it is time to shut down the system for have created. Borne on the wind by invisible winter. spores, algae grow wherever the find light, warmth, nutrients and water. Mechanical Filtration: Small ponds (less than 300 gallons) can thrive by There are three types of algae: The filamentous means of a submerged filter box attached to the type that mosses the sides of the pond and the pump that is also at the bottom of the pond. It is rocks with deep green fuzzy stems - this is either filtered with sponge, media or pea gravel beneficial type that provide oxygen, take up and needs frequent cleaning. Daily cleaning is nutrients (*that feed algae) and make the pond necessary when algae bloom is at its height. This look more natural. The second type occur in long system can also benefit from manual bacteria strings that may, if not physically removed, clog addition. the filter or die and sink to the bottom, creating an overload of organic mater in the system. The third Pump Requirements type, unicellular algae, is the principal maker of Mechanical Filtration Systems murk. Some is visible and some invisible to the Water needs to be recycled once per hour. So naked eye, but it gives the pond a green or brown if you have a 200 gallon pond you would need cast and is unwanted by most pondkeepers. a pump that has a capacity of 200 gallons per Providing a balanced ecosystem in the pond will hour. keep algae at bay and provide clear water in which Biological Filtration System your favorite fish and other wildlife — frogs, Water should be recycled once every 2-3 butterflies, turtles, birds —can make their home hours. The slower movement allows the and provide endless enjoyment for you. bacteria in the system to do its job.

Filtering Your Pond Pump Capacity Biological filtration: Pump power is measured n amps, but is sold in This brings us to filtering naturally by means of a gallons per hour. Your pump requirements, man-made system. A bit of an oxymoron, but it’s however, depend on the distance and the height possible. that the water needs to be pumped and the size of the tubing used to attach the pump to the filter, Nature provides all of the components to support fountain or other . Pay special life in an aquatic environment and on its attention to the specifications printed on the box. surrounding banks. Along with this, the water remains clear, as long as pollutants are not Usually the pump capacity is based on pumping introduced, and the ecosystem thrives on its own. ten horizontal and one vertical foot, using tubing that fits the pump output. If your needs are When we build a pond, we create and maintain an different than these, the rule of thumb is – ten feet artificial ecosystem. One of the main components horizontal = one foot vertical. Increase or of the system is a biological filter. The filter decrease of either distance, height or size of consists of a tank (size suitable to the water tubing changes the specs and should be adjusted capacity of your pond), mounted outside the pond, according to your needs. filled with spun media, rock, brushes, etc., to provide greater surface area for beneficial bacteria

2/25/2010 6:44 PM Groups/Marketing/Growing Guides/PondsWater.Basic Water Gardening Document printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper Ponds/Water Gardening: Perennials as Water Plants

Here are a few common vigorous nature. Horsetail can be perennials that will thrive in damp, used in water over its crown, if it is soggy, or wet soil conditions in and adapted to it very slowly over several around your . All are in our seasons. Equisetum fluvitale, Water perennial section at Hoerr Nursery. Often Horsetail, is much better adapted to times repotting these plants into a aquatic culture than E. hymale. Use suitable media for water gardening may E. scorpoides, Miniature Horsetail, as be necessary, as our standard mix for an edging plant. It does not tolerate terrestrial perennials is primarily water over its crown either. composed of bark (this would float away!) Most pond plants do well in an Physostegia, Obedient Plant even mixture of silty clay loam soil, and Can make a good ground cover; sand. Be certain to use a pot suitable for apparently took some lessons from water plants as well, these are designed the mint family. Prefers damp to wet not to leak any soil into your pond like soil, doesn't like water over its crown. standard pots will. Asclepias incarnata, Swamp Milkweed For fertilizing, fertilizer pellets designed An excellent choice to use for for aquatic plants work very well for attracting butterflies to your pond. most perennials when used once a Place plant crowns at water level, or month. just above it.

