By Raymond David Wheeler


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The following monograph on the "English Ancestry of Thomas Halsey of Southampton, Long Island " by Raymond David Wheeler was prepared in the last months of his life in 1994. Initially, it had been planned as an introductory chapter to a new edition of "Thomas Halsey of , and Southampton, Long Island 1591-1679 with his American Descendants to the Eighth and Ninth Generations" by Jacob Lafayette Halsey and Edmund Drake Halsey, published in 1895. This plan has not yet come into fruition, and it is felt that this analysis of the source material uncovered by researchers in England and America in the intervening years should be put in print. The references have been carefully annotated, but do not record all the material, gathered on the Halsey families in England, which did not seem to pertain to Thomas Halsey of Southampton. All of this material is available, and will eventually be given to the Suffolk County Historical Society library. Critics will say that there is too much speculation in this presentation, however, the conclusions proposed are based on the source material found to date. There are missing pieces to the puzzle of the ancestry of Thomas Halsey of Southampton, but they would only fill in a picture where other surrounding pieces fit neatly. Some of the bits of confirmatory information which future research may uncover are: documents giving an age to Thomas Halsey which correlate with the parish record of his birth; a birth record or age for Elizabeth Wheeler; a marriage record for Thomas Halsey and Elizabeth Wheeler; a shipping record of the departure for or arrival in New England of Thomas Halsey and family; evidence of the death of Thomas Halsey of the , and Naples; the origin of the Halsey als. Chambers family designation. Hugh Halsey II, M.D. Southampton, New York


By Raymond David Wheeler

The English ancestry of Thomas Halsey, an "undertaker" in the 1640 settlement of Southampton, Long Island, has long been associated with the parish of Great Gaddesden, Hertfordshire, England. Many think Thomas Halsey's ancestors actually lived at The Parsonage, Great Gaddesden, as espoused by the Halsey genealogy.1 Others with this perspective rely upon the Halsey sketch in Howell's history of Southampton.2 Both of these references assume that Thomas Halsey, the settler at Southampton, was a son of the family residing at The Parsonage, was a mercer of London, and sent a letter from Naples in 1621. Such is not the case. Thomas Halsey, the settler at Southampton was a farmer, not a mercer. Further, the autograph signatures of Thomas Halsey, the mercer, and Thomas Halsey, the settler, do not match. Moreover, Thomas Halsey, the mercer, was likely dead by 1633/4, when his brothers William and James were the only ones of that family granted arms. Over the past several years, the Thomas Halsey Family Association of Southampton has sponsored research to ascertain the origin of Thomas Halsey. Under its president. Dr. Hugh Halsey II of Southampton, arrangements were made through Mr. Nicholas G. Halsey of The Golden Parsonage to have the various records searched. Mrs. Pauline Sidell, B.A., D.A.A., of searched records pertaining to Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire at the County Record Offices and at the Public Record Office, London. Mrs. Sheila Holgate of Kempston, searched records at the Bedfordshire Record Office. Independently, I had already researched some of the Halseys at , then with access to the other research, assembled a manuscript on the overall Halsey family. This article on Thomas Halsey's ancestral line represents but a small segment of the Halsey family as it was centered at Great Gaddesden and neighboring parishes in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Buckinghamshire. Unless noted otherwise, dates for Hertfordshire parish registers were abstracted by Mrs. Sidell.

1 Jacob LaFayette Halsey and Edmund Drake Halsey, Thomas Halsey of Hertfordshire, England, and Southampton, Long Island, 1591-1679, With His American Descendants to the Eighth and Ninth Generations [1895]; hereinafter Halsey Fam. George R. Howell, The Early History of Southampton, Long Island, New York, with Genealogies, 2nd ed. [1887], 263; hereinafter Howell, Southampton. From the earliest records, entries for the Halsey family are found under Halsey alias Chambers. The two names, sometimes just one and occasionally the other, continued to define this family in Hertfordshire even after Thomas Halsey left to settle at Kempston, Beds., and subsequently. New England. It is generally agreed that Thomas Halsey, the settler of Southampton, went to New England in 1638, from Cranfield, Beds., where his last son was baptized, and from neighboring Kempston, Beds., where the rest of his children were baptized.3 On 28 April 1638, Thomas Halsey alias Chambers and his wife sold eleven acres of land at Kempston, which, that very day, were leased to Richard Halsey alias Chambers, yeoman, of Flamstead, Herts., son of Richard Halsey alias Chambers of Holtsmere End, Flamstead. Richard Halsey, senior, of Holtsmere End, Flamstead,4 and Thomas Halsey were named in the 3 April 1610 will of their father, Robert Halsey, who having lived at Holtsmere End, was of Picott's End, Hemel Hempstead at his death two weeks later. Robert Halsey of Holtsmere End was the son of Thomas Halsey according to the 12 January 1589/90 will of Thomas Halsey's brother Robert. The brothers Thomas and Robert Halsey were alive when Thomas Halsey of , Flamstead, named his brother Robert Halsey overseer of his 10 September 1573 will. Considering that the will of Thomas named his brother Robert, whose subsequent will named his brother Thomas, we appear to have found a family where two surviving sons were named Thomas. At Dunstable, Beds., about five miles from Markyate, there was a John Halsey alias Chambers, who named an eldest son Thomas, a younger son Thomas, and a son Robert, in his 2 April 1559 will.


1, JOHNC HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS was bom say 1498 and died at Dunstable, Beds., in 1559. He probably married more than once, having named two sets of surviving sons Thomas and John. His widow was AGNES. The key to this John being an ancestor is that two of his sons were named Thomas and one was named Robert. We show that the will of one Thomas Halsey named his brother Robert, whose will years later named his brother, Thomas Halsey, with no indication that he might be deceased. John Halsey alias Chambers made his will 2 April 1559, proved 23 October 1559: "... the second day of April in the yere of owr lorde god a m d lix I John Halsey als Chambers of Dunstaple in the Countie of Bedf yoman sicke in body but of pffiytte mynde & memory ... to be buried in the church of Seint Peters in Dunstaple... to Thomas Halsey my eldest sonne x\s whiche he hath in his handes ... to my sonne John Halsey the elder vi£ xiii? mid... to Thomas my yonger sonne xls ... to Agnes my Daughter v£ to be payed at the daye of her mariage ... to my daughter Albrights childeme xxs to be equally devyded amongst them ... to evry of my godchildeme iiiU... to Rycbard Halsey my sonne the howse called the kytchyn upon the Sowthe side of the howse that I

J Herbert F. Seversmith, "Pre-American Ancestries XV. Thomas Halsey of Southampton, LL" The American Genealogist, 26[Jul. 1950], 216. hereinafter TAG. 4 Along with siblings Robert, Ann, and Joan. nowe dwelle in wythall the howses & lofles adioyning to the same upon the west side to the northende of the malthowse except the shope next unto the kytchyn... to the same Rycherd a loffle called the Crawe Loffle wyth free egresse & regresse in & to all the sed howses to cary & recary wythout lette troble vexacon or evicon of any pson or psones payng to Robt my sonne at thende of that aprentiship vii£ xiiis mid the residew of all my landes & rents ... to Agnes my wyfe ... after her decease to Rycherd & Thomas the younger my sonnes... payng at the entre into the same to John Halsey the younger & James my sonnes v£ a pece ... yf it fortune ... Rycherd to dye without issue of his body lawfully begotton then I wyll that his pte of the sead landes & rents to destende & come to my sonne John the younger ... yf it fortune the sead Thomas to die without issue of his body lawfully begotton then his parte to destende & come to James my sonne ... yf it happen the sead John & James or ether of them... dye wthout issue ... I wyll that the pte or ptes of them or either of them so dying to remaine & come to John Halsey thelder & Robt my sonnes ... the residewe ... to Agnes my wyfe ... my sole executrix and John Horton over seer ...." [witness] Rogr beton Thomas Fynoge" [codicil] ... "witnesses By mi George Livirsey Thomas Fynoge John Horton Willm Thorpe and Thomas Fostr".5 Children by probable firstwife , surname Halsey alias Chambers: 6 2. i. THOMAS8, b. say 1522. 7 ii. JOHN, b. say 1525; m. at Flamstead, 28 Mar. 1548 [or 1549], an unknown wife: Children at Flamstead, surname Halsey alias Chambers: 1. Thomas, b. say 1550. 2. Richard, b. say 1552.8 3. Amis, bp. 3 Jul. 1554, is perhaps a dau.;9 m. 13 Nov. 1575, Edward Slowe. 4. Alice, bp. 16 Oct 1557.10 iii. dau., b. say 1530, d. say 1555; m. say 1552, ALBRIGHT.11 Children by probable second wife, surname Halsey alias Chambers: 12 iv. THOMAS, b. say 1537, bur. at Flamstead, Herts., 14 Sep. 1573; m. say 1561, ANNIS . In his will, Thomas mentioned Michael Alley alias Cooke, as did the will of Thomas Halsey's brother Robert. Michael, a son of John and Isabel ( ) Alley alias Cooke, bora about 1570, was a brother of Ellen, who married Robert Halsey, No. 3. Thomas Halsey of Markyate, husbandman, made his will 10 Sep. 1573, proved 25 May 1574: "... I Thomas Haulsey of market in ... pishe of Flamsted ... hartfrd husbandman the tenth day of September in the fifteenth yere of the raigne of our souvraigne ladye Elizabeth beinge sicke in bodye but of good & pfect remebrance ... to be buryed in the churchyard of Flamstead ... to my sonnes Robert Thomas Richard & John fyve shepe a pece to be also presentiye delivered to my brother Robert Haulsey my overseer to the uses & behase of my sayd iiii er sonnes ... to my two daughters Elizabeth & Alee fyve shepe a pece to be also psentlye delivered to my brother Robte Haulsey to there uses & behose ... two bease ii bullocks to be equallye devided amongst all my forenamed sayd children to be prsentlye delivered to my brother Robte Haulsey ... to Elizabeth my daughter a good Cawdeme two platters a payre of shets one of flaxe & an other of towe ... to Alee my daughter two platters one flezen shete an other of towe ... to my iiii er

