IS • 7JO. List of Officials for 1947-48.

Presidents: J. WILKINSON, Esq., Dr. J. R. KINNES, M.A., PH.D. E. BALDWIN, Esq., O.B.E., M.ED.

Vice-Presidents: N. E. GREEN, Esq. G. LITTLE, Esq. D. SHEPHERD, Esq., Councillor E. H. BROWN L. BELL, Esq., A.I.I.A., A.M.I.P.E. T. B. BROOKE, Esq., M.A.

Committee: R. BEAUMONT, Esq. R. IRELAND, Esq. J. CHAPMAN, Esq. J. R. URWIN, Esq. J. CHARNLEY, Esq. M. MILES, Esq. K. DODS WORTH, Esq. S. NORTH, Esq. J. GILLESPIE, Esq. A. H. RHODES, Esq. D. HENDERSON, Esq. R. ROBINSON, Esq. H. RAY, Esq. G. ML W. SCOTT, Esq. A. AYRE, Esq. M. SIZER, Esq. T. H. BULMER, Esq. F. WALKER, Esq. I. . GRAY, Esq. R. WALLER, Esq. R. WARD, Esq. J. HUMBLE, Esq.

Hon. Auditor: W. E. GREEN, Esq. Hon. Treasurer: N. NICHOLSON, Esq., M.SC. Hon. Secretary: L. BELL, Esq., A.I.I.A., A.M.I.P.E.

Trustees of Benevolent Fund: N. E. GREEN, Esq. J. R. KINNES, Esq., M.A., PH.D. N. WINN, Esq. E. BALDWIN, Esq., O.B.E., M.ED.

Subscriptions can be paid to any member of the committee. Addresses are given at the end of the book.

Old Boy Presidents: 1913- 14 E. SCHOLES, Esq. 1914- 19 W. HEWITT, Esq. 1919- 20 H. J. PICKLES, Esq., A.M.I.MECH.E. 1920- 21 G. H. SWINBURNE, Esq., M.I.C.E. 1921- 22 N. WINN, Esq. 1922- 23 L. T. WINN, Esq. 1923- 25 C. J. OSBORNE, Esq., M.SC. 1925- 26 T. B. BROOKE, Esq., M.A. 1926- 27 N. WINN, Esq. 1927- 28 E. MACKENZIE-TAYLOR, Esq., M.B.E., PH.D., D.SC, F.I.C. 1928- 31 A. PICKWORTH, Esq., D.SC, M.I.N.A. 1931-34 Aid. C. W. ALLISON, J.P. 1934-37 C. W. BOND, Esq., L.D.S., R.C.S., ED. 1937- J. WILKINSON, Esq. EDITORIAL.

VV7 E'RE back again and very pleased about it with the hope

vv that our Year Book's " new look," though modest in its application, will still find the same welcome given to its predecessors.

May we say, too, that with an ever-increasing membership and a steadily mounting bank balance, we have said goodbye to austerity and welcome a new era of activities which increase in variety and attraction every month.

It has been difficult to solve the problem of condensing so much accumulated news into a book which, despite its increase in space, is still inadequate for all our needs Our apologies to those whose con• tributions may have been omitted or ruthlessly cut.

One thing we will not omit. Elsewhere in our issue there appears a tribute to Mr. H. Nicholson. To it we add well-deserved bouquets for Mr. T. B. Brooke, Mr. E. Baldwin and our president, Mr. J. Wilkinson. On the untiring, behind-the-scenes efforts of these —and others—rests the undoubted success of the Old Stocktonians. We now believe we have something to please everybody—dances, smokers, rugby, cricket, badminton, and even socials with the Old Girls—if there's still something lacking we welcome suggestions.

It is fitting that as we go to press we should receive a happy message of greeting for this fresh chapter in our history from Ted Scholes, our first Old Boy President, now a Lancastrian.

To any who may have allowed their subscriptions to lapse, please hand your florins to any members of the committee or send it along to the school.

OLD BOY PRESIDENT. The Association was fortunate in persuading Mr. John Wilkinson to continue as President in this, the first year of " normal " working after the war.

From 1937 to 39 he presided over our fortunes with distinction, resuming very active work in September, 1946, when the first attempt was made at post-war restoration. Since then he has been indefatigable on our behalf—a real, working president, who has entered whole• heartedly with the rest of the committee in the inevitable rough and tumble consequent on the period 1939-46. He has never been satisfied to allow attendance at committees, however effective his chairmanship, to serve as the limit of what he can do as an Old Stocktonian, this in spite of the pressure of his profes• sional work which often involved his travelling miles from Stockton.

His example has been an inspiration to the rest of us. The Annual General Meeting showed its acumen in insisting by unanimous consent that he should continue, and Mr. Wilkinson his generosity, in acceding to their request.

1 A Message from our First President.

I have been asked to contribute a few lines to your Year Book, the first issue since 1938, I understand.

So many of you, indeed the majority of you, I have never had the privilege of knowing, and to you my name will convey nothing at all. But there are exceptions.

Thirty-five years ago, way back in 1913, a band of enthusiasts gathered together and decided to form a society of Old Boys of the then Higher Grade School, and to call such society the " Old Stock- tonians."

I was one of them and, somewhat wistfully, one recalls those early days wondering in what far-flung corners of the earth some of those enthusiasts may still abide, and wondering, also, how many of them have passed beyond our knowing.

To me was accorded the high privilege of being your first Presi• dent and thirty-five years have not blotted out that memorable occasion.

It is an astonishing fact that in spite of the major upheavals which have occurred in that long period of time, the Old Stocktonians have, in spite of all, been able to survive, and with re-awakening energy look to a future wherein the will to keep alive the traditions of the past shall not fail.

It is on record that the older one grows the more vivid and out• standing become the memories of one's youth.

In the quiet peace of the countryside in which I now live, and in the time of day when the shadows of the evening welcome one to an armchair by the fireside, the memories of those far-off pioneer days become very real, and we recall that not a few of us became aware that in the service of one's fellows therein abounds the true art of living, so ably expressed in these lines, which some of you may know:

Isn't it strange that Princes and Kings And clowns that caper in sawdust rings, And common folk, like you and me, Are builders for eternity?

To each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass and a book of rules, And each must make, ere life is done, A stumbling block, or a stepping stone.

For the old school, for all it has taught in the joy of service, for the companionship of youth and the hope of the morrow, let the Old Stocktonians bear witness to their faith in the past, and their high endeavour to make life worth-while for all with whom they meet in the days that are to be. EDMUND SCHOLES.

2 What—No " Stag " Party I

For the first time in its long and distinguished history the Old Stocktonians' Association departed from the " Stag " tradition when it joined forces—temporarily at least—with the Old Girls' Association in a social evening on March 16th of this year.

Needless to say, our younger members turned up in the Girls* Assembly Hall in force for the occasion, but there was a goodly gathering of the not-so-young fraternity. Together we numbered nearly 200.

We had " puzzle corners," dancing and refreshments and the Old Girls made the most charming and pleasant of hostesses..

Now that we co-operate both on the games side and the social side with the Old Girls' Association, we are looking forward to many more pleasant evenings.

It's that Old School tie again.

Very soon we hope to give you news of an Old Stock• tonians' tie. Steps are being taken to find out the supply posi• tion and arrange for their sale locally. Any suggestions?

It was a grand night!

Nearly 100 members turned up at the Old Stocktonians' "Smoker" held on the Co-op. Cafe, Wellington Street, on February 27th.

Dr. J. R. Kinnes, Mr. E. Baldwin, Mr. W. Baker and Mr. H. Nicholson attended, as well as several members of the present school staff. We were delighted to have with us also Mr. Plowman, of Ontario, Canada. Mr. Plowman, an old boy, was on holiday over here and thoroughly enjoyed his evening out.

Mr. "Ossy" Gray entertained with songs, accompanied by Mr. T. B. Brooke at the piano, while Mr. J. Butler gave us a piano solo.

Perhaps it is unnecessary to state that our M.C. was Mr. Albert Walker. Mr. Walker led the community singing, but his piece de resistance was his lively conducting of the now famous " Blackbirds."

All this, and supper too, for 2s. a head. No wonder we have been pressed for more " smokers "—requests which will certainly be granted.

R.I. 3 Letters to the Editor.

The Editor, "The Stocktonian," Nelson Terrace, Stockton-on-Tees.

Dear Sir, Having always been afflicted with f"cacoethes scribendi" I gladly accepted your invitation to contribute an article to the " Stocktonian," though my mind then, as now, was f" tabula rasa." Later, however, as is my unfortunate wont, I began to think. The more I thought, the more I cursed my rashness. I thought of the people who would read my poor little article: snooty sixth formers, burdened with the wisdom of the ages; Mr. Brookes, who would scan it with merciless eye for errors of grammar and usage; Mr. Munday, who would expect a liberal larding of learned Latin tags (see above) to justify a classical education.

Seeking a suitable and topical subject for my article, I visited the school. Have you noticed how much smaller the lads are than in our day? Why, when I was in the third form I swear that sixth- formers had moustaches—well, almost! I sought out the Head. He was perfectly charming, of course, but for an awful moment as I knocked at that fateful door memory flooded back and my stature shrunk.

I had an uneasy feeling that, as in days gone by, I was there f" a posteriori " to receive f" argumentum ad hominem." These are a couple of howlers I have thought out all by myself. Frankly, my visit to the school filled me with vague discomfort. I can never get used to the idea that the old school has carried on in much the same way without me for the last fourteen years.

I wonder if this is a feeling peculiar to myself, for which Freud would have some perfectly revolting explanation, or whether it is the common experience of old boys? It was somehow a shock to find Mr. Bremner still instilling the rudiments of heat, light and sound into reluctant heads; Mr. Armstrong still comparing the foreign policies of Castlereagh and Canning; Mr. Brookes still making rude remarks in red ink on sixth form essays. My visit, I regret to say, produced no literary inspiration. I must therefore ask you to release me from my promise to contribute a few lines of deathless prose in your magazine. Yours, etc., T.C.C. GLOSSARY (vide some old Latin phrase book or other!): Cacaoethes scribendi—an itch for writing. Tabula rasa—a complete blank. A posteriori—from a " a posterior " reason. Argumentum ad hominem—an " argument" applied to the " person."

4 School Music—A Revival.

Musical activity revived with the weekly meetings now held at 4 p.m. on Fridays. These are now attended by pupils from the Girls' School and the Grammar School, a heartening innovation.

Of our friends of days gone by, Messrs. L. Knox and R. Robinson alone remain, but they are still very willing to help us, together with Miss Jean Povey and Messrs. J. Archer, A. Melia, G. Goodyear and J. Cooper.

To them are due two series of interesting programmes for which we are very grateful. We are fortunate, too, in having a number of instrumentalists on the staff whose help has been generous and of great value.

The first steps towards reconstituting the school orchestra have been taken, but with painfully limited resources in numbers. The war has delivered a devastating blow at amateur music. Where we could once find six boys with some skill on a stringed instrument, we now have only one. One House Festival has been held to date.

Old Stocktonians Benevolent Fund

During the past few years the calls on the above Fund have been very infrequent. But there is no doubt at all that since its inception it has fulfilled a very useful purpose and many Old Boys have not been slow to express in practical fashion their appreciation and gratitude for the timely assistance it has been able to afford them.

The Fund was instituted in 1926 and from that date up to Dec. 31st, 1947, its financial transactions have been as follows: —

RECEIPTS PAYMENTS £ s. d. £ s. d. Donations 141 1 7 Grants non-repay• Grants from General able 37 6 9 Fund 46 16 0 Repayments of loans Balance from Child• to Old Boys ... 30 0 0 ren's Treats 57 13 2 Loans to Old Boys 681 18 0 Special Efforts ... 139 2 4 Bank Charges, etc. 2 18 6 Loans from Old Boys 30 0 0 Repayment of Loans 681 18 0 BALANCE AT BANK 377 18 9 Bank Interest 33 10 11

£1130 2 0 £1130 2 0

Thus, with a substantial balance in hand and with all its loans repaid, the Fund is in a very flourishing position and is now ready to continue its beneficent and unobtrusive work. E.B. 6 Old Boys showed them how.

The Old Boys' Cricket Match was revived in July, 1947, at Thornaby Cricket Ground. As perhaps should be the case, the Old Boys' team ranged from earliest to latest, from W. A. Gilbert (left 1907) to J. R. Thomas (left 1946). In between were T. D. Oliver (left 1930), E. Reed (1923), W. Marley (1925), M. Sutherland (1933), A. Porter (1938), W. H. Coates (1932), B. Gooderick (1940), J. L. Bowron (1942), R. Hazelton (1945), L. Parkin (1945).

They managed to beat the School by 127 for 8 against 71, but the Captain and the Vice-Captain gave them some hints on how to deal with slow bowling. A very large proportion of the School was there and seemed to enjoy themselves, much of " the gallery " seeing the game right through to its conclusion at 5-30 p.m.

The first Rugby match of the Old Boys against the School took place on New Year's Day, 1948. Rain came on with the start of the match and left off as the game finished. Except for this it was a very enjoyable game and the draw of 3-3 was a fair result. The Old Boys' team was composed of those who had left recently: C. Allinson, G. Horner, A. Thompson, K. Boothman, S. Thomas, H. Robinson, H. Rhodes, R. W. Davies, L. Horner, W. J. Davies, D. Sizer, M. Sizer, E. Timothy, P. Evans and A. Geipel.

Do you want a Game?

It might be possible to arrange cricket and rugby fixtures for Old Stocktonians' teams with old boys of other local schools. Those who are interested should get in touch with Mr. Sizer (for rugby) or Mr. Baldwin (for cricket).

In spite of fears to the contrary, all players turned out. The School played their most determined and lively game of the season, the forwards showing particularly well in the second half against a heavier pack.

These games suggest others. It is good for the School to play its Old Boys, both as a spur to the young players and for the generations to get to know each other, but it is surely equally right for the Old Boys to celebrate the fact that the draughty building in Nelson Ter• race and the somewhat " blasted heath " on Bishopton Road are in their " calf-country," by playing against Old Boys of local schools or other adult teams.

Is it not possible that at least four matches could be arranged

without interfering with club fixtures? 0

The cricket side might revive pleasant memories with Grammar Old Boys of Stockton, as well as the schools. Both sections could arrange fixtures with the Stockton clubs.

7 Speech Days.

The first Speech Day to take place since the end of 1938 was held on the 14th December, 1944, not as usual in the Jubilee Hall, but in the Palais de Danse, which was generously lent to us, free of charge, by its proprietor, Mr. T. Malcolm. The speaker was Mr. J. H. Thompson, then editor of the "Evening Gazette," and the late Alderman Newton presided. On the 7th December of the following year Speech Day was again held in the Palais de Danse, use of which was again kindly given to us, when one of the best and raciest addresses we have ever had was given by Sir William Y. Darling, C.B.E., M.C., D.L., J.P., LL.D., M.P., the late Aid. Newton being Chairman. On December 19th, 1946, Speech Day saw us once again in our ancient habitat, the Jubilee Hall. Aid J. Alderson, J.P., who had been appointed Chairman of the Governors in succession to Aid. Newton, took the Chair. Mr. G. R. Chetwynd, M.P., presented the prizes and certificates. In 1947 the function was again held in the Jubilee Hall, on the 4th December, when Alderman Alderson presided. Mr. S. G. Ray- bould, B.Sc. (Econ.), Director of the Department of Extra-Mural Studies, Leeds University, gave an interesting talk. It is regretted that the chronicler cannot now, as he could prior to 1939, make any mention of a school orchestra. This is not, indeed, because efforts have not been made to revive it; it seems, however, extraordinarily difficult to have it re-started. Why is it that nearly all who wish to learn to play some musical instrument insist on the piano? Dare one venture to express the hope that perhaps next Speech Day will see, at least, the nucleus of a school orchestra?

C. W. King Memorial Fund.

Although difficulties are being experienced in our efforts to get a photograph of suitable size, these are being overcome. The question of providing a frame is a much simpler proposition once the photograph is ready. The Fund now stands at £78 4s. 6d.

Have you paid your subscription? If not—

i He is our "Mr. Chips"

In September, 1905, a young graduate of Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Pemberton Scholar of the University of Durham, joined the staff of what was then the Higher Grade School. A year later the school became the Secondary School and Mr. Henry Nicholson remained to become, in course of time, the last of that earnest band to whose patient and enduring enthusiasm are due the success and fame which has not always been very readily won by schools whose original foundation looks no further back than the nineties. Mr. Nicholson's first duties were as one of the mathematical staff, and those Stocktonians were fortunate indeed who had the privi• lege of enjoying his gifted and inspiring teaching in the days when mathematical instruction ranked as the most important in the curri• culum, and the standards of public examination were higher and more exacting than they are now. Mathematics were not sufficient to absorb all Mr. Nicholson's energies. The social and out-of-school side then was as important as it is now, with the distinction that it was not so easy to discharge. Mr. Nicholson had been a soccer man at college, and to soccer at school he gave valued help. More important, perhaps, was his contribution to the dramatic activities, and, most important of all, the more easy-going histrionics which contributed so much to the liveliness of the "socials" of those never-to-be-forgotten days. World War I. claimed his services in the heavy artillery, and those hectic days over, he returned to more strenuous days in the old school. On Mr. Taylor's retirement in 1925, he became Senior Chemistry Master and had the satisfaction of sending to the universities a steady stream of pupils to win distinction for themselves, their old teacher and the school in the domain of chemistry. More than a few of Mr. Nicholson's old pupils are now doing important work for their country in these anxious days, mostly in industrial chemistry, but more than one on atomic research. During the recent war Mr. Nicholson succeeded Mr. Baker as Deputy Head• master. For thirty-five years he has been officially connected with the Old Stocktonians, and no one can really remember when he assumed the duties of treasurer. The important thing is that he still holds this key office, and Old Boys arc most unwilling to entertain the thought that he should ever quit it. Mr. Nicholson retired last Easter (1947) after nearly 42 years of faithful and devoted service to the school—a record never before achieved, and one never likely to be challenged. We are glad to note that retirement seems to agree with both Mrs. Nicholson and our old master. They both are certainly looking younger. We hope that before them lie many, many years of happiness, and ere long to be able to meet them on sunny sports days, once again, though perhaps not quite exactly as in the past when Mrs. Nicholson presided so graciously over

the good things we called the 14 refreshment side "—a flourishing busi• ness which for years was her own particular domain and which ab• sorbed her energies from early morn to very late in the evening of those happy days.

