Alumnus Now 1943 Sports Chinese General Captains Named Page 4 ^JlJlCakt Page 5 / LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MARCH 16, 1942 VOLUME XXXV—Z-778 NUMBER 21 W. A. Burress And Lawson Will Glee Club Is Fourth Class Chooses Osborn, Head Finance Well Received L. L. Montague Are Committee At Seminary Wise, And Morgan As Officers In tonight's Cadet the Officers of The VMI Glee Club presented its the Class of '44 announce the ap- first program of the current year on Advanced In Rank pointment of these members of the Saturday evening, March 14, This In First Meeting Of the Group Class who will form its Finance initial recital was presented in Colonel Withers A. Burruss, who Committee. W. E. Lawson was conjunction with the Fine Arts ball served as commandant of cadets at chosen Chairman of the Committee given that evening by Southern Virginia Military Institute for ap- and J. B. Piggott, Treasurer. Those Seminary. The program was held Commanders To Play Saturday Elected Men proximately five years, was re- cadets picked to serve were se- in the school auditorium which was cently nominated for promotion by lected on the basis of their judg- filled by a very responsive audi- For Popular First Class Hop To Hold Jobs President Roosevelt. ment and sense of responsibility ence. Colonel Burruss will become a and aptitude for filling their respec- The group of songs rendered by Saturday night of this week ushers Gladys Salmons, Arlington, Va.; For One Year brigadier general when the Sen- tive positions. the club were suitable for the occa- in the March First Class Hop and Jean Aubiman, Hollins College; ate confirms the nominations. Hav- Harry Easterly, President of the sion. This group comprised "The one of the few remaining Hops Joan Jossen, Southern Sem.; Kath- Tabulation of the votes for class ing been relieved at V. M. I. in class, in a statement to the Cadet Star Spangled Banner" by Key, left for this year. With early gradu- erine Doar, Sweetbriar; Mary Beth- officers cast by the fourth class- June, 1940, he was assigned to duty said that after the clas3 officers, al- "Winter" by Bullard, "The Sleigh ation and the decision to limit the crotch, Sweetbriar; Elsie Jean Har- men at their meeting Friday night with the Army Chief of Staff. so including Jim Erwin, Vice-Presi- Song", a Russian folk song, and "On number of Hops for the second vey, Bryn Mawr; Anna Wislow, in the engineering building showed A member of the Class of 1914, dent, and Bob Marston, Historian, Great Lone Hills" by Sibelius as term there are still remaining three Mary Baldwin. the following results: Bob Osborne, Colonel Burress graduated with a had chosen the chairman and treas- the first portion of the program. more dances this year. One more Ann Seay, West Hampton Col- president; Sergeant Wise, vice- Bachelor of Science degree and urer, they then took the class ros- During the intermission a selected will be given in April, the April lege; Glassell Beale, Bowling Green, president, and Jim Morgan, his- served as an assistant professor at ter and considered everyone else group sang The "Ave Maria Stel- First Class Hop, and two dances Va.; Peggy Green, Fairfax Hall; torian. VMI for a few years. He then took in the class for the other posts. Eas- la" by Grieg. The concluding part to be given when the Class of 1942 Emy Del Elme, Westfield, N. J.; El- Osborn, of Suffolk, Va., was given his post as commandant at John terly said, however, that the chair- of the recital included "If Doughty graduates m May. , len Moore, Culpeper, Va.; Ann Fer- strong competition by Dick Mapp, Marshall high school in Richmond. man and the treasurer were per- Deeds" by Sullivan, "The Road to The March First Clas Hop is guson, St. Margaret; Dot Brown. of Norfolk, who was also the run- Mandalay" by Speaks, "The Spirit, Serving as a captain in the In- mitted to do most of the choosing, drawing a large number of girls Roanoke, Va.; Jane Henderson, ner-up in the race for vice-presi- Sea Fever" adapted from John fantry with the American Expedi- at the advice of the class officers. from the neighboring girls schools Hollins; Nancy Jo Lay, Cincinnati, dent which was won by Wise Masefield's poem, and "Tutti Venite tionary Forces during the World Those who will comprise the Sec- and further away places. Since the Ohio; Hanner Mallory, Sweetbriar. whose home is in Cape Vincent, Marti," a sixteenth century Italian War, he was subsequeitly promot- ond Class Finance Committee of the Commanders are to play the inter- N. Y. Morgan, of Richmond, took war song. Anne Bickerstaff, Richmond, Va.; ed to the rank of major. After the LT.-COL. MONTAGUE Class of '44 are: est is increased because of the fine Evelyn Fray, Lexington, Va.; Mil- an impressive number of votes to World War Colonel Burress re- Chairman, Lawson, W. E. Following the music program an showing made by them at the Mid- dred Davis; Anna Milligan, Fairfax outdistance all rivals vying for the Treasurer: Piggott, J. B. informal dance was held for the Winter dances when they substitut- office of historian. turned to VMI as an ROTC in- Ludwell L. Montague, Associate Hall; Elizabeth Deaton, Duke; Joan Flowers: Wilhelm, M. C., and cadets in the ball room. Amid very ed for the customary bi-name band structor and was later made com- Professor of History at V. M. I., has Bennett; Sally Skinner, Moyawk Nominations were plentiful before mandant of cadets. Williams, T. E. becoming decorations of VMI col- and did it so admirably. College; Jean Thibout, Randolph- the actual voting began. There were been promoted to the grade of Lieu- ors an enjoyable evening was spent, tenant-Colonel in the Army of the Magazines: Bowers, V. M., Bow- This year the Commanders have Macon; Louise Livingston, South- eight or more nominees for each of- . Lt. Col. Montague den, B., and McVeigh, J. B. had an exceptionally fine record ern Seminary; Kitty Beverly Simp- fice, but the races soon were nar- has been on leave of absence from Calendars: Ratrie, H. here at the Institute and through- son, Front Royal, Va.; Doris Traxee, rowed down to two or three lead- the Institute since October, 1940, Rat Rings: Hull, J. M. New Turn-Out out the state. They have played Cumberland, Maryland; Evelyn ing candidates. when he was ordered to active duty Blue Room: Luck, C. M. a number of engagements in the Williams, Southern Seminary; Jean After their victories, each of the with the War Department General Stationery: Chambers, J. P., Will Feature state among them being dances at Haupt, Roanoke; Nancy Crowe, new officers thanked his supporters Staff. Martenstein, A. W. Madison college, University of Vir- Randolph-Macon; Betty Hogan; and promised to the whole class an Newspapers: Walker, R. F., Pey- ginia, Southern Seminary, and Ran- Libba Leinger, Lynchburg, Va.: administration carried out with Lt. Col. Montague graduated from ton, T. L. Beauty Parade dolph-Macon Women's college. The Betsey, Turner, their whole-hearted effort. V. M. I. with the Class of 1928, and Christmas Cards: Gillum, M. F. Commanders, with a few exceptions, With the approach of the nearing 'Tweety" Hepnor, Southern Sem- By unanimous consent, the class received the degree Bachelor of Records: Mullen, W. G. are all members of the Corps and agreed to choose permanent offic- Arts. He took first stand in the Second Class show, we also have inary; Lelia Fix, Lexington, Va.; Collectors: Ellett, T., Strudwick, must make arrangements and prac- Jean Bird, Southern Seminary: ers in an election to be held next Liberal Arts Department. He later R. T„ Stagg, W. F„ Clark, W. G., the approach of the forthcoming is tice on their own time so their sue of the "Turn-Out" which will Irene Hartman, Pittsburg, Pa.; Ce- year. This plan has been found ef- received his Master of Arts Degree Kupper, W. J., Lockwood, F. H., work shows the amount of time they fective by preceding classes. from the University of Pennsyl- hold the first beauty contest ever cile Cage, Mary Baldwin; Madeline Sorenson, RCD„ Stroud, E. B., have put into this organization. The meeting was conducted by vania and Duke University award- to be held at VMI. Knick, Lexington, Va.: Ella Marsh. and Townes, A. W. For the March Hops the Com- Dick Williams and Lloyd Leech, ed him the degree of Doctor of Twelve of the most beautiful Richrtiond, Va.; Mary White, Sweet- Easterly said that there was a manders have made up a new group president and vice-president of the Philosophy in 1935. Returning to girls have been selected by a com- briar; Carolyn Minnick, Lynchburg. wealth of material from which to of arrangements of pieces that they first class. Each candidate left the the Institute, he served as assistant mittee of ten cadets from over two Va.; Elizabeth Leininger, Lynch- pick, and although many worthy believe will meet with greater ap auditorium while the class voted. professor of history until October, hundred pictures that have been burg, Va.; Betsy Turner, Randolph cadets may have been overlooked, proval of the Corps as judged from Macon; Bette Hogan, Westhampton Approval for a nominee was indi- 1940. the class officers believed their submitted by the members of all four class. After the Corps has had previous standards. College, Richmond; Wanda Getz, cated by raising the right hand. Having interested himself with choices to have been the best they Along with the new arrangements Madison College. The whole procedure lasted abbut could make. Before selecting the a chance to gaze upon and admire South American activities, Lt. Col. the Commanders will feature the Helen Anderson, Lexington, Va.; an hour. chairman and treasurer from a list the beauty of these twelve lovely Montague has distinguished him vocals of "Bosh" Pritchard and the Lois Sheen, Southern Seminary; As several members of the class of about 15 candidates, each was ladies, the "Cadet" will conduct COL. W. A. BURRESS self in the Intelligence division of current song hits. It is not yet Rives Pollard, Mary Baldwin; Ann were on guard or in the hospital, a asked to write a short summary of a Consensus in order to determine the Army. He is an authority on the known whether there will be a girl Twombly, Westhampton; Polly complete vote was necessarily not what he had done in his school be- the most beautiful of the group affairs of Haiti, and has written vocalist with the Commanders as Bruce, Salem, Va.; Mary Joann made. Dick Williams said these ab- fore coming to the Institute, in or- The winner will have a full page several books concerning that re- has been the case several times in Kress, Southern Seminary; Marion sent members of the class would Young Men der that the class officers might get picture, plus an insight on her life, public. the past. Buckey, Mary Baldwin College; have been allowed to cast absentee somewhat of a line on how well fit- in the finals issue of the "Turn-Out." Miss Nell Boyd, Randolph Macon; ballots if any of the contests had ted they might be. This search for beauty among the The list of Hop Dates for all class- In Spring9 women in the lives of the cadets es is printed below: Agnes Reid Jones, Hollins; Miss been close enough to make their NOTICE votes decisive. Lawson was chairman of the Na- has been in the handling of four Cynthia Knight, Furman; Shirley Agnes Reid Jones, Hollins; Mary tional Honor Society Chapter of his Lightly . . . There will be a meeting of the Second Classmen, namely: J. F. R. Dockler, Mary Baldwin; Rose Mary Sue Ebeling, Lexington, Va. Versatility marks the high school high school, and also Vice-Presi- Editorial Staff of The Cadet in Scott, Leo Tynan, Bob Lemon, and Bell, Washington, D. C.; Margaret record of each of the winning can- Overlooking the triteness of the dent of the Student Council. In ad- Nick Ardan. Brock, Madison; Francis Bradley, didates. Osborn, a graduate of Suf- the Cadet Room at Tatoo tonight. (Continued on Page 6) Mrs. Ramey Directs Glee saying, in spring a young man's Another thing of interest will be Sweetbriar; Jean McConnell, Mary folk High School was president of fancy turns to thoughts of love. At a series of sketches by Walhert, in Baldwin; Jane Taylor Scales, Rich- Club In Lexington Visit the Student Council and Hi-Y, cap- 1:11 A. M. on Saturday the most which we will have the cast of the mond; Jane Coleman, Richmond; Mrs. Ramey, the wife of Major tain of the district champion foot- delightful of all seasons will make Superintendent Speaks Second Class Show depicted by his Joan Schille, Mont Clair, N. Y.; Ramey who taught here last year, ball team, president of the junior its 1942 debut into the Old Domi- art as he drew them while they Mollie Ann King, Charleston, West arrived in Lexington for an un- class and a member of the basket- nion. As spring peeks its lovely were working on the play in J. M. Virginia; Georgia Kimball, South- expected visit Monday. Mrs. Ramey ball team. head over the surrounding moun- Hall. Walhert, the art editor of the ern Sem.; Marjorie King, Ohio has been with her husband at Fort Wise, the newly elected vice- tains, the feminine urge, true to To Corps On Expansion "Turn-Out" is doing this as sketches State U.; Molly Wilson, Randolph Story. She stayed with Colonel and president, lives in Cape Vincent, tradition, will make a striking in- from life, and should prove very Macon. Mrs. Bates while in town. On Mon- N. Y., near the Canadian border, crease throughout barracks. This interesting. Hannah Mallory, Sweetbriar; Ruth day night Mrs. Ramey came down but he