B/MMN Reference Description Dates Client records

B/MMN/01/001 Probate of will and codicil of Robert Simmonds 1803 - 1833 of Charlotte Street, Bedford Square and related papers, 1803 (Items numbered 001-026) Bequeathing leasehold house in Charlotte Street, household furniture and effects, Bank Annuities, East India Stock, Consolidated Bank Annuities and establishing trust for his daughter, Susannah Hankin and her children. With deeds, papers, vouchers, etc., relating to administration of trust.

B/MMN/01/027 Vouchers, letters, etc., relating to Simmonds 1815 - 1832 Trust (Items numbered 027-041) Including vouchers for clothes, school fees and text books for Hankin children

B/MMN/01/042 Miscellaneous correspondence, vouchers and 1786 - 1820 papers (Items numbered 042-058) Including bond, 1786, inventories of contents of house in Charlotte Street, 1803 and 1804 and Case for Counsel's Opinion, 1806

B/MMN/01/059 Vouchers for maintenance of Hankin children 1814 - 1819 from Trust fund (Items numbered 059-093) Including payments for clothes and text books

B/MMN/01/094 Correspondence concerning Hankin children 1816 - 1817 (Items numbered 094-113) topics including arrangements made for articling one of boys to an attorney, with draft articles of agreement

B/MMN/01/114 Miscellaneous vouchers for Robert Simmonds 1783 - 1819 and Hankin family, accounts, bonds, Case for Counsel's Opinion (Items numbered 114-138) Including voucher for purchases of cloth, 1801 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 2 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/02/001 Deeds and other documents relating to property 1848 - 1932 in Broad Green, Elmwood Road, Bensham Lane, Cameron Road, London Road and North Park, all in Croydon (Items numbered 001-038) Including Sale catalogue, 1887; Assignment of lease of house and garden on south east side of Common, parish of Woolwich, 1854; Lease of No. 3 Lyall Street, Belgrave Square, parish of St George, Hanover Square, 1882; Grant of next presentation to United Rectories of Wiggenholt and Greatham, Co. Sussex, 1855; Papers relating to Trust of Dame Amelia Emma May, 1871

B/MMN/02/039 Deeds and other documents relating to 1793 - 1948 messuages at Broad Green, London Road, Cameron Road and North Park, Croydon and to Trust established by Reverend Thomas Bacon. (Items numbered 039-077) Including marriage settlement of Reverend Thomas Bacon and Miss Lavinia Emma Shaw, 1851 and probate of will of Thomas Bacon, 1892

B/MMN/02/078 Settlement deeds on marriage of Newman 1825 - 1887 Smith with Miss Mary Anne Bacon and papers subsequently relating to settlement 12 items

B/MMN/03/001 Leases and assignment of house at 265 1867 - 1876 Wandsworth Road, formerly No. 5 Bates Terrace, parish St Mary Lambeth, Surrey (Items numbered 001-006)

B/MMN/03/007 Deeds and other documents relating to 1768 - 1823 messuages and lands in Little St Anne's Lane, parish of St John the Evangelist, Westminster, formerly St Margaret, Westminster, part of meadow formerly called Sturton, otherwise Strutton Meadow (Items numbered 007-015)

B/MMN/03/016 Leases and assignment of lease of 94 and 95 1840 - 1859 Great Peter Street, Westminster (Items numbered 016-018) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 3 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/03/019 Papers concerning financial dealings of Edward 1878 - 1902 Chapple (Items numbered 019-028) Also his marriage certificate, 1841, administration of goods of Edward Smart Chapple, his son, who died in 1872, marriage settlement of Edward Chapple, 1878, probate of will of Mrs Emily Chapple, 1902 and probate of will of Edward Chapple, 1891

B/MMN/03/029 Miscellaneous papers relating to property and 1858 - 1890 financial interests of Mr Edward Chapple (Items numbered 029-057) Including sales particulars for houses in Cambridge Street, Hyde Park Square, Albany Street, Regent's Park, Commercial Road and Robert Street, Pimlico and Ramsgate, Kent, insurance policies and papers relating to estate of Edward Smart Chapple

B/MMN/03/058 Extracts of letters of administration and papers 1887 concerning transfer of annuities of Miss Mary Ann Rubergall of Hounslow, Middlesex spinster to Mrs Emily Chapple (Items numbered 058 -062)

B/MMN/03/063 Papers relating to estate of Mrs Emily Chapple, 1902 - 1903 dec. (Items numbered 063-068)

B/MMN/03/069 Lease of 7 Bates Terrace, Wandsworth Road, 1867 parish of St Mary, Lambeth, Surrey

B/MMN/04/001 Account book, mainly cash accounts, with 1798 - 1817 some details of payments for building work and a recipe for making beer

B/MMN/04/002 Certificate of purchase of plot in Abney Park 1897 Cemetery

B/MMN/04/003 Lease of house at Upper Clapton, parish of St 1837 John at Hackney

B/MMN/04/004 Deeds for houses in Holywell Street, later High 1819 - 1896 Street, Shoreditch, one house later becoming Duke of Wellington Public House (Items numbered 004-007) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 4 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/04/008 Trust deed for Charity School for Girls, St 1764 Leonard's Shoreditch

B/MMN/04/009 Documents including plans, bills and deeds 1803 - 1891 (originals and copies) relating to Ongar Hill Estate, Chertsey, Surrey (Items numbered 009 -051)

B/MMN/04/052 Probate of will of James Clark 1791

B/MMN/04/053 Probate of will of Mrs Mary Clark 1806

B/MMN/04/054 Probate of will of Charles Clark 1874

B/MMN/04/055 Deeds (originals and copies) relating to Cliffe 1845 - 1882 Hill Estate, Warley, near Halifax, messuages in Oxford Road, Sidney Street, Peter Street and Cooper Street in Manchester and at Homerton, Middlesex (Items numbered 055-059)

B/MMN/04/060 Documents relating to estate of Ann Clark of 1869 - 1906 Sydenham, Surrey spinster (dec. 1895) (Items numbered 060-083)

B/MMN/04/084 Letter concerning documents of title relating to 1858 estate of Henry Clark, dec.

