Modern Trends in Scienti3c Studies on Ancient Ceramics BAR Zntmwtional Series 101 1, 2002 1,- OBSIDIAN AS TEMPER IN THE NEOLITHIC POTTERY FROM YIALI, i STELLA KATS AROU' , ADAMANTIOS sAMP SON^ and ELEFTHERIA DIMOU~ ' 9 Efestion Str., Athens 11 851, Greece Department of Mediterranean Studies, Universiq of the Aegean, 1 Dimokratias Av., Rhodes 85 100, Greece 3 Institute of Geological and Mineral Exploration (IGm), 70 Mesogion Av., Athens 11 527, Greece

The petrographic analysis of a small ceramic sample from the volcanic island of Yiali, SE Aegean, has showed that obsidian occurs cw a deliberate inclusion in at Ieast one fabric group, possibly to provide the vessel with some functional advantage. The volcanic characteristics of most fabrics match the geological background of Yiali, which suggests that this small island hosted ceramic production with additional clays importedfiom the outside.


BACKGROUND TO THE SITE where this joins with the isthmus (Fig. la-A), and on the coastal area to the East and North (Fig. 1a:B-F), but they is a small island in the , SE Aegean are the result of a variety of volcanic episodes. 11, and has a total area of about 6 km2.It is situated Yiali obsidian is not black and clear (Buchholtz and Nios and consists of Althaus 1982), like the material from Melos, Cyclades, whose use extended throughout the Aegean and mainland Greece during the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. On the lapilli of Pleistocene contrary, it contains a lot of white spots (spherulites) because of its high degree of hydration after its extrusion, flows of relatively which gave it a spotty texture. Spot bity varies, but alakis 1993; Stiros even when low, it makes the material unsuitable for chipping tools, since Yiali obsidian breaks wily and does not form good edges. The presence of numerous obsidian chips of Melian origin on Yidi implies that the and was occupied during the late 5th and the Neolithic settlers imported the raw material from the .C. (Late Aegean Neolithic II), at a stage when Cyclades in addition to the use of their own rock. It was nember of island sites increased throughout the noticed recently that some obsidian of clear glassy quality and black colm does exist in the form of lithic clasts inside the thick pumice deposit of the southern half of half of the island, as indicated by Yiali, but whether it was accessible and exploited by the of surface ammics and lithic tools on the Neolithic population remains to be established. southern massive peak (Fig. la:2) and its (Fig. la:3,4). However, apart Yiali Neolithic pottery buildiug of stone foundations (Fig. la:5), walls, no other structures exist in this vast Yiali Neolithic wares are gene* coarse with plain cupation mainly comprised of appearance. The surface, in most cmes, is left unslipped materials. Two Neolithic sites were also and unburnished or is lightly polished (ca. 85%). Only in the NE half and the southmost promontory of fewer instances is the surface budshed or covered with (Fig. la:6,7), again without any building thick red or brown clayish slips (Fig. 2b) or a dark red pigment. Applied decoration is also rare (ca. IS%), while painted patterns do not exist (Sampson 1988, 75-102). Surface pigments seem to have been applied when the pot had dried, as both macroscopic and microwopic examination show a clear border between the pigment layer and the body of tbe pot. These pigments are then polished or bdshed by rubbing with a pebble or bane object. Pots seem to have been fired in open fires at low a,b), mainly in the valley temperature (700-800 degrees), as suggested by the S. Katsmou et al. microscopic examination of the fabrics, discussed below. fabrics, and is constituted mainly by pumice, perlite and The shape repertory consists of a variety of about 60 obsidian. Distinguishing between all these fine volcanic forms (Sampson 1988, 161-163), most of which are open glass grains has not been easy in the cases when size was (33 in total), while broad-mouthed and closed shapes very small and structure was unclear. When size has made occur more rarely. Open shapes mainly consist of bowls such identification possible, particles