attended high school in Port strongest of primitive drives (psy- Washington, N. Y. There he was And Transfers In Army Peyton Thompson has written an Johnson, Patchogue, Long Island; to VMI and directed the Glee Club choligists tell us that the hunger president of the junior class, cap- article for this "Turn-Out'' that de- Betty Sue Tennyson, Randolph Ma- practice. Last year she was the drive is stronger, but most of us tain of the football team, all Nas- The Superintendent assembled in the Medical Administrative (Continued on Page 6) con; Mary Shurtz, Smith College; sponsor of that club. will argue that point) will find the Corps Friday at drill hour to Corps. sau county guard, salutatorian of scattered satisfaction throughout explain certain policies of the Wax- He explained the shortage of Ma- class, president of the school fra- the valley. Department and to read extracts rine Corps officers and that the ternity, and also took part in other Taxis will haul loads of eager, from letters received. present policy was to follow that Hunt Club Rides Again athletics. beaming cadets northward to As to the First Class he stated of previous years — give VMI a The fourth class' historian, Jim Staunton. There at Mary Baldwin that all would be called to active principal and an alternate; in addi- Morgan, graduated last year with cadets will And many equally duty but would be sent to an offi- tion, any son of a Marine officer first scolastic honors from Benedic- could apply. The flrst commission beaming females waiting for a lin- cers'.training school of their Arm tine high school in Richmond. He would be in the Marine Reserve gering stroll to the city park to before being assigned to a com- also edited the annual, was captain Corps but on completion of a course watch Staunton's famous bear, mand—that this would be the case of the rifle team, and president of at the officers' school the permanent which incidentally has been dead also with West Pointers. Questioned the Officers' Club. some five years. commission would be granted. He The flrst step taken by the newly- later as to whether the present Sec- added that he was certain all VMI Then there will be those roller- ond Class would receive their com- elected officers has been to ask coaster rides over the mountains to men who applied and showed members of the fourth class to sub- missions first and go as officers or proper interest and effort in the Lynchburg's own Randolph Macon would have to await completion of mit designs for a class emblem Woman's College. There cadets with school would receive permanent which will be put on the class the officers' school, he stated he had commissions. He asked serious con- dates will amble toward the vari- recommended the former and be- sweaters. The person who conceives ous and sundry sorority houses. sideration and prompt application the winning design will be the of- lieved that would be the decision by cadets who desire this appoint- Some say they make candy. Others since it was an officers' school and ficial class artist, Wise said last ment. night to a member of The Cadet say they play records. We once not a candidates' school they would heard the cow jumped over the staff. attend. With respect to the Second Class moon. Oh, well—it's spring. he stated the War Department was With regard to transfers, these opposed to ROTC students trans- Then there's always Hollins, with for the graduating class are now ap- Two ROTC Medals plenty of open territory. Nice place ferring to other Arms or resign proved for the Signal Corps, which —Hollins. ing from the ROTC in order to en Offered Graduates is greatly in need of technically Lastly, let us turn to Sweet Briar. list in the Naval or Marine Corps The Virginia brunch of the Na- trained officers. He had written to Here the spring of 1942 will offer Reserve. As a citizen, any ROTC tional Society of the Sons of the a new and exciting incentive to ask if transfers of ROTC students student had the right to leave his American Revolution has presented young men and girls with spring to the Air Corps also would be fav- school and enlist in any service de to VMI two ROTC medals to be thoughts. Without further ado, orably considered. He had asked sired, but so long as he continued awarded in May at the graduating there's a brand new boat house whether officers of other Arms in college, the War Department exercises. These awards will be down on the lake. What's more, this could still ask for aviation training, feels he should abide by the con given to the outstanding members is no ordinary boat house. True it and, if successful, be transferred to tract. But, appreciating the present of the corps. A board consisting of contains some boats and other the Air Corps. He corrected a state- need of the Marine Corps and Navy, the Commandant and senior ROTC equipment commonly found in boat ment formerly made that, if orig- the General Staff was proposing instructors of each branch will se- houses, but its most charming fea- inally commissioned in the Air conference of Army and Navy to lect and recommend to the Super- tures lie in a large upstairs porch Corps but "washed out" in the tests, decide how far the War Depart, intendent for his approval two ca- which surrounds a rustic game an officer might be recommissioned ment should go in authorizing re- dets best qualified to receive the room. The entire house extends out in his ROTC Arm but with a later cruiting in colleges by the sister awards. These presentations will be over the lake. Across the rippling date of commission, stating that he services. At present there is no allo- made to members of the flrst class water the shore is covered with cation of quotas. who are graduating and are to be believed the commission in Infan- trees that will soon be changing General Kilbourne explained the commissioned in the Army (Regu- their color to a refeshing green try, Field Artillery, etc. would be result of indiscriminate recruiting lar Reserve) or will receive cer- Before long spring breezes will dated back. and transfers. He mentioned several tificates of eligibility in the ORC. slide across the lake, and we'll be Pre-medical students desiring to agencies, each trying to get skilled Qualifications will be made un- willing to bet money that they cool continue the study of jnedicine men. der the standards of leadership, the burning ears of many V. M. I. should enroll in some medical col- "Each of these", he stated, "feels V. M. I. second classmen are shown here riding in the Deep Run Drag Hunt last week. Right to left, Harry military bearing and neatness, and cadets. lege and then apply for commission (Continued on Page 6) Seibert, Bill McKamy and O. D. Dennis. (Photo Courtesy of Richmond Times-Dispatch). Story on page 5. general excellence. EDITOR'S OUT OF THE BAG CAMPUS CAMERA COLUMN By D. B. ANNIE ETHAN STROUD Published Monday afternoons. Entered at the post office at Privates Think: I didn't know about? Mo certies Lexington, Virginia, as second class matter. Subscription during That the Stripesters have more that there has . . . (Speaking of regular school year, $2.50. Every tradition grows ever and "smack" now, than the Richmond Mo, why did he send Wilson to the ever more venerable—the more Club had last year. (Can you imag- Courthouse the other day, to find 1941 Member of 1942 remote is its origin, the more ine a murderer getting two years out how to get married? Why not ASSOCIATED COLLEGE PRESS confused that origin is. instead of life, just because he was speak for yourself, Mo?) . . . Why Distributor of Collegiate Digest THOMAS PAINE. the President of the Street Cleaning t h e Wicked-Old-Bald-Headed-Man Since November 11, 1839, cadets Department?) . . . Remember! Take Cheatham is trying to out do Tipton National Advertising Service, Inc. have never had a general permit on a Stripester with you next Satur- as the Biggie of Barracks. It may College Publishers Representative Saturday night. There is no real day night and be safe . . . That Tom be that he is trying to fill the 420 MADISON AVE NEW YORK. N. Y. reason for being confined to bar- Mix King was not quite the "Lone sweater he just received from an CHICAGO • BOSTON • Los AMOCLKS • SAN t'NANcisco racks, except that it is a century Ranger" he thought he was. We admirer. But as he says, it's not The first inter- old tradition. Now this column isn't heard yesterday that his horse was the gift, it's the thought behind it. (THIS BOARD HANGS N THE AMHERST HWW LAWRIE NEWBOLD Editor-in-Chief trying to find fault with anyone, So that makes everything O. R., ex- QXLEGIATE BASE- found, minus saddle and bridle. BALL GAME ENDED GORDON E. MOORE Business Manager but would like to present the ca- That brings his bill down to only cept the size. . . Why Stan Harrold det's side of the picture. WITH A HIGH MODERN $82.23, including tax . . . That Bassy still has hopes of finding the girl CAY BASKETBALL EDITORIAL STAFF Last year the Second Class Fi- Grant's intramural points are rath- who likes baboons. The last time he nance Committee sponsored a movie er limited, too . . . That T. R. looks succeeded in showing his love for EDWARD SWAIN, Managing Editor each Saturday night in Jackson Me- more like Doolan everyday . . . humans was at OUR ring figure . . . Dick Baldwin Assistant Managing Editor morial Hall. This was a fine thing That the "Baby Boy" Wilson better Why Room 122 goes 100 per cent on Joe Drewry Alumni Editor and prevented a great deal of bore- grow up a little before being in- a trip to Lynchburg, when none of R. C. Home Feature Editor dom. Because their expense was too ducted into this man's army . . . them know a soul at Macon. I heard Bob Dunlap - Radio and Movie Editor much, they are not able to have the That Appus's military figure is giv- that Major was the stud of the Benton Kinsolving News Editor weekly cinema this year. What else ing way to corpulence. (We had to group, but that the others followed Mac Youell Photography is left to do then? Well, we could look it up, too.) . . . That the Legal behind closely. . . Why The Lip ASSOCIATE EDITORS go to the library, only the library Eagle is paying entirely too much Moore is submitting application to isn't open—and even if it were, few attention to regulations, and not the CLACK . . . Why Pecker Reed Campbell would go. The next best thing is to enough to his heart. The Question doesn't do more and talk less. (Ditto Asssicker Gottwald Thompson get comfortable in a "soft" barracks is: Will he, or won't he—before for that famous Texas Windstorm Bounds Jenny Vandeventer chair and read or study. But before Blackburn May 15th? . . . That Miss Weller is he rooms with.) . . . Why Kinky much studying has been done, fami- Clark forgot about his proposed STAFF ASSISTANTS liar sounds—closely analogous to In- a military genius. (If you don't be- trip over the hill Saturday night. Balmenti Gordon Neiss dian war whoops—break the silence lieve US, ask HIM!) It might have been his after Taps Bennett Ludlow Corkan of your solitude and several of the Things I Never Knew Til Now, phone call . . . Why El Lobo Hock- Tucker "brothers" come thundering into And Still Don't your room. If you are lucky enough Why the only thipg Big Ed takes aday says things about the little girl, and then turns right around SPORTS STAFF and exceptionally adroit, there is a seriously is his weekly trip to chance that these laggards may be Macon. I guess he was "playing" and certies that he's going to marry WM. N. BROWN, Sports Editor lured elsewhere. But even so, this with that swordsling maid this her . . . Why Power-House Willis George H. Esser Executive Assistant Sports Editor work will have been in vain, be- summer . . . Why Junior wants to uses those awful words, when asked CONSENSUS Blandy L. Crafton Assistant Sports Editor cause the same thing will repeat it- join the Foreign Legion. I don't if he is having Betsy up to the R. W. Williams Assistant Sports Editor self over and over again until 10:30. think the three-cents-a-day propo- First Class Hop . . . Why Lover BOB AUSSICKER Clyde Hooker Assistant Sports Editor So having discovered barracks a sition appeals to him, so it must be Brown wanted to put something in Since last Fall the Corps has been treated to a variety of dinner Gordon L. Jacks Associate Sports Editor bedlam and a pandemonium, the the "Back to Jerusalem" Movement. here about Gabe. Could the reason music through two meals a day every day of the week. This music has R. H. Catlett Associate Sports Editor last resort is to join the idle friends By the time he finishes his P. T.'s, be that Gabe slipped the "light been arranged for, in particular, by George Heath, who in a super- J. W. McDonald Associate Sports Editor who just left. The bored Saturday he may be in shape to lead a cru- and dark" in, while he was away visory position, has collaborated with the Second Class Finance Com- Keith Phillips Associate Sports Editor night cadet drops his books and sade . . . Why Peter Rabbit Wray . . . Why in h 1 I don't stop this mittee and Weinberg's Music Store on this entertainment for the dashes out of the door to join these has to be bothered with girls so stuff, now, before I have the enUre Corps. Quite naturally it is difficult to please everyone with the selec- BUSINESS STAFF friends in time-wasting, on the much. Everywhere he turned, the First Class on my—back. Before tion of music for individual tastes are at a variance, but in an eOort to David