9 The School Welcomes.

Since the war, three new masters have joined the school staff. In September, 1946, Mr. D. B. Wright was added to the English depart• ment, of which Mr. Brooke became head, following upon the death of Mr. King. Mr. Wright is a local man, born in Middlesbrough and educated at the High School. Leaving in 1932, he graduated with honours in English at Birmingham University and finished his training in 1936. After experience in several schools in Middlesbrough, he joined the R.A.F., serving in the wireless maintenance branch.

He was appointed to our school at the end of the war and soon proved himself a popular and versatile member of the staff. Apart from his special subject of literature, he is very interested in music, so that his services are very advantageously employed in that connection, not only by lecturing to the senior forms in musical appreciation, but also by playing the recorder in the school orchestra so ably that he can make that instrument sound exactly like a flute. He is also keen on out-of-school activities and plays a prominent part in the school sports and athletics. Mr. Wright is, moreover, of great assistance in dramatic work and does yeoman service in rehearsing and producing plays. In addition to all that, he is always willing to organise school journeys and is an experienced camper and " hostelier."

When Mr. Nicholson retired at Easter, 1947, it was obviously no easy matter to find a worthy successor. We congratulate ourselves, therefore, in having as Senior Chemistry Master, Mr. Arthur Atkinson. After attending the Grammar School at , Mr. Atkin• son graduated at Manchester University with first class honours in Chemistry, and finished his professional training in 1937. His first post was at Heversham Grammar School, and he was later appointed Senior Chemistry Master at Wolverhampton Grammar School, whence he came to us in April, 1947.

Besides being a specialist in Chemistry, Mr. Atkinson is deeply interested in political economy, as is shown by the fact that he took an external honours degree in that subject at University. He is also a far-travelled man, his war service in the R.A.F. being largely spent in India. The latest arrival to the staff is Mr. H. N. Almond, whom we were particularly glad to welcome as the school had perforce been without an Art Master during the period between the end of July, when Mr. Hart was transferred to Bristol, and the beginning of January, 1947. Mr. Almond, like his colleague, Mr. Atkinson, was educated at Bishop Auckland Grammar School, but his pronounced artistic interests led him to the Art School of King's College, New• castle. Here he graduated B.A. with honours in Fine Art, and is among the first holders of what is a comparatively new degree. Mr. Almond specialises in landscape and portrait painting and is also gifted musically, not only being a pianist, but playing the clarinet and oboe as well; his help in the school orchestra will be as obvious as it will be invaluable. During the war, Mr. Almond had not too pleasant a period of three and a half years with the Royal Navy, engaged in unending convoy work in the North Atlantic.

10 School Social Activities.

The exodus to Ragworth Hall and the black-out during the war led to a suspension of debates and, indeed, it has been difficult to revive the old enthusiasm. Debates have been held with the Grammar School. A " Quiz " was a great success and on at least one occasion an interesting Brains Trust was organised with the co-operation of the staff.

In this sort of activity, the main interest seems to have shifted to a Sixth Form Society. This owes its inception to Ernest Sockett and invitations are issued to Stockton Secondary Girls, to Queen Victoria High School and the Grammar School.

A very old boy, Mr. W. J. Wardell, of Stockton Forge, described his experiences in Siberia and on two occasions Mr. Richardson has described his life in the navy. Of the staff, Messrs. Mann, Ratten- bury and Stone have described their army experiences, and when he was home on leave, E. T. Shields described life in an Indian village. Miss Milburn has lectured about New Zealand and Dr. Ian Richmond, of King's College, Newcastle, honoured the school with a lantern lec• ture about the Roman Wall.

Another innovation was a party and dance which was arranged with the help of Miss Milburn and Miss Jarvis. At the end of the summer term of 1947 there was also a mixed tennis match followed by a dance.

Finally, the Sixth Form has been able, with help from Miss Mil- burn and Miss Baillie, to form a Badminton Club.

School Journeys.

It was not possible to arrange school journeys during the war, though one successful picnic was held at Swainby. The first of the new series of school journeys took place in 1945, when a party visited Mount Grace Priory and Osmotherley. In 1946, two bus loads went to Allendale, the Roman Wall and Corstopitum; unfortunately the day was wet, but failed to dampen the spirits of the party. In 1947 a similar party visited Richmond and Easby Abbey and Church, this time in the good weather.

11 School presents Julius Caesar.

Three performances of scenes from the first three acts of Shake•

speare's M Julius Caesar " were given to appreciative audience of the boys' and girls' schools on December 16th, 17th and 19th, 1947. Those taking part were: C. D. Grant, G. Jewitt. D. McEwan, G. Riddle, A. Low, G. Scott, A. McLellan, K. Pearson, B. Laing, T. Clayton, R. Foulger, A. Hislop, B. Bowers, J. Carter, P. Hoggett, A. Osmond, D. Glenwright, A. Chilton, G. Firman, R. Armstrong, A. Husband, N. Wilkinson, J. Smith, R. Evans. A good general standard was reached. In the leading parts, Scott made a sincere and thoughtful Brutus, Pearson an eloquent and force• ful Antony, McEwcn a dictatorial Caesar, and McLellan a determined Cassius. Many of the smaller parts were very well done. Special mention must be made of the Citizens and Commoners, who, by their keenness and hard work, made th; crowd scenes really come to life. Costumes were effectively improvised by the cast themselves, and special thanks are due to parents who risked sheets, blankets and gar• ments in a good cause. There is considerable enthusiasm for acting in the school at the present time and it is hoped to present further plays of this kind. School Sports and Pastimes 1939-1947.

ATHLETIC SPORTS. There has been no revival of the Inter-School Sports, but our own have been held annually. It is only possible to show the winners of Senior events, but Middle and Junior school events have continued. In 1940 Peacock lowered the 80 yards Junior record to 10.1 sees., and Hindmarsh raised the Middle Long Jump to 18 ft. 2i ins. Through 1944, 1945 and 1947 the time for the Junior 220 yards fell to 31.2 sees. (Brownlee). J. O. Tarren carried all the Middle events of 1947, a feature of very rare occurrence, but he broke no record, though he equalled that of the 75 yards hurdles—11.8 sees. Senior events have produced one fresh record—J mile, 1941—by P. Belshaw, and there have been other good attempts.

1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 100 yds. G. Thornton F. Seddon S. Thomas H. Rhodes G. Horner 12.3 sees. 11.6 sees. 11.9 sees. 10.8 sees. 11.1 sees. 440 yds. A. Taylor i G. Moss S. Thomas G. Smith A. Todd 61.5 sees. 61.4 sees. 59.3 sees. 57.8 sees. 58 sees. 880 yds. S. Webb i S. Bedlington G. Robson G. Robson A. Todd 2 m. 26Js. | 2 m. 23 7/10 s. 2 m. 17 2/5 s. 2 m. 14 2/5 s. 2 m. 18ft s.

Mile G. Moss S. Bedlington W. B. Robson G. Robson L. Thornton 5 m. 27 3/10 s. | 5 m. 50 s. 5 m. 17 4/5 s. 5 m. 16 sees. 5 m. 35 s. High Cancelled ! F. Seddon C. Beadle K. Pearson C. Beadle Jump 4 ft. 11 ins. 4 ft. 10J ins. 4 ft. 8J ins. 4 ft. 9 ins. Long D. W. Atkinson I G. Moss S. Thomas H. Rhodes G. Horner Jump 16 ft. 2 ins. 18 ft. 6 ins. 17 ft. 7 ins. 18 ft. 3 ins. 17 ft. Hi ins.

120 yds. D. W. Atkinson 1 Cancelled E. Timothy H. Rhodes A. Ayre Hurdles 20.7 sees. 20.7 sees. 19.5 sees. 18 sees. Vict. A. Taylor G. Most S. Thomas H. Rhodes A. Todd Lud.

House Green Hcd Green Green Mrown

12 SWIMMING SPORTS. These were revived in 1946 at Baths. No very remarkable talent was revealed in the Sixth, but some of the Fifth swam well and, in the Juniors, F. W. Husband lowered the record for the length under 14. In 1947 no records were broken and entries were even more scanty. A curious fate was that of F. W. Husband, who was first in the 3 lengths, in the under 15, in the Junior length and second in the Neat Dive, and who yet was beaten in both Junior and Senior Cham• pionships.

under 13 under 14 under 15 under 16 1946 W. Tate F. W. Husband B. V. Wren kin 1947 A. Maude W. Tate F. W. Husband C. Lamb ton over 16 Jun. L. Sen. L. N. Dive 1946 A. Thompson W. McCorkell A. Thompson T. J. Wigham ' F. W. Husband R. Billsborrow W. McCorkell 1947 M. Welsh . W. Tate

L. Back Str. Champion House Ch. 1947 A. Thompson A. Thompson Green 1946 K. Pearson M. Welsh Green

CROSS COUNTRY. The School Cross Country Run was revived in 1944 over a new course and won by S. S. Bedlington and his House (Green). Next year it was won individually by J. G. Henderson and, as a team, by Green. In the following year D. Bedford beat Henderson's time and Blue won the team race. A. Todd in 1947 lowered the record by a few seconds to 18 mins. 4$ sees, and his House (Brown) was first house. This new course has rather too much road in it, but it is over 3$ miles, so the times are a good average for a start. The Inter-School Cross Country was revived on March 10th of this year.

A. W. Welch Chess Shield.

The above contest was revived in October, 1946, and after an interesting series of games W. Pallister and J. Hind emerged as final• ists. Greater experience gave victory to the former in a well-fought final. In 1947 chess became increasingly popular throughout the school and in November as many as 14 boys entered for the trophy. The first round produced a surprise in the victory of C. Beadle, a com• parative newcomer to the game, over J. Hind, finalist in 1946. Beadle reached the final by developing a somewhat unorthodox style, which upset his opponents, K. Jeffs and J. Pickles. In the final he met M. A. Welsh, who had easily defeated D. Henderson, P. Whitton and G. Broadbent. Welsh, however, in a comparatively short game demonstrated how intelligent orthodoxy can be made to pay. The other competitors were C. Waterman, P. Robinson, D. Allard, J. Short, D. Wilson and O. Walker.

13 Rugby.

The records of the earlier war-years have not been preserved, but they show a fairly steady decline from the records set immediately pre-war, until by 1943-44 we were back in the position where we could not win a match. There were good players in all the teams, as the members of various local sides show, and the doughty jousting of C. Johnson with various opponents became almost a legend. By the end of 1946 we seemed to be on the way to better things, for the first XV. were holding their own and the second XV. had won three, lost one, while the Junior sides were quite promising, when the snow and frost came. This year, therefore, we started again. Only the " under 14 " team, with the enthusiasm of Mr. Wright and his patient coaching to held them, can be said to have done the school much credit. D. Berry played full back for the County against Cumberland. We are now running five teams and there are many promising players among them, so eventually we may hope to recover. Captains: 1940, D. Moore; 1941, B. Nicholson; 1942, D. W. Atkinson; 1943, R. Atkinson; 1944, G. Moss; 1945, K. Boothman; 1946, A. Todd; 1947, L. Thornton (yeai given is that of the second half). Cricket.

Our Cricket, too, has fallen in its accomplishments since 1938-9, though several individual performances are of note. In 1940 Sander• son took 32 wickets in only 7 games at an average of 4.6 per wicket. 1942 was undoubtedly Glendenning's year, for he scored 182 runs (aver. 26), with 62 against Great Ayton and took 17 wickets (average 4.6). The next appears as a better year generally, but its records are too incomplete to be of use. In the next four years 12 or more games were played in each season. This caused improvements in all departments to all, even fielding, for K. Harrison set a fresh record for total catches in a season with 11, and F. Seddon had 10, in 1940. A. Morris beat G. Wing's 44 wickets by taking 47 in 1944 (aver• age 6.6), B. Thompson took 44 (6.1) in 1945, and A. Thompson beat Morris with 48 (5.2) in 1946. Batting has provided little room for enthusiasm. R. Hazelton, in 1945, scored 75 against Middlesbrough High School, but this was 3/5ths of his total runs for the season. In 1946 A Todd and J. R. Thomas made scores of 50, and the latter's 230 runs (average 25.5) was the best total for many years. Weather in 1947, in spite of its heat wave, caused two games to be cancelled, or we might have reached a total of 16 games. A. Thompson played several good innings, the best being 50 at . Played Won Lost Drawn Captain 1940 7 3 4 0 P. Twiddy 1941 No record B. Nicholson 1942 8 2 6 0 Glendenning 1943 4 3 1 0 (in(incomplete- ) G. Webster 1944 12 3 7 2 E. Seddon 1945 12 5 7 0 A. Todd 1946 14 8 6 0 1947 14 6 6 2 CLIFFORD HILL CRICKET CUP. 1944, Blue; 1945, Brown; 1946, Red; 1947, Red. FOOTBALL HOUSE CUP, 1944-5. 1944-5, Green; 1945-6, Blue; 1946-7, Blue. 14 Old Boys Here and There.

It is a distinction for the school to have no less than three old boys on the staff of the British Council in Persia, namely, J. SANDERSON, L. GALE and G. C. WING, M.C. They all hold the position of director and latest information reveals that they are stationed, the first at Shiraz, and the others at Isfahan. We have no doubt about cultural relations with Persia when so high a proportion of their direction is in the hands of Old Stocktonians.

ALAN BARKER has been tried for Warwickshire at cricket. Further news is awaited with interest. R. A. A. DODDS, in reflective mood, writes of happy memories of " grim, enduring premises " in Nelson Terrace. He need have no fear that they will ever be left desolate. The architect who designed them was not a gold medalist for nothing.

W. S. SHIPMAN, settled at Ryhope, has achieved outstanding distinction as a breeder of Pedigree British Friesian Cattle and Clydes• dale Horses. His value to us in dollars must be something consider• able, for it is difficult to imagine his stock being made available for the home market. The list of honours heaped on him by N.F.U. and Agricultural Societies, of which at least seven call on his services as judge and adviser, exceeds the limits of our paper ration. May they both grow longer.

DOUGLAS BROOKFIELD, though Consul General at Kun• ming, does not limit his activities to that salubrious quarter—the Florida of China—fairyland on the Yangtse. We hear of trips by air to Hong Kong and, in lighter moments, of spells of work as examiner of ambitious students in the graduation class of the Yunnan Training College.

E. LESLIE ROBSON has resigned his position as Clerk and Solicitor to the Hucknall U.D.C. to enter into partnership in Hucknall with Mr. G. R. BOLSOVER, also of Stockton. Thome Grammar School not long ago was privileged to have on its staff no less than three Old Stocktonians, L. WARD, Music Master; J. MACDONALD, Senior History, and J. B. BRADLEY, P.T. The triumvirate is now broken, however, J. Macdonald now presiding as Headmaster over the fortunes of Aireborough Grammar School, while J. B. Bradley proceeded to Edinburgh as Technical Representative to the Central Council of Physical Education. Thome's loss is to the advantage of a Greater Britain.

E. L. LLOYD, now in Trinidad, has met TOM TOMLIN in that paradise. He explains ininferior quality of writing and a trifling uncertainty as to spelling as due to an American pen. We were used to excuses of this convincing kind in years gone by, and indeed hope that age will not stale his fertile genius.

RAYMOND ELSWORTH, during two years of the war, served as officer directly responsible for the control of ammunition output at the Royal Ordnance Factory, Hereford. He has now moved on to the development of full scale production of anti-biotios for the Directorate of Chemical Defence, so we feel reasonably confident when the papers write in harrowing terms of micro-biological toughness in the future.

15 LESLIE WALTON is now a bank manager in London. He Is reported to be looking very well and exceedingly cheerful, a fact which would suggest that at least one financial cloud is lined with silver.

LEONARD CLOSE, now Lieutenant Colonel, has been appointed CO. of a field regiment of R.E's located at Tramway Road, Liverpool. At Alamein he was O.C., 145 Field Park Squadron, and later com• manded a force of 2,000 Arabs. In civilian life he directs the for• tunes of the Librex Lead Co. Ltd., and is consulting engineer to the Goodlass, Wall & Lead Industries Ltd. The direction of Field Regi• ments of R.E's, Arab hosts and large scale industrial concerns he finds child's play to the onerous job of dispensing parental advice and admonition to his children, who nevertheless seem to be showing signs of following in father's footsteps.

HORACE KING, B.A., Ph.D., now Headmaster of Regent's Park Secondary Modern School, Southampton, contested what is reported as the " most Tory constituency in " and apparently shook them, since he raised the New Forest Labour vote from 11,000 to 22,000. Both he and Mrs. King are keen cn public service. Dr. King is a member of the Hampshire County Council and Mrs. King is an Alderman and Chairman of the Southampton Health Committee. In a recent letter Dr. King writes of a hundred charming memories of C. W. King and of his wonderful influence on "grubby youngsters" like himself.

JOHN GUILE, now Town Clerk of , having tasted the joys of directing the fortunes of sundry towns up and down the country, has decided that it is time to settle down.

EDWARD J. BATTY functions as Auditor Examiner for the United States Government General Accounting Office—but would preferred to have been an instructor of the young. What strange ideas haunt the minds of mighty men. In his spare time he gathers oranges from his garden at Christmas time, which would suggest domiciliation in a Floridan paradise. His wife is a Stocktonian by descent, her mother having been born in this ancient town. He remembers all his class mates and former masters and mentions them individually with tender, rem'niscent touches.