Transcribed by R. D. Wheeler fromphotocop y © by Beds. Rec. Off., File ABP/W 1559/172. "eldest son" "the elder, my son" These two are perhaps sons, named in Robert's 1589/90 will.. Parent not listed "dau. of John Hasye" "dau. Albright's children'* "younger son... without issue" sonnes ... a payre of shets a pece ... to Thomas Portcys my godfather one bushell of wheate to Michael Coke als Alee an ewe ... to Jane Cartwrigbt a lamb ... rest of my goods unbequeathed ... to Agnis my wyfe ... sole executrix of this my last will & testament conditionallye to bringe up my sayd children well & honestlye Finallye I make & constitute my dere beloved brother Robte haulsey ovrseer of this my last will & testament whom I geve for his paynes twelve pence These beinge witnesses John Munne William Bygge."13 Children at Flamstead, surname Halsey. 1. Robert, bp. 20 Dec. 1562.M 2. Elizabeth, bp. 16 Jul. 1564. 3. Thomas, b. say 1566. 4. Richard, b. say 1568. 5. Alice, b. say 1570. 6. John, bp. 24 May 1573. v. Richard, b. say 1539.15 16 vi. AGNES, b. say 1541; perhaps m. say 1561, WHITE, if she is the sister named in the 1589/90 will of Robert Halsey of Flamstead. 17 vii. ROBERT, b. say 1543, bur. at Flamstead. 13 Jan. 1589/90; m. at Flamstead, 28 Jul. 1586 JOAN BONN,18 who m. (2) at Flamstead, 16 Nov. 1690, Thomas Carpenter. Robert Halsey, yeoman, of Flamstead, made his will 12 Jan. 1589/90, proved at London, 26 Jan. 1589/90: "... the twelvethe day of January, Anno Domiini A thousand Fyve hundred Eightie Nyne, in the twoe and thirtith yere of the Raigne of our sovergne Ladye, Elizabethe, of England, France and Ireland Quene. Deffender of the Faithe etc., I Robert Halsey of Flamsted, in the Countie of Herthford, yeoman, beinge sicke on bodie but whole in mynde, in good and perfectremembrance, ... to Michael Alee Fiflie shillinges of englishe money ... within halfe a yere after my Decease. ... to Robert Buckmaster Fiflie shillings to be payed hym within one yere after my Decease.... to Nicholas Buckmaster 205- to be paide him within one yeare after my decease.... Richard Halsey, the sonne of John Hallsey, fortie shillings ... within one yeare after my decease. ... to Agnes Ellis, my servante, Fyve shillinges. ... to Robert Porters wife three shillings and Fower pence. ... to Freances Hall, my Servante, three shillinges and Fower pence. ... to Thomas Halsey, the sonne of John Halsey, three poundes.... to Gilbert Halsey the money that he oweth me.... to every one of my godchildren Fower pence that will come and Demande the same of myne Executor. ... to Robert Halsey, the sonne of Thomas Halsey, Five poundes to be paied hym within halfe a yere after my Decease, ... to Johane, my wife, ... all my Freehoulde Lande for tearme of twelve yeres from the Feate of Sayncte Michell next after my decease, uppon consideration to see my children well brought up and after the sayed tearme to remayne to the heyers of my bodie begottoen etc. And for lack of such heyers to remayne to Robert Halsey, my cosin19 Sonne of Thomas Halsey my brother and to his heyers. ... to Anne, my Daughter, Fortie poundes of englishe money, whereof twentie poundes to be payed her so soone as she shall come to the age of sixteene yeres, the other twentie poundes to be payed her so soone as she shall come to the age of eighteene yeres. ... to Anne, my Daughter, a silver spoone. ... to the Childe now in my wives wombe, twentie poundes, to be payed to the same childe at the age of eighteene yeres. ... the table and Frame Cupboard, benches in the hall, the iron or backe Transcribed by R. D. Wheeler from photocopy © by Cambs. Rec. OIF. [Huntingdon], Ardideaconry of Huntingdon Wills, v. 14,226. This Robert is too young to be the one who married in 1577 and live at Holtsmere End, Flamstead. "my son... without issue" Unmarried daughter. "my son... serving apprenticeship" Robert's brother in law Thomas Burme; parish register has Joan Buy. Means nephew. before the Stocke, the beste spitt, the Cobyrons and paynted cloathe in the hall shall remayne to ye heyer of my Lande that shall enioye the same. ... to Agnes Whitte, my Sister, twentie shillinges.... to Thomas Bunne, my brother in Lawe, Fortie shillinges. The residue of my goodes ... to Joane my wife, ... my sole Executrix ... my cosin Robert, Holsomer end to be overseer to this my will and he to have for his laboure, three shillinges and Fower pence. Witnesseth George Payse, John Payse. Robert Halsey mark."20 Children at Flamstead, surname Halsey: 1. Ann, bp. 13 Oct. 1586. 2. Alice, bp. 25 Jan. 1589/90. viii. JOHN, b. say 1545.21 ix. JAMES, b. say 1547.22

2. THOMAS8 HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS (John0) was bom say 1522,23 and buried at Hemel Hempstead, Herts., 5 February 1593/4.24 He married say 1543, MARGARET , bom say 1523, and buried at Hemel Hempstead, 13 January 1601/2.25 Thomas Halsey is recorded in connection with several land transactions. On 15 November 1550, Thomas Halsey, husbandman, bought a cottage with curtilage and two acres three rods of arrable land adjoining in Bircheley Field, Great Gaddesden from Richard Pare of Enesham, Oxon., son and heir of Richard Pare of Great Gaddesden, gent., deceased; among the witnesses were Robert Halsey, William Halsey, and William Halsey the younger, son of Robert Halsey;26 the younger William Halsey was the one later called, "of the Wood". On 1 April 1560, Thomas Halsey was admitted to [half?] an acre of land in Barmar Field, Manor of Great Gaddesden, on the surrender of Thomas Clarke.27 On 13 April 1563, Thomas Hawseye was admitted to two and a half acres of land in the Manor of Great Gaddesden called Wadlockes Wycke following the surrender of Henry Hawseye, by the hand of Richard Knight in the presence of William Hawseye, Senior.28 On 31 May 1574, Thomas Halsey and wife Margaret were admitted to a messuage and seventy seven acres of land29 in the Manor of Great Gaddesden, upon the surrender of Thomas Halsey alias Chambers, by the hand of William Halsey of the Wood in the presence of Gilbert Wells.30 On 10 May 1591, Margaret Halsey alias Chambers on the surrender of her husband Thomas Halsey alias Chambers, by the hands of John Munn, in the presence of Thomas Welles of Coznor, was admitted to the cottage called Goberdes and two closes of arrable land belonging to the said cottage, containing three acres, and one parcell of land called

20 Will transcribed by Pauline Sidell from PROB 11/75 [4 Drury]. 21 "the younger, my son... without issue" 22 "my son" 23 There were several contemporary Thomas Halseys bom about the same time as this Thomas Halsey. One, a son of the William Halsey who was granted the Parsonage, bom say 1520, was of Berkhamstead; his mother named his children in her 28 August 1557 will: Fridswid, Ellen, William, Thomas, and Anne; they were subsequently also named in the son William's 1601 will. Another, bom in 1521, died in May 1544, unmarried. Another, bom between 1528 and 1542, did have a brother Robert, and nothing more is known of them, but that Thomas was too young to have children starting in 1544. 24 "Thomas Halsey als. Chambers of Townsend" 23 "Margaret Halsey, widow" 24 These are the Halseys of the Parsonage. Herts. Rec. Off., File 12710. 27 Herts. Rec. Off., File 12719; document damaged. " Herts. Rec. Off., File 12720. 29 Unnamed. 30 Herts. Rec. Off, File 12727. Wadlokes containing two and one half acres of land in the Manor of Great Gaddesden.31 Also on 10 May 1591, William Halsey was admitted to this same land on the surrender of Margaret Halsey alias Chambers, wife of Thomas Halsey alias Chambers.32 Thomas Halsey alias Chambers, yeoman, of Hemel Hempstead, made his will 16 November 1592, proved 28 May 1594: "... the xvi th dale of november in the xxxiiii th yere of the reigne of or most gracious soveraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god quene of england and France and Ireland defender of the faythe, I Thomas Halsie alias Chambers of the pishe of Hemel Hamstead in the County of herts yeoman do ordaine and make this my psnte testament conteyninge herein my last will... my bodie to be buried in the church or the churchyard of hemel hamsted aforesaid ... do give ... unto the poore people of hemel hamsted aforesaid xs to be distributed by myne executors ... to the poore people of great Gaddesden... xs... in like mam.... to the poore people of Flamsted xs to be distributed in lik maner. ... unto Margaret my weelbeloved weif all my frehold land conteyninge by estimacon seven acres and ahalf of land and beinge in the pyshe of great Gaddesden aforesaid to have and to hold the said seven acres and ahalf ofland unto the said Margaret duringe her naturall lif And after the deathe of the said Margareet... unto Thomas Halsey als Chambers my godson the sonne of Willm Halsey alias Chambers my sonne ... upon condicon that he do suffer the aforesaid Willm Halsey als Chambers his father to have and occupie the same duringe the naturall lif of the said Willm. ... to my childrens children six pounds thertene shillings & foure pence of lawfull money of England to be paid unto them by myne exequeter hereunder named within one yere next after my decease and equallie to be devided betwixte them All the rest of my goods ... unto the aforesaid Margaret my welbeioved wyf ... my faythfull exequetrix ... I do ... make the aforesaid Willm Halsey alias Chambers and Thomas Halsey alias Chambers my sonnes my Supervisors and thei to have for their paines taking in that behalf tene shillings apece ... witnesses hereunto Christopher Besouth and John Besouth the writer. "33 Margaret Halsey, widow, made her will 4 January 1601/2, proved 15 January 1601/2: "... The Fourth day of January... 1601. I Margaret Halsey of the parishe of heme[l Hempstead] in the countie of hertf widow sick in bodie but of good and perfect memorie ..., doe make and ordaine this my last [will] and testament in manner and forme followinge,... Item I doe give and bequeath unto [the] poor people of the parish of hemelhemsted aforesaid Twentie shillings of lawfull money on england, to be paid unto them at ye day of my buriall [.] ... unto Thomas my sonne and my daughter Ellin, all my gownes [and] coates, to be distributed .... Item I doe give unto Thomas my sonne my great brasse pott to be delivered unto him withinthe above day next after my decease. Item I doe give unto Annis Saunters my best bedsted... linen... that is to say a fetherbed, a bolster, two pillowes, one paire of blanketts ... coverlet and amattris. Also I doe give unto the said Annis Saunters my biggest chest save one, and all that is therein, and also a Bason ... two pewter Candlestickes and a brasse pan ... to be delivered unto hir within seaven dayes also next after my decease. Item I doe give unto my daughter Eeles ... cupboard hanging in the shoppe, to be delivered unto hir within seaven dayes also next after my decease. The residue of my goodes and movables unbequeathed my dettes being paid and my fimerall expenses discharged I give and bequeath unto Willm Eeles of my sonne in law whom I doe make my sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witnes whereof I the said Margaret have here unto sett my hand the day and yeare abovewritten. ye marke of ye said Margaret Halsey Witness hereunto John Besouth Thomas Halsey Thomas Gladman."34

31 Herts. Rec. Off., File 12745. 52 Herts. Rec. Off., File 12744. 33 Transcribed by R. D. Wheeler from photocopy © by Lines. Archives Off, LCC wills 1594 ii 139v,. 34 Transcribed by R. D. Wheeler from photocopy © by Herts. Rec. Off, File 2 HW 88. That neither will named all their sons or other children can be determined by the situation of Gilbert Halsey. The baptism of Gilbert Halsey was recorded at Flamstead, 22 January 1553/4 as a son of "Thomas Hasye and Margerie". There being no other Thomas and Margaret ( ) Halsey at Flamstead, Gilbert had to be a son of this couple. Moreover, the 26 January 1589/90 will of Thomas Halsey's brother Robert also mentioned,35 "to Gilbert Halsey the money that he oweth me". Gilbert Halsey was alive at the time of his father's will, baptisms of his children being recorded as late as 1596. Considering that both Thomas and Margaret named their son Thomas Halsey in their wills, it is significant that Robert Halsey of Holtsmerend was named not only in the will of his uncle Robert, but in the 3 April 1605 will of Thomas Alley alias Cooke, whose sister Ellen was the wife of Robert Halsey of Holtsmerend. The will36 referred to Robert and Thomas Halsey as "brethem" in law, strongly suggesting that Thomas was the brother of Robert, who was indeed the brother in law of Thomas Alley alias Cooke. Children at Flamstead, surname Halsey alias Chambers: 37 i. ANNE'*, b. say 1544, was perhaps a Halsey of this family, bur. at Great Gaddesden, 20 Feb. 1587/8; m. say 1562, WILLIAM HALSEY alias CHAMBERS, "of the wood", son of Robert38 and Anne ( ) Halsey, b. say 1537, bur. 6 Jan 1597/8. William Halsey of Great Gaddesden, yeoman, made his will 28 Dec. 1597, proved 18 Jan. 1597/8: "... I geve to my sonne Willam Halsye ... to Willyam his weife ... I geve to Willm my sonne iiii Acres in Gaddesden feild being lease land ... I geve to my sonne Edward ... to Timothi Halsey my sonne ... to John Hallsey my sonne ... and fifty pounds of money ... to Willm Halsey sonne unto my sonne Robert... to Marye and Martha my sonne Robert his daughters ... to Anna the daughter of my sonne Edward ... to Edward halsey sonne of my sonne Edward ... to each of the children of John Bowman that married my daughter Anne ... to Allen Battman ... to Timothies sonne ... Reste of my goods ... to Robert Halsey my sonne ... sole executor and Robert Halsey of Flamstead and Willm Halsey of Gaddesden de townsend to be my overseers as my trust is in them ... Witnesses Willm Lillingston, Robert Halsey, Willm Halsey ...39 Children at Great Gaddesden surname Halsey alias Chambers: 1. Robert, bp. 26 Aug. 1563, bur. 31 Mar. 1638; m. Anne . 2. Anne, bp. 30 Sep. 1564; m. John Bowman. 3. William, bp. 20 Feb. 1565/6, bur. [-] Dec. 1628; m. 11 Feb. 1604/5, Anne Knight. 4. Jerome, bp. 12 Sep. 1568, bur. 26 Sep. 1569. 5. Edward, bp. 3 Jan. 1569/70, bur. 5 Aug. 1616; m. 10 Feb. 1594/5, Agnes Halsey. 6. Timothy, bp. 20 May 1571. 7. John, bp. 1 Feb. 1573/4. 8. Amy, bp. 17 Feb. 1578/9.40 9. Rebecca, bp. 11 Oct. 1584, bur. 17 Nov. 1584. 41 ii. WILLIAM, b. say 1546, bur. at Great Gaddesden, Herts., 10 Dec. 1622; m. at Great Gaddesden, 16 December 1574, ALICE ( ) RINGSALL, a widow, bur. at Great Gaddesden, 22 Feb. 1627/8. It was this William Halsey of the Town End, named

