New Hampshire Legislative Service Requests (Lsrs) Fire Chiefs 1-3-18 2018-2013 HB Title: Prohibiting the State and Political

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New Hampshire Legislative Service Requests (Lsrs) Fire Chiefs 1-3-18 2018-2013 HB Title: Prohibiting the State and Political New Hampshire Legislative Service Requests (LSRs) Fire Chiefs 1-3-18 2018-2013 HB Title: prohibiting the state and political subdivisions from acquiring HB1431 text military-equipped vehicles or equipment which are not readily available in an open national commercial market. Sponsors: (Prime) J.R. Hoell, Daniel Itse, Robert Theberge, Keith Ammon, Elizabeth Ferreira, Kevin Verville, Scott Wallace 2018-2017 HB Title: relative to bonds for civil officers. Sponsors: (Prime) Michael HB1206 text Brewster 2018-2018 HB Title: relative to public filing of bonds for public employees. Sponsors: HB1207 text (Prime) Michael Brewster 2018-2022 HB Title: relative to presite built housing. Sponsors: (Prime) Francis HB1211 text Gauthier, John Cloutier, Frank McCarthy, John O'Connor 2018-2031 HB Title: prohibiting the sale of certain furniture with flame retardant HB1214 text chemicals. Sponsors: (Prime) Gene Chandler, Lou D'Allesandro, Sharon Carson, Jeb Bradley, David Watters, Jeffrey Goley, Mindi Messmer 2018-2057 HB Title: relative to reimbursement to municipalities for certain search and HB1726 text rescue operations. Sponsors: (Prime) Thomas Buco, Jeb Bradley, Mark McConkey, Edward Butler, Jerry Knirk 2018-2059 HB Title: establishing a state defined contribution retirement plan for state and HB1754 text political subdivision members of the retirement system. Sponsors: (Prime) John Graham, John Reagan, Leonard Turcotte 2018-2132 HB Title: relative to the statewide interoperability executive committee. HB1545 text Sponsors: (Prime) Daniel Eaton, Lou D'Allesandro 2018-2140 HB Title: relative to removal of public officers for cause. Sponsors: (Prime) HB1225 text Michael Brewster 2018-2148 HB Title: relative to bonds for public employees. Sponsors: (Prime) Richard HB1670 text Marple, Raymond Howard, Ed Comeau 2018-2181 HB Title: establishing a public safety enhancement revolving fund, HB1730 text establishing a grant program for body cameras worn by police, and creating prestige number vanity plates. Sponsors: (Prime) Robert Renny Cushing Fire Chiefs 1-3-18 2018-2196 HB Title: relative to an additional allowance and a cost of living adjustment HB1756 text for retirees from the state retirement system. Sponsors: (Prime) Stephen Shurtleff, Dianne Schuett, Mary Freitas 2018-2230 HB Title: relative to statutes of limitations in civil actions against public HB1399 text servants. Sponsors: (Prime) Michael Brewster 2018-2237 HB Title: relative to motorist duties when approaching highway emergencies. HB1339 text Sponsors: (Prime) Peter Schmidt 2018-2266 HB Title: relative to red light equipment on vehicles owned by dispatchers. HB1400 text Sponsors: (Prime) Michael Costable 2018-2275 HB Title: relative to regulations for event tents. Sponsors: (Prime) Scott HB1421 text Wallace, Daniel Itse, John Burt, Regina Birdsell, David Welch 2018-2279 HB Title: establishing a committee to study the procedures for adoption of HB1254 text national codes by the state of New Hampshire. Sponsors: (Prime) Steven Beaudoin, Sharon Carson, Peter Schmidt, Carol Roberts 2018-2280 HB Title: relative to the state fire code. Sponsors: (Prime) Steven Beaudoin HB1255 text 2018-2310 HB Title: relative to collective bargaining under the right-to-know law. HB1344 text Sponsors: (Prime) Kurt Wuelper, Jordan Ulery, Leonard Turcotte 2018-2336 HB Title: relative to penalties for unconstitutional actions by municipal HB1461 text officials. Sponsors: (Prime) Richard Marple, Raymond Howard, Ed Comeau 2018-2353 HB Title: relative to the reduction in the calculation of state retirement system HB1757 text annuities at age 65. Sponsors: (Prime) David Danielson, Dianne Schuett 2018-2354 HB Title: relative to criminal background checks for emergency medical HB1684 text services license applicants. Sponsors: (Prime) David Danielson 2018-2420 HB Title: relative to the state building code provisions for energy conservation HB1472 text in new building construction. Sponsors: (Prime) Mariellen MacKay, Sharon Carson, James MacKay, Lynne Ober, Donald LeBrun 2018-2422 HB Title: relative to employee representation on the independent investment HB1603 text committee in the New Hampshire retirement system. Sponsors: (Prime) Mark Proulx, Herbert Richardson, Michael McCarthy, Dianne Schuett, David Danielson, Martin Bove Fire Chiefs 1-3-18 2018-2423 HB Title: relative to