> •• '., April 2000 -~ . Volume XXXVIII Number 3


.. . ·«-•·-·------'----'------_;... EDITORIAL BOARD

John Baker-Batsel Ralph Blanks Gerry Reiff Kenneth E. Rowe Jean Traster

Cover: The Heavenly Twins: W. W. Van Orsdel ( 1848-1919) and Thomas C. Iliff ( 1845-1918). See article in this issue.

METHODIST HISTORY (ISSN 0026-1238) is published quarterly for $20.00 per year by the General Commission on Archives and History of The United Methodist Church, 36 Madis0n Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940. Printed in the U.S.A. Back issues are available.

Second-class postage paid at Madison, NJ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to METHODIST HISTORY, P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940. METHODIST HISTORY

Charles Yrigoyen, Jr., Editor


CONTENTS Contributors ...... 146 From Militant to Secular Christianity: The Social Gospel in American Methodist Historical Narratives by Christopher H. Evans ...... 147

To Strengthen the Ties that Bind: John L. Nuelson and German-American Connectionalism in the Methodist Episcopal Church Mission in Europe, 1912-1940 by W Harrison Daniel ...... 160 Wesley Deaconess-Evangelists: Exploring Remnants of Revivalism in Late 19th Century British Methodism by Lac eye Warner ...... 17 6

The Heavenly Twins: The Lives and Ministries of William Van Orsdel ("Brother Van") and Thomas Iliff by Lyle Johnston...... 191

From the Gospel Circuit to the War Circuit: Bishop Matthew Simpson and Upwardly Mobile Methodism - by Morris L. Davis, Jr...... 199

DISCOVERY edited by Frederick E. Maser ...... 210

Book Reviews ...... 213

Copyright: 2000, General Commission on Archives and History, The United Methodist Church

Methodist History is included in Religion Index One: Periodicals, Religious and Theological Abstracts, Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life

Manuscripts submitted for publication and all other correspondence should be addressed to Editor, METHODIST HISTORY, P.O. Box 127, Madison, NJ 07940. Prospective authors are advised to writefor guidelines for publication. CONTRIBUTORS

CHRISTOPHER H. EVANS is Assistant Professor of American Church History and Director of United Methodist Studies at Colgate Rochester Divinity School. His publications include Social Gospel Liberalism and the Ministry of Ernest Fremont Tittle: A Theology for the Middle Class (Mellen, 1996) and Perspectives on the Social Gospel (editor, Mellen, 1999). This arti­ cle was originally presented at the 1999 joint meeting of the North American Section of the World Methodist Historical Society and the Canadian Metho­ dist Historical Society in Toronto.

W. HARRISON DANIEL teaches at the Mission Resource Center of The United Methodist Church, Atlanta, GA. He has taught at the Martin Luther Kolleg, Feldkirchen, Austria and Gbarnga School of Theology, Monrovia, Liberia. An ordained Commissioned of the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, Dr. Daniel has published on African religious history and mission.

LACEYE WARNER is E. Stanley Jones Assistant Professor of Evangelism at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. She is a Ph.D. candidate at Trinity College, University of Bristol, England. She has served the Kingswood Circuit of the British Methodist Church and is a probationary member of the Texas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.

LYLE JOHNSTON is pastor of the Community United Methodist Church, Vlilliams, P:Z. He is a clergy member of the Desert Southwest Annual Con­ ference and serves on its Commission on Archives and I-Iistory. Serving as Treasurer of the I-Iistorical Society of The United Methodist Church, Johnston has published articles in Methodist Hzstory and is co-author of A Drean1 Unfolding, a history of the Desert Southwest Annual Conference.

MORRIS L. DAVIS, JR. is a Ph.D. candidate at Drew University presently living in Huntington, IN. He is a graduate of Houghton College and holds a M.Phil. from Drew University. Davis is the son of 1nissionary parents \vho served in Africa.