C. H. O'GRADY, back from the Army with Honorary Rank of Captain, and in civilian life a florist in K'lburn, after a varied and multicoloured career as Guardsman, champion boxer and member of the Metropolitan Police Force, has also decided that it is time to sit back-stage and enjoy the antics of others engaged in the hurly-burly of self advancement. Even so, this decision comes only after appoint• ment as " court florist."

The habit of Old Stocktonians of working in threes asserts itself again at Oxford, where M. G. STEWART (St. Catherine's) and A. WINSPEAR (Nuffield College) are engaged as graduate students in research, the former in Chemistry and the latter in Economics, while K. CLARK, at St. John's, is pursuing an Honours Course in History. T. A. WALKER continues his career of endless motion. It is 13 years since he was installed as President of the Stockton Wheelers, since when his installation has become an annual institution, and the wheels have gone on with their merry rotation at double speed. We hear that he has recently been called to the Presidency of the N.E. Sunday Wholesale Newspaper Association, and that he is apparently the youngest person in the country discharging functions of this nature. These dignities, we are glad to say, have in no wise affected his exuberance on our behalf. He remains the live wire at our social gatherings, an indispensable master of ceremonies, whose ready wit and tireless energy have made dull moments impossible. Long may he flourish—with his blackbirds and lighter latinity.

ROY ARCHER is progressing well in the world of art and has won an art scholarship to London.

His partner-in-crime during these happy days of the '30's, ALBERT VEITCH, is now happily engaged touring Birmingham area as representative to a Newcastle firm of engineers. Need we add that he performs his duties by motor-cycle, a mode of transport for which he ever had a strange delight.

This attempt at reviving a characteristic feature of " The Stock• tonian " of years gone by is disappointing in the limited amount of news it yields. Perhaps this is inevitable. Old Boys have not yet settled down to life in this new world, and the habit of writing to the school, so ardently and faithfully encouraged in the old days by the well-beloved C. W. King, always remembered, has not recovered its ancient vigour. He made it a solemn duty to reply to all letters, what• ever the cost in time to himself, and no one can take his place.

Many Old Boys regard the function of disseminating Stocktonian news of all degrees of seriousness as the most important service required of the Association. If this is your view, please act on it by yourself becoming the medium whereby grist is brought to the mill.

If items submitted since the publication of the 1939 Year Book and the War Time Bulletins have gone astray in the stress of the times and events intervening, we are sorry. There should be fewer loose ends in the future.

17 Old Boys' Successes since 1944.

DECORATIONS. CLE.: Brigadier E. M. Taylor, O.B.E., Indian Army. O.B.E.: Aid. C. W. Allicon, J.P.; E. Baldwin, M.Ed.; G. F. Rogers; A. Pickworth, D.Sc., M.I.N.A. M.B.E.: *F. H.Bush, J. T. Gibson, D. Livingston, W. E. Scott, A. E. Shields. M.C.: H. Metcalfe, R. Place, G. D. Wing. D.F.C.: W. B. Kane, *C. J. Plummer, *H M. Proctor, W. F. Redhead, H. D. Russell, C. Urwin. A.F.C.: C. W. Lofthouse. D.F.M.: L. Bartlett, R. Johnson, L. Proud, A. P. Walker. D.S.M. and King's Certificate with Oak Leaves: R. Williams. M.S.M.: W. Clemmitt. American A.F.C.: L. Proud (as Pathfinder). American A.F.M. and Order of Purple Heart: *L. B. Smith. Mentioned in despatches: B. Berry, J. B. Bradley, E. Blair, A. Cap- stick, E. Clark, L. Close, F. W. Harvey (twice), H. I. Huggins, J. Humble, S. Knowles, J. R. Lambert, J. Mac- donald, J. McKinlay, A. Thompson, R. A. Whcatley, D. Williams. Lloyd's Medal for Gallantry at Sea: J. T. Gibson. ^Deceased, killed on active service, or missing presumed killed.


Aid. C. W. Allison, O.B.E., J.P., conducted numerous successful Savings Week compaigns, and re-elected Chairman, Tees Valley Water Board. A. Atkmson, Commercial Scholarship (full fees and maintenance) awarded by Messrs. Head, Wrightson Ltd., to Constantine College. P. Baldwin, O.B.E., Honorary M.Ed., University of Durham. in. Ldr. W. S. Ball, B.Sc.Eng., attached to Air Ministry. H. B:ard, appointed to Inland Revenue Office, West . G. Beards, manager, Lloyd's Bank, Hebden Bridge. P. Belshaw, B.Sc., 1st Class Hons. Chemistry, employed in research work for I.C.I., King's College, Newcastlc-on-Tync. B. Berry, Staff Manager, Lewis's Store, Liverpool. F. W. Bowen. M.A., English Master, Solihull Secondary Modern School. Re. F. H. Britton. M.A., Vicar of Eighton Banks, Gateshead. D. H. Brookfield, Acting British Consul General, Kunming, China. E. H. Brown, Councillor, Stockton Town Council. S. Burdon, M.P.S. R. W. Burnand, A.M.I.Mech.E., Managing Director, Messrs. Head, Wrightson & Co. Ltd., South Africa. J. A. Byles, A.M.I.C.E., appointment under Ministry of Transport. M. H. Callender, B.A., to staff of Technical College, Huddersfield, and Fellowship, University of Durham. A. Capstick, Capt., D.L.I. W. H. Coates, B.Sc., General Manager, British Titan Products, . R. Counter. 32nd in all England in examination for H.M. Customs and Excise Preventive Service. T. Cowie, Stockton Manager of the Evening Gazette. T. A. Crawford, Councillor, Stockton Town Council.

18 I. H. Cruddace, Supervising Engineer, B.A.O.R. F. R. Curry, B.Sc., Naval Architecture, A M.N.E.C., A.M.Mas.E., Reed Medalist, N.E. Inst, of Eng. and Shipbuilders. S. Curry, Councillor, Stockton Town Council. C. Davidson, Engineer to Tees Valley Water Board. L. Davis, M.I.E.E. N. Deans, Secretary, Falmouth and District Hospital. W. Dixon, 14th in all England, examination for H.M. Customs and Excise Preventive Service. A. C. Dresser, M.B., Ch.B., King's College, Newcastlc-on-Tync. A. W. Duncan, B.Sc.Eng., London Univ., A.M.I.E.E. R. Elsworth, B.Sc., Principal Scientific Officer, Microbiological Research Dept. of the Directorate of Chemical Defence. J. W. L. Gale, B.A., 1st A. Hons. French, Assistant Director, British Council, Shiraz, Persia. A. Gaul, Kemsley Scholarship to study engineering of copper mining. South Africa. R. Gcdling, Administrative Grade C.S., Private Secretary to Perm• anent Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health. B. Goodrick, M.I.M.Cy.E., Asst. Borough Surveyor, West Hartlc;x>'^ R. F. Goossens, B.Sc., 2nd Class Hons. Geology, Univ. Durham, to H.M. Geological Survey. F. Gowland, intermediate Science, Lond. Univ. W. R. Heathcote, B.Sc., engaged in soil research for Roihampton Expt. Station, Ministry of Agriculture. A. G. Henderson, M.B., Ch.B., Univ. Edinburgh, Capt. R.A.M.C. in M.E.E. D. W. Henderson, Engineer's Agent in partnership with father. J. J. Henderson, F.C.A., Asst. Chief Accountant, G.E.C. Factory, Co/entry. E. Hodgson, journalistic appointment, South Africa. A. L. Ingham, B.Sc., Inspector of Taxes, South Shields. T. Johnson, inter. Science, Univ. Lond. T. Jones, B.A. Lond., Deputy Adviser in Finance, Air Ministry. C. Kendall, B.Sc., Assistant Engineer, Tees Valley Water Board. H. M. King, B.A., Ph.D. Lond., contested New Forest Division, Headmaster of Regent's Park Secondary Modern School, South• ampton. J. R. Lambert, Flt./Lieut. R.A.F. (permanent commission). J. Leach, B.Sc. (Vet. Sci.), Edinburgh, M.R.C.V.S. D. Livingston, M.B.E., Air Port Manager, Prestwick. Capt. J. Livingston, M.B., B.S., B.Hy., Dunclm, R.A.M.C., appointed Rehabilitation Officer. J. MacDonald, M.A. Durham, Headmaster Aireborough Grammar School. A. Manners, B.Sc., CI. II. Hons. Electrical Engineering, Univ. Manchester. R. Metcalfe, B.A. Hons. Manchester, Commercial Attache to British Embassy, Copenhagen. H. Minnis, inter Science, Univ. Lond. I. Morrow, B.Sc. Manchester, appointment with I.C.I. B. Nicholson, B.A., CI. II. Hons. Hist. Trip. Part 1, CI. II. Div. I. Hons., Geog. Trip. Part II., St. Catherine's College, Cambridge. W. B. Noddings, B.Sc., Commercial Head, Central Electricity Board. T. D. Olver, Chief and Manager, Warrington Gas Dept. G. Ord, B.Sc. Dunelm, attached for special duties. Air Ministry. L. Pearson, inter Science, Univ. Lond., I.C.I. Scholarship in Chemistry. F. Potter, Acting Secretary, I.C.I., Billingham.

19 R. Raper, B.A., Hons. Manchester, appointed to Somerset House. J. D. Reed, B.Sc.Eng., King's College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. P. Reeve, A.M.I.Struct.E., Kemsley Scholarship and Whitworth Scholarship. B. S. Robson, Councillor, Stockton Town Council. M. K. Ross, B.A. Hons. Oxon., Warden of the Village College, Saws- ton, Cambridge. G. Russell, inter Science (Engineering), Univ. Manchester. H. D. Russell, inter Science, Univ. Lond. H. Rutledge, B.Sc. (Hons.) Durham, H.M's Geological Survey. J. Sanderson, B.A., B.C.L., Director, British Council, Teheran, Persia. F. Sawdon, Secretary, Chemical and Insulating Co., . F. L. Scaife, President, Stockton Cricket Club and President, Stockton and Thornaby Rotary Club. C. Scott, Deputy Town Clerk, Stoke-on-Trent. G. Self, Assistant Sanitary Inspector, Stockton. Major J. Sharkey, B.Sc., MB., B.S., Lond., M.R.C.S.. L.R.C.P., R.A.M.C., O.C., British Embassy, Military Hospital, Tokio. A. E. Shields, M.B.E., B.A., CI. I. Hons. Maths. Trip and Exhibitioner, Pembroke College, Cambridge, late I.C.S., Registrar, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, S.A. R. T. Shields, B.A., CI. II. Div. I. Hons. Mech. Ec. Trip., Pembroke College, Cambridge. D. Smith, B.A., CI. II. Hons. French, Manchester Univ., Lecturer, University of Grenoble, France. G. F. S. Smith, Second Inspector of Taxes, Stockton. A. J. Spreckley, Co-Manager, Chorlton Repertory Theatre. H. Stephenson, B.A., Hons. Lond., Lecturer, Cheltenham Training College. M. G. Stewart, B.Sc., CI. I. Hons. Chemistry, London, Research Studentship in Chemistry, University of Oxford. K. Stewartson, B.A., Triple First Class Hons, in the Maths. Trip. Parts I., II. and III., and Mayhew Prizeman (the only prize awarded in Part III.), Univ. of Cambridge. R. Stopforth, Deputy Treasurer, County Borough of Burnley. E. Tingle, B.Sc. Hons. London, Research Studentship in Chemistry at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Rev. E. J. Tinsley, M.A., CI. I. Hons. English, CI. I. Hons. Theol., B.D., St. John's College, Durham, Lecturer in Theology, Uni• versity College, Hull. G. C. Watson, B.A., CI. I. Hons. Engl. Lang, and Lit., University College, Durham. T. Whiting, B.Sc., F.Inst.Met., Chief Metallurgist, Guest, Kean & Nettlefold, Birmingham. D. Williams, M.Sc, Univ. of Manchester. J. Williams, House Governor and Secretary, General Hospital, Southend-on-Sea. R. E. B. Williams, Barrister at Law, Middle Temple, F.I.S.A., Inspector of Taxes, Investigation Branch, Inland Revenue, Luton. W. L. Wilson, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.C.E., Senior Electrical Engineer, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Didcot. G. D. Wing, M.C., B.A., CI. II. Hons. Engl. Lang, and Lit., Univers• ity College, Durham. A. C. Winspear, M.A. Economics, Univ. Manchester, Research Studentship, Nuffield College, Oxford. The foregoing list embodies information received prior to December, 1947. Pressure on space holds up matter more recently received to our next issue.

20 School Examination Successes—1940-46.

1940 SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. 5M.: Brown, Colpitts, Croft, Fleming, Gill, Glendenning, God- dard, Howden, Howell, Leach, Pallett, Price, Readman, Richardson, Routledge, Thompson, Urwin, Webster, Wynn. 5Sc.: Atkinson, Baillie, Collett, Collins, Goossens, Harrison, Hughes, Hutchinson, Litherland, Morrow, Randall, Sewell, Shearer, Stoddart, Taylor, Tinkler.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. B. Hazclton, W. R. Heathcote, D. Smith, A. Winspear, B. Nicholson, R. Stewartson, R. Shields. State Scholarship: R. Shields. County Exhibition: Hazelton, Smith, Winspear, Nicholson, Stewartson.

1941 SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. 5M.: R. M. Atkinson, R. Eedlington, R. Benneworth, A. Charnley, C. Dennison, A. Fewster, G. Fleming, G. Gar- nett, J. Glover, P. Gooderich, C. Greenwood, J. M. Jewitt, J. Kirkup, N. Lonsdale, A. Pinder, E. Poulter, G. Stobbart, R. Walker. 5Sc.: K. Ball, P. Bell, D. Brown, W. Buckley, W. Cattermole, D. Chappell, F. Fountain, D. Garbutt, E. Greenwell, T. Johnson, D. Linfoot, W. Lloyd, C. Maude, H. Minnis, J. R. Nixon, W. Pearson, B. Pope, N. Spence, K. Stewart• son, A. W. Stubbs, R. Suddick, S. Vickers. W. Wheatley.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. J. L. Bowron, J. C. Johnson, G. D. Reed, P. Belshaw, B. Nicholson, G. Ord, R. Stewartson. State Scholarship: R. Stewartson. County Exhibition: P. Belshaw.

1942 SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. 5M.: A. Addison, D. Atkinson, H. C. Bowron, J. R. Braith- waite, D. Bramley, R. Brechin, A. Evans, R. Gillespie, A. Hearse, B. Little, E. Middleton, M. B. Miles, R. Par• sons, H. A. Shields, D. Simpson, S. G. Thompson, G. Thornton, T. Watson, N. Williamson, L. Willis. 5Sc.: E. Addison, J. E. Addison, D. Ball, I. Birtle, I. Blevins, J. Boagcy, R. Edmonds, E. Fields, D. Gibbs, S. Goodman, G. Gunn, C. Hodgson, A. Manners, A. Moll, L. Pearson, J. Ramage, R. Shaw, D. Smith, I. Terrington, A. Towns, S. Veitch, J. Warnock.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. J. L. Bowron, R. M. Glendenning, J. C. Johnson, D. W. Atkinson, R. Goossens, F. H. Hughes, W. I. Morrow, J. D. Reed, K. Stewartson, A. Taylor, P. Wing. State Scholarship: K. Stewartson. County Exhibition: J. D. Reed.

21 1943


5M.: A. Blakey, R. Briscoe, R. Balman, N. Carr, W. D. Cham- ley, J. Jamieson, J. Keir, E. Lowe, J. D. Moses, P. S. Patterson, J. Peacock, J. Pike, A. Smith, E. Sockett, J. M. Temple.

5Sc: D. Ball, D. Bossley, K. Brown, K. Clark, S. Greenwood, P. Jackson, L. Jones, E. Kendall, I. Revell, J. Rhys, F. Robinson, M. Sizer, W. Tennet, M. Tingle, S. Webb, G. Willey, P. Wilson.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. P. H. Gooderick, D. W. Atkinson, F. H. Hughes, A. S. Taylor.



5M.: N. Bartlett, S. Bedlington, T. Blenkiron, A. Burdon, P. Clacherty, R. W. Davies, I. Downs, G. Ellis, P. R. Foster, J. Green, K. Harrison, J. G. Henderson, J. Kears, A. Morris, A. Outhwaite, H. Pallister, K. Sheraton, N. Simp• son, S. Thomas, A. Todd, G. Todd, C. A. Willis.

5Sc.: K. Boothman, 1. Denney, S. Dye, J. F. Ellis, I. Forbes, W. Henderson, B. Hodgson, D. Ingman, J. Jennings, N. Johnson, J. Kent, J. Kirton, G. Morgan, G. Mudd, A. Precious, K. Reed, L. Rhys, G. Robson, R. Snowden, B. Thompson, E. Timothy, G. Turner, K. Walton, B. Wig• gins, D. Willey, G. Willey.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. H. C. Bowron, J. R. Braithwaite, H. A. Shields, G. Thorn• ton, R. M. Atkinson, P. Blake, A. Manners, G. Moss, J. L. Wamock.



5M.: C. Allinson, C. Bailey, M. Bartlett, K. Bates, A. Bendelow, G. K. Boldison, A. D. Burdon, G. Charlton, P. Clacherty, P. Cotter, C. Davidson, P. Garrick, T. A. Geipel, D. Harvey, J. Henderson, R. Jackson, K. Lowe, L. Richards, Allan Thompson, F. Walker, S. West.