35 In addition to his brother Thomas Halsey's son, Robert Halsey of Holtsmere End, Flamstead. * Herts. Rec. Off., File 2 HW 180. That Anne was of this family is suggested by her husband naming Robert Halsey of Flamstead and William Halsey of the Town End, Great Gaddesden, as overseers of his will, a position often reserved for siblings of the spouse. William's father Robert was an uncle of the Robert Halsey of The Parsonage, discussed in the appendix. Transcribed by R D. Wheeler from photocopy © by Herts. Rec. Off., File 1 HW 163; this original will has autographs of the witnesses, matching those of Anne's brothers, Robert of Flamstead, and William of the Townsend, Great Gaddesden. 40 dau. of William Halsie" may be of this family. 41 "William Halsey de Townsend, householder" as an overseer of the will of the William Halsey above and also served as overseer of Robert Halsey of Flamstead, No. 3. William Halsey, yeoman, of Towns end. Great Gaddesden, made his will 2 August 1622: "... the Second Daye of august Anno Dei 1622 I William Halsey of Townsend in the pishe of Great Gaddesden & county of hertff yeoman beinge in good health of bodye & pfect remembrance ... to be buried att the descretion of my executor hereafter named ... unto alike my wife all my lynnen & Apreware two cofers wch shee brought wth her. One broade Tyll, all my peuter. Two of my best kettles & the best pottage pott. Also I give unto my said wife the use of the bedsted wherein I usually lye wthall the furniture and bedding thereunto belonginge duringe the longe tyme shee shall remayne unmanyed and after her marriage or decease wch shall first happen then to remayne to my sonne William during his life, and after his decease to remayne to Mordacai my sonne & his heires as a standard unto the said house Also I give unto my said wife one presse standinge in the loft over the hall, fower cushions & a wicker chaire, Also I give unto my said wife the use of my Bedstead standing in my house att townend wherin I was wont to lye during her widdowhood and afterwardes to remayne a standard unto the said house and further my mind & will is that my said wife shall duringe her widdowhood have hould and enioye... in my house att Townsend, the loft wherein I did use to lye, A little loft att the Chymneys end, the necessary use of the fire & firewood the oevn kitchen, & other thinges necessary in the same house th free libtie of Ingress & egress & regresse therunto att all tymes, ... duringe her widdowhood besides her thirde there ... unto Joshua Halsey my sonne twenty shillings ... unto Margaret Sowthen my daughter two & fiftye shillinges of Lawfull English money yerly duringe he life to be paide her quarterly ... unto Judeth my daughter twenty shillings ... unto Sara Younge my daughter Twenty shillings ... unto William Halsey my sonne All my moveables Couwe Cattell & haye whatsoever in or about my house called Wights & the lande therunto belonginge... to the ... Three sonnes of Ralph Feild vis- viiid a pece ... unto evrye of the children of my daughter Margaret Sowthen vis viiid a pece ... to the daughter of Judeth Brydon my daughter vis viiid... to the three daughters of Thomas Halsey my sonne vis- viiid a pece ... to my said sonne Thomas Halsey all my goods chattells wood & timber whatsoever ungiven in & about my house called Townsend, and also I give him the maltmyll furnace & bedstead over the hall there to remayne standarde to the same house ... to the poore people of Great Gaddesden xxs to be distributed amongst them the daye of my buryall... the rest of my goods ... unto Mordecai Halsey my sonne ... my sole executor ... further my mind & will is that my said wife shall duringe her widdowhood have the chamber wherein I now use to lye in my house called Wights & necessary use of the kitchen fire ... over & other thinges necessary besides her thirds if shee will there dwell & continew ... in the prine [presence] of Strmry Hailoor, Robart Halsey. Wyllm Hallsey."42 Children at Great Gaddesden, surname Halsey: 1. Thomas, b. say 1575, bur. 9 Apr. 1655; m. 1 Nov. 1598, Margaret Saunders. 2. Margaret, b. say 1577; m. 21 Nov. 1598, John Sowthen. 3. Anne, b. say 1580; m. 18 Jan. 1607/8, Ralph Field. 4. William, bp. 5 Aug. 1582, d. at Chesham, Bucks., 1652; unm. 5. Mordecai, bp. 7 Jun. 1584, will 10 Jan. 1646/7. 6. Joshua, bp. 17 Apr. 1586, d. at Chesham, Bucks., 1653; m. Katherine . 7. Judith, b. say 1588; m. 28 Dec. 1620, Benajah Brydon. 8. Sarah, bp. 27 Dec. 1591; m. 1 Jul. 1622, John Young.

Transcribed by R D. Wheeler from photocopy © by Herts. Rec. Off, File 54 HW 84 43 iii. THOMAS, bp. 10 Jul. 1548, bur. 10 Nov. 1632; m. (1) at Flamstead, 12 Nov. 1573, KATHERINE MUNN; m. (2) there, 4 Dec. 1580, KATHERINE PAYSE, dau. of John and Katherine ( ) Payse. The 19 May 1596 will of John Payse of Flamstead mentioned his daughter Katherine, wife of Thomas Halsey alias Chambers.44 The inventory of the estate of Thomas Halsey of Church End, Flamstead, was appraised 13 Nov, 1632, by Nicholas Kilbey and William Burchmore; exhibited 19 Nov. 1632 at ; mentions Richard Halsey, yeoman, also of Flamstead.45 Children by first wife at Flamstead, surname Halsey alias Chambers: 1. Friswith, bp. 22 Jan. 1574/5. I.Ann, bur. 30 May 1580. Children by second wife at Flamstead, surname Halsey alias Chambers: 3, Margaret, bp. 24 Aug. 1582; m. 26 Apr. 1602, Christopher Kentish. 4. Ellen, bp. 20 Apr. 1585; m. 18 Jul. 1603, William Batcheler. 5. Joan, bp. 8 Nov. 1587, bur. 7 Dec. 1587. 6. Thomas, bp. 29 Oct. 1588. 7. William, bp. 18 Nov. 1590. 8. Katherine, bp. 15 Feb. 1592/3; m. 21 Feb. 1613/4, Henry Hayward. 9. Richard, bp. 8 Dec. 1594. 10. John, bp. 5 Oct. 1595, bur. at Hemel Hempstead, 7 Apr. 1599. 11. John, bp. 18 Nov. 1599;. m. 1 May 1622, Elizabeth Robins. 12. Joan, bp. 27 Sep. 1601. 13. George, bp. 27 Sep. 1607. 3. iv. ROBERT, b. say 1552. v. GILBERT, bp. 22 Jan. 1553/4;46 m. 3 Jul. 1580, ELLEN (CHAPPELL) ANCELL, dau. of Thomas Chappell, bp. 30 Nov. 1577, wid. of William. Children, first three at Caddington, Beds., others at Flamstead, surname Halsey alias Chambers: 1. Mary, bp. 26 Jan. 1583.47 2. Agnes, bp. 21 Jun. 1584.48 3. Thomas, bp. 23 Oct. 1586.49 4. Elizabeth, bp. 10 May 1589. 5. dau., bp. 8 Jun. 1594. 6. Joan, bp. 2 Jul. 1596. vi. dau., b. say 1556; m. say 1574, WILLIAM EELES, of Aldenham, Herts, vii. AMY, b. say 1561; m. 21 Jun. 1579, ROBERT SANDERS. Children [incomplete] surname Sanders: 1. Annis, b. say 1581, is perhaps a dau., named in Margaret's will as "Annis Saunters".

0 3. ROBERT4 HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS {Thomas*, John ) was bom say 1552, and buried at Flamstead, Herts., 18 April 1610. He married at Flamstead, 28 July 1577, ELLEN ALLEY 50 ALIAS COOKE, daughter of John and Isabel ( ) Alley alias Cooke, born say 1559. Robert Halsey was of Holtsmere End, Flamstead, very close to the parishes of Redboum and Hemel Hempstead, where he was living, when he made his will, and where he died, he being taken to Flamstead for burial. At Flamstead, he was a churchwarden, his autograph attesting to the Bishop's Transcript of the parish registers in 1604.51 Robert Halsey of Hemel Hempstead, Herts., made his will 3 April 1610: "... I Robert Halsy, alias Chambers of Hemelhemsted in the county of Hartford yeoman beeing sick in Bodie, but yet of good & perfect memorie, ... to be buried in the churchyard at Flamsted Itm I

43 Thomas Chambers" 44 Herts. Rec. Off., File 2 HW 33. 4i Abs. by Pauline Sidell of Herts. Rec. Off, File H22/592. 46 Son of Thomas Hasye and Margerie" 47 Letter, 26 Dec. 1984, from Effingham Humphrey of Haverford, Pa., to Dr. Hugh Halsey, abs. of Beds. PR, v. 25, A2. • Ibid. Ibid. Thomas Alley alias Cooke, son of John and Isabel ( ) Alley alias Cooke, bom at Flamstead, say 1555, named as overseers of his will, his "bretheren" in law Thomas Halsey and Robert Halsey Herts, Rec. Off. File, 2 HW 180. 51 Bishops Transcripts of Parish Registers, Archdeaconry of Huntingdon, Division, Flamstead, Fain. Hist Ctr., Film 056719 10

give unto my wife Ellen Halsy my standing bedsteed I used to lye in at Holtsmer End, Itm I give her all the napery wch is mine being therein & in my now dwelling house, and all my bedding coverlids & the appertinances in my now dwelling house, as also all my Kittles, barrells, trayes, peulter & all other my goods in my now dwelling house, except too standing bedsteeds, and a trundlebedd, the long table & the frame in the hall, a forme belonging theirto, too troughes in the buttery & all the shelves & benches, a wheelbarrow, the bucket & things belonging to the well, the new hovell & all the glass all wch things excepted I give unto Thomas Halsy my sonne. As also except too brass potts, the newest wheirof I give unto Joane Seagrave my daughter, and the other to Robert my sonn. Itm I give unto my sayd wife all my sheepe, Itm I give unto Joane Seagraves a yong bullock now in her Keeping, Itm I give unto my daughter Ann Halsie one of my beastes Itm I give & bequeath unto Thomas Halsy my son & his heires forever all that my messuage & tenement wherin I now dwell in at Picketesend wth a close therunto adioyning all other the appertinances, by estimation 3 acres be it more or less provided that yf my sayd sonn dye wthout issue of his body lawfully begotten, before he come to the age of one & twenty yeares, then my will & pleasure is that Robert Halsy my sonne, & his heires for ever, have & inioye to them the sayd tenement & land wth the appurtenances, & my will and pleasure is that Richard my sonne shall lett the sayd house & land & receive the rent for the same, untyll my son Thomas his apprentiship be come forth, paying then unto my sonn Thomas the sayd rent. Itm I give unto my wife Ellen all my wheate in the bame at Holtsmerend, Itm I give unto my daughter Ann my bedsteed, and all the bedding we left therion in my parlour, at Holtsmerend, and a press in an upper chamber over the hall. All the residue of my goods & chatties unbequethed, I give unto Richard my sonn whom I ordaine full executor of this my will, and I desyre to be overseare of this my will William Halsy of the Townend in Great Gadsden: In witnes wheirof I the sayd Robert have sett my hand and scale this third of April, in the eight yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Jeames by the grace of god, of England, France & Ireland King, defender of the faythe etc, and of Scotland the three and Fortieth. 1610. Robert Halsey [SEAL], Witnesses hereunto Josiah Martyn & William Roife, Robert T Smith his mark of Tagsend in Flamsted".32

The inventory of all goods and chattells of Robert Halsey of Piccotfs End in the parish of Hem­ el Hempstead, yeoman, was taken and appraised on 12 April 1610 by Wm Halsey of Townsend in Great Gaddesden, Wm. Gladman, Wm. Rolfe of Picott's End, and Richard Bunn of Eastbrokkhaye, amounted to £43 8s xd, with autographs of Willm Hallsey, Richard Bunn, William Gladman, and William Rolfe.53 No record is found for the burial or remarriage of Ellen. Perhaps she relocated to the vicinity of Cranfield, Beds., where Robert, Ann, and Thomas Halsey, presumably her children, married Wheelers from at least two different families there.54

