PROGRAMME 12 > 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 p. 4 > 5 Editorial

P. 6 > 19 Programme

Monday september 12th > p.6 Tuesday september 13th > p.8 Wednesday september 14th > p.17

p. 20 > 23 Maps

Université Diderot > p.20 Building La Halle aux Farines > p.21 Collège de > p.22 Gala Dinner > p.23

© université Paris Diderot Direction de la Communication septembre 2016 Editorial

Since 1957 and The Treaty of Rome, gender equality has been at This year, for the very first time, France welcomes the 9th the heart of the European project having the conviction that only a European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education (and society which recognises the equal participation of both genders Research). It is a great honour for our country to be the host and it in all fields is truly democratic and successfulwhile guarantying carries with it a certain amount of responsibility given that we can the rule of law. Written into both the Treaty on European Union measure the struggle for gender equality in terms of the collective and the Charter of Fundamental rights of the European Union, this commitment of EU countries in the defence and promotion of principal is expressed in legislation relating to equal treatment, in our common shared values of freedom, tolerance and non- European Union public policies and in specific measures relating discrimination. to the empowerment, autonomy and freedom of women. This conference in Paris must mark a new era for European At an EU level, as in each member state, action to bring about dialogue. It will build on the work of previous host countries and gender equality is still too often the result of the persistence of on recent reflections from the State of the Union Conference inequalities; inequalities on an economic level, in decision making, organised by the European Institute in Florence and the in terms of violence against women, etc. G7 and Technology Ministers’ Meeting in Japan. We look forward to providing organisational support for the forthcoming Bologna Ministerial Conference being held in France in 2018. The field of higher education and research is also faced with this reality, and is taking steps to impact its area of influence and also wider society. However, we remain convinced that the field of We were keen for this conference to build on effective dialogue higher education can and must also play a key role in promoting between and research and the true gender equality. Our actions have had an impact on the implementation of public policies. Similarly, we seek to promote ministry of higher education and research since 2012 and our exchanges between higher education and research stakeholders , “grandes écoles” and research organisations have and policy makers. That’s why, after two days of scientific work, taken steps to achieve that goal. a discussion will be initiated between European and international decision makers to give greater momentum to equality policies. This commitment to equality has also involved teaching and research institutions, educators and researchers throughout France is very much looking forward to hosting three days of Europe. Since 1998, European Conferences on Gender Equality debate and reflection, and before we gather for the final seminar have been sharing the results of scientific research on the changes of the 9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher and challenges relating to gender equality in academia. They thus Education (and Research), we would like to wish all of you fruitful contribute to the influence of Europe through its commitment to exchanges and an enjoyable stay in Paris. promoting equality.

Najat VALLAUD-BELKACEM Thierry MANDON Minister for national education, Secretary of state for higher higher education and research education and research

4 5 14:00-18:00 Monday September 12th, 2016 GENDER-NET ERA-NET Final Dissemination and Policy Conference Amphitheater 1A, Building la Halle aux Farines Hall C, Entrance A, ground floor, 2 rue Marguerite Duras 75013 Paris 14:00-14:30 General introduction to the GENDER-NET ERA-NET Project Coordinator: Anne Pépin (French National Center for Scientific Research) 09:00-09:30 and Project Officer Luisa Mascia (DG Research & Innovation, European Commission) Conference Opening: Christine Clerici, President of Paris Diderot University 14:30-15:30 Carle Bonafous-Murat, President of Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University Session on the Promotion of Gender Equality in Research Institutions Jean-Yves Mérindol, President of Sorbonne Paris Cité University through Structural Change, led by the Research Council of ·Objectives Liisa Husu, Moderator of the European Network on Gender Equality in Higher Education ·Outputs & Deliverables by Task Leading Partners Anne Pépin, Director of the Mission for the Place of Women at ·Invited Expert: Anke Lipinsky, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social () the French National Center for Scientific Research and member of the GENDER-NET Expert Advisory Board ·Q&A 09:30-10:00 ·Closing & next steps What keeps women out of the hard sciences, technology, engineering, and math ? Social stereotypes more than testosterone 15:30-15:50 Keynote Speaker: Pascal Huguet (CNRS Director of Research, Director of the Laboratory of Social Coffee break and Cognitive Sciences-LAPSCO, UMR 6024, CNRS-University of Clermont Ferrand, France) hallway of amphitheater 1A (stairs on your left side), ground -1

