Special Report – Simple Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in with ” ------


Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore!...... 1 Find successful Bouquets Garnis ...... 3 How to create Bouquets Garnis from scratch ...... 4 7 Popular Recipes ...... 5 Master Cooking With Herbs – in 4 Simple Steps ...... 8

Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore!

As busy cooks we are always looking for easy ways to increase the flavour and interest of our dishes. One of the most overlooked ways of doing this is to use blends of herbs, and flavourings. And who better than the French to show us how to make these blends?

The French approach is one of both simplicity and subtlety. The classic French dish hardly ever uses a single herb, but usually combines a bouquet of herbs that add an indefinable quality to a dish, but never dominate it.

These blends of herbs and spices are known as bouquets garnis. The French term for a 'bundle of herbs.' But they are a lot more than a mere bundle of herbs.

A bouquet garni is a secret “SYSTEM” that will Save You Stress Time Energy and Money.

With a mere handful of carefully selected bouquets garnis in your cooking repertoire you will be able to create a nearly endless variety of nutritious gourmet meals at will. Dishes that will, without fail, get compliments galore!

The aim of a bouquet garni is simple: To produce a balanced, complex flavour that makes your diner want to take another bite, not analyze it. In other words – it’s made for those that love good .

Different bouquets garnis are used for , fish, sauces, dressings, etc. The success of a bouquet garni, like any recipe, depends on:

1. Selecting herbs and spices that compliment each other 2. Finding the correct proportions for each ingredient

The original bouquet garni of , and bay is still used to flavour meat based casseroles, , stocks and . These days or a twist or peel is added as well.

It's so easy to make. You only need:

• 3 stalks parsley,

------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------

• 1 sprig thyme and • 1

Tie the herbs together in a little bundle with a piece of sting. Add the bouquet garni to any , sauce or casserole you're preparing and remove the bouquet garni before serving. I prefer using fresh herbs but you can use either fresh or dried herbs.

Other well known traditional French bouquets garnis are and

Here's how to make your own herbes de Provence…

In Provence they sell dried, herbes de Provence in little terracotta pots topped with the local patterned cloth, or in brightly coloured bags of the same material.

If you make herbes de Provence with fresh herbs I can guarantee that you will get compliments galore each and every time you use it.

Mix one tablespoon each of finely chopped fresh , savory, thyme, and rosemary.

This traditional French bouquet garni will add real French flavour to any Provencal dish. If you’re not into French use it to complement your , vegetables, meat dishes and even hot .

Never limit yourself to just one or two bouquets garnis. Even if they are powerful in their own right you don’t want to be accused of being a boring cook. Don’t only look at either.

Study your own cookbooks and watch the celebrity chefs on television.

Look for recipes that use more than three herbs, spices or flavourings. Even though the recipe, in almost all instances, won’t state that, the combination of herbs and they are using is a bouquet garni. Here's a tried and tested system to "Find successful bouguet garnis".

Remember. For the best results never limit yourself to only one or two herbs per dish. Rather use three or four, plus a spice or two. It's the secret to greater depth in your finished dishes.

Be patient with yourself and you will develop your own tried and tested "universal" bouquets garnis that you can use with just about everything.

I love infusing my universal bouquets garnis in and olive oil as well. That way they become truly universal, and they are popular gifts.

You can also steal some of my favourite recipes in my 7 Popular Bouquet Garni Recipes article.

But don't just copy successful bouquets garnis…

Take your culinary adventure one step further. Start changing proportions, next try to add, delete or substitute the herbs in your bouquet garni recipe. You can also try the same bouquet garni with different dishes. ------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------

Foreign visitors to South Africa are often taken aback when they sample dishes like bobotie for the first time. The curiously tasty mixture of sweet and savoury is a legacy from the Malay cooks who adapted oriental recipes, and used local ingredients to create a new and unique culinary tradition.

If you are adventurous and you would like to explore the ultimate in culinary adventure creating your own bouquets garnis from scratch is for you.

Just follow the easy guidelines in my "How to create bouquet garnis from scratch" article and you will get compliments galore! Find successful Bouquets Garnis

How do you find successful Bouquets Garnis ? Simply by studying recipes and watching cooking programs on television. Look for recipes that use more than two herbs, spices or flavourings. Even though the recipe, in almost all instances, won’t state that, these are all bouquet garni’s.