51 Transcribed by R. D. Wheeler from photocopy ® by Herts. Rec. Off., File 54 HW 10; additional transcription by Pauline Sidell a Ibid. There was a family named Cooke at Cranfield, but we find no connection. At Cranfield and Kempston, there were members of the Knight family, a name prevalent about Flamstead, but again no connection has been found. The only possible connection we have located is the Tumey family. By 1610, the mother of Ellen's daughter-in-law, Katherine, wife of Ellen's eldest son Richard, remarried. Katherine's mother, Elizabeth (Payse) Alley alias Cooke, married into the Tumey family after her husband Thomas Alley alias Cooke died in 1605. If her husband was Thomas Tumey, some of whose children settled at Hemel Hempstead, then we have a connection of sorts, because Thomas Tumey's son Benjamin would marry at Salford, Beds., in 11

Children at Flamstead, surname Halsey alias Chambers: i. RICHARD1, bp. 25 May 1578, d.y. + 4. ii. Richard, bp. 5 Feb. 1579/80. 55 iii. ROBERT, bp. 7 Jan. 1581/2, bur. 29 Mar. 1627; prob. m. at Cranfield, Beds., 5 May 1613, ANN WHEELER,56 prob. dau. of Thomas Wheeler, of Bourne End, Cranfield, b. say 1595, and d. before her father made his will in 1627, which did not name her. This marriage was on the same day that Thomas Wheeler married Robert's sister Ann. iv. JOAN, bp. 26 Apr. 1584; m. 27 Jul. 1601, THOMAS SEAGRAVE, evidently son of John and Jane (White) Seagrave, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 23 Feb. 1579.57 Thomas Seagrave of Hemel Hempstead was dead by 1662, when Edward Seagrave petitioned. The damaged document did not reveal any other data of genealogical value.58 v. EDWARD, bp. 17 Jul. 1586, bur. 18 Aug. 1606. vi. WILLIAM, bp. 27 Apr. 1589, bur. 1 Jun. 1604. vii. ANN, bp. 30 May 1591,59 d. at Fairfield, Conn., in 1659;60 m. at Cranfield, Beds., 5 May 1613, THOMAS WHEELER,61 son of Thomas Wheeler, of Bourne End, Cranfield,62 b. say 1588, d. at Fairfield, Conn., in 1654.63 Ann Wheeler made her will 21 Aug. 1659, naming elder son Thomas, wife and children; Sarah and Hannah Bennett, among children of daughter Hannah; grandchild Sarah Sherwood; Annis Sherwood, wife of my son in law; Rebecca Tumey, best hat; Ann Squire, a petticoat; inventory 20 Oct 1659.64 Thomas Wheeler's will, 5 May 1654, proved 23 Aug. 1654, named wife Ann; elder son Thomas, property at Concord; daughter Sarah, wife of Thomas Sherwood, their son Thomas; unnamed daughter and four grandchildren, Mary, James, Thomas, and John Bennett; son John, lands at Fairfield; brother Lieutenant Thomas Wheeler, Robert Lockwood, and Andrew Ward, all of Fairfield, overseers; Ephraim Wheeler was one of the appraisers.65 Children at Cranfield, surname Wheeler: 1. Ann, bp. 30 Jan. 1613/4,66 bur. 16 Jul. 1615.67 I.Alice, bp. 15 Jun. 1616 • d. at Concord, Mass., 17 Mar. 1640/1.69 3. Ann, bp. 15 Feb. 1617/8 ;70 m. (1) James Bennett; m. (2) Joseph Middlebrook.71 4. Thomas, bp. 9 Apr. 1620 ,72 d. at Concord, Mass., 24 Dec. 1704;73 m. (1) Sarah Merriam; m. (2) Sarah (Beers) Steams. 5. Elizabeth, bp. 4 Nov. 1622 .74 6. John,

1630, Mary Odell, and later settle at Concord and Fairfield with the Wheelers. See note 182. 33 "Robert Halsey de Holsmer end" 34 Beds.PR,v.27,37. 37 IGI. 31 Herts. Rec. Off., File H23/2126. 39 PR abs. * Donald Lines Jacobus, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, 2 Vols. [Fairfield, Conn., 1930 - 1932], v. 1, 663; hereinafter Jacobus, Fairfield. 41 Beds. PR, v. 27,37. 42 For his descendants, see Raymond David Wlieeler, The Wheeler Genealogy, The Wheeler Family of Cranfield, Bedfordshire, Settlers of Colonial New England, [1993], v. 1. 43 Jacobus, Fairfield, v. 1, 662. 44 Ibid., 663. 43 Ibid., 662. 44 Beds. PR, v. 27, 2. 47 Beds. PR, v. 27,61. " Beds. PR, v. 27,3. 49 Concord, Massachusetts. Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1635 -1850,3; hereinafter VR. 70 Beds. PR, v. 27,3. 71 Jacobus, Fairfield, v. 1,662. n Beds. PR, v. 27,3. 73 VR,6Z. 12

bp. 27 Feb. 1624/5 ,75 d. at Fairfield, Conn., 1690; m. (1) Judith Tumey; m. (2) Elizabeth Rowland.76 7. Sarah, bp. 10 Aug. 1628;77 m. Thomas Sherwood.78 8. Susanna, bp. 4 Apr. 1630,79 may be of this family. + 5. viii. THOMAS, bp. 10 Mar. 1593/4.

4. RICHARD1 HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS (Robert, Thomas*, John0) was baptized at Flamstead, Herts., 25 February 1579/80, and buried there 9 September 1638. He married at Flamstead, 1 November 1601, KATHERINE ALLEY ALIAS COOKE,80 his cousin, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Payse) Alley alias Cooke, baptized at Flamstead, 28 July 1583. It seemed at first that this Richard Halsey alias Chambers, yeoman of Flamstead,


1600/1 autographed the deed at Kempston in 1638, however that turns out not to be the case. This Richard's autograph as a witness to the 1600/1 will of Robert Alley alias Cooke, differs from that at Kempston. The autograph at Kempston belongs to this Richard's son. Richard Halsey alias Chambers made his will 2 Sep. 1638, proved Wheathampstead, 28 Sep. 1638, requesting burial at Flamstead, naming eldest son Richard, daughter Elizabeth Rose, son John, son in law Jonathan Mun; son Daniel, fifty pounds, the first ten at Christmas and remainder the following Christmas; son Jeremy, fifty pounds to be paid all Saints Day 1641; daughter Susan, fifty pounds within three years of his death; daughter Mary fifty pounds within four years of his death; grandchildren George Rose and Daniel Rose, five shillings each; residue to wife Katherine, executrix; overseers brother Edward A Lea, Thomas Mun; witnesses Thomas Mun, Edward Lee.81 Children at Flamstead, surname Halsey alias Chambers: i. RICHARD2, b. say 1602, was alive when named in his father's 1638 will and when he witnessed documents through 1646, but we've been unable to locate his will or clear evidence of a family. On 28 April 1638, Richard Halsey alias Chambers, yeoman of Flamstead, Herts., placed his autograph signature on an agreement to lease land at Kempston, Beds.,82 which land was the same as that sold by Thomas Halsey alias Chambers of Kempston,83 on which sale Thomas Halsey placed his autograph signature.84 That signature matches autographs of Thomas Halsey on file at Southampton, L.I. Other than his father, this Richard Halsey alias Chambers was the only one at

14 Beds. PR, v. 27,3. 75 Beds. PR, v. 27,4. 16 Jacobus, Fairfield, v. 1,669. " Beds. PR, v. 27,4. " Jacobus, Fairfield, v. 1,663. * Beds. PR, v. 27,4. m "Richard Chambers of Holstner end and Katherin Le of Margate" ,l Abs. by Pauline Sidell, Herts. Rec. Off., File 55 HW 89. n Beds. Rec. Off. File PE 539. " Ibid. u Beds. Rec. Off. File SW 1. 13

Flamstead we know to be literate,85 for his autograph is extant there as a witness a number of times:86 We know that the autograph belongs to this Richard Halsey of Holtsmere End, because he was named an overseer to the 15 January 1638/9 will of Edward Alley alias Cooke, his mother's brother, and his autograph is on that will. The same Richard Halsey's autograph appears on the 21 September 1646 inventory of the estate of Robert Alley alias Cooke, whose will was dated 11 August 1636, proved 24 September 1646. The lease at Kempston was evidently made to accommodate Richard's brother ..ssjf^^g

15 January 1638/9

John, who married Mary Halsey at Flamstead, 12 October 1636, for on 21 October 1638, John Halsey had a son baptized at Kempston,87 and a daughter Mary on 24 August 1641.88 John and his wife returned to Herts., by 3 May 1644, when a daughter Katherine was baptized at Redboum, daughter of "John and Mary Halsey of Holtsmereend, Flamstead". A year after John Halsey's second child was bom at Kempston, Richard Halsey's daughter Esther was bp. there 5 Nov. 1642.89 On 14 June 1643, Richard Halsey was cited in Kempston Hardwick court for leaving a collection of dung in the highway leading to the church in the west part of the parish; he was fined 6d and ordered to remove it by 1 Aug.90 Subsequently we find no reference to Halseys at Kempston. Richard returned to Flamstead by 1646. ii. ROBERT, bp. 2 Jun. 1605, bur. 28 Mar. 1627. iii. ELIZABETH, bp. 18 Jan. 1606/7; m. say 1625, ROSE. iv. ANN, bp. 11 Jun. 1609; m. 30 Jan. 1632/3, JONATHAN MUNN. 91 v. JOHN, bp. 21 Apr. 1611 ; m. 12 Oct. 1636, MARY HALSEY. Children surname Halsey alias Chambers: 1. John, bp. at Kempston, Beds., 21 Oct. 1638,92 bur. at Flamstead, 25 Jul. 1644.93 2. Mary, bp. at Kempston. 24 Aug. 1641.94 3. Katherine, bp. at Redboum, Herts., 3 May 1644, dau. of John and Mary Halsey of Holtsmerend, Flamstead. 4. John, bp. at Flamstead, 3 May 1652. 5. Ann, bp. at Flamstead, 26 Nov. 1656. vi. DANIEL, bp. 14 Feb. 1612/3; m. 29 Jan. 1634/5, AGNES BUCKMASTER. vii. SUSANNA, bp. 23 Apr. 1615; m. 23 Oct. 1639, EDMUND STEVENS. viii. MARY, bp. 16 Mar. 1616/7. ix. JEREMY, bp. 9 May 1619. x. KATHERINE, bp. 4 Mar. 1620/21.

A contemporary Ricliard Halsey of Church End, made his mark, shaped like an open umbrella, when wiUiessing the inventory associated with the 5 January 1629/30 will of Isabel (Bray) Halsey. Herts. Rec. Off., File 55 HW 20. Tliere was yet another Richard Halsey at Flamstead, being of Markyate, whose son John, baptized 5 November 1620, was too young to have children in 1638. Beds. PR, v. 39, 10. Ibid. Ibid. Abs. by Sheila Holgate of Beds. Rec. Off., File PE 466/2, Membrane 24.. He was the right age to be the John Halsey who came to New England in 1635, age 24; if so he returned. Ibid. "s. of John and Mary", but abs. has under bp. Beds. PR, v. 39, 10. 14

