URGES CONCILIATION LAW 'TRACES TENNESSEE EGGS WINS JOB, BUT MUST W Found _ Club. 'Strictly Fresh" Product HIM PAY FOR 125,11 Reinstatement of J. G. Col M. M. Marks, at Republican To Be Two Months Old. Held Coun Tells How to End Strikes. William A. De Ford, Assistant District IM. Y. Asks Up by Corporation law In this an Investiga¬ Centrai Permission of James O. Collins, who han been flgl Th» need of a conciliation New Jersey Governor Is Guest at Atforney. who i«, conducting of Bullets Halts Two Who similar to that of Canada as ¦ tion Into the rise In the of nrnttt* Hn** of New since 1904 for reinstatement as Sup Volley country price R. Service Commission. Textile Mills England of strikes art* urged by Brooklyn Dinner. received a letter from t*ndcnt of the Bureau of Highways, from in means preventing League »ggs. yesterday to The New York Central A Escape Sing Sing Fog. Marcus M. Marks at yesterday ; Saturday II Fitch, of «N'orwalk, Conn., relative Hudson Ri«/»». Grant General Advance. which office he was dismissed by Bor Governor Wilson spoke In Brooklyn last Railroad Company applied to the discussion at the Republican »'lub. ;«t the annual the paid for eggs In that city- Publié President Ahearn. and for accumu a night dinner of the Brooklyn pilco of N'or¬ Service Cormnisslon of th« 2d Hwtrict Mr. Marks, who epoke on »he t-awren« «r Masonic Mr. Pitch said \Y. H. Bylngton. J«, salary to the amount of "1Ó1.000, was or I.e.,gu< the Temple, and, among dozen terday for permission to purchase the IN TWO HOURS strike, pointed out the futility of invesii- touched walk. purchased, on February *!. one it«*», PER CENT verge of being put back in his place CAPTURED conducted other subject* on the merchant of the Rome. Watertown «f« FROM 5 TO 7 Katlons such as ar«» now being 'he tariff, the Panama Canal ¡«nd "strictly fresh" eggs from a local grocer. Oíd«*-,«,,,, terdav when a new move by the Con and the [/*¦*-**«- marine, name of Railroad at |12S a share, plus accrued by the national legislature the Valley. He gave hin deflni- for which ne paid óo cents. The ,_;,.' tlon Counsel tied up the case. In su far M they Mississippi was dends. and airo th* outstanding »toek ©# Sees lature of Massachusetts. | and as J. L. Thomason. of Readyvllle. Tenn., Justice Bischoff on Friday signed the Briarcliff Patrolman Gray and his famils- I «¡«m of ¦ Republican denned himself »I. tica «v lllack River Railroa.1 at Increase in Lawrence Following benefit the hungry striker of the on several of the eggs, and Mr. Sit» K order for the granting of a peremptory Get Double of He t .1 DanMM rat. spuke difference between stamp«'«! share, accrued dividends Wide¬ Suits.Will or the depleteit purse the employer. and machine rule and Bylngton wrote to the rarmer. Inquiring plus Strike Brings of mandamus directing Borough Presi 1 part* organization h<- re¬ For the purpose of financing the Big ailded: went an an when ho had sold the eggs an«* what purchu» McAneny to reinstate follín». The c Reward. told how far he Insurgent. of the stocks of these two roads the N-*, spread Response. Th» time for an Investigation of this sort other discussed the ceived for them. Thomason. In his reply, had held that Mr. Ahearn, who was th ; There were tuple» by asks authority to uni¬ Is before the strike, and not while on December in. York »'entrai Issu« tQ* in no Betrayed by their gray prison Its end. (¦»»\einor.in fact, the spSasb might have said he had sold the eggs Boston. March !»..A general advan«-«* ough President In 1W4. had righ who had strike Is on or nearlng sell, not to exceed $1H.»i*J7,i)00 of its thirty, v forms, two long-term convicts Canada's law respecting differences be¬ called discurstrs.but these were the 15*11. for 17 »ents a dozen. the of textile operatives In Northern abolish the position held by Collins bean ' year t per cent debenture bonds of 19»; »» wages a escape from Sing Sing tween employe and employer ought »o te The Norwalk ****0****r, according to Mr. was announced to-day by the the latter's claim to the office was In q made sensational law makes main ottes less than ín), and not New England were recaptured adopted lien-. In «'aliada the a company 47 not alternatively mor» head priíon yeutottJay irnunlng a strik«« Is «le- Oovanior Wilson's Idea of Hepublican Fitch, said he paid a provision various mill interests which have their tion. So y«sterday morning John of Briarcliff. an investiga»!' n liefore of than »15,«rfl.f>00 i*_ per cent three-year not»« to by Patrolman Dan Connors, clared cfinipulsory on both sides. And Its was that be aras ¦ man who believed that cents for the