When you study successful recipes and chef’s, take special note of the following aspects:

1. The ingredients – which herbs, spices and ‘other flavourings’ make up the bouquet garni. This will give you an indication of which herbs can be used together.

2. The proportions – the proportions of the different herbs that make up the bouquet garni in relation to each other.

3. The portion size - this will help you develop a feel for how much herbs to add to a dish.

4. The dish in which the bouquet garni is used – this will give you an indication of which herbs go well with which dishes.

5. When do they add the different herbs – at the beginning or closer to the end? Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a bouquet garni needs to be added all at once either. Remember – there are no rules.

Don’t fall into the trap of "analysis paralysis" either. Take your notes to the kitchen and put them to the test. Creating culinary delights is more craft than art.

Meaning that you need to experiment. Meaning that you will make your share of mistakes. Meaning that some of your diners will accuse you of trying to poison them. Just remind them that they are fortunate to get such healthy poison, learn from the mistake(s), and move on.

In my experience, we normally give up at a point just before reaching success. Persevere. It is your key to success.

Here are two good tips. Apart from your "study notes" make short written notes of each "experiment" as well. I emphasise written notes, as my "mental notes" have failed me on numerous occasions. Sometimes it can be as simple as changing one proportion in your bouquet garni to be praised as a master chef. ------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------

Next, involve everybody in your "experiments." Making culinary delights is a sought after social craft, and you will be doing your children a favour if you let them develop this skill with you. In my experience most children have a "natural gift" for producing culinary delights. Why? Simply because they have inquisitive minds and they don’t mind taking risks – they like to be adventurous. How to create Bouquets Garnis from scratch

To my mind, this is the ultimate in culinary adventure. With a mere handful of different herbs and spices you can create a nearly endless variety of healthy gourmet dishes. If you follow the model below you will be able to do the same in no time at all.

Your starting point is – knowing your team intimately which is discussed in detail in Step 3 of our Master Cooking with Herbs – in 4 Simple Steps home-study course. When you have the distinctive of each herb on the tip of your tongue, so to speak, group them into general categories according to flavour and strength.

I like to group according to strength and I use only two groups, mild and robust. Within my mild group I have a sub-group which I call fusion herbs, but more about them later.

The two groups loosely follow the annual and perennial classification and I don’t necessarily group according to the taste of raw leaves either.

Mild herbs have the following characteristics:

• They combine well with most other herbs.

• Their flavours often become milder in cooking.

• Often used in larger quantities, and with more variation than robust herbs.

• Several of them can be combined, if their flavours are complementary.

• Often appear in salads and dishes in which the leaves are used raw, or cooked only briefly.

• Good examples are: , bay leaf, , , marjoram and parsley.

Robust herbs have the following characteristics:

• They stand up well to cooking. Often used together, or alone, for braised or roasted meat or poultry, grilled , and long simmered dishes, especially soups and stews.

• With the exception of they combine with just a few other robust herbs.

• Their flavours are subtly altered during cooking, sometimes muting, sometimes intensifying.

------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------

• They can be combined judiciously with basil, marjoram and other mild herbs.

• Good examples are: garlic, oregano, rosemary, sage, , and thyme.

Basic to this bouquet garni technique is the "fusion herbs". These are mild herbs which seem to help other flavours mingle together without screaming at one another. Although some of them have assertive flavours themselves, they don’t seem to overpower other herbs, or other ingredients in the dish.

Good examples of liaison herbs are bay leaf, parsley (especially Italian parsley), chervil, and marjoram. If you are a newcomer to cooking with herbs these 5 fusion herbs are a very good starting point for your herb collection.

The above loose classification will assist you in blending herbs of different strengths without your diners being able to pick out any single flavour in the final dish. Remember your aim in making a good bouquet garni is to have the diner take another bite, not analyse the dish.

Proportions are important The proportions of the different herbs in the bouquet garni are important. Equal parts of both robust and mild herbs would result in the robust herbs masking the mild ones. If you were to use equal parts of just robust herbs they would cancel each other out. You get the picture.

