Art & Culture November 21, 2018 3 This Day in History Australian Artists (November 21)

Today is Wednesday; 30th of the Iranian month of Aban 1397 solar hijri; corresponding to 13th of the Islamic month of Rabi al-Awwal 1440 lunar hijri; and November 21, 2018, of the Christian Gregorian Calendar. Create Mural in Tehran 1308 lunar years ago, on this day in 132 AH, Abu’l-Abbas Abdullah ibn Australian Ambassador to “I and my colleague Guido are Mohammad as-Saffah, formally styled himself as caliph of the new dynasty Tehran and the country’s cultural always looking for beauty in our of the Abbasid usurpers after routing the Omayyad tyrants and exterminating almost all of them in successive battles, culminating in the Battle of Zab. He attaché attended the Sunday work. We travelled to various was called “Saffah” because of the bloodshed he unleashed. He wreaked such a ceremony, during which the mural places in and photographed horrible vengeance on the Omayyads that he even dug up the graves of all their created by Guido van Helten and traditional Iranian arts. By caliphs, including Mu’awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, and burned their bones. He died Fintan Magee was unveiled. studying the arts, we came to the after some four years and was succeeded by his younger brother, the notorious Two exquisite books and a conclusion that we could portray Mansour Dawanikhi. plaque of appreciation were also the role of carpet menders.” 1150 lunar years ago, on this day in 290 AH, prominent scholar, jurist, and offered to these two artists, and According to him, the process judge, Qazi Abul-Hassan Jurjani was born. He served as chief judge of the city of Rayy and its surroundings, which today are the southern suburbs of Tehran. the Australian ambassador Ian of drawing this mural was very He died in Naishapour, in Khorasan in 366 AH and his body was taken for Biggs unveiled the mural. interesting for both of them, burial to his native Jurjan, which today is known as Gorgan in northern Iran “This artwork has tried to and finally, with the help and near the Caspian Sea. He authored several books including an exegesis on the showcase one of the Iranian arts. guidance of the Iranian artists and holy Qur’an and a critical assessment of history titled “Tahzib at-Tarikh”. This is a memorable artwork in Tehran municipality, they could 632 solar years ago, on this day in 1386 AD, the Turkic conqueror, Amir Timur, which the picture of two carpet create this beautiful artwork in captured Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, and took King Bagrat V as captive to Samarqand, because of the latter’s alliance with the Khan of the Golden Horde, menders is depicted. It is very Tehran. Tokhtamysh, with whom Timur was engaged in a fearsome war in what is now meaningful for bilateral ties “We live in a world which is full southern Russia. Bagrat was later released and restored as king of Georgia. between Iran and ,” of industrial products, but paying 342 solar years ago, on this day in 1676 AD, Danish astronomer Ole Christensen TEHRAN (IFP) - A mural drawn Tehran on the occasion of the fiftieth underlined the Australian attention to handicrafts was an Romer, inventor of the modern thermometer showing the temperature between by two Australian artists has been anniversary of diplomatic relations Ambassador. important inspiration to us in two fixed points, namely the points at which water respectively boils and unveiled in the Iranian capital between Iran and Australia. For his part, Fintan Magee said drawing this mural,” he added. freezes, claimed to have made the first quantitative measurements of the speed of light, although Islamic scientists had already made such discoveries several centuries earlier. It is interesting to note that Imam Zain al-Abedin (AS), the 4th Infallible Heir of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), has even spoken of the weight of light in one of his supplications to God Almighty as is evident in the Sahifat- Zagreb Festival Honors ‘Gaze’ as-Sajjadiya, almost a millennium earlier than Romer. TEHRAN (MNA) - Iranian short navigates politically complex 324 solar years ago, on this day in 1694 AD, French author and philosopher, piece “Gaze”, directed by Farnoosh Francois-Marie Arouet, famous as Voltaire, was born. He popularized the grounds with exacting form and English scientist Isaac Newton’s work in by arranging a translation of Samadi, and Serbian feature movie content, the horrors of war redefine “Principia Mathematica” to which he added his own commentary. “The Load” by Ognjen Glavoni?, won the seeming banality of everyday 235 solar years ago, on this day in 1783 AD, for the first time in history, a the Golden Pram Award at Zagreb life. Dreams of the future exist balloon was successfully sent up in the air. It had two passengers, including