5Sc: D. Ball, S. Bassett, G. Beadle, H. Bell, M. Bennington, E. Blackburn, A. Coates, S. Dye, B. Fenner, R. Hind, G. Homer, J. Pilkington, L. Rhys, H. C Robinson, W. B. Robson, D. Sizer, S. Thomas, B. Thompson, L. Thorn• ton, C. Warriner, A. Wells, D. A. Wheatley.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. K. Clark, J. L. Wamock. 22 1946

SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. G. K. Boldison, D. T. Brown, G. B. Butler, R. Butler, H. L. Davics, W. Davies, N. P. Fletcher, K. Furphy, R. B. Hodgson, L. R. Horner, B. Jendon, P. R. Larkin, G. Scott, K. Sharrocks, G. Sowerby, M. A. Welsh, I. White• head, D. Allard, J. Atkinson, G. C. Beadle, H. G. Bell, T. Birchall, G. D. Brownlee, J. Brunt, R. J. Carr, A. Coates, A. Copeland, R. Davies, A. Eastwood, D. Elliott, D. V. Ellis, R. Emery, J. Hind, R. Holmes, G. Horwood, K. H. Pearson, H. Robson, A. H. Rhodes, J. G. Smith, A. Snv'thard, J. A. Teasdale, J. R. Thomas, A. Thompson, J. G. Thorman, A. Walton, D. A. Wheatley.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. K. D. Beardslcy, K. D. Boothman, R. W. Davies, J. F. Ellis, J. A. Green, H. Minnis, G. R. Robson, A. Todd, B. D. Wiggins, C. A. Willis, D. R. Willey.

COUNTY SCHOLARSHIPS. K. D. Beardsley, K. D. Boothman, R. W. Davies, J. F. Ellis, J. A. Green, G. R. Robson, A. Todd, B. D. Wig• gins, C. A. Willis.



SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. A. C. Banner, R. Blanch, B. Bowers, G. B. Butler, K. B. Butler, R. Butler, K. E. Clerk, M. Coates, J. N. Good• man, T. W. Harding, J. B. Hewlett, R. B. Hodgson, R. Hughes, K. Jeffs, P R. Larkm, F. A. McLellan, J. B. Nicholson, D. Reeves, A. Walker, H. Walker, P. Whitton. R. W. Angel, A. Arnold, Ayre, W. D. Bell, G. Broadbent, C. G. Campbell, A. Copeland, F. Draycott, J. I. Duce, R. Foulger, W. G. Harrigan, A. Hislop, R. S. Hosie, J. Kerr, I. Landells, L. Lloyd, C. T. Riley, R. N. Robinson, E. R. Rutter, C. Sherris, J. Short, L. Smith, J. A. Teas- dale, G. H. Urwin, C. G. Waterman, J. F. Wilson, B. V. Wren.

HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE. D. F. Ball, K. L. Bates, T. F. Blenkiron, T. A. Geipel, G. S. Horner, A. Thompson, E. A. Timothy, F. Walker, C. A. Willis.

COUNTY SCHOLARSHIPS. D. F. Ball, K. L. Bates, T. F. Blenkiron, T. A. Geipel, G. S. Horner, A. Thompson, E. A. Timothy, F. Walker.


ALLISON, C. W., O.B.E., J.P., 16, St. Cuthbcrt's Road; Allison, H. P., M.Inst.Gas E., 42, Warwick Road, Redcar; Archer, R. H., M.I.Prod.E., M.I.Mech.E., The Grove, ; Armstrong, G. G., M.A. M.Litt., Moss Side, Eaglescliffe. gAILEY, D. E., 60, Imperial Road, Billingham; Baker, W., M.Sc, 31, Hartburn Avenue; Baldwin, E., O.B.E., M.Ed., Estaholme, Bishopton Road, Fairfield; Barker, J. C., 5, Percy Street; Barnes, G. E. , 103, Salutation Road, Darlington; Bartlett, A. L., M.P.S., Eckford, Bypass Road, Billingham; Beard, S. G., 214, Norton Lane, Norton, Sheffield; Bell, P. H., Providence House, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate; Berry, B., 88, Dovedale Road, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, 18; Bishop, C. W, 16, Beaconsfield Grove, Widnes; Brann, G., A.I.B., 14, Eggles- ton Terrace; Brewis, W., Schoolhouse, Kingussie, Inverness; Britton, F. H., M.A., Rev., The Vicarage, Eighton Banks, Gateshead; Brooke, T. B., M.A., 11, Varo Terrace; Brown, E. H., 24, Linden Avenue; Brown, S., A.C.I.S., 349, Eton Road, Ilford, Essex.

(JARTER, A. E., Westfield, Gainford Road; Carter, J. K., The Oaks, Darlington Lane; Catiermolc, J. A., 53, Kensington Road; Chap• man, C, Fulwood, Shotley Bridge, Co. Durham; Chapman, J. F., A. S.A.A., 15, The Cliff, Seaton Carew; Clark, E., Norvic, Nursery Road, North Auston, Sheffield; Close, L., A.M.I.Mech.E., 6, Manor Drive, Great Crosby, Liverpool; Coates, W. H., B.Sc., c/o B.T.P., Grimsby; Coulson, R. L., South Road, Norton; Cunnington, L. S., B. Sc., Municipal College, Grimsby.

IjAVlES, J. W., 78, Waverley Street; Dean, G. H., M.P.S., Cat- terick Camp; Deans, N. O., A.H.A., Normalyn, Trescobeas Road, Falmouth; DcCaux, A., 104, Preston New Road, Southport; Dixon, F. W., Ardenncss, Wray Common Road, Rcigate; Dixon, W. C, 209, Oxbridge Lane; Dodds, R. A. A., B.A., 45, Great Cambridge Road, Cheshunt, Herts.; Duffev, J. H., 35, Meadow Bank Avenue, Shallow, Sheffield, 7.

J7ASBY, S., 21, Esk Road, Norton; Eden, E. W., 347, Portway, Shirehampton, Bristol; Eden, J. W., B.A., The Hermitage, Church Lane, Neston, The Wirral, Cheshire; Eden, W. A., M.A., A.R.I.B.A., Moorholm, Moorside, Ncston, The Wirral, Cheshire; Elcoat, F. G., 307, Norton Road; Elders, F. B., 16, Dunstable Road, Luton, Beds.

J7ERGUSON, N. L., B.Sc., 1, Chapel Street, Middleton St. George; Feike, E. H., 46, St. Peter's Road, Handsworth, Birmingham; Fordy, G. L., 17, Brisbane Grove, Hartburn; Foster, A. W., B.Sc., Ph.D., Elm Court, Newlands Avenue.

(]ARDNER, R., 39, Castlereagh Road; Gleave, J. T., 3, King Edward Street, Haverton Hill; Grainger, J. B., Sunniside, The Avenue, Fairfield; Grainger, T., Thursley, Austin Wood Lane, Gcr- rard's Cross, Bucks.; Green, J. P., 375, Unthank Road, Norwich; Green, N. E., 1, Britannia Terrace; Griffin, H., R.P., L.C.G.I., M.I.P., 71, Londonderry Road; Guile, J. F., 39, Manthorpe Road, Grantham, Lines.

24 J-JAIGH, J., 7, Colloseum Terrace, Albany Street, London, N.W.I; Hale, F. C, 62, High Street; Hallam, R., B.Sc., 7, Great Gardens Road, Romford, Essex; Hardie, H. D., 10, Leven Street, Haverton Hill; Harris, R., 7, Allerton Grange Vale, Leeds, 7; Harvey, F. W., 10, Raymond Close, Felcham, Leatherhead, Surrey; Hauxwell, F. W., 15, Meadowfield Avenue, Fawdon, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Heald, F., 52, Welburn Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Heavisides, H., Oakdene, Station Road, Norton; Henderson, A. G., M.B., Ch.B., Woodlands, Helmsley, Yorks.; Henderson, A. J., 1, Blakeston Lane, Norton; Hoggett, C, 161, Victoria Road, Headingley, Leeds; Hopkinson, T. W., 105, Ormesby Road, North Ormesby; Humble, J., 107, Borough Road, Middlesbrough; Hutchinson, A., 12, Railway Street, Littleburn, Co. Durham.

JRELAND, R., 15, Bowesfield Lane.

KENDALL, C, B.Sc., 25, Albert Road, Eaglescliffe; King, H. M., M.A., Ph.D., 37, Manor Farm Road, Southampton; King, S., 49, Oxbridge Lane; Kinnes, J. R., M.A., Ph.D., Secondary School, Nelson Terrace.

LAWS, F., B.A., 54, Hartburn Lane; Lee, D. W., 408, Norton Road; Leng, N. S., 54, Bickersteth Street; Lewis, L. R., 246, Oxbridge Road; Little, G. D., 17, Raby Road; Livingston, H., A.C.I.S., A.I.A.C., 47, Stamperland Avenue, Clarkeston, Glasgow; Livingston, J., M.B., B.S., B.Hy., D.P.H., Isolation Hospital, Goldsmith Avenue, Hendon, N.W.9; Lonsdale, R., Newlands Avenue, Norton; Ludbrook, D., 2, Allandale Road.

MACGREGOR, V. J. G., M.B., B.S., 7, Green Lane West, Thirsk; Mann, E. H., B.Sc., 15, South Crescent, North End, Durham City; Martin, W. K., B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.LAy„ 38, Villiers Road, Woodthorpe Road, Nottingham; McEwen, A. D., C.A., 97, Station Road, Norton; Mclntyre, D., A.R.I.B.A., Cruachan, Gilesgate, Durham City; Mclntyre, G., B.Com., F.R.Ecm.S., Tarfside, Willow Grove, Sniperley Road, Durham City; McKechnie, D. W., 126, Ravensworth Road, Dunston; Metcalfe, H., M.C., Woodside, Durham Road; Metcalfe, S., A.S.A.A., 44, Beechwood Road, Eaglescliffe; Millar, J. M., 1, Glen Gardens, Slamammon Road, Falkirk; Moore, C, A.I.S.A., 13, Vicarage Avenue; Morrow, W. H., 1, Chestnut Road, Eaglescliffe; Morrow, W. I., B.Sc., 1, Chestnut Road, Eaglescliffe; Moss, W. N., A.C.I.S., 10, Worsall Grove, Hartburn; Munday, W. H., B.A., 11, Oakdene Avenue; Murfitt, H. R., 10, Malvern Road.

NETTLESHIP, A. E.; Nicholls, G. W., 23, Seaton Terrace, Haver• ton Hill; Noddings, W. B., M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E., 61, Glendale Avenue, Edgeware, Middlesex.

()'GRADY, C. H., 12, Kingsway, Wembley, Middlesex; Ord, G., B.Sc., Geraldene Staff Club, Gt. Malvern, Worcs.; Osborne, C. J., M.Sc, Ryhope Grammar School.

25 pEACOCK, J. H., St. Bralades, Lester Road, Poole, Dorset; Pearson, R. M., 1, Conifer Crescent, Billingham; Peters, T. W., Weston Crescent, Norton; Pickles, H. J., A.M.I.Mech.E., 2, Hartburn Lane; Pickworth, A., D.Sc, M.I.N.A., Meadoefield, West Meadows Road, Cleadon, Sunderland; Pigg, J H., F.C.A., A.S.A.A., c/o Bolton, Wawn & Co., 48, West Sunniside, Sunderland; Pike, J. P., 6, Cum- Grove; Potter, F., F.I.Hg., 2, Redwing Lane, Norton; Pratt, J. II., M.A., B.Litt., Rev., The Vicarage, Wilmington, Dartford.

pAGSDALE, J. H., Glen Eden, Star and Garter Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent; Raper, R., B.A., Room 65, New Wing, Somerset House, Strand, W.C.2; Ray, H., 56, Windsor Road; Reay, T. H., Country Club, Kirklcvington, Yarm; Richardson, R., 152, Terminus Road, Eastbourne; Roberts, J. W., 20, Allendale Road; Robson, E. L., Birkdale, Wood Lane, Hucknall, Notts.; Rogers, G. F., O.B.E., 55, Cranes Park, Surbiton, Surrey; Rutherford, R. W., Aingarth, Rich• mond Road.

SCOTT, G. M. W., 47, Fairfield Road; Scott, K. M., A.M.I.E.E., Holmgarth, Middleton Lane, Middleton St. George; Self, G. S., 13, Pinewood Road, Eaglescliffe; Shepherd, J., 2, Northgate Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough; Shields, E. A., M.B.E., B.A., 13, Oakdenc Avenue; Siddle, A. P., 48, Blagden Avenue; Smith, G. C, 7, - field Lane; Smith, G. F. S., 1, Fairfield Road; Smith, L. H., 9, Mill Lane, Billingham; Spark, G. W., Woodcroft, The Avenue, Marton, Middlesbrough; Spark, J., J.P., Ludlow, Bishopton Road; Stainsby, G. P., A.R.I.B.A., M.R.S.I., Daneslea, Oxbridge Avenue; Stirling, j. G., 41, Park Avenue, Thornaby; Stewartson, R., B.A., 19, Sunnybrow Avenue, Billingham; Stoddart, T. E., M.P.S., 103, High Street, Eston; Stokes, S. G. S., B.A., Rev., c/o Lloyd's Bank, 201, Banbury Road, Oxford; Sutherland, M., Reeth Road.

'PEASDALE, W., West Row, ; Thompson, R. C, 23, Rail• way Cottages, Eaglescliffe.

•\\'ADE, R. S., 5, Railway Cottages, Croft; Walker, R. J., Wcstgarth, Station Road, Scdgcfield; Walker, T. A., 41, Darlington Road, Hartburn; Waller, J., 20, Blackett Street, Norton; Waller, R. S., 106, Oxbridge Lane; Walton, A. W., 36, Oakwell Oval, Oakwell, Leeds 8; Wardell, J. W., Eastry House, Yarm; Wheatley, D. A., Tower Garage, Yarm Lane; Whiting, T. W., F.I.Met., 128, Stanmore Road, Edg- baston, Birmingham 16; Wilkinson, G. W., M.Sc, 77, Banner Cross Road, Ecclesall, Sheffield 18; Wilkinson, J., F.C.C.S., F.H.A., 9, Brisbane Grove, Hartburn; Willey, J. W. R., 80, Buchanan Street; Willey, R. W., 75, Junction Road, Norton; Willey, S. G., 35, William Street; Williams, J., F.H.A., The Orchard, Victoria Avenue, Prinklc- wcll, Essex; Williams, R. E. B., 340, Langrovc Road, Luton; Wilson. G. A., 14, Oxbridge Avenue; Wood, M. W., Ivy House, Ncasham, Darlington. 26 ORDINARY MEMBERS

ADAMS, W., 30, Tecsdale Avenue, Billingham; Addison, A.C., 58, Hartford Avenue, Kenton, Harrow, Middlesex; Addison, E., 29, Stobart Terrace, ; Addison, F. R., 21, Russell Street; Addison, J. E., 36, Grosvenor Road, Wolviston; Addison, N. M., 36, Grosvenor Road, Wolviston; Addison, N., 11, Balmoral Avenue, Thornaby; A'tken, R. M., Sunnyfield, The Avenue, Nunthorpe; Aitken, W. M., B.Sc., Norfolk House, Towcester, Northampton; Allan, J., 31, Hilda Place, Saltburn; Allan, F. R., A.R.San.I., A.C.T.S., 9, Weardale Place; Allan, M., 21, Cecil Street; Allinson, C. W., 12, Conifer Cres• cent, Billingham; Allison, A. A., Riverside, ; Allison, H. E., 97, Tcesdale Avenue, Billingham; Allison, J. S., 4, Harper Terrace, Hartburn.

Allison, W., 18, Sunnybrow Avenue, Billingham; Arnold, A., 104, Pearson Street; Ashman, W., 34, Craigweil Crescent; Atkinson, A., B.Sc., 14, Lawrence Street; Atkinson, A. A., 26, Atkinson Street; Atkinson, D. A., 27, Preston Road; Atkinson, D. W., 154, Belasis Avenue, Haverton Hill; Atkinson, G. W., 18, Railway Cottages, Eaglescliffe; Atkinson, J., 5, Pearson Street; Atkinson, J. W., 14, Becchwood Road, Eaglescliffe; Atkinson, J. W., 103, Londonderry Road; Atkinson, R. M., 6, Park View.

Atterton, C. R., 12, Birkley Road, Norton; Atterton, D., 65, Cow- pen Lane, Billingham; Ayre, A., 33, St. Peter's Road; Ayre, A. S., 478, Coniscliffe Road, Darlington.

J^AILEY, C. P., Brycoldean, Bishopton Road; Bailey, G. W., 12, Roseberry Terrace, Billingham; Baillie, N. S. R., 14, Bypass Road, Billingham; Bainbridge, J. G. T., 42, High Street, Norton; Baker, A. W., 10, The Grove; Baker, B., 41, Cromwell Street; Baker, D. W., A.S.A.A., 46, Gibson's Hill, Norbury, S.W.16; Baker, F. W., P.A.S.I., FA.I., 16, Lome Terrace; Ball, D., 38, Road; Ball, K., 38, Cotherstone Road; Ball, D. F., 4, Elmwood Road, Eaglescliffe; Ball, R. J., B.Eng., 10, Buccleugh Square, Langholm, Dumfries; Ball, W. R., B.Sc.. 10, Buccleugh Square, Langholm, Dumfries.

Ball, W. S., B.Eng., 10, Buccleugh Square, Langholm, Dumfries; Banner, C, 13, Dundas Street; Banner, J. H., 13, Dundas Street; Barber, E. A., 8, Greenwood Road, Hartburn; Barker, P. L., A I'.A.A., A.C.C.S., The Garth, Acklam Road, Thornaby; Barnett, S., 21, Stanhope Road; Barraclough, A., B.Sc., Fairfax Hall, Becket Lane, Leeds; Barrie, E D., Customs and Excise Office, Birmingham; Basford, G., 21, Hind Street; Bassett, G., 45, Lincoln Crescent, Bill• ingham; Bassett, S. J., 75, Hind Street; Bassnett, J. T., Hillside, Snipe Hill, Dimfield, Sheffield; Bates, K. L., 85, Stanley Crescent, Billing• ham; Bateson, C, 1, Clifton Avenue; Bayley, E. E., 14, Weardale Crescent Billingham; Beadle, J. W., 31, Westfield Crescent; Bean, K. S., 95, Buchanan Street; Beard, A. H., 45, Grange Avenue; Beard, T. G., 16, Ellen Avenue; Beardsley, K. D., 21, Victoria Avenue; Beaumont, J., 13, Danesbury Park, Welwyn Garden City; Beaumont, L., 19, Ravenstonedalc Road, Hounslow West, Middlesex; Beaumont, R., 33, Laurel Road.