0 5. (HON.) THOMAS1 HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS {Robert*, Thomas*, John ) was baptized at Flamstead, Herts., 10 March 1593/4,95 and died at Southampton, Long Island, New York, 27 August 1678.96 He married first, probably in the vicinity of Cranfield, Beds., say 1625, ELIZABETH WHEELER, daughter of John and Elizabeth ( ) Wheeler, bom at Cranfield, say 1599.97 Elizabeth was evidently the "good honest woman" killed by Pequot Indians at Southampton, for which four, including a great man called the Blue Sachem, were hanged at Hartford, after Wyandance, sachem of the Montauk, found they knew of the murder.98 Thomas Halsey married second at Southampton, 25 July 1660, ANN ( ) JOHNS, widow of Edward Johns.99 Conceivably, the Thomas Halsey of Kempston and Southampton, might be one of the other Thomas Halseys bom in the vicinity of Flamstead, Herts., because we are unable to ascertain the age of Thomas Halsey from his will or other documents located in the Southampton archives. Such a document or deed may yet be found. In the meantime we can consider other Thomas Halseys whose destinies or fates at Flamstead are unknown. Since Thomas Halsey's first child was baptized in 1626, we can estimate that he was bom by 1600. Since Thomas Halsey died in 1678, we can further estimate that his birth was after 1578. During this period, weVe found ten other Thomas Halseys. Seven of these are identified with other continuing families. We dont fully know what happened to the other three, but have no reason to think one of them may have been the settler at Southampton.100 From 1632 until he left Kempston in 1638, Thomas Halsey was mentioned on the court records of the manors of Kempston Greys alias Hastingbury and Kempston Hardwick.101 The two manors had been under the same ownership since 1580, and in 1632, William Cater, Sheriff of Bedfordshire [1630-1631], had them, until his death in 1634, when they passed to his youngest son Edward.102 n PRabs. ** Howell, Southampton, 263. " Will of John Wheeler, 18 Jan. 1642/3, Beds. Rec. Off, File ABP/W 1644-5/105; also TAG, 28[1952]:143; also The Wheeler Genealogy, v. 2, 2, named his second daughter, "Elizabeth Halsie"; autograph of her brother William Wheeler on his will, ABP/W 1667-8/146, is identical to the autograph of William Wheeler, who witnessed the 1638 deed of Thomas Halsey at Kempston). No record has been found of the marriage of Thomas Halsey to Elizabeth Wheeler in any of the obvious parish registers, nor in marriage indices, such as Boyd's, nor in the International Genealogical Index, Elizabeth was old enough to be a widow, in which case her maiden name at her next marriage would be unknown. Halsey, while usually easy to locate, occasionally bad clerical variants that border on different surnames, such as Else. * Lyon Gardiner, "Relation of the Pequot Warres" Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Third Series [Cambridge, 1833], v. 3, 157. Halsey Family (37) says that Thomas Halsey's first wife died in 1649, killed by two Pequot Indians. ** Howell, Southampton, 263. m For three, we've found no further record. Thomas, baptized at Caddington, Beds., 1 November 1582, son of William and Elizabeth (Lodge) Halsey alias Chambers, married Elizabeth Dearmer there on 16 April 1616; he was executor of his father's 29 September 1621 will; his brother Robert stayed at Kensworth, Herts; he had no sister Ann; he was old. Thomas, baptized at Caddington, Beds^ 23 October 1586, son of Gilbert and Ellen (Chappell) (Ancell) Halsey, had no siblings named Richard, Robert, or Ann; he was a cousin of uw Thomas Halsey profiled in this section; nothing has been found for any of this family after 1596. Thomas, baptized at , Herts., 25 July 1595, son of William and Joan ( ) Halsey, was not named in his father's 27 August 1638 will, the father having taken die family to Fleet Street, London by 16 November 1600, when the first of five children was baptized there. None of the three lias a profile which places him at an advantage over the one we have selected. 101 Letter from Sheila R. Holgate of Kempston, to Mr. Halsey, 18 June 1986, forwarded to Thomas Halsey Family Association of Southampton; Ms. Holgate searched twenty membranes of die rolls filed under Beds. Rec. Off, File PE 466/2. m The Victoria County History of the Counties of England, Bedfordshire, 3 Vols. [London, 1912, reprinted 1972], v. 3,301; 15

At the October 1632 manor court of Kempston Hardwick, "It is ordered that these orders for the field shall stand in force no longer than Mr. Snaggs tenants and Thomas Halsey do keep them."103 At the 19 September 1633 court for the Manor of Kempston Grays alias Hastingsbury, Thomas Halsey did not come to court and was finedon e shilling, being among the jurors, "who swore that on their oath that... Thomas Halsey ... are free tenants of this manor and at this day were in default, acknowledge the same and paid accordingly."104 In 1635, under the Manor of Kempston Hardwick, Thomas Halsey was finedtw o pence for not showing up to court. Under by laws, "Thomas Halsey and Wm Shepherd clerk ... were sworn in to the office of supervisors of the fieldsfo r the following year."105 In October 1636, Thomas Halsey was again in default and fined two pence at the manor court for Kempston Greys alias Hastingbury and in that same period: "1. Jurors present further that Thomas Halsey has ploughed up a certain piece of common lying next the north bridge next to the land of Martha Beadle wid or the wido of Matthew Beadle106 on the south and the aforesaid land, and he has converted it to his own use: fined 65 %d. 2. Jurors further present that Robert Dennys & Thomas Halsy have dug a certain pit at the lower end of the certain green called Lammas Baulk to the detriment of the road leading to the church and to the kings highway; therefore both are fined 12 pence each and are ordered to mend it before Christmas 1636 at the penalty of 10s each. 3. Jurors further present that Thomas Halsey has ploughed out beyond his limit and has made a "fosse" (ditch or hedge) on the way leading from the west part of the town at the church and also being a common passage way leading to the mill and the market place: fined Is and ordered to amend same before Christmas 1636 at the penalty of 135<" In May 1637, there was again a reference to Thomas Halsey, with regard to the preceding, but no decision was recorded.108 By 22 April 1638, Elizabeth and her husband evidently relocated to Cranfield, where their son Daniel was baptized that date. On 28 April 1638, "Thomas Halsey als. Chambers, Kempston, Bedfordshire, yeo." and Elizabeth Halsey, his wife" sold their eleven acres to Kempston Charities for £77. Among the witnesses were William Wheeler, Richard Mouse, and Richard Halsey. The autograph signature of Thomas Halsey matches that of Thomas Halsey at Southampton. That of


WS^.^^SApril 1638 k.->" x

hereinafter Victoria. Beds. Rec. Off., File PE 466/2, Membrane 13d, item 11; refers to regulations as to numbers of beasts, sheep, cattle, etc., allowed on the common field, together with fines for default 104 Beds. Rec. Off., File PE 466/2, Membrane 14. 105 Beds. Rec. Off, File PE 466/2, Membrane 15. l0* Matthew Bedels of wood End, yeoman, was buried at Kempston, 7 Dec. 1607. Beds. PR, v. 39,70. 107 Beds. Rec. Off, File PE 466/2, Membrane 16; transcribed and translated from the Latin original by Miss Bell, Beds. Co. Archivist. 101 Beds. Rec. Off, File PE 466/2, Membrane 18, damaged ~

William Wheeler, Elizabeth's brother, matches that on his will. Richard Mouse was the husband of Elizabeth's sister Ruth. On the same day there was a second conveyance by lease to "Richard Halsey, als. Chambers, Flamstead, Hertfordshire, yeo." witnesses among others by Thomas Halsey. The lands were in Ridgeway Field.109 The Ship Money Arrears List of 1637 for Kempston was noted, "Thomas Halsey gone into New England."110 Thomas Wheeler of Cranfield was also noted as having" gone into New England" in the 1637 list, the entries being inherent in the list and not annotated at a later date. Evidently Thomas Halsey and his brother-in-law Thomas Wheeler made a survey trip to New England in the fall of 1637, with at least Thomas Halsey returning early in 1638 before selling his land. Soon thereafter Thomas Halsey embarked for Lynn, Mass., where in that same year 1638, land was distributed:,"... Tho. Laughton, 60 acres & term; John Cooper, 200 acres & term; Allen Bread, 200 acres;.... Edward How, 200 acres & term; Tho, Seyars, 60 acres; Job Severs, 60 acres; [Henry?] Walton, 60 acres; ... Joosias Stansboughroh, 100 acres; Edmund Farrington, 200 acres;... Mr. Edward Howell, 500 acres; ... George Fair, 30 acres & term; Thomas Townsend, 60 acres; ... Richard Johnson, 30 acres;... Thomas Halsye, 100 acres; Samuel Bennitt, 20 acres ....".nl On 10 March 1639/40, arrangements were made at Lynn for the settlement of Southampton, and Thomas Halsey was added to the list: "Furthermore for as much as Allen Bread, Thomas Halsey & William Harker, Are by the Consent of the Company come into and pty vndertakers with us, we Edward Howell, Daniel How & Henry Walton have consigned three of our pts. that is to each man a howse lott, plantinge lott and farme answerable to the rest of the vndertakers for their disbursements of five pounds A man to vs the aboue said vndertakers."112


Agreement of the Undertakers

Thomas Halsey was one of those buying from the Indians on 13 December 1640, for sixteen coats already received, and three bushels of Indian com to be paid upon demand at the end of September 1641: "all the lands, woods, waters, water courses, easements, proffits & emoluments thence arisinge what soeuer, from the place comonly known by the place where the Indians hayle over their cannooes out of the North bay to the south side of the Island, from thence to possess all the lands lying eastward between the foresaid bounds by water, to wit, all the land pertaining to the parteyes aforesaid, as also all the old ground formerly planted lying eastward from the first creek at the westemore end of Shinecock plaine."113

Beds. Rec. Off., File, 5W1. Beds. Rec. Off., Ship Money Arrears List TW857[1637], 7. Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts Volume II1656 -1662, [Salem, Mass., 1912], v. 2,270. Henry P. Hedges, William S. Peletreau, Edward H. Foster, The First Book of Records of the Town of Southampton ... from 1639 to 1660... [1874], v. 1,2; hereinafter Hedges, Southampton. 17

For refusal to acknowledge his willful obstinacy, and hindering the quiet proceeding of the Southampton Court on 5 March 1646/7, Thomas Halsey was fined forty shillings, but on 3 March 1647/8, the court remitted his fine.114 He was marshal of Southampton, as noted on 5 December 1646, "Account taken of Thos. Halsey Marshall of a rate levyed on the Town of Southampton," and listing those delinquent.115 On 6 November 1648, "Mr. Richard Odell, Thomas Hallsey, and Henry Pierson" were chosen to survey the great plain and lay out lots. They were to be paid two pence per acre which was to be repaid by those to whom lots were granted, of whom "Thomas Halsey, Richard Wodhull, Henry Pierson, and Richard Barrett" were included.116 Thomas Halsey was on the list of townsmen dated 10 May 1649 and among the "perfect freemen"inhabitin g Southampton on 8 March 1649/50.117 Throughout his life at Southampton, Thomas Halsey was involved in town affairs and often a jury member. On 5 November 1652, he was one of the five chosen, "to see to and doe all towne affaires"118 and then on 25 April 1664, he was chosen deputy for Southampton to the Connecticut General Court at Hartford.119 Thomas Halsey of Southampton made his will 28 June 1677, proved March 1679, mentioning unnamed wife; son Thomas, house and home lot and other land; son Isaac, various lands; son Daniel, land; legacy to daughter Elizabeth, wife of Richard Howell. Witnesses were Richard Barrett and John Else; sons Isaac and Thomas were confirmed as executors on 8 July 1679.120 Children by firstwif e at Kempston, except last, surname Halsey: 121 i. THOMAS2, bp. 26 Nov. 1626, d. 1688; m. at Southampton, say 1651, MARY [prob. 122 BARRETT, his cousin, bp. at Cranfield, 7 Aug. 1631, dau. of Richard and Mary (Wheeler) Barrett], d. at Southampton, 20 Dec. 1699. m Children at Southampton, surname Halsey: 1. Mary, b. 29 Aug. 1654; m. 8 Nov. 1677, Matthew Howell. 2. Elizabeth, b. 15 Oct. 1655; m. Nathaniel Ruscoe.124 3. Josiah, b. 15 Feb. 1656/7; m. (1) 12 Sep. 1678, Sarah Topping; m. (2) Mary . 4. Sarah, b. 29 Oct. 1658; m. Joseph Moore.123 5. Isaac, b. 29 Aug. 1660; m. (1) 28 Nov. 1689, Abigail Howell; m. (2) Hannah (Reeves ) Stratum; m. (3) Mary (Shaw) Hudson. 6. David, b. 12 Apr. 1663; m. Hannah . 7. Hannah, b. 5 Feb. 1665; m. say 1689, Jonathan Howell.126 8. Jeremiah, b. 7 Sep. 1667; m.

