TAN D. NGUYEN Carbbad,Ca. 92009 ^ RE: MUR5924 S ^ ;i CROSS COMPLAINT ^ „isSS LORETTA SANCHEZ ro go^^o JULY 19,200y^ ^R»£< Jeff S» JordaHf ""^ Supervisory Attomey oo LA Dear Mr. Jordan, ^ I am aending along a packet of materiab we have prcaented to membera of Gongreaa explaining onr oppoaition to a Bill introduced by Kl Re. L. Sanchez HR1281 (alaoS453). I am alaoendoaing an additional ^ mailer from our campaign. ^ The ao called ^intimidation letter^ never esiated. However, MB. rsii SanchcE naed her influence to have a political crony uae an inaccurate tranalation of a tranalation of a letter, aerve aa a pretext to invade my home and Campaign Headquarten and interfere with a Federal Election. The State agenti, acting under color of law adzed my computen, and my nmiling Gsta, and even campaign aigna, cUctive^ atopping my campaign dead. Deapite newapaper reporta to the contrary, the latcat poUa had ahown me actnaQy ahead of Ma Sanchez. The fiict that Ma. Sanchez met perwnaQy and privately with tfae former Attomqr General BID Loclgfer prior to the raid ia indicative of flic underlying motivatton oftfae Invcatigation. Mr. Lochyer took tfae unprecedented atop of telephoning the Republican County Chairman and urging him to withdmw aupport fixnn me, whicfa 8uhaequent|y occurred. There were even more biiarTe oecurrencea which aupport the theory thai the raid waa merely part of an cffiart to interfere with a Federal Election and the varioua Voting Righto Lawa. Hopefully, you wiD take the time to review the cndoaed materiab. If you do wiah toprocee d furtiier, picaae fed free tocontac t me for additional infonnation. TAN D. NGUYEN I"



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8 . • s^ ^ ^^ S ^» "K* ^ I m "5 ^ m S? 0 > ^ £^ 1 "ST HI m s St I o HI II The Califomia Attomey Generai^s Office obtained the original letter, which had been written in English, and closed the case after concluding dtat the version drcuUUed by Ms. Sanchez was an inaccurate translation of a translatton. S4S3 refers to and relies on the inaccurate translation of a lill translation to Justify its passage. 0 ^ Tan Nguyen was neitiier permitted to speak at tiie Senate i*ll Judiciary Committee^s hearing, nor include the actual original o letter in tiie record. rsji The actual or^mal letter was sent to dissuade noni^itizens from voting. Read the origimti letter, and then dedde if S453 is more dangerous tiian the imaffnary problem if seeks to cure...

THE "LETTER**: You are reocmng this letter because you recently roistered to vote If you are a citizen of die US we cncoiBBge you to paiticyate Ul flicdenwcrati c process However, if you are here lU^alfy or are just a resident wi^ m any Fedend Etectum IS a cmne and may result in unpiuouumt, and WILL resub in dqixutation

In fid,tfa e U S GovemnKnt is m tfae process of UNtaUn^ a new ooo^Nder flyalem WIIK^ dieck and verify all new registiBnts who vote m die Octobei/Noveniber electiaDS Pnvate anti-mmiigration orgmuwdinna may also bnng a law suit to have access to dm new computer system Unhke Mexico, there IS NO BENEFIT to votina There is no VOTER CARD m die USA Itistherefbre veiy stupid to vote many electioa ifyou are not a citizen Do not pay attention to any politician who tells you anything contniy They have THEIR OWN INTERESTS They just want to wm elections Ihey do not care what happens to you S453 TAN NGUYEN CLEARED By state Attomey General (Exceipta fiom Onnge County Roister Datdine Thuisday, Miy 17,2007) By MARTIN WISCKOL A slBtB mvestieatiim has (bund diat Tan Nguyen's v4ien It mailed 14,000 letten telling munignnitB diey could bejailed for voting, tfae Attomey General's Office said Wednesdsy Tm vay happy," Nguyen said of die state case's bemg closed Asked ifhemighliun fiir ofiBoe again, he said, "You can bet on It"

