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School board election at middle school Tuesday

Rui oso terB will elect two Board school buildin in the foyer. Edw rds has been 8 board member of Education members in an electio Current board president Stonny Cor 12 years. Morris was appointed a from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tu Y. Edwards is running unop ed (or B year ago to serve a partial term. Febroary 5. at Ruidoso Middle School six-y r term. Incumbent M' e Mar- "We need good voter turnout as a (the fo er Ruid Schoo)). is the only ndidale for a two- show of su port for our chool." Voting wiD be at the east d of the year term commented uperintendent Sid Miller. adelp '8 " stmnil,lBlSt seasoD." ·'~re:C~bWJ'i'bUt.Y·ftT1ttie··Na I ·vision. Of SKI REPORT teams, only Philadelphia Airpor oro in 1984. join s n Cowboy' errs Blanca Resort teaJmDllAtes in Rui this eek die AD-American Pro Ski Undisb.U'bed mi ay on the mountain is 91 inches Two in- ..c. ~e ys will co pete &DOW f this morning an 20 c have faIle . ce Saturday. celeb Pto-Am Race ace tions are powder and pa powder. co clitia at S ma Ski ceU~t. Alllif and trails will be open today, nd and weather per­ IS let g. DelOssie will have It waA ghtly at rt time. Chai or four-wheel-drive $kilng experience by the by DARRELL ". PEHR 'OOk~m'~. vehicles are required on the r d to the ski area this morning. News Staff Wrtter



Wedl:lestlay'8 low . . .. 30 W day's high . . .. 38 ThtJl'8

, Thursday's predicted high . around 22 Friday's c low . . ... nearS low Fri 's cted high ...... near21

National Wea' ~'rvice . well h p .cted cloudy and cold today tho .Wi today will be variable from five to 15 mil per hour. n proposed Tonight's etlon caJls for ntinuing cane for no an very Sup­ d tIl atores. Winds will be nortbtUlSt to east from 10 to 20 miles per r-

for a 8 ght c nee of snow showers and con­ ds from five to 15 m.iles per hour. rcent today, 20 percent tonight aBd 20 per- " Y through Mon y Is for mostly dry s to upper

I 81 E 1Io...... AY

Peep ...... 28-3B arts. , . 4A­ .\, ··S erUnI .. ... 7A " QlaptflEid ...... 8-128 M . .... 18 10A-11A ..... 6A

'..,. . Federal ~&Z to meet Tuesday The Ruidoso Planning and Zoning -Replat of tract A. a trac~ of land Commission will meet at 3 p,m. Mon· in block 16, Alto Crest subdivision, day, February 4, at village hall, The Unit 2, for AVe Development Cor­ flood relief regular study session will precede the poration and Albert Niess, meeting at2 p.m. [tema on the agenda are: -Request for a change in use from - Vartous variances on lot 16, block townhome to condomlnium of Vlata DeI Lago phase 1 and 2, for TES [no 12, ponderosa Helghta subdivision, $12,000 Unlt 2, for N. L. Taylor. vesbnent Corporation, -Replat of lots 17 and 18, block 4, -second replat of Ute Sierra Pr0­ by DARRELL J. PEHR Black Forest subdlvlBlon, for David fessional Center, being lots 54-61, News Staff Wrlter Karber and Paul KnIght. block 8. PalmerGateway subdivision.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMAl officials have dewr· mined that Ruidoso is eligible for aboul $12.000 in nood relief for damage caused by the December nooding, ., •• F!UI?q5D M.~nlclpal Judge ,John.Cupp (right) . Councillor Victor Alqr,JSO at the Tuesday LANDMARK AUTO SALES ~~On;Img- went unfunded. of the airport will be completed within PRICE MEn." sile plans have been completed. with years. three years of that approval. ~08 ~ Those figures came from DamagE." only the EIS to be done, Heckman said the presence of air PHONE 622·5162 1 2nd., Roswell Survey Reports conducted this week Heckman predicted the EIS will traffic controllers at the airport will by FEMA engineers in Ruidoso, Pot· repeat findings from earlier studies of help the situation somewhat. ter Bald no problems are foreseen in the airport site. "At least there's someone out there the village collecting the funds. but he "We've got a pretty good idea of talking to them," he said, said FEMA audits of how the funds ... are spent can prove troublesome ADYERIISING IN 1985 F-150 PICKUP A full selection of rugged full-size IHE Ford Pickups gives you a choice for your needs. RUIDOSO FROM $ 8.~95 * ~O'~ NEWS· ...... , W .1. La., "" 1eIr a_ le __ II..." c .. IIttIder _ •••a SIk.. •. U6. GElS ...... 1......

St_1ff52. BlICk'. All A••rlcan 'ord RESULtS·11 lI1S••••;I...... ' ...... •• Ford ...... 50502S1·7111 "w. •••d ..... In ..... d.y.I"


~'-- ~ ~-_._-- - ~--- _. . . ,. . Ski enthul$lasts Charlie K$mp, Jan Summers Madness Parade Saturday. Plaza D'Oros- and Audrey Allison ofAmarillo beoame 'SKf sponsored the winning entry. to win best float honors In the Winter Spiritski race, parade winners named Spirit of Ruidoso's youth and adult women's crown. Both racers thus the best lighted pickup or car belong­ the Texas city's show this year. _ -Beard board president James amateur ski races Tuesday and the qualified for the Pro-Am Celebrity ed to White Mountain Search and Also Wednesday, the board votedto P9Jdon report on the village ClOUDCU'S Mid·Winter Madness Parade Satur­ Race Saturday. Rescue; Schiotzsky's Sandwich Shop C of C board invite the Mescalero Apache Tribe appropriation of m,ooo for a raUway day saw awards given to top Curt Graham was second and Vogel won the funniest noat award. and Ruidoso Downs Race Trackl to feasibillty st\ldy and approval in con­ finlshel'll. took third in the men's division, The Ruidoso Valley Chamber of name representatives as ex officio cept ofa narrow-gauge raUway. The amateur ski racing was at Franklin finished second and Reanna There was a three-way tie for most Commerce board of directors voted Chamber' of Commerce board -Heard Paxton urge members to Sierra Blanca Ski Resort. Twenty· Baird was third In the women's divi­ unusual float between the Inn of the Wednesday.to participate in a vaca­ members. Ex officio members have push auction tickets and Pro Am flve teams participated in giant sion. Mountain Gods, the Village tion show In New Orleans, Louisiana, voting privileges. spots for the All-American Pro Ski slalom competition. Vince Tognacl took the junior divi­ : Blacksmith and Creative Critters. in late March. In other business, the chamber Classic. TheCachera Bangers won the team sion. Brio O'Reilly won the best clown Favorable reports on trade shows board: -\oVoted to send a letter to the editor competition. Lee Fones, Roy Parker, ·The Mid-Winter Madness Parade award; Plaza D' Oro won best float attended by chamber representatives -Heard Paui Crown report that 18 of The,Ruidoso News concerning a re­ Gary Vogel and Deana'Barrett made had winners in 14 categories. honors; Pat Healy tied with HarIa In San Antonio, Texas, and Amarillo, dropped members had rejoined the cent editorial cartoon:'The letter will up the team.' Haria Webb had the best-looking and Ten-y Webb for most unusual Texas, preceded the action. The chamber after a telephone- calling state the views of the neWspaper as The Rocky Mountain Graphics Pur­ dog. Dogs belonging to Churchill· costume honors; the Ruidoso Valley chamber will send Its classic cadillac campaign, with the callers being paid expressed In the cartoon are not ple DevU Dragon Slayers were se­ Cooke and Nicole Webb tied for the Chamber of Commerce took the best to the New Orleans show, in the hope a fIve percent cOJ11mission on shared by the ChamberofCommerce. cond. Ted Marolt, Terry Walgreen, ugliest dog award. The Ruidoso High antique car award; Party-Time and of selling more tickets for the car membership dues. A copy of the letter will go to Ray Heid and Pam Franklin made up School and Ruidoso Middle School Old-Tyme Photos tied for the best drawing. -AcknOWledged donors of lodglng, Mescalero Apache Tribe president the team. . bands WOn the best air-band award. commerlcal organization award; and The board also voted to participate meals and other amenities that make Wendell ChIno. Schar Ward won the individual The high school and middle school Amanda Foster won best late entry in next year's San Antonio show, pro­ up the ski packages glven away at -Voted Buddy Bundick to an addl- men'a title and Fones captured the, choirs won the best air-choir award; honors. vided funds are available. Nancy trade shows. tional year on the board and ap- • Radziewicz, who went to San Antonio -Voted to let the Art Festival Com- pointed him to chair the Nomlnoting iiiiiiiiii --.- and will go to New Orleans, reported mittee open Its own bank account to Committee. Sue Snidow will chair the . " -- ---_. that bad weather hurt attendance at expedite handling of funds. HN'ZU'NA committee.

Inventory Reduction FRIENDS.-,. ~ ~ SALE . Milliken Place DON'T lET Ballet. area rugs now Jazz. 0 Aefoblcs FRIENDS 50 /0 OFF 257·51:1.5 STUDIO SELECT FROM DOZENS-OF 3:16-4325 HOME , '}. PATTERNS. 291.5 SUDDERTH (IN REAl\) NEXT TO DIG JOHN'S TM DRIVE DRUNK COLORS DAl\DEQUE IN THE lJACK

.....1tetI NOW ENROLLING To.1ock Interest Exempt From Federal and Winter And 5prin Shop aassifieds for o.lItuItI New MexicoIncomeTaxes RUIDOSO PLAYLAND DAYCARE A Good Bargain VILLAGE OF RUIDOSO 225 SvtUttIII General Obligation Water Bonds DAn UCEHSED Ruidoso News MINIMUM·2 YUR OlD AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $20,000 DllOp.fHS WELCOME au 257.292 257-4001 MINIMUM INVESTMENT PNIT: $5,000 ****************** INTEREST RATE: 10.40% CLARKE'S ~* * MATURITY DATE: July 1,1993 Chapel of Roses No :: 1019 Mechem 258·4440 ' YIELD TO MATURITY: 9.25%'" ! Smoklnc. :: ,..- ~, :" . 257·7303 au DAY 01 NIGHT ::* Aversion ::* .. Investor pays premium of $330 per $5.000 unit. Dollar price 106.597; total cost per unit: $5.330, Yield calculated to for personalized Service :: Therapy :: 2n/85 delivery date and will vary slightly If delivery later For You and YourFamily than 2n/85. Current yield equals 9.75% free from federal Serving Ruidoso * :­ And All ofLincoln County :: 257-7614 :: & New Mexico Income taxes. ~~*~~************1 KIOUS & COMPANY Municipal Bonds Since 1971 900 First Interstate Building P.O. DrowerL Albuquerque. N.M. 87103 (505) 243-3703 Ordersor Inquiries may be telephoned collect.

: -~.';oi,.' • '-'. .• ~-.--_:'~-=i-.. '. ~"~--- ,~~ ...... r .-\- --. -----_.- -,'. ,. ", -. - • StkiNU2S .

. . compact 19~5 Ford Ranger 4X4 ,LANDMARK AUTO.SALES 4..WHEEL..DRIVES Two-to...e Paint'. Cloth alief VIII.,1 TriM, - - ~aug. Package~ T..CllctJonioJock Reca.. Ax.. '14 Jeep Cherok.. Cllltif ~taIIonWagon, loaded, Ie, TlntedGlas.. Bright Lo~ Mou..t. 9,000....., .~~/FM Western MI....or....' '83 Chvrofet sto 4](4, ca.ette, sport • • ...... , , !loIMIed• , 'II Fo.... · XL loaded ....s. 'laJonl ~ . '$'10,763· \ . '79 AMc W' liIIliMII. loaded pitts, 31,000 ac· '...... ,~.' . ..76Font ~ '76 Font F150, . •'~HERE QUAlm AN., •••ASONABLE PRICE MEET." . , . , 1601'W. 2H~;RolW'U' '~ '.~ .\. '. '. . , ...... "HoNE 622..51'62 , .. , r' '-'" 0'" (, - ., ' -_.... . '" , ' ..: -- . .. • , ' . " • , " ""' .. .. \ . \ , ". . { .- ," .' . .'

Ruidoso 13 14 9.13 49 6 7 10 13 36 Roswell 24 18 19 10 71 Tularosa 12 14 13 13 52 RuIdoso Ruidoso (49) RuIdoso 5 13. 14 17 49 Portales 14 8 6 2S 53 Tularosa (52) sanchez, 6-3-19; McClure, 5-3-13; Ramos, 5-6-16; Mendez, 6-3-15; Ruidoso (38) Davis, ~; Espinosa, 1-3-5; Morris, Davis, 3410; Gann, 2-4-8; Pearson, 1-0-2; Smith, ()'2-2; PJatta, 6-2-2; Bac8t 1-3-5; Mon, 1-2-4; Torres, 1--3-5; Hendrickson, 1-0-2; Sheppard, 2~; 3-0-06; Easter, 3-0-6; Lopez, 3-0-6; TOTALS, 1&-13-49. zamora, 6-1-1; TOTALS, 17-16-52. TOTALS, 14-8-36. Roswell (7ll RuIdoso (49) Medrono. 17-2-36; Yvonne, 3+12; Gann, 6-1-13; Lopez, 4-l).3; Easter. Portales (53) Smith, 4-3-11; K. Taylor, 3-0-6; Green, 3-1-7; Willinghem, 1-:1-5; Pearson, B. Armijo, 9-3-21; J. Armijo. 4-8-14: 2-2-6; TOTALS,29-13-71. 2~; Tolbert 1-2-4; Davis, 1-2-4; Emerson, 4-2-10; Archuieta, 6-3-3; Buzard, 1-0-2; Love, 1-0-2; Shout, ~ .. ,"- A.:' . -.J: . Lueras, 1-0-2; Ryan, 1-0-2; TOTALS, .'..... 4 , ...... , ..... " ._.' ~ _.... .r •• .;...,.- 20-9-49. 6-1-1: TOTALS, 19-15-53. - ~ ~,',..:...-::,. ',._. ".1-~" ",---. "',,,'-, ,....~ .. -,, >:,.~.~~"~-:L,,' ~~~:7":, ;.~."""7t;';'<.t,t ! ~ ~ Warrior JO unior varsity edged ,- .. ~ ..._...... y;'-'" .. ~ , .r.'"'' ,\-. I~ ,~ J~i-'~~\ ~~:."':'~~,,-:; ... ', ~ !«:,by Roswell Coyotes 26-24 .---~ ""-~...~ I (" __ .JIMiiI$ •. l'N F_ _ •• ~. • I , ~ . - --;1 • ',' ", ' .r _" . •' • ~';...~.~",,,:, -'00 •...,). t._- , .' . ~. .- 1, . ii..' ..: ".----,: :.:','~:.' ------.---.•. :.... The Ruidoso High School girls last-secondshotmisSed. Ruidoso Jeep & Used Cap Rental l - 'Ill..:.;: '" -- _ .'..-_--" .'.. ~ -'. junior varsity basketball team a I.lllian Duffy scored 12 points to OFfICE~ "~UIOOSO~PORT ,,·.rl.'~~"~!I: .... -- , III tid'S!l&,~&4t,.decth~~~'-~~~'J:tIes,.1~ -pw =¥Vau:io..siot,E.\@l..l\~~ ;: .~ ;~.i,".... ."" "1..",,~~~.,. -~ " ~nrgllon ewuJ.l.le~lco".f''''~~ PI;P,J~~~~' R1 " tTraoy Gann (24) of the R Ba"Sc5'" gh SchOElt..-J;loys varslty:r. 'Ruidoso missed a last:s;;';oncl shot 'l'~'IfIiliIk'1heFlsl?layedverywellt~' basketball team puts up a shotdUring Tuesda:ynrght's game that would have tied the game c::.s't.wa""!2Th varsl~ coac:oosergto , with visiting Tularosa. Gann led the Warriors·In scoring with Roswell jumped off to a~ lIHO non. ey ma e a g com- 13 points. but Ruidoso lost 52-49. The Warriors will open halftime lead, but the Warriors fOUght ~:-~ and almost pulled the game "Your Coslls Our Concern" Dlstrlot 3-AAA aotlon Saturday at Deming. The Junior varsity back. .. The Warrior junior varsity is 4-4 on game wlll start at 4 p.m. Ruidoso held the Coyotes to two the season. The junior Warriors wilJ'.. points in the third period, and trailed play their next game Tuesday night, (505) 258-4177 20-13 entering the fina1 period. The FebruarY 5, at Tularosa. The game Warriors cut Roswell's lead until the will start at 5:30. RuiJoso, NM 88345 r--.:-Gr;;N.L;;cilngh~m- --! • , AND' , • Dr. Ken D. Leadingham • r------_' : OPTOM.TRY : Prof•••lon.1 .~ • 257·4877 General t Appointment. -Office Hours- Optometry Optical . , • taken lhursdar 9-7 - Fridar 8·5 and' .~ ~Of~'s t Monday.Friday 617 Sudderth Contact • Next To The Hospital ••"".. - ;-... In. • L_~ ;~~~~~~ ~~~ lSi YNl2!'.~~'Ns ROIl 4~"••".1 iESf~ --_••••••••~ For AppoIntments Call 257.:.4683.. Ai ..,JAIr-.':...... 4Iio , a""" .• . ;~.! t::t',.~ - .~" : ; - . • RCA SeIecfaYlsion • 'RUIDOSO WARRiORS.': • VCR with Picl_Search = . -'. ·: Remote--Control • . , ,• nan_I..,,,. $449 •I • •, ~ ....•••..••....•.•.•..•• , , ..4 •••••••• " .. .' . " ~ ,~. ' · , . JEFF WILLINGHAM • • ----.,-.._~] =.w..~.::.c. YOURSlOW·· .\ ',:'1' = = , ..l:lng,,~k~ak CI.81CirullH.." (atJ'e-tnoetel_"'" Fe.ftll'D Induce19- $"2",9, '.- I.:~' ~ "-"-- . ~ ; 1 4tutornatJe cclOf «ir'Jlrol.1td tlesh1CI\l!o C'(lr'N(:~IM. $(tperkCiFiftl?rclll':lure . dill 901#- • I 3ncJ Cf'llII$SIlio , tubtr- Unltlj'ed lIIten4edL.fe . j • . 'Itlw d:lou:.e 01 b'al;k Dr W'f!Uf-l"oih" 'MIstY • 6- .:/?"!h:,.: . . 'IIi ~~t~o%, ' : oil ·• . ..'. ..,.,. .• ...... ~4••••••••••••·· ", . • ~ ',LiNEW!" i . • .J '. ' • WEATHERltPORT' i:;: •" ,. '.'.e.uri•.,of . t, RCA·,- '; ,leAl'...... ' • ·;• ,XL.100 ,'''';; . .' .k~do.c. ,, ...... s.. • Airport and •• • ,I' '19" , Il'''' Control • : ." ·• ~ · .• .,, 'CAL .,' • • • $.' , = ,lUMBER [ . I, ,n.II-~4'O_ >:.399. ~~••••••••••.•••••••••••••~ ,&SO"lY', , . • , '. to" ' ," -••1.' .• ' • . ~ '..' ... ,.':' .• , . .' ~ " i. • '., . ,', 10SfMECHIII eM·. ':~' ". W.'CIo"~ .Wf.fIiIOOtI' ',' "... "' PHONE 258-!!l1522 ~1I ~t :';'Jfttto"t!!~:~::­ " ", .., .. W.,AII'" ...... AIIIDO$O, NM 'PJl~.37a.44.' - ON HlOIIWAY 70 ....; 'HOU,ywo.oP'; , • . ' , ' slVno. GUNS - JOIN NUl .,'.'c' , • K ." _,' . ' - , -... - "', . "

I Recreation' cage teams resume 'action Saturday . , , - 6 p.m. In the first game Satul'day. The will take on Moncor at 5; the Chiefs. Moncor topped the Chiefs 9B-Bl. second Satul'day game will have will battle T&C at 6:30; and the Jerone Holly led the winners with 39 AspjlD Pharmacy taking on Red­ Shockers will play The Inncredible at poInts. Warren Coleman added 24, dington Investments at 7:30. B. In action Sunday night, Pizza Inn Play opened last week with five Gordon Howell scored 32 and Mark games. WlIJlams had 25 for the Chiefs. Bowling. Report

RUIDOSO LADiEsLEAGUE -WEDNESDAY Jan...rya ee NIGHT MIXED EARLY LEAGUE atJICI1')" Dale'. Bowllagcenter January J7 lUsh Indlvld.ulGame atJerry Dale'. Bo'Wllitg Center Ruth )fcCraw, 182; ShIrl ThoJllSOll, 181; Joann High IndJvldul Game Ferguaon. 179. JackKannady.~;MlkeSeeJbDch,201; BUJ Hu­ Hlgb1ndl"ldu:aIBerleti " band. 199. Warrior junior varsity Rulb McCraw, 521; ShirJ 'I'homlOo. 483; Jeanne High Individual series Taylor. 419. Jack KaDnadY. 568; Cind.Y Lynch, 503; Glnger -1IfIb Tum Game Huband. 492. Sierra Vision, tlJfJ; WUlams Construction, ge8: HIgIJi TeamOam'l! ero Ruidoso Lwnber. 985. Ralnbow center, 660; Bank of Ruidoso. 592; IBCb Team 8eI1eI Perteet Parks, 588. loses in triple-overtime Ruloo.o Lumber, 2.841; WUliama ConstructJ.on. . HIgb Team Serles . 2.932; Slerra Vlaioo, 2,924. Rainbow Center, 1,853; Perleel Parks, 1,709; Team l!I~odtrJgJ: Sierr. VlsJoo, *20; Valley Bank of Ruidoso, 1,708. The Ruidoso High School boys PlwnblDg " Hoatlog, 3ll~."~: 1leI1rIDg... eo.,. Team standings: Ballk 01 Ruidoso, 41·11; RaJn­ first-

, ." . AT $245 . "ttery Sale· $11,916 2...... 1 F I 13.83 APR ··Bu, u.oao _, _~ I'In l1DI. tItIo """ Ilco_. u -.. UaI'6 ptICk . $1.936, do'_ ~ $14.760. T.... of _ $11.760. ....Fer rhe M.....Of FefJ....ry ~ FREE ADULT HEARING TESTS SIERRA SOUTHWEST HEARING SERVICES BLANCA Hotn",., 9·12 WIll 1:15.5 (except ~s) ..1d_5...... Hot'.. 257·4444 (cIalIr) ,....,.". MOTORS • HIghway 70 West • Phone 257·4081 GMAC Direct Leasing Plan Available Sierra Blanca SkiResort Thue ean"t, take th~ 600 RENTAL SKIS a:way fro... you. ATTHE AREA

