־•.' No. Î39t> THURSDAY, 15TH MARCH, 1945 •-..297

CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Magistrates and Registrar Appointed to sit as Judges of the District Court - - 299 ־ ־ - ־ ׳- ־ Appointments etc. - . 299 ־ - - - Sessions of Court of Criminal Assize - 299 Magistrate inscribed on the Roll of Advocates - - :- - 299 ־ - Palestine Law Examination, 1945 - - - 209 ־ ־ Medical Licences granted - - - - 800 ־ - - - Dentists' Licences granted - 300 ׳־•300 ־ : ־•.-•־־ - ־ Pharmacists' Licences granted ־ - - ־ Midwives' Licences granted - 300 ־ - - Veterinary Licence granted - - 301 Land Valuer Licence granted - - - - - 301 State Domain to be let by Auction - - - - 301 Air mail service with Finland restored - - - - '301 Mails lost ------30] ־ - - Telegraph service with Bulgaria resumed - 301 ־ - - Telegraph service with Greece resumed - 301 Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Book lost - - - 301 Palestine 3% Defence Bond Book lost - - .. . - 302 ־ - - - - - Receipt Book lost 302 Tenders and adjudication of Contracts - - - - 302 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - - - 303 Citation Orders ------303 RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 307 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ended 31st March, 1944, of the Muni­ cipal Corporation of Tiberias - - - - - 308 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1944, of the Municipal Corporation of Tiberias - ' , ------309 Summary of Receipts and. Payments for the Year Ended 31st March, 1944, of the Local Council of 'Afula ------310 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1944, of the Local Council of 'Afula ------311 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ended 31st March, 1944, of the Local ־ - - - - . .. . Council of Ezor Izrael 312 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1944, of the Local Council of ׳ - ' • - ־ - _ Ezor Izrael - 313 Persons changing their names - - - .. • 314 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - - - . 315 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, BANKRUPTCIES, REGISTRATION OF COMPANIES, ־._ - ־•-_• . PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - 5)31 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Notice under the Department of Labour Ordinance, 1943, appointing a Person to be Inspector for the Purposes of the Ordinance - - - - 207 Notice under the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1944, appointing a Person to be Principal Probation Officer for the Purposes of the Ordinance - - 207 Port of Haifa (Lighterage Charges) Order, 1945, under the Ports Ordinance - - 207 Port of Jaffa (Lighterage Charges) Order, 1945, under the Ports Ordinance - - 207

(Continued) PRICE: 75 MILS. CONTENTS. Page (Continued) Order No. 12 of 1945, under the Medical Practitioners Ordinance,, regarding Cancellation ־ - - - - of a Medical Licence 208 Public Health (Preservatives etc. in Food) (Amendment) Rules, 1944, under the Public 203־ - - . Health (Rules as to Food) Ordinance, 1935 Land (Settlement of Title) (lees) Order, 1945, under the Land (Settlement of Title) ־ - - ־ - Ordinance - 209 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regarding Acquisition of certain Land for Public Purposes - - - . - 210 Petah Tiqva Municipal Council Order in Council, 1945, under the Municipal corpora­ tions Ordinance, 1934 - - - - - 210 Habla Tillage Conservation Rules, 1945, under the Flooding and Soil Erosion (Preven­ tion) Ordinance, 1941 - - - - - :210 Local Councils (Givatayim) (Amendment) Order, 1045, under the Local Councils Ordin­ ־ - - - - - ance, 1941 - 211 Notice under the Rent Restrictions (Dwelling-Houses) Ordinance, 1940, nominating certain Persons to act as Members of a Rents Tribunal in the Lydda District - 212 Notices under the Press Ordinance, granting Permits to publish Newspapers - 212 Notice under the Press Ordinance, granting a Permit to keep a Printing Press - 213 1r Izrael-'Afula (Sale of Intoxicating Liquor) (Licence Fees) By-laws, 1945, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941, and the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance 1933 -' 213 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 193G, regarding the Deposit of Parcella- tion Schemes within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area - - - 214 * Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Modifica­ tions of a Detailed Scheme and Outline Scheme within the Jerusalem Town Planning ־ - - - Area - - - 215 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Modifica­ tion of an Outline Scheme within tie Bireh Town Planning Area - - 216 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force , a Panellation Scheme within the Jerusalem Town Planning Area - - 216 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance. 1930, regarding the Deposit of Parcella- tion Schemes within the Herzliya Town Planning Area - - - 216 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1938, regarding the Deposit of Detailed Schemes within the Lydda District Regional Town Planning Area - - 219 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Detailed and Parcellation Schemes within the Ramat Gan, Benei Beraq and Natanya Town Planning Areas - - - - 219 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Areas of Haifa, Nahariya, Gaza, Majdal and Khan Yunis, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - 221 Notices under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence' Ordinance, 1939, regarding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods import­ ed contrary to the Licensing of Imports Order, 1939, and of Goods intended to be exported contrary to the Licensing of Exports Order, 1940 • - - 223 Notice regarding Netherland Concerns transferred to Netherland Oversea Territory - 224 Notice of Posting of Schedules of !lights to Land in Umm esh Shauf Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - - 224 Focd Control (Maximum Prices for Certain Fodderstuffs) (Amendment) Order (No. 5), 1945, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - 225 Land Transfers (Amendment of Schedule) General Order, 1945, under the Land Trans­ ־ • - - - - , - • fers Regulations, 1940 - 225 Notice under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance, Appointing an cificer to act as Settlement Officer for a certain Locality - - - - 226 Notice under the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, 1944, Appointing Certain Persons to act as Probation Officers for the purposes of the Ordinance - - 226 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, Nominating the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem to perform the duties assigned to the Mayor; - - 227 Courts Vacation Rules, 1945, under the Courts Ordinance, 1940 - • - - 227 227־ - - Courts Vacation Order, 1945, under the Courts Ordinance, 1940 Municipal Corporations (Nomination of Municipal Commission) (Lydda) Order, 1945, •• ־ under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - - 228. Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regarding ־ - - acquisition of Certain Lands for public purposes 229 15th March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 299 NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4)(/;) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has ap­ pointed the following Magistrates and Registrar to sit as Judges of the District Court: — KHALIL EFF. SHEHADEH, Magistrate — 5th to 17th March, 1945, inclusive. SAID EFF. ALA UD DIN, Magistrate — 5th to 12th March, 1945, inclusive. HASSAN EFF. KATIB, !Magistrate — 17th to 22nd March, 1945, inclusive. ELIAS EFF. KHOURY, Registrar — 19th to 28th March, 1945, inclusive.

7th March, 1945. IJ. A. W. ORE (Gaz/5/40). Chief Registrar.

APPOINTMENTS, ETC. 2. Nagib Mohammad Shakour APPOINTMENTS. 3. Mohammad Hassan Salem The High Commissioner has appointed: — Tuesday 20th March, 1945. MR. D. C. H. SWEETING, to be Controller of Case No. 16/45. Foreign Exchange, with effect from the 15th Attorney General v. March, 1945. 1. Rashid Abdel latif Aweidah 2. Abdel Fattah Muhammad el Mansour MR. J. GUTCH, Principal Assistant Secretary, 3. Ali Muhammad Isbsit. Secretariat, to act as Administrative Secretary, There are two more Assize Cases for Jeru­ with effect from the 10th March, 1945, until salem, and three for Nablus in which no in­ further order. formations have yet been filed. If informations MR. G. D. BINSTEAD, Fire Staff Officer, Office are filed in time to allow their being fixed at of the Commissioner of Civil Defence, to act as this session, they will be so fixed. Commissioner for Civil Defence, with effect 13th March, 1945. L. A. W. OEE from the 1st March, 1945, until further order. (Gaz/5/40) Chief Registrar.

TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENT. NOTICE. The acting appointment of the EARL OF OXFORD AND ASQUITH, Assistant District Com­ Notice is hereby given that the name of missioner, District Administration, Gaza Dis­ Ahmad Tewfic Bey Al Khalil, Magistrate, trict, as District Commissioner, published in Haifa, was inscribed on the Roll of Advocates Palestine "Gazette No. 1392 of the 22nd Feb- on the 10th day of March, 1945, in accordance ,y, 1945, ceased with effect from the 2nd with section 5(2) of the Advocates Ordinance־ruai March, 1945. 1938. M. COTEAN NOTICE. 12th March, 1945. Assitant Registrar, Supreme Court. (Gaz/5/40) Officer in Charge Roll of Advocates. THE SUPREME COURT, JERUSALEM. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Crim­ NOTICE. inal Assize will sit at the following places on the dates stated for the trial of the cases men­ PALESTINE LAW EXAMINATION, 1945. tioned hereunder: With reference to the Notice published in the JERUSALEM Palestine Gazette No. 1394 of 1st March, 1945, Monday 19th March, 1945. at pace 250, the Syllabus for the Palestine Law Case No. 15/45. Examination, 1945, will be as that for the Pal­ Attorney General estine Law Examination, 1944 (published in the v. Palestine Gazette No. 1319 of 24th February, 1. Rizk Abdul Razik 1944, and: hereinafter referred to as "the 1944 2. Rajih Suleiman Mahmoud Syllabus"), with the following alterations: — Tuesday 20th March, 1945. II. LAND LAW. Case No., 8/45. At the end of paragraph 3 of the 1944 Syl­ Attorney General labus, add the following: — v. "and by Ordinance No. 39 of 1944". Musheish Huweimel Issa Basayseh In paragraph 7 of the 1944 Syllabus, after Wednesday 21st March, 1945. "No. 12 of 1942" insert the following: — Case No. 13/45. "and No. 18 of 1944". - Attorney General v. III. PENAL LAW. At the end of paragraph 1 of the 1944 Syl­ Ahmad Mohammad Issa labus, add the following: — .1944״ Thursday 22nd March, 1945. "and Nos. 21 and 41 of Case No. 3/45. Attorney General IV. CIVIL PROCEDURE. v. At the end of paragraph 4 of the 1944 Abd El Majid Abd Hakim Abu Rajeb Syllabus, add the following: — "as amended by Ordinance No. 44 of 1944". NABLUS Monday 19th March, 1945. V. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Case No. 1/45. At the end of paragraph 4 of the 1944 Attorney General Syllabus, add the following: — v. "as amended by Ordinance No. 32 of 1944". 1. Mustafa Saleh Shakour 300 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 15th March, 1946 Licence• Address For paragraph 5 of the 1944 Syllabus, sub­ No. Name stitute the following : — Michel Azaria Arie ׳;ult.3j0 "5. Release on Bail Ordinance, No. 28 of DR.3571 Izaak Klein Haifa .״1944 DR.3572 Leon Tec Tel Aviv At the end of paragraph 6 of the 1944 :Syl­ DR 3573 Alexander Walk Jerusalem labus, add the following: — DR.3574 Eisig Dawid Zellner Jerusalem and by Ordinance No. 31 of 1944". DR.3575 Moreno Mechoulam Tel Aviv" ״ VI. COMMERCIAL LAW. DR.£576 Cerbu Schwartz Tel Aviv At the end of paragraph 2 of the 1944 Syl­ DR.3577 Izaak Van Esso Jerusalem labus, add the following :— D11.F578 Ignatz Griffel Tel Aviv DR.3579 Nachemja Kroshinsky Tel Aviv "as amended by Ordinance No. 29 of 1944". DR.35S0 Josef Szulim Tel Aviv At the end of paragraph 6 of the 1944 Syl­ Szlakman labus, add the following: — DR.3581 Dr. Alexander Grotto Petah Tiqva DR.?582 Stephan Steiner Petah Tiqva .1944״ and by Ordinance No. 40 of" Haifa VII. ORDINANCES. - DR.3583 S'egfried Berl DR.3584 Robert Bäsch Tel Aviv At the end' of paragraph 9 of the 1944 Syl­ DR.3585 Leo Goldhammer Tel Aviv labus, add the following: — DR 35c6 Georg? Csengeri Haifa "and by Ordinance No. 2 of 1944". DR 3587 Josef Ohrenstein Tel Aviv Isaac A. Schaul (of:) Tel Aviv 588־:.For paragraph 16 of the 1944 Syllabus, sub­ DR stitute the following: — DR.3589 Gue-sch Munisch Tel Aviv "16. Succession Ordinance (R.E. Cap. 135) Rim^lovski as amended by Ordinance, No. 19 of 1944, with DR.3590 Fridnite Zinaida Tel Aviv Rules (R.E. p. 2381/96)." Mehler Tel Aviv At the end of paragraph 22 of the 1944 ! DR.3591 Maren Pe-covici ski •1 David Tel Aviv ר T)^."592 Dav'd H Syllabus, add the following: — DR.?593 Arthur Kes-l-r Tel .Aviv 5"as amended by Ordinance No. 16 of 1944". DR 3594 Isak T^'auornik Tel Aviv At the end of paragraph 24 of the 1944 Syl­ DR 3-95 Leo-nold MPCZ Jerusalem m Yas°f A b7!is;1k Rehovot״w>6 Ne-׳_ ?ורד — :labus, add the following 3P97 ladislav St-elinger Tel Aviv״and No. 12 of 1944". DR" r>R.3^8 David Averbuch Tel Aviv N.B. No texts other than etymological diction­ DR.3599 Jocer>b Avram Tel Aviv aries will be allowed. Aladiem M. ROSEN . DR.3600 Isaak Julian Chaim- Jerusalem inkow״CGaz/55/40) Secretary, Law Council. cwTitz Ie DR.3601 R^sa Issakova Tel Aviv Romano o:mund T ewitus Tel Aviv'׳NOTICES. DR ?602 S