Be certain to give these plants time to Lysmachia nummularia, acclimate into their new homes, do this Creeping Jenny by lowering the plant into the pond until Use this as a groundcover around the crown of the plant is just above the your pond, happily it roots into the water surface, gently lower to desired water as well. depth over the next three to four weeks. Iris siberica, versicolor, ensata, Chelone lyonii, Turtle Head crestata, lavegata, pseudocourus, and A good choice for the partially all varieties included under the shaded border, or background. Don't Louisiana group plant this one very deep in your All of these adapt very well to aquatic growing guide pond, preferably keep its crowns just culture, and are well suited for bare at or above the water line. rooting into your pond as they are not terribly aggressive. These plants can Lobelia spp & hybrids, Cardinal Flower tolerate up to 6" of water over their Excellent as backdrop plants in the crowns. water garden. These plants attract both hummingbirds and butterflies. Lythrium, Loosestrife Try pairing these with Swamp Beware of this one! This plant is the Milkweed to attract more butterflies definition of invasiveness. Seedless to your pond. These will tolerate a varieties are available, but don't be little bit of water over their crowns, lulled into a false sense of security. but not much. Beware of snails on Be a gardener with a conscience, these plants, they are every bit as AVOID this plant fond of them as terrestrial slugs are! Hoerr Nursery Houttuynia cordata, 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. Equisetum hymale & scorpoides, Hoot'n Annie. Peoria, IL 61615 Horsetail Reed Plant this in about 1-2" of water and 309/691-4561 These plants are renowned for their watch out! Makes an excellent FAX309/691-1834 www.HoerrNursery.com groundcover, or border plant for shallower areas of your pond. Can be rather invasive; do not plant this in any area where it may escape.

Ranunculus repens 'Buttered Popcorn' A great plant for the borders and shallow areas of your pond. Very prolific; may require thinning. Unusually variegated gold and green foliage brightens and adds interest to the garden.

Annuals: Ruella, Impatiens, Fiber Optics, Rush, Coleus, Canna and . Use these for seasonal interest only. Most prefer shallow water, however Canna adapt well to water over 6" deep. When utilizing Canna as a water plant, be certain the type of Canna you choose is adaptable to water as there are several distinct species. The Longwood Hybrids Canna offer the best tolerance to water.

Ligularia, Golden Ray This plant needs constantly wet to damp soil. Use this one in the border or as an accent plant. May need some winter protection in zone 5 and above. Document printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper Ponds/Water Gardening: Selecting the Right Plants Floating Hearts: Two plants with heart- Parrot's Feather: Feathery yellow-green shaped leaves; water snowflake (N. indica) leaves rise somewhat above water at tips, and water fringe (N. peltata). The first has 8- take on red cast in fall. inch leaves and fringed white flowers with yellow centers, the second has 4-inch leaves Arrowheads: Large arrowhead-shaped leaves and all-yellow lacy flowers. Planting depth: 6 reach up to 3 feet. S. Yagittifolia 'Flore Pleno' inches. bears spikes of white double flowers all sum- mer. Hardy. Planting depth: 6 inches or Water Hawthorne: Four-inch oblong leaves. more. Spikes of tiny white flowers in winter or spring; fragrant. Takes some shade. Dormant Azure Pickerel Weed: Three foot stalks with in hot summers. Planting depth: 4 to 18 spear headed leaves. Summer flowers are inches. azure to violet blue. Very hardy. Planting depth: 3 - 10 inches. Water Hyacinths: Unlike familiar water hya- cinth (E. crassipes) below, this one does not Cattails: Familiar rushes with long , flat, have inflated floating stalks. Flowers are pur- sword shaped leaves, brown "tails" (actually plish blue with a peacock eye in each center. flower heads) borne on stout spikes. Hardy. Planting depth: 6 to 8 inches. Planting depth: 1 - 6 inches.

Water Lilies: Queens of the water garden. Cyperus: Includes papyrus, with giant pom- Summer-fall bloomers; waxy flowers in all pom heads on 8 foot stalks, and umbrella shades of the rainbow. Hardy kinds will take plant with graceful canopies atop 4 foot coldest winters; tropicals are for mildest areas canes. In the Northwest, take cyperus indoor or summers only. during the winter.