B/MMN/04/085 Schedules of deeds relating to estate of Henry 1907 Clark, dec.

B/MMN/04/086 Schedules of deeds relating to estate of Henry 1907 Clark, dec.

B/MMN/04/087 Envelope of correspondence with S. Horwood 1940 relating to estate of Ann Clark dec. Enclosed in a bundle with B/MMN/04/088

B/MMN/04/088 Parcel entitled 'Clark A', comprising of papers 1836 - 1877 relating to property, nos. 221 and 222 Holywell Street, Shoreditch, Stepney Including copy will of Henry Thomas Colebrooke Esq. of York terrace, Regent's Park. Enclosed in a bundle with B/MMN/04/087 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 5 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/05/001 Probate of will of Percy Earl of North End, 1827 Hampstead, captain of ship, 'Aurora' of Calcutta

B/MMN/05/002 Bill of sale of ship 'Aurora' of Calcutta built at 1828 Chittagong in Province of Bengal in 1815 (1) Executors of will of Captain Percy Earl (2) Mr Samuel Owen

B/MMN/05/003 Volume of accounts of executors of Percy Earl's 1827 - 1836 Estate With account for freight for ship, 'Aurora', including elephants' teeth, gold dust, tortoiseshell and for fitting ship, 1832, account of vouchers and effects belonging to late Captain Earl, 1827 and manifest of ship, 'Aurora', from Singapore, Jan. 1832, arriving in St Katharine's Docks, June 1832

B/MMN/05/004 Letters, vouchers, etc., relating to 'Aurora' 1823 - 1832 (Items numbered 004-100) Including payment of wages to crew, list of provisions supplied to 'Aurora' by Shaik Sheriff, 1826, with payment in Sicca Rupees and accounts for transporting passengers from India to

B/MMN/05/101 Vouchers for fitting out 'Aurora' for voyage to 1824 India (Items numbered 101-160) Including vouchers for provisions, cooking equipment, repairs to ship, medicines, housing Lascars in port, wages of crew, etc.

B/MMN/05/161 Correspondence and accounts of executors of 1818 - 1836 Captain Percy Earl (Items numbered 161-207) Including account for fees for education of one of Captain Earl's sons, 1824 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 6 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/05/208 Papers, vouchers etc., relating to George Earl's 1829 - 1846 voyage to settle at Swan River, Western Australia with letter from George Earl describing his life in Singapore, 1834 (Items numbered 208-218) Includes agreement with general servant to George Earl, who bound himself to serve for seven years in Western Australia with option of return passage home or opportunity to be set up in farm at end of time, 1829, agreement for passage to Australia for George Earl as cabin passenger and three steerage passengers and transport of goods. Detailed vouchers for goods purchased including clothing, food, guns and agricultural equipment

B/MMN/05/219 Papers relating to claim on estate of late 1826 - 1830 Captain Earl for 2,000 Sicca Rupees (Items numbered 219-223)

B/MMN/05/224 Letters and vouchers relating to settlement of 1818 - 1827 Captain Earl's outstanding debts to his creditors (Items numbered 224-261) Captain Earl incurred debts because of adverse trading conditions and eventually paid his creditors seventeen shillings in pound. He was released from debt, October 1824

B/MMN/05/262 Letters and vouchers relating to sundry effects, 1827 chattels and cargoes belonging to Captain Earl's estate and settlement by his executors (Items numbered 262-273) Including permission to export cashmere shawls from India, 1826

B/MMN/05/274 Copy of will of Captain Earl with letter attached 1827 concerning his estate, 1844

B/MMN/05/275 Vouchers, mostly for expenses incurred by 1822 - 1827 Captain Earl in India, marked 'Accounts Previous to June 1827'. (Items numbered 275 -294) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 7 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/05/295 Vouchers, for accounts received and settled by 1824 - 1842 Captain Earl's executors marked 'General Receipts' (Items numbered 295-366) Miscellaneous subjects including bills from following: Tailor - for Captain Earl and his young son, 1824-1827; Watchmaker - for chronometer and 'gold double bottom hunting watch', 1824; Apothecary, 1827; Shoemaker, 1827; Jeweller, 1827; School - for fees, books and sundries, 1826 -1827; Milliner, 1827; Chief Officer of ship, 'Aurora', 1827 and executor's summary accounts, 1833-1842

B/MMN/05/367 Insurance policies for 'Aurora' (Items numbered 1827 - 1833 367-371)

B/MMN/05/372 Vouchers for funeral and testamentary 1827 - 1828 expenses of Captain Earl (Items numbered 372 -376) With detailed bill for funeral expenses, 1827 and for proving will in Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1828

B/MMN/05/377 Summary accounts, executors of Captain Earl 1827 - 1833 in account with W. J. Thompson, one of the executors (Items numbered 377-381)

B/MMN/05/382 Correspondence of executors of Captain Earl 1827 - 1852 concerning will and administration of estate, with accounts and Counsel's opinion (Items numbered 382-421) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 8 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/05/422 Loose papers relating to Capt. Earl (Items 1816 - c 1875 numbered 422-432) Including: will of Captain Earl, 1816, superseded by later will; Copy of codicil written by Captain Earl, 1825; Two copies of executors and trustees' summary accounts for estate of Captain Earl, 1827-1841; Letter from one of executors of Captain Earl's will about payment of probate duty and another letter to one of executors on this subject, 1844; Copy of letter from one of executors concerning a legacy inherited by Captain Earl, 1844; Copy of baptism certificate of George Earl in 1813, 1844; List of papers retained by Mrs Earl, i.e., titles to property, 1870; List of contents of tin box relating to Earl, Captain Percy dec., 1875