-NEW. 84-85-. 2000 PerHoar Triple Chair 7 • Two ExpertTrails SNOWIlEPORT .NUMBER (505)257-9001 Dlrect·F..omThe SkiArea Time makes .\'our kIds Inlo adtdts WId take" them a\Va,'. 10 Ii"e" of their ow:n. You l.~an't Slop tUile. But you (,:an frccz(" nlc111otic~. ",1th beautiful plio!ograplilc l'0rtrnlts, ~any mothers haw thel~lIadc C"·CIJ" year S(> the)' ..."WI rCJlICJllbcJ." their chUrlrc..'n jl.l}Ot a~ llu..~· Wl.~n: at a gi\"Cll point in their }jyct4.. Aud tIll,: ptiL"L~ of those- pot1ruilS is SUN.S•.S.8 so Tciksonablc, ablluHl C"ven"" Illuthcr eWl ufford to h8\·e Ihl~JI1 dOl1l'. ~.95 95Jt 1·985.ullarus Thtal Paeluigejl:)eposlt In.Stock For '\'Immediate '.Iivery. All 2(8x.10~s) 3(5xl's) 15 wallets . . And.·' ,Models~ I I .M·akes· 4WD·,And··... FWD. 1.------.------....83.00 OFF with Coupon Duly : • I P:r~$Cnf IfdN ""~JUJlnn tu HUt I'hu(ullr",o.)hcr with 1~5~ dCI'..~it Ul1 ~·tlU1"'1Uh·I,."T.- I ·L.~gestVol"ftIe D.aler~ 1)D.~kl1f.(~. ~'" UI1~' • Southwest·', • tiMed p'trttutl ()uc I,.·UUJUlll pcr fUI1111,.·. "ulhl witIi III1t.:1' I ". I .• rCt. if1.00 MIHhl~ fcc nlr ,,·u...h ndclulonul !'4ld\Ie:..·t ill !lion....: pur1tuil. qtr...... Co~· •. \'alfdi,~jll dn~l'N-urld u.t hJ(,·tdl(UIM-If~h.·d. . = .. ..WeWill"NofBe.UNDERSOLD, Shop" .: fUESDAY TN.U lSA'tURDAY. JANUARY 29-.E8RUARY 2 : . , : . tV"clCilY and W.dlt....ay:IO-1 ..2-6 I Fle.t·D~paltment fhu~V(**ld,.rlday:'I~-1&2-7 , .·pCI....Call . 257..'412 " .' : .. ,'. : . II SIlluMO}'1 10.-.;.~ &- 2.....,.5 : ... . ~ .. 8EN~FRANKLIN'-~- w~~--.-.~------.~. 1 (91:.)·~51·~6.77'.L L_* • . .•••~ , •• •• ", . \\'~ ~dl!l.·1 thl! i~'~I!~. Ano:i: 11~l1t,)~it tCtl\ltr~tI (~)r ~t(d~ )lh.till JNu,:k«~~ )l111~ ~ 1..00 ·PAS. ~mhi!t :\lItlUifS'itUJ.-t~'tttltht' ("cc Ihr Ctlc1j Utfl{HlHl1ut Mul!Jt....·c -:uUl14."j1uR.·hut44:'d. ' _., -', -"' , ' - -- " .' •. 4t .. . - .. - ...... , ' . ' .• .~ eo d .....". Ed ..... , ...... " ..-_ ... -~--.------~---...- ,..... """'" ~ --~ - - '" < , . ,< . H: " - ",7 , , ' , ., Ii' . " .... " ' .", ," • ".''. ,"'


.< ...

Greg Haussler of the Soil c.onservatlon Service holds an auger, a tool for sampling soli. A free publloatlon titled "Soli Survey of LIncoln c.ounty Area" was rele~ed reoently by the service. Band issue, mill levy on'school ballot Tues~ay

by SHARON MAKOKIAN school SUperintendent Leonard Hays. valuation. For example, if a tax- According to Hays, the mill levy News C'!pltan Bureau The Ubrary also was !lullt for one- payer's properly has an appraised generates approximately $60,000 each fifth of the current student enroll- value of $15,000 (market value Is year. Those funds lire primarily used Soil survey Voters in the Capitan School ment. Over the past eight years, the usually higher> and an assessed for bullding maintenance, repair and District wili decide the fate of thepro­ student population has grown 10 per- valuation of $5,000 (one-tblrd of the minorexpansion, butalsocan be used posed school bond and two-mill levy cent each year. appraised value), the cost Increase toward the major expansion plan. will be $17.50 per year, or $1.46 per in the election Tuesday, February 5. The polls willbeopen!rom8a.m. to The bond issue, for $975,000, Is to be Hays said the new elementary month. used for expansion ofschool facilities. school was bullt in 1978 with the idea 7 p.m. on Tuesday at thefair bUUd1ng reportcompleted that it would provide enough space to The tax increase will show upin the - In capitan. The school board race ­ The masterplan Includes the acqulsl­ tlon of adjacent Forest Service land, last 10 years. Five years later" It Is November 1985 tax notices. There between Tom Trost, Armando the construction of a new Ubrary and already full. would bo no change in taxes for tbIs QuInones and Robert Runnels • also by SHARON MAKOKIAN formation about each type's uses and larger cafeteria, and the relocation or "We really have very lIttie room for year. will be on the ballot. News C~PItan Bureau restrictions. Major tables detail growth," said Hays. He stressed that The.Capitanschool districtincludes renovation of the football field and he feU the bond revenue funds for ex. The two-mill levy \Ii currently in ef- recreational development, wildlife track. f th fect, having passed in 1982. A "yes" caplfan, Lincoln, Angus, Bonito, Pine Everything you have ever wanted habitat, bullding site development, pansIon were a necessIty or e vote on Tuesday will extend the levy - Ridge and Nogal Mesa areas. The The cafeteria was bullt in 1961 toac­ school. to know about LIncoln County's SClil, sanitary facilities, construction commodate 100 students. Presently, ~ ~ district boundaries extend from the ­ for more years. _ " Ran~ but were afraid to ask, Is now . matllrlals, water .management, more than 500 students \ISS, the " "ll!oanpt1U\ltsometbing we'd lIk~tn , ' " ' . southside of 4lto, not including . available in II free pubUcation bV the engineering properties and physical facilities, eating in five different hIlve," he said. . ',. " PlI.8sage of the levY: »iii! J!\It:ip- cho BpIclCts11; tel. thll west, one mile~ Soil Conservation Service (SCSI. and chemical properties for all the shifts. If passed, the bond issue will re- crease taxes, It will keep them the south arid, P.oo miI'e east of Nogal,-. The "Soil Survey of LIncoln County land covered. "We desperately need more space quire a tax levy increase of approx- same as they have been since thelevy Voters mustm, registered In LIncoln Area" Is a comprebensive book that The survey Is part of a study made for the cafeteria," said Capitan imate1y $3.50 per $1,000 of assessed was rU'St voted in in 1977. Co1Dlty to vote In the election. describes all the soil in the county by the United States Cooperative Soil • (excluding the WhIte Sands MIssile Project. Lincoln County was chosen Range area in the western region>. To because ofits subdivision and rscrea- prepare the report, suheyors spent , tion development. six years doing field workinthe coun­ "It was felt that peopleneeded tobe ty and two years compUing the data. aware of the pbysical features of the The purpose of the book, according soil," said Haussler. David Collins broadens his students' horizons to Greg Haussler of SCS, is to help The SCS works with landowners, people find the best uses for their farmers and ranchers to help develop land. Using the extensive mops and conservatlnn plans. Haussler said on­ by SHARON MAKOKIAN Students in CollIns' classes also tables, a person can locate his area site inspections'can be arranged to News Capitan Bureau bave a chance to be creative. Col­ and determine the types of SClil that help people solve different problems Uns requires them to do one band­ makes up his land. With that as a related to their soil and its David Collins Is a "cool" made project each semester. guide, people can plan land use and capabilities. teacher. He relates well to his "1 want them to learn how to use solve soil-related problems. TheSCS, alnng with members of the Capitan students while trying to tbelr bands. EverythIng today is The book begins with a chapter on local soil and water conservation get them to experience what they factory made," be said. how to use the 200-page survey and districts, regularly inspects proposed are learninll, .CollIns alsorequ!res0lledrawing the many pullout, maps it contains. subdivisinns, preparing valuable Collins tiaches junior high and with every unit studied. He hopeS The first 11 maps, covering the more reports for the LIncoln County PIaIin­ high school social studies and this exercise will enCom-age developed area of the county from log and Zoning Commission. Spanish. Before coming to Capitan llbldents tn look thtough boob to Capitan through RuIdoso, are done in When inspecting the land, they look six years ago, he taught in car. get Ideas {or tbelr plc:tures. Hls a higher detail than the rest of the at all things related to terrain r!zozo for one year and 10 B}ytbe, classroom Is lined with 8be1ves of maps. management, including the use of California, for six years. varl.- books and magaziDeS. . There are 96 different "mapping soils, possible fiooding h;1zards, er0­ As one who values Education units" that serve as keys to the sion and liquid waste disposal. , While earning his degree in survey. To f'rod out what type of soil Spanish and history from the hfghly, Collins reminds his Another function of the SCS is to students that tbelr rightto llChool­ you have, you would locate your area provide resource Information to the University of Nevada at Reno, Col· on the map, jot down the unit Iins spent his junior year studying ltIg'is a prMlege that was fought community. Haussler is available to forandwOD. and read the description speak to any group or organization. in Madrid, Spain. Prior to college, • ab9ut it, he was statioiled InGermanYwhile . "I have less and 1_ patience One mapping unit may contain dif­ Haussler can be reached at his serving in the Army. with student mediocrity. I waJit ferent types of soil, and an area of Capitan office (next to the United them tostrivefor exee11ence,"llaid land may contain different mapping states Forest Service office) at "U's bard to belleve 1 was in DAVID COLLINS the teacher. u:lits. 354-2220. Survey books are avallable Europe twice before1 was25," Col­ All of the soil types are charted on there and at the county office in Car­ lins said with an air ofsurprise. He COllins integrates tnplcal discus­ Whales are slaughter'ed for their Collfns imJo)'il teachingIna tlMaU extensive tables that give various in- rizozo. uses slides he took abroad in his sions with his hlstoty lessons. In a olt, whichisused inmanufacturing llChool, sueb as Capitan, where he teaching. • recent' chapter on the Industrial suCh,ptl)ducts .as 4!OIIIiletics and can get to knOw hIS. students.:The Revolution; Collins tried to show shoe-nsh. Aecotdlllg to Collina. kidll Jmow 'that ,they - jQke 'CollIns brings his experiences to ..• .e the u ,,- lltOUDd to a certain. extent. but • his students in hopes theywilllearn ' the impactof machines on tbday's WI ..... IISeS for, 0 can.... "ij)ey al*O Imow where myJiOllfng to Bee things In terms of process. BOClety as weD BHIn tI!S past. ~" -~-t duplicated. sYnthetically, t!O . IIl 1ll1' be --',cL .. _ -, _• Did you know . - ,is noneed tokillthe whales. Jalliln...... - , "I want them to see beyond the A self-proclaimed "enllrgy­ and RtiSlllll kill more than 11!Cl • '. ~ nOt ill ~,Cot1fulr often " • • present," he said, cltIng the situa­ ecolclgy freak," Collins $tresses whales each day..llllfd COll/n$. '" "e:tuI.' tie fourid worklJli OlIob1a adobe, The Ruidoso News tion in Cflnb1l1 Amllrita as an ex· a5IM!Cts 'Of tIiOt interest In his . .' " , 'hoUre-ot ~ his~,He and' • . ample, "Some of these kids colJld classes. In the American HIstory Co1llilll exhibits his enthUllllllllD' btl tamUY - wife StlndI:'ii 8t1d now reaches more end up fighting over there ••• they Utllt oil w~ Collins sang some for llClllogy and MWral ~ in c.bildreJJ B~e, fiw ibid a hSIf. ought to be aware of what's going f01ksongll' to !fie class, latnenting the pallSive t!Olat adobe holiie ,he andHllnt, 1Ihl:lOl1l:ba'~~l!amp- 011."1' the nearly extinctspecies, ' bullt in ClIpitan.' . "" hlldng MIl,~.tl'aVillhL . than 1,600 readers .' .. , g l, • . , ,• per week in the,' . - , ,- • -y Capitan 1 _ '.'" \ area? ! l , ' .. " - 'Around , • • • I ,1 .Most of' these readers are , , • customers who? shop'regularl.Y' ,• ,in'your eotllt;r).unity~, ) . f• .' ,• .' ,'Shouldn't Y,()U be,telI~ngthem~' ,J .~ • < • " ,· ' . ao.otityour business and, the , ' • , , 4.-.. · .; ,'serv;ices'you of~er? • ,. , ·~ ' •, ",'~ CALL'SHARON'AT 354~2739 : t Q ' ~OR' JNFOICMATlON ABOUT ADVERTiSING ON

j,', ''l1USPAG& '. •• " • " 1] ';1 ,. , , ~ , \ ~ ~~ ••~__.._ IiI''''__IIII__'''U '';~''''_'''''_'''' _._·_'__·__h_._·••_·_.~.y '.- _~._._._tt= -..·_._.__· ._._~ ,

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. -,' .

!f' , MEN'S OR. LADIES''. • 'SKI GLOYES St. Valentine's Day '.Here around the house are some of the homemade VlIlentines we made A••or....S"••• for each other out of red paper. In the days before we went to school-in Anti Color. Juneau. Alaska. And also there are °0 •••• 3" th~ 2/5 some that we received in first and second grades from the other pupils. Itused to bethecustom to send Valen­ tine greetings by telegram.' Our father used to send our mother verses LARGE SELECIIO'N he made up by telegram. as Valentine greetings. when he was away in a dif­ ferent part of Alaska on some work as LIIllE Government surveryor or taking WOOD specimens from a mine. Valentine's Day comes but once a KIDS FRAMES year, and it is a great opportunity. Whether a bouquet of roses, a box of Valentine candy, a card. a letter, a ELFROOKS 50'% OH telephone call, or the spoken .RIC word-the message of fondness and A••""" 51•••, love will be treasured always. 5,,1•• And Colors Thanks for making this a very wonderful January; and we look for­ IWIN ward to a blessed February.

"~' \ ( .'" .,.., "",-/ '. . .' . ,. ,~, . . ·... i ., IGBIER ~05"_I" '·.'·.··:>l•• t·~· . .. '. Inve'ntoi'y ReduCtion 'PI.FS . .~. \ ' 300Coun' SALE 00 99~ 311 j'iJ-.!JJ-~Ul WIIhFr.. Pon 0 50% .AQUA MEl 2/1° OFF 'We've gol you covered,America. ~. BAlli FOAM SPRAY ~50% OFFl , CUPS .)1 88* 51 Count Vertical And Slender 9eb. c.. i Blinds SHEER jj ENIIRESIOCK NYLON 2/1 00 Check Out Our Corpet Speciols Also . OF'HEAIERS ,--,KIIEE HIGHS f I!l M...Stjie.,. Choo•• Fr...· 0 PANGBURN II{!3arnett @arpets, 4/1° ' 11 8nc. " 019 Mechem 258-44401 ·....H..I ~ ~~::rT·;-~·,-,',',.--• -::;:-'I~---";'" .: ...... ';"'=-.;0...•... '.'." _..;,.' ' '-" :...-...•...~ ..,...... ,.,•.,-,.:£I'. .:';.- '.-,-. ". -.- ...... •... :..c.. ,,," "" - .--~ CANDY Off AM 25% .R.lnforced T.. Two high-mileage standouts! ~'1' r;"'~--I-_, 88 6 1 .... Box

. ~.., . 1985 Ford ElCOl't4 "'110...... ,.'. - "Ot" 5••WlIIOfI . I985F.otd EXP , eSl ., 5.1··~~t eSl ~;:. flo 3' 5' hwy.'" , 12' mpg". , hwy.- 1'2$1 3-5 r . . ,., \.....~ .POLYESIIR.' ·U~ .shm",•• 'Of (.ompart,on. You' mllfll8ge 1'1".,. dIrt., depenOlf'lg on .peec:J, chsl*l'Ice and ,. ,'·IIEEllIPOIN' wes"',p, Ac1uIII hIgh••,. m,lf'ftgfl .,11 probabl, W'lottfer, • ···MIXED'·.. . .- . .. ..-. , 5 SPEED MANUAL :.i . :,·PI..SIICCAlvAS ~WERSTEE_ING . , . . . '., :-- , ;' - ';,," - .'" ' - '-. ' '. ' .' -' . . . . .FLOWERS" AM RADIO . . . .~ . LUGGAGE RACK ...... ,., ,...... 4/·I~ao;. AM RADiO . ' . • . .:...... , , eNlb .'>,". :e, Only ·.$tOO)mo•. 'Only $2001810. "51tt" ' . ··A...... :-""" ...... , ··•• ·111·•••••., , . • _ ,;". '.."" _ ...- $1 _ "" - '," ···Col", . /1000 ...... ""$. ol,,;;i._ Sl , ...... ,;,;( • ...... ,.UMu ... 1I\o!lf~ .... , A.....· '-, .....:uiii...... ,_,...... , . ,", . '. . " , Sty_••. "'._"'- \ . , . BAIB·rO_EtBORAMZA···, . . ',l . .,. , -' ".', " .. "'<, , . '. " " ~ . , . • 0 \ , ..... 3/5° : •. . , , ..' " .'- • ...... c... I ... '" . ., . .

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!.. y .0. .. , 1:·,....··_·~-'--,.r/~~i;fjEr!~p/l'l~.,;· , SPeQts fire· dami[lgei;ltth~. Calvin Cowden home. Man... day." ", ,.\ . . . Fire puts~two~ . ., , . • jn hospital' RuidoSo Fire Department person­ nel responded to a fire twice Monday on Johnson Road. The blaze sent one firefighter and the resident of the home to the hospital. Firefighters were called about 5 p.m. to the Upper Canyon home of Calvin Cowden. The fire was quickly extingutshed and apparatus to clear the home of heavy smoke.was set up. Cowden 'was taken to the Ruidoso Hondo Valley Hospital for treatment of smoke inhalation. He remained In intensive care until Tuesday. Cowden was released from the hospital VVednesday. ' Firefighters were called back to lhe home at 8:30 p.m. Monday wQen the fire apparently flared again. Again the 'fire was extinguished, but firefighter Mike Baptistewas taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. He was treated and released. No damage estimate was available for the home, and cause of the fire is still under investigation. A fire on Mustang Drive was quick­ ly extinguished Wednesday by Ruidoso Fire Department personnel. Firefighters responded to a 6: 16 p.m. alarm at the Barry LaBrecque residence at 308 Mustang Drive. The home received minor damage in the electrical connection-caused nre, but no one was hurt. According 10 Fire Department per­ sonnel, a portion of the floor of the home and Somestraw under the home was burned.


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Ruidoso. New Mexico Year Around Playground Of The Southwest! Subscribe to The Ruidoso News and find out how you can enloy our Mountain Paradise. If you wish a subscription for yourself or a subscription sent, to a friend. complete coupon below and mall to The Ruidoso News oHice. Mall only $25 for a year's subscription In county $23 for a 6 month subscription In county 528 fo.. a year's subscription out of county 526 f

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" ," All-American. artists : :'::. Allee Yazz~e (left) signs 350 Pro Ski Classic posters print. Both the Snidow·proof and several Yazzie-signed - , <:.. • highlighting her or~glnaJ artwork. Ruidoso artist Gordon' posters will be among Items featured attonight's Charity ',/ ' .,

Snidow (right) crafted a "remark" original drawing on a Auction. . ' . . . , proof of a Colorado Coolade Coors collector series ,,;- ... ' ,:, .,' . .- Grant Good~vewill entertain Saturday night at tt1e Celebrity Pro-Am AwardsDinnerat the Inn Ofthe Mountain Gods, He Is a singer and actor who has appeared on •'Eight Is Enough" Pro-Am Saturday will feature luncheon, clinic and "Dynasty,"

Final preparations are being made A drawing Friday night will deter­ cond jump on the pro course. will be a clinic conducted by pr() for the Celebrity Pro-Am ski race at mine who will be on what team. The skiers at 1 p.m. th~ Some pre-race activities are plann­ .. .AddBBO to Your Sierra Blanca Ski Resort saturday. drawing will be based on ('kills of ed, the skiers. After the race, the Inn of the Moun­ Cable-Service Novv. FDrty teams will compete, each The race will start at 1:30 p.m. and A celebrity Pro-Am luncheon will tain Gods will host a Pro-Am dlnper made up of three amateurs, a pro will be contested on Sierra Blanca's be at noon in the ski area's hospitality and awards banquet at 7 p.m. in the skier and a celebrity. short course. It will be below the se- tent. Following the luncheon, there Wendell Chino Room. Geta FREE Elvis llibuna • aDd Pos....Set• Crime of the week ••allnflallon • - Take advantage of the NEW LOW AlRFAilES. Plan your Sometime between January 7 and III cordless converter, a Hoover lummDr vacations now and savel January 9, 1985. the R.W. SeweU upright vacuum cleaner, 5 pillow residence located in the Cree cases, a bedspread, a color television, Contact Ruldolo Travel to lee how you can qualify for the Meadows Country Club subdivision of assorted canned goods and assorted lowest round trip airfares available. Ruidoso was burglarized. Entry was uquors. gained through the west side living The Crime Stoppers l."ephone is room window, which was apparenUy manned 24 hours a day and anyone ~ RIfIDOSO TRAVEL ARNCY kicked fn. "Once inside, the burglars who bas information on criminal ac· iiiiiSa = (505) 257·73'1 ransacked the house and stole the tivlty is urged to call Crime Stoppers 'Ibere!l No Plaoo L>lulow entertainment Mavte hits Wee 1ILXWOOD,lmDDEN foUowing items: a Jerrold Stare0m at 257-1545. . • IMIi'AC'I;LllSD'rEll.BLJlMEI'1'OHRIOan~.I;'llI:llf!!!:>_. .. '" co = ;~"""'''''l.o~ ...... " C>c .; , . Preh1ieroF"dnm'" mada exc:J\d\>'ely fur cubsetibeitJ,.;tike~~ ACJUHSlamngMary '!YJ.". Moore. All uncut an:t_""m""",,,.! Intern,,,,,,,,.. And only about 2Sje- per mQYieJ FRIDAY- SARA K and The Boys without Sleep ~uc> ~_._g. SATURDAY- Ruidoso's Favorite Bond ...... -... --'-'._- ~_ .. -- ..... "'...... --_- SUNDAY- - -- -Dot R ..;:;;oo! • S3.50-Adult. THURSDAY- Margarita Madness . MoT 7:00 MoT 7.30 Early Uve Entertainment at 4:30 Dally '2.50·Senlora , & 5 7:00 & 9.30 ,&$ 7.30&'9:30 Mondoy-Frlday- Tom Potter 5.,.&7 '2.00.KJda $ .e, &7#30 Happy Hour Appetizers bySonnys Bor-B-Que Saturday & Sunday-Dale Boorman Uve .-"-0._--_...... ,.----.._..~ .... Hiway37 North 258-3502 ~ __ .....a-_' ... Appearing This Weekend

At The Located Bebiild, New Safeway Sierra Restaurant Highway 37

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, • Happy Hour All Night Long'l: '. ' Adults-$3.15 ,Children--$2.00 ' . -' : -.- - ,. .' . . -Ask About Our' FltIDAY::'t:30 and9:30" SA11.1Jt»AY:2:1$.1':~aDd9:30 Membership SUNDA~t 2:15 and 'h30. .':. ,. • • ·M()NDAY·tbru'l'ltl.1ltSllAV:·1:38 -- COtTiljl9 'frPM Rufdolio tu", right ot. ...- .' $~2'00 NIGH... 'f. EVEItYTUESDAY.•. " .. '. ~ ~, , . ',. Cousins'.thQri.2mtres fotthet-t"'1'ti right ot . . llLLSEATSAREONl:JYJ2.001 ' . • . . , " - ' the side of ttle hnl by the schoof. . . ., • • • PHON~ ~51-6068' , , ,• . . .