27 Bedford, D., Woodside, Bishopton Road; Bedlington, R. C, 14, Mellor Street; Bedlington, G. S., 14, Mellor Street; Bell, A. F., 14, Belmont Avenue, Billingham; Bell, F. R., 55, Vicarage Avenue; Bell, H., 19, Jesmond Grove, Hartburn; Bell, H., 11, Rydal Road; Bell, H. G., 2, Cleveland Avenue, Haverton Hill; Bell, J., 43, Council Estate, Sedgefield; Bell, L., 23, Weston Crescent, Norton; Bell, L., A.I.I.A., Int.A.M.I.P.E., 7, East View, Fishburn; Bell, P. H., 19, Myrtle Road, Eaglescliffe; Bell, P., Providence House, Bishop Monk- ton, Harrogate; Bell, T. M., 6, Vicarage Terrace; Bell, W. D., 132, Weardale Crescent, Billingham; Bellairs, W., 58, Wellington Street; Bellamy, R. W., 46, Roscoe Road, Billingham; Belshaw, P., B.Sc., The Rectory, Sadberge; Bendelow, A. P., Oxbridge Lane School; Bennington, M. A., 20, Kingsley Road; Bennington, R. H., 20, Kings- ley Road; Benzies, G., 22, Springfield Crescent, Leeds 9; Benzies, W, 61, Bowesfield Lane.

Bertram, J., 9, Ely Crescent, Redcar; Bielby, J., 66, Victoria Road, Thornaby; Binks, M. A., 60, Chapel Street, Middleton St. George; Birchall, T., 61, Moorside Crescent, Fishburn; Blackburn, E., West- field, Haverton Hill; Blackburn, T. E., 5, Rydal Road; Blair, E., M.D., M.R.C.P., 1, Lakeside, Darlington; Blair, R., 22, Stamp Street; Blakelock, R. H., 33, Swaledale Crescent, Billingham; Blanch, R., 36, Brisbane Grove, Hartburn; Blcnkiron, T. F., Springfield, Darlington Lane; Blundell, W. E., 29, Grosvenor Road; Boagey, G., 114, Station Road, Billingham; Boagey, J., 114, Station Road, Billingham; Boldison, G., 21, Albert Road, Eaglescliffe; Bolton, D., 10, Birkley Road, Norton; Bone, F., 4, Appleton Road; Booth, J., 13, Alliance Street; Boothman, K. D., 11, Windermere Avenue, Billingham; Borrie, J., 3, Newham Avenue, Linthorpe; Bossley, D. E., 33, Kilbum Road; Boston, J. A., 52, Headlam Street; Boston, W., 31, Bolsover Street.

Bowen, F. W., M.A., c/o 26, Lambton Road; Bowen, L., A.Sc, Wyngarth, Osmotherley; Bowes, R., New Road, Middleton St. George; Bowron, H. C, 39, Osborne Road; Bowron, J. L., 39, Osborne Road; Bradburn, G. A.; Bradford, J., 4, Cleveland Avenue, Norton; Bradley, D., 68, High Street, Norton; Bradley, I. L., Brookfield, Hcmlington, Middlesbrough; Bradley, J. B., Hill Crest, Preston Lane, Eaglescliffe; Bradley, R. J., 36, Raby Road; Bragg, S. C, 49, Osborne Road; Braithwaite, J. R., 38, Westfield Crescent; Bramley, D., 29, Sadberge Road; Brass, H. R., 5, Widdington Road, Blaydon; Bravey, R., 1, Cotswold Crescent, Billingham; Breckon, R. S., c/o Education Dept., County Buildings, Shrewsbury.

Bremner, A., B.Sc., 12, Cranbourne Terrace; Briscoe, R. W., 232, Oxbridge Lane; Broadbent, H., Edgmond, Green Lane, Hartburn; Brodie, P., 7, Poplar Terrace, High Clarence; Brown, A. S., F.A.I., 25, High Street; Brown, D. R., 7, Roker Terrace; Brown, E., 3, Swaledale Crescent, Billingham; Brown, E. W., 16, Cleveland Avenue, Bishop Auckland; Brown, J. S., 96, Oxbridge Lane; Brown, L., 24, Stanhope Road; Brown, M., 96, Oxbridge Lane; Brown, R., 36, New Cottages, ; Brown, T. E., 3, Swaledale Crescent, Billing• ham; Brown, T. H., F.C.T.S., 24, Linden Avenue; Browne, S. A., 21, Kilburn Road; Brownlee, H., Hillcroft, Darlington Lane; Brown- lees, G. D., Preston Hall, Stockton-on-Tees; Brunskill, S., Southwood, High Byer Moor, Burnopfield, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 28 Buchanan, D., 44, Coniston Grove, Acklam, Middlesbrough; Buckle, W.. 65, Lower Bridge Street, Chester; Buckley, J. B., Beechmoor, I?-:ham Road, Wolviston; Buckley, W. A., Beechmoor, Durham Road, Wolvision; Bulman, R. H., 6, Webster Terrace, Billingham; Bulmer, A. G., 11, Byron Street; Bulmcr, T. H., 32, Grange Avenue; Burdon, A. D., 57, Lincoln Crescent, Billingham; Burdon, P., 36, North Albert Road, Norton; Burdon, R. N., 34, Elmwood Road, Eaglescliffe; Bur- don. S. R., M.P.S., 20, Leinster Avenue, East Sheen, S.W.14; Burdon, W. B., 34, Elmv.ood Road, Eaglescliffe; Bush, W., Chief Insp., Police Station, Stockton-on-Tees; Butler, G., 74, Norton Avenue; Butler, K., 5 2. Wren Street; Butler, R., 11, Grassholme Road, Norton; Byers, D. W. 97 Birch Road, Rochdale; Byles, J. A., Dunotter Terrace, Eagles- chffe.

(JAIL, T. W., 20, Cambridge Terrace, Haverton Hill; Cairns, W. T., 75, Hind Street; Caldwell, R. F., 22, Sheraton Street; Callender, E., 3, Brookland Terrace, Lytham, St. Annes; Callender, H. J., AS A.A., The Mount, Waterhouse Lane, Gedling, Nottingham; Callender, M. H., B.A., 19, Wood Lane, Ashenhursts, Huddersfield; Callender, R., 6, Eildon Terrace, Melrose, Roxburghshire; Campbell, C. G., 14, Grange Avenue, Billingham; Campbell, K., 19, Moorhouse Farm, Preston, Stockton-on-Tees; Capstick, A., Schoolhouse, Bishop- ton; Cardno, W., Muskoka, Yarm Road, Eaglesclitfe; Carr, A., West Bad, Scdgefield; Carr, R. J., 9, Seaton Terrace, Haverton Hill; Car- l;ng, J. G. W., 33, Cumberland Grove, Norton; Carter, B., 2, Oulston Road; Carter, H., 22, Page Terrace, Norton; Carter, P., Westfield, Gainford Road; Caygill, T. E., 110, Weardale Crescent, Billingham.

Chalder, W. E., Haydon House, Fairfield Road; Chambers, G.; Chambers, J. W., 17, Westmorland Grove, Norton; Chandler, S. H., c o Midland Bank, Hawes, Yorks.; Chandler, T. H., 10, Hall Drive, Acklam, Middlesbrough; Chapman, J. W., 95, Lanehouse Road, Thornaby; Chappell, D., 1, Crescent Avenue, Billingham; Chappell, R., 1, Crescent Avenue, Billingham; Charlton, G. H., 7, Butler Street, Norton; Charnley, A., 6, Hawthorn Avenue, Billingham; Charnley, J . 6, Hawthorn Avenue, Billingham; Charnley, W. D., 6, Hawthorn Avenue, Billingham; Charnock, J. R., 5, Station Crescent, Billingham; Cheseldine, J., 4, Wycherley Avenue, Linthorpe; Christie, G. W., 6, Brampton Place, North Shields; Church, E. G., 58, Hartburn Avenue; Clacherty, P., 41, Westfield Crescent; Clark, A., 15, David Road, Norton; Clark, G. E., 15, Kingslcy Road; Clark, K., 32, Barnard Avenue; Clark, K. E., 5, Central Avenue, Billingham; Clark, K. J., 98, Junction Road, Norton.

Clemmitt, W., 4, Matford Avenue, Brambles Farm, Middlesbrough; Close, R. L., 45, Barrington Crescent; Coates, A., 8, Parklands Avenue, Billingham; Coates, H., Newlands Avenue, Norton; Coates, M., 3, Palmer Terrace, Bishop Middleham; Cockburn, J.; Cockin, R., 8, Barrack Street, Perth; Collett, A. T., 37, Lewis Road, Darlington; Collier, D., 7, Skerne Road, Norton; Collier, T. S., G.LStruct.E., 40, Fleetham Street, Middlesbrough; Collins, N.; Colpitts, F., 23, Mount Pleasant Road; Colpitts, J. R., 136, Weardrde Crescent, Billingham; Cook, A., 2, Britannia Terrace; Cook, A. B., 16, Cleveland Avenue, Norton; Cook, R., 1, Devonshire Crescent, Norton.

29 Copeland, A., 1, Railway Terrace, Haverton Hill; Copeland, L. A., 1, Railway Terrace, Haverton Hill; Corner, J. W., 10, Woodville Avenue, Newlands Park, Scarborough; Corner, W. H. J., 9, Kendal Road; , R., 31, Grangeficld Road; Cornforth, W. W., L.L.B.; Cotton, E., 17, Windsor Road; Counter, R., 64, Oak Road, Redcar; Cowell, F. S., Stainsby House, Station Road, Norton; Cowie, R., 29, Oxbridge Lane; Cowie, T. C, Clifton Avenue, Eaglescliffe; Cowley, W. J., Post Office, Bishopton; Cox, H., 49, Kirkleatham Road, Redcar; Cox, R. F., 14, Rydal Avenue, Acklam, Middlesbrough.

Crabbe, R. W., 71, Craigwell Crescent; Craggs, W. J., 78, High Street; Crawford, T. A., Oxbridge Garage; Crisp, T. W., S.E. Lodge, Winterton, Sedgefield; Croft, D. H., 29, Parklands Avenue, Billing• ham; Croft, K., 31, Alma Street; Crook, D., 19, Kilburn Road; Crookes, E. A. G., 12, Manor House Terrace, Hartburn; Crookes, L. E., 12, Manor House Terrace, Hartburn; Crosby, K. B., 2, Imperial Avenue, Norton; Crosthwaite, W., F.S.M.C.; Crowther, R., Kirtley Terrace, Bishop Middleham; Crozier, H. M.A., 29, Dalinger Road, Lee, Lewisham; Cruddace, J. H., c/o Mrs. Wells, Kempas, Humble, Southampton; Curry, F. R., B.Sc., 17, Askrigg Road; Curry, S. H., Ingledene, Richmond Road; Cussons, A. E., 13, Burford Avenue; Cussons, C. W., Clovelly, Station Road, Norton; Cussons, H., 45B, The Green, Norton; Cutter, P. E., 2, Wren Street.

QALE, A. R., 6, Harland Place, Norton; Davies, A., 15, Mowbray Road, Norton; Davies, C. L., 12, Buttermerc Road; Davies, H. L., Wayside, Osmotherley; Davies, G. M., 4, Eldon Terrace, Fishburn; Davies, L., 61, Grange Avenue; Davies, R., 9, Rodney Street, Haver• ton Hill; Davies, R. W., 40, Rydal Avenue, Billingham; Davies, W., 9, Letch Road, Norton; Davidson, C, 9, Esk Road, Norton; Davidson, H., Front Street, Sedgefield; Davis, G. W., A.M.I.Struct.E., 19, Conifer Crescent, Billingham; Davis, S., 61, Grange Avenue; Davison, W. C, 15, Hind Street; Dawson, T. F., 23, King's Terrace, Wolviston Road, Billingham; Dee, G. P., M.Sc, A.I.C., 6, Brisbane Grove; Demain, C, 9, Atterby Terrace; Dennison, C, 20, Central Avenue, Billingham; Denny, I., 57, Weardale Crescent, Billingham. Dickenson, P., 86, Arlington Street; Dickenson, R. L., 24, West Avenue, Billingham; Dickinson, T., 6, Insula Cottages, Bishop Middle• ham; Dickson, S., Alton House, Yarm Road; Diddams, J. W., 2, Pea• cock Street, Middlesbrough; Dinsdale, A., 34, Leven Road, Norton; Dixon, F. J., B.Sc.; Dixon, J., 40, Greenwood Road, Billingham; Dobby, F. W., 13, Beaumont Avenue, Roundhay, Leeds 8; Dobby, T. G., 13, Beaumont Avenue, Roundhay, Leeds 8; Dobson, E., 43, St. Bernard Road; Dobson, J. W., 2, Balmoral Gardens, North Shields; Dobson, W., 43, St. Bernard Road.

Dodds, A., 78, Ewbank Street; Dodds, H. D., 2, Fraser Road, Hart• burn, Stockton-on-Tees; Dodds, W. R., 2, Batterwick Road, Fishburn; Dodds, T., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.F., 14, Devonshire Road, Tolley Rise, Sheffield; Dodds, W., 34, Chalford Oaks, Acklam, Middlesbrough; Dodsworth, H., 21, Carmel Road S., Darlington; Dodsworth, K., 19, Russell Street; Dodsworth, K., Vicarage Terrace; Donald, W., 1, Willow Terrace, Haverton Hill; Douglas, R. L., 8, Cranbourne Terrace; Douthwaite, H., Royal Sussex Hospital, Sussex; Downes, I. C, 1, Bradbury Road, Norton; Downie, J., 21, Colling- wood Road, Haverton Hill; Downing, H., 48, Brunswick Street; Dos- ford, K., 112, Station Road, Billingham.

50 Draycott, A., 5, East View, Fishburn; Draycott, F., 5, East View, Fishburn; Dresser, A. C, M.B., B.S., 29, Grange Avenue; Dresser, C. J., M.S.R., 6, Jesmond Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Duce, J., 2, Chilton Avenue, Billingham; Dudley, R., 31, Bowesfield Lane, Duffy, I., 18, Swale Road; Dumble, S., 30, Hartburn Avenue; Dumble, T. M., 30, Hartburn Avenue; Duncan, A. W., B.Sc., Wh.Sch., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.Mar.E., 6, Windsor Road, Thornaby; Dunn, W. M., Hillside Gardens, , Darlington; Dun- thorne, A. C, A.M.I.C.E., 72, Mason Street, Workington; Dunthorne, J., 21, Spennithorne Road; Dye, G., 21, Cambrian Road, Billingham.

JTASTWOOD, A., 1, Road; Eddy, W. B., 25, Peel Street, Thornaby; Edmonds, R. W., 6, Newlands Avenue, Norton; Edwards, H., 43, Graylands Avenue, Norton; Elgey, R. W., 31, Gor• don Crescent, Richmond, Yorks.; Elliott, D., 33, Seaton Terrace, Haverton Hill; Ellis, D. V., 3, St. Edmund's Terrace, Sedgefield; Ellis, E. R., 1, Worsall Grove, Hartburn; Ellis, G., 88, Teesdale Avenue, Billingham; Ellis, H., 6, Olga Terrace, Hartburn; Ellis, J. F., The Square, Sedgefield; Ellis, J. P., 3, Reeth Road, Hartburn; Elmes, A. W., Deepdale, Carlton, Stockton-on-Tces; Elsworth, R., B.Sc., c/o M.O.S., M.R.D., C.D.E.S., Porton, near Salisbury, Wilts.; Embleton, L, 243, Geneva Road E., Darlington; Emery, R., 42, Kensington Road; Emmett, W., 39, Ivy Road, Luton; Emmerson, L., 146, Coatham Road, Redcar; Enderwick, J., 44, Leven Road, Norton; Erby, R. A., Hilton House, Middleton St. George; Errington, N., 3, Skerne Road, Norton; Evans, A., 142, Central Avenue, Billingham; Evans, F., 27, Grove Street; Evans, F. D., 8, Albury Street, Middles• brough; Evans, P. B., 3, Van Mildert Terrace; Everett, H. J., 3, Fox Street, Norton.

J7AIRLESS, A. D., 8, Raby Road; Farnaby, J., 1, Quebec Road, Hartburn; Farrington, H. G., 51, Eton Road; Farrow, G. C, Knowles Farm, Kirklevington; Fasey, N. W., 14, Rokeby Street; Fawcett, C, 1, Park View; Fawcett, J. R., 4, Raby Road, Redcar; Fcnner, B. W., 21, Chapel Row, Station; Fenny, G., White House, Yarm Road; Fensom, A., 89, Station Road, Norton; Fenwick, J., 15, Windsor Avenue, West End, Morecambc; Fenwick, R., 39, Ormesby Bank, Middlesbrough; Ferguson, D. E., 19, Gray's Road; Ferguson, J. R., Mains; Fewster, A. L., A.C.A., Belmont, Darlington Lane. Fieke, E. H., 46, St. Peter's Road, Handsworth, Birmingham; Fields, E., 23, Rodney Street, Haverton Hill; Fields, P. A. 14, Imperial Road, Billingham; Fishburn, J., 1, Elcoat Road, Norton; Fisher, W. J., Jan Mayer, Church Street, Romsey, Hants; Fleet, W., 18, Kingsley Road; Fletcher, H., 5, Raglan Terrace; Fletcher, N. P., 38, Norfolk Street; Fletcher, W. E., Meadow View, By-Pass Road, Billingham; Flounders, G. L., 41, Oswald Terrace, Middlesbrough; Flounders, H., 7, Ruby Street, Haverton Hill; Foggin, A. N, M.Sc, 3, Beech Grove, Acomb, York; Forbes, T. A., 23, Gray's Road; Fordy, E. S., 17, Brisbane Grove, Hartburn; Forster, A. W., 9, Station Road, Billing• ham; Foster, G., West Lea, Roseberry Road, Norton; Foster, P., 32, Mill Street West; Fountain, F., 10, Harrow Road.