L DR.3C03 Kurt Roubicek Haifa

MEDICAL LICENCES. II. Licences to practise medicine granted during DENTISTS' LICENCES. the months of January and February, 1945, by Licences to practise dentistry g anted during the Director of Medical Services under section the months of January and February, 1945. by 4(2) of the Medical Practitioners Ordinance : — the Director of Medical Services under section 5 of the Dentists Ordinance : — Licence : Name Address '. No. - Licence Name Address . No. DR.3J47 Peter Schwarz J erusalem DR.3518 Jac-b Landau Jerusalem D.99I David Mayer Ben- Tel Aviv DR.3549 Geza Goldsmann Jerusalem Shushan DR.3550 Haim Alaluf Bat Yam D.992 Tilly Goldenberg Haifa DR.3551 Ferdinand Sternlieb Tel Aviv Boianglu DR.3552 Serafine. Celler Jerusalem Maybaum D.993 Benzion Semo Tel Aviv DR. 3553 Eugen Gorescu . Tel Aviv III. DR.8554 Mojsze Chimowicz Tel Aviv PHARMACISTS' LICENCES. Zygmunt Pechthold Jerusalem Licences to practise pharmacy granted during 555״.DR DR.3556 Carolina L^ibovici Haifa the months of January and February, 1945, by Abramovici the Director of Medical Services under Part DR.3557 Falic Mosbe-g Haifa II of the Pharmacists Ordinance: — DR 3558 Eduard Abramovici Haifa niaminoff Tel Aviv Licence״DR,3~59 Jossif B DR.3560 Flkono Alk Tel Aviv No. Name Address DR 3561 M^er GlHman Tel Aviv DR.3562 Kaiman Vig • Jerusalem P. 641 Jacob Melzer Tel Aviv DR.?563 Josef Heller Tel Aviv P.642 Wilhelm Guttmann Tel Aviv DT? 3564 R-bert Meidler Tel Aviv P:643 Efroim Preschel Jerusalem .Albert Tch. Romano Tel Aviv IV 365־ DR l Bat Yam״ra־DR 35"6 Isak T MIDWIVES' LICENCES. D^.3r67 Leon H. AI Fandary Tel Aviv ­Nissim P. Jonathan Tel Aviv Licences to practise midwifery granted dur ־^DR.68 DR.3569 Max Kula . Tel Aviv ing the months of January and February, 1945, 15th March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 301 Licence by the Director of Medical Services under No. Name Address section 5 of the Midwives Ordinance:•— 115 Vilhelmus Szidon Haifa Licence No. Name Address 6th March, 1945. H. R. BINNS (Gaz/7/40) Acting Chief Veterinary Officer. M.751 Chafika Srage Jaffa M.753 Clémence Hindy Haifa NOTICE. M.754 Takouhi Keshboulou- Jerusalem tian The undermentioned is licensed to practise as land valuer in Palestine under the Land 7th March, 1945. W. K. BIGGER' Valuers Ordinance : — (Gaz/23/40) for Director of Medical Services. Licence Licence Nanie Town NOTICE. No. expires on PROFESSIONAL •LICENCES. 89 Mr. Zalman Jerusalem 28th Feb• The undermentioned has been granted a Lif shitz ruary, 1950 licence to practise veterinary medicine and 9th March, 1945. M. C. BENNETT surgery: — (Gaz/1/40) Director, Department of Land Settlement,


STATE DOMAIN TO BE LET BY AUCTION. Notice is hereby given that the following State property will be let:by public auction: — j Govern• No. of Description Block Pa reel : Area Te mi Location ment Property of Property No. No. Ds. Me. share. From To

E/Acre/1 (4) A Acre Town Rooms Nos. 1 and 2. j In whole •13 244 — 15.4.45 14.4.46 (part of) 1 .The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Acre, from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 8th March, 1945, to 12 noon on Saturday, the 7th April, 1945, unless extended. Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained on application from the District Offices, Acre, Sub-District. j 1st March, 1945. M.C.BENNETT (Gaz/1/40) Director, Department of Land Settlement.

NOTICES. III. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. TELEGRAPH SERVICE WITH BULGARIA. I. It is notified for information that the tele• POSTAL SERVICE WITH FINLAND. graph service with Bulgaria has been resumed. It is notified for information that an air mail Further particulars may be obtained on ap• postal service with Finland has been• restored. plication to any Post Office or Postal Agency. This service is confined to letters, postcards, 8th March, 1945. ' : printed matter (including newspapers and periodicals) and commercial papers. IV. The postage rates are as follows: — TELEGRAPH SERVICE WITH GREECE. Letters, etc. — 70 mils per 10 grammes It is notified for information that the tele• Postcards —35 mils each. graph service with Greece has been resumed. The maximum weight limit is 50 grammes. Further particulars may be obtained on ap• plication at any Telegraph Office. Commercial and financial correspondence must, at present, be limited to cemmunications 9th March, 1945. ascertaining facts and exchanging information. 7th March, 1945. PALESTINE POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT" II. BOOKS LOST. MAILS LOST. The following deposit books are reported to have been lost : — It is notified for information that the fol• lowing mail has been lost through causes other- Office Number Name of Depositor than enemy action: — Jerusalem 2277 Miss Fannie S. Adler in Approximate trust for Mr. James Nature of Date of Origin Destination MacNamara Mail Posting of Correspondence Tel Aviv 43 Mr. David Ajooz

Air Letters Palestine Australia 11th to 12th As the books are valueless to any person other January, than their owners, the finders are hereby re• 1945. quested to return them to the Postmaster General (Savings Bank), General Post Office, . ־ , .8th March. 1945. Jerusalem 302 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. :1390. I5th March, 1945 : (1) Contract for the collection of the vegetable market fees. PALESTINE 3% DEFENCE BOND BOOK LOST.. (2) Contract for the collection of sale of The following Bond Bock is reported to have animals fees. been lost :—- (3) Contract for the collection of the adver- Office Number Name of Bond Holder; i ' tisement fees. (4) Contract for the purchase of slaughterhouse Jerusalem• 643 Mr. Reginald Hanry Dark manure.

2. As the book is valueless to any person other (5) Contract for the purchase of street refuse at than its owner, the finder is hereby requested municipal refuse dumps. to return it to the Postmaster General (Savings (6) Contract for the collection and purchase of Branch), General Post Office, Jerusalem. waste paper. 3. A duplicate Bond Book will be issued to (7) Contract for the purchase of blood from the abovenamed Bond Holder after expiration the municipal abattoir. of 30 days from date of this notice. Conditions and particulars of the contracts may be obtained at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa, between the hours of 08.00 to 14.00 daily except NOTICE. on Fridays. DISTRICT COMMISSIONER'S OFFICES, GAZA The outbidding lists will be opened at the DISTRICT, GAZA. Municipal Offices at 09.00 hours on Thursday, Notice is hereby given that Receipt Book F.55 the 22nd March, 1945. bearing Nos. A/554001—554050 has been lost. 3rd March, 1945. OMAR EL-BITAR Any person who finds, or is in possession of, (Gaz/13/40) Chairman, Municipal Commission. any of the receipts bearing the above quoted numbers should deliver them to the nearest III. Police Station or to this office or• the office of MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF RAMLE. the Sub-Accountant, Beersheba, against receipt. The Municipal Council of Ramie calls for W. R. McGEAGH tenders for the following contracts for the year (Gaz/29/40) . District Commissioner, Gaza District. !945/46 : — 1. Animal market. TENDERS. 2 Cows market. I. 3. Vegetable market. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF HAIFA. 4. Charcoal market. .'• Auction fees. Tenders are hereby invited for a contract for Z Slaughterhouse. the following articles: — " W ater. (a) Spun concrete pipes and Junctions 8. Lease of municipal properties. 2950 m.r. of 6" diameter 9. Purchase of manure. 1450 m.r. of 8" diameter Contractors should call at the Municipal ­numbers Offices for full details and conditions of con ״—4/680 4/8"—30 numbers tracts. Bidding will be accepted up to 25th (b) Concrete covers for Sewer manholes ! March, 1945, after which it will be extended for 50 cm. diameter—180 numbers. 3 days, and 5% will be allowed on the highest 2. Tender forms can be obtained from the bidding. Municipal Cashier against the payment of 100 MUSTAFA EL KHEIEY mils each. (Gaz/12/40) Mayor of Ramie 3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelopes and should be deposited in the Tender Box kept in the Chief Accountant's room not ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. later than Thursday, the 15th March, 1945, The contract for the supply of 620 shirts to between 10.00 and 12.00 noon. the Palestine Police Force has been awarded 4. Tenders not deposited before 12.00 noon on to Messrs. Titan, Haifa, at 695 mils per shirt, Thursday, the 15th March, 1945, and in the adults, and 450 mils per shirt, children. manner prescribed in paragraph 3 above will Period of contract is 4 weeks. not be considered. 5. A guarantee deposit of £P.100.— should The contract for the supply of 220 jerseys to be paid into the Municipal Fund in cash or by the Palestine Police Force has been awarded to a certified cheque or by a bank guarantee from Messrs. Aled Ltd., at the following prices: — a reputable bank before depositing the tenders. 200 jerseys, adults, at 710 mils per jersey; 6. The Municipal Commission do not bind 20 jerseys, child's, at 560 mils per jersey. themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Period of contract is 4 weeks. SH. LEVY J. L. FLETCHER (Gaz/64/42) Controller of Light Industries. (Gaz/21/40) Chairman, Municipal Commission.

II. ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF JAFFA. DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS, EXCISE AND TRADE. The following contracts for the financial year ending 31st March, 1946, are hereby put out to The contracts for the supply of the under­ public auction: — mentioned articles to the Director of Customs, 15th March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 303 Number Excise and Trade, Haifa, have been awarded Value Name of Claimant as follows: — of Noie