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• ~ " • f COUSINS' PEANUTS® , ~"'ii~- .TitlE "INN,j 'BRUNCH!'; by Charles M. Schulz

"0• [0.-· TheBeautifulDanLIKaDiningRoom ..'''' . Continue.ToBeTHEPlaceTo00 OnSunda1f•••Februar1f :8 -FOR~ Breakfast Buffet --_!it' 7:00 a.m...ll:00 a.m. -- -,--- .$6.9S':Adults - --- $4.9S-Children 12 a'nd under -OR- ** OUR FABULOUS *.* •• Four Star -- ~­ ·, ------,... ,• • CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH I • -" '(oUR 5lIPPER. TRA6aIV "'AS STRUCK ~ ,• 0 :l 15 GOING 10 ~~UGHH! ,• 0 BE Five f , 11 :30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. ", SECONPS!A'!E , 0 <",f. 0 I • $II.9S..Adults T'ONISHT • ~ , (; r v $S.9S-Children 12 and under C!> <- • t, 1 • 0 0 ,• 0'" a-6 . • ...... • • 0'" • '> l I COULD BE IN I ChefBradian and his staff have a marvelous HERE's TIlE WORLD FAMOUS WJ.lAT AM I OOING , brultcJt planned for Yf!u ilnd,your fa]l1ily or SUf(GEON OUT FOR HIS OUT HERE? A NICe WARM •, MORNING J06••• , OPERATING ROOM! o· r .for' you and that speCIal someone thIS week f ,• .includingf, . , ·cAttVEOBOAS'l'BE£F Wl'l'H t . l\WSHROOM8At/C1;J. • •• CARVEn SMOKm'.l't1l'ttmY tt· WlTHAVOCADOIilUPB.EMii:SAlJCE. z~,. . riC ~ I, ,. BH£AS'l'OFClttCKt;:t\lWI'tiI ,I . .~OImtR'E8ANnCOC4»nl1'•. , , ~i TEMl>VltAli'RlED~FOODBROCIlETTES. WHAP!~ j. ','woU.Wlmi"Jn>prmot\l1 At\ll) REnSI'YCE. 4JI « , } ,, \, ' . of , ~ .SILllSOMltLE'tTJ1j BAR SPECJAL~ SHIUMPOMLETTE " ·r . " 0 •I. , . .• . ••. . 'I ~' • f 0

For Y()ur Li~tenihgPleasure"BJLL GRQ$S . .' , " ',' , - ". .' . . i " . . . ~ .",' .' - . , :• '. ,. • t. THE DAN LI KA ROOM HOW'S 1\:115'1 IS ,Mae'i:' LOOKS. TAKE A '.l- TRISANVBEII~1 '. I, • LO'" ..OF fiAACTICS' ~ ' .. .., • , ~: ,.', ,.• .r.'• ~ . i A r, . . , ' ... . . ,,,,, ''-'': ~ ~,'. . -.. . .,

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Race co-leader. I Norwegian skier Jarle Halsnes. here raolng at 1 Sugarloaf USA. Maine. ourrently Is looked In a tie for fIrst place In the PeugeotGrand Prix race series with his brother Edvln Halsnes. The two will be raoers to watch In the Ruldoso-Slerra Blanoa Ski Resort oom­ petition. (Photo by Usa Mutz.)

. leasing Is mnvenient. Vou only pay for what you use. not 'There is no used t1ie full price . car 10 dispose of the mr. of at lease "nd. leasing frees your Cdsh and you can . lessees leasing for we }'O\Ir available business~ bank Rne of credit WiN have the benefit "fClrother . ·.of simptlfied • putposes. • talC t4lCOrds. . .

• SEE YOUR FORD DEALER. . -NOW.~ i I. \ ~i~ ,. :··I.'+.. I , SEE Ca..yMcC.r..ck . At . -! .:' - ' • :lu,.'*411• ,,">. ' A...erlcan··'.,"' • ..' " ., . .. . , " . . ·112$ , " ...... '. . ' .... , ,. " .'. '., ·, ••M. ." - : "- < •

, . .; 50&0257..1111 ... ",.. '. ' .. ",." . " o· .. If.. j ; , • 1;, - .'.•. '. " . " ' t"1 , c r I '. c ,:.... \. c .! " I Ed,itorial'o " • .' , I . I, , , .' ." ...... " . DO$s the word, "j:'eugeot," mean anythi'rig to you? " . . . " .. " .

" . , ;" , . .., . ',' • '. , Irllt o. a ,W$ S. ou now ow to pronounce s .,\ , ~,. '," , -' , " " • #. ' • , • '"' '. '." .' • ,. j ; . (as in Wino.i~the) (like' half of Zsa Zsa --1- , '. .',' . PQOh uoh , " , Gabo 's first name. only witli an "oh" sound).. " t , ~ .\, Peugeot Is a French automobile and bicycle manufac­ .' ~, · /1 turer with aU,S. sub!iidiary. Peugeot is also the'spon­ • sor of the Peugeot.Grone{ Prix, the richest and most " prestigious professional ski racing circuit.. ,• As we all know by now, this week's stop on the circuit is Ruidoso, New Mexico, and Sierra Blanca Ski Resort, for the All-American Pro S~I Classic. Ruidoso will play hos.t to world-class skiers and Hollywood celebrities. Even a contingent of Dallas Cowboys football players will be on hand. . - -

--- . The news media will be well represented. Broadcasts monarCH of racihg on the ESPN pnd Metro Media television net­ BUTTer-FLoY BUFFaLO THe unBorn works will give Ruidoso and Sierra Blanca national ex­ posure, and coverage by regional media will be ex­ tensive and immedicite.

pWithout the time and efforts of many volunteers, the • • ENDANGERED SPECIES raCe would not be happening. We thought it ap­ propriate to acknowledge them here.

Letters to,the editor Our thanks on behalf of the community go to Dorothy , Faye Kimsey, Becky and Teddy Durham, Georgia Grlf- . fin, Elona Rush, Mary Maul, James Paxton, Coral and DEAR EDITOR: come and go with the Ruling Class there are 00 restrictions on commer· automatically transformed into a Tommy Morel, Emftt Mundy, Mike .Hennington, Fran In regard to the comic drawn by D, here. Or so we thought. But the think­ cial property, unless you go before liar? Pehr printed intbe Monday, January ing of some of the current village of­ P&:Z to have arbitrary stipulations 2> It you wear a uniform does this Heid. Dan Kelley, Terri Waterfield, Cheryl Sanders, 28, 1985 Ruidoso Ne'Ys: ficials-elected or appointed-defies placed on your request, and it's nice transform you into a saint whose Tommy and Pati Hornbuckle, Helen Zfnk, Steve Talley, Is tl$ respo11Sible journalism? The description; When I wanted to divide to know that "oversize" signs and every word is gospel? Gary Boyd, Joe Corff, and Sara K. and the Boys medin Is a powerful tool that can be my 500-toot lot on Sudderth last pines won't blight the landscape. 3) If you comment or criticize (The ~ . beneficial or very damaging in cer· April-an area that was designated Ifyou want to find but how really in­ Powerful> Is your letter considered Without Sleep. tain cases, Relations between the commercial by the village in the teresting some of the thinking, or non­ "cowardly" when you boldiy sign town of Ruldoso, and the Mescalero mid-I970's-1 spent several thousand thinking gets, talk to our local con­ your name? ApaChe Tribe have always been pret: dollars to be denied this privilege. It'll tractors or ask me about the early 4) It you admit to the Sheriff to ex· They have given their best effort. Let's all put our best ty weak, ThIs partlcular article will create too much traffic if she buUds morning when the dog catcher stop­ ceedlng the 55 mph speed limit do you 'foot forward this special weekend.-TP not help strengthen these relations. her office there, the trees will be pedmetodeem I could nolonger walk get a ticket if you are in his depart­ The Sierra Blanca Ski Area is owned disturbed, and there Is poor lot con· with my dog unless he was on a leash ment? and operated by the Mescalero figuration, the P&:Z declared. More (and this while his dog jumped from 5) If you state " not wish to Apacbe Tribe. As owners of a dollars later, to comply with thelr his pickup and attacked my dog>, or make a tederal case out of this" are business It is indeed their right to wishes, and fire codes, I was granted walch for the upcoming new "leash you obligated to file a formal com­ .chIl~e or chOOSe the name at this permission to divld~ JOY lot (Mc(! weir receivecf. . . • :' shill.from those inposltloll$ df power. :YoU:too~ -iiI: 'mitroI'. do yOU -accept..; w!loill w~ i'eaetal'e ina,CiInstatit stilte. . tained athlsfljlt IllIlary on the.stilte'S' wa~t1ng til b'ulld. lie .~otd as" the'.. .Olll! lawmaker asl!edla!it week. ., nllY'V,JIf be measuring ,peri'0t:- · what' )'ou eel . Not reaUy•. SuP: Il£l:lumge,

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Nob"Hill elementary students raised breaking and, wiil.l1"t$~'· fo help. ..$200:to help savE! the Stat\Jeof UbertY. ~Ind.rgarterier~ Paid $1 lIilachtoseethe • (From left) Jake Hemme, Erik Padilla, rtiovle "Oumbo: ~ ~ni:l perren~' donated JeSsicaVerley, MichaelTweedandC. J. , popcorn and drinKs. . " .' ,. Saen~'sald they heard the statue was ..- . :., . -


6tt!J(a.J:a at CJ&z. §otde.n. §oou in c:4pp~tw Ckuaoe 2!J'l·74~O

. , . . ~ ··1985· FORD· BRONCO , ·On and off-ro'ad. Bronco is the' choice. .when.. it comes to full-size ...... '" ..family four-wheelers. FROM *13,560.* , , I' • ~ . .' .Je.ntt nt.h.l~ slip ~r Ii .. ,~ c· • . ...s,. tate , AMlFM , ." .- ·~ ." ' -~ " ., ...... - -'. -' ·SIIl::II.. " ... ' . ' , . . . , .. - . ',"-I •• , . ISSO. .' " .. . ~ '. . , ~.'- . -/. I • ., . " ._~'. .' . ." .. ' 1•••1••c ' \ f . •. '< • · " ... '- J~' \-, ",' rl~~n . • uclc'·- •.-.AIIA '. "'. . ' .F.'".

'. ' . 132lS-...... ' . ., '.··. .. : ,11••• " " '.~ .. .,', \ ~ .' ..,'. . ., . 105-257.711'·1" ,'. .. ".' •

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:, ", " '.- ,Couple'arinounces engagement

, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Zumwalt an­ pr~ Dale Goad at theHealth Center in nounce the engagement of their Carrl:ro:ro. daughter, Sheila Marie, to Brian P. ~vlln is a graCluate of Capitan SUllivan, son of, Mr. anli Mrs. Tom High School. He has heen attel\ding SUllivan. . " Oklahoma State University in The brlde-to-heIs a 1981 graduate of Stlllwater, and will enter the Univer­ Carrizo:ro High Scbool. She Is'a cer­ sity of New Mexico in the fall. __ arid tified dental assistant working with The couple plan a spring wedding. .' lit..., I' • ,D'

.TRACEY'S "',.- : '" , " "'.. ',' "", ACTIVEWEAR w .Deet~~n~~mm~ 'Vltb'.JJlttenn~'''ecr~~ej ::~:.,' ,Jtti ~~. :,' .~:, .. ,:' . " , '. ...'...... •. '. " ..,. '. '. ." ,\ '~~b'~it.1tC ' •. ,...... '., FallSale••• .' ',." .. ,:' .; .' '. ' :.,'. '. '.,., . .. 6 tu~~tIl' "';'I!JioJl»ed' ; ,' ..' " .' BUttered.Let~c~witIlS~U~<:JUc~en'Liver,an~ ~" :!f:5=~~Jntwt.~~ • Nuts .. '. ,', " 30:'SOCYO Off' • , Sea .Scallops IiiCreamy. Waterct'ess Sauce' ... .;.' , Wool paDts. _eaten. blo_..aad more . ,- ", , _., i; \ , __ -i __ , . servedbt'Puff Pastry .' . , . " . , Spl'lag Merchandhe ArdvIng Weekly-Get , AD Early Start 0 .. Your Spring Wardrobel " 'Zucchbdaltd Tom.atoes AuGrat~n " . , - -- ..... lADIES'APPAREl.FOR . Ch~~pagne. ~herbet ... dUNlORS AND MISSES . ." , . . . ." • Exotic Fruits in Strawberry Puree· PoUr liCaUQJll!into DUff ~try shell and top with sauce. 9:30-6 Mondl!-yTbra Saturday • SprinlIJe wliole wafercresa lellVellon top andserve. 11-4Sanday. Febl'Ual1l3 PaddnglnRear4 S ....o ..Man ; -.< - Ch~oJate ~uttered Candies 257-5.118 • .... ,H~ckson Minit Mart SPECIAL ON ~~- -.-< Pepsi. Diet Pepsi. Pepsi Free. 7-Up. Mountain Dew 6 Packs. 12 oz. Cans $1.89 January 16-24 6 Packs. 12 oz. Cans $1.49 January 24-31 Good Supply Of Ski Accessories Hats. Goggles, Sunglasses, Sun Screen, Bandannas 1 % Ibs. Frozen Taco-Tico Chili Con Queso $3.49 Self Serve Laundry Open 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Highway 37 257-2307 CUSTOM DRAPERY S' LE • 2 To 3 Week 50%OH '~ • :-,.' Dell"ery In Stock Insulated Fahrlcs

LOVING TOUCH - ·It·. plu.hno•• you can foel-deop Lining and rich, ThiS, Is clearly a sophlstrcated saxony mode for liv­ ~: .' ,~ Over 250 ing In the -Ilnest style. Easy care and easy clean with 100% S3.50/Yard DuPont nylon and ScotchgorcP Carpet Protector. Antl...s'a' We're reducing our inventory and treatment controlS' annoying shock. Handpick your colors we're reducing our prices on a first 10 Choose from o.seledlon of 20. and get a 5 'year residential wear war­ ranty as your assurance of quality. quality selection of carpets from Salem. .,i. Kirsch Rods Our price-CUts make the savings fantastic.' ; . Fro. $1£.95.q.yd. You'll find a style and color for every 20% Off room in your home - saxotlies, cut and WINNING ~ A real crowd pleoser. with It. exportly loops, cut pUes and more. Ihousands styled cu. and loop pattern. Made' of 100% DuPon, nylon, Hurty - We're clearing it out fast! tteated with .SC:otchgarcP and ant1·s-tatlc protee:tlon. youlll Ready '.Hang' bti the wInner when you choose from our selectIon of 12 cheerful.colorations. Backed by Salem's full 5 yeor residen­ , Draperies •, Of· Yards tIal wedr warranty. Lined 30%' Off, Ready • $11.95.q,Yd., " . '. Unlln" 50% Off 10 Cut C:ILESTIALVISIOI\IS. - This handsome cut and loop save on custom draperies. window treotmenu and fabric: .coptures th_ esseliteof the free spirit In both color and wall paper. coO. We offet the latest Window de.rgn. Ma,d. of'loo% ,t(..Trohc advanced generation nylon, fashions at the best possible prices. Choose 'tom . It -II also h~t....et for greater perfotmance and durability, the flnest of monufacturefS. and,bil

". -: ~ .

' .. , ; • (. _ 258·4440. " t <" . __ '. '\ .21.07SUDDEFlTH '. ~ , . , . :~, , . . , . " . " , '. _", ,r', ~, ,-,' . " " ' , -",' . '".-' « --' ,. . ' . ." .. • '" "-; • . ':' , •. 1. .- • • e.' N " , \ ~ .• ~ - _ ~ -- ~--- .u --...- ._ :...... ~ __ "-""IIt. .. _ • .-_..-.~ .-J. '-- _-_ IIoIiII iiIo lIIolI IIIIII Illll ~ lII IIIlIIII . - , ," ., .' (' " . , ,: • I, \,• ., . . ';1 ' " " , ' , ..' ., ,',-, .'\ "-'- , , " l '" ,',' . , ,':

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• • ,k .', ", :- ; ,'>" ~-- ' . , " ' .. ... ­ Good Citizens.. , , . Nob Mill first grade Good Citizens for january are (Qack, WtI$Qn: Also (front: from left) Vanessa' Mad(;ien, Jouree from left) Meghann Vaillant,·Jason St!irnes, JustineOrtlz~ . Mun~, Nathan TYSOIl, Amal';lda Peaooqk,'Sabll}a Cponie .90rrle,(3ar~la,Jessica Sparks, l,.1s8;Morgan and Jason .limd MattNorbUl)l. '. ,..' '. , . • ..,i ,",. '" . ~ .',\"~:,,', HospltaI.11oteS", .

January 15-ADMI'lTED:Cindy Yocham, Ruldollo. DISGHARGEQ: Tibbitt, Capitan; Eunice O'Neal, Mary Thompson, DolUe James. Ber­ Ruidoso. DISCHARGED: Alfred tha Danielson and Baw.;..•.,DOlly Mon- Latner, Jimmy Hernandez, Victoria . tofa·andBba y_ . ,",':~\~';'.. : . Shearer'and Baby.: January 2I1---ADM1T.i.'.l!lD: John : January :16-AOMI'lTED: Ernest Montgomery, RuidO$!l~::DIsCHARG­ Mata, RuidoSo; Guadalupe TreviJ\o. ED:' Josephine Sanchei&, Patricia Ruidoso. DISCHARGED: Bili-dette Crumley, Winlf~.Co~ens, . I Stampley, Trlcla Tully Mitchell and CONGMTULATIONS,'1'O: ., Baby. Bill and Cindy Tibbitt, Baby Giri~ 7 . January l7-ADMIT1'ED: Bertha lb.• 10% oz.• January 15. ,I DanielSon, Ruidoso DQWDS; Isabel Robert andBertha Danielson, Baby Portio, Carrizozo; RaYJl:lond Hutchin­ Hoy. 7 lb., 11* oz., Januai'y:I7:. son, Ruidoso; Patricia Crumley, Joe Ray and Dolly Montoya, Baby Ruidoso. DISCHARGED: John Girl, 6 lb., 10 oz., January 18.' , PblUips, Andree Cohen and Baby, Steve andTana Yocham. Baby Boy, Corrine Brown, Cindy Tibbitt and 6 lb., 8 oz., January 19. Baby, Ernest Mata. Don andSharonPelky, J!aby Girl, 6 January l6-ADMI'l'Tl;:D: Dl'lly lb., 10 oz., January 21 •. Montoya, Ruidoso; Jesse Harris, David and Wall1ta· 'Morirl, Baby Ruidoso Downs; Winifred Cozzens, Boy, 5 lb., 10'-' oz., January 24. Capllan. DISCHARGED: Thomas Score to Dlde Miles. Bonnie Blankenship. , • Boys-9 January 19-ADMITI'ED: Tana Girls - 9 Good Citizens • KIndergarten Good Citizens at Nob Hili Elementary for Matt Ward. Dawn Hightower, Claud Gamble, Justin An­ January are (back, from left) MIchael Tweed, KIka dre, Shlrryn Wllllms, Veronica Lozoya and Esmeregll<;to ~ Announcing a Tempo Lopez. Kristy Donaldson, Ben Masters. Dinah Serna and Almager. . Stephanie Tweed. Also awarded were, (front, from left) Super Price Sale at .uck~. All Am.rlcan...... ,·jl ~, • ~ ,• t '" • . , "'::'..~:;- , ,;;~' 0:.01 J};,')OO.9 , 0 • , .r'...Jt _ Ii ve , .! WATER WELL

DRILLING .. . Tempo:GL. ': . .. Watch each week for a REAMY 'DRILLING new power resolution. Tempo GL 4 DR, peluxe 1985 Stock '1625 COMPANY Sound PaCkager' Visor · 1to.u ¥eoll:d- ~IU SCHRAMROIHRILL Your choice of com- Vanity Mirrors, Styled •, parably equiJ'lped. Tem- Road Wheels, DlgltE\1 , EQUIPPED EnJOy I} 7fM 'htoidIrIf 6utIfet tJJiJJv AlItA4fe , pos priced as low as Clock, Interval Whid~ ~7fM -LlCEIiSED -BOIIDED shield Wipers, Power Steering, TlntedGliI~i5:l5. ~ ~ -IIiSURED $8205.28* ·ntIe. taxes. desllr'laUon cl'\aJ"OMI extra. More 2} f{OIM Audit I \ H._...._.y ..rll.... Come In today for a good selectIon n d 0 0 r 3} Get 'IUte-.£,it.r;r, 1M !wIIf6 uzfdf ...... 505454-2470 and bUy yournewTempo todayf ~ I 4) 1ftaJu Iwu.u IU/, f!Jv.dwt l,, Heln. (_."...... r ~ Ph••• 505-354-2219 Buck'. Comfort S) ROIfIe /1 E...... 505454-2429 All A.erlcan Ford P.O. a.it 1174 132 Sudderth Dr. N,xt to Gibson's .:~"With APIlAli. II,M. .~ An } 0316 . 505-257.7111===5":;' Energy Chec-ked"---!'~-_·_'-·_/ ..