Film Festival. against all odds in the exquisite the French physicist, Francois de Rozier. This French physicist thought “Gaze”is about a woman who and humane debut by Ognjen about building an object for flying during his student years and finally when witnesses something happening on Glavoni?,” explained the jury Montgolfier Brothers made the first balloon, Rozier also built a balloon and went up in the air with it. This physicist crashed and was killed during a flight the bus on her way back from work, awarding The Load with the Golden over the English Channel. and she has to decide if she should Pram Award for Best Feature Film. 227 solar years ago, on this day in 1791 AD, Colonel Napoleon Bonaparte reveal it or not. The jury was comprised of director was promoted to full general and appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armies “The film is an excellent example Juho Kuosmanen, director Maja of the French Republic. In 1804, he assumed totalitarian powers and declared of the “less is more” approach. This Mór Kárpáti, director, screenwriter Festival and director Matija Vukši?. Miloš and actressDeborah Kara himself Emperor. is an observation of the intrusion into and last year’s Best Short Film The winning film of the 16th Unger. 212 solar years ago, on this day in 1806 AD, the Decree was issued personal space in the contemporary winner at ZFF; Jelena Mišelji?, Zagreb Film Festival is “The ‘The Load’ is co-produced by by French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, following his victory over Prussia (Germany) at the Battle of Jena. The decree forbade all European countries violent world,” states the explanation producer and programming director Load” by Serbian director Ognjen Iranian producer Pouria Heydari- under the influence of France from any trade with Britain. of the jury comprised of: György of Herceg Novi – Montenegro Film Glavoni?. “In the film, which deftly Oureh. 172 solar years ago, on this day in 1846 AD, the word anesthesia was coined by Oliver Wendell Holmes in a letter to William Thomas Green Morton, the surgeon who gave the first public demonstration of the pain-killing effects of ‘Mr. Deer’ Competes at German Festival ether. World’s First 97 solar years ago, on this day in 1921 AD, Iran as per the approval of the TEHRAN (IFILM) - The 2018 this society have animal faces and have competition section of the 36th Fajr Majlis (parliament), secretly signed a contact with Standard Oil of the US for edition of the Exground Film Festival in forgotten humane values. International Film Festival in Iran and exploitation of its northern oilfields. Two days later, when the news leaked out, Total-Body the Soviet Union, followed by Britain, delivered ultimatums to Iran to cancel Germany starts screening Iranian short “Mr. Deer”has gone on screen received Special Award of the 28th the contact with the American company, but the Majlis ignored them. animated work “Mr. Deer”. at a number of international film Zagreb Animation Festival (Animafest) 56 solar years ago, on this day in 1962 AD, China declared a unilateral cease- Scanner “Mr. Deer”, will go on the German events, including the 2018 Annecy in Croatia. fire in the Sino-Indian War after a month of fighting. The war was fought in screen on November 22 and 24, to vie International Animation Film Festival The Exground Film Festival is harsh mountainous terrain and freezing temperatures at altitudes of over 4,000 Unveiled with rivals for a 2,000-euro prize. in France, the 26th Anima Mundi Film among Germany’s most important film meters. The Sino-Indian War was also noted for the non-deployment of the navy Produced by Elaheh Farnia and Festival in Brazil, the 2018 Anibar festivals for international independent or air force by either the Chinese or Indians. A disputed Himalayan border was WASHINGTON (Dispatches) - directed by Mojtaba Mousavi, ‘Mr. International Animation Festival in productions. It is an important meeting the main pretext for war, but other issues played a role, since the violent border EXPLORER, the world’s first medical Deer’ took two years of production with Kosovo, the 2018 Strasbourg European place for journalists, specialized incidents after the 1959 Tibetan uprising, when India had granted asylum to the imaging scanner that can capture a 3D Dalai Lama. professional tech crew in collaboration. Fantastic Film Festival in France, the visitors, and guests from the film picture of the whole human body at once, 39 solar years ago, on this day in 1979 AD, the scholar and poet, Mohammad The 9-minute animation is set in an 48th Giffoni Film Festival in , and business. Hussain Jalilli “Bidaar”, passed away at the age of 60 in his hometown has produced its first scans. unknown time, in a ruined subway the 2018 Melbourne International Film The 2018 edition of the event