eggs, he making a profit offices In Boston. More than 12'»,000 per¬ Browne, counsel for Collins, went later tie seen when at not less than 93*-. the afjirrega»» of in at the point of a revolver two hours practicability may readily the should he poverned by trustees three cents on each dozen. Where the eggs sons, including employes of cotton mills Supreme Court to the writ of r the the last four years the country bonds and notes not to exceed tlg_tT,*g*| In to es< ape from «Connors one of you know that |ti should represent the 10 to F«bruu»> ¦-. New and Maine, datnus for the of Justice Blsc! trying on, luslons of the arbitration committees and that the ,trustees had been from December is of the Mafsachuseus. Hampshire signature a bullet. «ml storage, This application part compro» in the six New- to his offic« m»n was woun«led by have been accepted in s*, «ases of IM hig business Interests. ".As a Democrat," or whether they had been in »old »in»! woollen mill operatives When the lawyer returned near tracks of henslve plan recently de«'i«led upon by th,«, < Cannon was walking the employer and as absolutely pro- not. be Mr. Pitch. states, arc affected by the decision found there a notice from 'orpora by employe.and moral bene¬ bs aid, "I «lefiii«* myself could learned by of the (.'entrai for consolide*. England the Putnam dlvisinn of the New York Cen¬ The financial, ohyslcal that view of public affairs. management of mill directors and treasurers to increase Counsel Watson saying he Intended ««' «¦ruing to Canaila from this law can« testfnf against now operat«4 »in*»» when ho mad« out the figures fits chooses In If I <*an help In« all Its properties from the decision of Justice Bla»1 tral Railroad t "t be Weighed. KaCh side 1 will not live under trustees, In this direction pay. appeal fog. He could Just on ami they In ma¬ base. The first step *»-, milis have made definite acts as a Of two .n«*n la th»' dense representatives the board, it. No group of men less than the BIG WIRELESS CONTRACT While few c«-»tton As this notice automatically n select a dlsln»erested party, usuallv taken in 1»ecember, when arrana>m»r«j that distinguish the "rras color of their uniforms tin in th« has the to tell me how I have announcements, it is understood here of ri°i?eedings. -nrrf. will b» no opportu a Judge or some man of stan«llng jority right were made for the purchase of the »to-, las they hurried down th" road, «'onnorsat That the way It ought to «¦"t in r win submit to British to Have the advance generally will not be les than for some time to serre Um writ on Mon from community. Is to live Amarka. Possessions of »he New York & Harlem Railroad \m <.n»*<* knew thai the men had eacapsd i have been trained "> per cent, and for certRln classes of oper¬ President MoAnony. be hen. lbs majority becaube Stations. order to carry out »his transaction *j-« called upon them to halt. «if maln- huye Chain of Marconi rr «jved th«^ sau«'tb;n uf th« ative« 7 per cent or more. The New Hamp- Mr Browne was angered by the actloi Btng Blag and Speaking of the liest method to da it, th'iugh i may my private «'entrai Piitj'jt .'."i his oonunand Um men the but being a Th< Marconi Wlrrétee* Telegraph Com¬ .Service ommlssion »o IsHiie facM.as shire and Maine cotton mills, which employ the Counsel, which he « a 1 of obeying Industrial peac« by bringing opinion even »if the majority, i cent debentures and Corprratlon run. making toward a wooded jtalnlng I to pany has received a dispatch from Its thirty-yesr per ¥.,ft\. 4S.000 persons, will make the change In the extraordinary in view of »lie victory Started to Iemployer and employe together, partlcu- «i>»'«i-in-fhe-wii«.i Democrat am proud »».«i :«,'2 per oent «old bond*. section close at hand. Connors thereupon factories an«l corporations, submit to that Of the major¬ tVaibpiarters at London, officially advising of the Rome, Watertown It Dayroll next Monday. Other mills will do ready won by Mr. Collins in the Appel larly In large my Judginent contra«:t with »h-- The main Uno with drew his revolver and fire said, "that government for .Springs, nearly 20.000 hands, will put the the Corporation Counsel will now ai?alti The wireless to be known mh hundred miles. It leases the |'»tca A Black Struck one of the men In the hand. and factor*' there have fr.ii to choose between conaCrue« chain of stations, and Is in »uni leased by »he New Into effect on March 2T-. peal. his In every workshop you Wireless Unking to¬ River cried out in pain, but ho and be a box. into which tin live «rbleh y««u win stand the Imperial Chain« York Central. The company