250 pairs trousers, khaki drill, £P.1.085 mils A.692989 LP. 5 | Mr. Joseph Jamrnal, c/o H. per'pair, and C.931448 LP. 5 1 Mcdbak, Barclays Bank 275 shirts, khaki drill, at £P.— .780 mils each, C.979173 LP. 5 1 (D. C. & O.), Jarla F.495S66 500 Mils Mr. Farah J. Haramy, awarded to Messrs. Steinberger's Clothing - • Factory, Palm Street, Haifa. Jerusalem E.933983 500 Mils Mohammad Eff. Mustafa 200 pairs boots, black ankle, at £P. 1.750 mils Hab El Reeh, Jenin per pair, and S.379247 LP.l , Hassan Eff. Ahmad Awad. 20 pairs boots, black, Derby pattern, at £P. Mujeidil D.322929 500 Mils Mr.Eliyahou Israiel, 2.000 mils per pair, awarded to Mr. J. Jerusalem, Orfali, Khatib Street/ Haifa. F.353631 500 Mils Mr. Chaim Gluska, Tel The contract for the tailoring only of 25 pairs Aviv of breeches at 690 mils per pair has been award• E.709705 500 Mils Mr. Ali Haider Kleibo, ed to Messrs. Steinberger's Clothing Factory, Jerusalem K.593846 LP.l Haj Mohamad Abo-Akar, Palm Street, Haifa. Jerusalem Abdel Hafez Eff. Da'nah, E. W. B. BELT Q.830476 LP.l Jerusalem (Gaz/48/40) Director of Customs, Excise and Trade N.653838 LP.l Barclays Bank (D. C. & 0.), ;Jerusalem D.143887 LP.5 D.C.R.E. No..293 R.E. PALESTINE CUEEENCY BOAED. (Wks.) Section, Nazareth Payment of the value of the following mutilated F.262811 500 Mils Mahmoud Eff. El Zein, currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. Lydda Railway Station Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect F.222822 500 Mils Mr. Simcha Ginsberg, of these notes should communicate with the Currency Petah Tiqva Officer, Jerusalem. E.937461 LP.l 1 Mr. Ayyoub Suleiman F.557231 LP.l 1 Sammaan, Jerusalem Number Value Name of Claimant D.724270 LP.l Mr. Kurt de Yonge, Haifa of Note P.772552 LP.l F.572854 500 Mils I Mr. Jacob Gattenio, Tel Mr. Weitz, Labour F.022015/ 500 Mils F.000368 500 Mils 1 Aviv E.256582 Department, P.O.B. 915, F.424021 500 Mils J Jerusalem. F.879674 LP.l Mohammad Hasan Eft'. E. 975635/ 500 Mils Pales Press Co. Ltd., 119, Sweid, Haifa Allenby Eoad, Tel Aviv. F. 127389 M.736159 LP.l Pales Press Co. Ltd., 119, E.890971 LP.l L.620187 LP.l 1 Haj Zaki Saffarini, Tul- Allenby Eoad, Tel Aviv. Q.763111 LP.l J karm D. 404541/ Kupath Milve "Haoleh", 500 Müs Q. 087993 LP.l E. 627194 ' Coop. Soc. Ltd., P.O.B. 1305, Tel Aviv. 27th February, 1944. A. L. PETERS D.551511 500 Mils Mohamed Naji el-Faleh-Ir- (Gaz/14/40) * Currency Officer., bid & Abdel Hamid Ha- didi, Amman. CITATION FOR ORDERS OF SUCCESSION. H.368907 LP.L- Mohamed Naji el-Faleh-Ir- bid & Abdel Hamid Ha- didi, Amman. IN THE DISTRICT COUET OF JEEUSALEM. J.787665 LP.l Mohamed Khalaf, Amman. Succession (Appl.) No. 32/45. J.332911 LP.l Abed Eabo Mohamed Abu In the matter of Dr. Ephraim Waschitz of Hilaleh, Ma'an. Jerusalem, deceased. H.575135 LP.l Miss Ema Blum, 23, Joseph Israels Street, Tel Aviv. Petitioner : Anna Waschitz of Jerusalem. D.386784 500 Mils Paymaster, Polish Young Let all persons take notice that Anna Soldiers and Young A.T. S., Polish Forces, M.E. Waschitz has applied to the District Court of No. 254. Jerusalem for an order declaring the succes• D.402294 500 Mils Paymaster, Polish Young sion to Dr. Ephraim Waschitz of Jerusalem, Soldiers and Young A.T. deceased, and that the said application will be S., Polish Forces, M.E.. heard at the District Court of Jerusalem on No. 254. the 28th day of March, 1945, at 9 a.m. E.699484 500 Mils Mr. Shlomo Kronfeld, 55, Hayarkon Street, c/o All persons claiming any interest must ap• Chechik, Tel Aviv. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such E.846178 500 Mils Mr. Jakob Karpeles, 44, order will be made as to the Court seems right. Shlomo Hamelech Street, Dated this 6th day of March, 1945. Tel Aviv. D.001088 500 Mils Mr. Yoel Bender, 101, E. S. KHOUBY Rothschild Street, Petah (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. Tiqva. II. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JEEUSALEM. 15th February, 1945. A. L. PETERS Succ. (Appl.) No. 36/45. (Gaz/14/40) Currency Officer. In the matter of the succession to Ignacy Band of Cracow, Poland, deceased. PALESTINE CURRENCY BOARD. Petitioner : Mrs. Frania Bierer, nee, Rand, Payment of the value of the following mutilated of Jerusalem, represented by Dr. H. Kiwe, currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. advocate, and Dr. F. S. Perles, advocate, of Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect 43, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, of these notes should communicate with the Currency Let all persons take notice that Frania Bierër, Officer, Jerusalem. née Rand, has applied to the District Court of 304 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 15th March, 1945 Jerusalem for an order declaring the miri suc• Court of Jerusalem for an order declaring cession to Ignacy Rand, deceased, and that the the succession to Miss Evelyne Fineberg, de• said application will be heard at the District ceased, and that the said application will be Court of Jerusalem on the 23rd day of March, heard at the District Court of Jerusalem on 1945, at 9 a.m. the 27th day of March, 1945, at 9 a.m. All persons claiming any interest must ap• All persons claiming any interest must ap• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 3rd day of March, 1945. Dated this 6th day of March,' 1945. E. S. KHOUEY (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. E. S. KHOUEY (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. III. VI. IN THE •'DISTRICT COUET OP JERUSALEM. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF HAIFA. Succ. (Appl.) No. 37/45. Probate No. 27/45. In the matter of the succession to Debora (Dora) Rand, of Cracow, deceased. In the matter of Jameeleh Bint Ibrahim Abou Ajeeneh, deceased. Petitioner : Mrs. Frania Bierer, nee Rand, of Jerusalem, represented by Dr. H. Kiwe, Petitioner: Labeebeh bint Khalil Yousef advocate, and Dr. F. S. Perles, advocate, of 43, Butheesh of Nazareth. Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv. Let all persons take notice that Labeebeh Let all persons take notice that Frania Bierer, Khalil Yousef Butheesh has applied to the Dis• née Rand, has applied to the District Court of trict Court of Haifa for an order declaring the Jerusalem for an order declaring the miri suc• succession to the estate of her mother Jameeleh cession to Debora (Dora) Rand, deceased, and Ibrahim Abou Ajeeneh, deceased, and that the that the said application will be heard at the said application will be heard at the District District Court of Jerusalem on the 23rd day of Court of Haifa on the 26th day of March, 1945, March, 1945, at 9 a.m. at 9 a. m. All persons claiming any interest must ap• All persons claiming any interest must ap• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 3rd day of March, 1945. Dated this 3rd clay of March, ,1945.

E. S. KHOUEY D. H. YOUSEE (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa.

IV. VII. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JERUSALEM. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF HAIFA. Succ. (Appl.) No. 38/45. P.P. 29/45. In the matter of Hashadour Kirakirian, late In the matter of Khoury Elias Naser of Makr of Jerusalem, Village, Acre Sub-District, deceased. Petitioner : Mrs. Zabel Hashadour Kiraki• Petitioner: Nasri El Khoury Elias Naser. rian. Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Zabel Let all persons take notice that Nasri el Hashadour, widow of the late Hashadour Kira• Khoury Elias Naser, the son of the abovenamed kirian, of Jerusalem has applied to the District deceased, has applied to the District Court of Court of Jerusalem for an order declaring the Haifa for an order declaring the succession to succession to the late Hashadour Kirakirian of El Khoury Elias Naser of Makr village, de• Jerusalem, deceased, and that the said ap• ceased, and that the said application will be plication will be heard at the District Court ; heard at the District Court of Haifa on the of Jerusalem on the 23rd day of March. 1945, I 27th day of March, 1945, at 9 a.m. at 9 a. m. | All persons claiming any interest must ap- All persons claiming any interest must ap• | pear at the said place and time, otherwise such pear at the said place and time, otherwise such i order will be made as to the Court seems right. order will be made as to the Court seems right. | Dated this 7th day of March, 1945. Dated this 3rd day of March, 1945. D. H. YOUSEF E. S. KHOUEY (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. VIII. v. \ IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. IN THE DISTEICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. I Probate File No. 66/45. Succession (Appl.) No. 39/45. I In the matter of the succession to Otto Au- In the matter of the Succession Ordinance, | gust Ascher of Tel Aviv, deceased. and In the matter of the succession to the I Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Lisbefh | Ascher, nee Mannaberg, of 4, Maze Street, estate of Miss Evelyne Fineberg of Jerusalem, \ Tel Aviv, has applied to the District Court deceased.. of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succes• Petitioner: Harris Fineberg of 13, Ha- sion to Otto August Ascher, deceased, and hashmonaim Street, Mekor Barukh, Jerusalem. that the said application will be heard at the Let all persons take notice that Harris Fine• District Court of Tel Aviv, on the 18th day of •;״.. .berg of Jerusalem has applied to the District I March, 1945, at 9 a.m 305 All persons claiming any interest must ap­ heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on pear at the said place and time, otherwise such the 20th day of March, 1945, at 9 a.m. order will be made as to the Court seems right. All persons claiming any interest must ap­ Dated this 26th day of February, 1945. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District •Court, Tel Aviv. I Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945.

ix.. Z. HAEAKABI :'׳:'. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Probate File No. 70/45. XII. In the matter of the succession to Jacob IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Joseph of Tel Aviv, deceased. Prob. File No. 76/45. Petitioners: Nissim Jacob of 54, Allenby In the matter of the estate of the late Dr. Road, Tel Aviv, Mayer Jacob, of 90, Allenby Leon Pines, deceased. Road, Tel Aviv, Mansoor Jacob Joseph, of Aden —through their attorney Dr. Victor P. Petitioner: Eugenia Pines, represented by Reich, advocate of Tel Aviv. E. Livay, G. Minkowitch and B. Rapoport, advocates of Tel Aviv. Let all persons take notice that Nissim Let all persons take notice that Eugenia Jacob of Tel Aviv, Mayer Jacob of Tel Aviv, Pines has applied to the District Court of Tel and Mansoor Jacob Joseph of Aden, have ap­ Aviv for an order declaring succession to the plied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for late Dr. Leon Pines, deceased, and that the an order declaring the succession to Jacob said application will be heard at the said Court Joseph of• Tel "Aviv, deceased, and that the on the 18th day of March, 1945, at 9 a.m. said application will be heard at the said Court on the 19th day of March, 1945, at All persons claiming any interest must ap­ 9 a.m. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court All persons claiming any interest must apr seems right. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945. Dated this 26th day of February, 1945. Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District •Court, Tel Aviv. XIII. X. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Probate File No. 78/45. File No. 73/45. In the matter of Majer Wojdyslawski of In the matter of Simon Medicks of Limuru, Tel Aviv, deceased. Kenya, deceased. Petitioner: Mrs. Yehudith (Jechudesa) Petitioner: Charles Medicks of Nairobi, Ke­ Wojdyslawski, represented by H. Nofech- nya, represented by I. Levin, advocate, 36, Ye­ | Mozes, advocates of Tel Aviv. huda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv. •' Let all persons take notice that Yehudith Let all persons take notice that Charles I (Jechudesa) Wojdyslawski has applied to the Medicks of Nairobi, Kenya, has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order District Court of Tel Aviv for an order de­ declaring the succession to the property of claring the succession to the miri immovable Majer Wojdyslawski of Tel Aviv, deceased, property of Simon Medicks, deceased, and that and that the said application will be heard the said application will be heard at the said at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 18th District Court on the 20th day of March, 1945, day of March, 1945, at 9 a.m. at 9 a.m. All persons claiming any interest must ap­ All persons claiming any interest must ap­ pear at the said place and time, otherwise such pear - at the said place and time, otherwise order will be made as to the Court seems right. such order will be made as to the Court Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945. seems right. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945. Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) 'Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. XIV. XI. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Pr. File No. 79/45. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Probate File No. 75/45. In the matter of the Estate of Mendel-Lajb Edelsztein of Tel Aviv, deceased. In the matter of Salim Shafshak of Jaffa, Petitioners: Hana Edelsztein and.Shlomo deceased. Edelsztein, represented by E. Livay, G. Minko­ Petitioner: Itzhak Shafshak, represented witch and B. Rapoport, advocates of 40, Yehuda by Moshe David, advocate ,of Tel Aviv. Halevi Street, Tel Aviv. Let all persons take notice that. Itzhak Let all persons take notice that Hana Edel­ Shafshak of Tel Aviv has applied to the Dis­ sztein and Shlcmo Edelsztein have applied to trict Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order the succession to Salim Shafshak of Jaffa, de­ declaring succession to the late Mendel-Lajb ceased, and that the said application will be Edelsztein of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the 306 Til E^JPAL E ST IN E GAZETTE No. 1396. _ 15th March, 1945 said application will be heard at the said Court if any they have, why Mrs. Hana Edelsztein on the 18th day of March, 1945, at 9 a.m. of Tel Aviv should not be appointed admin­ All persons claiming.any interest must ap­ istratrix over the above absentee and her-pro­ pear at the said place and time, otherwise perty, as, in default thereof, the Court will such order will be made as to the Court proceed to grant the same accordingly. seems right. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945. Z. HAEAKABI Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District •Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF ADMINISTRATION. I. L IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF JERUSALEM. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Guardianship (Appl.) No. 40/45. Probate File No. 69/45. In the matter of the appointment of a In the matter of Yerahmiel Shteinovitz, guardian over the minors Issa, George, Milia deceased. and Nicola children of the late Yacub Sham- mas. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here­ In virtue of an order of the District Court by cite all and all manner of persons to appear of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do in the said Court within ten days from the hereby cite all and all manner of persons to date of publication hereof, and show cause, appear in the said Court within ten days of if any they have, why an order of administra­ publication hereof, and show cause, if any tion of all and singular the movable property, they have, why an order appointing the rights, credits and mulk immovable property mother Assine Shammas widow of the said and miri immovable property of Yerahmiel Yacub Shammas as guardian over the said Shteinovitz should not be granted unto Neha- minors should not be granted, as, in default ma Shteinovitz, as, in default thereof, the thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the Court will proceed to grant the same accord­ same accordingly. ingly. Dated this 6th day of March, 1945. Dated this 26th day of February, 1945. E. S. KHOUEY Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. 11• II. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF HAIFA. . IN THE DISTRICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Civil Case No. 45/45. Case No. 83/45. In the matter of appointment of a guardian In the matter of Boris Pines, absentee. over the minors Eva Anna Freudenreich and Thomas Freudenreich. Petitioner: Eugenia Pines, represented by E. Livay, G. Minkowitch and B. Rapoport, Petitioner : Mr. Johann Adolf Freudenreich, advocates of Tel Aviv. represented by Dr. Julius Siegel, advocate, Haifa. In virtue of an order of the District Court In virtue of an order of the District Court of of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here­ Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite by cite all and all manner of persons to appear all and all manner of persons ,to appear in the in the said Court within ten days from the said Court within ten days from the date of 1 date of publication hereof, and show cause, publication hereof, and show cause, if any they if any they have, why Mrs. Eugenia Pines have, why an order appointing Mr. Paul Fran- should not be appointed administratrix over kenburger as a guardian over the minors Eva the above absentee and his property, as, in Anna Freudenreich and Thomas Freudenreich, default thereof, the Court will proceed to children of the deceased Dr. Fritz Isaak Freu­ grant the same accordingly. denreich, should not be granted, as, in default Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945. thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the -ame accordingly. ! . Z. HAEAKABI Dated this 5th day of March, 1945. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. D. H. YOUSEF • HI- (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. , IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Case No. 90/45. III. In the matter of Zila •Edelsztein, absentee. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. I Probate File No. 68/45. Petitioners: Hana Edelsztein and Shlrmo Edelsztein, represented by E. Livay, G. Min­ i In the matter of an application for the kowitch and B. Rapoport, advocates of 40, I appointment of guardian over the minor Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv. I children Erich (Ruben) Ascher and Marianne > (Esther Miriam) Ascher. By virtue of an order of the District Court ! Petitioner: Lisbeth Ascher, nee Manna- of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here­ j berg, of 4, Maze Street, Tel Aviv. by cite all and all manner of persons to appear days from the j |n virtue of an order of the District Court ׳ in this Court within ten -Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here ־date of publication hereof, and show cause. i of 15th March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 3.07 by cite all and all manner of persons to appear J Shehadeh, represented by Messrs. Anton and in the said Court within ten days from the j Hanna Atalla, advocates, Connaught House, date of publication hereof, and show cause, Tancred Lane, Jerusalem. if any they have, why Mrs. Lisbeth Ascher !. Let all persons take notice that the said and Dr. Hermann Steinitz should not be petitioner has applied to the District Court of appointed guardians over Erich (Ruben) Jerusalem for an order declaring the death of Ascher and Marianne (Esther Miriam) Ascher, Yacoub Salem Yousef Sa'adeh of Beir Zeit, and as, otherwise, the Court will make such order that the said application will be heard at the as aforesaid. said Court on the 9th day of April, 1945, at 9 Dated this 26th day of February, 1945. a.m.

