The Significance of the Lavrion Mines in Greek and European Geoheritage

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The Significance of the Lavrion Mines in Greek and European Geoheritage See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: The significance of the Lavrion mines in Greek and European Geoheritage Article · November 2019 CITATION READS 1 211 3 authors: Argyrios Periferakis Iordanis Paresoglou Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy 1 PUBLICATION 1 CITATION 17 PUBLICATIONS 35 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Nikolaos Paresoglou Université de Caen Normandie 2 PUBLICATIONS 4 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Argyrios Periferakis on 20 November 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. The significance of the Lavrion mines in Greek and European Geoheritage Argyrios Periferakis1*, Iordanis Paresoglou2, Nikolaos Paresoglou3 The Lavrion mines have had a prominent Les mines Lavrion ont joué, depuis les Las minas de Lavrion han tenido un papel role in the social, economic and cultural temps anciens, un rôle prépondérant pour destacado en el desarrollo social, económico development of Greece since ancient times. le développement de la Grèce aux points y cultural de Grecia desde la antigüedad. Los The income from the mines was the founda- de vue social, économique et culturel. Le beneficios de las minas fue la base del poder tion of Athenian power during the 5th and 4th revenu provenant des mines fut à la base de ateniense durante los siglos V y IV a. C., pero century BC, but conversely led to significant la puissance d’Athènes pendant les 5ème et de manera contraria, condujo a problemas economic problems for the early modern 4ème siècles AC, mais, inversement, il a créé económicos significativos para el estado Greek state. Many mineral specimens from des problèmes économiques réels pour le griego moderno. Muchos especímenes min- the mines and the slags of the area are récent et moderne Etat Grec. De nombreux erales de las minas y las escorias del área unique or were discovered there for the first échantillons minéralisés provenant des sites son únicos o fueron descubiertos allí por time. In recent years, due to its significance miniers et les scories propres à cette région primera vez. En los últimos años, debido a the area has been proposed as a cultural sont uniques ou furent découverts ici, pour su importancia, el área ha sido propuesta and natural heritage site, with the mines la première fois. Ces dernières années, liée à como un lugar de patrimonio cultural y and the general area being on the Tentative l’importance de sa signification, la région a natural, con las minas y el área general en List of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. fait l’objet d’une proposition de site à valeur la lista provisional del Centro del Patrimonio d’héritage culturel et naturel, les mines et Mundial de la UNESCO. la zone globale faisant partie de la liste préliminaire d’admission au Centre UNESCO de l’Héritage Mondial. Introduction The Lavrion ore deposits As-Sb-Ag ± Au-Bi, and vein/breccia Pb-Zn- Cu-As-Sb-Ag-Au-Ni-Bi ores (Voudouris he Lavrion - also spelled “Laurium” The area of Lavrion comprises many et al., 2018). The carbonate-replacement or “Laurion” - mines were of pivotal different ore deposits, including, but not ores of the Kamariza district were mined importance in shaping the socioeco- limited to porphyry Mo-W, skarn Fe-Cu- in ancient and in modern times and are Tnomic framework and ultimately the history Bi-Te, carbonate-replacement Pb-Zn-Cu- associated with the formation and exhuma- of ancient Greece and of the modern Greek state. Also undisputed is the mineralogical wealth of the area; the local ore deposits are the constant focus of research. This article aims to present Lavrion as a part of Euro- pean geoheritage, both on account of its geological uniqueness and significance and of it being a major factor in the local and national economy and a catalyst for major historical events. 1 Master’s student, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, Athens, Greece, 2 196 Evrou Str., Peiraeus, Greece 3 Master’s student, Université de Caen, Département d' Histoire, Archéologie et Patrimoin, Espanade de la Paix, Caen, France Figure 1: (a) Simplified geological map of the Lavrion ore district; (b) Cross-section A-A' of the Kamariza *[email protected] deposit (after Voudouris et al., 2018). 