Did you know that the Freedom Do you make it a prac- Be informed about the of Information Act protects tice to set deadlines — latest Sherman Antitrust p8 your right to screen tenants? p10 and meet them? p15 Act violations/convictions.


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FULLY CENTRALIZED SYSTEMS • Centralized Software • Maintenance • Accounting • Reservations • Booking • Worldwide Distribution • Housekeeping • Full Transparency IN THIS ISSUE May 2018 NARPM® provides resources for residential professionals who desire to learn, grow, and build relationships.

FEATURE ARTICLES p8 Freedom of Information Day: Protect Tenant Screening Becky Bower, Communications Executive at Contemporary Information Corporation (CIC™), explains the Freedom of Information Act that protects your right to know exactly to whom you are renting.

p10 Leading Accountability: Deadlines and Dinosaurs Dr. Mary Kelly, PhD, CSP, CDR, US Navy (Ret.), looks at the reasons why we need other people for accountability and why we work best according to deadlines. Are you setting deadlines for yourself and your staff? Better yet, are you following them?

p15 Mississippi Investors Plead Guilty to Conspiring to Rig Bids at Public Auctions In an article reprinted from the Department of Justice, the Depart- ment said that the primary purpose of the conspiracy was to sup- press and restrain competition. This is a violation of the Sherman Act, which carries heavy penalties. See how fair competition is rein- ® 8 forced by the NARPM Antitrust Statement.

P22 Growing Doors and Your Bottom Line: Get Involved! Eric Bessett, RMP®, MPM® Candidate, explains how getting involved allowed him to achieve a surprising level of success. There is an extraordinary array of opportunities to Get Involved. How are you going to do it?

p24 Learn About the 2018 Past Presidents’ Charity Past President Vickie Gaskill, MPM® RMP®, has chosen Casting for Recovery as the NARPM® 2018 Past Presidents’ Charity. Vickie is a breast cancer survivor, as are so many of our other NARPM® Mem- bers. Please consider sponsoring, donating, registering to play golf, or attending the luncheon. 10 MONTHLY COLUMNS Join us on the Steele Canyon Golf p5 President’s Message ® Club fairway at the 2018 NARPM p6 Legislative Scoop National Convention to raise funds p16 #NARPMSmart for Casting for Recovery. p17 Designation Classes p20 Affiliate Members p24 Designations and Certifications p25 Discussion Board p26 Regional Communications P28 Membership Growth p32 Chapter Spotlight P33 Navigate the NARPM Website 24 p34 New Member Recruitment Program May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 3 Editorial Mission Officers Since 1989, the NARPM® news magazine has been a key focal point for the organization. The Brian Birdy, MPM® RMP® Eric Wetherington, MPM® RMP® Residential Resource keeps members up-to-date President President-Elect on association events, and provides valuable [email protected] [email protected] industry advice and insight. NARPM® Members 520-780-7 receive the Residential Resource as part of their Kellie Tollifson, MPM® RMP® Steve Schultz, MPM® RMP® membership, included in their annual dues. Treasurer Past President [email protected] [email protected] The Residential Resource is published monthly, 843-202-2130 512-693-4772 with one combined issue for October/ November. Articles can be submitted by email Regional Vice Presidents to: [email protected] Items mailed in for publication cannot be returned. Address changes Chrysztyna Rowek, MPM® RMP® Joel Elliott, RMP® may be forwarded to NARPM® National. The [email protected] [email protected] Communications Chair and Graphic Designer reserve the right to edit or refuse all publications ® ® ® ® for content and selection. Tim Wehner, MPM RMP Greg Doering, MPM RMP [email protected]/[email protected] [email protected] Copyright© 2018 National Association of 8 ® ® ® ® Residential Property Managers. All rights Mike Mumford, MPM RMP Scott Abernathy, MPM RMP reserved. Materials may not be reproduced or [email protected] [email protected] translated without written permission. Email 480-969-1818 615-867-8282 [email protected] for reprint permission. Committee Chairs Statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not Ron Wills, MPM® RMP® Shannon McLaughlin Ives, MPM® RMP® imply an opinion on the part of the officers, staff, Communications Professional Development or members of NARPM®. Any legal matters or [email protected] [email protected] advice mentioned herein should be discussed with an attorney, accountant, or other professional Bryan Jenkins, MPM® RMP® Steve Schultz, MPM® RMP® before use in a particular state or situation. ® Member Services Nominating NARPM does not endorse any advertisement in [email protected] [email protected] this publication. All readers are responsible for their own investigation and use of the products Kellie Tollifson, MPM® RMP® Trent Ratliff, MPM® RMP® advertised. Finance Annual Convention and Trade Show Chair An award-winning publication, the Residential [email protected] [email protected] Resource, has won APEX Awards of Excellence, 843-202-2130 ® a Gold MarCom Creative Award, and a Amanda Frazier, RMP Jennifer Newton Communicator Award of Distinction for Print Governmental Affairs Broker/Owner Conference & Expo Chair Media. [email protected] [email protected]

The Residential Resource is designed for the Members of the National Association of NARPM® National Residential Property Managers by Organization Management Group, Inc. in Chesapeake, Virginia. Gail S. Phillips, CAE Patricia Hartline www.managegroup.com Executive Director Communications, Graphic Designer [email protected] [email protected] NARPM® National 638 Independence Parkway, Suite 100 Jackie Sabogal Karyn Beach Chesapeake, VA 23320 Member Support Manager Marketing Staff P: 800-782-3452 [email protected] [email protected] www.narpm.org Chere Tonetti Carla Earnest, CMP subscription Designation Support Staff Conferences & Conventions Coordinator ® If you are not a member of NARPM and wish [email protected] [email protected] to receive a yearly subscription to Residential Resource for $49.95 per year (11 issues), please Tyler Craddock Jessica Morice contact [email protected] to sign up. Governmental Affairs Director Education Support Staff NARPM® antitrust statement [email protected] [email protected] It is the policy of NARPM® to comply fully with all antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit, John Broadway Misty Pritchett among other things, any joint conduct among Regulatory Advisor Independent Sales Consultant competitors that could lessen competition in [email protected] (Print/Electronic Media) the marketplace. NARPM®’s membership is [email protected] composed of competitors; they must refrain from discussing competitively sensitive topics, including those related to pricing (such as rates, fees, or costs), individual competitors or specific business transactions, or controlling or allocating markets. NARPM® shall not restrict members’ ability to solicit competitors’ clients. NARPM® shall not TM restrict members’ ability to advertise for business, provided the advertising is not false, deceptive, or otherwise illegal.

4 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 Pesidentr ’s Message This year, Past President Vickie Gaskill,“ MPM® RMP®, has chosen Casting for Recovery as the NARPM® 2018 Past Presidents’ Charity Fundraiser.”

Last month, NARPM® held one of its most cancer education and peer support with the addressing an important topic for NARPM® successful Broker/Owner conferences. Changes therapeutic sport of fly fishing. The program Members. have been in the works over the past two offers opportunities for women to find inspira- Thursday will bring Mark Sanborn who is years for a new and improved Broker/Owner tion, discover renewed energy for life, and an international bestselling author and noted Conference. From what I heard, as I navigated experience healing connections with other expert on leadership, team building, customer the crowd, it really paid off. We offered the women and nature. CfR serves breast cancer service, and change. This year’s vendor expo NARPM® Rehab Your Business session, which survivors of all ages, in all stages of treatment will be the largest one we have ever held and had an unprecedented 17 speakers over what and recovery, at no cost to participants. it is already sold out. More square feet means seemed to be the fastest three hours of my life. We have made changes to the schedule and more vendors and more vendors mean more This year’s Chairman Jennifer Newton and her the overall flow of the event, so this conven- opportunity for you to find the right fit to make committee were given a daunting task and they tion will have a different look and feel. One changes to improve your business. You will really stepped up to the plate and hit a home big difference is that we will take over the need to plan time to meet all the great vendors run. Next year’s Chairman Philip Scarborough, entire hotel. NARPM® will be the only conven- who will be attending. We will be celebrating RMP®, is already hard at work planning the tion held in the hotel that week and NARPM® all of those who earn their designations this 2019 conference, which I can only imagine will Members will have almost 100% of the hotel year in a unique and special way. If you are be epic. rooms. We are in the process of adding more a current candidate, now is the time to get Speaking of changes in conferences, there rooms to the group block. That means that everything done and your package submitted, have been some big changes to the NARPM® pretty much everywhere you go, you will be so we can celebrate with you at the NARPM® National Convention, as well. This year’s surrounded by NARPM® family and friends. National Convention. The deadline for sub- Chairman, Trent Ratliff, MPM® RMP®, and his mission is August 3. We will hold our annual committee are hard at work planning this year’s business meeting, swear in the 2019 National event, which will be held at the Loews Coronado Board of Directors, and hear President-Elect Bay Resort in Coronado, California (near San Eric Wetherington’s, MPM® RMP®, vision for Diego) on October 16-19. Starting with the Presi- NARPM® during his upcoming year. dent’s Celebration on Tuesday evening, October This year’s convention will close with a 16, this will be an all-inclusive event (except bang, not a whisper. You do not want to miss for the two events mentioned in the next para- our speaker Greg Schwem, whose graph). You have the option of signing up for the comedic take on the 21st century workplace Basic Convention or the Enhanced Convention, and work/life balance has landed him on which includes videos of all sessions. SiriusXM Radio, FOX News, Comedy Central, So, the only additional costs are the Educa- With the schedule changes, there will now and the pages of Parents® magazine. More tion Classes on October 15 and 16 (separate be three full days of convention. It will kick than just a business humorist, Greg is also an registration required) and the Past Presidents’ off Wednesday morning with an outstanding author, nationally-syndicated humor colum- Charity Golf Tournament, which is a stand- opening speaker, Michael Veltri. He is a battle- nist, award-winning greeting card writer, and alone event on Tuesday, October 16. If you hardened entrepreneur, bestselling author, creator of FunnyDadInc., which can be found wish to participate, you will need to sign up and business transformation keynote speaker at funnydadinc.com. What better way to end and pay for it separately. This year, Past Presi- on a mission to teach successful professionals a great convention than with laughter.  dent Vickie Gaskill, MPM® RMP®, has chosen better decision-making skills to achieve peak Casting for Recovery as the Past Presidents’ performance with balance — not burnout. Charity Fundraiser. The mission of Casting for We will have more breakout sessions than Recovery® (CfR) is to enhance the quality of ever before, great panel discussions, and the life for women with breast cancer through a first ever “NARPM® TALKS” session, which is a Brian Birdy, MPM® RMP® unique retreat program that combines breast TED Talk-inspired session with multiple experts 2018 NARPM® President