has an au¬ The Lawrence cotton mills, except the "There are no new issue« In this < fellow should wooden ^r party leadership, all on toward the woods. could drop any suggestion« n resort gether a number of the colonial posses¬ thorized Issue of $10,iT00,0*>) stock, of 13,000; the American u fellow convict kept employe behind to the limit, or ein., direct The dividends on the Everett, employing whicli havo not already been passed on the grievance he might have. The grievan**e> to sions of the British Fmplre. H hich Is outstanding. Woolen thirty-three New Eng¬ said Mr Brov Connors, who was st».a«iily gaining should be of weekly by a com¬ to th« people tbetnselvea. T am willing stock, ó per «ent a year, are guaranteed *-,- Company's by the higher court. of shots at them. disposed of the ami with Am«»ng the chief stations of the chain an York Central under the term» at land with 30.000 operatives, and a Issues which (he other men. then «toed s voUejr mittee consisting of r presentattres come hark to Virginia Stand the \'e»v plants, "Extraneous whistled about their worker« and the employer. This would in¬ ihe Hill Bights, which 10 be thos<* at London; in Kgypt, at tho the lease. number of Independent worsted mills, raised Into the case h and as the bullets Georgs ICaaon on of a has tried to introduce stopped run- sure fair play ami Justice. Is vested In ami 00B- northerly entrance of the K"d Sea and at .wages la»t Monday. To the advance In the courts always t heads the escaped prlsooers said: 'Thitt all power been set aside by waited for the patrolman to ap- of derive«! from the people; that Aden, a» the southern extremity of th« Red OIL CO. MAY PAY DIVIDENDS lAwrence, In response to the demands of we have be« n upheld. 1 ning and Arthur AYIUIani«, g»n«'ral inspector "Wquently the result that hands high above work of trustee« and servants S-H, both on the eastern route to India; the In that city for better wages, Counsel can proach, holding their the Edison «'ompany. told of U.< mtasistrates fire their operathes action by the Corporation them.' if at g « entrai in India; also, at Singa¬ are at¬ their heads. various electrl« llirlit and COBS" and at .«il times amenable t«> point the Increases elsewhere largely nothing else than delay the Until adp the POWOI on th« Dissolution of the Standard Afiecti the mill hands Connors marched his prisoners through the In Cannot g»-t constructive leadership, and pore, in the Straits Settlements, tributed, in Massachusetts ment and wi»h preater expone« to panies ¡liroughout route to and at Pretoria, a crowd orc'irlous we fan it will, wo have our solution in the Far Fast, of the underwent a cut in wages of more than 3 city " Hi. "rlUage, followed by sohing the probien, of Industrial peace. we Policy Anglo-American. was taking South Africa. ThOOS are to be the nuclei . because of a new persons, and in a few minutes Other «penkers were ProfOSOOl laOl Gal« th- Hill of Rights. a result of the dissolution of « per cent on January 1, latest move the Corporation Co « Is As The by Sing on a New York n JP. J. that behlml you like of further stations In this hain, which state which lowered the hours of em¬ case at least anot then* back to Sing loway, of New York University; "Always remember Standard OH Company, the. stockholders of law, sel will d»*lay »He were that you design.'', to extend the servbe graduaUly for women and minors from fifty- «'entrai train. Both prisoners hand-( Porter, organizer of the American Society ;i bulwark Is that Bill of Bights; the Anglo-American Oil Company. Ltd ployment year. turned them »if so as to link London with all the British hours weekly. The Law¬ colled to the patrolman, who lor the Promotion of Efllclen» y, and Dr. hart the right to any klml government are expecting to receive soon dividend« at six to fifty-four mn- of id 11, «? seas. over to the warden, By capturing the \V. 11. To ma», dire« tor of tin Mus, uni of yi'ii please t» have. That Is the kind possesalotia boyo the rate of 10 or 12 per cent. This concept, rence strike follow«**!. H0N( will receive th»> while I Th«i received by th«* Marconi The increase will embrace nearly DINE IM ERICSSON'S vlcts single-handed Connors Safety. insurgent I am, heraus* all dispatch which Is capitalized at 1,000,000 pounds ster¬ wage warden pays company states that the British govern¬ shares a valu«» of 1 cotton mills of New in¬ the double reward that tho remember th« temper of America." ling, the having par all the Hampshire, ar> rt f««r each exclu¬ has paid no dividends on its rtock mills of the Ainos- Swedish Societies Celebrate t for prisoners who have escaped and lOpres»'iitative I'dward B, \'reeland, **.