E874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 8, 1997 country. I have visited Taiwan in the past and Reserve districts. Judges for the national title N.C. A & T University and Bennett College in during my visit, I was struck with the industri- event included Alice Rivlin, vice chair, Broad Greensboro, NC. Joe, however, does not limit ousness of the people and, particularly, with of Governors; Donald L. Kohn, director of his giving nature to just North Carolina. In their heartfelt embrace of democracy. I am monetary affairs, Board of Governors; and Al 1992, Dudley Products established the Res- proud to count among my friends many of the Broaddus, president, Bank of urrection to Beauty Fund to help cosmetolo- Taiwanese Government officials, business Richmond. gists rebuild businesses destroyed in the Los leaders, and ordinary citizens that I met during I congratulate the students for their hard Angeles riot. my all-too-brief visit. The Taiwanese have cre- work and dedication. Their commitment to Finally, Mr. Speaker, it is easy to see why ated a society that is characterized by a vi- academic excellence is a tribute to Bryan High Joe Louis Dudley, Sr. deserves this special brant culture, hardworking people, and a bur- School, their families, and the State of . happy birthday wish on his 60th birthday. He geoning economy. I am confident that these fine students will has used his success to help others achieve All of the positive developments in Taiwan grow to become solid citizens and community the American dream who may not otherwise today are directly attributable to the commit- leaders. be able to make it. Through their support of ment of the Taiwanese people to democratic f educational programs, he and his wife con- government and democratic principles. While tinue to dedicate themselves to insuring that Taiwan cannot claim over 200 years of experi- HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE DUDLEY future generations have the knowledge and ence with democratic government as we in the skills necessary to achieve great things for our United States can, Taiwan's relatively young HON. RICHARD BURR community and our country. So, Joe Dudley, democracy has demonstrated resilience and OF NORTH CAROLINA for your selflessness and dedication, we wish vitality in the face of enormous external and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES you a happy 60th birthday. internal pressures. As to those pressures, we Thursday, May 8, 1997 f are all aware of the tension between Taiwan and the People's Republic of China related to Mr. BURR of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, I PERSONAL EXPLANATION the issue of reunification. Additionally, like any rise today to wish a happy 60th birthday to- country experiencing rapid economic growth, morrow to a great entrepreneur and humani- HON. there are increased pressures brought to bear tarian, Mr. Joe Louis Dudley, Sr. Joe was born OF TEXAS on the societal fabric by the unique changes the fifth of seven children on May 9, 1937 to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES such growth creates. Gilmer L. and Clara Yeates Dudley in Aurora, Thursday, May 8, 1997 A significant amount of credit for the stability NC. In his 60 years, Joe overcame many ob- stacles to become the president and CEO of Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, and economic growth that Taiwan is experi- when the House voted on House Resolution encing should go to President Lee Teng-huiÐ Dudley Products, Inc., one of the world's larg- est manufacturers and distributors of ethnic 93, expressing the sense of the Congress re- who will be celebrating his first anniversary in garding the Consumer Price Index. I was un- office on May 20Ðand his administration. hair care products, and to serve as a role model for all youth wanting to succeed in their avoidably detained, and could not record my Among other things, through his leadership of vote on this important resolution. The Taiwan, President Lee has fostered an eco- own business. As a child, Joe suffered from a speech im- Consumer Price Index is appropriately mon- nomic environment that stimulates techno- itored by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I logical and industrial innovation. He has also pediment and was labeled mentally retarded, but through hard work and his mother's strong would like the record to reflect that I would set a course for Taiwan that is moving the have voted in the affirmative on this resolution. country closer to the goal of reconciliation and encouragement, he surpassed everyone's ex- f reunification with mainland China. He is to be pectations. It was at North Carolina A & T Uni- commended for his leadership of Taiwan. In versity that Joe got his start in the beauty in- ON PAUL SPATHOLT’S closing, therefore, I applaud the people and dustry. He invested $10 in a Fuller products ATTAINMENT OF EAGLE SCOUT Government of Taiwan for persevering in their sales kit and made his way through college. pursuit of democracy and free enterprise. During his summer vacation in 1960, he HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH f worked for Fuller in Brooklyn, NY where he met his wife, Eunice, who was also working OF OHIO CONGRATULATIONS TO BYRAN her way through college. Upon graduation, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HIGH SCHOOL NATIONAL FED they moved to New York where they worked Thursday, May 8, 1997 CHALLENGE CHAMPIONS for 5 years. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor In 1967, Joe and Eunice Dudley returned to Paul Spatholt of Fairview Park, OH, who will HON. KEVIN BRADY North Carolina, and 2 years later, they opened be honored this month for his recent attain- OF TEXAS their own business with beauty products they ment of Eagle Scout. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES made in the family kitchen. Today, Dudley The attainment of Eagle Scout is a high and Products has grown to be one of the most rare honor requiring years of dedication to Thursday, May 8, 1997 successful businesses of its kindÐmaking Joe self-improvement, hard work, and the commu- Mr. BRADY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Dudley a millionaire by the age of 40. He em- nity. Each Eagle Scout must earn 21 merit recognize six students from Bryan High ploys 475 people and markets his products in badges, 12 of which are required, including School who competed in the National Fed 40 States. Joe and Eunice also founded the badges in: lifesaving; first aid; citizenship in Challenge sponsored by the Federal Reserve Dudley Cosmetology University in Kernersville, the community; citizenship in the nation; citi- System. These students claimed the National NC. It currently operates 16 beauty schools in- zenship in the world; personal management of Fed Challenge title for Bryan High for the sec- cluding one here in Washington, DC. time and money; family life; environmental ond consecutive year. Team members include But, I am not here today to wish Joe Dudley science; and camping. Jesse Dyer, C.W. Faulkner, Sarah Henry, Wil- a happy birthday just because he is a suc- In addition to acquiring and proving pro- liam Scarmardo, Sarah Stasny, and William cessful businessman. He has also dedicated ficiency in those and other skills, an Eagle Strawser. They were coached by teachers himself to sharing his success with the com- Scout must hold leadership positions within Laura Wagner and Janyce Kinley. munity. He chaired the Direct Selling Associa- the troop where he learns to earn the respect The Fed Challenge competition seeks to in- tion's Inner City Program which is designed to and hear the criticism of those he leads. crease students's knowledge and understand- help inner city youths combat joblessness and The Eagle Scout must live by the Scouting ing of economics, monetary policy, and the also serves on the board of trustees of his law, which holds that he must be: trustworthy, role of the Federal Reserve in the national alma mater North Carolina A & T University. loyal, brave, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, economy. Competition requires six-member He and his wife have been honored by the city obedient, cheerful, thrifty, clean, and reverent. teams to research and analyze economic pol- of Kernersville, NC, as the First Citizens of the And the Eagle Scout must complete an icy and present recommendations to a panel Year, and President Bush honored them with Eagle project, which he must plan, finance, of judges at a mock meeting of the Federal the 467th Point of Light for establishing the and evaluate on his own. It is no wonder that Open Market Committee. Dudley Fellows Program which, along with the only 2 percent of all boys entering Scouting The Bryan High School team won the cham- Dudley Ladies Program, provides mentors to achieve this rank. pionship in Washington, DC, on May 1, 1997, high school students. In addition, Joe's com- Paul's Eagle project involved the refurbish- competing against teams from other Federal pany awards 32 full scholarships annually to ment of the press box at Fairview Park High May 8, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E875 School's football stadium. Paul solicited dona- and the achievements they have made thus given us our freedoms through their childrens' tions from local businesses for the tools and far. I wish them continued success. lost lives. materials he needed to repaint the press box. f God bless them and we humbly offer our He also cleared brush and helped to trim tears and humility as a Nation. God bless bushes in front of the high school. A TRIBUTE TO SAM SALTSMAN them and we also humbly offer our thankful- My fellow colleagues, let us join Boy Scouts ness and gratitude. of America Troop 293 in recognizing and HON. God love and protect them all and we pray praising Paul for his achievement. OF CALIFORNIA no more lives lost; no more war. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Thursday, May 8, 1997 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF KENNEDY INTRODUCTION OF THE TEACHER CROSSAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, my colleague, TECHNOLOGY TRAINING ACT OF Mr. BERMAN, and I are honored today to pay 1997 tribute to Sam Saltsman. Mr. Saltsman is HON. ROBERT A. BORSKI being honored with the Inaugural Presentation OF PENNSYLVANIA of the David Ben Gurion Award for his out- HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing service and dedication to the United OF MARYLAND Thursday, May 8, 1997 Jewish Fund. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Sam has a long history of service and dedi- Thursday, May 8, 1997 honor of the 75th anniversary of Kennedy cation going back to his years as a Com- Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, today I am in- Crossan Elementary School. Kennedy mander in the U.S. Navy during World War II. troducing legislation that will provide teachers Crossan has delivered a quality education to His service was commemorated by the British with the technology training they need to meet generations of children in the Burholme com- Government with the Distinguished Service the classroom challenges of the 21st century. munity. Cross and the U.S. honored his service with The Teacher Technology Training Act of The elementary school was named after its two Bronze Stars. Since his time in the mili- 1997 would include technology in teacher founder, Mr. Kennedy Crossan. During a time tary, his sense of civil duty has guided him to training and professional development pro- of great need in the community, Mr. Crossan leadership positions in the business and the grams authorized under the Elementary and built a two story school building and donated religious communities. Secondary Schools Act of 1994. This legisla- it to the neighborhood. Kennedy Crossan was As a manufacturer of shoe accessories, tion would require States to incorporate tech- a self-made