December 17, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7581 SEC. 2. ADDING SUICIDE PREVENTION CONTACT TRIBUTE TO MAC THORNBERRY than he found it, and I thank him on INFORMATION TO SCHOOL IDENTI- behalf of all Texans for the true patriot FICATION CARDS. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, the first (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 487(a) of the name I want to mention is MAC THORN- that he is. Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. BERRY. MAC is the dean of the f 1094(a)) is amended by adding at the end the delegation. His district is the second TRIBUTE TO following: largest in Texas, and comprises parts ‘‘(30)(A) In the case of an institution that of 41 different counties. It stretches Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, as we creates and distributes identification cards like to say, everything is a little bit for students at any time after the date of en- from the suburbs of Dallas, across Wichita Falls, Amarillo, and most of bigger in Texas than the rest of the actment of this paragraph, such institution country, and that is true not only of shall include phone contact information on the . MAC’s district but also the largest con- each such card for the following organiza- The folks throughout Texas 13 tions: couldn’t have asked for a stronger ad- gressional district represented by an- ‘‘(i) The National Suicide Prevention Life- vocate over these last 26 years than other one of our departing colleagues, line. MAC. His background as a rancher, a WILL HURD. WILL was a former CIA of- ‘‘(ii) Crisis Text Line. former Capitol Hill staffer, and a State ficer when he was elected to the House ‘‘(iii) A campus mental health center or Department official under the Reagan of Representatives in 2014. One Texan program, as determined by the institution. aptly observed: ‘‘He has been running a ‘‘(B) In the case of an institution that does administration, then brought him to Congress with a well-rounded view of marathon like a sprint for seven not create and distribute identification cards years.’’ for students at any time after the date of en- the problems facing our country. He actment of this paragraph, such institution possessed the leadership characteris- I think WILL’s last congressional race shall publish the suicide prevention contact tics needed to address each of those. he won by 900 votes in this sprawling information specified in subparagraph (A) on He spent his time here consistently border district. the website of such institution. fighting to rein in government spend- His expertise is in cyber security, as ‘‘(C) If an organization in clause (i) or (ii) ing—something that, as the Presiding well as intelligence matters. He has of subparagraph (A) ceases to exist, the Sec- Officer knows, sometimes seems like a helped steer our efforts to bolster our retary may designate a different entity with national security, counterterrorism, a similar purpose to be included on the iden- futile task but necessary. He has consistently fought to protect and strengthen our intelligence com- tification card.’’. munity and capacity. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment our freedoms and liberties and ensure made by subsection (a) shall take effect be- that all Texans have a shot at the Considering his district includes 800 ginning on the day that is 1 year after the American dream. miles of our southern border, you can date of enactment of this Act. We have worked together many times imagine that he has been a strong ad- Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask over the years on everything from pro- vocate for our border communities. We unanimous consent that the motion to tecting the property rights of folks have worked together on cross-border reconsider be considered made and laid along the Red River to renaming the trade, modernizing our ports of entry, upon the table. Amarillo courthouse after a trail- and ensuring communities along the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without blazing Texan, Mary Lou Robinson. border are safe and prosperous. objection, it is so ordered. There is no question that some of his We have also been working together Mr. KENNEDY. I suggest the absence greatest accomplishments are related on establishing a national museum of of a quorum. to our national defense. MAC has served the American Latino here in Wash- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The on the House Armed Services Com- ington, and I hope we will be able to clerk will call the roll. mittee throughout his time in Con- push this authorization bill over the The legislative clerk proceeded to gress, and he became the first Texan of line here in the coming days. call the roll. either party to chair that committee. Unlike some folks whom we meet in (Mr. KENNEDY assumed the Chair.) He has used this important and power- Washington who seem to be all talk Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask ful post to ensure that our servicemem- and who never seem to listen, WILL un- unanimous consent that the order for bers have what they need to defend our derstands the importance of sitting the quorum call be rescinded. freedoms abroad and the training and down for a conversation with his con- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the equipment to make it home safely. stituents and actually listening to SCOTT of Florida). Without objection, He has done a lot—more than most— what they have to say. He launched the it is so ordered. to improve military readiness, includ- highly popular ‘‘DC to DQ tour,’’ where f ing through needed improvements at he met with constituents at local our Texas military installations. I re- Dairy Queens in all 29 counties in his TRIBUTE TO THE TEXAS member visiting Sheppard Air Force district in only 5 days. DELEGATION Base in MAC’s district with him a cou- For everything from healthcare to Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, at the ple of years ago and being taken aback education, to veterans affairs, Texans end of each Congress, we have the bit- by the look of admiration and appre- can sit down with their Congressman tersweet task of saying good-bye to ciation on the faces of those airmen we and have a real conversation about the some of our retiring colleagues, and encountered who knew of MAC’s incred- things that counted for the most in today I want to talk a little bit about ible advocacy on their behalf. their lives and the things they would our departing Members of Team Texas. It is appropriate that the National like to see him pursue on their behalf When I came to the Senate, suc- Defense Authorization Act that just here in Washington, DC. ceeding Senator , Senator passed both Chambers of Congress car- I would hate to know how many Bliz- , now our Ambas- ries his name—the MAC THORNBERRY zards WILL ate during that time, but sador to NATO, always schooled us on National Defense Authorization Act. these conversations certainly drove his Team Texas and said: We may be There could not be a more fitting trib- policymaking and ensured the people Democrats, we may be House Members, ute to the countless ways our friend of the Texas 23rd were truly heard here we may be Republicans, we may be from Clarendon has improved our great in Congress. Members of the Senate, but when it country. Last year, WILL and I both took part comes to Texas, we are all part of I want to thank MAC for his incred- in San Antonio’s annual Martin Luther Team Texas. ible leadership, as well as his service King, Jr., March, which is one of the And I tried to carry that tradition on and his friendship over the years. The largest in the country. WILL happens to as well. halls of Congress won’t be the same be the only Black Republican in the Our delegation is losing six incred- without him, but I know he is eager to House of Representatives and has be- ible statesmen, including three ranking spend more time with his wonderful come a trusted voice for those whose Members in the House, whose contribu- wife Sally and the rest of their ex- experience and ideas are too often tions have notched countless wins for tended family. overlooked or underrepresented. our State during their time in Con- MAC has done what we all aspire to That has been especially true over gress. do, and that is to leave Congress better the last several months, when we have

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