*< ment allows £-50,000 station, pound, cluding the seventeen INVESTIGATE"SMITH CASE sive of altea and buildings, and allows the for several years. of Manches¬ captured. «.f the Republican leaders in congress, As a subsidiary of the Ptandard Oil «"oro- keag Manufacturing Company, Monitor-Merrimac Anniversar dash for and company 10 per cent of the gross traffic re¬ It the British cotton concern in the world. The convins who failed In their talked on the r« form of the banking of New Jersey handled ter, the largest The United Swedish Societies and of New York, Two on Charge of De¬ ' for the duration of the contract, businesspany of the parent company, and mills 15.500 oper¬ liberty an- Thomas Ponohue, Arraigned currency laws. ceipts most of its t'n- The Amoskeag employ Memorial Association c ten to six- of the league. which lasts twenty-eight years. The ***_*»> passed over to it profits, atives. who was serving a term of from frauding Aged Woman. «'liarles II «Fuller, president der the new order of things it will makt iiratui the fiftieth -anniversary of »he bai and John At «-«ne of the tables l..nv expect« Mr. Marconi to visit New Itself, its stock, the cotton mills of Foil River, teen years for inaastaugbtar, Further Invest i«?,« t mus "il »lie was th»- toaatmaster. all the money It can for Whether the Monitor nnd tho Merrin serving yeeterdsj Woodruff, Charles Vork within the next week or so. which sold at t*> a share Immediately after New Bedford. Eastern Connecticut. Rhode between Subtdasky, of Kings County, part of the District Attornc> Into ths «¦!'- r« «Matad Timotliy L. Oil dissolution, has sine« with a dinner In the Park Av.nue He to twenty-six years leader of tho 10th the Standard and the Blackstone Valley will meet term of from twenty fortg alleged to have be«-n mads by rela- I". Murphy, Republican sold up to 115, and Is now quoted at (it. Island of John EJrtCMOn, Donohue ex- ¦ last night In honor for burglary In the first degree. wrest wealth from ami District, of Kings County; the raise given in Northern New England Sub- tlves to her aged Assembly Brook- COURT UPHOLDS NO FEE PLAN ventor of the Monitor. bad been al Sin« Sing since 1ÍK>7 and b«drldden Mrs. Harriet Well« Smith re¬ «Postmaster George ll. Boberts, of JOB HARRIMAN WILL SPEAK. Is not known in this city. Consul Qeneral fr had prison chairman of it will also Magnus Clarholm. kin.sk/ Since ISM, «Both good It was Intimated, In dlKtoOUTM lyn; Colonel James T. Bell, of Los the .«o. The advance, In understood, A. Robinson, who Is i sulted, Job Harrlman, Angeles, Sweden; George r»- i to the the Kings County Democratic «Jommlttee; Yorker Who of that dty »t affer.t the cotton mills at Chlcopee, Holyoke. John FSricrM n»Is. tending show that threats against Legal Rebuke for New clallst candidate for Mayor in minlstrator of th» «state of life enter« into 000**- William W« Colne and Judge also was en» Wtltham, Salem and at several points of t helpless, woman's d the iMynaan Claimed Business Was Hurt. the last election, and who Central Massachusetts. The probable ex¬ John Aspegren. viee-preshient THIEF on which« it is charged, she was made Norman _L Dike of the who defended the Mj Chamber of Commerce; II CROWD HELPS CHASE by were Kdward 11. March of State La- attorneys ceptions In Northern New England are the Swedish t« part with her money against her will. At Hi" sp.ak.rs' tahle Albany, 9..Secretary Ñamaras, will speak on Saturday, March secretary of the chamber; Pi i retired from the Public 8er- zansky's contention that a commissioner of mills in Augusta. Me. ; Suncook, N. 11. Lagerlof, Who Snatches Package of In ths morning Mrs. AnMlnctt«' lirowr», «tt, who lfi. at Carnegie Hall. His subject will be the foMor Carl I-orensen and Axel Josephs». Man vliv a year ago; George W. deeds «san certify to acknowledgements and Amesbury and Fiskdale, which follow Charles of No. Ill West Ti'th street, and Newton «Commission "The Libor War In Los Angeles." "."»11 River print cloth schedule and the were among those present. Silver from Wagon Is Caught. Davis, her twenty-two-year-old son Bailey, the Rar. Dr. K. F. «Sanderson, Jus- other legal documenta without charging a ot the "BwodlBh Moi sire«f the Secretary State permitting to :,'7th street, young In Um Watt Btoo court They won Adolpb under the auspices of the Swi «nil north chage Daniel D. ployes In his New York office to act as DR. BONSCHUR last night himself as William Schn.iirr. haiged In the complaint with having taken Board of AMonnan; ex-Mayor which also Is ce d. scribed Charles