Ngiiyen, a Rqwibhcan nommee subsequendy denoimced by party leaders, tned unsuccessfully to upset Rep Loretta Sanchez, D-Garden Grove, m die heavily Hiqnmc central county district

The Spanish-language letters, sent to fbreign-bom Hispamc Demooats, warned recipients diat if "you are an immigrant, votang m a federal election is acnme that could result mjail tune" or dqxfftatum, acccnding to tfae widely circulated Enghsfa tnmsfaUion

Senior Assistant Attomqr General Gaiy ScfaoDS said no crannid mtent oould be proven "We could not prove tfaat there was an intent to mtnmdatelawfiilly registered voters," Schons said "There's no doubt there was an intent to intimidalf unlawfully roistered voters "

Schons pomted to a line m tfae letter diat said, "If you are a citizen of tfae Umted States, we ask that you participate m tfae democrstic process of votmg " He also said diat when Sanchez beat mcunibent Bob Donian m 1996^ lU^gsily registered voten castmg ball^ provided a legitiinate motive fivdie Ngiqfen letter Schons said a key m die decision to close tfae case stemmed fiom tfae Spanish woid "emigrado " He said die onginal draft oftfae letter-m Enghsfa-waniedtfaosem die country dlegally^ diose wdfa green cards tfaattfaey could freejailo r dqxntatum if tfaey voted Scfaons said "tfaose witfa green cards" was tnrnslatBd into "emigrsdo," wfaicfa can be inteipretBd as meanmg noncitizeiis with woikpenmts However, when "enugrsdo" was translated back mto English after tfae letters were mailed. It became "imnugrsnt," wfaich earner bemganoncitizenwitfaa woikpenmt

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0 I rsii Dear Representative,

How would you feel If your home and offices were raided by the State Police 3 weeks before Election Day?

How would you feel if the raids were timed to pre-empt a news conference you had scheduled, so that video of the State Police raiding your campaign headquarters could be seen on the evening news?

How would you feel If you found out that your opponent met with the State Atlomey General In the days Immediately preceding fhe raids? y '

It happened to Tan - It could happen to you. Please read the attached, "WIN, LOSE... or JAIL". Win, Lose... or Jail? THE TAN NGUYEN STORY

The American Dream was turned Into the American Nigiitmare when one corrupt politician, and many mindless onf» fdl fdl over themselves in a stampede to be politicany correct The year was 2006. Tan Nguyen (pronounced win) had captured fhe Republican nomination for Congress in 's 47^ District Running a populist self funded campaign, the 32 year old novice was doing what no one thought possible, he was taking on the most powerful Latina Congresswoman in the US House of Representatives. Tan, a Vietnamese Immigrant and former boat person, started his residence in America working alongiBide his parents at the ag^ of eight as fiu-m workers in Gilroy California. Tan worked his way through school and ended up a successful businessman. Tan was smitten by the idea that in America nothing was impossible, and politics was the vehicle that could be used to make the world a better place. Tan*s opponent, Ms. Sanchez (a 10-year Congresswoman) had managed to retain her seat via a coalition of and Vietnamese. Ms. Sanchez was a frequent guest on TV news shows such as Face the Nation whenever the Latino perspective was desired on a particular issue. Tan noted that for the 10 years Ms. Sanchez had been in Congress, there was no improvement to his district Tan also noted that Ms. Sanchez was very successful in raising lots of mon^ in campaign contributions, even though she hadn't had a serious challenge since getting elected. It was a mystery to Tan where all the money went as very little was ever spent campaigning. Tan presented a campaign based on issues, which were important to the community. These issues included Illegal Immigration, Opposition to the (Tan called for the partitioning of Iraq into 3 separate countries, and an immediate withdrawal of US troops). Tan aho presented a populist program which included, programs to aid the elderly and to provide incentiyes to keqp American Jobs in America. Tan also made Political Corruption a main issue, and exposed fhe fact that Sanchez, while seated on the powerful Armed Services Committee accepted campaign contributions from would-be Defense contractors. Some oftfae same folks who contributed to Jailed Congressman Randy ^uke" Cunningham also contributed to Sanchez. Ms. Sanchez and her sister, along with Congressman Jefferson were the ONLY Representatives who accepted mon^ from Vernon Jackson Opied guUty to bribing a Congressman and is now in prison.) Tan's political brochures were scathing. Little by Utfle, Tan began to gain ground.^ On Sqitember 20,2006^ a poll conducted by the polling company sanctioned by the National Republican Party was released which showed Tan had pulled ahead of Ms. Sanchez. Ms. Sanchez who had a history of being accused of getting illegal aliens to vote, was believed to be mobilizing iUegal voters. "ii(Ml Tan met with the an Election worker who told Tan that ^ many people had registered to vote with Caucasian names such as ^om Smith" who spoke no English and could only speak Spanish. Tan then met with the Registrar of Voters who ^ explained there was little which could be done to prevent illegal % aliens from voting. ^ Some of Tan's friends met and deidded to send out on their own a warning letter in Spanish to those who were registered to vote but were bom in a foreign country. The letter stated, ^If you are a dtizen you should vote, but if you are a green card holder or illegal, it is a crime to vote." Since the mailing was to be paid for by Tan's friends, under the Election laws. Tan could not be aware of its contents or it could be considered a campaign contribution. The letter went out When Sanchez recdved a copy of the letter she immediately went to ttte Califomia Attomq^ General claiming it was an anti Latino letter. Califomia Attomey General Biii Lod^r, met with Sanchez and announced there would be an ''accelerated investigation" and that arrests would be made.