of a vesicular and dishes of variable form and size, but also of structure have been attributed to pumice, particles of fruitstands, baking pans, ladles, and large basins with perlitic fluidal texture and glassy groundmass have been perforations along the rim ('cheese-pots'). Broad- and identified as perlitic liparites, and the clear glassy grains narrow-mouthed vases are mainly deep, with thick-walled of angular shape as obsidian. Feldspars are also present, oval bodies ending in convex or straight out-curving as well as quartz of variable frequency between the necks. All shapes are of domestic character: open forms samples. point to 'table ware', jars probably have served as The coarse fraction includes mainly fragments of containers for storage and transportation of foodstuffs, volcanic material, such as dacite-andesite, pumice, while some medium-sized vases of globular body and obsidian, as well as pyroxene, plagioclase, quark,. rounded base are likely to have been cooking vessels. isolated phenocrysts and hornblende. Their different/ The scarcity of architectural evidence and the distribution in the fabric suggests six compositional; disintegration of the dietary remains due to an acid groups in addition to another of a non-volcanic ori& j environment makes the pottery of Yiali our main (Fig. 2-3, Table 1): interpretative tool for understanding the site. When macroscopic examination of some Yiali sherds revealed I. Dacite-Andesite Fabric that obsidian was an occasional inclusion, a programme of It is dominant among Yiali fabrics (samples 6,9,19,21, petrographic analysis has commenced, addressing a 25,30; Fig. 2a). It contains coarse fragments of number of questions: whether this was a deliberate choice &cite-andesite with abundant phenocrysts by the potters and, secondly, what might have been plagioclase, pyroxene, rarely hornblende considered that were the practical needs and pottery microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline groun traditions guiding this technological preference. More Discrete phenocrysts of the same type or parts o broadly the presence of local rocks and clays in the fabrics also occur in the fabric, as occasionally do pumice suggests the existence of a local ceramic industry, and is a (samples 2,7,10,12). Particles differ considerabl good example of adaptation and flexibility regarding the indicating low sorting of the clays. There is no limits set by the local geology. Ultimately it may provide that the coarse inclusions were deliberately se information on whether the Neolithic population was serve as temper, but it seems that they consi permanently occupying the island. some soil with which the basic matrix was tempered. Thin sections from 37 ceramic samples from various shapes in which this fabric occurs are open bowls, shapes of pots were examined under a polarising handled deep pots and broad-mouthed deep jars. microscope, in order to characterize the rocks and minerals included in the clay fabrics. 2. Mixed Volcanic Fabric Most samples (17 pieces) were collected on the Fragments of pumice outnumber the &cite-ande plateau of the SW half of the island (Fig. la:2), in the fragments (samples 1,3,8,14,15,20,26,27,34, course of a systematic survey which occurred in 1998. 2b). Some obsidian particles are observable, th Some samples (9 pieces) come from the excavation of small quantities. All fragments differ considerably m two Neolithic buildings (Fig. la:4,5) and from a survey All sampled pots belong to open shapes. collection (4 samples) (Fig. la:3). Finally a small number of samples (5 pieces) was collected at the SW side of the 3. Microclystalline Fabric island's neck (Fig. 1a:l). Also sampled and examined by Pumice and dacite-andesite hgments pred thin section were two local sediments, the so-called isolated discrete quartzite, plagioclase Palaeosols, which are found on top of the large pumice (samples 11, 22, 23, 24, 35; Fig. 2c). P deposit of the SW part (2 samples), to check their relation considerably in size. Fragments of pumice and with the clays. andesite are very few or totally absent. Shapes are open, and one pot is a distinctive cooking vessel.