B/MMN/05/433 Volume of rough accounts, kept by Captain Earl 1813 - 1814

B/MMN/05/434 Volume of accounts, mainly business, in 1818 - 1821 English money, kept by Captain Earl, indexed

B/MMN/05/435 Volume of accounts, made up by executors of 1827 - 1829 Captain Earl, in English and Indian money With copies of letters written by executors and list of stores 'ex Aurora'

B/MMN/05/436 Diaries, kept by W. J. Thompson, one of 1844 1845 and executors of Captain Earl's will, mainly 1850 engagements but some information about his task as executor Printed information recorded in diary is interesting

B/MMN/05/437 Diaries, kept by W. J. Thompson, one of 1844 1845 and executors of Captain Earl's will, mainly 1850 engagements but some information about his task as executor Printed information recorded in diary is interesting LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 9 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/05/438 Diaries, kept by W. J. Thompson, one of 1844 1845 and executors of Captain Earl's will, mainly 1850 engagements but some information about his task as executor Printed information recorded in diary is interesting

B/MMN/05/439 Settlement after marriage of Captain P. Earl in 1818 trust for present and future children

B/MMN/05/440 Documents relating to sale by Mr Percy Earl 1874 and Mrs G. S. W. Earl of 2/3rds of Captain Earl's estate and release by purchasers (Items numbered 440-452)

B/MMN/05/453 Release of trust property settled upon Elizabeth 1873 Hartwell, daughter of Captain Earl, in 1844

B/MMN/05/454 Correspondence of trustees of Captain Earl 1829 - 1832 concerning his creditors (Items numbered 454 -493)

B/MMN/06/001 Deeds and sale catalogue, 1884, relating to 1846 - 1884 'Bowman's Lodge Estate' - Bowman's Lodge and houses in Bowman's Terrace, now Holloway Road, Holloway, Islington (Items numbered 001-033) Including inventory of fixtures and fittings at Bowman's Lodge, 1846

B/MMN/06/034 Deeds relating to messuages at Bellfield, 1851 - 1852 Seven Sisters Road, Holloway, Islington (Items numbered 034-037)

B/MMN/06/038 Bundle of title deeds for messuage in Coombe 1877 - 1880 Lane, Croydon

B/MMN/06/039 Deeds relating to estate at Winchmore Hill in 1800 - 1870 parish of Edmonton, property of Ebenezer Harvey, Esq. (Items numbered 039-045) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 10 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/06/046 Papers relating to will of Ebenezer Harvey, 1872 - 1881 1872 - 1874 inventory of personal estate of T. Harvey, 1881; papers relating to appointment of trustees for estate of Eliza Harvey, 1881; inventory of personal estate of Janet Harvey, 1874; and inventory of personal estate of Agnes Harvey, 1876 (Items numbered 046-057)

B/MMN/06/058 Probate of estate of Ebenezer Harvey and 1848 - 1854 papers concerning leasehold on estates of G. Flowers (Items numbered 058-073)

B/MMN/07/001 Deeds and other documents relating to lands 1837 - 1886 and tenements known as Bradbury Lodge and Camden Lodge, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich and houses constructed on sites in Zenoria Street, Oxonian Street, East Dulwich Grove and Percy Terrace, Hackney (Items numbered 001 -019)

B/MMN/07/020 Deeds and other documents relating to land 1868 - 1911 and houses and chapel erected there; in Lordship Lane and Zenoria Street in East Dulwich, parish of Camberwell (Items numbered 020-043)

B/MMN/07/044 Plan of proposed new roads and drains for 1849 - 1914 Bradbury Estate, East Dulwich, c.1885; plan of proposed new road near Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, n.d.; four tenancy agreements for shops and living premises in Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, 1900-1911; marriage certificate of William Frederick Morgan and Amelia Little at St. John's, Bethnal Green, 10 Nov 1849; and bank books, 1909-1914 (Items numbered 044 -066)

B/MMN/07/067 Tenancy agreements, correspondence and c 1900 - 1915 vouchers concerning tenancies of property in East Dulwich, Sydenham and Forest Hill (Items numbered 067-133)

B/MMN/07/134 Rent book for rents due and received by W. F. 1906 - 1915 Morgan for his houses and shops in West Norwood, Forest Hill and East Dulwich LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 11 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/07/135 Deeds relating to 119 Knights Hill (formerly 2 1898 - 1916 Chapel Road), Norwood (Items numbered 135 -138)

B/MMN/07/139 Insurance policies on William Frederick 1891 - 1914 Morgan's property in East Dulwich and Forest Hill (Items numbered 139-160)

B/MMN/07/161 Documents and loose papers relating to c 1915 property owned by William Frederick Gooch in Warrington, investments of W. F. Gooch (Items numbered 161-206)

B/MMN/07/207 Documents relating to estate of W. F. Gooch, 1889 - 1917 dec., Aug 1915, including cash book, 1889 -1905 (Items numbered 207-294)

B/MMN/07/295 Deeds of title relating to 'The White House', and 1795 - 1882 adjoining property at Forest Hill, property of W. F. Morgan (Items number 295-317)

B/MMN/08/001 Deeds of No. 7 Elizabeth Terrace, parish of St 1835 - 1844 Mary's Islington (Items numbered 001-008)

B/MMN/08/009 Deeds and other documents relating to property 1873 - 1894 in parish of St Giles without Cripplegate (Items numbered 009-021)

B/MMN/08/022 Leases of property in Kennington Lambeth, 1823 - 1824 Surrey (Items numbered 022-028)