'Ms Sancfaez hag affiliated heiBelf wife CAIR (Council on American Islanuc Relationg) A nuiite of CAIR'a top oflBcials have been fimind guiUy or pl^ tenonstgroupB like Hamas (Wadunglon Tunes dalehne July 24^ 2004) Pleasesee www anti-cair-net oig The Govemor announced (even though he hadn't read the actual letter) that whoever wrote the letter should be charged with a hate crime. The Califomia Attomey General called the county Republican Chairman to urge him not to support Tan because Tan was involved in a''Latino Jntimidation letter". The Republican Party then repudiated Tan. On Thursday October 19,2006 Tan voluntarity met ^ with die chief Assistant State Attomey General, explained that • he wasn't involved with the letter, but provided a copy of the ^ original letter in English which he had obtained and which 1^ intimidated no one. ^ By now the stoiy of an 'intimidation letter" had made D national news. ^ Tan called a news conference for the next day at 2PM so that he could present the facts to the world. A large contingent of tdevision and print media gathered in front of Tan's office at the appointed time. Just before the news conference beg^n. State Police appeared with a seareh warrant (they had obtained the day before), and demanded entry into Tan's office. The TV crews filmed them as they raided Tan's office and carted off aU his computers, his mailing lists, and even some dection signs. Simultaneousty Tan's home was also raided. That evening the raid on Tan's ofBce was the lead news story across Califomia, and was featured on national news as welL Eveiyone who watdied TV that night figured Tan was a criminal... or why else would the poHce have raided his office? Some supporters were shocked at the Police. Some follcs left fiowers in fironto f Tan's Indeed offices. Two days later Tan finallyha d his news conference. However, despite calls for him to withdraw from the race firom Just about everybody. Tan fired out, "I'M INNOCENT AND THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I AM GOING TO WITHDRAW!" Tan didn't quit Instead he fought back. He issued a brochure explaining that the whole thing was a dirty trick. The CaUfornia Attomey General took the unprecedented step of answering the brochure! A song was written to the tune of Stand By Your Man, called STAND BY OUR TAN. Tan put the song, the lyrics, as weU as his speeches and brochures on his website 0_ www.TanforCongress.com (The web dte is stiU up.) 0 A Demonstration was ndd by Tan's supporters ^ Tan kept campaigning. When the dust had setUed, 38% ^ of the Voters ignored the Govemor, The Secretary of State, ^ The Attomey General, the RepubHcan Party, the Democratic ^ Party, and tfae news media and fliey voted for Tan. HI No cfaarges were ever filed. No arrests were ever made. No Intimidation letter liad ever been sent Just tfae power of tfa6 State was used to crasfa a guy wfao bdieved tiiat in America, notidng is impossible. TAN WILL RUN AGAIN IN 2008. RE. HR1281 '^OTERINmimATIONIfTIER''NEVER EXISTED* A SHAM AND A PRETEXT FOR A POUTICAL LYNCHING Dear Representative I am wntmg to ask that ycm please consider votmg agamst itscurrentfonn As a fiarmer Congresstoiial Candidate faCalifi^ ^ Distnct, I,too, want notibmg less but the best and fiuiest elec one that protects and encourages all citizens to exercise dieir right to vote LA Q I get disgusted whenever I see news rqxnts of blatant deceptive canqNugn practices that aim to silence our citizens'voice H6wever,Iamas ^ equally appalled when ''duty tncks" are enq>loyed by candidates and ^ aiganizations, using racial politics and etlmicpandenng, to create divi^^ ^ and hystena m our commumties to harm one particular candidate, or etfamc o commumty, and benefit another candidate, or etiimc community fNJI When I decided to enter the 2006 Congressional Election, I entered with all my very best hqpes and dreams for our country Amencahas always been'The Greatest Nation on Earth" for me I held this belief even at?Viyearsold,escqwigaCoamnmistrpgimeona8mallboat,whenmy . fiumly was m a refugee csanp m Hong Kong hoping to get admitted mto Amenca I contmned to hold this behefdunng those eaiiy days of hvmg the Amencan Dream n^iile woilang on the fioms of Gihoy, California, picking chihes and other firuits and vegetables

