t * r tifOVKTEm rtBtrr Etintfttii S m O i MONDAlr, JULY lM t 4 » ' Average Daily Circalalion Thd WaaUMr Mm. WllUajm J. Crawford of For the Moath of Jaae, IM * Rav. John Walker of Brie, Pa. A new supply of jram has ^ n Miss Faith Fallow of 169 Mala Workman today wara aagagad Fereeast e l 0. B. fVeetfeer Biireeit waa the principal speaker a t the received at the Red Cross work HamUa atr«et and her grandson, atreet, with Mias Blsther Anderson In paintlni' tha woodwork of thh mt Town headquarters at the TJ4.CA.. Vol­ Russell C ^w ford , Jr., left this of Danbury, left this morning for state meeting of Townsend Clubs police headouartara buUdiag.* AM 6,429 Fair and ’fU gR tly oeeler to­ at the West Side Recreation Cen­ unteer knlttera are still needed morning for Brooklyn, N. Y* for a Lewiston, Maine, where they will of the exterior trim, will be pelat- and If they will call tomorrow at week^ visit with Mm. Crawford's visit with Miss Ednah Harrow" Nfl«bar_et the Audit night; WedpdAlay fair with mod- Juat TTa club will meet to- ter yesterday afternoon. A number July erpta temphtat •ywnlnc with Mrs. Paul of delegates to the recent Town­ the Y building, either from 10 to son-lB-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Clough for a few days. Both Mias Burees ef Clfcolettoea . of 40 Parker atreet. , send National convention at St. 1> or 1 to 3 they will receive In­ Mrs. Richard Cherrington of that Anderson and Miaa Barrowclough Louis gave reports. Repi;esenta- struction's and yam. If informa­ city. They will also visit the are school teachem in this town. Manche$ier— di City of Village Charm tlvee of the different Connecticut tion is urgently needed at other World’s Fair at Flushing. a u c b o o f r a n clubs who attended, over 100, en­ times volunteers may call Mrs. (Knowa Aa Qaaee AUee) Clearance Sale VOL. LIX., NO. 244 (t^eeM ed Advcrtteiei ee PeRe Id) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1940 ri'WELVE PAGES) PRICE THKEE CKN joyed a supper of cold meats, po­ Henry Smith of Princeton sttSet, Miss Dorothy Marks of Main >J»UBLIC SETBACK - BPnUTMAl. NKDIVM street. Miss Laura Smythe of Seveath Continued In All DepailmenU Until Saturday Night, Depot Sq, Market tato and macaroni salads, relishes, Mrs. Charles Burr, Scarborough TOMORROW NIGHT Paeghter ^ a Seveeth 8es rolls, ice cream and cake, prepared Road; Mrs. Robert Russell, Moun­ Cambridge street and Miss Bar­ Bonr-With a V M July 20th. Free Delivery! Phone 7636 tain Road; or for sewlnf, Mrs. .H. bara' Wentworth of West Hart­ Readtaga Dally • A. Bl. to t P. M. and served by Mrs. W. H. Dowd, Hghlaad Park Community Club Mrs. Arthur Bronkle, klrs. Robert B. DeWolfs, Phelps Road. ford. are vacationing at the North Or By Appokitmeat. la M Barvlee ijCalleried H alf Emjrt^ Ap. Convention Opens Lamb Pattiefl, Turklngton and Mrs. Richard Woods Dude Ranch in the Adlron- S Caoh Pricea! of the People for SO Teara. dacks. ? 171 Church Struat, Hartlerd, Coua. Lady Pepperell Labor Turkln^on of the Willing Work­ Contrary to the previous re­ \dmlaaioa ...... M e. 4 f o r ...... 25c ers' group of the Wesleyan Gull(}. ports, there will not be a distribu­ Pheae 0-3S07 Hitler Now Preparl tion of fresh yegetaW s at the fed­ Oowntry Style The American-LHhuanlan GIU- eral commodities depot on Bissell ^eets and Cases C Sausage . . 27c lb. sens' club will hold Its regular street tomorrow. The goods will be Rdbfing & Siding Openly Forecasts meeting tonight In Victory 71811, received tomorrow and distribu­ Our Specialty Pork Chops 27c lb. Golway etrect. The committee on tion will be on Wednesday. This $1.59 81x108 ...... $1.39 the picnic will make its final re­ new move will not affect the usual Last Offer of Peace Summer Srpiash Sc port. Arrangements will also be Friday commodity. 4>rogram, hut is A. A. Dion, Inc. HALE'S SELF SERVE in addition to It. $1.69 90x108 ...... $1.49 Roosevelt Naiping made for the picnic scheduled for SI Wells St. Tel. 4860 ■llie Original In New England! Sunday. August 4. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Modean $1.49 72x108 ...... $1.29 add children of Jackson street and AND HEALTH MARKET Delegates Push Denio* Photographer’s Flash. Bulb' Befdre Britain Is Mrs. Robert Modean and daughter, Scatters 60 PolicemAi iijT.ATE in s p e c t io n Mona, of Cambridge street, have c r a t i c Convention British Benefit \.I ( 1 .1 ■ ■ • > ■ ' , returned after a few days' stay at Lady Pepperell Cases Hammonasset. / TUESDAY SPECIALS Through More Oratory New Orleans, July 16.— (>P)— I Police Captain Is Shocked Re|»orls Indicate Fueh# Sixty New Orleans city police­ Italian Coast SERVICE; Double Green Stamps GivUn With Cash Sales 42” X 36” — 45” X 36” Icforc Actual Ballot- By Quest for Three Hairs rer .May Tell 3*Point BRIDGE and ' I t , I , I « » f ' men squatted on the floor of Tuesday. ig Begins on Thurs> the police gymnasium listening J Weymouth. Mass., July 16 Propraiii in Speech Bev Before yon. take your car, or ^ ____ to Instructor William C. Maher Waters Mined i/Ti Police Capt. Charlie Baker LAWN PARTY If yon've already been told Hale’s 3 f" 99c dav; Woman Talks.- lecture on bombs. is still a little shocked. fore Reichbtag in Next TCESDAY. .Il'LY 16, 3;S0 "something wrong”— see ns! "W hat would you do?" he I Three young women came to Few Days; Ciano Plant We have all the latest equip­ DRIVE Limited Quantity! While Thev Last! riucago Stadium, July 16. asked Patrolman Anthony BvRovalNavv' 9/ ' ef ^ , police headquarters laat night MRS. LAWRENCE CASE'S IxMives Foret, pointing to a cigar box ■ To Go to Berlin to HIGHLAND PARK ment to put > r In shape. Milk Bread 2 11c — (A P )— A member of Presi­ i and a.sked him for three hairs 45” X 72” U d y Pepperell which represented s weight I from his chest. They were on a Prireel Refreehmonu' COOK’S G.\R.\GE dent Roosevelt’s cabinet bomb. Tightening of Blockade j treasure hunt, they said. (Confer on Terms as Mueir by Pipe Band. .Manchester Green Tel. 8996 openly forecast his nomina­ "I'd open It like this,” dem­ I Refusing in an abaahed sort AdmiMkion $l.()0. In Mediterranean Rc- Diice's Representatiii SAFELY Sugar 10-Lb. Cloth Bag 49c Crib Sheets tion for a third term today onstrated Foret— ' of way. Captain Baker referred Flret quality Lady Pepperell erlh while Democratic delegates There was a blinding flash lalitory Warning Is the trio to Patrolman George */i-Pound Cellophane Bag aheeU that are ao soft and One. - Will and ^ 60 policemen leaped to Smith, who also buttoned "up I Rome, July 16;— (A P )—- W e will furnish you wear for years. ea. 59c pu.shed their convention their fe'et and ran for the exits, Given lo All Vesseb. hls blouse tightly. ( Diplomat ic circles heard to­ • Headlights through more gusts of ora­ with ice and a brami Maher had rigged a photog­ "Very well," said the three il day that Hitler was Please Shop Tuesda.v for Two Da.vs! Wednesday Is Walnut Meats Regular 39c Pure Irish Linen tory before the actual ballot­ rapher’s flash bulb In the box. lyindon, July 16. '>Ti The young ladles in a collective I preparing to make a Iasi Merchants’ Day and Pinchurst Will Be Closed All Day. • ing begins Thursday. Secre­ to go off when It wa.8 opened. British Navy wo* presumed today sniff, "w-e'll finil a more sport­ Windshield new air conditioned ing Police Department." ; three<;point offer to Great tary of Labor Perkins told a to have laid new- minefields In w a­ ! I Britain for-a war settlement A The teletype has not yet re­ Native Tnmatnes. Wipers Dish Towels breakfast gathering of sever­ ters arottnd Italian territory in the corded whether they did. Formosa Oolong Tea Thl.8 was the scene looking toward the speaker's stand a* the Democratic National Convention which would s|)are the Brit­ O ' l f l x - . ^ Cucumbers COOLERATOR Boat for Iced Tea! stock up now at this low pride. Beauti­ al thou.sand women that “ we Hounds Lose opened in Chicago Stadium with the gallerir* only spin 8-ly ’ filled Driven from the pre*li|entli)l held Mediterranean. ish Isles from devastating at­ ful quality with green and gold, brown and ea. arc about to break tradition by the prospect of a first ballot nominsllon for P m id '.nl Roosevelt. Iiundreds of "favorite son" backers This belief was ba.sed on a tack. Diplomatic reports from • Speedometers Lb. gold border*. & 5c each From H o w until 29c and nominate a man for a re-decked their candidates In vice presidential trapping*, encouraged by the possibility of a wide-open I brief Admiralty announcement:ement -VT • 1 3 t . Berlin indicated that Hitler warning "all ves.scis navi Flavor Sf«l Tomator*. Make Iced Coffee Now With Halc'a Domestic Department. third term.” scramble for second place. , Rating INazis Keport Bandits^ Trail w-ithin 30 miles of any Italianin tor- , 1 might make an offer to Brit­ .Mid-November When'the burst of applause sub­ rjrren Peppern. REFLECTORS , ritory in the Mediterranean'! they i ain in a speech before the Double ) Regular 17c Fast Color sided, the labor secretary added: Pavahlc .$1 For Week Red Bag Coffee 2 i hs 27c "W e don't do this lightly. There 1* In Bay State j w-ould “do BO at their own risk and i More British Reichstag within the next Bunch Radishes RESILVERED not a woman In this room who peril- few days. ^ 63 Men Die The announcement of this tight- No. 3 Can Llhh,v’. Peeled Breakfa.! doesn't realize the seriousness of Japs’ Cabinet Resigns Count Galesizzo Giano is plan­ P i 3c bunch Percale Prints breaking tradition." ■ ening of the blockade against : ning tentatively to g'O to ^ r lin NORTON Quartet Becomes Object l Italy said it w-as retaliatory. The Vessels Sunk Iceberg I.«ttu c e ...... lOe This breakfast of the Federation In Explosion before Hitler speaks to confer with 10c Boston Lettuce ...... 8c ELECTRICAL Prunes Can. of Illinois • Democratic Women's O f Intense Manhunt; Italian government, it was stated, ’ the Germans on terms as Preinier 2 25c Cbib* was held before Speaker Under Army Pressure "recently issued a notice to the rrlsp. Fresh (or Wax) L. T. Wood Co. 8 y**’- $1.00 Mussolini's representative, diplo­ Telephone Peas. INSTRUMENT CO. William B. Bankhead, the tempor­ Blood Spattered on 1 effect that within the limit of 30 Re«rwril Air Raids Arc matic sources said. 51 Bissell Street No. 3 Can Wegner At Coal Mine ; miles from the Allied coasts all , Cauliflower . ca. IRc Bright colorful print* for dresses. aprons, drapcricli, etc. All ary chairman and keynoter, called Aimed at Airports, Plan* To Be Offered GREEN BEANS Hilliard St. Phone 4060 Tel. 4496 fast colors. -______the delegates to order to hear Abandoned Auto. I merchant vessels bound for Allied . Spinach. speeches ny Mr*. Thomas F. Mc­ Vonai Haml. Raaigna- D igpu Je D claV S . porta will navigaffc at their risk Private advices from Berlin In­ Grapefruit or Orange Juice Harbors and Factories; dicated thaj Hitler probably woul^ 2 qts. 15c Extra Special! Regular 29c Fast Color Allister, director of the Women’s Boston, July 16—(>T)— A qviartet Gas-Masked Crews Still tioiis to binperor; Lx- F . . and peril.-’ While Onions. The Admiralty continued: offer Britain plans for: Becker's Tender, Native Division of the Democratic N a ­ of vicious and heavily-armed gun­ Fires Show Bomb Hits. tional Committee, and by Rep. Explore Shafts in pect Prince Koiioye to (yCPITIclIlS^ Plan "His Maje.sty's government re- 1. A European settlement/’of Sweet Red Unions. BEETS. OR CARROTS 3 Cans 25c men, two of them survivors of at ' tnrd them.selves as ‘justified in continental affairs: •printed Dotted Swiss Arthur Mitchell of Chicago, only Search for Others Pos- j BerUn, July 16. - iA»i Sinking La?ge Yellow Slicing 2 bunches lie Negro congressman. least five gunflghts with police In Head the New Group. taking similar action In respect of 2. Return to Germany those 46-Ounce Can Burt Olnr.v of ,41.600 tons more of British Becker’s Native Air of Prayer-Meeting vessels navigating In the vicinity colonies taken from her/by tho Onions. ARROW /,yac,i& PAWLING STRIPES the Isat 10 days, became the ob­ sihiv Trapped hv Blast.''] ar; SUMMER SQUASH 2 for l.ic Secretary ' Perkins said that To Hit British of the Italian coasts." slvippli/g and renewed air raids on British after the World •Printed Dimities ject of an intense manhunt today U V - ■ 1 Tokyo, July 16.— (A P ) — 3. Economic rehabiKtatlon of Watercress. "this convention has the air of a Hits Germany by Air England - aimed at airports, har- 1 Good Qualitv. New ■ ^ Tomato Juice in New Hampshire and Massachu. Sonman, Pa,, July 16. w - In Premior Admiral Mitsuma.sa Europe. Asparagus. POTATOES ...... peck 37c 17c prayer-meeting rather than a cir­ Aa Britain struck against bora and factories were reported rus, and that Is right considering setts. 7 a deluge of rain, while thunder and | Yonai handed hls whole cabi- Britain might b e ^ fe re d the role •Flock Dot ^ Voiles Generals Differ on Suc­ Italy by sea she hit Germany by I today by the high command, of mediator between the gold the seriousness of the occasion." Bloodhounds supplied by Rhode lightning rent the skies above, net’s resignation to Emjieror Island officers traced the four to air. The Air Ministry announced j niree merchant ships totaling , standard coi^ries. including PINEHURST CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. She paid tribute also to Mrs. grim rescue workers early today cess in Landing .Aft­ congested areas of Lowell last Hirohito tonight, apparently last night that British filers had I 18.000 tons w-ere sent to the bot- ] those of the %^tern hemisphere, Corn Kix or Franklin D. Roosevelt, whom, she' trundled out of the depths of a under Army pressure for bombed 22 German airdromes in ] tom of the English Channel in r e -! 6 y*- $1.00 said, "symbolizes to American night after Utelr latest crimes — er Channel Crossing; and the natifins of Europe in a Rod Raspberries. holdups In which they netted more bituminous coal mine the canvas-1 stronger enforcement of Jap­ the past 48 hours, crippling jump­ I peated raids on, British com­ w-orld economic re-adjustment, women—at least to Democratic merce yesterday, its communique Pkgs. Thirty patterns In light, cool, summer fabric.*. Plsn lo make than 62,200 In West Springfield covered bodies of 63 men killM by Modified Drive Seen. ing off places which might be used these souecte said. Bluebcrrie.s. Wheaties 21c women— the general good women an's “ new order in East I reported, while another submarine I Esquire, America's blue book several dresses at this low price. and Magnolia, Mass., early Monday an explosion yesterday. for attack against Britain. This was interpreted in some Ripe Cherries. want to accomplish’’ for the Bet­ Asia” policy. Most Japanese ' master s report added 23,600 tons - but there lost the trail. Although the Koppers Com­ Grenoble, Prance. July 16. i/P) The attack." were directed quarteps as meaning that In the of fashion, features our new Domestic Dept. terment of mankind." j to the bag of L’-boat raiders. Honeyhalls. The stoleh' automobile the pany. operator of the mine, an­ newspapers expected that against airports in Belgium. Hol­ rc-qrganization of Europe after Pawling Stripei in the August Delegates moved Into the big I Le Petit Daiiphlnol.s said today Filer* Continue Forays Honeydews. nounced belief all the victims of land and Gertnany. British air- peaye. Britain w-mild be asked to . Jewel Shortening convention hall with their ears bandits used in the robbery at former Premier Prince Fumi- j that foreign diplomatic quarters Gerriian fliers, continuing their issue, just out, because of their Pennsylvania’s worst bituminous me'n also httmbed an aircraft fac­ w ^ k out some method of "h *r- Cantaloupes. keenly attuned for any sound from Magnolia -where they held up the maro Konoye would be asked ' dail,v forays on the British Isles, originality and snjAjS^ttyling. .1-Pound Can 43c Store CIos^l All Day Wednesday disaster in a decade had been in Switzerland had heard that a tory at ^'emen and oil plgats and nlonizing" economic relations be- 20c Plums. the White House- but such as Magnolia Casino, a society resort, were said to have observed fires I-Lb. Can 1 7 c found, the gaa-masked reacuc *o form a new cabinet. projected attack on England by i reflneriies at Gelsenkirchen, Ham- dw-een the so-called "gold coun­ They, are first to interpret the “ Merchants’ Day” July 17th came to them emerged only and took 61,800 had been found and explosions after dropping Fresh crews' still explored pltchblack Klther he or W ar Minister Gen. b u r^ a n d Brenion. Two British tries," including "the United States, through cabinet member* or ad­ near Lowell a short time before 600.000 Gormans had been delay­ bombs on airport.* at Pembroke, Meat suggesHnns for your Wednesday's dinner . . . DAISY iwing to end and end madraa shafts In the possibility others .Shunrolju Hats, whose resignation and those nations such as Gor- ministration subordinates. that, adding one more to the long ed because of differences in the St- Athan. Plymouth and Bieester, with wide spaced, narrow,' might have been trapped. hastened the end of the slx-months- many which oper^tb on a planned HAM S, 84c lb. Good cuts of linehurst Qimllty Corned Beef President Roosevelt talked by list of bullet-riddled cars they have (Conttoued On Page Pwo) the harbors of Cardiff and Brigh­ Most of the dead had been suffo­ old Yonai csblnet, presumably high command, but that the at­ econo'my. with little or no gold. Hormel’s E-Z cut ready to serve Ham, Butts .88c lb., Shanks raised tsvill stripes. In three iceberg Lettuce Head 5 c telephone for five, minute* with abandoned, or wrecked in the ton and an airplane factory at cated. Others were burned. would point a new government to­ tack mav be launched Friday cool colors that do wonders Basement Specials Secretary Hopkins, and Hopkins course of their depredations. Yeovil. Would Play Major Part or Whole, SOc lb. Ijunb Legs. Tender Fo h I. .80c lb. Fryers 31 Esca|>e From Mine ' ward consolidation of Japan's night. I conferred with Senator Byrnes (D - One Believed Wounded (St, Athan Bind Cardiff are in Since two-thirds of the world's or Native Broilers. for sun tanned complexions, Only 2i men escaped from the gains in the Oijent and take a The Germans have assembled SCK but neither would disclose Two Oil Tanks Wales. * ^ , gold is owned by the United plus the Arrow collar that's At least one of the four is be­ mine, sloping two miles into the strong stand against western pow. hundreds of ships for the attack, For Tuesday W e ISuggeat . . . W ire Rubbish Burners what they h.id discussed. Besides the ,merchant ships Junk, States, that nation would have to Fresh Native Peas 2 Lbs. 21c lieved to be wounded, since two earth from a'^mountainside, when era. including the United States. In the newspaper said In a dispatch a joy to all men. Mitoga fit Directors of the third term drive the communique said five others play a major part In any such re­ SHOULDERS OF L.\MB— Boned and Rolled cars. Including the one used yes­ either gas or coal dust exploded the east. ,, from Bern. . . . Sanforized-ShninW CPabric Luirge sixe, with zipper t o p ...... were deseribed as still uncertain terday, have been blood spattered Hit bv Bombs were damaged yesterday by bomb shaping of the international econ­ or with Chops Cut Off. pound...... Arreu’ Pauling Tin...m Fresh $1.00 and snuffed out the lives of those “Nerw Orfier I'ltlmate Object” According to Le Petit Dauphl- 19c talon andpatterm that go shrinkage less than i%). w;hether,to put the president for- when found. nols, the commander-in-chlef of hits and one. a 9.000-ton tanker omic system. Calves’ Liver . . Tender Cube Steaks . . Freshly Ground I’lne- caught farther In. The 21 maRe a "Arm y circles," commented hast with the thirt, only 4 J Reg. $1.29 Door Mats Police In Worcester, Mass., and the" German Army and other gen­ in a I'strongly protected convoy," But, according to this infonna- quick scramble for safety, some Darnel, Japanese news agency." was hit bv a submarine. hurst Beef, 30c lb. . . Dried Beef . . Beef Liver. ‘ Bch. 5 C (Continued on Page Seven) In New Hampshire, scene of gun- erals opposed the plan of attack British Plane’s Penetrate tion, Britain would have to kacp $ 2 - 2 5 Beets or Carrots crawling on all fours to shelter have come to the conclusion that 16"x27” Cocoa F ib r e ...... - . . .. , flghts last' week, have obtained first set for July'9-10 because they j out of continental European poli­ Pleaae remember to buy tor two days, as most Manchester $1.00 themselves from the heat and It Is the urcent task of Japan to warrants for James Stuart, 23, thought it t ^ dangerous to the Almost 300 ^liic!* Into tic*. •tore* will be closed all day Wednesday, Merchants’ Day. lethal gas that filled the tunnels. establish the so-called new na­ Bilges for Attack Reg. 59c House Brooms and Robert Hack, 22. Massachu­ The company received an unveri­ attackers iiytts original form. It was recalled here that Hltlar, tional political structure which Libya oh Scouting Trip in his Reichstag speech last Oct. setts State Police iden.tifled Stuart fied report that s spark from a coal Ships of All Sizes A /ready Prepared HEALTH MARKET forms the only way for Japan, in 6. offered a settlement in which he Good quality, white handles.... 4&C Flashes ! as James Tlllotson, 22, of Man­ The riiips. according to the Berlin, July 16.—<4’' -Bases for view of the stress of the homeland Cairo. July 16.— uO—Direct hits proposed a conference of the big chester, Mass., and Hack as Stan­ (Ik>ntlnued on Page Seven) new-spaper. range from German an attack upon England already (Late Bulletins of tha (A7 Wire) foreign sRiiation, to carry olii! re­ on two large Naval oil tanks in a European powers. V .lm /iu/K U Reg. 50c. Dusting Mo|is ley R. Blelanskl, 20, of Chicopee, and Aptured French. Belgian and have been prepared “w-lth German armament effectively, tighten Mate British air atfack on Tobruk, • DIAL 4151 302 MAIN STREET Rib Lamb Chops u. 37c both recent parolees of the Con­ Dutch freighters and pasucnger Since then' a great part of Eu­ To Improve Airport cord Reformatory. The ide^^ltles control of economy and renovate Libya, were reported today in a rope has .fallen directly or indi­ OF POST OFFICE ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STATE ARMOR CjEJUmSf-^SOH Triangular shape, treated with Cedar oil . . *. 39c j foreign policy with construction of jdiips to fi.8hing smacks and barges (CXrntlnued On Page Fwo) Royal Air Force communique. INC W'ashlqgton, July 16.— (Ah — of the other two fugitives w u not ' to be towed *by tugs - rectly under German control or In- Shoulder 8 Nazis Held a new order in East Asia as th Penetration of British planes ' I fluence. tearing only Britain In Reg. 85c Venetian Blind Duster Rhode Island meniliers of O ngfoee known. They are I.ring along the coaat ! ultimate object." yesterday almost 300 miles into opposition to Hitler’s schema. THE STORE OF QUALITY were notllled todny Freoident The fout held up the Magnolia from Bre.st, France, to Bergen, Roosevelt had approved a 6844,- Casino only a few hours after a Libya w-as described as the longest The first ' Fascist claims that Lb. Good length handia ...... 69c In Aro;entina (The “new national poHtIcal Norway, the paper added. Will tlonsider Lamb Chops 31c 011 W l ’.A project lor Improvement similar crime In West Springfield, reconnaissance Sight yet attempt­ Italy Is entitled to hold a protecto­ MrFOOTwBkRTTrfBD^^TISyeQUIPMeHT'^'^ structure" reftrred to by I^imel Is A planned attack by those of the m ils Grove airport near where they obtained $400 from a ed in the African phase of the rate over Palestine appeared, Reg. $1.00 Dusting Mops / the plan for a one-party govern­ forces on the night of July 9-10 Providence. The project wa8 spon- f6odahop. kidnaped George G; war. They flew as for aa the port mcan’W‘hile, in the Rome nCwspa^ ment favored hy Prince Konoye. was delayed, it eontirJicd. be­ ’ sored hy tjir Rhode Island National Ready, the manager, and released 2.5 Gerinans Arreslctl in of Tocra, only 60 mile# from the Capital Shift per La Tribuna, Fluffy yam on wide reversible fra m e ...... 