Francombe, R., 3, Southfields, Yarm Road; Franklin, A., 40, High Street, Norton; Franklin, J. S., 11, The Green, Norton; Freeman, H., 42, Albany Road, Norton; French, R. S., 4, Tibbersley Avenue, Bill• ingham; Furness, G., Widdop, Woodland Hill, Halton, Leeds; Furphy, K., 1, Mary Street.

31 QALLAGHER, E. F., 10, Scdgefield Terrace, Fishburn; Gallagher, P. J., 64, Moorside Crescent, Fishburn; Gallagher, T., 14, Corn• wall Crescent, Billingham; Gamble, A., West Row, Sadberge; Ganner, R. K., 16, Married Quarters, Inkerman Barracks, Woking, Surrey; Garbut, D., 39, Zetland Road; Gard, J. N., Fernie Road, Norton; Gardner, J. H. R., 598, Southmead Road, Westbury on Mill, Bristol; Gardner, K. W., G.I.Struct.E., 8, Cottersloe Road, Norton; Gargett, G. W., 14, Park View, Fishburn; Garnett, G. W., 15, Insula Cottages, Bishop Middleham; Garrick, P., 83, Buchanan Street; Gedling, R., Carisbrooke Hotel, 3, St. Philip's Road, Surbiton, Surrey; Geipil, T. A., Lynwood, Elmwood Road, Eaglescliffe; Gibbs, D. H. B.. 57, Jubilee Grove, Billingham; Gibson, E., 4, Kensington Road; Gibson, J. T., The Old Vicarage, Bishop Middleham; Gibson, T., 84, Harford Street, Crescent Road, Middlesbrough; Gilbert, W., 30, Eton Road; Gill, J., 28, Dixon Street; Gillespie, J., 8, St. Paul's Street; Gillespie, R., 8, St. Paul's Street.

Glendenning, R. M., 27, Page Terrace, Norton; Glover, F. J., 85, Mandale Road, Acklam, Middlesbrough; Glover, J., 114, Camden Street; Goddard, E. S., 110, Windermere Road; Goldston, G., A.C.A., 8, Jesmond Grove, Hartburn; Goodchild, E., 16, Albany Road, Nor• ton; Gooderick, B. C, A.M.I.M.Cy.E., 4, Albert Road, Eaglescliffe; Gooderick, P. H., 4, Albert Road, Eaglescliffe; Goodier, J., B.A., 5, Newby Terrace; Gooding, R. V., 19, Barnard Avenue; Goodman, J. N., 70, Londonderry Road; Goodman, S., 23, Surrey Terrace, Billing• ham; Goossens, R. F., B.Sc., 3, Westcrleigh Avenue, Fairfield; Gould, R., 70, Dunhill Road, Goole, Yorks; Gowland, F., 12, Cum• berland Crescent, Billingham.

Graham, J., 1, Harlsey Road, Hartburn; Graham, T. P. D., M.A., 21, Camperdown Avenue, Chester-le-Street; Graham, S., Stockton Road, Sedgefield; Grant, C, Kirkside, Spring Lane, Sedgefield; Gray, L., 7, Osborne Road; Gray, T., 49, Middleton Avenue, Newcastle-on- Tyne 4; Greathead, A. R., Church View, Bishopton; Green, A., M.P.S., Cleveland Cottage, Picton, Yorks.; Green, J. A., 197, Durham Road; Green, J. C, 8, Roseberry Crescent, Thornaby; Greenacre, W., 22, Cleator Avenue, Blackpool; Greenwell, E., 93, Stokesley Cres• cent, Billingham; Greenwood, C. A., 29, Dundas Street; Greenwood, S., 29, Dundas Street; Griffiths, A., 15, Gray's Road; Griffiths, H., Wilton, Bishopton Road; Gunn, G., 36, High Street, Norton; Guthrie, T., The Neuck, Eaglescliffe.

J4AFFORD, G., 12, Hawthorn Lane, Bishop Middleham; Hagyard, T., B.Sc., Ph.D., 207, Trowel Road, Wollaston, Nottingham; Hagger, R., 17, Cumberland Crescent, Billingham; Haile, N., B.A., The Square, Sedgefield; Haile, P., The Square, Sedgefield; Hale, F. W., 39, Waterloo Road, Bedford; Hale, M., 20, Park Road, Hull; Hales, P. W., 109, Teesdale Avenue, Billingham; Hall, A. F., 36, Castlercagh Road; Hall, C. C, Sundial House, Middleham, Yorks.

Handcock, W. J. M., Dunholme, Winford Terrace, Billingham; Happer, K., 299, Colne Road, Burnley, Lanes.; Hardie, A., 17, Wren Street; Harding, W. S., 23, Orchard Way, Ormesby; Hardy, F., 42, Greta Road, Norton; Hardy, H. R., 14, Cambridge Road, Thornaby; Harker, G. B., B.A., 23, Ullswater Road; Harker, J. L., 43, Greta Avenue, West Hartlepool; Harland, R., 11, Skinner Street; Harland, S. G., 33, Bowen Road, Darlington; Harrigan, W., Ivy House, ; Harris, L. W., 9, Eton Road.

32 Harrison, F., A.M.I.Struct.E., 10, West End Terrace; Harrison, F. S., 14, Cowpen Bewley Road, Billingham; Harrison, H., 3, Henley Grove, Thornaby; Harrison, J., 156, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow; Harrison, J. A., 14, Cowpen Bewley Road, Billingham; Harrison, K., Station House, Picton, N.R. Yorks.; Harrison, M. W., 27, Castlehill Road, Ayr; Harrison, R., 9, Collins Avenue, Norton; Harrison, R. D., The Knoll, Burton Lane, Darlington; Harrison, T. W., 15, Stavordale Road; Hart, F., 6, Central Avenue, Billingham; Hart, K. L. G., 84, Birchall Road, Rcdlands, Bristol 6; Hart, S. B., B.Sc., A.M.P.T.L., A.H.Mun.E., 33, Queen's Drive, Bishopston, Bristol; Harvey, D., 21, Southfield Road, Norton; Harvey, G. M., 5, Queensland Grove, Hart- burn; Harvey, R., 6, Newham Grange Avenue; Hatfield, J. R., 26, Hampton Road; Hawkins, G. C, Orient Villas, Middleton St. George; Ilawley, F., B.A., 56, Stanley Street, Norton; Hayes, R., 22, New Road, Billinsham; Hazleton, B., MA., 7, Spennithorne Road; Hazle- ton, R. A., 7, Spennithorne Road.

Hearse, A. G., 5, Edes Street, Norton; Heath, T. W., 22, Cother• stone Road; Heathcote, W. R., B.Sc., Woodlands, Helmsley, Yorks.; Henderson, D. W., 11, Cumberland Grove, Norton; Henderson, J., 2, Central Bu'ldings, Middleton St. George; Henderson, J. G., 61, Surrey Terrace, Billingham; Henderson, J. }., A.I.S.A., 23, Sidney Road, Rugby; Henderson, W. H., 4, Centenary Crescent, Norton; Hepple, J. G., 64, Greta Road, Norton; Hcslop, K. N., 43, Adderley Street; Hewitt, G. D., B.A., 174, Oxbridge Lane; Hewitt, J., Police Head• quarters, Northallerton; Hewitt, J., 69, Arlington Street; Hewitt, W., Highside, Oxbridge Lane.

Higgins, D. A., c/o The Devonshire Restaurant, 42-44, Stonegate, York; Hill, H. L., L.D.S., R.C.S., 4, Willis Avenue, Sutton, Surrey; Hill, J., Hazclfield, ; Hill, J. A., Hoggett Hall, East Rownton, Northallerton; Hind, R. A., 230, Oxbridge Lane; Hinds, W. E., Foreman's Cottage, Bordos Farm, Church Lane, Loughton, Essex; Hodgson, B. S., 63, Tccsdale A enue, Billingham; Hodgson, C, 24, Castlereagh Road; Hodgson, E., 26, Craigweil Crescent; Hodg• son, L. W., 5, William Terrace, Norton; Hodgson, R. B., 5, William Terrace, Norton.

Hollis, H., 15A, St. John's Park, Blackheath, S.E.3; Holt, P., 40, Yarm Lane; Holmes, R., 56, Northcote Street; Hooton, W., 2, Trinity Street; Hopkinson, E. B., 82, Newport Road, Middlesbrough; Hopkin- son, G. S., 13, Airton Street; Hopper, C, Diamond Villa, The Lane, Sedgefield; Horner, G. S., 7, Swinburne Road, Eaglesclitfc; Horner, G. , 40, Conifer Crescent, Billingham; Horwood, G., 5, Stockton Street, Billingham; Houldcroft, E., 29, Sheraton Street; Howden, J. T., 36, Weston Crescent, Norton; Howell, E., 22, Benson Street, Nor• ton; Howie, E., 76, Greenland Road, Redcar.

Huggins, H. P., 7, Station Road, Norton; Hughes, D., 47, Osborne Road; Hughes, F. H., 47, Osborne Road; Hughes, J., B.A., 15, Cow• ley Road, Acklam, Middlesbrough; Hume, J. W.; Hume, W. A., 64, Whinfield Road, Darlington; Hume, W. G., c/o N.A.A.S., Weekday Cross, Nottingham; Humphries, E., 21, Gladstone Street; Hunter, A. W., 42, Keithlands Avenue, Norton; Hunter, M. D., 38, Inkerman Street; Huntridge, W. R., 50, Devon Crescent, Billingham; Hutchin• son, N., 3, Elmwood Road, Eaglescliffe; Hutchison, A., 8, Lammer- muir Road, Billingham; Hutchison, F. K., 39, Raby Road; Hutchison, H. J., 40, Stokesley Crescent, Billingham; Hutchison, R. H., 30, Marl• borough Road, Havcrton Hill.

33 JCETON, J., 74, Council Estate, Sedgefield; Iceton, R., Crispin Cot• tage, Sedgefield; Idle, D. B., 12, Bedford Street; Iley, H., 80, Thames Avenue, Thornaby; Ingledew, H., 76, Hume Street; Ingleson, J. A., 24, The Cottages, Winterton; Ingman, D. C, Railway Terrace, Rugby; Ingman, A. L., B.Sc., 2, Valley View Grove, Undercliffe, Bradford; Ingman, L., 9, Oulston Road; Inman, H. W.; Ions, J. B., Westcote, Nunthorpe Station.

JACKSON, C, 99, Londonderry Road; Jackson, F., 6, Hartburn Avenue; Jackson, K. W., 75, Weardale Crescent, Billingham; Jack• son, L., 20, Whitfield Road, Norton; Jackson, P. M. T., 12, Bedale Avenue, Billingham; Jackson, R., 41, Edwards Street; Jameson, H. R., B.Sc., Crushfield Cottage, Hawthorn Hill, Bracknall, Berks.; Jamieson, J. E., 17, Castlereagh Road; Jamieson, J. R., 8, Mansfield Street; Jaques, M. W.; 9, Highfield Crescent, Hartburn; Jeal, T. H., 70, Windermere Road; Jefcoat, G. N., 7, Cumberland Grove, Norton; Jeffels, D., 70, Greta Road, Norton; Jenden, B., 30, Hury Road, Norton; Jenkins, A., 131, Central Avenue, Billingham; Jenkins, P.; Jennings, H., 13, Coniston Road; Jewitt, J. M., 10, Ellen Avenue.

Jobling, E. M., 3, Alpha Street, Norton; Jobling, T., A.S.A.A., 5, Perth Grove, Hartburn; Johnson, A. R., 19, Pinewood Road, Eagles• cliffe; Johnson, A. W., 32, Atterby Terrace; Johnson, C, 3, Mount- joy Crescent, Durham City; Johncon, F., 26, Bentcliffe Drive, Leeds 7; Johnson, J. C, 26, K'lburn Road; Johnson, N. F., 12, Hawthorne Road; Johnson, R., 61, Cheviot Crescent, Billingham; Johnson, R., 14, Del Strother Avenue; Johnson, R. D., St. Austell's, 51, Graylands Avenue, Norton; Johnson, S. W., 6, Henry Terrace; Johnson, T. W., 61, Cheviot Crescent, Billingham; Joice, M., 16, Sedgefield Terrace, Fishburn; Jones, A., 17, Durham Street; Jones, A. W., 165, New King's Road, London, S.W.6; Jones, G., 27, Graylands Avenue, Nor• ton; Jones, L. V., 1, Jubilee Grove, Norton; Jones, L. W., 76, Hamp• ton Road; Jones, R. W., 1, Jubilee Grove, Norton; Jones, T. W., B.A., Kenley Cottage, 1, Bramley Avenue, Coulsdon, Surrey; Jukes, A., 56, Kensington Road.

p^AY, G., L.R.A.M., 36, Crescent Road, Middlesbrough; Kean, J. S., 3, Jameson Road, Norton; Kears, J. D., 2, Wooler Crescent, Bill• ingham; Kelley, J., 16, The Green, Norton; Kelley, S., 16, The Green, Norton; Kelsey, R. M., 15, Crescent Avenue, Billingham; Kemp. W., 7, East Avenue, Billingham; Kendall, C. E., 3, Cumberland Crescent; Kendall, H., Kensington House, High Street, Sedgefield; Kennedy, T. A., Alan Kennedy & Co., Ltd., Church Row; Kennedy, N., Alan Kennedy & Co., Ltd., Church Row; Kerr, J., 37, Hind Street; Kerr, T., Rook's Nest, North Road, Hythe, Kent; Kew, D., 11, Oakdene Road, Fishburn; Kewley, H., 1, Meadow Road, Monkseaton; King, R. W., 33, Cross Lane, Burneston Road, Scar• borough; Kirkup, J., West End, Sedgefield; Kirtley, D. S., 11, Gros• venor Road; Knott, G., Wolvercote, Highfield Crescent, Hartburn; Knowles, S., Heatherbrae, Fairfield Road.

34 LACY, B., 10, Grange Avenue; Lacy, S., 4, Upper Church Street, Douglas, I.O.M.; Lamb, R. E., Lamb's Stores, Fishburn; Lambert, J. R., 110, Park Street, Hereford; Lancaster, J., Southlands Lodge, The Avenue, Eaglcscliffe; Landells, I., 77, Collingwood Road, Haver• ton Hill; Larkin, P., 18, Bedford Street; Latimer, J., 10, Langley Street; Laverick, R. F., M.A., 104, Oxbridge Lane; Lawson, G., Sands Farm, Sedgefield; Lawson, J., Dunelm, Tewkesbury Avenue, Davyhulme, Manchester; Lawson, R., Hartington Hall, Sedgefield; Lax, F. R., Southlands, Middleton Road, Pickering; Lax, T. H., Southlands, Middleton Road, Pickering; Leach, G., 52, Northcote Street; Leach, J. R. L., B.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., c/o Mrs. S. P. Cook, Market Weighton, Yorks.; Lee, G. G., B.Sc., 25, Station Road, Nor• ton; Leggatt, D., 15, St. Paul's Street; Lewis, D. J., 15, Outram Street; Lewthwaite, W., 34, Howden Street. Liddle, J. G., F.B.O.A., F.I.O., The Grange, Imperial Avenue, Norton; Liddle, Station Road, Sedgefield; Linfoot, D., 142, London• derry Road; Lister, C. R., 13, Hambleton Square, Billingham; Lister, D. L., B.A., 25, Russell Street; Litherland, D., 60, Alliance Street; Little, N., 6, Coxwold Road; Littlefair, J. H., 2, Kendal Road; Living• ston, D., M.B.E., Ringway Airport, Manchester; Lloyd, T. H., M.P.S., 31, Crayke Road; Lloyd, W. A., 14, Zetland Road; Lockhead, R., Stockton Road, Sedgefield; Lodge, H. S., 21, Bishopton Avenue; Lofthouse, C. W., A.F.C., 39, Cumberland Grove, Norton; Lofthouse, J. R., 87, Norton Road; Longstaff, G., 44, Teesdale Avenue, Billing• ham. Lonsdale, N., 10, Skerne Road, Norton; Louden, J. T., 27, Grange A.enue, Billingham; Loughran, J. D., Highgarth, Wynyard Road, Wolviston; Lowe, E., 4, Bowburn Terrace, Fishburn; Lowe, K., 53, Station Road, Billingham; Lowery, L. S., Morley House, Wait Street, Haslemerc, Surrey; Lowes, D., West End, Sedgefield; Lowes, W., 10, Croft Street; Lowther, W. N., B.Sc., 5, Hambleton Avenue S., Boroughbridge Road, Northallerton; Ludbrook, L., 54, Malvern Road, Billingham; Ludbrook, R., 13, Atterby Terrace; Luke, A., No. 1 Holding, Burtree Lane, Darlington; Lumley, J. C, Glebe Farm, Nor• ton; Lynch, D. A., 1, Westmorland Grove, Norton.

^JACDONALD, J., M.A., 6, The Moorway, Tranmere Park, Guisley, near Leeds; Macgregor, L., 9, Bowesfield Lane; Mackew, J. J., 84, Yarm Lane; Mackinlay, J. E., 4, Ullswater Road; Mackie, D., F. B.O.A., 3, Greba Avenue, Warrington, Lanes.; Mallaby, H., King• ston, Kingsley Road; Mallaby, R., Kilburn Road; Mann, H., Post Office, Fishburn; Manners, F., B.A., B.Litt., Keresforth, Darlington Road; Manners, F. A., B.Sc., Kcresforth, Darlington Road; Mantle, G. W., 45 A, Nelson Street, Fulham, London, S.W.6; March, D. G., 3, Grange Avenue; Marriott, J. T., Kenilworth, Grosvenor Road; Marriott, W. R. T., Kenilworth, Grosvenor Road; Marsden, F. W., 53, Brooksbank Avenue, Redcar; Marsden, R., 18, Mowbray Road, Norton; Marsden, T., 260, High Street, Norton. Marshall, F., 38, Lowson Street, Stillington; Marshall, G., 3, Alpha Street, Norton; Marshall, J. W., 15, Waverley Street; Marshall, R. W., 88, Beaconsfield Street; Marshall, V., Ullswater Road; Martin, F., 44, Warwick Crescent, Billingham; Martin, H., 87, Malvern Road, Billingham; Marwood, K., 9, Dundas Street; Mason, A. J., 19, Croft Road, Eaglescliffe; Mason, C, 18, Cleveland View, Fishburn; Mason, E. , 18, Cleveland View, Fishburn; Mason, F., F.B.O.A., 28, Oaklea Avenue, Pendleton, Salford, 6; Mason, R. R., 14, Moorside Crescent, Fishburn; Matthews, R., 4, Bypass Road, Billingham; Matthews, W., 5, Chalk Street.

