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Large-signal PIN model for ultra-fast

Krozer, Viktor; Fritsche, C

Published in: European Conference, 2005

Link to article, DOI: 10.1109/EUMC.2005.1610152

Publication date: 2005

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Citation (APA): Krozer, V., & Fritsche, C. (2005). Large-signal PIN diode model for ultra-fast photodetectors. In European Microwave Conference, 2005 (Vol. 2). IEEE.

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Large-signal PIN diode model for ultra-fast photodetectors

Carsten Fritsche and Viktor Krozer Technical University of Denmark, Oersted•DTU, Department of Electromagnetic Systems, Oersteds Plads 348, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, Phone:+45-45253769, E-mail:[email protected] and Center for Applied Technology and Electronics ATHENE e.V., Darmstadt, Germany

Abstract— A large-signal model for PIN is 4) In real devices the I-region contains residual dop- presented, which can be applied to ultra-fast photodetection ing, which is used as a parameter in the model. and THz signal generation. The model takes into account the tunnelling and avalanche breakdown, which is important The model equations can be divided into those describing for avalanche . The model is applied to ultra/fast the optical performance and those determining the electri- superlattice photodiodes for THz signal generation. Results cal performance of the device, respectively. Illumination show that the output power at THz frequencies is in the is currently assumed from the n+ side, but can be changed order of tens of µW. The embedding impedances are found p+ to be as low as 13Ω. to illumination from the side by interchanging the parameters of the n+-region with those of the p+-region. I. INTRODUCTION A diffusion current conduction is assumed for the highly A large amount of literature exists on the performance doped regions and drift conduction in the I-region. The and circuit modelling of PIN both for electrical and rate equations can be given in the following form for the + optical applications. A number of models exist for the PIN n -region: , which are in general small-signal models, n-region: dPn Pn Ip including the models for travelling-wave structures [1], = PG − − (1) [2], [3], [4]. Most models do net lend themselves to im- dt τp q plementation in a circuit simulator, because they are either i-region: for electrons based on numerical techniques [5] or are based on black- dNi Ni Ni In box models extracted from small-signal measurements. = NGi + vnζnNi + vpζpPi − − + (2) Parasitics modelling of fast PIN photodiodes has been dt τnr τnt q presented by Wang et al . p-region: A PIN photodiode model suitable for circuit simula- dNp Np In = NG − − (3) tions has been presented in [6] for avalanche photodiodes dt τn q and for reverse bias only. This model has been used as P N a basis for the development of the large-signal model for where the n and p are the total excess holes and N standard PIN and superlattice PIN photodiodes and has electrons in the n- and p-regions, i are the total excess P been employed for the implementation into the circuit electrons in the i-region, q the electron charge, G and N simulator. G are electron-hole pair generation rates in the n- and N P This paper gives details on the model and com- p-regions by incident light, Gi(= Gi) is the generation τ τ pares results from measurements with simulations. Both rate in the i-region, p and n are the hole and electron τ τ avalanche InGaAs photodiodes as well as GaAs PIN life-time in the n- and p-regions, nr and pr are the THz photodiodes are considered in the discussion. To recombination life-time of electron and hole in the i- τ τ our knowledge we demonstrate for the first time a PIN region, nt and pt are the electron and hole transit-time I I device large-signal model suitable up to THz frequencies through the i-region, p and n are the hole and electron v v implemented into a commercial CAD tool. The model diffusion current in the n- and p-regions, n and p are is then used for the prediction of the signal output the electron and hole drift velocities in the i-region, and ζ ζ from the photodetector up to THz frequencies and the n and p are the electron and hole impact ionization rates determination of the embedding impedances. in the i-region. The schematic structure of a PIN is shown in fig. 1. The solution of the above equations determines II. PIN PHOTODIODE LARGE-SIGNAL MODEL the charge flow in the device and its frequency and The PIN model is based on the drift-diffusion model voltage dependent performance. The solution is found by with a modified velocity versus field characteristic and applying the according boundary conditions as outlined takes into account the rate equations. The following in [6]. The electron-hole pair generation rate is given assumptions are made, which are generally valid for high G(x)=Φ0α exp (−αx) (4) speed devices: + + 1) The depletion width in the n and p regions is where Φ0 is the incident photon flux per unit area given negligible compared to that in the I-region. by Pin(1 − R)/Ahν, where R is the facet reflectivity of 2) The electric field is uniform in the I-region. the n-region, hν is the photon energy and A is the device 3) The electric field is negligible in the n+ and p+ area, and α is the absorption coefficient for the individual regions. semiconductor layer.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Danmarks Tekniske Informationscenter. Downloaded on January 22, 2010 at 05:47 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. W W W Pon dVn Vn n i p = Cno + + In (7) Vopt dt Rn + n i p - Poi dVi Vi Vi = Cno + + − Ia − In (8) hn Vopt dt Rnr Rnt z where x τp τn τnt τnr Rp = ; Rn = ; Rnt = ; Rnr = ; Cno Cno Cno Cno Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of carrier flow in a PIN diode. Vi Ii = ; Ia = CnoVi(vnζn + vpζp) (9) Rnt The proposed equivalent circuit has the structure as The diffusion currents can be found solving the continuity shown in Fig. 2. It contains an optical part and an equations for the steady state and applying the appropri- electronic part. These two are coupled via controlled ate boundary conditions [6]. The steady-state diffusion current and voltage sources. In the case of multi-section currents then are given by devices the equivalent circuit is being connected is series V on both the electrical and optical ports. The Ruu n In = + βnPin − Idn (10) is then employed only once in the circuit, because it Rnd represents the optical power delivered to the substrate. Vp Ip = + βpPin − Idp (11) Adding mirrors can be taken into account by appropriate Rpd manipulation of additional absorption terms. Therefore, The current through the photodetector is the sum of the it is believed that the equivalent circuit is rather complete hole diffusion current in the n-region, the current through including the dominant physical phenomena. The optical the i-region, that includes the electron diffusion current