May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 5 L egiSLATIVE Scoop K eEPing our Members current on the newest industry laws and policies nationwide

What Can We Do About Affordable Housing

I have written about the national affordable housing that you relax your screening standards to increase your problem in this column before, so you already know there debt to income ratios (note: I have not seen any of these are almost 40 million Americans that are challenged by anywhere, they are just ideas). You are already seeing Scott Abernathy, MPM® their housing budget. What you may not know is this is local or state governments twisting their fair housing RMP®, is the Owner of approximately a 40% increase since 2007. Why would laws by placing “source of income” as a protected class, Property Management, Inc., this be? requiring to consider child support, the housing PMI Professionals, located Obviously, most of the problem is economic. We have choice voucher program (Section 8), welfare, unemploy- outside of Nashville, Ten- a huge building boom going on in this country now, but ment insurance, and in some cases, even student loans nessee. He began renting very little of it is constructing new or rehabilitating older as income. In addition, as most of you already know, you homes after acquiring his affordable housing. The apartment construction trends are are seeing rent control spread across the country. I have first triplex in 1989, while building in areas with easy transit options and offering lots yet to see rent control decrease rents in any community. serving in the United States of amenities. This is not conducive for someone already It is an easy “feel good” mandate your community leaders Air Force. He received a paying in excess of 50 percent of their household income can put in place, showing the electorate they are “doing degree in Aerospace from on rent. They simply cannot afford swimming pools, club something.” Middle Tennessee State Uni- houses, cocktail parties, and the like. So who should we count on to fix this problem? It ® versity, prior to discovering Another reason for the rapid increase in the unafford- should be us! NARPM and other trade associations his love for real estate. Real- ability of housing is cost of construction and rehabilitation. should take the lead in painting a new picture of afford- izing science was the wrong Land values have skyrocketed and labor wages, especially able housing. We have got to think differently and address direction for him, he got his skilled labor, are rapidly increasing. Due to economic the tough issues, come together on a solution, and present real estate license in 1993 pressures caused by the recent floods, hurricanes, and it to our leaders, both in the government and business. and began his career, even- fires across the country, building materials are more Some ideas could be working with our wealthier clients tually building his business scarce, increasing their cost. If you add all these up, it is all to benevolently provide quality low-income housing or to more than 10 employees. but impossible for a real estate investor to construct low- raising funds privately to offer grants to developers to Scott was introduced to cost housing without a significant subsidy. build low-income housing. These are not suggestions, just NARPM® in 2007, where Finally, there is increased government regulation on ideas to get you started thinking. he insists the education he development and construction. Everything from more We already have members putting serious work into ® received was better than stringent building codes (making our homes stronger this. Currently, Brian Wojcik, the NARPM Baltimore/ any other. He has served and safer) to the Environmental Protection Agency Washington Chapter President, has been advocating for on the NARPM® Govern- rules (helping to keep our planet cleaner and habitats changes to housing policies that impact the single-family mental Affairs Committee, safer) have increased the cost to develop land and build rental market. He has proposed a federal solution: To including being the 2015- housing. The government regulation is the part we are commission a Joint Office between HUD and the SBA 2016 Chairman, and served going to have to take a long hard look at if we want to that serves the Small Business and Independent on the NARPM® Nashville help folks get into housing they can afford. There will be for Rental Housing Innovation. Visit NAIL411.org for Chapter Board of Directors, some tough conversations when it comes to health and details. On legislative matters in his state, he is working which included being the safety needs, vehicle parking requirements, and the “not with the Multi-Family Housing Council, a Chapter of 2010 Chapter President. in my backyard” argument. the National Apartment Association, putting their heads Scott became the NARPM® So, what if we decide to just bury our heads in the sand together on this issue. Atlantic RVP in 2017. and pretend this will just go away? This problem is not What we need now are fresh ideas. Those ideas come going to just go away! Someone will solve the problem. from you, our NARPM® Members. We need you to dig Currently, across the country, you have municipalities, deep within our association, take a different view of We need you to dig counties, parishes, and states trying to come up with affordable housing than we have before, and offer up deep within our ways to house their low-income citizens. Ultimately, if we ideas. I know it is cliché to say, “think outside the box,” association, take leave it up to the government, the solution they provide but that is what we need to do. Offer suggestions to your a different view of will probably not be very landlord/ Governmental Affairs Committee. No idea is dumb… and affordable housing than friendly. It could be something like creating a landlord even if it is, it is still worth considering. Think about it, we we have before, and license, requiring them to provide one low-income unit sent people to the moon on a dumb idea. This could be offer up ideas. for every X-number they have in inventory, or mandating our moonshot! 

6 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 7 Freedom of Information Day Protect Tenant Screening

The Freedom of Information Act is the cornerstone subjective reasoning, such as personal appearance of tenant screening. Without it, property managers or social media activities. and landlords like yourself would be renting to ten- On the flip side, by using tenant screening and Becky Bower is a Commu- ants in the dark. I bet you didn’t know that March 16 making your rental requirements known to all nications Executive at Con- was Freedom of Information Day, celebrating the applicants (for example, if you prohibit major felo- temporary Information Cor- birthday of President James Madison. Madison was nies like arson or theft), your existing tenants can poration (CIC™), a nation- the foremost advocate for openness in government breathe easy, knowing that their neighbors have wide tenant and employment and was instrumental in drafting the United States undergone the same vetting process to ensure a screening company, and a Constitution and United States Bill of Rights. Mark safe community. writer for Resident Screening your calendar to celebrate next year, and learn how Blog. Alongside her years in you can further protect the valuable information you How can I protect my right to tenant compliance and auditing, rely upon when selecting applicants. screening information? Becky holds a Degree in Eng- Unfortunately, not everyone sees the value in lish with a focus in creative How does the Freedom of Information Act keeping important tenant screening records avail- writing from California State benefit me? able. The City of Seattle, for example, outlawed the University Channel Islands The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows you use of criminal records for rental housing purposes and is a published writer. to access objective and verifiable data regarding late last year. While this is not a common ordinance, your applicant’s prior payment patterns, criminal similar laws would be hugely detrimental to the activities, and how they have behaved as a tenant rental housing industry if it spread. in order to make an informed rental decision. One of the best ways to protect your tenant Because this act is in place, your credit reporting screening data is to look out for upcoming state and agency (also known as your tenant screening com- local legislation. Keep up-to-date on your state’s pany) can provide things like your applicant’s crim- newest rental housing laws by getting involved with inal and history, credit score, and credit your local associations, subscribe for more rental history. Essentially, the Freedom of Information Act housing news, and have your Senator’s and your protects your right to know exactly to whom you Congressmen’s contact information ready. As you are renting. know, it’s a lot easier to stop bills that are harmful Quick Tip: Remember that you’re always entitled to your property early on. As a NARPM® Member, to your information! The federal government grants you can login to Members Only content and then you one free credit report each year. Rental appli- go to www.narpm.org/legislative/national-news-and- cants are also entitled to a copy of their tenant bills/legislative-action-alerts and see all of the bills screening report. pending in your sate. Take the time to catch up on what’s going on How do my renters benefit from the legislatively within the rental housing industry. It is Freedom of Information Act? incredibly important that property managers and Property managers and owners aren’t the only owners continue to have access to tenant screening ones who benefit from having accessible tenant data, and staying up-to-date is a vital part of safe- screening records. Your rental applicants and ten- guarding your leasing process. As future unavoid- ants benefit from it as well. While tenant screening able directives like the credit bureau’s National Essentially, the isn’t perfect, it allows you to vet your rental appli- Consumer Assistance Plan (NCAP) affect tenant Freedom of Information cants based on objective data. As long as you keep screening records, make sure to talk to your tenant Act protects your right upholding your rental standards, your property is screening service about what methods you can to know exactly to Fair Housing compliant. Since you’re not going to take to insure your rental applicants are vetted to whom you are renting. rent your out blindly, this process avoids your standards. 

8 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 NARPM® Day on the Hill M ay 14-15, 2018 Washington, DC

Scheduling a Day on the Hill at your state capitol building is one of the most effective ways of putting a face to your organization for elected officials, and it also allows you to target many elected officials in a short amount of time. Your Day on the Hill should be well planned and packed with meetings, tours, and maybe even a legislative reception. You should view your Day on the Hill as a supplement to your other lobbying activities rather than your sole lobbying effort. Your Day on the Hill is much more likely to bear fruit if legislators are accustomed to hearing from your organization regularly throughout the year.