L. Rawls, Jr Advertising Manager stoop. No one really enjoys this, but other day, there was "Mable" in a I close, I want to say that if I have learn more definitely just what is desired, The Cadet presents here Chester N. Drake Assistant Advertising Manager it is forced upon us by a hundred conspicuous place . . . Why Baby left anybody out, that should have the first results in a series of polls of your barracks Hit Parade. Lewis G. Porter, Jr Subscription Manager year old tradition. Durham smiles very seldom, now. been put in, I'm very sorry. I know Al G. Williams Circulation Manager Particularly to be noted is the fact that no single song or songs Could it be because his famous you will excuse me this time and stand out above any others in popularity. At the same time, however, Al Rooklin Staff Secretary Some cadets are no doubt lucky milktooth has turned sour? . . . I suppose it is the last. By the way, enough to be invited to town, and several trends in opinion were quite noticeable, and these we shall Why Ygor gets soooo mad when I know I would be hurting one per- present as the Consensus sheets presented thm to us. they sign out on company permit. son if I left his name out, so I'll someone mentions Lucille's name. A definite desire on the part of the average cadet to hear "If This Be Treason ..." These, however, are the exceptions. Has something been going on that just mention him: Foneville, C. E. And even they often get annoyed at some of the more popular songs of one, two, three, or even five years The newly inducted Letcher Avenue rat system has having to answer Supper Roll Call. ago is evidenced by the mention of such old favorites as Deep Purple, proved effective, has it not? You've shown yourselves Someone has said that a general Who Blew Out The Flame, My Reverie, Heart and Soul, and The Isle to be gentlemen who do not, cheerfully, stomach un- permit on Saturday night would not of Capri. Although these songs did not receive more than a mention, several songs of the older era were near the top in total votes cast warranted insults. So far, then the case of the Corps be tolerated because it would be TWO-STRIPE TRIPE Hoagy Carmichael's immortal among popular pieces—Stardust—stood versus the fraternities has been decided in our favor. an encroachment of a second class privilege. Surely, whoever said this By ANDY CAVANAUGH in third place with 20 votes. Begin the Beguine with 16 ballots took Certainly the initial wrong did not lie with VMI, and had not thought very deeply. Does fifth place while Smoke Gets In Your Eyes was in seventh position heads of the Washington and Lee student body have it stand to reason that there would with an even dozen mentions. On approaching barracks last of you, Bill?). Gillespie playing been the first to admit it. be any debating or hard feeling First position was given to String of Pearls which Saturday, the windows all open be- "Wishing" (. . . I had never gone about trading one night a month for has done so much to popularize. This recording received mention on Suppose we let the matter rest where it is? There's cause of the sudden descent of to the Terrace). O. K. How about four. 28 blanks. Close behind was the current Hit Parade contender, Blues no loss of face involved for the Corps; as a matter of Spring, I was able to hear various some poetry? If we in barracks could only see in the Night with 25 votes. Grouped not far behind were The Shrine fact the chances are that in a situation like this which and sundry recordings coming from that we were accomplishing some- of St. Cecilia, Moonlight Cocktail, White Cliffs of Dover, and Every- the second stoop. As I walked up grows rather than diminishes as time goes on, there'll thing, or becoming more military, Nice little boys love their sisters, thing I Love, in addition to those mentioned in the paragraph above. the west side I passed three rooms be no more apologies. Figure it out for yourselves. The or at least not wasting time by But so good has Bob Reeves grown In one or two cases a surprising preference for a specific band's from which strains of the follow- authorities have been lenient so far. But what does a staying in on Saturday night, it That he loves Dan's sister recording of a song was noted. One striking example of this was the ing pieces caught my ear: "You Got would not be so hard to take. The Better than his own. casting of more than a dozen votes for Glen Gray's recording of For mass emigration from barracks, in the dead of night, Me This Way"—"Get Out of Town way things stand today, however, You as vocalized by Kenny Sargent. Many of the old cadets will well imply with regard to an operating military system? Before It's Too Late"—(and then to makes one wonder if all is really In the parlor there were three, remember Kenny's beautiful rndiUon of this piece at Opening Hops This afternoon the student body leaders from both my amazement) "Oh Look at Me for the best. in September or early October of 1939. Also requested were Claude Now." Johann, the parlor light and she. VMI and Washington and Lee met in an effort to ef- Three's a crowd, you've heard, no Thornhill's Somebody Else Is Taking My Place, and Charlie Spivak's After that rather shocking epi- fect some kind of understanding. Both groups, because doubt. Lefs Go Home. sode, I became interested as the they are thinking men, realize that enough has been So the parlor light went out. Many were the requests for a little less solid jive and some more music continued from room to Third Stoop of the classics or semi-classics. The most frequent complaint against done already. They see no need for further measures room, and this is what I saw and jive was that it was most disturbing to the digestive organs. At the of planned retaliation, and they are right. As usual, heard: AT THE MOVIES: "Johnny Ea- Spectators same time the suggestion was advanced that breakfast should offer the fault lies with a group of thoughtless individuals McConnell lowering the needle on ger" starring Paul Welles (count- music too, for that is by far the gloomiest time of the day. who prefer to act first and think afterwards. Some of WILLIAMS AND BEAM "Who Blew Out the Flame." Jack ing cadence going to the mess hall). "The Man Who Came to Dinner" them exist on both sides of Limits Gates. The suggestion Guest Columnists Parrish playing "We Three" (. . . are never alone—my Jeleane, my starring (pardon us, we didn't find was made that these men should be allowed to settle out his name before he fainted in The class officers are doing some cadet corps and me). Dan Thornton any differences they had, individually. There was no Boogus' arms). "The Bugle Sounds" fine work on the ring and Harry playing "It All Comes Back to Me point to that of course, because there are no individual starring Tony—the dog! "Death and Bobby will journey to Indiana- Now" (in fact, it all came back in differences. The entire trouble started, and kept roll- polis next week-end to explain to one day—the miniature). Then sud- Takes A Holiday"—History section ing through group action. the dye-cutter exactly what they denly there came a corny interrup- LA-1 does not form today. "I Wake want and expect the '44 ring to be. tion from the first stoop in the form Up Screaming" starring Ren Scott As a group you elected certain men to the responsible (you would too if you roomed with Congratulations to Bill Lawson of "Goodbye Old Booze." And who position of leadership. In other words by that election Two-brew Tynan). and Burr Piggot and the editors of should be playing "Dear Mom" (. . . you pledged your confidence in their actions as your this column sincerely hope the '44 will you wear my miniature?) but representatives. Now is the time to give them a Finance Committee will be a great Nick Ardah! And there was Holden Then there was Welton (lying on chance to justify your faith in them. This is the pur- success. playing "Somebody Nobody fcoves" the sidewalk): "I'll climb this wall pose for which you elected them, isn't it? How about "Merle Jr." seems to be back in (but I thought they sank the "Re- if it takes me all night." giving them a chance? the stride—the catch is the fact that pulse"). From Demmler's room his thoughts seem to have strayed came "We Did It Before and We EXECUTIVE OFFICE toward the "Holy City." You know Can Do It Again" (obviously a hint "Sir, Cadet Cavanaugh requests the old saying about the power to the Betas). Then I heard the permission to visit Room 442, for varying directly with the radius. broken strains of Bill Winter's voice the purpose of throwing myself out This Shoiver Business His radius of operation has increas- as he sang "You Are Everything I of the window of same just before ed, but as for the power, that is the Love" (wasn't that a mirror in front the next publication of the 'Cadet'." After all the letters of protest and the general con- question. troversy over the condition of the showers in the main Stripes may come and stripes well with the Superintenlent—well with two women." What a power- sinks, a reparation, heretofore unknown to the corps may go but penalty tours will go at least he dresses up (coatee and house. of cadets, is announced. on forever—at least that's what the all) at 10:30 in the morning and re- The "jit" bug has really bitten boys in '25 have to say. I suppose ports to H. Q. to answer a special Mole Twombley. He just goes wild Each of the faulty showers has received a great deal you have heard of the little agree- report. There seems to have been when he hears Glenn Miller's "In of attention and work by the Institute plumber, Mr. ment that Bowden and McVeigh a little misunderstanding with his the Mood" and "Wallflower." Hull It's the same shirt—Arrow's Doubler Lindsey. The corps is urged to follow the advice of have made—you know I'll call you roommates.) won't dance with him. The ole' General Kilbourne in turning on the showers very lover and you call me lover. Speak- Is your (?) girl engaged or mar- meanie! ing of Bowden he is still the victim HERE'S a shirt that knows how to relax! slowly until the water has reached the desired tem- ried, yet? If she is consult Boiling Speaking of dancing, "Refugee" of Institute discipline but he says It's convertible—you can wear it all day perature. or Jack Merchant concerning the Christion and "Spizzy" Ratrie real- he will be available for the hop ideal present. These boys are faced ly cut a mean Conga in 222. You with a tie and it's perfectly smart; take the tie Most of the trouble can be traced back to the fact that next week-end. Brother Hull as- with the same problem. oughta see it. It's terrific! off when you get home and you can have a sured us that we should be very many cadets thoughtlessly turn the showers on at their Piggot seems to be quite interest- I wonder when Hack Alexander, handsome, expensive-looking sport shirt 1 careful as to what we put in this greatest capacity and then adjust the temperature. ed in the red-headed one from the duPon't newest applicant for test column—he seems to have come in Since each of the showed is connected, this action Sem. What's this we hear about tube washing, is coming up with a Arrow Doubler couics in a variety of fine fabrics contact with the authorities. brings fault to the whole system. Brand's date? She wears a wed- date. He really gets the mail. "Meet labeled Sanforized (shrinkage less than 1%), It doesn't seem like the same old ding ring. He's quite a wonder as the champ, chump." Haley has hag two pockets and has Arrow's famed If, however, any cadet finds it impossible to regu- place to see some of the brothers he got a furlough to go to his sis- turned into the chump. It's all in "Mitoga" figure-fit. Get Doubler today! late his shower to normal conditions, he is requested back in the "rat line" and, believe ter's birthday party but his date knowing how, eh Boiling? to get in touch with Mr. Lindsey, who is the one man it or not, they are really "finning still helped entertain a basketball "Ziggy" Freeman had better in a position to detect the origin and remedy the fault. out!" team in a Charlottesville hotel. Bal- watch those jail bait dates. You menti's love life is definitely gone. Any further controversy, either in the form of bar- Everyone has his eyes on Roper know the law has got a mighty these days—yes he is still playing He says he wrote his girl over a long arm. This one takes the cake. racks rumors or in the form of "hints" to the authori- hard to get—congratulations, boy, month ago and told her there Mike Ducko's running girl is Zosha ties through the columns or letters of this paper, will keep up the good work. Just rem- would be no Easter dances—no ans- Zabovcichyvich. This was certified wer as yet—poor boy, and he was -ARROW- fall deeply into the category of futility, in view of the ember, Le Roy, you do not have to when I got it. knowledge of the position held by Mr. Lindsey. do it up in such a big way and you so much in love. Stanford Cooke telephoned his 1 S H I PvT S and TIES know you really should be in your Congratulations to Butch Bas- girl that he was gradually falling room, rather than at Macon during sick. He got his stripes in four out of love. Well, that's being frank a CCQ. years. to say the least. (Some of the brothers, namely Professor H. Vance White, head of the metallurgy "Tootie" Tyler is one of the seri- Moon's girl who goes to G. W. U. When up town stop in at Taz and Tillie journeyed down to ous