10:00-10:30 15:50-16:50 Scientific excellence, gender, and precarious careers Session on the Integration of Gender Analysis into Research Keynote Speaker: Marieke van den Brink (Professor of Gender and Diversity, Institute (IGAR), led by the Spanish Ministry of Competitiveness-State for Social and Cultural Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, The ) Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation · Objectives 10:30-10:50 · Outputs & Deliverables by Task Leading Partners Coffee break · Invited Expert: Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University (USA), Director of the EU-US hallway of amphitheater 1A (stairs on your left side), ground -1 Gendered Innovations project, and member of the GENDER-NET Expert Advisory Board · Q&A 10:50-11:20 · Closing & next steps Sex and Gender Analysis in Research and Innovation Ineke Klinge (Visiting Professor, Institute of Gender in , Charité Universitätsmedizin, 16:50-17:50: Berlin, Germany, and Chair of the EC Horizon 2020 Advisory Group on Gender) Roundtable on Experiences and Visions on Gender Equality and IGAR from Leading Research Performing and Research Funding Organisations 11:20-11:50 Moderator: Marcela Linková, Czech Academy of Sciences, Co-chair of Sexual harassment and gender-based violence in Canadian universities the Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation Keynote Speakers: Manon Bergeron (Professor, Department of Sexology, Invited Speakers: Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada) and Simon Lapierre (Associate Professor, School of social Work, University of Ottawa, Canada) · Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (President of the European Research Council, European Commission) · Sara Moreno (Vice of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) 11:50-12:20 · Londa Schiebinger (Director of the EU-US Gendered Innovations project, Stanford University, USA) Discussion · Viviane Willis-Mazzichi (Head of Gender Sector, Unit B7, 12:20-14:00 DG Research & Innovation, European Commission ) Lunch · Q&A Paris Milan Restaurant 11 Rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris 17:50-18:00 Closing Remarks Project Coordinator Anne Pépin (CNRS)

18:00-19:30 Poster Session number 1 (cocktail offered by GENDER-NET) Building Buffon, the central hall, ground floor, 15 rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris

6 7 B2 Panel Tuesday September 13th, 2016 The Norwegian BALANSE initiative Building la Halle aux Farines, 2 rue Marguerite Duras 75013 Paris Room 470E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4th floor (Chair: Ingeborg Owesen, Research Council of Norway, Norway) Three overarching themes for the parallel sessions: Solveig Kristensen (, Norway) A: Barriers to women’s careers in higher education and research Anne Marit Skarsbo (University of Bergen, Norway) B: Public policies and gender equality initiatives C: Gender research and teaching Lynn Nygaard (PRIO- Peace Research Institute, Oslo, Norway) Vivian Lagesen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) 09:00-10:30 Jorun Ulvestad, University College of Southeast Norway, Norway) Vibeke Hervik Bull (University of Stavanger, Norway) A1 Session Rebecca Lund (University of Agder, Norway) Gendered academic culture and environment Nina Jon (Norwegian Police University College, Norway) th Room 580F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5 floor Katrine Berg (Norwegian Police University College, Norway) (Chair: Anke Lipinsky, GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany) Hilde Blix (University of Tromsø, Norway) Gendered impacts of institutional academic culture and working conditions on decision to leave academic path in various research domains Katerina Cidlinska (National Contact Centre for Gender and Science, B3 Panel Institute of , Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) Challenging research and higher education institutions from inside: Women at the top in University and in Business from a life course perspective Experiences from the FP7 EGERA project Rita Biancheri, Silvia Cervia (University of Pisa, Department of Political Sciences, ) Room 471E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4th floor Gender Focused Communication (GFC) - An influential strategy for (Chair: Hélène Périvier, USPC OFCE-Sciences Po Paris, France) transforming the gender organizational culture of the university? A case study from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Between Knowledge and Power: Triggering Structural Arta Ante (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany) Change for Gender Equality from Inside Viviane Albenga (IUT Bordeaux) Gender Biases and Stereotypes in Student Evaluations of Teaching A2 Panel Anne Boring (USPC Sciences Po Paris, France) The role of LGBTI in anti-discrimination and gender diversity work in European Implementing a structural change project on gender equality Higher Education: Queering and Diversifying Gender in Higher Education in a Climate Change Research Institute: lessons learnt Room 575F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor Kateřina Hodická (Czech Globe, Czech Academy of Science) (Chair: Christelle Hamel, Institut National d’Etudes Démogaphiques, France) Resistances to Gender Sensitive Research. Analysis from the implementation Lisa Mense, Stephanie Sera (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) of EGERA Project (2014-2017) and the UAB Third Action Plan for Equality Maribel Ponferrada (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Alva Traebert (University of Edinburgh, UK) Implementing gender quotas in academia: Sarah Vader (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany) staff attitudes at a mid-range Belgian university Jolien Voorspoels, Petra Meier (Antwerp University, ) B1 Panel Finding Common Ground: Enabling Scientific Research Institutions that Discussant: Maria Bustelo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) Foster Women’s Careers through the Training and Engagement of Leaders Room 574F, building la Halle aux Farines, entrance F (lift F), 5th floor (Chair: Catherine Didion, National Academies, USA) Carlotta Arthur (Henry Luce Foundation, USA) Lydia Villa-Komaroff (Member of US National Academies’ Committee on Women in Science, Engineering and Medicine and former Chief Scientific Officer of a biotech company, USA) Loretta Moore (Member of US National Science Foundation’s Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering and ADVANCE PI at Jackson State University, USA) 9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education (and Research) 8 Programme 9 C1 Session A4 Session Training students and professionals on discrimination issues Work-life balance and indirect discrimination in higher education and research Room 227C, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance C (lift C), 2nd floor Room 575F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor (Chair: Marina Hughson, University of Belgrade, Serbia) (Chair: Kalypso Sepou, Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus) Gender in Continuing Education – A French Case Study in Learning from Experience Researchers and Work-Life Balance - Parenthood Patrick Farges, Anne Isabelle François (USPC Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3) impact on men and women career paths Helping teachers tackle homophobia, sexism and gender-based violence: Sophie Lhenry (USPC Université Paris Diderot, PEFH, TRIGGER, France) Lessons learned by the LGBT Family Coalition in Montréal (Canada) Pregnancy and parenthood during the Ph.D and post-doctoral years in France Gabrielle Richard (Université de Paris-Est Créteil, France) EFIGIES (French Young Researchers in Gender Studies Association) Mona Greenbaum (LGBT Family Coalition, Canada) Gender Cultures in Academia: How Careers Develop in a Gendered Environment Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Computer Science: Teaching Viviana Meschitti (Birkbeck, University of London, UK) to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM (TIDES) Kate Winter (Creighton University, Australia) Kelly Mack (Association of American Colleges and Universities, USA) B4 Session