Finding the correct proportions can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, but over the years I’ve develop a loose proportion guide which you can use whenever you start working on a new bouquet garni. It looks as follows:

• Fusion herbs – 6 parts in total • Mild herbs – 4 parts in total • Robust herbs – 2 parts in total • Other flavourings – 1 part in total

In our home-study course “Master Cooking With Herbs – in 4 Simple Steps” we share some examples to help you get the feel for this advanced technique. 7 Popular Bouquet Garni Recipes

Though fresh is always best, most of the following ‘secret’ recipes can be made with dried herbs as well – just for convenience.

A “Mix and Match” fresh general use bouquet garni

Liaison herbs: 1 cup parsley and ½ cup chives

Mild herbs: 1 cup total – basil, cilantro ( leaves), lemon thyme, marjoram

Robust herbs: ½ cup total – oregano, sage, thyme, winter savory, rosemary,

Other flavours: ¼ cup total – herbal , spices, garlic, , citrus peel

1. Choose as many ingredients as you like from each category. Remove any woody ------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------stems.

2. Combine ingredients in a food processor or blender and chop evenly. Add vegetable or olive oil as needed to coat material well, about 2/3 cup; continue chopping until smooth.

3. Store in small sterlized airtight containers for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.


The blending of spices is an integral part of all Indian cooking. Each cook creates his or her own blend, making it fiercely fiery or subtly aromatic.

The selection of herbs and spices range from as little as two or three to over a dozen. This recipe by Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz is mild and dominated by the scent of . It is ideal for meat .

20 green cardamom pods 3 sticks 4 dried bay leaves 2 tbsp black peppercorns 4 tsp seeds 2 tsp whole 2 tsp freshly grated

1. Split the cardamom pods with a sharp knife and remove the dark brown seeds. Discard the pods and crush the seeds in a .

2. Break the cinnamon sticks into fairly small lenghts. Crumble the dried bay leaf into several small pieces.

3. Put all the pieces, except the nutmeg, into a heavy frying pan. Dry-fry them over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and put the spices into a small bowl. Allow to cool and stir in the grated nutmeg.

4. Put the spices in small batches into an electric grinder and grind to a fine powder. Pack the garam masala into a sterlized jar, seal, decorate and label.

Tip: Stir and shake the pan frequently when frying the spices, to keep them on the move and prevent them from burning.

Traditionally, masalas are ground in a mortar and pestle, but an electric grinder is quicker and easier.

Tip: If you don’t have an electric grinder or mortar and pestle to grind your spices, use a rolling pin.

Variation - Masala. Use 6 dried chillies, 6tbsp cumin seeds, 6 tbsp coriander seeds and 4 tsp black peppercorns. Use the directions as above.

Five-Spice Powder

This ancient formula creates a harmonious mix of bitter, sweet, sour and salty flavours. Its pungent taste permeates many Chinese and Vietnamese roast meat and poultry dishes.

2 cassia sticks ------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------

6 star 1 tbsp whole cloves 1 tbsp seeds 1 tbsp anise seeds or whole black peppercorns

1. Break the cassia sticks into several pieces.

2. Put all the spices into an electric grinder and grind to a fine powder.

3. Pack into sterilized jars, seal, decorate and label.

Pickling Spice

This popular mix is used to enliven the flavour of chutneys, pickles and .

4 blades mace 2 cinnamon sticks 2 small dried red chillies 2 small pieces of dried 2 tbsp 2 tbsp whole cloves 2 tbsp coriander seeds 2 tbsp seeds 2 tbsp whole black peppercorns

1. Break the mace blades, cinnamon sticks and chillies into pieces. Chop the ginger root.

2. Mix all the spices in a bowl.

3. Pack into sterilized jars, seal, decorate and label.

To use put the measured pieces on a square of muslin and tie up tightly with a long piece of string. Add to the recipe when specified. Remove the bag after .

Variations: You can vary the proportions and types of spices, and you can even add some herbs such as fennel seeds, oregano, and thyme. A pinch of freshly grated nutmeg can replace the mace.

Seven Seas

This fragrant mix is a must for anyone who fancies Oriental dishes.