Z. HARAKABI All persons claiming any interest must ap­ (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District •Court, Tel Aviv. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as the Court seems right. IV. Dated this 7th day of March, 1945. IN THE DISTRICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Probate File No. 71/45. E. S. KHOUEY In the matter of the appointment of a guard­ (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. ian over the minors Solomon Moses Jacob Joseph, Mazal Moses Jacob Joseph and Susana Moses Jacob Joseph of Aden. QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Petitioner: Nissim Jacob of Tel Aviv, SUMMARY. through his attorney Dr. Victor P. Reich, ad­ vocate of Tel Aviv. Summary for week ending 10.3.45. In virtue of an order of the District Court I. Quarantine Restrictions. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here­ The following restrictions are at present in force: — by cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court within ten days from the Date date of publication hereof, and show cause, Against Port restrictions if any they have, why an order appointing enforced Mr. Nissim Jacob of Tel Aviv as guardian Plague Arrivals from Suez by air, over the property of the minors Solomon land and sea routes 17.2.45 Moses Jacob Joseph, Mazal Moses Jacob Plague Arrivals from Port Said Jo°enh and Susana Moses Jacob Joseph should by air, sea and land not be granted, as, in default thereof, the routes 18.2.45 Court will proceed to grant the same accord­ Plague Arrivals from Oran by air and sea routes 3.2.45 ingly. Plague Arrivals from Dakar by air Dated this 26th day of February, 1945. routes 13.2.45 Plague Arrivals from Ali Gharbi. Z. HAEAKABI Iraq, by air and land (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District •Court, Tel Aviv. routes 17.2.45 Plague Arrivals from Bizerta by V. air routes 12.3.45 IN THE DISTRICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Plague Arrivals from Ferryville by air routes 12.3.45 Probate File No. 77/45. Plague Arrivals from Port Lyautey In the matter of the appointment of a by air routes 12.3.45 guardian over minors. Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by Applicant: Geula Lifshitz of Petah Tiqva, •air routes 9.9.36 Smallpox Arrivals from Calcutta by ׳ .through her attorney E. Yegnes, advocate air routes 19.2.38 In virtue of an order of the District Court Smallpox Arrivals from Bombay by of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here­ air routes 9.9.40 by cite all and all manner of persons to appear Smallpox Arrivals from Iran by land in this Court within ten days from the and air routes 1.7.42 Smallpox Arrivals from Syria and date of publication hereof, and show cause, the Lebanon by land, if any they have, why an order appointing a!r and sea routes 22.11.42 Mr. Avraham Shapirah as guardian over the Smallpox Arrivals from Turkey by persons a^d property of Yoseph Lifshitz and land, air and sea routes 13.5.43 Arieh Lifshitz, minors, should not be made, Typhus Arrivals from Izmir by air. as, in default thereof, the Court wTill proceed sea and land routes 16.2.45 to grant the same accordingly. Typhus Arrivals from Istanbul by air, sea and land routes 16.2.45 Dated this 2nd day of March, 1945. Typhus Arrivals from Kolea, (Al- _ gena), by air routes 13.2.45 Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District •Court, Tel Aviv. 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine.

CITATION. Cerebro- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. c Place . spinal Date Menin­ notified Motion No. 75/45. gitis f In the matter of the death of Yacoub Salem Yousef Sa'adeh of Beir Zeit. Tel Aviv 1 28.2.45 Petitioner: Labibeh bint Salem Yousef Sa'adeh, wife of Jiries Odeh Abdallah MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF TIBERIAS. SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 1944.

Approved Actual Over the Under the Approved Actual Under the RECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. Estimates Receipts Estimates Estimates Estimates Payments Estimates

P. £P.Mils £P.Mils׳£ P. £ P. M ils £ P. M ils £ P. M il s£ 1. Rates, Licences, Taxes, etc. 5,141 6,288.850 1,147.850 1. General Administration 1,707 1,504.411 202.589 2. Fees of Office, Receipts for Specific 2. Pensions and Gratuities Services 1,875 1,461.505 413.495 8. Health Services 3,483 3,352.725 130.275 3. Revenue from Municipal Property 2,190 2,236.540 46.540 4 Safety Services 85 13.500 71.500 4. Interest 70 51.495 18.505 5. Education £. Water Supply 3,510 4,048.505 538.505 6. Social Services 601 562.470 38.530 6. Miscellaneous 350 410.513 60.513 7. Engineering 524 318.825 205.175 Total Ordinary Revenue 13,136 14,497.408 1,793.408 432.000 8. Public Woks Recurrent 1,404 1,374.852 29.148 • 9. Repayment of Loans and Interest: — 7. Contribution to Roads, etc. 50.000 50.000 | (a) Loan Repayment 475.579 | 8. Grant-in-Aid by Government 450 450.000 — 1 694 —.251 ( ges of Loan J 218.170׳b) ui teresI v-ha) ! Total Extraordinary Revenue 450 500.000 50.000 — 10. Water Supply Charges 4,015 3,620.754 394.246 11. Miscellaneous 3,389 3,060.245 328.755 9. Loan Account —.354 —.354 Total Ordinary Expenditure 15,902 14,501.531 1,400.469

12. Public Works Extraordinary 3,325 1,328.643 1,996.357 13. Loan and Works

Total Revenue 13,586 14,997.762 1,843.762 432.000 Total Expenditure 19,227 15,830.174 3,396.826

Deposits 1,373.113 Advances 804.145 Balance at. 1st April, 1943. £P.Mih Deposits 1,413.568 Cash in br>ud 14.731 Advances 868.145 At Anglo-Palestine Bank Ltd., Balance at 31st March, 1944 Tibenas 7,319.129 7,333.860 At Anglo-Palestine Bank Ltd., Tiberias 6,396.993

Total 24,508.880 Total 24,508.880

JACOB AMSALEM S. DAHAN Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account with the books and vouchers relating Accountant. Chairman, Municipal Commission of Tiberias. thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Report dated the 12th December, 1944. R.F. PINDER 12th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF TIBERIAS. STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 31 ST MARCH, 1944. LIABILITIES ASSETS

P.Mils£ • • • ,,־» P.M Us £ Deposits 1,623.071 Gash at Bank 6,396.993 Surplus Funds ' 4,862.9,22 Advances 89.000

.. Total 6,485.993 Total 6,485.993

JACOB AMSALEM S. DALIAN Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account with the books and vouchers relating Accountant. Chairman, Municipal Commission of Tiberias. thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Report dated the 12th December, 1944. R. F. PINDER - ־ 12th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor.


Expended Balance, Amount Repaid Outstanding From Year Terms io date in hand Purpose £ P. M ils £P.Mils £P.Mtls £P.Mils £P. Mils

Flood Loan 6,297.000 5,037.600 1259.400׳ Government of Palestine 1934 Repayable in 30 successive half yearly instalments 6,297.000 .1 of £P.209.900 each on 25/9 and 25/3 of each year last instalment due on 25.3.56, at 3J% interest. 2. Government of Palestine 1941 Repayable in 30 successive half yearly instalments 1,000.000 160.665 839.335 1,000.000 Water Supply Scheme on 25/9 and 25/3 of each year last instalment' due on 25.3.56 at 3£% interest. Balance in hand as per Balance Outstanding 5,876.935 Statement of Assets and Liabilities

SUMMARY OF ARREARS OF REVENUE. £P.Mils £ P.mils Arrears at 31st March, 1943. 4,643.523 Assessment 1943-1944 9,232.177 13,875.700 Collections 1943-1944 as per accounts 10,604.148 Adjustment - _4grj Amount written-off . 340.500 10,945.128 Arrears at 31st March, 1944 2,930.572

JACOB AMSALEM S. D All AN ' Accountant. Chairman, Municipal Commission cf Tiberias. In so far as it is possible to ascertain from the subsidiary records the Municipality has no other commit­ ments or outstanding debts. - R. F. PINDER 12th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor. LOCAL COUNCIL OF 'AFULA.


Approved Actual Over the Under the Approved Actual Under the RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Estimates Receipts Estimates Estimates Estimates Payments Estimates

£P. £P. Mils £P. Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils £P. Mils £P. Mils

1. Rates, Taxes and Licences 3,516 4,296.399 780.399 — 1. General Administration 1,067.185 1,063.069 4.116 2. Fees 484 586.300 102.300 — 2. Health Services 580,000 575.400 4.600 3 Revenue from Council's Property 151 305.412 154.412 — 3. Safety Services 337.000 320.758 16.242 4. Interest 6 7.200 1.200 — 4. Engineering . - 12.000 6.500 5.500 5. Miscellaneous • 2,717 2,467.539 — 249.461 5. Public Works Recurrent 758.000 755.065 2.935 6. Water Supply Charges 2,800 2,355.022 444.978 6. Education 2,612.680 2,431.130 181.550 7. Miscellaneous 1,496.180 1,465.448 30.732 Total. Ordinary Revenue 9,674 10,017.872 1,038.311 694.439 8. Public Works Extraordinary 9.781 8 293 2,415.000 2,405.219 7. Jewish Community 980 971.707 9. Repayment of Loans 63.000 62.853 —.147 10. Water Charges 1,567.000 1,443.796 123.204

Total Ordinary Expenditure 10,908.045 10,529.238 378.807 11. Jewish Community 1,118.500 1,114.420 4.080

Total Revenue 10,654 10,989.579 1,038.311 702.732 Total Expenditure 12,026.545 11,643.658 382.887

Deposits 1,346.489 Deposits 1,411.067 Balance on 1st April, 1943:— £P.mils Balance at 31st March, 1944: — £ P.M ils Cash in hand 51.453 Cash in hand 36.233 At Anglo-Palestine Bank, Haifal,443.218 At Anglo-Palestine Bank, Haifa 827.701 At Halvaa Vehisahon 'Afula 229.044 1,723.715 At Halvaa Vehisahon, 'Afula 141.124 1,005.058

Total 14,059.783 Total 14,059.783

A. HALEVI B. SHEINBAUM Accountant. President, Local Council of 'Afula. Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account with the books and vouchers relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Report dated the 24th December, 1944. R. F. PINDER 24th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor. LOCAL COUNCIL OF 'AFULA. STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 31 ST MARCH, 1944. LIABILITIES. ASSETS £ P. M Us £P.MUs Cash: — Deposits 118.916 In hand 36.233 Surplus Fund 886.142 * At Anglo-Palestine Bank, Haifa 827.701 • At Halvaa Vehisahon 'Afula 141.124

Total 1,005.058 Total 1,005.058.

A. HALEVI B. SHEINBAUM Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account with the books and vouchers relating Accountant. President, Local Council of 'Afula. thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Beport dated the 24th December, 1944. B. F. PINDEE 24th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor.