That strong belief was bnefly shakm when armed policemen raided my home and offices, less than three weeks pnor to the General Election of 2006 Myftmdy was tenonzed, my volunteers were terrorized Images of tiie raid were televised and pnnted around tfae world Whatfbc^ Whatfiicts did Cahfanm Attorney Generd BiU Ixid^er, base his decis him to use such excessive force and authority to cause such a mgjhtmare for n^fionily and volunteers^ Mr Lodger couldn't possibly have thouglbt tiiat such actions wouldn't affect the outcome of tiie election Asrqpoitedbytiie , Mr. Lockyer was meeting with my opponenH, Ms Loretta Sandiez, the evenmg pnor, discussing his intent to raid my campaign offices and home, and [Komismg that "arrests will come.** All this hfl^ipened because no one cared to read letter", which was dissenunated without my aiithonzation or qiproval The ongmal letter^ was written m Enghsh, tiien transhited back to Spanish and mailed (see attadied: The Letter) It was then translated bade mto English by my opponent or her siqiporters, distortmg its ongmd message which was designed to dissuade illegals and otiier non qudified fiom votmg fiaudulentiy. This is now, and has been a problem m Orange County, Cabfiimia Sadly, the problem ofunqudified and or fiaudulent voting IS dl but Ignored by law enfincement The same California Attorney Genend's Office which raided my home and raided my office has now announced that no voter mtunidation S letter ever existed and that I am''cleared" (see attached'TAN NGUYEN 0 CLEARED" O C. Register May 17,2007) m So now, HR 1281 IS a cure for a pn>blem that does not exist!

^ I do not wish that nightinare on anyone^ especially on politicd rsji candidates whojust want to serve tiieircoinniumty and comitry TheHR <^ 1281, m Its cunentfbnn, goes out ofits way to protect even ineligible voters, but ftils to address the n^its of legd voters to choose their candidates without the interference by state autfaonty More importantly, it fiuls to protect our niost sacred coristitutiand nglhts, the fieedom of s^ I was not pernutted to testify durmg the Senate Judiciary Conumtlee'i hearmg of S4S3 (tiie Senate version of HR 1281), nor was I permitted to submit fhe actud ongind letter mto tiie record. I am therefore sending you this package m the hope that all sides may be considered Please do not let idiat happened to me hqipen to anyorie else