35 McCarten, W., 56, Langley Avenue, Thornaby; McCrae, A., 4, Harts Buildings, Middleton St. George; McCulloch, J., Leon, Ox• bridge Lane; McDonnell, J. L., 34, Milbank Street; Mclnnes, L., 13, Fairfield Road; Mclnnes, W., 35, Grangefield Road; McKechnie, W., 7, Olga Terrace, Hartburn; McLean, I. G., 22, Cowpen Lane, Billing• ham; McLean, P. G., 5, Wesley Road; McLennon, A., 5, Helex Road, Brixton Hill, S.W.2. Meachen, A. H., 14, Eton Road; Meachcn, W. B.Sc., 136, Blake Road, West Bridgeford, Notts.; Medlock, L. H., 23, Grosvenor Road; Medlock, N. A., 23, Grosvenor Road; Mellors, J. A., 10, Sedgefield Terrace, Fishburn; Middlcton, E., 57, Appleton Road; Milburn, J., The Green, Hurworth-on-Tees; Miles, M. B., 38, Malvern Road, Billingham; Millar, J., 83, Leven Road, Norton; Millar, W. S., 83, Levcn Road, Norton; Miller, G. A. 40, Durham Street; Miller, H. G., M.B., B.S., 12, Del Strother Avenue; Miller, N. A., Neasham Springs, Neasham; Mills, F. L., 11, Del Strother Avenue; Mines, M. E. , 23, Hawthorne Road; Minnis, H., 9, Cambrian Road, Billingham. Monkman, H., A.C.I.S., 38, Norbury Rise, Norbury, S.W.16; Moore, J. T., Front Street, Sedgefield; Morgan, D. J., Victoria Inn, Thornaby; Morgan, R., 28, Sycamore Road, Fishburn; Morris, S. V., M.A., 8, Rowland Keld, Hutton Gate, Guisborough; Moses, F., Tenterden, Durham Road; Moses, J. D., 12, Southfield Crescent, Norton; Moss, D., 16, Londonderry Road; Moss, G. S., 45, Gros• venor Road; Moss, H., 45, Grosvenor Road; Moss, M., 37, Alma Street; Moss, W., 37, Alma Street; Muir, C. L., Newsam Road, Eaglescliffe; Muirden, M. A., A.M.I.C.E., Allendale, Darlington Road; Mullooley, W., 13, Park Road; Murphy, W., 20, Victoria Street, Haverton Hill; Myers, I.., A.C.I.S., 29, Coast Road, Redcar.

^ASBY, Nasby, G., 12, Glebe Terrace, Houghton le Spring; Nash, G., 2, Askrigg Road; Neal, W., 36, Norfolk Street; Neale, F. J., 11, Alexandra Road S., Manchester 16; Neasham, B., Aingarth, Old Road, Billingham; Nelson, S., 56, Stokesley Crescent, Billingham; Newley, F. R., 81, Grainger Street, Darlington; Nicholson, A., A. M.I.Gas.E., 27, Keighley Road, Colne, Lanes.; Nicholson, B. F., B. A., 44, Osborne Road; Nicholson, H., M.Sc, 44, Osborne Road; Nicholson, J., M.P.S., 16, Grays Road; Nicholson, J. B., 25, Junction Road, Norton; Nicholson, J. W. P., Newlyn, Fir Tree Road; Nichol• son, J., 16, Weardale Place; Nicholson, N., 16, Weardale Place; Nicholson, P., 81, Hampton Road; Nixon, J. R., 14, Petch Street; North, S., 10, Preston Road; Nutley, J., 48, Sycamore Road, Fish• burn.

QLVER, T. D., A.M.I.Gas.E.; Ord, R., 127, High Street, Norton; Orris, D. C, 1, Highfield Crescent, Hartburn; Outhwaite, A., 65, St. Bernard Road; Outhwaite, H., 2, Shotton Terrace.

pALING, J., Westhaven, Station Road, Sedgefield; Pallett, F., Aus- tray, Fairfield Road; Pallister, W. H., 9, Cumberland Crescent, Billingham; Parkin, L. J. A., 21, Central Avenue, Billingham; Park• inson, K. W., Bryn Teg, Middleton-one-Row; Parkinson, T. H., 2, Mitre Street; Parnaby, L., 328, Norton Road; Parsons, R., 6, Jesmond Grove, Hartburn; Patterson, S. P., 19, Central Avenue, Billingham; Pearse, F., 55, Atkinson Street; Pearse, R. R., 38, Northcote Street; Pearson, L., 26, Grosvenor Road, Wolviston; Pearson, N. M., 5, Bewley Grove, Acklam, Middlesbrough; Pearson, S., 23, Bowron Street; Pearson, W., Norton Avenue; Peart, W., Wortley, Preston Terrace, Eaglescliffe. 36 Pennock, L. W., 1, Green's Lane, Hartburn; Pepper, J. A., 9, Mitre Street; Pickup, N. E., 17, Brinkburn Road, Norton; Pigg, F. M., Lund Head, Perth Grove, Hartburn; Pigg, T., 207A, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex; Pilkington, J. P., 29, Elcoat Road, Norton; Pinder, A., 10, Page Terrace, Norton; Pinkney, L., The Green, Wol• viston; Pipe, G., 31, West Street, Stillington; Pixton, W. H., 6, Malvern Terrace, Billingham; Place, R., M.C., 140, Brereton Avenue, ; Place, W., 2, Compton Street; Plowman, J. K., 19, Dixon Street; Plumley, H. B., 1, Tarring Street; Plummer, E. G. L., Reeth Road.

Pope, B., 25, Junction Road, Norton; Pope, L. R., 60, Central Avenue, Billingham; Porter, A., 178, Heythorpe Drive, Acklam, Middlesbrough; Potter, J. V., Ill, Norton Avenue; Poulter, C, 42, Londonderry Road; Power, E. B., 1, Eastrand Terrace, Whitley, Wirral, Cheshire; Prest, D. M., 12, Mole Park Avenue, Maidstone, Kent; Price, N. W., 34, Linden Avenue; Pringle, J., 66, Appleton Road, Linthorpe; Pringle, L. V., 8, Reeth Road, Linthorpe; Pringlc, P. V., M.I.Struct.E., 13, Madison Road, Kilmainham, Dublin; Proc• tor, H., 2, Manor Road, West Ealing, W.13; Proud, H. H., 8, Oakdene Avenue; Proud, L., D.F.M., 8, Oakdene Avenue; Purnell, A. E., 22, Silverbell Road, Bradford Moor, Bradford; Purncll, H., 57, Graylands Avenue; Purnell, R., 12, Crayke Road; Purty, B., 29, Diamond Road, Thornaby.

RACE, B. R., 302, Norton Road; Race, H. D., 302, Norton Road; Raine, G., 1, Bowburn Terrace, Fishburn; Ramage, J. M., Arnbrooke, South Road, Norton; Ramsdale, E., 56, Sydenham Road; Ramsden, C, 3, Hest Bank Road, Bare, Morecambe; Randall, J., 5, Salisbury Terrace, Norton; Ransome, R. W., Ailsa Craig, Preston Terrace, Eaglescliffe; Rattenbury, J. G., B.A., 65, Harsley Road; Rayner, L. C, 17, Carr Street; Raw, S. R., 3, Corporation Street.

Read, W. E., 14, Collingwood Road, Haverton Hill; Readman, W. B., 20, Hind Street; Redfern, G. E., 2, Grosvenor Road; Redhead, H., F.R.H.S., 35, Kendal Road; Reed, E. E., Aingate, Middleton One Row; Reed, G., The Lodge, British Oxygen Co., Portrack Lane; Reed, H., 8, Wharf dale Avenue, Billingham; Reed, J. D., 15, Tibbersley Avenue, Billingham; Reeve, D., 4, Raglan Terrace; Reeve, R. W., 4, Raglan Terrace; Reeves, T. P., A.M.I.Struct.E., 59, St. Bernard Road; Reddie, J. E., East Fenton, Drem, East Lothian; Revell, I. W., 18, Grove Street; Reyer, A., Crompton, The Grove, Martin-in- Cleveland; Reyer, W. M., 9, Stavordale Road; Reynolds, D. D., 2, Humbolt Street, East Parade, Bradford.

Rhodes, A. H., 18, Ellicott Street; Rhys, L. W., B.A., Bywell, Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe; Rhys, J., Bywell, Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe; Rhys, L. W., Bywell, Yarm Road, Eaglescliffe; Richardson, J., 5, East Insula Cottages, Bishop Middleham; Richardson, R., 152, Terminus Road, Eastbourne; Richardson, T. W., 33, Canterbury Road, Redcar; Rigg, H., 17, Appleton Road; Riley, C. L., 84, Waverley Street; Ripley, A. R., 13, Queensland Grove; Robinson, A., B.A., St. John's Clergy House, Prospect Row, Sunderland; Robinson, A. H., 109, Pearson Street; Robinson, F., 61, Cecil Street; Robinson, H. C, 4, Acacia Road; Robinson, P. B., 4, Spring Street; Robinson, R., 100, Durham Road; Robinson, T. W., 10, Saxby Road; Robinson, T. W., 20, Lawrence Street.

37 Robson, B. S., 29, Stanhope Road; Robson, G. C, West End, Sedgefield; Robson, H., 49, Cowpen Bewley Road, Haverton Hill; Robson, K., 7, Whitfield Road, Norton; Robson, T., Stoney Flatt Farm, Bishopton; Robson, T. E., 44, Wellington Street; Robson, T. N., Loyola, Bishopton Road; Robson, W. B., 24, Hambleton Square, Billingham; Rodgers, C. R., Schoolhouse, Durham Road; Rogers, M. B., 2, Newby Grove, Thornaby.

Roper, G. C, 6, Leopold Street, Bcxhill, Sussex; Ross, A. J., 17, Samuel Street; Ross, G. D., 5, Hawthorne Terrace, Bishop Middle• ham; Ross, M. K., M.A., The Village College, Sawston, Cambridge; Routledge, J. B., 54, Sydenham Road; Routledge, R., 54, Sydenham Road; Rowbotham, S., 28, Dundas Street; Rowney, E. C, 22, Arling• ton Street; Ruddock, A., B.A., 32, Cranbourne Terrace; Ruddock, R. S., 28, Spring Street; Russell, G. M., 6, Austin Avenue; Russell, H. D., 6, Austin Avenue; Rutledge, H., B.Sc., 9, Coatham Avenue, Middleton St. George; Ryan, T., 5, Princess Street.

^ALMON, H., 2, Weardale Place; Salmon, J., 23, Green Lane, Hartburn; Sanderson, B., Garden House, Neasham, Darlington; Sanderson, G. A., Reigate, Durham Road, Thornaby; Sanderson, G. W. R., Tees View, Neasham, Darlington; Sanderson, J., 45, Norton Avenue; Saunders, R., 19, Trinity Street; Sawdon, F., 80, Elton Road, Darlington; Sawdon, H., Fairfield Avenue; Scaife, F. L., M.I.Gas.E., Gas Works, Stockton; Scott, A. J., Gordon House, Primrose Road, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent; Scott, F., 117, Dovecot Street; Scott, H. J., 47, Spennithorne Road; Scott, J. A., Beech Croft, Albany Road, Harp- field, Stoke-on-Trent; Scott, N. E., Holmegarth, Middleton Lane, Middleton St. George; Scott, W. C, Ednam, The Parkway, Dairy- fields, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent; Scott, W. E., M.B.E., A.S.M.A., Garth Holme, Middleton Lane, Middleton St. George.

Scholes, E., Byways, Hoyles Lane, Lea, near Preston, Lanes.; Sed• don, F. O., 47, Castlereagh Road; Seddon, J. H., 47, Castlereagh Road; Sewell N., 2, Lilac Road; Seymour, W. P., Ewhurst, Bishop• ton Road; Shann, R., Ryal Farm, Sedgefield; Sharp, J. H., 1, Britan• nia Terrace; Sharp, T. B., 33, Raby Road; Sharrocks, K., 81 St. Peter's Road; Shaw, B., 7, Ennerdale Road; Shaw, R., 7, Ennerdale Road; Shawyer, R., 10, Merville Avenue; Shearer, M. H., 2, Hawke Street, Haverton Hill; Sheldon, W., Brechin, Thornaby Village; Shelley, T., B.Com., A.I.A., 92, Bescot Road, Walsall, Staffs.; Shep• herd, D. H., 6, Hird Street; Shepherd, J. T., 11, Station Terrace.

Sherwood, F. E., Rosebank, Albert Road, Eaglescliffe; Shields, J. H., 7, Askrigg Road; Shields, H. A., 13, Oakdene Avenue; Shields, R. T., B.A., 13, Oakdene Avenue; Shipman, W. S., Burdon Farm, Silksworth, Sunderland; Shutt, F., Holme Farm, Hurworth-on-Tees; Shutt, N., Holme Farm, Hurworth-on-Tees; Sidaway, N., 5, Finchley Road, Norton; Sierwald, K. C, White House, Gristhorpe, near Filey, Yorks.; Simpson, D., 25, Stanley Street; Simpson, D. J., 4, Pelham Crescent, Hastings, Sussex; Simpson, R., A.H.A., The Adele Shaw Orthopaedic Hospital, Kirbymoorside; Sive, P., 21, Northways, Swiss Cottage, N.W.10; Sizer, D., 3, Mill Lane, Billingham; Sizer, M. D., 3, Mill Lane, Billingham.

38 Smith, A., 2, Cranleigh Road; Smith, D., Red Roofs, Durham Lane, Eaglescliffe; Smith, D. B., B.A., 11, New Road, Billingham; Smith, E., 1, Maidons Bridge Road, Wall Heath, Kingswinford, Staffs.; Smith, J. G., 7, Greenwood Road, Cowpen Estate, Billingham; Smith, L., 9, Harrow Road; Smith, R., 2, Osborne Street, Haverton Hill; Smith, S. F., 3, New Cottages, Winterton, Fishburn; Smith, T., 12, Alhambra Terrace, Fishburn; Smithard, A., Tees View, Eaglescliffe; Smithson, R., M.P.S., Front Street, Wheatlev Hill; Snowdon, F. F., B.Sc., 5, Highfield Crescent, Fairfield; Sockett, E. W., Oakdene, Whinney Hill, Stockton-on-Tees; Southwood, R. W., 2, Stockton Road, Sedgefield; Sowerby, G., 8, Clive Crescent, Norton; Sowerby, G. W., 33, Teesdale Avenue, Billingham; Sowler, T. F., B.Sc., 2, Highfield Crescent, Fairfield.

Spence, J. E., 9, Atkinson Street; Spence, N., 67, Buchanan Street; Spencer, W. A., 17, Chiltons Avenue, Billingham; Spink, T., 8, New- ham Grange Avenue; Spooner, R., 504, Thornaby Road, Thornaby; Spreckley, A. J., 4, York Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester 21; Stainsby, A., 22, Linden Avenue, Darlington; Stainsby, W. A., 8, Waltham Avenue; Stamper, E., 7, Norfolk Street; Stanford, W., 46, Hind Street; Stephens, A., 53, Chalk Street; Stephens, L., 15, Laurel Street; Stephenson, H., B.A., 25, Albany Road, Norton; Stephenson, J. B., 10, Stanhope Road; Stephenson, S. A., 12, Sheraton Street.

Stevinson, D., 31, Cotherstone Road; Stevinson, L. H., 31, Cother• stone Road; Stevinson, L. G., 17, Moorhouse Farm, Yarm Road; Stewart, L., 7, Cottersloe Road, Norton; Stewart, M. G., B.Sc., 25, Hambleton Square, Billingham; Stewart, R., 18, Stavordale Road; Stewart, V. J., 7, Derwent Street; Stewart, W., 7, Derwent Street; Stewart, W., 61, Eamont Road, Norton; Stewartson, K., B.A., 19, Sunnybrow Avenue, Billingham; Still, A., Lynwood, Durham Road; Still, L., Lynwood, Durham Road; Stobbart, G. H., 15, Buckingham Road; Stobbart, W., 15, Buckingham Road; Stoddart, A., 11, Conifer Grove, Billingham.

Stokell, J., 14, Redmarshall Street, Stillington; Stone, J. E., B.Sc., 10, Van Mildert Terrace; Stone, J. S., Woodford, Picrrcmont Road, Darlington; Stopforth, R., 57, Scott Park Road, Burnley; Stott, G., 9, Grosvenor Road; Strickland, H. C, Holme House, Aislaby, Stockton- on-Tees; Stubbs, A., 19, Appleton Road; Stubbs, W., Highfield, Hart• burn; Sturman, B. F., F.B.O.A., 56, Station Road, Billingham; Sud- dick, R., 12, Milner Road, Norton; Suthern, A., 52, Graylands Avenue, Norton; Suthern, W., B.A., Rev., The Vicarage, Burnopfield, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Swainston, T. H., 40, Moat Street; Swinbank, H. , The Dairies, Wynyard Road, Billingham; Swinbourne, A., M.A., Rydal, Doric Avenue, Bradley Lane, Froddam, Cheshire; Swinburne, G. H., M.I.C.E., 110, Oxbridge Lane.