lovers. After sweating over a department of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, has dis- wrote him that during the last Richmond last week-end and ever page of Filthy Mac Richard's Eng- blackout they placed red lights by TOLLEY'S TOGGERY covered an alloy that softens as it grows old. It is a since we have been hearing rumors lish for nearly an hour he looked the entrance and two drunk mar- combination of lead with a small quantity of tin. about the sand trap on the 18th hole. up and said, "I'm in love and what ines came in. Note: they have blue to see the complete line of A. C. P. It's a great life. Buck stands in quite makes it twice as bad I'm ln love lights now. ARROW'S SPRING PROMOTIONS Spring Fever EXCHANGES Aeolians Descends AUSSICKER Present 21st - Delving back into the files this ON THE DISCS On Barracks week we find that: Record Concert Not so long ago two Kent State With Dunlap A. A. CAMPBELL school paper columnists came out The Aeolians, VMI's music ap- Ho hum, Spring Is In the air, Mth a protest against their cam- preciation club, will give their 21st now I'll change my underwear. This pus Panhellenlc League, saying that record concert in Alumni Hall at is the time of year when you begin there were illegal going-on at the 7:45 p. m., Saturday, March 14. to count the days, listen to the first Round Robin Tea that the organi- One of the best recordings we Frankie Masters and Columbia These concerts have been receiv- robbins, or walk around the parade- zation sponsored. It seems that the have heard for a long time was re- are still emphasizing patriotic tunes. ed with much interest by both the ground at dusk after supper. The weather was particularly nasty and leased last week by Victor. The The latest is a salute to General Cadets and members of the faculty sap begins to rise in all the trees 'the girls in one sorority very sweet- orchestra is Joe Reichman, the Douglas MacArthur entitled "Here's of VMI and of Washington and Lee. and plants, buts will soon appear, ly carried prospective pledges from tunes are "A Fireside Chat," and To You, MacArthur." The tune is Everyone is cordially invited to at- and your fancy turns to extra-cur- house to house. Wherever You Are." Both sides dedicated to the gallant men who tend. ricular activities. You throw off the feature Reichman's piano in a are fighting in the Pacific. Played The program for the next concert shackles and go trucking over to Panhellenlc got angry and Invited bubbling rhythm which immedia- in a martial style the record moves has been arranged as follows: Hollins, the Patch, or Macon, to said columnists to a meeting to state their case, promising that no tely makes you sit up and listen. right along, with the nice vocal by captivate the heart of some sweet, "A Fireside Chat," not to be con- I names need be mentioned. But half Masters and the gang. For a disc- Salsuntala young, Innocent, nicotine-coated fused with anything the President way through the session, the ladies mate the musical corps has a take- (Goldmark) wench. says, has every confidential cheery changed their minds and voted that off on that popular song of World A. Fiedler & Boston Pops Orchestra Once again you envision yourself the columnists tell all. These latter sound. The melody is good and Sig- War I. This one is called "The basking on the beach or around ones found themselves in an em- gy Lane does a nice vocal. Yanks Are Coming Again." The II Largo al Factotum—Barber of some limpid pool admiring the barassing position. It's against jour- 'Wherever You Are" is a new piece is melodiously steady and al- scenery, i. e. the girls and their nalist's ethics to give news sources most steady in its approach. Both Seville (Rossini) song which you will probably hear Lawrence Tibbett & Orchestra bathing suits, or rather their lack to a questioning body, but they gave a lot more about in the near future. sides make swell listening material. of bathing §ttlre. out with the information at least. It was written by Cliff Friend and (Okeh 6608). III As the sun sinks slowly over As "bookkeeper' for the Univer- Charlie Tobias. Reichman's arrange- Anew record for jaz fans is Ben- El Salon Mexico House Mountain you can see your- sity of Wisconsin's gift and endow- ment is especially sparkling. This ny Goodman's "My Little Cousin." (Copland) self liberated, sitting beneath the ment funds, M. E. Caffery admits work looks like a hit! The platter is right at the head of S. Koussevitzy and Boston Sympho- ny Orchestra moon and stars with your true-love one of the greatest interests is brings out a lovely the swing domain. Benny opens in your arms and the top to your watching the growth of the huge arrangement of "Smile For Me," fast as rolls on the IV convertible down (or more likely gift total, mainly invested in trust a sentimental ballad which fits in- ivories and Ralph Collier beats out Intermission funds. Three oil wells and an old in a horse-drawn buggy for the to present day affairs. The Four the rhythm on the drums. The Rus- V barber pole—playthings for crippled duration). Ah! hearts are light, King Sisters blend voices on this sian flavor of the tune is brightly New World Symphony children, they all play a part in this faces are gay, and even the soul- one and do a neat job. There is brought forth in a nifty vocal by (Dvorak) $1,366,000 story of 'living memorials' less Institute seems to'smile on the plenty of guitar as played by Al- Peggy Lee. The flipover, "A Zoot L. Stokowski and the which has been writing itself for renovated countryside. You take a vino, and a nice orchestral back Suit" has plenty of Goodman pep, Orchestra sun-bath and dream of those nites 50 years. ground. The 'A' side features and highlights a hep vocal by Art All gifts are busy earning funds to come at Duck's. Three long Yvonne King turning out another London. (Okeh 6606). UNMASKED by Abend, RAF by months with nothing to do—the for student loan fellowships. The oomph-appeal tune, "Do You Miss Claude Thornhill has taken over Keith Ayling, TALLYHO by Dona- boys who are not in the army will Carl A. Jandorff memorial fund, es- Your Sweetheart." The tempo the "Grieg Piano Concerto'' and hue, THIS ABOVE ALL by Knight. tablished in 1921, has perhaps the slow, and the band swells alj over be at summer school and you can tries his hand at an arrangement, strangest beginning of all. A barber the place to fill in between corner the female market. Oh! very nicely, too. The classic is pole, taken from a State Street Yvonne's vocal. This is another happy day! Spring am here! Dance worked into a marvelous ballroom this week, Easter, Easter Hops, shop, was carried to the campus song inspired by the boys leaving There were times in the past when glamorous Ann Eden number which compares well with white ducks, Finals, Exams, then and thrown on a pep rally bonfire for the army. (Bluebird B-11461). by celebrating students. A police- was seen more often than heard. Those were the days when all previous recordings. The 'B' side look out, Lafayette, here we come. All of the platters this week seem man attempted to force the stud- the lovely Missourian was a Powers model. Now, however, Ann is another recording of "I'll Pray Why before you know it- we will to be on the sentimental side. In ents to give up the pole, and in the is heard and only awaits television to be seen in featured roles For You" a good arrangement sung all be home and Spring with all her in the "Lincoln Highway" drama series aired over WLW-NBC the same mood we have Tony Pas- meelee that followed when the stud- by Dick Harding. Thornhill still beauties will have faded into sum- on Saturdays at 11:00 a. m., EWT. tor doing "Not Mine." This is a ents resisted, Jandaroff, a student holds your attention with his piano mer, Ah! 'tis Spring. very pleasing ararngement of this was shot and killed. playing. (Columbia 36535). pretty tune, done in the strictly- Skull and Crescent fraternity RADIO RAMBLINGS slow, lights-low vein. The 'B' side, raised a large flower fund for the Mother And Daughter BOB AUSSICKER which we like the better of the boys funeral. After the rites they two, is "I'll Pray For You." Tony Library Gets Attend College Together had a surplus of $12, and gave it to starts the platter in a medium-slow Columbus, Ohio. — (ACP)—Mrs. the university for student loans. A few programs which might be such as Freddie Martin seem to tempo with his tenor sax, then the F. L. Fenner saw four of her chil- The Jandorff fund is now $250, of entertaining and worth your listen-! have been overworked somewhat full band swings into Eugenia Recent Books dren graduated from Capital uni- which $50 is ready to be loaned, ing time this week: tonight at 91 but this is hardly important. Baird's vocal. (Bluebird B-11467). There are several new and recent versity. From Purdue we learn that Pi n., Edward G. Robinson, George Right here, let's stop and give Still in the same rut and tempo books which are very popular in the Then she decided to attend col- Kappa Alpha, and Pi Kappa Phi, Raft, and Marlene Dietrich will star few little odds-and-ends about we have the latest release of Vau- library and should be read as "lit- Send Her A lege herself. She and her daugh- both nationally known fraternities in "Manpower," which is to be pre- some of these Spotlight Bands. First ghn Monroe, "Don't Tell A Lie erary musts." The following books with chapters in Bloomington, will ter, Jean, are enrolled in the same. sented over CBS. Tomorrow the of all, it's interesting to note just About Me, Dear." The melody is comprise the most widely read BROTHER RAT PIN, resume their annual pie-eating con- Indianapolis Sympthony at 3:30 p. how music runs in the family. Nota- good and the words are catchy. group at present: test this year. Every year, these m. over Columbia, and at 10 p. m. ble examples of this might be given Vaughn does a better than average DOLL or COMPACT Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps. two fraternities, the only ones on DRAGON SEED by Pearl S. Buck, • Bob Hope will come over the micro- by mentioning , vocal. The tempo ia middlin' slow, the campus starting with the Greek ARE YOU FIT TO BE A PILOT by phones of NBC. 'Great Moments in Jimmy and Tommy, the Crosby easy to listen to and remember. letter Pi, start from a street corner Erwin Levi Ray, ARMIES ON Music' over CBS should prove en- boys, and both Ray and Bob Eberle. The platter mate "All For Love" is WHEELS by General Marshall, From Buckingham near the campus and rush to the Now we learn that , nice but nothing exceptional, mean- Union Building steps to gulp down tertaining at 10:15 on Wednesday (British Army), BERLIN DIARY and petite songstress with Charlie Spi- ing you probably won't hear it MILDRED MILLER'S blueberry pies and vie for the pie evening, while Saturday with Harry by William L. Shirer, FLIGHT TO vak is the sister of that top flight again. (Bluebird B-11468) plate trophy. One of the radio sta- James starring in Matinee at Mea- ARRAS by Saint Exupery, JAPAN GIFT SHOP Flivvin dowbrook from 4 until 5 is always band leader—Ina Ray Hutton. We G. VA. tions in the vicinity will carry a fifteen-minute bite-by-bite descrip- a good day for radio entertainment. don't think you can go wrong on tion of the proceedings this year. Spivak Tuesday night over Spot- Spotlight Bands has a good slate light. DO YOU DIG IT? (What a sport that would be to arranged for this week with all but Even as Johann Sebastian Bach train for!) 4 j one of the bands appearing from learned music an ddeveloped his in- New York. On Monday, Dick Jur- Pete's Taxi Shades of a VMI Keydet! Despite terest in music at the organ, so has gens will be heard from Chicago, the fact that intoxicating beverages been the case with Earl Hines, who and will be followed on successive cannot be sold within three hun- will lead his new and better band PHONE 711 days at 9:30 p. m. by Charlie Spivak, (Continued On Page 6) into the Spotlight this Wednesday Earl Hines, Vaughn Monroe, Fred- night. But, while Bach went on to dy Martin and on Saturday evening fame as a great among greats in in a full half hour show by the one Staple & Fancy Groceries the world of classical music, of these five bands adjudged most Old Virginia Hams Hines' fondest ambition is to find Han-old & Youell popular during the week. The ob- • . a niche among the greats of the Agents servation might also be made here world of popular music. As Hines McCOY'S that Coca-Cola is certainly to be explains it, 'Mother used to make commended for its success in keep- me play the music as it was writ- ing up the standards of this new ten and without any improvisions, program. The bands have remained but it sounded much better my good and well-chosen ever since the way'. That 'my way' of Earl Hines HAMRIC & SMITH innovation of the program several was swing—thirty years ago. months ago. True, a few bands, Jewelers Private J. L. Barrows, better known to the world as Joe Louis, Lexington, Virginia will defend his world's heavy- weight title for the first time since STATE he entered the Army, when he Drug Co., Inc. steps between the ropes of Madison Square Garden a week from this SOUTHERN INN Friday on the 27th of March. The 17 West Nelson Street opponent will be Abe Simon, and * Special for Saturday thru Sunday there might be some interest in the bout were it not for the fact that Genuine Italian Spaghetti with Meat Balls 50c Phone 41 Louis is merely starting on the