— ----—" ■■ ■ ... ■ > Missouri Tackles Southern California in Intersectional Clash Today • , FADING YEAR DEVELOPED MANY (Zuppke Opposed Trojan Rooters Indoor Sports By Tad] -■ ■■ — V ___I to With Confident Coast OUTSTANDING STARS IN BALL; Tinkering 'A TWe LG HARRIS, VANCE, JOHNSON ON LIST Forward Pas. Team W ill Win <\ T*’ Great National Pastime Manages In lake Front Rank in Illiui Coach Certain Rule \ Kilter Game alley Champs tinonnl of Interest F\oke-l and I liriils Furnished—Ten- ( hanging \\ unhl Be Harm- With Only One Loss Dur- nis and Golf \Go Making' Rapid Sirnles^on Rank and I cl i■> G.-’ii'c Fust (iaine ing Season Checked File of Sport Lovers. Ncce ar\. Against° Them. > ,t, C \*n,« f~—■ '*1 Hi: yr-ar Jgoe vohrd Till lie thrills furnished. as a hliml lilt’AGO. I)e\ 24.- (Ail., lice. % down in history Kiit lliei- i- warning to the 1 II.—The second one of tlie grealeisi laseluill mo':uls an> all eoiieerneil **• ,M*11 ‘Zuppke. ■ of four 1951 post- —at tea st from in tin progress of the dianiuiiil >gKy oach o th** 1 ni season inter-sec- America's wUiipl- s,; in it ia Hie way both golf ami f ur it, Illinois *■“BSf tional f o o I h a 11 poiut—in tlie an- leniiis increased their holds on tile lootbull ..-'VIII. is games lo he nals of spoil. rani, and file of sport lovers. op|;u.«i-d (o linker played on the Pa- T i- i ii m p It s of Herewith are the oiistaiiding big with the for- ri fie roast tithes 1 I'ncle Sam’s son- features of the baseball season, ward pass. Ili- plate here tomor- • n