E1534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 8, 2004 (Ronne) Froman, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy Re- RECOGNIZING MARSHA COBB to join in their celebration and welcome them tired. into the new Huntsville High. Ronne Froman serves as Chief Executive HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS f Officer of the American Red Cross of San OF TEXAS CONGRATULATING TODD Diego and Imperial Counties. Froman joined IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HAMILTON the American Red Cross in 2003 and through Tuesday, September 7, 2004 her leadership quickly and decisively devel- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. LANE EVANS oped ‘‘The New American Red Cross’’ in San recognize Mrs. Marsha M. Cobb for her recent OF Diego by refocusing the organization on its recognition by the Texas Council for the Social IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES core mission of disaster relief and emergency Studies as ‘‘Elementary Teacher of the Year’’ Tuesday, September 7, 2004 preparedness. for 2004. Mrs. Cobb is a second-grade teacher at Mr. EVANS. Mr. Speaker, today I would like Admiral Froman comes to the American Polser Elementary School in Lewisville, Texas, to congratulate Illinois native Todd Hamilton Red Cross from the San Diego Unified School located in my Congressional District. She is on his win at the 133rd British Open Cham- District, where she served as Chief of Busi- now up for consideration as the national So- pionship on Sunday, July 18, 2004. ness Operations for one-and-a-half years. As cial Studies Teacher of the Year award, given Born on October 18, 1965 in Galesburg, Illi- the Chief Business Officer, she was respon- by the National Council for the Social Studies. nois, Todd Hamilton was raised in the town of sible for the modernization and automation of Mrs. Cobb has 16 years of experience in Oquawka. He practiced golf at Hend-Co Hills the district’s finance, technology and logistics the classroom. Mrs. Cobb employs a ‘‘hands Golf Club in Biggsville and attended support operations and infrastructure. on’’ educational philosophy and strives to edu- Biggsville’s Union High School. At Union, he cate her students through experience rather petitioned the school to create a golf club, and She is a retired Rear Admiral from the than text books. If you were to walk in her then went on to win the Illinois state high United States Navy and the former ‘‘Navy classroom, you would most likely see her stu- school golf championships during his junior Mayor of San Diego.’’ Admiral Froman brings dents roaming the room looking at various and senior years. Next, Todd was an All- a wealth of knowledge and experience to the interactive displays rather than with their American golfer at the University of Oklahoma. American Red Cross of San Diego and Impe- heads buried in textbooks. Todd Hamilton went pro in 1987, and then rial Counties, with over 31 years of service as Mrs. Cobb is not the only recognized distin- spent 11 years golfing in Asia between 1992 a Naval Officer leading similar reform efforts. guished teacher in the Lewisville School Dis- and 2003, where he won tournaments such as trict. This is the third consecutive year a the , Singapore Masters, Ko- Her expertise is reorganizing, saving money Lewisville teacher has won the Texas Council rean Open, and the ’s Acom and improving services. Froman is a no-non- for Social Studies Elementary Teacher of the International. However, the esteemed PGA sense ‘‘efficiency expert’’ and whether she’s Year award. Last year, Linda Krause, a fifth- Tour eluded him. He finally made the PGA helping the military, education or human serv- grade teacher at Wellington Elementary Tour in December 2003 on his eighth attempt, ice organizations, Froman is always ready to School in Flower Mound received the award. tying for 16th in the qualifying tournament at meet any challenge head-on. And in 2002, Janet Davis, a second-grade the age of 38. Admiral Froman has received the Depart- teacher at Heritage Elementary in Highland The four most important tournaments in golf are known as the ‘‘majors.’’ They are the Brit- ment of Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Village, earned the award. ish Open, the U.S. Open, the Masters, and the and the United States Navy Distinguished I would like to commend Marsha Cobb, as well as Linda Krause and Janet Davis, for re- USPGA championships, which make up the Service Medal, as well as various service and ceiving this distinguished award. most important events in the golfing calendar. unit awards. f The British Open is golf’s oldest national In the civilian community she currently sits championship and the only one of the majors on the Board of Directors of 1st Pacific Bank A TRIBUTE TO HUNTSVILLE HIGH that is played outside the USA. of California, the Monarch School, and the SCHOOL When Todd Hamilton was given the oppor- San Diego Aircraft Carrier Museum. She was tunity to compete in , recognized by the San Diego Mediation Cen- HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. as the British Open is known in the United ter with the Peacemaker of the Year Award OF ALABAMA Kingdom, he defeated some of golf’s best and most wellknown players, including Tiger (2004), and by San Diego Magazine as one of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Woods and . Winning this com- Tuesday, September 7, 2004 the ‘‘50 People to Watch in 2004.’’ In 2003, petition has elevated Todd Hamilton to rank she was honored to serve as the Chair of Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, on August 9th, among the world’s best golfers. Fleet Week and received the Girl Scouts’ Cool students and teachers in North Alabama offi- I am proud to represent the place where Woman Award. Other awards include: the cially ended their summer break and headed Todd Hamilton learned to play golf, and I think ‘‘YMCA TWIN’’ Award, (2002), the San Diego back into the classroom for another year of I speak for everyone in Oquawka and through- Soroplimists’’ Woman of Accomplishment study. It was also a special day for my high out Illinois when I say that we are so proud of (1998), the National Association of Women school alma mater, as the students and teach- Todd’s remarkable achievement in the Open Business Owners’ Advocate of the Year ers of Huntsville High School began classes in Championship. Todd Hamilton has dem- (1998), the San Diego Press Club’s Headliner a new state-of-the-art educational facility. onstrated the tenacity, perseverance, and skill Award (1998), and a San Diego Women Who The original Huntsville High School, built in of a champion in his long journey to the top, the 1950s, was no longer able to support its Mean Business Award (1997). and I wish him and his family the best of luck growing number of students. Mr. Speaker, the in this new chapter of his career. With 20-years senior executive experience new school encompasses 280,000 square f in complex, multi-functional, multimillion dollar feet, has 65 classrooms, a small practice gym, organizations; with extensive experience in op- a lecture hall of 140 seats, a large auditorium 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF erations, facility management, marketing and that can hold the entire student body, and a WILDERNESS ACT human resources; being skilled in building main gym that will seat 2,400. teams through collaborative management; I strongly believe that a firm academic foun- HON. TOM UDALL being a strategic planner and proven executor dation will help the young people of North Ala- OF NEW MEXICO of the plans; being a designer and bama achieve their goals and help raise the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES overall quality of life in our community. Having implementor of major organizational change; outstanding teachers with eager students in Tuesday, September 7, 2004 always being people and customer focused; this wonderful new facility will be a successful Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, and extremely comfortable handling commu- combination for the future. September 3rd marked the 40th anniversary of nity relations, I would like to take this oppor- Mr. Speaker, I was unable to join the admin- the Wilderness Act, which protects the Na- tunity to recognize Veronica Zasadni (Ronne) istrators and faculty, students, alumni, and tion’s enduring natural heritage as part of the Froman and commend her accomplishments friends at the official opening of the new National Wilderness Preservation System. Re- to my colleagues. Huntsville High School. However, I rise today vered by scores of Americans and visitors

VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:16 Sep 09, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07SE8.052 E08PT1 September 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1535 each year and spanning two generations, the ported in New Mexico by a diverse coalition. CAPTAIN SCOTT SHIELDS, HIS wilderness areas that can be found from the It is my sincere hope we can pass this legisla- GOLDEN RETRIEVER, BEAR, AND West to East Coasts are a tangible source of tion before the 108th Congress adjourns. Ojito ALL OF THE BRAVE RESCUE pride, progress, and potential for our Nation. would remain a natural place, perfect for DOGS WHO SERVED DURING THE In 1924, at the insistence of forester and fu- recreation and quiet contemplation. 9/11 TRAGEDY ture ‘‘A Sand County Almanac’’ author Aldo Leopold, the Forest Service created the very My legislation would also provide for the HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY sale of about 13,000 acres of adjacent Bureau first federally designated wilderness—the Gila OF NEW YORK Primitive Area. Located north of Silver City, of Land Management holdings to Zia Pueblo, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Gila Wilderness is a gigantic reserve land that holds much historic and religious sig- Tuesday, September 7, 2004 whose boundaries were eventually made into nificance to the pueblo. All of it would remain the 558,000–acre wilderness it is today. Sen- open to the public. As such, the pueblo would Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ac- ator Clinton Anderson of New Mexico, chair- be able to unite two separate pieces of its res- knowledge the achievements of Captain Scott Shields, his golden retriever, Bear and the man of what was then called the Committee ervation, and in total, 24,000 acres would be on Interior and Insular Affairs, stated that his more than 300 dogs that served our country at preserved and protected. Not only is this place support of the wilderness system was the di- the World Trade Center and the Pentagon rect result of discussions he had held almost incredibly beautiful, it also contains rich cul- after the September 11th terrorist attacks. On 40 years before with Mr. Leopold. The Wilder- tural and archeological values. Designating the that fateful morning, Captain Shields and Bear ness Act made the Gila Primitive Area official Ojito as wilderness will ensure that this vast answered the call for assistance at the World 40 years later. landscape remains as it is, in all its natural Trade Center and were one of the first search After passing Congress with bipartisan sup- glory, for future generations to treasure. and rescue teams to enter the devastated port, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Mr. Speaker, the 40th anniversary of the area. Bear and other highly-trained rescue Wilderness Act into law on September 3, dogs spent the next few days searching in ex- Wilderness Act is an opportunity to rekindle 1964. By the stroke of President Johnson’s tremely dangerous conditions for those who pen, the Act created 9.2 million acres of wil- the public interest in safeguarding our Nation’s lost their lives in the attacks. derness across the country. Today the system unique natural heritage for future generations Scott Shields raised Bear in Westport, Con- includes 662 areas covering about 105.7 mil- to enjoy. I urge my colleagues to join with me necticut, where there were no leash laws. As lion acres in 44 states, about 4 percent of the to ensure we leave a rich legacy of unspoiled a result, Bear quickly learned to be com- United States. wildlands for our families, for our future. fortable maneuvering and taking direction ‘‘off For the first time in American history, the leash.’’ In addition to his regular search train- Federal Government protected land as it is f ing, Captain Shields also took Bear to parks, and defined wilderness as a place that ‘‘in beaches and even obstacle courses to con- contrast with those areas where man and his PAYING TRIBUTE TO ADAM tinue his instruction. This preparation proved own works dominate the landscape, is hereby AIRCRAFT remarkably useful on the morning of Sep- recognized as an area where the earth and its tember 11. Trained in disaster management, community of life are untrammeled by man, Captain Shields felt compelled to respond to where man himself is a member of the natural HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO the disaster and he and Bear drove to what community who visits but does not remain and OF COLORADO the world would soon recognize as Ground whose travels leave only trails.’’ Zero. Captain Shields and Bear entered the The Wilderness Act is a deeply personal law IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES disaster site shortly after the second Trade to me. The legislation that President Johnson Center tower collapsed to search for those Tuesday, September 7, 2004 signed was sponsored by Senator Anderson who might have been trapped in the wreck- and was guided through Congress at the urg- Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, one of my age. Later that day, Captain Shields organized ing of my father, then Secretary of the Interior greatest joys is to see businesses in my dis- harbor activities, directing boats to transport Stewart Udall. Serving as Interior Secretary for trict flourish. Today, I am honored to recognize emergency workers to the Trade Center site. Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Bear and his fellow rescue dogs worked in Adam Aircraft based out of Centennial Airport Johnson, Stewart Udall’s accomplishments very harsh conditions without the benefits of during his tenure are numerous: he created in Englewood, Colorado. Adam Aircraft de- protective clothing and gas masks. They new national programs such as the Wild and signs and manufactures advanced aircraft for climbed through piles of debris and squeezed Scenic Rivers Act and the Wilderness Act, civil and government markets. through tunnels of steel and concrete in their which pushed the nation toward a deeper ap- On August 17, 2004, the company marked attempts to find any signs of human life. preciation and protection of its remaining wild the first anniversary of the A700’s debut, While working in these dangerous condi- spaces. He helped create many new national which is undergoing initial flight testing. The tions, many dogs, including Bear, were in- parks and forests and the first national sea- A700 being the first personal aircraft with an jured. Captain Shields and Bear were walking shores. Perhaps most importantly, he estab- along a steel beam when a piece of twisted installed interior featuring seven seats and an lished a bipartisan consensus on conservation metal gouged Bear’s back. Although the gash aft lavatory. issues that would endure for 20 years. was deep, Bear kept working. Several months I visited with my father recently in Santa Fe In addition to the A700, Adam Aircraft has later, however, Bear developed a form of skin about the Wilderness Act. He recalled that also made a big showing at the EAA cancer around the perimeter of the wound. A President Johnson awarded him 62 ceremo- AirVenture 2004 with the A500. The A500 has veterinarian successfully removed the infected nial bill signing pens throughout his service to accumulated three national and two world tissue, but from then on, Bear’s health de- the White House. As he signed the Wilderness records for speed over a recognized course clined. Bear passed away on September 23, Act into law, President Johnson spoke of Sec- and is currently approaching FAA certification 2002; the following month, hundreds of mourn- retary Udall and his staff ‘‘going all over the by the end of 2004. ers gathered at his memorial service aboard country, looking for places to save.’’ My father the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid. recalls the remark as one of the highest com- Adam Aircraft is building a strong customer In Bear’s memory, Captain Shields, along pliments he has ever received; this in a life- base and took a record nine orders for its two with the New York law firm Proskauer Rose, time of distinguished service to his country. aircraft models at the EAA AirVenture 2004 established the Bear Search and Rescue With 2.1 percent of its land area protected show. Currently they have also taken over 60 Foundation to ensure that all dogs who partici- as wilderness, New Mexico harbors 23 wilder- orders for the A500 and they promise to be a pated in search and rescue operations at the ness areas. I have introduced legislation which strong employer for Colorado for the years to World Trade Center and the Pentagon receive would designate the first wilderness approved come. appropriate health care. Additionally, the foun- in New Mexico since 1987—the 10,794-acre dation works diligently to provide equipment Ojito Wilderness Study Area. The Bureau of Mr. Speaker, the back bone of any commu- and instruction to emergency response teams Land Management recommended wilderness nity is the businesses that operate there. It is throughout the country. status for the Ojito area in 1992. We have had my distinct pleasure to honor one of those Mr. Speaker, I request that my colleagues hearings in both the House and Senate on this businesses Adam Aircraft here today, and join me in honoring Bear, Scott Shields and bipartisan proposal. The bill is strongly sup- wish them all the best in her future endeavors. the hundreds of search and rescue teams who

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