Lexington, Virginia old bunch of trial horses once again. And a Cadet Steak Full Course Dinner 85c Simon was an earlier victim of the Bomber it will be remembered. Always Prepared to Give the Cadets Instant Service The fight is for a very worthy At All Times cause, however, and will probably turn over a goodly purse to the THE DUTCH INN Army Emergency Fund. It will be remembered that Joe has been the and good soldier by helping charity in Just Wonderful Food more championship fights alone than the average fighter has fights Rockbridge National Bank in his career. Turn your dial to any Mutual station, then, on the 27th Lexington, Virginia THE NEW WAY LUNCH at 9 p. m. We Specialise In A fine new band to watch is that CHICKEN DINNERS of Hal Mclntyre. This band is really BIG—STRONG—OLD STEAK DINNERS new, and now has earned itself a •ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND regular late evening dance spot on ITALIAN SPAGHETTI •» Columbia. Hal, himself, was with This glamour doll is telling her pals to Capital • - - $150,000.00 Glenn Miller but three months ago. close their books because the boya are slicing a birthday cake (with candles on BROWN'S CLEANING WORKS it) and Pepsi-Cola's being served with Surplus - - 101,000.00 it What could be better! ENTIRE Pressed 35c Accounts of Cadets Solicited UNIFORMS Cleaned and Pressed 65c CAPES AND Pressed 40c OVERCOATS Cleaned and Pressed 75c Phone 282 WHAT DO YOU SAY? Send us some of your hot This Bank is a Member ot the slang. If we use it you'll Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Our representative will be back to take more orders for be ten bucks richer. If we Army Officers Uniforms don't, we'll shoot you a rejection slip to add to A. JACOBS & SONS your collection. Mail your slang to College Dept., EST. 1891 Pepsi-Cola Company, Long UNIFORM MANUFACTURERS Island City, N, Y. 209 West Fayette Street Baltimore, Maryland Pepsi-Cola is made only by Pepsi-Cola Co., Long Island City, N. Y. Bottled locally by Authorized Bottlers. Young VMI Alumni Becoming Years Ago Excerpts of Recent Letter VMI Alumnus In The Cadet From Littrell To Class of '34 Now Chinese By JAMES R. GORDON, II It grieves me to have to report that we have lost another of our num- Important Part of Fast Growing ber: Preston Nash died in Raleigh, North Carolina very suddenly the last Lieut. General By W. 8. BENNETT Hitting the High Spots of of September. He was employed by the Imperial Tobacco Company and The Session 1929-30 at the time was serving as a buyer on the Fuguay Springs market. I know We are familiar with the VMI United States Army Air Corps School opened that year with the this will be as great a shock to you as it was to me. Generals now serving in the armed bridge across the lower road almost A large number of you are no doubt on active duty, and under such a forces of the United States, but a at the concrete-pouring stage The status have changed your addresses since last spring and are likely to VMI man, who is a high-ranking Alumni Now stables had been improved during move again any minute. Such movement makes it very hard to keep my General in the forces of our allies the summer and the present sys- file up to date, but I am hoping you'll drop me a card as often as you can is somewhat of a rarity. Lieuten- Here And There tem of room numbering had been and keep me posted on your location. I also hope that this will reach all ant General Wen, Deputy Commis- Stationed At established. The color-guard, too, By JOE DREWRY, JR. of you, but if you do not receive the class letters just yell. Just a card if sioner of the National Gendarmes, had been equipped with two new you can so I can keep track of you all. whose son is now a rat, is such an flags, and thus the school year got Many Places A couple of wedding announcements today: Jungle-puss Feamster took exception. VMI men, in all walks of life. Many off to a fairly modernized start. unto himself a wife, the former Miss Helen McGuire Ellet of Richmond, Today more than ever before in are in the factories helping pro- General Wen has served his Colonel James A. Anderson was on July 11. Felix is now an MD and a First Luey in the Army Medical country well and in many capaci- the history of the Institute, V. M. I. duce the necessary material for our a prominent nominee for a position Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. Corps, stationed at Carlisle Barracks, Pa. . . . Paul DeWitt was also mar ties. After his VMI career, General alumni are playing a great part in on the State Highway Commission, ried in the early summer to a young lady of Raleigh, N. C., but I must Others are doing the very necessary Wen became a member of the Chu- the United States Air Corps. From and Herb Patchin was replacing confess I haven't learned her old name. Is my face, RED? Paul is still in staff work for our Army. Many are king Class of 1909, of the United time to time stories on this page Brown as varsity trainer. California with Pittsburgh Plate Glass, although he was out last summer in the Marines and the Navy. Some States Military Academy. Return- have told of former cadets grad- On Saturday, September the for Finals. few are teaching military funda- ing to his native land, he became uating from Randolph Field and twenty-eighth the Flying Squadron mentals at various military schools By the way, the Reunion at Finals turned out pretty well, and we Instructor of Mathematics at Pe other places of basic training. (by some gross accident) proceed- and last but by no means the least really had a very nice banquet, thanks to Frau Lippo. As far as I could College. Two years before the over- Out of the nine V. M. I. men who ed to take the University of Rich- in any way are the men that are ascertain the following were back for the reunion: Carl Neigengard, Lip- throw of the Manchu Dynasty, Gen- graduated from Randolph Field in mond 40-0! with the troops, the men that are po, George Wise, Taylor Palmer, Goosey Goshorn, Ralph Gontrum, John- eral Wen joined the Kuomintang, December, Eddie Stumpf, Tom Recently we heard of many pro- leading the soldiers into battle. It The VMI- game at Tampa ny Baldwin, Herbie Dilliard, Paul Dewitt, Kearney Vertner, Lewie Kauf- one of the national political parties, Thrasher, Bill Maxson and Jack motions in the armed forces of this is VMI that is again making a name on Oct. 5 was sponsored by Miss man, Bradley Tyree. You missed a swell time, and I hope more will be and was made English Secretary of Palmer were sent to Ellington great army of ours. Among the nu- for itself that shall never be for- Lupe Velez. Incidentally, we lost back this year. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. Before the insti- Field, Texas. The other five, Bob merous promotions were many VMI Foster, Clark Goolsby, Jimmy Dale, gotten. 12-7. Inadequate concentration, Homecoming likewise saw quite a few back on the Hill, and even tution of the Republic, General Wen men. These promotions are given was exiled because of his activities. Jack Pitts and Selden McMillin Since the days of the Civil War, doubtless. though we lost to Virginia 27-7 it was great to be together again. The elsewhere on this page as we can He was recalled to Harbin, the prin- (McMillin, incidentally, is the only the Mexican War, the Spanish One of the very best-sellers that following were here: Taylor Palmer, Pickett Lathrop, Kearny Vertner, not devote an entire column to cipal city of Manchuria, after the one of the group who was not a American War, and the last World that year was a sort of diary-novel Gil Minor, Moose Andrews, Rev. Jones, Bob Allport, Fred Brady, and ItHfctai but we will devote this en- Revolution, however, by Marshal member of the Class of '41. He was War, VMI men have been leading by some fellow Remarque. It was Herbie, Frau and myself. I saw Bob Gilliam, and Mac McCrary at ball tire column to the men who are so Chang, then Military Commander in the Class of '36.), were divided the way for the battles and for thc called "All Quiet on the Western games in Lynchburg. It was also swell to have Snake, Vanderslice, Jake gallantly fighting in the Philippines of Manchuria, and served as Chief between Brooks and Kelly Fields? peace that follows. Front." Leary, Sam Scott, Huey Long, Benny Huger, Felix Feamster and Charlie and elsewhere. We owe q lot to Or if one wasn't the reading type, Straub drop by to see us. If at any time any of you are passing through of Staff. After that, he was made These men were all graduated from We have a job to do and let all these brave men and it is through there was always the "Camouflage Lexington, I hope you will stop and look us up. Chief of Police in Peiping (Peking). Ellington, Brooks and Kelly Fields this column that we want to pay of us put our shoulder to the wheel Cafe", which advertised sodas, It seems that the family of '34 is growing rapidly as Charlie Dorrier, This appointment was made by T. last month, and were then ordered tribute to them. and push for all we are worth. to their new stations. Since that sandwiches, and "private rooms for Buddy LeSeur, Taylor Carney have reported daughters born in recent V. Sung, Mme. Chang Kai-Shek's Remember the words of one of time word has been received that A few years ago when MacArthur the keydets." months; Charlie Straub has a Charlie the third, Jim Matthews has an- brother, the noted Chinese finan- the greatest generals of all times, Stumpf, Thrasher, Maxson and was Chief of Staff of this army he The Corps trip of '29 was in Nor- other candidate for the Big Red team. cier, who is now in Washington. foresaw the treacherous attacks of "The Institute shall be heard from In 1931, General Wen became the Palmer are now stationed at the folk, where the Big Red downed Lt. Lane Whitley is engaged to Miss Margaret Anne Hudgins of Rich- today." Superintendent of the Military Po- Air Corps Advance Flying School, the yellow devils who infest the Clemson 12-0 and a generally good mond. Lane is stationed at Fort Knox, and the wedding is to be in the lice Academy in Nanking; Prior to Lubbock, Texas. legions of the Pacific Ocean. In an time was had by all, including all spring . . . Lt. Fred Brady will marry Miss Adelaide Anne Aschmann of Late word has also been received effort to do something about this the Naval and Army officers in his home town, Charleroi, Pa. in the spring. Fred is on duty with the this, the Japanese grabbed Man- concerning other alumni at Shaw in the form of preparedness he town, who turned out to honor medical corps at Camp Lee, Va. churia, and in 1931, the "Shanghai Marriages Incident" broke out. General Wen Field in and Max- suggested to the American peo- General Lejeune. Ralph Gontrum has been promoted to captain, and his just compjeted was then transferred to the posi- well Field in Alabama. Charles ple that we produce some of the And one of those fillers that the a nine weeks course at Fort Leavenworth and is returning to Fort Knox. The wedding of Miss Nancy Ly- tion of Head of Public Safety in Rockwood, '41, is now stationed at necessary armament. Many of the boys slip in after the editorials to Mope Edmonds writes that Al Royce has another addition to his family people could not see it that way les Brown, daughter of Mr. and Shanghai until the war was over. Shaw Field where he is taking Mrs. John Dorsey Brown, of Rich- take up that embarrassing five and that he is still with the Penn railroad, living in Blairsville, Pa. He the Basic Course. Sam White, '43, and were very reluctant and re- inches, caught our eye. Somebody also states that Al Davis, Bob Gilliam, Cp. MacDonald, and Louis Siegel At this time he assumed command garded him as a "war mongel." If mond, and Lieut. Richard A. Ed- of the 38th Division, which com- is a cadet at Shaw Field. Bill wards, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. had innocently and no doubt are on duty with the Ordnance Dept. He sends his best to the whole Mandt, '40, like Rockwood is also we had heeded his word there chucklingly, injected this tid-bit, bunch of you. mand he had for two years. Later, might not have been any Pearl Richard Augustus Edwards of in 1936, he attended King George a flying offlcer, and is now sta- Smithfield, took place in Richmond which has since become a trifle less Bill Owen writes from the West Coast where he is also in the armed Harbor. of Britain's Diamond Jubilee as tioned at the Army Basic Flying on Saturday, March 7th at 4 o'clock witty: forces. Paul DeWitt is still with Pittsburgh Glass in San Francisco. Ben Now, this great general is hailed School at Greenville, Miss. in St. James' Episcopal church. "When we have a world peace, Huger is also enjoying the California climate. (Continued On Page 6) Hawes Adams, '43, after having by all as a national hero but all It will be in the next world." Johnny McCrary writes from Washington that he has just been made completed a basic course at Max- of this strife could possibly have Think that over, brother! a captain and Post Adjutant of Boiling Field. He wishes to be remembered The wedding of Miss Betty Jean well Field, is now stationed at Ar- been prevented had they listened And on the memorable afternoon to all his Brother-rats. Williamson, daughter of Lieut. Col. cadia, Florida, where he is taking to him then. of November 29, 1929, the Flying and Mrs. Melvin S. Williamson of Captain Gil Tyler is throught medicine and is with the Army Medical Attention Cadets! Among his MEN, and we do