׳ .LOCAL COUNCIL OF 'AFULA LOAN STATEMENT. Expended Amount Repaid Outstanding Balance From Year Terms to date Purpose £ P.M il s £P.Mils £P.Mils £ P. M Us £P.Mils

Jewish Agency 1926 In annual instalments of £P.25 commencing 1936 353.121 125.000 , 228.121 353.121 For construction of —No interest Vegetable Market P.15 each as from 300.000 90.000 210.000 300.000 — For construction of£־ Government of Palestine 15.11.40 Half yearly instalments of 15th May, 1941—interest at 3J.%. Local Council Offices Total Outstanding 438.121 —

SUMMARY OF ARREARS OF REVENUE. £P.Mils £P.Mils• Arrears brought forward to 1st April, 1943 7,709.307 Assessments during 1943-44 7,462.370 15,171.677 Credits for 1st April, 1943 38.048 38.048 15,133.629 Collection during 1943-44 as per accounts 7,185.081 Collection during 1943-44 for the year 1944-45 48.536 7,136.545 Arrears as at 31st March, 1944 7,997.084

A. HALEVI B. SHEINBAUM In so far as it is possible to ascertain from the subsidiary records the Local Council has no commitments Accountant. President, Local Council of 'Afula. or outstanding debts. E. F. PINDEE 24th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor. LOCAL COUNCIL OF EZOR IZRAEL.


Approved Actual Over the Under the Approved Actual- Under the RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Estimates Receipts Estimates Estimates Estimates Payments Estimates

£P. £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils

1. Rates and Licences 840 883.774 43.774 — 1. General Administration 421.000 387.338 33.662 2. Miscellaneous 1,055 794.153 — 260.847 2. Health Services 18.000 17.430 —.570 Safety Services 488.000 485.991 2.009 .3 3.950 ־ — Jewish Community Fees 90 86.050 .3 1. Water Supply Charges 2,605 2.605.000 — — ' 4. Miscellaneous 224.200 189.276 34.924 5. Reimbursements 34 34.000 — — • 5. Meat Supply 290.000 287.000 3.000 6. Public Works Extraordinary 600.000 300.000 300.000 7. Water Charges 2,605.000 2,605.000 — 8. Payments to Vaad Leumi 75.000 . ?5.000 •—. •• 9. Reimbursements 34.000 34.000

Total Expenditure 4,755.200 4,381.035 374.165 ־ Total Revenue 4,624 4,402.977 43.774 264.797

Deposits 34.600 Deposits 40.000 Balance on 1st April, 1943: — £P. Mils Balance at 31st March, 1944: — £P.Mils Cash in hand 37.293 Cash in hand 21.296 At Kup'at Milve Vehisachon At Kupat Milve Vehisachon Cooperative Society Ltd;, Cooperative Society Ltd., Haifa 381.895 419.188 Haifa 414.434 435.730

Total 4,856765 Total 4,856.765

N. FRADKIN E. CARMIELI Accountant. President, Local Council of Ezor Izrael. Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account with the books and vouchers relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Report dated the 29th December, 1944. R. F. PINDEE 29th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor. LOCAL COUNCIL OF EZOR IZRAEL.



£P.Mils £ P. Mils

Deposits 66.100 Cash: — £ P.M ils In hand 21.296 Surplus Fund 369.630 At Kupat Milve Vehisachon Cooperative Society Ltd., Haifa 414.434 435.730

Total 435.730 Total 435.730

N. FRADKIN E. CARMIELI Accountant. President, Local Council of Ezor Izrael. Under my direction an examination has been made or the above account with the books and vouchers relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Report dated the 29th December, 1944. R. F. BINDER : 29th December, 1944. Municipal Auditor.



- ־ .NIL


£ P. Mus £P.Mils Arrears brought forward to 1st April, 1943' Assessment during 1943/44 862.367 862.367 Collection during 1943/44 as per accounts 838.274 Arrears as at 31st March, 1944 24.093

N. FRADKIN E. CARMIELI Accountant. President, Local Council of Ezor Izrael. In so far as it is possible to ascertain from the subsidiary records the Local Council has . no commitments and/or outstanding debts. R. F. BINDER 29th December, 1944. • . Municipal Auditor. 314 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 15th March, 1945

PUBLIC NOTICE. PERSONS CHANGING THEIR NAMES. The following changes of names have been registered at the office of the Commissioner for Migration and Statistics: —

Old Name New Name Nationality Address Surname Other Names Surname Other Names

Adolf Izak Hersch Artsi Its-haq Palestinian 'Ein ham (Tsevi) Mifrats Adolf Henie Ruchel Artsi Tseviya Palestinian 'Ein ham Mifrats Adolf llana Artsi Ilana Palestinian 'Ein ham Mifrats Ashri Yaish Shelomo Ashri Yeshayahu Palestinian Hat Tiqva Shelomo Quarter Ashri Zehra Ashri Sara Palestinian Hat Tiqva Quarter Baer Joachim Baer Moshe Palestinian Haifa Maurycy Baer Ryfka Laja Baer Rivqa Palestinian Haifa Baltinester Gerhard Baitinester Gerald David Palestinian Qiryat Clemens Motskin Barsum Abden Nur David Abdel Nour Palestinian Haifa Kirakos Giragos Bogacz Chaim Lejzer Odecly Yacob Palestinian Jerusalem Bogacz ' Szejna Dwejra Odeely , Szejna Dwejra Palestinian Jerusalem Bogacz Lejba Odeely Lejba Palestinian Jerusalem Bogacz Nehama Odeely Nebama Palestinian Jerusalem Bok Avrum Carmeli Avraham Palestinian Haifa Brandwain Joseph Moshe Carmi Joseph Moshe Palestinian Jerusalem Cindelis Judelis Israeli Yehuda Palestinian Tel Aviv Cindelis Mina Israeli Mina Palestinian Tel Aviv Cindelis Israel Israeli Israel Palestinian Tel Aviv Danzig Elimelech Majevski Flimelech Palestinian T?l Aviv Deutsch Pesach Ivri Pes ah Palestinian Sha'ar hag Golan Deutsch Miryam Ivri Miryam Palestinian Sha'ar (Anna) hag Golan Deutsch Ei tan Ivri Eitan Palestinian Sha'ar hag Golan Deutsch Adam Ivri Adam Palestinian Sha'ar has Golan Eisenhardt Bernd Gunter Eshet Yaaqov Palestinian Poriya Eisenhardfc Ruth Eshet Rut Palestinian Poriya Eisenhardt Uzi Eshet Uzi Palestinian Poriya Fiks Jakob Efrat Yaaqov Palestinian Tel Aviv Flali Moshe Abu Khzeir Moshe Palestinian Tiberias Folk Elimar Ben Ami Elimelekh Palestinian Tel Aviv Folk Laja Ben Ami Lea Palestinian Tel Aviv Gelbendorf Kr'ejndla Gelbcndorf Atara Palestinian Tel Aviv Goldberg Moshe H arpaz Moshe Palestinian Tel Aviv Goldberg Haiya Harpaz Haiya Palestinian Tel Aviv Hauptman Israel Igra Israel Palestinian Jerusalem Hauptman Chane Igra Hanna Palestinian Jerusalem Hauptman Ozer Igra Ozer : Palestinian Jerusalem Hauptman Ora Igra Ora Palestinian Jerusalem Hercman Chajá Wolkowicz . Haiya Palestinian Tel Aviv Hercman Efrayim Wolkowicz Efrayim Palestinian Tel Aviv Hercman Rahel Sara Wolkowicz Rahel Sara Palestinian Tel Aviv Ivenskis Sasa Ivenskis Yehoshua Palestinian Tel Aviv Ivenskis Liudv Ivenskis A rye Palestinian Tel Aviv Gerhardas Kagan Ilja Kagan Eliyahu Palestinian Tel Aviv K agan Esfir Kagan Ester Palestinian Tel Aviv Khalil Hanna Andoni Andoni Hanna Palestinian Beit Sahur Klein Menachem Almadon Menahem Palestinian Tel Aviv Mendel Kletter Elfriede Kletter Tsipnora Palestinian 'Ein Gev Kluberg Wilhelm Kluberg Zeev Zwi Palestinian Haifa Hermán Kuczynski Maks Katsiri Mordekhai Palestinian Sha'ar hae: Golan Kuczynski Cha ja Katsiri Haiya Palestinian • Sha'ar hag Golan Löth March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 315 Old Name New Name Nationality Address Surname Other Names Surname Other Names

Kuczynski Deror Katsiri, Deror Palestinian Sha'ar hag Gola Laster Rudolf Laster Raphael Palestinian J erusalem. Levi Klara Hay mann Klara Palestinian J erusalem Lichtenstein Leo Licntenstein iirie Leon Palestinian Jerusalem Lichtinger Leib (Arieh) Nahir Aryeh Palestinian Jerusalem Lichtinger Hana Nahir Hana Palestinian Jerusalem Masur Hanns Ben Tsevi Yisrael Palestinian Qiryat Haiyim Meiler Dawid Ben Shalom David Palestinian Giv'at Haiyim Mizrahi Ezra Bahri Ezra Palestinian J erusalem Mizrahi Rahamim Bahri Rahamim Palestinian J erusalem Pinhas Mizrahi Samha Bahri Simha Palestinian J erusalem Mizrahi Malkah Bahri Malka Palestinian Jerusalem Mizrahi Efraim Bahri Efrayim Palestinian Jerusalem Mizrahi Miriam Bahri Miryam Palestinian J erusalem Mizrahi Daniel Hay Bahri Daniel Hay Palestinian Jerusalem Mizrahi Pinhas Bahri Pinhas Palestinian J erusalem Menahem Menahem Neuman Maksymiljan Neuman Meir Palestinian J erusalem Zygmünt Polak Lipman Peylan Adam Palestinian Tel Aviv Polak Sara Peyilan Avivit Palestinian Tel Aviv Polak Edna Peylan Edna Palestinian Tel Aviv Polak v Nili Peylan Nili Palestinian Tel Aviv Rabinovicius Benjaminas Elhanan Binyamin Palestinian Tel Aviv Rosanfeld Peppi Rosenfeld Fanny Palestinian Haifa ßchapira Hersch Schapira Hermann Palestinian Tel Aviv Schaum Michael Shoham Michael Palestinian Haifa Schaum Hans Shoham Chaim Palestinian Haifa Szmulewicz Icchok Ber Shemueli Its-haq Palestinian Haifa Szmulewicz Hinda Ita Shemueli Hinda Ita Palestinian Haifa Szmulewicz Gidon Shemueli Gidon Palestinian Haifa Temkin . Michel Teomi Michael Palestinian Haifa (Michil 1 ' Tjomkin) Temkin Berta Teomi Bella Palestinian Haifa Temkin -Inna Teomi Rina Palestinian Haifa Wasif Edward known Gabriel Edward Palestinian Jerusalem as Michael George George Weiss Robert Lavni Reuven Palestinian Haifa Weiss Eliyahu Zwi Lavni Elivahu Zwi Palestinian Haifa Weiss Adina Lavni Adina Palestinian Haifa Weiss Itshaq Yaaqov Lavni Its-haq Yaaqov Palestinian Haifa Weiss Ditsa Lavni Ditsa Palestinian Haifa


The following unclaimed goods lying in the stores of the Jerusalem Customs as from 28th February, 1945, will be sold if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Date of Description^ Consignee Whence Steamer, etc. arrival