YZALI CLAY FABRICS 4. Sorted Andesite Fabric It contains andesite grains of the same structure as Seven compositional groups were identified on the basis above fabrics, but in unirnodal size and well of the type, size and frequency of inclusions. The (samples 16, 31). This suggests that the grains petrographic examination of the clays have showed that selected by sieving out of some soil, and then obsidian occurs both in the fine (<0.1 mm) and the coarse temper to a claymass of distinct phenocysts and (0.1-2.00 mm) fraction. grains, very similar to the above unsorted fabrics. The fine hction is more or less the same in six of the of sampled pots are not diagnostic. Obsidian as Temper in the Neolithic Potteryfiom Yali, Greece

No Form Surface OUTIIN Fi Core Fabric Area Burnish Slip cond open bowl BuElu SVSl Mixed Br-G Mixed Volcanic Plateau Base Mixed Br-G Dacite-Andesite Plateau open bowl Mixed 1. Br Mixed Volcanic Plateau Broad-mouthed, Mixed Br OBSIDIAN Plateau necked Deep open bowl d Brld. Br Reduc OBSIDIAN Plateau Deepcup Br-GBr-G Reduc Dacite-Andesite Plateau Broad-mouthed, GIG Reduc Dacite-Andesite Plateau necked Phiale un/W Mixed Mixed Volcanic Plateau Broad-mouthed, UdSl Oxid Dacite-Andesite Plateau necked Deep broad- GA. Br Reduc Dacite-Andesite Plateau mouthed open Br-WOr-R Mixed Microcrystalline Plateau Broad-mouthed, Br-Wd. Br Mixed Dacite-Andesite Plateau necked Base GiR Pollpol umn Mixed G-R Mne Grained Glass Plateau Base BriR Un/Pol umn Mixed G Mixed Volcanic Plateau open R/R PoYPol SVSl Reduc G Mixed Volcanic Plateau Closed? Wh(salt)iR umn umn Oxid R Sorted Andesite Plateau Sediment Lower Palaeosol Plateau Sediment Upper Palaeosol Plateau Closed? umn umn Mixed Dacfte-Andesite NB2-Cem 1 open PoYPol SUSl Mixed Mixed Volcanic NB2-Cem Open bowl umn umn Reduc Dacite-Andesite NB2-Cem !-- Open bowl Povpol Pigmn?gm Mixed Microcrystalline NB2-Cem open PoYPol SUSl Mixed Microcrystalline NB2-Cem open umn UdSl Oxid Microcrystalline NBZ-Cem open bowl umn SlipAJn Mixed Dacite-Andesite NB2-Cem Broad-mouthed, umn umn Mixed Mixed Volcanic NB2-Cem necked Deep open bowl R/R-Br Mixed Br Mixed Volcanic Cem Base, closed? 1. R/Br Mixed G Microcrystalline Cem Closed? R/Br Oxid Red OBSIDIAN Cem Closed? L. BrA. Br Mixed d G Dacite-Andesite Cem Closed? R/Br Oxid 1. Br Sorted Andesite Neck Base, closed? WOr-R Oxid R Sandstone Neck Closed? R/R Oxid R OBSIDIAN Neck Closed? R/Br Mixed Br Mixed Volcanic Neck Cooking-pot 1. BrA. Br Mixed d Br Microcrystalline Neck Closed? BrlBr Mixed d. G OBSIDIAN Plateau open bowl Br/Br Mixed d Br Mixed Volcanic NB1

Table 1 Fabrics. Br=Braun, Bu=Burnished, Cem=Cemetery, d,=deep, G=Grey, 1. =light, NB1 or NB2=Neolithic Building I or 2, Or=Orange, Oxid=Oxidised, Pol=Polished, R=Red, Reduc=Reduced, Sl=Slipped, Un=Unpolished or IUnslipped, W=Washed, Wh= Whittish 5. Obsidian Fabric relatively narrow mouthed; sample 5 comes fiom an open .+ It contains coarse obsidian grains within pumice and deep bowl with straight walls, while the rest sherds (29, perlite glass, while dacite-andesite fragments, and 33, 36) are of a non-diagnosic shape, but belong to vases phenocrysts, mostly feldspars, are few or absent (sample with untreated inner surface. 4,5,29,33,36; Fig. 3). The frequency of obsidian grains : is very high compared to the other fabrics described 6. Fine Grained Volcanic Glass Fabric above, which makes this fabric very distinguishable, and On the contrary to the above fabrics consisting of coarse indicates that obsidian on its own was a deliberate grains, this fabric contains very rare coarse particles tempering choice. These obsidian grains, however, can be (sample 13). The presence of obsidian here is high, along interpreted either to indicate the use of Melian obsidian or with the presence of perlitic glass, feldspars and quartz. the use of a local source without spherulites. One such The few coarse grains come from the same rocks and source has been recently located (see above), and minerals with the fine fraction. It seems that this fabric is concerns obsidian crops included inside the lower pumice the result of a well-sieved clay mass, probably produced : 1 deposit. Future research by trace element analysis is by the mixing of a very fine plastic material and some expected to provide consistent information on the local, well-sorted soil temper. It is notable that this Mnk provenance of this obsidian. Concerning the pots these also bears evidence for tempering with some @C sherds belong to, both open and closed vases have been material, perhaps plant fibres. The sample belong to a observed: sample 4 comes fiom the neck of a deep bowl, firuitstand base. S. Katsmou et al.