IU Ibid., v. 1,13. "4 Ibid.,v. 1,39. 115 Ibid, v. 1,52. 1,6 Ibid., v. 1, 55. 117 Ibid, v. 1, 55, 56. "' Ibid, v. 1, 86. 119 Ibid., v. 2, 229. Another deputy at that court from Long Island, Richard Wodhull (Trumbull. Connecticut, v. 1, 425) had changed his autograph signature from Richard Odell to Richard Wodhull, after marrying Dorothy Howell; Southampton Town Records, v. I, 45; original doument dated 24 June 1647, lias autograph Odell; later autographs are Wodhull; their daughter Jemima married Thomas Halsey's son Daniel. 120 Collections of the New York Historical Society, [1893], v. 25, 49. 121 Beds. PR, v. 39, 8. 122 Beds. PR, v. 27, 5. 123 Unless noted otherwise, dates are from Halsey Fam., 39-41. w Elizabeth Ruscoe named in her father's will; see also Register, 71:114. See Effingham P. Humphrey, Jr., "Descendants of Edward Howell of Westbury Manor, Marsh Gibbon, Co. Buckingham and Southampton, Long Island, New York: The Genealogist, 5:14. 18

(1) say 1689, Ruth ; m. (2) Deborah . 9.. Jonathan, b. 22 Dec, 1669, d. before 1699. 10. Phebe, b. 29 Dec. 1671; m. 10 Sep. 1702, Hezekiah Howell. 11. Abigail, b, 19 Apr. 1673; m. Theophilus Howell. 12. Nathaniel, b. 1 Jun. 1675; m. 15 Dec. 1697, Anna Stansborough. 127 ii. JOHN, bp. 26 Dec. 1628. 128 129 iii. ROBERT, bp. 24 Oct. 1630 , bur. 28 Oct. 1630. 130 iv. ISAAC, bp. 18 Nov. 1632 , d. at Southampton, 31 Jan. 1725; m. say 1663, MARY 131 BARNES, dau. of Joshua Barnes. Children at Southampton, surname Halsey: 1. Isaac, b. ca. 1664; m. Phebe Howell. 2. Elizabeth, b. say 1666; m. (1) Edmund Howell; m. (2) Seth Brooks. 3. Joseph, b. 1668; m. Elizabeth Halsey. 4. Daniel, b. ca. 1670; m. Mary . 5. Joshua, b. 1674/5; m. Martha Willman. 6. Mary, b. say 1678; m. John Post 7. Thomas, b. say 1680. 8. Samuel, b. say 1682. 132 v. ELIZABETH, bp. 27 Sep. 1635; m. at Southampton, say 1654, RICHARD HOWELL, son of Edward and Frances (Paxton) Howell, bp. at Marsh Gibbon, Bucks., in 1629.133 Children at Southampton, surname Howell: 1. Elizabeth, b. say 1655; m. 18 Mar. 1673/4, Joseph Marshall. 2. David, b. say 1657; m. Mary Herrick. 3. Richard, b. say 1659; m. Sarah . 4. Isaac, b. 1663, d. by 1696. 5. Ruth, b. 17 Jun. 1669; m. 12 Apr. 1686, Jonah Bower. 6. Josiah, b. ca. 1674; m. Mary [prob. Johns]. 6. Hezekiah, b. ca. 1677; m. (1) 10 Sep. 1702, Phebe Halsey; m. (2) Maiy Smith, 134 vi. DANIEL, bp. at Cranfield, Beds., 22 Apr. 1638, d. at Southampton, L.I., N.Y., in 1682; m. say 1668, JEMIMA WODHULL, dau. of Richard and Dorothy (Howell) Wodhull, b. at Southampton, say 1646; she m. (2) 22 May 1683, John Larison.135 Children at Southampton, surname Halsey: 1. Daniel, b. 31 Aug. 1669; m. Amy Larison. 2. Jemima, b. say 1671; m. say 1689, John Roe. 3. Richard, b. say 1673, d. after 1712. 4. Elizabeth, b. say 1675; m. Joseph Halsey.

My thanks to Colonel Charles Hansen, U.S.A. (Ret.), F.A.S.G., for his assistance and helpful comments.

Hannah Howell was named in the will of her mother, who also named granddaughter Zerviah Howell, who was the dau., "Zerusah" in the 1698 census of Jonathan Howell's household. Beds. PR, v. 39,8. Ibid. Beds. PR, v. 39,72. Beds. PR, v. 39,9. SeeRegister, 123:81-90; see also Halsey Fam., for children, except that the Jemima listed tliere was not a dau. Beds. PR, v. 39,9. Refer to Genealogist, 5:9. Beds. PR, v. 27,6. Refer to Henry B. Hoff, The Descendants of Ricliard Woodliull" The Genealogist, 2:199, except that the Deborah suggested as a child was not named in the 7 Apr. 1692 settlement of Daniel Halsey's estate [Southampton Town Records, 5:282-3]. 19


That Thomas Halsey, the settler at Southampton, was not of the family of Robert Halsey and his wife Dorothy is evident from a reexamination of that family. In what follows, dates from the parish registers of Flamstead, Great Gaddesden, and Hemel Hempstead are from abstracts prepared by Mrs. Pauline Sidell. I have arranged the earlier generations based upon examination of the wills and other documents of the parties involved. Published pedigrees of the Halsey family trace the above Robert Halsey's ancestors to William Halsey alias Chambers, who came to have the Rectory of Great Gaddesden in 36 Henry VIII [1545], following Henry's dissolution of the monasteries.136 Twelve years earlier, 24 Henry VIH [1533], John Halsey, senior, surrendered a messuage and seventy nine acres of land at Great Gaddesden to William Halsey, senior.137 According to Halsey Family, John Halsey of the Parsonage, Great Gaddesden, was mentioned as the father of William Halsey alias Chambers in the lease of the Rectory, 20 March 1520, based upon Cussans' History.138 This turns out to be right. Moreover we have confirmed that a Richard Halsey was of Great Gaddesden when mentioned in a deed dated 16 July 1453. The earliest mention of Halsey that we have found at Great Gaddesden is 1424, when William Halsey received eighteen acres of land at Tags End.139

1. WILLIAM HALSEY was bom say 1395. In 1424 he received eighteen acres of land at Tagsend, Great Gaddesden, Herts, by surrender of John ?Athatche and Robert his son, fine 2s. In 1425, he received two more acres at Tagsend by the surrender of Richard Baron, fine 2d.140

2. RICHARD HALSEY was bom say 1420. He was mentioned in a 16 July 1453 deed of the Priory of , providing for the poor of Great Gaddesden.

3. JOHN HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS was born say 1455. He married say 1479. Children at Great Gaddesden, surname Halsey alias Chambers: + 4. i. WILLIAM, b. say 1480.

4. WILLIAM HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS (John) was born at Great Gaddesden, say 1480, and died there in 1546. He married first, say 1505, an unknown wife. He married second, say 1512, ALICE ,141

136 John Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland [London, 1847], 529. 137 Herts. Rec. Off., File 12673. °* Halsey Fam., 6 . •* Herts. Rec. Off. File 12673. '* Herts. Rec. Off, File 12673, Halsey property in Great Gaddesden. '•" Alice's will named no son Robert Since William Halsey leased the parsonage and bought it from King Henry VIII, while married to Alice, it may be presumed that her money was used in tins regard and that the heir to the property would be her 20

In 1520 and 1529-1530, William Halsey alias Chambers of Great Gaddesden leased the Rectory of Great Gaddesden and Great Gaddesden Parsonage from the Prior, Friars, and Preachers of Kings Langley.142 In 1533, William Halsey, senior, received for himself and his heirs, one messuage and seventy nine acres of land by reason of the surrender of John Halsey, senior, fine 26s, 4d.143 From a copy of a particular dated 4 December 1544, William Halsey alias Chambers wished to buy from the Crown, the Parsonage and property in Great Gaddesden, formerly in the possession of the Priory of Kings Langley.144 On 23 February 1544/5, William Halsey alias Chambers got a receipt from the Treasurer of Court of Augmentation, for payment for the Parsonage of Great Gaddesden, formerly in the possession of the Priory of Grey Friars in Kings Langley.145 On 12 March 1544/5, William Halsey alias Chambers received letters patent of King Henry VIII, confirming the sale of the Rectory and Church of Great Gaddesden, formerly the property of the Priory of the Friars Preachers of Kings Langley, with glebe, tithes, etc., and advowson of the Parish Church of Great Gaddesden.146 William Halsey alias Chambers of Great Gaddesden made his will 14 May 1546, proved 6 July 1546, naming daughters Isabel and Jane, unmarried; son Harry/Henry house at ; son Thomas; son William and wife Alice the parsonage of Great Gaddesden; if William die, parsonage to sons Robert and Henry; sons Robert Halsey and William Halsey, executors; overseer my brother in law John Knight alias Bayley; witnesses John Knight, William Chamber, Jr., and Henry Bayley.147 Alice Halsey made her will 28 August 1557, proved 2 December 1557, naming daughter Elizabeth Hay; sons Thomas Halsey, William Halsey, Harry Halsey, and William Halsey, the latter executor; John Hay and son Thomas Halsey, supervisors; witnesses. Sir John Yngworth, curat, Henry Knight, William Halsey, the elder, William Halsey of the Wood.148 Child by first wife at Great Gaddesden, surname Halsey alias Chambers: + 5, i. ROBERT, b. say 1506. Children by second wife at Great Gaddesden, surname Halsey alias Chambers: + 6. ii. WILLIAM, b. say 1514. iii. THOMAS, b. say 1520, bur. at Berkhampsted, Herts., 2 Dec, 1582. iv. HENRY, b. say 1526, d. at Caddington, Beds., in Mar. 1607/8.

eldest son. 142 Herts. Rec. Off., Files 14697,14557, 14558,14733. 143 Herts. Rec. Off, File 12673. 144 Herts. Rec. Off, File 12700. 145 Herts. Rec. Off, File 12702. 146 Herts. Rec. Off, File 14559. 147 Transcribed and abs. by R. D. Wlieeler fromphotocop y of Camb. Rec. Off, Huntingdon, v. 8, 48. Transcribed and abs. by R D. Wheeler from photocopy of Camb. Rec. Off, Huntingdon, v. 11, 134. She also named John, Thomas, Alice, and Bridget, children of Henry Halsey, Fridswid, Ellen, William, Thomas, and Anne, children of Thomas Halsey, Jane, Anne, William and Robert, children of William Halsey, William and Margaret, children of John Hay, Agnes Hay, William Halsey of the Wood, his brother Jeremie, and sisters Alice and Elsabeth; John White; Alyne Bats; Jeremie Capon; Thomas Smith; Agnes Halsey, daughter of Ricliard Halsey, Joane Deca?; Alice ; John Yngworth, curat of Great Gaddesden; Henry Glenysten; John Hay, James Halsey, Henry Halsey, Thomas Halsey and William Halsey, Jane Halsey and Ame Halsey; Thomas Halsey and Henry Halsey 21

v. ISABEL or ELIZABETH, b. say 1531; m. say 1551, JOHN HAYS. vi. JANE, b. say 1535, bur. 22 May 1567.

5. ROBERT HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS (William, John) was bora at Great Gaddesden, say 1506 and died there in 1551/2. He married, say 1528, ANNE . In 1546, Robert Halsey as son and heir of William Halsey after the death of the aforesaid William, Senior, received for himself and his heirs, one messuage and seventy nine acres of land, the fine being 265, 4d.149 On 24 January 1546/7, there was a grant of seisin by King Henry VIII to Robert Halsey alias Chambers on the death of his father William Halsey alias Chambers of the Rectory and Church of Great Gaddesden.150 Two months later, on 27 March 1547, there was a grant by Robert Halsey to William Halsey alias Chambers, his brother, of the rectory and church of Great Gaddesden to the use of William Halsey and his heirs male, with the remainder to the heirs of Robert Halsey and Henry Halsey.151 Robert Halsey made his will 20 January 1551/2, proved 9 March 1551/2, naming son Jeremy, house and lands at Great Brickhill, Bucks.; son William, heir; eldest daughter Alice; second daughter Anne; youngest daughter Isabel; wife Anne; my son William and my brother Thomas Halsey, executors; brother William Halsey, overseer; witnesses George Wells, John Wells, Raphe Day, Robert Childe, William Halsey, Henry Knight.152 Children at Great Gaddesden, surname Halsey alias Chambers: i. WILLIAM, b. say 1529, bur. 6 Jan. 1597/8; prob. m. say 1562, ANNE HALSEY.153 ii. ALICE, b. say 1532. iii. ANNE, b. say 1535. iv. JEREMIE, b. say 1540. v. ISABEL, b. say 1545.