Structural change or gender mainstreaming? th 10:30-10:50 Room 574F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5 floor coffee break (Chair: Marcela Linková, Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic) hallway of amphitheater 1A (stairs on your left side), ground -1 Creating Systemic Action for Gender Equality Eileen Drew, Claire Marshall (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) From Sisyphus Sisters To Atlas Amazons: Stories About Up 10:50-12:20 Hills and Battles Won In A Gender Change Project A3 Session Helen Peterson (University of Gothenburg, ), Jennifer Dahmen (University of Wuppertal, Germany) Gender bias in recruitment and assessment Room 580F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor Negotiating knowledges and meaning in gender mainstreaming Kajsa Widegren, Ulrika Helldén (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) (Chair: Fredrik Bondestam, Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, Sweden) Explaining Gender Bias in Grant Selection - The ERC starting grants case Peter van den Besselaar (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands) B5 Session Helene Schiffbänker, Florian Holzinger (Joanneum Research Vienna, ) Ulf Sandström (KTH Stockholm, Sweden) Mentoring and Leadership Lucia Alvarez Polo (Tecnalia Bilbao, Spain) Room 470E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4th floor Observations on gender equality during interviews of a (Chair: Geneviève Sellier, President of Gender Network in Bordeaux Montaigne University, France) selection of researchers’ recruitment and promotion panels Mentoring III – part of an internal gender equality at the French National Center for Scientific Research plan – and its impact on structural change Lola Gonzalez-Quijano (GIS Institut du Genre, France), Doris Czepa, Michaela Gindl (Danube University Krems, Austria) Rose-Marie Lagrave (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, France), Attracting more women to academic leadership positions – the AKKA program Nicole Mosconi ( Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense University, France Inger Lövkrona (Lund University, Sweden) Should I Stay or Should I Go? The effects of precariousness on the Realistic evaluation of the first Mentoring Programme in an Italian University gendered career aspirations and the careers of postdocs in Ilenia Picardi, Maria Carmela Agodi (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) Pierre Bataille (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Three overarching themes for the parallel sessions: 9th European Conference on Gender Equality A: Barriers to women’s careers in higher education and research in Higher Education (and Research) B: Public policies and gender equality initiatives Programme 10 C: Gender research and teaching 11 B6 Session A6 Session The impact of gender equality policies on women’s careers Influence of political systems and reforms on women researchers’ careers Room 471E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4th floor Room 575F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor (Chair: Suzanne de Cheveigné, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France) (Chair: Maxime Forest, USPC Sciences Po Paris, France) More than impact factors: How to get more women to the top in research Gendered mobility in the neoliberal academia: institutional discourses Beate Scholz (Scholz consulting training coaching, Germany) on gender and women’s career paths in Estonian universities Evidence does (not) tell- Behind the scenes of monitoring data Kadri Aavik, Triin Roosalu, Marion Pajumets, Maaris Raudsepp (Tallinn University, ) Anke Lipinsky, Andrea Löther (GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany) Gender Equality Policies in Alliance with Academic Excellence? Activating structural change: A Case Study on German Scientific Organizations recurrent dynamics and different organisational profiles Heike Kahlert, Niels Spilker, Sarah Zapusek (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) Marina Cacace, Luciano d’Andrea, Giovanna Declich (ASDO, Italy) The sustainability of the results in 7th EU framework programme projects on gender equality and the network of the Italian partners. Silvana Badaloni, Lorenza Perini (University of Padua, Italy) C2 Session Resistances towards the teaching of gender B7 Panel Room 227C, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance C (lift C), 2nd floor (Chair: Nicky Le Feuvre, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland) Standing Conferences for Equality and Diversity Officers within Higher Education and Research Institutions in Europe: Do Engineering Studies serve as Male Initiation Rites? Brigitte Ratzer (TU Wien, Austria) the cases of Austria, France, Germany and Switzerland Room 574F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor Gender in Medical Education at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Chair: Philippe Liotard, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, France) Vera Regitz-Zagrosek (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany), George Kararigas, Ute Seeland (Institute of Gender in Medicine (GiM), Germany) Barbara Hey (GenderPlattform and Universität Graz, Austria) Teaching Gender Today: Facing Gender Bias and Religious Skepticism Isabelle Kraus (CPED and Université de Strasbourg, France) Soumaya Belhabib (Ibn Tofail University, Morocco) Marion Woelki (Federal Conference of Gender Equality Officers in Higher Education in Germany - BuKoF and Universität Konstanz, Germany) 12:20-14:00 Lunch Brigitte Mantilleri (Conference of Equality Delegates for Swiss Universities and Higher Schools – CODEFUHES/KOFRAH, Université de Genève, Switzerland) Paris Milan Restaurant, 11 Rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris

14:10-15:40 B8 Panel A5 Session Improving gender equality in working environments to improve Top positions in academia: a persistent glass ceiling gender equal careers. Experiences from the FESTA project th Room 580F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor Room 470E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4 floor (Chair: Ana Puy, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain) (Chair: Pat O’Connor, University of Limerick, Ireland) Gendered distribution of positions in management and academic leadership Minna Salminen-Karlsson, Nina Almgren, Ulrike Schnaas (, Sweden) Cecilia Castaño (Faculty of Political Science and Sociology (UCM), Spain) Pat O’Connor, Clare O’Hagan (University of Limerick, Ireland) Equal But Different: Examining the cultural and institutional Liv Baisner, (University of Southern , Denmark) barriers to women’s leadership positions Marcela Linková (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) A Cross-National Analysis of Women Faculty in Higher Education, 1970-2012 Christine Min Wotipka, Mana Nakagawa (Stanford University, USA)

Three overarching themes for the parallel sessions: 9th European Conference on Gender Equality A: Barriers to women’s careers in higher education and research in Higher Education (and Research) B: Public policies and gender equality initiatives Programme 12 C: Gender research and teaching 13 C3 Session A8 Panel Teaching gender and diversity Global academia? Gender, race and place in international academic mobility Room 471E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4th floor Room 575F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor (Chair: Lars Jalmert, Stockholm University, Sweden) (Chair: Elisabet Ljunggren, Norwegian Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research, Norway) Conception of E-learning Teaching Units in Gender Studies Paula Mählck (Stockholm University, Sweden) Sandra Winheller (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany) Parminder Bakshi-Hamm (Internationale Berufsakademie, Design as a tool for norm-critical teaching and learning University of Cooperative Education, Germany) Anna Isaksson (Halmstad University, Sweden) Gary Loke (Equality Challenge Unit, UK) Transnational and trans-sectoral Teaching in the field of Gender and Diversity Rapporteur: Ella Ghosh ( Norwegian Committee for Gender Federica Giardini (Università Roma Tre, Italy), Balance and Diversity in Research, Norway) Heike Pantelmann (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) Sławomira Walczewska (Feminist Institute for Research and Education at efKa Academia Feministyczna, ) B9 Session