commissioners of «leeds free of charge had Operators Will Give Them Chance lab-American League, old, a plumber's helper, liv¬ funds front the lnc'ine. of Mrs. Smith, who Whitney of Brooklyn. ex-Henator The Well Known Specialist fiftieth anniversary of the Moi nin« teen years Peabody, Charles been Mcund by John C. MoGee, a commis¬ Demands. bating the at No. r,47 Ninth avenue, was arrested Is Mrs. Brown's aunt. H. Fuller, ''e street, At thai sddreos yesterday licenses. Mc- Diseases. M«»rrimac Mr. Depew said: 'The battle lived »hero or e «""ommission; John H. Mc- cations for automobile Injured and Kindred propositions. from nn express wagon which was being said that neither of them «Public Be*rvfa cures. Quick retlef In has Its lesson fur us t whs of the executive commlt- (>i''s private business. Thorough, permanent de«irlef members of the miners' com¬ fifty years Hgo on Seventh avenue 1'nlon had ever lived then. The house, it C<.>, chairman dangerou» cases recent or old. The»« Many of the Mail f> driven couth ("om- Justice Chester va<_t«*d the Injunction, class »dentine treatment »hould cal day. it the government liad the a on the was ¡« résidence t« «if th.- county Démocratie only tlrat mittee will arrive In New York to-day, Perrin. the »Iriver. saw man Jump declared, private Kings the of State'« action Hours: 0 t 3. 7 to ». Sundays. 11 to I on'.y of its army and navy when t tie corn- Field Malone. Assistant Cor¬ holding that Secretary und to-morrow the entire committee will strength the wagon, seize a pacfcag«, and M.lg sir.«t, klcQnadO reclve«! mltte«; Dudley the law." broke out the war would ha rear of Darwin J. Meserole, "was commendable and within meet at the Hotel Victoria to prepare for R« b» lUon back to the street pi. ilnt against them In the ",,. -t EHdfl COUIt, poration Counsel; in threï months. Jump h» - Schnitt ami Julius Strauss. LAUNDRIES. the conference with the operators on nded J'Trin his horses and started to and fixeii their ball |MM each. Th» Valentine _ "Conditions in Mexico," he conclude Stopped iin'tl af¬ AVednesday. George P. Baer, president of the man. calling "Stop thief!" A animation was aurned ICenday SKENE INDICTMENTS QUASHED W0SK enormous sums of foreign mom chase court SANITARY LAUNDRY Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, will "with the crowd In the chase and followed nn- ternoon at 4 o'( lock At that hour MYSTERY Hou»ehold bed and table lln«»n laundered un"»r in that country, with the gr« Joined the room of Mrs. EXPLODE JEWEL sanitary conditions by the mo«» mod»rS h»- In New York to-morrow. tll the man was caught by Policeman Mil¬ will be connned In absolutely MAKKKD. <*» number of citizens of various nations dol» till Til.lav Uved at So. Court Frees Former State Engineer of method». GOODS AKE NOT There are complaints of a scarcity of the ler. The man threw the package Into the Smith, who ni. night Gems RACH I_OT 13 RUN THROUGH BUPARATELT; business there, are full of peril to the Mo Police Find Mrs. Kingsley's at reasonably rates; lnsj*-»-»i«>a small steam sizes of anthracite. Before the street Just before he was caught. It was 1&6 West T**!» street. Good Roads Charges. high class work STEAM LaUN» roe Doctrine, «if which we are guardian w hereabout« remained a Safe. of our plants Invited. EMPIRE strike talk began the Reading company restored to the expressman. The poll.-e- Her present in Her Own Albany, March 9-Sixteen indictments PRY. lie-120 West -Houstrm St.- Branch»*: of but It has At any hour all the countries of Euro] a to all bul t lie District of »t.: 420-424 East B3d »». had a large stock buckwheat, nian .«aid the man also threw away mystery y*-s*erda) The mystery In the dlsappearanre against Frederick Skene alleging Irregulari¬ iaaa-BM Went 42«! some of it to dealers. Some »nay demand protection of their s« par.i ami »Soetor. was re¬ 3SO-*52 West Síth been letting go which was fourni near the package. Attorney her jewelry faloed at H's'TOO. whl«h ties In connection with the awarding of ROSpyoRF* LAUNTVRT. Work »t-Çtbss reduced the interests or threaten to do it themselve Jimmy, Mrs. Linen« handled conscientiously. time ago other companies price I port« «I to the police two days ago by goo«l road contracts during his term a* br'nm reputation Telephone 1324~-Uad'.aon we did not. have an adequate na*« of this coal 25 cents a ton. but th« Reading but if URGE SUBWAYS. II. B, Klngsley. <«f No. 4'' Fifth avenu»', state were dismissed to-day by and to would not «ven ask the question.'' MERCHANTS CAUSES THE DUMB TO TALK engineer DECORATIONS. held on to the old price incidentally they at a was