mean Keydets, with their third straight Corps, stationed at the Lawson Hospital in Atlanta. He also sends his best the Primary Course. Fort Smith, Arkansas, and Lieut. men, are many graduates of the victory over Virginia Tech, cinched to you all. D. G. McMillin, '40, is now tak- Eben Randolph Jones of Fort Riley, ing the Air Corps Pilot Course at Institute. On his staff is Brigadier- their second consecutive state Kan., and Richmond, son of Mr. THE VIRGINIA CAFE Maxwell Field. Other alumni in General Richard H. Marshall, an championship. Looks like those and Mrs. Eppa Jones, took place on Will Be Open at Nights During the same course are E. H. Hammer, alumnus. There are numerous oth- boys just had somethin' . . . wisht 500 AIR-CONDITIONED ROOMS AT WASHINGTON'S NEWEST er men from the Institute among Saturday, March 7th at 5 o'clock DANCES '40, R. Ragland, '39, D. R. Oakey, in the post chapel at Fort Riley. we could find out what!! With Radio, Parking, Swimming Pool '42, and G. W. Shellhorse, '40. the lower ranking officers, too nu- The great Weidemyer orchestra There are many other alumni merous for us to name at the pres- was signed for the '31 Ring Figure, AMBASSADOR HOTEL taking various courses at different ent but you can be sure that we James Leroy Shelby, Class of '41, but failed to arrive until Saturday, Washington, D. C., 14 & K. Streets Lexington, Virginia fields and schools throughout the will let you know the men that are was married February 21st in Riv- so the Ramblin' Keydets filled in DOWNTOWN HOTEL—RATES: From $2.00 country. The above mentioned men fighting there as soon as we find erside, California. Friday night. The Dramatic Club have written Major Jacob, Alumni them ourselves. presented The Dover Road, under Secretary, during the past month. In this time of great national Colonel Moseley's direction, and Other notifications are sure to fol- emergency we are doing all we Flashes From turned out a fine performance, ac- low which will help present a more can for our government and many cording to the accounts in the De- complete picture of V. M. I.'s part of the sacrifices that go along with Class of 1935 cember 17 issue. in the Army Air Corps. the horrors of war. At home we are Christmas Furlough was extend- J. Ed. Deaver VMI POST EXCHANGE helping in the home defense units Jimmy Sherman is at Newport ed from December 21' (after Satur- If you have not already paid for if we are too old to fight or if we News building ships. He is looking day Evening Inspection) until Jan- and Sons your CADET subscription, please are too young. If we are old enough for a call from Uncle Sam and uary 2, a traditionally rainy Thurs Open 9:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. send your check to us as soon as to help by enlisting in the armed won't be mad. Says he has the day. possible. forces we are doing that. Rich and "itch." On January 27, the "Ad" section Clothiers and Furnishers poor, large or small, white or black, ran a huge cut submitted by the we are lifting our arms against a Ed Arnold is "subbing" at VMI, New Theatre, inviting one and all Headquarters for Complete Line of Sandwiches common foe and the word common aiding cadets who graduate in to see a brand new talkie: CADETS may be used in more ways than May to be prepared to cope with "HOT FOR PARIS" Ladies Entrance Adjacent to Alumni Hall one. We have a job to do and we the situation. with ALL MEN'S Let Us Print Your Programs, are going to do that job to the Victor McLaglen - Fifl Dorsay Cards, Booklets and Stationery best of our ability no matter how Bill Rawlings is now a lieutenant El Brendel FURNISHINGS much we have to sacrifice. We are at Fort Bragg. Hot laughs - Hot Mamas - Hot Ask Pete—He Knows going to have a little house-clean- Songs - All talking - AU whoopee ing in the vicinity of Tokyo. Per- Buck Moore, address Box 481 Ga- Naugh-teh, Naugh-teh! "We Print the Cadet" haps some kind of insect powder tun, Canal Zone, wants to hear from Along in March, the Pathe News would do the trick. his classmates. At present he is en- The Rockbridge County man came down and photographed Leading in this great effort are gineering on the canal but holding —sound photographed—our cavalry News himself in readiness for the Army. boys in action. His wife, former Virginia Parsons On March 10, the front page bore of Richmond, and baby are with Tolley's Hardware an artists conception of the pro- him. Buck has a brother in the rat Guns, Hardware, Ammunition class this year. posed Nichols Engineering Hall. The year's first garrison review We Don't Myers Hardware Electrical Supplies was sweated off on Saturday, March DuPont Products Wayne High, president of '35, is 22, and with a brilliant set of Eas- still with a chemical company in ter Hops, the Honorable Youths Wilmington, Delaware, but is great- neared the summit of that seeming- ly involved in national defense. Gift and Art Shop ly summitless hill of science. Have The Horse Colt Revolvers, Remington Guns, At Finals, the United States Ma- Robert E. Lee Hotel Mezxanlne Bob Mitchell has been on active Kleanbore Shells & Ammunition FRANCES H. HOPKINS rine Band took part in the goln's- * duty with the Air Corps since 1940, on, and with the class of '31 pack- MARY DESHA and is now a First Lieutenant serv- ing up for Myer, Meade, and Bragg, * (BUT WE DO HAVE THE BOOTS AND BREECHES) Phone 72 Gift Consultants ing temporarily in Philadelphia. In and with C. H. Dayhuff, to be First 1937 he married Miss Marion Captain for '30-31, the curtain came Haughton of Roxoborough, Penn- down on the ninety-first act of the OFFICIAL JEWELERS To CLASS OF 1943 sylvania, and now has a 3 1-2 year old son. Bob writes that Herman mighty drama, "Little Men," or "In- PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW RINGS and other merchandise available side Lexington." Commencement Announcements - AWARDS Vaughan is one of the squadrons Dance Invitations & Programs - Stationery and likewise is a "daddy." fense job in Philadelphia. FOR

L G Factories "Mulepuss" Lord is married, a Doug Campbell is a First Lieu- BALFOUR Attleboro "daddy" and is working on a de- tenant at Maxwell Field, Alabama Company Massachusetts ARMY UNIFORMS For Good Service Ask For UNIVERSITY CLEANERS R. L. HESS&BRO. LUCK GOLDBERG WILL BE IN THE P. E. THURSDAY Jewelers IN THE GUARD ROOM IJulova, Elgin, and Longine Watches 7:30 - 8:00 A. M. Each Morning AND FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK Clothes Rack by 1:00 P. M. — Phone 749 Phone 208 RO* 757 MARCH 19th and 20th WOODWARD AND BOWLING * ESSO STATIONS ROCKBRIDGE LAUNDRY NORTH MAIN ST. SOUTH MAIN ST. Phone 451 Phone 496 The Best in Muterial and Make, You'll Like 'Em Too

A. & N. TRADING CO., INC. ZORIC CLEANERS Huger-Davidson-Sale Company 8th and "D" Streets, N. W. Lexington, Virginia :: . Staunton, Virginia Washington, D. C. IONS Phone 185 Members Of Second Class Ride| In Deep Rtin Hunt At Richmond i

Accepting the annual invitation of Feely, N. A. Mahone, H. J. Siebert, the Deep Run Hunt Club in Rich- B. VanDeventer, W. C. McKamy, mond, eight cadets rode in a drag and F. D. Gottwald, Jr. hunt which was held at the club Following the drag, the cadets last Saturday, March 7. Starting were entertained at a supper party with a small field, and ending with at the Deep Run Clubhouse, which even a smaller one, the Richmond was attended by members of the huntsmen led the members of the club and their friends. VMI hunt on a fast and exciting This week-end, members of the course. The drag covered fifteen VMI Hunt will accept the invita- miles of brush, fence, chicken coap tion of Mr. Armory S. Carhart, M. and stone wall jumps and was F. H. of the Warrington Hunt Club, marked with many spills and and will ride with them Saturday thrills. Dr. Asa Shields and Mr. J. C. afternoon. Cadets who will be pres- Wheat were present as joint MFH. ent are: W. H. Emory, W. H. Romm, Also present were Mr. J. M. Camp, J. O. Hodgkin, L. A. Blackburn, class of '40, and Mr. Walter Cragie J. M. Wray, M. I. Forbes, D. B. Mc- who is well known for his "Hoof Carty, and H. B. Garrett. Accom- Prints" column in the Richmond panying them will be Lieutenant Times-Dispatch. Barksdaie, M. F. H., of the VMI Due to the present emergency, Hunt. They will be mounted by loc- and to the fact that this year's al sportsmen. graduating class will leave school After the drag, the cadets will be early, first classmen were unable entertained at a dinner at the home to attend. The second classmen who of Bill Emory, and at a dance that were present for the hunt included: night at the Rockwood Manor. R. L. Reeves, O. D. Dennis, W. T.

INTRAMURALS Cadets Reeves, Siebert, Feely, Dennis, McKamy, Mahone, and Vandeventer at Deep Run Hunt. (Courtesy Richmond Times-Dispatch) By JOHN H. MacDONALD Co. A Betakes First Place ing contestants are: Newton, "E", Co. A now holds the lead in the Smith, "B", Tinsley, "D", Hull, "C", FROM THE SIDELINES intramural race by the comfortable Cook, T. S. "A", O'Niell, "D", But- 29 Men Receive Monograms For margin of 152 points over Co. B. ler, "D", Granger, "D", Suter, "C", By BILL BROWN The 196.66 points Co. A received Alderson, "B", Maggard, "A", Wal- for winning first place in the vol- ker, S. S. "E", and Nierman, "C". Backboards Again Winter Sport Participation; Sotnyk Pistol leyball tournament gave the added Delegates to the basketball rule makers power to topple Co. B from the The pistol event closed last week conclave in New Orleans, this week, have been leader's position. To Captain Cadet Hoopsters In '43 and Co. E received 193.33 points for instructed to forget about the fan shaped back- Intramural standings to date: winning the event The infantry- board and return to the rectangular style, since Swimming ter, Jean, are enrolled in same class. men of B Co. took second place to Council Awards Elect Captains a national ballot of college coaches revealed Monograms: Wilkins,^CT H.; Per- Place Company Points receive 133.33 points. Co. F was kins,•J. A.; Potts,vA. R.; Johnston, that the rectangular type is still the favorite, 21 Rat Numerals For Next Year 1 A 1289.18 third with 98.33 points. Co. D was A. L.; Lewis, R. A.; Halsey, J. S.; 2 B 1137.33 fourth with 85 points. Co. A 2 to 1. This reversion to the old style backboard At a meeting of the Athletic VanLaningham, J. H.; Rush, B. B.; At meetings held last week by all 3 E 1067.50 dropped to fifth place with 76.66 may again bring conformity in backboards to the Southern Council, held last Tuesday, twenty- Scott, J. F. R. of the winter sports monogram men points, and Co. C has sixth place nine varsity monograms and twen- Emil Sotnyk, Jack McGrath, and 4 D 907.66 Conference, and eliminate the problems which accompany The following appointments of with 63.33 points. ty-one numerals were awarded for Allen Potts were named captains 5 F 854.83 the many variations in backboards and baskets. managers for next year were made: 6 C the winter sports. Twelve of these for next year's basketball, wrest- 833.50 Bowling F. N. Bilisoly, varsity basketball; Volleyball Other rulings opposed by the Eastern collegiate basket- monograms went to wrestling, eight ling, and swimming teams respec- This new addition to the intra- C. L. Board, rat basketball; M. E. As had been expected for the past ball coaches are the suggested increase of personal fouls from to basketball, an dnine to swim- tively. Each of these men has been mural sports is beginning to show Holt, varsity wrestling; G. F. Holli- few weeks, Co. A did emerge with four to five; the proposed rule which would make substitu- ming. In all, there were fifteen new outstanding in his sport for the its increased favor among the field, rat wrestling; R. A. Aussicker, the volleyball laurels having 14 tion for each player mandatory at least once each half; the monograms awarded in the three past two seasons. cadets. Last Wednesday, at the varsity swimming. wins and only 1 defeat to her credit. sports. Lexington Bowladrome, a large proposal to have college games divided into quarters; and Along with the awarding of mon- Sotnyk as a sophomore ran wild Results: number of cadets watched Tyler suggestions to return the center jump in any form. The Council also voted the fol- ograms and numerals and the selec- and topped off a great season with Place Company Won Lost Points Bland again cop the highest score. Freshman Ruling lowing managers the privilege of tion of managers for next year the sensational exhibition at the 1 A 14 1 196.66 However, he dropped some 5.25 wearing the emblems of their re- Athletic Council also selected as- Southern Conference basketball 2 B The debate over the eligibility of freshmen in varsity 9 6 130.00 points in his game average on the spective sports: K. P. Graybeal, sistant managers for baseball and tournament in Raleigh. This per- football, next season, is still going hot and heavy, but with formance netted him a position on 3 F 8 7 101.66 score he had set up on March 4th. varsity basketball; W. A. Spilman, for football. These selections were: the all-tournament team. This past 4 E 6 9 85.00 He led the contestants with the little being done about it, one way or another, in the South- rat basketball; C. M. Young, Jr., Baseball Asst. Mgrs.: Parkins, C. season he led the team in scoring 5 (tie) C 4 11 68.33 score of 119.75 points. ern Conference. In the Southeastern Conference, the thing varsity swimming; L. G. Porter, C.; Wyatt, J. R.; Asch, G. L.; Pick- and copped a place on the all-state 5 (tie) D 4 11 68.33 has already been settled .... against eligibility of the first varsity wrestling; W. A. Willis, rat ral, G. M.; Campbell, A. A.; Suter, Results of Wednesday's company team. He is a great guard and an Co. F successfully defended her year men. It is therefore very possible that the Southern wrestling. B. A. third place against Co. E's desperate games: excellent shot, as well as a spark The awards were: Football Asst. Mgrs.: Colonna, G. effort to get out of the second divi- Co. F 2 — Co. C 1 Conference may follow suit, and vote down the change, de- plug, and should prove a good cap- B.; Sorensen, R. C. G.; Short, B. P.; sion. The men of companies C and Co. B 2 — Co. D 1 spite the pleas of Carl Voyles, William and Mary tutor, Basketball tain. Sotnyk lives in Ford City, Pa. Monograms: Williams, K-'R. P.; Haan, C.; Jones, R. P.; Ratrie, H.; D seemed to be well-matched in Co. A 3 — Co. E 0 Frank Murray, of Virginia, and others favoring an innova- McGrath, who wrestles 128, is the Wood ward,E.; Sotnyk,*£.; Thom- Richmond, G. H.; Dorset, C. T. the scoring ability. •High team average- "F" Co. 99.40 tion. Sports editor, Chauncey Durden, in the Times Dispatch, fastest and most colorful man on as/"V. J.; Walker,^R. F.; Smith, G. Swimming •High single set, Bland "B" 250.00 devoted an entire column to urge the adoption of the eligi- the squad. He has dropped only High single game, Hudson D 144.00 A.; Ward, G.; Shomo, J. L.