Make contacts with key Members of Congress and their Register to attend the 2018 Day on The Hill at: staffs on residential housing issues such as criminal www.narpm.org/legislative/register-for-plan-a-day-on-the-hill background checks, certifying standards for service animals, and ADA reform.

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May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 9 Leading Accountability Deadlines and Dinosaurs

Why do professional, smart, highly motivated, Few people like the idea of more and more proj- ambitious people need other people for account- ects piling up with no end in sight. We need to know ability? Because we do. there is an end. Deadlines give us that end and Dr. Mary Kelly, PhD, CSP, ensure we complete what we need to do. CDR, US Navy (Ret.), is an Our Paleolithic, survival-motivated, As a leader, you are not being mean by giving your internationally-known econ- dinosaur brains tell us that life is short so people deadlines. You are helping them prioritize. omist and leadership expert enjoy today You are giving them an end. You are giving them an specializing in the fields of Don’t do anything difficult right now because you opportunity to cross something off their list. leadership, productivity, might need that energy to escape the dangerous communication, and busi- Tyrannosaurus Rex that is chasing you. Conserve Creating a series of milestones for ness profit growth. Mary is a your energy. Why stand up when you can sit? Why a big project is not micromanaging graduate of the United States sit when you can lie down? Take it easy. Whatever It is breaking things down to managing goals Naval Academy and spent you need to do can probably be done tomorrow. that can be done as a series of achievement. over 20 years on active duty Lots of people apply this to their daily lives all too Being a leader means understanding how humans in intelligence and logistics. frequently. process information She retired from the US This is why college students write papers the night and managing Navy as a Commander. before they are due. This is why we plan work a that in the She has Master’s Degrees week out, and then scramble to finish it right before workplace. in History and Economics the meeting with the boss. This is why we delay Now go adjust and a PhD in Economics. doing our taxes until April 15th. This is why the Resi- your own dinosaur An energetic, engaging, and dential Resource Sub-Committee Chair has to send brain and get perceptive leadership author three reminders for articles due, and then, still must something done.  and speaker, Mary is a best- follow-up with stragglers. This is why we are posting selling and award-winning event presentations an hour before the presentation. author of ten books. She has extensive experience in busi- People work to deadlines, ness coaching, management, So give your people some deadlines economics, finance, banking, Most people need deadlines to help them pri- insurance, real estate, gov- oritize what they need to get done, and what they ernment, organizational leadership, communication, business growth, teamwork, Don’t do anything difficult right now because strategic planning, human resources, customer service, you might need that energy to escape the dangerous time management, and Tyrannosaurus Rex that is chasing you. project development. Mary has a track record for suc- cess as an organizational need to get done first or now. Most people actually change agent. Dr. Kelly LIKE deadlines because we know we will accomplish was a featured speaker at what we need to do by that time. This gives us the the NARPM® 2018 Broker/ sense of accomplishment and achievement, and Owner Conference that was makes us feel proud of ourselves. I know people held in Las Vegas, April 9-11, who LOVE making lists so they can cross things off 2018. the list.

10 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 PLAY IT SAFE WHEN PROTECTING YOUR RENTAL ASSETS

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Are You Eligible? Darryl Kazen Memorial Scholarship

The Darryl Kazen Memorial Darryl Kazen, MPM® RMP®, gave many years to the Scholarship will be awarded for the NARPM® organization through his membership and as third time at the 2018 NARPM® a NARPM® National Instructor, Designations Auditor, National Convention in San Diego, and a mentor to many NARPM® Members. This Schol- California. The Scholarship is open arship honors his commitment to NARPM® and to for an RMP® Candidate, who will advance the profession of property Management. receive their designation at the The scholarship recipient will be selected by the 2018 NARPM® National Conven- Professional Development Chair and Designation tion, or for someone who received Subcommittee Vice Chair at least 30 days prior to the their RMP® since the 2017 national convention. The Scholarship recipient will be NARPM® National Convention. If announced at the NARPM® National Convention. you got your plaque at the 2017 Submission deadline is June 30, 2018.  NARPM® National Convention or before, you are not eligible. The award amount of $1,185 covers the Designation Application fee ($150), three 6-hour courses early registration fee ($540) and Visit www.narpm.org/education/designations-and- the Basic Convention Registration Fee ($495). ® certifications/darryl-kazen-memorial-scholarship to • The winner must be registered for the upcoming NARPM download the required forms. National Convention. (You must be present to win.) Please mail your completed application to: • Have passed all required 6-hour educational courses. NARPM® National, c/o Professional Development • Have 10 hours of participation at a local, state, or national Manager, 638 Independence Parkway, Chesapeake, level through volunteer hours. VA 23320 or email to: [email protected] C • Y ou must have already paid the amounts listed above, so you If you have questions, contact us at 800-782-3452. will be reimbursed by the Scholarship. M




CY Have you checks CMY made your K investment in the NARPM® PAC? Because apathy is not a choice! Making a personal contribution to the NARPM® PAC is an investment in your future. By making a voluntary contribution, you take an ACTIVE role in supporting candidates that protect the property management industry and help keep more money in your pocket.

If you have not made a voluntary personal contribution this year, please go to the link below to do so.

www.narpm.org/legislative/learn- narpm-pac/

12 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 18-03_NARPMResidentialResource_c6OL.pdf 1 3/21/18 5:21 PM









May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 13 ENTERPRISE SMART HOME


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Rently Keyless NARPM AD.indd 1 5/17/2017 7:23:49 AM Mississippi Real Estate Investors Plead Guilty to Conspiring to Rig Bids at Public Foreclosure Auctions

Real estate investors Kevin Moore, Chad Nichols, to rig bids, designating a winning bidder to obtain and Terry Tolar pleaded guilty today for their roles selected properties at public real estate foreclosure NARPM® in a conspiracy to rig bids at public real estate fore- auctions in the Southern District of Mississippi. closure auctions in Mississippi, the Department of Nichols participated in the conspiracy from as early Antitrust Justice announced. as April 14, 2010, through as late as February 25, Statement: Including Moore, Nichols, and Tolar, five real 2015, and Tolar’s participation began as early as estate investors have pleaded guilty in this con- January 12, 2012, through as late as March 31, It is the policy of the spiracy. Separate felony charges against Moore, 2017. Co-conspirators made and received payoffs NARPM® to comply Nichols, and Tolar were filed on April 3, 2018, in in exchange for their agreement not to bid. fully with all antitrust the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of The Department said that the primary purpose laws. The antitrust Mississippi. of the conspiracy was to suppress and restrain laws prohibit, among “Today’s guilty pleas send a strong signal that the competition in order to obtain selected real estate other things, any Division will prosecute and hold accountable those offered at public foreclosure auctions at non- joint conduct among who conspire to corrupt the competitive process competitive prices. When real estate properties are competitors that could and harm the American consumer,” said Assistant sold at these auctions, the proceeds are used to pay lessen competition Attorney General Makan Delrahim of the Depart- off the mortgage and other debt attached to the in the marketplace. ment of Justice’s Antitrust Division. “We extend property, with any remaining proceeds paid to the NARPM®’s our thanks to our law enforcement partners, with homeowner. According to court documents, these membership is whom we will continue to investigate bid-rigging conspirators paid and received money in connec- composed of crimes in Mississippi — and throughout the United tion with their agreement to suppress competition, competitors; States.” which artificially lowered the price paid at auction they must refrain “Individuals who harm homeowners and defraud for such homes. from discussing companies by cheating our foreclosure system to A violation of the Sherman Act carries a max- competitively sensitive enrich themselves will face swift and certain crim- imum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $1 mil- topics, including those inal prosecution in Mississippi,” said United States lion fine for individuals. The maximum fine for a related to pricing Attorney D. Michael Hurst, Jr. for the Southern Sherman Act charge may be increased to twice the (such as rates, fees, District of Mississippi. “I applaud the FBI and the gain derived from the crime or twice the loss suf- or costs), individual Antitrust Division for their tenacity and persever- fered by the victims of the crime if either amount is competitors or specific ance in pursuing these criminal actions and shutting greater than the statutory maximum fine. business transactions, this illegal scheme down.” The investigation is being conducted by the Anti- or controlling or “Violations of the Sherman Act not only impact trust Division’s Washington Criminal II Section and allocating markets. America’s financial institutions and distressed the FBI’s Gulfport Resident Agency, with the assis- NARPM® shall not homeowners but also damage our free market tance of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern restrict members’ society as a whole,” said Special Agent in Charge District of Mississippi. Anyone with information ability to solicit Christopher Freeze of the FBI in Mississippi. “We concerning bid rigging or fraud related to public competitors’ clients. hope that others participating in this type of cor- real estate foreclosure auctions should contact NARPM® shall not ruption understand that the FBI and Department Antitrust Division prosecutors in the Washington restrict members’ of Justice will continue to protect Americans Criminal II Section at 202-598-4000, or visit: ability to advertise for from price fixing and bid rigging that harm our www.justice.gov/atr/report-violations. business, provided economy.” the advertising is not According to court documents, from at least as This article is reprinted from a Press Release by false, deceptive or early as January 12, 2012, through at least as late Justice News, Department of Justice, Office of otherwise illegal. as April 19, 2017, Moore conspired with others Public Affairs, Tuesday, April 10, 2018.