aolved yesterdsy, when Mrs. Klngsley Chester. SCULPTURE ¦¦ « -¦ Association Ju-t'.ce Ita stock. » The Central Mercantile hidden away In a the six niBiit. a resolution com¬ Are found her collection Skene was acquitted In Albany in the fall The prices for these sizes, free recent meeting passed Finger Words of Lawyer of her ente. For two days regular AT DINNEF statement of Feb¬ compartment of 1910 of a charge of grand larceny in con¬ on board-,- wholesale, are as follows : Pea, CALIFORIMIANS mending Mayor Gaynor's Court. been searching every pawn¬ III SCULPTURE the situation and ad¬ Wasted in Tombs «lite, lives had nection with th« award of a contract In ALLEGORIESBy i:iis_b«>th F«*teneu Pr. Devar«, «»..¦¦».* JK2." a ton; buckwheat No. 1, $2 75; buck¬ ruary 26 on subway which marble finish, 10 ln^hee htg!\. Will 15 be as soon as A deRf and «luinb man talked with ease shop ami all the placee through Nassau County. It having been alleged that In heads of wheat No. 2, $2 25, and buckwheat No. 3. State Society Musters vocating that woik begun but there was no mako a handsome d'-'Joratlen for \o«xr hou«M- Unes and extensions following a little treatment administered Stolen lewals might pass, a bid submitted by the Russell Contracting now! On exhibition a« *1 7ó. To this 25 cents a ton has to he possible on the new were hold. Sometbtng A Members at St. Regis. financial ar- House In the Tomba court; tree« t«> be found, and the deteotlvss and had been raised Mrs. UBTABB- HTt'lUO, M m RI.TON ST.. added for lighterage. All these sizes are according to the» plans and by Magistrate «Company, aomptad, Vanck and M». <1 'Ugal *-t» Tel IP«» Spring. The ninth annual dinner of the '"a! In that statement. yesterday. pletely halll-nd. The other Indictments have since bet now being sold at a premium of $1 a ton rangements contained tiiat Mrs. $r«,0nrt. fornia Society of New York was held I James Hamllt'in. »« teamsti r, who wnx ar¬ It was on Thursday morning been The motion to dismiss the over the named. Mercer stre»-t pending. prices St. last night, when 01 raigned before »he magistrate by an of¬ Klngsley rushed into the was mad«3 the _FURNITURE._ the Hotel Regis WEATHER REPORT. «1 out Indt'-tments by Attorney Gen¬ RKO K S hundred and fifty members and friends < THE ficer of the Hociety for the Prevention of police station and breathlessly gasp« Ml »nd tn> Teleerapti .< i a deaf »nut,, had lak.'ii h»r Jewels frCffl IN STEEL and «lre»»m»k»r». not a pound of coal In ten spacious pockets Francisco Just -ff *h<* that «lie had placed INCREASE BUSINESS. were John Hays Hammnd. toastmatte! March I..A «jsvers s«"rm l* esatral according to the agent who made the ar¬ \in.lt on March 2 and GLASS TOPS et the Erie and Rochelle Park, which can there ha* »*>»en to The I'nited states Bteel Corporation bor<* PLATL etc. Gl»»« shelraa Colvin B. Brown, John «'. Mtmtgomer* ¦oatbsra coast uf «-allforma, and rest At th» request of »h<- magistrate ths them In the safe In bet h «ne, intending to .-over desks, furniture, accommodate 380.00«« ton*. The Erie pockets on. When Of the trade NATHAN I.TONS. Julius Kahn, John Mc Ides toll in «yrssssin slang th* satin «TaeMo Assistant District I intoorod to titK" th.'tn to s Jeweller later out the expectation yesterday Tel. 7HX) Mad. at Port Jervls are almost cleaned up, and Joseph Jl. Orlfmer, considerably «o AttOTnO] orders to 129-131 Weet 31»t St. 8q P. Martin. John Tempi «Soest PrSSSars ha« also fallen his hand at the task of talking with the sha looked for them that morning the In announcing Unfilled amounting dealers In the towns the Naught, William «U"i, but try an along Susque- lo th« eastward through th« plains Stt« *. ««is h.ni MM.M0 Ions on February 29. Increase of over which the and Patrick «^ainoun. It has rl«»n driver, and. attracting Hamilton's disappeared. ANTIQUES. hanna & Western road, th* Ka«tcrn half of the country out the «Farley, «ho was in 71,47.' tons over the unfilled order tonnage e Others presen! v..i>- Claren<*e M. Ma« low trough »ion, he began laboriously spelling winn Lieutenant Firle conveys Its coal from "tViik-s-Ban d»ol«!*.ll>, following UM pressure the .m i«- hooks U. W. K. Vandei v,||t, jr Mm < of the «_etecttvee investigating January i JkSS are key, o-deii Mills. o «an. There »«re charge against harge GENUIN ANTIQUES and Scranton. becoming anxious. hj» Into «ho he .-or .':-.*». J. Brook: that jn«(.ed latter looked on with Kre.tt attention .«ni«! Und no trace of the jewels, llenrv v Wall tÜ^Lexliigtona«.