






Jamie welcome all to the meeting and introduces Sgt Markin from the Police who has taken over the area.

The meeting is being recorded

Apologies read out and recorded.



Sgt Markin introduces himself, based in and covers the Valley, there are 2 shifts and he is getting the flavour of the issues. He says his guys do a fantastic job and a good team. He will attend meetings where possible and urges that we contact him with any issues. We introduce ourselves to Sgt Markin.


February 23rd- 23rd March 2018


- misuse of Drugs Act (possession of quantity of white tablets)1 to be reported pending tests from lab.


- RTA. Be involved in RTC and have no insurance- 1 reported and vehicles seized.

- RTA drive motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drive without due care and attention causing RTC 1 apprehended.


- - Assault, 1 apprehended and released on undertaking to appear at Court.

. Sexual offences Act 2009 S7(1) Enquiry continues. Section 7 communications related.

- Assault enquiry continues.

-S38 and vandalism- shout and swear and cause damage to door.( Breach of peace)

-S38 shout, swear and cause fear and alarm . Resist arrest – 1 apprehended.

S38 shout and swear causing fear and alarm-1 to be reported.

-Vandalism, car tyres slashed .

-Serious assault+ vandalism – 1 apprehended and detained to appear at court.


- Theft of motorcycle- recovered a short distance away.

Questions invited, George Mair asks 3 violences in , if they are related, Police have no information to add.

offence, Police are unable to comment further.

No further questions and the Police leave the meeting.



The drugs situation in Newmilns and seems to have quietened down. George reports on the Grants Committee and comments that we received a lot less than we had applied relating to the 75% expected for the Christmas lights. He adds that it was the last Grants Committee meeting of the year. He adds that they ran out of money, there were 3 or 4 applications refused and the remaining split between the other requests. He adds that 46% was taken off the original request and that it is unfortunate. The budget last year was 100 thousand pounds and it had been spent, he adds that if our grant request had gone in earlier that there was a chance that we would have received the full amount. The Grants system has changed, the 100 thousand has been dropped to 80 thousand for next year, but taken certain applications out of the Grants system, we also have the PB events.

He adds that the Guides at Galston received money some did not get anything, the NRA received£2,000 for the Food Festival. The NRA applied for a lot of money from the Grants, they received £10,000 last year, the Council had underwritten a shortfall, the NRA made more than they thought and did not need that money, but they retained the money from last year. Plus £3,000 this year for a celebrity chef costing £3000,£16,000 in all and they asked for £80,000. as they are hoping that this year would be a bigger event. They wanted money for toilets on site costing £12,000. They had money from the Renewable Energy Fund on the basis that they bring people in from out of the area.

Graeme Winning NRA explains which funders they have approached, they have received £800 for stalls and producers money pledged. George adds that EAC cannot sustain these events and out sourcing is necessary.

Elma Copland asks Graeme Winning if the Food Festival ran at a loss, Graeme replied that he is unsure and Cllr Mair adds that last year that they thought that they would run at a loss and were therefore awarded £10,000 to cover it. There was no loss last year as entry fees were charged last year. Graeme - adds that without funding it would need to be more of a local event rather than national.*-ty*

It is noted that the Community Council had to add nearly £800 of our own money to fund the Christmas Lights, George suggests maybe reducing them for the year. It is commented on the Gala maybe every 2 years as Darnel needs to do. It is noted that it is harder to ask local businesses for contributions as there are so many groups. It is noted that the lights in are funded, George adds that this may change. Stewarton had Kilmarnocks old lights, Newmilns it is noted own our lights, it is the cost of running them that is the problem.

Cllr Mair adds a comment in the Standard about the refuse site closing for 7 weeks, it is being done up for health and safety reasons. SEPA advised that the work should be done. It has been proved to be impossible to do the work without closing the site. We are allowed extra bags for the duration, the bin collections are not being affected.

George Mair and Sally Cogley are on a Scrutiny committee meeting tomorrow and will speak about the roads in issues.

Louise Lang reports that work had not been completed in her area reported in January. There are many new potholes and is there a priority process she asks. George replies that he has reported similar problems and he has also not had a response either. It is noted that there does not appear to be any priority in repairing pot holes. There should be a schedule in place but not known if it is being adhered to. The new budget for April 2018 is from 2m to 6m.

King Street is going to be repaired soon. This concludes George Mairs Report.


Councillor Elena Whithams report

In the absence of Elena, she previously forwarded the following report by email.