24 Topical - Geological heritage tion of a metamorphic-core complex, in the ing but hand tools and, occasionally, fire. initially smelt the ore and extract the silver- Atticocycladic crystalline belt (Figure 1). The mines were worked by slaves, who rich lead. The remaining slag was discarded The main minerals of this system are pyrite, belonged to wealthy citizens of Athens. and subsequently cupellation was carried arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalco- Each such citizen was in essence a con- out, where the lead was ignited and burned pyrite. Galena is the principal carrier of Ag, tractor, to whom a section of the galleries within a furnace, aided by a constant influx whose maximum enrichment reaches up to was leased in exchange for a profit percent- of air. In the end, only pure silver remained 3000 gr/t (Voudouris et al., 2008). Further- age. Ancient Athens had very strict mining at the bottom of the furnace, while the use- more, Voudouris et al. (2018) mention high laws and violators were severely punished less litharge was discarded. This two-stage grades of Au (around 100 gr/t) in the nearby (Katerinopoulos, 2010). The entrances of procedure ensured that around 99 % pure vein-type Clemence deposit, which could some of these shafts and galleries still dot silver was extracted. After 146 BC and the have been known and exploited in antiquity. the countryside of Keratea. Battle of Corinth, the Romans continued The conspicuous lack of water in Lavrion mining activities at Lavrion, using more Mining activities at Lavrion from ancient necessitated the building of a complex advanced techniques involving drainage Greece to the present day drainage system, which was then utilised procedures for extending the galleries below – apart from the sustenance of the mining the water table (Periferakis & N. Paresoglou, While it is not possible to determine camps – in filling the ore washeries (Figure 2019). the date when mining activities began at 2b) used for ore separation, before the After Roman times, the mines of Lavrion Lavrion, it is commonly held that they smelting process. This drainage system also were completely abandoned, despite the fact began sometime around 3000 BC, during ensured that the water of the ore washeries that during the 18th and early 19th century the Minoan Era. The 8th century BC was was recycled, thus alleviating the need for there were reports of the area's economic when organised mining most probably constant transport of water from afar. It is potential (Periferakis & Paresoglou, 2019). developed and the exploitation of silver truly a marvel of engineering, considering Only in 1860 would the Greek geologist must have started a century later, reaching the era in which it was constructed. Kordellas notice the ore minerals in the its peak around the 4th and 5th century BC The silver extracting procedure itself was ancient slags, and his memo to the Greek (Economopoulos, 1996). a testament to the skill of ancient Greek state would incite a second fervent period The ancient galleries (Figure 2a) have metallurgists. When the ore came out of of mining activity. In 1864 Jean-Baptiste an aggregate length of many hundreds the galleries, it was crushed down to fine Serpieri founded the Italian-French com- of kilometres, and comprise six levels, particles, which were then gravimetrically pany Roux-Serpieri-Fressynet, which ini- interconnected with a multitude of shafts. separated in the ore washeries, based on the tially had permission to exploit only the The immense and intricate network of fact that argentiferous ore in any mineral ore deposit itself by expanding the ancient the ancient mining galleries is even more form (galena or cerussite) is heavier than tunnels and creating new ones (Figure 3). impressive considering that they were dug the gangue minerals, and as such does not Soon, however, the company illegally out, a few metres per month, using noth- float. The first step in this process was to bought heaps of ancient slag from the Municipality of Keratea, proceeding to extract silver which had been irretrievable using the ancient techniques, in turn leav- ing massive amounts of modern slag which remain still visible around Lavrion (Figure 4). This violated the license issued to the company by the Greek state, and Greek courts issued a condemning verdict, order- ing the company to pay significant repa- rations. This prompted the ambassadors of Italy and France to intervene on behalf of the company and demand that the state drop the legal proceedings. Figure 2: (a) The entrance to an ancient mining gallery in the area of Thorikos; (b) A reconstruction While initially it refused, eventually the of an ore washery with the ancient theatre of Thorikos in the background. Greek government relented due to the naval blockade imposed by French and Italian warships. In 1873, Andreas Syggros bought the company and renamed it the Lavrion Metallurgy Company. Syggros then tricked the public into buying worthless shares of his company and at the same time black- mailed the Greek state into lowering the annual taxes on his company, and on top of that decreased slag exploitation and silver production. Meanwhile, Serpieri founded the Compagnie Française du Laurium, which managed to obtain the sole right to Figure 3: (a) The interior of the Esperanza tunnel, with the slope increasing rapidly towards greater exploit the underground mineral wealth depths; (b) The entrance of the same tunnel, in the countryside of Lavrion.
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