P.P. 88657/43 8.11.44 2 eases auto parts Nadim Levant Bonded Alexandria Tabbah Amman T.J. Car M/216/Q 19.11.44 1 old battery and 1 old Steel Brothers Trans-Jordan radiator for repair Car 80. B 25.11.44 26 boxes of 30 cigarettes each George Vallianos Trans-Jordan Extra Extra 3 boxes of 100 grammes each of Tatli Sert Manuf. Tobacco '310 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. •loth March, 1945 COOPEEATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. ance, I hereby order that "Hadarei Hashom- NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF COOPERATIVE ron" Aguda Shetufit Leshivuk Pri-Hadar Ba- SOCIETIES. Arez-Uvaarazot Hashkenot Limited shall be wound-up and appoint Y. Weisser, A.L.A.A., The particulars given below correspond with Public Auditor, 29, Lilienblum Street, Tel the following headings: — Aviv, as liquidator. 1. Name of Society. Pursuant to paragraph 11(a) of the Cooper­ 2. Registered Office. ative Societies Regulations, 1934, notice is 3. Date of Registration. hereby given that all claims against the society 4. Class of Society. must be submitted to the liquidator within one 1. Aguda Shetufit Le Hovalat Masaot• Ham- month of the publication of this notice. game be Tel Aviv Ltd. 2. Tel Aviv. 6th March, 1945. J. BLUMENFELD (Gaz/2/40) Acting Registrar of Cooperative Societies. 3. 9th February, 1945. 4. Copartnership of labour (Transport society). BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. 1. Meonot Ovdei Kupat Holim Aguda Shetufit NOTICE OF RELEASE OF TRUSTEE. be Haifa Limited. 2. Haifa. Debtor's Name : Rephael Mazayoff. Address: 14, Beit Haknesseth Street, Shekhu- 3. 23rd February, 1945. nat Shapira, Jaffa. 4. Housing society. Description: Building contractor. 6th March, 1945. Court: Chief Magistrate's Court, Tel Aviv. Number of Matter: 153/41. COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. Trustee's Name : Mr. Ernst Davis. NOTICE OF COMPLETED AMALGAMATION UNDER Address: New Russian Building, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. SECTION 13. Description: Advocate. Notice is hereby given that the scheme of Date of Release: 1st March, 1945. amalgamation whereby the assets and liabilities of Kupat Milve Vehisaehon Haklait Shetufit H. KANTROVITCH Shel Haovdim be Kfar Yehezkel (Tivon) (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Limited were transferred to Kfar Yehezkel Moshav Ovdim Lehityashvut Shetufit Limited I BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. was completed on 17th February, 1945, with my approval. | ORDER OF APPROVAL OF COMPOSITION, ANNUL- OF ADJUDICATION, APPOINTMENT OF A ־ j MENT 6th March, 1945. . J. BLUMENFELD J TRUSTEE UNDER THE COMPOSITION AND NOTICE OF (Gaz/2/40) Acting Registrar of Cooperative Societies. | INTENDED DIVIDEND. 1 Debtors' Names: "Barein"—composed of COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. 1. Adolf Ebenstein. NOTICE OF COMPLETED AMALGAMATION UNDER 2. Sally Barmeper. SECTION 13. Address: Princess Mary Avenue, Jerusalem. Notice is hereby given that the scheme of Description: Electrical and metal works. amalgamation whereby the assets and liabilities Court: Chief Magistrate's Court of Jerusalem. of Aguda Zarchanit Yazranit Shetufit Rishpon Number of Matter : 167/38. Limited were transferred to Rishon Moshav Date of Order approving Composition and Ovdim Lehityashvut Shetufit Limited was com­ annulling Adjudication made on 23.11.38: pleted on 9th February, 1945, with my approval. 7th March, 1945. 6th March, 1945. J. BLUMENFELD Nature of Composition sanctioned: 40% of all (Gaz/2/40) Acting Registrar of Cooperative Societies. unsecured provable debts within 2 weeks from the approval of the composition by the Court. Trustee's Name : Administrator General. COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. Address: Mizpah Building, P.Q.B. 1254, Jeru­ ORDER OF LIQUIDATION AND NOTICE TO salem. CREDITORS. Last Day for Receiving Proofs: 28th March, In accordance with the powers vested in me 1945. under sections 46 and 48 of the above Ordin­ H. KANTBOVITCH ance, I hereby order that Aguda Zarchanit (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. Shetufit Tel Aviv Limited shall be wound-up and appoint I. Shapan, L.E.F., Auditor, BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. P.O.B. 130, Tel Aviv, as liquidator. RECEIVING ORDER AND FIRST MEETING Pursuant to paragraph 11(a) of the Cooper­ OF CREDITORS. ; ative Societies Regulations, 1934, notice is Debtor's Name : Hadbeh El Sheikh el Dasouki. hereby given that all claims against the society Address : Bashit village, near Rehovot. must be submitted to the liquidator within one Court: District Court of Tel Aviv. month of the publication of this notice. Number of Matter: 120/44. 6th March, 1945. J. BLUMENFELD Date of Filing Petition: 21st July, 1944. (Gaz/2/40) Acting Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Date of Receiving Order: 5th November, 1944. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition: COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. Creditor's. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's ORDER OF LIQUIDATION AND NOTICE TO Petition : Non-compliance with Bankruptcy CREDITORS. Notice. In accordance with the powers vested in me Dale of First Meeting of Creditors: 22nd under sections 46 and 48 of the above Ordin- March, 1945. 15th• March; 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 317

Hour :11 a.m. 3. Namzs of partners authorised to administer Place: Office of the Administrator General, the partnership and to sign for it. 37, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. 4. Date of commencement and termination. 5. Object. H. KANTKOVITCH (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. 1. Elias Rizk Sahyoun, Kingsway, Haifa. Yusuf Rizk Sahyoun, Kingsway, Haifa. George Tawfik Naser Daoud, 'Ibillin. Izzat Tawfik BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. Naser Daoud, 'Ibillin. Nasrat Tawfik Naser RECEIVING ORDER AND FIRST MEETING Daoud, 'Ibillin. OF CREDITORS. 2. Rural Development Co. Debtor's Name :• Meir Hassidoff. 3. Elias Rizk Sahyoun and Yusuf Rizk Sah­ Address: 39, David Yellin Street, Jerusalem. youn, jointly and severally. Description: Landowner. 4. From the 6th December, 1944, for a period Court: District Court of Jerusalem. of three years. Number of Matter: 129/44. 5. Agricultural works. (File No. 6565). Date of Filing Petition: 5th December, 1944. Date of Receiving Order: 6th February, 1945. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition : 1. Ahmad Issa El-Bitar, S'ouke el-Khudar. Creditor's. Jaffa. Darwish Said El-Bitar, Souke el Khudar, Jaffa. Subhi Ahmad Khattab, Souke el-Khudar, Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's Jaffa. Petition : Non-compliance with Bankruptcy Notice. 2. Bitar and Khattab. 3. Subhi Ahmad Khattab only. Date of First Meeting: 23rd March, 1945. Hour: 9 a.m. 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for an unlim­ ited period. Place: Office of the Administrator General, 1 Mizpah Building, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. 5. Trading, by wholesale, in vegetables and fruits. (File No. 6566). H. KANTKOVITCH (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. 1. Faraj Farajallah, Station Street, Haifa. Samue'l Farajallah, 54, Ibrahim Pasha Street, BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. Cairo. RECEIVING ORDER AND FIRST MEETING OF 2. Farajallah Press Agency. CREDITORS. 3. Each partner severally. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlim­ Debtor's Name: Fatmeh Abd El Al Abou El ited period. Eyneyn. 5. Press agents, and distributors of newspapers Axldress: Bashit Village. (File No. 6567). Court: District Court of Tel Aviv. Number of Matter: 22/44. 1. Rudolf Rothenstein, 59, Herzl Street, Haifa. Date of Filing Petition: 21st July, 1944. Meir Reim, 19, Haim Street, Haifa.' Walter Date of Receiving Order: 5th November, 1944. Stern, 4, Ahad Haam Street, Haifa. Marcus Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition: Hondo, 11, Joseph Street, Haifa. Creditor's. 2. "Hapoel" Transport Office Haifa. Act of Bankruptcy proved in Creditor's 3. Rudolf Rothenstein jointly with anyone of Petition : Non-compliance with Bankruptcy the other three partners. Notice. 4. From the .1st January, 1945, for an unlim­ Date of First Meeting: 22nd March, 1945. ited period. The partnership can be terminated Hour : 11 a.m. by a 3 months' notice being given by registered Place : Office of the Administrator General, 37, letter. Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. 5. Transport, storage and business related H. KANTKOVITCH thereto. (File No. 6568). (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. 1. Louis Louisides Kamenos, Jaffa-Tel Aviv COMPANIES ORDINANCE. Road, Jaffa. Telemak Louisides Kamenos, Jaffa- Tel Aviv Road, Jaffa. NOTICE OF INTENDED FINAL DIVIDEND. 2. L. Louisides Kamenos. Name of Company: King Solomon Bank Ltd. 3. Both partner* jointly. in Liquidation. 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for a period Address of Registered Office: Jerusalem. of five years; to be renewed by mutual consant District Court of : Jerusalem. of both partners. No. of Matter: 106/40. 5. To trade in chemicals, building materials, Last Day for Receiving Proofs:, 31st March, general merchandise and such other goods. 1945. (File No. 6569), Name of Liquidator: Administrator General. Address: Mizpah Building, P.O.Box 1254, 1. Asher Ehrlich, Qiryat Yosef Quarter, near Jerusalem. Tel Aviv. Zev Goldberg, 10, Michal Street, H. KANTKOVITCH Tel Aviv. Itzhak Goldman, 21, Ahad Haam (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. Street, Tel Aviv. Gavriel Stern, Beriei Beraq. Zvi Gluck, 32, Gordon Street, .Tel Aviv. REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. Avigdor Kramnik, 7, Yavneh Street, Tel Aviv. Simcha Reich, 11, Reines Street, Tel Aviv. The particulars given below correspond with Shoshana Eivenshitz, 10, Hahashmal Street, the folloxoing headings: — Tel Aviv. Avraham Shlaifstein, 28, Bar Kochba . ־ .Names and addresses of partners. Street, Tel Aviv .1 2. Firm name of partnership. 2. Stone Craftsmen's Partnership Incor- 318 THE PALESTIKE GAZETTE No. 1396. ]5th March, 1945

porated in the Central Union of Artisans, 4. From the 23rd November, ]944, to the 3lst Tel Aviv. December, 1947. 3. Any two of the following three partners 5. Manufacture of khaki clothes. together with the seal of the partnership: (File No. 6575). (1) Simha Reich. (2) Avraham Shlaifstein. (3) Zvi Gluck. 1. Moshe Caspi, 4, Hermon Street, Haifa. 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for a period of Pinchas Caspi, 'C' S'treet, Qiryat Haiyim. one year; renewable automatically from year Zvi Gittelman, 34, Hermon Street, Haifa. to year, unless terminated by a two months' 2. "Achim Caspi and Gittelman". notice before the expiration of each year by 3. The signature of every partner shall bind four partners at least. the partnership. 5. Alanufacture of tombstones, and other ! 4. From the 1st September, 1944, for an un• stone and marble works. (File No. 6570). limited period. 5. Stone and marble cutting industry. 1. Abraham Rosman, 27, Sirkin Street, Haifa. (File No. 6576). Emerik Yonap, 5, Sirkin Street, Haifa. Haim S'teinhardt, 29, Herzl Street, Haifa. | 1. Berthold Lichtenstein, Schiller Building, 2. Rosman—Yonap-Conditory. | Talpioth Quarter, Jerusalem. Alcis Schapira, 3. The signatures of two out of the three part• | Wolfson House, Hamaaloth Street, Jerusalem. ners for any sum up to £P.100.—, and of all ! 2. Ijichtenstein & Schapira. three partners for any sum above £P.100.—, ! 3. Both partners jointly. shall bind the partnership. 1 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimi• 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for a period ted period. Either partner may from first of 3 years; renewable for another 3 years if October, 1945, and onwards give notice in not terminated by 2 partners by a month's writing of his intention to determine the part• notice before expiration of the term. nership at the end of three months following 5. Confectionery (Cake and biscuit bakery). ! the notice. (File No. 6571). J 5. Manufacture of, and dealing in, pressing | irons of special construction for use in work- 1. Benzion Poker, 96, Hayarkon Street, Tel ; shops, and other technical equipment, tools, Aviv. Moshe Isac Moscovici, 5, Rabbi Arcn- i machinery, apparatus and all kinds of iron son Street, Tel Aviv. Chaim Izhak Weiden- | and metal goods. (File No. 6577). 'feld, 1, Nachmani Street, Tel Aviv. 2. "Akeret Habayit" Household and Kitchen 1. Haim Gerashov, 9, S'hemaryahu Street, Utensils. Haifa. Zvi Bushkanitz, 14a, Hashiloah Street, 3. Any two of the three partners. Haifa. Victor Miniowicz, 6, Pevsner Street, 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for a period Haifa. Simon Perle, Segal House, Rav Cook of one year. Should either of the partners not Street, Natanya. notify the other partners about his desire to 2. Drivers' Guild. Transport and Supplies. leave the partnership, the partnership shall 3. Any two of the partners jointly are author• continue for another year, and so on. ised to sign on behalf of the partnership. 5. Trade in, and manufacture, import and ex• 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for an unlim• port of, glassware, porcelain goods and ear• ited period. thenware, and all kinds of household and 5. Contractors for carrying of goods and pas• kitchen utensils. (File No. 6572). sengers, general contractors and warehouse• men. (File No. 6578). 1. Mcnachem Kolari, 67, Ahad Ha'am Street, Tel Aviv. Sender Rahmani, 95, Jaffa Road, ; 1. Aharon Bornstein, 11, Moria S'treet, Tel Haifa. Bojko Chanoch, 15, Faierberg Street, j Aviv. "Hakhayal" Economic Enterprises Tel Aviv. j Company for Jewish ex-Servicemen Ltd. 16, 2. Rahmani and. Kolari. Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv. 3. M. Kolari and S. Rahmani together with 2. "Hakhayal" Textile and Clothing, Jeru• the seal of Rahmani and Kolari or M. Kolari salem. and the legal representative of S. Rahmani | 3. On cheques and ordinary correspondence together with the abovementioned seal. | the signature of Aharon Bornstein, together 4. From the 17th October, 1944, for an unlimi• with one of Messrs. Lipa Taub, David Shpo- ted period. rer, Moshe Leventov and Eliahu Riji on behalf 5 Film agency (Import and export of films of "Hakhayal" shall bind the partnership. and accessories). (File No. 6573). On bills of exchange, promissory notes, agree• ments and any other undertakings o^y the 1. Itzak Robinshtein, 3, Micha Street, Tel signature of Aharon Bornstein together with Aviv. No'omi Sosnik, 4, Ben Yehuda Street, the signature of one of Messrs. Lipa Taub and Tel Aviv. David Shporer, on behalf of "Hakhayal". 2. "Migdalor". 4. From the 21st November, 1944, for a period 3. No'omi Sosnik. ! of three years. 4. From the 31st November, 1944, for a period j 5. Weaving factory and establishment for the of one year. manufacture of clothing articles. 5. Hotel. (File No. 6574). (File No. 6579).