C4 Session Gender equality indicators and toolkits Room 574F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor Integrating gender in research funding (Chair: Arn Sauer, German Federal Environment Agency, Germany) Room 227C, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance C (lift C), 2nd floor (Chair: Maya Widmer, Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland) Gender equality indicators Kirstin Eckstein (University of Graz, Austria) Looking for the Fruits – First Decade of Gender, Measuring Gender Equality in the Academia: How to capture Science and Technology Research Support in Taiwan the gendering of research in the making? Wen-Ling Hong, Jr-Ping Wang (National Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan) Anne-Sophie Godfroy (Université Paris Est Créteil, France) Yi-Ting Lu (National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan) A new tool for gender equality plans on the EIGE Platform Harnessing public funding to advance equality and diversity in English higher education Viviane Willis-Mazzichi (DG Research & Innovation, European Commission) Amy Norton (Senior Higher Education Policy Advisor at the Higher Education Funding Council for England) Research funding within the ‘excellent university’ and its gendered Integration of gender in research content – different ways to deal with gender effects and using the master’s tools to dismantle the master’s policies: A concepts, gender norms and gender expertise in research projects toolkit for gender budgeting within European academic institutions Finnborg S. Steinþórsdóttir, Thamar M. Heijstra, Þorgerður Einarsdóttir Angela Wroblewski (Institute for Advanced Studies, Austria) & Gyða M. Pétursdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland) 15:30-15:50 coffee break hallway of amphitheater 1A (stairs on your left side), ground -1 A9 Panel Taking into account sexual harassment, gender-based violence 15:50-17:20 and sexist behaviour in higher education and research Room 470E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4th floor A7 Session (Chair: Sylvie Cromer, GIS Institut du Genre, France) Recruitment and early career Sabrina Sebti (CPED and Université d’Angers, France) Room 580F, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance F (lift F), 5th floor Marta Vohlídalová (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic) (Chair: Rebecca Rogers, Paris Descartes University, USPC, France) Lorenza Perini, Silvana Badaloni (Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy) The Gendered Construction of Excellence in Recruitment and Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Inés Novella Abril (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain) Selection Practices of Early Career Researchers Channah Herschberg, Yvonne Benschop, Marieke van den Brink (Radboud University, the Netherlands) Mind the Gap! – Interrogating Gender and Diversity Policies in Academia Henriette Ullmann, Ayla Satilmis (University of Bremen, Germany) Gender trainings tailored for research leaders: gender sensitive recruiting strategies Helene Schiffbänker, Sybille Reidl (Joanneum Research, Vienna, Austria)

Three overarching themes for the parallel sessions: 9th European Conference on Gender Equality A: Barriers to women’s careers in higher education and research in Higher Education (and Research) B: Public policies and gender equality initiatives Programme 14 C: Gender research and teaching 15 B10 Session Which careers for women in academia in STEM and medicine? Wednesday September 14th, 2016 Collège de France, 11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, 75005 Paris Room 471E, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance E (lift E), 4th floor (Chair: Sveva Avveduto, National Research Council, Italy) The effects of gender on the evolution of medical 08:00 doctors’ career in academic settings Welcome coffee Karine Chevreul, Corinne Alberti, Coralie Gandré, Jeanne Gervaix, Julien Collège de France, Exhibition area, Ground -1 Thillard, (USPC Université Paris Diderot, INSERM, France), Dominique Meurs (EconomiX Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre la Défense, France) 09:00-10:30 France/Germany: academic career development of physicists Isabelle Kraus (Université de Strasbourg, France) A10 Session Nassira Hedjerassi (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France) Barriers to the careers of women in IT and engineering “Search for Women Excellence”: A project to appoint Room 2 more women professors in medicine (Chair: Claudine Hermann, Association Femmes & Sciences, France, Natalie Lerch-Pieper, Beatrice Beck Schimmer (University of Zurich, Switzerland) and European Platform of Women Scientists) Canada’s Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program: Gendered Representations of Computer Science and IT-Related Professions: 20 years of Strategies to Increase the Participation of Women A Cross-Cultural Analysis Lesley Shannon (Simon Fraser University, Canada), Catherine Heidi Gautschi (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Fatma Mavriplis (University of Ottawa, Canada) Ramdani (USPC Université Paris 13, France), Laure Bolka (University Lille 3, France) An experimental online course for teaching Gender & IT to business and engineering students C5 Session Chantal Morley, Martina Mc Donnell, Carmen Gordon-Nogales Gender studies for change (Institut Mines-Télécom/Télécom École de Management, France) Room 227C, Building la Halle aux Farines, Entrance C (lift C), 2nd floor Integration According to the Polytechnicien Ideal – Hegemonic (Chair: Anne E. Berger, CNRS-Université 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis, France) Masculinities and Higher Education Internationalization in France Gender and diversity in academic teaching: a toolbox for change Katrina Uhly (USPC Sciences Po Paris, France) Pia Garske, Melanie Bittner (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) The Challenges of Writing Disciplinary : A B11 Panel U.S. Perspective on Women’s Studies Elizabeth Hedrick (University of Texas, USA) Why simply adding women doesn’t work: (Dis)Connections between gender mainstreaming and gender studies Some evidence-based solutions to promote gender-equality in science in universities under conditions of academic governance Room 5 Heike Kahlert (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) (Chair: Naomi Ellemers, Utrecht University, The Netherlands) Naomi Ellemers, Klea Faniko (Utrecht University, the Netherlands), 17:30-19:00 Poster Session number 2 Romy Van der Lee (Institute of , Leiden University, the Netherlands) hallway of amphitheater 1A (stairs on your left side), ground -1 Joseph Sweetman, Manuela Barreto (University of Exeter, ) Geneviève Guinot (Diversity Programme Leader, CERN, Switzerland) 20:00 Gala Dinner Brigitte Julia Mantilleri (Leader of Equal Opportunities Office, University of Geneva, Switzerland) (Boat Tour on the River Seine, sponsored by L’Oréal Foundation) Port de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris, pontoon number7