Efficiency Home FRO~f!N BUDGE'.,." .: Everyone wants to enjoy\he most benefit possible from their electric DON·T BE LEFT OUT IN IHE COLDIII service, and you can too, w,hen you make your house an Energy ,~!" • • Checked Efficiency Homel . An Energy Checked Efficiency Home has been inspected to have SKI SIERRA BLANCAI adequate insulation of the recommended . .. NEW MEXICO'S·MOSt· "R" value, e(lergy efficient heating and . cooling equipment as well as many other p.r50~~ , EXCItiNG SKI" RESORII!' '. $35.oo{per :,"." features that work together fOr, your year dayr bas.d ondd""":,Oc~· , 'roundcomfort and energy.efficiency, .ENERGY.. - CHECKED. . TRY IHE CHALETSKfPACKAGE c.. falt8•. .rC.tp~~." Any home can bean' EnergyChei:lked , . - .,' ,.' . ,...cy, &:, Effici:ency Home if it meets the re:Quire~ :. ii:lCluded).: .' " .' ments. Make ita resolutionthis.yeartoget Our Great Ski' Package :G'lters: '. ." ... ~ .. the most benefit pos.lj!lible :from your . .."••~t;" • (il1-~om.t:~m arOQ~. ~*,.; ele'ctric service by making your hoLise an A deluxe gll••t room Enioy ...... , cltee'. 0...... ' .• Energy Checked Efficiency Home. Call our bcIth_ on aftr.t come bfllI'). $fJecICIlfire,lace~ . 0.licio...full·cou"5':, . office ·for'all the details, : . ~t' st.(Ex~.pt't"."'i.w"'If!"·:-' . ~' ' , , ' , d!'c:o.. .on. ski rentals. C'O.elf b... . . : * .. .:,J;lelpingyouenjo\( the 11'10$1 comfort in : 10dgillgfotkirulI$. .."..' .".' .Contf...dfal ...iHIkf.... iI ••",.d).:· '-"'j your horne :fromvour electric service is . ."'Ajlc,\BOUTOUR 3 AND 4 'PERSON UTES; \rHEY;.rEEYEN BmERIl'.: ..',','" ,ie, just one more v,vay We i;lre ... , ", ' , .'. "; ,, .' • 'l= ... 'i,' :: Ne;ghbor~v Professionals: , • • • " ' • > . 'Ito 'i~ ,: '. .' Offf!ring You thi!'Be,tChoice for advance reiCirvations,lIlea,. cill[(505)-258.3333. .; , . . .: ., ~ " • ': Jt.i.·~ltllt~*'ntP,ii ...... u "'r .' ' "'•• ' ~,,).,._ '".''' -.' ' •• ','. ,':' ',!j~, ...... ' ," '''," " ,~, : ;. -' , . " , ' '. •• It..' ...,., .•...' ;," '; . . ,. .. >.. ,,',' ' .-' .:", .. , . " , ~, -. , .,,.', ", ~ . :: ~M; ,~" . ,. 8.,.37 • , .' \ ::. . '. '., i . . , ,'.;i!'i' . : :, '• " " . .' f ". , •, ~'_t"', " ~ ,,, ~ll .- : .., ~ "",.- ".' " ,." . ' ,,' ,'" . "_~ijl-'.Iii"·; ~~~~'''''~;''''.I'~''''''it, ...... ~·,~ , '., ,. _...,:,.,~ -~v ~_ ,:,.~,.....:.-,,~~,.4-~ '""_...... :~._...:...... =.. ~~ '~. ~:3 ,~" ~ ~ - ". •• ...... :::.:...... ".'....,..:.-; ,:..,..:--...., "e', ' ... ' _" " .i.' ",' - -•...;" _ . , ..", ... .. :,:.,..,...:...... :; ; ...., .<... -::,..:,:•.•" ',; •. • • . . '. _, • .. • i), '".1. •.•• ' -. .- , " "" .. p. .' .-.'-- ~ .. ~ -~'''. -:~, , -'" .. ' ~r ,'~' .•.•. ":-."~ ~--, " ...... ~,. - .' I,. '.·;"".::'ll,~i."-,/.,,,,-:.:-';';':;::.;fr;';.' .. ~~>~,>' ~dE!Tmn·'".:' !'."h:"~: :"""i!~ _r~ ,.:.t~_,~, _~._~~'_"£u~.,.~"-_~ "'~~~_.£', ,-~5 ";'d:: ' •• •. :••, to ..4., _mM. m:t .. ""..,-_ H'N..... : b tt':' rd __ _, .. _n' .... ,

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RAINBOW GIRLSASSEMBLY "DOWNS" , 8e<;ond and 4th Mondays, 7 p.m.• in CIVIL AIR PATROL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Eastei-n Star building,' Palmer First Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., at City Back to Basics group. 8 p,m. ALmUSACLUJI OFRUIDOSO Gateway. Rainbow Advisory Board: Hall. Wednesdays up the QUts1de stairs at 2nd Monday, same pJace. SIERRA BLANCA SWINGERS ROBERTJ. HAGEE POST 79 First ',l'uesday; 7:.30 p.m. tor pro­ AMERICAN LEGION First Baptist Church in Ruidoso gram; 31:,.d Tuesday for lunch - Basic and mainstream sqUare dan­ Downs. Green Tree AI-Anon meets in cing lit First Chrjstian Church, Hull Third Wednesday, 7 p.m., In the BETASIGMA PHI meetlntc, noon, at the First Christian Post Hoine, Highway 70 and Spring Four chapters, 2nd and 4th Mon­ members' homes. 378-4709. Church. Wllina Sandoval, 378-8030, .Road, Thursdays, 8 p.m. 258-3186. 336-4907 'or 257-2883. Road, Ruidoso Downs. days, 7:30 p.m., in members' homes. · dag. 0-' 3'1il-4S61, ,evl!Dhtgs. 257-5368 or 257-4651. The Splice City Squares in CARRIZOZO AA Alamogordo dance 1st and 3rd Satur­ Saturdays. 8 p.m., in the Rural days at 8 p.m. at the fairgrounds. RUIDOSO VALLEY RUIDOSO BOY SCOUTS Electric building. Visitors are welcome. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Troop 59: Tuesdays, 7 p.m" at the Third Wednesday in Chamber of­ First Presbyterian Church. SCllut­ RUIDOSO JAYCEES fice on Sudderth. May-September 7 master, Carl Foerstner, 250-4284. COUNSELING CENTER - .. . p.m.; October-April 12 noon. RUIDOSO B.P.O.E. NO. 2086 . . Second and4th Tuesdays. 7:30p.m.• RUIDOSO ART GUILD Explorer Post 67: based with the OF LINCOLN COUNTY at the Deck House. . Second Tuesday. 7 p.m., at Carrizo Meetings open to the public, Ruidoso Downs Police Department. Personal, family, couples and First and 'srd Thursdays at Elks Lodge. Club buUdIng on HIghway 70 West. 8 - . RUIJlOSO PUBLIC LIBRARY Advisor, Roger Riley. 378-4421, alcohol counseling, at Sierra Profes· p.m. summer; 7:30 winter. Hours: Mllnday-Thursday-IO a.m. sional Center, Ruidoso, 257-5038. Car­ rlzozo: County Health Office, Cour­ to 7 p.m.; Friday~IO a.m, to 4 p.ni,; LINCOLN COUNTY B.P.O.E. DOES RUIDOSO-HONDO VALLEY Saturday-IO a.m. to 1 p.m. th';lUse Annex, 648·2412. 24-hour SecOnd and 4th Thursdays, 7: 30 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION HELPline, 1-437-8680. p.m., in Elks Home on HIghway 70 (Pink Ladiesl First Tuesday. 7 p.m., at Prime FRIENIlS OF THE LIBRARY Time Restaurant, West. First Tuesday (except July and First Monday. 7:30 p.m, Augustl. 9: 30 p.m.. in the hospitai AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY conference room. Blanche Love, Fourth Thursday a I noon. at 257-7124. TOPS ASTRA CLUB Ruidoso-Hondo Valley Hospits!. (Take Off Pounds SensiblyI Second Sunday, 2 p.m.• in the First .~ Thursdays. 7 p.m., First Christian Christian Church. Jan Huey, 257-5963. Church. 258-4273. RUIDOSO HONDO VALLEY RUIDOSO GUN CLUB EXTENSION HOMEMAKERS CLUB Third Thursday, 7:30 p.m.• at the WEIGHT WATCHERS Fou.th Wednesday at the library library. Can 378-4603. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Mondays. 6: 15 p.m.• at Texas-New for a noon covered-dish luncheon...... CLUB RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Mexico Power Building, Mary (MeetingThroughSun1nler) Lincoln County Chapter 1379 Bradley. 25NI961. First Monday, 6:30 p.m., at the FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN'S First Tuesday. 10 a.m.• at the new • RuIdoso Presbyterian Churcli. FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL First Christian Church on Hull Road. SANTA RITA CATHOLIC CLUB OF RUIDOSO CHRISTIAN SINGLES COMMUNITY LADIES GROUPS First Tuesday. 7 p.m. 257-5585. Breakfast: last Saturday, 7 a.m., at FELLOWSHIP Ranch House Restaurant Capitan: last Thursdny, 10 a.m., in evenings. GOLDEN AGE CLUB Supper Thursdays; 6:30 p.m.• at Sacred Heart Parish Hall. Luncheon: 1stTuesday, 12·1 p.m, at First and 3rd Wednesdays at noon Sutphen·s. Program at 7 p.m. Trcnt K-Bob's.257-7'1Zl. Carrizozo: Alternate lsi Sundaya, 3 for covered dish lunches and games . Carver, 257·2980. p.m.• and 1stMondays, 7 p.m.• at San· at the library. Visitors welcome. ta Rita Parish Hall. 64&-2853. • JUJi:OoBQMASONlC·.. • RUIDOSO FEDERATED t ~ • LODGE NO. 73 • DUBLICATE BRIDGE CLUB RUIDOSO DOWNS REPUBLICAN WOMEN ·;FJrst· Monday In the Eastern Star Wednesdays and Sundays, 7:30 LADIES AUXILIARY OF LINCOLN COUNTY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS bUIlding, Palmer Gateway, 7:30 p.m. SERTOMA CLUB p.m., Senior Citizen center, behind First Monday. 7:30 p.m., at the Fourth Tuesday, place to be an­ Carrizozo MlCliaei L. Simon W.M.; Don L. Thursdays at noon at the Ranch thc Ruidoso Public Library. All Ruidoso Downs Village Hall Council nounced. Lois Aldrich, 254>2368 or First and 3rd Wednesdays at Santa Shaw, ~tar)!. House Restaurant. playtlnl welcome. 257-5937. Room. JaeJdeRawlins. 257-2510. Rita Parish Hall.

.. FIRSTCHRISTIAN CHURCH ST. JUDE THADDEUS .ST. MATTHIAS MESCALERO BAPTIST MISSION TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OFJESUS CHRIST L.D.S. OavllanCanyonand Hull Roads - CATHOLIC MISSION EPISCOPAL CHURCH James Huse. Pastor METHODIST CHURCH 12 Miles North of Ruidoso Rev..Ken Cole San Patricio Sixth and "E" Streets Sunday School-IO a.m. 1000 D Avenue on Highway 48 Rllss Richardson ServIced by St. Eleanor Carrizozo Morning Worship-Il a,m, carrizozo Michael Gray. 336-4359 Ruth McGt1lre Catholic Pariah. RuIdoso Phone 64&-'1Zl5 Training Unlon-6:30 p.m. Rev. Harry Riser, Pastor Sacrament Meeting-10:00 a,m. sunday School-9:30 a.m. Confessions-by appointment only. Rev. Burdctte Stampley. Vicar Evening Worship-7: 15 p.m. Sunday School-IO a.m. Priesthood, Relief Society, Primary MOI'ilIIIg Worshlp-l0:45 a.m. Sunday Mass-8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, 1st and 3rd Sun­ Wednesday Praye~ Servic;,e­ Worship Servlce-ll a.m. (Nursery and Young Women-lI:20 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship-7 p.m. day-6p.m. 6:30 p.m.. providedI Sunda.Y School-12:20 p.m. Officeof Evening Prayer. 2nd and 4th Wednesday Choir-6:30 p.m, FIRST Sunday-7 p.m. Fourth Wednesday Worship Ser­ CHURCHOF JESUS CHRIST L.D.S. PRESBYTERIAN CHuRCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH vice-7 p.m. MESCALERO BRANCH ST. ELEANOR'S Carrizozo R. Winston Presnan. Pastor NON-DENOMINATIONAL Ray Cavanaugh. Pastor Church SchOOI-9:30 a.m. CATHOLIC CHURCH John Torrison. Pastor COMMUNITY UNITED Priesthood..:...a:30 a.m. Morning Worshlp-ll a.m. Confessions-by appnintment only. BIBLE STUDY Sunday School-9:45 a.m. 7 p.m. Thursday at the home of Jim METHODISTCHURCH Sunday SChool-lO:30 a.m. Anticipated Sunday Mass-5aturday Worshlp-ll a.m. Behind the Bank of Ruidoso Sacrament Meeting-Il :30 a.m. NOOALPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Evening, 7 p.m. and Jann Hickerson, 210 Spring Road. Church Trainlng-6:30 p.m. Taught by Mike Brown of Roswen. Rev. Charles Spooner. Minister Rev. Richard SchJater-lnterim Sunday Masses-l0 a.m. and 12 noon. Evening Worship-7:15 p.m. Sunday Scbool-9:30 a.m. SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS sunday Worship-ll a.m. Worship Service-IO:30 a.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH HONDO VALLEY RUIDOSO WORD MINISTRIES (Summer Servtces-8:30 and 10:30 BAPTISTCHURCH Held at First Presbyterian MESCALERO 1 Block East of Downs Motel a.m. I Chureb. Nob Hill SANTA RITA Just off Highway 70, Hondo RuIdoso Downs REFORM:EIl CHURCH Cal West, Pastor Rev. Leland Slevens, Pastor Bob Schut, MlnIster CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Sunday School-9:45 a.m. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Worship Services-S:30 a.m. Carrizozo ' Morning Worship-iO a.m. Morning Worshlp-IO:30 a.m. OF CAPITAN · Church SchooI-9:30 a.m. Evening Service-6 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Worship Serviee-l0:30 a.m. Fr. David J. Bergs, Pastor Sunday Evening Service-7 p.m. ThirdStreetand White Oaks Classes-9:4S a.m. Saturilay Masses: Wednesday Bible Study-7 p.m. Wednesday Servtce-7 p.m. Rev. Harry Riser, Pastor GATEWAY 3:30 p.m.-8acred Heart, Fort Stan­ Sunday Worship Services-9010 a.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CdunCHOF CHRIST ton FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School-IO:30 a.m. OF RUIDOSO CARRIZOZO GROUP At BonitoPark Nazarene ~ithtlan nux, Minister 5 p.m.-5acred Heart, Capitan Cllnference Center. Angw 300 Mechem Drivc CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS MISSION FOUNTAIN OF Bible StudY-9:3O a.m. 7 p.m.-Santa Rita Church Cleve Kerby. Pastor 12th Street, Carrizozo 12 Miles North of Ruidoso, Hwy. 37 Worship and Communion-10:30 a.m. sunday Masses: LIVING WATER FULL GOSPEL Dudley B. Anderson, Pastor, 336-4152 Paul Tapp, Assistanl Pastor Sunday Servtce-Il a.m. San Patricio Sunday Public Talk-IO 8.m. 7:45 a.m.-5an Juan, Lincoln . Suncay School-9:45 a.m. Wednesday Tcstimony Mseting­ Sunday School-IO a.m. W~esdayPrayer Meeting-7 p.m. 8:45 and 9:30 a.m.-5acred Heart, Rev. Benjllln Chavez Morning Worship-l1 a,m. Worship Hour-II a.m. sp.m. Sunday School-10 a.m. Ladles' Bible Class-9:30 a.m, Gapftan Sunday Night Worship-6 p.m. Phone: 64&-2844, 048-2322 Sunday Evening Worship--6:30 p.m. Wedllesday 11 a.m.-5anta Rita Church Sunday Night-7:30 p.m. Wednesday Fellowship-6:30 p.m. (winter); 7 p.m.· (summer) Tuesday-7:30 p.m. CHURcH OF CHRIST Wednesday Night Servtce-7 p.m. RUIDOSO GROUP Friday-7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS FULL GOSPEL HOLINESS 'Hlghway48, Capitan " FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH Sunday Service-ll a.m. CAPITAN CHURCH Ilelc: Lane, MlnIster RuidosoDowns At the Methodist Church, second FOURSQUARE CHURCH Entrance Road, Ruidoso Downs Dlbll! Sttidy--8UDday, 10 a.m. ST. ANNE'S Dale W. McClesky, Pastor Cemetery Road Sunday School-IO a.m. ·W~hlp8ervic¢--8unday, 11 a.m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday School~9:30a.m. building behind-sanctuary. Phone: 251·7!lB1, Harold W. Perry Sr., Pastor Morning Worship-ll a.m. Jl:veflltIll:·~ . III Servl ¢--8 da . Glencoe Worship ServlCe-ll a.m. sunday Evening ServlCe-7:30 p.m, B p~ili.. '.. ~ P cuny, Rev. J;lurde~StamlJlcy,Rector Evening Worship-6 p.m. Sunda~ School-IO a.m. . Morning Worship-ll a.m. Wednesday Evening Service­ WlldIllllfcllly. Bfllle'S~dy-7 p.m. Holy Comm¢Iion: Wednesday~7p.m. "OLDLINCOLN (''HURCH 7:30 p.m. .. '. 2nd Sunday..:...a:SO a.m. . Rev. ·Burd'ette Stampley Sunday Evening Worship-7 p.m. ,. GA'1'EWAYAsSEMBLY' 4th Sunday-9:15 a.m. RUIOOSOBAPTISTCHURCH Eveulng Prayer-7 p.m. 4th Thurs- Wednesday Evening Bible Study- . OFGOD ClltJRClI , PalmerGateway day of eacb month. 7 p.m. TRINITY MOUNTAIN . .' Pa1IilerGateway; ttuidoso Rev. Wayne JOYce, Pastor Holy Communion-2nd Thursday of .Prayer Dally-5 a.m. FELLOWSHIP Jl:dl'l1mll1', Plistor . Sunday School-9:45 a.m.. each month. Gavllancanyon Road ~S'clIool.....u:30 a.m. Morrling Worship-l0:45 a.m, JEHOVAH·S.W1· TNESSES near CedarCreek turnoff ~y.5et\dcelFl0'SO·a.,m. EPISCOPALCHURCH Sunday Evening Servtces-6 p.m. Kingdom HaU-Ruidoso Rev. Peter Church, Mitllster SUllda)"Eve1llJ!g Servlee8-'&p.m. . OF THI1:HOLYMOUNT' Wednesday NightBible StudY~7p.m. 7TH DAXguaAD~~::t~URCH . .,!!-iresghlNaBYel3'1gh-tslSuBlbdlockVJS~l.ton Combined Sunday School and Wor­ ""~""''''''d~..A'"""t C"011'-'-'6'3O .. m . 121.:Mescalero.'i'raU, RUidoso "V t lb. ship Service-l0:00.a.m, : JY._~, ~ ,...... "'__,"'u'rdAtle S •. ~· ...'''''''', ",~...... ~ . FI....T' B'A...... S...... URCH RuIdoso Dllwns Ken .Jl:berUile, Presi..••..' Overseer Tuesday Bible Study and 'i1'~;IIlI~,~.~.th8t.o.~~:':,m. Sufi~Y Eu~ti7nd~lO:30 'a~nn~r'terraPlurti"" ~tt:a~~,t~:~~~:yPUb~~r:~.;wlo:rln·StUdY~' ll'et1oWllhip-7:30 p.m...... ·.•. ioIY 'R'ev"• D' _ a.m. (No.8..... lI,in. sel"llie!!> on 2nd Sun...... Inquiries: 336-4213. ,. :r '. AJ";':'.(j8el"'DIAN . da".of the month.)" .S....day Schoo]-9:45 Uil. SlIturday: Sllbbath School-I:30 p.m. 10:50 a.m. '. .4SSiMbLy'OIl'G01) a!furcb . School .(grades 1-6)- vVo~PService-l1a.m. Chilrd1-3p.m. . . Tuesday Group alble Study- TRINITVSOUTHERN .: MeIIca]eto9-IO:1Sa.in. . EvenlngWorshlp--.&p.m. WedneSday Prayer l\feetlng-6:30 7:30 p.m. '. . BAPTISTCHURCH ".~" ·p~i~'14r"':":....=...•.•.."'-'.-...... '...'.....·.. 88to·-~ ...·ursery',"',;,.".'8"'-l~..)'".~ri''"h"-U 10'30 pm ThursdayMi'tdstrySchool-7:30p.m. ·"eating·althe .. ;I:m; 0 .... _. :FIRsT'IMPTISTl::HURCH - • Tbursd"ay Service Meeting..:...a:30 p,m. Fairgro':dsBUilding, capitan ',~SChOoI"'-il:45 a.m. .VdUth. Group, Pansh Hall-lHl:.3C\· . .... 'i'il\Ilie.PlUSONFELWWSnIP. sunday School-9:4li-8.m. ···.M~Wo11lll1~i:1I:4!i'a.m. .. iil ,BUlJ'ories,Pastot ". .. C8Ii1pSlerraBlltllea,FortStlinton BAHA'I FAITH ' MOrnintWorship-l1a.m. .. .. :f"e\1~Wotillll":"-'1~t:Ji,;. .:Wl.!dn~daypyay..... Group•.'SlIde-SUlldaY SCh(i()I....g~45li.m. Dill ItIiwlil1S, Ii~ dltl!c!tor'~'251b, Meeting in Mmes otliteD'ibets.lihilf1ti Ftlr more lntotIllatioil call Leonard .~~~,I!."jjllliii··iI~ ~ B l.jI,.Ili,!!!.~ ~.· ~ ~.iliiiIlii!!!i.· iii~",!3540il!'~ . '. .'''iIi:'·.·· ...•lJl..f)'.,-!lil.2•.ftOOliIl n · , P!IiI - l!!,iII!..plW•.o•.I'.B.·liI.P..,S61"tllli·IiI!:!!i!lic;:l"·iIj.• __ .1W.. · itII!."lltd.·.,•.s._un•.•da•.Y,M.·.Chil!'.Itl.lltlth '!,.·.·.25&-4I":I'1l!!!. ·iiilil·.. jjiI·".·-'ill'P'tfaj. ..·1llHiIii'ii·•••iJl'IIi- ---- ';:''':''','.;'&$& I.USinesS Firms'Mo e-;"fI.ls S~.ec;tlC urc 'Feature Posst eEoc' W~ek -. J':'RuldosoStatt·la.nk '. Ruidoso News"~,PK Real·Estale,l:nc. :,',:,'>:r"'Wlif.:fri ;$0[1 etTP '01·...., r : mOTS, rT: :rP'!5t~!f TI..:' rnMu!,11.7:4PCJ l or r" ;; Iunl .I11J;I~7 -¥"I""lrit~ ,,' iF n~57..S6~7;LT .~~~_~:-_, ,_.~J\-'. ",.wb,.r .. _',' ," , .:'.. ".\ _ ,", __ '_ . Ie {,'--• • • ~ - \' '.",:1/,. • '. . _.,',' ••\, , . .a __ .-' ~_.__ ~ ~ ~ _,-"" .....>60.:.- ~ ...... J ~ ... ._ .. ~ -"" .1,,