May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 15 NARPM® Provides Educational Programs Stay on the Cutting Edge

Stay on the cutting edge of the latest information in the property manage- Learning, serving, ment industry with NARPM® courses. We provides educational programs to empower and elevate the professional standards of the property management and earning trust by being industry. We have the right course for you, no matter your level of experience. “#NARPMSmart is what sets us Basic Series Courses that include: apart from those • The basics of property management, • Marketing specifically for residential property management, who may not • And a comprehensive look at the tenant cycle. be as serious The Property Manager Series Courses dig into: and committed • Developing rewarding relationships with owners, • And risk management essentials, as we are at • As well as hiring and managing employees. striving to be Maintenance is such an important, but often overlooked, the best in the business. part of property management We offer maintenance series courses that cover: Belonging to NARPM®, earning • The basics of safety, standards, and codes; • How to run a profitable in-house maintenance operation, designations through higher • And everyday components of running a successful property management education, ethics training, company. and service, goes a very long Our Broker/Manager/Owner Series of Courses provide in-depth information on: way to establishing credibility • Developing a policy and procedure manual for office operations; and trust with potential • Understanding advanced risk management; • Taking an expanded look at personnel procedures; clients. • And ways of streamlining and growing business. ~William R. Martin, RMP® Advanced finance: Cash Flow analysis course Meer & Company, Inc., CRMC® We offer an advanced course that equips property management professionals ” with everything they need to know to understand and interpret business “num- bers.” Finance: Cash Flow Analysis teaches property managers what they need to know to move from someone that just collects rent and coordinates repairs, to being a trusted consultant for clients. It pays And there’s more The expansion of knowledge doesn’t end there. We have 3-Hour Courses, Online Courses, a NARPM® and IREM Joint Course, as well as Webinar to be Courses. Everything you need to help you and your business profit by becoming #NARPMSmart is at: narpm.org/education/course-descriptions #NARPMSmart!

16 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 Dsi e gnATION Classes Demo nstrate that you have expert knowledge about residential property management May – June 2018 Developing Rewarding Owner Relationships 05/17/2018 Sacramento Chapter First Foundation Bank, 1601 Response Road, Sacramento, CA 95815 Vickie Gaskill, MPM® RMP® 06/21/2018 Phoenix Chapter PRS Rentals, 4129 W Milky Way, Chandler, AZ 85226 Michelle Horneff-Cohen, MPM® RMP® Essentials of Risk Management 05/31/2018 Southwest Florida Chapter Royal Palm Coast REALTOR® Association, 918 SE 46th Ln, Cape Coral, FL 33904 Paul Arrington, MPM® RMP® 06/21/2018 Monterey Bay Chapter 1 McClure Way, Seaside, CA 93955 Kathleen Richards, MPM® RMP® Finance: Cash Flow Analysis 05/15/2018 Austin Chapter Stewart Title, 2300 Greenhill Dr, Round Rock, TX 78664 Tom Sedlack, MPM® RMP® 06/19/2018 Pensacola Chapter Pensacola Association of REALTORS®, Inc., 107 W Main St, Pensacola, FL 32502 Mike Nelson, MPM® RMP® 06/21/2018 Southeastern VA Chapter Alpha College of Real Estate, 638 Independence Pkwy, Ste 100, Chesapeake, VA 23320 Michael McCreary, MPM® RMP® Growing Your Business 05/08/2018 Santa Clara Chapter CENTURY 21 Alpha, 5978 Silver Creek Valley Road Suite 50, San Jose, CA 95138 Betty Fletcher, MPM® RMP® 06/14/2018 Southern Arizona Chapter Hotel Tucson City Center, 475 N. Granada, Tucson, AZ 85701 Steve Schultz, MPM® RMP® In-House Maintenance – Running a Profitable Operation 06/12/2018 Baltimore/Washington Chapter Maryland Center for Entrepreneurship, 9250 Bendix Road, Columbia, MD 21045 Kit Garren, MPM® RMP® 06/27/2018 Atlanta and Charleston Chapters Francis Marion Hotel, 387 King Street, Charleston, SC 29403 Kit Garren, MPM® RMP® 06/28/2018 Long Beach/Orange County Chapter Apartment Association, California Southern Cities, 333 W Broadway #101, Long Beach, CA 90802 Kathleen Richards, MPM® RMP® Intro to Maintenance: Covering the Basics of Standards, Codes & Safety 05/23/2018 CALNARPM Conference Riviera Hotel Palm Springs, 1600 N Indian Canyon Rd, Palm Springs, CA 92262 Brian Birdy, MPM® RMP® Marketing for Residential Property Management 05/17/2018 Washington State CIF DoubleTree Suites Hotel, 16500 Southcenter Pkwy, Seattle, WA 98188 Brian Birdy, MPM® RMP® 05/23/2018 CALNARPM Conference Riviera Hotel Palm Springs, 1600 N Indian Canyon Rd, Palm Springs, CA 92262 Melissa Prandi, MPM® RMP® 06/27/2018 Atlanta and Charleston Chapters Francis Marion Hotel, 387 King Street, Charleston, SC 29403 Michael McCreary, MPM® RMP® Office Operations – Policy & Procedures 05/18/2018 Washington State CIF DoubleTree Suites Hotel, 16500 Southcenter Pkwy, Seattle, WA 98188 Kellie Tollifson, MPM® RMP® Tenancy 05/17/2018 Virginia Peninsula Chapter Howard Hanna Real Estate,1030 Loftis Blvd, Ste 200, Newport News, VA 23706 Robert Locke, MPM® RMP® Ethics (Required for all members every four years.) 05/18/2018 Washington State CIF DoubleTree Suites Hotel, 16500 Southcenter Pkwy, Seattle, WA 98188 Chrysztyna Rowek, MPM® RMP®

Online Registration Click on the MEMBERS tab at: www.narpm.org and put in your Member ID or email and password. You will then have access to a dropdown, including Register for Events / Pay Dues. Click there, and follow the prompts to access the list of classes. It’s faster and easier than filling out the registration form! NARPM® Full Course Schedule Listings can be found at: www.narpm.org/education/course-schedule NARPM® Full Course Descriptions can be found at: www.narpm.org/education/course-descriptions NARPM® Online Courses are now available through OMG Distance Learning. For information and/or to enroll, visit: www.narpm.org/education/online-courses State-Approved Continuing Education (CE) Online Courses are now available in partnership with Career Webschool OnCourse Learning. For information and/or to enroll, visit: www.narpm.org/education/career-webschool Fees per course Course Information (subject to change) • Course flyers containing additional information may be downloaded from: www.narpm.org/education/course-schedule • All materials will be given to students on the day of the class. 6-Hour Course Early Registration* Registration • Attendees are required to make their individual hotel reservations. Member/IREM® $195 $250 Non-member $295 $350 Ctiancella on Policy Retake $ 75 $150 Cancellations must be received in writing. If cancellation notice is received at least 30 days prior to the class, a full refund will be issued, less a $25 processing ® ® RMP /MPM $100 $150 fee. If cancellation notice is received less than 30 days before the class, a 50% Candidate $180 $250 refund will be issued. No refunds will be made on the day of the class; however, the registration fee can be applied to a later class with a $25 transfer fee. CRMC® 3-Hour Ethics Early Registration* Registration If NARPM® cancels the course because minimum ® registrations have not been met or for any ® Member/IREM® $ 45 $ 45 CRMC MPM other reason, then tuition paid will be fully ® ® Non-member $ 95 $ 95 refundable. All courses are subject to MPM cancellation by NARPM®. ® RMP In order to receive a certificate of RMP *To receive the early registration price, payment completion, students must achieve a must be made online 30 days prior to the class. minimum of 70% on the NARPM® exams.

May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 17 Real-Time Data for Real Growth

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“We really wouldn’t have been able to grow to where Online Applications & Lease Signing Robust Accounting Tools we are today without AppFolio.” Built-In Screening Real-Time Flexible Reporting Michelle Gipson At Home Real Estate Services of Southwest MO Online Rent Payments Professional Websites

18 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29Learn | Number more 5 at www.appfolio.com | 866-648-1536 Learn more at www.appfolio.com | 866-648-1536 Real-Time Data for Real Growth

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“We really wouldn’t have been able to grow to where Online Applications & Lease Signing Robust Accounting Tools we are today without AppFolio.” Built-In Screening Real-Time Flexible Reporting Michelle Gipson At Home Real Estate Services of Southwest MO Online Rent Payments Professional Websites

Learn more at www.appfolio.com | 866-648-1536 Learn more at www.appfolio.com | 866-648-1536May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 19 NARPM® Affiliate Members Pr oviding an extensive range of services for property management company needs