75c supposedly with palace approval. cause of a- disagreement between Lamb Stew Giiard. / him in Amhel-st after beating him Italian headquarters at Benghasi. It argued that Britain, boldlltf 10c-T5c Raids Aimed at Possi­ (The one-party form would bring Adolf Hitler's generals. * * * > brutally. Leaving Magnolia, they The communique follows: a mandate over Palestine from- / * O’Cedar Sptay Japan into^ greater totalitarian The fleet's escort of light gun­ For motha, fliea, mosquitoes. To Train Youth On Nazi Plan ran into a police trap In nearby ble “Fifth Column.” "Another successful raid w-as I Hlllt MoPC Thun Recoil- the League- of Nations, is losing similarity to Germany and Italy. boats, submarines and fighting carried out on Tobruk. Many Vlcliy, July 16.— The new supremacy in the Mediterranean Lb. Konoye.-however. has not elaborat­ planes, to be preceded by mine bombs burst In the target area, strurlion in Desire Pork Chops Quart can authoritarian France will train Its (CoDtlDoed Oo Page I'wo) and that protection of the' Holy ' 23c-29c 45c ^ Pint can 25c Bueno# Aires. July 16—lA’i Roe ed hls plan completely and ma.v nol; sweepers and waves o f . bombers tw-o large Naval oil tanks suffering .youth to build health and morals Ivind hencefore is Italy’s right as Hand Sprayers, with glass bow ls...... l.lc liable reports from Apostole.*. In be ready to launch It. Qne of the were ready when one group of direct hits. The second explosion To Return lo Paris. from Infanry along lines already the northern Argentine territory uncertainties is what port Parlia­ generals headed by Gen Walther was much bigger than'the first. proven auccesslul In Nazi Ger­ (I'ontinued on Page Sex'Ml) Reg. 59c W indow Screens of Formosa,, said today .that 25 ment would have in such a Jhlghly Vo'n Brauchitsch, commander-in- "Blenheims attacked large artil­ Grenoble. France. July 16 .ff-*- many, Jean Ybarnegary, minister Mexico Ready Veal Chops German residents hsd been arrest­ centralized government.) chief of the German Army, pro- lery stores at Bardia. registering Lb.29c-37c o famll.v and health, announced Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, ed, of whom eight still were iij cus­ The opinion of Army , circles. teatea that It was too idangecous, direct hits. Other aircraft raided with copper Snlahed wire. 22” adjusted to 33 ”. 45c today. “If the Germans defeated France,'* authoritarian chief of tody, In aids aimed at pda.ijble Dome! said, was communicated to the paper said. El Gazala, Libya, and successful­ IIS on the hattjefleld. It was due to To Cooperate Yonai today after the war minister May-Launch Modified Plan state, called a second meeting of 3 Parliaments Reg. $1 .49 Kitchen Step Stools heir prartlnai, rational education 'Fifth Columnlal#.’: ly attacked many aircraft on the d H j Lb. 1 1 c The national gendarmerie, raid­ had conferred with Army leaders A modified plan of the attack ground but the full extent of the his cabinet in Vichy today to di.*- Rib Corned Beef youth,” he. said. and decided to quit. with colored seats and white l e g s ...... $1.29 1 • • ' * ing home* and Nazi meeting may be launched Friday night, the damage Is not yet known. ciiss reconstruction problem.* and J \ “ To Join in Any Plan Ap­ Upheld By Usblnet paper declared. W ill Assemble apposes Closing T r ^ e Routes places, seised stores of -arms and Mllltilry Camps Bombed the" question of moving back lo | Reg. $2.25 Kitchen Step .Stools 9 amro.unitlon and propaganda The premier asked' Hata to The dispatch said that Gen. W il­ Paris. Washington, July 16.— —•The proved for Military. De­ recommend hls successor. Dome! "A reconnaissance flight was Stepsps fmd under seaC' Black, green and ^ ^ pamphlets, these reports said, helm Keitel, chief of the general The newspaper Le Petit Dau- State Department announced L’nlt- reported. When Hata declined, the carried out In the vicinity of Tocra. D 'V '**‘V '“ “V “ - y — v ~ ifii*- y ri i^ iQ red on white fense of Hemisphere. Pamphleta Contain Threats staff, defended.the original plan phlnoLs here hinted that there was Baltic Lc};i»lalor» W iU ed States op|tosltion toilay to the premier decided to submit the On the return flight military Some of the pamphlets were des­ before Hitler, but the Fuehrer, more-than reconstrupllon in the closing of world trade arteries such resignation of his ministers and camps at El Faidia. Libya, were Draft New (>mstitu« Folding-Ironing Boards cribed aa telling of German vic­ nevertheless delayed the attack to Petain government’s desire to re­ as the Burma road and the French Mexico City, July 16— oP)— Mex­ waa upheld by the rest of the cabi­ bombed. One of our aircraft failed tories in Europe and alluding to •consider the objections. turn to Paris. 110118 oil Soviet Lintw* > WIN or *100 in cask ^ Indo-China vraJlway over Which ico ' Is prepared to cooperate In net. to return.. Including pad and cover, 12”x48” ...... what might befall any country The Von Brauchitsch group, the "Loyalty Doubtful.” ■X ______H E B E ’S H O W : Drive over toulght. Let ua uppratiie your ear I $1.29 China receives most of lU war sup­ any plan for the milltaiy defense Yonai left by automobile for “Direct hits were registered on dispatch, continued, argfied that “From news coming from for a 1940 Packard or a Onaraateed' Bruauer Deed Oar. It plies. Japan had demanded that of the western hemisphere ap­ daring to oppose the Nazis. Hayama, the emperor's seaside barracks and buildings at Dlre- Riga, July 16.— lA*)—Three new­ GUARDED AGAINST FIRE- Reg. $1.29 Garm ent Closets The Investigation Is continuing. minesweepers could not clear the Paris," said a dispatch from * coate you uotklngaad.yon may fria 926.00 or 9100.0^ CASH! Great Britain close the Burma proved by the Pan-A’teerican Con­ daw-a (Ethiopia) and considerable ly electeil Parliaments, In Estonia, Given With Gash Sales In Heavy fibre board conatructlon with double It was reported. Vichy, "It may be concluded that route. . ference which meets’ at Havana (Contlnoed o« Page Seven) (Continned on Page Sevjn) damage effected. Latvia and Lithuania will asaept- that*$ the kind o f home you want! doom ...... 0 * 1 C 1. • • • July 20, Finance Minister Ekluardo The government hs* made, no "Suljsequently a bomb dump there is urgent need to clarify the blc soon, it wa.s officially announc* Ma^Mts At A Glance , ’ * Suarez said today. comment. situation created in Paris by ac­ ed today with the drafting pf new h i s child is piottctcd plication of research to home south of Aasab w-as attacked. All Both These Stores A ll Day Reg. $1.25 PyYochien Table Cloths New York. July tfi.-^iP)— Suarez, who will head the Mex­ tivities of certain political person­ agtaast firs—thanks to the our aircraft returned safely. constitutions along Soviet lluee. T contUuctioo in the devclop- BRUNNER’S f 64"x54”, marked aa Irregular but guaranteed e%t\ Stocks— Finn; steels lead recov­ ican delegation, declared however Argentina has banned "alien “Aircraft of the South African alities w'bose loyalty to the Petain their first task. walls and ceiling of his home. meol of boildiog materials. SO OAKLAND S-TBEET siANCHESTEK to aatiafy ...... O j J Q ery. he believed the noajor issues fac­ groups whose alms are contrat? Air Force raided a military-oc­ government Is doubtful.” The counting of votes from elec­ Ptcfocatcd Rocklath and Plas- British Shipment Boosts Just ns it provides better boild|- Tuesday Phone 5191 Open Every Night H U 19 O'clock Bonds-—Steady; domestic groups ing the conference were economic ya the republican and democratic cupied village south o f Moyale. Tjtere was no further indication tions Sunday and Monday began •or provida protection apon ■og, mora (re peocectioa aod Reg. $1.00 Salad Bowl Sets advance moderately. rather than military. principles of the country.” Ten direct hits were registered on of who these “personalities" were with official estimates that m o t*' Hand painted decoratibna. 12” bowl. which life haeif loay depend. better valoes for homee, eo do Foreign Exchange — Irregular; IThe most important taak' fac­ In April, J639, Buenos Aires po­ the village and troops. W e had no or what they were'doing in the than 90 per cent of those eltgihto.' •-Piece Set ...... 0 9 C free pound sterling slips slight- American Crold Imports German-occupied ''capital. in the three Baltic, nations pard6t* j Pwforaecd Rodclath it firc- many other bnhdiog materials ing the Havana conferende,” he lice annoainced they had raided casualties.” ly. said, "Is soma solution of the eco­ Fcoof! Tests sfew that a Ptr- wn haaidic. four “nests of Nasi Inflltration” in pa ted. Reg. $1.^9 Alarm Clocks Cotton— Irregular: July liquida­ nomic problem created by the Eu­ The Latvian Y-elegraph Min the capital. Washington, July 16.—(A’)— A Others shipments included 12.-' f u mttd Karkliath partUitm, prtp. Come in and Ut oa show yon tion, trade and specuintive buy- ropean war, -which has been 20 Italian Bombing Trucks Rush Supplies announced the lifting of ce The CORE liie raids followed publication of 699,609 from Portugal. $1,990,774 ; c l , w\ M t ftattarad, 'tritt kaU/irt at theeo materiaU. Gat * tapj ^ a JMIIULC Guaranteed by a popular clock manufacturer.. 89c Ing. large shipment from England imposed after Soviet Russia charges that Germany planned to To Scenes of Need . PH O N E 7254 Sugar—Mixed; trade covering from Braail, and 62.112.051 from rlane» Shot UOlCn MatJatatUmtma/mBhamrl •ahiMa hath m haauawnanUt AtANCMlSTia COMH- (Osattaiied ea Page Seven) cokmlte or' annex Patagonia, boosted gold imports to 6154,212,- occupied key areas of the BfiMment Department. effaet liquidation. Colombia. Alexandria, July 16.—(A5— At Grenoble, France, July 16— F fd ofawd Bocklath it an 780 In the week, ended July 10. nations. chat will anewer qoeitiona a bout Metals— Quiet: domestic copper southern territory of Argentina. Mon^tJEnnnai4ced Metal- Hundreds of trucks hired by the of the ap- SPEaAL— THIS WEEK ONLY least 20 Italian bombing planes ihia important InTistmanil slightly earior. Would B a a i k Revolution The Commerce Department said* ' . ’The depiitnient'said 668.359,405 were shot down In the Britlah- American Red Cross and the \ SALES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS FINAL I Dr. Alberto Grassi, head, of a Wool Tops — Improved; trade today the week’s gold cargoes, of the inooming gold waa added to Italian Naval clash off southern American Society to Aid War More Than 90 Per and local buying. committee seeking ‘ elevation ef nearly double the preceding week, earmarked deposita of ..foreign Italy Jast Tuesday, according to a 'Victima rushed food, medicine and 3 pc. Suits 75c , 2 for $1.00 stores Closed Patagonia to provincial status, tea. Favor Pro^oviet List I DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS TUESDAY! ' Including $116,765,988 from E ng-, govenunenta and central banks ui communique Issued today by tjie other suppUea today to the scenes INC. N o t Including whltee or gmhardliteu. T k le 'le 'o v regular deluxa tilled during s subsequent Investi­ land. the Federal Reserve system, in-, commander-ln-chief' of the British of greatest refugee needs ip pafts Kqnpqa, July Ifi:-^—(if)— eeniee. Minor repairing, buttoua replaced, better Saleh. Treasury Balance gation that Naai agents offered Although the British empire has cteaaing the total of such deposits Mediterranean fleet. of France Uiioccupled by German than 90 per cent ot the ^ A llD ay arms and money to ohfanlze a THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. The Velusble Premiums You Get for Your Green been the principal gold ahipper for to $1,722,480,453. The communique listed again troops. the Lithuanian Parlia menls ry i ' BappUeo. Paint Wanhlngtoa, Jirfy 18—(B)—Tho revolution In Patagonia. foonths,. tha gold usually baa- ar- { Silver imports slumpedI In the five bombers deatroyed by fighter The supplies arrived at Mar- tions Sunday and Moodsy tm ;|IM M *. a h h i M . TW. ,4149 Maacheater Sum ps Melee Shopping A t These Stores E*tr»i Proflt- poatlioa W tha Treasury July 18: Tomorrow -Alfred Mueller, Argentine Naxl rived from Canada or aome other . week to $667,600, Includingi f $133,- aircraft of- the- British,. JJeet, de- aeUIe ycaterday oo the United the unlUd prodtovict ItaLW ^ ehle. . Manchester Cleaners The - I M t H A U CORK Receipts, $S,819.196.66; expeadl. leader who was arrsated during part of the empire, ra th ^ than 782 ffom Canada and $217,052 etruction of which previously had States freighter McKeesport, first announced today. 195 Center Strdet„ MANCNBans CONM* tures, ,123,103,020.60; net bslsnes, the Inquiry, later viraa acquitted of dIrecL fipm England. Othier Brit­ ^ i n Mexico. been announced, and revealed for relief ship to reach a French port. In 60s>e pbmw t^a vpto Sl,7S6.3SlJ>4S48; customs receipts (MercIpaniB’ .l^liday ) conspiring against A i^ R tln e imle- ish Vnlpment last week included Export-'totals were $1,431 gold Uie first time that aQieaat 13 were per cost for di m ,$8<457-----Inxn c!iuiiMln. a M i3t291 ailver. ! ehot dqim tay ailU ^rcraX t guna. I 17**1 HANCEB 8 IEB EVENING iii;ilA:.tJ. i lil.. CO*NN. TUZ^L^i^JULY 16,1940 \ MANCHEStlik EVCNIIVO 3ERALD, MANUHESTEB CONN. TUESDAT. JX7LY 16,1949 m eyBrn- ■Aid' dran and about 20,000 offer* from rlaas, as wall a* t**ck«r*, are BosUmfs Acting Mayor Tbo laonod column was Jotaad Iqf Home Gai^ens tha Dominion*. Summer Term ellgibl* to tak* this laboratory Montana Holds Watch Moves toe batUaakipa Colorado and Ma* Experts Give Advice Paying Taxes Former Pastor course. Works in Triple Role voda and tba aircraft carrier Bar 'iul to Get Payments , Careful Study Cutting Alao ineluded among tha new terprlae. Are ppMg Well British Announce For Educators courses la toe origlnaiu course In. Primary Today Peace Moves Watokod To Poison Ivy Victims In Two Towns Film Advisor radio production, to be provldoS Boatoa, July 16—(Sv—Wll* In Far East On the Far Eaatorn front, Bitt* Losses tu Sea for too first time In tho UiHory at lah attempts to brtaf about a For Water Extensions London, July 16—Of)— Enemy Down Pilot ‘Washouts’ the aummar scBool. tinder the di­ fred J. Doyle, Boaton'* cur­ Making Good Hartford, July 18.—Persons who • avoided as this may spreiul the Teabhen* College to rection of Jack Henry, etudent* W h ^ l^ Seeks Renoml* rent boas, gave himself quite ooneluotoo toe SIno-Japana** w it Police Officer Griffin action caused the loss of 72 British, Rev. C M. CaMerwood -* an argumrat yeaterday, and Cruisers Bnd Destroyers were closely svatchad by the Stata the plan meets approval of the ar* sensitive to poison l-vy should poison to other parts of the body Allied and .neutral merchant ships will bo given an opporiuntty to K vTown Agreement* Don’t zoning authorities. Progress Locally De­ avoid crusljing It and handling or drive the poison deeper. ' Now Occupies Home On Technical Staff for Instructors Discovering Opeb Sessions Next learn the technique ol writing and nation as Senator on won. Steam Away from Department. While “Secretary Hull totalling 114,187 tons during the Crippin’ Friend Doyle, in addition to ful- made It clear that the goveranMUt '^Work on Lien Basis; Vot«.-to Compromisa , spite Backward Season articles which may have had con­ Symptoms of Ivy polNning are week-end of July 7, the Admiralty They Can ‘Condition’ Mondsiy at Yale. producing various types of radio Democratic Ticket. was not actively concerned in tiM 'After sdine discussion, UM Board tact with the oily sap from the Itching and burning senaations, After* Difficulties. announced t<^y. Filming of ‘Our Town’ Heads B. P. O. Eiks programs. This work will feature fllUlig his regular duties aa Pearl Harbor. voted toe compromise pit a request eity clerk, I* acting mayor (in peace move. It wa* nevgrthate** Ttible Polish Request plant, according to a bulletin of followed by redness, swelling and An authoritative source ac­ Some Candidates for vialts to a radio atudio to study understood that the British nor* previously filed 'fof a -8 foot Up until ten days ago. Home the State Department of Health. the development of small vesicles Polica Officer Raymond Griffin The performance of "Our Town" New Haven, July 16—The sum­ the actual proccsse* Involved In Haleoa, Mont., July 16—(#1— the absence of Mayor Maurice Washington, July 16-^ (JP) Gardners In town were despairing knowledged that the losiwa were Army Air Corps. Mootanane east their primary J. Tobin, who is attending tha ernment waa keeping tha Stata Again; Alter IJne. building line on Haynes street and This vine is another “mlaery” which tend to run together to and family are now occuptng tbeiir above the average for the 44 weeks at the Statd Theater tonight and mer'aeBeion of the Oonnectldut presenting radio programs. Aloof, though sympathetic, the Department Informed of thepiw- Main for which Everett T. Mc­ of harvesting crops until drap In plant. Similar to ragweed, whose tomorrow recalls'# letter received election voles today on ballots that Democratic National Con ven the fall, but the warm weather form blisters. new home on Avery atrecL In so far accounted for and warned: State Teacher* CMj^ege at Y;ale government today observed British gresa of Its peace efforts. Thera ' It WM revealed last night at the Kinney is- igent. The land Is at polten causes hayfever and which Even when crushed or broken early this spring from Rev. By Devon Francis University will beglfi lU aeCond listed five present or former mem­ tlon in (Thlrago) and acting the south side of the Intersection. that has been prevailing has lifted selecting the site Mr. Oiiffln was '•We must expect more violent corporation counsel (since the efforts to bring to a close the were Indications, that while Japan SMeUng of the Board of . Select- Is now the object, of active com­ stalks only come In contact with and more frequent alf attacks with Charles M. Calderwood of Pacific Aaaooiated Preas Avintton Editor. term next Monday, (July 22), with bers of (Congress and Senator. Bur­ is eager to end hostilltlea In China The present line Is 35 feet, and their hopes. It Is said that almost munity campaign^ to eradicate It clothing or Implements used In Impressed by the location on the Palisades, Cal., formerly pastor of previous incumbent resigned); three years' long conflict )>etween aoen that some water main agree- all crops grew as much In the ten top of a hill off Demlng street the coast ot France occupied.” ' San Diego, Calif., July 16—(V)— a number of unique workshop Tank^Order ton K. Wheeler as aspirants for Japan and China, she will not do so without obtain­ this w'as deemed unjust In view of from the state, the sap from poi­ handling poison Ivy, the sap may the Second Congregational church courses open to teacher* tthil *tu- Yesterday (Jlerk Doyle pre­ ing concessions and a dominant- nenta entered Into between th« the fact that the property Is zoned days as they had In the past month He made the purchase, applied for British loaaes totalled 13 ships here. He wfote a local friend, By a careful study of the young various offices. sented some papers to Acting At the same time,/ on the Paci­ or more. Cool nights and wet days son ivy also causes much havoc remain and cause trouble when of 78,888 tons. Three Allied ships dent* throughout the" *tat4^ - In fic scene, 3 cruisers'and a sizeable position In Eiaot A sia.__ town hnd private developers *‘are for business and other Main street among susceptible people. these articles are again used. a building permit and was turned telling among other - things'- of a men Vflo are atreamlng Into the I announcing the new coyraes, Dr. Sets Record Wheeler, seeking renomlnatlon Mayor Doyle for .signature. comers have a 5 foot limit. In June put back gardens con­ jJown. The aecUon la zoned as an of a.total of 9,638 tons iVere sunk, call he had received from Holly­ on the Democratic ticket, was fav­ number of destroyers of the Unit­ not working out” as^ hkd been siderably. When one has been exposed, the Smoke arising from burning and six neutral ships of 28,680 Army Air Co(|^s primary training | F. E. Engieman, director of toe 'Acting Mayor Doyle referred ed States battle fleet steamed I At a previous hearing, nearby bulletin advised that prompt ac­ leaves, stalks or roots of poison AA Zone, which means that there wood by telephone, asking him If summer cchool, stated this morn­ ored over his home town rival, them to Acting Corporation Annenberg Pays 9SOO,OM planned, and the Interest of the property owners' registered objec­ Beans are being haryested now, must be 13,000 aquare feet In the tons. centers to swell our flying per- ' Attorney General Harrison J. away from their Pearl Harbor tion be taken to remove ^he poi­ Ivy may also carry the oily sap on he could bq there at a stated bo\ir ing that registration for the sec Navy Shatters Mark's for CounsSI Doyle for decision as anchorage. town water dejihrtment has con­ tion to the 5 foot line. the bush variety. They are well plot Mr. Griffin was sure that the following morning. Always •onnel in the air rearmament Freebourn 6f Butte. The senator Is to the legal properties of such Chicago. July 16 — (>P)—M. L. sequently not been satisfactori­ filled out and, strange to relate, sonous sap from the skin. The oily particles of soot and cause poison­ Will Include Sales Tax ond term will begin Friday in The Navy Department remain­ as As a measure of compromise, sap is Insoluble In water but can ing of a sensitive person not oth­ be had more land than wa# re­ ready for any adventure he read­ drive, instructora are discovering Dwight Hall on toe Yale Campus, Base Improvements in (Jhicpgo where his name may an act. Acting Corporation Annenberg paid tba govarnment ly served as had been agreed when the Board last night voted that a the Mexican beetle is not very quired, but a survey showed ^lat London, July 16— (Ah—A special ily agreed, thinking It might be a they can “condition” some candi­ be put before toe Democratic Na­ ed silent as to the purpoiw of the $800,000 yesterday as the flr*t In­ much In evidence. This has been be dissolved and removed ' effec­ erwise exposed, the bulletin In­ and all those wishing to take the Counsel Doyle asked Clerk movement. There was speculation the iiuStallatlona were made. in foot building line be establish­ tively by washing thoroughly with formed. half of the land waa In South l^ a r budget, which is cxpectetl to matrimonial ceremony, as once be­ dates to be good pilots. course! should register not later Apfl Other Facilities. tional Convention for the presi­ Ejoyle If the papers were so stallment on the 28.000,000, plus several recent Instances, de- ed on the south side of Haynes noticed also on potatoe.s as the Windsor and half In Manchester. Tnclude a sales tax. wlU be Intro­ ' The “washout” or dismissal rate dential nomination. In Hawaii, however, that the war intereat, which the PhfiadelpMn hugs were very late this stimmer. common laundry soap. If applied Poison Ivy which grows prolifl- fore he had obligingly united a than Saturday noon. important they couldn't wait. vessels may pa’trol Briti.sh and •^elopers have asked that water street from Main to a point 70 feet With only half of the land In duced In Parliament next Tiieadny, couple who wanted to be married at Randolph Field, Texas, for Workehop Course* Washington, July 16—(A5-The Jeannette Rankin of Missoula, Clerk Doyle said no they publisher agreed to pay in settle­ te ^ c e be made available for Al.so being pullod are butter beets so as to obtain an abundant lather. cally along fences, stone walls, Clement R. Attlee, Prime Mlnlatcr many years the sole Army pri­ the flrat woman to be elected to P'rench Islands in the South Paci­ from Main. ' A stiff brush that might break the around rocks, old stumps and the Manchester, where he Intended to In an airplane. The worshop courses, which-will Apmy added $11,000,000 worth of weren't and Wilfred J. Doyle, ment of civil Income tax claimn.. ‘ tracts which- have been opened up. and baby carrots. Of course spin­ build the house. It took 6ut of the Churchill's lieutenant In the House He found that Sol Leaser, pro­ mary air training field, hovered Congress, sought the Republican fic. Eight cruisers and 10 destroy­ ach. Swiss chard and peas have al­ skin shojtld not be used In this edges of Roadsides can be easily be conducted for a three-week pe­ light tanks to the