Duckweed: Rapid-spreading colonies of tiny Horsetail: Vigorous, spreading plants with bright green leaves. Fish feed on tender crunchy 4-foot stalks that appear leafless. young roots. Watch this one-it can easily be- Grow in pots to contain aggressive habit. come a pest. Many species and varieties of iris for the wa- ter garden, mostly sold by color. Some hardy. Water Fern: Floating clumps of plants with Planting depth: 0 to 4 inches. tiny waffled leaves that turn rusty scarlet in fall. May become a pest in warm areas. Lotus: Huge shield shaped leaves stand above the water'; big bowl shaped flowers Water Hyacinth: Inflated leaf stalks and erect stand even higher. Planting depth: 2 - 12 leaves are pale green. Thick clusters of violet inches. growing guide flowers with yellow centers on erect spikes. Confine it for best growth and to prevent Marsh-Marigold: Hardy clumping bog plant weediness. with heart-shaped leaves, golden buttercup- like flowers in midspring to early summer; 1 Water lettuce: Miniature (6 inches) velvety foot or more high. Planting depth: 0 to 1 inch. lettuces for sun or part shade. Long feathery roots. Taro or Elephant's Ears: Tropical bog plants with huge leathery leaves, golden butter cup Anacharis: Dark green ferny whorls. Grows like flowers in midspring to early summer; 1 vigorously. Plant at least a foot deep, or foot high or more. Planting depth: 0 to 1 inch. weight with lead anchors. Water Chestnut*: Rush like plant with edible Cabomba: Glossy green, seemingly frayed tubers (see article on page 236). Planting fans on green or red stems. Easy. depth: 2 inches

Eel Grass: Long, flowing, ribbon like leaves. Water Poppy* Creeping water plant with Hoerr Nursery Hardy, but dormant in the winter Northwest. round, dark green leaves. Bright yellow 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. "poppies" appear from early summer into fall. Peoria, IL 61615 Miniature Sagittaria: Dark green ribbon- Good for tub gardens. Planting depth: 2 to 4 309/691-4561 shaped leaves about a foot long. Good in inches. FAX309/691-1834 wide, shallow pot. www.HoerrNursery.com Water Garden Accessory Plants Shrubs Perennials Boxwood Iris Mahonia Hosta Barberry Primrose Rhododendron/Azalea Daylily Prunus Loosestrife Hydrangea Astilbe Dogwood Ferns False Cypress Globeflower Contorted Hazelnut Mint Burning Bush Agapanthus Fothergilla Grasses Witch Hazel Poppies St. John's wort Feverfew Juniper Coralbells Weeping Hemlock Canna Weeping White Pineor Spruce Crocosmia Arborvitae Goatsbeard Spiderwort Groundcovers Watercress Ajuga Bearberry Plants Blue Fescue Trees Sweet Woodruff Japanese Maple Lilyturf Flowering Crabs Wintercreeper Pine Ivy Weeping mulberry Creeping Thyme Birch Dawn Redwood Weeping Higan Cherry Canadian Hemlock Service Redbud

Ponds/Water Gardening: Watergarden Plants for Shade Quite Simply. Amazing. Many of us have set up a water garden Hydrocotyle umbellata unaware that we were positioning it in too Lysmachia nummularia much shade, then were heartbroken to find Marselia spp. (not mutica) out that most of our favorite plants would Myrophyllum aquaticum not thrive in that environment. Nuphar spp. Oenanthe javinica 'Flaming' Regret no more, here is a list of plants to Orontium aquaticum brighten the gloomiest of ! virginica Saurus cerrauus Information in this article was borrowed from Sium suave an article in Water Gardening Magazine. Lotus & Waterlilies Tolerant of Partial Shade Tropical Plants Water Leather Fern Lotus Spider Lily Angel Wings Miniature Umbrella Palm Hindu Water Snowball Water Poppy Tropical Lilies Water Snowflake Albert Greenburg Water Lettuce, Acrostichum Dauben danaefolium Panama Pacific Crinum Americanum Texas Shell Pink Cyperus alternifolius var. gracillus Gymnocoronum spilanthoides Hardy Lilies Hydroceleys nymphoides Arc en Ceil Nymphiodes aquatica Carolina Sunset Pistia stratioides Hermine Indiana Hardy Plants James Brydon Sweet Flag Virginia Water Hawthorne Elodea Horsetail Visit the Pond area at Hoerr Nursery to see Pennywort many varieties of shade tolerant plants as Creeping Jenny well as other ideas to keep your pond Water Clover looking its best!