"TATE, W. T. G., Thornaby Station; Taylor, A. S., B.Sc., 34, Bed• ford Terrace, Billingham; Taylor, E. M., CLE., M.B.E., Ph.D., D.Sc.,F.I.C, 11, West Park Rd., Gateshead; Taylor, W., 12, Park Rd.; Teasdale, W. C, 23, Craigweil Crescent; Teasdale, J., 10, Station Terrace, Wolviston Road, Billingham; Temple, J. M., 12, Belmont Avenue, Durham Road; Terrey, T. W., 158, Weardale Crescent, Bill• ingham; Terrington, J., 63, Bowesficld Lane; Thomas, E., 21, Gidea Close, Gidea Park, Romford, Essex; Thomas, J. R., 11, Castleton Road; Thomas, S. N. G., 12, Bradbury Road, Norton.

39 Thompson, A., 49, Tilery Road; Thompson, A., Wheatsheaf House, Bishopton; Thompson, A., 4, Stanhope Road; Thompson, A., 83, Norton Road; Thompson, B., 22, Grays Road; Thompson, E., 10, St. Paul's Street; Thompson, F., 19, Newham Grange Avenue; Thomp• son, G. A. S., 72, High Street, Norton; Thompson, J., 22, Gray's Road; Thompson, J. S., 19, Jane Street; Thompson, K. N., 22, Gray's Road; Thompson, R. S., B.Sc., M.Ed., 89, Junction Road, Norton; Thompson, S. G., 47, Westbourne Street; Thompson, V., 24, Egglc- stone Terrace; Thompson, W., 74, Stanley Street, Norton; Thompson, W., The Kennels, Sandy Lane, Mackenham, near Woodbridge, Suffolk; Thompson, W. G., 48, Northcote Street.

Thorman, J. G., 8, Bute Street; Thornton, G., 7, Acacia Road; Thornton, S., 7, Acacia Road; Threlkeld, R. F., 25, West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, Bucks; Timothy, E. A., 16, Bedale Avenue, Billingham; Tingle, C. B., 6, Westerleigh Avenue, Fairfield; Tingle, E., B.Sc., 6, Westerleigh Avenue, Fairfield; Tingle, M. D., 6, Wester• leigh Avenue, Fairfield; Tinkler, J. H., 6, Chapel Street, Middleton St. George; Tinkler, R., 160, Belasis Avenue, Billingham; Tinkler, S. J., F.C.A., Stonegate, Oxbridge Avenue; Tinsley, E. J., M.A., B.D., University College, Hull; Todd, A., 5, Harland Place, Norton; Todd, G., 5, Suffolk Street.

Tompkinson, H., 4, Victoria Avenue; Toulson, S., 4, Park View; Toulson, W., 114, High Street, Norton; Towns, A., 56, Northcote Street; Townshead, D. W., 17, West Street, Stillington; Trenholm, A., 24, Swinburne Road, Eaglescliffe; Trenholm, P., Hope Inn, Front Street, Sedgefield; Trotter, R., 16, Stobart Terrace, Fishburn; Trud- gill, E., 1, Holmbury View, Springfield, Clapham, E.5; Tuck, J., 8, King Street; Tucker, B., 64, Grange Road, Norton; Turner, C. H., 18, Oxbridge Avenue; Turner, G., Bowesfield Hotel, Bowesfield Lane; Turner, L. T., Winskill, Sandy Lane, Billingham; Turner, L. W., 5, Ezard Street; Turner, S., 21, Allison Street; Twiddy, S. H., 5, Rose Terrace, ; Twiddy, P., 32, Lowland Road, Eastcote, Pin• ner, Middlesex.

1JRWIN, C, 13, Central Avenue, Billingham; Urwin, J. R., 37, Bartlett Street, Darlington; Urwin, G. H., 41, Hartington Road; Usher, L., 6, Finchley Road, Norton.

\'ARDY, P. A., Sandhills, Middleton St. George; Veitch, A., 538, Redditch Road, King's Norton, Birmingham 30; Veitch, S., 35, New Road, Billingham; Vickers, S., 2, Grangefield Road; Vickers, W. G., 13, Bowron Street.

^fy'ADE, W., Grange Farm, ; Wadsworth, E., 251, Ox• bridge Lane; Waistell, H. A., 5, Springfield Terrace, Haughton- -le-Skerne; Waite, J. C, 21, Chaytor Terrace, Fishburn; Walker, A. P., 6, Park Terrace; Walker, C, Wood End Farm, Wynyard; Walker, D., 24, Ullswater Road; Walker, E., Wood End Farm, Wynyard; Walker, F., Front Street," Sedgefield; Walker, J. B., 21, Monkseaton Drive, Billingham; Walker, R., 1, Moorside Crescent, Fishburn; Walker, S., 4, Middle Avenue, Billingham; Walker, T. E., 21, Oxford Street.

40 Waller, B., 7, Moat Street; Waller, E., 45, Allison Street; Waller, H. C. U. P., 23, Balder Road, Norton; Walls, W. E., Howden Farm, Norton; Walters, S., 6, Central Avenue, Billingham; Walton, A., 10, Homelands Crescent, Durham Moor, Durham; Walton, A., Saltville, Bridge Road, Haverton Hill; Walton, J. G., Thorntree Farm, Middle- ton St. George; Walton, K. W., 17, St. Paul's Street; Walton, L., 85A, High Road, East Finchley, London, N.2; Wanford, N., Green- acre, The Avenue, Fairfield; Ward, H. J., 10, Cliff Terrace, Hartle• pool; Ward, L., 20, South Parade, Thome, Doncaster; Ward, R., 5, The Green, Bishop Middleham; Ward, R. E., A.C.I.I., 51, Tarring Street; Ward, W. A., 128, Arlington Road. Wardell, J., 21, Elmcroft Crescent, Headstone Lane, North Harrow, Middlesex; Wardell, R. K., 20, Allison Street; Wamock, J. L., 44, Hillside Road, Norton; Warwick, G., Dunstable Cottage, The Holme, Great Broughton, Stokesley; Watkin, W. R., Education Dept., Shire Hall, Gloucester; Watson, D., 22, Moorside Crescent, Fishbum; Watson, E. L., Dibble Bridge House, Castleton, Yorks.; Watson, E. S., 56, Waterloo Road, Bedford; Watson, G. C, 17, Swaledale Cres• cent, Billingham; Watson, H., M.Litt.H., 56, Waterloo Road, Bed• ford; Watson, J., 45, Sheraton Street; Watson, R., 20, Crayke Road; Watson, T., 10, Ragworth Road, Norton. Wears, R. B., 17, Thames Avenue, Thomaby; Webb, S. G., 21, Balder Road, Norton; Webster, A. T., 241, Oxbridge Lane; Webster, G. W. B., 241, Oxbridge Lane; Wedgwood, P., 13, Highfield Cres• cent, Hartburn; Wedgwood, P. W., 23, High Street, Finningley, Don- caster; Welch, H. M., 20, Kensington Road; Wells, A., 67, Parklands Avenue, Billingham; Wells, C. M., 20, Kensington Road; Welsh, J., B.Sc., 91, Stokesley Crescent, Billingham; Werrett, B., 10, Wynyard Street; West, R. J., 198, Norton Road; West, S. G., 8, Buxton Street; Westwater, K., 124, Windermere Road; Wharton, F. S., Bowesfield Farm; Wheatlcy, L. A., 44, Trent Street; Wheatley, R. A., 80, Central Avenue, Billingham; Wheatley, W. H., Rev., 125, Whitehall Road, Biikenshaw, Bradford; Wheelhouse, G., 17, Centenary Crescent, Norton.

White, J. M., 46, Bradbury Road, Norton; White, L., 23, Marl• borough Road; Whitehead, I., 5, Stafford Street; Whitehead, J. H., Brookside, Bishopton Road; Whitelaw, S., The Homestead, Florence Road, Fleet, Hants; Whitfield, J., 21, Moss Street; Whitfield, J. R., 30, Crescent Avenue, Billingham; Whitfield, T. K., 4, Park Road; Whit- taker, T, 17, Ryan Street; Wiggins, B. D., The Grange, Imperial Avenue, Norton; Wigham, T., 74, Bedale Avenue, Billingham; Wild, E. M., L.D.S., R.F.P.S., 19, Bypass Road, Billingham; Wilkie, S., 37, Castlereagh Road; Wilkes, P., 8, Windsor Street, Haverton Hill;

Wilk;nson, A., 10, Mill Lane, Billingham; Wilkinson, H., 59, Greta Road, Norton; Wilkinson, H., 25, Brisbane Grove, Hartburn; Wilkin• son, R., Red House Farm, Stockton; Wilkinson, R., 26, Keithlands Avenue, Norton; Wilkinson, S. S., Moorsidc, , Stanhope; Wilkinson, W., West Lodge, Acklam, Middlesbrough.

Willey, D. R., 75, Junction Road, Norton; Williams, A., 6, Regent Street; Williams, A. D., M.Sc, Vale Head, Aislaby Road, Yarm; Williams, M. S. T., 35, Crescent Avenue, Billingham; Williams, R. Weston Crescent, Norton; Williamson, N., 10, Richardson Road; Williamson, N. A. M., 3, Albert Road, Eaglescliffe; Willis, C. A., 1, Imperial Avenue, Norton; Willis, L. D., 1, Imperial Avenue, Norton; Williamson, H., 32, Surrey Terrace, Billingham; Williamson, N., I, W., 14, Stanhope Road; Williams, T., 74, Bedale Avenue, Billingham; Willoughby, W., 22, York Crescent, Billingham.

41 Wilson, A. C, M.A., The Rectory, Little Chard, Ashford, Kent; Wilson, D. E., 99, Teesdale Avenue, Billingham; Wilson, F. S., A. M.I.Struct.E., 11, Oakwell Road, Norton; Wilson, G. M., Police Station, Thornaby; Wilson, H. S., 39, Craister Street; Wilson, J., c/o Messrs. Gilchrist, Tash, Wilson & Sasson, 17, Albert Road, Middles• brough; Wilson, P., 42, Conifer Crescent, Billingham; Wilson, W. L., B. Sc., A.M.I.C.E., 47, Neville's Court, Dollis Hill Lane, London, N.W.; Wing, G. D., B.A., M.C., c/o Tortonia, Whitesmocks, Durham City; Wing, P., 11, Malvern Road, Billingham; Winn, N., J.P., 4, Newham Grange Avenue; Winspear, A. C, M.A., Hazeldene, Darlington Back Lane; Winspear, J. C, Hazeldene, Darlington Back Lane; Wood, R. D., 22, Rusham Road, Egham, Surrey; Wood, R. W., 193, South Croxted Road, London, S.E.21; Woods, N. J., 32, Mal• vern Road, Billingham; Wright, B. R., B.A., 22, Linden Grove, Lin• thorpe, Middlesbrough; Wright, C. R., 1, Fishburn Terrace, Fishburn; Wright, J., 69, Northcote Street; Wright, R. M., 30, Devonshire Street; Wynn, A. W., 212, Norton Road.

YOUNG, A. W., 6, Chaytor Terrace, Fishburn; Young, I. A., Para• gon Street, Stanhope; Young, R., 47, Craigweil Crescent.



gAIRD, D. J. O., 5125, W. Washington Block, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.; Batty, C, 9836, Calumet Street, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.; Batty, E. J., 4021, Aqua Vista Street, Oakland, California, U.S.A.; Bennett, H., Fuel Technologist, Bengal Iron and Steel Corporation, Hiropur, India.

TJEAKIN, J. A., Keith Hall, 513, Marshall Street, Belgravia, Johannesburg; Deakin, S. H., c/o P.O. Hluhluwe, Zululand, Natal, South Africa.

(JALE, J. W. L., B.A., Anglo Persian Institute, Shiraz, Iran (48, Osborne Road).

J-JARRIS, W. V., M.Sc, F.E.S., A.I.C.T.A., The Agricultural Research Station, P.O. Box 265, Kampole, Uganda; Hawes, F., c/o Trinidad Petroleum D. Co. Ltd., Palo Loco, Trinidad; Hodgson, E. (Africa), 23, Craigweil Crescent; Hutton, R., c/o Mrs. Smith, P.O. Box 398, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada (43, Eton Road).

42 JNGMAN, P., 46, Dunottar Street, Sydenham, Johannesburg.

AMES, S. R., 4, Prolea Avenue, Forest Hill, Port Elizabeth, S.A.

KING, E. E., 9080, The Esplanade, Masibynong, Melbourne, Aus• tralia ; King, L. G., 9080, The Esplanade, Masybynong, Melbourne, Australia.

^JETCALFE, R., B.A., Commercial Attache, British Embassy, Copenhagen.

NICHOLLS, R- S., B.Sc., 409, Prospect Street, Elkhart, Indiana, U.S.A.; Nicholson, J. A., H.M. Victualling Yard, Bermuda (Rainow, Grangefield Road).

pREST, R. L., Citrus Fruit Inspector, Government Agricultural Department, Nambour, Queensland, Australia.

ROBSON, A. M., 15, Cross Street, Norton (Japan).

^ANDERSON, J., B.A., B.C.L., Political Officer, British Embassy, Teheran, Persia; Saunders, T., 5255, Byron Avenue, Montreal, Canada; Sharkey, J., Major, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P., B.Sc., B.G.H., Tokio, B.C.O.F., Japan.

\fyTADSWORTH, J. B., B.A., 25, Newbury Street, Woburn, Massa• chusetts, U.S.A.; Williams, A., 6, Regent Street (South Africa); Waller, S., c/o Anglo Iranian Oil Co., Abadan, Persia; Wilkinson, D. W., Albert Avenue, Sutherland, N.S.W., Australia.


^DAMSON, G. A., Radio Range Station, Kellaloe, Ontario, Canada; Allan, H., c/o Messrs. Braithwaite & Co., P.O. Box 836, Lloyds Buildings, Ballard Estate, Bombay.

BARCLAY, B. E., c/o Messrs. Richardson & Cruddas, Byculla, Bombay; Bishop, A. E., A.S.A.A., C.A., 570, Milton, Montreal, Canada; Bouch, W. L., B.Sc., Bungalow 236, Abadan, Persia; Brook- field, D., British Consulate General, Kunmin, Yunann, China (c/o Foreign Office); Burnand, R. W., A.M.I.Struct.E., M.I.E., c/o Head Wrightson & Co. (S.A.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1034.

43 rjICKENSON, R. W., 1318, West 55th Street, Los Angeles, Cali• fornia, U.S.A.

J-JARDY, E. J. J., c/o British Engineers' Club, Kyd Street, Calcutta; Harland, H. N., c/o Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Abadan Refinery, Persia; Harland, J. E., c/o The Lago Oil Co., San Nicholas, Aruba, Dutch West Indies.

LEWIS, L.; Lloyd, E., c/o Trinidad Leaseholds, Trinidad.

pLOWMAN, A., Kingsville, Ontario, Canada; Prest, B. B., Eagles• cliffe, Kommatje Road, Fish Hoek, Cape Province, S. Africa; Purvis, J. T., B.Sc., Veterinary Department, Moshi, Tanganyika.

RUMMERS, D., Ph.D., A.I.C., c/o P.O., Magadi, Kenya Colony.

TAYLOR, A. H. 1006, Castlefield Avenue, Toronto, Canada.


The following list of additional and corrected names and addresses of members arrived too late for inclusion in the alphabetical list: —

Cowan, W., Adelaide Grove, Hartburn; Cussons, R., Crathorne, Kojunup, West Australia; Douthwaite, H., Cirencester Memorial Hospital, Sheep Street, Cirencester; Farnaby, T. B., Arncliffe, Ox• bridge Avenue; Fordy, E. S., Adelaide Grove, Hartburn; King, R. W., 33, Cross Lane, Burniston Road, Scarborough; Moyes, R., 6, Adelaide Grove, Hartburn; Olver, T. D., Gas Works, Warrington; Orris, D. C, Cynden, Darlington Lane, Hartburn; Plummer, E. G. L., 5, Downholme Grove, Hartburn; Ripley, A. R., 13, Queensland Grove, Hartburn; Robinson, H., 15, Park Road; Scaife, F. L., Rye- dale, Darlington Road, Hartburn; Scott, H. J., 23, Green's Lane, Hartburn; Smith, S. F., 12, Alhambra Terrace, Fishburn; Stubbs, W., Highfield, Hartburn Village; Williams, D., M.Sc, 19, Walker Road, Chadderton, Oldham; Archer, R. D., 43, Wansbeck Gardens, West Hartlepool.

44 OLD STOCKTONIANS. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 14th, 1947. RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. PAYMENTS. £ s. d. Subs.—Ordinary 24 4 0 Printing, postages, etc. 27 4 3i Life Members 47 10 0 P.O.W. Fund 24 12 3 71 14 0 Balance 23 5 2* Interest—Building Society 3 5 1 Bank 2 8 3 7 9

£75 1 9 £75 1 9

SUMMARY OF CASH ACCOUNT FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 14th, 1947. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash in hand and at Bank, Cash in hand and at Bank, 31/10/46: 14/11/47: General Fund 26 8 7 General Fund 26 16 Oh Life Members' Deposit A/c.: Life Members' Deposit A/c.: Building Society 130 6 5 Building Society 200 0 0 Bank 55 18 7 Bank 33 15 0 — 186 5 0 233 15 0 Balances—P.O.W. Fund ... 27 14 3 Balances—P.O.W. Fund 3 2 0 Children's Treat 10 2 10 Children's Treat 10 2 10 In hands of Dance In hands of Dance Committee ... 15 11 Committee 15 11 Balance 23 5 24 £274 11 n £274 11 9* War Memorial Fund £33 10 6 N. E. GREEN, Hon. Auditor. C. W. King Memorial Fund £76 7 0 H. NICHOLSON, Hon. Treasurer. P|?-OTgS GROUP PRODUCTSI WIGGINS GARAGE, Norton Road, Stockton-on-Tees.


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