Judith Christina Stroehle [email protected] www.linkedin.com/in/dr-judith-stroehle-2763a082/ +34 684 26 33 57

Jan 1st, 2021


2018 UNIVERSTY OF MILAN, Italy. PhD Economic and Labour Studies Thesis: "Conditions of Impact. Organization and Context of Effective Multi-Stakeholder Labour Governance in Global Value Chains." Mixed-method study in collaboration with ILO Better Work Program. Supervision: Prof. R. Pedersini, Prof. M. Regini.

2012 University of , Germany. B.A. and M.A. Sociology & , with distinction 2010 Université Bishop, QC, Canada. M.A. year abroad, scholarship program. 2006 Hellenstein Gymnasium, Germany. Secondary graduation with distinction. 2004 Emerald State High School, Australia. Rotary Youth Exchange.


02/2018 – , SAÏD BUSINESS SCHOOL, UK. Senior Research Fellow and Programme Lead, Oxford Rethinking Performance Initiative. Research focus on construction and implementation of accounting systems for long-term value creation, impact assessment and responsible business behaviour. Corporate and investor engagement on questions of effective integration of non-financial performance measurement into decision making. Previous Roles:

Research Fellow in the Oxford Economics of Mutuality Lab (from 10/2019-09/2020); Postdoctoral Researcher Oxford Economics of Mutuality Lab (from 02/2018 – 10/2019).


2017 IBEI, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Visiting Research Fellow. 2015 Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, UK. Visiting Researcher. 2010 - 2012 University of Bamberg, Dpt Labour Studies, Germany. Research Assistant. 2008 - 2009 University of Bamberg, Dpt Social Structure Analysis. Research Assistant.


2021 / present BG Consulting, London, UK. Associate Trainer and Topical Expert. 2019 / present Global Markets Media Ltd, London, UK. Trainer for ESG Reporting for listed companies and ESG Investing for financial analysts. 2019 / present Advisor and Consultant for Sustainability Strategies. Independent project consulting and workshop organization areas of sustainability strategy, measurement, and sustainable finance. 2019 The British Academy, London, UK. Future of the Corporation Programme, Commissioned research lead for “Measurement and Performance” research track. 2018 - 2019 Senior Advisor for Strategic Data Use, Business Consulting. Moog Data Ltd. 2015- 2018 Freelance Data Analyst for Strategic Business Consulting: Small and big data analysis for market- and corporate analyses: Quantitative multivariate analysis, impact evaluation, forecasting and development of new algorithms for sales intelligence.


2016 - 2017 Member of Consultancy Pool. Ethical Trade Initiative, London.

2013 - 2015 Manager International Relations, InterNations GmbH, Munich, Germany. Key-account management and Market Development and Expansion in Asian markets for German start-up company in the event and communications sector.

2011 J+K Strategic Communication GmbH, Berlin, Germany. Intern for Communication- management for Public Affairs and CSR. 2010 Foreign Ministry of Germany, Dpt. of Foreign Trade and Investment, Berlin, Germany. Intern for innovation and promotion of trade. 2006 - 2007 Sonidos de la Tierra, Carapeguá, Paraguay. Cello-Teacher in Social music-project. Funding: Jesuit Mission (CPH, Nuremberg, Germany).

PUBLICATIONS Peer-reviewed & working papers

Lachance, S. and Stroehle. J.C (2021): The Origins of ESG in Pensions: Strategies and Outcomes. Wharton Pension Research Council Working Paper, Wharton Business School.