Fin ...... $135 .... • MI."...... $129. cenI ...... &5...... •

INCOME.TAX PROBLEMS? Call Claude Wheeler ...... WHEELER.TAX AttH & '-"I" BOOKKEEPING SERVICE r, 37'·4441 257.2130 :, ~rl..:.Lol·~. •• .'¥H....,:',';;'~'':'ii;r:fN'''' .I."'·~~ !,"l •••• " '1i ':} •• {" ALL"lIAIlfllAL • WEIRT COIITIlOL TNT pany "_AM St_IIluUlllng LEGAL NOTICE ..ty cb'.... S.SAII (OIan, SWtEllVlSOll SALI! IN THE DlST1UCf COURT ' ..DrIll ...... OF LINCOLN COUNTY Ate ,.••••••..,. Mult....._t'­ 'tWELF'I'D .JVDJCIA1. DlSTIUCI' STATE OF NEW MEXICO , 257.7655 IN TIlE MATJ'ER OF mEESTATE OF I •. . ROBERT Eo MORJUSSON. I FOI'M .. _. I CaneND. PB-M-Ct C.II 3714375 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION DlmJoal February 9, 19l1S; 10:00 a.m. Now NO'11CE TOCREDITOBB .._­ taking consignmelllll. Auction Fnmet!J, A.nn OWer hubeenappoiDtEd Personal --_ IN THE DI6TRICF COURT OF ....,...... Representative or the Estate 01 Robert E. MOt"­ LINCOLN COUNTY. - barn ls open Monda;y<-FrIday, 11-5. -. d""""sed. All _ baviDll OIlY dalm9 NEW MEXICO ABORTION? NOI - For pro-life' Call 257-5296 or come byl Jim agaIDst this estale are requ1nld to presenl Iheir TWELFTH .JUDICIAL DlBTRIcr Wooldridge, Auctioneer. D-'15-5tc efo.lrm. wttbID two montrei after the dateof the first nl£ FARMER8lNSURANCE ) counseling referral call: 253-4059 pubUeathm of this Notice or the claims wiD be GROUPOF COMPANIES AND I or257-5596. S-48-tfc CABLE TV - could be aVaUable In forever baITed., CIaJms must be ~rd e!tber ARNOLD CANTU. I to the Perscma1 Represenlatlve at .0. Baz 994. PlalrlUR. I HOSPITAL AUXILIARY - ThrIft Alto Nortb, Enchanted Forest,81m Ruidoso. New Mexico 88345, or filed with the •• I Shop. 140 Nob Hill Drive. WIDter Valley or areas just north of Alto District Court of lJoeaJ.n CCltlIl1Y. CarrUozo. New RODNEY It.. KEMP, I VtllBge. IfInterested pleaseIIign a Me:zJ.eo 88301- .. Derencba.t ) hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednes­ DATED: Janua.,., 23. 191!1S No.CV-8W35 day through saturday. Turn off survey sheet at Track llJId Sld lsi FraDel!J AnD Casler Dh1slonU Sudderth Bt the signal light In the Lodgeoortb of AltoonBlgbway37. P"""")Iloptaen1aUve NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION No obligation. B-75-tfnc LEgal ms& 2t el} 31 (21 7 STATE OF NEW MEXICO Gateway area. Nob Hill DrIve ls TO, RODNEY A. KEMP thefirststreetto thelelL H-43-tfnc LEGAL NOTICE NO'I'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 01 lb. above­ LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - resident LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE entiCed cause wbere1D Farmen tmurance Group HYPNOSIS - Wanita T. Morin, R.N. wishes to relocate In Ruidoso, Has of ComponlelJ l

-- - UU!i'

'. , , , <. • . " . .. ..

f,. I f :,'

, .

,, AUTOMOTIVE. 1984 JEEP - Wagoneer. 4x 4, perfect condition. $12,000. Call Bill at 354-2920. Work, 257-4608. W-74-8tp 1982 KINGCAB· - Datsun pickup. 5 speed and air. Top condition. 257-2483. N-74-tfc FOR SALE - 1982 l:Ionda Civic, 4 door, 5 speed, 45 MPG. 38,000 miles. $5,295. 354-2958. R-74-tfc FOR SALE - 1982 Ford Thunderbird Town Landau, AMlFM cassette, power windows, and many more extras. Excellent condition. 35,000 roUes. Call before 5:00, 257-5918. c=After 5:00, 257-5929. S-75-3tp LIKE NEW - 1984 Honda Accord, 4 door. air, cruise, AM-FM, tape. 6,000 miles. Will consider trade. _258-5177 after6:00. K-75-3tp 1981 KAWASAKI - 650, in good condi­ tion. $1,300 or best offer. 258-5500. M-75-4tc 1-984 YAMAHA - 250, in good condi­ ---~tlon. $1150 Qr best offer. 258-5500. M-75-4tc FOR SALE - 14 ft. covered Hale stock traUer, good condition, new 1982 JEEP - Cherokee. Fully loaded, 700 x 15 tires. Also horses and tack. low mUeage, extra clean and well Call before 8:00 a.m. or after 5:00 maintained. Excellent vehicle for p.m. 257-4867. R-77-9tc Ruidoso area. 524-7768. Las Cruces. G-76-4tp WELL ESTABLISHED - steel Now Available business for sale. Includes inven­ TAKE UP - payments on '82 Jeep tory and equipment. Ten to 27 Jamboree. 258-4249 or 258-4339. Complete line Of acres with office, shop and storage R-76-4tp buildings, optional. Terms. 1976 GRANADA - V-6, auto, air, (505)585-2100or585-2651. G-77-4tc good, mechanically dependable. FURNITURE - miscellaneous Southern car, low roUes, new tires. pieces, including heavy bar stools $1,500, OBO. 257-4299. or and sofa. 257-2115. 5-77-tfc 378-4622. C-76-3tp Anlshlng Products FOR SALE - Story and Clark studio FOR SALE - by owner. 1979 Ford plano. Call 257-2614. V-77-lIp Fairmont, 46,000 mUes, new tires and good gas mileage. $2,500 or Country Essence OAK EXECUTIVE - style desk with best offer. Call 257-7328, &-5 or glass top, $200. Two light weight 378-4108 after 5:00. 5-76-2tp Across ~rom the Post OffIce shelves, $10 eIIch. Computl!r table, RUldoso'Downs' .. $175. Call after 6: DO, 1984 SUBARU - GL sedan, 4 Wheel 336-4252. L-77-2tc drive, 8.500 miles. Excellent condi- • 378-4311 tion, fully loaded, sun roof. $9,99'1. Dealefs Welcome. 257-2906. P-76-2tp 1980 CJ5 JEEP - low mUeage, good We Ship! condition. 354-2732 or 258-5258. VILLAGE S-77--ltc TV ,\1\;D APPLlANC~ '68 WAGONEER - Interior good. MIXED JUNIPER - cedar and ,-__C_ESTE~R " pinon. Can be seen at old Safeway. body fair, new lock out hubs, new Friday, Saturday and Sunday or brakes, runs great. $1,200 or best call 354·2766, Capitan. Bud -RENTALS­ offer. 257-4265. H-77·2tp HamUton. H-75-4tp 1981 CHEVY LUV - clean;- low FOR SALE - 2 adjoinln~ clty lots. Color TV mileage, excellent condition, CaiHtan, N. M. Call (505) Video Cassette $3,900. 1978 Subaru sedan,S speed, 437-3967. R'75-4tp front wheel drive. $1,500. Recorders 257-5523. M-77-ltp KAWASAKI - 250 three wheeler, 1983 Newly constructed VideoDisc model, 500 mlles. 257-4532 or 35'x45' metal engin­ Players 258-3388. W-77-6tp eered aircraft hangar. 1056 Mechem 1983 TOYOTA - Tercel; SRS, 4x4 wagon. Great car. Excellent condi­ Carrizozo Airport. Highway 37 North tion. Extras. Hurry. 4~342. Electric blfold doar. PHONE 258-5622 C-77-ltp $18,500 or will build FORSALE - 1982 Honda Nighthawk, ta your specifications. CHROME DINETTE - with chairs, 75OCC, 3,500 miles, a real cream­ near new, 8100. Rifle, 700 Rem­ puff. Make offer. 258-5406. B-77-4tp AWA....,~ ington, never fired, with shells and 1976 YAMAHA - XSS, motorcycle. ....'5C& scope, $295. 258-4170. H-77-2tp 1981 Volkswagen. see at Ruidoso IN HOUSE SALE - Three piece tri­ State Bank, North Branch, 707 336·4802 ple dresser, bedroom suite, mat­ Mechem Drive, 257-5744. R-77-4tc tress and box springs. Matching drapes, comforter-dust rUffle, RENTAL RUIDOSO SELF SIORAH sheets and cases. Also matching Two 10'x24' Unhl queen size comforter, large cur­ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - call tains, sheets and cases. Still in Gary McSwane at Lela Easter Now Available Alia package, 125 yards, off white drap­ Real Estate for houses or condos r------~ Other SIze Unh. Available ery material. Call 257-5596. Behind on nightly, weekly or monthly ren­ PIfOIIE 257....747 Ben Franklin store. tals. Call 257-7313 or nights 1 • TIARA del SOL I G-77-tfc 257-5623. L-37-tfc I· At TheTopcHCamelot Mountain I ._..... I:. Is Almost Readyl I REAL ESTATE " I Experienced clOlJer. with aprovel) trac!c record I .• cal'J get In on the ground floor of Ruidoso's newest I 1:- and mast beautiful vacation owner~hlp complex. I '. T.op.(;Ol1lfniSslon$~ no overloaded hne, plenty of I DiPaolo Beal Estater. " & Investments wlllln~ ='==-="::="-=:,,,,,,=,'= - -_. ======", spiff.. If you're and able to work har. '1 Drawer l Hwy.37 '.nicit1I~)isly wl!h Ybur'assbclates (Prima Donna~ and Ruidoso, N.M. 505-258-4477 The PADDOCK I '1' 66345 I ,:HotsHot.s ne.i:lo~t, Clpply), you should lnves~tgate .. I. thIs ,~);(c.ptl0t:lal earnli1gs . opportunity. Klc~otf 1 , '5' ' ...... 1»""'010 ,. H' " I" ~at. dpproximately March'l,.. 1985. For Intervtev:' 1 " ~ ',' --~~"'~"'~'~~'_...:. ~p~lnti"h~nt Po~lkq; 2~1·9232.. ~ 336.'1671». ,' atllVic .' .'. '. .·.1 .~~l"~ Doug'...... SaI.. Mo~r. I . " .. - ,...... - ~ --...... _.•---..----_. 2s1,.as, --=- • • LUKJri~'SWELDING '.' . .' • • ." .SgRVICE \ ~ S,hop and'F:'i~ld Welding . .' ~" •. ~MI'!9;U~~II'l(:~unt¥Slnce1976. . • ... .'IJ4eensed;O()ild~d~ '&Irisured•. '. :.. w. W.,id btdS:S. oluil;lnQrt;t. ftClrlii~ss ~~.eJ, cOst :"tOti W.lc~.Pi"O " , .' . , ,'.' .... " ond IfQit. .,' .".. ,. Skle... . " .,', ',: '/'!II

EL CAPITAN - apartments, one or two bedrooms, furnished or unfur­ nished. $250 to $400 per month. Ef­ fective 1985: stay 11 months, your DIPaolo __I Estat. 12th month free. CaD 258-3359 or D_L 257-4686, ask for Lynn Starr. Ruld_. NM 1113.5 L-73-tlc 505 I 25.....77 • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Call Don Harmon, Four Seasons Real N Estate, 257-9171 or 257-7591. .sma.r i".DOG' Houses, con

". , .. 2157-817' FOUR~SEASONS , MLS REAL ESTATE '/

New Merg. Woodul Listing, lrulya R•••: 257·7681 mountein hideaway. large lot, 2 bedrooms and loft, $49.000.

Super , TWI/ bed­ e.panrled ,• room. 1 mobile. bath Pine· T",o cliff cobin. bedroom, """ both. $51.500. $48.S00. • • Furnished Family • River Lovely Fumished condo. home. condo. cobin. Terms. treed lat. Upper Green -4ilwner Alto Alps. beautiful Canyon. Meadows. financing. 3 bed- furniture. What a Sauna. lots Lovely of baths. good access. spot! $85.000. decor. S87.500. $118.500. $95.000. .·

P.terSttolHtt RonWrloht N.va.oche II. RaV.lohtop F A Kollo Qualifying Broker R•••: 336-8212 R...: 25'7..952 R....336·4367 2511 cOS, R•••: 336-4696 Mortln Ro.. Glodys Hlolm....I.t Sid "Iford O-ro- _I_--...r R...'2511"143 R•••: 257.7159 R...."_120 _ •• 25_3112 , ~utlful . . *85-0175 Holiday Acres, 'mmacu'at.3/a., 2/8, 2 .torl... view•• new dltCkst fully fum. . $64.000 .__ y _,,~1', Ii ~I,.A-"~ ~",', 11"'930. "'to Lok••O&CC. C...tom b..lIt w /paOlI_lOtor. acroos from d ..bhouoe.OuotondlnsJvl.w.. $35O,0ll0 I_ _ ", '''-I ~ '"~ ~~~ ~"::" 11114-9651 Easy 0_. om. ho.....corn.r H..nRd•• Old Lincoln Trail. N.w."t. paint'fullyfu"\'. $73.0ll0 d',,- .,;- ...... __"_, ... .• 1184-65511 Woodlond HIII.-MocIlfl'" ...fro.....2/H,., 'II. loft. b ..n"", vl.w of SI...... nca. .59.5110 IUI0124 LOTS OF MOOERN MOUN1'AlN FLAVOR IN THIS ALTO HOME. Set In the tNQ. Fa~t-Redw'Oadcont.~porary. agalnat a fairway.thlahoMe h•• ptehtVofrooM fo"',u'OafaMilY gatharlnge oraorpo..-t.. ,.83-4840 Black sunHck.. dynamlt. ",lew. Jacuzzl'n ma.ter IltetIroom. $94,A.$O function•• GOOd .cc•••• fully fUnllahacf. A. lotofhouaa forthamonayl C.1l De"'a"aHen 1I....92D5 K1ntlsw<>od-V.ry c'_nh_ n fI..pla...W.III.....latad..... _ttld~. .'• .000 .t 2&8·51559 or 258.111545. 1184-7779 ..ItoVIIIOll••3/.R. 2/., I , 1 In Alto. "Co.ln I..thePi ton clack. t ••SiIO .•50227 AFFOROABLe Iii BEDROOM. 2 eATH COND010cat8cllnWhlte MoUntain 4. Pur" . 1185-01.9 Mld_y 'own.lt•• newly..mod In. cl_ln L'R••'R.I I 1 ...... :13.000 . nlehed or unfUrnl"hed. Excellent. buy or Inv"tI'n.nL Aa.so-:;ll'IOOme prCldui:lfrIfJ 11....1113 Wlngfl.ld Home...... d. 3,U. ,%,., t ....rOh S••• vl.w, easy.._.fum, U2.5IiO p~Ckagade.1 fdl'th"·I"vaetOr. Cell Earl DaWdy. 21$8'15~lIliJor2157.73t!2. :' ' ," .114-6761 Town" Country North UriltII.Uk._,... 2'11•• 1'11. nl".lo... cov dacIe ff...... b... "6.5IiO .48248 WHAT itt. VlEWI Thr. nlca 1.100 aq. ft. haltla wIth outat..ndlnCl vlawe o'llllietta 11.3-3..... Folrw.y M..dowsIl13.2/••• 2'., ..ock'f.p.. '.0110 sq. ft. Fully fum rs unit. .'I5,lIOD ' Blanca, the C8pltllln, Maun~ln.and M.gadoCreekVelley hae 3 bedl'Oot'n.and 1II1hi on3 .11114-75011 Ealli.Crook W..t co 2'....2/.,' 1.....only"""""onstel...... 'Il.lIOD \ aore•. Call EarlDirWdy; 25S·a15159 or257·7:;J02. . " . 11....,36. Townl>ouoe ov.rl_b5th n. cno. "' 0 in•• view. low rov bill•• Ditd

•• h. " .. ftc. ", t • &-, ..1. t •.-...... ,.a.. L-d"";k'."? t 6,'"\,''' • b bb b t t bpg trt " ozn tbE.r 22 •'••• 37770311 $ OM egeo tn- • .,w ..... ------...... " , . , , , . !

, .\


NORTH CREEK OFFICE SUITES \"Whispering Bluff ~ Attractive new offices ready CQndominiums *****************<;:HARMING l fQr occupancy. For sale or * UPPER CANYON ~ lease. Owner/broker. \ New Fall Rate. 215Main Rood * • ~.' ~ ,.-:.~!f;." '~p';\ ""0;" * .•, '< ,.... ;...,,<~'1H'~~ •., ~,l\k;~~., . Good occen for winter. * " "fM~""-1f~"""""'_'~~~";";;'::".;';" 1221 Mechem Available Now C/eon. cozy and offort ; ,t.OOK.I'Y.Q .FQ"'· PROPEFITY that'';''1II AP­ .doble 1 bedroom units. * 258-5514 ·PFlEQIATEtIII v"'4Ia? w. have an Ideal pIece01 For Monthl, Rental. 258-495-7 .•C.1 01'1. HIghway a? 3.4" "erea. Pert.ot alta . *" Starting at $300 with * 'or ap.ttmenta. motal or your dream. OWner *" utilities paid. muat ••II·.oon. . ~ TOWNHOUSE ON - river, complete­ .' • l ' , • 258·3013 t· Coli Mary, 257-4043 ioJUNIPEFI HILLS loOT on College Drive. zoned ly furnished InclUding microwave, 'or m~Yllllra. Pabuloua vlaw and prload at t or257-9754evenlngs.*" dishwasher, disposal. Fully 817.000. SUMMt;R CONDO carpeted, two bedroom, 1~ bath, "VALLEY'VIEW, 3 badrooma, 1 bath, fenced Beaull/ul 3 bedrapm, 2 bath Pineclilf *** *************** fireplace. Excellent location, close y."d. ato",,,., Fr.nklln .tov., -r:ad e ••y .c­ condo for Jeose durJng racing $275 MONTH - two bedroom, partial· to track. shoppIng. Fenced patio. 0 •••• Iy furnished mobile, near new outside storage. Share utilities. PeggyWhatley, Broker season. Thoroughly furnished. near Safeway. Utilities extra, Call Rea: !2Se.40!22 track. $4.000. Referonces requIred. $650/month. 378-8424 after 5. "ann Hlckeraon 011I. Turner Dick Alwon. 728 Green Cove. EI 257-2873after6:00p.m, D-77-2tc S-77-tfc R.a: 257-94SD 1102 Sudderth Drive R.a: 2157-5239 Paso. Texas 79932. (915) 581-2125. CEDAR CREEK - furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bath, lovely home, $525. After 5. 336-4752, M-7&-tfc A'ITENTION SKIERS - 3 level con· do in Lookout Estates. Three PRESTIGE WELCOME SKIERSI nights minimum, 258-4314. S-62-tfc . ~ FURNISHED - 2 bedroom mobile, nice kitchen, large lot. $250 mono REAL ESTATE, INCa CLOSING COSTS DOWN. Own a spacious. nicely decorated White thly, plus bills. Jack Mize 257-5100, Mountain villa. Two units are available. Owner will carry the balance 258-3397 evenings. Crown Real P,O. BOX 1232 RUIDOSO.NM 88345 at low Interest on a 40 year schedule with a balloon In three years. Estate. M-64-tfc CORNER OF'MECHEM AND SUDDERTH FURNISHED - small one bedroom REBECCA JO STEELE GEORGE MIZE house in midtown Ruidoso. $250 TAX PROBLEMS? This newly built 4.plex could solve part or all of your per month. 257·9154, McGRAW Res.: 33&-4975 Res.: 257-4373 probJems. With owner financing. this protect will almost operate at a 257-4153. 8-77-4tp CLIFF OWEN, BROKER-REALTOR Res.: 257-9225 .. posltlve cash flow. DUPLEXES - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, nicely furnished, all electric kit· chen, fireplace, on natural gas, • GORGEOUS VIEW. White Mountain Estates. Large lot priced to sell. deck on front, plenty of parking, in OWNERS DESPERATE TO SELL Ruidoso Downs. $425 per month, BRING US AN OFFER! r.:~~.~.t':.,. ~ .. ,. , water paid. 257-9154. 257-4153. 8-77-4tp G~!i!~!.~~~~a:~h:;jx~i'~iff'tff~W cR·st.r~1Jlan~~7stK.al· "._~ •, • COMMERCIAL CORNER LOCATION on Highway 70. Excellent southerly exposure• . •• Owner will sell all or part• " JUST LiStED: Beautlfullnnsbrook townhouse. One level. fully furnish· : ·ft. ready.o move Into. S109.Soq; TEN BEAUTIFUL ACRES In roiling hills. Ex. I . cellent country location. Accessible year ~; $PECTACULAR VIEW of Sierra Blanco. Four bedroom. 2 bath home with round. All usable land. Lots of wild game in ':.,,-oSV ace... and fenced In yard. Priced to sell. areCl, ~'. . " . ~'NEW 10&.CAlli'" Two bedrooms. 2 baths. easy access. centrally ONE LEVEL ACRE complete wIth orchard In­ ;'}ocat~. Oldy $76.000 with owner financing avallabl•• cluding blackberry. raspberry. cherry and .. " ,. apple trees. garden. corral and fencing for horses and a beautiful view of river but has :doug bass & assoc., inc. never flooded to all old-timers' Loc..ted In The Northwest Comer 0' Innsbrook Village - Highway 37 knowledge. plus a three bedroom. two BOle 2290. Ruidoso. N. M. Bienvenidos, aqui se habla espano bath home with all new appliances. double MUr.1tuftt ....~ DoutI ... garage. office area. covered front porch. n...... ua-ow. •...5411 OPEN assumable mortgage of approximately MIIoa_ J_Zoo••_ ""_, SUNDAYS $60.000. Price reduced to $110.000. 2.S'J'-44a7 U8-4242 U7",'9 T~--: D~=:-'" J-:n~258.5252 505 257-4686 RUIDOSO·PRQPERTY RENTALS MLS ·· 'r-""I!"'------"------.:..•.,r.. . . , -----,;.------. MLS