growing guide guide growing Parrots Feather Spatterdock Flamingo Water Parsley Golden Clubs Bog Arum Lizard's Tail Water Parsnip Acorous calamus Aponogeton distachyus Elodea Equisetum fluvitale

Hoerr Nursery 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. Peoria, IL 61615 309/691-4561 FAX309/691-1834 www.HoerrNursery.com 6/4/2007 11:33 AM Groups/Marketing/Growing Guides/PondsWater.Shaded Watergarden Plants Ponds/Water Gardening:

Quite Simply. Amazing. Spring Start-Up Steps

With the onset of spring weather now 7. Your fish may start looking for is the time to get outside and begin food as the temperatures warm up. to prepare your water garden for an- Feed with a low protein, high- other successful season. Your pond carbohydrate, vitamin-enriched diet has been dormant all winter and when water temperatures are about needs a little care to make it beauti- 45° F to 70° F. Pond salt may also be ful again. The following steps may beneficial to provide your fish with be helpful to you in getting your wa- essential electrolytes. Pond water ter garden into shape. can be tested with a salt level test kit. 1. Walk around and inspect your pond, make any repairs as needed. 8. Pond plants should be divided and repotted. Plant food tablets 2. Remove dead leaves and debris should be added to pots to provide that have accumulated in the bottom the essential nutrients. Liquid food of the pond. A 15% to 25% water or tablets can be added when float- change over a few days to eliminate ing plants such as water hyacinths the dissolved organics built up over and water lettuce are added to the winter is beneficial. pond.

3. Start up water changes per above A build-up of sludge and dissolved (or any water changes), need to be organics reduces the oxygen level treated with a water conditioner such and creates a breeding ground for as Stress Coat or Aqua Safe to re- disease-causing bacteria. Keep your move harmful chlorine or chlor- water clean and clear! amines from the .

4. Clean out and start up the filtra- tion system. Beneficial bacteria can

growing guide be added to keep the pond naturally balanced.

5. Ammonia and nitrite are the ma- jor causes of fish loss in ponds. Pond test kits offer a quick and accurate way to evaluate pond water quality and stop problems before they occur.