Advertising National Property Weatherguard Rentometer, Inc. J Secrest Home Repairs HousingManager.com RentPath, LLC Management Network Construction RentPath and Remodeling LeadSimple Nonresident Tax Company, Inc. rentUSAnow.com Keepe Up, LLC ManageCasa, Inc. Banking and Advisors, CPA yesVIRTUAL Reputation 1st Level 1 Property Solutions Net Vendor, LLC financial OJO Bookkeeping ShowingHero Lonestar Locks PayYourRent American IRA, LLC On Sight PROS, LLC Insurance Tenant Turner Lowe’s Pro Services PM Toolbelt Home Partners of America On-Site Acuity Insurance Upkeep Media MARBLELIFE, Inc. Prempoint, Inc. IRA Innovations OPTIONS Arcana Insurance Virtually Incredible McCarthy Roofing, Inc. PROMAS Landlord Pacific Continental Bank Orchard Hill Consulting Services, LP WalkThruInspections.com Mr. Rekey Locksmith Software Center Seacoast Commerce Bank Perfect Power Wash CSE Insurance Zillow, Inc. Services Property Sunwest Trust, Inc. PointCentral DFI – DiGerolamo Family Munoz Building Management, Inc. ProfitCoach Insurance Services, LLC Legal services Maintenance Property Manager BUSINESS PRODUCTS Property Management Korell Farmers Insurance Law Offices of Heist, Orange Restoration Websites AND SERVICES/Other Collections Agency, Inc. Weisse & Wolk, P.A. Orkin, Inc. PropertyBoss 1-888-GO-ANSWER Property Management Lipscomb & Pitts Law Offices of Kimball, Paramount Property Solutions, LLC Air Conditioning Productions Insurance Tirey & St. John, LLP Maintenance Group Propertyware, Experts, Inc. QTrak Mobile Insurance Agency LegalShield Pure Defense A RealPage Co. All About Management Peak Insurance Group Lieberman, Dvorin & Pest Solutions Rent Manager Alliance Environmental Management SWBC Insurance Services Dowd, LLC SERVPRO of Bedford Park/ Rentec Direct, LLC Group Reliable Heating & Air Travelers SEB Legal, LLC Burbank RentPost, Inc. American IRA, LLC Renters Legal Liability U S Collections West, Inc. SERVPRO Downtown ShowMojo, LLC Bank Shot, Inc. Renters Warehouse, USA INTERNET TOOLS/ Long Beach/Signal Hill Smartrent, LLC Belfor Property RentFax, LLC MARKETING MAINTENANCE SERVPRO of North TenantSync Restoration Rently AirBNB Advanced Pipe Everett/ Lake Stevens/ TReXGlobal.com BetterLandlord.net Rentometer, Inc. Bee Page One Restoration & Repipe Co. Monroe TruLandlord, Inc. Centex House Leveling RentRange, LLC Centriq Technology ASONS Suncoast Roof Cleaning Updater Citizen Home Roofstock CoStar Group Atlas Foundation Repair SuperTenders, Inc. Yardi Systems Solutions, LLC Rytech, Inc. DoorGrow Axis Property The Overhead Door zInspector Cool Depot, LLC Sage Financial Doorsteps Management Company of Denver Criterion Brock Logistics, LLC FloridaRentalAds.com Bio-One Charlotte TENANT SCREENING Crown Investor Sears Commercial Fourandhalf.com Brummell Enterprises Other AAA Credit Screening Institute, LLC SERVPRO of North East Geek Real Estate Maintenance Arizona Association Services, LLC Dish For All, Inc. Chester County Marketing Common Area Solutions of Realtors® ACRAnet Eldredge and Davis, P.A. Southwest Recovery HomeTownRent.com Complete Climate CSS Services, Inc. ACUTRAQ Elite Roofing Services iManageRent, Inc. Control, Inc. MARCO Publishing, Inc. Alliance 2020 EZ Repair Hotline, LLC Strategy Property Inspect and Cloud Cool White Roofing Royal Cleaning Contemporary First Alarm Management Matterport, Inc. Epiq Construction Winn School of Real Estate Information Corp. Frontier Services Group Sunrise Family of PM Grow Company Instant Rental Info FuseOn Connection, Inc. Companies Power Testimonial Excel Repair Management Property Manage- Investigative Screening Galaxy Floor Products, Inc. TaskEasy, Inc. Providence Management FilterEasy, Inc. ment Franchise Co. and Consulting Global Strategic Business Team Air Distributing, Inc. & Investments FloorCraft Property MOCO, Inc. Process Solutions, Inc. Technest.la, Inc. RentalSource.com Hy-Tech Property Services Management, Inc. National Tenant Grace Property TenantAccess, Inc. Rentler Scott Properties Network, Inc. Management The Appliance Repair Men of the Midlands Pet Screening, LLC Hart and Associates The Property Rapid Credit Reports, Inc. Hire Smart VAs Management Coach SOFTWARE Reliable Background iManageRent, Inc. Tiles in Style, LLC AbodeStory, Inc. Screening IMC Painting, Inc. DBA: Taza Supplies APM Help Rental History Reports Ingersoll Rand Time Communications AppFolio, Inc. Resident Research JCPenney Topaz Realty BlueInk Resolve Partners, LLC K&D Landscape, Inc. Property Management Buildium StarPoint Screening Keyrenter Franchise United States Liability Chapps Inspector Strategic Information KIDDE Insurance Company Chetu, Inc. Resources, Inc. Lamp Post Globes, Inc. Universal Site Services, Inc. Different Management TenantReports.com, LLC Legacy Home Utah Chapter of NARPM® Our NARPM® eRentPay TVS Tenant Verification Improvements UtilityHound HappyCo Service, Inc. MFS Supply, LLC VALOSI Enterprises, LLC Affiliate Members HERO PM West USA Realty MTC, LLC are here for you. Homee, LLC

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May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 21 Growing Doors and Your Bottom Line Get Involved!

How an Introvert Unintentionally Built on committees, volunteer for boards and leader- a Successful Business ship positions, and help in any manner I could. ® ® When you are at your local NARPM Chapter Why? Because when you step-up and work within Eric Bessett, RMP , meeting, do you assume that there is no business a group, and prove you have something to offer, ® MPM Candidate, is the to capture? Do you assume there are no deals to something else also happens. Respect develops. owner of Madison Real Estate close? Do you assume every other property man- Then, you get to know the people in the group on a and Property Management ager in the room is just a competitor (albeit, a personal level as well. Bonds and friendships form. in Spokane, Washington. friendly and incredibly helpful competitor)? Being shy and awkward in a new city isn’t so bad He is Past-President of the So did I. But over the last decade, to my great ben- when you know some people! ® NARPM Inland Northwest efit, I’ve accidently discovered I was wrong. What I didn’t count on was another side-effect Counties Chapter and has This article is being written by an average person. of the decision to Get Involved. Growing and served on the local Govern- I got mediocre grades expanding my small, mental Affairs and Member- in high school and col- shoestring-budget, ship Committees, as well as lege, am fairly average one-man business into on several committees with looking, not particularly one of the larger prop- the local association of Real- athletic, introverted, not erty management com- tors®. He is also a member very confident, have panies in my city. of the NARPM® Communica- lousy sales skills... and The more I got tions Committee, serving as have a tendency to be involved, the more I the Residential Resource Sub- a bit lazy. Isn’t my wife became recognized. Committee Chair. Eric earned lucky? Come to think of People in and out of his Education Degree from it, it’s truly a miracle I NARPM® started to Eastern Washington Univer- convinced someone so notice, even though I sity, was an instructor at a amazing to marry me! was unaware. People local vocational college, and Why did I tell you began to see me as a enjoys teaching, especially those unflattering things leader in the property on business-related topics. In about myself? Because, despite all of my drawbacks management business; while I saw myself as any- addition to running his busi- and less-than-appealing characteristics, I have thing but. Sometimes perception is better than ness, he enjoys spending time achieved a level of success that surprises most, reality. with his wife and two kids, including me. While I’m not retiring anytime soon, Now, let me share the chain of events that still staying active in politics, and it is a level of success not expected from this small- amazes me to this day… reading anything that might town, lower-middle-class kid from a tiny town in In late 2010, a competitor and NARPM® Member improve his business. central Washington State. So, how did it happen? whom I respected (but had no idea he even knew Because of one critical decision. The decision to… who I was) approached me at a lunch we were Get Involved! both attending. After some small talk, things turned One of my positive qualities is the ability to self- to business and he eventually ended by asking examine and be brutally honest about myself. That if I was looking to grow my company. Um… yes led me to the decision that, as an introvert, if I was please! He stated he was looking for an exit plan going to network effectively and have friends in and thought maybe he could be part of my growth property management, I had to Get Involved with plan. Long-story short, we merged companies in groups and organizations. Not just join, but actu- 2012. He retired and left the business in early ally… Get Involved. I needed to find groups that 2015. How did this happen? Because of the deci- could not only help with my business, but also sion to… Get Involved! help me form friendships. It was my goal to get Continued next page

22 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 The next opportunity came at a local NARPM® tion made at a NARPM® Conference! Because when you Chapter Board Meeting. At the end of the meeting, I have many more stories of how the decision step-up and work within one of the members announced they had made the to Get Involved in NARPM® at many levels and in a group, and prove decision to exit the property management business many ways has been beneficial. However, by now you have something to and if any of us were interested in their portfolio to you should get the picture. offer, something else let her know. I didn’t think anything of it because I Will what happened to me happen to you in the also happens. Respect was, by far, the youngest, least financially stable and exact same way? No. Was there luck involved in my develops. least experienced person in the room. However, journey? Absolutely. Although it is worth reminding after a couple of days, I thought “what the heck, you that “luck” is where preparation and opportu- never hurts to inquire.” As it turns out, no one had nity meet. called but me! We put the transaction together Where was the preparation in the “luck” equa- and my door count more than doubled. Why? The tion for me? My decision to Get Involved in decision to Get Involved. By virtue of being on the NARPM®. National Conventions and Broker/Owner Board (and actually attending meetings) an amazing Conferences are where I learned how to structure opportunity presented itself! and purchase a portfolio (with little or no cash, by Remember the part about me being a bit lazy at the way). Those conferences, and help from fellow the beginning of this article? A few years back, our NARPM® Members, also gave me the confidence chapter was having a “membership drive” meeting to act. What about the opportunity part of the and our speaker backed out. I waited a bit too “luck” equation? Deciding to Get Involved in local long to find a replacement, so it was up to me to NARPM® Chapter Leadership gives you visibility. fill the void. Based on teachings from NARPM®, I Being a known quantity in your community, as well put together a presentation on how to maximize as among your peers, puts you in a position to learn income in your property management business. about opportunities. What opportunities? I don’t One of the attendees really liked the info but never know. But, if you’re not involved, you’ll never know did join (obviously, a mistake!); however, he did either! And worst-case scenario, you will meet remember me and my presentation. So, one day he some amazing people. called up, said he was moving out of the area, and Remember the beginning of this article? The wanted to know if I was interested in his small port- purpose of joining NARPM® (and other groups) folio. Not a huge deal, but picking up 18 quality was to help me learn my business and to develop doors in one shot is a good day! Again, the decision friendships. The unintentional side effect was being to Get Involved at our local NARPM® Chapter and prepared for and learning about business opportu- put myself out there helped grow my business! nities. How this will work in your life is unknown. One last story that will illustrate why you should But don’t let it be an accident like it was for me. Get Involved by attending NARPM® State Confer- Learn from my dumb-luck and use it to be intel- ences, Broker/Owner Conferences, and National ligent about your career and future. Conventions. One of my fellow NARPM® Mem- Be patient and realize opportunities take time bers, who has a company in another market, had to unfold, but be ready to act when they do. opened up and was growing a property manage- Understand the tremendous benefits of stepping ment company in my market. The key individual up for leadership positions and attending NARPM® who was building and operating the company for Conferences and Conventions. Be strategic about her had decided he didn’t want to live in my city looking for opportunities in your local market and anymore... so it was time to sell. A few months your NARPM® Chapter. Prepare by soaking up all later that transaction closed. Because I decided the knowledge you can from NARPM® Conferences to Get Involved with NARPM® beyond my local and fellow NARPM® Members. chapter, we added another 44 doors in one trans- Intentionally create your own smart-luck. How? action. All of this happened because of a connec- Say it with me… Get Involved!  Save the Date 30th Annual Convention and Trade Show October 16-19, 2018 Education classes are October 15 & 16.