1. Eliahu Jacubowicz, 13, Jaffa-Tel Aviv Road, 1. Wolf Los, 81. Hachashmonaim Street, Tel Tel Aviv. Jacob Jacubowicz, 13, Jaffa-Tel Aviv. Shlomo Ribatzki, 55, Zephania Street, Aviv Road, Tel Aviv. Jerusalem. 2. Eliahu Jacubowicz and Jacob Jacubowicz, 2. Spindel and Los. 3. Both partners together. 3. Both partners jointly. Loth March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 319 4. From the 10th December, 1944, for an un- > 1. Abraham Jacob Twaina, 31, Ben Yehuda limited period. Each partner is entitled to J Street, Jerusalem, Rahamim Jacob Twaina, claim dissolution of the partnership afLr one 15, Abarbanel ,Street, Jerusalem. Khadouri month's notice having been sent to the second Jacob Twaina, 15, Abarbanel Street, Jeru­ partner by registered letter. salem. Isaac Jacob Twaina, 11, Bartinora 5. Building contractors. (File No. 6580). Street, Jerusalem. Joseph Jacob Twaina, 15, Abarbanel Street, Jerusalem'. 1. Mordechai Portnoi, 10, Haknesssth Street, 2. "Twaina Bros." Tel Tviv. Moshe Pistshanski, 54, Bar Kochba 3. The signature of Abraham Jacob Twaina Street, Tel Aviv. alone or the joint signatures of two out of the 2. Portnoi and Pistshinski. three partners Isaac Jacob Twaina, Rahamim 3. Both partners jointly with the seal of the Jacob Twaina and Joseph Jacob Twaina will partnership. bind the partnership. 4. From the 26th October, 1944, for a period of 4. F rom the 20th December, 1944, for a period one year; to be continued automatically from of 10 years. year to year until notice of dissolution is given 5. Trade, import, export and loans. by one of the partners. (File No. 6587). 5. Weaving mill for vigonia and woollen threads. (File No. 6581). 1. Adolf Ebner, 9, Herzl Street, Tel Aviv. Alfred Ebner, German Colony, Villa Rose 1. Mordeehai Bomshtok, 27, Mizrachi B. Mary, Jerusalem. Street, Tel Aviv. ElLser Bomshtok, 189, 2. C.I.C. Commence Industry and Construc­ , Tel Aviv. tion. 2. Mordechai Bomshtok & Son, Tel Aviv. 3 Both partners severally. 3. Each partner alone or both partners to­ 4. From the 27th December, 1944, for an inde­ gether. finite period. 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for an unlim­ 5 Agents, retail dealers in yarns, textiles, ited period. plastics, chemicals, wood and other essential 5. Foundry of all kinds of metal gods. commodities, manufacture of the above art­ (File No. 0582). icles and construction of any kind. (File No. 6588). 1. Nayef Adeeb Najameh, 14, Wadi Salib Street, Haifa. Salim Ahmed Bis , P.O. Box 1. Meinhardt Rath, 3a, Massada Street, Haifa. .eet, Haifa׳Haifa. Israel Komet, 35, Balfour Sti ,347 2. Najameh Grocery. 2. M. Rath Civil Engineer — I. Kommet, 3. Both partners jointly. Architect. 4.. From the 22ncl December, 1944, for a period 3. Each partner alone. ­From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlim 4 *׳ .of three years 5. Grocery and commerce. (File No. 6583). ited period. Each partner may determine the partnership by a 6 months' notice. 5. Architectural and engineering works, 1. Mrs. Lidia Shablowska, 13, Chancellor superintendence of construction of buildings, Street, Jerusalem. Mrs. Dora Rosen, 13, consulting engineer works. (File No. 6589). Chancellor Street, Jerusalem. 2. "Cafe Crystal, L. Shablowska & D. Rosen". 3. Both partners jointly and severally. 1. Meir Avraham Khalifa, Nve Shalom, Jeru­ 4. From the 17th December, 1944, for a period salem. Yosef Eliahu Menagen, Nve Shalom, of one year. Jerusalem 5. Cafe and restaurant. (File No. G584). 2. Kalifa and Menagen. 3. Both partners jointly. 1. Hassan Kattan Hamawi, 35, Salahi Street, 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlim­ Jaffa. Ahmed Hamdi Taher, 35, Souk Salahi, ited period. Jaffa. 5. Shoes shop. (File No. 6590). 2. Arab Foodstuffs Co. 3. Ahmed Hamdi Taher alone. 1. Abraham Brill, 21, Hehalutz Street, Haifa. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlim­ Abraham Nadler, Ahuzza, Haifa. Shoshana ited period. Polak (Brill), 61, Harbour Street, Haifa. 5. Trading in food products, vegetables and Shlomo Yunes, Ahuzza, Haifa. fruits as wholesalers and retailers. 2. A. Brill & Co. (File No. 6585). 3. From the 15th December, 1944, for a period of one year. The period will be extended for a 1. Mohammed Yassin, Manshia Quarter, further year if no notice of dissolution is given Jaffa. Saleem Yousef Abdul Rahim, Manshia by A. Brill to the other partners, or vice versa, Quarter, Jaffa. Nasser Yassin, Manshia Quar­ two months before the expiration of term. ter, Jaffa. 4. Abraham Brill alone. 2. "Yassin and Abdul-Rahim" for Trade and 5. Sale of meat, sausages of all kinds, sweets Commission. and grocery generally. (File No. 6591). 3. Mohammed Yassin alone. 4. From the 3rd December, 1944, for a period 1. ShauL Sibirsky, 16, Israel Nagara Street, of three years. Tel Aviv. Yehezkel Zaks, 7, Borokhov Street, 5. Trade of all kinds, particularly in Tel Aviv. eggs, poultry, vegetables and fruits, by whole­ 2. "Otomash". sale and retail and on commission. 3. Both partners jointly. (File No. 6586). 4 From the 10th November, 1944, for an in­ definite period. After one year of existence of THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 15th March, 1945

the partnership, ..cither of the partners is, en­ i 4. From the 22nd December, 19<*.4, for a period ׳ .titled to serve on the other partner a six I of five years months' notice about his desire to leave the 5. Sale and purchase of bananas. partnership. (File No. 6597). 5. Manufacture of wooden boxes and bcdles to cars and other carpentry work. 1. Found Abdul Fattah Da'na, Mami'lih (File No. 6592). Road, Jerusalem. Abdul Majid Abdul Hamid .Hashlamon, Mamillah Road, Jerusalem. 1. Gerson Grundland, Benei Beraq. David Abdul Jalil Jaber Joweiles, Mamillah Road, Harry Marouse, Simhat Hashoeva Lane, Beth Jerusalem. Walid Abdul Jawad Zaiou, Appenzeller, Tel Aviv. Mamillah Road, Jerusalem. 2. Pedisano. 2. Walid Abdel Jawad El Zarou & Co. 3. Both partners jointly. On cheques, pro­ 3. Walid Abdel Jawad El Zarou alone. missory notes and contracts Mr. Marcuse 4. From the 22nd December,, 1944, for a period alone is entitled to sign for the partnership.• of five years. 4. • From the 17th December, 1944, to 31st De­ 5. Purchase and sale of bananas. .(No. 6598־ cember, 1846, but if no partner will demand the . (File dissolution of the partnership three months before the end, the partnership will continue 1. Mohammed Abdul Salam Jaber, Musrara for a further year and later from year to year. Quarter, Jerusalem. Sidki Haj Abdul Kader 5. Manufacture and sale of' orthopaedic shoes Jaber, Musrara Quarter, Jerusalem. Mustafa according to measure. (File No. 6593). | Saleh Samaan, Musrara Quarter, Jerusalem. Abdul Magid Abdul Salam Jaber, Musrara Quarter, Jerusalem, 1. Baha ud Dine Bibi, Nuzha Quarter, Jaffa. 2. Abdul Magid Abdul Salam Jaber and Co. Said Edeen Biyari, King Feisal Street, Jaffa. 3. Abdul Magid Abdul Salam Jaber alone. 2. Baha ud-Dine Bibi & Co. 4. From the 22nd December, 1944, for a period 3. Both partners jointly. of 5 years. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlim­ 5. Purchase and sale of bananas. 1 ited period. (File No. 6599). 5. General merchants in foodstuffs; commis­ sion, insurance and representation agents. 1. Rajah Hassan Khalil Jaber, New Gate, Jeru­ (File No, 6594). salem. Jamil Saleem Jaber, New Gate, Jeru­ salem. . 1. Kornhaber Heinrich, Geula Street, Tel 2 Rajab Hassan Khalil Jaber and Co. Aviv. Hoenig David, Rabbi Akiva Street, 3. Rajab Hassan Khalil Jaber alone. Benei Beraq. Leitner Zeev, Giv'at Herzl, Tel 4. From the 22nd December, 194-4, for a period Aviv. Weisselfkch Abraham, Kfar Samuel, of five years. Tel Aviv. Hoenig Marcus, Rabbi Akiba Sti eet, 5. Purchase and sale of bananas. Benei Beraq. Hoenig Jacob, Rabbi A.kxba (File No. 6600). Street, Benei Beraq. 2. Ferrum. 1. Shaker Abdul Kareem Jaber, New Gate, 3. Each of the partners severally. Jerusalem. Rubin Abdul Kareem Jaber, New 4. From the 10th December, 1944, for an un­ Gate, Jerusalem. Zahri Matar Salaimi, New limited period. Dissolution always by a notice Gate, Jerusalem. Sabri Abdul Mehsen Jaber, of one month in advance, by the unanimous New Gate, Jerusalem. Saber Abdul Mehsen vote of at least four partners. Jaber, New Gate, Jerusalem. 5. Rolling and construction of metals, iron 2. Saber Abdul Mehsen Jaber and Co. constructions, electrical and autogenic welding. 3. Saber Abdul Mehsen Jaber alone. (File No. 6305). 4. Frcm the 22nd December, 1944, for a period of five years. 5. Purchase and sale of bananas. 1. Yousef Khalifeh, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. (File No. 6601). Haim Yaish, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. Hassan Mousa El Ghouleh, Lifta. Said Asaad 1 Eid Shahin, Bawabeh Sharqieh, Haifa. Sureeki, Princess Mary, Jerusalem. Ahmad Mohamed Shahin, Bawabeh Sharqieh, 2. Alamein Cafe House. Haifa. 3. All partners jointly. 2. Eid Shahin Bros. 4. From the 18th January, 1945, for a period 3. Eid Shahin a'lone. of two years. 4 From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimited 5. Coffee house. (File No. 6596). period. 5. Trade in foodstuffs and other grocery goods. 1. Said Abdul Rahman Jabir, Mowaket Build­ (File No. 6602). ing, St. Paul's Street, Jerusalem. Zuhdi Abdul Khaleq Jabir, Mowaket Building, St. 1. Amin King Ahmed, Salahi Street, Jaffa. Paul's Street, Jerusalem. Mohammed Hus­ Tewfik King Ahmed, Salahi Street, Jaffa. sein Jabir, Mowaket Building, St. Paul's 2. Amin and Tewfik King Ahmed. Street, Jerusalem. Abdul Ghani Kurd, Mow­ 3. Both partners severally. aket Building, St. Paul's Street, Jerusalem. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for a period of Muhammed Said Illiyan, Mowaket Building, three years. St. Paul's Street, Jerusalem. Mohammed 5. Commercial dealing with colonial gcods. Badawi Illiyan Mowaket Building, St. Paul's (File No. 66C3). Street, Jerusalem. 2. Mohammed Badawi Illvyan and Co. 1. Mussa El Mohammad Ottallah. Obeidiya 3. Mohammed Badawi Illyyan alone. Village, near Beit Sahur. Ali El Hassan El 15th March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 321