Three overarching themes for the parallel sessions: 9th European Conference on Gender Equality A: Barriers to women’s careers in higher education and research in Higher Education (and Research) B: Public policies and gender equality initiatives Programme 16 C: Gender research and teaching 17 C6 Panel th Integration of sex and gender analysis into research content: Wednesday September 14 , 2016 Ready for Dialogue? Preconditions and Suggestions for Take-off Amphitheater Guillaume Budé Afternoon Amphitheater Marguerite de Navarre, Collège de France (Chair: Maren Jochimsen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Brigitte Mühlenbruch (European Platform of Women Scientists, Germany) 14:30- 14:40 Sabine Haubenwallner (Chair of the Science Europe Working Group on Gender and Diversity) Main results of the scientific conference in relation with public policies Ineke Klinge (Chair of the Horizon 2020 Advisory Group on Gender) Introduction by Laura Lee Downs, Professor at the European University Institute of Florence Isabelle Vernos (Chair of the Working Group on Gender Balance at the European Research Council) 14:40-14:45 Message from Carlos Moedas Commentator : Britta Thomsen (Copenhagen Business School, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation (video) Denmark), former member of the 14:45-16:25 10:30-10:50 Closing Conference: « Crossed perspectives on gender equality in higher Coffee break education and research in Europe » and Irène Joliot Curie Award 2016 Collège de France, Exhibition area, Ground -1 In the presence of ministers, representatives of the socioeconomic world and higher education and research, among which: Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, French Minister for National 10:50-12:20 Education, Higher Education and Research Rapporteur Session Stefania Giannini, Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research Amphitheater Marguerite de Navarre Carmen Vela, Spanish State Secretary for Research, Development and Innovation One rapporteur for each of the three overarching themes: Susanne Baer, Judge to the German Federal Constitutional Court Christine Clerici, President of Paris Diderot University A: Barriers to women’s careers in higher education and research Alain Fuchs, President of the French National Center for Scientific Research Rapporteur: Gary Loke (Head of Policy, Equality Challenge Unit, UK) Brigitte Plateau, Administrator General of the Grenoble INP Group, President of the B: Public policies and gender equality initiatives French Association for Women Leaders in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Rapporteur: Liisa Husu (Professor, Gender Studies, Co-Director of GEXcel Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, School of Frédéric Mion, Director of Sciences Po Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden) C: Gender research and teaching Discussion facilitated by Alex Taylor, journalist. Rapporteur: Brigitte Ratzer (Head of the Office for Gender Competence, Vienna University of Technology, Austria 14:45-15:25 Round table discussion 1: “Higher Education and Research as 12:20-14:30 a place of power and exercise of responsibilities” Lunch break at Sorbonne University 15:25-15:45 Irène Joliot Curie Award 2016 15:45-16:25 Round table discussion 2: “Higher Education and Research as a place of knowledge production and dissemination“

16:25 Closing Speech of the 9th European Conference by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem French Minister for National Education, Higher Education and Research

Three overarching themes for the parallel sessions: A: Barriers to women’s careers in higher education and research B: Public policies and gender equality initiatives 18 C: Gender research and teaching 19 Université Paris Diderot Building la Halle aux Farines Building la Halle aux Farines 2 rue Marguerite Duras 75013 Paris

How to get there ?

