Current Barriers to Patient Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Australia - Jan 2020

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Current Barriers to Patient Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Australia - Jan 2020 Submission - Current Barriers to Patient Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Australia - Jan 2020 Submission - Current Barriers to Patient Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Australia - Jan 2020 Introduction • My name is Loren Paul Wiener, thank you for considering my submission. My perspective is a bit unique and I hope of some value. I hope to address based on my experience working with the Australia Government on the original Cannabis Access bills, that the current “Barriers to Access of Medicinal Cannabis in Australia in 2020” , has to consider equally or more so there is an issue of addressing the current “Australian Government’s Political Ideology “ being anti-Cannabis (also for medical use) causing issues of access we see today. That is, as a Government Australia cannot equally block, and demonise legal REAL Cannabis for medical use and also act surprised there is market confusion a growing black market and access issues for legal medicinal Cannabis. • This does not make the Government, Health Department, or popular patient activists and groups funded by the pharmaceutical companies mean or evil. On many fronts it is just a business ideology also. Real Cannabis for medical use (as in Canada and the USA) is not as profitable as the pharmaceutical products that make up the majority of the government preferred Australia medical Cannabis market products. The side effect is then the needless red tape, new Government created black markets since 2016 (by accident of course) and access issues, not processing challenges as the media and some pharmaceutical activists, and discussions seems to support. • Impact of Recent Cannabis Law Reform on Access in 2020 - To address the present issues you need to look at the brief history of the issues. - My views are on my experience working with the amazing Cannabis community that supports law reform and also with the Australian Government on multiple Cannabis Bills, and Acts since 2014, and my own Amendment in the 1st Cannabis Access bill in Australia in 2016, working with Government, the VLRC (Victoria Law Reform Commission) , LIV (Law Institute Victoria) and others. • Cannabis Law Reform - I come from a military and law enforcement family, and became interested in Cannabis Law Reform living in California for many years before it was legalised, in 1995-1996. I was working with California state government, law enforcement, and others including NORML (National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), and with much compromise, I saw first-hand the benefits, process and problems but legalisation of what we have to call ‘REAL’ Cannabis for medical use in California in 1996. • “Pharmaceutical & Medical Cannabis” for medical use (preferred by the Australia Government into law) would not be legal for another 5 years and not on the market for another 2 years with the launch of a product by Bayer R&D (now Bayer-Monsanto) for and with GW Pharmaceutical UK called “Sativex”. GW Pharma UK is still the largest supplier of pharmaceutical cannabis for medical use in the Submission - Current Barriers to Patient Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Australia - Jan 2020 world, including to Australia. GW Pharma with their other and newer GMO product Epidiolex (pure CBD) being really popular and preferred by anti-Cannabis governments like Australia. • My own motivations - Having lost my father, then my brother and almost my sister to cancer, I appear to come from a cancer prone family. My brother living in California from 1968 to his passing in 2013, became a legal supplier of Cannabis to many legal Cannabis dispensaries all working within the law, and greatly benefited from REAL Cannabis oils known as FECO and RSO in Australia Bills, for his own cancer. Unfortunately, many things were not known in 2013 like dosages that are known in 2020, and on the best use and practice of using REAL Cannabis for medical use. With Australia talking about Cannabis law reform, after losing my brother, and being semi-retired in Australia, I decided to travel the world at my own expense in 2014-2015 speaking to doctors, politicians, law enforcement, global investors, pharmaceutical companies, patients, cannabis activists (some real many not supporting law reform, some even paid large sums by the pharmaceutical industry). I also me pharmaceutical activists, and those in the black market, (also in Australia unfortunately not interested in law reform) to get an understanding of the big picture, in California, Colorado, Amsterdam and here in Australia. • Back in Australia, speaking to politicians in all parties (for and against Cannabis for medical use (REAL and otherwise), patients, GPs for and against