“I am sure the CC will have had the email from EAC regarding the unforeseen 7-week closure of the Western Road refuse site. Can I advise you that I am working with Barr and SEPA to enable residents to use Barr’s private refuse centre located at Southhook Road just nearby to our tip. This would be open to residents every Sunday for the duration. Councils Garlaff site near Skares will be open as usual with extended hours.

Everyone is able to put up to 3 extra black bags out with the green bin and biodegradable hessian bags are available for the extra garden waste. Malcolm Rae has advised that he is happy to supply local groups with a supply, let me know what you think and perhaps a local business would volunteer to stock them. I am sure George or Sally will be able to update you all further.

With regards to the houses on Browns Street, we have hit on an impasse with SEPA who at this point are unwilling to enter into further discussions about the revised scheme for the site. The Council did everything they requested when we redesigned the plans taking houses down from 24 to 15 but they are not now engaging with us or our builders CCG. Eunice has also been very proactive in this and I am sure she will update CC tonight. I am at Parliament today and will be meeting with the Minister for Housing where I will take to opportunity to bring this up to him as unacceptable and will seek his advice and advocacy on behalf of Newmilns. This site needs to be developed.

I have had assurances from the Ayrshire Roads Alliance that the work on the culvert at Greenside will be recommence this week. Contractor has apparently had staffing issues and weather issues. I have yet to see anyone on site this week so I will pursue this further.

Houses at Girvan Crescent are nearing completion and I hope to have a look before they are let.

If anyone from the CC would like to accompany me – please let me know.

Finally, we have a new mobile CCTV safety vehicle and they are happy to come along to a CC meeting so that you can have a look inside it and be advised of all the plans we have for it… including using it whilst tip is closed to catch flytippers. Do you want me to arrange this.?”

Eunice comments that she contacted SEPA and has received 2 letters, Simon Ward commented that EAC are bending over backwards to accommodate, this is going to be escalated to Scottish Parliament if a decision is not made. Arbitration may be the answer. Ross Lee Planning has been contacted. Debra Brady, ( Strategic Housing programme) has also been contacted and reported an impasse with no dialogue. It is Commented on the SEPA are a public body and as such should reply to public concerns ,SEPA comment that the area should be 75% green.

SEPA have withdrawn their objections regarding St Sophias school in Galson.

This concludes Elena report. Louise Lang asks why certain area of the roads were not gritted and what is the procedure. Priority 1 and 2 should be done automatically reports George Mair. It is reported that some farmers had to attend to their own snow removal. George Mair will look into this for an answer.

There was also a similar problem in Alstonpapple recently and the ambulance could not gain access with serious consequences and very distressing for the family.


Elma Copland Treasurer reports:

The answer to the deficit of the Grant applied for has been answered previously. We are concerned as to only receiving half the amount which has caused some issue.

Elma reports of a recent Treasurers training programme organized by Elaine Millar EAC and reports that it was informative and helped. She knows the procedure now and how to spend the Grant. The accounts have to go to the accountant soon and assets should be noted.

Our annual grant can be used for production of our newsletter.

She reports of a grant for £315 for bedding plants received and now paid.

She reports that the Christmas Lights bill has been paid, the total bill being £1199.95 and the grant received £486.We need to pay the balance from our funds and may mean we need to address the Christmas Lights in future.

She reports of contacting the Emporium in Newmilns to supply our bedding plants this year, with costings, she adds that it is important to use local suppliers.

On the last bank statement there is £1099.77.

She reports that she has raffle books in her possession and asks that any spenditure for the fundraiser be well documented.

This concludes the Treasurers report.


Mo Templeton, Secretary reports:

She has been in contact with Marion Dick of EAC, Community Payback and that she, Mac and Jamie met up with the team and planting will commence 9th April, weather permitting. These are going to be planted between Newmilns and Darvel, Campbell Street and the Welcome garden.


Jamie Thomson reports:

Newsletter will hopefully go to print soon, the parent Council will have a piece and Mo and he will work on an article too. The newsletter so far is passed around to read. The colour purple has been incorporated, Alison Brown and the Optician are having an advertising slot, which means that there will be some income. We will have 1000 printed instead of 250, it will be glossy A3 folded. There are no local printers but has contacted a printer in Stewarton. The cost of printing is £150 for 1000 , adverts £35 each. Elma comments that funds can help with the cost. We would like to deliver the newsletter to the outlying farms and we will be looking for a mailing list. Louise Lang states that this will be well received by the farming community. The NRA have a mailing list it is noted from the survey; Graeme will make enquiries. All agreed that the newsletter is a good idea.