TanD Nguyen

'Thcong^lcllw'wMiMCiim^dbyapcwonoftheJewiA The author's mote WBB an aoqiiiiiitBiiGe of tte The Idler waiinndatod into Spanuih by a penon of tfieMiMlu n ftidiwh o II cert^ toMBndby tlwuseofthe ward**feinigtido**afl theoone^ Tteletlerwai Ilgned Iqr a Mducan^AmenGBn flimt m Spanidi THE "LETTER" Tan did lurt approve, amtkoriziegt^ send ike "letter," bnt we have obtained the originaL Yon decide this letter intbnidatee' You are receivmg diu letter because you recently xegistered to vote If you are a citizen oftfaeUS we gioourage you to participate m tfae democratic process However, if you are here illegally or are just a resident with a green card, you should be advised that voting in any Federal Election is a crime and may result m imprisonment, ^ and WILL resuhm deportation 0 ^ In&ct,tfae us Govemment is m tfae process of installing a new computer system which HI will be used to check and venfy all new registrantswfa o vote m tfae October/November ^ elections Pnvate anti-immigrBtion oigamzatums may also brmg a law suit to have access to tins new oomputer system 0 (Ml Unhke Mexico, there is NO BENEFIT to voting There is no VOTER CARD m the USA HI It IS tfaerefine very stupid to vote m any election if you are not a citizen Do not pay attention to any politician wfao tells you anytbmg cootrary Tfaeyfaave THEIR OWN INTERESTS Tfaey just want to wm dections They do not care what faa^ipens to you HR1281 TAN NGUYEN CLEARED By state Attomey General (ExceqitB fiom Onnge County Ri^ister Dateline Thursday, Mi^ 17,2007) By MARTIN WISCKOL A state mvestigptum has fiiund that Tan Nguyen's congressional canqiaign comnutted no cmne last year 0 wfaenit maded 14,000 letters tdhng mmngnnts they 0 could be jailed for votmg, tfae Attomey General's OfiBce HI saidWednesdi^ iNfH How6ver,tfaeUS Dqiartment of Justice ooofinned tiiat its votmg-nghtssectum is still mvestigating tfae incident 0

HI Tm veiy faappy," Nguyen said oftfae state case's being closed Asked if faenngfat again, he sad, "You can bet on it" Nguyen, a Rqiublican nominee subsequently denounced by party leaders, tned unsuccessfully to upset Rep Loretta Sandwz, D-Garden Grove, m tfae heavily central county district The Spanish-language letters, sent to fisreign-bom Hispanic Democrats, warned recipients that if "you are an mmugrant, vobng m a federal election is a cmne tfaat could result m jail time" or dqxntation, according to tfae widely circulated English translation Senior Assislam Atloniey Geneid Gaiy Schons sad no crimind mtent could be proven "We could not prove tfaat tfaere was an mtent to mtnmdale lawfully registered voters," Sdums said "There^ no doubt tiierewa s an intent to intmudate unlawfiilly registered voters " Scfaons pomted to a Ime m the letter tiiat said, "Ifyou are a citizen oftfae Umted Ststes, we ask tfaat you participate m tiie democratic process of voting " He also sad tfaat when Sancfaez beat mcunibent Bob Doman m 1996, illegally registered voten casting balkrts, a fiicfior tfaat may faave provided a legitimate motive for tfae Nguj^en letter ^ Scfaons said a key m the decision to close flie case stemmed fiom tfae Spanisfa word "enugrado " He said tfae onginal draft of tfae letter - m Englidi - warned tfaose m the countiy dlegally and those witii green cards tiiat tfaey could fiuxjai l or deportation if tfaey voted Scfaons said "tfaose witfa green cards" was iijUislated into "emigndc^" wfaicfa can be intnpreted as meaning noncitizens with woxk pemuts However, when "emigrado" was translated back into Englisfa after the letters were maided, it became "immigrant," whidi cames no oomotBtum of being a ncmcitizen with a woik permit IflOOl 07/2S/200T 22 12 FAX 7609309319 TA Nguyen 2771Pdni6ttoDr RECEIVED Gari8bBd,CA 92009 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSIOM^, 714^8-5065 Td OFFICE OF GENERAL 760^0^19 Fax COUNSEL an JUL 2b P » 38


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