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May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 23 D eSIGNATIons & CertificationS The power that comes with increased knowl- edge and confidence is tangible. It is what sets you apart from your competition. Professional Designations and Certifications from NARPM® have an impact on your company and your clients, and the results translate directly to the bottom line. Add the credibility of our Profes- sional Designations and Certifications to your J OIN US to support name and to your company name! ® NARPM® Designations are earned with a the NARPM Past combination of property management experi- ence, NARPM® and industry education, and service to the association through volunteer Presidents’ 2018 activities. You may have taken clock-hour courses to maintain your license. Imagine the Charity Fundraiser gains when the courses are specifically focused benefing ti Breast cancer survivors through on what you do as a property manager – and the therapeutic sport of fly fishing are being taught by a property management professional. Take it one-step further and envision networking with other experienced Past Presidents, Bob NARPM® Property Managers from across the Machado, MPM® country. Earning your NARPM® Designation RMP®, Raymond will bring a whole new dimension to your daily Scarabosio, MPM® tasks. RMP®, and Bart ® ® Designees approved at the March 2018 Sturzl, MPM RMP , Professional Development Committee meeting: are in the midst of planning a spectac- MPM® ular event for all of ® ® Jay Hartley, MPM RMP NARPM® to attend. Terri Clair, MPM® RMP® The NARPM® 10th Photo courtesy of Casting for Recovery. RMP® Annual Past Presi- Blais Case, RMP® dents’ Charity Golf Tournament is scheduled for October 16, 2018, at Tara Hargrove, RMP® the Steele Canyon Golf Club in Jamul, California.

CSS® Past President Vickie Gaskill, MPM® RMP®, has chosen Casting for Recovery as Elizabeth Rodriguez, CSS® the NARPM® 2018 Past Presidents’ Charity. Vickie is a breast cancer survivor, as are so many of our NARPM® Members. In 2013, she had the opportunity CMC to participate in a retreat program where she interacted for the first time with Denim Ramirez, CMC other survivors learning the art of fly casting and fly tying. The experience was a “lifetime” event. ______The mission of Casting for Recovery (CfR) is to enhance the quality of life for The Professional Development Committee women with breast cancer through a unique retreat program that combines now approves Designation Packets monthly. breast cancer education and peer support with the therapeutic sport of fly ______fishing. Casting for Recovery serves breast cancer survivors of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery, at no cost to participants. • Please submit your packet by the 15th of On a physical level, the gentle, rhythmic motion of fly casting can be good each month to be approved. therapy for the upper body as a way to encourage increased mobility for women • Deadline to submit your packet to receive who have had surgery or radiation as part of their breast cancer treatment. On your award at convention is August 3. an emotional level, women are given the opportunity to experience a new ***There is a new upload system available to activity in a safe environment among a supportive group of peers.  submit your designation / certification docu- ments. To upload your documents to the new upload system, please email: designationinfo@ Visit narpm.org www.narpmconvention.com/past-presidents-charity-tournament to sponsor, donate, register to play golf, or attend the luncheon.

24 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 Dscussioni Board Hot Topics what hot topics are property managers currently talking about?

NARPM® maintains Discussion Boards for several specialties within able to property managers who are Professional Members of NARPM®. the organization. These Discussion Boards enable members to stay Statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors in contact and to share questions and concerns as they arise. If you alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers, staff, or would like to participate in one of these groups, login to Members members of NARPM®. Any legal matters or advice mentioned herein Only Content and then visit www.narpm.org/members/discussion- should be discussed with an attorney, accountant, or other professional boards and follow the instructions. NARPM® National approves all before use in a particular state or situation. All readers are responsible Discussion Board Members and the Discussion Boards are only avail- for their own investigation and use of the information.

The tenant pays a pet deposit which is non-refundable. When the tenant moves out, I have to treat Q for fleas. Since the pet deposit was non-refundable, can I deduct the treatment from the security deposit or do those pet expenses have to come from the non-refundable pet deposit?

There is no such thing as “non-refundable pet deposit.” That is a pet fee. You can charge the tenant for A any damage their pet causes. It depends on the wording in your lease. Also, there’s a big difference between a “non-refundable pet A fee” and an additional deposit added to a tenant(s) security deposit. You can’t have a non-refundable “deposit,” so look over the lease to see how you charged the pet stuff to your tenant.

Fees are not refundable. Deposits are refundable. You may want to check that wording in your lease A agreement. Apply the security deposit first. If you use all of that, charge the tenant for the remainder. This assumes that your lease specifically states the pet fee is non-refundable.

I’m taking on a new client who already has an old friend as his tenant. Should I screen the Q already-placed tenant? A No, he is already there. If he’s under a lease, you can’t force him to do a screening and it would be a waste of time anyway. A Besides, if he’s the “old friend” of the client, the client probably wants to keep him no matter what your screening says. Talk to the client and see if he will allow you to run a screening prior to a renewal.

You can’t evict them, if they’re on a long-term lease, just for “not meeting the new property man- A ager’s criteria.” At least, not in my state; that would never fly. In fact, I would bet that trying to force an existing tenant to re-apply because there’s a new property manager would be some kind of fair housing problem. There was even a case (I believe in Michigan) where a developer got sued and ordered to pay up for kicking out existing tenants who didn’t meet his “stricter” criteria. If they’re on a month-to-month (M2M) lease, you can just give them a 30-day notice and boot them. That is the beauty of M2M.

Remember – everything you read on the Internet is not true and, if necessary, you should seek legal counsel on any issue.

May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 25 R egiONAL Communications Cnc on e ting the expanding NARPM® membership one region at a time

That’s Regional Vice President The RVP Bulletin

Greetings from the Southwest Region. I am extremely has a great relationship with the Utah Apartment Associa- happy to have been elected to another two-year term tion. Last, but certainly not least, in Colorado, one of our and excited to see the many great things happening in our members is a Real Estate Commissioner! Carolyn Rogers, region. Our membership continues to grow and the local MPM® RMP®, former NARPM® Southwest RVP, has been Mike Mumford, MPM® leaders are doing a wonderful job serving their members. designated to serve a three-year term as the property RMP®, has been involved Three years ago, NARPM® started a leadership training management appointee for the department. Way to go, in property management since 1996, when he program for incoming chapter presidents. I am proud to Carolyn! I am so excited to see this activity and the part- joined Bennett Property say that every Southwest Chapter has had a representa- nering with other entities out there. This is a huge deal, Management (BPM). From tive at each of these events. They are held in November changing the conversation from “NARPM® — what’s 1996 to 2007, he managed every year and the training continues to improve, year that?” to “NARPM® — I know them.” Keep up the good between 100 and 250 after year. I think this is one of the best changes NARPM® work and get the NARPM® name out there. units, handling all the day- has instituted in the last few years. I am starting to see I also want to talk about education. Member feed- to-day operations. In 2007, the results of the training at the chapter level and feel it back over the years has been that there are not enough he took over as Office is a huge benefit to the members. I am excited to attend local designation classes. Last year, we set a goal of each Manager and Chief Financial Officer for Bennett Property again this year and looking forward to meeting some new chapter holding a designation class at the local level. This Management, overseeing chapter leaders. was very challenging, but ended up being a huge suc- all the accounting and data entry staff. He achieved the NARPM® RMP® Designation I am starting to see the results of the training at the in 2008, the MPM® Designation in 2011, and chapter level and feel it is a huge benefit to the members. was instrumental in BPM becoming recognized as Arizona's first CRMC®. Mike Most of my chapters have growth as one of their goals, cess and we met the goal. This also caused many posi- helped create the Arizona and this is true of many chapters around the country. tive changes that others have talked about, but I want to Association of Realtors® It is also NARPM® National’s goal to grow as well. The mention the positive feedback I received from members. CRPM® certification and national committees have been listening and have I am also a national instructor and taught many classes became one of the state’s developed a new membership type to help. The Com- last year. The overwhelming response from students was first property managers to pany Membership is an optional program designed for positive. They were very thankful to have a local class earn the title. He became a larger companies to have some flexibility with changing and appreciated that their voices were heard. As board NARPM® Certified Instructor employees. The company pays for and holds the mem- members, we take our positions very seriously and strive in 2012 and an approved Arizona CE Instructor in bership that they can reassign to a new person in the to do our best to serve the membership. This is a great 2014. Mike was elected to event that an employee leaves. The way that it is struc- example of a big win in that direction. I know many of the NARPM® National Board tured will also save on dues for any company with four my chapter leaders really struggled with this, but even of Directors in 2016 as the or more members who chooses to participate. This a true the classes that only had five students saw value for the Southwest Regional Vice win-win situation where companies can save money and students and members in attendance. President. NARPM® can grow its membership at the same time. I Plus, the education bug seems to have caught on. We am looking forward to seeing this new program take off. have 12 chapters in the Southwest Region and already As I talk to and see my chapter leaders, I have been have 11 classes, either held or planned, for 2018. What excited to see how many members have chosen to great news! Some chapters found holding a class so partner with other real estate organizations. In Arizona, rewarding that they are now planning to hold one every we have members serving at the Department of Real year, which is what I had hoped for. Education is one of Estate on various task forces and property management NARPM®’s core values and we are making great strides forms committees. In New Mexico and Nevada, we have to live up to that idea. members who have partnered with the local REALTOR® Thank you to all the chapter leaders and my ambassa- associations to serve on property management commit- dors for all that you do to make NARPM® successful and tees and in other roles. In Utah, the local membership my job easier. I am honored to serve. 