vast list of In person, heaved a sigh of re­ ers In one column and four cruis­ - Pipes have been Instalted on the process. Scratching the skin with hands of the building Inspector, of Commons, announced today. ducer of “Our Town," (Grovir'J _*round 80 per cent Half the riod to the cloelng of the summer nomination for Congress In the lief. basts of an agreement \j-hereby the Consider ready been on the tables of the Identified by its cluster of three the right to grant the neceasary Corners, N. H.) the screen ven were temperamentally un­ equipment onxorder today. First District. Dr. Jacob Thorkel- ers and a number of destroyers in gardeners. the fingemaila ahould also be shiny leaflets. ' school on August 9, will Include another, left the harbor yesterday. coat, borne by the developer, is perm it of Thornton Wilder's second to )>e pilots, or they lacked the following: radio production The contract, awarded yesterday son of Butte, the Incumbent, and amortized over a 10 year period Cucumbers are just starting to A blueprint waa made by a sur- high degree of muscular coor­ to The American Car and Foundry two other men were In the race. Capital Shift run. Blight , is being reported In zer prize-winning story, want curriculum for social studies and with payment of 10 per cent due veyer and the case presented to him on the technical staff. dination needed. ■cience, teaching of modern lan­ Company, provides for 627 twelve- Mlaa Rankin, one of the fifty Arab Ig Killed annually. To enforce payment, the some sections. Spraying Is in order. with international law on ita own the Zoning Board of Appeals by Today, at nine “little Ran­ ton tanks—the"'largest . single representatives who voted against Tomatoes are beginning to be of a Weddings The clergyman wrote that he guages, American community so­ town has assumed Hens on the (Continued from Page One) Nazis Report Island." Attorney Harold Oarrlty. The enjoyed working with the director, dolphs" scattered throughout the ciology, and library science. For peacetime purchase th this de­ United States entry Into the World New V n d tr-a rm property affected. size to start ripening. There are' Air Force# T r^e Blow# board after conajdaring the appli­ Sam Wood, and lunching with the United State*, the percentage, of the first time In Connecticut a fense field. war, has lectured over the nation In Haifa Raid Fail to Pay since signing of the armistices some real tomatoes on the local (The British and German Air “washouta” la dropping. As the tank award was an- as a peace advocate. She advo­ market but storekeepers say ^ e y cation decided thait the exception principals, but beat of all waa the speech laboratory course will be Cream Deodorant Several developers .so serviced with Germany and Italy. More British Forces continued to trade blowe proved the rule ami granted the Johnson Sisters $50 a day he received for hi* work Doe to Analysis of Fault*. Heading the Benevolent and' presented by Miss Luclle Charles n’otmeed, the Navy disclosed that cates a strong defense and non­ safety have failed to make payment on A dispatch from Marseille in Le are being picked half green liy «ew last night. Reports from London Much of It Is due to an analy­ Protective Order of Elks as Its in the 1940 fiscal year ending intervention In European wars. Jerusalem, July 16— —One Jersey and shipped Into the state. change. The permit waa given on the church acenes. Rev. Cal­ recently In New College In New the annual basis. Petit Dauphinois quoted Capt. said that German planes had again and after nearly a year the house Engaged to Wed derwood did not state how many sis of a student’s faults. new Grand Exalted Ruler is Joseph York Cfity. A complete program June,30 it had shattered all' rec­ In Four-Way Rare Arab waa killed and another In­ The town may, after due pro- Jubb of the McKeesport as saying No sizeable quantity df natives attacked coastal- areas, while the Here at the Ryan School of G. Buch, of Trenton. N. J. Buch, ords In contracts for base Improve­ Jerry J. O’Connell of Hamilton Stops Perspiration has as yet appeared. / Vessels Sunk Is now occupied. This qieans days he was employed, but It Is of instruction In diagnosing speech jured seriously In' bombing of the 'casa, foreclose on the liehs, but the voyage was without Incident. sudden silence of German broad­ that Mr. Griffin will pay taxes In recorded that the Starring swSbt- Aeronautica a full 62 per cent of who IS general chairman of the difficulties and in remedial tech­ ments and other shore facilities'.' and Butte, who two years ago en­ Corn has started to grow only casting stations was taken 'as an New Jersey State Elks Crippled Haifa area of the Holy Land yea­ this course is Iong-dra\vn-out and “We even passed through Gib­ two towns In order to live In a Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnson hearts, Martha Scott and William the young men who apply to be­ niques' for speech correction will Three Time* Previous Record tered into a civil liberties contro­ hardly profitable, hence. It appears raltar without so much as a 'How- in the last ten days. I t needs hot (ConttnuM From Page One) Indication that the Brltisli air house of hla own liking In that Holden, went through the mar­ come “flying cadets” under the (Children's Committee; chairman Contracts awarded amounted to versy with Mayor Frank Hague of terday by Italian planes, an offi­ days and nights. Lqt'tuce, Just the of 141 West Onter street, at a of the New Jersey Crippled Chil­ be offered. that this plan will not be followed dydo?’ from a warship,” the cap­ force waa raiding objectlvee In part of Manchester he has selected family party given at their home riage scene 19 times,' -also that program which, contemplates the Dr. Genevieve Leary, formerly $286,930,883—or almost three Jersey City, N. J,. la another for­ cial announcement disclosed to­ In. the future. tain said. opposite, is a buep^er crop In al­ thoroughness” from Norway to Germany. dren's (Commission and chairman times the previous $89,092,725 rec­ med congressman wanting to rep­ France's Atlantic coast, informed for a home. Saturday evening, announced the their cinematic baby earned $78 a production of 7,000 pilots a year director of training schools at New day. Rscently water service has been most all home gardens. (A dispatch from Stockholm said day!, for the Air Corps are graduated of the New Jersey Unemployment Haven State Teachers College, will ord of the World war fiscal year resent the First District, He Is in Several other Arabs were extended only on the basis of a If there Is a lAte fall, home gar­ Nazis declarad today, and Germany that British planes had bombard­ *9gagement oi their daughters. Compen.satlon Commission, Is 1918. The 1939 fiscal year Con- a four-way race for the Demo­ Is ready to strike wlien Adolf Hit­ Miss DoroUiy Claire Johnson and Since leaving Manchester. Rev. to undertake basic training. Such direct the curriculum workshop for wounded slightly, sind an Ameri­ surety bond furnished by the de­ France Jf 'iU Judge z' deners believe, II will be well, de­ ed a district sroiind Copenhagen, Calderwooq has held pastorates In training Is given now at Randolph credited witl^ accomplishing one social studies and science In the tract.fith behind schedule.. T^ese assertions coincided , with Italian Coast Pacific Palisades, Cal., and Phoe­ achievements-in caring for the Defense Commission reported that ingston, a Democrat, is unopposed Vichy. July 16—ir*)—The French predictions In Rome that within John M. Doherty, son of Mr. and The “little Randolphs” are Bruner of Columbia University will from flying glsss. 1. D on not roc dreues, does when due, the tow^ may readily news agency, Havas, quoting Mrs. Michael Doherty of 82 Walnut nix, Arlz. small, and Instructors can give needs of New Jersey's 15,000 crip­ assist her for a short time. between 30,000 and 40,()00 workers for renomlnatlon in the Second Ten planes took part In the raid,, collect on the bond. tIHs procedure the next few days Britain would Preparing Reception pled children. A prominent hotel were now undergoing training for District, not itriiite skin. ‘'competent” French official reac­ be given a last chance to line up Waters Mined street, and Mias Mildred Johnson each students more personal atten- Dr. Nicholas Moseley, formerly it was announced, dropping more 2. Nowaitingtodry.Canbeused is one followed in sevei^ other tlon than used to be given at Ran- | man, and a former president of an instrueUxr at Harvard and Al- skilled jobs in defense Industries. <5ov. Roy E. Ayers, who also has than 50 high explosive bombs lie- municipalities, it - was stated last tion to Prime Minister Winston with the Axis powers in their plan.a For Returning Troops will become the bride of Thomas the New Jersey State Hotel Asso­ The number receiving Instruction right sftei shaving. (”hurchiH's Sunday broadcast, said Nm K Slocks for ‘‘renovating" Europe or face Arthur Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs dolph. The commercial Instruc­ bertus Magnil* College, will pre­ represented Montana In Congress, fore being driven off by anti­ 3. Instantly stops perspiration night Berlin, July 16.- (,P)_ rhe au­ Admits Killing tors are supervised closely by ciation, Buch will direct the ac- sent methods for Improving I.,aUn In the WPA-spdnsored courses Is seeks renomination on the Demo­ aircraft guns. today ''it is by acts that France assault and "final overthrow." thoritative commentary dienst aus By Royal Navy Paul Kavanek of 87 Summer for I CO 5 days Removes odor ' Revelation of the unsatisfactory henceforth will judge Great Brit- street. No wedding dates have been Army officers. Part of the suc- tivitiea of mnra than 500,000 Elks and modem language teaching, eventually expected to reach 150,- cratic ticket against two oppon­ Ma-terial damage waa described from perspiration. llen-securlty arrangement waS' Adams Exp ...... 5 'i An \iltiniatum to that effect will dcutschland said today that Ger­ cesa of the “little Randolphs," of in nearly 1706 lodges throughout and Prof. Maurice Davie of Yale 000, ents. as alight. Win." be forthcoming shortly, the' au- many is so confident of success in set. Of His Employer / 4. Apure,white,gtesselns,stain­ made In the course of discussion v^he wdll know how to reply, Air Reduc ...... 40', (Continued From Page One) Mlsa Dorothy Johnson attended course, is due to the fact that the the United States and ILs posses- will repeat hla course In American Nominees for 12 state offices less vanishing cream. of,^rvlclng new developments. Alaska .Tub ...... 4", thbritatlve Fascist editor Vlrglnlo pending operations against Britain sions. Killed While Walking and 17 district judgeships are be­ even-jf these acts are blow-.y,'' Gayda hinted. Manchester High school for three commercial schools are paid on Communlt.v Sociology. B. Atrid has been awarded the Vote Extension Alleghany ...... that Berlin la preparing to give a pianos were said to have been an hourly basis. The more stu­ ijlirurians Counte ing named. Counties are nomlnat-i New pay Days Start Approval Seal of the American Pending Is a request of C. El­ Havas'qiioted unnamed offirials' •Article PoMible Clue fc.stive reception to returning Nazi lost. years and eritered the employ of Welch. W. Va., July 16—(A5— Diixhury, Maf;a.. July 16 (A'l- comment; Allied Chem ...... 145 Cheney Brothers. Her fiance. Mr. The arrest of Fred B. McCTlure, dents who are graduated, the more Of special Interest to librarians, ing candidates for 102 seats in the Institute of Laundering for more Wsttklns that water be piped Am Can ...... 95 Official circles here remained troops. The Air Ministry said that money the schools receive. but valuable to teachers In all Manuel Games, .50, of Halifax, waa I state House of Representatives Hartford, July 16—(>P).—Yester­ being harmless to fabtici. to his new development at Lake "The Bs.sbrance of good will . Grandstands and loudspeakers "fires and explosions resulted and Doherty, U employed by the Man­ mining engineer who, police said, killed early yesterday while walk­ given by Mr/ , Churehlll appeara Am Rad St S ...... 5’, tight-lipped concerning Germany's chester post office as a letter car-- admitted, hurling the body of hlS Air training, even of the ■ pri­ Losing Weight fields, will Be the library course I and 28 in the Senate. day W8LS the state's first semi­ 25 MILLION Jars oi Arrld wood Circle off South Main street Am .Smelt . : ...... 381i Immediate intentions, but Inform­ are being erected in Berlin s fam­ ronslderable damage was done." rler. mary type required by the Army, offered by Mlsa Alice Thomp.son. ing on a highway with a compan­ monthly payday. The changeover have been sold. Tryajartodayl where Watkins Is planning five aingularl.v uncqilal ‘to yie sarri- ous Unter den Linden, and .-similar unconscious employer six stories flces accepted by 'France during Am T * T ...... 160'aed source.s pointed to Gayda’.s ar­ Radio Stations Hilent Miss Mildred Johnson Is a down an elevator abaft after an Is no sinecure. I went aloft with an former president of the Conn. ion. Police Chief James O'Xeli irild During the first two months of from monthly to aemi-monthly houses. It was the opinion of the Am Tob B . ..» ...... 77', ticle' as a possible clue to the situ­ ('reparations are under way in The attacks were believed -to Gomes' head apparently was , 1940, 108,467.490 revenue passen­ paydays began with transfer of the Bix months struggle for the other German cities. graduate of Manchester High unsuccessful attempt to get a 140 Army pilot. The plane waa a Ryan Mind Process School Librarians Asaociation, as­ Board that the developer should defense of Great Brijaln.” Am Wat Wks ...... 5 ', ation. have been continued last night and school and is with the Travelers loan was announced today by Po­ trainer, a low-wing, lightly-power­ sisted hy Miss Katherine Wcad, struck hy the door handle of a car ger miles were traveled by the do­ between 600 to 1.000 employes to ARRID pay the cost of the sendee exten- Anaconda ...... 19'5 The .same sources indicated they "These preparations may be re­ early today. At least 12 German ed machine manufactured by T. secretary of the state public library driven by Mrs. Marjory Andrews, mestic -airlines of the United the r|pw plan. Comptroller Fred R At «ll Mllian teilM gto«A elon pipes, and also have the ditch (Churchill sppke' regretfully Insurance company, while Mr. lice Chief Harry C. Chaffins. Sunday of "the sad duty" of put­ Armour 111 ...... 4-'i expected a decision regarding garded as symptoms that the suc­ and German-controlled radio ata- Hayes is at the Torpedo station at The death of G. D. Haylton. 42, Claude Ryan, now president of the Fumoiin Fat Man Movie committee. Town and school llbra- 28, of Bryantvllle. I Stalc.s. Zeller announced. Imleo Im 10^ emA S9^ j f ) dug and refilled at his expense ting the Frcnrh .rapltal ships put Atchison ...... 16’, England wo\ild be made this week. cess of the operation against Bri­ tlona suddenly went off the air, Newport, R. I. described by friends as a man company which built Lindbergh's since there Is no prospect that t-he of aetion, and said "the associa­ Aviation Corp ...... 5',* Germany's readiness to press tain is already regarded as so cer; indicating Britlah raids were In "who never had an enemy," at “Spirit of St. Louis.” Director looses 42 line will be extended beyond the tion of Interest” between Britain Baldwin Ct ...... 15 for a milit.xry decision to end the tain that time can be taken off for progress over a wide area. first waa believed to have b ^ n an Pilot Dorn StonU five houses now projected. II A O ...... 3S* war with Britain was emphasized (Preparing for the reception ccr8onal menfs recent program of taxation A trainee at another "little Ran­ steak you’re :prcparing for aome- have opposed the enlargement at Bristol Brass ...... 39 Lorlllard .... shower and th'«S bride-to-be receiv­ to holster national defense. a previous ptiblic hearing. How­ 20'; ! ploy halfway decent methods of u(>8. possibly irelu'lln" <•-1 $880 vlnced that the whole plan had dolph." at Glendale, Calif., quit body else, can you?" Billings,and Spencer 3'( Mont, Ward .. war In approximate conformity payroll robbery irfiCambrldg*. ed many lovely gifts. Games and cold after reading repeated ac­ “Hitch" is aa famous for his ever, Selectmen have intimated Colt's Pat. Firearms. 73 been merely a “camouflage" to get a mock marriage were followed by Naah-Kelv . . the Children of wealthy parents counts of pilot fatalities In Europe. food aa for his unusual pictures that' they have no power to Eagle Lock .’...... ' 6'( Nat Else ---- a delicious salad supper, the table Conv'entlon Date Set He couldn't be talked out of It. 1 like "The 39 Step.s." It is said, change the character of the Fafnlr Bearings .... llg Nat Cash Reg out of the country ahead of the decorations being white, bitie and But others get funny Ideas In the that before he was getting $800.- neighborhood, and that the club Hart and Cooley .... 116, threatened German blitzkrieg. sliver. A wedding cake made hy CromweU, July 16r-(;n—WllUafii a right to-enlarge as long as Nat Dairy . . . 'Total y^ar Comes'to Italy back of their heads which can be 000 for five pictures in Hollywood, Hendey Mach., com.. 6', Nat Dlstni . . The announcement, authorita­ Mrs. Schlebel was a feature of the C. Celentano of New Haven an­ dlsalpkted by a little patient study he would often borrow a pound I.anders Frsry A Glk 24 N Y Central . tively forecast, w'as made by Clem­ repasL) nounced today that The Connecti­ by the Instructor. (then $5) and.spend it all on a New Brit. Mrh . com. .56', Nor A m Co . ent R. Attlee. Prime Minister cut Funeral Directors Association The Instructors' best advice Is. lunch. North and Jiid d ...... 27 Packard .... CTiurchlH's lieutenant In the House Mrs. Elizabeth Bendall reached nf which he is president vrijrild hold “An airplane Isn’t going to hurt But now hia breakfast is a cup Peck Stow A WII . . r .5'( Param Plot ,. of Commons. her 91st milestone yesterday and Its 82nd annual convention here you so long’ as you don't mistreat of tea; his lunch a cup of con­ Russel Mfg. Co., new 9 Phelpa Dodge Attlee disclosed that a “certain her sons and daughter, grand­ Sept. 12 U." somme and a glasa of ginger ale; Mahieu’s ScovH Mfg...... 24'i Phil Pet ...... number" of children would be children and great grandchildren Men Allowed Date* and his dinner a piece of meat, Sllex CO ...... 15 ' Pub .6ve N J . transferred in cases where it is gathered at the home of Mrs. John Normal social life does ipuch to vegetables, wine,and coffee.' Be­ 183 Spruce Street . .Stanley Works ...... 44' Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ I _____ Radio ...... possible to provide proper convoy. give the students a tempeg'amental tween times, he suppresses his do., pfd ...... 29 Reading ...... ‘There is a limited number," he ward Haasett, 67 Oak street, with equilibrium. Prom “dodos’” (begin­ .appetite with some trick pills his Every Day Torrlngton ...... 25', Rem Rand . . . said, referring to convoys, "and whom she lives. She received num­ ners) to upper-cliassmen, the men doctor gave him. Veeder-Root ...... 59 Republic Stl . to that extent, the scheme will go erous gifts and remembrances of are allowed dates. Money-Saving Prices I New York Banka flowers and cards, a* well os per­ •STATE* Must Be OarKul After 40. Why Pay More? Rey ^ob B . . . forward and will be giving some TODAY and TOMORROW Another human factor, pride, has He has tried diets before, with Bank of New York . .505 Safeway Sirs opportunity to children from state sonal congratulations. Mrs. Ben­ much .to do with the production of ncf-succeas. but this time la deter­ Bankers Trust ...... ,50 Seara Roeb . . . laided schools.” dall Is enjoying good health for a D L W o d good flying personnel. At the Ryan’ mined to see it through, because Store Open Evenings i Central Hanover .... 89 Shell U n ...... Registration Continued person of her great age. school tha curr.mt cadet captain is he decided that after 40. a man Until 7:30. ('ha.se ...... 30' i Socony-Vac Registration of children under UNUSUAL PICTURE George W. Haney, a native of • has, to be careful. (.'hemleal ...... 44 Sou Pac ...... the evacuation scheme continues, ■.. told la s way se4r to aeiles WaynesviUe, Mo., and a one-mile He knows that if and when he City ...... 25 So)ith Ry ..,. bowrqver, so far 80,000 have applied Hospital (Notes buck private at March Field, River- Sumpaid Seedle.ss Continental ...... IJ'.j pktetes .. yet win* lad itowk^ m gets down to 180 he will have to Std Brahds . . to go to Canada and 20,000 to the Uia HmHI Soes* rntm^rntm arm aide, Calif, -He is coming Into the keep on dieting to stay there, but Raisins, 15-oz. q C Com Exchange ...... 49', •’'I ’s'T'Std Gas'A El United States. Admitted late yesterday; Mrs. Air Corpvs the hard way—by writ­ First National ,...... 161() treeler the* rite Mlnia< eby tha> faces the prospect courageously, pkg„ 2-pkgs. ... I DC Std Oil Cal ,. Attlee said private transfers of Grace Donahue. 394 Porter street; iMpliiit hi ten examination. even thoiigh he believes It ' will Guaranty Tmst ; .. . . 270 Std OH N J . . Mrs. Matilda Parsons, 16 Eldridge A strapping, modest fellow with Irving Tnist !...... 10 children would not be stopped, but mean surrendering his fat man's Pure Corn Starch. ^ Tex Corp .... that ,the risks involved must be street: Mrs. Carrie Straw. 49 Ben­ k-t ahy smile, be is at the top of outlook on life. Manhattan 15'i Timken Roll B shouldered by their families. ton streat. (lass In bis studies and pilot- 1-Ib. pkg...... / C Mamifart. Trust .... 33'. Discharge^ late^yesterday: Mlsa •OURTOWH?!^ ability, and he is working like “I’ll probably )>e- rruaty.... Transamerica \--- ...... The govemmsnt plan was bus- With WM. HOLDEN ' M r f grum py... .jess benign," he saya N Y Truat . . ,. .!___ 97 Un Carbide . .>...... 69 Ruth (Thristensen. South • Coven­ Tili get-out to stay there. Ihihllc National .... 29 pepded, he sstld, because the Navy MARTHA SCOTT . I _ j____ —------“But the world will just have to Kix, Union Pac ...... 82'i found It Impossible to provide the try: Merle Swallow. 387 Center put up with that." Title G uarantee...... 3 Unit Alrc ...... 35'4 street; Matthew Hogan. Hartford. PLUS . . . j pkg. U S T ru st...... 1500 necessary escort veaseU for the - Admitted today; Loren Bar­ What about his wife—a petite 11c Unit Oorp ...... 2'H Atlantic crossing but' that the ROGER PRYOR in person of 106 pounds—will he Unit Gas Imp ...... tholomew, Andover; James McKee. “A FUGITIVE FROM New Zealand Now government hoped ultimately that 101 Oak street: WUllam Ggrdlne, seem like the same man to her O. K. U S Rubber ....;...... the situation a t sea would permit JUSTICE" then 7 Laundry Soap, Boxers Comebacks U S Smelt ...... 169 Maple street; Carolyn Dart. Has War Cabinet •reviving It. 87 North Elm street; Constance “She likes me." Hitchcock says, U S Steel ...... Laboritea gave notice that they THURS.: “NEW MOON" "as I am." 6 large bars ... 21c West ITnIon ...... Delia Ferra. 18 Huntington street; Scored by Officials Intended to debate the full ques­ Marlene Krause, 105 Oxford street. PLUS . . "Queen of the Mob* West El A M fg ...... tion In the House later. Auckland, New Zealand, July 16 Ivory Soap, 6-oz. Woolworth ...... Birth: Today,.# daughter to Mr. ■Atlantic City. ,N. J.. July 16-(A5 James GrifflUis. a Laborite M.P., and Mrs. Robert Stratton, 476 —(m—The New Zealand govern­ ThOM fiflirtB up th«r« weren’t drawn haphazardly. They.’re a fair,' m size, 2 b afs ___ Elec Bond A Sh (Curb) said there was “considerable feel­ ment formed a war cabinet of five Cfcinese Injured Y , sir. . . N04I0X ha« bssn boostBd tremendously, as welll To Tic ;—The National Boxing Associa­ Middle Turnpike East. comparative representation of the tremepdou* Mti-knock improvement improve thia super-fuel af «// wa* aome job. For already it wiu k n o ck- tion" and stale regulatory bodies ing" Ui areas which have been Discharged today: Miss-Betty men today. Including three mem­ Walnut Meats, ehould do aometbing to atop Boa. Petition Denied bombed because well-to-do chil­ McCaugbey, 16 ainton street; Bolton Playhouse bers of the government and two'of Bv Four Bombs in the new GOOD GULF gaaoline. They ihow you predaely bow much p ro o f under all normal driving conditions. I But Gulf has raised NO­ dren have been altle to leave for d toe opposition. 8-01. can ...... "ridiculous comebacks" by retired Miss Ruth Kletnert, 120 West Cen­ T appy” Alan*Moor*'* this great fuel has been improved. The thing they don’t ahow ia that NOX to a magnificent new high. . . far, far ahead of any regular gasoline fighters. In the opinion of Frank Hartford. July 16—(Jh—The pe­ hsiven# eUewhere while others ter street; Mrs. Julia L’Heureux, SHOWBOAT PLAYERS I The war cabinet will have full must stay. 618 Center street; Robert Plsch, 80 In “SHANOHAl OOLOIE" control of the dominion's war ef­ even thia huge step-up has not raised the price of GOOD GULP one in America. NO REGULAR GASOLINE—NOT ONE—CAN COM­ Wlemer of Philadelphia, former tition of The DanbuiT Power and Refuses To Reply Shanghai, July 18—(45—Sixteen Cow B rand chairman of the PennayU'anla Transportation Company to oper-' Glenwood street:'Mrs. Harry Han­ Phis VAUDEVniLEt fort* —^ (Chinese were Injured today, sever­ penny. See what $i big difference it will make in your carl PARE W ITS GULF NO-NOXI Just try it! Baking Soda, Boxing OimmisMon. Ooffrey Shakespeare, minister sen and Infant son. 88 Woodbridge Beaaty CoNtmrt O* S t* ^ ! Its members are Prime. Minister ate excursion buses between Dah- for overaeas trade, made no re­ al critit^ y , by four bombs hurled i-lb. pkg...... ''Unless something Is done," bury and Roton Point Park. street. Adm. 28c. Cartaln S:4I. Pater Fraser; Minister of. Finance by terrm sta at oftlces of Shun- Wiener said an Interview with the play when another Laborite askeil Census: 97 patient*. Walter Naoh; Mlnioter of Defense South Norwalk, during the sum­ if he were “aware there Is great pao, pro-Chlang Kai-Shek CHilneae Press-Union “the boxing game will mer month* was denied in a me­ r . Jona*; Adam Hamilton, leader daily newspaper In the Intenia- Saltese* become a farce.” He suggested Indignation at the number of chil­ The child born yesterday to Mr. of the oppoeitlofi, and Joseph morandum by the State Public dren of -cabinet ministcra who tlonal Settlement. Qam Chowder, boxes be retired after reaching an Utilities 'Commission today. and Mrs. Francis Coleman of 79 0 >ate*, former prime minlater. Two alleged culprits were ar­ age limit of 39 years and hie ptt^ have left the country." Middle Turnpike Eiast was a ton, TODAY AND WEDNBSDAT rD Cri Ways t* Sav* hrgeat can ... 25c -Shakespeare discloeed that the rested. hibited from returning to the ring Instead of a daughter as carried Mato* Arttet Die* The bombings came after Wang ■ Mofi*r»-ThitlMlR- after three years of Inactivity. ^Defease Council to Meet number of British children be­ In yesterday’s hospital notes. Dola’g tween five and IS years old who (?hlng-Wei, head of the Japancse- Ail IweHat la your* far th* Wiener said boxing commlsaion- CIRCLE ' Portland, Me., July 16— .(>P)— aponsored regime at Nanking, had Pin*m>pl* Juiea. e n “should be ashamed of them- Hartford, July 16— (JP) — The left the Brttleh Isles last month Fayers Extra Sklfto. Benjamin T. Newman, widely asking «t your to o l G**dCsiif was 1.872 for (^ad a and 806 for auPEB GIANT SHOW! ordered arrest and deportation of 18-og. c a n ...... aelves for allowing Jack Dempsey State DbfensO Oouncll. headed by Springfield, Mass., July 16.-0P) known Maine artist, died In ' * daolec’e. C*e ysufs, right owor 11c the United States. Of theiM, he —The addition of extra shifts Id five Amqficaa newspapermen and Better ty these Better Fuels to continue his ‘comeback.’ Now Gen. Sanford fL Wadhams, dlrec- hospital yesterday, a week after he said,. 1,454 and -898 respectively Norwood F. Allman, American a t th e Sign o f tb a G ulf OMMg* k sd C ap w» hear Jim Jeffries and Jack tof of the State Water Commis- plants poosesaing necessary basic had undergone an operation. Ha lawyer member of the Shanghai Disc! Jdmsoti plan the aanis thing.” Mob, will moat Wednaaday noon at normally rasided in tha Unl$^ machinery was propooed t^day Iqr waa S2. A natlva of Bath, N*w- Ossiwr. 25e siss ^though Itaiyf own Gsnsral Douhait first advocatsd tbs Idea of Ktngdom. Georgs A. Mobiman, Springfield Municipal Council and a tUreetor 'These ridiculous comebacks,'* the Hartford Club. Governor Bald lUUan citiM had nsvar shuddared undtr its blows man atodUd painting in Boaton, at ShunpAa bs added, “are giving the sport a win will attend the meeting which “Thqt Is ao,” Shakespeare re­ industrialist. os “the fastest Naw York and Pari* In hi* quaat worse black-eye than 'tankers' or until r^n tly . According to Italian censor’s caption on the above plied when asked If It were correct method" of breaking the mach’na Allman was not in the Shunpao win be dev«ted to routine bustOMS. photo, it shows a nuns* none In Milan, after being bit by bombs PLUS! "VIVA CISCO KID" at aubjacta, b* tmvalad through building at tta* time of. the at­ that ran of foul claims.” l i t WU that then were roughly 200,000 tool bottleneck and *peedlnff n*- Burop* and northern Africa. from ensBay planes. appUcatl^ for removal at cW- tioaal dafenso. ALSO SELBCTBD SH O K ni tack.

1 - ' ;VJ*'^' f V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERAI^E. MANCHESTER. GUNN. TDB8DAT, JULY 16,1940 UANCHE 8 TER EVENING HERALD MANCHESTER. fX>NN. TUESDAT, JULY 16,194® > A 0 f^ V Moyland, Thoihaa P„ M. D., axomlnatlcm...... SQIOO MuaUar Company, svater works supplies...... BJO Would Give Island *own Bills Voted Paid McAn Shoe Thom, ahoea...... , 7.74 Special Coffin Clubs Floor Fight Is Threatened Willkie Plans McConnell, Caroline, r e n t...... ; ...... 10.00 Camp Grounds Subject Roosevelt Shows Interest McCormick, Harry, labor and material .<■...... '...... g.go To Pay War Debt McOUl, Jr., Thomas, paint supplies *...... ; ...... 14.41 Made o f Steel To Cooperate On Sending Aid to Britain Farm Parleys UlmlB, IbOBrtI SDd OSTi ••••«••••••••••»»•••• i 15.00 McIntosh, Mrs. Eaissoeth, board and c a r e ...... 82.00 To Sanitary Control In Democratic Convention AC. WaUif matvrial...... 5.10 McKinney Brothera, b o n d ...... 20.00 6.00 London,"July- 18.—<8>l(-Oswald Nash, Roy, la b o r ...... 254.00 Built to Order to Carry Lewis, conservative msmbar . of Qvic Organisations Also Chicago, July 16— 00 — The* senatorial colleagues In the group T o DIbcubb Section o f Washington, July 16.—OP) — IAm9 lAvM fy. Xbo.. oliTubo, oto...... 91.00 NsuvUle, Celsstlne, rent...... 18.00 Hartford, July 18—No ina^ter'I'WomMi than be provtdad, one . Byrnes frequently has served M mi Poiitol. iw t ...... 15.00 Parliament, tuggaated today that threat of a floor fight over the ex-1 would "expresa ^ e r e n t senU- President Rodaevelt apparently as a spokesman and trouble sboqU - New Mod41 Laundry, laundry service...... 7.89 Body of^Wadlow to a British island In or near the how laoUtsd or Inviting any pro- toUst asat for each 36 mas, and To Help Beautify the , . , . ... ' nienta In the platform than they Campaign Program A aM leui AcriealtunI Cbomlcol Co,, icrtlUzer . . . . : ...... 166.07 New Hs'ven, City of, aid rendered ...... ’ 44.79 I one for each 25 women, or frao- ploMve issue of sending aid tc.^ a v e ln the SenaU and In thi abandoned t ( ^ y a “ hands .off ” er for the administration on Capl« AoMClcu LofioM Ftfi> A Drum Corpot aorvlcea...... 60.45 Last Restiiig Place. West Indies be sold to the United spectlve area In Connecticut may Newington Home for Crippled Children, board and c a r e ...... 17.14 ! Uon thereof, of the maximum W D R C ,1 Highways o f State. Great BritUh confronted Democra- press." With Iowa Governor. policy towarj^he Democratic Na- tol Hill am'. .,ss been listed among ifiitliirarlu ROD Oo., wotor worico auppllM...... 29.70 SUtsa for an Air .and Naval bass be for camping, Its location, use the tbp-fllgbt "New Dealera" at N. Y., N. H. A H. R. R. Oo., freigh t...... ' . 78.19 "In full satisfaction of tha balanoo number of- persona occupying such Hartferil Hortforfi tic policymakens today when they He said the platform should tl6hai Convention, where political AmotTOiD^ Horry, lobor ond inotoriol ...... s ...... 5.50 Noble A Westbrook Mfg. Co., auppilea...... 4.93 Manistee, Mlcb., JulyHS.—(JPt— and operation for this purpose are tract at any time. No camp within Hartford, July 1 6 -^ en Fairfield : Chicago who are working ’ for a ArCnvDru(Oompooy.brooo ...... 7.50 of our debt outstanding to the 16461m. 2684101. 16261m. turn. tackled the party's P'8tf«mm-bulld.' Colorado Springs, Colo., July 18. omens pointed toward a third term North Elm Dairy, mUk ...... 48.97 In a steel coffin 10 feet 8 Inches subject to strict fagulatlons con­ such tract shall be at a greater County garden clubs and civic nomination. ' third term. AaMoad, V. B.. oo«1a ( moehlno roimlro...... 82.72 United States In rsspect of the — 18—Stella Dallas. , Bprrett rather than any cabinet member 7.41 Like everything Wadlow wore Garbage Coatalaers v roadside:, beautification program falrs, served nottee that the ques- cratlc party will be a defeated Oov. CSeorge Wilson of Iowa. move Senator James F. Byrnes of WaW Company. Edward; amiesltn...... Oswald, William, meata and groceries ...... 30.50 aupplies, must be heeded by the ' (e) Supervision and equipment 80—Lorenzo Jones. 4H8—Ad Liner—Dance program ever attempted In Connecticut. waa managing, things at the con­ Rantly OU Co., oU, truck parta. repair*...... 20.83 and the furniture at his home In tlon ' wouM b r submitted to the party." The Republican nominee, chat­ South Carolina veil Into the fore- Park Hill Flo.wer Shop, wreatlis, Memorial D a y ...... 8.00 management of camp grounds and sufficient to prevent Uttering of 48-^foung Wldder Brown. 5:86T-8trictIy Swing—Oil Bayek The clubs will present • several grouiui of po.ltical conjecture here'. vention for the chief executive. KkStano,'Joaeph. meata and jtrocertea...... 26.00 Alton, the coffin was made to or- 00—Girl Alone. vfimie convention unless their res- WHI Tiy To Have Platform Ready ting with reporters in his resort Pentland, the Florist, wrectha. Memorial Day...... 12.80 dcr. PUot Is KiUed by vacatlpnlsta camping for the the grounds with rubbish, garbage > 5:40—^B*Mball Sebres thousand mountain laurel and dog­ pe^lve views were Incorporated Senator Wagner of New York, The president: -using a special The presence of Secretary of Com* T»fn«nn Fumitur* A Radio Co., police equipment...... 4.0p Perrett A Glenney, Inc., aervlcest Memorial D a y ...... 18.00 15—Life Can Be Beautiful. : 5:45—S^t'tergood Baines' hotel apartment, said that he hoped , 3.S0 It had to be, for In It will rest day, weekends or for extended pe­ or other refuse shall be pfbrided wood plants to the state for plant­ by the Platform Committee chairman of the Resolutions Com­ t.-lephone line linking the White morce Hopkins In Chicago hod Barfran’a Dairy, m ilk...... Petraltla,‘ Frank, r^ n t...... 16.00 riods. and maintained, ’’'ly-tlght dewsl- 80—Jack Ar.nstrong. 6:00—The^TSeio Reporter— News, ing along the Merritt Parkway. to atop at Des Moines, Iowa, on given rise to conjecture that he Blabor, Emma, r e n t...... 16.00 the body o f a man who at 32 years W h e^ r and Senator McCarran mittee as well as Its drafting unit, hla way back for his formal ad­ House with Chicago, had a lengthy Peter's Red A White Store, meats and groceries...... 12.00 Fighting Fire According to B«gulation 109 of torles for such material shall be 48—The O'Neills. weather The public planting program la aaid the latter group would try to mid-afternoon cijpiversation with was the White House representa* SIAM. Jooeph. r e n t...... 16.00 of age was 8 feet 10.3 Inches taU 00—News and Wtathcr. of Nevada,^ members of the 17-man dress at Elwood, Ind,, accepting Pickles, John F., r e n t...... 10.00 the SUts SanlUry Code, "No city, provided and conspicuously locat­ 6;20—Edwin C. HIU ■ponaored jointly b<^ the roadside have the platfoiB' zeady for pre­ BjTnes yesterday'.^ White House tlvc. BtoekladM Foreat Protective AaaDes pu«n lUrdwafe Co., F. T., hardware and aupplfea...... 183.14 while appearing, professionally at 200 feet of such depository. Those State Development Commission use the nation's "^ermed forces for Other members told reporters Moines with others "Interested In waa happening in the convention c'/mmunicntlons with Chicago waa Popular Food Market, meats and groceries ...... 2.00 Body; To Bring Out mit to be used, within the state of de^sitorles shall not be permitted :00—Fred Warlng’s Orchestra. 7:00—Amoe 'n' Andy and has been enthusiastically ap­ that the drafters first would dis­ city. Byrnes, they said, did most of I not flisclosed. Reporters, w|Ut Blue Ribbon Bakery, bread, etc...... 20.44 Power Equipment A Service, Inc., scraper...... 159.00 the national forest festival aa “the 16— History In the Headlines aggression nor to Mnd them to the farm problem," Blutatein, Inc., D. A R.. fumishlr'jf*...... •----- 10.55 w-orld’a tallest man." Connecticut any tract of land on to become foul smeUlng or un­ 7:15—Lanny Ross proved by directors of the Fed­ European or Asiatic battlefields. pose of the planks over which the talking and *hc presiplcnt most I hopes- none too high, were r e o ^ Prentice. Mr's. Blanche C., board and care ...... 151.00 Injured Companion. which persons may camp except ees for Andre Schenker. Wlllkle disclosed he bait been In­ Boland Oil Company, (aa and o i l ...... 454.66 sightly or breeding places tor 7:30 -Helen Mencken — “Second erated Garden Clubs of Connecti­ While opposing foreign encroach­ there Is no dispute, leaving the vited by Former President Herbert of the listening. I to bombard the chief executive Quinn's Pharmacy, drugs ...... 32.18 Everything Built to Fit after full and literal compliance 30i--Eddy Duchin’s Orchestra. cut and the Fairfield County Plan­ The phone call followe#! a presi­ Bowars, Bharwood, rant ...... 28.00 He wore No. 39 aboes, which files. Husband” ment In the western hemisphere, "hot potatoes” to the last, 'They Hoover to attend the "high Jinks I with questions about it at the Quish, William P., ambulance service ...... 7.00 Missoula, Mont., July 16— (P) — with the following regulations; (f) The method of final i46—H. V. Ka:tenborn. 8:00—Court of Mlseing Heirs ning Board. worked In secrecy. dential luncheon engagement with Broltbwoita. J. R.. labor and material...... 26.95 cost 886 a pair. A suit required seJI^ bhnny .Yerents. the declaration would also\express celebration of t)ie Bohemian club ' u.sual Tiies'lay afternoon press 15.00 Ucd A White Food Stores, meats and groceriea...... 6.00 A horse pack train toiled through (a) The managemsnt of any or­ or refuse dispoeal utilised la d V 8:30—Lud Qhiskin's orchestra Designed to further beautify the In addition to Wagner, Wheeler ir.ecrctary Hull. Alile.s said the < om- conference presumably the last Brazau^aa, Adam, r e n t ...... Roberts, Charles S., Treasurer, rent ,...... ^ 15.00 nine yards of cloth. His bed and 30— Mualeal Treasure Chest. opposition to "any attempt on the In Callfornn.'a redwood for^t Bryant A Chapman, m H k...... 15.00 ‘ dense timber today to recover the ganised camp shall register In nection with the operationon o r T 8:55—Elmer Davia—Newa already beautiful Merritt Park­ and McCarran, the drafting sub­ early in September. The nominee ■ Ing Pan Amerlean CTonferenc at i such session before the convention Roberts, James, rent ...... ' 15.00 chair at home and his-desk at the writing with the local health offi­ ;00—Battle of the Sexes. part of the Americas to distate or ! Havana was dlsciis.sed at the BnrrouFha Adding Machine Co., auppilea...... 75 1 camp shall be such ms to creats no ;30—Meredith Willson Musical 9:00—We, The People way and to eventually be extend­ committee included seven other replied that his acceptance would ! supplies a positive answer to the Rogers, Charles, rent ...... 15.00 Alton high sebebi were built to fit body of an airplane pilot killed cer of the town, d ty or borough In ed to the new Wilbur Cross Park­ control the affairs of other senators —Harrison of Mississippi, iluncheon Campbell’a Sfervlce StaUon. truck parte and repalra...... 138.14 I him. nuisance. Revue. 9:30—Professor Quiz have to depend on developments third term liddie which has kept .50 Rolston, James H., dog warden and services...... 125.00 while on fire-fighting duty and to which such camp Is located, a (g) The management of every way, garden clubs in towns - and powers." Walsh of Massachusetts; McKeller i Siipjilles Biggest Prolilem Carlaon A Co., enpresa ohargea ...... Scientists said an over-active 10 OO—flumnier Pastime. 10:00—Glenn Miller's orrehestra after bis Elwood speech. the nation guessing these ijf 52.00 Romanska, Joseph, rents ...... 30.00 bring bis Injured companion to a description of the camp with its organized camp shall assume re- 10:15—Public Affairs cities bordering the Merritt Park­ Favors AM to Britain of Tennessee, Bankhead of Ala­ i Both Byrnes am Hull have been 'Gaac, Lockwo^ A Brainard Co., printing, etc...... pituitary gland at the base of hla to :SJ—Uncle Walter’s Dog House. Pepper, who Is a member of the Enthinlsam at High Feak ( months. Canter Pharmacy, druga ...... 10.65 Rubaeba, Waclaw, rent ...... • 10.00 waiting rescue plane. location, and such registration aponstblUty for maintaining^ In 10:.10 - News of the War way were Invited by the state de­ bama, Neely of West Virginia, : mentioned as vlce-presldentinl pns- St. John's Fife A Bugle Corps, Memorial Day aervlcea ...... 15.00 brain caused Wadlow to become 11 ;00 —News and Weather. Resdlutluns Committee but who Raymond E. Willis, Republican Canter Service, gas ...... , 3.10: Chet Derry of Grand Coulee, shall be made annually In January good repair all oanltary appliances 10:45—Four Clubmen partments to aasiat In devising a Hatch of New Mexico, and Brown sibilitie;: acceptable to the presl- Salvation Army Band, Memorial Day services ...... 38.75 the tallest man In the history of n :15— Polish Orchestra was left off the smaller drafting of Michigan. . nominee for the Senate in Willkie’s ■ ilent in the event he accepts a C ^ter Spring Dairy, m ilk ...... 20.01 : Wash., after dropping by para­ of In advance of the opening of on said ground and shall promptly 11 ;45—Gray Gordon's Orchestra. 11:00—Kaeo Reporter plan for perpetuating the scenic I>»g Hum (fiild Tootli 15.00 ' Savings Bank of Manchester, re n ts...... 85.00 medicine. He waa considered nor­ the camping area for use. beauty of the parkway. group, said on the other hand that Other members are Secretary of home state, Indiana, wired the can­ I call to buck the third term trat oi Alby Hodgdon, manager, said funeral services 12 :SO—A1 Donahue's Orchestra. 11:30—Harry James' orchestra to Great Britain." He declared that the pcrsfmnel of the Republican Chartler, Joseph, labop and material ...... 15.25 Schiebel Brothera, truck parts ...... 19.74 Robert Maricich, 36, Missoula quantity to meet all requirements ances. or any person who In any 12 12:00—Bob Miller's orchestra State Highway Department In se­ L. Ol.son of California,, Cornelius for second place on the ticket seem­ j is a dog with a golden bite. "Lod- would be held at the Streeter mor­ :48—News. if the committee '"brings out a org,inizatlon In li Indiana coun­ ingly supplied more of a problem Chase Brass A Copper Co., water works supplies...... 204.31 Schleldge, Wm. H., printing ...... 91.10 manager for Northwest Airlines, of the maximum number of per­ way falls to comply with these '1 OO—Ray Kinney's Orchestra. 12:30—Newa lecting appropriate altea for road­ C. Moore of Rhode Island, Thomaa ,die " hiis a gold tooth. His master 275.83 tuary In Alton, An uncle of the pussyfooting platform. It will be Kennedy, international secretary- ties last week and enthusiasm not than the selection of the heail m.in. Checkerboard Feed Store, grain, etc...... Schulz, Mrs. Annie, rent ...... 12.00 was killed In the crash and hla co­ sons using such a tract at any regulations. 1 30—Glenn Miller’s Orchestra. 12:35—Ray Herbock'a orchestra side planting and to provide the ■(is a dentist. Chemical Corp.. chlorine...... 7.42 Seastrand, Fred, rent ...... 15.00 young giant, Cecil Wadlow, Lln- time. Said water supply shall be (h) In every camp where space laurel and dbgwocKl plants. The repudiated by the convention." treasurer of the United Mine j knipw'n in 30 years was expressed.” ccln. Neb., mortician, la making pilot, Dell Clabaugh of Missoula, 1 :60 News. Tomorrow's Program Wlllkle wired l.ack his apprecla- Cheney Brothers, rent and supplies...... 94.04 Sessions Foundry Co., frames and cov ers...... 92.12 waa “badly hurt.” easily obtainable from Its source for trailer coaches Is rented or State Highway Department will Although pessimistic about his Workers of America: Philip B. 13..55 Sharp, Joseph, laundry service ...... 13.42 funeral arrangementa. or from a distributing system TomorroH's Progrant a. m. chances of persuading the commit­ Perlman of Mar)1and. and Form­ I tion and said he hoped to talk with ChUdren's Village, board and care ...... Maricich and Claraugh were held out for rent or on which free A. M. landscape and maintain the laurel 10.00 ■ Shea, William J.. services ...... 10.00 within a distance of not more than 7:00- Music Off The Record -Ray tee, Pepper said he' waa hoping his er Senator Robert Bulkley of Ohio. 1 Willis and the other state randl- CIgnatU'a Market, meata and groceries...... piloting one of six planes used for occupancy or camping of trailers and dogwood. The .State Develop­ 2.50 Shelmerdine, Mrs. James W., r e n t...... 15.00 300 feet of any camping spot 6:00—Doye O'Dell. Barrett ■ plates while in Indiana for his ac- City Paper Company, supplies...... scouting and for dropping supplies Is permitted to trailer owners or 8:25—News. ment Commission will provide Clough, Orayland, rents ...... 30.00 Simpson, Alfred, rent ...... 16.00 within such tract. users, sanitary facilities approved 7:15—The Esso Reporter — News, suitable markers ackuowledglng ceptanee talk. 31.25 to the 8,500 men fighting forest 7:00—Morning Watch. Weather Thirst Quenching! Conn. Children s Aid Society, board and care ...... Sisson Drug Company, rabies vaccine ...... 30.00 Census Bureau Be Kept Poeted by the local health officer shall 8:00—Newa, Weather. the contribution of the various landscaping of the state's park­ Wlllkle spent yesterday being Conn. ChUdren's Hospital, board and c a r e ...... ■ 42.8(5 t Sloate'Chevrolet Co., truck parta ...... 1.32 fires started by lightning in Mon­ (e) Any water found unsafe for be provided for the disposal of 7 :2 0 -Music Off The Record clubs. ways Is supported by Mrs. Mal­ Refiigeew W ill "deliberately lazy." as he put it JJO tana and Idaho forests. Rain fell 8:1.5—News Here and Abroad. 7:.55—Esso Reporter Conn. Power Company, service lam ps...... Smachettl, P., meats and groceries ...... 28.00 human consumption on such tract wastes from trailer sinks and 8 30—Radio Bazaar. "This program la designed to colm Edgerton. Stamford, presi­ I He left his hotel for a luncheon at 634.01 Smythe, Mrs. Wm. T., board and c a r e ...... 25.00 last niakt In several of the fire of land shall be either eliminated toilets. 8:00—News of Europe a home maintained for retircl .Conn., State of, board and c a r e ...... Offices Close areas. IV ,8:45—WTH "a Prof; ram Parade. accelerate the beautification of dent. anti the following directors (so U»^iJHtralia Conn., State of, wldowa’ a id ...... •'...... 686.00 ' Solimene A Flagg, truck parta ...... '...... ■•... .50 or purified, or shall be kept posted (i) Failure to comply with the 8:15 - Shoppers .Special Connecticut’s unsurpassed high­ of the Federated Garden Clubs of i members by the International 4.35 Stlrt With Pack String 8:50—Rhy’thm of the Day. 8:30—Esso Reporter ' Typppcraphlcal t.’ nlon. Conn., State of. labor and material...... So. New fengland "Telephone Co., telephone service...... 213.37 with placards definitely warning foregoing regulations shall be 9;0O—News Reporters. way system," CTiarles E. Rolfe, Connecticut: Mrs. Franklin Klrk- Conn. Water Works AaaoclaUon, assessment...... 17.50 Sperry, Luella C., board and care ...... 