7. Sandstone Fabric exist on the island and had to be carried from an 'outside' It is of non-volcanic composition, totally distinct to the source. One major question concerns the provenance of rest fabrics, and evidently imported to Yiali. (sample 32). the clay matrix. The surface and core colour of the It is made of sedimentary materials, dominated by coarse samples (red, dark grey) are due to iron-rich clays fired in fragments of microsandstone and flint, within a clay oxidizing and reducing atmospheres. However, there is no matrix of argillaceous minerals with no evident relation to source of such argillaceous material on the island of Yiali, the clay of the above fabrics. The shape is not diagnostic. and the only possible sources of local plastic material that Apart fiom tempering choices, thin section the potters might have used would not have produced examination has also helped in the definition of other such colours. Taking into account that the fine fiaction of , major fields regarding the technology of the pottery the fabrics points to the use of local soils, it is rather 1 production, such as surface treatment and firing possible that clay mixing had occurred between local ! conditions. Concerning materials used for surface clays and a clay of non-Yiali origin. For this reason we i treatment (about 250 pm), we observed two main groups: have sampled and examined in thin section two local red slips comprising a fine clay-rich layer, with similar sediments, the so-called Upper and Lower Palaeosol, petrographical characteristics with the fine fraction of the which seem to be the only local sources of plastic fabrics (Fig. 2b), and a thick (30 pm) dark red pigment, material available, and present close resemblance to the fine grained, which seems to have been applied after the clay fabrics examined. vessel had dried, according to the well defined limits The Palaeosols (Sampson 1988) overlie the huge between pigment and clay core. As for the vitrification pumice deposit at the height up to 120 m., in the SW half degree, the micromass is mostly optically active, which of the island (Fig. 4a). They are up to 0,50 m. deep or less suggests that firing temperature did not exceed 700 to 800 and alternate with a later pumice layer - the 'upper 0C. Most samples indicate a mixed atmosphere, while pumice' -, as well as with thin epiclastic, shallow marine reducing and oxidising conditions are rarer. and aeolian pumice deposits, and with a calcareous sandstone sediment (Stiros and Vougioukalakis 1996), 1 of which cover the lower, currently quarried, pumice CLAY AND NCLUSION PROVENANCE deposit of the SW half. A full stratigraphy is preserved in the middle of the plateau, while towards the slopes to the The petrographic examination of Yiali fabrics have west and the east these Palaeosols are exposed to showed that a limited range of rocks and minerals was surface due to intense erosion. used, which are mainly compatible with an origin on the Lower Palaeosol (red) and Upper Palaeosol (greeni island. However, the geology of and as well brown) consist of the same pyroclastic materials as that of the surrounding islands is also volcanic, and has produced the upper pumice deposit lying betwe been affected by the same volcanic episodes that (Stiros and Vougioukalakis 1996). Some degr produced Yiali pumice deposits and obsidian-perlitic processes (oxidation, weathering etc.) must domes. In fact, Nisyros has rocks of all stages of volcanic increased their content in clay minerals, also inc glass, such as dacites-andesites, rhyolites and thick their plasticity. However their content in clay min pumice deposits from several Pleistocene eruptions, the still low compared to the proportion of volcanic same that had covered Yiali, but has no obsidian. It (pumice, perlitic liparites and obsidian) and to the should be noticed that dacito-andesites, which often occur microcrystalline dacite-andesite particles and iso in Yiali fabrics, do not exist on Yiali, unless within a phenocrysts, making the use of a complementary c local soil sediment (see inza), while in Nisyros they material necessery for the local potters, occupy extensive areas of deposition. This rock is also However, between the upper and deeper Palaeosol dominant on the islet of Aghios Antonios, off the east Yiali there is an obvious difference of texture, in t shore of Yiali. In addition the geology of Yiali seems to grain size and proportion of each mineral group be in close relation with that of western Kos, which is