^ The men of Co. D are doing much bility ruling; citing such schools as Harvard, Princeton, and Donald C. Greason four matches in dual meets since better in their swimming and suc- •High team game, "B" Co. 554.00 Numerals: Black, J. S.; Bandish, Yale who had already made the move. he has been wrestling and all of cessfully are holding the lead that •High team set Tie B&F 1008.00 B. J.; Russell, W. H.; Bowman, L. Bridges Difficult Gap these have been to men with na- they had made last week. They * indicates new record. Blue Devil coach, Wallace Wade is the principal objector, A.; Wise, S. W.; Pritchard, L. D.; Rockport, Mass. — (ACP) — It's tional stands. Trouble in making trimmed nearly all their opponent High 10 Averages: in the S. C., to a change in the present status of freshmen in Renneman, G. W.; McCullough, J. a long stretch from first violin to his weight cost him an opportunity W.; Winston, T. G. mermen to pick up an additional Name Company Points No. Games college football. Wade has commented that he would rather fourth down, but Donald C. Grea- to wrestle in the Southern Confer- Wrestling son, artist, has successfully bridged 15 points to make their total 30. Bland B 119.75 suffer a poor season than have his team composed of fresh- ence Tournament this year where Monograms: DillardrJ. B.; Spen- the gap. he was favored to win easily. Jack Co. C is trailing the artillerymen Lindall F 109.50 men players. by a scant 5 points and it is possible Hudson D 106.25 cer, H. K.; McGrath^J. K.; Mahone, Greason, whose studies of the is from Harrisonburg, Virginia. As for VMI and other schools carrying an ROTC course N. A.; McCullough, J. K.; Sherrard, Boston Symphony orchestra won that they may catch the D Co. men BartensteinF 102.00 Allen Potts, who comes from Gor- , . . the old horseshoe is hanging high, due to the exemption R. S.; Edwards,"W. S.; Roper, L. B.; him fame, has concluded a folio of before next week. Co. A is holding Bounds C 101.75 donsville, Va., has been a steady the third position with 22 points Siebert A 100.25 allowed ROTC students in the advanced course. Wilson, J. T.; McCordyC. L.; Dor- paintings and drawings made on the rier,*^!. L.; Demmler, J. A. point winner in the breast stroke and is pushing the little cavalry' Keppel C 100.00 However, we are inclined to agree with Coach Wade who "playing fields of Harvard." Numerals: Moyer, F. M.; Buford, and diving for the past two years. men hard: for the second position. Fletcher C 98.75 Greason sees no incongruity be- believes that it takes a year for newcomers in college to settle R. S.; Redwine, M. R.; Quarles, D. He is a hard worker and should The remaining companies are also Freeman A 98.25 down into the general routine of college work before they tween his choice of subjects. Grace prove an excellent captain. in the race, but don't seem able to Haley E 97.40 E.; Walker, S. S.; Gantt J. I.; Gro- and Rhythm, he says, are as charac- are ready for varsity athletic competition, which, due to the get any points to their credit Co. Note—75 per cent of games must jean, C. D.; Robinson, H. D.; Sloan, teristic of football as they are of E has 17 points to give her the be bowled to be included in the stepped up pace caused by the war, is a job in itself. It's a J. T.; Whittle, H. D.; Coppedge, J. playing the viola. Buy Defense Bonds. fourth position for this week. Co's. top ten averages. big jump from high school into "big time" college football, O.; Taylor, W. H. B and F have 11 and 6 points re- Standings to date: and this fact should be considered by the Southern Confer- spectively and place fifth and sixth Company Points ence officials before they make their decision on the matter, for the week. A 4 Fencers Lose Dischinger of Co. D still holds F 4 VMI Monogram Club Initiates Members the best time in the 50-yard free D 3 Match, 13-4, To style with 26.6 seconds. E 3 As 14 Cadets Receive Athletic Awards The second round advanced free C 2 By G. A. SMITH W.&M. Tribe style will begin Monday. The lead- B 2 swaggering first, second, and third The Monogram Club completed classmen were "placed" in the "rat" Fresh from a 11-6 victory over its initiation of new monogram class for the duration of the week. VPI, the VMI Fencing Team invad- How things did change! Not only winners of winter sports Sunday ed Williamsburg and Norfolk, Fri- was there stepping off at first call, night at "tattoo." With resounding day and Saturday, for meets with putting boys up—and down—and William and Mary and The Nor ROBERT E. LEE cracks of beets on britches, the new shining shoes and brass, there was folk Division of William and Mary club members swished down a also a general "finning out" all and VPI. double row of VMI athletes and along. Room 131 was an outstanding completed their week in the rat- place of amusement for the new The defending South Atlantic HOTEL Champions, William and Mary, con- line. "rats," and frequent delightful ex- /gurujtbn. Tuesday night of last week was periences were encountered there— tinued their winning streak, which the fatal time; fourteen arrogant, especially those via hand-made pad- has remained unbroken this year, dles. by out fencing the cadets 13-4, in matches and 68 to 47 in points. Saturday night the monogram Matches won by the cadets were "rats" staged a short play titled, won by Sadow, in Epee, Beaulac in ONE HUNDRED YEARS AT Y.M.I. "Old News Is History." The play Sabre, and Kinsolving (Capt.), two consisted of a roaring newspaper in Foil. Points amassed by the By COLONEL WILLIAM COUPER office in which editor Scott (J. F. cadets were Bounds 15, Kinsolving R.) had a difficult time keeping his Organization and fruition; destruction and ravages by an invading army; building 12, Sadow 11, Beaulac 7, and Mar- paper, "The Daily Blow" running tin 2. and rebuilding—these and many more interesting details of V. M. I. history have smoothly. at last been gathered, carefully edited, and fascinatingly retold by Col. Couper. This The men came through feeling The VMI fencers redeemed them- selves against Norfolk Division by is the only definite history of V. M. I. and would be invaluable to any V. M. I. man. somewhat abused—in) places—but they are now full fledged members only dropping two close matches and winning fifteen. Against the THE PRICE OF THE SET OF FOUR VOLUMES IS $12.00 of V. M. I.'s Monogram Club and are entitled to wear the monogram Division team, Benton Kinsolving Size: 6x9 inches; 400 pages in each volume; full cloth bound; illustrated and have all the privileges. fenced all three weapons, winning The taste of Ice-cold Complete Set Ready for Delivery Now Basketball: Walker, R. F.; Smith, all of his matches. Foil 3, Epee 2, G. A.; Ward, G. H. and Sabre 2. Cadet J. W. Martin Coca-Cola is pleasantly Wrestling: Demmler, J. A.; Roper, won aU three of his foil matches L. B.; Spencer, H. K.; Mahone, N. and dropped one of his two Epee exciting ... with no V. M. I. ALUMNI SECRETARY A;. McCullough, J. K. matches to the Division Captain. LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA Swimming: Rush, B. B.; Van- Foil 3, Epee 1. Cadet C. J. Bounds after-taste. It brings a Landingham, J. H.; Lewis, R. A.; dropped a closely contested foil Scott, J. F. R.; Halsey, J. S.; John- match 5-4 and won the remaining feeling of complete re- [ ] Please send me first set ONE HUNDRED YEARS AT V. M. L ston, A. L. two, then swept his two sabre [ ] Please send me second set matches; Foil 2, Sabre 2. freshment ... all you I enclose $6.00 for single set or $12.00 for complete set, plus 6 cents postage. For Victory The VMI fencers will start prac- Buy ticing this week for the Southern want and you want it all. U.S. DEFENSE Atlantic tournament to be held at You trust its quality Name the University of North Carolina BONDS early in April. Cadet Kinsolving SOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY SY Address was medalist in the "C" Foil strip LEXINGTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS STAMPS at the tournament last year. Drill graduates in advance. "By that Institute Receives "Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps' Ernie Wahlert Movie Menu Many Cadets time," he said, "we'll either have the (Continued From Page 1) enemy staggering, or be so threat- Council Rating WARNER BROS By Kinsolving that all organizations must work ened ourselves that there may be Sketches For Plan To Enter The following Is quoted from a together and all be efficient; they changes even more radical than a letter received from the head of WEDNESDAY are interdependent—Army, Navy three-year course in our educa- Coming Show State—"Woman of the Year" Marine Corps tional system." the Council on Foreign Relations, STATE and Industry. As an example of Inc., whose conference Cadets L. L. Lyric—"Pacific Blackout" everyone's working for himself one Time did not permit the Super- With less than four weeks before Coming back to Lexington after Leech and Richard Baldwin attend- SATURDAY need only consider the war in the intendent to complete everything he WEDNESDAY April 10th, the night on which "a a swing around the State, Lieuten- ed In New York: State—"Joe Smith, American" Western Pacific. Each commander wished to explain. At a later inter- Murder Has Been Arranged" will ant J. S. Henderson of the Marine Lyric—"Billy The Kid Trapped" felt it of vital importance to hold view he gave the following infor- "This was the flrst year we have • IT'S LOVE OR FIGHT* be presented in Jackson Memorial • » • Corps Reserves has been giving mation as to th* present status of ever had men from V. M. I. at these Hall by the second class, all phases preparatory physical exams to a his own position—there was no plan ... AND THEY'RE GOOD the Third and Fourth Classes. conferences. I can assure you that "WOMAN OF THE YEAR" number of Washington and Lee and to select one or more positions that AT BOTH I of the necessary work are now in Baldwin and Leech gave the Insti- full swing. Spencer Tracy and Kathreine VMI students for the past three were most vital. In consequence Third Classmen will sign con- tute a high rating on our list of Hepburn pool their respective tal- days. These examinations are the Japan took them one at a time." tracts for Advance Course ROTC colleges, and if we can continue The stage crew under the direc- ents in "Woman of the Year" which last step taken before the candid- before commencement this year. As to the ROTC the following ex- these meetings in other years, the tion of Leland Estes, has provided will be on at the State next Wed- ate is actually sworn into the Mar- Selective Service Headquarters has tract of a letter from a General Institute will certainly be invited for a stage extension, which, when nesday. The story was chosen by ine Reserve as a first class private been requested to place all in a de- Staff officer was read: again." completed, will lengthen the pres- Miss Hepburn with the stipulation with deferment until such time as ferred status if now registered or "The rumor that the R. O. T. C. ent stage of J. M. Hall some four that Tracy be her co-star. Accord- the candidate shall have completed required to register during the sum- will be curtailed or done away with or five feet. Work on the prepara- ingly, it was to be assumed that the his college course, or at least in mer. Letter received states that the or that graduates will not be com- Cincinnati Students tion of the stage in general is plot would avoid formula, and it the case of emergency, until the Director, Selective Service, agrees missioned, is absolutely without showing great promise, definitely does. With Miss Hep- candidate can be given six months' this should be done and it is now Help Conserve Paper foundation. It has persisted for It was disclosed to the Cadet last burn appearing as a brilliant news- notice of his call to training school believed instructions will be issued Cincinnati, Ohio. — (ACP)—Uni- mbnths and given the War Depart- night that those Southern Semi- paper columnist in the title role, at Quantico, Va. in ample time. versity of Cincinnati students have ment all sorts of trouble in spite of nary girls taking part in the play Tracy is sports editor in the same Fourth Classmen who may be reg- launched a war economy movement When questioned yesterday, Lt. denials by everyone from General will return tp school a week before metropolitan daily. They clash im- to save paper which, if it spreads Henderson stated that men from istered should consult local boards the termination of their regular mediately and by "their very dif- Marshall down." to other campuses throughout the many of the State schools have been as to probability of call. If told they spring holidays, in order to par- ferences find interest in each other. As to the military and civilian country, will save thousands of dol- contacted in the last month, and will probably not be called before ticipate in the scheduled practices. The girl demands in her column colleges General Kilbourne correct- lars annually, its proponents here that at present, he has actually ac- the middle of the first semester, WOMAN Miss Winnie Jansen is now re- that baseball be abandoned for the ed the idea they had now been put claim. cented applications for this offic- they are safe in returning to col- hearsing these girls during various duration of the national emergency, on equality in the obtaining of com- OF THE YEAR er's training course from men at lege since deferment for the first Students will ask their professors times over at Southern Seminary, which brings a swift rebuttal from missions. The schools attended af- «GE0R6E STEVENS PIOHCTISN William and Mary College, Rich- semester is assured. Further defer- to accept themes written on both thereby allowing practice to con- Tracy. Their feud is silenced only ter leaving college were different With FAY BAINTER • REGINALD OWEN mond University, University of Vir- ment will depend upon the course sides of the paper—a breach of aca- nrintnal Screen Play by Bing tinue on two fronts. when Reginald Owen, as the man- in character—civilians would have IT, Jr. and Michael Kanin ginia, Washington and Lee, and selected and the record. If they are demic form heretofore considered aging editor, orders an armistice. a preliminary course in order to Ernie Walhert, the generally ac- VMI. Here at the Institute, he had taking an engineering or a chem- absolutely unacceptable in best In the interval of peace, a series of qualify for an officer candidate cepted artist of the Institute, has a temporary quota which would ical course and doing well, that will classroom circles. events arise which brings about a school; the time would be longer. News Events completed some excellent art work have enabled him to take some 40 be a ground for deferment—in the Backing up their request are marirage and an evitable clash be- In this connection he referred to a for the production. Walhert plan- members from the two upper clas- Liberal Arts course a higher stan- these facts as to sale of theme paper tween husband and his career wife. recent circular sent all colleges (in ner and drew the cover for the ses, and a dozen men from the un- ard of proficiency is required. If in Cincinnati campus bookstore: " eluding ROTC colleges) stating that play, which bears a striking char- der classes. This quota has been During the three-month period end- SATURDAY a commission ,was available for any doing well in the military training coal likeness of director Billy Clark. sufficient, and at the present time, ing Dec. 31, the university's 10,750 "JOE SMITH, AMERICAN" who would enlist, provided, after that is another cause for deferment. Besides this, Ernie is making sket- the second class offers ten appli- students bought 200,000 sheets of "Joe Smith, American" is a story three months, he was recommended So far no cadet has been refused ches of each members of the cast cants to claim the greatest num- theme paper, valued at about $600. ONE NIGHT THE WAR permeated with suspense and ex- for an officer candidate school and deferment if the Superintendent has for the next issue of The Turnout, ber from any one class. All those CAME TO HIS FAMILY! citement and has Robert Young and was successful in that school. He been able to report that he gave Apply the local figures to the ap- which will appear on the same day men who are successfully complet- Marsha Hunt as the typical young read from a letter which explained promise of becoming a good scien- proximately 1,300,000 college and He had a secret...and that "A Murder Has Been Arrang- ed the physical requirements will American married couple. the very small chance of a man who tist, or a good officer, or both. university students throughout the the enemy wanted it! ed" will be presented. probably be sworn in sometime this The quiet restraint of Young's had not completed at least three Of course, if the plan to enlist all nation, and the savings, if the Cin- week, depending on suitable action technique hailed in his recent title years in college—these competitive Basic ROTC students is carried out, cinnati plan were adopted general- by the War Department on cer- role a characteristic in H. M. Pul- officers schools are now filled by all will be automatically deferred ly, would be impressive. tain routine details. General Wen ham, Esq." is again effective here former reserve officers, former West regardless of present draft status. He appears as a typical American Pointers, college graduates (some All cadets who found themselves The University of Colorado was (Continued on Page 4) defense worker in a seething air- with masters' degrees) and enlisted unable, for any reason, to return established in 1876.—ACP. Military Attache. That same year, craft factory. Miss Hunt gives a Civic Organizations men of several years' training. next year were urged to report the General Wen was appointed com- warm and smpathetic portrayal as Competition is very keen. fact as soon as known. The Aca- high stand and excellent recom- mander of the Lung-Hai Railway Send Student To College his wife, and Darryl Hickman is demic Executive and the Superin mendation to select from. Many police by Dr. H. H. Kung, the pres- excellent as the small son who emu- Des Moines, Iowa. — (ACP) — The Superintendent reported, as tendent are now reviving applica- new applications are coming in ent vice-president of the Executive lates his father's integrity and cour- Fernando Tapia, 19, a graduate of to the Basic Course ROTC students, tions for admission and are discard- each day. It is felt VMI should Yuan. In 1937, Lt. Gen. Wen be- age. Balboa high school in Panama Ca- that the War Department was con- ing about twenty a day—not be- train as many as possible during came commander of the Revenue Young and his family live steady nal Zone, has become the "adopted sidering enlisting all in the reserve. cause they are ineligible but be- this emergency, so advanced infor- Force, a crack Chinese Army. From uneventful lives until he is assigned son" of a group of Des Moines civic This action would exempt them cause there are so many of very mation of withdrawals is important. there he was changed to a post in to work on a secret bomb sight. He organizations who are collaborating from the Selective Service law and the Ministry of War, and is now is waylaid by four thugs on his way to send him to the University of put the Army on the same basis as the Deputy Chief of the National home, blindfolded and taken to Iowa. the agencies now conducting special Gendarmes . . . their hideaway, where they pro- Because of the youth's brilliant recruiting. The policy, if adopted, ceed to torment him in an effort to preparatory school record and in will require men to continue in the MAYFLOWER HOTEL learn the secret of the new device. the interests of "hemisphere sol- ROTC or be subject to call to duty starring Under New Management Exchanges Their failure, and his dramatic es- idarity," the Des Moines groups as enlisted men. cape, provide thrilling moments. An have taken a hand to see that he As to the three years' continuous ROBERT VOURG Continued From Page 3) "PLEDGES COMMUNITY SERVICE" unusual feat of photography per- lives like a young lowan in average college career adopted by some col- MARSHA HUNT died feet of any public institution, "Cadets" have your dates and parents stay at the News - Comedy mits the audience to see only what circumstances while taking a pre- leges, General Kilbourne stated he some of the students at the Univer- Cartoon Young can glimpse beneath his medical course at the university. was opposed to it and would con- new. Mayflower and enjoy the services offered in the sity of Minnesota have been using blindfold, adding to the suspense of tinue the present four-year schedule new Dining Room and the Pine Room. the Letters to The Editor column the story. Seven members of last fall's Uni- •unless forced to change. He showed to argue the pros and cons of sell- versity of Texas football squad that it could have very little effect New Managers Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hartman 1st Classmen! WAIT For ing beer o nthe campus for some were married.—ACP. for about two years in delivering time now. Meanwhile, the WCTU Turn-Out LUCK GOLDBERG has asked the city council to pro- of hibit the sale of beer within a mile Continued from Page 1 scribes VMI's role in the first World THE A. & N. of the campus! Liberalism seems to be gripping War, and of its importance in this war. In this present emergency, Trading Company some educators these days as is evi- VMI is playing an important part, denced by the statement of a San and Thompson gives us an insight Washington, D. C. Diego State College department as to the position and actions of the head: 'I think that a certain amount vAoreV/eamre/orioii He Offers the BEST Institute during this present crisis. of necking is perfectly normal.' It In addition, the TURN-OUT will in doesn't seem he's saying anything have its short, short stories, a fea- there's satisfaction in knowing that the 6'/*/ MILITARY EQUIPMENT new, however, does it? ture proven popular by past issues, revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty New York's Columbia University more cartoons, better jokes, from has more students from foreign a humor section that received care- cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam countries than any other university ful attention, a letter from Sweet And, when you buy Chesterfields, you Arthur Silver in the United States. This number Briar to the Corps, plus the regular of foreign enrollees at Columbia features, and a sports review by have the satisfaction of knowing you are • mounts over the four hundred for Gordon Jacks. Mystery and excite- mark. ment will be had from this issue of getting a superior blend of the world's best Clothiers - Furnishers the "Turn-Out" in a weird, spine- cigarette tobaccos. This famous blend gives chilling tale by Willoughby Wil- • Insure Yourself Against Accident liams. you a smoke that is definitely MILDER, far During the School Year COOLER and lots BETTER-TASTING. Make your Hotel Robert E. Lee Bldg. All this, combined with a tsart JAS. A. SCOTT & SON ling play of a secret nature, will 000 A Lexington, Virginia Inc. next pack Chesterfields. •^USZ WEEK be included in this, the coming forty for '""he 1'qx S, Lynchburg, Va. page "Turn-Out," which will be You can't buy a better cigarette. distributed preceding the Second orctT"' Class Show.

Go To Wayland's Drug Store Finance Com. for (Continued from Page 1) \ dition he was the Vice-President of the Literary and Debate Club and Your Drug Needs Treasurer of the Chemistry Club. While at the Institute, he has been elected Junior Vice President of Soda Fountain and Tobaccos the ASCE, and also vice-president Phone 94 of the Methodist club. Because of these offices which he has previ- ously held, he is admirably suited for the position of chairman of the Finance Committee of the Class of '44. Doing Our Own Work Again The Treasurer of the newly form- ed Finance Committee is also 4well prepared to undertake his respon- ANDRE STUDIO sibilities. J. B. Piggott was presi- FIRST TO FIGHT it the mono of dent of his class in high school, a the U S Marine) FIRST JACK WHITMORE, Cadet- Representative prefect, member of the Athletic As- (or o Milder, letter Tatt- sociation, on the business staff of ing smoke ii Chet'erfield Room 160 the school year book and the circu- lation board of the school paper, DAILY Photo Service class valedictorian, cathedral serv- SAFELY BACK from a raid or er, and senior warden of the ves- dog-fight, it's happy landing for our air fighters when they light up and/ try. He received the Jersusalem enjoy the cigarette that Satisfies.J Cross for leadership, and the Bis CADETS PATRONIZE hop's award by the Bishop of ON THE Washington for service. While at the Institute he has been Secre- EL PATIO GRILL tary and Treasurer of the VMI 171 South Main Street Glee Club. WM Private Dining Room for Cadets and Their Dates Clemson college's physical plant has risen in value from $250,000 to Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods PATRIOTIC WOMEN'S $6,000,000. — ACP. ORGANIZATIONS or* doing o All Cadets' Credit is Good Open After The Dances real job on th* home front in our Five women are taking engineer- fighl for th* American way of lif*. PHONE 8 WE DELIVER ing courses at Wayne university. frs Chestemel —ACP. Copyiighi ii*4 Immti * ||VU