15 green cardamom pods 1 cinnamon stick 2 tbsp coriander seeds 2 dried red chillies 1 tbsp cumin seeds 2 tsp seeds 2 tsp whole cloves

1. Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and crush them in a mortar and pestle. Break the cinnamon stick into several pieces.

2. Put all the spices into an electric grinder and grind to a fine powder.

3. Pack into sterilized jars, seal, decorate and label. ------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------

Herbes de Provence

In Provence they sell dried, herbes de Provence in little terracotta pots topped with the local patterned cloth, or in brightly coloured bags of the same material. Make, and use, this blend with fresh herbs - it proves that fresh is always best. It also proves the guideline of, “There are no rules”.

1 tbsp each of finely chopped fresh oregano, savory, thyme, marjoram and rosemary.

1. Put all the herbs into a bowl and mix together.

This bouquet garni will add authenticity to any Provencal dish. If you’re not into French cuisine try it to complement your salads, vegetables, meat dishes and even hot desserts.

English Mixed Herbs

This is the English version of herbes de Provence. It just goes to show how many variations we have if we are using herbs in our home cuisine. English mixed herbs is a wonderful complement for lamb, pork, or . We like to use rosemary, sage, and marjoram in addition, or as substitutes.

1 tbsp each of finely chopped fresh Italian parsley, chives, thyme and tarragon.

1. Put all the herbs into a bowl and mix together.

Master Cooking With Herbs - in 4 Simple Steps

Herbs are a many-splendored thing. Their wonderful array of flavours, aromas, textures and nutrients add a truly new dimension to your cooking. Helping you to create hearty, healthy and filling gourmet meals.

More than any other ingredient in a dish they also invite you to innovate and experiment, making something fabulous with what you already got on your shelves.

But beware…

Many a dish have been ruined by the unwary cook who did not know what you are about to discover today.

In just 4 simple steps you will discover how to use the most improvisation friendly ingredients in the . Turning your ordinary meals into sensuous experiences of tangy, spicy, refreshing flavours and crunchy textures.

Best of all, when following a recipe, you will be able to substitute, increase, decrease, exclude or include herbs, without fear of disaster.

…here are just some of the secrets you will find in this home-study course…

------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za Special Report – Simple Herb Blends Gets You Compliments Galore! “Please feel free to share this report with anyone interested in cooking with herbs” ------

• 7 less obvious benefits of using herbs in your cooking

• 5 advantages of growing your own herbs

• The big mistake that all newcomers to cooking with herbs make

• How to start growing culinary herbs in containers

• 3 common pitfalls that have ruined many a good dish

• When to add herbs to your dishes

• A simple system for getting to know your herbs intimately

Plus the course includes 8 projects to help you put the theory into practice and you also get a bonus recipe book…

Di-Di’s Top 20 Culinary Herbs – A Recipe Book for Busy Cooks This recipe book is a gift to those who invest in the Master Cooking with Herbs home- study course. It contains in depth information on 20 culinary herbs that will save the busy cook countless hours of reading and many ruined dishes.

It also contains more than 80 mouth watering recipes, including step-by-step instructions to make tried and tested:

• Secret bouquets garnis • Herb • Herb dips • Splash-a-dash herb vinegars • Herb oils • Gourmet home-made mustards

As you know, I will never consider your investment binding until you’ve had time to preview all of the course material and put it into action. So, use what you learn for 90 days. Then, if it doesn’t have a significant tangible impact on the reactions you get at the dinner table, just ask for a full refund!

Frankly, there’s really no reason not to order your Master Cooking with Herbs – in 4 Simple Steps home-study course today. Just complete our secure online order form at http://www.herb.co.za/books/4steps.htm and you can download your course within the next couple of minutes.

If you don’t have internet access just send an email to [email protected]

Best regards

Di-Di Hoffman

P.S. One more thing I almost forgot to mention – this Course includes the best, most unique learning tool there is – A REAL PERSON. You get your own professional Course Counsellor to email with any questions you may have. As often as you need. Any time. Eight hours a day. Five days a week.

------Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Di-Di Hoffman & Salutaris Publications www.herb.co.za