B/MMN/08/029 Leases of No. 353 The Strand, London (Items 1879 - 1891 numbered 029-038)

B/MMN/08/039 Deeds relating to Nos. 30 and 31 Trinity Street, 1880 - 1899 Liverpool Road, Middlesex (Items numbered 039-044)

B/MMN/08/045 Loose deeds, mainly leases and assignments, c 1820s - relating to property in Kennington, Surrey, 1870s especially St Mark's Road (Items numbered 045-051) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 12 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/08/052 Charges in favour of Messrs Green paid off on 1913 completion of mortgage to Church of England Building Society (Items numbered 052-062)

B/MMN/08/063 Sundry assignments and receipts relating to 1901 estate of Henry Maurice Newman, of Burlington Lodge, Maida Vale and 106 Hatton Garden, cigar manufacturer (Items numbered 063-084)

B/MMN/08/085 Deeds and documents relating to 'Newman 1880s - 1919 Mortgage' (Items numbered 085-103)

B/MMN/08/104 Envelope entitled 'Deeds relating to 38 1862 - 1891 Cloudesley Road' containing deeds concerning above and 22 Elizabeth Terrace, Islington (Items numbered 104-107)

B/MMN/08/108 Deeds relating to No. 49 Camberwell New 1824 - 1899 Road, Kennington, Lambeth (Items numbered 108-111)

B/MMN/08/112 Deeds relating to property in St Mark's Road, 1823 - 1898 Camberwell (Items numbered 112-147)

B/MMN/08/148 Charge on premises in Edgware Road, 1895 Middlesex for securing monies due and to become due under Building Contract

B/MMN/08/149 Deeds relating to premises in St Mark's Road, 1824 - 1914 Camberwell (Items numbered 149-205)

B/MMN/08/206 Deeds relating to premises in St Mark's Road, 1824 - 1913 Kennington (Items numbered 206-241) Including marriage settlement of Mr Henry Morris Newman and Miss Pauline Nathan of 63 Myddelton Square, Clerkenwell, 1871 and deeds relating to 43 Trinity Street, Islington, 1898, 7 and 8 Cloudesley Place, Islington, 1901, property in Camberwell New Road, 1902 and 5 First Avenue Buildings, Holborn, 1883 -1901 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 13 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/09/001 Deeds of title to property known as Lewkeners 1728 - 1838 Lane or Charles Street, Drury Lane in parish of St Giles in the Fields, conveyed to John Bridges, one of Pearsons trustees in 1833. (Items numbered 001-012)

B/MMN/09/013 Deeds of title to property in New Court, Peters 1833 - 1884 Lane St Sepulchre without Newgate, conveyed Captain Frederick Burnett to Pearson, esq. of Sackville Street, Piccadilly in 1833 (Items numbered 013-027)

B/MMN/09/029 Deeds relating to property in Spread Eagle 1800 - 1830 Court. Grays Inn Lane and Nos. 12, 13 and 14 Buckeridge Street, St Giles-in-the-Fields (Items numbered 029-036) Also three messuages and warehouse in Jones' Court, St Giles-in-the-Fields, premises in Salutation Court, Broad Street, St Giles-in-the -Fields, Caroline Court, Caroline Place, and Blue Court both places on Saffron Hill in parish of St Andrew, Holborn, premises in Phoenix Street and bundle marked 'Bundle 3' containing two deeds of feoffment relating to Spread Eagle Court, 1804 and 1813

B/MMN/09/037 Release of property, No. 2 Broad Yard, Turnmill 1809 Street in parish of St John, Clerkenwell and two office copies used in Chancery, Glover v Barlow, 1833 (Items numbered 037-039)

B/MMN/09/040 Envelope containing papers concerning legal c 1871 and personal estate of F. B. Pearson, dec. (Items numbered 040-042)

B/MMN/09/043 Documents appointing new trustee of will of F. 1870 - 1871 B. Pearson dec. and relating to estate of Anne Elizabeth Pearson dec.(Items numbered 043 -070)

B/MMN/09/071 Title deeds relating to property in New Court, St 1692 - 1815 Peter's Lane in parish of St Sepulchre (Items numbered 071-081) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 14 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/09/082 Marriage settlement and accompanying papers c 1850 relating to marriage of F. B. Pearson of Piccadilly and Ann Elizabeth Sharp of Sherwood Hall, near Mansfield, Nottingham, widow (Items numbered 082-088)

B/MMN/09/089 Containing 1,000 shares with transfer share 1857 certificate to Captain Frederick Burnett Pearson and envelope containing 60 shares to Captain F. B. Pearson, all invested in Ruardean Colliery Company Ltd. and note from solicitor concerning above, 1865 (Items numbered 089 -091)

B/MMN/09/092 Correspondence and accounts of Sir Edwin 1860s and Pearson of Wimbledon and F. B. Pearson 1870s (Items numbered 092-140)

B/MMN/09/141 Parcel of 500 shares in Ruardean Colliery 1853 and 1856 Company Ltd. belonging to Captain Pearson, notes concerning Bernwell's debt and plan of Nos. 50-52 Charles Street Drury Lane (Items numbered 141-144)

B/MMN/09/145 Parcel of 500 shares in Ruardean Colliery 1856 and 1858 Company Ltd. bought by Sir Edwin Pearson from Mr Robinson and note to Captain Frederick Pearson from his solicitors concerning Mr Nokes' arrangements Parcel of 5,600 shares in Ruardean Colliery Company Ltd. bought by Sir Edwin Pearson (Items numbered 145-146)

B/MMN/09/147 Parcel of 500 shares in Mold Lead Mining 1856 and 1860 Company Ltd. bought by Captain F. B. Pearson - 1861 and notes concerning his financial affairs (Items numbered 147-155)

B/MMN/09/156 Parcel of 1,400 shares in the Gloucestershire 1858 Stone Quarry Company Ltd. bought by Captain F. B. Pearson