Cannabis for medical use, and pro and anti-Cannabis pharma activists, I learned things were not all they seemed, and many agendas were at foot from those claiming to support patients, again mostly NOT supporting law reform as they see REAL Cannabis being illegal a better opportunity to make money than supporting law reform. This also then impacts patient access. • My Inspired Activism - I have been greatly inspired by those that inspired the changes in Cannabis law reform in Australia in 2016, politicians with open minds to patient needs and concerns, , and I still consult / write for legal publications like the Law Review USA, and SCL (Sydney Criminal Lawyers) occasionally, and we recently surpassed 60,000 followers globally on social media and our discussions on Cannabis law reform podcasts are still heard around the world. How the Government Cannabis Ideology Formed, That Has Led to Medical Access Issues In 2020 And Beyond? • In 2014-2015, I got invited by the VLRC (Victoria Law Reform Commission) on the initial public consultations to explain the VLRC requirement from the Government to design the framework for the 1st Cannabis Law Reform in Australia, and how the community requirements might be GREATLY different. This CANNOT be under emphasized. The laws and framework to legalise Cannabis were already defined and the public consultations were to only be to validate the Governments requirements. Submission - Current Barriers to Patient Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Australia - Jan 2020 • This framework and ideology on Medical Cannabis Access has not greatly evolved from 2014 to 2020. Cannabis law reform would begin in Victoria, and initial discussions concerned me enough to seek discussions with political parties and the LIV (Law Institute Victoria) prior to the 1st Cannabis Access Bill 2016 and many times since on other Cannabis bills when asked in Victoria for other Cannabis Bills and Acts. • This resulted in me working with political independents and mainly the VERY anti-Cannabis Liberal government (in opposition) in Victoria, that told me I had ZERO chance of changing minds, (to prevent my view of the impending access issues) but they were happy to listen and eventually they would ask me to consult on bills or acts. • This resulted in my own amendment in the Cannabis Access Bill 2016, working with the Liberal health minister, and on future bills but in this case 100% based on my concerns on how new bills, acts, laws and more so definitions would in my opinion negatively impact patient access to medicinal Cannabis in Australia prior to the 1st laws ever being passed. Unfortunately, I was correct. In my case my amendment remains in the Bill and on record in Hansards. I have since consulted on the pending Labor NSW Medical Cannabis Bill that failed in 2017, and 2018 but will be likely tabled again in early 2020, and other bills when requested by the Liberal health minister. Meanwhile, REAL Cannabis for Recreational use becomes legal from 31 Jan 2020 in the ACT, of which 50% or more are expected to be medical users. • My own Cannabis Access Bill submission and amendment in 2016 was simply inspired, due to the issues raised above, mainly the change of definition of what Cannabis is being re-defined as different to the rest of the world, and a great issue for Access to Cannabis for medical use. The Australian Government Ideology and The Creation of The ODC (Office of Drug Control) to Change the Definition of Cannabis ONLY in Australia, Impacting Access In 2020. From Cannabis Bill Australia • I was delighted to be invited to hear about the creation of and meet with the TGA and their sister team at the new ODC, (Office of Drug Control) on multiple occasions around 2015-6 and in multiple correspondences as a “law reform activist” and later as a journalist. Strong in their views the ODC with the rest of the Department of Health, and more so, the professional and polite team leader (Bill Turner) of the ODC and TGA even before Pharma Cannabis for medical use was made legal actually addressed the new government ideology, that was going to result in the change of definition of what Cannabis is, different to the rest of the world as mentioned, and even said all these changes he was Submission - Current Barriers to Patient Access to Medicinal Cannabis in Australia - Jan 2020 creating, “Required the use of a lot of constitutional lawyers in the room today” In retrospect, this was enabling the new Government ideology to be legal (but in in my opinion not necessarily ethical if legal), and very confusing to patients, GPs and anyone interested in the facts. • Australian Government “Hate” For Medical Cannabis Use. – The ODC and TGA did NOT create the ideology, against Cannabis, they just introduced the processes for medical use. The anti-Cannabis ideology was founded by the Australian Department of Health and while also funding “NDARC” and more
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