.. " • FOSTE REAL .. PinetreeSquare RIVER CABINS We are pi_sed to ofhlr 2 wonderful river cabins locatedon Block D Drive In thedesired Upper Canyon. Onels a 4 bedroom. 2 bath "rustlcCabin". attractively ·fum••hed and remadel411C4. Large deck overlooks the , Rio Rutdoso. The socond home Is a 3 bedroom. 1 both "dHlat" ho.... wIth rots of redwood decks lind lHHIutl'ul flowerbeds. A mu..._ new home. COli for appoln,ment. . LAND' . " ' 30 aet.. on "ort Stanton Road. 'Super Investmont. $10.000 per acre; good term•• Lots of creek frontage. , LlnLt! CREEK HOME '''uar-cr· on Over 7 -ac.... 'of "'autl•.,1 pine COllor"d .land 'I. t'l*lii .Iat••:ho-n. wtth 301' .'laiIHII'OOIbll. Oli:tra rd.... JIving ·.-oom, '3, c:al'gatcl,.. ftonM.,. on, ""tlo · cditk and flnt eta.. appointment•• AllIClnll $285;000 • , " · "ut·vet» mo.tvaf...... ~' .'. :' :. \'..". • .' . . " "',•.:",257-90'06 ",. .. ', . , ...... '*~; '- fldtliey.iiiat.",.. R.rf<"l,ciIvanc:fay • Aliiic»datw .. .". . .rOIee"· ... AlJIOChite ' .. ' • '. ",' . .. . " ' ,. 354.2501"· .. .04710. .'. _. 25'. , , ··l' '. ,. .' . , , ",' . •• ~ ~~,. -, '. ..' ... -,,' ... ,. ., I', •. • '. . ij" \ jo' -~~_._ ..... _--- j '.' • .( 'J.'HE'P••ES O~'i!~~IJAN) • __ w __ ~_._"__ • t

• ., ~:, •.•.,• ."_: -co. ._".... • " vVEa.:eOME PFlOr.SKI ANO PRO-AM i,' . , .QP-=:N HQUSe '' , ' THURSDAY, .JANUARY 31 AND F.'RloAY,FliiBRUARY 1 9:00,..M.TO 5:0q P.M. ,. , AT INNS.,ROOKVILLAGE N. <4\

'. "I i

• INNSBAOOK c· VILLAGE TOWNHOMES - OPEN HOUSE c '$~' #87 --'---...... Ranger MAKE THE PINES YOUR NEW • Stetlon * COMMERCIAL LOCATION We'll Be Looking LOWER ON SEWER ForVoul land costs' property taXes GOOD OWNER FINANCING BEAUTIFULLARGE INNSBRO~KTOWNHOUSE gross receipts tox , ) • > , <~ CENTRALLY LOCATED TO ALTO. RUIDOSO ,- . ' & THE DOWNS earson & associates 378-8Q88

DOUGLASS REAL ESTATE PLANNING TO BUILD? SERVING RUIDOSO SINCE 1947 BRAND NEW HOME cThree bedroOJPll.~w~bathlon a large w~ lot. Ltv- . On Vlennll 't...... c •• Flv"bedroom., 4~thlUnthl. profe.· , . iJ;Jgar.~a .has 'irepbiC::~. a~d vaulted celling. Large double .lon8l1y decor.t.d outetendlng formar mod.l, complately: car garage. redwooCl decks front and back. Buy now hArnl.hed down toIIn.n••nddl.h."- All forJu.tS185,OOO. before completion and J!ick out your carpet and while it is beinginstalled, we will send you and a guest to HawaB OWNER TRANSFERRED-MUSTSELLNOWI for a week. Owner-agent will pay airfare and lodging. CedardaIe Log Homes Price: $127,500. is your answer 2 FREE TRIPS SEND $5.00 FOR OUR COMPLETE 2 HAWAII 2 the purchaser of PLANNING GUIDE 2 bedroom 2 bath home on A & J BUILDING CONSULTANTS 2 acres Near the proposed Fantasy Mountain and Race Track. P.O. Drawer 1847 Complete with horse corrals. Will sell below appraised (505)434-3436 Alamogordo. NM 88310 value. Owner-agent will consider trade. $125,000. James Taylor Jim Douglass 258-4307 336-8133 Make .n off.r on thl. darling on. bedroom hom•• Fan· ~.tlo daco..tlv••pp••1 .nd .n .xp.n.lv. vIew from the RUIDOSO'S INDEPENDENT eacluded deck. 102·Ea.tViewDrlv.ln North H.lghtaPark.

REAL ESTATE AGENCY HIDEAWAY HILLS. C.plten. Th... b.droom. 2 b.th modul.ron 2.5 .c.... NIc. pl.c.forchlld..n. ho.....nd 257-4671 hAn. Prlvat.llvlng. Motlvatad ••II.rt '

SERVING LINCOLN COUNTY SINCE 1952 . - .. j. -- LoTS OF TALL PINES surround tb1s 3 bedroom. 2 bath ALPINEVlLLAGE-,,-IInvest in the future! View lot, $8,5Oft home In the upper canyon, on pavement. Assumable loan. with only$1,400 dqwn; Call E.J. H49~ Owner might trade for AbIlene property. $78,000. Call NICE,HOME in one of the best subdivisions In CaPiian. E.J. H50201 Beautifully landscaped. Good access. The owner wants to MUST SELL! You won't beUeve the value-you get in this move back to Texas and is motivated. We need some of- large 3 bedroom. 2 bath quality. built home in great loca- len. CallGlen toseethis property. '647437 tion! Massive Uving area with energy efficient fireplace.· A SOLUTION to your New Year's resolution. Resolve to * MAKE THIS YOUR patio off master bedroom, nice landscaping. double car- own your very own business in Ruidoso. This estalJUshed . NEW OFFICE port. Owner is serious about seUing and has reduced the business shows an increase eac~ year for the past,fll'e Over 2,000 sq. ft•• refrigerated air, centrai heat. price $20,000. The loab is assumable with a low interest years and can be easilyoperated by one person. Lovely lit- fireplace. Located near hospital and schools. rate. CanJane.· '645887 tie shop and a deUght to own! Small investment required. Terms. IlIDE-AWAY to yom: very,o,m mountain retreatin'Forest Call Jane George lor detaUs. • Heights,. 'l'!ii"ee beth'OOlns. ,2 baths, fireplace.: decks and APACHE PARg HlilEAWAY. Something your falJli1y situatedon largetrcecoveredlot. Alsohas vacantlot adja- needs-space. Lots of room to roam 'in this great floor * PROPERTY li~g..di1iing. NEW LISTING-Extremely large building, lot. cent to hOlise to make this. an even better investment for plan. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, huge White Mountain 5. 536.000. you. $15,000. Unfurnished. with excellentterms. Tofind out kitchen area with a lot of storage. Nestled in the trees at . , more. can Jim George. _ . .634033 theend of a quiet cul-de-gac. Land value and bullding COiIts TWO BEDROOI\II TRAILER, wooCiistove. 11/2 baths. . , make this houSe a below marketsteal. Ask for Jitrl George•. Corner lot not far from new Safeway and shop- , IF ¥OUHA.VE MORE'I'ASTE mAN$$$••• This one offers $125,000. . 846511 ,, ping area. Make offer. 527,000. , fuorefor your trloneyoil a neaU bedroo~, 1:l4bathhGme, 1'OWNHOUSE ON CREE MEADOWS GOLF COuRsE. RIVER PROPERTY: Beautiful .doiJble wide with wet bar, redwood decks 8Jtd wood heater., Under $62.000. Three bedrooms. 2 baths,. garage-. completely rundsiJ.ed in- screerled In back porch, garage'orworkshop and wan,very assuDlable: anll affordable doW!! payment•. I eluding linens.etc. Built-mvaeUum,...efrig~rated alt.Must spacious greenhoUl!!Ie. ALL r=ENCED. ,' think ~ou ne~~to seethis onewitb Glen. 650316 seeto appreiiiate. $iHI.ooo.qaIlJ.T. .H$3021 CONDOS-539,900 a~d $37,900. ATtENTION BUILJ)ERS~'Large . .' t5't..7313 . 'FluiRoitJPPER2 ~oo~ htohUe' ,le1tel Jot with vlew.149'X110', redn.c- _ Box 284 _ onliaper corner lot in FawnlUdge. * Caliltan A ...a : (ldfc.rrastsale.$30.000. ownerfiniln, M ., .. "., ... •. 2O'X40' add-on hasbeeil lltaried. ~f cing,. low down payment. 10% in- ecbehtDrive Completely (urnisb.ed. ,'rhctprlee Is NEWLISTINC-3aeres with beautiful view M~tain , . '. ,- Sierra BfanCUl. MObile with large add~on living .terest. Itt White Estateli. 'Very right at $:l$,OOO.CaU, Glen, to . r0l=lm with atOne fireplace. ' " canJ.'I'.6U.28 look.' ' ..H4H14 .: . . . - .. ' .-.' •

" .', - , , . ' ,.. ~ ; - ,... ' \ ; " .. , , . .' . , • " f . ~, " '

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' , , ?' aIl7"817'1 ,• FOUR~SEASONS • REAL ESTATE NEW rOWNlfOMES:TIDO It.elroo...u.,,. '..c'.de .U fbwperle•• elec­ Have you seen ~ tric ""11•• d,...-...... ,...",.~or...... rrver. eU ckv _dUd••• With all the lalesl ne.. a.oul "..,." .-del... 'oe-t.d No"'" of file S.cq.,et CIa. .u lor Oft'" the homes In • ••7.1S00. ••• White Mountain E.'. 1 ." ;1P.!~ lo~: s,I~.ln c~. ~... and property Meadows? ,• . Rur.oso area. " , Margaret Gaddy NEW' HOME. n It.roo , fIOO , /I pt.ce. ceUlalJI."., Itft· 336·4413 ~ Pick up your free copy of ell """...c_ '"I63.8GCl.SS',500 IrS E1NlSHED. 11uw.....droo.., lJOG d o ...JuaU b.du d ...... • • ....tU-.'oe.flo ce._. ~ ~ 57'.900. • "'.Jet.. BESISUY , 2.700 .q. ft., full AI10 golf • GII£\T 1.00Ul0N lIND "CCJlSS...... _roo.... _ ...".., _ntHrwhlp, 800 .q. ft. of red• • ..... 0,.... ""' ,11I• ..,.".". _. _ ..,., "' "0••'. • ..,.. 'JJ5.000 wood deck. H.. effIdency ·, lIPGf1nt.nt. lot. of tre••, large llfAS1ER BEDIlOOllfS AND _rHS. , 1HIU!I! "0' ..b roo.. o,//Jce. lot. privacy. Apprlll••d for • .-ora.o,•..,...... ""....,". pI _.v..ore.."..... 'J75.000 $152.500. SELL FOR every.e.k FOVJr BEDROOMS. FOVIl_ms 'ory' brool< '0 0 .... $100.000. • D ,.,.."e-ch. uup0r4f-nt..hed J 70.000 • • .t anyone 01 over 50 loeallons: 336-4164 ,• ONLY .2_,500. 0...... will/I.....c•. Mobn. 1<0... """"'ot. • ORlM!llS WANT TO 'I'IlADE • Hotels And Motels ALTO COVNTHY CI.VB. b."roo two _ • ..-.port. fou'" • ,.,...... $JJ5.000••.FOR 'JISO.OOO ere. M •• IAIIIl FOI SAIL • .,o_ • eo.8fry a ..... 300 ACRts-S2.700 per acre with 10.000 • Grocery Stores acre lease. • ALTO COVNTHY CI.VB. 1'...... 10 0 __ b_. • 3S ACRES-53,SOO per OCTe with creek thot • .lti5.. 000••.FOa••..Lawer• • 'eer. vaCClflon 110 200.000 or ..ore. • Convenience Siores runs year around. .70.000••,/KrRU...... ""roo... _ ,..,'" 11o... 0.. _ ..... Reslaurants 'o....DIfI.._tN_-FOIL..Iars'er. n...... 11011I. In '.130.000 .....8 .. LOT 19, Deer I'arl< 1,02 =00-535.000 LOT 21, Deer Park 1.02 aa-es-S35.000 ..... YJ!I.I.OW HOUSE 0. CRFI! MF,A :')OW8 COVNTHY CI.VIl. 0 ••of 2 lOTS in Enchanted Forest-S13,000 each Advertisers ... to.",,.., ..0 ...... ",..... -"~KJea:o".of...... J'OS...... o... or lOT inWht. Mfn. Unit 4 View-of S.8.-S31.500 codo ....r 'JOO.OOO. LOT in Alpine Villcge-$13.S00 And Many Other Loeallons 1lEDVCl!D PIlla..17 000_ t(fR, .,."p""'••., qtIRIJtp .0 . MOBILE LOrS-Sl 5,000 and up. Super terms .-roo.... daN_ 6edJ W Acc...... SOldllera ~ JI' Must drill own well. Electric will be in subdivi­ _ .._lteMo._. _ .. [1.5. sion in 2 to 3 months. Low. low down payment Call Rul.oso News with owner financing. For Adverilslng Rates . ' CALL LADY nlLMAH at Four Seasons Reol ,.ecn...IR_a-II,Four__Es...... IlI_.RuI_lOoI_ Estate for more information. 257.9171 or 257·400'1 om..l105f2S7..I71. ReoIcleacel105f2S7.- 257-2021.


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,., I.... rn INSURANCE REALTOR ('/1'&.£ REALESTATE ~ 1400Sudderth 1000Sudderth 257-4291 506/257-4073 257-4228 -.J ~Li 505/257-7373 Open Sundays 1608 Sudderth ~ " PROBABLY THE BEST building lot In town: SUNNY AND BRAND NEW. Very nice "LOOKFOROUR , , 3-bedroom. 2.bath new home with All city utilities I"~,Iding natural gas. ~~ fireplace, bright sunny year-round loco­ paving. table flat th beautiful trees. .. tlon. You get a lot of quality living area water meter and cu ert already In for In this new manufactured hom.. for only only $29.500. ,,:~9:g.9\\ $63.500. SUPER LOCATION plus super 3.bedroom. SIERRA BLANCA VIEW enhances this love­ 2·bath home. Fireplace. carport, paving. ly 3-bed,room home near the airport. Two all 'utilities, level landscaped lot, easy ac· 99~~~~ 'MAGAZINE IN LOCAL BUSINESSES" full botm. a fireplace. large wooded lot cess-all for only $67.500. and shake roof are only a taste of what In thousands of communities across the continent you get for only S89,5oo. ' 5.8 ACRES In the CapItan area." City • there are 'hometown' real ~stC!te companies who are SELL OR TRADE: Three-bedroom, 2·bath, water. view of Sierra Blanca. electric. 14" X SO' mobile home situated on one phone. barn. Priced at only S30.750 and members of our Homes For Living Network. wooded acre at Capitan. Large covered It con be divided. Since 1962, our network of independent deck. one horse Included. Will trade for LOW DOWN and long pay on this older REALTORS


,< A TRUE MOUNTAIN CHARMERI This two· A SUPERB INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Is pro. 40 ACRESI Simply beautiful and advantageous. • bedroom cobin On an easily acceulble lot has vlded by this small. well-located motel on Iy located near. Bo"lto Lake. HlghwQV fran• s c an abundance of appeal. from Its vault..d cell. Mechem Drive. Eleven units In 909d coneiltlon tage. terrific views. LIberal owner financing. .. Ings to Its corner fireplace. It's furnIshed. and havecovereddecks and,amp'. parkIng. Owner, S4,OOO per acre. ' " the owner will finance. $44,750. will consider trades. $295.000. Additional pro. perty Olfallable for ..parate purchastJ. . • EXCEPTIQNAL MOBILE HOME LOT affortls 'an •, outstanding location on,gentle sloping land , JUST LISTED I. this comfortable little mobile on Just off HIghway 37. Easy acee... heavy tt.. GOOD.LooKING MOBILE HOME In lovely area ph,e-cl:lverod lot ••, one bedroom. one bath. cover. $25.000. ' I has been well-maintained. has two bedrooms, Admlttedlysmalt, but the Perfect .Ize for a bath. spacIous decks, fenced back yard. All ap­ vacatlotihldeaway. The perfect prIce. too-. . I p.o box 1442 - (505)257-5111 pliances, most furnishings Included. $39,250. , ,-'~ lust S22.000. JUST $30.000 WILL B,UY thIs 2.bedroom Calill'" ' , i I' on a protty. secluded lot In' the Cedar CtHk, 307 meehem drive , ar.... The cabl,. need. 'ome w,ork. but'the ma~nlflcent HAI\lDSOME LOG HOME IN PRESTIGIOUS ALtO potentialI. thore. and thcJsottlng.'. iIo 'CIIVIJIV .I BUILDllR'SCOSTI Thl. mountaIn wort~ ruidoso, new mexleo 88345 home Isllrond new and offers one of th.. mo.t VU,LACiE ,offers Clili the amen'tl.s. Five bed. that It'. well tho 'e"ortl, " ' , gorgeous location.,...'the Irllla90' The well. r06Ii1S.' thr_ 'lKith•• gamer_lit,' Wet bar. . . .. I d""onod floOr p'..n 1nc1ud..s throe ),ilIdroolil., RUna. t'woffteplaCClS .;. therti',ve""Uttlcli you . -.. .., twe:> ~ath•• 'atg.ga_"l'OOIil' Clnd utlllt,.ar.... ni."ht Wclrit In a'u;kury ho_thotth'.reitlark. NEWffO,Mil IN DESIRABlilNl!IGH80RHOOD 0f<­ Thore ~r,e, two flreploce•• ' covered" redwood ab,'. hoUIe d~l'lOt proliJdel Ful' COilhtry club fen 3 beeircioms. :I bath•• ~pJClCP. jONZd. , .. ' Itlemborshlpan~ iI"~wsl OwI1.r~,wlll ~sl.r , ' dec"'. and a br....r,.faklng vlewlCalf for Ciltfurnr.h'nO. fnduded In the carport. Lovely detalls. ' ,., ..rIc:. of.$1285.000. . ' ,'.' . ,trad....:$84,,9.$0. . , " •• •. . ,'f , .. . • .. .,, .. '" ' .

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, I 1, , , "I I ..------'------SCHEDULE 'OF EVENTS------, ,I ALL.AMERICAN PrlO SKI CLASSIC and CELEBRITY PRO.AM r 1lhursday 6:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception (cash bar) at the Inn of the Saturday 9:00 a.m. Hospitality Tent opens, Jbnuary 31 Mountain Gods, Wendell Chino Room. February 2 10:30 a.m. Finals-Round of 16 Giant Slalom, " 'f I 7:30 p.m. Dinner, Charity Auction and entertainment at the 12:00 noon Celebrity Pro-Am Luncheon in Hospitality Tent at -1, ( Inn of the Mountain Gods, Wendell Chino Room. Sierra Blanca. Open to Celebrity Pro-Am Race (Dinner, $20 per person.) participants only and sponsors. 8:30 p.m. Admission to Charity Auction and entertainment. 1:00 p.m. Pro-10m Racers Clinic with pros. I, ($5 per person,) , 1:30 p.m. Celebrity Pro-Am Race. • I rlday 7:30 a.m. Press Breakfast with pro racers and celebrities at 7:00 p.m. Cocktails (cash bar), Celebrity Pro-Am Awards I ebruary 1 Sierra Blanca Ski Resort. Broken Ski Room. Pinner, Dinner Show and Dance at the Inn of tne 9:00 a.m. Hospitality Terit opens. Mountain Gods, Wendell Chino Room. Entertain­ 10:00 a.m.- Preliminary qualifii;ation rounds. Racers vie for ment during the Dinner Show will feature well­ 12:30 p.m. 32 spots. Giant Slalom. ' , known celebrities including country singer Tanya l ., 2:00 p.rtI. Eliminations; Round of 32 ,to round of 16 Giant Tucker, Gloria loring; LeVa'r Burton, Gail Rae , Slalom. Carlson, Lynn Holly Johnson, Grant G90deve and 6:00 p.m. ,Dallas Cowboys Reception at the lilll' of fhe a IS-piece orchestra., Open .to the 'publi~, limited , ,,' Mountain Gods Conference Center. (Limited ad- tickets available',$40 per person. , , mi~siii'n; $35 per couple.)" , , 7:00 p.m. Pre-Race "Pick the Winner~' Party with cocktails SUlI'day 9:00, a.m. Hospitality Tent ppens. (-eash bar), light hors d'oeuvref' and entertain­ February 3 10:30 a.m. Round of 31 Slalom. Continuous event deter­ ment at the Inn of the Mountain Gods, Wendell mines Slalom winner. Chino Room; Pros, celebrities and Pro-Am Race 2:00 p.m. Awards Presentation at finish area, Sierra Blanca • pattlcipdnt~wmbe in aftendanc~ and ,teamS will Ski Resort, immediately following ,the race. be announced for S,Qturday's Pro-Am Race. Public 7:00 p.m. Vi~toryPorty at Cochero's Cantina (cash ~ar) " with the Dallq~,Cowboys. ' invited. $10. pl;i'r person. •

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t,-" .. ' , 1Iidoso's . •, , . ; . , ' " . ~ - .. . :. . . . .," , h . , , • . .' . , il • • , , . • Finest On'~ 'of.,So~thwest's, to.P. ski areas i. by ~ARR"U.":PEHR Ski'Sbop NeWS-SI8ffWriter' ...... •••••• t *·D.ynas~~r,* EI~n *. t ''''''Head'* Lange:": * Raichle* San Marco* - • ... * Tyrolia* Salomon* Geze Look Scott* Eyes of ski world on Peugeot * * * from PEUGEOT GRAND PRIX Michigan, what he thinks about the the sport fragmented. Even with * Allsop* Carrera* coming season and he quickly replies, severnl gloom and doom prophecies The day Is perfect-warm and sun- "I'm l'ea1Jy exctted ebout it. Pro sid for dual racing, the sport remained ny. Five thousand fans Une the racing will have more credibility with active and exciting for the fans. courses. YOUcanilJm09tfeel theelec- au the best racers together. In the The ,bulk of the racing fell to the tricity in the air as spectators and past, the EasUWest rlvairy was a regional Peugeot Grand Prix tours. racers wail for the fmal run-the run good thing and I'm sure we'll see With tours In the East, Rocky Moun­ that will delermine the national some of it even though we're all tains and at times, the Midwest and champion and the world's best sider together now." Far West, the head-b>-head pro for· t• * Bolle Alpina* .• for 1984. We aredown to thef'mal four, The 1984-85 Peugeot Grand Prix mat was proving Itself durable and' * one of whom will walk away with the with its national schedule and larger popular. The dual format, first devel­ $10,000 obeck and title. In the nlOning races, not ollly brings pro siding back oped by Bob Beattie, ba& been a win­ are the Ha1snes brothers, Edvln and to the level of a national sport but ner with the racers since its inception Jarle, the new Eastern and Western IDlites several well known events some 14 years ago. t * Wigwam* Hotfingers* i champs, Reidar Wahl, the defending under one tour. ThIs marks a unifica- national champ and Cary Adgale, tion of pro sid racing not seen since OuaI format racing Is growing as a th E tern T In spectalnr sport. The seemingly sim- runner-up on e as our. a Ul8I. Id t bllshed t, pIe format is easy to follow, exciting Th Gordini* Halstead* single performance of outstanding e 0 es esta pro even to watcb and attracting fans t * decision-making and action, Adgale the FIrst Interstate Bank Cup at worldwide. Last spring saw.the for­ wraps up the title along with the Winter Park, Colorado, is joialng the mation of the World Association of check, a silver trophy and the aeco- tour this year to add its prestigious Pro Skiing IWAPSl, an organization lades that go to the winner of the race to the national Peugeot Grand t * Pro-Specs* D'uofold* Peugeot Grand Prix national cham- Prix schedule. FIrst held In ImS, the of tours worldwide which will plonsblp. Winter Park event Is the longest run- schedule and sanction events. After this exciting end to the 1984 Ding major pro race held today. Member tnurs will award in excess of season. pro sid racing comes charg- Innovation marks the First In- $1 mlllion for 1984-85. * Medallion* Puma* ing back for t984-85 with the bigger terstale Bank Cup wblch held the With over $400,000 in the Peugeot t and betler Peugeot Grand Prix na- f'U'St-ever dual SUP,f!I' G during last Grand Prix, a bls! chunk of the action tional men's pro tour. One tour, one year's event. ThIs year's event Is Is right here in"the U.S. Tours also schedule is the big news In pro racing scheduled for FebMJary 6-10. lake place in Europe,South America, this year. The Ruidoso-New Mexico AlI-A- Japan, and Canada. With non- t ·*Snuggler* II marks a whole new era for proski mericanProSid Classicisalsopartof 'cOnflIcting dates for major races, in­ ~. . . " : '. racing. After following the regional the tour. Started last year and temational pros can compele in the concept for several years, the organized by the StaleofNew Mexico U.S. and other countries as well. *Sp().rtcas~er Peugeot Grand PrIx is going natl~ and the RuidoSo .Chamber of Com- The Brldgestone Pro Champion­ • .'.. ,. "*. wlth one. schedule' and larger prize, mcree, this southernmost race"Js the ship-Peugeot Grand Prix World money at each event. The tour covers (irSt pro. race of, its kind.to be pro- Fina1s'wIll crown a World Champiob. major resorts throughout the United lOoted bystateanlilocal government. for thl! first time sinee 1981 when An. States and will attract pta racers It Is projected to IHt the world's rich- dre Arnold took his unprecedented *.Alpi"n'e Design·* . ' from around the world. est aki raDIi event. This complements '-urtb ld tIti B'd to ....~- . The 1984-85 Peugeot' Grand Prix theworld's iichestborserace, theAll- ;;;ade =r.. firs::a~nc:efup;; men's pro tour has an eleven-event Amerll!lln Futmity. a $2.5 mlllion racing attheNatiOnal Champio1lShipli . scheduiecoveringmajOl'resortll"ftam raee ·held each Labor :Day, at the .Iast,sprii)g and liked the ·actlQlillO." reri~ned. i1iey~e~g ~;~~'~~l"I{;~rt?,~:s~ '." . Maine to'· California. .Well :lIver RJ1idQSo Downs' Racemucl} bacltfor.inCR'l!' ' .' ... . fn 1> .·:,l, P ~nd'''''''_: ,.~ $§(l(I'OOOded cathsh and r1zes-' 'Pe,wlIt bet·' TrThae'p:".geo''t G'r' .. pro-'' thiS year. TlH!YwiU,spo!JSOi"'tbeIl}lliD' .' to the ~~ awar on e way . ugeo A ...... WllJ ' ing event Of the' season at HiJiItet' ' s~o~t~llCk·*Tho~~~~.~ ::":'.'~' .. Grand Prix U.S. Pro Cbampionsblps duce expanded television coverage of Mountain, New York, the snOW Sum.- '. : ... .*: at Stratton, Vermont, on March 1-10. pro aki .raclilg. Scheduled for this mit, C8lifortlla, event and the Bl!a$IIlI " . .. ' . . The ,~eBson finale wil1 be the season are Jhreehalt-htlur shows syn-' fi t n_" Co' d "• • Bridgestone Pro Championships- dicated to broadcast statlons l11llle a ...... "ora o. Peugeot Grand PrIX World Finals at throughout thil' eountry, reaehing ep- The top 10 to 20 racers frOm eachOf Sierr~ " Vail. COloradll, on March 21·24. Thls '\ proxitna.te11.60 percent' ot\lll U.S. the l!Stablished pro tours worldwide * Desigil"*DTW* 1" .: event wUI inl!lulll!' additioiiaI racers bouscholds.l\oJetro Media statioJlllwlll will cdmpete'in Vail on March 21"24 .. {tom Japail. Europe,. calladll and carry the sooW!las partof a 1teI;rea· ' for the Wo,.-Id Championship .etoWIt. ,SOuth AtlierlliB. " . tion Netwo\'k ,packae.~fulhbow',. " The 1'8<:1> wm.be televised to a BlobaJ ' Fa})J.an?*A~lj.alo~~' . On cOUrse fill' J.9M..8lj, the Peugeot, ESi'N'willcarry II! the ' aUdience..The Biidgestone Pto i· * .. ill tfie This Prix :t , :'. Grand l'till: oldeSt established Sierra Blanca race at :Rul.doBQ. Championsbip.Peugeot' Grand, '. : lclUriutbeeountry. Whatstarted:llSashow Is bllillgProllueed by TatiliiJ World:FlnalSls anoutgtawtb oftbe , '. . small regional tour in the East eight. .Comiilunleatiol)s of Hollywood, Natiolla1ChamPfo!JShjps,·lU;lfnVlta- ...... '. years ago basgown dramatieally to calitortlla.· The Bdyne, Highlands, tionll1 race be11f the past thrN~ .' . • li/1I!ome the hottesteireuit' foe dual Michigan, 'P'O ~ee w~ilcfw.lU be fill' eaell. II! the regilllllll l>eugeot :;, ,eoiilPetitioo a1l)'Wbel!e. witli each Of • syndieated it! the'MldW"est slates by , toilrs. Fllt the Worll\ Finals the priZe '. Jhe-.1 ace weekends worth ~.000 1(1 Motor' CilY Vldell. " . ,". \ money win-be doubled to $50",000 with lIVet· $lO',ooo,· tbiiUiIlg,dynlimie pro' ,Withthe adVentII!ooeIIl\!iOllal tour '$15,000 going tcr-. the Winltet'. Otliet ' ,., " aIi\tUndthti~ ·SKI RENTAl,; '.> '. .:,slli,raclng Is Iii. the tor- the Peugeot Grand Ptbteollll!S. WA9.S toursw.l11 be inl:ludedfrt lhe . . ~~~~~~~.:=~~ ra~~&sn.:~':fil:n=-r:e~~~ e=t~~tt toiumh,the 1~' • " .. '

;: .s~ected . ~vellif ,~ , ..; a1d l'I!ld'fjJ to leftcadilither - lJaek tcr the fcrmlll' the best pqeot Grand Ptix wUI iIt'lng top ··,HEADQtJARTERS· " ltnd 'the .mounl:alli lnlntematiOlllll.daYll' of, W«Id Ptb 1WbIg(WPS). raeerslilllltopmall~focthebeltaJP .'. eomPtrtition. .. 1!lirnings fill" the fOp ta~ wIllllp" resorf.* Inthe UnltellStatesfill" 0IleOf .• \ .' " A!ilt reign,,,. ....~iOllll1 cblltnpioD .. lJ('IJf!C!n .~ tigUres for .tIIIs sea-SOIl; the tnOllt excitillg winters. In the " Cary Ad8ate tr_ Bo1JiIIt City. ''M'$ 'itl!' diI6illlded in 11181 leaVIng hllltory ofJlN IlkI r\\eillg. , .-~ . \ " , \ "'" .' , . ",,('.~.' , ' '; • - , •• " , ' ! l .'• I,·I, I i I'I . , , f ' ,1":- ". ,

btann~r: 'han,~ ,l;lt;!~'$rth, . rid es . ne'Co at Hunter MOuntam . 'A. >to ,:e:orc:)li!$ . NewYot,lJIJanuary, ~ t;lrlv~, dl$played, by coral alid Tptrnmy. , theCQun!rY aIJd ending at Stratton . " .' Mountain, Vermont,1n Marcb. Slrat- , ton is the site of tha U.S, ·Pro Cham- . . ' \ \ . l'iW1"'hlpS whereanllW tUitional cham­ 'pion will.be crowned and will receive What it means,to Ruidoso a new Peugeot llOti TUrbo. . The NQrweilan BalBnes bl'Ot\lers by TIM PALMEF;I Paxto;' meiitloned the fact' that 'motional value of the race,n he News EdllOr this year's race will be te1evlliled on .said, Edv~, 24, and Jarle, 'Jf1, are odds-on E;SPN as another significant P

• OLlirTACO • Welcome Pro Skiers & Visitors Speclollzing in Mexlcon Food (Dine In Or Corry Out)

319 Sudderth Dr_ 257·5040

A plume of snow trailing 20 feet or more behind a raoer il­ In duaHormat racing. The world's top pros will vie for the lustrates the speeds achieved by world-olass competitors championship of the first All-American Pro Ski Classic.

, TAXIDERMY UNIQUE TREASURES & GIFTS SINCE 1963 ·Fr.....Dr..d M.thod ·Award Winning StaR .(ona,etlthr. Prices

Welcome. Pro'Skl And Pro Am. OPENHOUSE . INALTOVILLAGE TENNISCLUB TOWNHOMES SaturdaV....brua." =­ SKI RENTALS .A.M.tc.ap.M. * Ski Packages Competitively Priced .. .* Front ond Rear Entry Boots .. De•• Perk DrI". North * All Bindings Step In Wtth Brakes . : ~;. * Free·Us. of Ski Rock WHY BUY JUSUBOOt •• • Club Hou•• -of.. * .Bibsand Parka Rentals WHEN YOU CAN BUY ALEGEND. ••T YOU••Oa.L...... f ~ ·SAl.ES :I: !- .!!IL"!- _ "Creath,. (riPer." 11 Alto vm.". ! *, Parka$, * Bibs * Hats; * Gloves * Pins * THloaz••o. tlll!0 CINTI. Townhome owners·have full golf * MoonB~ots * Gogolas, and much more ~ ; . . 2'03...DD DIllY. . . , . " . -. - - , m.mbethshlpInAltoCOuntry ClUb .U.DO..,N.&·••a.I· ~s'.233. (onlV .prlvlIlteCHAMPIONSHlp P.O. ao,. ssS,RUidoso. N.M.lls345 <5(5)251-4215 GOLF COUASS In area) and'ALSO . LO~dted In theMIi:lltMalt<)t1 Highway31· . Visit OUl'Showro6m Where m.Mb....hlp In. prlvat. tannle. club: • •.' on thilo wayto,the ski orea. ' ., ,. . Quality IsNo: 11 ,.

. ~. • 'J.~~!" -~~,• ~ ~~-~----~--~-~-~4~-~-~·_----_u __ H' tH-..,.·· d-S'1.'" ••' -- _. ---- d.'."__ ""'•• ___1i_..11_.._._d.._.._____..,,_•.•_' '11:11 ;4 __ ,11: liIII' IoIC . CIS••••IIS 'iIIS.·I1 'IM am ' " I'...... ' " " "'-;':~ l •, .. " ~' . ",'" ." ,.' G,:" ,<.":;, ,: ~ ,~~:/~''''·:~''-.--. '.,','" :,"_ ,,-;:,.,:~ .' ~'., .,' '~_~<'.,,:.'-~: .,~:".-, , ..-.,' ".·.•y't;·_-:;,.'-I,-._·:,.>~'·:,,:?:'-'_:,~,~;_·:'_i,.:~;_}~,:;.'.-lI'~':':,:~·-,-L:~.:',\-. ,'" ~.",~\.,'.,:~."'~:"" ':,', _,"'.eo_ .:' '.~, : ',-;;; "'';'''',< ,:,·ff .. ', ',;~~ '. ",",..,' ',' ,.. ' :'- ,.:; ,.,~, .. ;,''''-.'-.~, ,.:':.';" • "".~::~:._\" ,>~,',I'" J <"~',~.", _""., ", _ ,c, ",.' ', .. '" " "~.,,!'I .,', .' j _l .~,.~,",._' ".'--' "'" ":.'~_";';.;"."."",,,,,, ::'",."':'••••_' .... ' '''\''''':~,'''' ,,;, ',;, >" ,_, .. ,~' ',' '", ~I ,.:' ",,;,,::,.~_,~\ , ,,',. ~_. " .. _ "" " .. ,' -, _,~" ;,.,' • ';,'.:"'".-...,, ;_,"1" ,',':)'-"."".".:~,,,.',,''\;.';~,,':_\, (t,,' '.,,' ---," ',-','," --,(,',"'. ' .~" ;', j', ',,"/, ",.; ,,:;·:,:,.:-,,;"~i;,;.'>,;- ,-, ,,I - ,," -' .. _. '_ ,_ .:CC t~~·F.lUtd~~~/·~~Y:~Mliir¥·3~.~ge8;:"··':':·· : ", ",;,,', :;.: >!':' ' ";"': ',i"',:"'", :.>:.; '., ,. '", ."'. ' " , ' .' , '" . "-

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Sierra Blanoa Ski Resort has seen many AII-Amerloan Pro Ski Classlo shoUld provide great days In Its history, and this weekend's some of Its finest hours. Dallas Cowboys coming for race

by Gary Brown receiver in 1980 when he passed Bob ty. He has been with Dallas for four Sports Writer Hayes' 365 catches. seasons. Pearson played 11 seasons with The idea to bring eight Dallas Dallas. He retired before the 1984 The 6-4, 251-pound athlete also has Cowboy football players to this year's season because ofan automnbUe accl· played guard in his Cowboy career. All-American Pro Ski'Classic started dent injury, but he might make a DeOssle is a 6-2, 249-pound middle. about three months ago. comeback in 1985. linebacker who just completed his ..About the first part of November, Bates made the Pro Bowl this past roolde year. some of us were silting around play­ season as a speclalleams standout. DeOssle started four seasons at ing with some ideas to make the sid The 6-1, 199-POUhd safely has played Boston CoUege. He played wj.th 1984 race and everything around It more two years with Dallas. He played col· Helsman Trophy winner Doug Flulle. exciting," said Joe Corff, a member lege ball at the University' of Ten· He led his college team In lackles of Spirit of Ruldoso, the group spon· nessee. He was named second·team each of his final three seasons. soring the Cowboys. "We felt It would All·Southeastern Conference his be a good idea." junior and senior seasons, Baldinger Is a 6-4, 255-pound guard who has been with Dallas for three The local organization contacted HIll Is another outstanding wide seasons. the Dallas organization and found out receiver. He played college ball at what players were interested In ski· Stanford University and has been He played at Duke University and Ing and whether their schedules with the Cowboys for eight seasons. started 11 games his senior season. Baldinger was an AIl-eoaslnl Con­ . would allow them to atlend. He has made the Pro Bowl twice iI (1976-79). ference tight end at Nassau Com· - ' , "I don't think you can give credit to Hili set a club playoff record with munlty College before transferring to anyone person for starting the Idea," Duke. Corff said. "It was a group ef!o1't:' , nine receptlOJl5 in the 19113 Nallosal Conference wIld-<:ard loss to. the Los , ~wenlll 6-lI. 238'1lO\IDd l@ltend> The Cowboys who will compete in Angeles ltams. was a standout at the University of the All-American Pro Sid Classic are Clinkscale, a safety, has been with Southern CalIlornla before coming to Bill Bates, Tony lfill, Drew Pearson, the Cowboys five seasons. He played the Cowboys in 1984. Dextor Clinkscale, Glen T1lensor, college ball at South Carolina Slate He made second-team AIl-Pac·l0 In In r, Steve DeOssle, Fred CornweU and University. He was a 1979 first-team 1983 and played the Blue-Gray All· " I Brian Baldinller, Black CoUege All-America safety. Star game. Football fans will have a rare op­ Pearson Is one of the Cowboys' all· He has Intercepted two passes In portunity to meet some of the lime greats. playoff games. Cowboys' top players this weekend The 6-0, 193-pound wide receiver T1tensor is a center and played col· during the AIl·American Pro Ski became the Cowboys' all·tlme leading lege ball at Brigham Young Universl· Classic. Big u __ ® ,fYIG\..#S for only l l I COUPON• EXPIRES 140 Sudderth Drive 2-28-85 RUIDOSO

~ WELCOMETORUIDOSO'S ALLAMEBlCANPRO SKi • . CLASSIC AND CEl,.EBIlITYPRO-AMI \, 11III AfterA DayOaTheSlopes, COlliedob. u. ~ ForAn EveDiag OIDlamgAnd Danciag

.- - BARN. . - ~ , - ..-­ - DINNEIISEBVED (j.po"M. - 10P ..M. .. 'n.BMtSui."AadLob*t.....1'0•• . , A.dTHSONLY 82~••T..BONEI IDOlJTHWEs ...... SIARGES'rDANCE. .. "".'FLOOalNTHE QI .. T I' . S ••••Aud...... 8otHa.dBaad.' . , . , . -. . '. . . , ' '" ".'. "-"vllillCo_tiPW..t.u'NllIhtlyf..o'" Uadll=30 . - . ~ '" " _~A".IfaJIW"'-"'Jfl"""· " .. . i'hkh~ ', 1'dClDb"..,t *_- l' T.l•.. ' \ ...... Yf "' I t· . , . .. I ,. PhotM 257....", . .

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. "', ',','. :"', ;, -".' " The RuidOso Valley ChambE1i' of Com-' edge of Two Rivers Park. Vlsltorlil are. . ~ '. ,-~' .merce occupies a scenic spot on the '(I'elcome to plQ.k up Informatlori..

-- ',' " - "'-, -- ". ~ .. -, Jarle Halsnes will attempt to duplicate the feat he achIeved Chamber offers visitors a lot last year. when he won the U.S. Open professional ski race at Eagle Creek Ski Area near Ruidoso. This year Jarle and by SHARON MAKOKIAN Ruidoso a good place In which to his cOhorts will race at SIerra alanca Ski ResOrt. News Staff Writer live and do business. Accordlnllto .Jeffers, RUidoso Is new National Champion will receivea slalom and giant slalom competition U you need Information about .. "basically a one-industry town" - 505 Turbo Peugeot. Season-long point to decide a World Champion for 1985. Ruidoso, the Ruidoso VaHey • the Industry being tourism. Thus, standings will determine the cham­ A World Cliamplon has not been Chamber ofCommerce Is the place the basic thrust of the chamber Is pion with awards taking place at the crowned since 1981 wben World Pro to go. At 720 Sudderth Drive, the to bring more tourists to RUidOllo. conclusion of the Stratton event. Skiing (WPSl folded. The formation chamber building receives more Jeffers said the All-American Two weeka later at Vail, Colorado, of WAPS last spring makes Itpossible than 50 visitors dally. Pro Ski Classic will expose a possi­ the stage is set for the Brldgestone again to hold such a title event. Andre The chamber has Information ble 85 mllllon viewers to RUidoso Pro Championship-Peugeot Grand Arnold won his unprecedented fourth about everything from lodging and' when the race Is shown on ;ESPN Prix World FInal. All World Associa­ World title in 1981. The world has had skUog to ch1ldcare. The enclosed and Metromedla television. Theski tion of Pro Skiing (WAPSl tours will to wait until now for another title porch of the chamber, which Is race Is part of the cbamber's be represented for the dual format holder. always open, Is stocked with pam­ overall effort to promote the area. phlets, maps and other valuable in­ According' to Jeffers, the formation. A recorded message chamber's long-range goals in­ tells visItors what they can do In clude lmp11lvlng communication Ruidoso and the surrounding area. with members. developing new Besides cheerfuily answering the members. and studying Ruidoso's Grand Prix awards top $400,000 In-oCflce questions, the chomber Image and possible marketing staff handles over 125 phone and strategies. mall inquiries each week. Recep­ Jeffers said the chamber will from PEUGEOT GRAND PRIX amount of prize money. With more tries-Norway, Sweden. Switzerland. tionistSunny HIrschfeld was giving begin to sponsor monthly get­ sponsors supporting the lAlur, the Austria, France. Chile, Argentina. someone directions to Cloudcroft togethers at different member The Peugeot Grand Prix Is the l00,H981 purse was boosted to $60,000. Canada and the UnitedStates-joined over the phone when this reporter businesses. The chamber will have world's largest and rlcbest profes­ The tour's f'1ftJi season, 1981·1982 Peugeot's U.S. circuit. In addition, B , entered the office. luncheons every olller: month to sional ski racing competition. The saw drastic changes. Two divisions special IO-man pro team from Japan "We go to aU lengths to try to give progress reports to the 1984-1985 circuit consists of len events were created-Eastand West. Racers made Its U.S. debut during the finals answer all correspondence," said members and present business­ for the American lAlur, capped by the accumulated points to compete in of the season. HIrschfeld. She recounted one let­ oriented speakers. peugeot Grand Prix World Final, an their divisional finals, and the top 20 JOHN JEFFERS International event for the top 30 pro­ ThIs year, the prize purse at each ter in which a lady requested a The chamber currently has 413 In each went on to compete In the Peugeot race weekend will range piece of dirt because sbe had fallen members. Retall stores, lodging fesslonala from the United States plus flrst-ever Grand Championships. The from $20,000 to $85,000. The overall In love withRUidoso on!3-vlsll. The tion center Is justonesmall portlon establJshments, real estate firms the top 20 from Europe and Japan, prize money skyrocketed to $200,000 ,o.,alld.. l0 from.South o:\merloa. ThIs winner of the American circUit will chambereent It lober. of wllnt the ehamber does. Accor­ and -restaurants ma!

Welcome For Your .elaxatlon Pro Ski • Come On B.. And Pick Racersl o UpABook'. DollySpecials Blackboard Menu Soup. Solads. Sandwiches And Desserts o the aspen tree Welcome Open Monday-Saturday ~ 11 am-2pm -!i:.1HEoaREAT WALL Pro Ski DInIng Room Available For ~. -- .e Also Have .­ Racers Ptlvate PartIes . I·: . Of QUINA Tr Gifts And Car.. / (Speclo IZlng In . & Appletree Terrace ~ Schezwon Food) VIsitors 257-7450 -Ml...... I....O .....,...... ':1:. ax• 2523 Sudderth Drive 257-2522 , ... • • COCHERA Restaurant -Sid Ruidoso••• Welcomes

i Shop At ProfessiQnal and amateur skiers and the Dal.as Cowboys for this week of winte~e8t culminating in "'d.mW••, . ,the aU-American. Ski Classic. We are .for the proud to host the official Victory Party ·'fntfr. ··f.mi~ • . Sunday, FebruarY 3 for the winners.. .-. '. 8'F~ al~ays • .And we pleased to- serve you ~'AN11. If· Wi ",."t,r;~ -", ... . ,"' .- the finest New Mexican dishes• in our · . -SHIRTS If f•• T'K restaurant and to brhig you Ruidoso's best ,1••1·, I ."111'., . " night life in our Cantina. ~CIlILDREN'S .' _~ i • .' '. .J"'IBit us·. SOOn! . . .' . mw~y37NQtth . .' 258..3502 . ", , , • ,L, "

,e ------~----_.....-.".------~ - -- ~ , , ... • • • -' .., 1,0 . - . I',,\ ,. , ~~",. ' " '.~'-", '.', ,'. ,". ' ,; : ;, " .,'. •... :.': ......



FInal Standings by'PrJ.- Mon.y . . - . . 1983....·P.ug.ot Grand Prix Rlleer Country R..I_ Wlnnl..... 1. JARLE'HALSNES Norway East $32.825 2. EDVIN HALSNES Norway West 29.625 Leader Award 3. CARY ADGATE USA East 2~.B60 .... REIDAR'WAHL Norwoy West 15.642 to top pro 5. WAYNE'WRIGHT USA East 11 ....87 6. GUNNAR GRASSL Sweden West 8.929 tram THE STARTING GATE 7. KURT BELDEN USA East 8.685 "'. , B. HANS UELI BOESCH Switzerland East For the second season, Leader 7.357 Sport Products, Incorporated, 9. STAPLETON USA West 7.219 manufacturer of glasses and goggles, 10. PETER DODGE USA East 6.940 will present the Leader Award to the 11. FRANCOIS VULLIET Fronce East 6.226 outstanding proon thePeugeot Grand 12. KJELL WALOEN Norway Prix national tour. A $2,000 check wUl East 5.620 be presented to the pro skier who has 13. CORY MURDOCK USA West 5.042 demonstrated the qualities of leader­ I .... ALAIN NAVILLOD France East 4.990 shIp and professionalism and a 15. JOHN ENEGUE5S USA East ....927 dedication to the healthy growth of 16. JOHN TEAGUE pro ski racing. USA East ....830 Sabe Abel, Marketing Director for 17. JUAN OLIVIERI Argentino East ....545 Leader Sports, said, "This award 18. DAVID CURRIER USA East ....390 comes at a time when the pro tour is 19. SCOTT HARDY USA East ....091 in a rapid growth period and the caliber of the individual racing is as 20. STEIN HALSNES Norway West 3;875 important to the development of the 21. SJUR GAUTNEB Norway East 3.871 tour as the racing itself. Leader is 22. ALFONS SEllNER Switzerland West 3.859 proud to have initiated this leadership 23. MACK LYONS USA West 3.725 recognition to an outstanding prn racer." 24. TERRY AHOLA USA West 3.281 Last year's recipient was David 25. MIKE KENNEY USA East 3,137 Currier of Madison, New Hampshire. 26. MATT SVENSSON . Sweden West 3,075 He has been active as a participant of 'ZT. CARLOS MARTINEZ Argentino East 2.910 the Eastern ProCessional Ski Racers Associatio~ Committee Cor the past 28. ERIC WILSON USA East 2,850 three years and is well respected 29. STEPHEN HIENZSCH USA West 2,819 among his fellow racers. He Is a Cormer U.S, Ski Team member and ., ~ 30. WILFRIED MUXEL Austria East 2.725 , ..... 31. J.P. BARROSSO France West 2.669 1972 Olympian who turned pro in 1977. He graduated Cram Dartmouth Col· -..,. _.-.,-_. 32. PAUL SUOZZO USA East 2.3"0 lege in 1979 and served as president oC the WPS racer association in t980. - . i The Capitan run at Sierra Blanca Ski Resort excellent, Dual-format racing becomes an (l'\On\.lally hosts the Texas,Cup head-to-head endurance event a,jl- raqer{3 advance ... ~ (, i'4iJolhg event. This weekend, the run will be .thr--9\lg~"the draw. Racers. must bave ttfa , .' used'for the AIl-American Pro SkI Classlo. stamIna to maintain their conc'entratloo Spectator vlslbJllty for the raoes should be through 10 runs or more In a single day, •••••••••••••••• • • For Information About Special Sections ~ • • :.- ...... ------:::: .... " • i"e INNCREDIBLE • • in The Ruidoso News Restaurant & Saloon • • • • Call 257·4001 • • Those Who Know Fine Food And Drink • • Always Recommend The Inncredible, Long ·"WIHi• • Known As Ruidoso's Finest Dining Experience. • • 657Sa"""'.Sutphen's:::':"7: OFFERING RUIDOSO'S MOST VARIED MENU : HotSundaes : WITH PRIME RIB-THE HOUSE SPECIALTY : for : Bnt·lcf...8eft'ed 6:00-10:30 10" OFF Bl'eakfast. Lunch Also Select From: : Cold Months : ,-steaks (cbarbroiled or mesquite.) : . . and Dlnnel' with this ad. -Seafood-Lobster. Crab, Shrimp, Salmon • Get that warm and cozy feel-· • ing with a Boskln-Robblns Hot: Welcome Pro Ski Racers And Visitors -Veal -Chicken -Pastas • Fudge or Hot Butterscotch. -Desserts Prepared Daily- • Sundae. Or. If you're super. ENTERTAINMENT • chilly. try .our three-scoop. • ••••••••••• FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IN THE LOUNGE : Super Heoter. Dig In and start. • a heat wave. : Adobe Ski Rental : Reservations Are Recommended! locatRllt (505) 257-2684: "We Are Very Popular" • • 2103 Sudd.rth • • Wal.£OIIDS. • Int'" • Open Daily-Bar & Luncb 11:30 A.M. DiningFrom 5:00 P.M. : JCll CUAM BJ'DU .: Gllzebo ShoppIng Cent.r • • At 1lIe "y" 257.4.41 • Welcome, toSierra Blanca • •• 0· _~ _. . Pro Ski Racers And Visitors : ...... ,....•.... • Pro racers, come by and use our ski tuning • • facllltl... • •••••••••• ••••••••••• ••

Bnivo250*~ l'h.beginner.moblle.:~

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, '.'i ,tl, . '.- ,r.'- ',}.';.':'. : ~-" ,.' ", I; . . . ': , ",,' j1. :."'. >.-" ,.. ,';', , ."' ..': >,' , ...~ .'·~i , , .. ' • . ,>,.:,1,·f . ,

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• Jl>-" · ~..' .' ,:; ;;:,' • :' , ;'-" . .' I· ,,' ;1,', I:... "J\ .." •..-' ,tt, ...• ,' L). • '.' ill: . ;,;' ~ ,(~- '< I',. ~ ." ,I ' ~:.- .. ' , ,> ".' :'. :-- ',-, '.". , , . ' . '. ::;. ":; - ", ~. •I ,'" •••••".' ':' • • t.,' . ','''-;. .• .' ~ ..' ( '/'. '... .: ',' , , . ., . .t...... ,. .~., . '. "'. r· '~A1r .tlme". th(e·Wf.fek$rtd.mlQht reter to eSc­ dl"'tQ skI reQers taking Off fl"am thil! slx-fQQt ~~'.. .. : .' tenslve TV (lQyprag~ Of the Pr:o Ski OlassJQ bumps Qo::the racll;t,OQumlll. ..' .... - '. : ' .,",' : .. " '.,',', . ".' " " . , . '.. . • " ~ . ~ . " . . , '0 r~.~u.g~Qti.~ctiveitl many S,p,arts " • fromTH. eTAFiTINQ GATE' ... Tbl4~, Peugec)t alsb preseJlt~ _ automaker'to win the Americ:an ".. .' . the Head TelUJ1S Classic iJ!. Stowe, e1aSllic three timee. PeugCl)t Motors of AmeriQII ls the Vermont, Ute HQIIlItcm'$ W\lrld ~ed In1922, peugeot offie1allywIthdrew , 11.:;. subsi~ofl'eugCl)tS.4"olleof DoublellLand the MqbeUinelLynda fa!.m ~th Grand Prix and trallk rac­ : tbewor1d's Qldest and' largest CIIrtIilr women's CbliJDpionshiP, Fort ing to devote alIIts energ!ee to raI1y : automobile mllnufactw:era, and, iii an Laud,erda1q, Florida. ... raC!ng-a eompeti,tive environment · ~tive 'suppo1'fer (If sports at every At the ~teur1evl!I, the company better sUited to designing and·testing level ... from, 'fledgllllJ amateurs to funils Ute Pqeot I1rban Youth Ten- innovationsfiltproductionears.lnre­ wnrld-elalls PtclfeulPliiI1s. nls Academy, a recreationalprogram cent years Peugeot bas prqved vir- For the past eight .yelU'll, peugeot • for tall'Dted innllMllty youngste!'s tuany unbeatable,on the Afrlcan e1r­ Motors a( Ame.-.ca bas supPorted. from low-income families ad- cult, .considered the tougbestin the ; men's pnllesslolla18ki rae1ng in theminls~ by the New. York CitY world; on the European. ;clreUit, I1Dlted states,lIP!Inso~ a serlllll of Depa,rtmllllts of Parks and Reerll8' Peugeot's 205 'l'Urbo 16won two of tile Peugeot Grand PrixregiOJU\1 rAcing tiOQ. 'Tb~' AClldemy absorbs all first four races, a stunning llCCOm­ elreUits. :For the191l5 season lbese coaching; equipment, travel and tclur- pUshment. On the American SCCA .. . . events have been reorganIzed apd .nament expe_ and p~Videe a Pro-Rally elreUit, Peugeot ears have · consolldated into a single national rigorous, year round tnliJ!.ing pro-' JlrOVed the fastest of an two-wheel P~os'ki'racil1g'invades §~(Q)rrtr~]: · tour, making the 19115 Peugeot Grand gram. AS il l't!I!ult of their efforts, drive entrtee. . 'TV · PrIx the largest and rlchestpro tour many Peugeot Academy members As a leading manufacturer of • "in the wllI'ld today. \ bav!> earned tennis scbolarships at bicycles as wen as automobiles, from T~I! eT..,RTINQ QAT. the BridgesbJne Cup at Hunter Moun­ Regional syndieation of a one-hour The firm also sponsors the Peugeot major colleges and universities. peugeot bas been equally active in tain, New York, the AIl-American Pro program for the Stroh's Signature Tennls Invltationals, a serIes of ex· Peugeot's involvement in motOr two-wheel racing. For many years '!'be lee:; Peugeot Grand Prix na· SId Clas~lc at Ruldoso--Slerra Blanca, Series at Boyne Highlands. Michigan. bibitlon matebell featuring top court spurts ls among Ute world's oldest, the parentcompany has been a majOr tional m~1J pro. toul." is ..llIilled ,to and· tbe Brldgestone Pro ls planned with Motor CItY Video of starsBuch as JimmY Conners, Joba datlng from the Paris-Rouen trials of spollSor df'the Tour de France and reeeivo more te1lWisioa coverage for Champlonship.Peugeot Grand Prix Detroit, Mlcbi~an. Stations eon· McEnroe, Ivan Lendl., along wiUt up. 1894 wberepeugeot achieved the first always fieills top.placefinlsbera in pro racing this __ than for any Wnrld FinnI at Vail, Colorado. In ad· tracted for syndication include cities and·comlng local prQs. Seattle, of its many cliamplonships. Mter this world-renowned event. Two year in 1'ellI!I1t blstol'y. Tbe added dition to this year's events, the in Michigan. Illinois and Ohio. Washington, was the siteof B Peugeot dominating competition of the conti· years ago, Peugeot Motors of coverag'o wID bring dual format rac­ Peugeot National Finals from,Mount Tennls invitational last September In nent, Peugeot came to the United America brought tbls European ing into the bomeA a( more than 70 Snow,. Vermont, last APrU are slated SpOrts Channel, a pay'cable outiet , which Jimmy Conners battled John States and took the checkered flag at SPOrts tradition to theUnited states. percent of 'aU U.s. te1lWislon bouse­ to air in December and early , covering the New York and Boston MeEju'oe in a replay of their I1.S. Indy in 1913; 1916 and 1919-the first The Tour ofAmerica, ~tened On the }wIlls, The. TV shows lire being -pro­ January. The national syndication markets, and Sports Vision of 0peP dual. " and, to this day, the only European Tour de France and'· sPonsored hy duced in a varietY Of. fOrmats for both 'will. Cover 50 percent of the U.S. Chicago, arecarryingone-bourshows '. , 'Peugeot, atta.e1ed raeqrs from seven network TV And cableouUet8. television audience and include Metro of the Peugeot Grand Prix races at . COllntrtes' representing .fIfteen pro­ Media stations. Programs for ESPN Sugarloaf USA, Maine, WatervUle eye1ing teams, It was the first large­ Tatum Communications' Recrea· are being produced for these same Valley. New Hampshire, and the Post scale intehllltional eycUng competi­ tion Network is producIng ball hour race sites that will reach 40 million Grape-Nuts u.s. ProFinals at Strat­ OUR NEW SPRING FASHIONS tion ever held in America. programs for nalional syndleatlon of American homes. ton MOWltain. Vermont. ARE ARRIVING DAILY FROM LIZ CLAIBORNE. COLLEGIAN. DANA POINT.I(ORET. BRENNER.

, CARON. NOAH'S FLOOD AND. 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••• MAN¥:MCfIIEI ,....,... .. 1 '" ··:'1····• ~ .ASPEtl· ., : -~ ·~I• ~ OneSale Rack Left••• UpTQ75% ORI Pro • • i PHARMACY I Skiers .'• .':: & • I Hospitel Block i .'­ Visitors .'• Wln,.rHOUn • Alterotlons Avallabl. • 10ToS • Vila ..Moa._teatd Moncloy ,hruS

. . etn , ~ ." OldLincoln, .. . Town-CaU505/653-4381e . • ...... _1.:.;(;);;.:'i5:;;.~,:.1 ~M' ;;;ECH;;;o,:.;;;;E...M.:.,·~D.-K.....,..·...•...:,PH...... #~Z;:;.!i1.:::8..··.;;.r;;.;;;3;..9:;.b~"""""...... , • 0 . " '. • ','~ . ." '. . , , ,...... '_" c . • ~ '~,,-'_.' '.. . . ~ ~ ,~", •••• . • • .. . ." ....,. . ·. '.. ~ . ' . . " '. .. ••~ ~.;". ~~. W~·~_· ~ ~ .,,"' , .. : '" .' .. ,.... " •.• :"lo ..• •• ~;~Welcom.;.sk • • "',« . ~;~' ,~ '.~ ,:·~HO ;f '.~".' rsoAnd"Celeb'riflesl >. , ...... : ·.. I:, : ..... :- .'. IMco...es·· .... : • " •• 6- - '~.~, ••>~.!;,:, :. '~I •• ~ '.' •.., .... '. ',,". .. ; .•. ' ...• • ',...... ,'- "•• ~"~.. ii • ",<..' . 0 Q'..• 'p'"'r''0" ·"S·'"k· '; .. · ':'.: :'':4.0'" - , I .. '" '. '.'-ii· :. " . " . ,> • ~"': .. '. .:.,ciME TELEVISION : '. ;Racers :. ~." . • . 'A:PPL.IANCES SALES & SERVICE ·r ", '.. &, . '. -SATELlitE j~Vlslt~rs \ ANtENNAS . ~T,,,,pHONES . MAGNAVOX.. ~ ~'" . . , .", ~~ nil~ ~.%~·A· "~$AH~WICHrS' "SHE•. ASYY. ...., .M ;*y ellu.1'· vCR! anti St_reoSyat" __ :~PAN •• ~ , . :: PJUA· ;. ,,> .:,. ' .. ···.SA..AD BAR· • 'i".. -';" .. • .; -CAVATINIPAst.'·-SOFr DRINKS. . . . i'-SPAGHEnf. . -_EER-WINE . . . " ,,' • · , . ,. : 'f ti .:'. ,,' Dlb. t.*' Or ~i:lr"v Out < ...... '. .~.', i:.,.JovthecOllv.nlenceofour".wlyc.pen.d· •. ." " l'_i'l :; .':.• ,'" ."." ,DRlve.INW.l'iOOW' "~"" . . ~: . ".':ifo.. VQUr carry-i:lut.o ..d....~' ". U.,·" ...., : . , F:"~$'S-",d.tth· ',; .. . . . " '.'. · ..... ".t· . '2$-10.-51.' " . .' . . . ~~(~;-;.'. ~.:. ~ ~ ', ..:,' " - .. :. " . " .. ',' .,. :"'. ,,",'c' , ) .•~ ," .,', .' " . ", " -:... :' .... • . 0, .. · .. j'" t' ."

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, . ~ -' ".' ;'." .. ~ . . , 'i

-~ ~ -"." /~ ~ .,. . •. r , • ;.' .'.' Tanya Tucker to entertain at Inn Tanya Tucker will be among the screen actor who played the leading Grant Goodeve, remembered for stars in town for the AJJ-AmeJ:ican role in the television movie" "RootS." his role in "Eight Is Enough," is Pro Ski Classic. The cottptry singing Burton'is currently starring in the scheduled to be a part of ski events. star win perform Saturday during the featw-e ilJ.ms "And the Children Shall Goodeve also has been a castmembeJ= Celebrity Pro-Am Awards Dinner Come" and "Super Natura)." on, the nighttime soap "DyDasty." ... Show nt the Inn of the Mountain Gods. Gail Rae Carlson, who has "'just Currently Goodeve is pursuing an Gloria Loring, sing~r and actress, completed five years as Susan Moore acting andsinging career, andrecent­

• .. "#-;" will be on saturday night's program, in the number (me soap opera, ly hosted uSolid Gold Hits" on ABC "" .. too. _ "General Hospital,U is scheduled to television. ;."19 Loring is a regular on NBC's after- be in town. . u uDaIIas" star Steve Kanaly Wtft noon series "Days of Our Lives." She ~rlson is Jtost for the senes . Style join the group on the ski slopes. Kana­ ... plays Liz, who amongother things is a 84. She ap~, regularly .lD ~e ly plays the cowboy-type character 't~ nightclub singer television Benes Mickey Spillane s Ray Krebs i~the series...... :...,. ".,' '.. Mik~ "*,rnm~',ta8 ~ ~bers. in~eature-length ,...... ' . I!ebas aered film5 ..~ .",- . ~ ""'. t T ~-

·.OU.... WHI.Y.~ AIN ••ADOW.'· . - .. " ... J/' ' 0' ."AVery·lIle. AdcI,•••'~ 'U ...... ~ ...... ,...... (,I., ,a7,400) ...... ' . .. ·~ ~ ..MiI••• ••_rlty rtI' · : ' .' .. R, ...... ·bi.~., Dr i..er••• "• .•y " '"·

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