N icols, cc Joelle Leandre have performed together Lindsay Cooper in iri^land, 1 ranee and Switzerland as a trio and also with other women musicians. Their shows are completely improvised, but appear both organised and disorganised f th e a tr ic a l and b u rlesq u e. Between them they have worked in orchestras, revue bars, rock and jazz groups, theatre productitais and voice workshops; traces of this varied histor? Joelle L double bass emerge throughout their performances to show that improvisation can eandre combine excellent musicianship with entertainment.

"so original, so subversive" Spare Rib

MAGGIE NICOLS, pioneer of experimental vocal techniques, seasoned singer of jazz standards and tir e le ss organiser of women's workshops, has performed with many differen t musicians a ll over Europe, Brazil and A u stralia, and worked in the theatre in England.

LINDSAY COOrER's partnership with Maggie N icols goes back to 1977 when they founded the Feminist Improvising Group (FIG) together. Apart from varied work as a performer, she has composed extensively for film, television, theatre and dance.

N JOELLE LEANLRE is well known in both the contemporary and ja z z / improvised fie ld s and has worked with John Cage, Maurice Kagel, George Lewis and Lerek B ailey. Her solo shows with voice, double bass and tape have been given wide acclaim and she has received several major awards for composition, both in France and the USA.

Selected recordings Is Spontaneous Music Ensemble: 01 iv 's Centipede: Septober Energy Lask: Lask I, Lask II Alfred Earth: This Earth Maggie Nicols & Julie Tippetts: Sweet and S'ours Gunther Christmann, Maarten Altena et al: Vario II

henry Cow; Unrest, In Praise of Learning, hestem Culture The Mike Westbrook Orchestra: The Cortege Maarten Altena Octet: Tel Eavid Thomas and the Pedestrians: Winter Comes Lome News From Isabel: Work Resumed on the Tower Lindsay Cooper: Rags, The Gold Liggers df?. Joelle Leandre: Contrabassiste, Les Louze Sons Lol Coxhi11: Instant Replay el^ The Alfred J itchcock Company: Six Sequences four Alfred 1 itchcock

Live at the B astille, extracts from a concert given by the trio in l aris, has just been released on Sync Tulse records. Copies of the record and further infoj-mation is available from Lindsay Cooper, 16 Stcdham Chambers, Coptic St. WC1