Gerald Jones MP

Dawn Bowden MS Joint Coronavirus Update First Minister announces further changes to regulations in Wales On Friday, 19th June the First Minister of Wales announced further changes to coronavirus regulations in Wales, allowing all non-essential shops to open, as well as a number of other measures, marking the biggest easing of regulations during the pandemic so far. These changes are based on the infection ‘R’ rate in Wales continuing to fall during the past few weeks, with the number of new cases every day as well as the risk of meeting somebody with the virus also falling. Speaking on Friday, First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Given the progress we have made, we are able to take some additional cautious steps to further unlock our society and economy. “This includes more retailers being able re-open their businesses, as long as they take measures to minimise the risk to their staff and to the customers who visit their stores. “Our focus continues to be on the health risks of the outbreak, but we can now begin to cautiously focus much more squarely on the wider economic and societal impact the virus is having.” The changes which will come into force on Monday, 22nd June include:

• Allowing all non-essential shops to open, if they can take all reasonable measures to comply with the physical distancing regulations still in force

• Enabling private prayer in places of worship where social distancing is maintained and gatherings don’t take place

• Restarting the housing market by enabling house viewings to take place in vacant properties, and house moves where a sale has been agreed but not completed

• Lifting the restrictions on outdoor sports courts, with social distancing maintained; no contact or team sports will be allowed

• Allowing non-professional elite athletes, including Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls, to resume training. More information on the regulation changes can be found online on the website here. Economic Resilience Fund due to reopen to applications

Business Wales has announced that its Economic Resilience Fund, which aims to provide financial support to businesses, social enterprises and charities in Wales affected by coronavirus, will be reopening to applications at the end of June. A further £100 million of funding will be available to support microbusinesses, SMEs and other businesses which have yet to receive support from the scheme. The Welsh Government has confirmed that the scheme is expected to reopen on 29th June, and we would encourage any businesses or organisations in our area affected by coronavirus to check their eligibility for the funding, which you can do on the Business Wales website here. Details of further business support for organisations in borough can be found here, while support for businesses in Caerphilly borough is available here.

Further guidance for schools New treatment available for reopening and students hospitalised Covid-19 patients Earlier in June the Welsh Government Earlier this week, the NHS confirmed that announced that schools in Wales will the anti-inflammatory drug reopen on 29th June, with the end of the dexamethasone could be used to help summer term extended to 27th July. save the lives of patients seriously ill with We know that this is a difficult and Covid-19, meaning a major breakthrough uncertain time for both teachers and in the fight against the disease. students, and the Welsh Government has In a statement, the Welsh Government published further advice and guidance for Health Minister the reopening of schools, which can be confirmed that the drug could be used in found here. the NHS immediately, and that every There is also advice and guidance for NHS organisation and clinician working pupils in higher education and in Wales had been sent an alert advising information on student support available, them to consider it as a treatment. which can be accessed here. More information is available here.

Gerald Jones MP Dawn Bowden MS

[email protected]

01685 383 739 01685 386 672

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@GeraldJonesLAB @Dawn_Bowden Coronavirus: useful advice and contacts

Key government information and advice

• UK Government latest advice: • Welsh Government latest advice: • Public Health Wales latest information and guidance: information-on-novel-coronavirus-covid-19/ • Welsh Government roadmap for exiting lockdown: economy-wales-roadmap-published • Welsh Government lockdown regulations:

Financial and workplace support

• UK Government Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: -through-the-coronavirus-job-retention-scheme • UK Government support for the self-employed: through-the-coronavirus-covid-19-self-employment-income-support-scheme • Welsh Government financial support for businesses: • Business Wales advice and support: support-business • UK Government Universal Credit advice: employment-and-benefits-support/ • Welsh Government guidance on essential and non-essential workers: coronavirus-key-critical-workers • Acas workplace advice for employers and employees:

Local services and support

• Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council latest information: coronavirus | 01685 725000 • Caerphilly County Borough Council latest information: | 01443 815588 • Citizens Advice: • Merthyr Tydfil Branch: 01685 382188

• Caerphilly & Blaenau Gwent Branch: 03444 772020 • Merthyr Cynon Foodbank: | 07427 537 437

• Rhymney Valley Foodbank: | 01443 829556

Charities and mental health support

• Age Cymru: | 08000 223444 • Mind Cwm Taf Morgannwg: [email protected] | 01685 707480 • Mind Caerphilly: [email protected] | 01443 816945

• Samaritans Cymru: | 116 123 • CALL Helpline Wales: | 0800 132737