9. According to Steve, was the riot more or less intense than what Luke records? See also Romans 16:3-4, Small Group Questions 1 Corinthians 15:30-32 and 2 Corinthians 1:8-9. “The Church Afire: What a Riot!” Acts 19:21—20:6 10. We read of a similar problem beginning in :16. What similarities are there between that issue and this?

1. What have you done this week to know Christ a. What was the motivating factor in both situations that better and to help others do the same? caused the people to be upset with Paul?

2. Paul decided to go to in 19:21. When you look b. What was being threatened by the spread of the at a map, is the opposite direction of Gospel in ? Jerusalem, so why did Paul go to Macedonia first? See Romans 15:25-27 and 1 Corinthians 16:1-4. 11. Demetrius couched his opposition to Paul in the religious term “led astray” in verse 26. Can you think of any 3. Who did Paul send ahead of him into Macedonia (19:22)? modern profitable organizations that use religious terms to oppose the spread of the Gospel? 4. What man in particular rose up against Paul in (19:23-27)? a. What do you think their motives are?

a. What was the real reason he rose up against Paul? b. What kinds of things do we hide behind when we don’t like the implications of the Gospel? 5. How much of the economy of Ephesus do you think was based on the worship of Artemis? 12. Look at 19:32. Can you think of any modern examples where most people in a crowd don’t know why they are 6. What was the result after Demetrius spoke (19:28-34)? there?

7. Who did the rioters take with them as they moved into the a. Have you been one of those people, just trying to see theater (capable of seating 25,000!) in Ephesus (19:29)? what all the commotion is about? Explain.

8. What did Paul want to do and who helped change his b. Have you ever prematurely jumped on a theological mind (19:30-31)? bandwagon before finding out what it was about? How did it go? a. What does it tell us about the relationship between Paul and those who helped him? c. How might you use this story to guide your thinking the next time you see crowds gathered in news b. How important is it for us to build strong reports? relationships? Why? 13. What did the people of Ephesus cry out for two hours c. In what areas of our life should we work to develop (19:34)? relationships? 14. Who finally quieted the crowd (19:35-39)? 24. Do the journeys of Paul challenge you to become a more effective proclaimer of the Gospel? Why or why not? a. What was he concerned about (19:40-41)? a. If so, how might you take steps to be more effective 15. Paul encouraged the disciples and left for Macedonia. in telling others about Jesus? What did he do as he traveled (20:1-2)?

16. After three months in Achaia (Greece), what happened to change Paul’s plans once more (20:3)? Next Steps: 17. When something happens that changes the plans you have, how do you respond? GIt helps me to see that even the plans of an Apostle get interrupted by life from time to time. 18. Who were Paul’s traveling companions (20:4)? GI want my life to be about strengthening and encouraging a. Why were they sent with Paul? Review question 2 if others rather than about criticizing and complaining. unsure. GLike Paul, I want to follow Jesus no matter what the 19. Why do you think Paul sent his traveling companions on consequence. ahead of him (20:1-5)?

20. Who joins Paul in , indicated by another “we” passage (20:5)?

21. Why is it significant that this is the second time, first in and now in Ephesus, where the Roman law protected Paul in his ministry?

22. It seems that the city clerk, who believed in Artemis, was used by God to calm the riot. Can you think of modern examples of “non-believers” being used to benefit God’s kingdom?

a. What is your typical response when the Gospel threatens your way of life?

b. Do you see any of yourself in the Ephesians? If so, discuss.

23. Do you believe that God can work through the laws of our government to grow his kingdom? Why or why not?