B/MMN/09/157 Papers relating to case in Chancery, Glover v 1832 - 1847 Barlow (Items numbered 157-177)

B/MMN/09/178 Papers as above, B/MMM/09/157-177 (Items 1832 - 1847 numbered 178-209) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 15 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/09/210 Drafts and copies of leases and assignments of 1845 - 1848 leases of property in New Court, Peters Lane, St. Sepulchre without Newgate, Tyndales Buildings and Caroline Court and Blue Court St Andrew, Holborn and Broad Yard, St John, Clerkenwell, Nos. 2 and 3 Thompsons Terrace, no. 1 Baker Street, Amwell Street, Pentonville, Nos. 13 and 14 Wellington Street, Goswell Street, Finsbury (Items numbered 210-215)

B/MMN/09/216 Requests and receipts of payment of money 1870 owed to and by Captain F. B. Pearson (Items numbered 216-232)

B/MMN/09/233 Papers relating to Glover v Barlow case (Items 1832 - 1843 numbered 233-242)

B/MMN/09/243 Letter relating to Mr Pearson's probate 1872

B/MMN/09/244 Containing documents relating to marriage 1866 - 1871 settlement and probate of Frederick Burnett Pearson (Items numbered 244-256)

B/MMN/09/257 Schedules of deeds and documents relating to 1877 - 1878 F. B. Pearson's estate transferred to Messrs Merriman and Pike (Items numbered 257-278)

B/MMN/09/279 Documents, including draft abstract of title, 1844 relating to Miss Elizabeth Berry and others to leasehold estate in parish of St Andrew, Holborn and supplement to abstract in Glover v Barlow case (Items numbered 279-283)

B/MMN/09/284 Lease by F. B. Pearson to Sir John Dean Paul 1847 and others of 3 messuages in Charles Street, Drury Lane

B/MMN/09/285 Further papers relating to Glover v Barlow case 1842 - 1843 in Exchequer of Pleas (Items numbered 285 -286)

B/MMN/09/287 Documents relating to Chancery proceedings 1870 and 1871 Pearson Pearson v Pearson (Items numbered 287-342) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 16 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/09/343 Papers relating to Mr and Mrs Pearson's 1874 and 1875 settlement Trust (Items numbered 343-358)

B/MMN/09/359 Abstracts of title to property in St Gile's-in-the 1832 and 1849 -Fields, St Sepulchre, St James, Clerkenwell, St Luke and St Andrew, Holborn (Items numbered 359-364)

B/MMN/09/365 Bundle of papers relating to Glover v Barlow 1832 - 1847 case and draft mortgage of land from Glover and Seymour to F. B. Pearson (Items numbered 365-371)

B/MMN/09/372 Further papers relating to Glover v Barlow case 1831 in Chancery (Items numbered 372-375)

B/MMN/09/376 Miscellaneous financial papers and 1850s and correspondence relating to Mr and Mrs 1880s Pearson's Marriage Settlement (Items numbered 376-389)

B/MMN/09/390 Papers relating to division of funds settled by 1874 Mr and Mrs Pearson among their children and receipt on transfer (Items numbered 390-396)

B/MMN/09/397 Correspondence between members of Pearson 1853 - 1868 family (Items numbered 397-417)

B/MMN/09/418 Papers relating to A. H. Pearson's share of 1874 and 1876 Pearson Trust (Items numbered 418-431)

B/MMN/09/432 Miscellaneous papers relating to Pearson 1859 - 1874 Estate (Items numbered 432-442) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 17 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/10/001 Loose documents relating to Popham family 1798 - 1899 (Items numbered 001-047) Including inventories of property of Francis William Leyborne Popham of Littlecote, 1890s and other papers relating to Manor, 1850s, probate copy of will of Francis Leyborne Popham, 1880, deeds relating to property in Mortlake, articles of partnership concerning trading business at Krasnoyarsk, 1899, copy will of Dorothy Popham proved 1798, certificate of F. L. Papham's estate 1884, papers relating to Manor of East Sheen and West Hall, 1840s and papers relating to F. W. L. Popham's deposit with Mr H. Pige-Leschallas of plate and jewellery as security for advance by Pige -Leschallas to Popham of £5,000, 1898

B/MMN/10/048 Papers relating to succession of F. W. L. 1880s Popham to estates devised by will of his father, F. L. Popham dec. (Items numbered 048-086)

B/MMN/10/087 Agreements for building on land in 1890s and Sandycombe Road, Richmond (1 Leyborne 1877 Terrace) and Cumberland Road, Kew (Items numbered 087-089)

B/MMN/10/090 Attested copy settlements of F. W. L. Popham's 1890 - 1900 properties to A. T. Buller and Hugh Francis A. L. Popham and attested copy letters of request concerning advance of money to F. W. L. Popham (Items numbered 090-092)

B/MMN/10/093 Abstract of title of trustees of F. W. L. Popham 1902 and their mortgagees to Mortlake Estate

B/MMN/10/094 Deeds relating to Manor of East Sheen and 1781 - 1827 West Hall in parish of Mortlake, Surrey (Items numbered 094-098)

B/MMN/10/099 Documents relating to Manor of East Sheen 1894 - 1910 and West Hall, including schedules of documents concerning appointment of steward of Manor (Items numbered 099-111) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 18 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/10/112/001 Title deeds relating to two parcels of land at 1826 - 1862 Mortlake (Brickstable Estate) conveyed to Popham by trustees of William Thomas Atwood, dec. Including copy will and codicil of W. T. Atwood and plan of garden ground, his property

B/MMN/10/112/002 Title deeds relating to two parcels of land at 1826 - 1862 Mortlake (Brickstable Estate) conveyed to Popham by trustees of William Thomas Atwood, dec.(Map) Including copy will and codicil of W. T. Atwood and plan of garden ground, his property