20.00 Soon after the wrecked plane persons against its use. deemed sufficient cause for de­ 8:35—Shoppers Special chairmiui of the State Develop­ brlde. New Canaan; Mrs. ’ Allen j , IjinX night a gropip of .362 tour- 60.00 2,000 Persons Em­ was near the Idaho-Montana 9:15i—Melodies in 3-4 Time I Hong Kong. July 16 'J' The Converse, Jr„ Lawrence, rents ....■ ...... 'taridard Office Supply Co., office supplies , ...... 2.75 (d") Fly-tight privies or water- claring the premises a nuisance 9:30- Medical Talk. 9:00 - Woman of Courage ment Commission, said. "Our Kltchel. Old Greenwich; Mrs. Rob­ I l.«t school teachers stopping here Crana Company, water works supplies ...... 17.79 Starsiak, Joseph,' board and c a r e ...... 20.00 ployed to Count Popu­ boundary, In the wild BltUr Root flushed toilets with a system of under the provisions of the law. 9:1.5— News Commission and .State Highway ert H. Lemmon, New Cannan: and Hong Kong colonial government for dinner startcpl shouting the 11.36 9:35-M u8ic While You Work. Curtis, 1000, Inc., envelopes ...... Stone. Richard, glasses, etc...... 13.00 National forest. Forest Ranger sewage disposal approved by the (j) These regulations shall be 10:00—The Man 1 Married. 9:30 —Richard Maxwell Department hope that this pro­ Mrs. Donald .S. Sammls'of Strat­ j announced today that several ves- : campaign cry. "We Want Wlllkle." Davidson's Filling Station, oil ...... 24.30 lation and Businesses. Bert Waldron and Alvin Renshaw, state department of health shall and the nominee came down from Straw Harry. Memorial Day services ...... 2.50 printed apd kept posted In a con­ 10:15—Midstream. 9:4.5—Morning Melornia's Great Mojave Desert Turklngton, Samuel J.. town services, etc...... 179.83 January provided 2,000 persons between a 700-foot wall of rlm- 12:45—Slngln’ Sam. 12:45 Our Gal Sunday because the to«Ti of Darien ilws These steps, have been taken in Eaton Brothers Corp., markers ...... 20.70 1 rocks and a heavily-wooded sec­ twice has been \inder the surface view of the’ possibility of hostlli- 3,135.19 IUrbanetti, Peter, shoe repairs-...... 10.70 jobs, tha supervisor said yester­ 1:00 News, Weather. 1 .00 Esso Reporter not quite reach the parkway. .Mrs Education, Board of, light, heat and power ...... tion. The left wing of the craft Bud^t Director Assum­ Proclamation Impounds ^ 1:15- - How to Enter a Contest and 1:05 Thomaa Golden, president of the of the sea. i ties with Japan. 2.00 I Uriano, Paul, damage by doga ...... 5.00 day, but to date no estimate of Us On A Bus Elite Studio, photos ...... Valluzzl. Frank, r e n t...... 15.00 waa smashed when it landed In the Win. 1:15 Darien Garden Club, has stated Engel, Hans, board and care ...... 35.00 the coat of the two undertakings In ing Duties While Sax­ Holdings o f Latvia, Es­ Life Can Be BeautlfP)—Second son Austin, president: Westport Grant. Walton, rents ...... 3600 only 3.5 per cent chalked up by the Bitter Root and Clenrwater Assets Near MUUob Greenwich— New Vork City Garden Club, Mrs. Lelantl Holly, Wood Company. L. T.. range oil trucking, ic e ...... 198.16 National Forests, and another state post was imminent owing to night broadcasting of the Demo­ Great A. A P. Tea Co., meats and groceries...... 133.46 Wood's Service Station, range oil ...... ' 5.40 Rhode Island during the same Commerce Department figures cratic National Convention tonight banking and blirineea leaders were president: New Canaan Garden Gremmo. Arturo, meata and groceries ...... 29.00 blaze threatened to sweep down plans calling for hla identifying For o Rofroihinq D«f7y fg,- Woodward, Rev. Wm. D., board and c a r e ...... 20.00 period. hlmscif with the Republican na­ place Latvian aaseta here at 8400,- la to include the address of Sena­ among the n.ournera at funeral Club. .Mrs. Frederick T. Fisher, Grimason, David, services—Memorial Day ...... 5.00 out o f Canada into northern Idaho's 000. Estonia Is second with 8820,. aervlcea for J: mea H. Perkins, president; Easton Garden Club, Wright, Rebecca, rent ...... •• 9.00 Final returns should show the Kanlksu National forest. tional campaign as a research di­ tor Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky, Qrimason. R. H.. ynlforma, etc...... 46.50 Yulyes, Samuel, shoe repairs...... 1.25 entire population to be about 1,- 000 and Lithuania third with 8270,- the permanent chairman. chairman of the B Jarvis, Archie, re n t...... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Dr. Victor A. Kowalevcski, medi­ state In a part-time advtsorV ca­ In State’s Film Coroner L^uls-'^. Wolsard gave a Ovar WT|C— Hartfard— 6 P.M Evagy Sunday 9.00 the Red Cross war relief fund con­ Mrs. C. M. Larish of Bingham­ sion, which CBS had planned for planting la complete. Jaycox, Clarence H.. paint sendees ...... ” cal examiner who gave a suicide ton, announcing tha fact In > let­ pacity during the late fall and last Saturpay night, has been put verdict oUJeath by accidental The movement to perpetuate the 15.00 winter, especially devoting time to Johnson Estate. Aaron, rents ...... '" ’ ' 42 60 tinues to rise, and stands today at verdict, said he waa informed that ter to the <1940 NaUonal Cotivtn- off until 10 p.m. Sunday. The chain drownipg; Police sought the body Blndicott Johnson Shoes, shoes ...... 8113,519.50. Shanghai, July 16.—OP)—War- Dorman had been brooding ever helping the governor prepare the The opening scene of Sol Les­ wltlygrappllng hooks and search- 3.47 tlon Corporation of The American reported that more time was re­ IlStus. Johnson A Little, labor and material ...... !.'!!! Chiefly reoponstble for this ■hips, aircraft and marines have since h r made application recently executive budget for submiaalon to ser’s “Our Town,” how on view at quired to arrange for the neces­ 20.49 Legion, says: "Our drum corps the 1941 General Aaaembly. Johnson Paint Co., paint aupplies ■ * v65.80 large Increase over yesterday's gone into action, the Japanese for state old age asslatance. He has been assigned reservations at the State theater, was created so sary communication channels with' Greenwich—The Board of Eatl- Joyce, Thomas, rent ...... ‘...... mate and Taxation considered In 15.00 figure was a gift of 8611.55, gift of Navy announced today, to close was to have received his first old the Commonwealth hotel. We that it would establish the mood in Britain. Pickup points plann^ To help you focus Kacmarezyk, John, rent ...... the residents of Windsor,, Locks, Hangchow B a / and the Important age assistance payment Friday. would Ilka to know if we of the of the film. The plctiife opens with are Belfast, Ireland; Cardiff, executive seaslon a plan for ac­ K ^ v lch . Mrs. Felix ...... '...... 15.00 quiring Tod’s . oint, a 147-acre es­ 12.00 which has no Red Cross chapter o f treaty port of Ningpo, through Drum Corps Wldowa Club’ could Earl of Coventry * no titles. Instead a man Is walk­ Wales; Glasgow, Scotland; Man­ KhUum, Mrs. Anna, re n t...... its own. 8335.04 morq Was turned which the Chiang Kai-Shek gov­ ing along a hilltop. He straightens chester and Bristol, ^ g . tate. for 1600.000 from the lYeaby- .Henlg. A...... 14.00 also register for the Legion Con­ terlan hospital In New York City your mind on 15.00 over to headquarter# here by Wil­ ernment has been maintaining vention os a unit. Please advise" a scarecrow’s bat, fixes a broken National Typewriter Co. KUdlsh, Anng, rent ...... liam M. Savltt, chairman of the trade relations with the outside Body Is Found Killed in Action rail in a bridge, and stops finally British radio repoHa that Its which inherited It from the late 11.00 Since the crack outfit of ' the Mrs, J. Kennedy Tod. Kilpatrick, James, labor and matdriai ...... benefit game played two weeks ago world. Johnson Post la only one of 400 to light his pipe. The man Is Frank broadcasts In French directed to Hartford, Conn. .Klngaburv'a Dairy, milk ...... 46.60 Hartford—Lester ,E. Shlppee, 3.00 between the .Sivltt Gems and the Action has not been taken ' Afloat in Sound similar uniformed musical units Craven. On the stage be was the/ France have been encountering today’s grove problems Kljnnev Co.. Inc., G. R„ ahoea ...... !!!!!.’!! ...... Hartford Latirels, the money rep­ against Ningpo previoualy, It was "ellberate jarofnlng," As a result execuUve vice president of K e 8.56 scheduled to be neglecting thbu- London, July 16.—OP)—The Earl cosmic stage manager of the st Hartford-Connsbttcut Trust Cbm- Kittal’a meata and groceriea ...... resenting the net of the final tally­ explained, because, while tha port aonds of wives for music and of Coventry, previously reported production; In the film version veral wavelengths are^eing used Klelnman, Louis, rents ...... 211.32 pany. was reelectwf president of ing of late ticket returns. served the Chinese, It also provided marching during the-Boston con­ as missing, was killed In action in Is a cosmic druggist, an out-of hultaneously in an effort to get Knofla, Arthur, Agent, rents ...... 67.00 a valuable outlet for Japanese Branford, June 16 — (JPi— The the trouble. the Board of Trusteea of th%Mans- Announce The Appointment Of 30.00 The Underwood - Elliot - Fisher body of John Sudol, 35, of New vention; Legion officials, caught France while serving as a lieu­ where man who takes s trt„„- Krause’s Greenhouses, plants. Memoi^i Day !! ! ! ! . ! ! ! ! merchandise. field Stale Training School and — we offer the Living Trust plan. Under this arrangement. ..we can reiievg. 100.00 Social Club donated 815. and 81-66 Haven, was found floating In Long on the down-beat, are wondering tenant In a Worcestershire regi­ liberties with tlmej. mixing the mp ^ lAntlerl, Mrs. Anna, meats and gtccerles...... The Hangchow Bay area If Tuning tonight: Europe Includ­ Hospital at the annual m eting In is.Oo came from a lemonpde stand, oper­ Island Sound yesterday near If this Idea will spread and add a ment, it was announced today.' and the present and the future. Manafleld. * jou of investment cares and details AT ONCE, and free you to concen­ lAnzago, Ralph, damage by d o g s ...... ated by five boys on Greenfield about 100 miles southwest of The 36-year-old carl, p th bold­ Sam Wood directed “Our Town.” ing convention, subject to change et si. Joseph, rent ...... 4.80 Shanghai. It la one of the places Treasure Island, off Stony Creek, national convention of Drum —WEAF-NBC 6:15. 6:45; MBS 8, * Stratford—Mrs. Mary Kressu, 15.00 street. The boys, who carried their Corpe Widows to the 1940 re­ er of a title created in 166,7, fell with a cast headed by Martha trate on the problems of the day. Income can be paid to you. or'Io others, M & ron Foundry Co.. E. L„ water works supplies ...... listed In a Japaneos proclamation by Sam Jackson who towed It 9; WJZ-NBC 9; NBC 11. 43. of Bridgeport, waa Injured 97.42 gift to Red Cross headquartdV* ashore. unions. already scheduled here for during fighting at Givenchy short­ Scott, William Holden, Thomas' ft tally by an automobile as she ^Manquais Co.. E. R., equipment...... yesterday barring the coasts of ly after the Nazi. Invasion of. WEAF-NBC — 7 Johnny Pre­ as 5'ou direct and you can specify who is to receive the principal upon the l«wls. Philip, rents ...... 15.92 personnally, are: Gilbert Ziff; Cheklan and Fukien j>rovincee to Sudol drowned June 30 when a the Legion, Legion Auxiliary, For­ Mitchell, Fay Balnter and Beulah sents; 7:30 Horace Heldt Pro­ crossed Stratford avenue. She died 45.00 Royal Cowles, Sherwln Welson; sailboat capsized with him and ty St Eight, Sons of the Legion, France began, an official an­ Bondi. SO minutes after being admitted to Liberty Investment Go., rents ...... all ship traffic. nouncement said. gram; 8:30 Meredith Willson Re­ termination of the t.rust. There are other major advantages of the I.iving Lomas A NetUeton Co., rent ...,1 .‘I . I ...... 30.00 Monroe Scherzer, and Harold Gbld- three companions outside New Junior Auxiliary and more than vue: 9 Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. a hospital. KEMPS, Inc. 15.00 farb. The People's Protective As­ Haven harMr. - The other victims 200 registered organizations of His five-year-old iKin'succeeds tu Trust which we shall be glad to explain to you in person. *' l^ m is . Laiira G.. Secretary, Memorial Day expenses .. the UUe. WABC-CBB—7 Court of Missing 763 M A IN STRKET Ikicas, J. L., meats and groceries...... 22.92 sociation gave 825, and The CiU- of the accident were rescued after the Army, Navy, Marine Ojrps Tuberculosis Unit Heirs; 7:30 Lud Gluskln Orches­ TELEPHONE 5680 Lukaa, Stephen, meats and grocer.ea...... 44.00 zen’s Protective Association. 810, Indian Engineer clinging for a half hour to their and Air Services that served In tra. 12.00 World War No. 1. Camacho Declared Lupachlno, Raffaele, damage by d o g a ...... ’ ‘ • V • • • overturned craft 876 Controversies Settled WJZ-NBO-- 6 Elasy Aces; 7 Jen­ Lynch, Edivard C„ milk ...... !!!!!!!! ” ' 11.00 To Die July 31 Founder Is Dead kins - Armstrong fight preview; Makepeace, Inc., water worka auppilea . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! [ . ’ ! ...... 19.80 PoUoa Seek Boeton Rooster 7:80 Information Please; 8 Mualeal Victor in Mexico As Local Representatives For 26.00 Countess of Minto Quiet On Kenya Border Washington, 'July 16.—OP)—The Maloney'a Garage, truck puta and repalra . , . ! ! ! ! ! ...... Labor Department announced to­ Americana; 8:30 Fun with the Re- Jaancliester Construction Co., re n t...... 33.25 Boston. July 18.—OP)—A score vuers. 15.00 London. July 16-rOP)—Udham Nairobi, Kenya Colony, July 18. of telephone .calls brought police day that during June the United •'"’y 1«-4)F>—Dr, 8. Manchester Electric Division, electric service !!! Dies at Surrey States Conciliation Service had Adolphus Knopf. 82. authority on MBS—7:30 Meet the Movie Stars; Mexico City, July 16—(S5—A Manchester Gas Company, gas se.-vlce...... 2.781.84 Singh, Mahomed Singh Azad, 37- —OF)—"Yesterday was quiet In the armed with shotgima Into the All Makes Of Typewriters 104.65 disposed of 373 labor conUroversles, 1:30 Bob Stanley's rcheetra. Foreign Ministry official atfd to­ .I t o c ^ t e r High School Band, aervlcea, Memoiisi Dsv...... year-old indlsm engineer, will be northern frontier district” the populous South End today in of The 15.00 executed at Pentonville July 31 for Involving 831,876 workerr Twenty- NaUonal Tubarculoalt AiaoetaUOD, day hla minlstrV had advlaed all Manchester Lumber A Fuel Co„ lumber, pipe, etc British daily war communique said search of a disturber of the peace died yesterday. What to expect Wednesday: Mexican diplomats that Gen. 66.59 London. July 16— (O’) —Mary the murder of Sir Michael O’Dwy­ today. "Our troops In Turkana (In who shrilled defiance to the whole six major Industrial fields and 36 Manchester Memorial Hospital, hoe rd and S ie . ” Countess of Minto, widow of the Europe including conventloa, eub- Manuel Avila Oamacho, admlnU- 639.66 er, formeri lieutenant-governor of the northwestern comer of Kenya neighborhood. They climbed fences, states were represented In the list Standard Machines—Portables Manchea^ Pipe Band, aervicaa. Memorial Day. fourth Earl of Minto, former gov­ of cases. the fight against the disease he |ecf to change—NBC 7 a.m.; CBS tratlQD candidate, had won Mexi­ 31.00 the Punjab, It was announced to­ colony), having completed the task searched yards and alleyways, but 7 a.m.. 5:45 p.m. t h e A>8upply Co., hardware and tup^aa. 182.72 ernor general of Canada, died day. wrote 419 books and pamphleta 'oB co’s presidential election two Sun­ Trust Company, rents . . . . i ...... ' of wrecking tne enemy post at Jouad no trace of the rooster. They tuberculosis. WEAF-hTBC-^2 Btory of Mary. days ago. 45.00 Sunday at Oadalmlng, Surrey, It Sir Michael waa ahot at a meat- Namaraputh, withdrew." promised the offended n ^ h b or- Water Co., seater aarvice...... 10.41 was disclosed today; Figure Bight oo Whalen. A native of Germany, Dr. Knopf Marlin; 3:15 Stella Dallas; 6:45 This reprgsenUd the first offl- — Adding Machines —Dupli­ Man l^ , M ^ Ina L., board and c a r e ...... li^ of Tbs Eait India Asaoelatloh hood to return each danm ui^l ■>aul Douglas on sports. CBS-chain 75.00 The countess was a daughter of hara M arch'18. Tha engineer waa once taught languages at the Uni­ cUl statement by the government they catch the footloose alafti Juneau, Alaaka, July itf-op>-- •10 a.m. Short Short Story on the victor in the presidential 10.00 the, late Gen. Charlea Grey, once ooBvictsd June 5. . Asked to Beiesas Biotas^ clock. versity of ^uthero' California. » ...... 7.14 rlvate secretary to Queen Vlctor- Gail Osborne and Floyd Hagerson 'Professional Escort''; 3 p.m. Lec- struggle. cating Machines And Supplies MANCHESTER 4.00 Si. She \i-as married in 1883 to the were taking amatsyr movies of ure Hall; 4:45 Scattergood. Baines.’ Both Aylla Camacho add hla Lebr Leaves Vichy Mexico City, July 16------(F) — Denies AraoB Attempt TtaHors 6TJZ-NBC—11:30 a.m. Farm and ^ ’J * ^ * * * * ...... 11.00 Earl of Minto, who served aa gov­ Mexico's stats governors wars re­ two forty-foot humpback wbalss principal ' Independent opponent, «'• rendered...... when suddenly the whales sound­ tome Hour; 3 p.m. Club MaUnce; Gen. Juan Andreu Almaaan, have 84.00 ernor general of Canada from 1891 NSW York, July 18— Albert quested by the secretary of Interior . Leominster, Mass., July 16—OF) Irsland. July ...... •••• 28.88 to 1904 and later aa viceroy of In­ ed. T h e men figured whsr* Um t;30 Massachusetts handicap (also claimed “overwhelming'’ victory. WE ESPEGULLY SOU dT YOUR SERVICE WORK T W ird Con^mny, roe,rrbandiae...... Lebrun, former president of today to rslsaas all persons jailed —Mra. Blanche H. Legault, 82, —«>>--OpsraOont of tha out­ .MBS)., MBS:—2 World'a Fair 9.88 dia. Ha died In 1914. France, has left Vlctay with his for^‘*P)artlclpatlng paintonately" In whales might come up, and in lawed irUrti Republican Army Unofficial reCurns gathered by the 10.00 pleaded innocent yesterday to a their ten-foot boat equipped irith Jtand. Short wavea: DJL Berlin adnUnistration’s Mexican Revo- TRUST CO...... : The counteaa la aurvtvM byoo^ wlf# en route to Geneva. Switai^ the jffbMdsntlal elections two Sun­ placed in tha eatagoiy tk r PiPdirs and o U ...... 4.55 aon.^the f im Eart of Minto, and charge of attempting to bum her a baby outboard motor they put- popular music; 2RO Roms luUooary party have credited Avi­ Brook Fann, m O k ...... land, the Italian radio reported to­ days ago unless they bad commit­ home last Saturda". Her case wi- traaro today by Justteo M o ^ < ALL TYPES.OF MACHINE RENTED 21.80 two daughters. Lady Cromer and puttri over there. One w w e He deocribad tha I. R. A. lA a •;40 gtdUr duo. quartet; GBC Lon- la Camachp with a 20 to one mar- Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. jOffiF oM qf FAtiBi Buik. . . . I ; day In a broadeast beard here by ted serious crimes. Hundreds of continucA until July 22 and ahe rose so close to them he Ion 11. ncMs. A7l Lady .Violet* Aator. wife * ' ‘ ' NSC. jVcmoMsring menaos," ratbsc fid. wia be affsstad. |waa iHm M in 88JIQQ baU. their motor from Its V . . \ BIANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD. IIANCBli^TER. CONN TUESDAY, JULY 16.1940 MANCHESTER B.VBNINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, JULY 16,1944 ■' ' « ...... JU ttrlrtJi|l»r DavIs told you. In bis clrculan, •treeta in complete dlaragRrd of Bream of MIoMgsn, Lueas et HU* then took ths mfilUry's vlswa 41- about all tba fraat anglnaerlng asUbllabed limita. Don't Quite Seem to Get It Labor Secretary iwisnote aaad m nenuigHerring et os j loam. 63 Men Die to Premier TonaL A formal Hitler Preparing antarprlMa ba bad lad and all tha Right here In Mencheater, Jf wa SERIAL STORY PlealsMade The r a m i impreMiraselon ama that ^ that the tlM field et poamUltitlea was just "affile" had been settled. Obituary Bridge Work 'CoftHtio ftrndft Braat economic and aoclal reforma liRd A hundred police officers on Openly Forecasts number of candi­ The ^onal goveroment look Last Peace Offer FUMUtiHliiiJ H( TMki K ForGuardsmenl as broad as the numl In Explosion ■BKALO PKINTINO CO, iMa ba had inatltuted. But bia very the Btreeta it would not Improve dates. Few expected any postUve office laat^l^ . is. . Seen in Fal II aiiMll atraat • btgfeat and most ambitloua pro> the tltuatlon In the least, if they FLYING CO-ED Roosevelt Naming WMta House finger to be lifted to­ Before Britain Hit HanehMUr, Conn. ward the second place on th* ticket Funerals THOMAa rBROUaON ect waa the Immediata orfanlaa- 'did nb more to enforce the law BY MARY KlMvlAVEY MOORE CORTRIAHT. laao. Local Officen Prepare until th* first is decided. At G>al Mine MUtiont ^eing Sent 0*B*raI Maaacar NfeA asRvicB, me. (Oeattaaei ¥ n m Page One) (Continued from Pegs One) Contractu to Be Fa«Dd*4 Oetebar I, 1111 Uon of a union of the United than la being, done now. If our Win Jeln In Parnda To Dutch East Indieii * Anders Bengtson.. Statea and the six BnEllsta ^leak- handful of cops were to arrest one Series of Qnestionfl to From B. B. Germany, chairman (Centtnned Freni Page One) < Funeral services for Anders Pabllihaa Bvary Bvanlns Bzeaal Out af Okaraefim. mally into nomination and the Tokyo, July 16.— Jepen la the strongest Mediterranean pow­ About Oct. 1 for Span| ln( democracies of Great Britain, them'they can't run yotil Como of the Gamer for President move­ Bengtson, oldest member of the anndar* and Reltdara Entarad al out of ten of the motorlsta. Who AaRB Norrta wealthy Qarify the Situatioii» vie* presidential problem, on the ment, earn* arord that ha did not cutting machine set off the blast. sending diplomatic and teonomlc er. At Hartford. lha Poat Ottlea al Manehaatar, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New definitely defy the speed laws on stndeat, looklBg for thrills on, Sweetheart, let'a do .like I'vo surface, at least, was no nearer missions to The Netherlands East Emanuel Lutheran church, and C^aa.. aa aaeend Claaa Mall Mattaf. aald, go on over to North Point bellav* tha vice prestdant would be Little damage waa done to the over 40 years a resident here, Zealand and the Union of South Main street alone, every day of ia OAA lylag eooiaa. Bsoaua* ot th* apparaat mlsun- solution than it bad been yestet' Interested In a third term for him­ mine itself. Indies within the next two weeks and—come back married.” to conduct trade negotiation Italians Report Blows ^ were held this afternoon al 2 Hartforii, July 18— (Fi—Oca* aUBaCRIPTTON RAtRa Africa. This outfit waa to Just Oaergotto Parker — Aaae^ derataadtag that •xuta about th* day. self. Germany said that as a ges­ Stanley C. Yuwus, 38, one of the o'clock at the Watkins Fiinefal Oaa Taar br Mall ...... tl.M the week, right under their eyas, friaafl. Learalag to fly lo a aorl- "Oh, Tony, no. 1 juat can’t" propoaod military training of men Thoaeaais of Seete Empty Mosayukl Tanl, vice minister for tracts for (xmstructlon of the asss Par IfoDth hr Mall ...... M ------______------"Why not? Do you want to atay ture of respect th* Texas delega­ survivors, said: To British Fleet ' Home, 142 Ea.Kt Center street. Connecticut river bridge *t Htrt* about run the .world. Anyhow it there might be some, juatlflcatlon In this country, offlesia of th* Na­ ‘Tbousanda of empty seats were tion would Join la the parade for ‘‘It was more of a concussion foreign affaire, informed Nether­ aiBfla CeBy ...... t -tl Toav «i— *liere and be puahed around by lands Ambassador J. C. Pabst to- BdSJ*. July 16-(;!>)—Huge fires Rev. Tborsten A fluslafson. paa‘ ford ivlU be let about Oct. 1. Stst* DalTaarad Ona Taar ...... r....tl.aa waa going to put hitler and Mua* for the claim that the police court tional Guard unlta in Manchester spread out before the epeaker's Mr. Roosevelt When that demon­ than an explosion. A great ball tor-’of Emanuel offiflalcd. have p rm re d a s«rl** of ques­ stand when Bankhead rapped for of white fire swept down the tun­ day. at Haifa, British oil port In Pales- Highway Commissioner WllUsm J/ MEMBER OF atriinl and Stalin in their respec­ facilities in this town wera inade­ S a l D o elU ^ * ^ ' ^ Anne a and do Uiat " | stration la given, but that it would ttnb, and crippling blows to units • During the aervice .Mrs. Albert Cox said this afternoon after cqfi-' THE associated PKEBS quate. \ social poelUon. tions and answem to clarify th* orxler at 11:07 a, m. (ca.t.). Leas vote for Gamer. nel. I waa knocked down. With A basic agreement already has Pearson sang "Rock of Age*" and Tba Aaaoelatad Praaa la azalailra- tive barrels. CMptela Olek Pooglae—Inatroe- and don't do thia and don’t you ^ altuatloa They are aa foUowa: than half of the delegates appear Today's program sent th* con­ the others, I scrambled out on my been reached, the Indies govern­ fit Britain's Mediterranean fleet- ferrlng with the Hartford BrUI^ ■r antltlad to tha ata ar rapubilea* All this waa before the affair of But even though we had '^the monrohito dare do that'?’’ including the 42,100-ton battle­ "I Heard the Voice of Je*us Kay." Commission al thc'Hartford (Wb. •( atadeat flylag courae at During tha preaent amergency ed to b* in tbelr red seats on the vention through th* laat whirl of hands and knees." ment assuring Japan of a continu­ She was accompanied on the or­ Uaa of all nawa diapatehaa eraditad Poland. Since the war in Europe hundred cops on i>atrol, and all of NONRi66£MTR0P| Midland UnlvetMty. Anne's vanishing anger waa wa hear much talk about draft, formalities before th* real action About 1,200 were employed In ance of supplies of raw materials cruiser Hood—were reported by Cox said that bt4i> woiUd fie ad­ ta It or net otherwlaa eraditad In POCTRlNe whipped into a flame by Tony’s stadium floor, while only thin rib­ the Italian high command today. gan by Mrs. R. K. Anderson , vert ised in August and re iv e d in i"r«i ntwi I started Mr. Davis' frequent imagi- conscription and compulsory mili­ bons of black showed up against atarta. Tomorrow tha' platform the mine In three shifts. The ex­ despite German occupation of PBbllihrd horoln. them did aa thorough a job’ of en­ POaKiHE words and, quick to see her inde­ tary training. Wbat does it mean plosion swept through only three Direct Mts by Italian filers on The bearers were Henry. ChtI » September. -ilTh the lnt*rvSnlB|| forcement as is being done now, Yeaterdayt Aane aad Georgette cision, he went on: the broad belts of red chairs In the probaMy will be adopted, and “The Netherlands in Europe. and Herbert Bengtson of .Man- i month allowed for preparation ot All riRhta of rapubltcatlon of native documents have been miss­ enroU for fljing Instruction In and how d o a it apply to you? triple-tiered galleries. Thursday will be nominating day. sections, however. The Foreign Office announced oil refineries and depot* at the apaelal dlaoatrhaa harain ara alao ing from our mall and. we pre­ the result would be nothing be­ “They treat you like a baby, First If the bill providing for Federal and state mine Inspec­ Holy Land port were said to have Chester ahd Carl Anderson ■ of the bids raaarvad. CAA aponsored college oouraee. The Invocation was pronounced TMa morning's aeeslon waa given that Sbuichl Sako, chairman of sent, up flames that could be seen New Britain. Burial wa* in the Contracts will b?'let Oct. 1 fo* sume, the mail of other newspa­ cause it would be a mere multipli­ Anne le mere iatereeted la Tony protecting you from this and from compulsory military training goes by Bishop Reverdy C. Ransom of to routine bualneas, plus a speech tors and volunteer rescue squads the board of The Mitsul-Bussan Pull sirrles elisfit «f E. that. Seems like they don't want through and you are between the rushed to this mining village of from airplanes 120 miles away! East cemetery. work on the sub-structure and •srTles Ine. pers. We have missed the refresh­ cation of zero. than In flyjag. Bat she promisee WUberforce University, a Negro, from Mrs. Thomas McAUlater, di­ Company, will lead the economists Riiper-structiire rtf the main spaa to be a headache to laatmetor you tp. grow up. I bet if that ages of 18 and 4S years you will rector of the Woman's Division of 400 population. Sonman Is in the and business men. Giving a summary of tha run­ ment of his blrarre but highly This newspaper has consistent­ Captain Douglas could have who prayed "for peace In our coun across the river, and contracts for Publishers RsprsssntatiTss, Tbs Dick Douglas. PorgettlBg all have to register for service. The try apd throughout the world." the National Commlttae. Tonight, southwestern Pennsylvania bitum­ ning sea warfare in the eastern Julias MsthswtITS SpselsISpsela^ Assi original social, economic and polt- ly backed the Police Department, reached for a dunce cap he’d have first group to go will be between Speaker Bankhead leaves hla post inous field, about 16 miles east of apd western Mediterranean since Benefit l,jiwn Fete other parts of the work will b* 1st Nsw Tork. rhirsro, nstrolt about flying ne she seen Tony’a oar Ekldie Howard, a middle west­ suba*quently Baston commissioners, officials and pa­ approaching, Anne wnlks townrd tried to put it on you." the ages of 21 and 31, then the aa temporary clialrman and luma Johnstown, the "flood city.” British Warned July 9, the high command listed; tlcal inventions. But in yester­ Anne made a quick decisio ^ en between the ages of 18 and ern radio linger, led the audience Gas Seeps Around Brattice 1. The Hood, largest warship f.Qniptetod In Two Years a spinning propeller. Georgette in Binging "The Star Spangled over the gaval to Senator Barkley, Being Held Today; MEMBER audit BUREAU or day's New York Times there blos­ trolmen; has frequently defended acreame. "All right, Tony, I’ll go.” and next the men from 18 to who will speak. One rescue worker discovered On Concessions afloat, hit squarely three times by tVork on the, bridge will start CIRCUI-ATION8, somed forth, in a full page adver­ them against what we have be­ "That’s it. Sweetheart," ^ Banner." Meanwhile, th* Platform Com­ that a group of 34 miners erected London, July 16—wp)—Reports aerial bombs. (Previous unofficial ImmeHatelv after the contracts Chapter n Mrs. McAllister, in e summery ’ I are let Cox said, predicting that Tbs Hsrsld Printins Company, tisement, a revival of the Sage of lieved to be unjustified criticism. exulted, "we’ll hit the bright apo< rhls gives rise to the question mlttae began working out the a brattice of wooden, planks, and of British overtures toward Japan report* that the Hood had been hit Threatening skies and s light j IBC., assumss no financial rtsponsl- ‘There waa a split second that and show all these people tiu.. "Will men Included in this con frock end a white hat, said she policy statement which will guide put B canvas over it In a vain ef­ caused the English press to warn have been denied by British sour­ rainfall this morniftg brought dll'-! the w-ork w-ould be completed blllty for typoaraphleal errors sp- Cape Cod's English-speaking But wc feel that in this complete Waa horror for that small group ipoke for the Democratic women ces.) within two years sarins In sdvsrtlssmsnis In lbs Tony Scott and bia wife don't need Bcriptlon have to go?" This we the party through the campaign. fort to keep out the deadly gas. the government to go slow before appointment to the grixip of wom­ B[anchsstsr Esenins BsrslA Union. and unjustifiable failure to make of people. Georgette, EMCk Doug­ to go bowing to anybody." cannot answer at this time, but of the country. Aa in the recent Republican con­ But it seeped In around the edges making any concessions In the Far 2. One hit on the 22,000-ton air­ en arranging for the Bntleh B*n.e,; Weather conditions and thS ris­ Evidently somebody must have even an attempt to enforce the las, B<^ Davis, and Anne. fThen "But I want to get some of my we assume that men who are not FAs Democrats wc are opposed vention at Phlledelphia, the knot­ and killed them all. Ea-sL craft carrier Ark Royal. ^ fit card and lawn party this after-1 er height will have great influence Dick was racing toward the girl, to war for reaction thrives on on the time th* work takes, Cox Tuc.'idav, Julv 16 been more impreased than was the speed limits and give some effect things at the house. .Drive me phyMeally fit for service in the tiest problem was reconciling di­ Upon the body of James Mont- The Yorkshire Poet said: 3. A destroyer and a cargo ship noon at the home of Mrs t.^w- | roughly snatching her back from there. I'll be only a minute." field will probably be assigned to war," she said. "Aa women, w* ere vergent view* over foreign policy. certainly sunk. explained journalistic world by the concep­ to the epeed signs, this community helth, foreman of that section, was "American opinion sees in the rence W, r'aje of Highland Park.] Solemn Convention the whirling meUI blade. Anne Anne was already hoping that she soma type of duty which they are opposed to war for war threatens The committee heard demands that found e list of the 34 men. He had reported Burma r(3od concession 4. Two battlsMps, four cruisers, However, in the aftecnoon th* sun | tion that the United States and has been let down. hardly realised that he had saved could go in and out of- the bouse capable of doing. our fathers end our brothers, our the United States go so far aa to two aircraft carriers and two de­ her life. apparently written-it while await­ and In tha news that Britain is of­ shone through the clouds and the ' In the sombre shadow of the the six other English-speaking As matters now stand those unseen. Has No Choice husbands and our children." convoy supplies to Great Britain. ing death—and added dlrecttonr fering her good offices for settle­ stroyers certainly, and in some' anxiety was dispelled'^as car after Gas Price Mack clouds that hang over the ‘Of all the boneheaded stunts, "Don't park, Tony. Drive around Can the man so conscripted T ru st In DeadersMp" Senators vhieeler of Montana and ment of the Japanese war ominous cases repeatedly, struck. car arrived at the C?a*e home fill­ democracies should he one; be­ speed signs arc a constant and that wins the prise." Dick's slow choose the branch of service or McCarran of Nevada declared that for finding seven other men trap­ world and in the jiation-wide real­ and I'll be down by the student Mrs McAllister laid women ped nearby. preparations for a ‘Far Eastern 5. Twelve airplanes shot down ed with the townswomen. cause somebody paid for that ad­ persistent announcement that this voice waa full of anger and of book shop In 15 minutes. There unit in which be wishes to serve? "trust In the leadership” of Presi to do so would.be an act of war. Munich' at China's expense. and about 10 other destroyed or Card and. other game tables fill­ Probe Sought isation of the desperate need of sarcasm. "You’re just the type No. He must go Into that They have said they would fight “It must have been horrible," vertisement and you couldn't buy is one town that lacks either the probably won’t be many thebe dent Roosevelt becauie It bad been said Mike Seymoure, who found "Beyond Available Facta." damaged aboard the bombed air­ ed every bit of available space on national unity, old fashioned, many good cigars with the change sincerity or the courage to do who thinks ‘stop, look, and listen' now.” Anne hopped from his car branch for which he is beat suited. demonstrated time and anin any proposal that strong, on the craft carriers. the lower fjixir of the"Caae man­ waa meant for everybody else.” as he slowed down at the end of This means, that be will probably floor of the convention If neces­ them. He said in a number of ‘This conclusion goes far be­ The report acknowledged that Waterbury, July 18—0^—Th* stereotyped, run-of-the-mill partl- left from a thousand dollar bill what it advertises to do—prose­ right. cases fathers and sons lay side by sion, and tables for refreshment "^You needn't use all your sar­ sorority row. be separated from other men from A steady rustle of new arrivals sary. yond the available facts. Never­ one Italian battleship, either the were placed on the lawn. Federal Department of Justics has . san politics ha.s a hard time to if 'twas you who did the paying. cute automnbilista who drive their casm on me," Anne flared. "I * • • his own home town. On the other hand, Senator Pep­ side in death. theless the prospect of Britain's (Jonte dl Cavour or the Glullo been asked to investigate th* geV filled the hall as she spoke. The first bodies were brought Assisting the hostess In various maintain itself even in the nation­ The ad starts off with the start­ cars fa.ster than the limits posted probably wouldn't have walked Walking as fast as she could How can he be assured of being Applause rang out when she said per of Florida was leading a de­ acting as a mediator in the 'China Cesare, 22,622-ton twins, had been ways were noticed Mr*. David M. oline. price war now being wngsd clear into that prop anyway. But with local men and under local out at 1:29 a. m. (e.s.t.), and tak­ Incident.' as the Japanese like to al convention of a great political ling declaration that "Defense by the roadside. We decidedly without attracting attention of “we know that President Roose mand for . a plank advocating all struck by a British air bomb, but Caldwell. Miss Jessie Reynolds. in Waterbury. thanks for saving my life.” officers ? en ^to the municipal ball at adja- call it, does raise certain questions declared the bit bad not affected The request, filed by H. Burtoa- party. That was true at Philadel­ object to having Manchester thus the few students who w’ere on velt has been right, time after possible aid short of war. Mrs. James Leslie. M,lss Emily Now Needs Union Now." ampli­ "Listen, Miss Norris, don’t their way to late afternoon claas- By joining one of the local Na­ Unity Major Objective cen‘t Portage, where a crew of un­ which need answer. We hope the dreadnaught's fighting power. Hopkinaon, Mrs. Alexander Stuart, Spirt, an official of The GansmI phia, in spite of the very lively ex­ tional Guard companies before con­ time, year after year, In hla judg fied with the hurry-hurry explana­ shamefully held up to the derision thank me. We’re training thou­ es, Anne reached the house. She ment of foreign affairs” In his keynote address, Speaker dertakers prepared them for Mr. (Prime Minister Winston) Italians previously bad disclosed Mr*. James Thomson. Mrs. Freder­ Oil Company of Waterbury. aad citement created by the candidacy tion that it is "A Proposal that of strangers. sands of students all over this could hear the voices of some of scription is started, for if this Bankhead said ths major objec­ burial. One eribalmer came upon Churchill will answ:er them during that 29 men were killed and 69 In­ ick Olmsted, Mr*, (ikilln Davies, signed by several dealers, says country, and we’re not interested act is passed and becomes effec­ Another burst of cheering wel the bodies of four of his cousins. . his expected statement on the Far of the appealing and picturesque the U. S. A. and the Six British Again wc call, upon the Police the girls down in the chapter corned her declaration that the tives "of both parties must be jured aboard an Italian battle­ Mrs. Harold Burr. Mr*. Thomas small dealers will be forced out ot In fatalities. I just didn’t want room, but there was no one on the tive, men will not be allowed to unity and solidarity of purpose in Identiflratlon Delayed Eastern situation in the House of ship but its identity waa not dis­ Conn, Mrs. W. J. Field. business unle.is the "wrar" la Wendell Wlllkle—without which Democracies Form a Federal Commissioners to either enforce our safety record spoiled." Dick’s join their local companies. roots of national defense were Commons today." first floor, and she dashed up the strong and united "because of the preserving Inviolate the structure No list of the dead was announc­ closed. brought to an end. the Republican convention would Union Before It is Too Late." the speed laws or take down the cool voice added to Anne's rage. stairs and into the room she What branches of service have ed pending identification by kins­ The Manchester Guardian, Aboard the Ark Royal, it said, Prices, ranging from I l.t for we locally in the National Guard? leadership of Franklin D. Roose of our government and the perpet­ Dog On Guard Rto|e*i have been drab and sober enough. The actual Idea is that if we signs. In a moment she would have been shared '^ h Georgette. ual freedom of Its people. folk, which was delayed until all sounding a similar note, said; the flying depk was demolished low g^-ade gas to 15.4 cents for ths In tears, but Tony’s hand on her Headquarters Oimpany whose velt." the bodies have been prepared. forward on the starboard side and highest grade, wer* said to ba It is still truer at Chicago, where make all haste and organize such Quickly*'she took her traveling duties are to furnish communica­ "The most dsngerous fifth "We recognize that ours is a "We bad better remember that Ne-xark. N J . July 1 6 — /T-- arm brought her attention to him. ca.se from the comer of the closet, government of political parties The victiftis ucre brought to the Japan's first need. If ahe is to seven planes w-ere,destroyed. The Morris Weiner put a police dog on four cent* a gallon low-y than the Democrats have no contest at a federal union we shall prevent "I saw you, as I parked my tions for the 169th Infantry, con- column In any country is .social ’.’2,600-ton aircraft carrier Eagle when the "war ” started. Nazi Air ‘‘Superiority’ laid It open on the bed, filled it and economic injustice," Mrs. Mc­ and that as Instrumentalities of surface in coal cars, and amid the press her plans, in the Pacific, Is guard at hla poultry market at all to stir their enthusiasm. the British fleet from falling into HEALTH AND DIET car," he told her. "Are you all with clothes snatched from dreaser Blstlng of radio, telephone, tele­ heavy rain of an electrical storm, to rid herself of w-ar in China and it said, had a great hole In her night. Someone forced a door, es­ Merchant Fleet of Britain right?" He put one arm a hit too graph and mounteu messenger Allister said. government they are entitled to Yet at Philadelphia the habits the hands of Hitler In case of Either the Briti.sh are doing drawers and closet hangers. She the largest measure of freedom were removed in ambulance and so free her hands for other ac­ bow. caped with 31 in pennies, $5 In Bondita Argue Over Parts ADVICE sollcitoiisly about her shoulder. serrtes, anti tank protection and ‘Women know these things and tivities." All the Italian planes returned of generations managed to sur­ a British collapse and anyhow some wholly unjustified bragging snapped it shut, slipped out of the intelligence work, such aa map we kndw that President Roosevelt in carrying legitimately disputed hearses. Hastily greeted search­ stamps, and the dog. The chickens "She's great," Dick Douglas skirt and sweater that she had issues to the people,” he said. lights played their beams on the frons the Haifa raid, the communi­ were not disturbed. Los Angeles—UP)—Tbrss druff* vive with enough accompaniment we could prevent the British col­ or the "overwhelming ” air au Stronger Than Before War Furnished by the McCoy spoke again, “with a whole field work and collecting Information. shares our deep desire to keep que reported, adding that the Brit­ store employes reported to poUos worn to the airport, and into a Then there is the rifle company America out of war and to make Of the Republican platform, he eerie scene, taking in huddled of definitely partisan oratory to lapse by joining in the war with periority of the Germans is becom- !I Health Service. to stroll in, she walks right at a smartly simple, green dress that bunches of weeping wives and sis­ Control Of Air Derish-e ish lost one plane In an unsuccess­ Board Elects Oflioers they were robbed of 33,000 by two whirling prop." whose principal weapons are the America so strong that no fifth declared; • ful attack on the Libyan port of bandits who at first argued aad prevent anyone from falling into our own navy and otherwise— ing a matter of serious doubt New York, July 18.—(/P) —The. I Of these, Britain today controls she realized brought out golden .30 caliber rifle and the .45 caliber "The Frank Committee and ters tortured by the knowledge Address communicatlona to 'The lights in her hair, and somehow, column, no Trojan horses, no secret Esthervllle, la., July 16.—(/Pi- Tobruk. I Hartford, July 16. — OP) — The threatened to kill each othsr orar doubt as to what part3r’s conven­ which of course we should do be­ There has always been a good deal British merchant fleet, swelled by ^ d operates an undisclosed num- Herald, Attention of McCoy pistol, the JO caliber light machine traitors In high places, no money- their Platform Committee were In their husbands and brothers were Farmer N. J. Johnson had a ring­ (An official announcement at which waa to supervise ths rob­ bek as she docs ports of the fleets >ou, Mr. Gallant Knight. Anne’s ahe seemed to think, made her labor a long, long time and they dead—yet unable to view them for State Board of Natureopathlc Ex- tion he Was attending. And at of uncertainty as to the effective- construction and ships of Health Service anger had brought color back in- eye* look mysterious. She glanced gun and the 60 m.m. motar. changing crowd of appeasers of side seat at a death duel between Jerusalem said material danrnge ' amlners announced today the elec­ bery, then comproalsed aad fled cause then the w a r' would be of jh e other countries. When the Guard la called into Hitler, will be able to cause our finally brought forth a weasel." hours yet. Chicago last night Jim Farley and against ua the same as England. ness of the German fighting i oth*"'' nations gained through the to her- checks and her eyes were at the reflection In the mirror • J . a red-winged black bird and a big in the raid on Haifa w-as slight. tion of these officeis: President, with the loot. Speaker Bankhead both made Belgium had 200 ships of 408,- Arthritis—A Crippling Dlieeae .snapping. "It must be grand to federal aervice, it la retained aa a beloved country to fear the fate He said that "not only Is this As the death toll steadily mount-1 ^he snake lashed with More than 50 high explosive i Dr. Per Nelson of Hartford; vlce- In short It is a peculiarly unat­ planes as compared with those,^of' fortunes of war, probably is -4T8 tons and has lost eight ships of 'Well, Anne, you don't look un]^ with its local offlcera and non- which overtook Poland, Norway, administration opposed absolutely ed toward the dawn, they stood i xjje bird dive-bombed speeches that at least hope the be a hero." like the happy ahout-to-be bride, bombs were dropped, it said, kill­ ' president. Dr. Matthew J. Colney With 10 dwellings to th* aers, tractive scheme for putting ui in­ the Royal Air Force and If the ®^'‘°nger now than it was when 40,854 tons, leaving 192 ships of While arthiitlA la commonly Tony, still with his arm about commlaaloned officers. Denmark, Holland, Belgium and to a participation in any European shivering miserably in the rain for I with Its beak on the reptile's head, ing one Arab and gravely wound­ I of Waterbury: and secretary-treas- tha whole population of ths a u th outward seeming of party war 367,564 tons. but I gue.ss you'll do.” Why should a man join the Na­ France. war” but that It haa “done every­ hours—-one a young mother with ni* control of the air proved de- to the war. not eventually or to British are not either doing some | European war started, a study considered a joint diaeaae because Anne, cautioned Dick, "You'd .She put on a green hat. with j ed another, before anti-aircraft ! urer. Dr. Frank B. Smith of could be housed comfortably in aa cries. I probably be a little nicer to this tional Guard at the preaent time? "We are determined that there thing possible within the bounds her babe in arms, wrapped in ' a ' clsive. I fire drove off 10 raiders.) • Bridgeport. area the size of Kanaaa. save our own skins, but immedi­ tall lying about the re.sulta of their ' available verified figures Indl- tona*and^ro'st^30 ships of 65,830 I joints suffer most from lU at- the dull gold feather, drew on By joining now a man haa a blanket. A national convention is always, I girl If you knew who ahe Is — shall be no Fascist government, get of reason” to preserve peace ately and definitely for the pur­ ralds in Germany, or are not de- j today. tons, leaving 675 ships of l.lo6,114 | tacks, it is in reality a disease of freshijh white doeskin gloves. chance to work for promotion and up In these United States, either abroad and "keep us out of in­ As the hour approached for the of course, a gathering of poUtl- ! Arnold Dwight's her uncle and her Then, picking up her topcoat and with tbs allotment of non-com- pose of saving the British empire. luding themselves as to-the mag- Germany claimed last week tons. | the whole body, the chief symp- guardian." He stopped Impres­ by force or foreign arms or by volvement In a foreign war. viewing of bodies, even th* stoie.