Physic night tickets and posters handed around for agreement. Sally Buxton will host this year as she is well known and cheaper. The Committee are happy with tickets and posters, 15 is suggested.19th May is the date.

PB event, very disappointing, we received nothing although we have a very good idea to showcase our archives.

Emporium are over the moon with the piece written and they will give us some space, it’s an annexes, with disabled access, this is free as long as we assist them at times and with our footfall. We can have a permanent display, we have 400 slides and now obtained a projector for a slide show.

We had a meeting with the Woodland Trust Doug Howison about some land up the Sorn Road. Jamie has now printed a map showing our area, which is bigger than we anticipated. The boundary goes up to the Dublin in Darvel.


John McKenzie reports:

He attended a meeting about the Private members Bill about fire suppression, sprinklers, Mac wants to know who would pay, sometimes there is a mixed tenure and where would the pipes go. This is new and old builts.18metres is the maximum height for hoses. Agreed in theory on new build but the cost would go up, the project is still being looked into.

Paper from Scottish Fire Regulator on how this would be monitored as the majority are RSL (registered social Landlords) .

A term of assurance in the ARC report would need to be signed off by tenants.

Friday in Glasgow TIS.allocations review on how allocation occurs.



Shirley and Louise report:

Louise states that all is booked £200 for Sally Buxton and she brings some helpers, all they require is water.DJ £30 for after until 12.30 and that helps the Bowling Green which helps the Bowling Club. Sally Buxton will do the Stand Up Bingo and sally just wants a cut of the standup bingo. Sally brings the equipment. JH News giving 2 boxes of snack crisps, Shirley has donated the bowls for the snacks and will provide savoury snacks. Raffle prizes are required; we hope to rise about £900. There is hopefully an auction too.

Jamie will pay for the printing of the tickets and posters as a donation.

It is on FB, Shirley states that about 30 tickets have been sold already.

Elma asks if the tickets could be numbered.

3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 7th March 2018.

Nominated by John McKenzie and seconded by Loiuse Lang.


MAC comments that the Equalities Forum was cancelled and the next meeting will be in June.

The Portland opening Sat 11-2 . invitations passed around by email.

Tesco, JH News and Co-op and the Bowling club have been lettered about the psychic night.

Members have been emailed regarding the NRA request for the CC to take over the Easter Egg Hunt, it was agreed by all that this is not something we felt we could do at short notice. NRA have been advised accordingly.

Raffle prizes will be dropped at Shirley’s at Rainbow. It is noted that we still have the Scottish Parliament whisky,

Elma comments that although we didn’t do an Easter Event all the children at the school had an Easter Egg. The children at the school did not miss out.


Mo to reply to Elena’s email.


Raffle prizes to go to Shirley.


It is noted there are none


Mac reports that Campbell Area has been mobbed by Roads Alliance to get the lights done by the end of the financial year. The brackets have been altered for the hanging baskets.

Mo reports that Eunice had agreed to assist with the Minutes in future as Mo comments that she needs help with the role as she is kept very busy and also it is important that someone else could take the role if necessary. Mo will assist Eunice until she is quite happy with the procedure.

NRA UPDATE Graeme Winning reports:

New email address for NRA is [email protected] .Minutes to be sent to this email address.

NRA are suggesting setting up a subcommittee for the next Easter event.

Place Making Plan will be the 1st in Scotland, outlying future plans for the town. This is the local plan for Newmilns, George Mair comments that this is a dream plan, an aspiration what we would like to see for the town. Elma asks Graeme if we haven’t gone through this before with meetings in the Morton Hall, this is the more formal part with town planning. Elma asks what has been completed from the original master plan, Graeme replies, that we have flower tubs and bins and that the Post Office is being done up. The Food Festival is a Community Event, he adds that some items have not been completed, empty council houses are being addressed. It is noted that the CC completed the survey on FB about Girvan Crescent and sent to EAC.

Louise Lang asks what happened to the wall by the old bank in Browns Street, it was declared unsafe and the owners reported to be told to remove by Building Standards as it was unsafe replied Graeme Winning.

The Food Festival, there will be a Craft festival following, the BRA will have fund raising stall on 16th September.

Elma asks if the tables are for sale for this event, Galston Art Club were interested. Graham Vincent is taking the bookings for tables.

The Spring clean was cancelled due to the weather and the date 12th may has been discussed TBC

The next meeting will be Wednesday April 25th 2018




Graeme Winning reports: