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News Flash

There is to be a public open meeting of the Ratepayers Association on September 19th 2015. It will take place in the community centre at 10h00. All are welcome to attend.

Well I think we can safely say that Spring is here and to be quite honest we have not had much of a winter here in . Now we are all just crying out for the rains. It is very tempting to start planting out the spring/summer garden but just remember that the country is very short of water including us in Vaal Marina with our own water supply so rather not go mad until nature comes to assist with lovely summer rain. Let us face it there is a lot more goodness in rain water than household water anyway.

I think that this year we should all be trying to encourage more butterflies and bees into our gardens. Plants with rich nectar sources such as lavender, catmint, cranesbill, oregano and Echinacea flowers provide food needed by butterflies, moths, bees and other pollinating insects.

The birds are now getting their breeding plumage and some are even busy making nests already. I see the long tail widow males are growing their long tails and the masked weavers are coming into their bright yellow breeding plumage. This is a difficult time of year to identify some birds as they are in the throws of change.

As we have such a great variety of birds here at the dam the RPA is to have a birding gathering on September 12 th to see if we can all tick lots of birds on the sightings list that we will supply at the meeting. One of the bird clubs in is organising a trip down to Vaal Marina that day. We will gather at around 07h00. Bring your own coffee and picnic for lunch. Hopefully it will be an enjoyable and informative morning. All are welcome but you must RSVP to Marion on 082 9008309 as it will be held on private land.

Municipal Elections

2016 will see in the next Municipal elections. Please make every effort to register to vote here in Vaal Marina as we need every assistance in trying to make a political difference in our area. Your vote does count, don’t believe what others tell you. If you don’t vote - or spoil your vote intentionally then how can you demand that the council deliver. This is a municipal election so register at Vaal Marina and protect your land. Registration dates will be noted later.

Activities in and around Vaal Marina

Remember the Ladies Coffee mornings…they are now on the 1 st Tuesday of the month. Contact me on 016 372 1163 for further info.

There is now Bingo in the Community Centre held on the last Tuesday of the month from 11h00 to 13h00 drinks and light snacks are offered midway through.

Deneysville has quite a few clubs running including a bird club, Sunshine Club and Gardening club if you are interested.

Anyone interested in learning to sail remember that there are 2 yacht clubs nearby. Pennant Nine Yacht Club here in Vaal Marina itself and Vaal Cruising Association just opposite the De Kuilen road turn off. If you want any more info re sailing please contact me on 016 372 1163. I have been yacht racing for some 30 years and have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences both here at the dam and out at sea. Cruising has never been really my scene I am too competitive and my husband and I have raced together over the years and still happily married!!! Remember that yacht clubs are private with access to members only but visitors are always welcome when accompanied by a member.

If you have a power boat then why not get to the middle of the dam to see the yachts racing. There is racing the first Sunday of every month and at the end of September there is the big Keelboat Week Regatta.

There is to be a Midvaal 100 Cycle Challenge on Sunday October 25 th 2015 . At the Midvaal Raceway in Meyerton. Starts are from 07h00 Enter on line at www.cycleevents.com . Closing date for pre entry is October 14 th . Late entries to be received on October 24 th from 08h00 to 13h00

For more info contact Performance Sport on 083 460 9338


Venue: 821 Anchovy Road Vaal Marina

Time: 8.00 hrs – 14.00 hrs

Date: Every Saturday

The Art, Craft and Food Market hosed by Louise Linde, is always well attended. The Market is open every Saturday from 8.00 hrs – 14.00 hrs with a variety of stalls offering various items each week, made by locals, such as bread , cakes, biscuits, rusks, jams, samoosas, garlic bread, ginger beer, pancakes, jewellery, toys etc. Should you wish to have a stall here, please contact Louise on 082 895 3427.

Scrumptious breakfasts and light lunches including fish and chips, chicken schnitzels and hamburgers are on the menu. Toasted sandwiches and tea and scones are also available. Why not pop in for a “Station” Coffee and a slice of delicious home-made cake. The curio Shop has also been stocked up with interesting and wonderful gift items.

Louise has sponsored the Church table that is raising funds for:

The Vaalmarina Church Building Fund

The feeding scheme for those Senior Citizens in Vaalmarina who earn a state pension and run out of food in the latter part of the month. The food supplied to these households is based on the individual needs of each household.

It would be appreciated if you are able to donate good second hand clothing, shoes, blankets, paperbacks and all working appliances or items that you no longer use. All funds raised from the sale of these items are presently being directed to the Church Building Fund and the feeding scheme for our Senior Citizens residing in Vaal Marina who are in need.

Come and enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, great food and good company in our tranquil surroundings.

Everyone is most welcome.

Thought for the day:-

It is so easy to sit and criticise other peoples efforts without giving a thought to the fact that they might have problems that they are trying to cope with. If you see something is not quite of the normal standard why not try contacting the person and asking if they are OK? Life is too short to moan and groan, we should rather be looking out for each other and giving a helping hand where possible. We are losing our humanity and that is a crying shame.


If you notice any street names missing or if there is any illegal dumping/refuse on stands please contact Marion and inform her in this regard.

The RPA Committee is as follows:- Chairman Gareth Williams-Wynn

082 4402838

[email protected]

Vice chair Heather Van Rooyen

082 4548556

[email protected]

News letter/Secretary Judith Edwards

073 3371305

[email protected]

Sub committee coordinator Mitzy Volpe

083 2920992

[email protected]

Sectional Title and development Membership Brian Lazarus

082 784445

[email protected]

membership and council liaison Marion Wehrt

082 9008309

[email protected]

Treasurer Shirley de Agrella

016 3722601

[email protected]



More about Keeping up with Membership the Jones Welcome New Members for the As mentioned in our first newsletter of the month. year, the committee wanted to improve the appearance of the village through small projects that were achievable on our very Gerry Spanitz limited finances. Martin Smit

Daphne Kasselman The first project that was tabled was Selwyn King removing the sign board at the front entrance that was erected many many Paul Cumming years ago. The majority of advertisers were either no longer operating in the area or Keith Attwell had closed down completely and we had also received pressure from the council as signage must comply with regulations and is under their control if not on private land. To all of you that have joined the association again for the year a very Last year the previous committee had done hearty thanks from all of us on the a good job in getting "Harcourts" to sponsor committee. Without your contributions signage and we will be erecting a Welcome both financial and or time based we cant to Vaal Marina in its place. do this without you. We are looking at ways of changing the constitution to incorporate different levels of The second project was to clean-up and to membership so that it includes all people restore the natural wetland on the corner of who invest at the dam and even possibly Bass and Anchovy Roads down to the dam pensioners discounts. There are over wall behind the post boxes. This was 2000 registered rate payers and if each becoming a bit of an eyesore and was not person just contributed R50 for the whole the greatest of impressions when visitors year we would have R 100 000.00 in the arrive in our little village. It will also become kitty each year. Imagine the good we a great birders paradise once again. We could do with that. If you would like to should all take pride in this little corner as contribute to your area please obtain a not many towns have this natural wonder. If form off the website or contact me. We you see people leaving litter here please need your support, thanks. take the time to enlighten them and ask them to clean up. If you see things scattered around then please also set a good example and pick it up and place it it Marion the correct place. Once again - Remember that the tidier it is the more inviting Vaal Marina is and then COMPLAINTS ... our property prices will increase. It is a win win situation.

If you want to get involved or have a project Please put your complaint in writing giving in mind please contact Mitsy or any one on your name, stand number and contact details together with the problem that you the committee. have and Email it to Neo Masipa who is the Chief Complaints Officer at Midvaal. His contact number is 016 360 7486 Whether you live in the village or in The Email: [email protected] . Greater Vaal marina area, become a proud Ask for a reference number so you know it has been recorded for attention by the citizen and help us to help you grow your relevant department. Send a cc to Wayne investment.…. de Agrella our Ward 1 Councillor so that he can cross check with the data that comes to him from Midvaal. Wayne tells Gareth us that the council tell him that not many complaints come from Vaal Marina but if he has a copy of your email he can then take it up at the council meetings. Wayne’s e mail is [email protected]. Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.

Church Services

Every Sunday at 09h00 there is the English church service ..interdenominational and with visiting pastors.

At 18h00 there is the Afrikaans service with Dv Shields. Both services held in the Community centre until the new church is built.

Wednesday at 10h00 there is the ladies meeting which is bible study, praise and worship. Contact Lorna Langenegger on Christmas in Vaal Marina 016 372 1518.

At 19h00 on Wednesday there is bible study at the home of Jimmy and Lorna Langenegger.

Sometimes you Win, sometimes you Learn.

- Vaal Marina lifestyle - Finding a healthy balance Monique Mills and Renata Volpe for our over programmed have been hard at work with plans for Xmas decorations and ideas for kids. the village. Anyone else out there who wants to help or work with them on this please call Monique on 072 4461280. Plant a tree Donations

Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being ......

Greater Vaal Marina Business and Tourism Association.

We now have the chance to work together. Tree Type: Indigenous We have registered a new Common Name: leadwood (Eng.); website www.vaaldam.org hardekool (Afr.) Umbondwe omnyama and all business owners will (Zulu) get access to advertise their Botanical Name: Combretum imberbe business.


The magnificent leadwood is a medium to 9th October is the date for large, semi-deciduous tree, which grows the first informal get together up to 20 m in height. Combretum imberbe to brain storm the way is the tallest of all the South African forward. Please put it in your combretums. It has a spreading canopy diary to attend. You have to and is extremely slow growing. The help us help you. The venue snakeskin-like bark is one of the main will be The Vaalnest Hotel at features that make identification easier throughout the season. Dead branches 17h00 unless otherwise and shoots often remain on a matured noted. All interested parties tree. The colour of the trunk is pale grey to are welcome. Please contact white. The leathery leaves are arranged Gareth on 082 4402838 to opposite each other. The flowers are reserve your seat. There is no yellowish cream-coloured and have a charge for the meeting and sweet fragrance. They are produced from you can purchase drinks from November to March. The leadwood any of the staff. produces 4-winged fruit, which are yellowish green and turn pale red when mature from February to June.

Status The leadwood is a protected tree in Why donate! Vaalnest announces In the past, local town councils would undertake this responsibility. BUT .... The the all new High Tea bottom line is this, if we want to beautify our streets then we will have to do this Event to be held on the ourselves. 31st of October 2015 Brian Geyer of Willow Feather Farm has suggested we start with the River bushwillow as it is a medium-sized to large tree and does well at the dam with little maintenance? A quick reminder to all women attending our High We now have R 3000 in the tree fund so Tea Event this planting will start shortly but unfortunately August, Vaalnest that only gives us about 30 two meter trees. wishes to Please dig deep as every R10 helps. announce that Well done to Keith and his team at VaalNest there is limited for making a pledge of reducing it’s carbon space but footprint and taking care of the environment encourages many more to come and join within its reach and for the number of tree this spectacular event that promise to be seeds it has donated around South Africa memorable and fun. Prizes will be won during the course of the event including Spa Vouchers so be sure to get to Vaalnest. Regards

Venue: Vaalnest Boutique Hotel Pelican Gareth Hall Time: 13:00pm – 16:00pm The best tree is the one Dress Code: Royal that was planted 20 years Price: R280 ago. The next best tree is the one you are going to Address: 587 kob street Vaal Marina, just on plant Now ...... the R54 road to Villiers and

Cheaper, faster Internet Letters Thank you for the updates. The clarification A petition was regarding the 'sewerage' is appreciated. I do have one serious reservation; the nonsense about started by Selwyn to criminals leaving signs is just that. This urban get Telkom to sort legend has been debunked on numerous out the bad service occasions and creates anxiety which is the last and slow internet thing we need. Please issue a retraction. speed in the village regards, L and this was given to Marion to hand in. They are busy updating all the services available and have installed a Reply: larger tower. Now I am led to believe that every one is now up in arms Good morning L about the tower and there could be a Thanks very much for the response to the news new petition floating about. Sorry …… letter. I hope you also had a chance to see the did I miss something here. Is half the documentary on Carte Blanch last Sunday. Just village not talking to the other half? goes to show that with a little pressure things start to happen. Adrian as you are aware is an estate agent in the area and that was just his take on the incident. Irene Main – also an agent but involved with Save the Vaal has a different opinion. The insert from the neighbourhood Times are tough watch and Police station re the criminal signage was something my wife also mentioned as a lot of crock . If it was common knowledge then the criminals would just re-adjust their system. Doing nothing is hard because Unfortunately when you don't pass over you never know when you're information from individuals you get hung up to dry and then when you do, the same may still done and everybody wants to apply. In our next newsletter we will place your go to heaven; but nobody response about this and hopefully the readers wants to die. will get your point. We as a committee however cannot retract the statement as it did not originate from us but personally I agree fully with you. If we could just get people to work together and be positive about our area it would Happy Spring Day be a better place. Well done .....

Regards Gareth ------

Good day to all

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work. I think the idea of planting some trees along our roads is a wonderful idea and I have some trees that have sprouted up in my garden. I will look at bagging them and giving them to you for distribution.

Spring Day is a holiday marking the coming of the spring season, which takes place in different countries, on varying I do not receive the monthly Vaal news but as a dates. The buds are out and I think the friend of mine does she forwarded me this rain is coming. Time to scarify the lawns particular newsletter as she was also worried and do the last of the pruning. about the Motor Bike track.

Dont bury your head in the I have no objection to the Mountain Bicycle sand! Track but I would like to strongly object to the Motor Bike track unless this is situated far from the built up areas and away from any “audio” vicinity to any of the residents.

Like it was mentioned in the newsletter that we come down to “sit back and smell the roses”. We come down to relax and enjoy the general quiet and have some down time, away from the hussle and bussle of everyday life but those bikes make one hell of a noise and its really unpleasant. Please be so kind as to bare this in mind when allocating a spot.



A man has been shipwrecked on a desert island for ten years. Then one day Reply: he is down at the beach when he spots a ship on the horizon.

He frantically waves his arms and jumps Good morning M up and down shouting, until he spies a row-boat being let down into the water Thanks for contacting us. It is good to hear that from the ship. About ten minutes later the row-boat reaches the shore carrying a some people are actually reading the newsletter. man in a captain's uniform. I appreciate your kind donation of the plants, so far you are the first person to offer trees for free and we have had an offer of a 1st donation of R 1000 towards the tree fund. Hopefully this will "Thank the Lord for that!" says our gather momentum and make us a proud member shipwrecked hero, "I thought I was never going to be rescued." of this society. It is a pity that you are not a member of our association as it only costs R 40/year and the "How long have you been here?" asks more people we have on board the easier it is to the Captain. direct our energy for solidarity. If you are interested in joining us please contact [email protected] who will arrange an "Ten years, ten long years" replies the invoice for you or log onto our website man. www.vaalmarinarpa.co.za and fill in the membership form.

"Ten years?" says the Captain, "how have As you would have seen in the newsletter, the you coped all that time on your own?" proposed area for the tracks would be on the corner of Ring road and Walters Way. This is diagonally opposite the sewerage plant and is midway between the village and the plots. It is "Well, I'm quite a resourceful fellow, I've VERY unlikely that this would be finalised as built my own house; there it is, over there, Number 1!" like most Vaal Marina residents / visitors it is far easier to wait for someone else to do things. We were challenged by the younger crowd that this town is run by old fogies so I challenged them "But ten years!" says the Captain, "ten back. It is up to them to ask us for guidance and years without sex!". possibly identify finance obstacles or help for solutions so that they to have something else to do. As to the noise of the bikes, yes I agree, but "Ah well, that's not quite true" says the is it not the parents who are at fault and should man shyly. be chastised?

We do have to move with the times and yes, "What do you mean?" inquires the generally people want peace and quite, but when Captain. their properties come up for sale they are disheartened by the fact that the prices of property here is too low. I think by having more "Well, about six months ago I was down pride in our area, participating towards the state here on the shore washing my feet, when of the village as well as encouraging a more I noticed an ostrich up the beach with it's diverse offering of activities in the area it can head buried in the sand. only benefit us all in the long run ...... but that is just my opinion . Well, I thought it's been nine and a half years, so I crept up behind it and WALLOP!" Thanks for participating by sharing your views. Regards Gareth "Ugh God, that must have been disgusting!" cries the genuinely shocked Captain.

"Well, it was al-right for the first five miles, but then we got out of step."

Mountain Biking Trails

The plea to all residence from Jenny (our previous chairman) placed in the Harcourt s news pamphlet awhile back looks like it is working. A noticeable decline of street signage damage has now been felt thanks to her team and to Harcourts for placing the contents for free. I was told that someone Coming soon will be the new mountain had knocked over a sign outside Bill & biking route. There is a race being prepared Heather Van Rooyens property and very kindly jammed it under the overflow pipe to at the moment and we will keep you up to their entrance. Other than that its been date once the programme has been quite. Lets hope it stays that way. Bill was finalised. good enough to get his back actor and re-installed it at his own cost. Thanks Bill

For anyone who is interested in the sport or in racing and wants to become involved please contact Clinton on 083 2444720 who is working with our sub committee.

www.vaalmarinarpa.co.za By joining and working To contribute to the together for one purpose we newsletters please contact become stronger. Judith on 073 3371305 | [email protected] If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, click here