Registered Scottish Charity SC 043611

Minutes AGM – 14 October 2017 – 11am Community Hall - Egilsay


David Basford (DB Chair), Gregory Cox (GC Secretary), Christina Cox (CC Treasurer), Debbie Corrigan (DC), Amber Craigie (AC), Vanessa Garrett(VG), Alberto (A), Margaret Swindells (MS).


Edwin Dick, Aase Dick

Actions from Last Meeting (June 2017)

St Magnus Way –

Rousay Egilsay & Wyre Development Trust (REWDT) have funded an interpretation board and stone sculpture way marker that will be placed somewhere at the Ferry waiting room. This will orientate people to key locations and the walking route. There are already information boards at the memorial Cairn and the Church – what is being encouraged is a route that links them together.

Proposed walk to be marked Walking up the hill from the pier over the crossroads past the community facility to the memorial cairn, then onto the beach from the cairn through the bird reserve and back again to the road then a right hand turn along to the left hand turn to the Church.

Way-marking the grass path alongside South Tofts was discussed but as access to the Churchyard is difficult from this route it may be better left until entry to the Church has been made more accessible.

Landowner permission for way markers - letters handed out to Vanessa – South Tofts Alberto – The Manse RSPB – Bird reserve Edwin – Midskaill If there are any queries you may contact David McNeish [email protected]

Give completed permission letters back to Dave and we will arrange for these to be sent on to David McNeish – St Magnus Way co-ordinator

Egilsay School House ECA have requested an update and formal proposals from Luke Fraser (Housing Manager) Islands Council (OIC) – until we have formal written proposals we are unable to take this forward or make a decision.

Chris explained that if this project were to go ahead it would entail a significant amount of work and ECA would need to try and secure phase 1 funding for a feasibility study that would provide some funds for a part time project management role this would enable development of a Business Plan, applications for Grant Funding and research into changes to our organizational set-up.

Clear out office – not done 2

Put up blinds in hall – not done



The Chair welcomed everyone and introduced new resident Alberto.

The Chair summarized the contents of the formal Trustees Annual Report (TAR) and explained that this would be available on the Egilsay Community Website for anyone to view in due course.

The TAR includes a summary of events that have taken place and highlights the increase in number of visitors to Egilsay and in particular those attending MAGNUS 900 events.

The Chair highlighted events that had occurred including the annual Bonfire and fireworks display and forthcoming events such as the Orkney Storytelling on 28th October followed by Mapping Magnus on 14th November

The Community Turbine was out of action for around two months and a costly repair was needed of approx. £4500 but the community turbine is now up and running and provided revenue in excess of £5000. Residents benefitted from the purchase of passenger ferry tickets from ECA funds and additional support for transport costs from Your Island Your Choice (YIYC) grant funding.

The accounts had been prepared by Chris (Treasurer) and independently examined by Davie Campbell (VAO financial assistant)

Treasurer The treasurer summarized the detailed accounts that form part of the Trustees Annual Report The bank balance on 14th October was £11120.33

Financial year ending 31 May 2017 Expenditure total £10337 Revenue £7665

Funds at 31 May 2017 Current Account £9519 Cash in Box £288 TOTAL funds £9807

The biggest expense related to the Community Turbine Repair and ECA received £1000 from , Egilsay, Wyre & Community Council [REWGCC] to assist with the cost.

Other large expenses were related to provision of welfare and travel assistance and facilitating MAGNUS 900 events and a grant of £2308 was successfully applied for and granted through Your Island Your Choice (YIYC) scheme.

The Treasurer noted that despite substantial expenditure the Association funds were in good shape. Since repair the turbine had remained fully operational and the Association had been cautious with its spending to accumulate enough for further projects to be considered.

Trustees Annual Report (TAR) was agreed and accepted at the meeting – and signed by Chair and Treasurer on behalf of Egilsay Community Association

Election of Office Bearers

The current Committee stood down and the election of Office Bearers took place

Chair – D Basford (nominated Vanessa Garrett, Seconded G Cox)

Vice Chair – G Cox (nominated D Basford, Seconded M Swindells)

Secretary - D Corrigan (nominated C Cox, seconded M Swindells) 3

Treasurer - C Cox (nominated M Swindells seconded D Corrrigan)

Additional Trustees

Margaret Swindells

Edwin Dick

Those present thought it a good idea to ask if Flora Lamont (RSPB - Onziebust) would like to join us as a Trustee.

Newcomer Alberto has only lived here for a couple of weeks and it was thought that he should have time to settle in and consider at a later date if he would like to become a Trustee.


A discussion then continued by those present and the following actions were noted

1. CC/DC to arrange a handover/support session with Debbie. 2. DB to ask if FL would like to become a Trustee 3. CC to chase Luke Fraser at OIC for confirmation of proposals relating to the School House 4. Once we have firm proposal from OIC CC to Check whether we need to change our constitution 5. CC to Check whether we need to change our legal status. 6. All - Clear out office and set up for Committee to work in. 7. All - Put blinds up in main hall (already bought with lottery funds) 8. DC to research and cost outside play equipment for island and visiting school children (permission may be needed from OIC - depending on progress with school house) 9. Chris to research and cost provision of a Boules pitch in Car Park and seek relevant permissions etc. 10. DC to speak to Rousay School to see if there is a possibility of the children visiting for a Carol Concert 11. CC to get back to David Mc Neish re landowner permissions for St Magnus way markers and ask when the information board and stone sculpture funded by REWDT will be in place. 12. Speak to REW Heritage Trust with regard to signs for Countryside Code (NILPS) 13. Remuneration of Trustees agreed as follows C Cox – Accounts payment of £150 and G Cox Grass Cutting at the community hall £30 per cut 14. DB requested that ECA put forward a formal request for a satellite phone that could be used for emergency use in the event of power outages –. Currently there is no way to contact SSE control centre in Inverness if power outages occur and mobile signals fail. Letter to be written to Liam McArthur and Alistair Carmichael 15. DB to organize purchase of Fireworks from Shearers £300 16. Chris to pick up soup provided by Taversoe and purchase oatcakes, bread, cheese, tea etc. for storytelling event Saturday 28 Oct. 17. MS to purchase large teapot for events 18. Everyone to help with Bonfire/Fireworks Saturday 4th November 19. Chris to submit accounts and TAR to OSCR

Notes for Community Council • Notification of council nominees not provided • List of successful candidates and contact details to be issued • Winter Roads Programme – Egilsay has no means of spreading salt/grit. Requests for a small spreader from OIC and wheelbarrows, shovels and spades from CC have not been successful. We would request that in the absence of any means to distribute salt/grit that the OIC contractor comes over on as early a boat as possible as soon as it is needed i.e. 0710 • ECA would like the pier area improved and to write to Orkney Harbours/OIC to request this Three-sided bin store Properly defined Tarmac car parking area