6. Check fish for infections, torn fins, ulcers and open wounds that may develop after a rough winter.

Hoerr Nursery 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. Peoria, IL 61615 309/691-4561 FAX309/691-1834 www.HoerrNursery.com Ponds/Water Gardening: Tropical Marginal Aquatic Plants Quite Simply. Amazing. A water garden isn’t ever quite as strik- Floating plants such as water hyacinth ing as it could be if tropical plants aren’t and lettuce are very difficult to overwin- present. Most tropical plants are exotic ter; it's best to consider these as annu- to those of us in the northern hemi- als. sphere; often they have just the right look to make your water garden setting Move tropical aquatic plants outdoors more unusual. Here are some sugges- when all danger of frost is gone. To be tions for care and use of these plants, safe, wait until nighttime temps are at and some info on how many of them can least in the 50s for some sensitive spe- be successfully overwintered. cies. Tropical floaters (hyacinth and let- tuce) are easily damaged by tempera- Tropical marginal plants are not reliably tures below 50°. Plants such as umbrella hardy in our area. The term “marginal” palm and taro however will come refers to the plant's habit of growing through a cool night unscathed. along the margins of lakes and streams. Planting depth for these plants is always Here are some of our favorite tropical figured from the crown of the plant to water plants. the surface of the water. The crown is the portion of the plant in which the Copperleaf, Alternatheria renekii roots and stems divide. Marginal plants Purplish bronze-green leaves as a rule are very tolerant of fluctuating make this an outstanding plant water levels. to use for contrast. Plant in full sun for the best color. will grow For ease of care it is best to leave your in water up to 3" deep. May tropical plants in their pots when intro- spread horizontally over the wa- ducing them to your . This ter. Grows 2 to 6 inches high. makes it easier to remove them when Overwinter this plant as a house- winter comes and warmer quarters are plant in a very sunny window. needed. Canna, Canna x 'Longwood Hybrids' Fertilizing your tropical plants is neces- Several striking foliage forms sary. In fact most tropical plants are ac- with gorgeous, abundantly pro- tually heavier feeders than their hardy duced blooms. Grow these in full growing guide guide growing cousins. Feed your tropical plants with sun, in no more than 3 or 4 pelletized aquatic plant fertilizer every 3 inches of water. Canna can grow to 4 weeks during the outdoor growing 36 to 72 inches high. Overwinter season. You can find this at Hoerr Nurs- your aquatic canna as a tuber, ery. just like its terrestrial form.

Wintering many tropical plants is very Taro, Colcasia sp. easy. Taro, umbrella palm and most Huge elephantine-shaped leaves other papyrus species make wonderful, to 3 to 4' long, plant grows 24 to albeit large houseplants. Keep them in 72 inches high. Available in sev- an extra deep saucer over winter. Given a eral different leaf colors. Toler- sunny south facing window, and plenty ates shade very well, as well as of water, they will do fine. full sun. Grows in water up to 6" deep. Overwinters as either a Hoerr Nursery Aquatic canna are also easily overwin- tuber or a houseplant. Used by 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. tered. This is accomplished exactly the native Hawaiians to make poi. Peoria, IL 61615 same way as terrestrial canna are. 309/691-4561 FAX309/691-1834 www.HoerrNursery.com

Umbrella palm, Cyperus alternifolius Snowball, Gymnocoronis spi- A very popular and easy to grow lanthoides variagata plant. There are several varieties An unusual water plant with that will suit any size of pond. This white and green leaves, it pro- plant grows best in water up to 4" duces small, white, snowball- deep, and tolerates shade well. Um- type flowers that are very at- brella palm can grow to be 4 feet tractive to butterflies. This tall. Overwinter this as a houseplant, plant grows in full sun to full umbrella palm may tolerate cool shade, and prefers to grow in weather better than some species. water 4 to 6 inches deep. Snowball can reach 24 to 36 Dwarf papyrus, Cyperus Isocladus inches tall. Overwinter this as a A stunning plant which resembles a houseplant. fireworks display in shape, but has bright green foliage. Dwarf papyrus Bluebell, Ruella brittoniana 'Katie' grows 18 to 24 inches high, and A charming plant that produces does best in water no deeper than 4 abundant blue or pink flowers. inches. This plant prefers full sun, Bluebells maintain a very com- but can tolerate partial shade. Over- pact habit, never reaching winter this as a houseplant in a very much above 6 to 10 inches. sunny window. Plant your bluebells in full sun for the best blooms, and no Egyptian Papyrus, Cyperus papyrus deeper than 6 inches deep. The 'bulrush' of ancient Egypt, and Overwinter as a houseplant. Biblical reference. The very kind of plant baby Moses was found in on the shores of the Nile river, and the plant the ancient Egyptians used for paper. Egyptian papyrus prefers to grow in water no more than 6 inches deep. Papyrus can grow up to 5 to 12 feet tall if given the room. Give this plant a full sun exposure, and a big pot! Papyrus is best overwin- tered as a houseplant in a very sunny, warm spot.