* P. M. Lydlg Chart» Hasten» half The - Captain .en« ral rain« end «now« ov«r the on S ART <;AU.ERY" If» We»* 424 *C Warren, Ernest i'elxotto. Marcu and souih- aa the magistrate >aul. "Toll Mm thai be called «Deput} Commlsslonet «Dougherty UBF.I. rara Whltnev of the country and over (hi nil'MIe failure of Sanitary SHIELD Antique», curios, old Jewel«, «llvarwar», Braun and William H. I'radv Mount-In«, Um has written In a plea of guilty LAYING »anitarj. I'..n 515. li:ia Broadway (cor. 2Sth). Op«« mariner In which the increase was to be (he lov.,r Arkansas Valley and the e»at Gulf Act Rtat'-s. (»\er (in Northern anj t'astern portions Willcox Says Until Courts Approve«! by evenings._ toward a settlement Thief Stabbed Navy - iiin.iri Kxpert» A. GRAY COUNSELLOR AT LAtT. applied, little progress CELEBRATE MONITOR'S VICTORS of the country the weather will he generally Alleged JAMES r»«» Will Be Held SO CENTS. Poom». tl.% Hmadwav. 1. of the differences was apparent. fair .Sunday and Mon.lay. hut with a tendency Contracts Up. It Is Said. HUCK ONLY Plumber». to !«.« «in» un: .-t:l«"l Meal!». brgSS mltted a sch«sdule showing how much «,f an Fiftieth Anniversary of Fight witl It will ho considerably oM laid ut, in i.i'niiiirst, Long Island. White Enamel Dressers «. lowest raid operatives moderaM raxlsl on inii.-t. have WEISS OIL ENOIN88 op«-»» ' his >tttHi-k Kan« MIETZ T increase. «a« In charge of the Monitor Associât lor that could be utilised bj either company, In 'Hit that worth $14. keni»y,i-«. fuel and crude «Mis. 12K Mot» »»¦¦ N. highest Forecast for «-.pei-liil I,©« »litle». K-irthi-Pi«. while he was under the influ¬ could not say of Naval Veterans, Grand Army of the Re. '«Or an,! colder (<> Mon¬ «.as«- the other refused to bid. Chairman been made The mill representatives trtct Of Columbia, day ««f bad lo take mill would of Brooklyn, and Naval Post No. day, tair. light tu moderata nortta winds. Willcox said be thought th» liliclsins that ence of quinine, which he REAL FOR SALE OR TO LIT definitely whether the owners public, In east Phil¬ ESTATE For Maryland, fair to 0MT, colder por was n»»t due ecnatdera*« doses since his return from the »KK-t-i submit such a schedule as wa» desired, but KM, of Manhattan. tlon; Monday, fair warmer In we»>t portion, Brooklyn receiving MCH left the that the request would Rcau Admiral C. H. G Lsutxe, comman¬ moderate north wind«. tlon at the hands of the «.oiiunlssion w m ippine* COAST. Impression For Hew .!*«-»*?. and Raedera Penn continue«! fn 1>34J and ON KKW .TKRSRY'S FBAL'TlFfL be compiled with. AnoMi.-i dant of the navy yard, \ resided. The r*p< al Delaware, not borne out tv the fads He j Kane was born In Ireland little g«-n\ «'«llfornla bungalow '>£*. J'»"** rrobably .sylvanla, fair and colder to da* Moodar« fair; At »he time, while »>f In I1*"«*, enlisting In :-Mii»,| among snd cedsr«, the »-onf« rein« will be held next ers were Rear Admiral J. J. Kane, retired; it* northwest and north winds present Questions «¦«me to »his country oin|,|.|. ,i. pine» rv slon of law which it Is necessary to 11 « v settled of the craw w|»b S ent for» able room» and 2 bath», f» J. J Fleming, of the navy yard; For Besten) New *i. rk. fair an.! colder to¬ th«' the commission Is not the marine «nrps as a member flue^i sMterlal, -1 :nnst Monday. Chaplain day; Monday, fair, slightly warmer in west are b-fore courts, waa modern ln»pr*j\_ii»s«t; \.;ii: CUT- Commanding S. C. Van Tassel north winds. moving for the construction of any por- <>r ths l" S S Shamro'k. which s.-ll OWNER, 31 V>»f SOth »t N« Commodore portlci.; moderate northwest and which could by j After the of the National Association of Naval Vet¬ i or Sam England, generally fair and colder tlons of subway be opeiatod lamí« had at th" «Brooklyn yard. SLUMP IN ASPHALT SHARES '¦ v snow« in esotra! and east¬ only on«- of th.npanles whl» h have here¬ OLD GOLD AND SILVER._ of Naval Post No. tn*' In war he wax for thirteen years s watchman *.* erans; George Blair, 516, ern Maine; Monday, fair; moderate winds, mostly tofore mad«- propositions Thus, line OLD «¡Ol l>. SILVER and platinum bought and Max ft". Greene, of the Monitor Associ¬ northwest. upper Broadway, In Beventh avenus and in ir the yard, later joining the Hrooklyn |i«v cash; liberal allowances for silverware I"* a Share and the for Vlrflnla. fair and coller to-dav; Mondaj, | 6f»th street to tu«: Quoensboro Bridge, which force. He was retired in r<"> and again «ood eanditiQti. in »ward jsjcp 10 J<*_>J?