groundmass. The Upper Palaeosol (Fig. 4b,c) is occupied by tuffs resting on Neogene limestones. clay minerals, being overwhelmed by vesicular Kelepertsis and Reeves (1987/88), who have studied the perlitic glass and angular obsidian particles. Som trace element composition of these rocks, give a full phenocrysts are also present, mainly green h petrographic description of these tuffs (calc-alkaline high- which is responsible for the greenish-brown colour K dacite-andesites, rhyolites, pumice, perlite), indicating soil. This sediment is loose and of low pl not only their close relation to Yiali tuffs, but also that fibrous crystals of sericites and illites are they have similar petrographic characteristics, possibly The Lower Palaeosol (Fig. 4d) is, on the 0th owing to the same volcanic origin. more plastic and compact, because of a higher Within this attempt to identify the raw materials in the clay minerals, probably originating fiom the d Yali fabrics as local or imported, we have observed the of glass. Pumice and obsidian grains ar presence of certain materials of definitely non-Yiali compared to the Upper Palaeosol, while in this origin. Indeed Yiali pottery production would not have there exist fragments of dacito-andesite r been possible if it was only limited to local materials, microcrystalline structure. Pyroxenes and hornblende because some of the basic pottery constituents did not frequent to few, which explains why this sediment Obsidian as Temper in the Neolithic Yali, Greece

red to red-brown colour, instead of greenish. The material geological resources. None of the Palaeosols however has s&cient plasticity to be called a 'clay-bed'. The seem to serve as the unique source for Yiali clays, but petrographic characteristics of the clays compared to the both occur in addition to clays and pigments of non-Yiali features of Lower Palaeosol (plasticity, similarities of origin. It is equally possible that, apart from the rocks and minerals) point towards the use of this soil in Palaeosols of the SW part, some other places on Yiali the local ceramic industry. The association between this have provided early potters with clay materials. No doubt Palaeosol sediment and Yiali pottery has also been that the examination of more samples from Yiali, but also confirmed by the application of magnetic susceptibility to Kos, Nisyros and the surrounding islets will help us a broad ceramic sample from Yiali (Sampson and Liritzis understand how short-distance distribution of raw 1998, 103, fig. 10). materials occurred within the islands. It should be noticed however that in the NE half of Most fabrics do not seem to have been subject to any Yiali there is another possible source for plastic material: special sorting or deliberate tempering of some particular it is a formation of grey fall-out perlitic ash of different rock, as suggested by the variation of the size and type of geological date and chemical composition in comparison inclusions. The Fine Grained Volcanic Glass Fabric with the SW sediments. This material is worthy of note provide the sole evidence on persistent levigation of clays as, when mixed with water, it the compactness and to produce a thin grained fabric. Dacite-Andesite Fabric plasticity of clay. On account of this property it is and Obsidian Fabric are based on the mixture of the same quarried today and used as an ingredient in cement. The clays as the other local fabrics, but were subject to mer possibility that the local ceramic industry took advantage tempering with the addition of hgments of one certain of this material as soil-temper in a pure clay base should rock (dacite-andesite and obsidian respectively), probably not be excluded, although, the low-firing choices of Yiali deliberately crushed and sorted to a consistent sue. industry, around 700-800 OC, would have left such a Obsidian, in particular, is part of the fine &action when it material unbaked. belongs to the local clayish material (Palaeosol or other) Looking for the possible provenance for the iron-rich mixed with the clay base. In the Obsidian Fabric though Yiali fabrics' plastic base, we regard nearby Kos as a it belongs to the coarse fraction; its even distribution and probable source, since this island is rich in clay deposits consistent sue suggest that it is a deliberate inclusion and has a long pottery tradition (Kantzia 1994). (smashed or or sieved), pointing to an intentional Sediments of marls and marly limestones of Late technological choice by the potter. One could argue