-il rlans; for the moat ipart of people bag, she opened the door a crack, mialoned officers that the local Imitation in order to please or ap­ Will Not Appease Aggressor* '■oes broke dow-n and sobbed, a few The scheme is larded with the nitude of those results, the Nazi ' ^ had 1,523 ships of 2,-' toms of which are seen in the sively. peered Into, the hall, listening in­ whose very livelihood depends in­ .PQ ions or Bntisn snip-ship- 969,578 tons and lost 34 ahips of Joints. tmita have, an appointment a a . a pease any dictator or group of "We do not propose." he added, verging on roll*p*e. proposition that in the 'proposed fliers appear to bf quite Incapable ping, a figure which an authorlta- "Thanks, I know all that," Dick tently. Suddenly, aa If a demand­ corporal or a sergeant, can be had dictators. And we trust President directly if not directly on the suc­ 149,793 tons, leaving 1,489 ships of It is usually accompanied by an started toward tfle cockpit of the "to appease thosq aggressor* federal union—in which the vari­ of combatting British bombers' as live British source said was more 2,819,875 tons. intestinal tract which Is not elimi­ ing thought had come to her. she in a short tlpie by the man apply­ Roosevelt to use Ms unique sense whose doctrines wage war upon cess of their party or who repre­ ship, "but she's still just a glamor hastily closed the door, aet ^ w n ing Mmself and doing a little of world, events and hla instinct ous democracies would stand in efficiently asj,the British attack than four times the real losses France had 1,231 ships of 2,933,- nating poisons fast enough, by girl with a rotogravure complex.” every principle of liberty for a sent interests with a lively con­ The Associated Press figures, the bag and coat and went to the studying. for the forces and Issues which free people that our Declaration ,[ap Cabinet Quits much the same relation to its fed-^ planes fight off German bombers. 933 tons and lost 25 ships of 131,- poor circulation through certain Anne stared at him In angry study table. She tore a page from If you are a member of the cern in such success. Yet even at taking account only of merchant 846 tons, leaving 1,206 ships of parts of the body which deprives hatred, pulled herself free from are shaping human destiny to of Independence and our Federal era! government aa our states do The Britl.sh report that Sunday ’“ships whose loss la admitted by 2,802,087 tons. I the points of a normal joint sup­ her notebook and WTote a abort National Guard you ar* naturallji^ guide our counjry through this constitution preserved." As Army Presses 5 5 Philadelphia last month and at Tony's arm, moved quickly after message, tucked it into the comer exempt from draft or conscription terrible crisis with peace, dignity to their federal government the night they succezsfully bombed no the British or verified independ­ Poland had a much smaller mer­ ply, and by a faulty method of Dick, stopped him with a shaken, On this point, Farley said In “I am a Chicago last night the pressure of of the dressing table mirror. - aa you are already In a federal and honor.” United States would have a small less than 22 German airports and ently. showed the British had lost. chant fl^t. Two of her biggest handling sugars and starches almost sobbing voice, “You’re not his address that the administra­ the great war against the frothing 43 ships of 932,158 gross tons up within the body. •’ Once again, ahe picked up her recogniz«fd military organization. The, hail rang with applause tion "has given Ua solemn pledge (ConUnned from Page One) maJdHty of all the votes and so seaplane bases where planes were ships, the Pilsudski and the Batory, going to have me aa a student juat things and went to the door, open- i At the preaent time both local again when she praised Mrs. Roose­ .of partisan enthusiasm was ap­ to July 14. came under British control, but Although the person in good to add to your glory.” that no American boy will, be sent villa about an hour from Tokyo, to boss the whole combination. In being concentrated for the antici­ At the start of the war, accord­ health may burn such foods to ad­ ing it cautiously .After a moment companiet have vacanclea for sin­ velt In these words: to die on the battlefields of Europe parent. the 14,294-ton Pilsudski was sunic “Come on. Anne," came Tony’a of Intent listening, she tiptoed Into gle men between the ages of 18 "As Democrats we salute a true tender the resignations. the event of the difstruction of pated battle of devastation, be­ ing to Lloyd's Register of Mari­ last Nov. 26. The 14,187-ton vantage, in the case of the arthri­ urging plea, "let's get out of this." and this compact will be kept The imperial household announc­ The leaders at the Democratic | time Shipping, the British empire tic there la considerable evidence the hall and down the stairway. and 45 and anyone interested may Democrat, a beloved friend and a “There may be difference of Axis power one may imagine sides setting fire to numerous Batory still Is in British hands. “AU right, let's,” she agreed The distance to the hall doorwav obtain information from any of the great American, Eleanor Roose­ ed the emperor would csincel plans rocer gathering, quite as much as the had 21,001,925 tons o f, shipping, that the carbohydrates are not opinion among Democrats on oth­ how long the British members ga.soline tanks. The Germans Some In American Ports shakily, “I’m tired of being always aeemed endless, but she managed National Guard offlcera In town velt." to review the Japanese fleet, and leaders at the Republican conven­ comprising 8,977 ships—steam and Some of the vesseli of these burned in a normal way. and the in the wrong." er Issues but on this determination would remain in that kind of „ ’ <'kn't build planes fa.st enough to motor of 100 gross'^ tons and up use of these foods leaves the end- it. unheard and unseen, and waa by applying at the Main atreet The keynote speech of Bank- there Is absolute unity," he added. return to Tokyo tomorrow. tion, are aware that there Is just countries are in American ports, Tony took Anne's arm poasea- out of doors headed away from head and a "farewell" address by It was believed that no sucessor union. Perhaps the promoters meet such destruction as that ' ward. products of faulty metabolism slvely and together they crossed State Armory on Monday, Tuesday Farley's two daughters, Betty one issue that can be made to others in ports more distant from which further burden the body. the direction from which students or Thursday nights. Officers of National Chairman James A. Far- to Yonal would be desig;nated be­ can tell us whether we should would indicate - nor can they by The loss of 243 ahips would Britain. to his car while Dick Douglas and Ann, attired In simple frocks "It !• my business to give the people of this community the command the thoughts of the peo­ leax’e the British 8.734 ships total­ Focal infection may serve aa a might come. cither company will be glad to en­ Icy highlighted the first major but each with an orchid at her fore tomorrow Yonal told his cab­ Three weeks ago there were 32 reassured Grorgette. Tony's too conspicuous car was Convention session last night at the inet he had been instructed by ple of the country during the com­ fight to preserve such a union as “ y means spare that much oil. ing 20,069,767 tons. contributing cause. When such in­ "Forget it. You were scheduled list men for whichever company shoulder, sat on the front row of very best in food values, prompt service and courteous treat­ we did to prevent the sece.ssion of ! '* becoming a good deal of a ships flying the Norwegian flag fections are present, they should at the curb In front of the book tijey desire to serve. big, flag draped Chicago Stadium. the platform to watch their dad. Hirohito to remain in office until ing campaign—and that that issue Additlona Not Considered tied up in New York harbor alone, for-advance maneuvers this next store, and Anne had a moment of The delegates beaded back thU further notice. ment. The selection of merchandise that goes on my thelvea the Southern states. ' question whether the German pol- receive suitable local treatm ent'at half hour, so come on and see how A little farther* back Mrs. Farley, is the security of the United But this would not take Into ac­ besides nine Danish ships, six an appropriate time. ardently wishing he had not ‘/S- morning for another round of telling, friends she was happy be­ The chief secretary of the cab­ has a lot to do with my success, so I buy good producto that The adverUsement informs us i ‘‘ y turning out a vaaf number count Britain's production of new Dutch, Including the Nleuw Orie form of arthritis ia oom­ it feels. You'd better be good or bought a car that no oh* could oratory before getting down to the inet explained merely, "the war SUtes; without war if such a that airline pilot brother of youra real business of adopting a plat­ cause the occarion marked her that it has been paid for "by a inferior pianos. Incapable of ahips since the start of the war Amsterdam, flagship of the Hol- monly found to occur chiefly from possibly fall to see. husband's farewell to politics. minister having tendered his reslg- are put up in accordance with well known standards of quality, thing is humanly possible, through and her acquisition or control of land-America Line, four Belgian, the age of 40 onward. It La there­ will hold it against me." And in He leaned over from his drlveri* Dispute Delays form and naming a presidential nation, Premier Yonal decided to war if war cannot be avoided. group of American citizens whose better ones . u8ed an undisclosed amount of shipping another moment they were in the seat and opened the door for her, candidate. Renorts have linked him vilth a weight and measure. Buying and selling on the basis of these by the Britl.sh, was as smart as It 28 British and flye French, includ­ fore a disease of middle age rather air. 14,000,000 syndicate which Is ne­ lealfrn and tender the resignation* Very empty, very trifling will names and addresses are 'being gained when Germany invaded ing the giant liner NOrmandje. than of younger life. Its chlif urging: Big 0\-atlon For Farley of his cabinet members to the Germans’ Plan Farley, clad in a creamy suit gotiating for the New York standards protects my customers and my business. ^ filed with the State Department^ oommonly been credited with Norway, Denmark, Belgium and The British never have released symptoms are seen In. the joints "Come on. Sweetheart, that Yankee baseball team. As he fin­ throne." all others seem to the people as Holland and when the French figures on the output of their ship­ Tony and Anne went to Tony's marriage license bureau will be and black tie, waa given a tumultu­ at Washington." The only nathe ' ^®*^^ themselves, these symptoms often car. Aa they slid in under the ished his speech, the organ and , Confer on New Cabinet they go to the polls next Novem­ signed Adolf Hitler's armistice yards but it is presumed to be developing oply very slowly, with dloaed." ous ovation when he urged the par­ Attention centered on Yonai and "I know from experience that good newspaper advertising ber. And as the gravity of the' that does appear is that of p ar- ! “------terms. large. wheel, he put one hand over And they headed the car out To Hit British ty workers to “give our successors bend swung Into the lilting "Take the disease gradually becoming Anne’s. Me Out to the Ball Game.” ,hls foreign minister, Hai-hlro !• the best way to tell people the news of my stors. In my world danger becomes mofe and ence K. Strelt of New York city. Norway, for example, had 1,987 Germany started the war with worse with the years. I toward the highway that led to and the new national party or­ Arlta. while poliUcai leaders con­ ships of 4,833.813 tons at the out­ "They're not worth ^therlng | North Point. (Coattnoed From Page One; ganization the same support that .more impressed ppon the nation Mr. Strett is a lawyer—and is 4,482,662 tons and has lost 275,735, The affected joints may make a ferred over formation of a new- opinion, newspsper advertising ia not only the most effectivs break of war—the fourth largest according to verified figures, al­ grating, creaking sound like a abouL" he gloated. "We’il show | . (To Be Oontlnued) was accorded to the National <3om- every day. the Democratic con­ probably acting in hla professional Man About lanes well enough for such a mittee In 1932 and 1936." cabinet. merchant marine in the world, though tha British claim she has gate hung on rusty hinges; and the Public Records If either Hiould be retained, ob­ way for me to advertise, it is also the safest way. When I spend vention is being held, because capacity. He invites a lot of sig­ outranked only by the British em­ limitation of the motion of the mighty fleet and that two-thlrda Th? delegates already had been lost 877,000 tons- - sunk, scuttled or vice concerning rdttal flasurea. Aa of the force might be lost, leav- servers believe, it can be taken as money in newspsper advertising I make my investment on the weeks later, in an atmosphere of natures to an accompanying peti­ pire, the United Statea and Japan. captured. Joint may be mild or may amount counselled by Mayor Edward J. Manhattan Norway's losses, tabulated by to complete stiffness. Th^tre 1s a g ^ r a l rule the patient with , Ing 200,000 roan to risk destruc­ Kelly In bis welcoming speech to a sign that Japan has no intention even greater realization of this tion to Congress. And Incldental- -By Georqe Tucitr- In the 51 months of the World this Rouble require! tpecial advice tion by the British defenders. of making any formal alliance with basis of verified circulation figures and values that are aa well The A.saociated Press, have war, the Britiah lost 7,830,765 tons likely to be considerable pain when Offer League "draft Roosevelt." But Kelly Permits and building permit than was the convention of its op­ Iv whatever backseesh ycamera amounted to 66 ahips of 14,86|6. the joint U used, and tha pain may and possibly local treatment. ^ If The Italian command, the paper said the president always had appUcatlpna at the office of the Italy and Germany, since these known and important in advertising aa t^e standards of weight New York.—Last week we told 1 of commercial shipping. Including you have a flasure of thia type, also said, were reported to be op­ I'orned aside bis every suggestion two men were largely responsible ponents. for a union with Britain feel like you something about a black cat | tons, leaving 1,921 ships of 4.^6,- fishing craft. Bubmarinea account­ be most noticeable during cold or building Inspector Include the fol­ contributing to the great cause.’ 957 tons. damp Weather. aee your own payaician. Place to Work posed to the plan. that he run again. , lowing since yesterday afternoon: for squelching moves toward a and quality that I use-in my own business." So the task of this, convention named Friday and a white pup | ed for nearly 90 per cent. (Grapea) The dispatch concluded with the Other leaders of states whose mlUUry pact with the Axis powers Mr. Davis isn't mentioned. B u t ' Thursday of which we are I ______When the fingers are involved, a tha Industrial Construction Com­ is not to point with pride and view characteristic thickening and de­ Question: M. D. wants to know; report that Hitler had decided on delegations are pledged solidly to pany of Hartford,' to reinforce last year. with alarm in the traditional rhan- It is to be auapected that either he ''® "o "’®"“ i .u. , . - formity of the finger joints is "Are grapes constipating or laxa­ Three Printteton Institu­ a modified Keitel plan which may Mr. Roosevelt for e third term Yonai has not enjoyed the full hi. I. Cynthla-Ann, who is calf- ' Cynthia waa passing out of the This Isn’t because they arc more steel beams on the third floor of , ner of national conventions, but r hi. ghost is somewhere arnund. pd Tin for short, because it really ' door- The force of that slammed seen. When the' hip Is attacked, tive? I have alwaya found them be'launched Friday night if weath­ said they had no more definite the Orford Soap company, Hil-. support of the nationalists since faithful than other animals. They not only is the pain severe, but the sUgbtly laxative but a neighbor tions Would Continue er permits. word from-the White House than he came to power last Jan. 15. -to 80 frame Its declaration of jkjll------, wasn’t Tin’s story, for one thing. 1 door pinched off her tall . . . it just don’t give a hoot whether says she can not use them because lUrd atreet 32,900; Knofla Broth­ h e information which the. grocer publisher member and make a careful and our space was running short I pinched off a good two inches of patient is prevented from walking. Scientific Jobs/ did Kelly. They had no Instruc­ ers, twro four room single dwell­ cles as to^ Impart to the electorate Fight or Retreat they get their feet muddy or not. When 4he spine is involved, the they increase' constipation in her tions from anyone as to what to ings on two lota at Oak and Au­ Favor Stronger Stand for another. : the plume . . . You never saw case.". ^lexico Ready do. Recent dispatches from Japan refers to is found in reports issued * audit o f the circulation records. Then, a feeling of confidence and faith 1 But Cynthia composes the trl-' “uch a tall as Cynthia’s . . . Or pain may not seem to occur in the tumn streets, 3t,500 each; to Pat­ Commissioner Morgan G. Brain­ spine but reflex to some other part, Answer: Most people find that Princeton, N. J., July Ifl—(F), Nor was there any general rick Morlarty, washing and greas­ had carried Indications that any T that a continuance of .the Roose­ umvirate at our house. Sheis 13 ' heard such an agonized shriek as ard, at a leading the paUent to bejieve pos­ frerh grapea exert a mild laxative Three Princeton tnitltutions f«g| agreement by third terin adyo-~ ing room aildttion to gas station, resignaUon of the Yonal govern­ by the Audit Bureau of Circulationa. for the guidance of buyers of advertising velt administration provides a meeting of the Hart- ! years old and a fine old battle-ax I let out when the door caught action^ Ing the League of Nation's 8c1aI To Cooperate ...... Well, 1 administered a sibly that he has lumbago, sciat­ cates over the question of how 436 Center street, 31,000; to Emil ment would bring control by a greater guarantee of national ford Police Board last night, de-! .='he is. Cynthia la a tortershell 1 her. Quotations ica, or neuritis. , . * (Acid or Alkaline) tlflc program has been curtajl^ the president'? name should be nationalistic group favoring a This is a national, cooperative anociation peraian-angora tfiat I have had httle first aid. which was all Werner, addition to. gfarage 152 space, the Bureau issues reports based on dared that after a brief Interval 1 The muscles leading away from Q uezon: Mrs. B. Y. writes: by the wocr h*ve Invited the Lea­ (nontiBued from Page One) put formaHy before’ the convention stronger sUnd In the Orient Mfety'Yrom war and national aub- ever since she was five weeks old. j th * little while, and be- "Would you tell me In yoiir column gue to transfer the work of three West Center street 3100; mergeneq than would a victory for of much more careful driving im­ the joint may share in iu poor nu­ —whether to have a regular nom­ AppUoaUon. against western powers which of 2000 publishers, advertisers and ad­ Hhe tolerates Thursday and F ri-! tween me and a big saucer of trition and waste away. As the whether the following foods ar% of its non-political departments marked chiefly by the slow disap­ inating Speech, have a delegate these audits. the Republican party aa led by mediately after the establishment day but does not accept them She ' •'®*^ salmon, we made her It is of utmost linportance to the acid or alkaline? Peas, dates, AppUcatlon for a marriage II- have dlseented from the Japanese- r security of the country that the joint beconaes atlffer and stlffer, from Geneva to Princeton. pearance of forelj^ trade. arise from the floor In a gesture cansa baa bean filed at the office planned "new order In East Asia.” WiUkle. * j of the reduced speed llmlta in that is grumpy at times and not given i forget all about her shorn tip. the muscles In consequence are not cherries, strawberries and black­ A message cabled Julv 12 by "We must find not only a tem­ of spontaneity and propose a third vertising agencies. The work of the These reports tell how much circula­ to nonsense, which is her right. ^ Then I picked uf) the end of program of alien control shall be berries. Is whipped cream acid-in Princeton University, the Insti­ of tha town clerk by Walter A. On June 29 Yonal'e foreign min- ’That task la ao tremendoiia and I '‘tY' driver* ara -again' speeding. , „ „ - carried out with a high sense of exercised, and this produces fur­ porary solution but evolve some term, or simply let the other can­ Moxxer and EUzabsth F. Keenan, Ister, Hachlro Arlta, w am ^ west- anar rasK la ao tremendous hnd _ mnr. m | Because she ha.s mls.sed death by ; her tall and took it sp stairs. ther wasting. The paUent crouches reaction? I follow your column tute for Advanced Study and the permanent answer that will lie Bureau is to furnish advertisers With yet so unavoidable that it is not ^ ® ‘l wore adequate patrolling ! tj^p, lightning, and pneumonia : Next day. when 1 came ba^ responsibility and without any didates be placed in nomination both of thia town. em powers in-an address to make tion a paper has, where this circulation back-Yrom malice or batefulness. in the position which seems the from day to day and consider it Rockefeller Institute for Medical within the framework of inter- and poll the votes supporting the no move which might upset the •urprUinif that there la ao pro- the Btreeta. But after some dia-, too many times to have much the office, it was atill there. So 1 most comfortable and flexibility of excellent. Ia fact, we get the pa­ Research, suggested transfer of American cooperation and Warrantees. —Solicitor General Ftanci* Bid­ per mainly to read the articles." preeidenL The latter are ample By warrantee deed the follow­ sUtue quo In East Asia or the verified facts about the circulation o^ goes, how it was obtained and many nounced an undercurrent of «o!