man, who worked his way across Sam has maintained production and employ- nology requirements in teacher training con- America, eventually returning to Philadelphia ment of his company in the southern California tent and performance standards. School dis- at the age of 21. He formed a company that area for many years. Sam also finds time to tricts and local education agencies that re- built railroads and the Million Dollar Pier in At- serve as a sensible civilian in arbitrations deal- ceive Federal funding would have to include lantic City. Profits from this company were set ing with fee disputes for the Los Angeles Bar technology classes in their programs, and in- aside to build what became Kennedy Crossan Association. While Mr. Saltsman devotes his stitutions of higher education would be encour- Elementary School. energies to many worthy causes, his top prior- aged to incorporate technology into their edu- Nearly 25,000 students have passed ity is volunteering in his local religious commu- cation curriculum. through the hallways of this school. The stu- nity. During the 104th Congress, language was When Disraeli said ``duty cannot exist with- dents of Kennedy Crossan have entered the included in the Telecommunications Act to out faith,'' it seems he had individuals like world prepared, and have become proud, pro- provide affordable access to the Internet for Sam in mind. Sam's religious devotion and ductive citizens. The academic success that our Nation's schools. The Federal Commu- spirit of volunteerism are inextricably inter- this school has achieved is based on a coop- nications Commission [FCC] yesterday an- twined. From 1967±1969 he served as con- erative effort between teachers, administra- nounced final regulations for the implementa- gregation president to the Temple Beth and tors, parents, and the community. tion of this language, which means that The Home and School Association has led the effort to build a new activities building. schools across the country will receive mean- faithfully served and supported both the staff Sam and his wife, Helen, are currently endow- ingful discounts for the latest telecommuni- and the students at Kennedy Crossan. The ment contributors to Temple Beth Hillel, ensur- cations technologies. Access to the Internet school also receives support from outside ing the Temple's future for generations to will only be helpful to our educational system adopters which are: Councilman Brian O'Neill, come. He has served as chairman of the Unit- if teachers are equipped with the knowledge to Pizza Hut, The Sheriff's Office, Kiwanis Club, ed Jewish Campaign where he played an ac- use that technology. Blue Ribbon Services, The Protestant Home, tive role in raising funds to support social serv- The Office of Technology Assessment The Brass Boudoir, Ron Donachie from the 2d ices in Los Angeles, Israel and 60 other coun- [OTA] recently released a study showing that Police Precinct and the Rising Sun Avenue tries. Mr. Saltsman has been active as a char- a majority of teachers feel they need addi- Post Office. ter member of El Caballero Country Club to tional training in order to adequately use a The precedent of community and school co- raise contributions for the United Jewish Fund personal computer. School districts across the operation has also continued in the form of and the Anti-Defamation League. United States spend less than 15 percent of Indeed, it is an honor to recognize Sam grants. In 1994, teachers secured a grant from their technology budgets on teacher training. Saltsman as the inaugural recipient of the Learn and Serve. This grant went to develop- The Subcommittee on Technology, which I David Ben Gurion Award. His lifetime of serv- ing a program in which students learned toler- chair, held a hearing this week on technology ice and dedication serves as an example to us ance and respect for different races and ages, in the classroom. Witnesses included edu- all. as well as environmental studies. A computer cation technology specialists from around the lab was created with an additional grant. In f country, and each one testified that there is a this lab, students and staff work together to A SALUTE TO GOLD STAR lack of teachers who understand how to incor- gain vital working knowledge of computers MOTHERS porate technology into the classroom curricu- and the functions that they serve in the out- lum. Kalani Smith, who is an instructional spe- side world. HON. JON D. FOX cialist in the Office of Global Access Tech- John Meehan, a community artists, and the nology in the Montgomery County, MD, Public OF PENNSYLVANIA students from last year's fifth grade, worked Schools, told the subcommittee that training IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES together to create a mural on the kindergarten should focus on helping teachers to use the portable facing Bleigh Street. The students Thursday, May 8, 1997 computers in their classrooms as tools to also formed a partnership with the Philadel- Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, teach what they have always been teaching, phia Zoo, to adopt the zoo's only cheetah. mothers have born the armies of war through- but in new and innovative ways. The perseverance and dedication of stu- out history. Whether a victorious or defeated Kathleen Fulton, the associate director of dents, staff, parents, and the community, have Nation, these Gold Star Mothers have lost the Center for Learning and Educational Tech- enabled Kennedy Crossan Elementary School their sons and daughters for our Nations' de- nologies at the University of Maryland, used to to deliver an education program that is phe- fense. work for the OTA. She said that OTA also nomenal in its results. It is an honor for me to We must offer the gratefulness of this Na- studied the competence of new teachers just congratulate them on their 75th anniversary, tion for the sacrifices of mothers all, who have entering the classroom. The study, ``Teachers