6. WILLIAM HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS (William, John) was bom at Great Gaddesden, say 1514 and buried there 16 May 1596. He married say 1545, ANNE , who married second, 5 May 1600, Roger Bradwin. William Halsey, yeoman of Great Gaddesden, made his will 21 January 1594/5, proved 14 June 1596, naming son Robert and wife Anne, executrix, but not naming other children mentioned; witnesses Robert Halsey, William Lillingston, Thomas Wells, John Knight, and Richard Bellfield.154 Anne Bradwin made her will 13 September 1608, proved 16 August 1609, naming son Robert Halsey, son in law Thomas Wells; son William; son Thomas; son Philip Halsey, executor; son Robert Halsey and William Lillingston, overseers, and they witnessed the will.155

149 Herts. Rec. Off., File 12673. 130 Herts. Rec. Off., File 14561. 131 Herts. Rec. Off., File 12708. 131 Transcribed and abs. by R. D. Wlieeler from photocopy of Camb. Rec. Off., Huntingdon, v. 9,63. 153 See No. 2, i. in main text 134 Abs. by Pauline Sidell of Collection of Manorial and Family Papers, Herts. Rec. Off., File 14563; but will is not on file at Herts. Rec. Off. Transcribed and abs. by R. D. Wheeler from photocopy on file at Cambs. Rec. Off, Huntingdon. Also named son Robert's 22

Children at Great Gaddesden, surname Halsey alias Chambers: i. JANE, b. say 1546, bur. 22 May 1567. ii. ANNE, b. say 1548, bur. 25 Jul. 1566. iii. WILLIAM, b. say 1550,4 between 1557 and 1561, + 7. iv. ROBERT, b. say 1552. v. JOHN, b. say 1555, ds.p. 1633, at London. John Halsey made his will 25 Nov. 1633, proved 17 Dec. 1633, naming kinswomen Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Colledge, Mrs. Howe, Senior, and Mrs. Howe, Junior, all Widows ... kinswomen Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. George [sic, Griggs?]... Cousin William Halsey of the Parsonage, Gt Gaddesden ... Cousin Doctor James Halsey ... Edward Halsey, son of Testator's brother Robert." The Thomas Halsey cited in Halsey Fam., as mentioned in John's will was a son of John's brother, Thomas Halsey, Thomas Halsey, other son of brother Thomas". Halsey Fam. erroneously assumed this will to be that of Robert's son John, rather than his brother John, which is evident from "late brother Triamore."136 vi. JOAN, b. say 1559, bur. 10 Sep. 1562. vii. WILLIAM, bp. 20 Jul. 1561; m. (1) ANNE LILLINGSTON. viii. RALPH, bp. 7 Jul. 1563. ix. EDWARD, bp. 8 Nov. 1565. x. THOMAS, bp. 1 Nov. 1567; m. 1 Oct 1593, ALICE WELLS. xi. ANNE, bp. 8 Jan. 1569/70; m. THOMAS WELLS. xii. TREMOR, bp. 7 Nov, 1574. xiii. Pfflup, bp. 26 Dec. 1577.

7. ROBERT HALSEY (William, William, John) was bom at Great Gaddesden, Herts., say 1552 and buried there 12 October 1618. He married, say 1573, DOROTHY , bom say 1555, and buried at Great Gaddesden, 23 September 1620. Robert Halsey made his will 5 October 1618, proved 4 November 1618: "... the fine daye of October In the yeare of our Lord god 1618:1 Robt Halsey of tthe psonage of Great Gadsden in the County of Hartford beinge sick in Bodye, but in pfect memorye... mak this my Last will and Testamnt... Itm I doe give and bequeath unto Duncombe Halsey John Halsey James Halsey Thomas Halsey & Edward Halsey my sonnes & to Jane How Joan Carpenter Mary Collog Crosbye Sara Colledge Amy Barber Anne How and Dorothy Halsey my daughters unto each of them one gould Ringe of the value of tenn shillings Itm I give in lik maner unto eviyeone of my owne Brothers and Sisters a like Ringe of gould of the value of tenn shillings Item I will and bequeath unto eviye of my Sonnes And daughters Children the somme of vs ... unto all the men servants of my Sonne Willm Halsey ... unto the maid servants of my said sonne Willm Halsey ... AH the Rest of my Gods and Chatles unbequeathed I give unto Dorothy Halsey my wife who I doe make my whole and soell executryx And doe apoint Willm Halsey my sonne to be ovrseer of this my will to be pformed and I doe bequeath unto him for his paines ten shillings. In witnes whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seall the day and yeare above written. Robert Halsey [seal]. Signed and Sealed in the prsence of Willm Halsey, Tho: Moore".137

children, Joan Childe, Mary Halsey, Amy Halsey, Anis Halsey, Hester Halsey, Dorothy Halsey, and Sarah Scare; god daughter Anne Halsey, wife of William Halsey of Gaddesden; children of son in law Thomas Wells, Anne Wells, Joan Wells, and Jane Wells; son William's daughters Mary, Sarah, Judith, and Rebecca; Alice, wife of son Thomas, whose daughters are left unnamed. °* Abs. by Pauline Sidell, PRO: PROB 11/16. w Transcribed by R D. Wheeler fromphotocop y O by Herts. Rec. Off., File 54 HW 38; the autograph of Tho: Moore, minister of Great Gaddesden, appears on the will and the inventory.. 23

The inventory of the goods chattels & household stuff of Robert Halsey of the Parson­ age, made 20 October 1618 by Tho: Moore Minister, Wyllem Hallsey of Townesend, Robert Halsey of the Lane, & Faustine Knight amounted to a sum total of one hundred pounds, three shillings, and four pence.158 On 29 September 1620, Robert Halsey's other surviving children receipted in connection with payments made by Robert Halsey to Richard Howe of Caddington, Beds., and Robert Halsey of the Lane, Bolisdens, Great Gaddesden, in trust for William Halsey: Duncomb Halsey of London, mercer, James Halsey of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, M.A.; Thomas Halsey of London, mercer, Edward Halsey of Barking, Essex, tanner, Jane Howe of Chawlend, Caddington, Bucks, [sic], widow, late wife of Richard Howe; Joan Carpenter of Great Gaddesden, widow, late wife of Edmund Carpenter, clerk; John Crosbie of Windridge, Herts., gent, and Mary his wife, daughter of Robert Halsey; Ralph Collidge of Harrow Weald, Middx., gent, and Sarah, his wife, also a daughter of Robert Halsey; Thomas Baiber of Hornchurch, Essex, yeoman, and Amy his wife, another daughter of Robert Halsey, Nathaniel How of Wobum, Beds., draper, and Anne his wife, daughter of Robert Halsey.139 Dorothy Halsey made her will 19 September 1620, proved 25 October 1620. She mentioned daughter Joan Carpenter; son James Halsey; grandson Robert, son of her son William; granddaughter Dorothy, daughter of her son William; unnamed children and grandchildren; granddaughter Dorothy Scare; witnesses were John Crossbye and Frances Halsey. The inventory, exhibited 25 October 1620, was appraised by John Knight, Robert Halsey of the Lane, William Berches, and Thomas Knight.160 Children surname Halsey: i. JANE, b. say 1574; m. at Great Gaddesden, 7 Oct 1598, RICHARD HOWE. ii. WILLIAM, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 13 Jan. 1575/6,161 bur. there 25 Nov. 1637; m. LETTICE (STRINGER) WILLIAMS.

These arms were granted to William Halsey of Great Gaddesden Parsonage and his brother James Halsey, D.D., on 23 January 1633/4, sug­ gesting that their other brothers were dead by that date.

162 iii. DUNCOMBE, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 30 Nov. 1579, admin, at London in 1627/8; m. say 1614, ELLEN . 1

Ibid. Abstract by Pauline Sidell of Herts. Rec. Off., File 12790. Abstract by Pauline Sidell of Herts. Rec. Off., File 34 HW 69. Son of "Robert Halsey de Flampstcd" Son of Robert Hasy de Flampsted" 24

164 v. MARY, bp. at Flamstead, 16 Nov. 1582; m. at Great Gaddesden, 26 Sep. 1614, JOHN CROSBY. 165 VI SARAH, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 27 Aug. 1584; m. (1) at London, St. Maiy Magdalene, 31 Jan. 1604, EDWARD SAYRE.166 vn AMY, b. say 1586; m. at Great Gaddesden, 2 Aug. 1608, THOMAS BARBER ALIAS GRIGG.167 168 vm ANNE, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 20 Sep. 1587; m. at Marston Moretaine, Beds., 13 Aug. 1617, NATHANDIL HOWE.169 170 IX JOHN, b. say 1588, d. at London between 1618 and 1620; m. ANN . x. JAMES, b. say 1590, d. at London in 1640; m. JOANNA . m m xi. THOMAS, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 2 Jan. 1591/2, prob. d. by 1633. This Thomas Halsey was a mercer of London. He evidently was at Midlebrow,173 when he wrote a letter *^/ 10 September 1619 to his brother William concerning his inheritance.174 He signed a . 10 September 1619 ^

receipt on 29 September 1620 in connection with moneys held in trust for s<- 29 September 1620 his brother William.175 He

was of Naples, Italy, when he wrote a letter to his brother Duncombe Halsey on 10 August 1621 concerning his inheritance.176 That was the last ever heard of this Thomas Halsey, so far as we know. There is no evidence that this Thomas Halsey had experience being a 10 August 1621 farmer, the occupation of the Southampton settler. 177 xn. EDWARD, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 31 Dec. 1592. xiii. Avis, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 31 Jan. 1593/4, bur. 22 Apr. 1594. xiv. HESTER, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 18 May 1595. xv. DOROTHY, bp. at Great Gaddesden, 6 Apr. 1600, bur. 3 Aug. 1619.

Dau. of "Robert Hasy of Wood End" Dau. of "Robert Hasye of Wood End and Doorathie" "Suzan d. of Robert Halsie" IGI, "Scare" PR, abs. He held the manor of Nether Shelton at Marston Moretaine, Beds., by 1608; Victoria, Beds., v. 3,311. "Agnes d. of Robert Halsie" Beds. PR, v. 44, 2. Some ancestral files suggest that the Anne Halsey, who married Thomas Wheeler at Cranfield, Beds., 13 May 1613, was also a daughter of Robert and Dorothy ( ) Halsey of Great Gaddesden. As can be seen, this couple's daughter Anne married Nathaniel Howe and could not possibly have been the wife of Thomas Wheeler. His name was not on the 1620 receipt for a portion of his father's estate. Son of "Robert Halsie" He was not named in the 1633 will of his uncle Jolm Halsey, who named every other surviving child of Robert Halsey, abs. by Pauline Sidell, PRO: PROB 11/164]. Perhaps Middelburg, Neth. Herts. Rec. Off, Gaddesden Place Coll., 14739. Herts. Rec. Off., GPC, 12790. Herts. Rec. Off. GPC 14744. Son of "Robert Halsie als Chambers de Parsonage" 25


1. HUGH ALLEY ALIAS COOKE bom say 1469 was of Redboum, Herts., when he died in 1531. He married say 1494 an unknown wife. Hugh Alee of Redboum made his will 22 September 1531, proved 21 October 1531, naming son Thomas, executor; overseer Thomas Bradford; witnesses Robert Wylson, Henry Martyn, Robt. Boscok.178 Child, surname Alley alias Cooke: + 2. i. THOMAS, b. say 1495.

2. THOMAS ALLEY ALIAS COOKE (Hugh) was bora say 1495 and died at Flamstead, Herts, in 1548. He married say 1517, JOAN . Thomas Aleve of Flamstead made his will 2 June 1548, proved 4 July 1548, naming Joan my wife, executor with son John; Alice Pywle my daughters daughter in money vi£ iis iiiid; Thomas Lodge my daughter Ellen's son ... iii£; Thomas Cleryace my servant iii£; William my son; John my son; my son Edward ... a meade called Columeade upon condition that he pay ... unto Thomas Cook of Toddington xx£; Thomas my son; Hugh Slowe, supervisor; Elizabeth Slowe v£ xviii years of her age; Michael Lodge; witnesses John Impie, clerk beinge vicar of Stedham, Hugh Slowe, Michael Lodge, Edward Aleve.179 Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: i. dau., b. say 1518; m. say 1536, PYWLE. Had dau. Alice Pywle. ii. ELLEN, b. say 1520; m. say 1540, MICHAEL LODGE. Had son Thomas Lodge. + 3. iii. WILLIAM, b. say 1524. + 4. iv. JOHN, b. say 1526. + 5, v. EDWARD, b. say 1528. vi. THOMAS, b. say 1530.

3. WILLIAM ALLEY ALIAS COOKE (Thomas, Hugh) was bom at Flamstead, Herts., say 1524 and buried there 23 February 1593/4 (the elder). He married say 1560, an unknown wife. Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: + 6. i. WILLIAM, bp. 24 May 1562. ii. ISABEL, bp. 22 Oct. 1564. iii. SUSAN; m. SMITH of Redboum.