6/4/2007 11:33 AM Groups/Marketing/Growing Guides/PondsWater.Tropical Aquatic Plants Document printed on 30% post-consumer recycled paper Winterizing Your

Garden Pond

Winterizing your garden pond is a vital annual task unfrozen to survive winter. Placing a pond heater that can begin in late September or as soon as that is advertised as safe for plastic ponds in your leaves begin falling in your area. However, the job garden pool is the best way to ensure that your is best done at intervals through the late summer pond will not freeze solid. and early fall. It is a lot easier to convince yourself Plants such as rushes, reeds, horsetails, and to do the bulk of the winterizing then rather than cattails can be frozen solid with no problems; leave waiting until the water is freezing cold. them at the water surface for decoration. Drop all other plants to the bottom. Save the last minute, small things for the late fall or very early winter, but whatever you do, try not to Cold water holds much more oxygen than warm put it off too long. water, so do not worry about your fish suffocating. Enough oxygen enters through the opening created Here are some strategies for proper and easy by the heater. preparation for cold weather. Make certain your power outlet is correctly wired Begin by removing as much organic matter from for a device such as a pond heater. Most pond the bottom of your pond as possible, including heater 'failures' are due to insufficient wiring, leaves from pond plants, tree leaves, decaying or which either continuously trips the breaker or the live algae, twigs, silt, etc. ground fault circuit. This seems to always happen during the coldest weather when the heater is Here's the part that will be the most time drawing the most electricity. If you choose a heater consuming and messy so leave this job for a nice over 1000 watts we strongly recommend that you warm autumn afternoon! Siphon off the bottom of have a qualified electrician check the outlet! your pond with a simple gravity siphon, straining larger debris with a net. Never remove more than Place fruit tree, or pond netting over your pond to about thirty percent of your pond's volume at a prevent more leaves from blowing in and decaying time. (Use the dirty water on your perennials and over winter. shrubs; it'll be a treat for them!) Make sure to use a cold water bacteria preparation If you have trouble starting your siphon, or have a such as MicrobeLift Autumn PrepTM in your pond simply impossible stretch of hose to start by to aid in filtering and removal of decaying debris. huffing and puffing on it, use a utility pump to Use String Algae BusterTM as needed during start the water flow. Place the pump in the pond cooler weather. and hold the end of the hose over it until gravity takes over. By the way, this may sound like a No- Remove all electrical equipment from your pond Brainer, but make sure that the hose is pointing (such as underwater lights) and store them indoors downhill so gravity can have an effect! in a dry place. When the temperature in your pond begins to drop to about 65°, start feeding your koi a low protein, Decide whether you want to keep your pond's

growing guide high carbohydrate food. These foods are often sold waterfall running all winter. Depending on your as 'fall/spring' diets for koi. exposure (micro-climate), and the severity of the Stop feeding koi when the temperature stays at winter, you may well be able to do this in this area. 50° or below for a week or more. A thermometer If you remove your pump(s) keep them in a bucket makes this job much easier! of water over the winter so that the seals do not dry out and crack. Stop feeding your water plants about three weeks before the expected first hard frost. September Never shatter or break ice in a pond when fish are 15th is a good stop date to use in Central Illinois. present. The shock from the impact can seriously injure or kill your fish. As the first few frosts kill back your lotus, lilies and other pond plants, remove the dead foliage before Decaying organic matter left in a pond over winter it can decay in the pond. Place the trimmed-back robs precious oxygen from the water, and creates plants in the deepest part of the pond where they an ideal place for anaerobic bacteria to flourish. will overwinter. This leads to the increased probability of bacterial infections in spring as the pond warms up. You can Remove tropical plants before the first frost. Most never be too vigilant in making sure as much of tropical and marginal plants can be kept as house this as possible is removed. plants in an oversized deep saucer near a sunny Hoerr Nursery window. Tropical waterlilies require specialized 8020 N. Shade Tree Dr. care, see our page on Wintering Tropical Peoria, IL 61615 Waterlilies.

309.691.4561 Most water plants and pond fish must remain FAX309.691.1834 www.HoerrNursery.com