B/MMN/10/113 Title deeds relating to two parcels of land at 1826 - 1862 Mortlake (Brickstable Estate) conveyed to Popham by trustees of William Thomas Atwood, dec. (Items numbered 113-116) Including copy will and codicil of W. T. Atwood and plan of garden ground, his property

B/MMN/10/117 Deeds relating to messuage and land known as 1853 - 1900 'The Five Acres' and part of land known as 'Ealing Field' in parish of Mortlake, West Park and East Sheen, Mortlake (Items numbered 117-123)

B/MMN/10/124 Copies and originals of deeds relating to F. W. 1864 - 1897 L. Popham's Kew Estate on west side of London and South Western Railway and Mortlake Estate on east side of railway (Items numbered 124-138)

B/MMN/10/140 Deeds (copies and originals) relating to F. W. L. 1884 - 1900 Popham's Mortlake Estate, which was Mortgaged to H. Pige-Leschallas (Items numbered 140-152)

B/MMN/10/153 Title deeds of land at Mortlake, including 1807 and 1860 statutory declaration in support of title (Items numbered 153-159)

B/MMN/10/160 Documents relating to Mortlake Estate: 1897 - 1901 transactions between H. Pige-Leschallas and F. W. L. Popham (Items numbered 160-174) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 19 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/10/175 Loose documents in bottom of chest (Items 1891 - 1897 numbered 175-179) Including envelope containing building agreements held on behalf of H. Pige -Leschallas as mortgagee relating to property in Mortlake

B/MMN/10/180 Papers relating to Mortlake Estate of Taylor 1786 - 1856 family, mainly probate copies of wills of various members of family (Items numbered 180-187)

B/MMN/10/188 Financial agreements, including receipts, 1901 relating to Mortlake Estate (Items numbered 188-194)

B/MMN/10/195 Loose documents relating to Mortlake Estate, 1803 - 1900 mainly papers concerning F. W. L. Popham's settlement trust (Items numbered 195-218) Including contract of construction of Chillon, Niton and Darell Roads and various agreements between London and South Western Railway and F. W. L. Popham concerning his property in Mortlake

B/MMN/10/219 Title deeds relating to leasehold interest in No. 1894 - 1899 1 Leyborne Terrace, Sandycombe Road (Items numbered 219-226)

B/MMN/10/227 Deeds relating to various lands in Mortlake, 1857 - 1875 property of F. L. Popham (Items numbered 227 -233)

B/MMN/10/234 Various property papers (Items numbered 234 1864 - 1900s -244) Including: papers relating to building developments on property of F. L. and F. W. L. Popham in Mortlake, 1864-1889 Building agreements and other papers mainly relating to property in Sandycombe Road, Richmond, 1892-1897 Box file entitled 'Popham Siberian Business' comprising correspondence relating to details of Popham's carrying business, including dispute with his manager in Siberia, telegram codes and references to war LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 20 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/11/001 Loose documents relating to various properties 1847 - 1911 of James and Harry Harper in Hornsey, Mortlake, Highgate, Tottenham, Barking, Barnet and Dalston (Items numbered 001-052)

B/MMN/11/053 Schedule of documents retained at Law Society 1927 relating to Harper

B/MMN/11/054 Account book of James Harper, 1898-1903 1894 - 1903

B/MMN/11/055 Account book of James Harper, 1894-1901 1894 - 1903

B/MMN/11/056 Account books of James Harper, 1901-1903 1894 - 1903

B/MMN/11/057 Deeds relating to property in Tottenham Lane 1864 - 1893 (Items numbered 057-062)

B/MMN/11/063 Note and deeds relating to property in 1873 - 1875 Wilberforce Road, Hornsey (Items numbered 063-066)

B/MMN/11/067 Papers relating to purchase by Harry Harper in 1881 - 1897 1897 of building land known as Bruce Grove Estate in Tottenham from H. G. W. Sperling (Items numbered 067-068) Including details of sale, contract and abstract of title

B/MMN/11/069 Deeds and papers relating to Harry Harper's 1897 - 1927 purchase of nos. 11, 12, 13 and 14 Bruce Grove, Tottenham (Items numbered 069-075) Including plans of property

B/MMN/11/076 Deeds and papers relating to above-mentioned 1862 - 1900 property in Bruce Grove, Tottenham (Items numbered 076-113)

B/MMN/11/114 Deeds relating to conveyance of land in Bruce 1796 - 1889 Grove, Tottenham (Items numbered 114-135) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 21 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/11/136 Deeds and papers relating to above-mentioned 1811 - 1887 property in Bruce Grove, Tottenham (Items numbered 136-144) Including abstract of title, certificate of contract for redemption of land tax and birth, marriage and burial certificates of Wright family, referred to in declaration of Josiah Messer to his inheritance

B/MMN/11/145 Deeds relating to above-mentioned property 1820 - 1889 including abstract of title (Items numbered 145 -147)

B/MMN/11/148 Note giving information concerning deeds ref. 1921 B/MMN/11/149-193

B/MMN/11/149 Deeds relating to nos. 11, 12, 13 and 14 Bruce 1800 - 1919 Grove, Tottenham (Items numbered 149-166) Including abstracts of title and obituary of Col. Henry Byrne

B/MMN/11/167 Deeds relating to above-mentioned property in 1796 - 1891 Bruce Grove, Tottenham (Items numbered 167 -193) Including schedule of documents relating to No. 14 Bruce Grove, inventories of contents of house in Bruce Grove, probate copy of will of Luke Howard of Ackworth Grove, York dec., copy wills of Sir Henry Ellis K. H. dec. and William Wallis dec. and abstract of title