4. JOHN ALLEY ALIAS COOKE (Thomas, Hugh) was bom at Flamstead, Herts., say 1526 and buried there 5 April 1577. He married say 1554, ISABEL —-, who was buried at Flamstead, 8 January 1579/80. John Cooke of Flamstead made his will 29 March 1577, naming John and Hugh Alee als Cooke my sons; Thomas my son, my lease of the Manor of St. Giles in the Wood, he

17M Herts. Rec. Off., File 2 AR 217U. 179 Cambs. Rec. Off., Huntingdon, wills v. 11, 26

to be executor; ... and Michaell Alee als Cooke my sons, Michael to have xx£, 10 at age 18 and 10 at age 21; Robert my son xx£ ... ten at age 18, other 10 at age 21; wife Isabel to have all that she brought with her when I married; William Alee als Cook my brother and Thomas Slowe supervisors; witnesses Robert Brydon, Robte Steppinge, scriptr Thomas Slowe and William Alee als Cook.180 Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: 181 i. THOMAS, b. say 1555 , bur. 7 May 1605; m. 15 May 1580, ELIZABETH PAYSE, daughter of John and Katherine ( ) Payse, bp. at Flamstead 10 May 1562.; she m. (2) — Tumey.182 On 22 January 1618, Richard Halsey alias Chambers and his wife Susanna, formerly the wife of Thomas Alea, and Elizabeth Tumey, formerly the wife of Thomas Alea, Senior, quitclaimed with right of possession to Henry Coney.183 Thomas Ale of Marckett in the parish of Flamstead, yeoman, made his will 3 April 1605, proved 5 May 1605, naming wife Elizabeth, house in Dunstable, and 20 acres of Kensworth and Caddington, four acres at Flamstead, sometimes John Payses; son Henry, under 21; son John; daughter Elizabeth 100£ at age 22; son William; sons Thomas and Edward; daughter Katherine; daughter Joan, under 21; son George 40£ at age 21; brethren in law Thomas Halsey & Robert Halsye to be overseers; witnesses Thomas Munn and Robert Groom, his mark.184 Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alais Cooke: 1. Thomas, bp. 20 Aug. 1581, bur. 4 Mar. 1615/6; m. say 1604, Susanna , who m. (2) Richard Halsey alias Chambers, the younger one whose mark was like an open umbrella. 2. Katherine, bp. 28 Jul. 1583; m. 1 Nov. 1601, Richard Halsey alias Chambers, father of the one who signed his autograph at Kempston. 3. Elizabeth, bp. 10 Apr. 1585; m. 10 Feb. 1605/6, Darnel Howe. 4. Joan, bp. 2 Oct. 1586; m. 10 Dec. 1611, Thomas Dermer. 5. Edward, bp. 5 Sep. 1588, bur. 23 Jan. 1638/9; m. 22 Nov. 1613, Anna Ewer.185 6. Henry, bp. 1 Nov. 1590; m. 14 Oct. 1616, Phebe Impey. 7. John, bp. 5 Dec. 1593. 8. William, bp. 15 Jul. 1599. 9. George, bp. 15 May 1603. 186 ii. ELLEN, b. say 1559; m. 28 Jul. 1577, ROBERT HALSEY ALIAS CHAMBERS. iii. ANN, bp. 28 Apr. 1563. iv. ROBERT, bp. 28 Oct. 1564, bur. 18 Feb. 1600/1; m. 3 Feb. 1588/9, ANNIS BRADWIN, dau. of Robert and Joan ( ) Bradwin, bp. at Flamstead, 2 May 1563. Robert A Le alias Cooke of Flamstead, miller, made his will in 1601, naming his brother Thomas A Le als. Cooke and brother Thomas Bradwin; also his m Herts. Rec. Off., File 1 HW 245. 1,1 Tliere is a gap in the PR that year. 1R The descendants of Thomas Tumey lived in the vicinity of Flamstead, his son Edward being of Hemel Hempstead (Helen Tumey Sharps and Donald Lines Jacobus, The Ancestry of Benjamin Tumey of Concord, Mass., and Fairfield, Conn." TAG, 13:125). Moreover, Thomas Turoey's son Barnard, m. at , Herts., 20 Apr. 1629, Katherine Norbury (Northchurch Herts., Bishop's Transcripts, Fam Hist Ctr., Film 569749). If Elizabeth (Payse) Alley alias Cooke did m. this Thomas Tumey, whose wife is identified as Judith Harris, this raises a question as to whether the Judith Tumey mentioned in the will of Henry Harris was a wife or daughter of Thomas Tumey. Timing would permit Elizabeth to be the mother of Thomas Tumey's two youngest daughters named Elizabeth Thomas Tumey was the father of Benjamin Tumey, settler of Concord, and Fairfield. Benjamin Tumey's wife, Mary Odell of Salford, had a brother Richard Odell, bp. at Salford, Beds., 3 Jun. 1610, whose record in Beds., we have not found thereafter, who was of the right age and social position to become the husband of Dorothy Howell at Southampton, LI. Thomas Tumey also had a grandson, Barnard Tumey, who lived at Cranfield, Beds. m Herts. Rec. Off, File D/ELS M84, Flamstead Beechwood Court Rolls. ,M Herts. Rec. Off, File 2 HW 180. 1,5 His 15 Jan. 1638/9 will named [sister Katherine's husband] Richard Halsey of Holtsmer End an overseer and Richard Halsey autographed the will as a witness. '" There is a gap in the PR that year. 27

surviving children and the one yet to be bora; among the autographs of witnesses is Richard Halsey alias Chambers.187 Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: 1. Joan, bp. 28 Mar, 1590. 2. Elizabeth, bp. 10 Dec. 1591. 3. Thomas, bp. 19 Aug. 1593. 4. Alice, bp. 10 Nov. 1594, bur. 17 Nov. 1595. 5. Martha, bp. 22 Jul. 1594, bur. 17 Nov. 1595. 6. Susan, bp. 9 Apr. 1598. 7. Robert, bp. 30 Mar. 1600. 8. John, bp. 27 Sep. 1601. v. HUGH, b. say 1567, bur. 4 Aug. 1607; m. say 1587, ELLEN . Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: 1. Hugh, bp. 9 Oct. 1588. 2. Katherine, bp. 27 Feb. 1591/2. vi. MICHAEL, b. say 1570; m. at , Herts., 20 Sep. 1597, ELIZABETH HOW.188 Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: 1. William, bp. 20 Jan. 1599/1600. 2. Thomas, bp. 4 Apr. 1602. 3. Mary, bp. 21 Jan. 1603/4, bur. 15 Nov. 1604. A.Ann, bp. 29 Sep. 1605. vii. JOHN, bp. 27 Mar. 1573, bur. 16 Apr. 1612; m. 23 Sep. 1593, ANNIS CHAPPELL, dau. of Thomas Chappell. John Ale of Flamstead made his will 14 Apr. 1612, proved 25 Apr. 1612, naming son Hugh; son William; daughter Joan; daughter Elizabeth; eldest daughter Dorothy; wife Ann, executor; witnesses to the inventory were Richard Halsey, mark of umbrella; William Ale, mark; Thomas Ale, mark; Hugh Chappell; Thomas Munn.189 Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: 1. John, bp. 29 Jun. 1594. 2. Dorothy, bp. 14 Nov. 1596; m. 1 Nov. 1626, Richard Clark. 3. Joan, bp. 24 Dec. 1598. 4. Hugh, bp. 16 Jun. 1601. 5. William, bp. 22 May 1603. 6. Ann, bp. 21 Apr. 1605. 7. Elizabeth, bp. 8 Nov. 1607; m. 2- Nov. 162-, Thomas Bradie.

5. EDWARD ALLEY ALIAS COOKE (Thomas, Hugh) was bom at Flamstead, Herts., say 1526. He married say 1551, KATHERINE . Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: i. THOMAS, bp. 6 Nov. 1552; m. 18 Oct. 1584, ELIZABETH HAYWARD. Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: 1. Thomas, bp. 8 Dec. 1588. 2. George, bp. 31 Oct. 1591. 3. John, bp. 1 Mar. 1593/4, bur. 11 Sep. 1638; m. Susan . 4. Edward, bp. 22 Mar. 1596, bur. 5 Feb. 1618/9; m. 8 Oct. 1617, Dorothy Halsey. 5. Robert, bp. 16 Jul. 1600.. 6. Elizabeth, bp. 27 Mar. 1603. 7. Sarah, bp. 25 May 1606. ii. JOAN, bp. 15 Aug. 1554; m. 30 Oct. 1581, JOHN WHTTE. iii. EDWARD, bp. 8 Feb. 1556/7.

6. WILLIAM ALLEY ALIAS COOKE (William, Thomas Hugh) was baptized at Flamstead, Herts., and died there in June 1625. He married at Flamstead, 24 January 1588, MARY BURR, who was buried at Flamstead 2 October 1633. Willm Alea als Cooke the elder, made his will 8 June 1625, proved 2 July 1625, naming sons Thomas Alea als Cooke, Willm Alea, and Robert Alea, youngest son; daughters Ann Dermer, Mary Rotherham, and Elizabeth Warner; sister Alice Smith of Redbom; Jane Dermer, daughter of Edward Dermer my son in law; maid servant Alice Hill; wife Mary,

Herts. Rec. Off.,. File 3 HW 167. IGI Herts. Rec. Off, File 4 HW 8. 28 executrix; witnesses Tho: Byrchmore, Thomas Alea, senior, mark, mventory 152£ 12s Sdm Children at Flamstead, surname Alley alias Cooke: i. ELIZABETH, bp. 5 Mar. 1589/90, d.y. ii. WILLIAM, bp. 3 Apr. 1591, bur. 29 Nov. 1598. iii. ANN, bp, 26 Aug. 1593; m. 21 May 1611, EDWARD DERMER. iv. ROSE, bp. 10 Feb. 1594/5, bur. 15 Nov. 1598. v. ROBERT, bp. 15 Oct. 1596, bur. 13 Dec. 1598. vi. THOMAS, bp. 29 Nov. 1598; m. 23 Jan. 1620/1, SUSAN CLARKE. vii. MARY, bp. 5 Jul. 1601; m. say 1622, EDMUND ROTHERHAM, gent. Edmund Rotherham made his will at Caddington, Beds., 17 Mar. 1645, proved 22 Sep. 1646, naming wife Mary, executrix; son George heir apparent; second son Edmund; Thomas and Ralph, youngeest sons.191 Children surname Rotherham: 1. George, b. say 1625. 2. Edmund, bp. at Flamstead, 12 Sep. 1627. 3. Thomas, b. say 1629. 4. Ralph, b. say 1631. viii. ELIZABETH, bp. 10 Jul. 1603, bur. 12 Jun. 1647; m. say 1630, EDWARD WARNER, gent. Children at Flamstead, surname Warner: 1. Edward, bp. 2 OcL 1632.m 2. John, bp. 19 Apr. 1635. ix. JOHN, bp. 18 Dec. 1604, bur. 19 Dec. 1604. x. WILUAM, bp. 11 May 1606. xi. ROBERT, bp. 4 Jun. 1609/10, d. 1646; unm. Robert Alea of Flamstead made his will 11 August 1636, naming brother William Alea £40, his son William; sister Anne Dermer, £10; sister Marie, wife of Edmond Rotherham, gentleman, £10; brother in law Edward Warner £30; cousins William Dermer and Robert Dermer, sons of Edward Dermer, deceased, £10 a piece; cousins Elizabeth, Marie, Dorothy, Anne, Edward, and John, the children of my brother in law Edward Dermer, cousins Thomas Smith and Thomas Alea of Margate Street, and John Alea of Flamstead, 10s a piece; cousin George Alea, 5s; my aunt Ellen Alea widow, lOsr, Susan ... 10s; brother Thomas Alea, executor, all land, tenements, etc.; witnesses Wm. Rowland, Thomas Alle; the mark of Robt. Alea; inventory 81£ 14s by Richard Halsey, George Rose, and John Etheridg.193

Herts. Rec. Off., File 4 HW 32. Beds. Rec. Off. File ABP/W 1646/62. One of Iiis name, gent of Willshamstead, Beds., m. at Cranfield, Beds., 11 Dec. 1654, Sarali Baker, dau. of Thomas and Sarali (Fmite) Baker, bp. at Cranfield, 27 Jan. 1630/1. Herts. Rec. Off., File 5 HW 7; the date of the inventory and its filing are clearly 1646; just as clearly, the date of the will is 1636.