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Nematol. medito(1994), 22: 59-63 University oJ Çukurova, FacultyoJ Agriculture, Division oJPlant Protection. 01330 Adana, Turkey and University oJHohenheim, Institute oJPhytomedizin (360), D- 70593 Stuttgart, Germany PLANT PARASmC NEMATODES IN THE EAST MEDITERRANEAN REGION o F TURKEY by I. H. ELEKCIOGLU.B. OHNESORGE,G. LUNG and N. UYGUN Summary. Some 36 species of nematodes were found associatedwith 12 crop plants in the East Mediterranean region of Turkey. The pre- dominant forrns were Tylencbulus, Meloidogyne, Pratylencbus, Helicotylencbus and X(pbinema species. T semipenetransCobb was wide- spread and associatedwith Citrus spp.; M. incognita (Kofoid etWhite) Chitw. and M.javanica (Treub) Chitw. were found mosdy in vegeta- bles and bananas.P. penetrans (Cobb) Filipjev et SchuurmansStekhoven and P. tbornei Sher et Allen were widespread among many crops. H. dibystera (Cobb) Sher and H. multicinctus (Cobb) Golden were the most common and probably the most damaging nematodes in bana- na gardens. X. pacbtaicum (Tulaganov) Kitianova was widespread in soils under grapevines. There is little infonnation on plant parasitic nematodes maize. Citrus cultivation is of increasing importance ànd is in Turkey, particularly in the East Mediterranean.The only likely to surpass cotton. About 57% of the citrus trees in systematic studies available afe those by Yiiksel (1973, Turkey afe grown in Çukurova (Emeksiz 1987). Grapevines 1974a, 1974b, 1977) who made a preliminary survey of and various vegetablesafe also important crops. nematodes associatedwith crop plants mainly in East Ana- The survey was undertaken mainly between May 1989 tolia. Arinc (1982), Bora (1970), Geraert et al. (1975), and August 1990. It covered the most important crops Okten (1988), Saltukoglu (1973), Saltukoglu and Coomans grown within the Çukurova and was partir extended west- (1975) and Saltukoglu et al. (1976) present some infonna- wards to regions where bananas afe grown (Mediterrane- tion of nematode speciesfrom different parts of Turkey. an shore between Silifke and Alanya). Becauseof econom- The only reports of plant parasitic nematodes in the ic and time limitations the survey was limited to fields in East Mediterranean region afe those of Kiray (1963) on Ty- which the crop plants exhibited poor growth, wilt, die- /encbu/us semipenetrans Cobb and of Agdaci (1978) on back or decline. Soli samples were taken from 270 fields Me/oidogynespp. using a boring tool with a half-cylindrical bIade, 20-30 cm The aim of the present study was a comprehensive long and 20-25 cm wide, or with a spade. Nematodes nematode survey in this region. were extracted from them by three methods: a) Baermann- funnel, b) Cobb-decanting and sieving, c) centrifuga! flota- tion, as described by Hooper (1986a). In addition, root, Materials and Methods stem and seed samples were taken from diseased plants and treated according to the method of Stemerding(Hoop- The study area (figo 1) comprises mainly d1e "low plain" er 1986b), far mobile nematodes or submitted to centrifu- Çukurova, an alluvial lanci, through which d1e two rivers gaI flotation, far sedentary nematodes. Nematodes were Seyhan and Ceyhan passoIt covers an area of about 3806 killed at 60 cc and f1Xedin TAF. Specimenswere mounted d1ousandskm20 The soi! consists of sancir clays or loarns in glycerol as described by Seinhorst(1959). wid1 a relative low organic matter content «3%) and pH 70 The climate is typical mediterraneanto subtropicalj because of intense irrigation it is very humid during the summer Results and discussion monthsoThe area is used far intensive agriculturej a consid- erable part is irigated from storage lakes of d1e two riverso A total of 34 species, representing 14 genera, were re- Cotton is grown in rotation with wheat, soybeans and corded (Table I), 18 of which were new records far Turk- - ~Q- ish fauna. Several of the species listed in Table I were 21% of ali samples at a population density of 276-337sec- found only in low numbers, e. g. Tylencborbyncbusspp., ond stage juveni!es/100 g sai!. It was found in 500/0of the Merlinius spp., Ditylencbus spp., Apbelencbus sp., Apbe- banana gardens and M. incognita in 33%. M. arenaria was lencboides sp. Other species were widespread and most relatively rare. Sometimestwo or ali three of the Meloido- numerous: Tylencbulus semipenetransCobb, Meloidogyne gyne speciesoccurred together in the same pianto javanica (Treub) Chitw., M. incognita (Kofoid et White) pratylencbus tbornei was present in 12% of the investi- Chitw., Pratylencbus tbornei Sher et Allen, P. penetrans gated fields at population densities of 39-62 ne ma- (Cobb) Filipjev et Shuurmans Stekhoven, Helicotylencbus todes/100 g sai!. P. penetrans was found in 9 sampleswith multicinctus (Cobb) Golden, H. dibystera (Cobb) Sher and 28-45 nematodes/100 g sai!. The other two Pratylencbus Xipbinema pacbtaicum (Tulaganov) Kit;anova. specieswere found only occasionally. T semipenetransseems to be the most important nem- Helicotylencbus multicinctus was the most common atode in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. It was found and probably the most damaging nernatode in banana gar- in and around the roots of Citrus spp., most often in asso- densoIt was present there in 800/0of the samples at popu- ciation with symptoms of root swelling and necrosis. 