Barby, C., Barker, R., Cohen, R., Eccles, R. G., Heller, C., Mayer, C., Roche, B., Serafeim, G., Stroehle, J. C., Younger, R., Zochowski, R. (2021) Measuring Purpose – An Integrated Framework. White Paper. Eccles, R. G. and Stroehle, J. C. (2021): The Impact of the Adoption of Mutual Profit on Business Behaviour and Leadership. In: Mayer, C. and Roche, B.: Putting Purpose into Practice (forthc., Oxford University Press) Stroehle, J.C. (forthc.): Social Audits. In: International Encyclopedia of Civil Society 2nd Edt, edited by List, R.A, Anheier, H.K. and S. Toepler. Springer Nature, Heidelberg. Eccles, R.G.; Johnstone-Louis, M.; Mayer, C. and J.C. Stroehle (2020) The Board’s Role in Sustainability. In: Harvard Business Review 3/2020. Johnstone-Louis, M.; Kustin, B.; Mayer. C.; Stroehle, J.C. and B. Wang (2020) Business in Times of Crisis. In: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 36 (1): 242–255. Distelhorst, G.; Stroehle, J.C. and Yang, D (2020): Certifiably Responsible? Self-Regulation and Market Response in China. (R&R, Management Science). Stroehle, J. C. and Rama Murthy, S. (2019): Integrating Frameworks for Multi-Capital Accounting, Reporting and Valuation. White Paper, Oxford Impact Roundtable, University of Oxford. Stroehle, J.C., Eccles, R. G. and Mooij, S. (2019) It Takes Two to Tango – The Logics of ESG-Related Interactions in the Capital Market. Working paper. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Vol. Slovenia, No. 2019 Eccles, R.G.; Lee, L. and Stroehle, J.C. (2019) Social Origins of ESG? An Analysis of KLD and Innovest. In: Organization & Environment. https://doi.org/10.1177/1086026619888994 Stroehle, J.C.; Metzner, M. and Soonawalla, K. (2019.) How to Measure Performance in a Purposeful Company? Analysing the Status Quo. British Academy, Future of the Corporation Working Paper (forthcoming in special issue of Journal of the British Academy). Eccles, R. G. and Stroehle, J. C. (2018): Exploring Social Origins in the Construction of ESG Measures. Working paper. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3212685

Stroehle, J. C. (2017): The Enforcement of diverse labour standards in Global Value Chains – an assessment. In: Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, Vol. 23(4): 475–493.

Work in progress

Eccles, R. G.; Mooij, S. and Stroehle, J. C.: From Dialogue to Transformation – A Corporate Perspective on ESG Engagement Practice. Working Paper.


Soonawalla, K. and Stroehle, J.C.: The value of non-financial assurance without standards. Research grant awarded from SBS faculty fund. Mixed-method research ongoing. Mayer, C. and Stroehle, J.C.: The role of regulation for purposeful business behaviour. An analysis of the British water sector. Case studies ongoing. Mayer, C., Eccles, R.G. and Stroehle J.C.: The Investor perspective on purpose. Qualitative analysis ongoing Eccles, R. G.; Stroehle, J. C.; Vies, M. and Duguid, B.: Divesting or Engaging for sustainability? An analysis of divestment impact in reputation critical industries. Quantitative analysis ongoing.

Case Studies (selection)

Jones, C., Metzner, M. and Stroehle, J. C. (2021) A Model for the Purposeful Ownership of a Utility? A Case Study of Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water. Oxford-Economics of Mutuality Case Study.

Blanco, C., Metzner, M. and Stroehle, J. C. (2021) Enel: Pathways to Purposeful Transformation through Shared Value and Innovation. Oxford-Economics of Mutuality Case Study. Metzner, M. and Stroehle, J. C. (2020): Anglian Water. Enshrining Purpose as Legal Constitution. Oxford- Economics of Mutuality Case Study. Ellis, J. and Stroehle, J. C. (2020): Royal Canin. An ecosystem approach to Petcare. Oxford-Economics of Mutuality Case Study. Stroehle, J. C. (2018): The Promises and Pitfalls of Working with Social Audit Data. SAGE Methods Case in Management & Business. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526478597 See other case studies available under https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/research/centres-and-initiatives/responsible- business/mutuality-business/publications

Non-Academic Articles

Stroehle, J. C.: Origins tell stories. Social origins and the heritage of ESG data (In German). In: Asbolut|Impact Magazine, Hamburg, October 2019. Stroehle, J. C.: The problem with ESG and company disclosure. In: Thinking Ahead Magazine, Commerzbank London, March 2019.

TEACHING ACTIVITIES 2021 "The Nature of the Corporation" (MBA, elective) – Lecturer, Oxford University 2019 – 2021 "Financial Management" (Undergraduate, core) – Class Tutor, Oxford University 2019 – 2020 "Introduction to ESG Investing and Reporting" (Executive) – Lecturer, GMM Ltd. 2017 – 2020 "Responsible Business" (MBA, core) – Teaching Assistant, Oxford University. 2018 – 2020 "Identification in and Finance" (MBA/ EMBA, elective) – Evaluator 2019 "Rethinking Performance" (MBA, elective) – Guest Lecturer, Oxford University 2018 – 2019 "Corporate Valuation & Strategy" (Diploma in Strategic Finance) – Tutor, Oxford University

CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION Nov 2020 “Oxford Rethinking Performance Member Meeting”, Said Business School, Oxford, UK. Sep 2020 “Economics of Mutuality Forum”. Online Conference, SBS Oxford and EoM Foundation. Jan 2020 “Oxford Rethinking Performance Workshop”, Said Business School, Oxford, UK. Jun 2019 “Firms, Investors and ESG”. Said Business School Conference, Oxford, UK. Mai 2018 / 19 “Responsible Business Forum” with Mars Catalyst. Attendance of 400+. Mar 2019 “2nd Oxford Impact Roundtable”, Oxford, UK (see format below). INVITED PRESENTATIONS & TALKS (Selection) 2021 International Pensions Research Council, Wharton School of Business, Online event. 2021 Esela Legal Network online Conference, Online event. 3

2021 United Nations Global Compact, Target Gender Equality conference, Online event. 2021 Putting Purpose into Practice, Book Launch Event, Oxford University, Online event. 2020 Economics of Mutuality Forum, Oxford University, Online event. 2020 ECGI - CGCG, 24hrs online event on Covid-19, “Business response to the pandemic”. 2019 New Prosperities Conference, Science Po, Paris, France. 2019 Global Business School Network for Human Rights, Geneva, CH. 2019 Global Research Alliance Sustainable Finance & Investment, Oxford University, UK. 2019 ESG Investing Practitioner Conference, Global Markets Media, Banking Hall, London. 2018 Yale Initiative on Sustainable Finance symposium. The State of ESG disclosure. 2018 Univ Maastricht NL. Global Research Alliance Sustainable Finance & Investment. 2018 Copenhagen Business School, DK. Private Authority and Public Policy Network.

PEER REVIEW & ENGAGEMENTS Peer Reviews: Journal of Business Ethics, Environment & Organizations, International Labour Relations Journal, Environmental Policy and Governance Journal, Journal of Sustainability Research, Sustainability, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Administrative Sciences Journal. Research Representation: Oxford Research Staff Society, Member of the Social Sciences, since 2018. Oxford Enacting Purpose Initiative. Research group lead for board engagement in corporate purpose between Oxford, Berkeley Law and Hermes Equity Ownership Management, London UK. Other Honorary Commitments Academic Advisor and Member of the Steering Group Committee, Codespa Foundation “Inclusive Growth” Project (with IESE Business School, BCG, Open Value Foundation), Madrid, Spain.

GRANTS AND AWARDS 2020 Said Business School, Faculty research grant for “Non-financial assurance” research. 2019 British Academy, Commissioned research grant for “Future of the Corporation” research. 2016 "Transfer"-award for Best Paper of a Young Scholar at ILERA 2016, Milan. 2016 Scholarship, Development Study Assoc. conference 2016, Oxford University. 2016 ILERA Scholarship for 11th ILERA European Regional Congress, Milan, Italy 2016 Highest achieving PhD student in grades and credits of graduate teaching-modules. 2015 PhD-Research Grant in Economic Sociology, Labour Studies, University of Milan. 2012 Award of distinction for M.A. thesis (top 5% of year), University of Bamberg. 2010 Scholarship for MA studies in Canada (Université Bishop, QC). ADDITIONAL SKILLS Languages German (native language); English (fluent in writing, reading and speaking); Spanish (fluent in writing, reading and speaking); Italian (intermediate in reading and speaking; fair in writing); French (intermediate in reading and speaking; fair in writing).

IT Skills Microsoft Office and Excel (very high proficiency); Microsoft Access (high proficiency); Dropbox Paper and Slack (high proficiency); Git (high proficiency); Bloomberg and Data Stream (high proficiency)

Analytical Stata (very high proficiency); SPSS (high proficiency); R (basic proficiency). Software MaxQDA, ENVIVO (very high proficiency); LISREL 8, Netlogo (basic proficiency).