Mohammad, Obeidiya Village, near Beit Sahur. | 4. From the.1st January, 1945, for an unlimi­ Ahmad El Haj Abed Ahmad, Obeidiya Village, ted period. . - " . ' .Managing and carrying on a coffee house .5 ״near Beit Sahur. George Andoni, •Beit Sahur 2. Al Obeidiya Village, Arab Transport Co. (File No. 6610). 3. George Andoni alone. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimited 1. Sania Alterovici, 2, Antebi Street, Tel period. Aviv. S. Grunberger, 14, Levontin Street, 5. Transport of passengers and goods and Tel Aviv. running of buses between Al Obeidiya and 2. Alterovici and Grunberger. Jerusalem, and vice versa. (File No. 6604). 3. Both partners jointly. ­From the 15th December, 1944, for an un .4׳ 1. A'wni Dabbagh, Bustros Street,, Jaffa. limited period; may be dissolved after a tKree Adib Arafeh, Station Road, Jaffa. Thabet months' written notice from one partner to the Dabbagh, Station Road, Jaffa. other. 2. Dabbagh and Arafeh. 5. Mechanical workshop for the production of 3. All partners jointly. metal celluloid, galalite and pbstic powder. 4. From the 8th December, 1944, for an unlimi­ (File No. 6611). ted period. 5. Purchase and sale of dry goods (by wvole- 1• Isidor Serejsky, 8, Ness Ziona Street, Tel sale and retail). (File No. 6605). Aviv. Na'ava Serejsky, 8, Ness Ziona Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Jacob Bruk, 6, Shekhunat Hamacabi, Jaffa. 2. David Maizel. Jacob Zahavi, 44, Hachashmonaim Street, Tel 3. Both partners severally. Aviv. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimi­ 2. Jacob Bruk and Jacob Zahavi. ted period. 3. Each partner severally under the stamp of 5. Manufacture and import of, and wholesale the partnership. trade in, stationery and paper. 4. From the 1st January. 1945, for an unlimi­ (File No. 6612). ted period; the partnership may be dissolved within 30 days by written notice given by each 1. Joseph Beja, 60, Arlcsnroff Street, Haifa. one of the partners. Henry Confino, 18, Sea Road, Mount Carmel, 5. Trade in iron goods and building materials Haifa. (File No. 6606). 2. Financial Investments Co. "Emunah". 3. Both partners severally. 1. Techiel Melzer, Nahalat Ahim, Beit Lavy. 4. From the 12th December, 1944, for an un­ Jerachmiel Hirsh Melzer, 4, Yehuda Hamac- limited period. cabi Street. 5. Financial investments. (File No. 6613). 2. "Zwi" Melzer Bros. 1. Menahem Kraft, Gurki House, Natanya. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimi­ Dinah Schwarz, Gewa, Natanva. ted period. ! 2.. Menahem Kraft & Dinah S'chwarz, Nata- i nya. : . 5. Electrical materials business. 3. Both partners jointly. (File No. 6607). 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for a period of one year. 1. Walter Schelitzer, 118, Hayarkon Street, 5. Cafe and restaurant. (File No. 6614). Tel Aviv. Julius Stahl, 4, Aharonovitz Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Shlomo Zalman Salomon, Shmuel Hanavi 2. W. Schelitzer & Co. Street, Jerusalem. Mordechai Salomon, Shmu­ 3. Both partners jointly and severally. el Hanavi Street, Jerusalem. 4. From the 14th, December, 1944, to the 31st 2. Salomon's Press. December, 1946. If no partner gives notice 3 3. Both partners severally. ­m of tin 4. From the 5th January, 1945, for an unlimi־:׳months before the expiration of the te partnership the term of the partnership shall ted period. be extended from time to time for 2 years. 5. Press. (File No. 6615). 5. Brokers, financiers trustees and gn'-ral merchants. (File No. 6608). 1. Isma'il Mohamad El Tilawi, Nuzha Quar­ ter, Jaffa. Chafic Isma'il El Tilawi, Olive 1. Djafar Djafari, Dajani House, Katanion, Orchard. Jaffa. Jerusalem. Aziz Amiri, Dajani House, Kata- 2. I. Tillawi t His Son Chafic. mon, Jerusalem. 3. Both partners jointly or severally. 2. Djafari & Amiri. . . . 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimi­ 3. Both partners jointly and each partner ted period. separately. ,Incurring of loans and advances 5. Building materials. (File No. 6616). requires the signature of both partners. 4. From the 16th January, 1945, for an un­ 1. Isaac Benveniste, 8, Hahashmal Street, Tel limited period. The partnership may be ter­ Aviv. Marie Benveniste, Hahashmal Street, minated by one month's notice in writing from Tel Aviv. one partner to another. 2. Ezra Benveniste & Co. 5. General export, import and representation. 3. Isaac Benveniste alone. (File No. 6609). 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlirhi ted period. 1. Yacob Irom, 117, Haznover Street, Haifa 5. Import and sale of electric bulb?, import Mary Tabakman, 117, Haznover Street, Haifa. and sale of electrical equipments; general 2. Cafe Diana. agents and traders. (File No. 6617). 3. Yacob Irom alone. 322 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 15th March, 1945 1. Mohamad Ibrahim Tolbeh, King George ! Tel Aviv. Nachum Kolton, 3, Shlomoh Avenue, Jaffa. Abed Ibrahim Tolbeh, King J Harnelech Street, Tel Aviv. George Avenue, Jaffa. i 2. "Economic" S. Kolton & Sons. 2. Mohamad & Abed Tolbeh. 3. Szlomo Elchanan Kolton alone, or Simcha 3. Mohamad Tolben alone. Kolton jointly with any other partner. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlim­ 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for an unlimi­ ited period. ted period. 5. Grocery. (File No. 6618). 5. Tin and iron works. (File No. 6624).

L Herman Ungar, 113, Rothschild Boulevard, 1. Zvi Beitner, 5, Tchlenov S'treet, Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv. Alfred Rotman, 12, Ovadia Strret, Meir Freidenreich, 5, Tchlenov Street, Tel Tel Aviv. Judah Haymson, 10, Yohanan Ha­ Aviv. Israel Warum ,47, Kefar Gii'adi Street, san dlar S'treet. Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv, 2. Haymson, Ungar & Rotman. 2. Bifro. 3. Any two of the three partners jointly. 3. Israel Warum jointly with one of the other 4. ...From the 11th November, 1944, for an un­ two partners. limited •period. 4. From the 31st December, 1944, for a period 5. Textile trade and industry. of one year with an extention for evefy sub­ (File No. 6619). sequent year unless notice of d'ssolutien bo given two months before expiration. 1. Moshe Florentin, 106, Herzl Street, Tel 5. Manufacture of clothes peg and machinery Aviv. Joseph Cohen, 35, Giv'at Naar, Tel for weaving combs. (File No. 6625). Aviv. 2. Florentin & Cohen. 1. Saleh Abdo, Damascus Gate, Jerusalem. 3. Both partners jointly or Moshe Florentin Mashmaa] Mohamad Mashaal, Silwan. Abdal- alone. lah Mohammed Othman, Silwan. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlim­ 2. The Silwan-Eizaryieh—Abu Dis Buses Com­ ited period. pany. 5. Dealing in grocery. (File No. 6620). 3. Any two of the partners jointly, provided that one of them should be Sal h Abdo. 1. Fuad Mahmud Es-Said, Bost Building, No. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for a period of 11 & 12 Ajami, Jaffa. Rafiq Mahmud Es-Said, five years. Bost Building, No. 11 & 12 Ajami, Jaffa. 5. Transport of passengers in bu«es. .(The Jordan Trading Agency Jaffa. (File No. 6626 .2׳ 3. Fuad Mahmud Es-Said and Rafiq Mahmud Es Said jointly. 4. From the 25th January, 1945, for an unlimi­ 1. Salim Abdu Nasar, Ramie. Khalil Abdu ted Period. Nasar, Ramie. Jaber Abdu Nasar, Ramie. 5. Purchase and sale of goods, imrorfa+ion 2 Salim Abdu Nassar & Bros. and exportation, representations commission 3. Salim Abdu Nassar alone. agents. (File No. 6621). 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for an unlimi­ ted period. 1. Ibrahim Abu Sir, Karyon Quartev, Nablus. 5. Sesame and tahina press. Khalil Abu Sir, Karyon Quarter, Nablus. (File No. 6627). 2. Ibrahim and Khalil Abu Sir. 3. Both partners severally and jointly. 1. Sacharov Ltd. 8, Rothschild Bouvlevard 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimi­ Tel Aviv. Sam Uziel, 10, Herzl Street, Tel ted period. Aviv. 5. Sweets manufacture. (File No. 6622). 2. "Palor" Palestine Orient Trading Co. 3. Both partners jointly. 1. David Lubinski, 38, Kalisher Street, Tel 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for a period of Aviv. Gustave Hauber, 127, Yehuda Halevi five years. If 2 months prior to the termina­ Street, Tel Aviv. tion of the period one partner shall not notify unwillingness to proceed with ־Technotextile D. Lubinski & G. Hauber, the other of his .2 Engineers. the partnership it will be automatically ex­ 3. Both partners jointly. tended for another five years commencing on 4. From the 1st December, 1944, for a period the end of the first period and the same on of two years. subsequently. 5. Construction of textile and spinning 5. Agencies, representatives, export, import, machines; sale and purchase of textile,and insurance, snipping and everything connected spinning machines; production of t^xtPes and therewith. (File No. 6628). cloth; organisation and supervision of weav­ ing and textile factories, consultation and de­ 1. Ephraim Moscovitz, 11, Ramban Street, signing of all various kinds of textFe designs Jerusalem. Kurt Lehman, 123, Allenby Roid, and cloth ; analysing of raw materials, etc. Tel Aviv. Ephraim Frankl, White House, (File No. 6623). Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. 2. Moscovitz, Lehman & Co. h Ha- 3. Kurt Lehman together with one of the other~׳Szlomo Elchanan Kolton, 3, Shlem .1 melech Street, Tel Aviv. Moshe Aron Kolton, two partners. 10, Hagdud Haivri Street, Tel Aviv. Simeha, 4. From the 1st September, 1944, for a period Kolton, 268, Dizengoff S'treet, Tel Aviv. Hersz of five years. Jakob Kolton, 46, Aliya Street, Tel Aviv. 5. Manufacturers' representatives for textiles. Szmul Kotlon, 40, King George Street, Tel (File No. 6629). Aviv. Chil Lajb Kolton, 268, Dizengoff Street, 15th March, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1396. 323 1. Selim David Babai, 56, Bar Kochba Street, certificate as to correctness or authority. Tel Aviv. Albert David Babai, 56, Bar Kochba Street, Tel Aviv. Ezzet Haroun Moshi, 4, Ruth Street, Tel Aviv. THE KIMUM COMPANY LIMITED. 2. Salez, General Trading Corporation. Notice is hereby given that we, Mordechai 3. Each one of the partners alone. Hochzeit, Aharon Rotenberg and Meir Garber, 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for a period of have transferred all our rights, credits and two years; renewable automatically, unless 6 shares in the Kimum Company Limited to months' notice be given by one partner. Messrs. Haim Haimowitz and Dr. Eliezer 5. General merchants, importers, exporters, Kling, and that we have no longer any rights manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of whatsoever in the said company; goods. (File No. 6630). That at the annual general meeting of the company held on the 22nd February, 1945, 1 Itzhak Zeilicovici, Benei Beraq, Giv'at Messrs. Mordechai Hochzeit, Aharon Roten• Rokeah. Elimeiech Schechter, Benei Beraq, berg and Meir Garber resigned their office as Giv'at Rokeah. managers of the company, and Messrs. Haim 2. Zeilie-ovici & Schechter. Haimowitz and Dr. Eliezer Kling have been 3. Itzhak Zeilicovici alone. elected in their stead as the only managers of 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimi• the Kimum Company Ltd., and they have the ted period. right to sign on behalf of the company. 5. Contractors for -fattening and grazing of sheep, and cattle. (File No. 6631). Any previous notice regarding the directors of the above company is hereby cancelled. Mordechai Hochzeit Haim Haimowitz 1. Daniel Araf, 17, 'Emeq Yisrael Street, Tel Aharon Rotenberg Dr. Eliezer Kling Aviv. Shalom Krishpin, 1, Wolfson Street, Meir Garber , Tel Aviv. 2. "Nur" Araf & Krishpin. II. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 15th December, 1944, for an un• HEVRAT HALVAOT "HATEHIYA" LTD. limited period. JERUSALEM. 5. Manufacture of lamps and metal articles. Notice is hereby given that at the general (File No. 6632). annual meeting held on 28th January, 1945, the following were elected directors of the com• 1. Dr. Angelo Goldstein, advocate, Aehad pany : — Haam Street, Tel Aviv. Dr. Fritz Hahn, 1. Rabbi Haiyim Pessahovitz advocate, Joseph Eliyahu, Tel Aviv. 2. Dr. Angelo Goldstein and Dr. Fritz Hahn, 2. Mr. Yehoshua Leib Landsman Advocates. 3. Mrs. B. Pessahovitz. 3. Each partner severally. 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for an unlimi The signatures of any two of the abovemen- tioned directors shall bind the company. ted period. 5. Advocacy. (File No. 6633). III. TEPHAHOT LIMITED. 1. Pinchas Citrinblat, 21, Hashalom Street, Haifa. Yonathan Bregman, 20, Hechalutz Notice is hereby given that the following Street, Haifa. gentlemen have been elected as directors of the 2. Techelet. company: — 3. Both partners jointly. (1) Mr. D. Horowitz 4. From the 1st January, 1945, for a period of two years. (2) Mr.. N. L. Lifshitz 5. Laundry. (File No. 6634). (3) Mr. D. Sverdlov (4) Mr. M. Shapiro 1 Chaim Heuer, Arlosoroff Street, Beit Shi- (5) Mr. F. Naftali- moni, Ramat Gan. Dov Kiryati, 27, Ch.louche (6) Mr. H. Frumkin . Street, Tel Aviv. 2. Hamitkadem. (7) Dr. A. Lehman• 3. Both partners shall sign for the partnership (8) Mr. L. Cohen. . ... under the seal of it and only both partners jointly shall bind the partnership and carry The joint signatures of any two of the above fill its business. directors, or the signature of any one director l the 15th January, 1945, for a period together with that of Mr. H. Orgler, shall be years. If no notice of at least three binding upon the company. s given, the partnership shall be deem- 2. Deeds of mortgage in the Land Registry ^tinue from time to time, for another in favour of the company shall be signed either f. one year. by any one of the above directors or by Mr. H. U workshop. (File No. 6635). Orgler alone. 3. Deeds of transfer or of discharge of mort• gages shall be signed either by any two of the NOTICES. above directors or by any one director together following notices are published at the risk of the with Mr. H. Orgler. ^sers and their publication docs not imply any 1945־ ,15th March 324

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