B/MMN/12/001 Deeds relating to title of land in Mortlake 1807 - 1838 conveyed to General Popham in 1838 (Items numbered 001-025) Including bundle of certificates from parish registers and affidavits concerning Christopher Duffin's estate at Brickstables, Mortlake

B/MMN/12/026 Documents including abstract of title of 1825 - 1826 Christopher Duffin to freehold estate called Brickstables at Mortlake (Items numbered 026 -032)

B/MMN/12/033 Documents relating to Westlake Cottage (or 1821 - 1845 Westhall House) in Mortlake (Items numbered 033-038) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 22 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/12/039 Documents, including sales particulars and 1711 - 1860 abstract of title of Sir Charles Merrick Burrell Baronet to estate called Brickstables in Mortlake (Items numbered 039-049)

B/MMN/12/050 Documents relating to case in Common Pleas 1838 - 1839 General A. Popham of Brickstables, Mortlake v A. Freed, 20 Great Quebec Street, who had done building work for General Popham (Items numbered 050-051)

B/MMN/12/052 Draft wills and accompanying papers of Miss 1835 - 1838 Elizabeth Taylor of Brick Farm in parish of Mortlake, spinster, bequeathing Brick Stables to use of Thomas Bunbury Lenon of West Lodge, Mortlake (Items numbered 052-056)

B/MMN/12/057 Notices to Quit (from Mr Lenon and when land 1838 conveyed to General Popham thereafter from him) to various tenants on land in Mortlake (Items numbered 057-068)

B/MMN/12/069 Documents for probate relating to estate of 1826 - 1838 Leonora Dee, spinster, died 1826 and of Leonora Taylor, died 1829 (Items numbered 069-071)

B/MMN/12/072 Copies of lease between Miss Elizabeth Taylor 1836 and Mr William T. Atwood of arable land called Cabbage Close and Thames Close, parts of land belonging to Brick Farm or Brick Stables in Mortlake (Items numbered 072-073)

B/MMN/12/074 Correspondence from Miss Elizabeth Taylor to 1833 - 1835 Mr Bolton, her solicitor, and other documents concerning estate of Frances Anne Houlbrooke to whom Elizabeth Taylor was sole executrix (Items numbered 074-086)

B/MMN/12/087 Documents concerning lease of no. 3 Spread 1821 - 1835 Eagle Court, Finch Lane, Cornhill, leasor being Mrs Taylor and her daughters (Items numbered 087-093)

B/MMN/12/094 Bundle of receipts belonging to General 1839 - 1841 Popham LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 23 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/12/095 Loose documents relating to Manor of East c 1830 - 1850 Sheen and West Hall, copy will of Leonora Taylor, pedigree of Taylor family, property of Mrs Taylor and daughters at Spread Eagle Court, Cornhill and plan of building (Items numbered 095-110)

B/MMN/12/111 File of letters relating to rents due to General 1839 Popham (Items numbered 111-174)

B/MMN/12/175 File of letters relating to Taylor family and their 1838 property (Items numbered 175-232)

B/MMN/12/233 File of letters relating to property of General 1838 Popham in Mortlake (Items numbered 233-273)

B/MMN/13/001 Executors and trustees' account of Thomas 1912 Richards dec.(Items numbered 001-003)

B/MMN/13/004 Deeds and other documents relating to nos. 42 1853 - 1888 -47 Wandsworth Road. Clapham Station, later 147 and 149 St John's Hill, New Wandsworth (Items numbered 004-005)

B/MMN/13/006 Documents relating to property in Queens 1814 - 1911 Road, Bayswater, nos. 61, 63, 67, 67a, 69, 71 and 73 (formerly 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33) and nos. 19 and 20 Poplar Place (Items numbered 006-027)

B/MMN/13/028 Draft accounts of trustees, rents, receipts, fire 1878 - 1913 insurances and correspondence with annuitant and legatees relating to property in St John's Hill, Wandsworth and Queens Road, Bayswater and volume of rent accounts (Items numbered 028-056)

B/MMN/13/057 Deeds and correspondence relating to tenancy 1880 - 1907 of no. 147 St John's Hill, Clapham Junction (Items numbered 057-077)

B/MMN/13/078 Receipts and vouchers, fire insurance policies 1859 - 1864 and inventory of fixtures and utensils at no. 29 Lamb Street, Spitalfields (Items numbered 078 -180) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 24 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/13/181 Receipts of expenses paid by trustees of will of 1887 - 1898 Thomas Richards to children of Elizabeth Whittington, his niece and bundle of correspondence from children of Elizabeth Whittington acknowledging receipt of payment and maintenance from trustees (Items numbered 181-197)

B/MMN/13/198 Correspondence and receipts (Items 1804 - 1908 numbered 198-298) Relating to payment by trustees of Thomas Richards dec. to his beneficiaries; correspondence concerning sale of property in Islington, bundle of insurance premiums and papers relating to cases Pike v Twigg and Pike v Franklin, (Pike being executor against tenants of 32 and 33 Arlington Square, Islington for non -payment of rent) and further bundles and loose documents relating to administering of estate of Richards, including fire insurances, rentals, receipts of rents and sale of property in Islington

B/MMN/13/299 Deeds relating to leasing of 69 Queens Road, 1875 - 1911 Bayswater, agreement for tenancy of 63 Queens Road and fire insurance policy (Items numbered 299-306)

B/MMN/13/349 Cheque books (as above) (Items numbered 1878 - 1897 349-354)

B/MMN/13/355 One cheque book (as above) 1905 - 1907

B/MMN/13/356 Envelope of two copies of executors and 1912 trustees' account of Thomas Richards, dec.