26 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 Northwest: Chrysztyna Rowek, MPM® RMP® Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, ® Wyoming. NARPM Regional Map

CENTRAL: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, ATLANTIC: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, ® ® AK Pacific: Tim Wehner, MPM RMP Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, California. Arkansas, Louisiana Maryland, Washington DC, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina ® ® Pacific Islands: Tim Wehner, MPM RMP NORTHWEST: Alaska, WA Washington, Oregon, NH ME Hawaii. Idaho, Montana, VT Wyoming MT ND MN OR Southwest: Mike Mumford, MPM® RMP® MA WI NY Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico. ID SD RI WY MI CT PA NJ ® ® IA Central: Greg Doering, MPM RMP NV NE OH IN DE North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, UT IL CO CA WV VA MD Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Kansas, KS MO PACIFIC: California KY Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana. NC TN AZ OK Atlantic: Scott Abernathy, MPM® RMP® NM AR SC Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, MS AL GA SOuTHEAST: South Carolina, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, PACIFIC ISLANDS: Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Hawaii TX Mississippi New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington SOuTHWEST: LA DC, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia, Nevada, Utah, HI Arizona, Colorado, FL Kentucky, Tennessee. New Mexico

Southeast: Joel Elliott, RMP® South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, 2015 Mississippi. 2018

May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 27 M embeRSHIP Growth A warm welcome to all the new Members who joined from March 1 – March 31, 2018

Professional & Kimberly Klaus G. Keith Borges Michael Sullivan Florida Associate Members West USA Realty Real Property SRE Asset Fausto Carosella Scottsdale, AZ Management Valley Management, Inc. Blue Fedora Realty Alabama 602-826-5225 Wide Los Gatos, CA Fort Myers, FL Diana Kellogg Merced, CA 408-888-4700 239-274-6873 AHI Properties Isabel Potter 209-722-7761 Pelham, AL West USA Realty Jimmy Tucker Amanda Davis-Hollingsed 205-682-9106 Goodyear, AZ Tzvi Ferszt Equity Elite Property Davis Real Estate Group 623-935-5577 TDI Properties, Inc. Management St. Cloud, FL Alford Norman Los Angeles, CA Lodi, CA 407-933-7200 Renters Warehouse Julie Warren 213-389-9277 209-275-9758 Birmingham PropertyAZ Birmingham, AL Phoenix, AZ Susan Gaffney Suzanne Vasu 205-502-4565 888-445-9525 Mariners Property Cali Rentals GOAL: Management Newport Beach, CA Irvine, CA 949-239-0700 10,000 Arizona California 949-296-1104 members by Keenan Freeman Randy Beers Gerson Realty & Summit Real Estate Jared Hazell coLorado 2020. You Management Long Beach, CA Hazell Realty Terrie Clark Tempe, AZ 562-884-8945 Sacramento, CA Alliance Property can help by 480-921-3332 530-409-6347 Management promoting Andrea Borges Colorado Springs, CO ® H. Steven Johnson Real Property Yesenia Nogales 719-492-5530 NARPM . Lynx Realty, LLC Management Valley WeLease Gilbert, AZ Wide San Diego, CA Margaret Eaton 602-570-2737 Merced, CA 619-876-0753 Falcon Property Cassandra Exantus 209-722-7761 Solutions, LLC All County Professional Colorado Springs, CO Property Management 719-266-0076 Cooper City, FL 954-278-3200 Take Matt Hill Your Business to the Premier Real Estate Alexis Gunn Management HOME Rentals of Denver, CO Manatee Next Level with 303-999-9915 Bradenton, FL 941-782-0203 Time Communications Briana Lasher The Source Property Michelle Hall Management Charnelle Whittemore Fort Collins, CO Realty 970-980-9631 Starke, FL 904-964-3948 Jennifer Powilleit Bijou Property Mia Kosarac Management Renters Warehouse Colorado Spring, CO Doral, FL 719-473-1007 786-416-6086 Benefits of outsourcing call center services: Andrea Proeber District of Great Expectations • Improve Customer Service • Open Doors to New Opportunities columbia Realty, LLC Leah Kefalos Ocala, FL • Focus on What Counts • Better Customer Experience EASE Property Services 352-817-1600 • Become Proactive • Improve Efficiency Washington, DC 202-750-6443 Eugene Thorpe Century 21 Ocean Ian McTiernan Cocoa Beach, FL NEY-BAC Award-Winning Customer Service. MO K Rent the District 321-323-1212 Washington, DC 202-210-0043 Freda Thorpe Century 21 Ocean Cocoa Beach, FL 321-323-1212 866.778.2952 | TimeCommunications.biz

28 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 Georgia Missouri Ollie Medford Duncan Murphy Bettina Pfeiffenberfer Ulmer Bridges Steve Young Tonsofrentals.com gkhouses HGC Asset Management Bridges Realty, LLC DECA Realty Co. Asheville Nashville, TN Fort Worth, TX Augusta, GA St. Louis, MO Arden, NC 251-895-3880 817-903-4098 706-922-6390 314-631-3306 828-778-0451 Jennifer Rice William Robinson Century 21 Philip Jones Mackenzie Pace Apex Ventures, Inc. Mike Bowman, Inc. RE/MAX True Advantage Mississippi Tonsofrentals.com REALTORS® Grapevine, TX Augusta, GA Jeremy Williams Asheville Nashville, TN 817-354-7653 706-922-9292 Muddy Waters Realty, LLC Arden, NC 615-255-2703 Southaven, MS 828-778-0451 Katherine Teeter Gena Weeks 662-536-3068 Waterhouse Realty Bridges Realty, LLC Beverly Roberts Texas Hutto, TX Augusta, GA Bev Roberts Rentals Daniel Larivey 512-635-0598 706-922-6390 Montana Apex, NC DPL Properties Devan McQuarrie 919-630-3882 New Braunfels, TX Jasmine Uphoff Meticulous 210-788-0334 Colonial Residential Hawaii Management, LLC Properties Fannie Cline Missoula, MT Oregon Chris Lesak Harker Heights, TX First Hawaiian Property 406-241-1408 Mark Borgeson Apex Asset Management 254-698-4722 Management Dwell Realty Sugar Land, TX Honolulu, HI Portland, OR 281-340-4110 Lynn Yuan 808-372-5604 nevada 503-208-3797 Real Holdings, LLC Lois Kidder Christopher Lewis Austin TX Christopher Higa Chase International Jeanette Darrow Century 21 Olympian 512-298-1899 The Realty Company, Ltd. Property Management 541 Property Property Management Honolulu, HI Reno, NV Management, LLC Houston, TX 808-545-2622 775-828-7368 Grants Pass, OR 832-553-8600 Virginia 541-476-1026 Teresa McDowell Courtney Oshiro Kellie Lamb Amanda Mack Hometown Realty The Realty Company, Ltd. Welcome Home Property Brandy Faist North TX Property Mechanicsville, VA Honolulu, HI Management & 24/7 Properties Management 804-427-6360 808-545-2622 Investments, Inc. West Linn, OR Watuga, TX Reno, NV 503-482-0500 817-849-2450 Continued next page Chrystal Wong 775-200-1331 Palace Realty, Inc. Honolulu, HI Trevor Steadman Tennessee 808-591-2155 RentVest Nevada Discount Code “NARPM” For 20% Savings! Reno, NV 775-335-0124 Idaho Carrie Collins Procore Property North Carolina Solutions Shannon Anderson Meridian, ID Real Estate 208-888-5504 Management, Inc. Havelock, NC Carlisha Florez 252-447-7368 TPD Property Management Mike Bean Meridian, ID Renters Warehouse 208-949-3083 Raleigh Raleigh, NC 919-429-7368 Kentucky Donna Bittner Nancy DiGioia Delta Management Realty Executives Owensboro, KY Unlimited 270-315-3240 Cornelius, NC 704-562-5700 1200+ Attendees Massachusetts Christina Fraize Annually! David Conyers Tonsofrentals.com Keyrenter Boston Asheville Boston, MA Arden, NC 617-917-4000 828-778-0451