permits required for certain fires. Sponsors: (Prime) John HB1318 text Burt, Kenneth Weyler, Alfred Baldasaro, Jeanine Notter, Michael Sylvia, Ed Comeau, Josh Moore, Chris True, David Welch 2018-2459 HB Title: relative to the appointment of a receiver for properties which are a HB1607 text threat to health and safety. Sponsors: (Prime) Raymond Gagnon, John Cloutier, Francis Gauthier, Martha Hennessey 2018-2461 HB Title: relative to insurance payments for ambulance providers. Sponsors: HB1782 text (Prime) Sean Morrison 2018-2487 HB Title: relative to use of amber lights on vehicles. Sponsors: (Prime) HB1364 text Steven Smith, Michael O'Brien, Timothy Soucy, James Grenier, Skip Rollins, Skip Cleaver, John O'Connor, Ruth Ward 2018-2511 HB Title: relative to membership in the retirement system for certain officials. HB1427 text Sponsors: (Prime) Lisa Freeman 2018-2529 HB Title: establishing a multiple employer public retirement plan. Sponsors: HB1767 text (Prime) Shannon Chandley, Kermit Williams 2018-2537 HB Title: relative to a school's emergency management plan. Sponsors: HB1370 text (Prime) Rick Ladd, James Grenier, Mel Myler 2018-2554 HB Title: regulating the use of drones. Sponsors: (Prime) Neal Kurk HB1759 text 2018-2574 HB Title: repealing the licensing requirement for open-air shows and repealing HB1676 text the laws related to the keeping of billiard tables. Sponsors: (Prime) Brandon Phinney 2018-2591 HB Title: allowing a license for short-term rentals. Sponsors: (Prime) Edward HB1635 text Butler 2018-2617 HB Title: relative to emergency medical services license and fine revenue. HB1430 text Sponsors: (Prime) David Danielson, Andrew White 2018-2627 HB Title: relative to costs of blood testing orders. Sponsors: (Prime) John HB1740 text Hunt, Lou D'Allesandro, Sharon Carson, Harold French 2018-2633 HB Title: relative to apprentice electricians. Sponsors: (Prime) Steven HB1327 text Beaudoin Fire Chiefs 1-3-18 2018-2650 HB Title: relative to fines for violations of town or city code violations. HB1655 text Sponsors: (Prime) Dan Hynes 2018-2695 HB Title: repealing the prohibition on bottle rockets. Sponsors: (Prime) HB1416 text Kenneth Weyler, Daniel Itse, John Burt 2018-2669 HB Title: requiring a search warrant to obtain blood samples. Sponsors: HB1752 text (Prime) Dan Hynes, Elizabeth Ferreira, Nick Zaricki 2018-2697 HB Title: relative to municipal retention of employment files. Sponsors: HB1391 text (Prime) Kenneth Weyler, David Welch 2018-2712 SB Title: relative to the purchase of creditable service under the New SB458 text Hampshire retirement system. Sponsors: (Prime) Regina Birdsell 2018-2737 SB Title: allowing an optional retirement system allowance to include a SB324 text subsequent remarriage of a divorced retiree. Sponsors: (Prime) Lou D'Allesandro 2018-2739 SB Title: adopting the emergency medical services licensure interstate SB370 text compact. Sponsors: (Prime) John Reagan 2018-2751 SB Title: requiring public school students to receive training in CPR and the use of an AED device. Sponsors: (Prime) Martha Hennessey 2018-2768 SB Title: relative to transportation of trauma victims by first responders. Sponsors: (Prime) Bob Giuda 2018-2788 SB Title: relative to confidential emergency medical and trauma services data. SB482 text Sponsors: (Prime) Martha Hennessey 2018-2825 SB Title: relative to collective bargaining under the right-to-know law. SB420 text Sponsors: (Prime) Gary Daniels 2018-2895 SB Title: relative to veterans' preference in public employment. SB317 text Sponsors: (Prime) Sharon Carson 2018-2905 SB Title: relative to examinations of injured employees under workers' SB352 text compensation law. Sponsors: (Prime) Donna Soucy, Herbert Richardson, Rebecca McBeath Fire Chiefs 1-3-18 2018-2908 SB Title: establishing a committee to study the prevalence of post-traumatic SB508 text stress disorder (PTSD) among first responders. Sponsors: (Prime) Kevin Avard 2018-2969 SB Title: relative to adoption of emergency medical and trauma services SB374 text protocols. Sponsors: (Prime) Jay Kahn 2018-2971 SB Title: relative to the appointment of the state medical director for SB456 text emergency medical services. Sponsors: (Prime) Jay Kahn 2018-3031 HB Title: relative to layered amortization of retirement system liabilities. HB1823 text Sponsors: (Prime) Carol McGuire, David Watters, Bill Ohm, Sharon Carson 2018-3032 HB Title: establishing a committee to study level dollar amortization of HB1805 text retirement system unfunded accrued liability. Sponsors: (Prime) Bill Ohm, Sharon Carson, David Watters, Carol McGuire 1939157_1 .
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