B/MMN/13/357 Deeds of release and indemnity, each with 1913 trustees' final account of their payment to beneficiaries under will of Thomas Richards, dec (Items numbered 357-358)

B/MMN/13/359 Residuary accounts, legacy, receipts and 1878 - 1880 succession accounts (Items numbered 359-370 ) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 25 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/13/371 Assignment of lease of property in parish of St 1859 - 1910 George the Martyr, Southwark and other documents relating to Richards' estate (Items numbered 371-378) Including appointment of new trustees deeds and cheque book

B/MMN/14/001 Deeds and papers relating to trust called 'The 1846 - 1915 Perram Trust' drawn up by Mr George Perram in indenture of settlement dated 11 December 1846 (Items numbered 001-089) Concerning land in West End Lane, Barnet with 15 Messuages called Gladstone Place Cottages, land in Barnet fronting road leading from Barnet to Elstree with 7 messuages called Ankley Cottages and land situated in parish of South Mimms fronting New Road and Alston Road with 26 messuages known as New Road and Alston Road Cottages

B/MMN/14/090 Deeds and papers relating to Birkett family and 1800 - 1883 property owned by them in Mitcham and Cheam, Surrey and to trust drawn up by Mrs Charlotte Birkett in indenture of settlement dated 24 March 1853 (Items numbered 090 -137) Concerning land near Hampton Court, Middlesex

B/MMN/14/138 Deeds and papers relating to Milford family and 1828 - 1832 to assignment of funds under will of Richard Milford dec., 1811 (Items numbered 138-144)

B/MMN/14/145 Papers and accounts, including executors' 1847 - 1899 account book, relating to executorship of will of Matthew Guerin Price dec., 1847 (Items numbered 145-153)

B/MMN/14/154 Deeds and papers relating to Burcham family, 1818 - 1866 their property in parishes of Matching, High Lower and Little Lower in Essex and marriage settlement of Mrs Ann Burcham with Revd. Thomas Finch, 1832 (Items numbered 154-159 )

B/MMN/14/160 Papers and accounts relating to executorship of 1871 - 1879 will of Mary Field dec., 1871 (Items numbered 160-161) LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 26 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/14/162 Papers relating to Edye Trust drawn up in 1834 - 1894 marriage settlement between John Edye and Frances Elizabeth Savill, 18 September 1834; and Bundle of papers relating to executorship of will of Robert Maitland Savill dec., 7 September 1883 (Items numbered 162-189)

B/MMN/14/190 Probate of will of Joseph Stephen Cliffe dec., 4 1855 - 1865 June 1855 and release to executors of above will (Items numbered 190-191)

B/MMN/14/192 Article of partnership between George Virtue 1833 - 1835 and John Tallis to act as booksellers and publishers and London Gazette giving notice of disolving of partnership two years later (Items numbered 192-193)

B/MMN/14/194 Abstract of title of Messrs Eves and Teny to 1803 freehold and leasehold premises at Clapham

B/MMN/14/195 Agreement by way of mortgage, Henry 1856 Rowland Palmer to Thomas Jennings Foord

B/MMN/14/196 Lease and demise relating to no. 6 Little Alie 1851 - 1853 Street, Goodmans Fields, Whitechapel (Items numbered 196-197)

B/MMN/14/198 Deeds and papers relating to Captain and Mrs 1821 - 1927 Ivimy's Settlement Trust drawn up in indenture of settlement in contemplation of marriage between Captain William Henry Iving and Louisa Loat (Items numbered 198-224

B/MMN/14/225 Deeds and papers relating to Captain and Mrs 1821 - 1927 Ivimy's Settlement Trust drawn up in indenture of settlement in contemplation of marriage between Captain William Henry Iving and Louisa Loat (Items numbered 225-276)

B/MMN/14/277 Assignment of no. 24 Portland Place, 15 Jul 1861 Middlesex from George G. Hill to Edmund Westby LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 27 MAY MAY AND MERRIMAN {SOLICITORS}

B/MMN Reference Description Dates

B/MMN/14/278 Deeds and papers relating to estate of Mrs 1866 - 1902 Mary Holmes dec., 1902 and her property, nos. 16, 17, 18 and 19 Amhurst Road, Hackney (Items numbered 278-285)

B/MMN/14/286 Deeds relating to property owned by Thomas 1869 - 1895 Till the younger, namely nos. 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 Loampit Vale, Lewisham (Items numbered 286 -300)

B/MMN/14/301 Deeds relating to Werndee Hall, South 1882 - 1917 Norwood and 'Glenwood,' Tredown Road, Sydenham, property of Mrs Laura Eliza Goodsall (Items numbered 301-323)

B/MMN/14/324 Entitled 'Bowen to Bishop of Lincoln' (Items 1822 - 1853 numbered 324-334) Containing bundle of papers relating to letting of 39 Harley Street, Middlesex, property of Mrs Trower, to Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, assignment of lease of 61 Eaton Place in parish of St George's, Hanover Square from Bishop of Oxford to Duke of Cleveland and bundle of deeds relating to property in New Bond Street released in deed dated 1 May 1845, John Bowen to Bishop of Lincoln

B/MMN/14/335 Documents relating to Stone and Ball families 1773 - 1918 (Mrs Thomas Willis Stone after her husband's death married Charles James Ball) (Items numbered 335-380)

B/MMN/14/381 Deeds relating to conveyance of nos. 32, 33, 34 1879 - 1903 and 35 Victor Terrace, Harrow Road, Willesden Junction, Willesden to George Green in 1903 and previous documents of title (Items numbered 381-403)

B/MMN/14/404 Title deeds relating to nos. 4, 8, 9 and 10 1829 - 1885 Willow Terrace, Canonbury, Islington, property of Henry Edwards and executorship and probate of his will (Items numbered 404-417)

B/MMN/14/418 Deeds relating to no. 14 Tooks Court, Chancery 1775 - 1895 Lane, Holborn property of James Robert Pike Esq. and previous documents of title (Items numbered 418-446)