RER C (regional train): Bibliothèque François Mitterrand stop Tube: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand stop Bus: number 62 or 89 or 325 Tram: T3a

Paris Milan Restaurant 11 rue Elsa Morante 75013 Paris

R u c i e ia v é d lb e s o o L F T ri e im y g r n o uv n s nn e P i L e c a a N s se o M Qua in e Ru s e G i a P anh Ru

om ené a rd R Th e Bibliothèque e R t u e Le F. Mitterrand R u u va R e ss M or a r o g lt u o e Jardin Labbé Pierrer D it e e Halle auxi sFarines t D o Ru e Ru u u r nç e q Bibliothèque e a a El u M s r s D ar F a F. Mitterrand ie e M ie A A u o ven nd R n ra on u r io Amphi nt é e ée r Buffon e L d La t e e B e F g n f r ro on ï an u lè a c a é m B e W H o e ei d ll D t e - ue e in H c at o a R i t ll l W n A A é e e n u a u R e R J e u R Ru e R d u u e C Bibliothèque R d C ue e he s la M c v in F. Mitterrand ro al a ix e r J r ie a e A rr t Moul y nd s A rée nd v Paul RicoeurPlace a en Lagr x u Place u Gr e a Aurélie e o th R de Nemours t u 9h European Conference on Gender Equality es u u a c e F a W é d J ra p e r in Higher Education (and Research) e ean n e il a u ce L l- M Programme 20 e H 21 R n n a s e i l C e lé e ha R d - d uv le r o a in c v i e N l u e o u A R ven B ue d e Fr anc e

Collège de France Gala Dinner 11 place Marcelin-Berthelot Name of the boat: Diamant II Boarding: from 19:30 75005 Paris Pontoon number 7 Departure: 20:30 Port de la Bourdonnais Return to the wharf: 23:00 How to get there ? 75007 Paris

RER C (regional train): How to get there ? Saint-Michel Notre Dame stop Tube: RER C (regional train): Cluny La Sorbonne or Maubert-Mutualité stop Champ de Mars stop Bus: Tube: number 63 or 86 or 87 Trocadéro or Alma Marceau or Bir-Hakeim stop Bus: number 42 or 72 or 82

Boulevard Saint Germain dent Wilson nue du Prési Bou Ave lev ard A Sai Trocadéro v Cluny - nt en Germai u La Sorbonne n e A l be et rt sn Fre de Rue M Ru u é e n P v S o a e m l me s n ra s i rd k s r e a Maubert- o P -Y r e l ue ew e u q Mutualité l nn N l a c de e

P a bo e D e J u o c n e t Ru e S a e v b l S A in ommer i a P e l a n l l i a e y e S r S d a 7 d L Rue e d u ue es R R Éc ole R s d ue P r Lat a ra o n n t én d h T ’ Port de la Bourdonnaisly Ién an Musée du Quai Branly e Br i R u a ua u R Q e d A es v rsité Éc enu l’Unive ole Rue de s e d e

Pla l pp c a a e M s B R ar ce ou e li e ue n n Be u q rth r c el d a ot R o en J ue Champ de Mars nna v obon de C Tour Eiffel t S s A É in c l a o e is l a les iff S E Bir-Hakeim e de tav ue s e Collège de France u u R G R ue ven s A e e r è m r arti a h C

C s e e s s d

a p e th Ru u 9 European Conference on Gender Equality e m du I cim R eti in Higher Education (and Research) ère Sai nt- Programme 22 Ben 23 oist Dinner Gala

Collège de France

université Paris Diderot

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