has Kermanshah. Son of Ayatollah Hadi Kermanshahi, after elementary school, The brainchild of UC Davis scientists station which is similar to those in Festival in Australia. been slated for November 16-25 in the he studied hadith, jurisprudence, philosophy and Arabic literature under his Simon Cherry and Ramsey Badawi, modern European societies. People in It was awarded at the international city of Wiesbaden. father and Allamah Haidar Qoli Sardar Kabuli. He then graduated from Tehran EXPLORER is a combined positron University and returned to Kermanshah to teach literature. An accomplished emission tomography (PET) and x-ray poet of the classical Persian style, he composed lively ghazals. He wrote several computed tomography (CT) scanner that books, including “Ancient Kermanshah” and “History of Seljuq Dynasty” in Persian, and “Abkaar al-Afkaar” in Arabic. can image the entire body at the same 33 solar years ago, on this day in 1985 AD, former US Navy intelligence time. Because the machine captures analyst Jonathan Jay Pollard was arrested while spying for the illegal Zionist radiation far more efficiently than other entity called Israel. This was a rare case of a surrogate state spying against its scanners, EXPLORER can produce own godfather who, because of shared animosity against Muslims and Arabs, an image in as little as one second and, never withheld any sensitive information or sophisticate military technology. over time, produce movies that can track In 1987 Pollard, who is a Jew, confessed that he passed classified documents specially tagged drugs as they move to Israel, and was subsequently sentenced to life in prison. The Zionist entity has continued to lobby for his release, and in 1995 on this same day, it granted around the entire body. citizenship to this American Jew. The developers expect the technology 22 solar years ago, on this day in 1996 AD, Pakistani physicist and Nobel will have countless applications, from laureate, Abdus-Salaam, who shared the 1979 Nobel Prize for Physics with improving diagnostics to tracking Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Lee Glashow, died at the age of 70. Each had disease progression to researching new independently formulated a theory explaining the underlying unity of the weak drug therapies. nuclear force and the electromagnetic force. The first images from scans of humans 22 solar years ago, on this day in 1996 AD, World Television Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly through resolution 51/205 (ratified using the new device will be shown at the on 17 December 1996). The day recognizes that television plays a major upcoming Radiological Society of North role in presenting different issues that affect people. It is a day to renew the America meeting, which starts on Nov. commitments of the governments, organizations and individuals, to support 24th in Chicago. The scanner has been the development of television media in providing unbiased information about developed in partnership with Shanghai- important issues and events that affect society. based United Imaging Healthcare (UIH), 22 lunar years ago, on this day in 1418 AH, prominent jurisprudent Ayatollah Seyyed Reza Baha od-Dini, passed away in his hometown Qom at the age which built the system based on its latest of 92 and was laid to rest in the holy mausoleum of Hazrat Ma’souma (SA), technology platform and will eventually the daughter of Imam Musa Kazem (AS), the 7th Infallible Heir of Prophet manufacture the devices for the broader Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny). Some of his moral healthcare market. classes and interviews on spiritual cleansing have been published in his two Alternatively, EXPLORER can scan books of “Sulouk Ma’nawi” (Spiritual Conduct) and “Nardiban Asman” with a radiation dose up to 40 times (Staircase to the Sky). less than a current PET scan, opening 6 solar years ago, on this day in 2012 AD in Afghanistan, 23-year old Seyyed Mohammad, a farmer from Karim Dad village, was abducted by US occupation new avenues of research and making forces. He was subjected to torture and abuse, like so many Afghans detained it feasible to conduct many repeated by US troops. Several months later on May 21, 2013, near a former US Special studies in an individual, or dramatically Les Misérables musical has gone on stage at Tehran’s Espinas Palace Hotel. Hossein Parsaei is behind Forces base in Wardak province, his footless body was found. Tens of thousands reduce the dose in pediatric studies, the new production. The play is a sung-through musical based on the 1862 novel of the same name by of Afghans have been killed by the US occupation forces. where controlling cumulative radiation French poet and novelist Victor Hugo. (Courtesy: IRIB English Radio – dose is particularly important. Courtesy: Honaronline