IJ in the p-region, the displacement current and tunnelling Vp Ip and parasitic currents Rs Rop P op I C R R I b P dVJ op no p pd dp p in IJ = Ip + Ii + CT + Ipar (12) V dt I i P i in V V C = C +C C Roi P J where J is the junction voltage, T s J , s is the oi I I I C R R I I I C C oi a n no nr nt p i d J s parasitic capacitance and CJ is the junction capacitance V n Ipar In and represents the tunnelling and parasitic current R P R on on I C b P contributions. uu on no Rn Rnd Idn nin III. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LARGE-SIGNAL PIN Puu MODEL Fig. 2. Electrical and optical equivalent circuit for the PIN photode- The implementation of the above model has been tector. pursued with the help of the so called symbolic defined input power Pin is represented by the equivalent voltage device (SDD), which is able to model linear and nonlinear source. The power Pop represents the amount of the devices and can be used in harmonic-balance simulations. power Pin that will be dissipated on the resistance Rop The SDD model is defined through relations for the due to generation of electron-hole pairs in the n-layer. terminal currents and voltages. The major task here is The power Poi is that part of the total power Pin that the appropriate formulation of the individual elements of will be dissipated on the resistance Roi. Photons that the equivalent circuits in order to achieve convergence. will be absorbed in the i-layer and generate electron-hole The implemented SDD in Agilent ADS2003C is provided pairs are represented by the power Pon and its resistance in fig.3. The model includes bandgap engineering and Ron. The photons that will not be absorbed in the APD vP1 Puu can be represented by the amount of power Puu that is

dissipated on the resistance Ruu. VCVS

vP2 Pon

Pon R=Rs1+Rs2 Ohm The rate equations can be transformed to current equa- Vpin VCVS Poi Vi R tions by multiplying each equation with the electron Poi Pop Vn V_DC Pin charge q. In order to improve numerical accuracy, a Pin Vp Vdc=opticalpower V constant Cno is introduced, which can be thought as a VCVS vP4 VCVS Pop capacitance. Defining the following equivalent voltages SDD9P qP qN qN n p i VCVS Vp = Vn = Vi = (5) Cno Cno Cno Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit for light input the rate equations (1),(3) and (??) can be written as Pop dVp Vp is currently being extended to super-lattice structures. = Cno + + Ip (6) Vopt dt Rp The possibility of built-in fields is also considered as

Authorized licensed use limited to: Danmarks Tekniske Informationscenter. Downloaded on January 22, 2010 at 05:47 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. a function of the bandgap in the individual layers. The full model is capable of simulations of travelling-wave structures. It employs a coupled line model for the electri- cal signal and an optical waveguide. The travelling-wave model will be subject of another paper.

IV. RESULTS This circuit has been verified with data available for an APD and an ultra-fast photodetector. The results for the DC characteristics for two diodes are provided in fig. 5. In fig. 5a) a comparison between measured and simulated results is shown for an avalanche photo diode (APD) as reported in [6]. The other diode in fig. 5b) has been developed at the University of Erlangen [] and is part a) of a super-lattice nipnip THz photo-diode, which utilizes several cascaded PIN integrated diodes together with the according recombination diodes. The DC photocurrent are according to the expected characterstics. The performance


Fig. 5. Simulated I/V characteristics of an APD diode [6] and an ultra- fast PIN diode fabricated by the Univ. of Erlangen [7] under illumination with different optical power levels.

a) beat frequency, which has been varied from 100 GHz up to 1000 GHz. The output power versus the beat frequency for the ultra-fast PIN diode from fig. 5 is provided in fig. 6 together with the embedding impedances. It can be verified that the output power drops with frequency according to 1/f 4 which indicates that the diode suffers from transit time and RC time constant limitations. The real part of the impedance is relatively low and equal to RPIN ≈ 13Ω. This indicates that relatively low impedance embedding circuits or antennas have to be used in order to match the diode.


b) The paper presents a large-signal model for PIN diodes applicable up to THz frequencies. Comparison between Fig. 4. Comparison of simulated and measured I/V characteristics of measured and simulated DC and AC characteristics show an APD diode [6] and an ultra-fast PIN diode fabricated by the Univ. of Erlangen [7]. excellent agreement. The model can also be used for travelling-wave photodiodes and the implementation of of the diodes of fig. 5 under illumination is illustrated in the travelling-wave structure into the CAD environment fig. 4. The DC photocurrent is shown in this figure for a is currently under way and will be shown during the number of optical powers. In the case of the APD diode conference. only the reverse characteristics are shown in the figure. REFERENCES Large-signal harmonic-balance analysis can then be used for the determination of the embedding impedances [1] A. Malcoci, A. Stohr,¨ R. Heinzelmann, K. Hagedorn, R. Gusten,¨ F. Schafer,¨ H. Stuer,¨ F. Siebe, P. van der Wal, V. Krozer, M. Feig- for ultra-fast photodiodes. The photodetector has been inov, and D. Jager,¨ “Photonic (sub)millimeterwave local oscilla- simulated in a setup with two laser colors, resulting in a tors,” in , Radar and Wireless Communications, 2002.

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