Ed Lane Minnesota Renters Warehouse Kyle Siegel North Carolina, LLC www.imn.org/SFREast | Call: 1-212-901-0542 | Email: [email protected] Renters Warehouse Charlotte, NC Bloomington, MN 704-912-5777 952-470-8888

May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 29 M embeRSHIP Growth A warm welcome to all the new Members who joined from March 1 – March 31, 2018

Chris Suarez Illinois Susan Galarza Hawaii Texas Freedom Property Ayoub Rabah Sarasota Management Jessica Kelly Julie Barnes Management Home Partners of & Leasing Marie Hansen Colonial Residential Manassas, VA America Sarasota, FL Properties, Inc. Properties 703-330-1776 Chicago, IL 941-377-8400 Honolulu, HI Harker Heights, TX 312-780-1977 808-591-1110 254-698-4722 Tonya Szakelyhidi Kendal Mortimer Lorac Property Anderson Property Bryan Kappmeyer Management Minnesota Management, LLC MichigAN Boardwalk Real Property Fredericksburg, VA Tom Sandhoefner Orlando, FL Matthew VanderWerken Management, Inc., CRMC® 540-898-6988 Weatherguard 407-383-9292 AG Management Co. San Antonio, TX Construction Royal Oak, MI 210-340-1717 Tracy Terry Company, Inc. 248-396-2087 Freedom Property Stillwater, MN Georgia Management 651-439-4320 Phillip Vera Virginia Manassas, VA Auben Realty New Mexico Jennifer Lee 703-330-1776 Augusta, GA Ashley Montgomery Freedom Property Texas 706-305-1551 Homespot Properties, LLC Management George Warriner Taylor Hou Portales, NM Manassas, VA Metro Realty Services APM Help Alecia Yost 575-356-5639 703-330-1776 N. Chesterfield, VA Houston, TX Bridges Realty, LLC 804-330-3075 281-949-8755 Augusta, GA 706-922-6390 Pennsylvania washington Jordan Muela Melissa Jackson Juliana Loken Washington ProfitCoach Fish Property Steady Properties, LLC Bonnie Belden-Doney Austin, TX Management Milton, WA Windermere Olympia 877-623-4647 Williamsport, PA 253-315-1767 Property Management 570-505-3347 Olympia, WA 360-943-4189 Virginia Angela Burrini Candace Leach PROMAS Landlord Madison Real Estate and Software Center Property Management Vienna, VA Spokane, WA 800-397-1499 509-465-9052 Kathy Flood Continued next page PROMAS Landlord George Volkert Software Center Real Property Vienna, VA Management North 800-397-1499 Pudget Sound Everrett, WA Shane McCall 425-903-8500 PROMAS Landlord Software Center Affiliate Members Vienna, VA 800-397-1499 California Alex Osenenko support staff PM Grow Members Hayward, CA 510-889-9921 California Sandra Luna SRE Asset Colorado Management, Inc. John Wilson Los Gatos, CA UtilityHound 408-888-4700 Crested Butte, CO 888-959-0116 Florida Britt Daniel Georgia Eaton Realty, LLC Dave Schwei Lithia, FL JCPenney 813-672-8022 Woodstock, GA 469-724-5052

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30 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 NARPM® 30th Annual Convention and Trade Show October 16-19, 2018 Education classes are October 15 & 16. Loews Coronado Bay San Diego, California Save the Date Registration now open at: www.narpmconvention.com/register

May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 31 Cterhap Spotlight Get t o Know the excellent NARPM® Chapters across the united states

Colorado Springs Chapter

Its founding on January 10, 1994, makes Colorado licensees. This year, the focus was “back to basics” Springs the third NARPM® Chapter established and the following sessions were held: Legal Concerns nationwide. Among its accomplishments, the and the Courts, Fair Housing presented by HUD, chapter was awarded the NARPM® Medium Chapter Getting the Most from Your Vendors, 101 Hints and Kim Bendt, RMP® Candi- of the Year in 2016 (see award photo below). Tips for Property Managers, A New Lease on Life, date, is the 2018 President Q&A with a Professional Panel, and Inside of the NARPM® Colorado the Colorado Real Estate Commission with ® ® Springs Chapter. She is a Commissioner Carolyn Rogers, MPM RMP . Broker Associate and works The Colorado Springs Landlord Symposium for Proficient Property Man- not only offers great education, but it also ® agement Services, Inc., in serves as a recruiting event for non-NARPM Members. It is a great networking opportunity, Canon City, Colorado. Coleen along with a vendor show, and a source of Doughty, Kim’s Mom, also an vibrant conversations about the issues we RMP® Candidate, bought Pro- face every day. This was the chapter’s largest ficient Property Management Landlord Symposium to date. The chapter also Services, Inc., and quickly offered the NARPM® Tenancy class the following realized she needed help. day and had a great turn out. This event is a Kim went to work for her in success every year, thanks to the many members late 2006, where they have One of the main focuses of the chapter is that volunteer their time to make it a success. worked together ever since. education. The chapter runs a symposium every The chapter is very active with NARPM® Kim handles many of the in- year and the 12th Annual Colorado Springs Landlord National and giving back. On a local level, we hold office aspects of the business, Symposium was held last February. With the help designation classes every year, a vendor-sponsored including supervision of office of their staff from Milestone Real Estate Services, event, luncheons nine months out of the year, staff and the accounting. Kim Rob Lynde, MPM® RMP®, and Renee Lynde, RMP® volunteer opportunities with Habitat for Humanity, enjoys working with family Candidate, put together an amazing educational and donations to Care and Share. We have many and the feel of a family busi- opportunity. It was a one-day symposium, offering members working on their designations and have a ness. She is also the proud seven continuing education credits for Colorado goal to continue making designations a priority.  Mom of two energetic chil- dren that keep her busy.

The Colorado Springs Landlord Symposium not only offers great education, but it also serves as a recruiting event for non-NARPM® Members.

32 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 N avigATE the NARPM.org website Improved Search bar

H ave you tried the new narpm.org search bar? D Click on the icon and E select the filter parameters that you Its capabilities have been expanded. would like to use for your search. Your parameters will remain the same for all searches unless you change them. Sometimes Visit www.narpm.org narrowing your search parameters proves more effective. B At the top of the home page, click on the Search icon. F Type your search phrase in the blue bar. C A long blue bar will appear. G View the results and select the most appropriate from the list.






May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5 | 33 New Member recruitment Program Earn rewards and achieve NEW Member recruiter status for referring new NARPM® bersMem

Who better to spread the word of the benefits of NARPM® than its 1. Contact NARPM® National for membership application brochures. members? To achieve New Member Recruiter status, you must Upon request, National can mail the application directly to the refer five new members within one year. You will then receive an prospective member. award certificate and a $200 NARPM® credit that can be used toward 2. The 12-month period to obtain five new members starts the day your annual dues, upcoming events, education classes, and more! You the first application is processed. can earn multiple award certificates in a 12-month period, so be sure 3. When the fifth application is received, an award certificate will be you continue referring new members, even after you have achieved issued and dated. A $200 NARPM® credit will also be issued. New Member Recruiter status.

Current new Member recruiters • David Pruitt (Received 4/4/17) • Erin Alterman Morgan (Received 9/1/17) • Eric Wetherington, MPM® RMP® • Mary Barnhart (Received 4/4/17) • Shelly Alterman, RMP® (Received 9/1/17) (Received 12/5/17) • Harry Heist (Received 6/2/17) • Shelly Alterman, RMP® (Received 9/1/17) • Pete Neubig, RMP® (Received 12/5/17) • Kim Meredith-Hampton, MPM® RMP® • Shannon Cornell, RMP® (Received 10/10/17) • David Pruitt (Received 12/5/17) (Received 7/7/17) • Tim Snelgrove (Received 10/10/17) • Brian Birdy, MPM® RMP® • Brian Birdy, MPM® RMP® (Received 8/7/17) (Received 12/5/17)

M aRCH 1 – March 31, 2018 Referring Member New Member Referring Member New Member Melissa Anderson Terrie Clark Aaron Marshall David Conyers II Eric Bessett, RMP® Candace R. Leach Sherri Mayes, MPM® RMP® Shannon Anderson Brian Birdy, MPM® RMP® Ricardo Araujo Barbara Mayo, MPM® RMP® Alexis Gunn Robert Bixel Yesenia Nogales Hanna McClain Ian McTiernan John R. Bradford, MPM® RMP® Abby Volin David Moses Matthew VanderWerken Amelia Christensen Ashley Montgomery Danie Muldoon Jennifer Powilleit Greg Doering, MPM® RMP® Matthew Blitchok David Pruitt Isabel J. Potter Mike Gerson Keenan Freeman Kathleen Richards, MPM® RMP® Susan Gaffney Kevin Gomez Kendal Mortimer Tom Sedlack, MPM® RMP® Tom Sandhoefner Danny Hardeman Amanda Mack Victor Short Chris Lesak Russell Hathcock H. Steven Johnson Diane Stanley, RMP® Teresa M. McDowell Rhonda Hatley Beers Randy Michael Sullivan Sandra Luna Harry Heist Michelle E. Hall Jacque Vaughn George S. Warriner, Jr. Wayne Hinson Jennifer Rice Natalie Walls Phillip Vera Alan Lam, RMP® Chrystal Wong Jodi Williams Juliana Loken Erika Lamb Kellie C. Lamb Courtney Wolfe Carlisha K. Florez

® All the information you need Earn a $200 NARPM credit! is at www.narpm.org/join/ 34 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5










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36 | May 2018 Issue | Volume 29 | Number 5