- j the whole matter waa re- , faith in hoodlums who would tied a string around it and-hung dle. the entire body may be lost. the League's sections on Finance strengthen the poliUcal and to nominate. South Seas and. voicing a aort of her life miserable if she; it .on my tiq^ack, and It’s still As the deformity of . the joints Answer: Peas are oonsidered to a n d Economics, International friendship ties of the A.Tsericaa" ing property transfere have been •nuUty and so much of obvioua I ^^*‘*‘*^ fhe chief of policy for | have an alkaline reaction. Most In thia air of uncerta&ity, recorded at the office of the tow-n Japanese “Monroe Doctrine.” de- its publisher members. I w.u.. . turn on them now and then there . . . Itl^ieen dangling from increases, the patient may gradu­ Health, and Opium Control for the Suares said Mexico hopes some- split developed In the MassachU'' elated the,e body.. It is I etand—with Roosevelt" According to an agreement for It appeared that his pronounce­ a little short for her body. Not I never saw two cats that were German eoimnnndrr In occupied crippler it stands second to nbns. Dodds. Princeton University presi­ pubUca If we are to increase Ihter- About the. seme.time, a state­ ments were not strong enough to flonMthlng-or-other Davla—who if they are convinced that the sign Holland. . Resders interested in srthrlUs pleasing to know the articles are dent; Dr. Frank Aydelotte, direc-. water service to be furnished by long ago a ’ guest at our house, | alike in any wray, yet I have own- appreciated. American commerce," he asserted. ment waa (coming from Ed A. C v the Manchester Water company at .satisfy a Japanese Army group Hvsd down on Cape Cod was bom- doesn’t mean anything. while rationing out some catnip, ed dogs with the sameness of peas. srejnyited to send for the srtlcle tor of the Advanced Study Insti­ "There also should be a reduction roll, national commltteman from which held that the-Ehiropean war, turned around and said, "Say, this Our cats don’t even speak the on THE TREATMENT OF AR­ tute: and Dr. Carl Ten Broeck ot of exchange and trade barriers." a development being made at the by lU diversion of western powers’ bardlng the press of the country What Is not quite so clear, how­ There arc today two great pow- Pays for Unexpected Ride Washington state, saying that north end by Ethel Fish Lewis, cat has ^ awfully short tall, same language. One craves fish ere—and only two—that are by THRITIS by writing to The Mc­ the Rockefeller Institute. Suares declined to commeaft on many delegates resented “the attention and the collapse of m th ona fantaaUe scheme after ever, 1s what the Hartford poU?e hasn't she?" Coy Health Service, in pare of this New Britain. Julv 16 i/Pi -El­ The statement aald the Invita­ ths developer agrees to pay the 00 anc' fowl, the other red meat. One force of arms desperately fighting mer Ringquist 34, of 211 Hartford either the Brazilian proposal that treatment being accorded Farley." coat of inatallatlon of malM at France, had presented Japan a lR a ttrI| t^r iEttifttUtg aaother. One of^hla projecta eras commissioner expects to obtain. In The answer is, yes, Cjmthla's goes out only at night; the other aggression. One is the British Em­ newspaper. Enclose a large, self- tion was “wholly non-poUtleal" the Americana establlah mandates The vice, presidential picture “golden opportunity." ', to have the Republicans nominate tail is short. About two to three will go out night or day. When pire. The other is China. addressed envelope and five cents avenue, paid S78 In police court and "motivated by a scholarly over the western hemisphere pca- 12H psr cent of the total cost, "Stroag Attitude** Urged tha way of resulCs, by more ade­ In stamps. , yesterday for an unexpected ride was even more confused. Poten­ 'payable annually over a 10 jrear R RapubUcaa for iPreeldent and a inches shorter than it used to be they sing, they sing la different *-D r. Hu Shlh. CSUneae sm hsssa concern for th» continuation and ressiona of European nations or tial candidates mushroomed on Thia group held that Japan must quate patrolling—if the patrolling or has any right to be. It was an on a motorcycle Saturday night. preservation of the iclentlflc pro- period, with provision for pay­ take a "strong attitude.” PeOMcrat for Vice-President and keys. Friday enjoys a prowl in dor to the Cnlted States. He mounted the motorcycle of a the United States suggeatloa for a every side. BecreUry Hull, Jese* ment ot $100 on thia' total aa each is to consist of nothing but police accident, juat one of those stra n d the rain. Cynthia wouldn't be QuMtiOBs And Answers griim of the league" wMrh, it'was cartel to handle the Americas' ex­ H. Jones of 'Tmas. Paul V. Mc­ Conceivably, thia "strong atti­ This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Cireulathns. hava the Democrats nomliiate (Rectal Fissures) friend who had left It in .Ms yard felt, had been curtailed bv the lot ia sold. Credit wUl be given tude" might envisage closer tlea officers tiding arotmd in autoroo-' things that sometimes happen to caught dead In even the faintest Man doesn't really want to re­ port and Import commodities. Nutt of Indiana, Seeretary Wal­ toward annual payments for sU MUBs two men. only with the cats in houses where live news­ suggestion of a suMmer shower. Question: J. J. inquires; " ^ a t and the machine "suddenly shot "effect of the war."' Th* latter, he said, wpuld, offer with Rome and Berlin and Japa­ biles or motorcyclss and burning, tire, be entertained, be served, can I do to prsvent more fissures out onto the str*et,~ be testified lace and Senator Bymaa of South ssnlce Income not to exceed 10 On request we shall gladly furnish a copy of our latest A,B. C. report. paperman who go out without One of our cats Ukea snow. The I 'cbnleal difficulUea and should Carolina shared’ the most promi­ nese movea ogoinat French Indo- MO reversad; RspubUcan tick- up gaaMlne. taking no astlaa avoid dangers, and let the rest'of from forming in the rectum? b«(or* Judg* EUaaeech. eolull^^ to glva spedfle ad- aM* to eoatrol tU Irlsb notatoca. < - m eat conferrod with hla aldas July 3 aad I. *y .. A. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, JULY 18,1940 ' • pAc^Timi^ EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING ,LD. MANCHESrrBR. CONN. TUESDAY, JULY 16,1940 s; Gimping W eek Hold Old Home Week Moriarlys^ West Sides Battle 9 Innings to Scoreless News From Manchester’s Neighbors Much Enjoyed In Bolton on,Saturday Sid Hudson 17 Girl Scouts at Estab* Johnny Parker Faces Plenty of Curves.... Both Kinds lished Camp and 20 Seventh Annual Event odist churtih Was badly damaged Jackie May, Blanchard ^ member Is citpected to tell about by the hurricane and a drive la Tips Oeveland and to exhibit hla hobby or tell now being madb .to secure suffi­ T o l l a n d A n d o v e r Visitors During Day. Expected to Be Largest Sewer Plant Changes about a trip he baa taken, aa the cient funds for reconstructing it. Gans in MaiiKBout [ra. John R. Steele lecturer topic for the evening Is Mtb. M u w en HatelUiiwMi Ever Held; 8 Floats Old Hoine Day la only one of the 'Y-? Sunday marked the beginning Off Top Perch Tangle in Slab Duel 17S-S, Reekvine "Vacation and Hobbles.” 157-4, WIUlnwRtta many v^ed activities carried on Mr. and Mrs. George Schatz o f the second week xtt camping at Entered in Parade. by the ladles of the church In or­ Charlie Badtofen MeeU were visitors In Manchester on der to aid In the project. The Before Council During th^two week* from July the Manchester Girl Scout camp I League Leaders Sunday. About twenty children and their Bolton, July 1ft— (Special)—The Quarryvllle church Is located on K. O. Gunner o f Bria-; P bbB D Youngster Helps May Whiffs Ten, Allows 22 to Aug. \ 2 from Monday mothers attended the annual Moth- on Vernon street. In the establish­ Box Score Mrs. Alice Bartholomew of Seventh Annual Old Home Day In Route ft opposite Bolton Lake. Senators to Stifle Lead* Two Hits; Blanchard , through FTida^each week, plans Mansfield is visiting at the home era’ Club picnic laat Wednesday at ed camp there are 17 Girl Scouts tol in Semi'Final Red j By The Aflftoeiated Press Bolton will start at 2.o'clock Sat­ AflMrIiMUl litunie Matter to Be Up for Dis­ of her sister, Mias Am y Hooker. the home of Mrs. Howard Stanley and three staff members. From ers; White Sox Beat Morlarty Brothers Fans Nine, GivM Up . Bolton are being m ad^to hold In con­ of Long Hill. Pot luck lunchebn Monday to Friday inclusive 20 day urday afternoon, July 20th, wRh a Men'f Bout Tonight. | Batting—W right and Appling, AB R H PO A E junction with th^choral Instruc­ Mrs. A. H. Post has returned to cussion This Evening was served and the children fla y ­ campers and six staff members parade, and will continue' all af­ Chicago, .867. Zwlck, 8b ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 M n. Clyde MarsluUl East Hartford after spending two Yanks; Bosox Win. Brace of Blows. tion by Miss L e^ h , a Summer win be at camp. Wednesday aft­ ternoon and evening with suitable C o l m n b j a By Jaek Dwyer | Buna—McCoakey, Detroit,/and Wlnzler, 2b .;, .4 0 1 1 2 1 In Rockville; Changes Phone MI& weeks at her home in Gilead. ed games planned by the club Bible School for tninlng In the ernoons visitors will be welcomed. entertainments. Wllliama, Boston, ftS. Fraher, cf .4 0 0 3 0 facts and contents of the Bible. Miss Florence M. Jones, Hebron" members. No business was trans­ Weecott Bloe Johnnie Parker of Bristol, a fast j By Judeon Ballsy Nine long, scoreless irniMgat acted, but It Is probable that the Main events laat week were the The first Old Home Day waa Runs batted In—Oraenbgrg, De­ Horvath, sa ... .3 0 0 1 1 o " Will Cost $25,000. The school will featur\the struc­ Grange lecturer, attended the young mlddlswslght wrill face Joe : The Bolton Grange Soft Ball August meeting will be a aupper beanhole on Wednesday and the started under the direction of Mrs. 57VI2, AVlUlnzuitic Dlvtoloa troit, 77; Foxx, Boston,, S4. Tbe raat of tbe American League (fobb. rf. If . .. .4 0 0 0 0 1filled with brilliant baseball, a ture of the Bible, the vltol things meeting of the Field Day and Hits—Flnnay, Boston,^ 108; Rad- finally has succeeded- In getting the team met the tTiarter Oak Street meeting at one o f the nearby lakes trip to Columbia lake on Thurs­ Ann Skinner who was president Gans of WiUlmantlo at the Red | Wylie, lb ...... 3 0 10 0 0 1pitchers' duel between left baadsd Rockville, .Tulv 1ft—(Special) centered in it, and the m ^ o rizln g Sports Committee held at Elling­ of the Ladies Society at that time. ellff, fit. Loula, 106. proper respect from the 8t. Louis Thurner, if .... .1 0 0 0 0 0 , ton Community hall last week. with the men as guests of the club, day. Many new aongs and folk (Tracking down on parking vio­ Men Arena on Hartford Road to- j Jackie May and right handed Cy There will be a meeting of the' Tavern team in a double header on ' of its principle portlona. \ Chil­ dances havre been learned. A shad­ The total membership of the So­ Doublas — Greenberg, Detroit, Browns, but now ths circuit has a Salomonsen, rf .1 0 4 1 0 0 Blanchard went into the record dren from the age of four knd up Plans were made for the annual as has been the custom every year. lators In the Columbia Lake sec­ night In the main bout Tbe * Board of Common Council thia Sunday. Bolton took both games dren from the aee of four owgraph of the song, "There Was ciety at that time numbered only 81; Boudreau, Cleveland, 28.' new wrecking crew. Nichols, c ...... 3 0 0 9 0 0 'books last night aa Morlarty are Invited to attend. East Central Pomona picnic to oe . The Ladies Benevolent Society Triplet — Finney, Boeton, and evening with Mayor Claude A. from the team of veteran players a Little Maiden" was presented, twelve. However, these twelve tion of the town at the request of Thread City boy refused to meet The Washuigton Senatore, who Blanchard, p .. ,3 0 0 '0 2 0 :Brothers and Pagani's West Sidw Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoyt Hayden held August 10, at Tolland County held Its Thursday meeting at the McCoekey, Detroit, 11. also a play "The Old Man Is A l­ women undertook what seemed to cottage owners, State Police of Backofen of RookvUle last week temporarily deposed the •amlth ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 , fought to a bitter draw at the * 1U1..0. from Manchester: the first game and daughter Emily have returned Temporary Home for Children at home o f Mrs. Charlea Wright. Home runa-'-Foxx, Boeton, 20; Mills presiding. ways Right,” from Hans Ander­ be a large task and made it a suc­ Imlng that the weight differ- Detroit Tigers from ths American West Side. Both teams tried to It is expected that the question 9-2 and the .second 2-0. Paul Ma- from Syracuse, N. Y.. and seve ■Vernon Center. An announcement Plana Were discussed for the an­ Colchester Barracks made Greenberg. Detroit, Keller, New League lead, knocked tbe Cleve­ sen’s Fairy Tales. Four* of the cess. TTiey wrote, 100 Invitations ) waa too greet. Bacofen will 31 0 2 27 5 1 gain just the slightest edge—a / of Improvements and changes at neggia. pitching for the Bolton places of interest enroute. will be made later as to the de­ nual fair In August. This year the arrests Sunday. All will be York, ana Troeky, Cleveland, 17. land Indians off the top perch yes­ campers are to broadcast Thurs­ to people who had formerly lived K. O. Gunner of Bristol In Pagani’B W e t S id e break, or something—but tbs' the Itockvllle sewage treatment team allowed only three hits in Mrs. Helen Jewett Is on a trip tails and softball games sched- fair will be a "Family Fair" with raigned in Justice court here Stolen/basea— Oaie, Waahlngton, terday. day over WNBC. In Bolton. the semi-final who Is rated aa a AB R H PO A E two dominated every aV* plant‘ >\lil come up for . . . ()iscu.ssion. first game. Gasprin Morpa to Chicago. ^uled for that day. booths for men, women, children, First Old Home Day evening at 6 p.m. ''before Trial 18; Walker, Waahlngton, 15. Waahlngton won’t be any more Murray, 3b ... .3 0 0 0 ,5 V Jobs .%re Divided slugger pure and simple. There 1 tempt and then their mates gS* A t the last meeting of the hoard, took the mound for the second The Ladles’ Aid supper spon­ Hebron Jiivenlle Grange will omit and babies, arranged with suitable Highlights of that fimt Old Justice George H. Champlin. P ito l^ g — Newftbm, Detroit, than a troublemaker this year, hut Zapatka, lb ... .4 0 0 14 0 "Kapers," or chores, are Im­ are ten other bouts on the card 1 sponded with hair raising pla^. the State-Water Commission pre­ game and allowed only one hit. sored by the Young People of the tlwir meeting this week and hold articles for each. Supper will be Home Day was the leading ofghe Those arrested were; Irving Baer 18-1; Smith, CUvelitod, 8-2. Bucky Harris’ Senators are doing J. May, p ...... 4 0 1 1 2 0 portant part of camp living. The making a total of 12 for this eve­ E'l Kose again brought the fahs sented suggestions for changes at Heavy hitting by Sam GigliO. Federated church proved a great th(^ next meeting August: fti served sa usual. Mrs. Guy Bartlett parade by E. J. Holt's horses. Lil­ of 16 Beverly road. West Hart­ ' e%Natlpnal League their bit to keep the race in tbe Hedlund. c .. .. .4 0 0 10 0 0 different jobs are divided among ning's card. Four rows around to their feet with a one-hahd*d the plant which would cost in the Loul.s .Ma.H.sollni. Sam .Sllversteln succe.ss both financially and so­ Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Porter extended an invitation to the so­ lian Ducker, now Mrs. Day of Man­ ford; Joseph A. Linianni, 119 /w_____ ttln_ g—Dannin ning, New York, Junior circuit uncertain. They even Gorde, If ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 the four teams. Water and milk the ringeidc have been reserved at running stab off Solomonsoit's bat neighborhood of $25,000. The mat­ and Robert .Skinner boosted the cially as over 100 guests were and son, Henry, accompanied by ciety to hold its picnic at her lake chester rode one horse and Clif­ Birch street, Willimantlc; Walter A40; Walker, Bro^yn, .332, climbed from the cellar to sixth Kose. cf ...... 2 0 1 2 0 0 are carried, water drains built, seventy-five cents and the rest o f . while Fraher did likewise when ter was referred to the Health and score for Bolton to nine. In the served. Mr. and Mrs. William Brainard property on the 26th. The inviU- ford Stevens of Manchester, dress­ Ogozalec, 133 Main street, Willi- Runs— Hack, Chicago, 68; Frey, place with their 8-6 decision yes­ Robinson, rf .3 0 0 0 0 0 lanterns cleaned, pits dug for gar­ the area at forty cents. The firs)/ Robinson tried to drop' onb over Sewer committee for inve.stigatlon second game Howard Skinner The public is invited to meet and son. Warren, of Hartford with tton was accepted. The ladies sew­ ed as an Indian, complete with war niantlc; Arthur J. Cardinal, Taft- (Cincinnati, 67. terday, the second straight over G. May. 2 b ___ .3 0 0 0 2 0 maiighrey Fri­ Ginnis of Washington, D. Miss struction will be given If desired, i Mrs. Henry lV)uda, Mi.ss Elsie in the third degree team floor work Girls attending the established three. His first and greatest up­ Tand a single and Tabor three sin­ Zwick's hjlrd grounder, toastng tho Marjelony has returned to hlti probably be the largest parade Bol­ day evening, which will include a Young plans to stay until Satur­ Amidon. Mrs. Charles Rada. Miss at Bolton Grange meeting, Friday camp last week Included the fol­ set was when he got off the floor J gles to pace a 15-hit offensive. batter out at first. Blanchard Toiok- home after being treated at the Billy Simpson of Westport. ton has had. Floats will be en­ hot dog roast and community day. evening. The part of Miss Gladys lowing: three times in New London and Detroit, nosed out tbe Philadel­ Yanks Cost Up ed worried when Kose scratebod a Conn., Is a guest at the honve of .Alta Moore and Miss Lucy tered by the Bolton Grange. Cen­ sing. .Mrs. Louise Smith of the hospital. Pinney's was taken by Charlotte Dorothy Rice. Jane Wlgren, came back to gain the decision Jenkins’ Hopes phia Athletics 9-8 to regain first hit and then stole second. Robin­ Mrs. Mark Carpenter of South his grandpare;ita, Mr. and Mrs. Wraight. The theme of the school ter Church School. Gowdy's Killing hospitality committee and Mrs. Birth Mack. Mrs. Arthur Plnney served Connie Ash. Irene Illing, Janice over Flip Andreas.' place. Eight Of the Tigers' runs son looped one over second that Mr, and Mrs. William W'eber of Bolton is recovering from a fall Samuel Simpson. Is, "Living Together in Our Coun­ Station, Bolton Showboat Players, on the refreshment committee. Miller, Marion Cashlon, . Phyllis Caroline Robinson, chairman of Vendrlllo Fights. wsre crammed Into the fourth In­ To S4,000,000 looked like a Texas League hit but that she suffered last week when Mrs. Allda Lewis Is a „guest______of try." Grange Soft Ball Team. Ijadtes So­ the program committee are tn Village street are the parents of a Guests from Wisconsin. Dela­ Rogers, Mary Lou WitUams, Thera will be a return bout be­ Grow Slimmer ning when Hank Greenberg hit his Fraher raced in and grabbed the she slipped at the top of the stairs j Mrs. Magnu.son of North Tolland A large bouquet of yellow lilies ciety. Quarryvllle Choir, Quarry­ charge of arrangements. •on bom on Sunday night at the ware, New York and Massachu­ Janice Whalen. Barbara Dunlop, 17th homer with two on. But It ball just below the knees whilo' In the barn and fell the whole | Miss Alvina Wachomuska is at graced the Willington Hill church vllle Church School and several tween Young Ricci of WUllmantic Stafford Springs. Mrs. Webber Is setts recently registered at Maple Janet Strickland, Peggy Ander­ State P olice.^ the (Tolchester took a later circuit clout by P.udy on the dead run and then George flight, bruising herself quite bad- Camp A.Vo Po in Somers, Conn Sunday. other organizations.*' There are Barracks are investigating a re- and Pete Vendrlllo, Jr., In the spe­ Present Setup to Remain/ the former Anna Petkis of Somers- 9'arra. son, Ruth Kleinert, Marie Fablano, cial attraction event. These two York to decide the game. 'The A'e May fanned to relieve the pres­ ly Mr. and Mrs. Banks of New- Jer- Thursday evening an Informal prizes offered for the best and the fKirted break Into the home of Doubtful If TexRu Can vllle. There will be a meeting Wednes­ Jean Mather and Dorothy Unnell. boys fought all over tbe ring the outhlt the Tigers 12-10, but made If Farley & Co. Take sure. Mi.ss Jean Munro has returned sey are guests of their son and I conference w ill be held for anyone funniest float and anyone Is eligi­ Henr>- Berk, Sr., on (Columbia Here are ebvions reasons why Jsx Brewers of New Orleans are favorites for nsiionsi girls' softbsll Softball day of all Home Economics com­ The staff of the. established last time and Vendrlllo's superior Win Decision Over three errors. i For a change the infielders gave to her home after visiting her family at the .Stryker summer i wi.Rhing to unite with the church, ble to enter. Call Mrs. Skinner for Lake which Is believed to have crown. Tovy Eitler, above left. Is a slick second baremsn. Freda Savona, j^low , considered the world's There will be a softball game In mittees of East Central Pomona camp t.s Miss Ruth HArsefleld, .di­ condition told In the third round The Chicago White Sox baited a Over Champ Reins. the pitchers real support last -the .M. T. Stevens Company soft­ brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. home. , at 7 o'clock In the Hill church and details. beeti entered sometime Sunday a f­ “Hammering Henry” . best girl soltballer, slide* home in a eland of dusk Dorothy Pitts Is the ckuher. Jeen Peck, right. Is a Miss Hollander of Ameshury. 8 at the par'spnage. Grange at Tolland at 11:30 a. m. rector: Miss Louise Burr and and be soudly trounced tbe Thread four-game winning parade by fhe I night^and throughout tbe entire ball league this evening at six Stuart Munro of Hartford. ' The parade will begin at two ternoon. Police have reported that (Itcher with plenty of curves (both kinds). - game brilliant playi sparkled The committee In charge of the Mass., is a guest of Miss^ Mary - Mrs. Martha Morgan of East Covered dish luncheon . will be Nancy Fike. assistants. (Tlty boy but not until be bad been New York Yankeee with a 3-2 i By Tom Slier o'clock at the Cricket Lot on West o'clock and will be followed by a $18 In a purse owned by Flora brightly coming to a climax wkan Grange float to be entered In the Leonard of Tolland avenue!' j Hartford has been the guest of served at noon. Mrs. D. R. Tuttle. Those attending day ca!mp laat forced to battle back In self de­ By Oayla Talbot squeeze play. Lefty Ed Smith held ! street between the Minterbum and ball game at 3 o'clock in Mrs. A’oungman, week-end guest of the (Chicago, July 16.— — It’s Wlnzler raced Into right field and Old Home Day parade will meet MI.SS Florence Leonard has been Miss Sarah Wolstenholme for a Pomona chairman, ha.s requested week were: Imogene Warren. fense. Ricci likes to slug and New York, July 16—(IP)— A t the the champs to five bits for seven SpringvUIe Mill teams. Thompson's lot opixjsite the Quar- Beck's wa.s taken. rather common knowledge now grabbed Hedlund'a bid for a hit. at the Flora Home. Friday eve­ spending some time In Texas and week, all articles made on the "Some­ "Some- Dres.sen. Lorraine Marconi, ryville church. Those who do not Blug he does from bell to bell. innings and when New York finally Relief Corps Picnic An auction sale tor the benefit risk of being disbarred from tbe Zapatka saved Murray , from an ning; as' early aa possible to do the 1s expected to return to her home Poatmaslcr Edward Bradlev of thing from Nothing" project be -Isfltic Hutch- care to attend the ball game will f ■> Joe Sullivan was scheduled to chased him In Jthe eighth It was that the prosperous Ruppert re­ The members of Burpee Wom­ of the Columbia Congregational local chapter of tbe Ex-Texans As­ too late. Joe Kuhel’s 14th homer In error tn the third when tbs lattor’ft decorating. this week. West Willington and family visit- brought for exhibition. Slate Home „ -Y find entertainment at the booths church will be conducted Saturday meet Pat Vendrlllo, another up gime of the New York Yankee* la an's Relief Corps will enjoy a pic­ sociation, I'm afraid Lew Jenkins the first half of that inning proved Local Sport Glamor Girls Shoot throw pulled him off the bag but During the month of July there Harold Lewis of Hartford and ed relatives in New Haven Sun- Economics district chairman. Mrs. „ ' tMarlyn Miller, Marian which will be erected in front of afternoon, July 27 a$ 3 p.m. by and coming boy. but he evidently at an end. nic cm Wednesday. July l7th at-the heard about the local boy's ability is due to take a bad beating from to be the deciding run. be turned quickly and hit the run­ will be no chvirch .services or Tolland w-as at his summer home day. LauraLaura G. G. Loomis, lx>omis. of of Manchester Manchester, Simon. Barbara the church. ■ These booths will the men of the parish. Arrange­ The new owner* of the club, cottage of Mrs. Charles Schmalr. and refused to come here. Conn Henry Armstrong tomorrow night ner below the belt for the out and church school at the Quarryvllle in Tollan