Springs Valley www.svalleyhoops.com “The tradition continues...” COACHING NOTES Bob Knight: Practice Planning and Drills for Mental Toughness Championship Productions Quote of the Video: “Sherlock Homles once said to his buddy Watson that everybody sees, but very few perceive. I think that in basketball players and coaches look, but very few see what is actually there. Coaches and players alike have to be better at seeing what is actually there.”

Key Points  The game of basketball has three parts…offense; defense; and conversion o Conversion is the most important part of the game  Coaches have to be generals… “Kids have to know that you are damn serious about what you are doing and you expect them to follow what you tell them to a T.”  Getting every practice started with energy is very important  As an offensive player it is better to get to a spot too late than too soon  Work on using practice time to work both on offense and on defense  Encourage kids to use shot fakes; drives; and to follow their shot  Talk to players about READING the defense  When you move on the court you are either screening; coming off a ; or making a cut  was the best Part/Whole teacher that Knight has ever been around…break down and teach the parts and then move on to bringing it all together (whole).  Individual drills should be done for five minutes, then move on o These drills should have a certain degree of difficulty and involve stamina improvement  Team drills should be done for ten minutes, then move on o Kids/team gets bored and ho-hum attitude sets in o Plus basketball is a team game that changes quicker than any other on a consistent basis  Assistant coaches cannot stop practice, but they must take players out and insert substitute…then take the kid to the side and correct the player (offense or defense)…then make sure they correct it!  Have managers or lower level assistant coach keep track of missed lay-ups and poor passes…shows lack of concentration  Coaches should expect players to sprint to the next drill and be in it by the time that you are done saying what you want them in

Zig Zag Drill  Do this every day for 3-5 minutes  Coaches want kids that are tough and tough kids will go hard at zig-zags

2-on-1 Rebounding  Basically the old hamburger drill  Coaches can match kids up by size or sometimes have a guard go against big men or visa versa  Coach shoots/passes and three players go every man for himself…cannot dribble more than once

Four Corner Passing  This is a discipline and toughness drill  Players have three things that they have to do…pass; return; and hand-off  Players line up at the elbows and the blocks  When players make a pass then they have to call out names  Drill can go using two; three; or four balls…go clockwise or counterclockwise o After players get the hang of this then the coach should call out changes

11-Man Drill  Two defenders on each end…two players on each wing…three offensive players initiate the drills against defense on one end of the floor  Only allow one shot and then require an outlet…unless one of your main ball handlers gets the rebound  Man in the middle needs to get to one side of the floor or the other…this pulls the defense  Wing men get inside the three-point line on the baseline

3-on-3 Blockout Drill  Coach Knight teachers to hold out with the elbows extended  Put the butt into the thigh  Coach throws the ball out and says, “Get it!” and the defense has to hold for a four count before going after the ball  This drill really makes kids tougher  Change from offense to defense quickly

2 Ball Dribbling Drill  Players have two one in the right and one in the left  Coach directs the players as to where to go…right; left; forward; and backward  Then coach directs and every change requires players to change from right to left

2-on-2 Shooting  When the shooter catches the ball the shooter should have the shooting foot back to step into the shot  This drill should be done from the elbows or wherever the coach decides to shoot from  Players shoot and follow their shot; make pass to teammate; and follow pass to then ready to shoot after their teammate shoots and follows his shot  Have groups shoot to ten or whatever mark you have set for the day

Two Ball Shooting  Involves a shooter and rebounder  Teaches players how to shoot with stamina  Players can do a lot of things that they are directed to do by the coach o Shot fake and go back the way you came, etc.

Post Two Ball Shooting  Passers on the wings…one ball each  Post player flashes (high or low) and can shoot or drive  When the player moves on to block-block shooting the coach should call out the move to make

Keep Away Drill (Monkey in the Middle Drill)  Offensive players are ten feet apart  Offensive players have to wait for the defender and can use one dribble  Offensive players cannot throw the ball over the top of the defender’s head

Semi-Circle Passing  Passer in the lane and the group of five to six players should have two balls o Other players should form a semi-circle around the passer  Passer has to make passes and then receive the other ball o Passer cannot throw the ball back to the guy he received it from and he cannot throw the ball in a continuous line  Players have to call out names…great for communication  Passer has to step into the pass

Dribble Circle  Just like dribble tag…but only with two players…much like a cock fight  Develops stamina and toughness…especially if both players go extremely hard

5-on-0  Coach throws the ball up on the board and rebound and an outlet pass must be made  Coach can determine if the drill will be done in one, two, or more trips  Call out sets for the players to run after they have crossed half-court o Players have to communicate  Coaches lay out expectations on offense o Don’t throw the ball away o Stop and talk about mistakes

High Offense  Have four players free-throw line or above  This puts the defense under constant pressure  No threes in transition  Get the ball into the paint and get to the FT line o Make more free-throws than the opponents attempt  This drill can be done in 2, 3, 4, etc. possessions and is conducted 5-on-0 prior to adding defense  Start at half-court for this drill…really a motion breakdown drill  Do not throw the ball to the corner unless the player is wide open and is a good shooter

Four Possessions  Inside man should be the screener  Do not throw the ball to the corner  Talk about balance to your players…get the ball off the baseline…don’t crowd baseline!  Players have a tendency to resort to the dribble vs. man, but Coach Knight actually encourages the dribble against a zone o Dribble against a zone every time that you catch the ball on the perimeter o Attack a seam  Causes the top defenders to react and move  Dribble does more to change a zone than anything…it forces it to become something that it does not want to be

Man Offense: Eliminate the Dribble (No Dribble Drill)  This drill develops cutting and spacing as well as encouraging good passes  Players should only dribble to change position or to get to the basket  Teams develop confidence that they can score without putting the ball on the floor  Man/Man D…three-point line is the last line of defense for picking up the ball o Half-court is the farthest o Point of pick-up is dictated by how quick you are and how quick the offense is  Post players need to hold their posts…don’t come off the block o Other players do not come into areas where a post man is holding a post  Don’t just run around…SEE AND REACT  Offensive players need to get off the baseline  No cross court passes against man-to-man defense

2-on-2/3-on-3 Screening  Come off screens shoulder to shoulder  2-on-2 o Make the pass to the feeder and then screen down o Five options on the down screen  Down screen with the player receiving the screen coming over the top  Defender goes high so the screener goes underneath and the player receiving the screen makes a back cut  Player getting the screen just flares when defender goes underneath  Player receiving the screen actually sets the screen when the defender goes underneath…jams both defenders and the original screener pops out  Slip the screen and player receiving the screen pops  3-on-3 o This part of the drill is done without a feeder…ball starts on top o You have to set up a cut off a screen…don’t just run o Inside guy is the player who should be the screener (except on flare screens) o Two players not with the ball should be the ones setting up for the screening action o Spacing should be 15ft.

4-on-4 Offense and Defense  This drill is much better to work on your offensive principles o Helps with the fundamentals of screening and cutting o Much more difficult to cover for four defenders (disadvantage)  On offense it is better to be there a little bit late than too soon  Have players set up the best screening angle possible  Talk to players about READING the defense  When you move on the court you are either screening; coming off a screen; or making a cut  Pay attention to your defender…he will tell you where to go…don’t let him dictate though

3-on-3/4-on-4 Cut and Screen  Have defenders switch screens