_ Common Drops $7 ation. The Berane Quartet sang patriotic fair; wanner In extreme «outhw*st por¬ f the lice by R slightly is a pan Ihe system [proposed by service, WORN-OUT loM tni» |l|r.T bough» . songs. tion; nrvlersle northwest and north wind* Trnnall rompany, would entered iix- naval being assigned Sons, and «llvsr reûn«r». Preferred to Brooklyn Rapid he Lengman'k gold $8. For Western New York, fair «lay «nd M not fit Into the plans of »be In», borough t.» watch duty al lbs yard, wfcare -**#¦> John Philadelphia. March **>..A feature of the dav; moderate northwest winds, br omlng vari¬ Rapid Transit Company ;»t all. In lik" ths injurie« from jit_ \ocät*4 âitt SUIT able routes which malnad until he reetttuâ J. UNDERHILL~K1P. "je«ü7l«tr7now on the local stock exchange to¬ $6,000.000 FORECLOSURE manner there ¡ire otlier could W.»t Broadway. Old Gold and Antique« b«*-J«***'-_ trading ret West Virginia, fair t«>«lav; Monday, In¬ be used only by the Interborough. Hut which !«». died day was a sensational break in the shares creasing c!oudln*«K und slightly wai. l"w,u Broadway, ami those For Westcin I . («nsylvanla, (air tn-dav and the sections In the General Company. Ac¬ avenue which aie non un 1er P H YSICÄL~CULTURe._ of Asphalt Bankers Trust Co. Begins Proceedings Mor«ia>; slightly warmer Monday; i.ierate In Lexington TO PREVENT PARK VANDALISM wonder worker »f the common northwest \ai c*2-''R. Wurxburger Hofbrrw. Pll»ner $9,-*.1.0«'0._ ten-year contract with the T«xa«i Com¬ stealing letters from the malls. When his administration. «'hairs, "*1.».>. '¦r.i.i f -i durlni to «rant any per¬ White Knamel NEW TRAIN ON W. M. RAILWAY. wh|< n was to buy the Bartlesville Tlv »ifflclal arraigned before .lohn A. Shield«, Dalted "I haVS even refused Oriental pattern. pany. I^iral Ofllclal Iterord.- felloirtag mit*, to geologists, botanists, ornitholo¬ Rugs, Axmlnater, BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS« Railway, It Is an- corporation's oll. Tue Texas Company was record from «h» W. allier Bltreau «imwi the States Commissioner, Qravet admitted he said the Pack I.7«"»- The Western Maryland es In «he for th- l«Ht twenty- gists or entomologists," Ltxl0.f, #1 KUK A SMALL FAMILY''^\J ex- temperature had taken letter;« and attribute«! his down¬ must go to parks R.m Suit« of. CATERJÑO i ounted, will run tho finit train over its to expend %\m*W equipping pipe line ton: hours, .n ron«parisou «rlth the correspond¬ «'»iiitniis.sioner. "Tpey SPECIAL.Dining Help» for the Young Housekeeper.'. _'^/*V** and or In tie WOOdS of WeHtchester Oak. consisting at Bfentanu'«. Du'tvP eighty-seven mile extension, connecting' it ¡tensions, ami the .2 m « m . 41 a« In years sold for» J4. The extension runs from point count. 5 p. of the grand Jury. the study of birds and bugs and table and 5 chairs; formerly rntlen east of Cumberland, Md.. to üonn-ílls- 5 .*¦. '". S DI . t» *. *... P pursuing There hnn »been selling elsewhere for DRESSMAKING»._ n-cently the dirpctora of The Costtal «-ompany sought lo annul * ¦ m. a M 11 p. m 40 "Kl Valuable letters ha«l been disappearing rocks have been Issued. $125 and now ÏHtESSMAKKK-Competent: maJi«- »n«ï r^- -.111»-, penn. Very . .¦ the who d<» i-s «54 «.. ... OyfiA.nu. » .17 at Branch some «are «o to the trouble to find out If »'tit the new stock and announced a forth¬ because not to booklet ¡or K>M 1'-'»»» »». tel. IOH Slll> \-»»'«»¦____» V4.7*W.i'«i of 12 cent to fur¬ full««! This failure is supposed t«» have High»»t temperature ye«t«r«1ay. *g degreea («t was the last mini to be *tS99t itel. )>. ..pi'- have permits. Then there is another VM furnitur* coming '-xtra dividen»! per il a. so must be abolishe»! this noting- th»- st»»- ser»ice for twenty-tlve a why they TYPEWRITING AND TYPEWRIT Rt. nish present n«w Iiiks. it said »hat if the average for e-rmpondln« daie u>« ïo: he was putting Many persons visiting th« parkt 0*t»:o«,J» for a substantial amount of the being rontra« rrere y*.*' years. Finally detected year. on or hillside Eaat 23d Street VICTO« VISIBLE. Tt Na»aau «t. j.hv <»f oui Uli « ompany'« »Islets would »tat thlr.y-'thr^ away ninety-two letters whl» h seemed to wh«n they ass any mie a lawn 151-153 stock- The proceeds of the sals this and there, too. At all costs. 1 want to I.e-lns»oa Arenue, fra«; all make» taken part payment; b"*,r*__lw a-<- to be used to pay for th«- ¦orbed by the monthly payment contain money, »iraves is married Will Ko Near in Underwoods. Remington«. Olbrert* Salts*» new stock fortcssl; Fnlr and <¦.].>., ;,,,|... '#..- save In the parks, especially In A Lake Erie's ahure of th« con- TI IMwfcOW ijond lsauc la cw*»*r*M U>-«errew- awdsnds aerthwsst has several children. He lives at «No. 4 Hi«' grass Pittsburgh a ür»t sua gJrtÉ laland, (.'cutral Par.*-." ¦evunf line and tot bettorraeuu»_ by uorigag«, _ Chestnut ttlreut. Corona, Long