that Miocene-Pliocene and Pleistocene age occupy the central the obsidian temper has a specific functional advantage and western part of Kos (Kelepertsis and Reeves 1987188, for the pot, but what this is (improves wall strength or 444 and fig. 2). This is the reason why pottery workshops temperature resistance), it is not easy to answer yet. were established in the area of Kardamaina (central-south Obsidian temper exists in a range of vessels from Melos Kos) and Kephalos (west Kos) since antiquity. Local and Crete since at least the EBA (Vaughan 1989), but in pottery worksops have been active until late '70s, while a these cases, it does not indicate any specific functional 1 modem industry of tiles still exploits the same material. value. On the opposite, Nisyros disposes of no argile, and The local production of pottery points to a permanent '1 according to local information never were there any occupation, if not year-round, certainly of a long while. 1 pottery workshops on the island (Sampson 1997,245). The shape repertoire on the other hand testifies to a broad i variety of big- and medium-sized vessels, and to a huge volume of ceramic material in use. Such a volume and DISCUSSION such a quantity could not have been carried by boat from the opposite coasts, and therefore point to a local industry Based on the above data we come to the following taking care of the domestic needs, as detected by the interpretation scheme: subsistence strategy of the settlers. As a conclusion, the The number of seven fabrics out of 37 samples is an production of ceramics at Yiali is an 'internal' activity, indication that fabric variability at Yiali is not low. during which the potter is probably collecting the raw Although the word 'fabric' is used for a group presenting a materials out of an area in his immediate vicinity. This is relatively high degree of similarity (Whitbread 1986), an indicator of self-sufficiency. At the same time, the most of Yiali fabrics merge into one another, the same people depend on the outside, both in terms of raw differences in petrographic identity, grain size and materials, and finished products. The local population is distribution being rather small and not adequate to form therefore depending on a network of exchanges, orders well differentiated groups. The poor sorting of clays, the and intermediate people, through which the outside coarse and plain forms of vases also suggest that the materials and objects flow to the island to complement the natural materials were slightly manipulated by the potter local needs. The movement of ceramic raw materials or at Yiali. finished pots, along with the importation of other Yiali Palaeosols, especially the Lower Palaeosol, materials such as copper from Lavrion, obsidian from seem to be associated with the Neolithic fabrics of Yiali, Melos, millstones from the surrounding islands, suggest a indicating that a local ceramic industry existed on the network of contacts or a social sphere around the island's island and was taking advantage of the available natural limits, which broaden the island's small world and S. Katsa~auet al.

~~~~, p3%dww,M* v G., 1993, Vot~cstlag ideas and people come and go. evolution of Nisyros island, BJZh of SmOCI&yof Greece, 28,239-258. Vougioukslakis, G., in press, Geological mcqp 1:25000 scale: N&yr+osrmd neigbcming Isr Athens. The authors wish to thank the anosymaus reviewer for Vaughm, S. J., 1989, Petrographic analysis o substantial suggestions inysroving the clarity rmd Cycladic wares fimn Akrotiri, Them, in coherence of the arguments. Many thanks are also due to the Aegean World III, 99- 11 1. Dr. I. Whitbread and Dr. E. Kiriatzi, for giving Stella WhitW I. K., 1986, The char- Katsamu the opportunity to work parr of the samples at argillwious inclusions in ceramic thi the Fit& Laboratory, and to Dr. G. Vougioukalakis and Archaeomefry, 228,79-88. Dr. S. Chiotis, IGME, for discussing problem related to this article.


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Figure 2 Pottery shapes and thin sections o$ a. D acite Volcanic Fabric, sample 15, plane polarised nicols; Mia Obsidian as Temper in the Neolithic Potteryfrom Yali, Greece

d of Obsidian ;hbric, semi-cross pized nicols: a sample 4; b. sample 5; c. sample S. Katsarou et al.

Figure 4 a. Yiali, SWpart, view fiom the east: The stratigraphy of Upper Palaeosol (UP) and Laver Palaeosol (LP); b, c. Thin sections of Upper Palaeosol, plane polarised nicols; d. Thin section of Laver Palaeosol, plane polarised nicols.