7~/o lation densities of 250-1395 nematodes/100 g sai!. H. di- of the citrus plantations were infested. Population densities bysterawas found in 500/0of the soi! samples from banana were 297-1212 females/g root mass and 820-37000 juve- gardens at population densities of 25-97 nematodes/100g niles/100 g soll. sai!. H. pseudorobustuswas present in lO banana gardens Meloidogyne spp. (M. javanica, M. incognita and M. and other samples at 97-152nematodes/100 g sai!. arenaria) were prevalent in vegetables and bananas. The The most frequently encountered Xipbinema species most common specieswas M. javanica, which occurred in was X. pachtaicum which was present in 60% of the vine- ::::::~ MediterraneanSea ,I" '-' " Fig. 1 - Turkey region where the survey was undertaken. TABLE I Nematodesassociated witb crops in EastMediterranean Region oJ Turkey Species Crop Locality Anguina tritici (Steinbuch) Filipjev Wheat CTriticum aestivum L.) Adana in a small mill Apbelencboides bicaudatus* (Imamu- Banana (Musa sapientum L.), Citrus disto Adana, Antakya, Mersin fa) Filipjev et SchuunnansStekhoven spp., Soybean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.], Tornato [Lycopersiconlycopersicum (L.) Farw.] Apbelencbusavenae' Bastian Banana, Citrus, Cotton (Gossypium throughout tlÌe entire region birsutum Lo), Eggplant (Solanum me- longena Lo), Grapevine (Vitis vini/era L.), Maize (Zea mays L.), Peanut (Ara- chis hypogaea L.), Soybean, Tornato, Wheat Ditylenchus cylindricu.s" (Khan et Sid- Tornato Tarsus diqO Fortuner et Maggenti D. myceliopbagus"Goodey Citrus, Eggplant, Peanut, Soybean Duzici, Erdemli, Mersin D.parvW Zeli Tornato Tarsu D. valveusThome et Malek Citrus, Peanut Duzici, Mersin Helicotylencbus dibystera (Cobb) Sher Banana entire banana region near the Mediter- ranean shore (Alanya, Gazipasa, Ana- mur) H. multicinctus* (Cobb) Golden Banana as H. dibystera H. pseudorobustus(Steiner) Golden Banana, Cotton, Grapevine, Tornato Erdemli Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal) Chitw. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), Egg- Adana, Mersin plant M. incognita CKofoid et White) Banana, Cucumber, Eggplant, Pepper entire region Chitwood (Capsicum annuum L.), Soybean, Wheat M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood as M. incognita entire region Merlinius brevidens(Allen) Siddiqi Citrus, Maize, Cotton, Soybean,Wheat entire plain Çukurova M. microdo~ (Geraert) Siddiqi Wheat Adana paratylenchus israelensi.s"Raski Eggplant, Wheat Tarsus.Mersin P. nainianu-s" Edward et Misra Grapevines Adana, Erdemli; Tarsus P. variabiliS' Raski Grapevines Erdernli. Mersin. Tarsus -61- Species Crop r.ocality pratylencboides alkani YOksel Grapevines Mersin pratylencbus mediterra~ Corbett Grapevines P. penetrans (Cobb) Filipjev et Schuur- Cucumber, Cottoo, Maize, Wheat disto Adana, Mersin mans Stekhoven P. scribneri Steiner in Sherbakoff et Citrus, Conon, Grapevines Tuzla and Mersin near Mediterranean Stanley shore P. thornei Sher et Allen Citrus, Cotton, Cucumber, Eggplant, throughout distoAdana, Antakya, Mer- Maize, Peanut,Pepper, Soybean,Wheat sin Rotylencbulus macrodorat~ Dasgup- Citrus Erdemli ta, Raski et Sher R. macrosomus" Dasgupta, Raski et Cotton, Grapevines, Soybean,Wheat Ceyhan, Karatas, Erdemli, Erzin, Tar- Sher sus R. parvu.s" (Williarns) Sher Eggplant, Grapevines,Wheat Erdemli, D6rtyo! Rotylencbuscypriensi.\'" Antoniou Grapevines,Tornato Erdemli, Tarsus Tylencborbyncbusbrassicae" Siddiqi Maize T. clarus" Allen Maize T. goffartr Sturhan Maize. Peanut. Tornato disto Adana, Antakya, Mersin Tylenchulussemipenetrans Cobb Citrus entire citrus growing area in distoAda- na. Antakva and Mersin Xipbinema indexThorne et Allen Grapevines Erdemli (dist. Mersin) X. italiae Mey! Grapevines New records far Turkey. fard soil samples at population densities of 45-63 nema- Uterature cited todes/lOO g sai!. X. index and X. italiae were found less AGDACIM., 1978. Guney Anadolu B61gesi'ndeseralarda yeti~tirilen frequenùy. kabakgillerde (Cucurbitaceae) zarar yapan k6k-ur I)ernatodu The burrowing nematode Radopbolus similis (Cobb) (Meloidogyne spp.) turlerinin tesbiti ile zarar dereceleri ve Thome and the reniform nematode Rotylencbusronifo17nis yayili~lari uzerinde ara~tinnalar. (The investigations on the distribution and the degree of darnage caused by the root- Unford et Oliveira